Tuesday, January 22, 2019

HKETO London

hksar celebration
- 慶祝香港回歸20周年,由香港舞蹈團表演的 大型舞劇《花木蘭》15日晚在倫敦南岸藝術 中心皇家節日大廳成功上演,舞者們以舞蹈 的世界語言,完美演繹了民族精神的時代表 達http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170417/PDF/a5_screen.pdf
-  为庆祝香港回归二十周年,“香港非物质文化遗产节”15日在伦敦举行,探讨英国及香港的中华遗产及食物文化,包括国际知名的华人厨师谭荣辉及黄静亿等人士出席活动,并示范製作端午节糉子。“香港非物质文化遗产节”是香港驻伦敦经济贸易办事处庆祝香港回归二十周年活动之一,旨在透过在伦敦举办一系列活动,加强公众对香港文化的认识、推广香港文化遗产。首项活动是于15日在伦敦金融城的皇冠假日酒店举办的国际研讨会,探讨英国及香港的中华遗产及食物文化。研讨会由明爱(伦敦)学院主办、伦敦经贸办支持,主讲嘉宾为非物质文化遗产办事处博物馆馆长邹兴华。此外,研讨会亦举行有关英国华人食品的论坛,讲者包 括国际知名的华人厨师谭荣辉及黄静亿、大三元董事郭华夏及A.Wong餐馆东主及厨师黄振球。其他环节包括示范製作端午节食品糉子。研讨会及启动酒会的主办机构为明爱(伦敦)学院,支持机构包括伦敦经贸办、香港非物质文化遗产办事处、李锦记(欧洲)、伦敦金融城的皇冠假日酒店,及英国航空公司。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170518/PDF/a24_screen.pdf
- 香港回歸國家20周年,有關慶祝活動遠至英國倫敦都看得到。特區政府成立的facebook專頁「香港特區20周年」昨日就出文,指倫敦常見的黑色的士換了新裝,「同我哋一齊慶祝特區成立20周年。」從圖片可見,原本黑漆漆的的士換上七彩的主題色。專頁帖文更鼓勵市民說︰「如果你呢幾個月去開倫敦,可以同呢啲的士自拍再share(分享)俾(畀)我哋呀!」http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/06/26/a10-0626.pdf

cny celebration
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/hknews/2015-02/24/content_15230684.html Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office hold a celebration for the Chinese lunar new year in London on Monday night, with about 500 people from political and business circle attending.
Ms Erica Ng, the Director-General, Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, London said:" Hong Kong's economy is forging ahead like a particularly energetic Ram. This is largely due to our long-standing commitment to free and fair enterprise."
https://www.facebook.com/singtaodailyeu/photos/pcb.466068526926256/466068220259620/?type=3 倫敦華埠商會於1月28日在國家美術館召開新春慶典新聞發布會,公布於2月14日情人節同一天,在倫敦華埠、特拉法加廣場一帶舉行新春盛大慶典活動的內容。最令人期待的是在廣場的壓軸表演。因為是猴年,故以美猴王孫悟空為主題進行別樹一格的舞蹈表演,還有結合傳統與西方的現場演奏、變臉等。倫敦猴年新春慶典活動,除了一如以往的大型巡遊、華埠的舞獅採青表演,以及在莎士比利大道(Shaftesbury Avenue)和特拉法加廣場的大型表演,更新增了查寧閣大道(Charing Cross Road)的家庭活動空間。另為響應倫敦的花燈節,倫敦華埠會展出大型花燈供訪客觀賞。倫敦華埠商會主席兼會長鄧柱廷OBE表示,倫敦華埠將於下周開始掛上中國傳統花燈及節慶裝飾,餐館也將推出賀年小菜,商鋪及超市亦帶來春節年貨及特色產品,令華埠洋溢熱鬧的春節氣氛。倫敦華埠商會首席副會長兼節慶事務總監丘玉雲MBE,感謝國家美術館為倫敦華埠商會提供場地和對新春慶典的參與,並笑言希望大家在未來的二十年都合作愉快。她說:「中英兩國合作越來越緊密,願將來為可以和英國繼續保持友好關係有更多的合作計劃,同時,我也為倫敦華埠商會以舉辦新春慶典活動為華人社區略盡綿力而感到很榮幸。」鄧柱廷OBE十分感謝各界人士的支持,令籌辦新春慶典的工作順利進行:「今年的節目十分精彩,希望有更多朋友一同參與慶祝。」他特別感謝中國駐英國大使館、國務院僑辦、中國文化部、大倫敦市長、大倫敦議會、西敏市政府、香港駐倫敦經貿辦事處與眾多贊助商戶的支持。

Cbbc event
- https://www.facebook.com/singtaodailyeu/photos/a.224486677751110.1073741827.224484584417986/483877131812062/?type=3 由英中貿易協會舉辦的「第四屆中國商務大會」於3月22日在QE II會議中心召開。本次會議圍繞十三五規劃綱要展開,數百名學者、企業家及政府代表參加。本報採訪了多位與會嘉賓,就中英企業在十三五規劃及一帶一路戰略中潛在合作及商機進行了探討。中國十三五規劃中的五大發展理念:創新、協調、綠色、開放及共享正代表了中國將著重發展的領域,為中英關係、中英合作提供了無限機遇。中國建材國際工程集團有限公司副總裁王從笑表示,該公司早已將「綠色」作為發展導向,進行了結構性調整,控制及淘汰落後產能,引進海外先进技術。該公司在去年中國國家主席習近平訪英期間,曾與維靈克能源公司(Welink Energy)及英國太陽能可再生能源公司(British Solar Renewables)簽約,共同在英國開發光伏地面電站和8000套新型房屋。王從笑介紹說,「綠色小鎮」新型房屋擯棄了磚瓦等傳統材料,改用輕鋼骨架、石膏板以及保溫材料,同時結合太陽能光伏光熱,節能環保。據悉,該工程的土地工作已經動工。清華大學一帶一路研究院副院長李軍也指出,中國承諾將建造「綠色」以及「藍色」一帶一路,要達成這一目標,要與英國合作。香港駐倫敦經濟貿易辦事處處長杜潔麗補充道,香港是企業參與一帶一路規劃的入口。因為香港擁有成熟的銀行制度以及金融服務,是企業融資、管理風險的最佳平臺之一,其次香港法律及政府信息的透明,可保證企業一個法制環境,另外港人精通兩言三語,亦有多年跨地域合作經驗,未來香港還會設立一帶一路辦公室。十三五規劃和一帶一路戰略在當日引起了熱烈的反響,許多與會者亦提出海外華人如何受益以及中小型企業如何參與進來等問題。對此,李軍表示,未來海南島將建立國際人才公寓,吸引優秀的海外人才,而中小型企業應該捕捉需求,做好做精,推廣至大項目中。

financial services
- http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201612/1209/HA11C09CGCC.pdf london eto hosted reception iro financial sector link between hk and uk

lord mayor's show
- http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201611/13/P2016111300772.htm The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, London, (London ETO) took part in the City of London Lord Mayor's Show yesterday (November 12, London time) for the 12th year with a float highlighting a different side of Hong Kong: its stunning natural features, beautiful countryside and unique hiking experiences.

food culture
- 旅发局上周在英国伦敦,以月饼等多款美食推广香港。有月饼师傅笑言,从未料到月饼在英国同样抢手。旅发局应贸易发展局邀请,参与在伦敦举行的“迈向亚洲首选香港”推广活动。活动当日,旅发局以期间限定店(Pop Up Store)形式,在场地设立一家港式冰室。旅发局主席林建岳、总干事刘镇汉即场向出席嘉宾,分享烧卖、蛋挞等多款香港传统点心及茶餐厅美食,众人跃跃欲试,纷纷打卡留念。香港驻伦敦经贸办就联同当地明爱(伦敦)学院,举办非物质文化遗产节,以中秋节作主题。香港米芝莲餐厅添好运主理人麦桂培及梁辉强即场示范製作月饼及点心,二人均说,未料到月饼在当地如此抢手,获海外民众一致好评。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170926/PDF/a11_screen.pdf

- hk film festival in various uk cities cum london reception for 15th anniversary of hksar jul2012
- http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201510/1021/HZ14A21CLBA.pdf organised reception for 華麗上班族, which will participate in london film festival
- creative vision: HK cinema 1997-2017 event
- https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201905/04/P2019050400023.htm The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, London (London ETO) promoted Hong Kong films in the UK by sponsoring the Chinese Visual Festival (CVF) in London to hold a dedicated Hong Kong Programme between May 2 and 9 (London time).    The Hong Kong Programme features four Hong Kong movies including three from acclaimed director Stanley Kwan: his latest movie "First Night Nerves" opened the Hong Kong Programme; directorial debut "Women"  (1985) and "Rouge" (1987). Mr Kwan makes his way to London to hold audience Q&A session for each screening. The Hong Kong Programme will close with the latest film "Tracey" from writer and producer Shu Kei, which he, director Jun Li and actress Jennifer Yu will attend a post-screening audience Q&A session on May 9.

- hong kong artist hung keung's exhibition "dao gives birth to one" cum manchester reception for 15th anniversary of hksar 5jul2012

- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170504/PDF/a24_screen.pdf為慶祝香港回歸20周年, 「香港時裝之夜 」2日在倫敦成功舉行。這也是香港設計 品牌首次在英國舉行時裝表演,多位來自 香港的年輕時裝設計師,通過服裝及飾物 展示了香港的創意、澎湃活力和獨特文化。 作為海外系列慶祝活動的一部分, 「 香港時裝之夜」在去年秋季開始策劃。活 動得到英國各大華人社團的積極響應,最 終由英國爐峰社和倫敦華人社區中心以及 香港駐倫敦經濟貿易辦事處聯合主辦。 參加 「香港時裝之夜」的品牌設計師 來自香港的時裝業推廣機構Fashion Farm Foundation,其中包括著名帽匠鄭詩韻及 首飾品牌Zo-ee設計師蕭俞等。
promotes Cantonese opera http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20140807/PDF/a22_screen.pdf

chinese culture
- dunhuang and hk : gateways to ancient and modern china 12may2012, co-organised by british library

dragon boat
- london hk dragon boat festival 1jul2012

倫敦花車巡遊 李小龍「現身」耍功夫http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20141110/00176_021.html

http://www.scmp.com/business/article/1623224/will-cy-leung-give-keynote-speech-london-dinner-next-week Financial Secretary John Tsang Chun-wah last year gave what by all accounts was one of the best keynote speeches for some years, wittily combining Hong Kong's growth with the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. He went on to liken Hong Kong to a Tardis - "small on the inside, but once inside its size and potential were limited only by imagination". But he added in words that were more prophetic than he could ever have imagined: "Even after half a century of non-stop action, you never quite know what will happen next, other than it's bound to be exciting." However, one can't help feeling that the atmosphere around this long-standing cosy relationship may have cooled in recent days with CY parroting othe mainland's accusation that "external forces" are supporting the umbrella movement.

Links with watsons
- hket 15dec15 a20 carrie lam secured sponsor from watsons in a 纪念冊

students in uk
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20161220/00176_059.html 其中一名受影響港生家長郭太指,女兒在事件中獲膳食券補償,經入境處轉告中國領使館後獲安排入住酒店。而經本報跟進事件後,航空公司於翌日已安排約二十名受影響港生乘機返港,再於當晚八時許安排六名港生轉乘另一航空公司航班,各人已於香港時間昨午四時許抵埗,滯留了合共廿六小時。據知,最後一批五名男生昨晚亦已獲安排上機返港,但已滯留達四十八小時。香港入境處回覆指,處方已得悉事件並積極跟進。據了解,受影響港生已獲安排入住酒店,而當中大部分港生經已上機返港。

- invitation for provision of consultancy services to promote hk's role in implementation of china's belt and road initiative and the opportunities there ft 19apr17

  • 2019 ad ft 22jan19

assistance for hk people in london
- 正在英國訪問嘅立法會代表團原定於今日中午返抵香港,但受山竹影響,航班被取消,需要滯留倫敦多一天。代表團團長葉建源話,經立法會秘書處同港府駐倫敦經貿辦事處安排後,代表團大隊將喺倫敦多停留一天,明日返抵香港,而個別議員則另有安排。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180916/00176_072.html

Ambassador Liu Xiaoming and Madame Hu Pinghua Visit Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design at the University of the Arts
(From left: Mr. Nigel Carrington, Rector of the University of the Arts London, Madame Hu Pinghua, Ambassador Liu Xiaoming, Prof. Jane Rapley, Head of Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design and Ms. Agnes Allcock, Director-General of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London)
On March 6, at the invitation of Mr. Nigel Carrington, Rector of the University of the Arts London, and Jane Rapley, Head of Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, Ambassador Liu Xiaoming and Madame Hu Pinghua paid a visit to Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design at the University of the Arts London and visited the new College building.
Rector Nigel Carrington and College Head Jane Rapley warmly welcomed Ambassador Liu and Madame Hu. They made an overall introduction about the University of the Arts London and Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, as well as their cooperation and exchanges with Tsinghua University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Tongji University, the University of Hong Kong, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Donghua University and other Chinese universities and colleges. They expressed the wish to further deepen cooperation in various fields with Chinese universities, actively explore the possibilities in establishing partnerships and setting up joint research centres. They also wanted to promote interactions in contemporary and modern arts between China and the West.
Ambassador Liu spoke highly of the artistic attainments of the University of the Arts London and Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. He said that the College had produced some of the world’s greatest artists and offered first-class education. The College stresses innovation and creativity of students and has close cooperation with business community. Ambassador Liu commended the College’s commitment to exchanges and cooperation with China, saying that the Chinese Embassy will assist and support the University of the Arts London and Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in deepening mutually beneficial cooperation with China.
Later on, accompanied by Rector Nigel Carrington and College Head Jane Rapley, Ambassador Liu and Madame Hu visited the College’s gallery, theatre, fashion and materials studio and library.
At the fashion and materials studio, Ambassador Liu and Madame Hu had a talk with the Chinese students there. The students introduced in details the works of art that they designed, such as modern wine glasses inspired by China’s ancient liquor culture and exquisite accessories made with small stones. All of them were uniquely designed. Ambassador Liu and Madame Hu inquired about the design of the products and their market prospects, and encouraged the students to work hard and persist in innovation so as to serve the motherland in the future.
* * * *
Composed of 6 schools of arts, design, fashion and mass media, the University of the Arts London is the world’s biggest top-class education center of arts, design, mass media and relevant techniques. The University of the Arts London is highly internationalized. Currently, 1,707 Chinese students are studying at the University, more than international students from any other country.
Being a constituent college of the University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design is the biggest college of arts and design in the UK, and one of the four world-renowned top designing colleges.

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