Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Ivory Coast

科霍戈コロゴKorhogo produces goods such as cottonkapokricemilletpeanutscornyamssheepgoats and diamonds. The settlement was on an important pre-colonial trade route to the Atlantic coast. It is said to have been founded by Nangui, a 14th-century Senufo patriarch and still is the capital of the Senufo people.日本では綴りからコルホゴコルホーゴと記載される地図もあるが、現地ではコロゴと発音する。 住人はセヌフォ人英語版が主。 綿カポック雑穀落花生山羊等の集散地である。
- people

 (/ˌjæmʊˈskr/;[1] French pronunciation: ​[jamusukʁo]) is one of the two political capitals and administrative capital of Ivory Coast and an autonomous district of the country, while the other capital of the country is AbidjanYamoussoukro is usually pronounced "Yam-So-Kro" by Ivorians.
Queen Yamoussou, the niece of Kouass N'Go, ran the city of N'Gokro in 1929 at the time of French colonization. The village of N'Gokro was renamed Yamoussoukro, the suffix Kro meaning town in Baoule
- Diplomatic and commercial relations were then established, but in 1909, on the orders of the Chief of Djamlabo, the Akoué revolted against the administration. Bonzi station, 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) from Yamoussoukro on the Bouaflé road, was set on fire, and the French administrator, Simon Maurice, was spared only by the intervention of Kouassi N'Go. As the situation got worse, Maurice, judging that Bonzi had become safe, decided to transfer the French military station to Yamoussoukro, where the French Administration built a pyramid to the memory of Kouassi N'Go, Chief of the Akoué, who was assassinated in 1910 by Akoué rebels, accusing him of being too close to the French.In 1919, the civil station of Yamoussoukro was removed. Félix Houphouët-Boigny became the leader of the village in 1939. A long period passed wherein Yamoussoukro, still a small agricultural town, remained in the shadows. This continued until after the Second World War, which saw the creation of the African Agricultural Union, as well as the first conferences of its chief. However, it was only with independence that Yamoussoukro finally started to rise.
- In 1950, the village comprised 500 inhabitants.
After 1964, the President Félix Houphouët-Boigny made ambitious plans and started to build. One day in 1965, later called the Great Lesson of Yamoussoukro, he visited the plantations with the leaders of the county, inviting them to transpose to their own villages the efforts and agricultural achievements of the region. On 21 July 1977, Houphouët offered his plantations to the State. In March 1983, President Houphouët-Boigny made Yamoussoukro the political and administrative capital of Ivory Coast, as the city was his birthplace.[6] This marked the fourth movement of the country's capital city in a century. Ivory Coast's previous capital cities were Grand-Bassam (1893), Bingerville (1900), and Abidjan (1933). The majority of economic activity still takes place in Abidjan, and it is officially designated as the "economic capital" of the country. Yamoussoukro is the seat of Yamoussoukro Department and the neighbouring Bélier Region, but Yamoussoukro itself is not part of the region.
- people
  • Tidjane Thiam (French: [tidʒan tiam][2][3]; born 29 July 1962) is a French-Ivorian banker who has served as the chief executive officer of Swiss bank Credit Suisse since March 2015. Previous to assuming the post, Thiam was the chief financial officer of British banking group Prudential from 2007 to 2009 before serving as its chief executive until 2013. Born into a prominent political family in the Ivory Coast, he holds dual Ivorian and French citizenship. He studied advanced mathematics and physics in France before joining the management consultants McKinsey & Company in 1986, where he worked until 1994. From 1994 to 1999 he worked in the Ivory Coast first as chief executive of the National Bureau for Technical Studies (BNETD). Following the 1999 Ivorian coup d'état, he resumed a private sector career and rejoined McKinsey in Paris from 2000 to 2002, then worked as a senior executive for Aviva before being recruited by Prudential.Thiam was born in the Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) on 29 July 1962.[4] He is a descendant of two prominent families from Senegal and Ivory Coast. On his mother’s side, he is a descendant of Queen Yamousso, after whom the capital of Côte d'Ivoire, Yamoussoukro, is named. Thiam's mother, Marietou, was the niece of Chief Félix Houphouët-Boigny, the founder and first President of Côte d'Ivoire.[5] His father, Amadou Thiam, a journalist, was born in Senegal and emigrated to Côte d'Ivoire in 1947. He supported Houphouet-Boigny in his fight for the independence of the country and served more than ten years in the Ivorian cabinet after independence.[6] Tidjane’s uncle, Habib Thiam, was Prime Minister of Senegal for more than 10 years and also served as President of the National Assembly.Tidjane was married to Annette Thiam, an African-American lawyer who used to work for Joe Biden.

The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) is a multilateral development finance institution established to contribute to the economic development and social progress of African countries. The AfDB was founded in 1964 and comprises three entities: The African Development Bank, the African Development Fund and the Nigeria Trust Fund. The AfDB’s mission is to fight poverty and improve living conditions on the continent through promoting the investment of public and private capital in projects and programs that are likely to contribute to the economic and social development of the region. The AfDB is a financial provider to African governments and private companies investing in the regional member countries (RMC). While it was originally headquartered in AbidjanCôte d'Ivoire, the bank's headquarters moved to Tunis,Tunisia in 2003, due to the Ivorian civil war; before returning in September 2014.

- film

  • cinemas in Africa are making a third-reel comeback after years of worrying decline http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2017-11/02/content_34009407.htm

- cocoa

  • http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/736d4f40-7967-11e4-9567-00144feabdc0.html Ivory Coast is set to become the world’s largest cocoa processor, overtaking the Netherlands as the African state seeks to capitalise on its position as the top grower of the commodity.
- 在科特迪瓦東部小鎮的一堵殘破圍牆裏,廿多名全身塗上白灰、穿上傳統禮服及手持矛槍的年輕女性,隨導師的鼓聲在園子踏步。她們是精靈女祭司學校(簡稱CIKAMA)的學生,正接受祭祀舞蹈訓練,以便成為正式的精靈女祭司(Komian)時,負責主持各種儀式。精靈女祭司在科特迪瓦的信仰傳統中地位超然,是人和自然界精靈的溝通橋樑,也是確認部族酋長合法地位的唯一主禮人。然而,隨傳統部族式微和精靈信仰漸被基督信仰取代,願意接受祭司訓練的女性日漸減少。CIKAMA面臨收生及財政問題,失修的校舍反映了殘酷現實。目前,CIKAMA仍有兩名大學女生以傳承心態在學,但遠遠補不上年老女祭司退休的數量。可幸年屆六旬的精靈女祭司庫瓦古,以及身為女祭司孫兒的現任校長阿庫亞,都堅稱「不會讓精靈女祭司消失」。據了解,科特迪瓦政府已經答應將CIKAMA列入旅遊地圖,希望它作為特色景點之後,能夠有助籌募營運經費。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190123/00180_035.html

- chinese translation of country name
  •  一九八五年,科特迪瓦政府要求各语言统一其国名为Côte d'Ivoire,不可从法语意译。中国马上根据其意见改用音译为“科特迪瓦”,放弃了沿用几十年的“象牙海岸”。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180322/PDF/b11_screen.pdf
A Chinese-built hydropower station in Cote d'Ivoire is officially launched. The 4.5 km-long dam is the largest of its kind in the west African country.https://www.facebook.com/XinhuaNewsAgency/videos/2166172763410156/
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2155804/chinas-investment-west-africa-challenges-france When Ivory Coast put out a tender to build a bridge over the lagoon in its commercial hub of Abidjan, 10 out of the 18 companies that expressed interest were either Chinese firms or in partnership with them. China State Construction Engineering won the contract in May.
- investors from china

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