Sunday, January 13, 2019


Los Tres Puros The Three Pure Ones (三清pinyinSānqīng) also translated as the Three Pure Pellucid Ones, the Three Pristine Ones, the Three Divine Teachers, the Three Clarities, or the Three Purities are the Taoist Trinity, the three highest Gods in the Taoist pantheon. They are regarded as pure manifestation of the Tao and the origin of all sentient beings. From the Taoist classic Tao Te Ching, it was held that "The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things." It is generally agreed that: Tao produced One—Wuji produced Taiji; One produced Two—Taiji produced Yin and Yang [or Liangyi (兩儀) in scholastic term]. However, the subject of how Two produced Three has remained a popular debate among Taoist Scholars. Most scholars believe that it refers to the Interaction between Yin and Yang, with the presence of Chi, or life force.In religious Taoism, the theory of how Tao produces One, Two, and Three is also explained. In Tao produces One—Wuji produces Taiji, it represents the Great Tao, embodied by Hùndùn Wújí Yuánshǐ Tiānwáng (混沌無極元始天王, "Heavenly King of the Chaotic Never-ending Primordial Beginning") at a time of pre-Creation when the Universe was still null and the cosmos was in disorder; manifesting into the first of the Taoist Trinity, Yuánshǐ Tiānzūn. Yuánshǐ Tiānzūn oversees the earliest phase of Creation of the Universe, and is henceforth known as Dàobǎo (道寶) "Treasure of the Tao". In One produces Two—Taiji produces Yin Yang, Yuanshi Tianzun manifests into Lingbao Tianzun who separated the Yang from the Yin, the clear from the murky, and classified the elements into their rightful groups. Therefore, he is also known as Jīngbǎo (經寶) "Treasure of the Law/Scripture". While Jīng in popular understanding means "scriptures", in this context it also mean "passing through" [the phase of Creation] and the Laws of Nature of how things are meant to be. In the final phase of Creation, Daode Tianzun is manifested from Língbăo Tiānzūn to bring civilization and preach the Law to all living beings. Therefore, He is also known as Shībǎo (師寶) "Treasure of the Master". Each of the Three Pure Ones represents both a deity and a heaven. Yuanshi Tianzun rules the first heaven, Yu-Qing, which is found in the Jade Mountain. The entrance to this heaven is named the Golden Door. "He is the source of all truth, as the sun is the source of all light". Lingbao Tianzun rules over the heaven of Shang-Qing. Daode Tianzun rules over the heaven of Tai-Qing. The Three Pure Ones are often depicted as throned elders. 

Les Quatre Majestés 四御大帝道教天界尊神中辅佐三清道祖的四位圣尊,所以又称“四辅”,实际负责管理宇宙万象的四位最高神祇,位居三清之下,然而道教早期说法并非如此,一开始为三清六御,分别为髙天上圣大慈仁者玉皇大天尊玄穹髙上帝,东极妙岩宫青华大帝太乙救苦天尊,南极长生大帝玉清真王,西方太极勾陈天皇上帝,北极中天紫微大帝,承天效法后土皇地祇。三清象征自然无为,是宇宙万物的创造者,四御则代表有为运作统率天地的神祇。[1]四御神祇分别为:昊天至尊玉皇上帝中天紫微北极大帝勾陈上宫天皇大帝承天效法后土皇地祇,此为宋代以前早期信仰中的四御大帝。宋代以后玉皇上帝信仰位业有所上升,因此道书多将玉皇上帝自四御提升出去,四御改为中天紫微北极大帝南极长生大帝勾陈上宫天皇大帝(或称太极天皇大帝)、东极青华大帝(化为太乙救苦天尊)。至现代,四御又恢复为宋代以前说法。天皇大帝、紫微大帝、后土少有主祀的庙宇,大多陪祀于昊天玉皇上帝庙宇“玉皇宫”、“天公庙”中,但北京地坛为敬拜后土等级最高的殿堂,是皇帝或国家元首祭地之所,与天坛相同平民无资格在此祭拜。 The Four Heavenly Ministers (Chinese四御pinyinSì yù), also translated as the Four Sovereigns 
The Four Heavenly Ministers are: The Great Jade Emperor (Chinese玉皇大帝pinyinyù huáng dà dì), the Great Emperor of Middle Heaven North Star (Chinese中天紫微北極大帝pinyinZhōngtiān Zǐwēi Běijí Dàdì), the Great Emperor of Polaris (Chinese勾陳大帝pinyingōuchén shàng dàdì), and the Imperial God of Earth (Chinese后土皇地祇pinyinhòutǔ huáng dìqí).
-  道教还有六御之说。《道门科范大全集》六御宸尊昊天至尊玉皇上帝勾陈星宫天皇大帝中天星主紫微大帝承天效法后土皇地祇神霄真王长生大帝东极青玄上帝
The Jade Emperor (Chinese玉皇pinyinYù Huáng or 玉帝Yù Dì) in Chinese culturetraditional religions and myth is one of the representations of the first god (太帝 tài dì). In Daoist theology he is the assistant of Yuanshi Tianzun, who is one of the Three Pure Ones, the three primordial emanations of the Tao. He is also the Cao Đài("Highest Power") of Caodaism known as Ngọc Hoàng Thượng đế. In Buddhist cosmology he is identified with Śakra.[1] In Korean mythology he is known as Haneullim.玉皇上帝,通稱玉皇大天尊玄穹高上帝,簡稱玉皇玉帝玉皇上帝,俗稱玉皇大帝天公宋代尊稱之為昊天玉皇上帝。玉皇上帝源自中国自古以来信仰的昊天上帝中国人自从原始社会开始就崇敬“天”,最晚从商朝开始,就有系统的祭天行为,至今不断。“天”又称“上帝”、“帝”、“昊天上帝”、“皇天上帝”……这一信仰在后世逐渐演变为“玉皇上帝”信仰。中國民間信仰中,玉皇上帝俗稱「天」、「天公」、「上天」、「苍天」、「老天」、「老天爺」等。《玉皇经》讲述玉皇远古时期「舍身堵北缺,代存万众生」的故事。玉皇上帝是神界皇帝、天庭之元首;在道教神系中是天界地位最高的神之一,地位仅次於三清,為三清所化生出之先天尊神,而在太極界統轄宇宙眾神,六御之一。玉皇上帝的原型為北極星人格化形成的神明即天皇大帝太一[1][2][3]傳說其誕辰為夏曆正月初九
  • The world started with wuji (無極, nothingness) according to the Chinese creation myth. The Jade Emperor was the head of the pantheon, but not responsible for creation. In another creation myth, the Jade Emperor fashioned the first humans from clay and left them to harden in the sun. Rain deformed some of the figures, which gave rise to human sickness and physical abnormalities. (The most common alternative Chinese creation myth states that human beings were once fleas on the body of Pangu.)In another myth, Nüwa fashions men out of the mud from the Yellow River by hand. Those she made became the richer people of the earth. After getting lazy, she dipped her scarf into the mud and swung it around. The drops that fell from the scarf became the poorer humans.


celestial generals of the thunder ministry
- [the studio and altar daoist art in china] previously mythical or historical heroes and personages before deification, celestial generals of the thunder ministry refer to deities in the five thunders secretariat headed by the thunder god.  The most powerful being marshals deng, xin, zhang, gou, bi and tao, they play an indispensable role in the performance of the thunder rites where they are summoned and entrusted with a wide variety of defensive and rescue missions.  In the scroll at beijing baiyunguan, six awe-inspriing celestial generals are represented, each armed with ritual objects like swords, whips, axes and so on.九天应元雷声普化天尊---闻仲为雷部正神。《灵宝领教济度金书》称:尊属九天之上,综司五雷(天雷、地雷、水雷、神雷、社雷),应化九天,总管雷霆都府,辖及二院(五雷院、驱邪院)三司(万神雷司、雷霆都司、雷霆部司),为雷部尊神。九天应元雷声普化天尊为雷部的最高天神,掌管复杂的雷神组织,总部为神雷玉府,下设“三十六内院中司、东西华台、玄馆妙阁、四府六院及诸各司,各分曹局”。九天雷公将军、八方云雷将军、五方蛮雷使者、雷部总兵使者都是九尊手下,诸司中有36名雷公,代天打雷,均照九尊命令。

- 函谷關側有一尊挺 身高聳的老子 「金像」 ,二十八米之高, 重達六十噸,為紫銅鍛造貼金造像。老子 在朝陽之下,金光閃閃,光耀人間,彷彿 是一尊天尊神佛,不能不讓人瞻望。老子 之尊之名之德之慧,皆因老子的《道德經 》,沒有《道德經》,中國的哲學、宇宙 學、生命學、政治學等等可能至少要推遲 五百年,中國乃至世界再無一本可以和《 聖經》並排放在一起的偉大著作。而老子 之所以有《道德經》和函谷關有着密不可 分的原因。
- 「中韓文化交流——第三屆老 子文化論壇」日前在老子故里河 南省鹿邑縣舉行,來自中國、韓 國部分知名高校、學術機構的 50 餘位專家學者匯聚一堂,對 老子及其思想智慧再度展開探 討,實地考察老子誕生地太清 宮、老子講學地明道宮等老子文 化傳承創新區,並討論通過《中 韓文化交流——第三屆老子文化 論壇鹿邑宣言》。

Lie Yukou (列圄寇/列禦寇Wade–GilesLieh Yü-k'ou; fl. ca. 400 BCE) is considered the author of the Daoist book Liezi, which uses his honorific name Liezi (Chinese列子pinyinLièzĭWade–GilesLieh-tzu; literally: "Master Lie"). The second Chinese character in Yukou is written kou 寇 "bandit; enemy"; the first is written yu 圄 "imprison", yu 禦 "resist; ward off", or occasionally yu 御 "drive (carriage); ride (horse); control" (the Zhuangzi claims Liezi could yufeng 御風 "ride the wind"). Lie Yukou was born in the State of Zheng, near today's ZhengzhouHenan Province列禦寇,或稱列圄寇,春秋時期[1]鄭國人,道家學派的先驅者,人稱列子,主張貴虛。
The Liezi (Chinese列子Wade–GilesLieh-tzu) is a Daoist text attributed to Lie Yukou, a c. 5th century BCE Hundred Schools of Thought philosopher, but Chinese and Western scholars believe it was compiled around the 4th century CE.列子》又名《沖虛經》、《沖虛真經》,是道家重要典籍,由列禦寇所著,所著年代不詳,大體是春秋戰國時代。該書按章節分為《天瑞》、《黃帝》、《周穆王》、《仲尼》、《湯問》、《力命》、《楊朱》、《說符》等八篇,每一篇均由多個寓言故事組成,寓道於事。其中較為人熟悉的包括「愚公移山」、「杞人憂天」、「亡鈇者(亡鈇意鄰)」、「歧路亡羊」等。

- 香港、東南亞及歐美、加拿大等地均有黃大仙祠,但多年來,外界對於黃大仙故里所在地眾說紛紜。長期研究黃大仙文化的浙江蘭溪市政協教體文衛委員會原主任徐國平說,黃大仙「蘭溪出生,金華得道,廣東過渡,香港揚名。」蘭溪是黃大仙故里,這一說法毋庸置疑。
- usa

  • small temple in bowery, new york sacred spaces em 24jul19

- hk

  • 1915年,廣東西樵普慶壇梁仁菴道長及梁鈞轉道長把黃大仙師畫像帶來香港,先後在乍畏街及大笪地開壇闡教,後來再於灣仔大道東設壇安奉黃大仙師及開設藥店,兩年後該處被火燒毁,於是把壇遷移往灣仔海傍東。1921年,黃大仙師降乩啟示,命當時的道侶往九龍城一帶相地建殿。道侶來到竹園村附近一山,見靈秀獨鍾,便請示仙師。仙師乩示「此乃鳳翼吉地」,適合開壇闡教。於是,道侶便於現址建祠,安奉仙師寶像,並獲賜園名「嗇色」,壇號「普宜」。同年,管理廟宇的機構-「嗇色園」(本園)正式成立,並以「普濟勸善」為機構宗旨。本園成立之初,為道侶私人的修道場所,只有本園道侶及家屬才可以入內參拜。及至1934年,經向政府申請,本園才獲准許在每年的農曆正月開放大殿。1956年,本園獲政府允許正式開放予公眾人士入內參拜。自此,慕道而來的人士不斷增加。1965年,嗇色園更獲准註冊為慈善團體,正式由宗教團體發展成宗教慈善團體,陸續擴展各項善業,日漸壯大。經多年籌備及建設,本園主辦的第一間教育機構「可立中學」於1969年正式開課,首座老人福利單位「可敬護理安老院」亦於1979年投入服務。
  • 嗇色園黃大仙祠今年首次舉行「萬世師表孔聖先師開筆啟蒙禮」,昨日舉行的儀式結合道教科儀及儒家教義,吸引逾二百名今年升讀小一的學童參加。有家長冀兒子參加儀式後以學業為重。
  • 嗇色園 黃大仙祠下月將舉辦正式道長入道儀式,本 屆61名學員中,一半人持有大專以上學歷, 三成人擁有碩士或以上學歷,最年輕的是年 僅19歲的大學生。祠方表示,希望透過活動 將 「普濟勸善」 精神薪火相傳。

- macau

Che Kung (車公pinyinChēgōng; literally: 'Lord Che'), also known as Che Da Yuan Shuai (車大元帥; 'Che, the Great Warrior') was originally a military commander of Southern Song Dynasty (1127–1279), who, according to lore, had supreme power to suppress rebellion and was renowned for his loyalty to the Emperor.[1] He was also famous for his power to suppress plagues and his skill in medicine.[2] He is believed by some worshipers to have been involved in the attempt to keep the Song state alive by bringing Prince Ping and his brother to the South. He is now considered a god of protection.Che Kung was a native of Nanchang, in Jiangxi Province of China. As a military commander he saved the southern regions of China from disorder. Also, he appeared in the villagers dreams who suffered from a plague. Later on, the plague was over and the villagers thought that Che Kung saved them from diseases. Daoists regarded him as a god due to his contributions. Inside a temple of Che Kung, pinwheels can always be found next to his effigy. It is believed that the one who rotates the pinwheel at a certain direction can get good luck. The Birthday of Che Kung is celebrated on the second day of Chinese New Year.
- hkcd 8mar2020 n2 on his origins

葛洪,魏晉時期道教的集大成者,在中 國道教史上是一個承前啓後的關鍵人物, 其所著《抱樸子》等,更是為道教的理論 發展作出了卓越貢獻。葛洪著有《金匱藥 方》、《肘後備急方》、《抱樸子.仙 藥》等醫書,他最早發現了「屍瘵」(肺 結核)有病變 36至 99種,並認定為傳染 病。葛洪還是創製涼茶的始祖。 葛洪是丹陽句容(今江蘇句容)人,是 道教「葛仙公」(葛玄)的姪孫。葛洪在 家鄉句容茅山修道、採藥煉丹。葛洪發現 山中有一種青藤植物的根,可以祛燥消 疹。他用這種青藤根煎水,消除了弟子服 用丹藥出現的中毒和大便秘結等症狀。當 年句容一帶發生瘟疫,葛洪教百姓採挖這 種青藤來治療,治癒了流行的瘟疫病,救 活了很多人。百姓尊葛洪為「葛仙翁」, 這種由葛洪發現的植物被稱為「葛」,其 根則稱為「葛根」。

doctrine/guide book
- 道德經

  • [d goddard] 
    • lao-tsu is usually credited with it and he is supposed to have lived in 544-463bc, but the book was apparently unknown before 240bc.  Moreover, the book is credited to three different persons: lao-tzu, lao-lai-tzu and lao-tan, who lived two hundred years apart.  Teachings are similar to buddhist teachings - it is more than probable that they are buddhist ideas which had percolated into china during the two hundred years before 240bc and the lao-tze to whom the book is credited really refers not to a chinese author but to buddha himself. The book has been translated into english over 25 times. Bhikshu wai-tao (translated with goddard) is a member of a taoist buddhist brotherhood  - his translation maybe more accurate and sympathetic than any made by a hostile confucianist, or christian.
    • david campbell, professor of chinese buddhism at uni of hawaii said that the original, classical pieces translated in a buddhist bible actually form the syllabus studied by chinese buddhist monks over a period of 1500 years.

Taipingjing ("Scriptures of the Great Peace") is the name of several different Daoist texts. At least two works were known by this title:
  • Chinese天官歷包元太平經pinyinTiānguān lì Bāoyuán Tàipíng jīng, 12 Chapters, contents unknown, author: Gan Zhongke 甘忠可
  • Chinese太平清領書pinyinTàipíng Qīnglǐng Shū, 170 Chapters, only 57 of which survive via the Daozang, author: unknown
Taipingjing usually refers to the work which has been preserved in the Daozang. It is considered to be a valuable resource for researching early Daoist beliefs and the society at the end of the Eastern Han dynastyZhang Jue (d. 184), the leader of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, taught "Taiping Daoism" (太平道) based on this work.
The contents of the Taipingjing are diverse but primarily deals with subjects such as heaven and earth, the five elementsyin and yang and the sexagenary cycle.太平經》,又名《太平清領書》,中國最早的道教經典[1]:69東漢道教太平道的典籍,170卷,相傳由神人授予方士于吉。在東漢至唐代,《太平經》在道教中有重要地位,是漢末太平道的主要經典,被視為傳達天命的讖書,構成道經「三洞四輔」中的太平部,輯入歷代道藏,宋代以後逐漸為人淡忘。《太平經》詳細記載幾位修道師徒的對答,內容主張學仙修道,輔佐君王,行善積德,調和陰陽,教授「守一」冥想、服食符文等道術,綜合各種道教觀念與神仙方術,以治病袪邪,開創更有系統的神仙理論,成為後世道教思想的基礎之一。現代學者對《太平經》有不同解讀,部份學者認為此經擁護烏托邦式的救世主,或提倡農民革命,亦有學者認為《太平經》代表了地主階級的利益,只追求太平與和諧的世間秩序。

- in korea, people hang bands of five colours (blue, red, yellow, white, black) on the auspicious tree outside the temple

places related to taoism
Mount Lao, or Laoshan (sctC) is a mountain located near the East China Sea on the southeastern coastline of the Shandong Peninsula in China. The mountain is culturally significant due to its long affiliation with Taoism and is often regarded as one of the "cradles of Taoism".Laoshan is known as one of the birthplaces of Taoism.[2] It is the place where the Complete Perfection School of Taoism (pinyinQuánzhēn) developed. In 412 CE the Chinese Buddhistpilgrim Faxian landed near Laoshan on his return from India. In the course of history, the mountain has been known by various other names, which includes different spellings of "Laoshan" (劳山, 牢山) as well as entirely different names such as Mount Futang and Mount Ao (鰲山). The latter name was used by the Taoist Qiu Chujiwho served as the top religious affairs official to Genghis Khan.

  • “劳山”最早出自《诗经》“山川悠远,维其劳矣”、 《诗经·小雅·鱼藻之什》郑笺云:“劳劳,广阔”。但对“劳山”的解释也不尽一致。一说该山雄险陡峭,上下行走,非常辛劳,故称“劳山”。二说明末清初著名学者顾炎武考证,秦始皇到崂山时,劳民伤财,因此称为“劳山”。 《后汉书·逄萌传》、《魏书·释老志》、《魏书·高祖纪》、南朝梁弘景《名医别录》、唐《元和郡县志》、《齐乘》、清《一统志》沿用“劳山”。不其山”出自《汉书·武帝纪》。根据20世纪50年代考古学家王献唐在该山北部原始社会遗址的考古发掘,证实远古时期该山北部生活着“不族”和“其族”两个部落,地以族为名,山也以族为名,称不其山。《三国志·崔琰传》沿用“不其山”。该山本名应为“劳”或“崂”,汉代称“不其”,晋及南北朝称“牢”,唐代又有“大劳、小劳”和“辅唐”之称,明、清两代以“劳”、“崂”为主,“牢”、“鳌”兼而用之,至近代才专用“崂”字。
  • 西晋时期,佛教传入崂山地区。崂山之佛教始于魏晋,盛于隋唐,明代又迭起高潮,清代后期渐衰。1959年,崂山有法海寺、潮海院(即石佛寺)、清凉寺、菩萨庙(即文殊普贤庙)、峡口庙、 华严寺、毗卢庵、观音寺和灵圣寺9座寺院。其中完好和比较完好的有华严寺、法海寺、观音寺、清凉院,破旧的有潮海院(即石佛寺)、毗卢庵、灵圣寺、菩萨庙,已倾圮的有峡口庙。
  • 仰口風景區位於嶗山風景名勝 區東北部,仙山宮殿雄偉,名人遺 跡眾多。在一株樹齡三百年的赤松 下,有一塊巨石,上有高啟雲先生 題寫的 「華蓋迎賓」 ,右前方便是 「太平宮」 。據記載公元九六○年 宋太祖趙匡胤敕封嶗山道士劉若拙 為 「華蓋真人」 ,撥款興修 太平宮。整個建築呈 「品」 字形,由正殿和兩個偏殿組 成,正殿供奉媽祖,東西偏 殿分別供奉關聖帝君和文昌 帝君。在三殿前跪拜祈福, 自不待言。照壁上刻有 「海 上宮殿」 四個大紅字,背面 有 「太平宮記」 。宮內有當 年劉若拙練功的混元石,石下天然 洞為 「猶龍洞」 ,北側天然洞為 「 白龍洞」 ,洞頂有元代道士邱處機 七絕詩二十首,傳為邱之真跡。另 有他為自己二十首詩作序: 「東萊 即墨之牢山,三圍大海,背負平川 ,巨石巍峨,群峰峭拔,真洞天福 地一方勝境也,然僻於海曲,舉世 鮮聞,其名亦不佳。余自昌陽醮歸 ,抵於三城永真觀,南望煙霧之間 ,隱隱而見。道眾相邀,遷延數日 而方屆,遂閒吟二十首,易為鰲山 ,因暢道風雲耳。棲霞長春子書 。」 太平宮周圍有不少明清和現代 名人題字刻石。 上世紀七十年代末,國家斥資 對景區進行了恢復重建,修復了太 平宮主殿──玉皇殿,恢復了鐘亭 、 「太平曉鐘」 石碑和 「龍涎泉」 、 「猶龍洞」 、 「混元石」 等著名 景觀以及諸多歷代名人刻石。西院 中的 「龍涎泉」 ,據說大旱三年水 不涸,大澇三年水不溢,水質清冽 甘醇,是嶗山名泉之一。 出了 「太平宮」 ,繼續向上攀 爬。無奈此時雨勢漸強,石階上全 是雨水。看看也已十一點多,遂決 定下山。走下山來,雨依舊淅淅瀝 瀝地下着,開車原路返回。此次冒 雨遊覽仰口之一小部,可以說是乘 興而來,意猶未盡。包括 「覓天洞 」 、 「仙桃石」 、 「獅子峰」 、 「 壽字峰」 等名勝,還有郭沫若先生 手書 「天上的街市」 等地方,都不 曾前去拜謁、遊覽。
  • 康有為1927年病逝於青島,死後葬於嶗山棗兒山西麓。

  • people 
  • 李登輝

- 正月初九据说是玉皇的诞辰日,后世道观皆于每年此日设醮祭祀。天水市玉泉观是西北著名的道教胜地,现辟为玉泉观公园。从正月初八晚上开始,市民像潮水般涌向玉泉观,观前观上,爆竹喧天,灯火通明,热闹非凡。到零点时,人流几乎水泄不通,钟磬声、鼓乐声、欢笑声相融相和。庞大的朝观群流光溢彩,人流迤逦半山,游乐盛况空前。夜半之后,人流渐歇。初九庙会日,远远近近的人们扶老携幼,三五成群云集玉泉观,掀起“朝观”的又一高潮。观前美食香气诱人,各种商品琳琅满目,杂耍娱乐使人目不暇接。这时,朝山会上身着古装的夹板队踏步而来,旗幡飞扬中夹板声声,使庙会气氛达到顶峰。打夹板本是天水祭神古乐的延续。

Dajiao, (打醮)[1] called the Taiping Qingjiao or Taai ping ching jiu in Hong Kong, (太平清醮) is a Taoist ritual and festival which is performed every year. The ritual is for asking the Taoist deities peace and rest in that area. Pak Tai is a common Chinese god for this festival. Believers must eat vegetarian food at the festival. It is performed across Greater ChinaSichuanFujianTaiwanGuangdong and Hong Kong.
祈安醮粵語:音「照」),又稱太平醮平安醮太平清醮太平福醮安龍清醮清醮清醮會打清醮清吉醮祈安清醮天醮春醮等,屬於的一類,是道教一個傳統儀式,亦是民間習俗,為答謝神明的庇護之恩,並且祈求風調雨順、五業興旺和地方平安[1]。在四川福建廣東香港台灣一帶特別盛行。[2] 在香港,太平清醮是村民酬謝神恩、祈求國泰民安的盛大儀式,又以依賴漁業和農業為生的村民最為著重。不少鄉村至今仍保留定期打醮的習俗,大部分清醮都稱為太平清醮,少數則稱為安龍清醮太平清醮活動承傳了不少中國民間風俗及文化,近代的太平清醮更吸引了不少外來人士參觀,如:長洲太平清醮便成為長洲當地一年一度的的大型活動

世界道 教聯合會(proposed)
- 從 2015年底開始,國家宗教局外事 司多次到中國道教協會,就成立世界道 教聯合會一事進行調研。目前,相關文 件正在徵求海內外道教界的意見,籌備 工作正有序進行。世界道教聯合會將會 是首個在中國成立的國際性宗教組織。


Chinese Taoist Association (CTA ;  中国道教协会), founded in April 1957, is the main association of Taoism in the People's Republic of China. It is recognized as one of the main religious associations in the People's Republic of China, and is overseen by the State Administration for Religious Affairs. Dozens of regional and local Taoist associations are included in this overarching group, which is encouraged by the government to be a bridge between Chinese Taoists and the government, to encourage a patriotic merger between Taoism and government initiatives.[1] The group also disseminates information on traditional Taoist topics, including forums and conferences. The association was a major sponsor of the 2007 International Forum on the Tao Te Ching.[2] The Chinese Taoist Association advocates the recompensation of losses inflicted on Taoism by the Cultural Revolution. Taoism was banned for several years in the People's Republic of China during that period. Taoist practitioners in China are required to register with the Chinese Taoist Association in order to be granted recognition and official protection. The CTA exercises control over religious doctrine and personnel, and dictates the proper interpretation of Taoist doctrine.[3] It also encourages Taoist practitioners to support the Communist Party and the state. For example, a Taoist scripture reading class held by the CTA in November 2010 required participants to ‘‘fervently love the socialist motherland [and] uphold the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.’’[3] The central government of China has supported and encouraged the Association, along with other official religious groups, in promoting the "harmonious society" initiative of Communist Party General Secretary Hu Jintao.
  • Lu Wenrong, whose wealth became the focus of public interest after his son was abducted in Canada in March, said his personal fortune had nothing to do with his role as deputy president of the official Chinese Taoist Association. In an interview with the Beijing Times on Thursday, Lu denied that his son was bragging about the family’s fortune on social media around the time he was kidnapped by masked men with stun guns in Markham, Ontario. Lu said his son had rented a Ferrari while at university and it was "very cheap to rent a luxury car overseas, like several hundred Canadian dollars a month”. A student of business administration at Yorkville University, Lu Wanzhen’s collection of cars included a Rolls-Royce, a Lamborghini and a Range Rover, which appeared on his social media pages. Phoenix Weekly magazine quoted the young Lu’s former high school classmates in Shanghai as saying he always dressed in luxury brands and bragged about his family "running a big business”. Attention focused on the source of the family’s wealth after the 22-year-old was abducted on March 23, and his lifestyle prompted talk that he was the son of Lu Wenrong, also the president of Hainan Taoist Association.
  • 中國道教協會一直把開展與港 澳台地區道教界交往、服務祖國 統一大業作為重點工作之一。改 革開放以來,與港澳台地區道教 界交往日益頻繁和廣泛,每年都 組織多個團組交流互訪,並在聯 誼機制、文化研究、公益慈善、 人才培養、舉辦道教活動等方面 開展了全方位的交流合作。 1993 年中國道教協會聯繫內 地、香港和台灣地區著名道教宮 觀,在北京白雲觀舉行了羅天大 醮盛典。以後,1998年在台北指 南宮、2001年在山西綿山、2007 年在香港、2012年在湖北武當山 分別舉辦了羅天大醮,港澳台和 內地許多宮觀參加了活動。 2005 年 7 月,應台灣中華道教 總會的邀請,中國道教協會組成 96人演出團,赴台灣舉辦「海峽 兩岸道教音樂會」,三場巡演, 深受台灣同胞的好評。 從 2006年開始,中國道教協會 就與香港蓬瀛仙館進行合作,每 年都會組織內地青年道長們到香 港中文大學參加暑期進修班。 2008 年,在中國道教協會倡導 下,形成了一年一度的大陸與台 灣、內地與港澳地區道教界新春 聯誼機制。

  • 他建議,應成立中國道醫研究院, 建立道教傳統醫藥的有效傳承機制, 制定道醫考核標準和認證體系,對確 有療效的道教傳統醫藥建立考核體 系,推動傳統醫藥學傳承和發展,李光富告訴香港文匯報 記者,中國道教協會未來還將成立道 教醫學養生研究院,進一步鼓勵道教 醫學、養生學發展,倡導道教養生、 治療理念,推廣運用武術、導引、針 灸、按摩、推拿等道教養生醫療方 式,舉辦各類養生研討會、養生論 壇、養生講座等文化活動,培養道醫 和養生人才,開辦道教醫療機構。


- yuzhen palace

- 唐末五代,王潮、王審知開閩,福建迎來前所未 有的政經發展,而道教也隨同發展起來。到了宋 代,因為朝廷的鼓勵,道教在福建的傳播更達到前 所未有的鼎盛時期。據道光年間編纂的《重纂福建 通志.道觀》所載,宋元兩代建造的道觀就多達80 座,道教之盛由是可見一斑。而諸派之中,又以 「正一道」於閩南一帶影響力最大。

Hong Kong
-一九六○年青松觀購入屯門麒麟圍一幅園 林興建觀址,經過十年耕耘,成為屯門規模最 大的道堂建築群。主殿純陽殿供奉三位祖師, 中央為呂祖,兩旁是王重陽和邱處機。據道經 記載,呂祖姓呂名嵒,字洞賓,號純陽子,唐 朝人。呂祖信仰傳至南宋的王重陽而開全真一 脈,王重陽有七位著名門徒,其中邱處機創立 龍門派。香港大型道堂多是廣東祖壇的分支, 追溯源流則屬全真教龍門派。 當年至寶台還崇祀龍門派四代宗師,分別 是黃玄憲、李志能、白眉真人和碧羅仙師,現 供奉於青松觀的翊化宮,以示不忘師恩。純陽 殿和翊化宮是觀內最宏偉又古老的殿宇,雕樑 畫棟,屋脊布滿瑞獸,被古諮會列為二級歷史 建築。觀內還有不同年代的建築物,早期有 「 眾妙之門」牌樓、旭日亭和寶月亭等,至今舊 貌未變。一九六四年青松觀為回應社會需求, 推行安老服務,起初只有一座平房,七十年代 擴建晚晴樓和增建乾安樓,並成立西醫診所。 到了八十年代更投入教育事業,形成今天多元 化的宗教團體。
蓬瀛仙館源於廣州三元宮,1929年何近愚、陳鸞楷、麥星階、蘇耀宸及周朗山諸位道長於粉嶺創立,取名「蓬瀛僊館」,提倡道教。1950年採用理監事制管理道觀,向政府申領得後山地段,增闢園林。1972年正式註冊為有限公司,並獲政府批准為非牟利宗教及慈善團體。Fung Ying Seen Koon (Chinese蓬瀛仙館) was founded in 1929 as an affiliate of the Quanzhen Longmen Sect (全真龍門派) of Daoism. It was named after the two fairy islands of Fung Lai and Ying Chau of the Bohai SeaThe Grand Temple is for the worship of Taishang Laojun (太上老君), Lü Dongbin (呂洞賓) and Qiu Chuji (丘處機). The middle one is Laojun. Laojun is one of the three highest deities of Daoism. According to Daoist classics, Laojun manifested himself in the form of Laozi, the Great philosopher of ancient China, best known as the author of the Daodejing (道德經). Lü Dongbin is one of the Five Patriarchs (五祖) in the Quenzhen School. He is one of the earliest masters of the tradition of Internal alchemy (內丹). Qiu Chuji was a great disciple of Wang Chongyang (王重陽), the founder of Quanzhen School. He was also referred to as the founder of Longmen Sect.

  • 紫雲仙苑則曾向城規會提出更改規劃用途,但被拒絕。據大聯盟召集人謝世傑了解,紫雲仙苑正以明月山的官司尚未完結為由,拖延規劃署執行檢控,案件待今年12月3日再提堂;他擔心,明月山倘沒有上訴或被終審法院拒絕申請,將連同紫雲仙苑陷入倒閉危機。大聯盟另發現被發展局列為違規的龕場中,有12間龕場利用城規條例漏洞,反覆向城規會申請改變用途後又撤回或一再延期,或被城規會否決申請後,稍作修改又再重新入紙,佔所有表列違規龕場的七分之一。例如大埔馬窩的忠和精舍,08年起先後向城規會提出四次申請,將綠化地帶改為宗教用途或「政府、機構或社區」用途,每次將申請範圍稍為擴大,但全被否決,最近又改為申請用作存放骨灰,有待審議。謝批評,上述漏洞縱容違規龕場利用正申請改變規劃用途為由,拖延政府執法,或令消費者誤以為龕場可規範化,要求政府檢討城規條例。
  • 重門深鎖的元朗流浮山紫雲仙苑,曾兩次被法庭裁定違規經營骨灰龕場,已售龕位最少126個。紫雲仙苑5次向城規會申請更改土地用途,但被否決或主動撤銷。記者到場視察詢問龕場是否仍運作、有否龕位出租或有沒有人取走骨灰等,保安聲稱「唔知」。經營紫雲仙苑的軒萬投資有限公司,董事之一曾憲強曾是元朗區議員,他指不知公司會如何處理骨灰,只表示以往很多龕位已放置骨灰,「如果係(需買家取回骨灰)梗係要畀番錢人哋啦,申請唔到梗係要處理啦」。

- association

  • 嗇色園
  • 博愛醫院副主席李鋈發早前出席活動時自爆已經食素一年,因為佢許願祈求通過道長考試,以便加入嗇色園做會員。
- people

- 據中聯辦網訊,3月17日,中聯辦副主任譚鐵牛應邀出席並主禮香港道教聯合會舉辦的己亥年香港道教日祈福大巡遊起步禮活動。香港特區政府和內地有關部門負責人,來自東南亞國家及兩岸四地的高道大德、信徒和社會各界人士等逾2,500人參加活動。該活動皆在弘揚道教傳統文化,祈福香港社會和諧穩定。特區政府2013年認許每年3月份第二個星期日為「道教日」,每年「道教日」已成為香港道教界莊嚴而備受尊崇的盛事。

Hong kong macau guangdong
- 香港道教聯合會多年來一直爭取本港法定假期中有一個涉道教的日子,又於三年前向政府申請一幅北區荒廢校舍用地,興建道教文化中心,但兩項目至今都沒有好消息,聯合會主席梁德華昨日表示會繼續向當局爭取,而港、澳、穗三地道教組織下月將聯合舉辦一系列活動,包括道教文化音樂會、祈福活動,進一步推廣道教文化。
- event

  • first guangdong hk macau taoist culture seminar

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Esteems,

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