Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Liuwa Plain National Park lies in Western ProvinceZambia, west of the Barotse Floodplain of the Zambezi River near the border with Angola. The Park is governed by African Parks (Zambia), which is a partnership between African Parks, the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) and the Barotse Royal Establishment, the traditional government of the Lozi peopleLiuwa Plain National Park was designated as a game reserve of Barotseland by the king, Lewanika, in the nineteenth century and became a national park in 1972. Liuwa Plain is situated on the upper Zambezi floodplains of western Zambia and is bounded by the Luambimba and Luanginga Rivers. Liuwa is characterised by seasonally flooded grassy plains dotted with woodland islands. Originally proclaimed by the King of Barotseland in the early 1880s, it was historically used as a royal hunting ground and was protected by the Lozi people.


Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) http://www.comesa.int/

The Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) was established in 2006 by an Act of Parliament and became operational in January 2007 after the amalgamation of five statutory bodies that hitherto operated independently to foster economic growth and development by promoting trade and investment through an efficient, effective and coordinated private sector led economic development strategy. These institutions were the Zambia Investment Centre (ZIC), Zambia Privatisation Agency (ZPA), Export Board of Zambia (EBZ), Small Enterprise Development Board (SEDB) and Zambia Export Processing Zones Authority (ZEPZA). The Act gives powers to the ZDA in key areas of trade development, investment promotion, enterprise restructuring, development of green fields’ projects, small and enterprise development, trade and industry fund management, and contributing to skills training development. The amalgamated Agency is therefore a semi autonomous institution with its Board of Directors appointed, by the Minister of Commerce Trade and Industry. The Board comprises members of the public and private sector as well as civil society organisations, while both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson are appointed from the private sector. The organization has its head office in Lusaka and regional offices in Chipata, Kitwe, Kasama, Livingstone, Mansa, Solwezi and Mongu.http://www.zda.org.zm/?q=content/about-us

trade and investment environment
- mining

  • https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-05-20/zambia-files-notification-of-plans-to-take-over-vedanta-assets Zambia’s government filed notification of plans to take over Vedanta Resources Ltd.’s domestic copper assets, President Edgar Lungu said. The southern African nation’s Eurobond yields surged to a record high and the currency hit a 3 1/2-year low. The move marks an escalation in tension between the government and mine owners, after Lungu last week threatened to “divorce” Vedanta and Glencore Plc, two of the biggest employers in Africa’s second-largest copper producer. Relations have been simmering after the state earlier this year increased royalties and unveiled a plan to overhaul the value-added tax system.
  • ft 9jul19 investors rattled by takeover of zambia mining operation

- Guy Scott
  • http://www.scmp.com/news/world/article/1627914/africa-has-first-white-head-state-apartheid-era-zambias-guy-scott Zambia has appointed the first white head of state in Africa since the apartheid era, following the death of "Mr King Cobra" President Michael Sata. Vice-President Guy Scott, a white Zambian of Scottish descent, was appointed interim president of the southern African nation until elections are held within 90 days.

-  Kenya and Zambia on Tuesday signed an agreement on trade in agricultural commodities that will allow Kenya's private dealers to import maize and sugar faster to help fight hunger in the country.
Zambia Minister for Agriculture Dora Siliya said maize importers from Kenya will now acquire permits within a day as opposed to previous seven days. "We have also lifted a ban on maize export to enable Kenyan maize importers easy access of the commodity," Siliya told journalists in Nairobi.
In this new arrangement, the Zambian government removed 10 percent on additional tax on maize exported to Kenya hence fast tracking the movement of the commodity. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-07/05/c_136417314.htm

- anti-chinese

  • https://www.news24.com/Africa/News/say-no-to-china-anger-mounts-in-zambia-over-beijings-presence-20180923 "China equals Hitler" said the sign held up in the Zambian capital Lusaka by a protester opposed to Beijing's tightening grip on the economy of the southern African nation. The demonstrator, James Lukuku, who leads a small political party, was picked up by police and spent several hours in a cell reflecting on his one-man protest.
  • 一對在中非國家贊比亞做生意的福建夫婦遭人殺害,並斬下頭顱。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190622/00178_008.html

Zambia-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone

  • Zambia-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone (ZCCZ) is the first overseas economic and trade cooperation zone declared by the Chinese government to be established in Africa. It is also the first Multi-Facility Economic Zone (MFEZ) declared by the Government of the Republic of Zambia. 

- infrastructure

  • http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20151124/PDF/a9_screen.pdf 中國電建集團23日發佈消息稱,其所屬中國水電國際公司日前已簽署了價值15.66億美元(摺合約121億港元)的贊比亞最大水電站合同,位於中非的贊比亞將受惠於此水電站,建成後該國現有電力將提高38%,滿足該國未來5到10年的電力需求。據中新社、騰訊網報道:這次中國水電國際公司與贊比亞電力公司簽署價值15.66億美元的下凱富峽水電站合同,是贊比亞40年來投資開發的第一個水電站,位於該國首都盧薩卡西南90公里的凱富河上,項目包括水電站的土建施工和機電設備安裝及附屬設施的建設。
- mining

  • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170606/00178_005.html 非洲國家贊比亞日前抓捕三十一名中國員工和家屬,引發中贊外交風波。對於涉事中國人被指涉及偷盜銅礦石,中國外交部前日曾指有關人員無辜,昨再為此向贊方提出交涉,敦促贊方妥善處理事件。被拘留的中國人其後已全部獲釋,但贊比亞限令他們要即日離境。
  •  Chinese mining firm Nonferrous China Africa on Wednesday launched production work for its greenfield project in Chambishi town in Zambia's Copperbelt Province, with Zambian President Edgar Lungu hailing it as an example of serious investment.The South East Ore Body is the Chinese firm's latest project since its acquisition of Chambishi Mine 20 years ago. About $870 million has been invested in the new project. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201808/24/WS5b7f98dca310add14f387980.html

  •  http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-11/04/content_27271741.htm China Railway Construction Corp, one of the largest rail construction contractors, said on Thursday it has signed an agreement with the Zambian government for a 15.09 billion yuan ($2.26 billion) railway line. The line will link Chipata and Serenje in the east of the country.
- medical

  • china daily 19jun19 china zambia malaria prevention and treatment centre

- chinese in zambia

  • https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/2172828/china-touts-martyrs-killed-working-zambia-infrastructure China is planning to build a cemetery in Zambia that honours Chinese construction workers killed working on the country’s infrastructure projects as “martyrs”.The announcement comes amid a growing backlash over Chinese-funded infrastructure projects in Africa and fears that poorer countries are being forced to take on unsustainable debts to fund them. But Li Guiguang, a deputy director of the newly established Ministry of Veterans Affairs, said the new cemetery in the capital Lusaka would help to symbolise the long-term friendship between China and Africa. “In African countries like Tanzania, Zambia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Algeria, there are already cemeteries for the Chinese specialists who sacrifice their lives for foreign aid [projects]),” Li told People’s Liberation Army Daily last week.

- investors from china
  • http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150910/PDF/a9_screen.pdf中國航空技術國際控股有限公司(中航國際)向贊比亞出口工程機械設備交付儀式8日在盧薩卡舉行。贊比亞總統埃德加.倫古等應邀參加活動,並感謝中國為改善贊比亞基礎設施建設所作的貢獻。
- ???
  • 中國近年大力援助非洲國家,每每惹來西方媒體揣測。非洲國家贊比亞國營英文報章《贊比亞時報》,周二離奇出現一篇以中文撰寫的報道。該報章未解釋原因,惹來各方諸多猜測,有指該國準備把中文列為第八種官方語言,但當地政府暫未回應事件。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181004/00178_004.html

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