Saturday, January 19, 2019

pet, domesticating animals


cattle prod, also called a stock prod, is a handheld device commonly used to make cattle or other livestock move by striking or poking them. An electric cattle prod is a stick with electrodes on the end which is used to make cattle move through a relatively high-voltage, low-current electric shock. The electric cattle prod is said to have been invented by Texas cattle baron Robert J. Kleberg, Jr.[1][2] of the King Ranch around 1930, although versions were sold as early as 1917.

- [ the history of dairy farm by nigel cameron] Having domesticated the celtic or marsh ox (a small animal with short horns, a long forehead, and oddly thin, fine limbs) the farmers began to learn the elements of dairy farming.  With the coming of romans and a measure of unification in the administration of much of europe, a friesian breed of cow entered britain.  The jutes, the angles, and the saxons later all brought their own special breeds to britain, driving those of original inhabitants who were dairy farmers off the land into the northern highlands. During the 17th and 18th c, broken-coloured cattled were introduced from the low countries, and the beginnings of selective breeding began in europe. From the results of those comparatively recent breeding experiments in britain and elsewhere in europe, and in other temperate zones, virtually all the cattle in the world are derived (except china). The indian cow is quite a different beast, outside this particular evolutionary and experimental chain. 
-  五牛图唐代画家韩滉的作品,是现时存世作品中最早以牛作为题材的纸绢画。五牛图先后被宋高宗赵构、元人赵伯昂赵孟𫖯及清代皇帝乾隆收藏,乾隆一直将五牛图收于紫禁城内,直至1900年,八国联军侵华,五牛图自此下落不明。到了二十世纪五十年代,五牛图才出现在香港的一个拍卖会上,最终由中方以6万港元购回,为中国十大传世名画[注 1]之一,被誉为“镇国之宝”,现存于北京故宫博物院 [1]。 
  •  棕色老牛, 雜花牛, 深赤色花老黃牛, 黃牛, 红牛
-約在新石器時代早期,人們開始對牛進行馴化。人們將捕獲的野牛幼犢圈禁飼養,使牛的野性逐漸消失,成為家牛。在之後的漫長歷史進程中,牛還被視為關乎國家安全的戰略資源,《風俗通義》稱:「牛乃耕農之本,百姓所仰,為用最大,國家之為強弱也。」  除了惻隱之心外,不殺牛還有國計民生的考量,中國自古以農立國,牛可作為耕種及運輸工具。西周規定:諸侯無故不得殺牛。唐朝法律規定:「官私馬牛,為用處重,牛為耕稼之本,馬即致遠供軍,故殺者徒一年半。」在唐朝無故殺牛,判處徒刑一年半。宋代的法律也是一樣,無故殺牛,判一年半的徒刑。  由於古代官府禁止,老百姓自然形成了不吃牛肉的習慣,久而久之對牛肉的膻腥味就特別敏感,今天市場雖有很多牛肉賣,但部分人還是不習慣吃牛肉。

牦牛Bos grunniens藏文གཡག་威利g.yag),又作犛牛氂牛 The domestic yak (Bos grunniens) is a long-haired domesticated bovid found throughout the Himalayan region of the Indian subcontinent, the Tibetan Plateau and as far north as Mongolia and Russia. It is descended from the wild yak (Bos mutus).The English word "yak" is a loan originating from Tibetanགཡག་Wylieg.yag. In Tibetan and Balti it refers only to the male of the species, the female being called Tibetanའབྲི་Wylie: 'bri, or g.nag Tibetanགནག in Tibetan and Tibetanཧཡག་མོ་WyliehYag-mo in Balti. In English, as in most other languages that have borrowed the word, "yak" is usually used for both sexes, with "bull" or "cow" referring to each sex separately.
- Domesticated yaks have been kept for thousands of years, primarily for their milk, fibre and meat, and as beasts of burden. Their dried droppings are an important fuel, used all over Tibet, and are often the only fuel available on the high treeless Tibetan Plateau. Yaks transport goods across mountain passes for local farmers and traders as well as for climbing and trekking expeditions. "Only one thing makes it hard to use yaks for long journeys in barren regions. They will not eat grain, which could be carried on the journey. They will starve unless they can be brought to a place where there is grass." They also are used to draw ploughs. Yak's milk is often processed to a cheese called chhurpi in Tibetan and Nepali languages, and byaslag in Mongolia. Butter made of yak's milk is an ingredient of the butter tea that Tibetans consume in large quantities, and is also used in lamps and made into butter sculptures used in religious festivities.
- qinghai
  • 青海省海北州祁連縣野牛溝鄉邊麻村的牧民顏軍或許從來沒想到,從小喝到大的犛牛酸奶有一天竟然會成為自己的致富法寶。2015年,顏軍和村裏的另外5位村民成立合作社,開始製作犛牛酸奶。
- sichuan

  • 昨日,在「川港投資合作推介交流會」室外展場上,來自甘孜州理縣的民營企業家亞吉犛牛絨加工有限公司董事長王金東正在十分賣力地推介來自高原的「犛牛絨」。
The water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) or domestic water buffalo is a large bovid originating in the Indian subcontinentSoutheast Asia, and China. Today, it is also found in EuropeAustraliaNorth AmericaSouth America and some African countries.[1] The wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee) native to Southeast Asia is considered a different species, but most likely represents the ancestor of the domestic water buffalo. Two extant types of domestic water buffalo are recognized based on morphological and behavioural criteria – the river buffalo of the Indian subcontinent and further west to the Balkans, Egypt, and Italy, and the swamp buffalo, found from Assam in the west through Southeast Asia to the Yangtze valley of China in the east.[1][3] The origins of the domestic water buffalo types are debated, although results of a phylogenetic study indicate that the swamp type may have originated in China and was domesticated about 4,000 years ago, while the river type may have originated in India and was domesticated about 5,000 years ago.[4] Water buffalo were traded from the Indus Valley Civilisation to Mesopotamia, in modern Iraq, 2500 BC by the Meluhhas.[5] The seal of a scribe employed by an Akkadian king shows the sacrifice of water buffalo.
- Water buffalo were domesticated in Indian subcontinent about 5000 years ago, and in China about 4000 years ago. Two types are recognized, based on morphologicaland behavioural criteria – the river buffalo of the Indian subcontinent and further west to the Balkans and Italy, and the swamp buffalo, found from Assam in the west through Southeast Asia to the Yangtze valley of China in the east.[3] The present-day river buffalo is the result of complex domestication processes involving more than one maternal lineage and a significant maternal gene flow from wild populations after the initial domestication events.[21] Twenty-two breeds of the river type water buffalo are known, including MurrahNiliRaviSurti, Jafarabadi, Anatolian, Mediterranean, and Egyptian buffalo.[22] China has a huge variety of buffalo genetic resources, comprising 16 local swamp buffalo breeds in various regions.
- usa

  •  **********the American Indians burned the area regularly to eliminate trees and provide for Buffalo. American Indians raised the Buffalo more or less similar to the wild cattle that took over the range as successor to Buffalo. It is important for you to understand that Buffalo are a variety of cow and can interbreed with cows and hybrid varieties exist commonly called beefalo. There is biologically very little difference. American Indians depended on Buffalo and didn’t have heavy equipment or explosives for land clearing so their tool was fire. This had gone on for at least 5000 years prior to settlement by Europeans.

- culture

Limousin cattle are a breed of highly muscled beef cattle originating from the Limousin and Marche regions of France. The breed is known as Limousine in France. Limousins Initially used mainly as draft animals, interest in Limousins as a source of high-quality meat grew about 200 years ago. The first Limousin herd book was then established in France in 1886 to ensure the breed's purity and improvement by only recording and breeding animals that satisfied a strictly enforced breed standard.The history of Limousin cattle begins in the period known as the Pleistocene (2.6 million to 12,000 years ago), when many megafauna roamed the Earth. One of the megafauna that survived until the 17th century was the aurochs, the distant ancestor of modern cattle.[1]Three subspecies of aurochs are formally recognised, with the Eurasian subspecies reaching Europe about 250,000 years ago, where it survived until the 17th century.[3]Eurasian aurochs were also domesticated into cattle breeds of European form (Bos taurus, also known as Bos primigenius taurus) commencing about 8,000 years ago in a region known as the Fertile Crescent in the Near East. These cattle began to enter Europe during and after the Neolithic expansion.The French Limousin breed standard is described in Article 1 of Title I of the Rules of Procedure of the French Limousin herd-book, 1 August 1991.

- 在黑龍江的齊齊哈爾,有一家企業 7年前引進純種和牛後在當 地繁殖,就出產這種最貴的牛肉,這家企業也成為全國最大的高檔肉牛生產繁育基地。

The Texel sheep originated on the island of Texel, the largest of the Wadden Islands off the north coast of the Netherlands. In August 2009, a Texel tup lamb named Deveronvale Perfection was sold for a then world record price for a sheep of £231,000.[2] Bred in Banffshire, Scotland, the lamb was sold by Graham Morrison of Cornhill, Aberdeenshire to fellow sheep farmer Jimmy Douglas at a sale in Lanark. - A Texel lamb has become the world's most expensive sheep after being sold for almost £368,000 at an auction in Scotland.The six-month-old Texel ram was sold in Lanark by breeder Charlie Boden to a consortium of sheep farmers.Named Double Diamond, the lamb was sold by breeders from Stockport in Greater Manchester, and bought by a consortium of three farmers who hope to recoup their investment through breeding.

zebu (/ˈzb(j), ˈzb/Bos primigenius indicus or Bos indicus or Bos taurus indicus), sometimes known as indicine cattle or humped cattle, is a species or subspecies of domestic cattle originating in South Asia. Zebu are characterised by a fatty hump on their shoulders, a large dewlap, and sometimes drooping ears. They are well adapted to withstanding high temperatures, and are farmed throughout the tropical countries, both as pure zebu and as hybrids with taurine cattle, the other main type of domestic cattle. Zebu are used as draught and riding animalsdairy cattle, and beef cattle, as well as for byproducts such as hides and dung for fuel and manure. Zebu, namely miniature zebu, are kept as companion animals

The Texas Longhorn is a breed of cattle known for its characteristic horns, which can extend to over 100 inches (2.54 m) tip to tip for cows and bulls, with the biggest-horned steer measuring 127.4 inches (3.23 m) tip to tip [1] They are descendants of the first cattle introduced in the New World, brought by explorer Christopher Columbus and the Spanish colonists. Descended from cattle that thrived in arid parts of Southern Iberia, these cattle have been bred for a high drought-stress tolerance. Texas Longhorns are known for their diverse coloring, and can be any color or mix of colors, but coloration mixes of dark red and white are the most dominant.Genetic analyses show that the Texas Longhorn originated from an Iberian taurine lineage that descended from the domestication of the wild aurochs in the Middle East, and with some admixture with the European aurochs, and later (while in America) was crossed with "indicine" cattle that descended from the domestication of aurochs in India, 85% and 15%, respectively, by proportion.

大羊驼Lama glama),又名家羊驼,是南美洲骆驼科,和多种相似动物合称为骆马美洲驼。在印加帝国及其他安地斯山脉地区是原住民广泛蓄养的动物[1]在南美洲,大羊驼是用来背负重物、制造纤维及作为食物。 The llama (/ˈlɑːmə/Spanish pronunciation: [ˈʎama]) is a domesticated South American camelid, widely used as a meat and pack animal by Andean cultures since the Pre-Columbian era.
- there are two different kinds of llamas: the kara or light wool that is used as a beast of burden and the chaku or heavy wool that provides the fleece for the manufacture of carpets, ropes, hats, bags, and other products.

 羊驼,又名驼羊,属偶蹄目骆驼科,外形有点像绵羊,一般在高原生活,世界现有羊驼约300万只左右,约90%以上生活在南美洲秘鲁智利的高原上,其余分布于澳洲维多利亚州新南威尔士州,以及新西兰。在新西兰英语中,羊驼一般叫"Llama"。 因为亚洲华文地区并非羊驼的原产地,许多人是经由草泥马的网络文化才认识这种动物,以“草泥马”作为这种动物的名称。新闻媒体也常以草泥马作为这种动物的名称。The alpaca (Vicugna pacos) is a species of South American camelid. It is similar to, and often confused with, the llama. However, alpacas are often noticeably smaller than llamas. The two animals are closely related and can successfully cross-breed. Alpacas and llamas are also closely related to the vicuña, which is believed to be the alpaca's wild ancestor, and to the guanaco. There are two breeds of alpaca: the Suri alpaca and the Huacaya alpaca. In the textile industry, "alpaca" primarily refers to the hair of Peruvian alpacas, but more broadly it refers to a style of fabric originally made from alpaca hair, such as mohairIcelandic sheep wool, or even high-quality wool from other breeds of sheep. In trade, distinctions are made between alpacas and the several styles of mohair and luster.
-  Alpaca fleece is a lustrous and silky natural fiber. While similar to sheep's wool, it is warmer, not prickly, and bears no lanolin, which makes it hypoallergenic. Without lanolin, it does not repel water. It is also soft and luxurious. In physical structure, alpaca fiber is somewhat akin to hair, being very glossy.[3] The preparing, cardingspinningweaving and finishing process of alpaca is very similar to the process used for wool. Alpaca fiber is also flame-resistant, and meets the US Consumer Product Safety Commission's standards.
- 重慶江北觀音橋一商圈內,周日有兩名女士牽着各自的寵物羊駝在市面上遊逛,吸引了不少路人前來圍觀。據現場相片可見,兩隻白色、啡色體毛的羊駝

- 肯尼亞首都內羅畢丘盧國家公園的工作人員,早前發現一對大小斑馬同行。令人奇怪的是,小斑馬除了四肢有黑白色條紋外,身上甚麼些斑紋都沒有。工作人員觀察後發現,大斑馬原來是他們去年放歸野外,相信小斑馬是牠與驢雜交誕下的罕見斑驢(Zonkey)。

There is archaeological evidence that the horse was first domesticated in the botay culture
 in Kazakhstan, and that this culture was the first to learn how to ride the horse.

The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus) is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild assE. africanus. The donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years. There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world, mostly in underdeveloped countries, where they are used principally as draught or pack animals. Working donkeys are often associated with those living at or below subsistence levels. Small numbers of donkeys are kept for breeding or as pets in developed countries. A male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny or jennet;[3][4][5] a young donkey is a foal.[5] Jack donkeys are often used to mate with female horses to produce mules; the biological "reciprocal" of a mule, from a stallion and jenny as its parents instead, is called a hinny. Asses were first domesticated around 3000 BC, probably in Egypt or Mesopotamia,[6][7] and have spread around the world. They continue to fill important roles in many places today. While domesticated species are increasing in numbers, the African wild ass is an endangered species. As beasts of burden and companions, asses and donkeys have worked together with humans for millennia.
- A mule is the offspring of a male donkey (jack) and a female horse (mare).[1][2] Horses and donkeys are different species, with different numbers of chromosomes. Of the two first generation hybrids between these two species, a mule is easier to obtain than a hinny (驴骡E. asinus x ferus),正式名稱“駃騠), which is the offspring of a female donkey (jenny) and a male horse (stallion). The size of a mule and work to which it is put depend largely on the breeding of the mule's female parent (dam). Mules can be lightweight, medium weight or when produced from draft horse mares, of moderately heavy weight.[3]:85–87 Mules are reputed to be more patient, hardy and long-lived than horses and are described as less obstinate and more intelligent than donkeys.骡子Equus ferus × asinus)是杂交种。严格地说,在中文裡母马和公驴的後代称为马骡(“驘,驢父馬母者也”《說文解字注》。“骡”是“驘”/“䯁”的俗字);母驴和公马的後代称为驴骡。因母马和公驴的基因更容易结合,故而大部分骡都是馬骡。由于染色体不成对(63个),生殖细胞无法进行正常的分裂(即减数分裂),故骡子没有生殖能力。


- uk

  • [1776 chron] ass race at st george's fields
- hungary
  • 匈牙利德布勒森動物園一隻罕有雌性白驢本月初,誕下一頭雄性小驢。經工作人員悉心照料兩周後,園方前日讓牠們母子倆一同跟傳媒見面。白驢是昔日奧匈帝國時期富有人家刻意培植出來的品種,由於繁殖率低,故此十分矜貴。
- china

  • 傳統中藥材阿膠具有補血滋陰等功效,因此中國的市場需求甚殷。由於阿膠以驢皮熬製而成,導致非洲非法盜殺驢子的情況加劇。巴西警方近期接獲多宗市民舉報指,出口中國的驢子被活活餓死,擔心當地驢子瀕臨絕迹。
  • 在濟南的一家「全驢 館」,有一道名叫「燉驢 膀」的主菜,其做法是將 驢仔購進後,餓牠一兩天,等屎尿排空後, 便關進一個大炕房,炕房裡燒着木炭火爐, 放着一個用各色天然香料配製的滷湯槽。那 驢仔身經火烤,口乾舌燥,就去拚命飲那湯 汁,愈熱愈渴,愈渴愈喝,如此三日過後,臊 汗出透,鬃毛脫盡,那五香滷汁早已擴散到了 周身,然後宰殺烹製。

The North Siberian (Russian: Cибиpcкaя ceвepнaя, Sibirskaya severnaya) is a general purpose pig breed from Russia. Developed in Novosibirsk Oblast in Russia, this medium-sized breed was formally recognized in 1942. A cross of the short-eared Siberian pigs with Large White boars, the North Siberian was bred for a dense bristle covering and undercoat to increase hardiness to the harsh climate of northern Siberia. Adult males typically reach 312 kg in size.The North Siberian is a white breed, and multicoloured specimens rejected during the breeding programme were used in the development of the Siberian Black Pied breed.

- germany

  • The Swabian-Hall swine (Schwäbisch-Hällische Landschwein) is a breed of domestic pig originating from Schwäbisch Hall in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is a large pig, white in the centre with a black head and rear and narrow grey bands at the transition from white to black skin. They have large litters averaging more than nine piglets.The breed was started by King George III, who imported from China Meishan pigs in 1820 to crossbreed with the German Landrace with the idea of increasing the fat content. The nickname is Mohrenköpfle. On the orders of King Wilhelm I, masked pigs (Maskenschweine?) were imported from Central China in 1820/21, in order to improve pig breeding in the kingdom of Württemberg. This crossbreeding with the "Chinese pigs" was particularly successful within the stocks of domestic pigs in the Hohenlohe region and the area around the town of Schwäbisch Hall. [1][2] The breed proved popular and by 1959 totaled 90% of pigs in Baden-Württemberg. However, their popularity declined in the 1960s with the markets preferring leaner pork with less fat than the Swabian-Hall could offer.
  • 德國科隆動物園內一對罕有施瓦本─霍爾豬,上月底誕下四雌四雄愛情結晶,動物園前日安排豬媽媽與眾子女一起公開亮相。施瓦本─霍爾豬以肥肉多見稱,德國人昔日愛養來屠宰食用,惟由於人們講求飲食健康減少食肥肉,以致愈來愈少人養,甚至有絕種危機。

- korea

  • pig museum in icheon

- As the world’s biggest producer and consumer of pork, China has been domesticating pigs for 8,000 years. But indigenous Chinese pig species dropped from 90 per cent of the market in 1994 to less than 2 per cent in 2007, the last year the Ministry of Agriculture made such figures available to the public.Breeds like Jinhua and Chenghua, which used to be associated with specific regional dishes, have been depleted because of changing market demands and diets that have allowed Western breeds to increasingly take over the Chinese market.Lau said he now used Vietnamese animals, which have become increasingly popular in China since the 1990s, as his roast suckling pig dishes.Other Western pig breeds – such as the Danish Landrace, the Duroc from America and the Yorkshire (or Large White) from Britain – which are commonly used in crossbreeding systems geared towards lean meat production, began entering China’s pork market and finding a foothold on Chinese farms towards the end of the 20th century.Between 1980 and 2000 the number of large spotted sows in south China’s Guangdong province fell from 13,000 to just a few hundred, according to a report by China Youth Daily. Many pigs, including the Bama from Guangxi province, the Wujin from the mountainous regions of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, and the Bamei from Yunnan are all endangered and have a place on China’s list of protected genetic resources of livestock and poultry. Some native Chinese breeds, including the Longyou black and Ding county, have already vanished.

  • The Meishan (梅山猪) is a breed of domestic pig named for the Meishan,[1][page needed] Jiangsu Province, China.[2] It is a sub-group of the Taihu pig and is a small to medium-sized (275-400 lbs) breed with large drooping ears, and wrinkled black skin. Meishan Pigs are extremely docile and renowned for their tender and flavorful red meat pork.Native to Southern China, the breed is best known for its large litters of 15-22 piglets. Due to its fecundity, it was imported to the United States in 1989 by the USDA Agricultural Research Service.[4][5] All US research on the Meishan pigs was terminated in 2016 and the remaining pigs were dispersed to US farmers. 梅山豚は、中国太湖豚系の原種豚である。『西遊記』に登場する「猪八戒」、『封神演義』に登場する「梅山七怪」の「朱子真」のモデルになったとも言われている。多産系のブタであり、雑食という特徴を持つ[2]日本での梅山豚については、1972年日中国交正常化の際にジャイアントパンダに続いて、梅山豚10頭が寄贈されたことに始まる。塚原牧場は茨城県猿島郡境町の企業である。在公元12世纪的宋朝,太湖流域的养猪业已相当发达。地处亚热带,气候温和,雨量充沛,农作物产量高,是我国著名的农业高产稳产地区之一。当地人多地少,养猪只能采用圈养形式,圈内垫土或垫草,俗称“暖圈”,猪终年不见阳光。
    • no chinese wiki
  • 身為廣西旅遊勝地的大瑤山,野生動植物資源十分豐富,近年來馴養銷售野生動物成為許多山民們脫貧致富的一條路徑。

- [wisdom of pacific islanders] most prized meat in pacific islands, a status symbol; pigs also treated well by breeders
- 為了保護地方稀有的青峪豬,四川省農業大學近日透過體細胞複製和胚胎移植技術,成功令四頭青峪豬順利產下二十三頭健康狀況良好的純種豬仔,這是四川首次將非基因編輯體細胞複製技術運用於地方豬資源保護。青峪豬是四川省地方豬種,列入省畜禽遺傳資源保護名錄。為加強對地方豬品種遺傳資源的有效保護,四川全省已建成七個地方豬品種的遺傳資源保種場和一個四川省級畜禽遺傳資源基因庫。
- 狼牙山黑豬訓練營的跑道南北長有200米,豬隊友每天至少跑 十個來回。一頭剛滿月的豬仔,經過跨年飼養直到出欄,黑豬至 少要奔跑近5000公里,相當北京到狼牙山里程的50倍。小學畢業 證也沒有拿到的豬倌賈聯合,把黑豬當寵物飼養,200餘頭生豬足 不出戶就被搶購一空。

- practice documented since roman empire. Nightingale and blue rock thrushes (beautifully colored mediterranean songbirds) were popular as cage-birds
- parrots and guinea fowls brought from expeditions to africa
- magpies were kept in barber shops to entertain clients
- owls were decoys to attract unsuspecting songbirds, and were kept as pets in france, germany, and belgium. In italy, civette or civettasse (small owls) were especially favored
- aviculture became more popular with advent of busineses that specialised in acclimatising birds to condition in their new countries of residence.
- two firms, carl reiche and ludwig ruhe, both located near hannover, sold male canaries to us, s america, great britain, russia and australia

- could be first developed in central asia around 2000bce and spred ouy from there
- integral part of beduoin culture
- falcons are only distantly related to other birds of prey such as eagles and vultures, andcare probably more closely related to parrots
- about sixty known species, found everywhere except for antarctica
- birds must never be punished
- friedrich II von hohenstaufen (holy roman emperor from 1220 until his death) is one of the world's most famous falconers
- can travel freely with their owners with own passports and seats
- uk

  • british falconers club established in 1927
- saudi arabia

  • 沙特阿拉伯上月二十五日至本周一舉行獵鷹節,在為期十天的活動期間,共有一千七百二十三隻獵鷹參與,獲健力士認定創下全球最大型獵鷹節的世界紀錄。由沙特獵鷹俱樂部(SFC)主辦的阿齊茲國王獵鷹節,早前於首都利雅得舉行。參賽的獵鷹訓練者來自沙特、鄰近中東國家,以至全球其他地區。
- china

  • 漢代時,孔雀和雁代表威儀;至宋代時興飼養,孔雀卻淪落到如此悲涼。試問這樣豢養的雄孔雀,還有興致與能力開屏嗎? 野生的雄孔雀怎麼會被人捉住呢?《權子.顧惜》有一則寓言,指雄鳥「山棲時,先擇處貯尾(長覆羽),然後置身。天雨尾濕,羅者(捕鳥的人)且至,猶珍顧不復騫舉,卒為所擒」。

- [from paju city wiki page] Pigeons are meek and gentle with soft feathers which follow humans well. They symbolize the peace and security of mankind, and they mean to desire the unification of the Korean Peninsula and the well-being of citizens.
- keeping pigeons as a hobby in middle east stretches back thousands of years. In Fikirtepe (asian side of istanbul), almost half of inhabitants breed pigeons. They are particularly proud if the tumbling somersaults their pigeons execute to perfection. Famous iranian breeders such as babaknarbab khosro have devised codes of ethics for living with pigeons? Pigeon breeding has also long been a tradition to egypt, where people soon noticed the birds' exceptional sense of direction and deployed them to disseminate information. To this day, pigeobs are bred in cities such as mit gahmr, wherr they are used as food and their droppings are a valuabke fertilizer.
- Feral pigeons (Columba livia domestica), also called city dovescity pigeons, or street pigeons' are pigeons that are derived from the domestic pigeons that have returned to the wild. The domestic pigeon was originally bred from the wild rock dove, which naturally inhabits sea-cliffs and mountains. Rock (i.e., "wild"), domestic, and feral pigeons are all the same species and will readily interbreed. Feral pigeons find the ledges of buildings to be a substitute for sea cliffs, have become adapted to urban life, and are abundant in towns and cities throughout much of the world. Due to their abilities to create large amounts of excrement and to carry disease, combined with crop and property damage, pigeons are largely considered a nuisance and an invasive species, with steps being taken in many municipalities to lower their numbers or completely eradicate them.
-  The New Zealand pigeon or kereru (Māori: kererūHemiphaga novaeseelandiae) is a bird endemic to New ZealandMāori call it kererū in most of the country but kūkupa and kūkū in some parts of the North Island, particularly in Northland. Commonly called wood pigeon, they are distinct from the wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) of the Northern Hemisphere, which is a member of a different genus. The New Zealand pigeon belongs to the family Columbidae, and the subfamily Treroninae, which is found throughout Southeast AsiaMalayaAfrica and New Zealand. The members of this subfamily feed largely on fruits, mainly drupes. New Zealand pigeons are members of the pigeon genus Hemiphaga (Bonaparte, 1854), which is endemic to the New Zealand archipelago and Norfolk Island. However recently a Hemiphaga bone was found on Raoul Island. The Chatham pigeon or Chatham Island pigeon (Hemiphaga chathamensis) is traditionally considered a subspecies of the kereru, but is here treated as a separate species.
  •  kereru is portuguese; Garlica maoryska in polish; La paloma maorí2​ (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) in spanish; Le Carpophage de Nouvelle-Zélande in french; 
    Maori-Fruchttaube in deutsch
- belgium
  • 拍賣網「Pigeon Paradise」未有公布買家身份,但當地媒體透露該華人買家打算用「New Kim」,與去年以125萬歐元(約1,110萬港元)投得的雄性賽鴿Armando交配,培育更多鴿王。賽鴿傳統在比利時等國日漸式微,但近年亞洲買家流行賽鴿,促使這行業重獲生機。
- china

  • Pigeon fanciers played an integral role in China’s National Day celebrations by supplying and training the 70,000 “peace doves” released at the end of the massive parade in Beijing on Tuesday. Organisers of the parade sent out a call to members of the Beijing Carrier Pigeon Association, who volunteered their birds for the event marking the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic, according to state broadcaster CCTV. In the run-up to National Day, owners had to “train” their birds twice a day and let them fly around their neighbourhoods in formation, the report said. Before the parade, the birds had to be checked for diseases and loaded into special vehicles fitted with cages designed to release them automatically at the designated time. In a letter dated September 11, the China Carrier Pigeon Association also asked regional associations in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei province, Inner Mongolia and Liaoning province to put pigeon racing and training on hold until Wednesday because of aircraft rehearsals for the parade.
  • 原來早於上世紀70年代初期,水警總部要靠「飛鴿傳書」幫助通訊,當時位於尖沙咀的水警總部,因仍未裝設無線電通訊設備,而要飼養「警鴿」,以便與港口的水警輪聯絡。

The red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) is a tropical bird in the family Phasianidae. They are the primary progenitor of the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) (though genetic evidence strongly suggests some past hybridisation with the grey junglefowl, as well).[2] The red junglefowls were first domesticated at least 5,000 years ago in India.Le Coq doré, souvent appelé Coq bankiva (à tort car Bankiva désigne une sous-espèce) ou Coq sauvage(Gallus gallus), est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Phasianidae.Originaire du Sud-Est asiatique, il a été domestiquéet constitue la principale espèce à l'origine des races de poules domestiquesL'aire de répartition de l'espèce sauvage « vraie » s'étire du nord-est de l'Inde (où l'espèce pure a été presque certainement contaminée par métissage avec des animaux de race domestique) vers l'est (Chine méridionale) et jusqu'à la Malaisie et l'Indonésie. Chacune de ces régions abrite une sous-espèce :
Das Deutsche Lachshuhn ist eine Rasse des Haushuhns (Gallus gallus domesticus). An der Entstehung dieser Rasse waren mehrere Mastrassen beteiligt, darunter Brahma und DorkingLa faverolles allemande, anciennement faverolles foncée est une race de poule domestique issue d'une sélection divergente de la faverolles qui est une race française.

  • only french, deutsch, magyar wiki version
- faverolle hermine

  • fluffy white, with a beard, black neck and tail, kept by jean delacour

bantam (IndonesianAyam kate) is any small variety of fowl, especially chickens. Most large chicken breeds have a bantam counterpart, sometimes referred to as a miniature. Miniatures are usually one-fifth to one-quarter the size of the standard breed, but they are expected to exhibit all of the standard breed's characteristics. The name bantam is derived from the city of Bantam—currently known as "Banten Province" or previously "Banten Residency"—once a major seaport, in Indonesia. European sailors restocking on live fowl for sea journeys found the small native breeds of chicken in Southeast Asia to be useful, and any such small poultry came to be known as a bantamA true bantam has no large counterpart, and is naturally small. Such birds are often popular for show purposes. The local list of true bantams can vary between nations and regions due to the availability of the breeds and disputes over what qualifies.Bantams have become increasingly popular as pets as well as for show purposes because they are smaller and have more varied and exotic colors and feather patterns than other chickens. Breeds such as the SebrightDutch, and Pekin are popular show birds, and are true bantams.

  • [mary berry country house secrets] raised at farm of goodwood house (seat of duke of richmond), chichester, uk
The Onagadori (Japanese尾長鶏, "long-tailed chicken") is a historic Japanese breed of chicken, characterised by an exceptionally long tail. It was bred in the seventeenth century in Kōchi Prefecture, on Shikoku island in southern Japan, and was designated a Japanese National Natural Treasure in 1952. It is one of the ancestors of the German Phoenix breed.The Onagadori was bred in the seventeenth century in Tosa Province, the area that is now Kōchi Prefecture, on Shikoku island in the south-eastern part of the country. It is reared only in that area,[3]:329 mainly in Nankoku.[4]:989 It is believed to have derived from other long-tailed Japanese breeds including the Shokoku, the Totenko and perhaps the Minohiki.オナガドリの始まりは、江戸時代土佐藩主の山内家が、参勤交代の際に使う飛鳥という飾りに用いる長い鶏の尾を農民から集めたことにある[2][3]明暦1655年1657年)ごろの土佐国大篠村(現在の高知県南国市大篠)で、武市利右衛門がオナガドリの原種白藤種を作り出した[4][5]。伝説では地鶏とキジや山鳥と交配して作ったとされているが、正確な記録は残されていない[3]土佐には東天紅鶏チャボを含めて鶏の美しさを競う文化があり、オナガドリもその一環として、昭和初期には高知県内全体で飼育数が500羽以上に増えた。雨戸戸袋で飼って尾羽の抜けを防ぐ、ドジョウなど動物性蛋白質の餌を与えるといった、尾羽を伸ばすための工夫が凝らされた
The Hồ chicken or gà Hồ is a breed of chicken originating in Bắc Ninh ProvinceVietnam.[1] It is one of many local chicken varieties in Vietnam including: gà Ri (the most popular breed), gà Tàu Vàng, gà Nòi, gà Đông Tảo, gà Mía, gà Tam Hoàng, gà Lương Phượng, etc.Ga Ho is a distinctly Vietnamese rare breed of chicken, familiar as a symbol in Vietnam. According to folklore, the chicken (particularly the rooster) has the five qualities of a man of honour: literacy, martial arts, physical strength, humanity and loyalty.
- china
  • 在首篇《吃雞吃了七千年》中,指:「人類飼養的雞,是把紅色原雞、灰原雞和綠原雞馴養成功,而紅色原雞,又是中國家雞的祖先。」繼而引西安臨潼考古發現,有大量的雞骨和雞糞化石,證明中國人吃雞已有七千年的歷史了。

Domesticated cats began in the Fertile Crescent and we know they were in Cyprus 9500 years ago, and in Greece/Italy by 2500 years ago. That’s a long time just to get from Cyprus to Greece, and the cute little guys may or may not have shown up in the Steppes of Russia on the way, but we’re missing a lot of data. When the word did appear in Indo-European languages, it showed up all at once, from our point of view, as a loanword. It shows up not just in Indo-European, but Afro-Asiatic and even Basque. So we don't really know where it was borrowed from.
- 德國與哈薩克的大學團隊日前發表報告,指研究早前在哈薩克古絲綢之路出土的貓頭骨後,估計該貓生前有人餵飼,顯示早於逾千年前在絲綢之路活動的烏古斯游牧部落,已將貓當寵物飼養。
- ireland

  • [futurelearn] In popular Irish lore, cats had been created by God to restrict the mouse population on Noah’s ark, and in so doing protect the food required to sustain its passengers. In the Book of Kells these are perhaps ‘visual’ marginalia – a reflection of the everyday realities faced in the scribal environment, and the role of cats within it.At the time that the Book of Kells was made domestic cats were a high-status possession, owned principally by the elite. Such was their value, that there was an entire set of laws, the Catslechtae (‘cat-sections’) outlining the fines attached to the stealing, injuring or killing a person’s cat. Penalties differed according to the talents of the cat in question. For example, a cat was worth three cows if able to purr and keep its owner’s house, grain store and kiln free of mice, but only half that if was just good at purring.Laws even refer to names including Méone (‘little meow’) and Cruibne (‘little paws’).
- japan
- china

  • 大殿養貓是故宮的傳統,最早可 追溯到明朝。明朝皇帝在宮中專門 設立了「貓兒房」,選出天下最 美、最可愛的貓,然後送進宮中成 為御貓。清朝還有一個檔案,專門 記錄這些寵物貓的來歷和名字。如 今這些流落在故宮的貓,有不少留 着皇家的血統。

- The Andean mountain cat (Leopardus jacobita) is a small wild cat native to the high Andes.
  • [peru el dorado] also known as chinchay, it is slightly larger than the gato montes

-  The Manx cat (/ˈmæŋks/, in earlier times often spelled Manks), is a breed of domestic cat (Felis catus) originating on the Isle of Man, with a naturally occurring mutation that shortens the tail. Many Manx have a small stub of a tail, but Manx cats are best known as being entirely tailless; this is the most distinguishing characteristic of the breed, along with elongated hind legs and a rounded head. Manx cats come in all coat colours and patterns, though all-white specimens are rare, and the coat range of the original stock was more limited. Long-haired variants are sometimes considered a separate breed, the Cymric. Manx are prized as skilled hunters, and thus have often been sought by farmers with rodent problems, and been a preferred ship's cat breed. They are said to be social, tame and active. An old local term for the cats on their home island is stubbin. Manx have been exhibited in cat shows since the 1800s, with the first known breed standard published in 1903.
The Havana Brown was the result of a planned breeding between Siamese and domestic black cats, by a group of cat fanciers in England, in the 1950s. Early breeders introduced a Siamese type Russian Blue into their breeding. However, using current genetic testing, it is believed that almost none remain in the gene pool.
The Norwegian Forest cat (NorwegianNorsk skogkatt or Norsk skaukatt) is a breed of domestic cat originating in Northern Europe.[1] This natural breed is adapted to a very cold climate, with a top coat of glossy, long, water-shedding hair and a woolly undercoat for insulation. Although this is uncertain, the breed's ancestors may have been a landrace of short-haired cats brought to Norway by the Vikings around 1000 AD, who may also have brought with them long-haired cats, like those ancestral to the modern Siberian and Turkish Angora. During World War II, the breed became nearly extinct until efforts by the Norwegian Forest Cat Club helped the breed by creating an official breeding program. It was registered as a breed with the European Fédération Internationale Féline in the 1970s, when a local cat fancier, Carl-Fredrik Nordane, took notice of the breed and made efforts to register it. Currently, the Norwegian Forest breed is very popular in Norway, DenmarkSwedenIcelandand France.在古老的挪威神話中,有兩頭如獅子一樣灰色的貓,拖着主宰豐饒和愛情的女神弗蕾雅的神車,飛馳天際,這兩頭貓,非常強壯和身形巨大,這個神話一代一代的口傳。而神話中巨大的貓,跟現代的挪威森林貓的描述非常相似。因此,挪威森林貓的來源可以追溯千年的歷史。由於長久而來這一個神話都只是口述,直至1835年,民俗學家 Peter Christian Asbjørnsen 和詩人 Jørgen Moe 撰寫並出版了一套精選的挪威民間故事和民歌,而令挪威森林貓的廣為人知。最特別的地方是這是唯一的貓種擁有兩層毛且鬆軟,外層像鵝毛一樣的油麵,背有防水功能,無論下雨、下雪或在水中游泳,都可以令毛不會潮濕,而很容易風干。在這一層長毛下,是一層如羊毛一樣的底毛,在寒冬保暖。而夏天的時候,這一層羊毛會脫下,只保留在臀部周圍和前肢腋下的羊毛,從後面看,好像穿了一條褲子一樣。而在秋天這一層羊毛會開始生長。
- 狸花貓The Dragon Li is a recently established Chinese breed of domestic cat (also called Chinese Li Hua or China Li Hua as a standardized breed, depending on breed registry). It was developed from a common landrace of cats in China, known as 貍花貓, lí huā māo, literally 'fox flower cat' (sometimes shortened to 花貓 huā māo or 貍貓 lí māo; the native cats are featured in some Chinese folklore stories. The derived standardized breed is recognized by China's Cat Aficionado Association (CAA) the US-based, international Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA).
-[baidu]橘猫(orange cats)是家常见的一种毛色,也叫橘子猫、桔猫,普遍存在于混种猫和不具独特规定毛色的注册纯种猫种,与品种无关,与被毛基因有关。国内大部分橘猫都是狸花猫,因此也称为橘狸、黄狸。

- Kashmiri hūn and English hound are indeed cognates, going all the way back to Proto-Indo-European (PIE). Both hūn and hound began in Proto-Indo-European as *ḱwón (we will talk about the -d in English later), but the paths they took to arrive at their present forms are quite different.
Let’s take Kashmiri’s hūn first. The earliest directly attested form of this word in Indo-Aryan is as Vedic śván. PIE *ḱwón to Vedic śván is quite a regular transition. PIE *ḱ- became ś- in Vedic. The reconstructed Proto-Indo-Iranian (PIIr) ancestor is written *ĉ- and was probably some sort of a voiceless palatal(ized) affricate. This PIIr *ĉ- shows up in Vedic as ś- and in Avestan as s- (the Avestan cognate of Vedic śvánbeing span with an s- at the start). This is the so-called satem change, also seen in Balto-Slavic languages and in Armenian, whereby the ancestral PIE *ḱ- changed to some sort of a sibilant (s-like sound) in a few eastern daughter languages. For example, compare Latvian suns, Lithuanian šuõ (with genitive šuñs), Armenian šun, Russian súka (the -k- is a Slavic innovation) etc. to Vedic śván and Avestan span, but among western languages we get Latin canis, Greek kýōn, Welsh cwn, Phrygian kúnas etc., all starting with /k/.-
Dog is unique to English, and doesn’t seem to relate to other languages’ words for dog. Chein, cú, hund, cane, ci. All related to canine or hound. (Interestingly, perro also has uncertain roots.)
- “Dogs were the first domesticated animal, likely originating from human-associated wolves, but their origin remains unclear. Bergstrom et al. sequenced 27 ancient dog genomes from multiple locations near to and corresponding in time to comparable human ancient DNA sites (see the Perspective by Pavlidis and Somel). By analyzing these genomes, along with other ancient and modern dog genomes, the authors found that dogs likely arose once from a now-extinct wolf population. They also found that at least five different dog populations ∼10,000 years before the present show replacement in Europe at later dates. Furthermore, some dog population genetics are similar to those of humans, whereas others differ, inferring a complex ancestral history for humanity’s best friend,” the report states. “According to the results of genetic research, it is most likely that the direct ancestor of the modern dog today is an extinct population of the late Ice Age wolf. Modern dogs did not evolve from the same lineage of the genus Canis from which modern wolves originated as this research has shown, and the similarity between today’s dogs and grey wolves is most likely due to their genetic mixing. The genetic separation between these two species occurred approximately 27,000 and 40,000 thousand years ago, i.e. just before or during the last glacial maximum,” dr. Sc. Mario Novak told Vecernji list.
- ancient times
  • Ancient Egyptians were the first to use dogs on the battlefield. Those proved to be so effective that managed themselves during one of the battles between rebellious slaves and the royal army possessing those dogs.However, they proved to be too expensive in breeding to be a real military force – so training ceased.Dogs were also used by ancient Greeks – mainly for hunting and guarding. Often mastiffs, whose breeding came from Persia, were used as defense dogs.Dogs again on the battlefields began to be used by the Romans. What’s more, the hounds also delivered messages to a more distant place.
  • 瑞典考古學家上周四宣布,在南部瑟爾沃斯堡(Solvesborg)一處石器時代遺址的墓葬中,發現一隻有逾八千四百年歷史的犬隻骸骨(圖),相信牠是陪葬品,亦是瑞典考古界首次發現陪葬狗隻遺骸。
- ancient greece

  • They kept both company and hunting dogs which they really loved; dogs were a member of the family. Greeks believed that dogs were created by Hephaistus and thought almost equal to humans. Philosopher Aristotles in his stydy “ about animals” studies thoroughly dog races.In Odyssey, the first to recognise disguised Odyssey was his dog Argos. Alkiviades, the notorious Athenian politician outraged the city of Athens when he cut his dog’s tail.Dogs were taken care well,wear colars,leashes,maybe ornaments and they are often presented in burial monuments.Cats were rare;they were introduced in classical era from Egypt as luxurious pets.
- dog meat as food
  • india
    • 為回應十二萬五千名市民聯署請願,印度北部那加蘭邦政府昨日宣布,禁止邦內售賣生或熟的狗肉,亦禁止買賣狗隻作商業用途。
    • 由於狗在印度神話中是不同神明的化身或使者,拍片的民眾認為,這隻小狗可能是神的化身,向人們展示動物的謙卑,提醒人們應該尊重及平等對待所有生物。
  • scmp 25sep18 "the canine conundrum" dog meat in cambodia
  • korea
  • scmp 12feb19 "mayor to end dog meat trade in seoul"
  • 南韓再有大型狗肉市場關閉,位於釜山的龜浦市場與政府達成協議,宣布結束營業,八十五隻狗獲動物組織救走。國際人道協會形容,龜浦市場不再營運是代表結束南韓狗肉史的時代。
  •  南韓社會的吃狗肉文化引起愛狗人士批評,首爾市政府周四宣布,市內最後三間屠狗場將於本月停業,首爾市內將全面停止屠狗行為。巿長朴元淳將於周六出席「與伴侶犬走南山」活動,並宣布首爾為「無屠狗場城市」。
  • 柬埔寨暹粒省政府周一宣布,該省禁止買賣狗肉,以及屠宰狗隻,是國內首個頒布有關禁令省份。據報,柬埔寨每年屠宰二百至三百萬狗隻。有動物權益組織估計,暹粒省餐廳每月出售二千九百隻狗,全年估計有三萬四千八百隻狗遇害。
- Alabai Le chien de berger d'Asie centrale (Sredneasiatskaïa Ovtcharka) est une race de chiens originaire de Russie. La race, d'origine très ancienne, est probablement issue de croisements entre le dogue du Tibet et des chiens de berger autochtone. La sélection naturelle des régions montagneuses du sud de l'Oural et de la mer Caspienne est le principal « créateur » de la race. Le chien de berger d'Asie centrale est un chien de montagne de grande taille, de construction grossière et massive. La tête est massive avec un museau volumineux de forme rectangulaire. Les oreilles sont traditionnellement coupées très courtes. La queue est également écourtée. La robe admet de type de poil (poil court et poil long) et accepte de nombreuses couleurs hormis le bleu, le marron et le manteau noir sur fond fauve. Le chien de berger d'Asie centrale est un chien doté d'un fort instinct de protection et de caractère calme, équilibré et courageux. Outre son utilisation en tant que chien de berger, il est doté d'aptitude comme chien de garde.

- bankhar

  • The bankhar, a guardian dog, is being reintroduced to protect livestock from predators and remove herders’ incentive to keep more animals and kill predators. The severe Mongolian winters that wipe out millions of livestock are becoming more frequent, so herders are overcompensating for this – and for losses to hunting by predators, which include snow leopards, foxes, wolves and birds of prey – by keeping larger numbers of goats.Historically the only dogs in Mongolia, bankhar have long been prized by nomadic families as effective protectors against these predators. Their presence can reduce the number of animals lost to predators, and thereby lower the chances of herders killing these endangered predator species in retribution for their losses.
The Bloodhound is a large scent hound, originally bred for hunting deer, wild boar, and since the Middle Ages for tracking people. Believed to be descended from hounds once kept at the Abbey of Saint-Hubert, Belgium, it is known to French speakers as the Chien de Saint-HubertThis breed is famed for its ability to discern human scent over great distances, even days later. Its extraordinarily keen sense of smell is combined with a strong and tenacious tracking instinct, producing the ideal scent hound, and it is used by police and law enforcement all over the world to track escaped prisoners, missing people, lost children, and lost pets.The St. Hubert hound was, according to legend, first bred ca. 1000 AD by monks at the Saint-Hubert Monastery in Belgium; its likely origins are in France, home of many of modern hounds. It is held to be the ancestor of several other breeds, like the extinct Norman hound, and Saintongeois, and the modern Grand Bleu de GascogneGascon SaintongeoisAriegeois and Artois Normande, as well as the bloodhound. It has been suggested that it was a dog of mixed breeding, not at all uniform in type.
The Chien-gris a.k.a. Gris de Saint-Louis (Grey Saint Louis Hound) is an extinct breed of dog which originated in Medieval times. Like the Chien de Saint-Hubert, it was a scent hound, and formed part of the royal packs of France, which were composed, from about 1250 till 1470, exclusively of hounds of this type.[1] According to King Charles IX,[2] (1550–1574) they supposedly were introduced to France through Saint Louis (i.e. King Louis IX, 1226–1270), who had encountered these hounds while a prisoner during the Crusades, and subsequently received some as a gift. Old writers on hunting liked to ascribe an ancient and remote origin to their hounds, and these were claimed to be originally from Tartary
The Chihuahua /ɪˈwɑːwɑː/  (Spanishchihuahueño)[1] is the smallest breed of dogand is named after the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. Chihuahuas come in a wide variety of colors, and two coat lengths. The most common theory is that Chihuahuas are descended from the Techichi, a companion dog favored by the Toltec civilization in Mexico. In fact, wheeled dog toys representing the Chihuahua have been unearthed across Mesoamerica from Mexico to El Salvador. The earliest of these were found at Tres Zapotes in Veracruz, Mexico, which date to 100 AD,[4] indirect evidence that the breed was in Mexico over 1400 years before the first Europeans arrived. Dog effigy pots dating to around 1325 AD discovered in Georgia and Tennessee also appear to represent the Chihuahua.[5] In 1850, a pot featuring the Chihuahua was unearthed in old ruins at Casas Grandes in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, which dates from 1100–1300 AD showing the long history of the breed at this site,[4] although most artifacts relating to its existence are found around Mexico City. It has been argued that these pots arrived with survivors from the Casas Grandes site in Chihuahua, Mexico, after it was attacked and destroyed around 1340 AD. In a 1520 letter, Hernan Cortés wrote that the Aztecs raised and sold the little dogs as food.[6]Small dogs such as Chihuahuas were also used as living hot-water bottles during illness or injury. Some historians believe this practice is where the idea of pain being transferred to animals from humans originated, which gave way to rituals such as burning the deceased with live dogs, such as the Techichi, to exonerate the deceased human's sins.[7] Chihuahuas as we know them today remained a rarity until the early 20th century; the American Kennel Club (AKC) did not register a Chihuahua until 1904.
The Chinook is a rare breed of sled dog, developed in the state of New Hampshire during the early 20th century. The Chinook is New Hampshire's official state dogThe Chinook owes its existence to one man: Arthur Treadwell Walden of Wonalancet, New Hampshire. The breed derives principally from one male ancestor born in 1917, named "Chinook", who was Walden's lead dog and stud. "Chinook" derived from a crossbreeding of husky stock from the Peary North Pole expedition with a large, tawny Mastiff-like male. 
チャウ・チャウChow Chow, Chowdren鬆獅犬, 獢獢)は、中国華北原産の犬種である。The Chow Chow (sometimes simply Chow[1]:7–8) is a dog breed originally from northern China,[3] where it is referred to as Songshi Quan(Pinyin: sōngshī quǎn 鬆獅犬), which means "puffy-lion dog". The breed has also been called the Tang Quan, "Dog of the Tang Empire." It is believed [4][5] that the Chow Chow is one of the native dogs used as the model for the Foo dog, the traditional stone guardians found in front of Buddhist temples and palaces. It is one of the few ancient dog breeds still in existence in the world today. One writer has proposed that the Chow Chow originated in China 2,000 years ago or originated in Arctic Asia 3,000 years ago and then migrated to Mongolia, Siberia and then to China.[1]:11 DNA analysis indicates that the Chow Chow is one of the ancient dog breeds. The Chow Chow probably originated in the high steppe regions of Siberia or Mongolia, and much later used as temple guards in China, Mongolia and Tibet.[citation needed] A bas-relief from 150 BC (during the Han Dynasty) includes a hunting dog similar in appearance to the Chow.[citation needed]Later Chow Chows were bred as a general-purpose working dog for herding, hunting, pulling and guarding. From what records survive, some historians believe that the Chow was the dog described as accompanying the Mongolian armies as they invaded southward into China as well as west into Europe and southwest into the Middle East in the 13th century AD.[citation neededOne Chinese legend mentions large war dogs from Central Asia that resembled black-tongued lions. One Chinese ruler was said to own 5,000 Chows. The Chinese also used Chows to pull dog sleds, and this was remarked upon by Marco Polo.[1]:11 The Chow Chow was also bred for human consumption. A legend says that the original teddy bears were modeled after Queen Victoria's Chow Chow puppy. It's said that she carried the dog everywhere she went. Her friends disapproved, claiming that it did not befit a Queen to be seen everywhere with a dog, so they paid a dressmaker to make a stuffed version of the animal for her.
-  格雷伊獵犬(Greyhound),又稱「靈𤟥」(靈緹)、「格力」 The Greyhound is a breed of dog; a sighthound which has been bred for coursing game and Greyhound racing. Since the rise in large-scale adoption of retired racing Greyhounds, the breed has seen a resurgence in popularity as a family pet.The breed's origin has in popular literature often been romantically connected to Ancient Egypt, in which it is believed "that the breed dates back about 4,000 years;"[58][59] a belief for which there is no scientific evidence. While similar in appearance to Saluki (Persian Greyhound) or Sloughi (tombs at Beni Hassan c. 2000 BC), analyses of DNA reported in 2004 suggest that the Greyhound may not be closely related to these breeds, but is a close relative of herding dogs.The name "Greyhound" is generally believed to come from the Old English grighund. "Hund" is the antecedent of the modern "hound", but the meaning of "grig" is undetermined, other than in reference to dogs in Old English and Old Norse. Its origin does not appear to have any common root with the modern word "grey"[62] for color, and indeed the Greyhound is seen with a wide variety of coat colors. The lighter colors, patch-like markings and white appeared in the breed that was once ordinarily grey in color. The Greyhound is the only dog mentioned by name in the Bible; many versions, including the King James version, name the Greyhound as one of the "four things stately" in the Proverbs.[63] However, some newer biblical translations, including The New International Version, have changed this to strutting rooster, which appears to be an alternative translation of the Hebrew term mothen zarzir. However, the Douay–Rheims Bible translation from the late 4th-century Latin Vulgate into Englishtranslates this term as "a cock." According to Pokorny the English name "Greyhound" does not mean "grey dog/hound", but simply "fair dog". Subsequent words have been derived from the Proto-Indo-European root*g'her- "shine, twinkle": English grey, Old High German gris "grey, old," Old Icelandic griss"piglet, pig," Old Icelandic gryja "to dawn," gryjandi "morning twilight," Old Irish grian "sun," Old Church Slavonic zorja "morning twilight, brightness." The common sense of these words is "to shine; bright."
-Laika (Russian: Ла́йкаIPA: [ˈlajkə]) is a type of hunting dog of Northern Russia and Russian Siberia, and is a generic name for several breedsLaika is also the given name for the mongrel who was the first dog in space.The Russian word laika (Russianлайка) is a noun derived from the verb layat'' (Russianлаять, to bark), and literally means barker. As the name of a dog variety, it is used in Russian cynological literature (not only in Russian, but sometimes in English as well) to refer to all varieties of hunting dogs traditionally kept by the peoples of the northern Russia and adjacent areas. 
The Jack Russell Terrier is a small terrier that has its origins in fox hunting in England. It is principally white-bodied and smooth, rough or broken-coated and can be any colour. The Jack Russell is frequently confused with the Parson Russell terrier (see the American Kennel Club) and the Russell terrier, which is a shorter-legged, stockier variety.The small white fox-working terriers we know today were first bred by the Reverend John Russell, a parson and hunting enthusiast born in 1795,[1] and they can trace their origin to the now extinct English white terrier.[2] Difficulty in differentiating the dog from the creature it was pursuing brought about the need for a mostly white dog,[3] and so in 1819 during his last year of university at Exeter College, Oxford,[4] he purchased a small white and tan terrier female named Trump from a local milkman[5] in the nearby small hamlet of Elsfield[6] or Marston[7]). Trump epitomised his ideal Fox terrier,[8] which, at the time, was a term used for any terrier which was used to bolt foxes out of their burrows.[2] Her colouring was described as "...white, with just a patch of dark tan over each eye and ear; whilst a similar dot, not larger than a penny piece, marks the root of the tail."[9] Davies, a friend of Russell's, wrote: "Trump was such an animal as Russell had only seen in his dreams".[4] She was the basis for a breeding program to develop a terrier with high stamina for the hunt as well as the courage and formation to chase out foxes that had gone to ground.[10] By the 1850s, these dogs were recognised as a distinct breed.Nipper was a dog born in 1884 who was thought to be a dog of the Jack Russell terrier type.[62] He was the inspiration for the painting Dog looking at and listening to a Phonograph, later renamed to His Master's Voice. The painting was used by a variety of music related companies including The Gramophone Company, EMI, the Victor Talking Machine Company, and RCA. Today it remains in use incorporated into the logo for HMV in UK and Europe. A Jack Russell named Bothy made history in 1982 as part of the Transglobe Expedition. Owned by explorers Ranulph and Ginny Fiennes, he became the first dog to travel to both the north and south poles.[64][65] This feat is unlikely to be repeated, as all dogs have been banned from Antarctica by the Antarctic Treaty nations since 1994, due to fears that they could transmit diseases to the native seal population.[66] Ranulph Fiennes and Charles Burton actually made the trip to the north pole by powered sledges before signalling to the base camp that they had arrived. To celebrate their achievement, a plane was sent out to take the two men champagne, along with Bothy.
spaniel is a type of gun dog. Spaniels were especially bred to flush game out of denser brush. By the late 17th century, spaniels had been specialized into water and land breeds.The word “spaniel” would seem to be derived from the medieval French espaigneul—“Spanish”—modern French, espagnol.The Oxford English Dictionary defines Spaniel as "a breed of dog with a long silky coat and drooping ears".The origin of the word spaniel is described by the Oxford English Dictionary as coming from the Old French word espaigneul which meant "Spanish (dog)"; this in turn originated from the Latin Hispaniolus which simply means "Spanish".[2] In Edward, 2nd Duke of York's work The Master of Game, which was mostly a 15th-century translation of an earlier work by Gaston III of Foix-Béarnentitled Livre de chasse, Spaniels are described as being from Spain as much as all Greyhounds are from Englandor Scotland.In the added appendices added to the 1909 re-print of Caius' work, the editors suggested that the type of dogs may have been brought into the British Isles as early as 900 BC by a branch of the Celts moving from Spain into Cornwall and on into Wales, England and Ireland.
- The Japanese Chin (Japanese: 狆, chin), also known as the Japanese Spaniel, is a dog acknowledged for its importance to Japanese nobility. It is also known for its strabismus of the eyes. Being both a lap dog and a companion dog, this toy breed has a distinctive heritage.While most believe that the source breed for the Japanese Chin originated in China, the route by which the Chin arrived in Japan is a widely debated topic. One story claims that the dogs were given to the Japanese royalty in AD 732 as gifts from the rulers of Korea. Others maintain that they were given as gifts to the Empress of Japan as early as the middle of the sixth century or by the seventh century. Still others claim that the Chin first arrived in Japan around the year AD 1000.狆(ちん)は、日本原産の愛玩犬の1品種。他の小型犬に比べ、長い日本の歴史の中で独特の飼育がされてきたため、体臭が少なく性格は穏和で物静かな愛玩犬である。狆の名称の由来は「ちいさいいぬ」が「ちいさいぬ」、「ちいぬ」、「ちぬ」とだんだんつまっていき「ちん」になったと云われている。また、『』という文字は和製漢字で中国にはなく、屋内で飼う(日本では犬は屋外で飼うものと認識されていた)犬と猫の中間の獣の意味から作られたようである。開国後に各種の洋犬が入ってくるまでは、姿・形に関係なくいわゆる小型犬のことを狆と呼んでいた。庶民には「ちんころ」などと呼ばれていた。西元732年,朝鮮王室將日本狆的祖先(中國的拉薩犬)送到日本宮庭,後來這種犬在日本繁衍。在19世紀時。此種狗出口到美國和英格蘭,經過育種家多年的繁育,目前分佈較廣。日本狆姿態優雅,步態輕盈有彈性。性格堅韌、活潑、機警,有些鬧。忠於主人,不信任陌生人。
The Labrador Retriever, or just Labrador, is a type of retriever-gun dog.[5] The Labrador is one of the most popular breeds of dog[6] in Canada,[7] the United Kingdom[8] and the United States. A favourite disability assistance breed in many countries, Labradors are frequently trained to aid the blind, those who have autism, to act as a therapy dog, or to perform screening and detection work for law enforcement and other official agencies.[9] Additionally, they are prized as sporting and hunting dogs.During the 1880s, the 3rd Earl of Malmesbury, the 6th Duke of Buccleuchand the 12th Earl of Home collaborated to develop and establish the modern Labrador breed. The dogs Buccleuch Avon and Buccleuch Ned, given by Malmesbury to Buccleuch, were mated with female dogs carrying blood from those originally imported by the 5th Duke and the 10th Earl of Home. The offspring are considered to be the ancestors of modern Labradors. The modern Labrador's ancestors originated on the island of Newfoundland, now part of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The founding breed of the Labrador was the St. John's water dog, a breed that emerged through ad-hoc breedings by early settlers of the island in the 16th century. The forebears of the St. John's Dog are not known, but were likely a random-bred mix of English, Irish, and Portuguese working breeds. The Newfoundland(known then as the Greater Newfoundland) is likely a result of the St. John's Dog breeding with mastiffs brought to the island by the generations of Portuguese fishermen who had been fishing offshore since the 16th century. The smaller short-coated St. John's Dog (also known then as the Lesser Newfoundland) was used for retrieval and pulling in nets from the water. These smaller dogs were the forebears of the Labrador Retriever. The white chest, feet, chin, and muzzle – known as tuxedo markings – characteristic of the St. John's Dog often appear in modern Lab mixes, and will occasionally manifest in Labradors as a small white spot on the chest (known as a medallion) or stray white hairs on the feet or muzzle.
In ecology, the term pariah dog refers to free-ranging dogsthat occupy an ecological niche based on waste from human settlements. When used in this manner, the term describes a large percentage of dogs worldwide, especially in developing countriesEastern Europe and the Balkans.
-西摩犬The Samoyed (/ˈsæməjɛd/ SAM-ə-yed or /səˈmɔɪ.ɛd/ sə-MOY-ed;[1] RussianСамое́дская соба́ка or Самое́д) (also known as the Bjelkier[pronunciation?][2]) is a breed of medium-sized herding dogs with thick, white, double-layer coats. They are related to the laika, a spitz-typedog.It takes its name from the Samoyedic peoples of Siberia. These nomadicreindeer herders bred the fluffy white dogs to help with herding.
The Pomeranian (often known as a Pom) is a breed of dog of the Spitz type that is named for the Pomerania region in north-west Poland and north-east Germany in Central Europe. Classed as a toy dog breed because of its small size, the Pomeranian is descended from the larger Spitz-type dogs, specifically the German Spitz. It has been determined by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale to be part of the German Spitz breed; and in many countries, they are known as the Zwergspitz ("Dwarf-Spitz"). The breed has been made popular by a number of royal owners since the 18th century. Queen Victoria owned a particularly small Pomeranian and consequently, the smaller variety became universally popular. During Queen Victoria's lifetime alone, the size of the breed had decreased by half.博美犬英语:Pomeranian)是狐狸犬家族中最小的犬種
日本狐狸犬Japanese Spitz),通稱狐狸犬白狐狸犬銀狐犬   The Japanese Spitz (日本スピッツ Nihon Supittsu) is a small to medium breed of dog of the Spitz type. The Japanese Spitz is a companion dog and pet. There are varying standards around the world as to the ideal size of the breed, but they are always larger than their smaller cousins, the Pomeranian. They were developed in Japan in the 1920s and 1930s by breeding a number of other Spitz type dog breeds together. They are recognized by the vast majority of the major kennel clubs, except the American Kennel Club due to it being of similar appearance to the white PomeranianAmerican Eskimo Dog and Samoyed. While they are a relatively new breed, they are becoming widely popular due to their favorable temperament and other features.
-  The Pungsan or Poongsan (Chosongul: 풍산개; Hanja) is a breed of hunting dog from Korea. They were bred in the Kaema highlands of what is now North Korea.[1] The dogs were traditionally hunting dogs. The dog is a rare breed, and is sometimes smuggled over the North Korea–China border.During the 2000 inter-Korean summitNorth Korean leader Kim Jong-il made a gift of two Pungsan dogs (associated with the North) to South Korean president Kim Dae-jung. In return, Kim Dae-jung gave two Jindo dogs (associated with the South) to Kim Jong-il.[4][5] Born at the Pyongyang Central Zoo, the Pugsan dogs were originally named Dangyol (Unity) and Jaju (Independence) but were later renamed Uri (meaning We) and Duri (Two). They initially lived in the Blue House, the residence of the South Korean president, before being moved to the Seoul Zoo, where they gave birth to 15 puppies before both dying at age 13.[4][5] During their life, the dogs were accorded special status as guests of the state.日本犬とは血統的に近く、紀元前から存在していた。もっぱら猟犬として使われ、シカイノシシの他、かつてはチョウセントラの狩猟にも使われていた。狩猟は1 - 3頭で行われるが、非常に力が強いため、一度噛み留めされると獲物は逃げられなくなり、そのまま仕留められた。 優秀な猟犬であったが、徐々に数が減少し、その後は数が著しく減少してしまった。そのため、1942年、当時朝鮮半島を統治していた 朝鮮総督府が 天然記念物第128号に指定した。戦後朝鮮が日本国の統治から離れる、光復と共に国宝に指定され、同時に第35代重要天然資源(日本で言う特別天然記念物)にも指定され、保護が行われるようになった。現在豊山犬の頭数は回復しつつあるが、未だに希少犬種である事に変わりはない。そのため、多くは動物園などで飼育されていて、一般市民には全く普及していない犬種である。 
- The Malinois /ˈmælɪnwɑː/ is a medium-to-large breed of dog, sometimes classified as a variety of the Belgian Shepherd dog rather than as a separate breed. The name "Malinois" is derived from Malines, the French name for the breed's Flemish city of origin, Mechelen. The breed is used as a working dog for tasks including detection of odors such as explosives, accelerants (for arson investigation), and narcotics; tracking humans for suspect apprehension in police work; and search and rescue missions. The U.S. Secret Service uses Belgian Malinois to guard the grounds of the White House.
The saluki is a dog originally bred in Arabia the Fertile Crescent.[1] The saluki is classed as a sighthound and is typically deep-chested and long-legged.[2] Salukis are sighthounds—hunting by sight—and run their quarry down to kill or retrieve it. Historically, salukis were used for hunting by nomadic tribes. Typical quarry included the gazelle, hare, fox, and jackal.The two ancient Sumerian words "Salu-ki" translate into "plunge-earth."
- El Terrier Galés (Welsh terrier en inglés) The Welsh Terrier originates from Wales and was originally bred for hunting foxrodents and badger, but during the last century it has mainly been bred for showing.
  • note welsh terrier sejant in coat of arms
The Weimaraner (/ˈwmərɑːnər/ WY-mə-rah-nər) is a large dog that was originally bred for hunting in the early 19th century.[3] Early Weimaraners were used by royalty for hunting large game such as boar, bear and deer. As the popularity of large game hunting began to decline, Weimaraners were used for hunting smaller animals like fowl, rabbits and foxes.The Weimaraner is an all-purpose gun dog. The name comes from the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Karl August, whose court, located in the city of Weimar (now in the state of Thuringia in modern-day Germany), enjoyed hunting.

The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) or coney[3] is a species of rabbit native to southwestern Europe (including SpainPortugal and western France) and to northwest Africa(including Morocco and Algeria). The European rabbit is well known for digging networks of burrows, called warrens, where it spends most of its time when not feeding. Unlike the related hares (Lepus spp.), rabbits are altricial, the young being born blind and furless, in a fur-lined nest in the warren, and they are totally dependent upon their mother.Because of its non-British origin, the species does not have native names in English or Celtic, with the usual terms "cony" and "rabbit" being foreign loanwordsPhoenicians called the local rabbits 'hyraxes' because rabbits resemble hyraxes in some ways, and hyraxes are native to Phoenicia, unlike rabbits. Hyraxes, like rabbits, are not rodents. Like the Phoenicians, neither the later Greek nor Roman colonizers had a specific name for the rabbit, because the species is not native to Greece and Italy (though it is present there nowadays). They commonly called it "small hare" and "small digging hare", in contrast to the European hare, which is larger and doesn't make burrows. Catullus used the name cuniculus(a latinization of the Iberian word kiniklos[46] and the etymological origin of the Castilian name conejo, Portuguese coelho and Catalan conill,[47] and the old English name, coney[48]), and referenced its abundance in Celtiberia by calling this region cuniculosa, i.e. rabbit-ridden.

  • When the thousand oaks city later was incorporated in 1964, Janss Corporation suggested the name Conejo City (City of Conejo). A petition was signed by enough residents to put Thousand Oaks on the ballot. An overwhelming majority - 87% - of the city’s 19,000 residents voted for the name Thousand Oaks during the September 29, 1964, election.

- most extensively distributed domestic animal in n korea. In 1999, kim jong-il suggested promoting rabbit raising as a communal project, leading to establishment of rabbit facilities across north korea. Since 2006, the party has distributed rabbits to individual households in order to raise and provide four rabbit skins per person per year. One of the requirements for admission to korean children's union is to provide three rabbit skins to the union's committee
- japan
  • Ōkunoshima (大久野島) is a small island located in the Inland Sea of Japan in the city of Takehara, Hiroshima Prefecture. It is accessible by ferry from Tadanoumi and Ōmishima. There are campsites, walking trails and places of historical interest on the island. It is often called Usagi Shima (うさぎ島, "Rabbit Island") because of the numerous feral rabbits that roam the island; they are rather tame and will approach humans. Ōkunoshima played a key role during World War II as a poison gas factory for much of the chemical warfare that was carried out in China.
  • 四川自贡是全国有名的养兔之乡,兔肉供应十分充足;该地区人们也十分喜爱吃兔肉,尤其是喜爱烹饪和品尝一种名为“冷吃兔”的菜肴,几乎家家都会做,人人都喜欢吃。冷吃兔按其初加工方式分为两种:其一称为“烫皮兔”是将宰杀的兔子在沸水中浸泡,将毛去掉而保留兔皮一起食用。其二称为“剐皮兔”是指剐掉兔皮仅仅将兔肉用来食用。

rat, mouse

The Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus), also known as the milu (鹿) or elaphure, is a species of deer that are mostly found in captivity. This semiaquatic animal prefers marshland, and is native to the subtropics of China. It grazes mainly on grass and aquatic plants. It is the only extant member of the genus Elaphurus. Based on genetic comparisons, Père David's deer is closely related to the deer of the genus Cervus, leading many experts to suggest merging Elaphurus into Cervus, or demoting Elaphurus to a subgenus of CervusThe Père David's deer is endemic to the Chinese region. According to fossil records, the species first appeared during the Pleistocene period, when it could be found anywhere in the Manchuria.[4] This demography changed during the Holocene period; during this time, the species could only be found in the swamp lands and wetlands of southern China. Due to hunting and land reclamation, the demography of the Père David's deer became even smaller. By 1939, the last of the wild species were shot and killed. This species of deer was first made known to Western science in 1866 by Armand David (Père David), a French missionary working in China. He obtained the carcasses of an adult male, an adult female and a young male, and sent them to Paris, where the species was named Père David's Deer by Alphonse Milne-Edwards, a French biologist. The species is sometimes known by its informal name sibuxiang (四不像Japaneseshifuzō), literally meaning "four not alike", which could mean "the four unlikes" or "like none of the four"; it is variously said that the four are cow, deer, donkey, horse (or) camel. By this name, this undomesticated animal entered Chinese mythology as the mount of Jiang Ziya in Fengshen Bang (translated as Investiture of the Gods), a Chinese classical work of fiction written during the Ming Dynasty.

金秀瑤族自治縣忠良鄉 石蛙industry

Some of those encounters, between a female bottlenose dolphin and a male false killer whale, have even led to little wolphins being born, both in captivity and in the wild. (Although these are very rare.)

The goldfish (Carassius auratus) is a freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae of orderCypriniformes. It is one of the most commonly kept aquarium fish.A relatively small member of the carpfamily (which also includes the Prussian carp and the crucian carp), the goldfish is native to East Asia. It was first selectively bred in ancient China more than 1,000 years ago, and several distinct breeds have since been developed. Goldfish breeds vary greatly in size, body shape, fin configuration and coloration (various combinations of white, yellow, orange, red, brown, and black are known).
- japan

  • introduced from china 500 years ago

蠶大概是人類迄今為止唯一馴化的昆蟲。能與之匹敵的,可能是蛐蛐,但蛐蛐是玩物,而玩物歷來和喪志聯繫在一起。蠶卻不然,類於看家護院的狗、耕地拉車的牛,再不濟也是捉鼠除害的貓,可算生產勞作的幫手。養蠶,在古代是專門的工種,不但農書中多有記載,詩人也時常提到,比如,「婦姑相喚浴蠶去,閒看中庭梔子花」,「浴蠶」便是選種養蠶的工序之一。可見蠶在古人生活中之普及。 這幾年「萌寵」當道,以「蟲」為「寵」者也多了起來,獨角仙、螳螂、蠍子都有被養作寵物的;蠶,這個人類古老的昆蟲朋友,還是沒有登上寵物的寶座,也真耐人尋味。或許因為蠶一心吐絲,無意褻玩,勤勉形象已然固化,就像很少見人養牛做寵物一樣。 這或許和城裏找蠶不易有關,不過,網購解決了這個問題。女兒第一次養蠶,是在四五年前。某天,我下班回家,發現路邊有賣蠶和桑葉的小販,勾起童年養蠶往事,便買了四五條,又買了十幾片桑葉。回到家,女兒十分喜歡。蠶吃桑葉,即所謂「蠶食」,看似細碎,速度其實很快。沒幾天,桑葉告罄。正躊躇到哪「偷」點桑葉,忽然想起萬能的某寶。一搜,有貨,果斷下單,買了一批,藏在冰箱中,一直把蠶養到白胖透亮、吐絲結繭。 接下來幾年,賣蠶和桑葉的小販,沒有露面。不過,既有網購桑葉的經驗,便在網上順桑找蠶,下單之後,心中忐忑不已,生怕小傢伙途中夭折。打開包裹,見其安然無恙,才長出了一口氣。 去年「五一」,全家自駕出遊,女兒的蠶即將吐絲,每日需餵,只好帶上它們和幾袋子「桑糧」,一起出發。旅遊還沒結束,蠶已迫不及待地吐起絲來,有幾個竟然把繭結在汽車後備箱中,給旅途增添了不少樂趣。

Another interesting finding about Irish DNA is that many men in North West Ireland (and their descendants around the world, including about 2% of men in New York today) are descended from a single man who lived in Ireland around 1600-1700 years ago. This coincides with the time of the famous Irish king Niall of the Nine Hostages, who legend says brought St Patrick to Ireland as a slave. The O'Neill family, who claim to descend from Niall, have certainly been a powerful family through the ages in Ireland.



domestication history
Meanwhile in Southeast Asia, humans discovered the breeding potential of Chickens.
In South Asia and Europe, cows were made useful for their production of milk.When Horses had left the Eurasian Steppes, their ability to travel had increased the speed of communication.However, diseases like the Flu and Smallpox originate from these animals.Now let’s look at the Americas.The first problems arise from the lack of animals to most of the Americas, it was far easier to hunt down these animals rather than wasting resources to create adequate ways to contain them.The only animal that was domesticated before European arrival were LLAMAS! (and alpacas and dogs too)The lack of useful animals also created less diseases native to the Americas.Even if there were major viruses, the less enclosed housing of the Native Americans meant that viruses could never reach plague levels, and usually died out.The only disease to have its origins in the Western hemisphere is Syphilis.

Hong Kong
- association
  •根據文件記載,一九三九年「幾名愛狗人共同商訂狗展大計」,力邀本地知名人士擔任評判。翌年,這個已具雛型的狗會,舉辦了另一次狗展。但不久日本侵華,香港淪陷。日據時代,香港的純種狗,變得「無影無蹤」。香港光復後,四十多名愛狗人士在四七年九月,假香港酒店成立香港狗會(本會)。本會在四八年舉辦第一屆狗展,贊助人包括前任港督葛量洪爵士、Denis Boyd上將、Erskine將軍、Robertson準將、Webster空軍司令官。一九四八年,本會成為英國狗會屬會,當時英國狗會秘書Buckley先生就此發信給本會名譽秘書Howell先生。接著五十年,狗展愈辨愈成功。在香港賽馬會慷慨襄助下,歷屆狗展大多在兩個馬場舉辦,雖然間中亦會移師其他場地。

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