Monday, January 28, 2019

China - Northwest and western region

大巴山脈大巴山、あるいは巴山拼音Dàbā shānThe Daba Mountains, also known by their Chinese name as the Dabashan,[a] are a mountain range in Central China between the watersheds of the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. Part of the larger Qinling mountain range, it cuts through four provinces: SichuanChongqingShaanxi, and Hubei
Presently, terraced agriculture is expanded in the Daba Mountains. A widely planted cash crop is the Eucommia tree, a medicinal plant.
地處大巴山 深處一位普普通通的木 匠,好似與結他八竿子 打不着,卻有一段 30年 的「結他情緣」。

The Han River, also known by its Chinese names Hanshui and Han Jiang. The river gave its name to the Han dynastyand, through it, to the Han Chinese, the dominant ethnicity in China and the most populous ethnic group in the world. It is also the namesake of the city of Hanzhong on its upper course.漢水は陝西省漢中市寧強県嶓冢山を水源とする。東に流れ湖北省に入り武漢市で長江に合流する。支流として胥水河中文)、旬河中文)、堵河中文)(最大)、丹江中文)、唐白河中文)等を併せる。流域の主要な都市として漢中市、安康市十堰市襄陽市、武漢市などがある。漢水の上流に丹江口ダム中文)があり、南水北調工程(南方の水を北方へ引く国家プロジェクト、English中文)の水源となっている。書経禹貢』に「嶓冢導漾東流為漢。」とあり、代の『嘉慶一統志』漢中府・山川に「漢水,在寧羌州北,源出嶓冢山。東流経沔県南,又東経褒城県南,又東経府治南鄭県南......東南流入興安府石泉県界。」 Kham (TibetanཁམསWyliekhamsZYPY: kam; ChinesepinyinKāng) is a historical region of Tibet covering a land area largely divided between present-day Tibet Autonomous Region and Sichuan province, with smaller portions located within QinghaiGansu and Yunnan provinces of China. During the Republic of China's rule over mainland China (1911–1949), most of the region was administratively part of Xikang (西康). It held the status of "special administrative district" until 1939, when it became an official Chinese province. Its provincial status was nominal and without much cohesion, like most of China's territory during the time of Japanese invasion and civil war. The natives of the Kham region are called Khampas (Tibetan: ཁམས་པ; Wylie: khams pa; Chinese: 康巴; pinyin: Kāngbā).Kham was traditionally referred to as Chushi Gangdruk, i.e. 'four rivers and six ranges'. The peoples of Kham have endured a tumultuous past, their sovereignty often encroached upon and marginalized by both Tibetans to the West and the Han Chinese to the East. The five main independent regions were Chakla, Derge, Lingtsang, Nangchen and LhathokKham was never controlled by a single king, but most of the chieftains revered the Dalai Lamas and often made contact with the Lhasa government. Kham was a patchwork of two dozen or more kingdoms, tribes, and chiefdoms that were constantly at war with each other. Since the collapse of the Tibetan Empire in the mid-9th century, the peoples of Kham had aggressively maintained their independence from invading nations. Local chieftains ruled their respective territories with hereditary titles bestowed by the Chinese government. Chieftains were able to rule with a large degree of independence from both China and Tibet.
Kham is a playable nation in Europa Universalis IV Yunnan province's Erdaoping village that is surrounded by cliffs on three sides.

渭河,古称渭水The Wei River (Chinese: ; pinyin: Wèi Hé; Wade–Giles: Wei Ho) is a major river in west-central China's Gansu and Shaanxi provinces. It is the largest tributary of the Yellow River and very important in the early development of Chinese civilization.The source of the Wei River is close to Weiyuan County – Wei yuan meaning "Wei's source" – in Gansu province, less than 200 kilometres (120 mi) from the Yellow River at Lanzhou. In Chinese mythology, the giant Kua Fu drained the Yellow River and the Wei River to quench his burning thirst as he pursued the Sun. The valley of the Wei was one of the early cradles of Chinese civilization, along which the capitals of the Zhou, Qin, Han, and Tang Dynasties were situated. The area of Dingxi around its headwaters in Gansu has numerous stone age sites from various early cultures. The Wei Valley is likely the earliest center of Chinese civilization, and also the location of China's first major irrigation works. Some Chinese historians now believe the Wei is the ancient Jiang River that gave its name to the families of Shennong and the Yan emperor, two Chinese legendary heroes credited with the early development of agriculture there.The headwaters of the Wei River are also notable in the development of the Northern Silk Road. The Chinese segment of the Northern Silk Road connected Xi'an (then the capital of China) to the west via Baoji, Tianshui at the Wei's headwaters, Lanzhou, Dunhuang, and the Wushao Ling Mountain, before looping north of the Takla Makan on its way to Kashgar and the routes into Parthia. The Wei River Bridge (Weihe Qiao 渭河桥) featured in the design of the 5000-yuan note of the first series of the renminbi, dated 1953, and shows a train passing over the bridge.

- 據新華社報道,中國國家發展改革委昨日稱,已 於近日下達《2016年西部大開發重點項目前期工作專項補助中央 預算內投資計劃》,安排1億元(人民幣,下同)專項補助資金支 持西部 12省(自治區、直轄市)和新疆生產建設兵團開展西部大 開發重點項目前期工作。 為有效解決西部大開發重大項目儲備不足問題,自 2012年起, 國家發改委每年在中央預算內投資中安排1億元,作為西部大開發 重點項目前期工作專項補助資金,支持西部地區謀劃關係西部大 開發全局、對西部地區人民生產生活條件有重要影響的重大基礎 設施、生態環境和民生工程建設項目,儲備了中巴鐵路、包頭— 西安—海口西部高鐵通道、川渝環盆地城際鐵路、平陸運河、川 渝跨流域調水等一批有影響、能接續的重點項目,為推動西部地 區重點項目投資建設、促進經濟持續健康發展奠定了良好基礎。
- medical industry
  • [hktdc jan2000 report on hk opporunities in nw china] emerging medical/pharmaceutical companies - 乌鲁木齐市医药总公司;新疆医药工贸公司;新疆新药特药民族药公司;新疆医药公司;光华制药厂;西安杨森制药公司;三宝双喜集团;咸阳505集团;爱民制药有限公司;兰州威信制药厂及兰药集团等

government policies to ethnic groups

culture promotion overseas
- singing and dance performances by multiethnic groups from West China have given Scotland a rare chance to explore the region's colorful cultural landscape. The weekend event at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre featured cucurbit flute, peacock dancing and fashion shows of ethnic costumes in Yunnan province and the Tibet autonomous region. An exhibition, featuring 100 photographs and 18 cultural artifacts, themed Color of West China, also was displayed as part of the Cultural Exploration of West China tour, which kicked off in London and will visit Manchester, in northwest England, and Dublin, Ireland.

Hong Kong
- hong kongers in xibei

  • 63歲港人伍啟光在西北工作已有26年,他說隨着「一帶一路」 戰略的實施,關注西北發展的人越來越多,蘭州作為西北遊的出發點,敦煌作為世界級旅遊名城,如何將這兩點之間的張掖、酒泉等幾顆明珠串連起來,聯動發展是很重要的。

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