Tuesday, January 15, 2019


government spokesperson system
- taiwan


the invasion of corporate news http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/937b06c2-3ebd-11e4-adef-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3DoynD2oS


http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/jewish-world-news/1.638240 An Australian press organization has judged that a cartoon published in The Sydney Morning Herald violated press Standards of Practice by the way it linked symbols of the Jewish faith to criticism of Israel.
The adjudication, issued by the Australian Press Council, concerned a cartoon drawn by Glen Le Lievre and published by the Morning Herald on July 26, in the midst of the most recent Gaza conflict. The cartoon depicted an elderly man with a sizable nose wearing glasses and a yarmulke, reclining in a chair emblazoned with a Star of David, and holding a remote control while watching from hilltop as a city, which by implication is Gaza, explodes.

http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/6f034df2-634a-11e4-9a79-00144feabdc0.html Welcome to the world of sponsored content, in which advertisers pay to have their messages integrated with editorial content on a publisher’s site. It is one of the fastest-growing sources of revenue for the news industry – but also one of the most controversial. Although the “advertorial” – an advert in a similar format to an editorial article – has existed in print for decades, it is only recently that publishers have reinvented the concept for the digital age. Sponsored content is perhaps the most contentious variety of what is known as “native advertising”, forms of marketing that look the same as the editorial content of a particular website or app and blend in seamlessly with other stories.

The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are among the newspaper groups that this year set up special divisions to create sponsored content for advertisers including Goldman Sachs and Netflix.

http://www.scmp.com/news/world/article/1680241/cnn-hoping-ratings-will-soar-drones-take The Time Warner-owned company has joined the small but slowly expanding group of media and entertainment companies given a green light by the US government to start testing unmanned aerial vehicles in its news-gathering. It becomes the first major US television enterprise to clear tough hurdles imposed by the Federal Aviation Administration and gain permission to begin using so-called UAVs on a regular basis. Under an FAA deal known as a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement, CNN will be allowed to begin experimenting with the camera-bearing devices while providing feedback to the federal agency that will help the Obama administration plan how to integrate drones into civilian airspace. CNN's senior vice-president, David Vigilante, said the network aimed to "get beyond hobby-grade equipment and to establish what options are available and workable to produce high-quality video journalism using various types of UAVs and camera setups". On its side, the FAA said it recognised that "unmanned aircraft offer news organisations significant opportunities."

Yellow journalism and the yellow press are American terms for journalism and associated newspapers that present little or no legitimate well-researched news while instead using eye-catching headlines for increased sales. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. By extension, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion. In English, the term is chiefly used in the US. In the UK, a roughly equivalent term is tabloid journalism, meaning journalism characteristic of tabloid newspapers, even if found elsewhere. Other languages, e.g. Russian (Жёлтая пресса), sometimes have terms derived from the American term. A common source of such writing is called checkbook journalism, which is the controversial practice of news reporters paying sources for their information without verifying its truth or accuracy. In the U.S. it is generally considered unethical, with most mainstream newspapers and news shows having a policy forbidding it. In contrast, tabloid newspapers and tabloid television shows, which rely more on sensationalism, regularly engage in the practice."The term was coined in the mid-1890s to characterize the sensational journalism in the circulation war between Joseph Pulitzer's New York World and William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal. The battle peaked from 1895 to about 1898, and historical usage often refers specifically to this period. Both papers were accused by critics of sensationalizing the news in order to drive up circulation, although the newspapers did serious reporting as well. An English magazine in 1898 noted, "All American journalism is not 'yellow', though all strictly 'up-to-date' yellow journalism is American!" The term was coined by Erwin Wardman, the editor of the New York Press. Wardman was the first to publish the term but there is evidence that expressions such as "yellow journalism" and "school of yellow kid journalism" were already used by newsmen of that time. Wardman never defined the term exactly. Possibly it was a mutation from earlier slander where Wardman twisted "new journalism" into "nude journalism".[7] Wardman had also used the expression "yellow kid journalism"[7] referring to the then-popular comic strip which was published by both Pulitzer and Hearst during a circulation war.[8] In 1898 the paper simply elaborated: "We called them Yellow because they are Yellow."
早期便士报在美国兴起时,1833年本杰明·戴(Benjamin Day)创办的《纽约太阳报》便开始将煽情主义运用到新闻报道中,此后贝内特创办的《纽约先驱报》也采用同样手段。煽情主义报刊风格在政党刊物之后在美国开始兴盛。普利策时期使煽情主义达到一种新的层面,配合民众运动,普利策的刊物风行纽约。真正导致煽情主义转向黄色新闻泛滥的,则是赫斯特崛起之后。一般也认为,黄色新闻是现代小型报(Tabloid)的前身。《纽约太阳报》避开了传统政治和商业的评论,多采用“丑闻故事”,“讽刺上流社会的丑恶行径”[2]。《太阳报》迅速在商业上获得成功,但却被批评过于煽情和粗俗[3]。尽管批评声不断,随着1835年贝内特的《纽约先驱报》和1841年霍勒斯·格里利的《纽约论坛报》的创办,便士报便发展起来。贝内特在报纸中添加了体育新闻、读者来信,以及更多的犯罪新闻和特别版面,而格里利在戴《太阳报》的基础上,引入了大量反对酒精和烟草的演讲内容,从而发展出一种重视社会运动和正义事业为特征的新闻风格。英国的W.T.斯泰德也有类似做法,他在调查新闻中谴责了儿童卖淫现象,最终导致被捕入狱。黄色新闻成为美国新闻史上一种正式潮流,源自19世纪末美国两位著名报业大亨威廉·赫斯特约瑟夫·普利策的竞争。19世纪80年代到20世纪初被认为是黄色新闻泛滥的时期。1883年普利策从杰伊·古尔德(Jay Gould)手中收购《纽约世界报》,标志着黄色新闻时代的开始[5]。凭借煽情新闻和犯罪报道格式、社会运动以及普利策亲自策划的市场促销攻势,《纽约世界报》大获成功。而和前辈们一样,普利策也开始备受诟病,然而当时普利策对此不以为然,他认为只有通过煽情手法才可以影响到他以社论形式为之而斗争的民众。他说:“我希望我的读者是全国人民而非精英人群[4]1895年,威廉·赫斯特接管《纽约新闻报》,采用了更为激进的社会运动新闻报道,新闻报道让位于新闻作秀,并由此引发了黄色新闻浪潮。1895年,威廉·赫斯特收购《纽约新闻报》,开始同普利策的《世界报》展开竞争。在赫斯特进入纽约新闻界前,普利策的《世界报》以严肃的报道言论结合煽情主义策略,取得巨大成功。赫斯特为在竞争中迅速取得优势,将便士报时代的煽情主义传统发挥到极致。他以金钱购买新闻,大量报道犯罪新闻与社会丑闻,大量应用触目惊心的新闻图片,并煽动贫苦人群发动民权运动。为在竞争中击败对手,赫斯特重金将《世界报》星期日版的全班人马挖至《新闻报》,其中包括著名专栏画家理查·奥特考特。奥特考特在《世界报》的著名漫画专栏“黄孩子”也移至《新闻报》。“黄孩子”是奥特考特所创作的著名连环画系列,主人公为一仅有几根头发、没有牙齿的小孩,穿着一件又长又大的黄色衣服,到处游荡,发表观感,在当时的纽约很受欢迎。星期日刊人马在一天之内全部倒戈,让普利策大吃一惊,立即用赫斯特所出高价将他们原班请回。然而赫斯特很快又用更高的价钱将他们彻底挖走。“黄孩子”被《新闻报》挖走后,普利策十分恼火,不仅将赫斯特及其部署赶出《世纪报》大厦,而且又在法院控告《纽约日报》侵犯《世界报》版权。接着,为了与赫斯特一争高下,他重新聘请画家乔治·拉克斯继续在《世界报》续画“黄孩子”[6],并将赫斯特告上法庭。于是这场争夺“黄孩子”的战争在整个纽约引起轰动,两报藉人们对此事的关注大肆策划刺激性报道,争夺受众。彼时的《纽约客》的著名记者华德曼将两报的新闻报道风格戏称为“黄色新闻”,很快被人们接受并沿用至今,成为专门的新闻学学术用语。在《新闻报》和《世界报》的激烈竞争中发展起来的黄色新闻,以及这种新闻报道方式所带来的巨大利润,引起了全国报纸的效仿。1899年至1900年,是美国黄色新闻发展的高峰。当时全国的主要报纸中约有三分之一是纯粹的黄色报纸。美国的新闻学者埃德温·埃莫里曾评价:“赫斯特制造出了有史以来最坏的新闻,将美国新闻事业的水准降到了最低。”

Gonzo journalism is a style of journalism that is written without claims of objectivity, often including the reporter as part of the story via a first-person narrative. The word "gonzo" is believed to have been first used in 1970 to describe an article by Hunter S. Thompson, who later popularized the style. It is an energetic first-person participatory writing style in which the author is a protagonist, and it draws its power from a combination of social critique and self-satire. It has since been applied to other subjective artistic endeavors. Gonzo journalism involves an approach to accuracy that concerns the reporting of personal experiences and emotions, in contrast to traditional journalism, which favors a detached style and relies on facts or quotations that can be verified by third parties. Gonzo journalism disregards the strictly-edited product favored by newspaper media and strives for a more personal approach; the personality of a piece is as important as the event the piece is on. Use of sarcasm, humor, exaggeration, and profanity is common. Thompson, who was among the forefathers of the new journalism movement, said in the February 15, 1973 issue of Rolling Stone, "If I'd written the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people—including me—would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today. Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism.
Data journalism is a journalism specialty reflecting the increased role that numerical data is used in the production and distribution of information in the digital era. It reflects the increased interaction between content producers (journalist) and several other fields such asdesigncomputer science and statistics. From the point of view of journalists, it represents "an overlapping set of competencies drawn from disparate fields". Data journalism has been widely used to unite several concepts and link them to journalism. Some see these as levels or stages leading from the simpler to the more complex uses of new technologies in the journalistic process. Designers are not always part of the process. According to author and data journalism trainer Henk van Ess,[3] "Datajournalism can be based on any data that has to be processed first with tools before a relevant story is possible. It doesn't include visualisation per se".

- Trade related

  • Shawn Donnan, http://journalisted.com/shawn-donnan, http://www.slate.com/authors.shawn_donnan.html
- war

  • Marie Catherine Colvin (January 12, 1956 – February 22, 2012) was an American journalist who worked as a foreign affairs correspondent,[1] for the British newspaper The Sunday Times from 1985 until her death. She died while covering the siege of Homs in Syria.
  • hkej 12mar19 shum article

- licensing journalists?

  • http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201412/1212/HA02C12CLEB.pdf
  • uk
  • http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200521/PDF/a24_screen.pdf
- entry restrictions

  • 瓦努阿圖《每日郵報》媒體總監、加拿大籍的麥加里(Dan McGarry)上月擬由澳洲飛返瓦努阿圖時被拒登機,事後就被拒入境一事上訴。他周三表示,瓦努阿圖高等法院裁定針對他的旅遊禁令非法,形容判決是媒體自由的勝利,也應該成為對政府官員的警告。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191220/00180_024.html

徐靜波(1963年9月-)中國浙江人。新聞記者。2000創辦中文網站「日本新聞網」,2001年在東京創辦「日本新聞網」日文版。(source: cup facebook chinese vs japanese high speed rail food)

newspaper history and uses of read and used newspapers hkej 12feb19 c8

reporting style
- hk

  • http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/03/03/a22-0303.pdf當年新聞悉採順敘法,即「正三角」或稱「正金字塔」報道法。「九月三十夜,有陳村之香港渡由香港內利龍渡啟行,駛至虎門穴地方,突來賊船二艘,施放鏢炮,向渡轟擊。該渡與之拒敵,無奈賊眾,炮聲不絕,彈如雨下,渡船力不能支,竟被賊眾躍過渡中,所有貨物、銀両以及炮械盡掠一空,隨即遠颺。河面盜風之熾可畏!」這新聞刊於一八七二年七月十二日《近事編錄》。最後一句「河面盜風之熾可畏哉」,乃操筆者或編者的感言,是否有違現代新聞的客觀報道,見仁見智而已。這書所錄新聞除可見當年的香港社會狀況外,還可見那時新聞的報道手法。當然,那時還沒有什麼記者,多由編輯據道聽途說,或當事人、官方所言而編寫成,真相是否如此,那還要驗證;但不理如何,若干事實如上文所說的成立兩處女塾,料是真確;至於賊船劫財物,確有此事,行文加油添醋,如寫小說,亦無可厚非也,讀者看得亦眉飛色舞。

typeset style
Newspaper formats vary substantially, with different formats more common in different countries. The size of a newspaper format refers to the size of the paper page; the printed area within that can vary substantially depending on the newspaper. In some countries, particular formats have associations with particular types of newspaper; for example, in the United Kingdom, there is a distinction between "tabloid" and "broadsheet" as references to newspaper content quality, which originates with the more popular newspapers using the tabloid format; hence "tabloid journalism". Sizes:
  • Diver's Dispatch 914.4 mm × 609.6 mm (36.00 in × 24.00 in) (1.5)
  • Broadsheet 749 mm × 597 mm (29.5 in × 23.5 in) (1.255)
  • Nordisch 570 mm × 400 mm (22 in × 16 in) (1.425)
  • Rhenish around 350 mm × 520 mm (14 in × 20 in) (1.486)
  • Swiss (Neue Zürcher Zeitung) 475 mm × 320 mm (18.7 in × 12.6 in) (1.484)
  • Berliner 470 mm × 315 mm (18.5 in × 12.4 in) (1.492)
    • The Guardian's printed area is 443 mm × 287 mm (17.4 in × 11.3 in).
  • Tabloid 430 mm × 280 mm (17 in × 11 in) (1.536)
- chinese newspaper

  • note that wah kiu yat po text are from right to left (for horizontal rows), vertical rows 
- limits to content
  • Us, sweden, australia
  • Reputation law, decency, public acceptability 
  • Uk
  • Coverage of criminal proceedings
  • Protection of individual honour (defamation)
  • Protection of commercial confidentiality
  • Invasion of personal privacy
  • Security and defence
  • the pubkic good (decency and good taste)
  • Public order
  • Prevention of terrorism 
- limits to freedom
  • What information is gathered
  • 1987- 85 british broadcast ban
  • Official secrets act 1989
  • How information is gathered
  • Straightforward means
  • Misrepresentation and clandestine metods of getting info
  •  The Neil Report, published in full today (23 June 2004) by the BBC, lays out recommendations and guidelines to strengthen BBC journalism in the future. - bbc's rules on sources
  • Protection of sources - nuj's code of conduct 
  • Ensure accurate note taking 
  • Chequebook journalism
  • Issue of freebies 
  • Request for unused material 
  • Case: guardian investigation into politicians taking free hospitality
  • What information is published
  • Quality of information that is published
  • Guaranteeing sources of information
  • How those sources are reported
  •  The reporting of comment as fact
  • Image manipulation
  • Playing fair with interviewees eg using material on/off the record
  • Selection of news
  • Bribes and corruption of sources and reporters
  • Protection of sources 

  • cases
  • 澳洲聯邦警察去年多次針對傳媒搜查,惹干預新聞自由的批評。澳洲聯邦法院昨裁定,聯邦警察去年六月突擊搜查澳洲廣播公司(ABC)總部屬合法,指搜查行動已盡力不侵犯其他人,故允許警方保留所有檢獲的資料。ABC批評警方的搜查令旨恐嚇新聞界,考慮提出上訴。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200218/00180_011.html

- objectivity
  • In favour of status quo?
  • Against independent thinking?
  • Against responsible reporting?
  • Corrections and right of reply
  • Manipulation - image, audio
- privacy

  • Thomas cooley (1888) right to be left alone
  • Nordic conference on right of privacy (1967)- protect against
  • Interference with his private, family and home life
  • Interference with physical and  mental integrity or moral or intellectual freedom
  • Attack on his honour and reputation
  • Being placed in a false light
  • Disclosure of embarrassing facts relating to his private life
  • Use of name, identity or likeness
  • Spying, prying, watching and besetting
  • Interference with correspendence
  • Misuse of private communications, written or oral
  • Disclosure of info given or received by him in a condition of professional confidence 

  • Sir donaldson law of confidence 1990
  • False privacy - david beckham's case 2005
  • cases
  • 澳洲廣播公司(ABC)位於悉尼的總部,本月初遭澳洲聯邦警察突擊搜查。ABC周一向聯邦法院申請禁制令,要求禁止警方查閱沒收的文件,並歸還該公司。ABC同日與另外兩間新聞媒體展開聯合行動,要求立法保障記者和新聞自由。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190625/00180_018.html
- defamation

  • First introduced to british law in 1275 with offence of scandalum magnatum to protect ruling class from criticism that might raise people against them
  • Libel
  • Malice
  • Presumption of innocence
  • cases
  • 澳洲原住民男子福勒(Dylan Voller)稱早年被網民冤枉強姦,循民事訴訟要求《悉尼晨驅報》,及新聞集團旗下《澳洲人報》及英國天空新聞,就其Facebook(Fb)專頁內留言負責。新南威爾士省的最高法院周一裁定福勒可獲賠償。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190625/00180_017.html
- cases
  • 中國央視旗下環球電視網(CGTN)去年製作多個報道香港反修例示威的節目,英國通訊管理局裁定部分節目沒有做到公正中立,違反英國廣播條例。CGTN強調報道持平,但據指當局打算懲罰CGTN,一旦落實或可能會影響到中英關係。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200528/00176_019.html

- public service broadcasting
- aspects

  • Technical: airwaves, distribution
  • Economic: controlling ownership, ensuring access to market, ensuring plurality, profitability
  • Political: controlling content for political and social reasons, protecting citizens from intrusion, harm and offence
- restraints and constraints
- accountability

  • Documents
  • People
  • Process
- uk
  • The Royal Charter on self-regulation of the press is a United Kingdom royal charter approved in 2013. The Queen set her seal on the document at a meeting of the Privy Council after the failure of two High Court actions by Pressbof to prevent it.[1] The operation of the Charter comes under two Acts of Parliament, the Crime and Courts Act 2013 and the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013. The Charter creates the Press Recognition Panel (PRP) as a corporation to carry out activities relating to the recognition of press regulators.[3] In a last-minute change the government decided that the system would not come into effect until a year after the PRP was established, taking the process beyond the 2015 general election. In October 2016 IMPRESS became the UK's first approved press regulator after its application for recognition under the Royal Charter was granted.
- china

  • 英國廣播公司(BBC)近日報道,中國政府將要求全國所有通訊社、廣播電台、電視台、期刊與報社等傳媒工作者,參加一項全國統一的在線考試。該考試是中國政府首次推出,不合格者則需重考,否則無法換發新的記者證。報道指,考試內容涉及新聞和傳播學知識、法律知識、以及有關官方宣傳工作的內容。一名江蘇記者表示,已完成考試,惟需重新再考一次。另有官媒記者表示,所有新聞工作者均需要應考該試,不合格者沒有任何懲罰,但需要補考。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191020/00178_010.html
artificial intelligence
- 據新華社報道:12日, 新華社首個智能化編輯部正式建成並投入 使用。新華社社長蔡名照表示,智能化編 輯部是新華社落實習近平總書記要求,加 快建設國際一流的新型世界性通訊社、全 面提升全媒編輯能力的重要抓手,也是推 動媒體融合向縱深發展的關鍵舉措。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191214/PDF/a15_screen.pdf

fake news
- https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/misinformation-has-created-a-new-world-disorder/
- archaeology
  • 筆者退休前專職做展覽策劃聯絡,2000年我幫香港科學館向中國地質博物館租借8塊羽毛恐龍化石作展覽。我國遼西出土羽毛恐龍化石是當時震驚國際古生物學界的重大發現,因為,它揭示了鳥類起源的不解之謎。展覽開幕前幾天,香港科學館開新聞發布會,向各大傳媒發送新聞通稿和即將展出的羽毛恐龍化石照片。誰料第二天,我赫然發現《東方日報》刊登文章說中國有假的羽毛恐龍化石流出國外,並發表在美國《國家地理雜誌》、《東方日報》將我租回來的羽毛恐龍化石照片標識成那個流出美國的古盜鳥化石。為澄清此事,我當即請香港《文匯報》記者來為中國地質博物館館長季強博士作一專訪。季強博士便講出一件曾令《國家地理雜誌》蒙羞之「古盜鳥」事件。原來1999年美國猶他布蘭丁恐龍博物館館長斯蒂芬.賽克斯在位於圖桑的世界最大化石市場買下了他認為非常具有科學價值的一塊化石,這就是後來著名的「古盜鳥」標本。這標本其實是遼寧農民將挖掘到的兩件白堊紀不同物種的化石天衣無縫地拼接起來,賣給化石販子,化石販子偷運去美國,為斯蒂芬.賽克斯所購得。賽克斯請求著名的加拿大科學家、皇家特瑞爾古生物博物館的菲利普.居里合作研究,並撰寫了一篇論文發表在《國家地理雜誌》。然而,後來化石被證實有假的成分,終於鬧出大笑話!http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/07/21/b02-0721.pdf
- usa

  • 美國哥倫比亞大學近日研究發現,微信的假新聞和右翼資訊氾濫,假消息容易對美國的中國第一代移民,產生嚴重誤導作用。針對美國的微信用戶調查發現,七成九用戶的新聞來源屬聊天群組。研究指,不少微信帳號相互抄襲不實資訊,常將多則假消息拼湊再傳播,且充斥煽動與獵奇新聞,對專業的資訊核查者帶來巨大挑戰。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181111/00178_011.html

- singapore

  • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170620/00180_021.html 新加坡內政部長兼律政部長尚穆根昨日表示,政府擬明年立法懲處捏造假新聞者,並教育公眾分辨假新聞。政府已派人到外國考察,預料今年下半年起就新法案展開公眾諮詢。尚穆根援引德國及英國等先後提出就打擊假新聞立法,指出立法刻不容緩。also hket a29
  • 新加坡今年五月通過的《防止網絡假信息和防止網絡操縱法案》(POFMA)周三正式生效,個人違法者最高可被判監十年及巨額罰款。外界擔心新法造成寒蟬效應,恐政府借新法打壓於數月後參加選舉的異見者。根據新法,內閣部長可要求更正、甚至撤下認為虛假的個人網絡平台訊息或廣告。新法亦適用於科技企業,包括Google、Facebook、Twitter、新加坡報業控股期刊、百度及微信等。如果企業的付費內容帶有政治目的,則須披露贊助商身份。法例生效初期,除了報業控股期刊外,科企可獲短暫豁免期,以作必要的技術安排。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191003/00180_017.html
  •  https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/brad-bowyer-facebook-post-falsehood-pofma-fake-news-12122952 Opposition party member Brad Bowyer has been directed to correct a Facebook post he made earlier this month that among other things questioned the independence of Temasek and GIC, in the first use of the "fake news" law in Singapore."The Minister for Finance has instructed POFMA Office to issue a Correction Direction to Mr Brad Bowyer with regard to his Facebook post on 13 November 2019, 7.46am," said the POFMA Office in a news release on Monday (Nov 25)."The Correction Direction requires Mr Bowyer to carry in full, the correction notice at the top of his Facebook post," it said.
    The office is part of the Infocomm Media Development Authority and oversees the administration of the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA).Aimed at combating the spread of deliberate online falsehoods, POFMA took effect at the beginning of October, five months after it was passed in Parliament in May.
  •  https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3047550/malaysian-watchdog-accused-singapore-brutal-execution-methods Malaysian human rights watchdog Lawyers for Liberty has filed a suit against Singaporean Home Minister K. Shanmugam, just days after it was accused of breaching 
    Singapore’s anti-fake news laws.The group’s lawyers on Friday filed an originating summons in the Malaysian High Court, and are also seeking a declaration that Shanmugam cannot take any action against the group in Malaysia under Singapore’s new 
    Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (Pofma).The group is arguing the law is a violation of fundamental human rights and cannot be enforced in Malaysia as it goes against domestic public policy.
  • The 
      government on Friday invoked one of the most controversial parts of its new ‘fake news’ law to order Facebook to correct a post by an Australia-based dissident, after the blogger refused its demands to comply with what he described as an “unjust law”.The office in charge of administering the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation (POFMA) Act said the home and law minister 
     K. Shanmugam
      had instructed it to issue a “targeted correction direction” to 
     .The order requires Facebook to publish a correction notice on a November 23 post by the ‘States Times Review’ page run by the blogger Alex Tan Zhi Xiang.If the social media giant fails to comply, it is liable for a fine not exceeding S$1 million (US$731,905), and a further S$100,000 for each additional day of non-compliance after conviction.https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3039886/singapore-orders-facebook-comply-fake-news-law-and-correct

- thailand

- malaysia
  • A Malaysian court Monday handed a man who lives in Denmark a one-week jail term for breaking a law against "fake news", the first person to be punished under the controversial legislation. The law, passed in early April, makes the deliberate dissemination of false information punishable by up to six years in jail and a hefty fine. It has sparked outrage from rights groups, who believe it is aimed at cracking down on dissent. Salah Salem Saleh Sulaiman, a 46-year-old of Yemeni descent, admitted making and posting on YouTube a video accusing emergency services of responding slowly after a Palestinian Hamas member was gunned down in Kuala Lumpur.https://www.thelocal.dk/20180430/denmark-based-man-is-first-person-to-be-convicted-under-malaysian-fake-news-law
- china

  • 遼寧營口沿海銀行周三傳出陷入財務危機,引發大批存戶前往銀行擠提。同晚多間分行的工作人員強調,銀行現金充足,已要求各分行廿四小時營業方便提款。公安通報,九人因在網上發布謠言及煽動影片被拘留。當地官方微博指,網上傳出關於營口沿海銀行的不實謠言,造成銀行營業秩序紊亂,影響周邊治安環境。公安派員分赴區內六家涉事分行維持秩序。通報附帶政府及銀行公告,指涉事銀行資金充裕,各項業務正常開展。該銀行各項存款餘額達六百六十億元(人民幣‧下同,約七百五十億港元),呼籲勿信謠言。營口沿海銀行於二○一○年成立,是股份制商業銀行,註冊本金廿億五千萬元(約廿三億三千萬港元),下設總行營業部和廿家分行。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191108/00178_015.html

- australia

  • economist 14dec19 "published and be slammed" the australian government proposes to water down ferocious libel laws

- cases
  •  「DANISA」皇冠丹麥曲奇的商標持有人連同多間公司,入稟高院控告《蘋果日報》發表多篇誹謗原告的報道式廣告,索取懲罰性賠償,並要求法庭下令禁止該 報繼續誹謗原告,以及從該報網頁和Facebook專頁中刪除涉案資訊。入稟狀指稱,該報記者、攝影師和拍攝人員,早前獲原告競爭對手「丹麥藍罐曲奇」付 費到丹麥採訪,之後在農曆新年期間發表一連串失實和誹謗原告的短片和文章,藉此為原告的競爭對手進行廣告戰,打擊原告在農曆新年的銷情。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180831/00176_032.html
  • 東方報業集團(下稱「東方」)及其管理層過去多次受失實及誹謗言論攻擊,過往東方曾兩度透過民事控告經營網站的公司誹謗,成功追討損失,並揪出幕後黑手,以正視聽。一四至一五年,有用戶在Google旗下的blogspot.hk、groups.google.com和google.com.hk,發出多段涉嫌誹謗東方的貼文。東方就此向總部設於美國的搜尋網站Google Inc.提呈三份入稟狀,要求就有關誹謗言論對東方造成的損害作出賠償;提供發布有關貼文的用戶資料;及要求法庭禁止被告發布或安排發布或參與發布該些言論及誹謗字眼。Google Inc.申請撤銷海外派票許可不果後兩度上訴,就最後一次上訴,高院上訴庭裁定,有真正及實質侵權發生,故撤銷Google Inc.之上訴,裁定訟費歸東方。Google就部分申請已向東方支付訟費一百零五萬港元。○七至○八年,網站「香港高登討論區」(下稱「高登」)有會員持續張貼誹謗性貼文,內容涉及《東方日報》及《太陽報》處理新聞的手法,以及東方創辦人。東方遂在○八及○九年兩度興訟,民事控告經營高登的兩間公司誹謗。高院原訟庭最終裁定,涉案的三段討論貼文全屬誹謗,判高登向東方就其中一段貼文賠償十萬元,成為本港首宗涉及網上討論區貼文的誹謗案例。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200908/00176_009.html

The War of the Worlds is an episode of the American radio drama anthology series The Mercury Theatre on the Air. It was performed as a Halloween episode of the series on Sunday, October 30, 1938, and aired over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. Directed and narrated by actor and future filmmaker Orson Welles, the episode was an adaptation of H. G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds (1898). It became famous for allegedly causing mass panic, although the scale of the panic is disputed as the program had relatively few listeners.

income / fee from social media
Google新聞產品管理副總裁班德(Brad Bender)宣布將在旗下服務「Google News and Discover」推出新產品,並推出一個向高質素新聞內容付費的授權計劃,目前至少有九間傳媒獲Google提出付款,分別是澳洲的Schwartz Media、The Conversation及Solstice Media;德國《明鏡周刊》、《法蘭克福匯報》、《時代周報》及《萊茵郵報》;以及巴西的報刊聯營組織、A Gazeta。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200627/00180_019.html
- australia

  • 澳洲政府昨天公布新行為守則草案,允許當地傳媒向Google及Facebook等數碼平台轉載新聞內容索取報酬,並給予雙方三個月的限期就新聞內容付費談判;若果失敗告終,澳洲政府將委派仲裁員作出有約束力的決定。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200801/00180_012.html

- objectives are to educate, convince and remind target markets
- a promotional mix is the blending of five promotional areas of advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing and personal selling
- global marketing involves the use of a standardised marketing approach in all countries in which it markets on the principle that the world is really just one market 
- developing advertising is a creative process.  This is done by collecting and analyzing consumer responses and consumer data
- the cost-per-thousand index is a method of evaluating the cost effectiveness of the media based on its reach in thousands and the cost of an exposure
Advertising agencies squeezed by tech giants ft 26jun17
Australia will force Facebook Inc and Alphabet Inc's Google to share advertising revenue with local media firms, the country's treasurer said on Monday, becoming one of the first countries to require digital platforms to pay for content they use.https://www.chinadailyhk.com/article/128084#Australia-to-force-Google-FB-to-pay-local-media-to-use-content
- economist 15feb2020 hoarding cash - admen have a clever new way to trick sports fans

events access and coverage by media
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-eu-summit-journalists/pay-tv-media-protest-at-fee-to-cover-eu-summits-idUSKBN1KM5AH Brussels journalists covering the European Union have complained that Belgium is breaching media freedom after being told they will have to pay 50 euros ($58) to cover the next summit of EU leaders.They were joined in their protests on Wednesday by the EU executive which, like the European Council which runs summits, urged their Belgian government hosts to reconsider a new law that makes people pay to be vetted by its security services.
- https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/08/02/asia-pacific/politics-diplomacy-asia-pacific/major-media-banned-upcoming-pacific-island-forum-nauru-home-australias-guantanamo/#.W2P6XdIzYdU 

interesting reporting
- economist 13apr19 "silent spring" the authorities forget to tell the people of kazakhstan who the next president will be

- bbc editorial guideline, college of journalism
- pcc guidelines

- http://journalisted.com/

- saudi media show http://www.saudimediashow.com/

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