- National Reserve Corporation
- Severstal (Russian: Северсталь, "Northern Steel") is a Russian company mainly operating in the steel and mining industry, centred in the northern city of Cherepovets. Severstal is listed on the Moscow Exchange and LSE. As of 2009, it is the largest steel company in Russia according to the Metal Bulletin. The majority of the company's stock belongs to Alexey Mordashov. Severstal owns major industrial facilities in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, France, and Italy, as well as in several African countries. The company also has mining assets, thus securing its supply of raw materials.Severstal also owns Severstal Cherepovets, a professional ice hockey club which plays in the Kontinental Hockey League. Severstal company also owns an airline - Severstal Air, operating mainly from Vnukovo Moscow Airport and from its home base Cherepovets Airport.
- otkritie
- https://www.ft.com/content/3928dcfb-e224-357c-8b86-03967af91b0f Vadim Belyaev, founder of Otkritie, is returning to lead Russia’s largest privately held financial group amid growing concerns about its performance. Mr Belyaev, chairman of Otkritie’s board and its largest shareholder, will resume his post as chief executive after two years away, the company announced on Monday. He replaces Alexei Karakhan, who had been in charge of Otkritie’s marketing and communications department before unexpectedly being promoted to lead the company last December. Barely known as recently as five years ago, Otkritie surged to become Russia’s largest non-state bank by acquiring other lenders with state funds and performing one enormous repo deal that saw it double its assets overnight. Its parent company, Otkritie Holding, has been active on the M&A market of late. In the last nine months, Otkritie bought a diamond mine for $1.4bn from one of its shareholders, acquired a network of cinemas, fell short of a tender to acquire e-payments company Qiwi, and is also in the process of taking over Rosgosstrakh, Russia’s largest insurer.
Bank of Russia
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2017-03/17/content_28587864.htm opens china office
Sberbank (Sberbank, Russian: Сбербанк, initially a contraction of "сберегательный банк" - sbieriegatielny bank; English: "Savings bank") is a state-owned Russian banking and financial services company headquartered in Moscow. The company was known as "Sberbank of Russia" until 2015. Sberbank has operations in several European and post-Soviet countries.
- Sberbank's history goes back to Cancrin's financial reform of 1841,[5] when a network of the first state-owned savings banks was created in Russia. By the end of the 19th century, the network reached almost 4 thousand outlets with over 2 million depositors. Since 1905, savings bank outlets became authorised to sell insurance. After 1910, savings banks started subsidising credit cooperation institutions and extending loans to small lenders. In 1915, savings bank outlets started accepting government securities for depositing. After the October Revolution of 1917, the state savings banks system continued its activity and growth under the management of the Finance Ministry of the USSR as the State Labour Savings Banks System. From 1926, the saving bank outlets were used to pay wages to blue- and white-collar workers. The savings banks were used to distribute state lottery tickets and for the placement of state bonds with the population. The savings banks introduced wider services such as money transfers.
- china
- 外媒引述知情人士透露,經過近一年的談判,俄羅斯最大銀行俄羅斯聯邦儲蓄銀行(Sberbank)與阿里巴巴的合作計劃流產。據金融時報指,主要因為雙方在如何開展業務,與合資企業控制權問題,仍產生分歧。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/12/14/b03-1214.pdf
In 1999 a new representative office was opened in Beijing.In December 2005 VTB acquires Moscow Narodny Bank Limited.
- hkej 15oct18 shum article
Commercial bank
- RosinterBank
- 俄銀行擬港上市吸金http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20141003/00202_020.html
- http://www.financeasia.com/News/388953,rosinterbank-seeks-dim-sum-amid-political-turmoil.aspx
- http://www.scmp.com/business/banking-finance/article/1611103/russias-vtb-capital-turns-asia-amid-us-sanctions
- China-Russia investment deal opens doors for more Russian IPOs in city http://www.scmp.com/business/money/markets-investing/article/1516672/china-russia-investment-deal-opens-doors-more
- So when it emerged that Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law and special adviser, had met the ailing state development bank’s chairman Sergei Gorkov in New York in December, it set alarm bells ringing with US investigators examining ties between Mr Trump’s inner circle and some of the Kremlin’s power-brokers. Now an institution founded by Lenin, once chaired by Mr Putin and subject to international sanctions has been drawn into the spreading inquiry, widely termed “Russiagate”, as speculation continues over what Mr Gorkov and Mr Kushner discussed at the meeting just weeks before Mr Trump was installed in the White House.Without a banking licence, central bank regulation or an independent board, VEB is not a bank in any conventional sense. Instead it is essentially an instrument of the Kremlin that has become a special-purpose vehicle to support priority projects from Moscow. Mr Gorkov was last year chosen by Mr Putin to lead a turnround of VEB after it racked up huge financial losses. But bankers and analysts in Moscow say its difficulties are an inevitable consequence of decisions stemming from Mr Putin’s revamp of the institution a decade ago.During the four years Mr Putin spent as VEB chairman while Russia’s prime minister, lending to support the Kremlin’s pet projects was ramped up, regardless of whether they were financially viable. VEB’s leadership say this was necessary to support Russian business, especially after the financial crisis. “We supported projects that never would have had a chance of getting financing from anywhere else,” says a VEB executive. The bank is not subject to central bank capital adequacy requirements and its board, currently led by Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s prime minister, is made up entirely of government officials. “You just call the supervisory board, they take a decision and then VEB invests in some projects which the government thinks are important,” says Karen Vartapetov, an analyst at Standard & Poor’s.
That approach led VEB to lend billions to fund construction work ahead of the 2014 Sochi Games, as well as spending $8bn on a steel mill in disputed eastern Ukraine. Defaults on the Olympic projects and the conflict that broke out in Ukraine that year mean they now make up a significant proportion of the bank’s non-performing assets.https://www.ft.com/content/14c0cf6a-5409-11e7-80b6-9bfa4c1f83d2
asset management
- USM advisors http://www.usm-group.com/, formed in December 2012 in order to bring the assets of Alisher Usmanov together under one transparent holding company. The main shareholders of USM Holdings are Alisher Usmanov, Vladimir Skoch and Farhad Moshiri. Their economic interests are divided 60%, 30% and 10% respectively, while Mr. Usmanov holds 100% of the voting rights with respect to USM Holdings.
- Mercury Group is an automotive and prestige consumer products distributor in Russia. The company also distributes Ferrari and Bentley. The company imports everything from luxury cars to designer jewelry. Mercury Group represents some of the world’s most exclusive luxury goods brands in Russia, including Armani, Breitling, Chopard, Faberge and Tiffany. Mercury Group is based in Moscow, the Russian Federation. https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapid=39362790
- TsUM — Central Universal Department Store (Russian: ЦУМ – Центральный Универсальный Магазин, tr. TsUM – Tsentralʹnyĭ Universalʹnyĭ Magazin) is one of the most renowned high end department stores in Moscow. The store is in a six-story historical Gothic Revival style building on Petrovka Street at Theatre Square (Teatralnaya Square) in the Tverskoy District of central Moscow. The TsUM interiors have been refurbished many times, most recently in 2007. TsUM is a part of the Mercury Group.In 1857 merchants Andrew Muir (1817–1899) and Archibald Mirrielees (1797–1877), who had arrived in St. Petersburg separately, founded “Muir and Mirrielees” Trade Company.[1]Archibald Mirrielees was resident in St. Petersburg from 1822. In 1843 he established his own company, one of the most significant Anglo-Russian merchant houses. In the 1880s the company transferred from St. Petersburg to Moscow and acquired a building for their haberdashery shop in Theatre Square. Their new building was erected there in 1908 in the Gothic Revival style with some modern elements. The project was designed by the famous Russian architect Roman Klein. “Muir and Mirrielees” was the first and the largest department store in the last days of the Russian Empire (one could buy clothes, shoes, jewelry, perfumery and toys there). The store attracted the highest public interest: “In the eyes of the Muscovites “Muir and Mirrielees” is a kind of exhibition of everything that was on sale in the capital, be it for the rich and the high society, or for the middle-class customers” wrote one of the contemporaries. The store delivered throughout the Russian empire. The company established a furniture factory and other stores (Торговый дом Хомякова (in Russian), Маросейка (in Russian)). The company was nationalised during the Russian Revolution and the assets confiscated in 1918 by the Bolsheviks, who renamed "Muir & Mirrielees" first as "MosTorg" in 1922 and later as TsUM. In 2013 European Capital Investment Fund, owner of the majority of TsUM's shares, forced a buyout from minority shareholders; the company was subsequently delisted from the Moscow Exchange.
- gum department store
- https://www.rbth.com/history/329599-why-stalin-want-gum
- Expo Centre http://www.expocentr.ru/en/about/expocentre/
- EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Centre http://www.expoforum.ru/en
- Yandex https://www.yandex.com/
- http://economists-pick-research.hktdc.com/business-news/article/International-Market-News/Russia-s-Google-Opens-Dedicated-Kid-s-Products-Category-as-Sales-Soar/imn/en/1/1X000000/1X09ZE3R.htm
- http://rbth.com/business/2015/03/23/china_to_collaborate_with_russias_yandex_to_launch_online_trading_pl_44657.html Russia’s biggest search engine Yandex is to manage processing of payments for Chinese online platform TradeEase, which will be created for cross-border trade between China and Russia. The announcement was made in a joint report released by Yandex and TradeEase. The platform is to be launched this summer by the Chinese payment processor PayEase, Bank of China, the Ministry of Finance of Heilongjiang Province and the Government of Suifenhe. TradeEase “will enable Chinese stores located on the Russian-Chinese border to sell their goods via the internet as well,” reads the report. The partners will be engaged in processing of orders and deliveries.Approximately 10 large vendors from the city of Suifenhe and other cities in the southern province of Heilongjiang will join TradeEase. According to Yandex's report, their number should grow to several hundred during the first month and exceed 1,000 by the end of the year.
- 这家公司已经拥有一个市场——Yandex.Market,而且做得非常好。到目前为止,该平台每月有2000万用户,提供来自15家在线零售商的服装、书籍、玩具和其他物品。然而,在2018年,Yandex还推出两个新的电子商务平台。 第一个是Beru(意为“I take it”),拥有上千家零售商,并提供多种类别的商品,包括家具用品和化妆品。第二个是Bringly,为从土耳其、中国和拉脱维亚购买的所有商品提供跨境运输和免费送货服务。
来源:«透视俄罗斯» - http://tsrus.cn/keji/2019/01/14/664315
- deal with Huawei http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-06/10/content_17574205.htm, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/dec0fd40-efca-11e3-bee7-00144feabdc0.html#axzz34DudXUqV, http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1528908/russias-megafon-signs-us600m-equipment-order-huawei
- Calipso http://www.calipso-meat.com/
- https://eng.uniconf.ru/
- Novatek
- The official signing between Mikhelson’s Novatek and the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) confirmed the tentative agreement made in June. http://jewishbusinessnews.com/2013/09/08/leonid-mikhelson-sells-china-20-of-his-yamal-liquid-natural-gas-project/
- Rosneft proposes Chinese company take stake in Russian oilfield http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/01ab7166-31f0-11e4-a19b-00144feabdc0.html, http://en.ria.ru/business/20140927/193340878/Rosneft-ExxonMobil-Discover-Oil-in-Kara-Sea-Drilling-Rosneft.html, Exxon considers its course after sanctions hit Russian ambitions http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/586ae5c0-487c-11e4-ad19-00144feab7de.html Exxon will not be able to play any further role in developing the field, until the sanctions imposed by the US and European Union on exports of technology and services for Arctic developments are lifted.
- Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s visit to Beijing earlier this month yielded commercial deals worth $3.5 billion and a sweeping framework for bilateral energy cooperation. http://www.forbes.com/2009/10/30/russia-china-banks-business-oxford-analytica.html In December 2004, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) provided Rosneft with a $6 billion loan in exchange for a long-term oil supply contract. This loan indirectly helped Rosneft acquire Yuganskneftegaz, Yukos’ main production unit and the backbone of Rosneft’s upstream assets. Later, CNPC purchased about $500 million worth of Rosneft’s shares in its July 2006 initial public offering.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2015-09/05/content_21790643.htm Leading Chinese and Russian energy companies have signed a series of asset-swap and supply agreements which will further strengthen the already strong tiesbetween the countries in the sector. The deals were witnessed by President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpartVladimir Putin, who was in the country for China's V-Day celebrations. The highest-profile signing saw Russian oil giant Rosneft OAO agreeing to take a30 percent stake in ChemChina Petrochemical Corp, a subsidiary of China NationalChemical Corp. Under the deal Rosneft will increase oil supplies to CCPC to 4 million metric tons ayear. The Russian company is expected to start delivering 220,000 tons of crude amonth to CCPC within a year, equal to 48,000 barrels a day. Rosneft also signed an agreement with China's largest refiner China PetrochemicalCorp, or Sinopec, to co-develop two Siberian oilfields.
- http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-06/russia-said-to-approve-rosneft-buying-bashneft-for-5-3-billion
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-04/china-s-cefc-won-t-buy-rosneft-shares-from-glencore-led-group Qatar emerged as a major shareholder in Rosneft PJSC on Friday after a $9 billion deal to sell a stake in Russia’s state-run oil producer to China’s troubled CEFC Energy Co. collapsed.
- india
- https://www.ft.com/content/837f6416-9221-11e6-8df8-d3778b55a923 A $13bn takeover this weekend of oil and port assets in India, spearheaded byRosneft, was a landmark deal for Moscow’s state oil champion — and could prove just as crucial for commodities trader Trafigura.
- Russia's largest oil producer Rosneft said on Monday it had successfully closed a deal to buy a 49 percent stake in Indian private refiner Essar Oil Limited (EOL).https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/21/russian-oil-major-rosneft-seals-biggest-foreign-purchase-ever-in-india-with-49-percent-stake-in-essar-oil.html
- Russian state-owned holding company Rostec said on Thursday it has inked a $10 billioncontract with China's Shenhua Group Corp Ltd to explore coal deposits in Siberia and the FarEast of Russiahttp://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-09/05/content_18550582.htm
- http://www.scmp.com/business/commodities/article/1595397/russias-gazprom-seeks-raise-financing-hong-kong Kruglov said a Hong Kong listing is aimed primarily at broadening Gazprom's shareholder base instead of raising equity financing, but added it wants to cooperate with financial institutions in the city on raising bilateral loans, syndicated loans, bonds and dim sum bonds - yuan-denominated bonds issued outside the mainland. "We do not exclude the probability that next year we will be more active in the region," he said, adding Gazprom is seeking opportunities to issue bonds denominated in Hong Kong dollars, Singapore dollars or the yuan. It had previously issued yen bonds. But Kruglov noted the lack of a double taxation treaty between Hong Kong and Russia means its bond investors will be subject to a 20 per cent withholding tax on interest income. Gazprom raises some US$3 billion to US$4 billion annually from the capital market to finance its capital expenditures. The US and the EU earlier this month imposed sanctions that prohibit the financing provision and other dealings in new debt of greater than 90 days maturity issued by firms including Gazprom's oil unit Gazprom Neft to punish Russia for its role in the Ukraine conflict. Meanwhile, Kruglov said Gazprom hopes to seal before the end of the year a second gas supply deal with the mainland so a 30 billion cubic metre (bcm)-a-year pipeline will be built to link China's northwest to existing gas fields in West Siberia. US$400 billion 30-year gas export deal was signed in May for a pipeline to send 38 bcm of gas annually to northeast China from new fields in East Siberia. He said the pipeline will deliver gas in 2018 in the "best case" and in 2020 in the "conservative case".
- http://www.scmp.com/business/commodities/article/1615299/russias-gazprom-says-us400b-chinese-gas-deal-not-final
- gazprom and petrochina signed deal on natural gas 11nov14 a12
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/12/04/a09-1204.pdf 據俄新網、俄羅斯之聲報道,俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司(俄氣)昨日發布消息稱,該公司和中國石油天然氣集團(中石油)將在中國的地下儲氣庫領域發展合作,以確保俄羅斯對中國天然氣的穩定供應。
- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/4ac1cdd6-3f79-11e5-9abe-5b335da3a90e.html Gazprom’s 30-year contract for gas supplies to China was based on an optimistic view of the oil market and offered no protection in the event of a prolonged period of low prices, the Russian company said on Monday. The contract between the state-controlled Russian gas group and China’s CNPC was signed with much fanfarein May 2014, envisaging $400bn-worth of gas deliveries over 30 years in what Gazprom said was the largest contract in its history.
- curious case
- https://www.ft.com/content/32898bae-28f3-11e7-9ec8-168383da43b7 Five European energy companies will each pay €950m to fund a new Gazprom gas pipeline as part of a finance package that clears a significant hurdle for a project that has faced strong resistance from many EU member states. Anglo-Dutch group Royal Dutch Shell, Austria’s OMV, France’s Engie and Germany’s Uniper and Wintershall will each provide loans covering 10 per cent of the €9.5bn cost of the pipeline, with Gazprom providing the remaining 50 per cent. Monday’s announcement marks a significant milestone for one of Europe’s most contentious energy developments, under which Gazprom’s gas would be transported from Russia through a pipeline called Nord Stream 2 running across the Baltic Sea to Greifswald in north-east Germany. The project has been hit by efforts to delay or prevent it by EU officials, amid fears Nord Stream 2 will strengthen Russia’s dominance of the European gas market and help Gazprom reduce its reliance on exporting gas via Ukraine. Gazprom is the EU’s largest gas supplier. A previous plan to fund Nord Stream 2 through a joint venture between Gazprom and the five European energy companies was blocked by Poland.
- LUKoil (privately owned, second largest oil company in 2010(source: political economy of russia))
- TNK-BP (privately owned, third largest oil company in 2010(source: political economy of russia))
- Surgutneftegaz (prviately owned, fourth largest oil company in 2010(source: political economy of russia))
- yukos
- rosatom
Oil pipeline
- Transneft
- http://www.economist.com/news/business/21656191-shareholders-what-was-once-russias-biggest-oil-company-scent-victory-ghost-bites-back Shareholders in what was once Russia’s biggest oil company scent victory
- China's CEFC is considering investing in En+ as part of the aluminium-to-power conglomerate's planned IPO, industry sources said, potentially boosting Beijing's ownership of Russian natural resources. If CEFC buys a stake in En+, it would be the second large deal by the fast growing Chinese conglomerate in Russia this year, following its purchase last week of 14 percent of Kremlin-controlled oil major Rosneft for $9 billion. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-4877230/Chinas-CEFC-examines-taking-stake-Russias-En--sources.html
- AnAn Group has agreed to take up a third of the US$1.5 billion initial public offering by Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska’s commodities and energy major EN+ Group. The deal by the parent of AnAn International, and a sister company to CEFC China Energy, is another sign of closer economic partnership between China and Russia, even as Moscow has become the focus of western sanctions following its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. AnAn Group has committed to subscribe to US$500 million worth of EN+ shares that will be listed in Moscow and London, EN+ said in a statement. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-4877230/Chinas-CEFC-examines-taking-stake-Russias-En--sources.html
- Deripaska’s EN+ to float in London and Moscow ft 6oct17
- https://www.ft.com/content/2efd559c-b66a-11e7-8c12-5661783e5589 Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund is in talks to join CEFC China Energy and commodity trader Glencore in taking a stake in Russian hydropower-to-aluminium group EN+, as part of the company’s planned flotation in London and Moscow next month. The Qatar Investment Authority, which is Glencore’s largest shareholder and previously partnered the trader to buy a stake in Russian oil producer Rosneft in December, is considering buying shares as part of the initial public offering, two people with knowledge of the talks told the Financial Times, as the $335bn fund looks to increase its Russian presence.
- rosatom
- Discusing with china with the hope of building fast neutron reactor in china scmp rgc suppn26jun12
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2015-06/03/content_15271755.html Russia's state-owned nuclear giant Rosatom said on Monday that it hopes to help build inland nuclear power plants in China, and one of its subsidiaries is already holding talks to build fast-breeder reactors in the world's largest energy user. "So far, most of China's new nuclear construction has been at coastal sites, but the country also needs nuclear plants inland to feed its energy demand," said Kirill Komarov, deputy director-general of Rosatom Nuclear Energy State Corp, speaking at a three-day nuclear exhibition called ATOMEXPO in Moscow. "Russia is one of the few countries with vast experience of building and operating inland nuclear plants, so we hope our expertise will help China bring nuclear to its vast interior," he said. Russian media reported that last year, the Russian state atomic energy company led a delegation to Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang province, to assess the feasibility of building two inland nuclear units. But the company, which is also involved in the Tianwan nuclear site on the coast of eastern Jiangsu province under a partnership with China National Nuclear Corp, has not confirmed the construction sites for inland projects. Rosatom is building the third and fourth reactors at the Tianwan nuclear complex. China has been reluctant to start new reactors away from the coast, partly because of the dense population and public safety concerns. But experts have speculated that several inland plants such as the Taohua River nuclear project in Hunan province, the Xianning nuclear plant in Hubei and the Pengze nuclear plant in Jiangxi, are likely to start construction next year when the ban on inland projects ends.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-04/08/content_24373288.htm Rosatom, the Russian State Atomic Energy Corp, is seeking to hit big in China'snuclear industry with the opening of a regional center headquartered in Beijing onThursday, according to a senior official of the company. "We are looking to expand our business in China, a market with huge potential forgrowth in the nuclear industry, and the activities of regional center are designed tohelp strengthen our cooperation with the country," said Alexander Merten, presidentof Rosatom International Network. The company is not only planning to build more new reactors with its long-standingpartner China National Nuclear Corp, but is also expected to expand its businessinto "non-nuclear activities" such as agriculture, organic chemicals and nuclearmedicine, Merten said. He made the remarks on the sidelines of the 14th China International NuclearIndustry Exhibition, a four-day event being held in Beijing.
Oil pipeline
- Transneft
- PJCS TransContainer, Russia's biggest container operator, has announced a plan to expand its China business in response to the soaring cargo transit demand between China and Europe under the Belt and Road Initiative. The TransContainer Freight Forwarding (Shanghai) Co Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary established on Tuesday at the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, will serve as the Russian company's headquarters in China, and focus on port transportation. The Beijing-based Chinese-Russian Rail-Container International Freight Forwarding Co Ltd, a joint venture set up by TransContainer and China Railway International Multimodal Transport (CRIMT) in 2010, is tasked with handling railway transportation, according to Petr Baskakov, CEO of PJCS TransContainer.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2017-10/12/content_33148124.htm
- ammonia
- http://www.toaz.ru/eng/
- Phosagro
- http://www.ft.com/fastft/330401/russian-fertiliser-firm-signs-big-india-deal Phosagro, the world's third-largest producer of phosphate fertilisers, has signed a three-year supply contract with India in a move that signals growing confidence in one of the world's largest fertiliser consumers writes Jack Farchy in Moscow. The Russian company has agreed to supply state-owned Indian Potash Ltd with 1.35m tonnes of phosphates over three years, Phosagro told the FT. "What we see right now in India is a booming economy. We have huge demand from this country," said Andrei Guryev, Phosagro chief executive. India is the world's second-largest consumer of phosphate fertilisers and the largest importer of diammonium phosphate (DAP), a key form. But demand has been depressed in recent years, helping to trigger a slump in prices from a high of $660 per tonne in 2011 to around $460 last year.
- PJSC Polyus (Russian: ПАО "Полюс" is a Russian gold mining company. It is the largest gold producer in Russia and one of the top 10 gold mining companies globally by output (2.16 million ounces of gold production in 2017).[1] It is headquartered in Moscow and is listed on both the Moscow and London Stock Exchanges.[2] Polyus’ main assets are located in Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East - in the regions of Krasnoyarsk Krai, Irkutsk Oblast, Magadan Oblast and the Sakha Republic. Polyus was founded as Polyus Gold (Russian: Полюс Золото) in March 2006, as a result of a spin-off from the gold assets of Norilsk Nickel.
- Rusal
- 俄鋁再研與中鋁西伯利亞設合資 http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/09/11/b04-0911.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2015-09/10/content_21838818.htm
"United Company Rusal Plc ,a leading aluminum producer ,is setting up more joint ventures with its Chinese partners in Russia to make high value-added ,greener aluminum products .Rusal has a clear advantage in aluminum technologies ,and hydropower resources are abundant in Russia ,"Oleg Mukhamedshin ,deputy chief executive officer of UC Rusal ,said during the ongoing Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2015,or the Summer Davos ,in Dalian . "Chinese companies 'strong edge in engineering and design and in other areas will help us develop high-end aluminum alloys at lower costs and less emissions ,"he said .The company ,listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2010,has been dedicated to developing key valueadded products ,such as aluminum sheet and foundry aluminum alloy ,for modernization projects that target automotive ,construction and electricity sectors .It was the first Russian company to list on the Chinese bourse .
- Saratov Airlines (Saratov Airlines Joint Stock Company, Russian: Саратовские авиалинии, Saratovskije avialinii) is a Russian airline headquartered in Saratov and based at Saratov Tsentralny Airport.Saratov Airlines was founded in 1931. It was called "Saratov United Air Squad" and was a part of Aeroflot.[citation needed] Until late 2013 the airline was branded Saravia (Russian: Саравиа).
- JSC "Royal Flight airlines" (Russian: АО «Авиакомпания «Роял Флайт») is a charter airline based in Abakan, Russia. It operates charter services between Russian cities and holiday destinations in Sri Lanka, Egypt, Thailand, Turkey, India, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Macau, Taiwan, Maldives, and Vietnam.The airline was established in 1992 as Abakan-Avia. In July 2014 it was purchased by Russian tour operator Coral Travel and renamed to Royal Flight Airlines on 11 July 2014.
- https://macaudailytimes.com.mo/royal-flight-airlines-launches-regular-flight-to-moscow.html Royal Flight Airlines will start offering a regular weekly service between Macau and Moscow, as announced yesterday at the launch ceremony of the Macau-Moscow route at the Macau International Airport (MIA). Previously, Royal Flight Airlines had offered a weekly charter service between Macau and the Russian capital.
- AvtoVAZ[5] (Russian: АвтоВАЗ) is theRussian automobile manufacturer formerly known as VAZ: Volzhsky AvtomobilnyZavod (ВАЗ, Во́лжский автомоби́льный заво́д, or Volga Automobile Plant), but better known to the world under the trade name Lada. The current company name is "AvtoVAZ". AvtoVAZ's majority owner is Alliance Rostec Auto BV with 74.5%, which is a joint venture of the Renault-Nissan Alliance with 67.1% and Russian company Rostec with the remainder,[4] which means that the Renault-Nissan-Alliance controls a two-third majority of the majority owner, but owns just 49.9895% of AvtoVAZ' shares.[citation needed] AvtoVAZ produces nearly one million cars a year, including the Kalina family (hatchback, wagon and crossover), Lada Granta family (sedan and liftback), Lada Priora family (sedan, hatchback, wagon and coupe), Lada 4x4 (former Lada "Niva") and Lada Largus (Renault-Nissan platform), as well as the cars of Renault-Nissan alliance brands: Renault Logan II,Renault Sandero II, Datsun on-Do andDatsun mi-Do (the Nissan sub-brand), andNissan Almera New. The VAZ factory is the largest car manufacturer in Russia and Eastern Europe[6] and one of the largest in the world, with over 90 miles (140 km) of production lines; it is unique in that most of the components for the cars are made in-house.
- parts
- A Russian online store specializing in auto parts sales, Exist.ru, has become the nation's largest Internet shopping site in terms of revenue, the Vedomosti business daily reported Tuesday, citing a recently published study. With an estimated turnover of 35.4 billion rubles ($545 million) in the first half of 2015, Exist.ru was ranked by Internet research agency Data Insight as Russia's largest Internet retailer in a ranking based on data provided by the retailers themselves, and the agency's own research. Founded in 1999, Exist.ru is one of Russia's oldest online retailers. Today, the company claims to process 50,000 orders for auto parts daily, according to data on Exist.ru's website. Analysts polled by Vedomosti attribute Exist.ru's growing revenue to the devaluation of the ruble, which lost nearly half its value against the U.S. dollar last year, driving up the costs of parts for foreign-made automobiles. This has motivated car owners to save money by looking for third-party alternatives to original manufacturer spare parts sold by unauthorized retailers, according to Alexei Leshchenko, chairman of the board of directors of Modus, an official dealer for BMW, Renault and other foreign-made cars, Vedomosti reported. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/auto-parts-store-existru-becomes-russias-biggest-online-retailer/540496.html?utm_source=email_tmt-editorial&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=55-issue-2015-10-28&utm_content=title_6
- National Media Group, http://www.scmp.com/news/world/article/1594114/vladimir-putins-lover-alina-kabayeva-head-russian-media-firm, http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/16/putin-girlfriend-alina-kabayeva-media-group, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/vladimir-putin/11099729/Vladimir-Putins-gymnast-girlfriend-heads-pro-Kremlin-media-group.html
- Ntv
- Vzglyad (Russian: Взгляд, IPA: [ˈvzɡlʲat] (
- NTV (Cyrillic: НТВ, meaning: National Television) is a Russian television channelthat was launched as a subsidiary ofVladimir Gusinsky's company Media-Most.[1] Since April 14, 2001, Gazprom Media has controlled NTV.

- Soft Gold www.softgold.ru, publishes fur newspaper Soft Gold Express, fur style catalogue MEKHOVIK, directory of fur companies in Russia and CIS countries Soft Gold of Russia
- Rostelecom (Russian: ОАО «Ростелеком») is Russia's leading long-distance telephony provider.
- yota devices
- Acquisition to help Russian mobile firm expand in China A Chinese investment firm has bought a majority stake in Yota Devices, the Moscow-based maker of the unique dual-screen smartphone given as an official gift by Russian President Vladimir Putin last year to President Xi Jinping. Hong Kong-listed REX Global Entertainment Holdings Ltd paid $100 million for its controlling 64.9 percent stake in the business, which it bought from investment company Telconet Capital Ltd Partnership. The remaining shares in the company are held by Rostec Corp, the Russian state corporation, and Yota's management team. Telconet said it had received a number of bids for the company - from China, Europe and the Middle East - but that REX's offer was "the most attractive". Vladislav Martynov, Yota's founder and CEO, said the investment will be used to develop a cheaper, third-generation device, which is expected to debut in mid-2016. "The partnership with REX is going to augment our capabilities to continue with global expansion and to penetrate new markets," he said, adding the next five years will see "a range of new devices and a larger distribution network". http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2015-10/27/content_22297779.htm
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