Thursday, January 31, 2019


National Centre for Zoonotic Diseases (NCZD)
  • established firstly as “Anti plague research laboratory” in July, 10th of 1931,“Anti plague center” in 1940, “Anti Infectious diseases with natural foci research center’ in 1961, “Center for Infectious diseases with natural foci” in 1990, “National Center for Zoonotic Diseases with natural foci” in 2006 and “National Center for Zoonotic Diseases” in 2012.

Bayankhongor or Bayanhongor (MongolianБаянхонгорlit. 'rich darling') province
- elephant in coat of arms

巴彥烏列蓋省Bayan-ÖlgiiThe country's only Muslim and Kazakh-majority aimag, it was established in August 1940. Its capital is Ölgii.

Erdenet (MongolianЭрдэнэт, literally "with treasure") is the second-largest city in Mongolia and the capital of the aimag (province) of Orkhon. Officially known as Bayan-Öndör sum.  Erdenet, one of the youngest settlements in Mongolia, was founded in 1974  in an area where large deposits of copper had been discovered in the 1950s. A single-track railway line with a length of 75 mi (121 km) linking Erdenet to the Trans-Mongolian Railway was inaugurated in 1977. In the middle of the 1980s, more than 50% of the inhabitants were Russians working as engineers or miners. After the fall of Soviet Communism in 1990, however, most Russians left Erdenet. Today, about 10% of the population is Russian. 
蒙古剛剛在二月發行一枚金郵票小全張(見圖),慶祝位於北部的額爾登特 (Erdenet) 設市四十週年。四十年是很短時間,但是額爾登特卻是蒙古第二大城市,能夠這麼發展神速,全因它有亞洲最大的銅礦。1978 年蘇聯與蒙古合組公司在額爾登特採礦,出產都是低於國際市價「售」到蘇聯,而額爾登特市基本上是由蘇聯建立。蘇聯瓦解後,蒙古與俄國重整公司,雖然俄國仍然持股近半,蒙古卻透過稅項使俄國無利可圖,但是持股對俄國仍然有地緣政治價值。當中國對蒙古的影響力與日俱增,2016 年普京突然願意出售俄國持有的全部股權,原因耐人尋味,而買家是一間蒙古私人公司。由於交易資訊沒有公開,普京利益和私人公司資金來源成謎。隨後更曲折離奇,蒙古國會表示,股權轉手是上任總理在未獲得國會通過下允許。國會還馬上嘗試把公司國有化,但是上年給法庭裁定違法。黑箱裏究竟發生甚麼事,或許會慢慢揭曉。
- [gc pang and h toth] town grew around an ore processing plant that was built in 1973

 肯特山漢朝時稱為狼居胥山成吉思汗時稱為不兒罕山 The Khentii Mountains (MongolianХэнтийн нуруу) are a mountain range in the Töv and Khentii Provinces in North Eastern Mongolia.The legendary Mongol Genghis Khan is thought to have chosen a resting place in the Khentii Mountains, called the Great Taboo, or Ikh Khorig, by the Mongols. The area is thought to be where Khan may be entombed. [gc pang and h toth] in burkhan khalduun mountain, part of the khentii mountains

哈拉和林蒙古語ᠬᠠᠷᠠᠬᠣᠷᠣᠮ鮑培轉寫Qaraqorum西里爾字母Хархорум),又稱哈剌和林,簡稱和林Karakorum (Khalkha Mongolian: Хархорум, KharkhorumChinese: 哈拉和林) was the capitalof the Mongol Empire between 1235 and 1260 and of the Northern Yuan in the 14–15th centuries. Its ruins lie in the northwestern corner of the Övörkhangai Province of Mongolia, near today's town of Kharkhorin and adjacent to the Erdene Zuu Monastery, the probable earliest surviving Buddhist monastery in Mongolia. 
- [gc pang and h toth] an old uyghur site, destroyed by a ming invasion in 1388

 烏列蓋  olgii「選鉱鍋」の意The center of the predominantly Kazakh region of Mongolia, Kazakh is the primary language spoken in Ölgii. The city is home to at least 4 mosques. The city is known for its Kazakh embroidery and art, Kazakh music, and hunting with eagles.Ölgii was an ethnic Kazakh village before the founding of the modern nation of Mongolia in 1911. Kazakhs have been coming to the Altai region of Mongolia for at least 200 years. Many came as Kazakhs faced pressure from the expanding Russian Empire. These numbers increased significantly after the 1917 Russian Revolution and the rise of communism in China. It was the center of Islam in Mongolia before religious purges in the 1930s in which the mosque was destroyed and the imam was executed. Mongolia initially tried to suppress Kazakh language and culture before creating Bayan-Ölgii Aimag in 1939, with Ölgii as the seat of government.

sharin river

烏蘭巴托蒙古语Улаанбаатар,意思為「紅色英雄」),原名库伦蒙古语хүрээ),是蒙古国首都。烏蘭巴托始建於清朝崇德四年(1639年),原为蒙古喀尔喀部活佛哲布尊丹巴呼圖克圖駐錫地,稱為库伦意为栅栏围起来的草场。位於土謝圖汗部中旗境內。乾隆以後,庫倫為庫倫辦事大臣駐地。乾隆四十三年(1778年),清朝在其设立城防,為與蒙古各地其他稱作“庫倫”的地方區別,稱此城為大庫倫(Ih Hüree)。外國人多稱此地為烏爾嘎 (Urga)。1911年辛亥革命後,八世哲布尊丹巴俄羅斯帝國的支持下宣佈外蒙古獨立,自立為,成立大蒙古国,以大库伦为首都。此后大库伦改稱京城庫倫(Niislel Hüree)。1915年,哲布尊丹巴接受中華民國大總統袁世凱的冊封,取消獨立,改爲自治。1919年,徐树铮率北洋政府军进占库伦,取消外蒙古自治。蘇聯的策動下,1924年,蒙古人民革命黨推翻了蒙古王公和活佛的統治,建立蒙古人民共和国。将庫倫改名為烏蘭巴托,並以其为首都。“烏蘭巴托”在蒙古語的意思为“红色英雄”。1946年1月5日,蒙古人民共和国以有瑕疵的公投中99%贊成,通過正式脫離中華民國獨立,蒙古人民共和国成為蘇聯衛星國,直至1990年。烏蘭巴托現與臺北市天津市首爾有友好城市關係。Ulaanbaatar, formerly anglicised as Ulan Bator /ˌlɑːn ˈbɑːtər/ (MongolianУлаанбаатар[ʊɮɑːm.bɑːtʰɑ̆r], literally "Red Hero"), is the capital and largest city of Mongolia. The city is not part of any aimag (province)The city was founded in 1639 as a nomadic Buddhist monastic centre. It settled permanently at its present location, the junction of the Tuul and Selbe rivers, in 1778. Prior to that occasion it changed location twenty-eight times, each new location being chosen ceremonially. In the twentieth century, Ulaanbaatar grew into a major manufacturing center. Ulaanbaatar is a member of the Asian Network of Major Cities 21. The city's official website lists MoscowHohhotSeoulSapporoand Denver as sister cities.Ulaanbaatar has been given numerous names in its history. Before 1911, official names included Nomiĭn Khüree (Mongolian: ᠨᠣᠮ ᠤᠨ ᠬᠦᠷᠢᠶᠡᠨ; Номын хүрээ) and Ikh Khüree (ᠶᠡᠬᠡ ᠬᠦᠷᠢᠶᠡᠨ; Их Хүрээ; lit. "Great Settlement"). It is called Bogdiin Khuree (Богдын Хүрээ, Bogdiĭn Khüree, "Great Holy Khan's Monastery") in the folk song "Praise of Bogdiin Khuree". Other names were Da Khüree (Да Хүрээ, , "great"), or simply Khüree (ᠬᠦᠷᠢᠶᠡᠨ; Хүрээ). The Chinese equivalent, Dà Kùlún (大庫倫), was rendered into Western languages as "Kulun" or "Kuren". In western languages, the city at that time was most often referred to as Urga (from Mongolian: ᠥᠷᠭᠦᠭᠡ; Өргөө, Örgöö, "Palace"). Upon independence in 1911, with both the secular government and the Bogd Khan's palace present, the city's name was changed to Niĭslel Khüree (ᠨᠡᠶᠢᠰᠯᠡᠯ ᠬᠦᠷᠢᠶᠡᠨ; Нийслэл Хүрээ, "Capital Camp"). When the city became the capital of the new Mongolian People's Republic in 1924, its name was changed to Ulaanbaatar (Улаанбаатар, Ulaanbaatar, classical Mongolian Ulaganbagatur, literally "Red Hero"). On the session of the 1st Great People's Khuraldaan of Mongolia in 1924, a majority of delegates expressed their wish to change the capital city's name to Baatar Khot ("Hero City"). However, under pressure from Turar Ryskulov, a Soviet activist of the Communist International, the city was named Ulaanbaatar Khot ("City of Red Hero").
- government
  • ulaanbaatar city tourism department
- [gc pang & h toth]settlement was once a center of buddhism and bogd khan, a religious leader

yoroo river

- Mongolian Chamber of Commerce in HK
- tourism

  • Mongolian Tourism Association
The Mongolian Stock Exchange (MSE) (Mongolian: Монголын Хөрөнгийн Бирж/Mongolyn Khöröngiin Birj) is Mongolia's sole stock exchange. It is based in Ulaanbaatar. It was established in January 1991 by the decree of the Mongolian Government to privatize state-owned assets.

- bank of mongolia
  • A joint Mongolian-Russian bank, called the "Trade and Industry Bank of Mongolia" (Bank of Mongolia) was opened on June 2, 1924 in Altanbulag with a single branch. At that time, the bank's capital was 260000 yanchaan (the currency of the period). It operated with 22 employees, 18 of which were Russian specialists and 4 of them were Mongolian. At the start, the joint bank was called by two names, "Trade and Industry Bank of Mongolia", and the "Bank of Mongolia", but it was named the Bank of Mongolia in official papers and documents.
蒙古能源有限公司(MEC)(0276)是一家于蒙古中国西北部新疆经营矿业及能源的公司。蒙古能源于百慕大注册成立,并于香港交易所上市。蒙古能源于 2008 年5月30日加入摩根士丹利资本国际 (MSCI) 香港指数。新世界发展郑裕彤郑家纯父子也是蒙古能源的股东之一。1999年8月9日,透过保华地产集团有限公司,于香港交易所换取主板上市。蒙古能源前称“新世界数碼”,在1999年随科网热潮下成立,主营资讯科技解决方案。及后互联网泡沫爆破后,公司转归平淡。但在鲁连城先生掌政后,该公司初期的物业投资业务收益反成为市场焦点。2005年,公司首度变身,宣布发展私人飞机包机服务,并购下一架Gulfstream G200型号私人喷射机。2007年,公司又再变身为资源股,斥资12亿港元收购蒙古国和中国新疆的煤矿点和煤矿资产,并把公司改称“蒙古能源”,其后更声称与中国大陆国企合作开发资源项目。2007年3月31日,该公司与包括深圳航空在内等合营伙伴组成合营企业AUBA,并取得可由外资参与的中国航空运营人运行合格证。
  •  蒙古能源曾經是一隻科網股,前身名為新世界數碼基,於科網爆破後持續虧損,直至2007年獲收購轉型,由科網股搖身一變為煤炭股,其間大玩名人效應,不時傳出彤叔父子、高盛等入股,股價炒高再炒高,不過,其後股價由高位至今暴跌99%。
MIAT Mongolian Airlines (pronounced me-atMongolianМонголын Иргэний Агаарын ТээвэрMongolyn Irgenii Agaaryn Teever (MIAT), Mongolian Civil Air Transport) is the Mongolian national airline, headquartered in the MIAT Building in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia.[1] The airline operates international scheduled services from its base at Chinggis Khaan International Airport near Ulaanbaatar.MIAT Mongolian Airlines was established in 1956. It began operations with the help of Aeroflot and began flights on 7 July 1956 using an Antonov An-2 from Ulaanbaatar to Irkutsk. The airline also used Soviet-built Ilyushin Il-14s for flights to international destinations like Beijing and Moscow. During the 1960s and 1970s, the airline obtained Antonov An-24 and An-26 twin turboprops. A Tupolev Tu-154 jet on lease from Aeroflot was introduced in the late 1980s.
- real estate
  • Mongolian property management group
  • Exhibited at 2017 smartexpo
  • people 
  • Gundegmaa Boldbaatar (female)
  • bayarjavkhlan ganzorig, operation manager 
- travel
  • exhibited at 2019 ITE

- newspaper

  • The UB Post is an English-language tri-weekly newspaper published in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. Founded in 1996, the newspaper has both print (in English) and online editions (in EnglishItalian and Spanish).The paper was founded by Tserendorjiin Baldorj, the late President of the Mongol News Media Group. Also under MNMG's ownership are the national daily newspaper Unuudur, sports weekly newspaper Tavan Tsagarig ("The Five Rings"), which stopped publishing in 2016, the Sunday newspaper Nyam Garig, and the Channel 25 TV station.

- mining

  • [gc pang and h toth] mongolia is a leading world producer and exporter of copper, molybdenum and fluospar. Mining accounted for more than 80pc of country'xs exports
- livestock

  • [gc pang and h toth] mongolians have akwaysvdepended for their well being on five animals - horses, camels, sheep, cattle or yaks, and goats. These are known as the five snouts or the five muzzles. Horse is the most important.

- cashmere

  • [gc pang and h toth] mongolia is world's second largest producer of cashmere
  • Value Chain Analysis of the Mongolian Cashmere Industry
- financial
  • until 1924,mongolia did not have any banks or currency of its own. Russian and chinese currenciesbwere used, while foreign trade was in usd and gpd. Most of the banks that existed at the time were owned by chinese business interests. The revolutionary govt reformed the system and established the mongolbank (now bank of mongolia) in 1924. A year later, tugrik (also calledthe togrog) was introduced as national currency.
- information technology
  • [gc pang and h toth] in 1921 the new revolutionary government nationalised the postalnand telecommunication services that had been russian-, chinese-, and danish-owned, and established a mongolian postal and telegraph dept.

Trade and investment environment
-  Mongolia has reached a $5.5bn bailout agreement with the International Monetary Fund just weeks before the country’s development bank faced repayments on a $580m bond. The IMF will provide Mongolia with funds totalling $440m, with the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Japan and South Korea offering $3bn in preferential loans. The Mongolian government on Wednesday approved a detailed plan to revive the landlocked country's economy, which has been mired in a severe downturn. Under the plan approved during a cabinet meeting, the Mongolian government is expected to start negotiations with other countries, especially neighboring ones, on long-term loans with low interest rates to reduce its debt burden and refinance its current loans. Also, the Mongolian government and the Bank of Mongolia, the country's central bank, will determine terms to extend or refinance a 580 million US-dollar loan taken out by the Development Bank of Mongolia, which is due in March, and international bonds due in January 2018. 
- inward investment

  • 蒙方對中國企業正當的商業併購採取了各種刁難措施,專門出台了《限制外國投資法》,主要針對的就是中國企業。
- legal system

  • [gc pang and h toth] mongolian legal system is a blend of russian, chinese and turkish law. Civil law is closely modeled on the russian system.

country development日前在曼谷參加聯合國亞太經濟社會委員會的工作坊,討論有關蒙古發展的研究報告,報告建議發展中蒙的邊境貿易和推動經濟特區的建設。研究有蒙古及多國參加,很可惜,卻缺乏中國的參與和中國經驗作參考。

In Mongolia, an aimag is the first-level administrative subdivision. The country currently has 21 aimags. The capital Ulan Bator is administrated as an independent municipality.During the Qing dynastyKhalkha was subdivided into four aimags (Setsen Khan AimagTüsheet Khan AimagSain Noyon Khan Aimag and Zasagt Khan Aimag).中文分別稱「」和「」。目前蒙古國有21省,內蒙古有三盟。歷史上艾馬克就是部落,中文史籍稱「部」,高於鄂托克(領地)。清朝在蒙古設立盟  制度,內扎薩克24部並為六盟,喀爾喀四部各設一盟,等等。清朝滅亡後,艾馬克逐漸取代盟成為行政單位,中文稱「省」。20世紀40年代,內蒙古的艾馬克中文改稱「」,但蒙古語名稱不變。

expel foreign nationals據俄羅斯媒體引述蒙古外國公民事務管理部門消息指,從今年初至今已有一百四十八名外國人被當局驅逐出境,其中八十人是中國公民。中國駐蒙古大使館上月呼籲國民赴蒙古時注意安全。

Pax Mongolica (less often known as Pax Tatarica) (Latin for "Mongol Peace") is a historiographical term, modeled after the original phrase Pax Romana, which describes the stabilizing effects of the conquests of the Mongol Empire on the social, cultural, and economic life of the inhabitants of the vast Eurasian territory that the Mongols conquered in the 13th and 14th centuries. The term is used to describe the eased communication and commerce the unified administration helped to create, and the period of relative peace that followed the Mongols' vast conquests.

- [gc pang and h toth] two main ethnic groups - mongolian (majority, 81.9pc are nomadic khalkha mongols who live in eastern and central part of the country; word khalkha (HAL-ha) means shield, originating around 17thc when various clans of mongols of the east formed an alliance in their struggle against the manchu/qing china. The other peoples in mongolian group are the dorvod, buryat, barga, uzem-chin, darhad, zakhchin, bayad, myangat, dariganga, oold, torguut, kharchin, chahar, and hotgon - they live in the west and northwest and along the southeast border of china; slight differences in dialects, ethnic clothing) and turkic (kazakhs who make up 3.8pc of population. They are pastoral people, traditionally muslim, live mainly in altai region. They are renowned hunters who pursue their quarry on horseback and use trained golden eagles and greyhounds to attack prey; tuvinians, uriankhai and uyghurs are other turkic peoples). A small number of russians and chinese live permanently in mongolia. In 1920s, many chinese were merchants, traders and artisans who worked in the buddhist monasteries. Man russians came to mongolis as advisers and skilledvworkers during the communist period.

social system
- [gc pang and h toth] before 1921, mongolia was a fixed feudal society with no social mobility. There was very little formal education. The only escape route was through buddhist monasteries. From the waning if empire in 16thc to beginning of 20thc , the influence lf lamaist buddhist religion resulted in almost half of the male population becoming monks. 90pc of population were common serfs and lowly monks. Aristocrats formed about 8pc of population and were political leaders and administrators

- [gc pang and h toth] mongolians eat marmots, rabbit, deer and wild boar. Fish and chicken are not common food. Animal fat is relished. Chunks of fat often float in the stews. Vegetable farming was left to chinese, and that wss only after the 1921 revolution when the government introduced farming into the economy. Soft pastry is a staple food. dairy products from camels, mares, sheep, goats, and cows are called white food and second to meat as the most important food

- monolian national university of medical sciences

- [gc pang and h toth] legend says that the first mongolwas born after a fair-haired man came through the opening at the top of the ger and impregnated alangua, the mother of mongols.

索永布蒙古語ᠰᠣᠶᠤᠮᠪᠤ西里爾字母Соёмбо)圖案是第一世哲布尊丹巴呼圖克圖於1686年創造的索永布字母中的一個圖案。索永布圖案最上方是火團,蒙古先民信奉拜火教,視火為吉祥和興旺的種子。索永布圖案上3個火舌表示過去、現在和未來,豐盈的意志都不可熄滅。火團下面是蒙古人民傳統的象徵物:太陽月亮。火與日、月三者結合,顯示繁榮昌盛,蒸蒸日上。上下兩個三角形代表,矛頭向下表示對敵人絕不寬容。上下兩塊長方形則是堅持正義和忠實的體現。圖案正中的太極陰陽圖案象徵和諧,而分列左右的兩塊長方形在古書中代表城牆,表示全民團結如一人,比牆還堅實。黃色的索永布圖案寓意深刻,一直是蒙古人民民族自由、獨立的象徵。蒙古國的國旗上面就採用了索永布圖案,在1993年以後發行的紙鈔上面也採用了索永布圖案。The name "Soyombo" is derived from Sanskrit svayambhu "self-created".
- incorporated in state flag and coat of arms of buryatia, russia

mongolian (language)
- dialects

  • khalkha - spoken by most mongolians, official language based on it
  • western/oirat - spoken in western parts of the country
  • buryat - spoken in the north around lake baikal
  • inner mongolian of the south

- script

  • [gc pang and h toth] after conquering the uyghur people, genghis khan commanded his captive uyghur adviser, tatatungo, to adapt the ancient uyghur script to the mkngolian language. The long, stringlike letters were connected by continuous lines from top to bottom and read from left to right;kublai khan ordered tibetan scholar and monk phagspa lama to devise a new alphabet.  The square scriot, with square-shaped letters, emerged for a short period of time.  It was based on the tibetan and indian alphabets and was written from top to bottom, and is the official script of yuan dynasty. In the 17thc, two  other handwritings were invented - clear script (tried to bring written language closer to spoken language); horizontal square script based on an ancient form of indian writing, could transcribe and record words in mongolian, tibetan, and sanskrit. In esrly 20thc, the vaghintara script was invented for transcribing russian words into mongolian. While under soviet influence, the mongolian script was replaced by cyrillic, but the writing cannot represent some of the sounds in spoken mongolian. In 1990, the govt resolvedvto reintroduce the traditional script of genghis khan but this plan has yet to be fully implemented. The soyombo script was introduced by gombordotji zanabazar in 1686. It was such a complex and ornamental script that it became impractical for wide use. Insread, it was limited to religious application in prayers and religious texts. What has remained of this script, however, is the soyombo symbol.
  • The traditional Mongolian script was introduced in the 12th to the 14th centuries by the Uyghurs, who drew on Arabic script as their model but wrote it vertically rather than horizontally. The traditional script lasted until the establishment of communist power in 1924. Under the influence of the Soviet Union, Mongolia was pushed into adopting a Latin script. Then, in 1941, Moscow decided that Mongolia should go over to a script based on the Russian Cyrillic, in order to be more tightly integrated with the communist world.

- 蒙古語有好幾種不同的文字 系統。題目中的蒙古文被稱為 回鶻蒙古文或傳統蒙古文,創 立於 13世紀,當時的蒙古人用回鶻字母書寫 蒙古語,一直保留至今。傳統蒙古文現在主 要的使用對象為中國內地(主要為內蒙古自 治區)的蒙古族。蒙古文是世界上現存的為 數不多的豎寫文字之一,書寫的基本順序為 從上到下拼寫,文字的排列方式為從左至 右。 世界上的文字大概分為幾類:語素文字、 音節文字和拼音文字。蒙古文是拼音文字也 是全音素文字,每個字母代表一個元音或輔 音。蒙古文每個字母都有三種形態,三種形 態代表同一個字母,但由於每個字母出現在 蒙古語單詞中的位置不同,其形態也不同, 這三種形態分別為:詞首形、詞中形和詞尾 形。傳統蒙古文的形態較為複雜,因此學習成 本較高,而且歷史較久,不能反映現代蒙古 語的音變,造成現代蒙古語口語與傳統蒙古 文差距較大。由於傳統蒙古文有以上缺點, 蒙古國進行了文字改革,並自 1941年起改用 西里爾字母書寫蒙古語至今。
- vocab

  • mori - a gelding
  • xiimori - a flying magic horse, also means healthy
  • morisaitai - fortunate, or a person who owns a good horse
- names

  • [gc pang and h toth] usually consists of two names, patronymic/father's name (often in a possessive form) and given name. eg former pm yumjaagiin tssdenbal's given name is tsedenbal, his father is yumjaag. People are usually called by their given name. Titles come after the name eg mr tsedenbal is tsedenbal guai (goo-ai)
- websites


- noyon khutagt danzanravjaa

  • wrote religious treaties but was more popular for more than 400 non-religious poems and songs including fair wind, the charming, the four seasons of the year 
  • monument at the entrance to museum of sainshand

- vanchinbalyn injinash

  • most famous work koke sudur/blue chronicle - a fictional version of mongol hustory extolling humanistic and patriotic ideals
- translation of chinese literature during 17th to 19th c, including dream of the red chamber, romance of the three kingdoms, and the water margin

bow making

- [gc pang and h toth]snake, hedgehog are often a bad characters; lion, dragon, elephant and garuda are strong animals with good attibutes; horse is often  magical and intelligent, caoable of incredible feats including flying; camel is thought of as kind and generous and often trust others too much

- mongolia worldly protector gilt bronze figure (three eyes, in dhoti costume, with ga'u box (paisley design))
- 蒙古垂飾
- painting

  • mongol zurag - distinctive in almost completely filling the space, use of certain colors, and a two dimensional, flat style
- zanabazar (1635-1723) mongolia's most famous sculptor and painter

Buteelchi dolls show rich Mongolian culture
- carved and shaped rectangular monuments called reindeer stones

  • [gc pang and h toth] possibly beginnings of ovoo or shaman shrines; upper section - sun or moon; middle section - graceful running and jumping deer; bottom section - images of tools and weapons

- festival
  • new year - falls between end of jan and early feb, new year's day is known as white moon or white month
  • Naadam (MongolianНаадам, classical Mongolian: Naɣadum[ˈnaːdəm]literally "games") is a traditional festival in Mongolia. The festival is also locally termed "eriin gurvan naadam" (эрийн гурван наадам) "the three games of men". The games are Mongolian wrestlinghorse racing, and archery, and are held throughout the country during midsummer. Naadam is the most widely watched festival among Mongols, and is believed to have existed for centuries in one fashion or another. Naadam has its origin in the activities, such as military parades and sporting competitions such as archery, horse riding and wrestling, that followed the celebration of various occasions, including weddings or spiritual gatherings. It later served as a way to train soldiers for battle. The three games of wrestling, horse racing and archery had been recorded in the 13rd century book The Secret History of the Mongols. During the Qing's rule, Naadam became an festival officially held by sums. Now it formally commemorates the 1921 Revolution when Mongolia declared itself independent of China. Naadam also celebrates the achievements of the new state. Naadam was celebrated as a Buddhist/shaman holiday until secularization in the 1930s under the communist influence of the Soviet Union. 
  • 11-13 july
  • [gc pang and h toth] since 1922, the biggest naadam has occurred in capital city ulaanbaatar to celebrate mongolia's national day 
  • danshig festival 6-7 august
  • 金鷹節係哈薩克族人馴鷹進行打獵嘅競賽,馴鷹文化已被聯合國教科文組織列入非物質文化遺產名錄。本身係蒙古族人嘅大海對草原生活十分熟悉,所以繼帶李秀恒去內蒙古、烏克蘭影相之後,兩人再次踏上征途,先由香港搭機到蒙古首都烏蘭巴托,然後驅車到舉行金鷹節嘅巴彥烏列蓋市,當地係蒙古國唯一有哈薩克族人聚集之地。
  • tsam
  • [gc pang and h toth] religious masked dance festival performed in big buddhidt monasteries in ancient times; originated in india and spread to tibet, was adopted in mongolia in sixteenth c; masks depicted buddhist deitues such as fierce protector gods and yama, or tshoijoo, the lord of death; the last tsam was held in ulaanbaatar in late 1930s

- music

  • 蒙古歌曲以聲音 宏大雄渾,曲調高亢悠揚而 聞名。其內容非常有蒙古特 色,有描述愛情和娶妻嫁女 的,有讚頌馬、草原、山川 、河流的,也有歌頌草原英 雄人物的等等,這些民歌生 動地反映蒙古社會的風土人 情。蒙古歌以敘事民歌為多 。這類民歌還有古代狩獵歌 、牧歌、宴歌等。這類民歌的音樂 旋律多以歌曲內容或歌唱環境,或 平平述來、或激越歡快、或抑鬱深 沉。長篇敘事歌《嘎達梅林》堪稱 是這類歌曲的優秀代表。這首長篇 民歌語言生動、富有生活氣息。它 的音調簡短方整,同語言緊密結合 ,帶有濃厚的說唱性。 蒙古傳統唱法包括多種歌唱技 巧,其中最具代表性的是 「呼麥」 唱法,這是蒙古族複音唱法 「潮爾 」 的高超演唱形式,是一種 「喉音 」 藝術。它運用特殊的聲音技巧, 一人同時唱出兩個聲部,形成罕見 的多聲部形態。演唱者運用閉氣技 巧,使氣息猛烈衝擊聲帶,發出粗 壯的氣泡音,形成低音聲部。在此 基礎上,巧妙調節口腔共鳴,唱出 透明清亮、帶有金屬聲的高音聲部 ,獲得無比美妙的聲音效果。

- films
  •  蒙古族长调民歌、史诗《格萨尔》等“非遗”项目均被拍成了电影《乌胡尔图辉腾》、《牧歌》,以及《格萨尔》纪录片等

- [gc pang and h toth]

  • traditional marriage involved a lama setting a propitious date
  • buddhism came to mongolia from uyghur people; gained importance in 13thc when a tibetan monk (phagspa lama) became the spiritual head of the country, he granted special status to all buddhists priests (called lamas), and exempted them from military and taxes; it was the religion of the ruling classes but lost influence with the collapse of kublai khan's yuan dynasty; during 17thc, ongoing rivalry between the red hat and yellow hat sectsbof tibetan buddhism leading to hope from each side to gain power thru the support of mongolia. Chinese ming dynasty was anxious to have the mongols embrace the religion.
  • in 1578, mongol ruler altan khan invited the tibetan religious head, sonam gyatso, to mongolia and gave him the title of dalai lama.
  • shamanism was banned in 1578. The lamas hurriedly adapted shamanismt rituals to buddhist rites to ease the spread of buddhism.
  • gombordorji zanabazar, the javzandamba hkutagt, was a famous reincarnate lama and head if buddhism in mogolia. He built the da khure monastery innurga in 1651 and many others. Seven other javzandamba khutagt rulers followed him, but all of them were from tibet because the chinese qing emperors were afraid a mongol might stir up politucal trouble. The 8th javzandamba khutagt did just that, declaring mongolia independent of chinese rule.  When he died in 1924, the communist government stopped the search for a successor. 
  • religious ceremonies were outlawed in 1937  under choibalsan, except at gandantegchinlin monastery (also called gandan) in ulaanbaatar, until 1990. Of more than 700 monasteries, only 4 were left standing to serve as museum of feudal period. 
  • a law passed in 1993 regarding state and church relations restricted religious activites largely in favour of buddhism. An ovoo(aw-waw) is a sacred shrine set on a mountain slope or near a lake or river in open land
  • shamanism
  • belief: there are three worlds: heavenly upper world ruked by tengri; tgecearthlt middle world inhabited by people; the subterranean lower world ruled by erleg khan, where souls of the dead await reincarnation. The sky is male and earth is female.
  • muslims
  • about 3% of population, most are kazakhs living innbayan-olgi in the west.
  • christians form about 2.2 pc of population
  • animals
  • peacock is sacred, mongolian homes often display peacocknfeathers to purify room
  • crows and snakes are believed to cast spells 
  •  goose is considered capable of breaking a stirrup if the rider does something bad to the bird
The Erdene Zuu Monastery (MongolianЭрдэнэ Зуу хийд光顯寺, Tibetan:ལྷུན་གྲུབ་བདེ་ཆེན་གླིང་) is probably the earliest surviving Buddhist monastery in Mongolia.  In 1939 the Communist leader Khorloogiin Choibalsan ordered the monastery destroyed, as part of a purge[8] that obliterated hundreds of monasteries in Mongolia and killed over ten thousand monks.[9][10] Three small temples and the external wall with the stupas survived the initial onslaught and by 1944 Joseph Stalin pressured Choibalsan to maintain the monastery (along with Gandantegchinlen Monastery in Ulaanbaatar) as a showpiece for international visitors, such as U.S. Vice President Henry Wallace, to prove that the communist regime allowed freedom of religion.[11] In 1947 the temples were converted into museums and for the four decades that followed Gandantegchinlen Khiid Monastery became Mongolia's only functioning monastery. After the fall of Communism in Mongolia in 1990, the monastery was turned over to the lamas and Erdene Zuu again became a place of worship.

  • [gc pang and h toth] built in 1885, damaged by warfare in 1680s, rebuilt in mid 18thc

Chahar (Mongolian Чахар; ‹The template Zh is being considered for merging.› 察哈爾 pinyinCháhā'ěr), also known as Chaha'erChakhar, or Qahar, was a province of the Republic of China in existence from 1912 to 1936, mostly covering territory in what is part of eastern Inner Mongolia. It was named after the Chahar Mongolians.Chahar Province is named after the Chahar, a tribal group of the Mongols who live in that area. Before the unification of the Mongol tribes under Genghis Khan, the area had seen intermittent Chinese influence over the native Mongols. After the Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368), the area was only intermittently controlled by China. The Chahar had become the personalappanage of the Khagans of Mongolia since the reign of Batumongke Dayan Khan (r. 1479–1517). By the Qing Empire (1644–1912), Chahar was not yet a Chinese province, but a "Special Region" (Zhangyuan (張垣特區)), although Yao Xiguang (姚錫光) proposed making Chahar a province as early as 1908.[2][3]In 1913, the second year of the Republic of China, Chahar Special Administrative Region was created as a subdivision of Zhili (直隸) Province, containing 6 Banners and 11 countiesIn 1928, it became a province. The last five counties on the above list (starting from Xinghe) were partitioned to Suiyuan province. And ten counties were included from XuanhuaSubprefecture (宣化府), Koubei Circuit (口北道), Hebei Province.From 1937 to 1945, it was occupied by Japan and made a part of Mengjiang, a Japanese-controlled region led by Mongol Prince Demchugdongrub of the Shilingol Alliance. The Chahar People's Anti-Japanese Army Alliance (察哈爾民眾抗日同盟軍) was established in Kalgan on May 26, 1933 by Feng Yuxiang (馮玉祥) and Ji Hongchang (吉鴻昌).In 1952, six years after becoming communist, the province was abolished and divided into parts of Inner MongoliaBeijing Municipality and Hebei.
- 2003 a groundbreaking historical genetics paper reported results which indicated that a substantial proportion of men in the world are direct line descendants of Genghis Khan. By direct line, I mean that they carry Y chromosomes which seem to have come down from an individual who lived approximately 1,000 years ago. As Y chromosomes are only passed from father to son, that would mean that the Y is a record of one’s patrilineage. Genghis Khan died ~750 years ago, so assuming 25 years per generation, you get about 30 men between the present and that period. In more quantitative terms, ~10% of the men who reside within the borders of the Mongol Empire as it was at the death of Genghis Khan may carry his Y chromosome, and so ~0.5% of men in the world, about 16 million individuals alive today, do so. Since 2003 there have been other cases of “super-Y” lineages. For example the Manchu lineage and the Uí Néill lineageTo me the power and fury of the Mongol expansion, the awe and magnetism which Genghis Khan’s bloodline held for Asiatic societies in the wake of their world conquest, is attested to by the fact that descent from Genghis Khan became a mark of prestige even within Islamic societies.Timur claimed a relationship to Chagatai. His descendants in India, the Timurids, retained pride in their Genghiside heritage. In Russia among the Muslim Tatars and in Central Asia among the Uzbeks descent from Genghis Khan was a major calling card for any would-be warlord. This is peculiar in light of the fact that Genghis Khan, and his near descendants, were non-Muslims! Not only were they non-Muslims, but the Mongol assault on West Asian Muslims societies was particularly deleterious; it is generally assumed that Iran and Mesopotamia’s relatively productive irrigation system were wrecked during the Mongol conquests to the point where it took centuries for them to rebound to their previous levels of productivity. More symbolically, it was the Mongols who finally extinguished the Abbasid CaliphateIn Muslim societies pride of place is given to Sayyids, descendants of Muhammad through his grandsons Hasan and Husain. Naturally this is often fictive, but that matters little. In fact in the Golden Horde, the northwestern region of the Mongol Empire which eventually gave rise to the Tatars who imposed the yoke on the Russians, non-Genghiside warlords produced fictive genealogies claiming descent from Muhammad as a way to negate the lineage advantage of their Genghiside rivals. But it is still shocking that there was even a question as to whether descent from Genghis Khan was more prestigious than descent from the prophet of Islam! And the power of descent from Genghis Khan, the monopoly of the commanding heights which his male line descendants still felt to be theirs by right of their blood, obtained at the heart of his Empire, Mongolia, down to a very late period. The last of the great steppe polities, the Zunghar Empire, was defeated by the Manchus in part because it was led by a subset of the Oirat Mongols, a tribe whose leadership were not descended in the male line from the Golden Family, and so could not convince the Genghiside nobility of eastern Mongolia to align with them. 
Empress Chabi (1227–1281) was an Khongirad empress consort of the Yuan dynasty in China, married to Kublai Khan. As such, she was the wife to the Mongol Khagan who had conquered all of China in the 1270s. According to "The Secret History of the Mongols", Chabi was the favorite wife of Kublai and a valued unofficial adviser throughout his reign. She was a patron of the arts and may have played a key role in advancing the interests of the young Venetian traveler, Marco Polo. It is suspected that Chabi herself may have come under Christian influence, like her mother-in-law, SorhataniEmpress Chabi exemplified the high role of women in Mongol culture. As Kublai's wife and advisor, she was an important political and diplomatic influence, especially in pleasing the Chinese masses through reconciliation. Chabi promoted Buddhism in the high levels of government. She suggested the better treatment of the north Chinese imperial family in order to appease the people. Chabi also helped Kublai prevent the conversion of Chinese cultivating land into Mongol pastures, out of respect to the Chinese people. Chabi and Kublai's combined cosmopolitan views were effective at adopting Chinese culture without being overwhelmed by it. With Chabi's help, Kublai was able to control his ambitious brother and the potentially unruly Chinese scholar-gentry and peasantry.
Oirats 瓦刺 (Mongolian: "ойрад", "ойрд", Oird[needs IPA]; in the past, also Eleuths) are the westernmost group of the Mongols whose ancestral home is in the Altairegion of western Mongolia. Although the Oirats originated in the eastern parts of Central Asia, the most prominent group today is located in Kalmykia, a federal subject of Russia, where they are calledKalmyksHistorically, the Oirats were composed of four major tribes: Dzungar (Choros or Olots), Torghut, Dörbet, and Khoshut. The minor tribes include: Khoid,Bayads, Myangad, Zakhchin, Baatud明代对西部蒙古各族的总称。元代斡亦剌,清代称卫拉特或额鲁特。
  • Featured in 明妃傳
Damdinii Sükhbaatar (MongolianДамдины СүхбаатарDamdinii Sykebaatarᠳᠠᠮᠳᠢᠨ ᠤ
ᠰᠦᠬᠡᠪᠠᠭᠠᠲᠤᠷ; February 2, 1893 – February 20, 1923) was a founding member of the Mongolian People's Party and leader of the Mongolian partisan army that took Khüree during the Outer Mongolian Revolution of 1921. For his part in the Outer Mongolian revolution of 1921, he was enshrined as the "Father of Mongolia's Revolution".Sükhbaatar (literally meaning "Axe Hero" in the Mongolian language) was born in present-day Ulaanbaatar, the Chinese trading settlement some kilometers east of Ikh Khüree (later Niislel Khüree, now Ulaanbaatar), as the third of four children. His parents had deserted their home banner in Setsen Khan aimag, and his father lived from odd jobs and as a day laborer. When Sükhbaatar was six, the family moved close to the Russian consulate. It was from playing with the Russian children that he learnt to speak some Russian. 
  • after his mysterious death, Mongolia's capital was renamed Ulaanbaatar ("Red Hero") in 1924. The Order of Sukhbaatarbecame the highest decoration of the Mongolian state. In 1954, he was exhumed from his grave at Altan Ölgii National Cemetery and reinterred in the newly built mausoleum at Sükhbaatar square. When the mausoleum was dismantled in 2005, he was cremated and his ashes buried in Altan Ölgii again.[4] His cremation was supervised by Buddhist monks.Sükhbaatar's widow Yanjmaa went on to serve in a number of senior positions in the Mongolian government, including acting president.
  • Sükhbaatar Square (MongolianСүхбаатарын талбай, pronounced Sükhbaatariin Talbai) is the central square of Mongolia's capital Ulaanbaatar. The square was named for Mongolian's revolutionary hero Damdin Sükhbaatar shortly after his death in 1923. The square's name was changed to Chinggis Square (MongolianЧингисийн талбай, pronounced Chinggisiin Talbai) in 2013 in honor of Genghis Khan, considered the founding father of Mongolia, but the original name was restored in 2016. The center of the plaza features an equestrian statue of Damdin Sükhbaatar, while a large colonnade monument dedicated to Genghis Khan, as well as to Ögedei Khan and Kublai Khan, dominates the square's north face directly in front of the Saaral Ordon (Government Palace).Government Palace (built in 1951 on the spot formally occupied by the national theater or "Green Domed Theater") is located on the north side of the square. It is fronted by a large colonnade monument to Genghis KhanÖgedei Khan, and Kublai Khan, completed in 2006 in time for the 800th anniversary of Genghis Khan's coronation. Prior to its demolition in 2005, Sükhbaatar's Mausoleum, the former burial place of Damdin Sükhbaatar and Khorloogiin Choibalsan occupied the area just in front of the Government palace.
  • in 1992 new constitution, the mongolian people' republic became simply mongolia. Opposition parties regrouped following 1992 election. All of them pressured the govt for change and imprivements in people's living standards. demonstrations and hunger strikes were held in sukhbaatar square from 1993 to 1995.
Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal (MongolianЮмжаагийн Цэдэнбал, Jumƶaagiin Cedenbalᠶᠠᠭᠤᠮᠠᠵᠢᠭ᠎ᠠ ᠶᠢᠨ
ᠼᠡᠳᠡᠨᠪᠠᠯ[jumt͡ʃɑɡiːŋ t͡sʰɪtənpɑɮ] RussianЮмжагийн ЦэдэнбалromanizedYumjagyn Tsedenbal[jʊmʐɐˈɡɪjn t͡sɪdɪnˈbɑɫ]; 17 September 1916 – 20 April 1991) was the leader of the Mongolian People's Republic from 1940 to 1984. During his political life, he served as Chairman of the Presidium of the People's Great Khural (head of state), Prime Minister of Mongolia (head of government) and General Secretary of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party. He was the longest-serving leader of any Eastern Bloc country, serving over 44 years in office until his expulsion in August 1984.Tsedenbal was born to a poor ethnic Dörvöd nomadic family in Zorigt Khan hoshuu of the Unen Zorigt Khan aimag (present day Davst sum in Uvs aimag). He was the fifth of eleven children in his family (three of his siblings died in infancy).In 1925 Tsedenbal became among the first students in the newly organized public school in Ulaangom, graduating in 1929. The same year Tsedenbal went to Irkutskto continue his education. He spent about nine years between Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude, where he learned the Russian languageand later obtained a degree from the Siberian Finance and Economics Institute.His Russian wife, Anastasia Filatova (Анастасия Филатова), was often said to be the most powerful political figure in Mongolia[citation needed] due to her close relationship with the Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev.
  • [gc pang and h toth] during his tenure, he promoted russian culture. Everyone had to speak russian, schools and universities taught in russian, and people wore western style clothing instead of the del (traditional mongolian dress). He purged the intelligentsia in 1965, resigned in 1984 and formed the mongolian democratic association

Ài Sīqí (艾思奇) is the pen name of Li Shengxuan (李生萱, 1910–1966), a Yunnan Mongol Chinese philosopher and author. He was born in Tengchong, Yunnan, later traveling to Hong Kong, where he studied English and French at a Protestant school and was exposed to Sun Yat-sen’sThree Principles of the People and Marxism. He read a great deal of Marxism, including the Communist Manifesto, in Japanese translation. This reading is the root of Ai’s most important works, Historical Materialism and Dialectical Materialism (歷史唯物主義與辯証唯物主義) and Philosophy for the Masses (大眾哲學)(1948). In the small tourist town of Heshun in Tengchong County, in western Yunnan Province, China, there is a small museum dedicated to Ai. It is based in his former house, where he lived for two years. It contains pictures, personal items and a statue of him in the yard of the compound.

Khaltmaagiin Battulga (born 3 March, 1963) is a Mongolian politician and President-elect of Mongolia, who served as Member of the State Great Khural from 2004-2016 and Minister of Roads, Transportation, Construction and Urban Development from 2008-2012.Battulga is a second child. His father and mother are both from Ulaanbaatar city. The family was allocated a traditional “ger” in Yarmag ger district in Ulaanbaatar after they lost everything in the flood of Tuul River in 1966. Hence, Battulga grew up in the streets of Yarmag and went to a local secondary school. When he graduated from 8th grade, his teacher recommended that he apply to an arts school given his talents. Battulga graduated in 1982. While studying at the Arts School, Battulga sold his paintings to tourists around Bayangol Hotel area, learning sufficient English to help sell his artwork. His father was a coach of Mongolian traditional wrestling and thus Battulga grew up wrestling. Battulga was a member of the Mongolian National wrestling team in 1979-1990. Battulga won the world cup championship in Ulaanbaatar in 1989. Wrestling allowed Battulga to travel internationally at a period, when travel abroad for Mongolians was not allowed. Battulga was awarded an Merited Sportsmen of Mongolia in 1995, thereafter being selected as the Chairman of Mongolian JudoFederation in 2006. Under Battulga’s leadership at the Judo Federation, Mongolian judokas became Olympic Champions for the first time in history. In 1990, Battulga started sewing and selling jeans locally and in Hungary. This allowed him to make $600, sufficient to buy a video camera and to start an export-import business trading electronics from Singapore to Mongolia, Russia and Eastern Europe. Battulga, like many others of his generation was fascinated with The Godfather movie. Thus, he named his first company Genco. This nickname has stuck with him ever since. Genco acquired controlling interests during the privatization of state-owned assets such as Bayangol Hotel and meat-processing factory Makh-Impex in 1997 and 1999 respectively. In the 1990s Genco group started one of the first taxi businesses in Mongolia called City Taxi, retail store operations under Sapporo name, lottery business, restaurant and night club operations, flour milling and bread making factory Talkh Chikher LLC.
- diplomats

  • 烏嫩,曾用名李素蘭,蒙古族,雖 不是著名畫家,但她學畫、作畫的勤奮 和頑強卻十分感人。她曾與我在外交部亞洲司一個處工作, 她負責對蒙古事務,我負責朝鮮半島事務,相處幾十年。當 然,期間,我出國到平壤中國大使館工作,她到烏蘭巴托中 國大使館工作,也分開過幾年。 烏嫩的先生張德麟,是新中國成立後第一批派往蒙古學 習蒙文的留學生,畢業後到使館工作,從隨員做起,直做到 中國駐蒙古大使。烏嫩雖是蒙古族,但生在北京,長在北京 ,並不會蒙古語。在學習外語過程中,她與先生相識、相知 、相愛,終結為秦晉之好。

- culture

  • Balduugiin "Marzan" Sharav (1869 – 1939, MongolianБалдугийн 'Марзан' Шарав; marzan = facetious), was a Mongolian painter.He is often credited with the introduction of modern painting styles to Mongolia, but his most famous work, One day in Mongolia (MongolianMongolyn neg ödör), is done in a more traditional zurag style. His other well-known work includes portraits of the Bogd Khan and his queen Dondogdulam.
  • Borjgin Dashdorjiin Natsagdorj (MongolianБоржгин Дашдоржийн Нацагдорж; Nov 17. 1906 - 1937), was a Mongolian poet, writer, and playwright, and founder of the Mongolian Writer's Union. He is considered one of the founding fathers of modern Mongolian literatureand Mongolia's first "classic Socialist" writer. Also, he was the master of short essay.
  • Junast (also Junastu; 1934–2010) was a Chinese linguist of Mongolian ethnicity who specialized in the study of the Monguor languageEastern Yugur language and the 'Phags-pa script.
  • Byambasuren Sharav (MongolianБямбасүрэнгийн ШаравByambasürengiin Sharav), born November 13, 1952, is a Mongolian composer and pianist.Sharav was born in Jargaltkhaan Sum in Khentii Province. He learned as a child from his father to play the accordion. As a music teacher at an elementary school, he began to compose children's songs. From 1975 he studied at the Sverdlovsk Conservatory in the Soviet Union.Byambasuren Sharav has composed over 200 songs and composed for more than twenty major motion pictures, eight concertos for Mongolian folk instruments, three symphonies, and four ballets. He was commissioned by Yo-Yo Ma for the Silk Road Project in 2000, for which he wrote his piece Legend of Herlen.[1] Also of note is his Genghis Khan composition (2003). Two of his compositions featured at the Stanford Pan-Asian Music Festival in February 2011.
- houses

  • A traditional yurt (from the Turkic languages) or ger (Mongolian) is a portable, round tent covered with skins or felt and used as a dwelling by several distinct nomadic groups in the steppes of Central Asia. The structure comprises an angled assembly or latticework of pieces of wood or bamboo for walls, a door frame, ribs (poles, rafters), and a wheel (crown, compression ring) possibly steam-bent. The roof structure is often self-supporting, but large yurts may have interior posts supporting the crown. The top of the wall of self-supporting yurts is prevented from spreading by means of a tension band which opposes the force of the roof ribs. Modern yurts may be permanently built on a wooden platform; they may use modern materials such as steam-bent wooden framing or metal framing, canvas or tarpaulin, Plexiglas dome, wire rope, or radiant insulation.辽国上京的宫城里的宫帐被称为斡耳朵,也是一种形式的蒙古包。   汉语中的蒙古包一词始于清代。“包”(满语ᠪᠣᠣ转写boo),满语的意思。也称为穹庐毡帐毡包等。
  • [gc pang and h toth] man's working tools, saddle, leather bag containg airag are on his side on the left - under the sky god's protection; the kitchen and cooking utensils are on the women's side on the right - under the sun's protection. The back is reserved for elders, honored guests, and the famiky altar.
  • [national geographic encyclopdia]Yurts have been well-documented through history. The Buryat Mongolian community of Siberia claim their land as the birthplace of the ger, and the earliest known depiction of the structure comes from a bronze bowl unearthed in the Zagros Mountains of Iran. The bowl dates to about 600 BCE. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote about yurts used by the Scythian people around 440 BCE. Scythians were nomadic people from the land surrounding the Black and Caspian Seas. Italian explorer Marco Polodetailed the gers used by Mongols in the time he lived with them, between 1274 and 1291. The yurt has also become a unifying symbol of “the Stans”: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. The flag of Kyrgyzstan features the pattern of a yurt crown in the center of its design. The coat of arms of Kazakhstan is built around a knotted yurt crown. Because the steppe has no trees, nomads had to trade with residents of river valleys (and, later, the Silk Road) for wood. Merchants and skilled woodworkers would sell or trade ger construction materials in different forms. For the least amount of goods or services, they would trade logs of willow or birch. For a medium price, consumers could trade pre-cut poles. For the highest price, they could buy complete khana.

- [gc pang and h toth] nomadic peoples move fartger west near china in 2nd-1st bce; in 1206-1215 genghis khan expands the mongolian empire south to beijing and west to lake balkash; genghis dies during siege of hsingchungfu in 1227. His son ogedei becomes khan. Invasion of eurooe ends at vienna with death of ogedei in 1241. Civil war in 1400-1454. Buddhism becomes mainnreligion in 1586. Inner and outer mongolia were created in 1636 and 1691 respectively. Vote for independence in a UN plebiscite. in 1945.
The Khentii Mountains (Mongolian: Хэнтийн нуруу) are a mountain range in the Töv and Khentii Provinces in northern Mongolia. The chain overlaps the Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area and includes Mongolia's sacred mountain, Burkhan Khaldun, which is associated with the origin of Genghis KhanThe range forms the watershed between the Arctic Ocean (via Lake Baikal) and the Pacific Ocean basins. Rivers originating in the range include the Onon, Kherlen, and TuulGenghis Khan is thought to have found a beautiful place in the Khentii Mountains, called the Great Taboo or Ikh Khorig by the Mongols, where he sat down and stated that he wanted to be buried there. This is suspected to be the area in which he was buried. However, Genghis Khan’s grave has not been found yet.

The Mongolian Revolution of 1921 (Outer Mongolian Revolution of 1921, or People's Revolution of 1921) was a military and political event by which Mongolian revolutionaries, with the assistance of the Soviet Red Army, expelled Russian White Guards from the country, and founded theMongolian People's Republic in 1924. Although nominally independent, the Mongolian People's Republic was a satellite state of the Soviet Union until 1990. The revolution also ended Chinese occupation over Mongolia, which had existed since 1919. Official Mongolian name of the revolution is "People's Revolution of 1921" or simply "People's Revolution" (MongolianАрдын хувьсгал).
  • I am Mongolian. Mongolia had a Soviet influence during 1921–1989. I consider “Denomadification” was very good thing . Woman benefited most from “denomadification”. I think it is difficult for settled people to understand nomadic mentality. Mongols did not consider rape a crime before socialism. Mongolia’s first ever rape trial was held in 1950. Come on, it is 1950, not 1950BC.Also bride kidnapping was common before socialism.There were also a lot of other barbaric nomadic customs. Soviet influence eliminated them.Also, Soviet atheism reduced superstition significantly. 40% of Mongolian men were Buddhist priests.Mongolia also had a box prison . Long, starvation death.Mongolia did not have any factories, schools, nor hospitals at that time. The majority of people had sexually transmitted infectious diseases.
- communist rule

  • [gc pang and h toth]mongolian livestock herders were divided into rich and poor. Animals from the rich were seized and divided among the poor. Property was appropriated from buddhist monasteries. Thousands of lamas were killed, hundreds of temples and monasteries were destroyed. Chinese businessmen and their families were expelled from the country.
- reference

  • the secret history of mongols 

- investors from australia

  •  Rio Tinto Ltd. and its partners have lined up a combined $4.4 billion from 20 lenders to fund the expansion of a Mongolian copper mine, as the Anglo-Australian company continues to invest in big, new projects despite a rout in global commodity markets. Rio has become an outlier in the global mining industry by spending billions of dollars to expand businesses such as bauxite and iron ore at a time when many other large producers have delayed new investment. A Rio-led venture plans to build a vast network of underground tunnels at its Oyu Tolgoi deposit in Mongolia, where it has already built an open-pit mine. It is expected to become one of the world’s largest copper operations.
- 歐盟周二發表聲明指,今年將在蒙古首都烏蘭巴托設立代表團,有助雙方展開政治對話和合作,加強夥伴關係。

- President Vladimir Putin has signed into law a bill ratifying an agreement to settle Mongolia's financial obligations to Russia. The State Duma approved the ratification bill on January 22 and the Federation Council followed suit on January 27. The agreement was signed in Moscow on December 14, 2010, when Mongolia's unsettled financial obligations to Russia totaled $174.2 million. The whole amount is overdue. It includes debt on loans extended to make contributions to the equity of joint venture Mongolsovtsvetmet. Under the agreement, Mongolia will settle the entire debt to Russia with a one-time payment of $3.8 million, which is due 30 days after the agreement enters force.
China and Russia
- 中俄蒙元首三邊會晤 建副外長級磋商機制
- trade fair (7th edition since 2009, taiwan participated)
- think tank

  • A founding ceremony for a China, Russia and Mongolia think tank alliance and thefirst trilateral think tank forum was held on Sept 17 in Ulaanbaatar, the capital ofMongolia. The forum was jointly hosted by the bureau of international cooperation at China'sDevelopment Research Center of the State Council, the Inner Mongoliadevelopment research center, the Institute of Far Eastern Studies affiliated with theRussian Academy of Sciences, the Mongolian Academy of Sciences and theNational University of Mongolia. A constitution for the alliance was passed at the ceremony. More than 120representatives attended the conference on behalf of over 30 think tanks asmembers of the alliance, among which the Inner Mongolia development researchcenter, IFES and the MAS are president members, as well as foreign ministries ofthe three countries. The theme of the forum that followed the ceremony was to propel the constructionof a China-Russia-Mongolia economic corridor by a full exchange of ideas onpolicies. Representatives from think tanks in all three countries shared their viewson strategic coordination; infrastructure co-construction; cooperation on trade,economy, culture and tourism matters; as well as ecological protection andagricultural development. A highlight of the discussions was the Belt and Road Initiative, as both Russia andMongolia play major roles in this grand plan initiated by China. Jiang Xiheng, vice-director of the bureau of international cooperation at the DRC,said it is a trend for think tanks to strengthen global cooperation. As part of themodern national governance system, think tanks participate increasingly more indrafting public policies and act as bridges between policymaking and academicresearch, the government and the public, as well as among different states. Professor Matveev Vladimir Aleksandrovich from IFES said that with acceleratedglobalization, the existing Eurasian land transportation network is no longersufficient to meet China's potential demands of trade with Europe. Safer, moreconvenient land transportation lines are needed to connect it with Europe, Russia,Central Asia and Middle Eastern states, he said. T Dorj, an academician and vice-president of MAS, said the Grassland Roadinitiative of Mongolia and the Russian plan of connecting Eurasia with railwaysmatch China's Belt and Road Initiative. Cooperation among the three is of keyimportance to all three countries and the Asia-Pacific region. As close neighbors, the three nations have long realized the importance ofcooperating with each other. The alliance of think tanks will do policy research onthe economic corridor of the three nations, boost innovative thinking and offerconsultation for decision-making, so as to support the long-term prosperity of thethree countries.
- tourism

  • 中俄蒙三國旅遊業界的代表11日齊聚中國吉林省琿春市 ,在中俄蒙旅遊合作會議上簽署了《吉林宣言》,共建旅遊 交流合作長效機制,共同協商和研究區域旅遊合作的戰略、 方針與機制。 三國還商議建立旅遊行政執法協作機制,實現旅遊投訴 、旅遊經營違規案件調查處理的無障礙合作,及對重大旅遊 安全事故提供積極有效的救援和幫助。
- tea

  • 據俄羅斯媒體18日報道,中國、俄羅斯和蒙古組成旅遊聯盟,打造世界上最長的跨國旅遊路線“萬里茶道”。在發展旅遊基礎設施“萬里茶道”經濟論壇框架內,俄羅斯6個地區已經簽署有關加入旅遊聯盟的意向書。 俄羅斯旅遊署副署長阿列克謝.科紐什科夫説:“該項目涵蓋廣泛的地域,陸地上現有的最長路線,通過該路線可以穿越歐亞大陸,並遊覽俄羅斯、中國和蒙古這樣的國家。” 始於17世紀末,以武夷山下梅村為起點的“萬里茶道”經由中國八省和蒙古,直至俄羅斯聖彼得堡,使茶葉之路延長到13000公里之多。科紐什科夫表示,該路線于1992年開始開發,共有3個國家的超過50個組織提供支持。 
The Wedding Palace was founded and established in June 14th, 1976 with the mission to spreading and supporting the marriage and wedding ceremony of Mongolians at Ulaanbaatar city. We are opened as the Wedding Palace under registered in Civil Marriage Registration Department of Ulaanbaatar city. As of today, we are hosting and celebrating the weddings with traditional Mongolian culture and we are offering Gold, Silver and Diamond wedding packages to younger generations of Mongolia. When, Mongolians were celebrating our half century’s Independence Day of Republic of Mongolia and our neighboring country, Russian Federation’s official representatives came to our country to celebrate with Mongolians. With this greatest moment, Mongolian Head of State Yu. Tsedenbal’s wife A.I. Tsedenbal Filatova’s pure motherhood heart and desire makes her want to establish the Wedding Palace for newlyweds, lovers, younger generations to celebrate their happiest and most precious moments with their family, friends and relatives and yet, it was one of the most critical issues of Mongolia during that time and the demand for wedding palace highly demanded and she asked, fellow Russian officials to build a wedding palace as present for Mongolian future and then the Wedding Palace construction work began. This, Wedding Palace was a present from Russian’s and yet, it was the first and only Wedding Palace of the Asia. The construction work was completed by the Mongolian and Russian engineers and workers for short period of time with high quality, and the interior decoration work and wooden cravings were finished by the Mongolian Painters, such as D. Amgalan, L. Chuvaamid, rock decoration artist S. Munkhtogtokh, P. Damba, R. Ganbat, B. Sumdaarii and advisor Ye. Yatsiyenko /Russia/.

- [gc pang and h toth] india was the first noncommunist country to recognise mongolia after it declared independence in 1921. Just before the unveiling, young monks at the monastery chanted Buddhist chants. Soon after, a Buddhist monk present at the prime minister's residence offered prayers as Modi and President Battulga stood with folded hands. The Prime Minister's Office on Thursday described the unveiling ceremony as a "symbol of India-Mongolia spiritual partnership and shared Buddhist heritage".In May 2015, Modi had visited the monastery where he presented a Bodhi tree sapling describing it as a token of friendship from the Indian people.Gandan is the largest and most significant monastery in Mongolia. Built in the mid 19th century, it is the only monastery where Buddhist services continued to function even during the Communist period.

- 馬來西亞總理馬哈蒂爾上台後,宣布重新調查多宗案件,最新一宗是十二年前蒙古女子阿坦圖雅被殺案,馬哈蒂爾日前更親自接見死者父親,以示支持重啟調查。此案纏繞前總理納吉布政府多年,女死者當年被指與納吉布親信有染,因勒索巨額金錢而被滅口;亦有指她捲入納吉布的回扣案才遭毒手。事發在二○○六年十月,阿坦圖雅在雪蘭莪州一處森林遭開槍謀殺,然後再被C4炸藥炸毀屍體,粉身碎骨。據英國《衞報》報道,阿坦圖雅是納吉布助理巴金達的情人,她當時為馬來西亞購買法國「鮋魚」級潛艇的國防交易擔任翻譯員,納吉布和巴金達都被懷疑從中收受數百萬美元的回扣。

- historical ties

  • [gc pang and h toth]in 1931, japan invaded manchuria and threatened to overrun mongolia, but joint soviet- mongolian forces met that threat successfully. Subsequently, russia and china signed an anti-japanese treaty that also recognised mongolia's independence.

- leaders visit

  • 國家主席習近平10日在人民大會堂同蒙古國總統額勒貝格道爾吉舉行會談。習近平提出,中蒙已就加快推進中方絲綢之路經濟帶倡議和蒙方草原之路倡議對接達成共識,雙方可在推動具體項目的同時,探討商簽兩國政府間關於發展戰略對接協議。中方願同蒙方繼續按照礦產資源開發、基礎設施建設、金融合作「三位一體、統籌推進」的重要共識,抓緊各項工作,爭取推動兩國經貿大項目合作取得實質進展。會談後,兩國元首共同見證了經濟技術、食品安全、基礎設施建設、航空、能源、金融等領域11份雙邊合作文件的簽署。
  • Premier Li Keqiang's historic official visit to Mongolia this week aims to further promote and strengthen the existing ties. It is the first such trip by a Chinese premier in six years and also the first by any Chinese leader since Mongolia elected its new government and parliament this year. Li will meet with top Mongolian political leadership, including Prime Minister Jargaltulga Erdenebat and President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj. The discussion will focus on building deeper economic ties for development of bilateral and regional cooperation. A number of agreements to promote economic and political ties are expected to be signed during the visit. They include agreements related to energy, trade, infrastructure, investment, agriculture and livestock. The discussion on the development of infrastructure will be a major highlight of the trip. Leaders from the two countries will discuss a tri-nation economic and communication corridor initiative, which will link China, Mongolia and Russia through high-speed trains and other modes of transport. The trilateral project is an important part of China's overarching "Belt and Road" initiative, which is a massive project to build closer connections among different countries and continents for win-win cooperation., 
    Standing Committee member Liu Yunshan in Ulan Bator as first stop of Asia-Europe tour . Senior Communist Party of China official Liu Yunshan met separately with Mongolia's president and prime minister on Saturday, signaling a strong desire on both sides to cement ties in a comprehensive manner.
  • Five agreements were signed on Monday to promote China-Mongolia cooperation in fields such as production capacity, cross-border trade and environmental protection. The agreements were witnessed by Premier Li Keqiang and visiting Mongolian Prime Minister Ukhnaa Khurelsukh.
  • 中國國家主席習近平27日在人民大會堂同蒙古國總統巴特圖勒嘎會談。巴特圖勒嘎表示,蒙中是全面戰略夥伴,蒙古國人民對中國人民的遭遇感同身受,願在這一艱難時刻與中國人民同舟共濟。蒙方在國內發起「永久鄰邦、暖心支持」行動,為支持中方抗擊疫情募捐,得到蒙古國社會各界的積極響應。蒙方願在此前已經向中方提供捐款的基礎上,再向中方贈送3萬隻羊,以表達蒙古國人民的心意。會談後,巴特圖勒嘎還向習近平遞交了蒙方向中方贈送3萬隻羊的證書。
- senior officials visit
  •  中国外交部长 王毅20日在北京与蒙古国外长蒙赫奥尔吉勒举行会谈并共同会见记者。王毅表示,去年中蒙关系一度经歷波折,蒙方及时採取措施确认奉行一个中国政策,两国关 系将“整束好行装再出发”。王毅续指,中蒙双方已达成共识,将尽早签署“一带一路”倡议与蒙方“草原之路”发展战略对接文件。蒙赫奥尔吉勒则就中方加入对 蒙古国的55亿美元(折合约426亿港元)国际救助计划表示感谢。
- fta

  • China and Mongolia will soon start conducting a joint feasibility study for the development of a free trade zone, a Chinese official said on Tuesday. Qian Keming, a vice-minister of commerce, said the move highlights the ever strengthening Sino-Mongolian relations "on the basis of mutual respect, equality and benefit".

- retaliatory trade restrictions

  • 西藏流亡精神領袖達賴喇嘛上月出訪蒙古後,連帶在蒙古經營礦業的澳洲力拓礦業集團也被捲入漩渦。澳洲傳媒報道,達賴訪蒙後,中國對蒙古銅礦出口產品徵收額外費用,還對出口口岸作出限制,使力拓集團在蒙古的業務大受影響。
  • Assuring Mongolia that India is sympathetic to the problems being faced by it, Delhi has said it will help the country utilise the $1 billion financial assistance offered in 2015 to tide over the economic sanctions imposed on Ulan Bator by China in retaliation for inviting Dalai Lama.
- cross border economic zone
  • 中蒙跨境经济合作区(中方一侧)基础设施建设项目全面战略合作协议21日在内蒙古自治区二连浩特市签署,标誌着中蒙跨境经济合作区进入全面施工建设阶段。据二连浩特市政府当日通报,中国二十二冶集团与二连浩特市以PPP项目模式(公共私营合作制)合作,承担中蒙跨境经济合作区(中方一侧)的全面施工建设。工程总投资8.24亿人民币,建设工期为2年,今年将完成地下综合管廊的土方工程及标准化厂房的基础建设。
  • 國務院總理李克強昨日上午在人民大會堂同來華進行正式訪問的蒙古國總理呼日勒蘇赫舉行會談。在兩國總理見證下,兩國商務部門共同簽署了《中國商務部與蒙古國對外關係部關於加快推進中蒙跨境經濟合作區建設雙邊政府間協議談判進程的諒解備忘錄》(以下簡稱《備忘錄》)。中蒙雙方將按照《備忘錄》安排,加快談判進程,爭取盡快就雙邊政府間協議達成一致,推動中蒙跨境經濟合作區建設早日取得實質性進展。
- railway

  •  China State Construction Engineering Corporation, the third largest construction company in theworld, is already in discussions with a State-owned Mongolian railway enterprise to build theeastern railroad in Mongolia, according to Li Jiqin, managing director of the company's overseasbusinesses. The economic corridor will have three north-to-south railway lines, while the existing western linethat runs through the three nations, and delivers mining resources, will remain unchanged for thetime being.
    The central line will be updated with the required construction standards for Chinese railways,said Li. CSCEC has participated in the upgrading work for the central railroad, in addition to theconstruction of the eastern line.

- meat produce

  • 中國國家主席習近平前日與到訪的蒙古總統額勒貝格道爾吉在北京會面,雙方見證有關進出口熟製牛羊肉質檢合作文件簽署,又將設通報機制以確保進出口牛羊肉的質量和食品安全。內地官媒指中蒙自一九九二年起,已先後簽署三十一份質檢合作的文件。
  • 為防止非洲豬瘟疫情擴散,中國海關總署及農業農村部周二宣布,即日起禁止從蒙古國輸入豬隻、野豬及其產品,同時禁止私帶入境,違者將被嚴懲。

- investors from china

  • A group comprising Mongolia's Energy Resources, China Shenhua Energy and Sumitomo have won the right to develop one of Mongolia's largest metallurgical-coal deposits, beating a bid from US miner Peabody Energy.
north korea
early 1,200 North Koreans living in the country wedged between Russia and China must now pack their bags as Mongolia enforces tough United Nations sanctions severely curbing trade with Pyongyang.

hong kong
The Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, and the Consul-General of Mongolia in Hong Kong, Mr Samdan Erdene, signed a bilateral agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters (MLA agreement) in the Central Government Offices today (March 26) on behalf of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the Government of Mongolia respectively.
- investors from hk

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