Thursday, January 17, 2019

China trade and investment environment - antitrust antigraft anticorruption antimonopoly

- Lin Guoyao, a former municipal official in the coastal province of Fujian, has been appointed chief of the party disciplinary commission at the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, according to an official online statement released late on Tuesday. Lin, 51, spent 31 years working in the southern province, rising to the post of vice-mayor in the city of Xiamen before being appointed party secretary of Longyan.
- 全國人大周二以二千九百一十四票贊成、二十八票反對、二十票棄權,表決通過《國家監察法》,中紀委官網則正式改名為「中央紀委國家監委網站」。北京市和浙江省先行國家監察體制改革後,所有公職人員全覆蓋,反腐監察對象分別急升近百萬人及七十萬人。
- 內地新成立的反腐機構國家監察委員會,再傳出新的人事任命。全國人大常委昨召開會議,表決任命六名國家監察委員會副主任,以及十名國家監察委委員。全部人均出身自中紀委。據內地官媒報道,六名新任國家監察委副主任分別是劉金國、楊曉超、李書磊、徐令義、肖培、陳小江,他們均為中紀委現任副主任。至於十名國家監察委委員分別是王鴻津、白少康、鄒加怡、張春生、陳超英、侯凱、姜信治、凌激、崔鵬、盧希,他們本身亦是中紀委委員。
- 據新華社報道,中央紀委國家監委網站昨日消息,經黨中央批准,根據黨章黨規和憲法、監察法有關規定,中央紀委國家監委統一設立派駐機構,名稱為中央紀律檢查委員會國家監察委員會派駐紀檢監察組。對駐在部門新設或更名的,派駐機構名稱作相應變更。派駐紀檢監察組對中央紀委國家監委負責,履行黨的紀律檢查和國家監察兩項職責。
- 中國警方周五從保加利亞成功引渡「紅通」逃犯姚錦旗回國,這是今年三月國家監委成立後首宗成功引渡案件,也是中國首次與歐盟成員國合作引渡涉職務犯罪的國家工作人員。


- china widens net in anti-monopoly campaign
- more than 1000 auto companies probed
-, Antitrust adviser booted off State committee for work violations monopoly inquiry hit by bias claims
- anti-trust team lacks real muscle for enforcement (same as article in China Daily)
- chinese car probe takes an unexpected turn
- uncertainty over anti-monopoly investigations
- Europe car parts makers rebel over China exclusivity deals
- China fines Audi and Chrysler for price-fixing
- 外國商會質疑反壟斷發改委指動機成疑
- toyota officials appearing on ndrc's radar
- Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW)agreed to pay 5.1 billion yuan ($820 million) to its distributors in China to help cover losses after retailers stopped ordering cars from the manufacturer, a dealer’s group said.
- PwC and Strategy & 's new survey of vehicle industry experts sheds light on the expected impact of antitrust law enforcement on the automotive value chain in 2015 and beyond. The latest guidelines on China's antitrust law, jointly issued by 10 government ministries in September, the renewed discussion on parallel imports in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone in November, and the Automobile Dealers Association's letter on dealer inventories and original equipment manufacturers' controls in December-these will likely be the catalyst for significant change, according to the survey by PwC and Strategy & of more than 30 executives involved in the automotive sector. China is promoting legislation in the auto industry to better protect fair competition in the world'slargest car market. The draft of a guideline on combating monopolistic practices in the automotive industry has beenfinished, said Lu Yanchun, deputy head of the bureau of price supervision and anti-monopoly atthe National Development and Reform Commission, in early November. China announced its antimonopoly law in 2008 but there has not before been legislation onfighting monopoly in specific industries. The guideline, which will soon be sent to the State Council for approval, will cover theinvestigation and punishment of monopolistic practices in such sectors as spare part supplies,car sales and after-sale services, and also touches on online car sales and the sales andmaintenance of parallel imported cars.
-  Chinese regulators have fined eight major Korean, Japanese and European shipping companies on price-fixing charges, expanding anti-monopoly enforcement that has hit the auto, technology and dairy industries. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said in a statement Monday its investigators found managers of the shippers, which included South Korea's EUKOR and Europe's Wallenius Wilhelmsen, improperly coordinated bids and routes. The companies were fined a total of 407 million yuan (US$62.86 million). Investigators found Europe's Wallenius Wilhelmsen, South Korea's EUKOR, Japan's Mitsui OSK. Lines and other shippers improperly coordinated bids and routes to keep prices high, the Cabinet's planning agency said. An eighth shipper, Japan's NYK, was found to have colluded but was spared a fine. Regulators have investigated or penalized automakers, dairies and technology suppliers under China's 2008 anti-monopoly law in an effort to force down prices Chinese consumers complain are too high. Business groups say the secretive and abrupt way investigations are conducted is alienating foreign companies. Regulators deny foreign companies are treated unfairly. The latest penalties target "roll-on, roll-off" shippers that move cars, trucks and construction equipment aboard specialized vessels that carry hundreds and sometimes thousands of vehicles. Representatives of the companies met over a period of more than four years to share information and make deals to avoid competition, the NDRC said. It said the collusion covered routes linking China with Europe, North America and Latin America, and involved multiple auto brands.
-  China is revising its anti-monopoly law, the first such move since the legislation took effect 10 years ago. The draft by NDRC will be submitted for review next month, according to an official from the country's top economic planner. The revision is expected to incorporate into law the fair market competition review system outlined by the State Council, the nation's Cabinet, according to an official from the National Development and Reform Commission with direct knowledge of the matter who declined to be named. Officials from local governmental regulatory bodies will be held accountable for administrative monopoly abuses such as granting favorable conditions to preferred enterprises at the expense of other market players, the official said.Once the draft is approved by the National People's Congress, the country's top legislative body, it will be illegal for policymakers to create preferential policies to favor certain companies or limit their market access.Based on its past law enforcement experiences, the NDRC hopes that some unclear areas that may cause confusion can be better addressed in the revision of the legislation, the official said. The official said the draft version is expected to be submitted to the State Council for review by the end of this month.
- salt

  • China has moved closer to dismantling a 2,000-year-old government monopoly on table salt by allowing producers to set prices and sell directly to the market. The monopoly has supported successive Chinese rulers from the Han dynasty onwards, and helped pay for the construction of the Great Wall. The Communist party retained the monopoly after taking control of the country in 1949, with courts continuing to imprison private salt sellers even in the past decade. The reforms, which break the government’s stranglehold over an essential element in Chinese cuisine, come as market-oriented changes in several other sectors aimed at curbing the power of state monopolies have stalled. China's state media on Monday said the move would lead to lower prices, with broadcaster CCTV hailing it as a “policy red envelope”, referring to the money-filled packets traditionally given away around Chinese new year. Producers will be able to sell salt at a price set according to “production costs, product quality and market supply and demand” from the start of 2017, the country’s top economic planning agency, the National Development and Reform Commission, said last year.  But it warned that officials should ensure “basic stability” of salt prices by establishing reserves, similar to the way China controls pork prices, which are determined by the market and also a strategic reserve that officials can tap to mitigate inflation.  China’s State Council has said that salt producers will now be permitted to sell the substance directly across Chinese regions. Such producers previously sold to state-owned distribution companies, which made the bulk of the industry’s profits.

- The top anti-corruption authority has placed inspectors in 26 State agencies and State-owned enterprises as it launches the second round of this year's disciplinary tours. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced the move on its website on Wednesday and posted details. The organizations under scrutiny include the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office and China Resources Corp, ranked number 143 in the Fortune Global 500 list of the world's top corporations as measured by revenue. The inspectors will be stationed in the offices of the organizations for two months to receive tipoffs and reports of misbehavior by senior officials or business executives, the commission said. The aim is to identify anyone involved in corruption, using undesirable w
- 2015年以來,反腐風暴繼續勁吹,多位擁有全國人大代表、全國政 強化國家監察料成反腐新着力點 協委員身份的政商精英應聲落馬。此間北京專家指出,對於本屆政府來 說,2016年是反腐敗鬥爭承上啟下的關鍵一年,有跡象顯示,2016年 中央料以修訂《黨內監督條例》及《行政監察法》為契機,強化國家監 察在反腐敗鬥爭、黨風廉政建設及國家治理中的作用,逐步推動行政督 察上升為國家監察,以加快推進反腐從治標到治本的過渡。
- China will set up a new anti-graft body to consolidate separate state agencies and oversee all public servants in the latest move to combat corruption. Beijing and the provinces of Shanxi and Zhejiang would set up supervision commissions as pilot programmes, according to a statement from the Communist Party’s Central Committee, Xinhua reported on Tuesday. The commissions would be implemented nationally later, it said.  The goal was to build a state anti-corruption organ under the party’s leadership that would integrate separate government anti-graft forces and cover all public servants, the report said.  The new body will in theory be independent of the executive branch. Members of the three provincial-level anti-graft bodies, or supervision commissions, would be appointed by provincial legislatures, the report said.
- Beijing is launching an investigation into alleged corrupt dealings by the spouses and children of officials in the city’s municipal government, in a pointed reminder to more powerful residents of the city to rein in their relatives’ behaviour. An audit of their assets would take place next year and on a rotating basis in subsequent years, official news agency Xinhua said.
- 現年 59歲的張喜武,曾在神華集團工作近二十年,官至神華集團 總經理、董事長。2014 年 3 月,他從神華集團董事長的職位上調任 國務院國資委副主任、黨委副書記,在國資委原來六名副主任中位 列第一,主要負責改革發展工作,分管辦公廳(黨委辦公室)、政 策法規局、企業改革局和信息中心,此外,還分管國資委深化改革 領導小組辦公室。根據公開報道,張喜武最後一次活動是 3 月 22 日 由國資委黨委、中央紀委駐國資委紀檢組召開的案件通報會,他是 會議主持。 十八大以來25中管幹部撤職 此番張喜武被撤銷黨內職務、行政撤職,從副部級官員降為正局 級非領導職務,也令他成為中共十八大後,被通報撤職的第 25名中 管幹部。而今年以來,已經有 6名中管幹部被通報撤職,其中三人都 是民政部原黨組成員,分別是民政部原部長李立國、原紀檢組組長 曲淑輝、中國老齡協會原會長陳傳書,他們因福彩系統腐敗窩案被 問責。此外,今年被通報撤職的還有,中國民航局原副局長夏興 華,天津市副市長尹海林,新疆生產建設兵團原黨委副書記、司令 員劉新齊。
- agencies reform

  • China's four-year anti-corruption fight will produce a new institution, called a supervisory commission, to integrate separate and less effective corruption control authorities. Three provincial-level supervisory commissions are being assembled as a test in Beijing, Shanxi and Zhejiang provinces following approval by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, in December.
A draft law that has clarified conditions and procedures for transferring criminals between China and other countries will facilitate international cooperation in fighting transnational crimes and graft, lawmakers and experts said. The draft law on international criminal judicial assistance, submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the country's top legislature, for second deliberation on Monday, includes a new chapter on the transfer of criminal convicts.  It stipulates that a foreign country can make a request to China on the transfer of its citizens who have been convicted of crimes in China. The transfer will get a green light if the convict's offense also constitutes a crime in the home country, the verdict in China has taken effect and the convict gives written consent for the transfer, according to the draft law. But the transfer request could be rejected by China if the convict has received a suspended death sentence or life in prison, if the remaining sentence is less than a year, or if the convict still has cases pending in China, the draft law stipulates. In turn, the draft law sets up procedures for China to make a request to a foreign country on the transfer of a Chinese citizen who has been convicted of crimes abroad. The draft, submitted to the legislature for the first reading in December, also creates procedures for requests for investigation and evidence collection generated by China or a foreign country. A draft law usually receives three readings at the top legislature before being adopted.
- countryside

  • 改革开放以来第20个、新世纪以来第15个指导“三农”工作的中央一号文件4日由新华社受权发布。文件题为《中共中央 国务院关于实施乡村振兴战略的意见》,按照产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕的总要求,对农村工作作出全面部署,乡村振兴战略有了明确的实现路径。据了解,今年的一号文件不仅就农村农业发展提出要求,还明确提出要打击腐败,打击非法宗教活动,查处脱贫问题上数字弄虚作假活动,以及放宽宅基地和农民房屋使用权等。

- usa

  • The China unit of US company Medtronic, a leading supplier of high-end medical devices such as an insulin pumping system, was fined 119 million yuan ($17.3 million), or 4 percent of the company's annual sales in China last year, for eliminating market competition in the medical industry, according to the National Development and Reform Commission. Investigations found that the company had fixed resale prices through monopoly agreements with its dealers.

China gives Microsoft 20 days to provide explanation in anti-trust probe,,
- eu envoy to china: probes not targeting foreign firms
- abb supports nation's antitrust drive top executive says
- china urged to make antitrust probes more transparent
- antitrust fines of foreign car companies fail to stall growth
- Efforts aimed at creating fair market environment for firms, say officials The country's top competition regulator has vowed to strengthen its anti-monopoly efforts next year to ensure fairer market conditions. Multinationals worried about being targeted in government investigations are scaling back mainland investment for the first time in a decade, according to a report on foreign-owned operations in southern China."High-level executives in the West are very concerned about 'unequal treatment' and/or 'targeting' be it perceived or real," said Harley Seyedin, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in South China, which published the report. "This has lowered their confidence to a point where they would rather wait and see," he said. Twenty-four per cent of companies planning to invest more than US$250 million last year either cancelled or postponed their plans, while total US dollar investment projections for the next three years dropped 16.9 per cent compared to earlier estimates, the report found.
- China is drafting an antitrust guideline for theauto industry after several companies, including automakers and spare parts producers, were fined for monopolistic practices. It will be the first rule relating to theauto industry in the country's Anti-Monopoly Act, which came into effect in 2008. Preparatory work has started and the draft is expected to be finished within a year, according to the bureau of price supervision and antimonopoly at the National Development and Reform Commission. The rule is designed to make antitrust investigations more transparent and punish monopolistic practices in a more effective way, said Shen Jinjun, deputy secretary-general of the China Automobile Dealers Association in an interview with the Economic Observer.- China's anti-monopoly regulator has started the drafting of antitrust guidelines forthe automobile industry, which are likely to involve issues emerging from onlinesales and parallel car imports. A first draft is expected for public consultation by the end of the year with a finalversion to be published by the anti-monopoly commission under the State Council"in due course", sources close to the process told China Daily. The National Development and Reform Commission sent out its first round ofquestionnaires which form the basis for the guidelines in early July, to automakers,suppliers, dealers, service providers and trade associations. According to an official with the NDRC's price supervision and anti-monopolybureau, further questionnaires are expected in coming months, with moreinterested parties being invited to give feedback to ensure complete openness andtransparency. The guidelines will cover antitrust issues related to auto and parts supply, vehicledistribution and after-sales services, as well as those arising from new businessformats such as offline-to-online and parallel imports.
- country's top economic planner said on Thursday it has been tasked to draft six antitrustguidelines to further clarify the existing laws and rules, so as to give the market clearerexpectations and improve transparency in antitrust enforcement. The National Development and Reform Commission said the Anti-Monopoly Committee of theState Council, the top antitrust supervisor, has authorized it to draw up the draft guidelines. The NDRC is one of the three agencies that deal with antitrust activities and investigations. The new draft will include antitrust guidelines for the automobile industry, prohibition of the abuseof intellectual property rights, leniency policies, the undertakings' commitments, calculation ofillegal gains and fines, and exemption procedure of antitrust agreements, Dong Zhiming, anofficial of the Department of Price Supervision under the NDRC, said on Thursday.

Subsidy fraud
- Automakers building low-quality cars to get govt aid, say reports China's central government launched a fraud investigation on Thursday of the new-energy vehicle sector, with the probe to cover government bodies, manufacturersand business customers, after industrial insiders warned of subsidy fraud. Four government bodies, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Science andTechnology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and NationalDevelopment and Reform Commission, will jointly carry out surprise inspections inselected cities. The authorities will look back three years to check the use of fiscal subsidies in2013 and 2014 and subsidy applications in 2015; the consistency of key indicatorsof mass-produced electric vehicles with the data listed in the nation's productscatalogs; and the use of the vehicles by business customers.

Overseas activities of chinese enterprises
- 中紀委駐國資委紀檢組近日印發《關於加強中央企業境外廉潔風險防控的指導意見》,提出要加強對境外廉潔風險統一管控,明確完善管控體制和防控制度,加強投資決策廉潔風險研判。意見又指要加大查處力度。

hong kong
- 報道又引述深圳市紀委第四紀檢監察室負責人尹葵指,他早前參與查處在寶安區沙井街道活躍的一個香港黑社會性質組織,發現當地有基層公職人員與該組織有千絲萬縷的聯繫,大大阻礙辦案工作。而在部署抓捕黑幫頭目時,深圳市公安局寶安分局政治處某副主任甚至偷偷打電話給黑幫頭目,通風報信。


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