Saturday, January 19, 2019


Ministério das Relações Exteriores
- ministry of development industry and foreign trade
  • The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (PortugueseBanco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social, abbreviated: BNDES) is a federal public company associated with the Ministry of Development, Industry, and Trade of Brazil. The stated goal is to provide long-term financing for endeavors that contribute to the country's development.  Since its establishment on June 20, 1952, BNDES has financed large-scale industrial and infrastructure endeavors, and has played a significant role in the support of investments in agriculture, commerce and the service industry, as well as in small and medium-sized private businesses, even though its focus lies on larger firms.[2] The bank has supported social investments aimed at education and health, family agriculture, basic sanitation and mass transportation.

- Trade Promotion department departamento de promocao comercial

  • Trade Promotion Programs Division
  • Trade Information Division
  • Trade Promotion Operations Division
  • Trade Fairs and Tourism Division
  • Trade Promotion Sections
- brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis) is theBrazilian Ministry of the Environment's administrative arm.
The Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTICPortugueseMinistério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações) of Brazil is the civilian cabinet organization which coordinates science, technology, and innovation activities in the country. It is headed by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation.

- Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency) promotes Brazilian products and services abroad and attracts foreign investments to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy.
Brazil's Council for Economic Defence (CADE
- Instituto Brasile iro de Turismo 
国立先住民保護財団Fundação Nacional do Índio (Portuguese pronunciation: [fũdɐˈsɐ̃w nɐsjoˈnaw ðu ˈĩdʒu]National Indian Foundation) or FUNAI is a Brazilian governmental protection agency for Indian interests and their culture. In 1910, the Indian Protection Service (Serviço de Proteção ao Índio), or the SPI, was founded under the lead of Brazilian Marshal Candido Rondon.法務省の管轄下にあり

  • 巴西管理國內少數民族的官方機構「全國印第安基金會」(FUNAI)負責官員,周二宣布被解僱,他批評農業部在背後施壓,以尋求開發原住民土地作農業及採礦用途。
- The Amazon Fund is a REDD+ mechanism created to raise donations for non-reimbursable investments in efforts to prevent, monitor and combat deforestation, as well as to promote the preservation and sustainable use in the Brazilian Amazon.
  • Norway has followed Germany in suspending donations to the Brazilian government’s Amazon Fund after a surge in deforestation in the South American rainforest. The move has triggered a caustic attack from the country’s rightwing president.Jair Bolsonaro, whose move to meddle in the environmental organisation’s governance led to Norway’s decision, reacted by suggesting that Europe was not in a position to lecture his administration. “Isn’t Norway that country that kills whales up there in the north pole?”, the Brazilian president said. “Take that money and help Angela Merkel reforest Germany.”After weeks of tense negotiations with Norway and Germany, the Bolsonaro government unilaterally closed the Amazon Fund’s steering committee on Thursday. The fund has been central to international efforts to curb deforestation although its impact is contested.Brazil’s environment minister, Ricardo Salles, said the Amazon Fund had been suspended while its rules were under discussion.

- Until the 19th century, the area around Chapecó land was under indigenous (mainly Kaingang) and Spanish control, mostly unoccupied by European people and subject to border issues and armed conflicts. Brazilian control was in fact established as a military colony in 1882. Its official status as a municipality was established by state government decree after the Contestado War on August 25, 1917. Its area was then given to a private colonization company which began selling land to people coming mainly from the neighboring state of Rio Grande do Sul.[4] Most of its inhabitants are descended from ItalianGerman and Polish immigrants.
This region of the state is home of some of the largest meat processing and exporting industrial enterprises such as Sadia and Seara Foods; the farmers are organized in agricultural cooperatives. Chapecó is known as a Brazilian agro-industrial capital, specialized in pork, poultry and technology involved. The city is headquarters of Aurora Central Cooperative and has a plant of BRF S.A. since 1973. Other major economic sectors are metal mechanics specialized in equipment for slaughterhouses and transportation, plastics and packaging, furniture, beverages, software development and biotechnology. Civil construction and trade are also important source of income.

Espírito Santo (Portuguese pronunciation: [esˈpiɾitu ˈsɐ̃tu]) is one of the states of southeastern Brazil, often referred to by the abbreviation "ES". Its capital is Vitória and the largest city is Vila Velha, satellite from Vitória. The name of the state literally means "holy spirit" after the Holy Spirit of Christianity. With an extensive coastline (40% of the territory is on the coast), the state has some of the country's main ports, but the beaches are the most significant tourist attractions. Vitória, the capital, is on an island, next to Guarapari, well known for its sands. In the extreme north is the district of Itaúnas (pt), part of the municipality of Conceição da Barra, famous for its sand dunes and forró. Coastal cuisine is another attraction with moqueca capixaba and other local seafood dishes. Inland, there are many natural attractions such as the national parks of Pedra Azul and Caparaó, and the Italian and German colonies.Espírito Santo was first inhabited by Amerindians, whose different tribes were usually semi-nomadic. The area was colonized by the Portuguese, and subsequently descendants of black slaves, and, later, by European immigrants of various origins.The area had been granted to Vasco Coutinho just after the discovery of Brazil in 1500. He arrived in the district (capitania, in Portuguese) of Espírito Santo on May 23, 1535, bringing 60 soldiers, slaves and servants with him.
The capital of the district was at first in Vila Velha. But due to frequent raids by Amerindians, it was moved to the current capital of Vitória, founded on September 8, 1551, on an island near Vila Velha. In 1556, after the arrival of missionariesSerraNova Almeida and Santa Cruz were founded.The district remained under the influence of Coutinho's family for 140 years. It remained a district for 287 years until 1821, when it became a province. With the Brazilian declaration of independence in 1822, the District Directors became known as Provincial Presidents. In the same way the district of Espírito Santo became Espírito Santo Province. During this period in 1860 the Emperor Pedro II, who was on good terms with the provincial President, visited the state on one of his tours of Brazil. There are still surviving accounts of what he's seen and recorded. In 1889, with the advent of the Brazilian Republic, Espírito Santo finally became a state.

瑪瑙斯市(葡萄牙語:Manaus) The city was founded in 1669 as the Fort of São José do Rio Negro. It was elevated to a town in 1832 with the name of "Manaus", an altered spelling of the indigenous Manaós peoples, and legally transformed into a city on October 24, 1848, with the name of Cidade da Barra do Rio NegroPortuguese for "The City of the Margins of the Black River". On September 4, 1856 it returned to its original name.Manaus is located in the center of the world's largest rainforest, and home to the National Institute of Amazonian Research, being the most important center for scientific studies in the Amazon region and for international sustainability issues.It was known at the beginning of the century, as "Heart of the Amazon" and "City of the Forest".[5] Currently its main economic engine is the Industrial Park of Manaus, a Free Economic Zone.[6] The city has a free port and an international airport
- The name Manaus comes from the native people called Manaós, which means Mother of the Gods.

馬拉尼昂州 Maranhão The etymology of Maranhão is uncertain; it may be from Tupi, meaning "running sea", or an augmentative of Portuguese mar ("sea"). The word was first used to refer to the Amazon River.The first known European to explore Maranhão was the Spanish explorer Vicente Yáñez Pinzón in 1500[citation needed], but it was granted to João de Barros in 1534 as a Portuguese hereditary captaincy. The first European settlement, however, was made by a French trading expedition under Jacques Riffault, of Dieppe, in 1594, who lost two of his three vessels in the vicinity of São Luís Island, and left a part of his men on that island when he returned home. Subsequently, Daniel de La Touche, Seigneur de La Rividière was sent to report on the place, and was then commissioned by the French crown to found a colony on the island (Equinoctial France); this was done in 1612. The French were expelled by the Portuguese in 1615, and the Dutch held the island from 1641 to 1644. In 1621 Ceará, Maranhão and Pará were united and called the "Estado do Maranhao", which was separated from the southern captaincies. Very successful Indian missions were soon begun by the Jesuits, who were temporarily expelled as a result of a civil war in 1684 for their opposition to the enslavement of the Indians. Ceará was subsequently detached, but the State of Maranhão remained separate until 1774, when it again became subject to the colonial administration of Brazil.In the late 18th century, there was a great influx of enslaved peoples into the region, which corresponded to the increased cultivation of cotton. According to the historian Sven Beckert, the region's cotton exports "doubled between 1770 and 1780, nearly doubled again by 1790, and nearly tripled once more by 1800."Maranhão did not join in the Brazilian declaration of independence of 1822, but in the following year the Portuguese were driven out by British sailor and liberator Admiral Lord Cochrane and it became part of the Empire of Brazil. For this achievement Lord Cochrane became 1st Marques of Maranhão and Governor of Maranhão Province.
A young indigenous land defender has been shot dead and another wounded by illegal loggers in Brazil's Amazon. Paulo Paulino Guajajara was reportedly attacked and shot in the head while hunting on Friday inside the Arariboia reservation in Maranhao state.He was a member of Guardians of the Forest, a group formed to combat logging gangs in the area.The killing increases concerns about escalating violence against Amazon forest protectors.Non-profit group Survival International, which advocates for isolated communities, says at least three Guardians have previously been killed, along with many of their relatives.
Nova Iorque recebeu status de vila pela lei provincial nº 1382 de 11 de maio de 1886 com território desmembrada de Pastos Bons e foi elevado à cidade em 1919.

Pará is a State of Brazil, located in northern Brazil and traversed by the lower Amazon River. It borders the Brazilian states of AmapáMaranhãoTocantinsMato GrossoAmazonas and Roraima.   The state's name is a toponym of the Tupiword pará – literally "sea", but sometimes used to refer to large rivers.[1] The state was named after the river of the same name, the Pará River.
-  馬拉若島 Marajó (Portuguese pronunciation: [maɾaˈʒɔ]) is a large delta island in the state of Pará,[1]Brazil.From approximately 400 BC to 1600 AD, Marajó was the site of an advanced Pre-Columbian society called the Marajoara culture, which may have numbered over 100,000 people at its peak. Today, the island is known for its large water buffalo population.
貝倫BelémFounded in 1616 by the Kingdom of Portugal, Belém was the first European colony on the Amazon but did not become part of Brazil until 1775. The newer part of the city has modern buildings and skyscrapers. The colonial portion retains the charm of tree-filled squares, churches and traditional blue tiles.   
Belém is also known as the Metropolis of the Brazilian Amazon region or the Cidade das Mangueiras (City of Mango Trees) due to the vast number of those trees found in the city.The name Belém is the Portuguese word for Bethlehem, the town where Christians believe Jesus Christ was born. The city had other names such as "Santa Maria de Belém do Pará" (Saint Mary of Bethlehem of Pará) or "Nossa Senhora de Belém do Grão-Pará" (Our Lady of Bethlehem of Grand-Pará) before eventually becoming Belém.

  • 日本正式移民來巴西時,一部分的移民選擇在帕拉州從農種植黑胡椒,在1970年代貝倫成為世界黑胡椒出口要市之一,被稱為香料之都。
巴拉那州 Paraná 
庫里奇巴Curitiba In the 1700s Curitiba's favorable location between cattle-breeding countryside and marketplaces led to a successful cattle trade and the city's first major expansion. Later, between 1850 and 1950, it grew due to logging and agricultural expansion in Paraná State (first Araucaria angustifolia logging, later mate and coffee cultivation and in the 1970s wheat, corn and soybean cultivation). In the 1850s, waves of European immigrants arrived in Curitiba, mainly GermansItaliansPoles and Ukrainians, contributing to the city's economic and cultural development.[6] Nowadays, only small numbers of immigrants arrive, primarily from Middle Eastern[7] and other South American countries.One theory is that the name "Curitiba" comes from the Tupi words kurí tyba, "many pine seeds" due to the large number of pinecones of Paraná pines in the region prior to its founding.[17] Another version, also using words from the Tupi language, is that it originates in the combination of kurit (pine tree) and yba (large amount).The Portuguese, who founded a settlement on the site in 1693, named it "Vila da Nossa Senhora da Luz dos Pinhais" (Village of "Our Lady of the Light" of the Pines). The name was changed to "Curitiba" in 1721. Curitiba officially became a town in 1812, spelling its name as "Curityba." An alternative spelling was "Coritiba." This was used in press and state documents. A state decree in 1919 settled the dispute by adopting "Curitiba."
巴拉那瓜 Paranaguá (Great Round Sea, in Tupi) is a city in the state of Paraná in Brazil. Founded in 1648, it is Paraná's oldest city. It is known for the Port of Paranaguá, which serves as both the sea link for Curitiba, 110 kilometres (68 mi) to the north and the capital of Paraná, and as one of the largest ports of Brazil.Paranaguá was home to a sambaqui, or midden culture, for several millennia prior to the arrival of the Portuguese. Little is known of the population, which existed along the coast of Paraná. The area was later home to the Carijó people, an extinct subgroup of the Guaraní people. Portuguese explorers captured the Carijó for slave labor. Over time, the remaining Carijó intermarried with whites and African residents and formed the Caiçaras subgroup.

The National Museum (Portuguese: Museu Nacional) is the oldest scientific institution of Brazil and one of the largest museums of natural history and anthropology in the Americas. The museum is located inside the Quinta da Boa Vista park, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and was installed in the Paço de São Cristóvão (Saint Christopher's palace). The palace served as residence for the Portuguese Royal Family between 1808 and 1821, housed the Brazilian Imperial Family between 1822 and 1889, and also hosted the Republican Constituent Assembly from 1889 to 1891, before being assigned to the use of the museum in 1892. The building has been listed as Brazilian National Heritage since 1938. Founded by king John VI of Portugal on June 6, 1818, under the name of "Royal Museum", the institution was initially housed at the Campo de Santana park, where it exhibited the collections incorporated from the former House of Natural History, popularly known as Casa dos Pássaros ("house of the birds"), created in 1784 by the Viceroy of Brazil Luís de Vasconcelos e Sousa, as well as collections of mineralogy and zoology. The museum foundation was intended to address the interests of promoting the socioeconomic development of the country by the diffusion of education, culture, and science. Still in the 19th century, the institution was already established as the most important South American museum in its typologies. It was incorporated to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 1946.

  • After that, with the marriage of D. João VI's son and Brazil's first Emperor,
  • A fire has gutted the National Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, the oldest scientific institution in the country. Most of its collection, including fossils, artworks and documents spanning centuries, is believed to have been destroyed. Firefighters are working to put out the blaze. No injuries have been reported. The museum, which once served as the residence for the Portuguese royal family, celebrated its 200th anniversary this year. This isn't just Brazilian history that's gone up in flames. Many see this as a metaphor for the city - and the country as a whole. Rio de Janeiro is in crisis. Growing violence, a deep economic decline and political corruption have combined to make the city a shadow of what it once was. It was only in 2016 that it was hosting the Olympic Games - an event into which Brazil poured billions of dollars. But the hangover from the sporting event has hit Rio hard. Add to that the fact that federal spending has been slashed, and with violence on the rise, tourism numbers have also declined.

    - thinktank
    - international intelligence unit

    • Renato G. Flôres Jr., Director, wrote to ft on 11jan17 "disorderly exit is not in either side's interests"
    - brazil foundation

    Embraer S.A. (Portuguese pronunciation: [ẽbɾaˈɛɾ]) is a Brazilian aerospace conglomerate that produces commercial, military, executive and agricultural aircraft and provides aeronautical services. It is headquartered in São José dos CamposSão Paulo State.

    • china daily 20aug19 brazilian planemaker embraer looks to mainland 

    - art
    • Latitude - Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad ( is a program developed to promote the internationalisation of Brazil's contemporary art market. Created in 2007, the program now has 47 galleries in the primary market, located in 5 Brazilian states, representing more than 1000 contemporary artists.
    • A private non-profit organization created in 2007, the Brazilian Association of Contemporary Art (ABACT) ( is currently comprised of 46 art galleries in the primary market, representing six Brazilian states, and directly involved in developing the careers of over a thousand artists.
    - fashion
    • Council for Brazilian Tanning Industry
    • Centre for brazilian tanning industry 
    • Brazilian Association of Leather Artifacts and Travel Articles Manufacturers
    • Footwear Components by Brasil is the brand developed by the Brazilian Association of Companies of Components for Leather, Footwear and Manufactured Goods (Assintecal), in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil). Its aim is to represent the manufacturers of materials for the leather-footwear industry in the foreign market. The brand promotes the integration between foreign footwear manufacturers and the Brazilian materials companies through projects and strategic activities, thus enabling the cluster made up by the enterprises belonging to the Footwear Components by Brasil project to provide different markets and audiences with all kinds of solutions.

    - licensing/franchise
    • brazilian franchise association
    - medical or health
    • The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Portuguese Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, also known as FIOCRUZ) is a scientific institution for research and development in biological sciences located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, it is considered one of the world's main public health research institutions. It was founded by Dr. Oswaldo Cruz, a noted physician and epidemiologist. The organization started in 1898 as the Federal SeroTherapy Institute with the objective of developing serum and vaccines against the bubonic plague.[1] It was located outside of Rio de Janeiro.[1] The institute’s activities, however, changed from simple production into research and experimental medicine, especially after Oswaldo Cruz assumed its leadership in 1902. From there on, the institute became the base for memorable sanitation campaigns in an age of outbreaks and epidemics of the bubonic plague, yellow fever, and smallpox. The Institute, however, was not confined to Rio de Janeiro and, on the contrary, collaborated in the occupation of the country’s interior through scientific expeditions, aiding in the development of the country.
    - cosmetics

    • Brazilian Association of the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Industry
    - product safety

    • national institute for conformity assessment of products

    - education

    • (source: economist 28jun-4jul14 issue pp60)
    • largest) (source: economist 28jun-4jul14 issue pp60)
    - milk bank maternal milk bank sets global standard

    - conglomerate

    • The Safra Group ( is an international network of companies controlled by the Joseph Safra family, comprising banking and financial institutions, industrial operations, real estate and agribusiness. It is present in the US, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Asia and the Caribbean. (also refer to news about its deal together with Grupo Cutrale to acquire Chiquita)
    • Odebrecht Organization is a Brazilian conglomerate consisting of diversified businesses in the fields of engineeringconstructionchemicals and petrochemicals. The company was founded in 1944 in Salvador da Bahia by Norberto Odebrecht, and is now present in South America, Central America, North America, the Caribbean, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Its leading company is Norberto Odebrecht Construtora. Odebrecht S.A. is a holding company for Construtora Norberto Odebrecht S.A., the biggest engineering and contracting company in Latin America, and Braskem S.A., the largest petrochemicals producer in Latin America and one of Brazil's five largest private-sector manufacturing companies. Odebrecht controls Braskem, the fifth largest in the world, with exports to 60 countries in all continents of the world. By revenue Braskem is the fourth largest petrochemical company in the Americas and the seventeenth in the world.
    - investment

    • trx holdings

    - property
    • MRV is the third biggest Brazilian homebuilder and real estate company. The company was founded in 1979 by Mário Lúcio Pinheiro Menin, Rubens Menin Teixeira de Souza and Vega Engenharia Ltda and is headquartered in Belo Horizonte. The company is owned by Brazilian billionaire Rubens Menin. MRV is the third biggest homebuilder company in Brazil by revenue after Cyrela Brazil Realty and PDG S.A..
    • Ritz Property
    • Brazilian developer Ritz Property is tapping into Asian investors' growing appetite for global investment diversification, offering attractive returns for higher risk as Latin America's biggest economy slips into recession. The attraction was the weakening Brazilian real, which has lost almost 25 per cent of its value this year, making assets cheaper to acquire, said Arun Rama, the company's managing director in Asia.

    - energy
    • Petrobas, state-owned oil company, Rolls-Royce has been accused of involvement in a multibillion-dollar bribery and kickback scheme at Petrobras, Brazil’s state-controlled oil producer, as more foreign companies are dragged into the country’s largest corruption scandal. The British engineering company, which makes gas turbines for Petrobras oil platforms, allegedly paid bribes via an agent in exchange for a $100m contract as part of a scheme in operation during much of the past decade, according to testimony from a former Petrobras executive.; Multinationals face scrutiny on Petrobras
    - electricity

    • When the Brazilian government was accused last year of violating minority shareholder rights at Eletrobrás, the listed state-controlled electricity operator, it offered an olive branch to the country’s securities regulator. If the CVM, Brazil’s market watchdog, would drop the case, which alleged that government intervention to force down tariffs cost Eletrobrás an estimated R$8.7bn in lost sales, the government would stage a capital markets seminar on behalf of the regulator free of charge. As a bonus, it would throw in then finance minister, Guido Mantega, as keynote speaker.

    - water

    • Gota de Cristal Agua Potavel/Crystal Drop Drinking Water
    - retail
    • Via Varejo is a Brazilian retail company founded in 2010 through the merger of retail companies Casas Bahia, owned by the Klein family, and Ponto Frio, owned by Grupo Pão de Açúcar. In 2019 Klein family take over the control, being the majority shareholders with 61,70% stake. In December 2009, Grupo Pão de Açúcar purchased Casas Bahia and transferred its retail units to Globex Utilidades SA, Ponto Frio's parent company which was purchased by the group in June earlier that year.The company operates retail online through its subsidiary Nova Pontocom, an e-commerce company that was born in 2010 by the merger of the online operations of Casas Bahia, Ponto Frio, and Extra, a hypermarket chain owned by Grupo Pão de Açúcar. Nova Pontocom holds 18% of the market share in Brazilian online retail.[5] In early 2012, Globex Utilidades officially changed its corporate name to Via Varejo.
    - food
    • JBS S.A. is a Brazilian company that is the largest (by sales) meat processing company in the world, producing factory processed beef, chicken and pork, and also selling by-products from the processing of these meats. It is headquartered in São Paulo.[2] It was founded in 1953 in AnapolisGoias. The company has 150 industrial plants around the world.
    •  belong to baptista family, closely related to two previous brazilian governments 
    • Jbs, SA, the world's largest meat packer, is buying Cargill Inc's U.S. pork business for $1.45 billion, free of debt, it said in a statement on Wednesday, a deal that would make it one of the largest and most powerful meat companies in the United States.
    •  Brazil’s federal police on Wednesday arrested the chief executive of JBS SA, the world’s No. 1 meatpacker, accusing him of insider trading ahead of a plea bargain he signed this year whose disclosure pummeled the company’s stock. Wesley Batista, who has been at the helm of JBS since 2011, was detained under an arrest warrant against him and his younger brother, Joesley, for suspected insider trading. The billionaires, both in their mid-40s, control 42 percent of JBS.
    • Grupo Cutrale,, Brazilians win bitter $1.3bn battle for banana company Chiquita
    • arcos dorados, mcdonald's franchisee, sued by union, hket 27feb15 a27

      - MICE
      •, promotes shows and exhibitions
      - tv/media
      • Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (Brazil Communication Company), aka EBC, is a Brazilian public company, created in 2007 to manage the federal government's broadcast network.EBC is responsible for the content and management of TV Brasil, TV Brasil Internacional, eight EBC radio stations (Rádio Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, Rádio Nacional AM de Brasília, Rádio Nacional FM de Brasília, Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, Rádio Nacional do Alto Solimões, Rádio MEC AM do Rio de Janeiro, Rádio MEC FM do Rio de Janeiro, e Rádio MEC AM de Brasília), the news agency Agência Brasil, audio news agency Radioagência Nacional and the EBC Portal. As part of the services provided by the holding, EBC is responsible for the government's official channel TV NBR, and the radio program A Voz do Brasil.EBC was created by the Brazilian government on 25 October 2007, when the decree No. 6.246[2] was published in the Diário da União. The creation of the company was authorized on 10 October 2007, through the provisional measure No. 398, converted into the law No. 11.652 of 7 April 2008.[3] EBC Bylaws was approved on 10 December 2008, by means of the decree No. 6.689.The company, then, was created by merging the patrimony and staff from Empresa Brasileira de Comunicação (Radiobrás) and of the Federal public assets under the guardianship of the Associação de Comunicação Educativa Roquette Pinto (ACERP), which was also coordinating TVE Brasil. A new management contract between the Federal Government and ACERP was signed, and ACERP was now a service provider to EBC, which took over the channels concessions made to Radiobrás. EBC creation was authorized through the provisional measure 398 (see above). On 1 September 2008, a provisional measure (MP 744) which changes the Law No 11.652, on 7 April 2008, establishing the principles and purposesof the public broadcasting services explored by the Federal Executive Authority or granted to entities that are part of its indirect management and authorizes the Federal Executive Authority to constitute the Empresa Brasil de Comunicação – EBC.This institution is bound to the Secretariat of Social Communication of the Presidency (SECOM - Secretaria de Comunicação Social da Presidência da República), and is headed by the journalist Laerte Rímoli, appointed to the position of Director-President. EBC headquarters is in Brasília, but there are production centers and regional offices all over the country. EBC holds autonomy and editorial independence from the Federal Government to define productions, programming, and content distribution on the public broadcasting system, which aims to promote the exercise of citizenship. EBC programming is broadcast in television and radio networks (interacting with web medias), containing subjects of education, art, culture, science and technology, and to also foster the regional, national and independent productions.
      • globo
      - vale

      • Vale opens $1.4bn Malaysia port Terminal set to cut cost of selling iron ore to China,,
      • Beijing’s removal of the ban on Brazilian miner Vale’s giant iron ore carriers is a sign of mainland China’s strong hand in the global iron ore market as major producers Brazil and Australia scramble to preserve market shares in supplying the commodity to the world’s second-largest economy. A circular by China’s Ministry of Transport published on late Monday amended the regulation for mainland ports to handle mega dry cargo ships, legitimising the docking of vessels with a 400,000 deadweight ton capacity and effectively ending a three-year spat between Beijing and Brazil over Vale’s giant ore carriers known as Valemax. “Resolution of the dispute coincides with a paradigm shift in the global iron ore trade from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market. China has regained pricing power it lost in the past decade over imported iron ore,” said Jiang Ming, an analyst at Haitong Securities. China is the world’s largest consumer of iron ore, the main ingredient for steel making. Some 85 per cent of that consumption relies on imports from Australia and Brazil. Vale, facing more than three times transit time to China than its Australian competitors, moved to build the Valemax class in 2008, the world’s largest cargo ships, in a bid to slash transport costs. The vessels were barred from entering enter the mainland since 2012 after authorities said the ships were a threat to safety in its ports. The true reason, though, was widely believed to protect the interest of national carriers such as China Ocean Shipping Group (Cosco). The world’s biggest miners, including Vale, Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and FMG, are feeling the pinch from an output binge in the past few years, which have depressed the price of iron ore amid a palpable slowdown in the mainland economy, said Jiang.
      • Mining giant Vale SA is helping to forge closer links between Brazil and China. The multinational company has signed cooperation agreements with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and the Export-Import Bank of China. It has also agreed to sell eight large iron-ore carriers to China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company and China Merchants Group. "I'm confident that strong relations between China and Brazil will bring opportunities for Vale as well as other Brazilian companies," Murilo Ferreira, president and chief executive officer of Vale, said in an interview last month. Financial support for Vale came after Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's official visit to Brazil back in May. The mining corporation managed to secure loans worth up to $4 billion from ICBC and up to $2.4 billion from EIBC. "The agreements signed have demonstrated our long-term commitment to the Chinese market, and we are very confident about future cooperation with Chinese companies," Ferreira said.
      • China COSCO Shipping Corporation [COSCO.UL][CNSHI.UL] and Vale have signed a 27-year-long agreement that will see the Chinese shipping giant carry 16 million tonnes of iron ore per year for the Brazilian miner. The agreement was signed between the two companies at a ceremony in Beijing on Friday, the Chinese company said in a statement. "The signing of the agreement marks the commencement of a new chapter of the cooperation between the two companies," it said.
        China COSCO Shipping Corporation was launched last month following the merger of former rivals China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company [COSCO.UL] and China Shipping Group [CNSHI.UL]. COSCO previously had a long-term shipping deal with Vale.
      • Some 200 people are missing after a dam collapsed at an iron ore mine in south-eastern Brazil, company officials say. The break caused a sea of muddy sludge that buried the dam's cafeteria where hundreds of workers were eating lunch. Rescue teams used earth-moving machinery at the site near the town of Brumadinho, in Minas Gerais state. State governor Romeu Zema said there was little chance of finding people alive. So far nine people have been confirmed dead. It is not clear what caused the collapse of the dam, owned by Brazil's largest mining company, Vale. Built in 1976, the dam was one of several in the area and it was used to hold residue from the mine. It had capacity for 12m cubic metres and had been an inactive site for three years, Vale said. It is not yet known how much waste was released.

      - financial

      • BTG Pactual is a Brazilian financial company that operates in the markets of Investment Banking, Wealth Management and Asset Management. 
      • Monashees Capital+ is a venture capital firm specializing in Series A, early stage, and start up investments. It seeks to invest in Internet, digital media, movies and entertainment, and education technologies in Brazil.
      • Nubank is a Brazilian FinTech company that acts as a digital bank and credit card operator, located in São Paulo. Among the company's products are NuConta(a digital account) and an international credit card, both without fees.[1][2] The company's differentiating factor is to offer a credit card which is controlled completely through the means of a mobile app. The app allows its users to track transactions in real time, block their respective credit card, apply for a limit raise and contact customer support.The startup was founded in 2013 by founder David Vélez and co-founders Cristina Junqueira and Ed Wible. Investors include Sequoia Capital, Founders Fund,[4] Kaszek Ventures, Tiger Global Management, Goldman Sachs, QED Investors and DST Global.[citation needed] In the company's first two years of existence, it raised 600 million Brazilian reaisIn October 2018, Nubank received $90 million in funding from Tencent.

      - private equity
      • Brazilian construction groups’ inability to raise finance for large-scale projects, after being caught up in the Petrobras corruption scandal, is creating unprecedented opportunities for private equity investment in oil, gas and infrastructure deals. Many of the country’s leading construction companies have struggled to access capital markets since state prosecutors alleged that they paid bribes to the state oil company and certain politicians in return for contracts.

      - telecom
      - consultancy


      - university

      - frozen meat

      • Brazil meat scandal
      • China lifted a ban on imports of meat from Brazil on Saturday after Brazilian authorities clarified details of a police investigation into alleged bribery of health inspectors, in a victory for President Michel Temer's efforts to stem damage from the probe. The move by China, the biggest national consumer of Brazilian meat, was accompanied on Saturday by the lifting of import bans in Egypt and Chile, bringing hope of an end to a crisis that saw one-fifth wiped off the value of Brazilian pork and poultry exports last week.

      - pulp


      Dom Pedro II (English: Peter II; 2 December 1825 – 5 December 1891), nicknamed "the Magnanimous", was thesecond and last ruler of the Empire of Brazil, reigning for over 58 years.[A] Born inRio de Janeiro, he was the seventh child of Emperor Dom Pedro I of Brazil and Empress Dona Maria Leopoldina and thus a member of the Brazilian branch of theHouse of Braganza. His father's abrupt abdication and departure to Europe in 1831 left a five-year-old Pedro II as Emperor and led to a grim and lonely childhood and adolescence. Obliged to spend his time studying in preparation for rule, he knew only brief moments of happiness and encountered few friends of his age. His experiences with court intrigues and political disputes during this period greatly affected his later character. Pedro II grew into a man with a strong sense of duty and devotion toward his country and his people. On the other hand, he was increasingly resentful of his role as monarch.

      • Ft article 21may16
      • "Those saying that the museum will be rebuilt are not telling the truth," said Luiz Philippe de Orleans e Braganca, an heir to Brazil's last emperor. "The building could be rebuilt, but the collection will never again be rebuilt. Two hundred years, workers, researchers, professors that dedicated in body and soul (to the museum) ... the work of their life burned due to the negligence of the Brazilian state."
      Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (born 27 October 1945),[4] known simply as Lula,[5] is a Brazilian former politician, union leader and political prisoner during the Brazilian dictatorship. He served as the 35th President of Brazil from 2003 to 2011.[6] He was a founding member of the Workers' Party (PT) and ran unsuccessfully for president three times before achieving victory in the 2002 election. He was re-elected in the 2006 election.[7] The introduction of social programs, such as Bolsa Família and Fome Zero were hallmarks of his time in office. As president, Lula played a prominent role in international matters, including activities related to the nuclear program of Iran and global warming, and was described as "a man with audacious ambitions to alter the balance of power among nations."[8] Succeeded by his former Chief of StaffDilma Rousseff, he left an enduring mark on Brazilian politics in the form of Lulism.Luiz Inácio da Silva was born on 27 October 1945 (but registered with a date of birth of 6 October 1945) in Caetés (then a district of Garanhuns), located 250 km (150 miles) from Recife, capital of Pernambuco, a state in the Northeast of Brazil. He was the seventh of eight children of Aristides Inácio da Silva and Eurídice Ferreira de Melo. Two weeks after Lula's birth, his father moved to Santos, São Paulo, with Valdomira Ferreira de Góis, a cousin of Eurídice. He was raised Roman Catholic.

      - jorge paulo lemann

      • Global dominance of the beer market has been a career-long obsession forJorge Paulo Lemann, the Brazilian billionaire whose flagship investment is the world’s biggest brewer Anheuser-Busch InBev.
      - joseph zafra

        Brazilian prosecutors on Thursday charged Joseph Safra, the world's richest banker, in connection with an alleged scheme to pay bribes to government officials in return for waiving tax debts. In a statement, prosecutors said that Safra had knowledge of a 2014 plan by executives at his Banco Safra SA to pay 15.3 million reais ($4.2 million) in bribes to federal tax auditors. The accusation is based on tapped phone calls between Banco Safra executive João Inácio Puga and tax officials, the statement added. Safra, who alongside his family owns Banco Safra SA [SADEPB.UL] and a number of private-banking institutions including Switzerland's J Safra Sarasin, was not directly involved in the negotiations on the bribery plan, the statement noted. Still, the conversations showed that Puga reported to Safra on the bribery talks, prosecutors said.In a separate statement, Safra's investment holding company Safra Group said the allegations "are unfounded," adding that "there have not been any improprieties by any of the businesses of The Safra Group." No Safra Group representative "offered any inducement to any public official and the Group did not receive any benefit in the judgment of the tribunal," the Safra Group statement said. The charges filed are a follow-up of a broader police inquiry, known as "Operation Zealots," into kickbacks by companies through lobbyists. Dozens of other Brazilian firms, including steelmaker Gerdau SA (GGBR4.SA), have also been under investigation for suspected kickbacks. The case is investigating whether companies bribed members of CARF, a body within the Finance Ministry that hears appeals on tax disputes, to get favorable rulings that reduced or waived the amounts owed. Over 70 industrial, agricultural, civil engineering and financial companies, including banks, are being probed in Operation Zealots. The Lebanese-Brazilian billionaire, whose fortune is estimated at about $18 billion by Forbes Magazine, controls a banking and financial conglomerate that operates in 19 countries.
      Edir Macedo Bezerra (born February 18, 1945) is a Brazilian evangelical leader and media mogul; he is the owner and chairman of the second-largest television network in Brazil, Rede Record, since 1989 with its parent Central Record de Comunicação, which he also founded after he bought the network. Macedo was raised Catholic, but by 1970 converted to Pentecostalism.[3] He founded with others the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil in 1977. He is referred to with sneer quotes as "Bishop" Edir Macedo by Forbes.
      - of portugal descent

      • Cândido Mariano da Silva Rondon, or Marechal Rondon (5 May 1865 – 19 January 1958) was a Brazilian military officer who is most famous for his exploration of Mato Grosso and the Western Amazon Basin, and his lifelong support of Brazilian indigenous populations. He was the first director of Brazil's Indian Protection Bureau (SPI/FUNAI) and supported the creation of the Xingu National Park. The Brazilian state of Rondônia is named after him. He was made Marshal, the highest military rank in Brazil.He was born on 5 May 1865 in Mimoso, a small village in Mato Grosso state. His father, Cândido Mariano da Silva, was of Portuguese ancestry, and his mother was a Native American from the Terena and Bororo

      Foreign relations
      - Unpopular at home, Dilma Rousseff yearns for foreign successes—and luckily, plenty of other Brazilians want that too

      Trade Policy
      - Silva to seek trade deals for Brazil
      - Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff said on Friday she will appeal to South American trade blocs if she is removed from office, blasting the push to impeach her as a coup and a naked attempt by Brazil’s elite to snatch power back from her Worker’s Party.Bringing the matter before the trade blocs would likely have little effect. As the blocs’ biggest and most powerful member, and largest economy in Latin America, Brazil wields considerable influence. Leaders of some member countries, such as Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, might be sympathetic to her plea, but it’s unlikely they would want to risk alienating a new administration in Brazil if it looks like Rousseff is on her way out.

      Trade and investment evironment
      - guia de comercio exterior e investimento
      - wto

      - government expenditure

      - privatisation
      •  Brazil’s government is embarking on a sweeping privatisation drive, with plans to sell off everything from the mint to the state lottery, to raise revenue and boost infrastructure investment.
      - investor protection

      • case
      • Heineken NV (HEIN.AS), the world’s second-largest beer maker, is considering closing two factories in northeastern Brazil as “an extreme measure” after a court ordered the company to sell beer and soft drinks in the region at a money-losing price, the company said on Friday in a statement.Since Heineken’s $1.2 billion purchase last year of the money-losing Brazil operations of Japan’s Kirin Holdings Co Ltd (2503.T), the brewer operates 15 factories in the country.
      • The rights to spring water supplying an important Heineken plant in Brazil’s north-east are the subject of a legal dispute, in a case being closely watched by foreign investors in Latin America’s largest country.  A local businessman, Maurício Brito Marcelino da Silva, is fighting a court battle with the government for the rights to mineral resources at the plant site in Alagoinhas, Bahia state, including the spring being used by Heineken.  “They [Heineken] will have to stop the factory or, if they want to continue using the water, they’ll have to sit down with Mauricio,” said a lawyer for the businessman on the court decision. Heineken said it was not a party to the case and the dispute would not affect its operations in Alagoinhas.  Heineken bought the Bahia plant early last year as part of its $700m acquisition of the Brazilian operations of Japan’s Kirin, a deal that was seen as a vote of confidence in Brazil as it struggled to emerge from recession.  The deal made Heineken the second-biggest brewer in the country, which is the world’s third-largest beer market. Kirin had a 17 per cent market share, larger than all but ABInbev’s local subsidiary Ambev.  Kirin had owned the Bahia plant since it acquired local brewer Schincariol for $3.9bn in 2011. The Japanese company decided to sell out of Brazil after performance was hit by the country’s economic downturn. 

      - pension
      • Brazil’s finance minister Henrique Meirelles has predicted that a controversial pension reform will be passed by the end of this year in spite of a political crisis that has weakened the government of Latin America’s biggest economy. The reform of Brazil’s over-generous pension system, which allows public servants to retire as early as in their mid-50s, is a key plank of Mr Temer’s efforts to rein in Brazil’s runaway budget deficit and is being carefully watched by markets.

      - oil

      • Brazil’s congress is likely to pass a landmark bill that could ease financial pressure on state-controlled oil company Petrobras by opening the country’s biggest offshore oil discoveries to greater foreign and private investment. The changes would remove Petrobras’s obligation to be the sole operator of the fields, known as the pre-salt because they are covered by a layer of the compound, a rule that had overstretched the company, said José Serra, the senator who presented the bill to congress.
      - rainforest

      • Temer pressed by farmers and environmentalists over Brazil rainforest bill ft 13jun17
      - gold mining

      • 巴西政府於星期三頒令廢除一項國家森林保護政策,容許外國開採公司開發森林內一片達四萬六千平方公里的地區,該區蘊藏豐富的金礦。此舉引來外界狠批,形容是五十年來最大浩劫。
      - logistics

      • Brazil’s Supreme Court will rule as soon as possible on several challenges to the constitutionality of a law imposing minimum freight prices, but no ruling will come on Monday, Supreme Court Justice Luiz Fux said. During a public hearing with the parties involved, Fux heard arguments for and against the law, signed by President Michel Temer on Aug. 9, but decided that the court would deliberate on the matter later.The law requires truck freight prices to be equal to, or above, minimum prices set by Brazil’s national transport agency ANTT. Minimum prices will be published twice a year, by Jan. 20 and July 20. The law has prompted criticism and lawsuits from the industrial and agribusiness sectors. The law was one of the government’s responses to end a nationwide Brazilian truckers strike in May that paralyzed shipping throughout Latin America’s largest economy for almost two weeks. The supreme court may agree, partially agree or overrule arguments against the constitutionality of the law, Fux told journalists after the hearing ended, declining to specify a timeframe for a ruling. “There is the possibility of a middle ground solution.” Oilseed crushers association Abiove - whose members include big grain handlers like Cargill Inc, Archer Daniels Midland, Louis Dreyfus Corp and Bunge - have called the law “backward” for reinstating policies that Brazil had relinquished in the 1990s.

      - taxi hailing

      • The raging global battle over Uber’s rapid rise took a violent turn in Brazil this week. Tempers flared during a Senate debate over a bill that seeks to regulate the company and other car booking apps as forms of public transportation, and an Uber spokesman standing outside the chamber took a blow to the face, “This is because Uber is destroying the lives of taxi drivers,” yelled the anonymous attacker.  Brazil is one of the world’s biggest markets for car booking apps and Uber’s second largest outside of the US. The company and its smaller rivals Cabify and 99 have been facing rising tensions.
      - biotech


      - a nationwide trucking strike over fuel prices in Brazil finally came to an end last week after 10 days of chaos in which roads were blockaded, South America’s biggest economy suffocated, and the CEO of Brazil’s state-controlled oil company was forced to resign. Supplies are back in the shops, and trucks back on the roads. And yet, things are far from normal. Brazilians were spooked by the ease with which the truckers brought the country to its knees, and by their calls for “military intervention” – a euphemism for a military coup. A secret government poll at the height of the strike found that one third of Brazilians wanted a military takeover, according the Folha de S Paulo newspaper.
      - foreign policy
      • ft 21nov18 "brazil foreign policy divide opens up"
      - bolsonaro government
      • Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro introduced a bill on Wednesday to open up indigenous lands to mining, agricultural work and hydraulic energy production. The measure would permit both indigenous and third-party developers to take part in the new development.The president described the act, which still needs parliamentary approval, as a "dream" while indigenous leaders have labeled it a "genocide bill."

      - Brazil’s infrastructure is scant and shabby. The World Economic Forum ranks it 120th out of 144 countries for overall quality. Roads and airports are especially ramshackle. The rail network is barely one-eighth as big as that of the United States, a country of comparable size. With a big budget deficit and high borrowing costs, the government is in no position to boost its own investments. So Ms Rousseff has set aside her left-wing instincts to court private investment.

      environment Brazil has deployed 5,000 troops to its beaches amid mounting fury at the government's inaction over the worst oil spill in the country's history.The environmental catastrophe began in early September when large quantities of oil inexplicably washed ashore.The mysterious spill has continued and has now touched more than 1,000 miles of Brazil's coast, polluting some of the country's most picturesque beaches and destroying local marine life.Now public anger is rising over the Brazilian government's failure to stem the flow - or indeed establish the oil's source. In response, local officials have resorted to urging volunteers to aid the cleanup mission.
      塞拉多(葡萄牙語:Cerrado發音:[se.ˈʁa.du ~ sɛ'ʁa.du])又譯塞拉都席拉多喜拉朵The Cerrado (Portuguese pronunciation: [seˈʁadu], [sɛˈʁadu]) is a ast tropical savanna ecoregion of Brazil, particularly in the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Tocantins and Minas Gerais. The Cerrado biome core areas are the plateaus in the center of Brazil. The main habitat types of the Cerrado include: forest savanna, wooded savanna, park savanna and gramineous-woody savanna. Savanna wetlands and gallery forests are also included.[1] The second largest of Brazil's major habitat types, after the Amazonian rainforest, the Cerrado accounts for a full 21 percent of the country's land area (extending marginally into Paraguay and Bolivia).The first detailed account of the Brazilian cerrados was provided by Danish botanist Eugenius Warming (1892) in the book Lagoa Santa,[3] in which he describes the main features of the cerrado vegetation in the state of Minas Gerais.Since then vast amounts of research have proved that the Cerrado is one of the richest of all tropical savanna regions and has high levels of endemism. Characterized by enormous ranges of plant and animal biodiversity, World Wide Fund for Nature named it the biologically richest savanna in the world, with about 10,000 plant species and 10 endemic bird species.[2] There are nearly 200 species of mammal in the Cerrado, though only 14 are endemic.

      • economist 16nov19 "stony ground" brazil / japan farming project in mozambique fail to thrive

      favela (Portuguese pronunciation: [fɐˈvɛlɐ]), Brazilian Portuguese for slum, is a low-income historically informal urban area in Brazil. The first favela, now known as Providência in the center of Rio de Janeiro, appeared in the late 19th century, built by soldiers who had nowhere to live following the Canudos War. Some of the first settlements were called bairros africanos (African neighborhoods). Over the years, many former enslaved Africans moved in. Even before the first favela came into being, poor citizens were pushed away from the city and forced to live in the far suburbs. However, most modern favelas appeared in the 1970s due to rural exodus, when many people left rural areas of Brazil and moved to cities. Unable to find places to live, many people found themselves in favelas.The term favela dates back to the late 1800s.[3] At the time, soldiers were brought from the conflict against the settlers of Canudos, in the Eastern province of Bahia, to Rio de Janeiroand left with no place to live.[4] When they served the army in Bahia, those soldiers had been familiar with Canudos' Favela Hill – a name referring to favela, a skin-irritating tree in the spurge family (Cnidoscolus quercifolius) indigenous to Bahia.[5] When they settled on the Providência [Providence] hill in Rio de Janeiro, they nicknamed the place Favela hill from their common reference, thereby calling a slum a favela for the first time.
      - hkej 5sep18 shum article

      The Curupira (Portuguese pronunciation: [kuɾuˈpiɾɐ]) is a mythological creature of Brazilian folklore. This creature blends many features of West African and European fairies but was usually regarded as a demonic figure. The name comes from the Tupi language kuru'pir, meaning "covered in blisters". According to the cultural legends, this creature has bright red/orange hair, and resembles a man or a dwarf, but its feet are turned backwards. Curupira lives in the forests of Brazil and uses its backward feet to create footprints that lead to its starting point, thus making hunters and travelers confused. Besides that, it can also create illusions and produce a sound that's like a high pitched whistle, in order to scare and drive its victim to madness. It is common to portray a Curupira riding a collared peccary, much like another Brazilian creature called CaiporaA Curupira will prey on poachers and hunters that take more than they need of the forest, and he also attacks people who hunt animals that were taking care of their offspring. There are many different versions of the legend, and so the creature's appearance and habits may vary from each region in Brazil. However, Curupira is considered a nationwide folkloric figure.

      Carnival of Brazil (PortugueseCarnaval do BrasilIPA: [kaʁnaˈvaw]) is an annual Brazilian festival held between the Friday afternoon (51 days before Easter) and Ash Wednesday at noon, which marks the beginning of Lent, the forty-day period before Easter. On certain days of Lent, Roman Catholics and some other Christians traditionally abstained from the consumption of meat and poultry, hence the term "carnival," from carnelevare, "to remove (literally, "raise") meat." Rhythm, participation, and costumes vary from one region of Brazil to another. In the southeastern cities of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Vitória, huge organized parades are led by samba schools. Those official parades are meant to be watched by the public, while minor parades ("blocos") allowing public participation can be found in other cities, like Belo Horizonte,[3] also in the southeastern region. The northeastern cities of Recife, Olinda, Salvador, and Porto Seguro have organized groups parading through streets, and public interacts directly with them. This carnival is also influenced by African-Brazilian culture. It is a six-day party where crowds follow the trios elétricos through the city streets, dancing and singing. Also in northeast, Olinda carnival features unique characteristics, heavily influenced by local folklore and cultural manifestations, such as Frevo and MaracatuThe typical genres of music of Brazilian carnival are, in the Southeast Region in general, mostly cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo: the samba-enredo, the samba de bloco, the samba de embalo and the marchinha; and in the Northeast Region including Pernambuco (mostly cities of Olinda and Recife): frevo and maracatu, and Bahia (mostly the city of Salvador): samba-reggae, pagode (also a type of Samba) and the main genre axé musicCarnival is the most famous holiday in Brazil and has become an event of huge proportions.[neutrality is disputed] Except for industrial production, retail establishments such as malls, and carnival-related businesses, the country unifies completely for almost a week and festivities are intense, day and night, mainly in coastal cities.[4] Rio de Janeiro's carnival alone drew 4.9 million people in 2011, with 400,000 being foreigners. Arguably, this cultural manifestation could be historically traced to the Portuguese Age of Discoveries when their caravels passed regularly through Madeira, a territory which already celebrated emphatically its carnival season, and where they were loaded with goods but also people and their ludic and cultural expressions.
      Taking part in parade in Rio

      • Samba Schools League

      indigenous people
      - association
      -, Indigenous people and police clashed in Brazil's capital city on Tuesday, as officers fired rubber bullets and tear gas while tribe members shot arrows in return during a protest against farmers' encroachment on reservations.
      The Bororo are indigenous people of Brazil, living in the state of Mato Grosso. They also extended into Bolivia and the Brazilian state of Goiás. The Western Bororo live around the Jauru and Cabaçal rivers. The Eastern Bororo (Orarimogodoge) live in the region of the São LourençoGarças, and Vermelho Rivers. The Bororo live in eight villages.[2] The Bororo (or even Coroados , Boe , Orarimogodo ) are an ethnic group in Brazil that has an estimated population of just under two thousand. They speak the Borôro language (code ISO 639 : BOR) and are mainly of animistic belief . They live in eight villages in the central areas of Mato Grosso. A famous exponent of this group is Cândido Rondon, Brazilian army official and founder of Fundação Nacional do Índio (or FUNAI). Bororo's culture was closely studied by French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss during his expedition to Amazonia and Mato Grosso (1935–1936), described in his famous book Tristes Tropiques (1955).The Bororo, whose name means "village court" in their language, are also known as the Araés, Araripoconé, Boe, Coroados, Coxiponé, Cuiabá, and Porrudos people.

      • china daily 11may19 article on help provided by chinese companies to the tribes
      The Kayapo (Portuguese: Caiapó [kɐjɐˈpɔ]) people are indigenous peoples in Brazil who inhabit a vast area spreading across the states of Pará and Mato Grosso, south of the Amazon River and along Xingu River and its tributaries This pattern has given rise to the nickname the Xingu tribe.[1] They are one of the various subgroups of the great Mebêngôkre nation (people from the water’s source).[2] The term "Kayapo" is used by neighbouring groups rather than the Kayapo themselves. They refer to outsiders as "Poanjos".The type of sweet potato that forms an important part of the Kayapó diet is sometimes named "caiapo", after the tribe.[3] It is cultivated under that name in Japan, and has been found to have health benefits.
      • An indigenous tribe leader who gained international attention for his opposition to deforestation in the Amazon has died with Covid-19.Paulinho Paiakan, chief of the Kayapo people, died at a hospital in Redençao in the southern Pará state, aged around 65.Paiakan came to prominence during the 1980s for his campaign against Brazil’s Belo Monte hydroelectric project, one of the largest dams in the world.He had previously been hired by the Brazilian government in the 1970s to facilitate the construction of the Trans-Amazonian highway system through Kayapo lands, but quit over the scale of the plans and instead began to mobilise against the project.

      - us and brazil reach accord on cotton subsidies
      - nearly two years ago, Brazil sought US investors' help to fund its seaports, railroads, highways and airports. In the end, the effort to lure 210 billion reais in private investment managed to attract just 20 per cent of the targeted funds. Now, doing her best to absorb the lessons of the earlier failed infrastructure plan, President Dilma Rousseff is making a new push to lure 198.4 billion reais in infrastructure funds. She and other Brazilian officials visited New York on Monday, touting an open and transparent bidding process for contracts to operate roads, railways, airports and harbour terminals. She closed out an infrastructure-themed conference with a speech emphasising the strong ties between Brazil and the US and how better investment and trade could benefit both nations. "There is a clear and strong demand for infrastructure development projects in Brazil," Rousseff said. "All of these figures I have just referred to convey a loud and clear message for those of us in government circles.
      The “Trump of the Tropics” is open about his nostalgia for Brazil’s 1960s military dictatorship, when pioneers took on the jungle under the government slogan, “A land without men for men without land.” The military encouraged this migration, hacking roads through the forest, including the 4,000km east-west Trans-Amazonian Highway and the 4,500km north-south BR-163. These new roads allowed gold and iron ore miners, loggers and ranchers to colonise the territory, in much the same way as American settlers travelled west in the 19th century. As with the US, the Brazilian government’s call appealed to those beyond its borders, and immigrants from Europe showed up in search of prosperity. From 1960 to 2000, the region experienced a tenfold increase in inhabitants, to 20 million. Like homesteaders in America, those in Brazil encountered hostile indigenous tribes. Unlike the subju­gation of Native Americans in the US, however, conflicts in Brazil are ongoing, with Bolsonaro lamenting “the Brazilian cavalry hadn’t been as efficient as the American one, which exterminated the Indians”.Satellite images show the town of Novo Progresso sitting between the green part of the Amazon basin and ecru patches of cleared farmland – between a lush jungle past and a commercially conquered future. Drunken gold prospectors in cowboy hats, flannel shirts and raggedy jeans stumble aimlessly along dirt streets, past weather­board structures reminiscent of the American West of the 1840s. An indigenous family clutches the sides of a truck as it bounces over potholes. A bigger truck rolls by, struggling under the weight of freshly logged tree trunks.The sound of sermon and song drifts from Pentecostal churches. The vice-to-virtue ratio, however, favours brothels over churches two-to-one, and men find it easy enough to procure the sins of the flesh before crossing the street to the pews for penance.

      Brazil and Mexico discussed ways to broaden their existing trade agreement by including new products and fine-tuning preferential tariffs on bilateral trade, as Latin America’s top two economies try to strengthen their ties. Diplomats and officials from both countries held meetings in Mexico City between Aug. 29 and Aug. 31, Brazil’s foreign relations ministry said on Friday. A broad range of trade issues including food safety, excessive bureaucracy, intellectual property and controversy solution mechanisms were part of the discussions, it said.


      The Baron of Mauá International Bridge (Portuguese:Ponte Internacional Barão de Mauá, Spanish: Puente Internacional Barón de Mauá) is a bridge that crosses theJaguarão River, linking the cities of Jaguarão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and Río Branco, Uruguay.[1] Built between 1927 and 1930, it was named in honor ofIrineu Evangelista de Souza, Baron and Viscount of Mauá, an important businessman and banker who developed activities in both countries during the 19th century.

      - Brazil's Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Supply Ministry announced the temporary suspension of export of Brazilian fish to the European Union (EU) on Tuesday. According to the ministry, the suspension, which will take effect on January 3, 2018, is a preventive measure to avoid a blockade of Brazilian fish exports by the EU. In September, the EU carried out an inspection of Brazil's fishery sector and criticized the sector for not separating the capture of wild fish and fish farming activities. With the suspension, Brazil will carry out an action plan to tackle the issues raised by the EU. ft 29dec17

      - trade ties
      • ft supplement 30oct15 
      - brazil will push for immediate trade talks with the UK (22jul16) Brazil and the United Kingdom signed on Wednesday, August 21st, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to encourage trade between the two countries. The Prosperity Fund, a UK inter-ministerial fund intends to invest up to 20 million Pounds Sterling (close to R$100 million) to support the inclusion of Brazilian companies abroad.

      - A British property developer that raised money from international investors to participate in a landmark Brazilian government social housing scheme does not appear on official records of the programme – and is now the subject of a criminal probe. EcoHouse Group, which Brazilian police are investigating for alleged fraud and other offences over funds raised from investors in the UK, Singapore and elsewhere, has claimed it was building projects for Brazil’s Minha Casa Minha Vida (My House, My Life) low-cost housing scheme.

      France Antarctique (formerly also spelled France antartique) was a French colony south of the Equator, in Rio de JaneiroBrazil, which existed between 1555 and 1567, and had control over the coast from Rio de Janeiro to Cabo Frio. The colony quickly became a haven for the Huguenots, and was ultimately destroyed by the Portuguese in 1567.
      - China’s State Power Investment Corp (SPIC) is in talks with Engie SA to purchase the French energy firm’s Pampa Sul coal power plant in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, a Brazilian newspaper reported on Wednesday.

      Jorge Paulo Lemann (born August 26, 1939) is a Brazilian-Swiss investor. In 1939, Lemann was born in Rio de Janeiro to Paul Lemann, a Swiss immigrant, who founded the dairy manufacturer, Leco, and Anna Yvette Truebner, a Brazilian of Swiss origin.[8][9][10]Lemann attended the American School of Rio de Janeiro. His father died in a bus accident in 1953, when Lemann was 14.[12] In 1961, he received a bachelor's degree in economics from Harvard University. He won the Brazilian national tennis championship five times.[11][13] He played for both the Swiss and Brazil Davis Cup teams,[1][14] and played at Wimbledon.Lemann is a board member of Lojas Americanas S.A. and was a former board member of Gillette (where he first worked with Warren Buffett); chairman of the Latin American Advisory Committee of the New York Stock Exchange; founder and board member of Fundação Estudar, which provides scholarships for Brazilian students; and a member of the international advisory board of DaimlerChryslerLemann is among the backers of 3G Capital. In September 2010, 3G launched a $4 billion bid, at a 45% premium over market, for all the stock of Burger King. "3G was advised in the BK offer by Lazard, JPMorgan Chase, Barclays Capital and the law firm Kirkland & Ellis. 3G already has some experience in burgers and fries, having previously invested in Wendy’s."[24] Together with Berkshire Hathaway, 3G Capital acquired the H. J. Heinz Company for $28 billion in 2013. Its new CEO Bernardo Hees is a former manager of Burger King. The same group announced the merger of Kraft Foods with Heinz in March 2015.

      - history
      • Around 11 million black Africans were forcibly brought to the American continents during the slave trade period. Brazil received approximately 4 million, making it the country with the most slaves in the world. This imported workforce was of great importance for Brazilian economic growth, particularly with regards to the labor-intensive sugarcane cycle given that there were not enough Portuguese people to colonize the new land. Estimates show that for every Portuguese person who migrated to Brazil, there were four people from Africa (between 1500 and 1850 approximately 1.3 million Portuguese migrated to Brazil).[3] This resulted in Brazil becoming a melting pot. Social inequality, one of Brazil’s long-standing problems, has been the direct result of slavery and is closely connected to the end of the sugarcane commodity cycle and the failure to adapt and retrain the former slave workforce.During the slavery period, there was also substantial exchange of black populations to and from Brazil. As Portugal expanded its dominions in Africa, large communities of African-Brazilians were moved back to the continent — the so-called Agudás in Benin, Amaros in Togo and Nigeria, and Tabom in Ghana — with some of them playing important roles in the emancipation movements of many African nations, such as Guinea. The possibility of a union between Brazil and the other Portuguese colonies was considered so high that the 1825 Friendship and Alliance Treaty between Brazil and Portugal recognizing Brazilian independence had a specific clause in which Brazil committed not to accept any proposals by Portuguese colonies to become part of the Brazilian Empire. This really meant African colonies. As the slave trade faded and slavery finally ended on May 13, 1888, Brazil distanced itself from Africa, and Brazilian society later on carried out a “whitening process” of its racial composition through policies favoring the entrance of immigrants from Europe.

      - bilateral relationship

      • Brazil and Japan maintain centennial and diversified relations: the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, through which diplomatic relations were established, completed 120 years in 2015. The Brazilian community in Japan is the third largest Brazilian community abroad, despite having decreased from its peak of over 300 thousand people in 2007 to just over 173 thousand today. The Japanese-descendant community ("Nikkei") in Brazil, the result of immigration started in 1908, reaches about 1.6 million 
      • Princess Mako has visited Rio de Janeiro’s iconic Christ the Redeemer statue to celebrate 110 years of immigration from her country to Brazil, home to the largest Japanese diaspora in the world. The princess also went to Rio’s Botanical Gardens, where she planted a pau brasil tree Wednesday just as her grandfather, Emperor Akihito, did during a 1967 visit. The pau brasil is Brazil’s national tree, famed for giving the country its name.

      In 1907, the Brazilian and the Japanese governments signed a treaty permitting Japanese migration to Brazil. The first Japanese immigrants (790 people – mostly farmers) came to Brazil in 1908 on the Kasato Maru. They travelled from the Japanese port of Kobe via the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. Many of them became owners of coffee plantations. Japanese immigrants began arriving in 1908, as a result of the decrease in the Italian immigration to Brazil and a new labour shortage on the coffee plantations.[15] In the first seven years, 3,434 more Japanese families (14,983 people) arrived. The beginning of World War I in 1914 started a boom in Japanese migration to Brazil; such that between 1917 and 1940 over 164,000 Japanese came to Brazil, 75% of them going to São Paulo, where most of the coffee plantations were located.
      - trade

      • 巴西總統博爾索納羅周一結束對印度的正式訪問,雙方簽署十五項雙邊協定,其中六項涉及農業產品。此外,巴西政府亦考慮讓國內公司在印度生產以乙醇為燃料的汽車,以擴大使用可再生能源。巴西與印度政府承諾,將兩國貿易額從現時的七十億美元(約五百四十六億港元)增至二○二二年的一百五十億美元(約一千一百七十億港元)。合作項目包括巴西向印度出口芝麻、印度向巴西出口粟米種子,以及合作增加乙醇產量等。

      - newspaper
      • The São Paulo Shimbun (サンパウロ新聞 Sanpauro Shinbun) was a Japanese-language newspaper established in 1946 and published in São PauloBrazil. It was one of two Japanese-language newspapers in the city. On January 1, 2019, the newspaper printed its last edition, with no specific plans to continue its operations online.Founded on October 8, 1946, the Journal São Paulo Shimbun was a vehicle of communication directed towards the Japanese-Brazilian community. Businessman Mituto Mizumoto observed the need that Japanese immigrants had for their own newspaper which would publish facts about Brazil and Japan. The São Paulo Shimbun was authorized to start publishing on September 6, 1946. On October 12 of the same year the first edition was published.[4] As of 2013 Kátia Sattomura was the chief editor of the newspaper's Portuguese-language division.[5] The newspaper publishes Portuguese content over the internet.[6] It printed its last issue on January 1, 2019.
      • The Sao Paulo Shimbun newspaper has printed its final edition, ending a 72-year run as a vital reference point and voice for Brazil’s Japanese community - the largest in the world outside of Japan. The Japanese-language newspaper, whose final edition rolled off the presses Jan. 1, was a victim of declining sales, an aging readership and the internet. Its owner, Helena Mizumoto, said an online version may be launched in the future.
      - japanese in brazil

      • Lisa Ono (小野リサ; born 29 July 1962) is a popular Brazilian-Japanese bossa nova singer.Lisa Ono was born in São Paulo, Brazil, in 1962 but moved with her family to Tokyo at the age of 10. From that time on she spent half of every year in Japan, and half in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Although she lived in Brazil for only a short time, she was turned into a type of "MPB (Brazilian popular music) ambassador" in Japan, influenced by her father, who owned a club while living in Brazil, and was also Baden Powell de Aquino's agent.[2013年受邀為中國大陸王競導演的電影《大明劫》演唱主題曲。2014年1月在北京第一次舉行在大陸的個人演唱會。

      - 巴西總統特梅爾於當地時間26日簽署法令,正式將每年的8月15日設立為「中國移民日」。特梅爾在簽署儀式上表示,中國移民早在約200年前就來到了巴西。1900年8月15日,巴西官方記錄的第一批華人抵達巴西。
      - chinese in brazil

      • 巴西聖保羅市警方日前搗破一間由中國人經營、疑強迫中國女子賣淫的場所。場所疑以卡拉OK為包裝,實質挾持中國女子出賣肉體,有受害女性在傳單留下求救訊息,始引起警方注意及採取行動,最終帶走一男一女疑犯,並救出十四名女子。

      - visit by leaders
      • China signed deals worth $27 billion with Brazil on Tuesday, putting its economic influence in Latin America on a firmer footing. Experts said the agreements will help Latin America's largest economy battle a fifth straight year of poor growth and spiraling inflation. Premier Li Keqiang and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff watched the signing ceremony after hours of talks in Brasilia that touched on a wide range of topics, including trade, industrial cooperation and climate change. In addition, Beijing shared its experience of holding the Olympics with the next host country. "China and Brazil are the largest developing economy in the East and the West Hemisphere. A deepened cooperation between China and Brazil will contribute to not only both countries, but also the recovery of the world's economy," Li said at the meeting with Rousseff. Under the agreements, the two countries will set up an action plan to encourage cooperation in industrial production, helping Brazil improve its sagging infrastructure ahead of the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The plan will also enhance bilateral trade away from the current focus on resources to a more comprehensive, balanced pattern. "The focus of bilateral industrial cooperation can be put in railroad, mining industry, power supplies and equipment manufacturing," Li said.
      • Electricity is a major highlight of the 14 cooperative documents signed on Friday after a talk in Beijing between President Xi Jinping and his Brazilian counterpart, Michel Temer. At the document-signing ceremony, which was witnessed by the two leaders, the State Grid, China's State-owned energy giant, was granted permission for construction of the second phase of the ultra-high-voltage direct current transmission project of Brazil's Belo Monte hydropower plant.Additionally, China National Nuclear Corp signed a memorandum of understanding with Eletronuclear, a leading nuclear power company in Brazil. During the leaders' talk, Xi said the two countries, which are the largest developing countries in the Eastern and Western hemispheres, should deepen cooperation in areas including infrastructure construction, manufacturing, agriculture, minerals, energy and production capacity.
      • 應中國國家主席習近平邀請,巴西 總統博索納羅於10月24日至26日對中國進行國事訪 問。習近平25日在人民大會堂同博索納羅會談。習近 平表示,我們要開闢中巴全面戰略夥伴關係新願景, 並強調雙方要一道捍衛多邊主義,拓展兩國農業、能 源、礦業、航天、基礎設施建設等方面合作。會談後 ,兩國元首共同見證了多項雙邊合作文件的簽署。訪 問期間兩國發表聯合聲明。任內首次訪華 的巴西總統博索納羅25日在京出席中巴商業探討會並 致辭,會上宣布巴西將給予符合條件的中國遊客免簽 待遇,話音剛落便贏得全場掌聲。
      - parliament

      • 巴西新總統博爾索納羅向來對中國態度強硬,但他所屬的社會自由黨多名議員,近日卻打算到中國考察當地的臉部辨識技術發展,而且旅程費用由中國政府支付。此舉受到總統的親信口誅筆伐,更批評他們是在「將巴西向中國拱手相讓」。分析認為巴西當局擔心這些議員被利用,而一旦這種技術在國內使用,恐怕令敏感資料透過臉部辨識技術流入中國。
      - association
      • 中國工商總會

      - trade
      • Brazil should expand its exports of processed food to diversify the mix of goods sold to China, said Jose Vicente Lessa, consul general of Brazil in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. Soybean, iron ore and oil products account for 79 percent of Brazil's exports to China. "We should not focus on primary products," Lessa said. Brazil also exports sugar, leather, meat, soy oil, paper pulp and airplanes. Its main imports from China include machinery, electrical materials, integrated circuits, chemicals, plastics and cars. Trade between Brazil and China more than doubled to $83 billion between 2009 and 2013. It dipped slightly last year, partly because of the economic downturn in Brazil, but it has since rebounded, he said. Brazil is the world's largest producer and exporter of coffee, sugar and orange juice, the largest meat exporter and the second-largest producer and exporter of soy products, as well as a major grower of corn. Last year, Brazil's agricultural exports to China accounted for 22 percent of the South American nation's total agricultural exports. China is Brazil's largest trading partner.
      • China and Brazil signed a memorandum of understanding on Tuesday to diversify service trade to upgrade their commerce structure from commodity and goods exchanges. The MOU, or the Two-Year Action Plan, is designed to encourage the two countries to improve service trade in eight areas including engineering, architecture, e-commerce, banking automation and tourism, to enrich bilateral trade ties over the next two years. "Signing this Two-Year Action Plan will help Brazil build a modern service sector, as well as create new e-commerce and financial activities to boost the economy," said Marcelo Maia, secretary of commerce and services at Brazil's Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade. The plan is expected to provide experiences for BRICS countries to promote services trade cooperation. Even though China-Brazil trade is heavily focused on commodity and goods trade including soybeans, beef, iron ore, construction machinery, chemicals, garments and vehicle products, service trade has not notably featured in bilateral trade.
      - latin america
      • 中国─拉美国际博览会9日起一连三天在珠海举行。其间,中拉联合公司总裁袁列向记者透露,该公司在巴西打造的“中拉经贸文化交流合作中心”(简称“中拉中心”)计划明年七月正式投入运营,目前已与国内多个产业园及行业龙头企业达成战略合作意向,布局巴西及拉美市场。 中拉联合在巴西圣保罗市区打造的“中拉中心”佔地20万平米,目前已完成一期的主体工程建设,包括中拉经贸中心、中拉文化中心、中拉互联网孵化基地,以及相关配套服务设施等,整个项目计划将于2018年7月正式投入运营,届时将成为拉美地区最大的中拉经贸文化交流合作中心。 steps China as buyer, trader, lender and builder. Historically, Beijing has often miscalculated local dynamics, placing too much emphasis on government and business interlocutors, and treating counterparts as if they, too, run authoritarian states where public opinion matters little. 
      In one parti­cu­larly tone-deaf statement, a Chinese diplomat complimented Brazil’s environmental policy as “one of the most rigorous” at the height of the Amazon fires, failing to understand that a sizeable domestic citizenry was as aghast by the damage as others around the world.China “initially made the mistake of looking at Latin America as if it was Africa”, says Oliver Stuenkel, an asso­ciate professor of international relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, in São Paulo. “[But] you have a very organised civil society in Latin America.” Additionally, the Brazilian constitution mandates the participation of indigenous groups when it comes to decisions impacting their historic territory.At times, agribusinesses have been forced to negotiate with non-governmental organisations, most notably with Greenpeace in 2006, when parties agreed to a “soy moratorium” to curb deforestation and prevent the conversion of more forest to farmland.“Chinese companies and government can play a role in supporting existing international, national and sub-national efforts in Brazil towards deforestation-free soy,” wrote Trase, a platform that maps data on deforestation and supply chains. But it is unclear whether China recognises its responsibility or cares enough to take up the cause. The Chinese embassy in Brazil did not respond to requests for comment.
      - port

      • China Merchants Port Holdings is buying a 90 per cent stake in TCP Participações S.A, the operator of Brazil’s second largest container terminal, for 2.89 billion Brazilian reals (US$920 million).TCP and its subsidiaries operate the port of Paranaguá in southern Brazil, around 300 kilometres from Sao Paulo. "China deepens overseas port holdings" ft 5sep17
      •  China Merchants Port Holdings Co Ltd has completed the acquisition of the second largest container terminal in Brazil, the biggest port acquisition ever made in Brazil or Latin America in general.
      • China Communications Construction Co Ltd is close to a deal to invest in and construct a grain handling port in Santa Catarina, the latest move to facilitate grain trade between China and Brazil. That's according to a memorandum of understanding recently agreed between CCCC and Brazil's Anessa fund, the port's current controlling shareholder.The two sides are expected to sign a purchase agreement on Dec 31. The value of the transaction and other financial terms were not disclosed.The port, called Terminal Graneleiro da Babitonga, is located in city of Sao Francisco do Sul. The city sits on the northern end of the Island of Sao Francisco at the entrance to Babitonga Bay.According to CCCC's announcement, it is the company's first investment in Brazil's grain handling port.The project was jointly developed by CCCC's unit in South America and Brazil's Anessa fund. The Chinese company will take charge of the port's operations.Located in the populous southeastern part of Brazil, the Saint Cartarina coast is home to Brazil's major grain production base. The project will also improve the logistics for grain products in southern Brazil and create a lot of job opportunities for local people. 
      - telecom
      • China Development Bank plans to vote in favor of Oi SA’s restructuring proposal, becoming the first big creditor to throw its support behind the phone operator as it tries to climb out of bankruptcy protection, said two people close to the matter. The Chinese bank may sign a document signaling support for the restructuring plan of debt-laden Oi as soon as Tuesday, said the people, asking not to be identified discussing private negotiations. The document is a formal commitment to vote in favor of Oi’s proposal in a creditors’ general meeting scheduled for Oct. 23.
      • China Telecommunications Corp, the country's third largest telecom carrier by mobile subscribers, said on Wednesday that Brazilian telecom company Oi SA was among the several potential targets it had considered for investment, Bloomberg reported. The news came after its two rivals-China Mobile Communications Corp and China United Network Communications Group Co Ltd-set up subsidiaries in Brazil earlier this year to pursue business opportunities in the large South American country.
      • 中電信與私募基金TPG已預備計劃書,擬於一八年初收購Oi。
      - electricity

      • 中國國家電網公司董 事長劉振亞、巴西國家電力公司總裁科斯塔昨日在巴西利亞共同 啟動巴西美麗山特高壓輸電項目。該項目是中國國家電網在海外 中標的首個特高壓直流輸電項目,也是在美洲修建的第一條特高 壓直流輸電線路,項目將於2017年底完工,屆時巴西北部的水電 資源將直接輸送到東南部的負荷中心。
      • 中國長江三峽集團公司(簡稱“三峽集團”)稱,該集團於當地時間11月25日上午(北京時間11月25日晚間)在巴西聖保羅參與巴西朱比亞水電站(裝機155萬千瓦)和伊利亞水電站(裝機344萬千瓦)特許經營權競拍,成功中標兩座電站30年特許經營權。 綜合中新社、《人民日報》報道,25日上午10時,在巴西最大城市聖保羅市中心的證券交易所,巴西29座水電站建設項目招標開始。首先開拍的是朱比亞和伊利亞兩座水電站特許經營權項目。兩座水電站相距約60公里,裝機容量分別為155萬千瓦和344萬千瓦。項目位於聖保羅州和南馬託格羅索州之間的界河巴拉那河上,在巴西目前最大的水電站伊泰普的上游。 經過例行介紹及競拍,主持人宣佈結果:三峽巴西公司中標。三峽集團將為兩座水電站特許權向巴西政府支付138億雷亞爾(約合287億港元),並進行為期30年的特許運營。項目預計於2015年12月30日完成交割。
      • consortium, led by China's Three Gorges Corp, the world's largest hydropower producer, is preparing to bid for a contract to build andoperate an 8,000-megawatt power station in Brazil, a top official said. When bidding opens for the hydroelectric dam on the Tapajos River, theChinese consortium will be a strong contender, said Wang Shaofeng,executive vice-president of China Three Gorges International Corp, aBeijing-based subsidiary of CTG. "We have been present in the Brazil's hydropower market for severalyears. For most of the projects, we participated it is through capitalinvestment," he told China Daily in an interview. "But with our rich experience we can do more in Brazil," he said, referringto construction of one or two hydropower projects in the region. The Tapajos dam will become one of the world's 10 largest hydropowerprojects after completion, he said.
      • The builder and operator of the world's largest dam, China Three Gorges Corporation, hasagreed to acquire Duke Energy's 2,090-megawatt business in Brazil for $1.2 billion. The transaction is expected to be completed in the first half of 2017, said Duke Energy, thebiggest US power company by generation capacity.
      • State Grid Corporation of China, the nation’s dominant electricity distributor, is in talks to buy a stake in Brazilian power distributor CPFL Energia, according to well-placed industry sources. The state-owned company is believed to be in discussions to purchase some or all of privately-held cement-to-ship-building conglomerate Camargo Correa’s 23.6 per cent holding in CPFL.,
      • State Grid Corp of China will be able to use its newest acquisition in Brazil, CPFL Energia, as a platform for further mergers and acquisitions in South America, according to CPFL’s legal and institutional relations vice-president, Luiz Eduardo Osorio. His comments came as State Grid, the world’s largest utility, on Friday agreed the R$5.9bn ($1.8bn) purchase of a 23.6 per cent stake in CPFL and is expected to take majority control of Brazil`s largest private electric sector company in the coming months.
      • Former shareholders of Brazil's CPFL Energia SA (CPFE3.SA) have handed over ownership of their stakes to State Grid Corp of China on Monday, which will automatically trigger a buyout of minority stakeholders, a person familiar with the matter said. The formal handover of stakes from Camargo Correa SA and several pension funds that were CPFL Energia's majority shareholders before the June deal to State Grid was signed earlier in the day, said the person, who requested anonymity because the plan remains private.
      • State Grid Corp of China has asked the Brazilian government and regulators to speed up environmental licensing of a planned power line connecting to the Belo Monte dam in the Amazon forest, according to official documents and a source with direct knowledge of the matter. State Grid, the world's biggest utility, fears it could have to delay construction of the line, possibly forcing the third-largest hydroelectric power dam to begin operating in 2019 below full capacity. Belo Monte, a dam built on the Xingu River in the Amazon forest, will have a total installed capacity of 11,233 megawatts, exceeded only by China's Three Gorges and Brazil's Itaipu dams.  The Chinese firm, together with two units of the Centrais Elétricas do Brasil SA state-controlled utility, has begun work in the first of two transmission lines linking Belo Monte to cities throughout Brazil.
      • state Grid Corp of China [STGRD.UL] is studying whether to acquire electricity distribution subsidiaries that will be sold by Brazil’s state-owned Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras SA (ELET3.SA) by year’s end, an executive at the Chinese firm said on Wednesday.
      - water supply
      • 據新華社報道,當地時間29日葛洲壩巴西有限公司在聖保羅正式完成對聖諾倫索供水項目的股權交割,標誌着葛洲壩集團這一中資企業成為該項目100%的控股股東。
      - oil

      • Brazil's state-controlled oil company Petróleo Brasileiro SA has teamed up with China National Petroleum Corp to complete construction of a petrochemical compound in Rio de Janeiro that was ensnared in a massive corruption scandal, O Globo newspaper reported on Tuesday. According to Globo, which cited a person with knowledge of the situation, finishing the Comperj project, which is located in the town of Itaborai in the state of Rio de Janeiro, could require additional investments between $3.5 billion and $4 billion.
      •  China’s CNPC said on Thursday that its international unit, PetroChina International Co, has agreed to buy a 30-percent stake in Brazilian oil products trader TT Work, as it pushes to expand abroad. Privately-owned TT Work is Brazil’s fourth largest oil products distributor, with more than 13 storage facilities serving 2,200 petrol stations in the South American country, according to a statement from state-owned CNPC.
      • La petrolera estatal brasileña Petrobras y la China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Company (CNODC), filial de la China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), firmaron hoy un acuerdo para finalizar la construcción de la refinería Comperj, en la región metropolitana de Río de Janeiro y para explorar y producir petróleo en el litoral sureste de Brasil, informaron hoy ambas compañías.
      - aerospace

      • 30多年來,中國和巴西 在地球資源衛星項目方面的合作,被譽為 高科技領域 「南南合作」 的典範。 1988年,中國與巴西簽署關於核準研 製地球資源衛星的議定書,揭開了中巴地 球資源衛星合作的序幕。30多年來,中巴 已聯合研製6顆地球資源衛星,最新聯合 研發的04A星預計今年底發射。 中國空間技術研究院中巴地球資源衛 星項目研究員韓波表示,雖然文化背景、語 言和思維方式有差異,但中巴研究人員在 合作中一直遵循科學規律和標準規範,秉 承嚴謹的科學態度,並結下深厚的友誼。

      - railway

      • Premier Li Keqiang, regarded as a super salesman for the country's railway industry, took a ride on a new train on Wednesday that was purchased from China by Rio de Janeiro's Metro system. Li, who is on a four-nation tour of Latin America, had earlier announced plans for a $30 billion fund to support efforts to increase the industrial production capacity of countries in the region. The new Metro Line 4 is the latest example of China's efforts to export its industrial production capacity. It is due to start operations in June next year, in time for the Olympic Games,
      • China Railway No 10 Engineering Group Co Ltd, a subsidiary of China RailwayEngineering Corporation, is in talks with Brazilian clients to build two big-ticketrailway-related infrastructure projects with a total contract value of $2.6 billion, itsexecutives said. The two major projects include building a port-railway-mine complex in easternBrazil's Bahia state and a railway infrastructure upgrading project for Brazil'sWestern Railway Line. Their project values are $2 billion and $600 million,respectively. Cui Jun, deputy general manager of CREC No 10 Group, said to further optimize itsbusiness in the Latin American market, the company selected Brazil as its prioritymarket for the long run. The company, headquartered in Jinan, Shandong province, said it has signed amemorandum of understanding with the Bahia state government and the China-Latin America Fund, a Chinese government fund, regarding the port-railway-minecomplex project, as well as sending a team to the Bamin mine, port and railwaysiding in Bahia state to conduct a feasibility study. An operational plan has alreadybeen drawn up.
      • 內地企業比亞迪巴西分公司總經理李鐵當地時間13日在巴西薩爾瓦多與巴伊亞州州長魯伊.科斯塔(Rui Costa)正式簽署合同,將在巴西名城薩爾瓦多修建全球首條跨海雲軌。2018年5月,比亞迪提交的軌道交通方案在巴伊亞州競標中成功中標,比亞迪將投資25億雷亞爾(約合6.89億美元)在該州首府薩爾瓦多建設全球首條跨海雲軌。這條軌道交通線路(雲軌)全長約20公里,將替換當地已經運營100多年的鐵路。工程分兩期建設,一期約4.6公里,二期約15.4公里,計劃於2020年年中和2020年年底建成通車。

      - nuclear

      • 中國核工業集團公司1日在里約熱內盧舉辦核能合作研討及產業鏈對接會。巴西礦業能源部、國家電力公司、以及核電企業代表等到會發言。據新華社報道,會談期間,中核集團人員向巴方代表展示了中國核電的整體實力和系統解決方案,使巴西同行對中國的裝備製造能力、建造能力、運營管理能力和投融資能力有了較深入了解。中核集團下屬中國中原對外工程有限公司副總經理丁健在會後透露,巴西核電企業對中方的專業介紹非常感興趣,願與中方一起推進新建核電機組項目的政府決策,希望在核電建設方面學習中國的核電建設經驗,並獲得融資支持。丁健表示,中核集團願滿足巴方對技術、融資、本地化和技術轉讓等需求,並盡可能做到雙贏。目前,拉美地區只有巴西和阿根廷建有核電站。巴西核發電量約佔全國總發電量的3%。巴西計劃到2030年,在現有兩台核電機組基礎上增設4台新的核電機組。
      - solar
      • China General Nuclear Power Corp, one of the country's largest nuclear power companies, has signed an agreement with Italian energy giant Enel for a 100 percent equity purchase of its Gamma new energy project in Brazil, a sign that CGN is entering the clean energy market in South America. The Gamma project, located in the northeastern part of Brazil, has a total installed capacity of 540MW, including two solar energy projects totaling 450MW and one 90MW wind power project, said the company.
      - steel

      - aircraft

      •  Brazilian airplane manufacturer, Embraer, has signed a contract to sell up to five E190 planes to China's Colorful Guizhou Airlines for a value of up to $249 million, the company announced late on Friday. In a press release, Embraer said the sale was concluded Friday during a Brazil-China business seminar in Shanghai, attended by Brazil's President Michel Temer. The deal includes the confirmed purchase of two planes and the right to purchase three more. The first two will be delivered in 2017. Embraer also sealed the sale of two Phenom 300 private jets to Colorful Yunnan General Aviation. Embraer's director-general Paulo Cesar de Souza, stated that this sale confirms China's growing interest in Embraer. He added that over the past 15 years, Embraer has delivered 230 planes to China.
      • China is getting ready to make its twin-engine Harbin aircraft available in the Brazilian market and to manufacture the planes locally, a company executive said on Tuesday. "We are commercializing the first Chinese plane, with an eye to opening a plant in (Brazil)," Jose Santos, a Brazilian representative of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), told Xinhua.
      - taxi

      • China’s ride-hailing application Didi Chuxing has agreed to acquire a majority stake in Brazilian app 99, newspaper Valor Economico said on Wednesday, citing sources familiar with the talks. According to the paper, Didi valued 99 at $1 billion, and acquired stakes owned by current shareholders Riverwood Capital, Monashees Inc., Qualcomm Ventures, Tiger Global Management LLC and Softbank Group Corp.
      - health/medical

      • 2月26日,“中國四方─巴西Fiocruz基金會深圳傳染病研究與預防合作備忘錄”在深圳簽署,該項國際合作將服務並支撐“一帶一路”沿線國家和地區的傳染病病原監測、預警和科學研究,將我國的傳染病防控關口前移,立於國門之外。

      - food

      • Brazilian food processor BRF SA said on Tuesday it has agreed to purchase $20 million worth of shares in Cofco Meat Holdings Ltd.
      • Peng Xin will set up a soybean production factory in Brazil with an annual capacity of 10 million metric tons by the end of this year. With this base, Peng Xin expects to export more Brazilian soybeans to the Chinese market.
      - chicken

      • China’s Ministry of Commerce has accepted an offer made by Brazilian chicken exporters to resolve a dumping dispute, a lawyer told Reuters on Monday. Claudia Marques, a partner at MPA Trade Law who represents the Brazilian exporters, said China’s decision to accept Brazil’s “price undertaking” offer was communicated to the parties in the Ministry of Commerce’s so-called “disclosure report”. The agreement, which sets minimum prices for sales to China to end a dumping probe that started in August 2017, will take effect by February 18, Marques said, a date marking the end of formal proceedings. According to a preliminary ruling against white broiler poultry imports from Brazil, China determined in June 2018 that importers of Brazilian chicken provide a dumping deposit ranging between 18.8 per cent 38.4 per cent.

      - beef

      • Limited domestic output and rising per-capita incomes are pushing beef-hungry China to import the high-protein, low-fat meat in increasing quantities from Brazil. About a year after recovering from a scare related to mad cow disease, Brazil has supplanted Australia as the biggest seller of beef to China.
      - soybean

      • Ge Junjie, chairman of Pengxin’s subsidiary Dakang International Food & Agriculture, said the privately owned Shanghai firm has completed two acquisitions of Brazilian companies in the past year and more will follow, as China’s rising appetite for imported grain continues to soar.
      • scmp 5aug19 chinese buyers returning to brazilian soybeans

      - innovation

      • exchange event in shenzhen
      - footwear
      • 巴西驻广州总领事馆有关负责人吴先生告诉记者,目前在东莞约有4000名巴西商人,主要活跃在鞋业工厂或者外贸企业,负责生产、管理、设计和销售工作。在东莞考察和工作多年的巴西商人Rodrigo表示,他们凭着在本国製鞋经验,从巴西本土订货商或者海外客商手上接单,然后在东莞本地设厂生产,成本和质量较为可控。

      - Herbal Tea promotion
      - investors from china
      • Xiaomi Corp's decision to make Brazil the first market outside of Asia for itssmartphones represents an opportunity to establish a foothold in Latin America. Itmay also serve as a stepping stone to enter the United States, according toanalysts. Last week, Xiaomi, the world's third-largest smartphone maker, announced it wouldbegin selling the Redmi 2 in Brazil on Tuesday for about 499 reals ($160). TheRedmi 2 is the latest version of its Android budget phone. "Brazil is obviously a different market from China and it can serve as a model forother Latin American countries," William Stofega, program director for mobilephones for International Data Corp, said. The pricing is ideal for Xiaomi. If you gohigher, then the number of people who can afford the phone declines."
      • 中國國家電網公司昨日宣佈,該公司17日獨立中標巴西美麗山水電站二期外送特高壓直流項目,擊敗巴西國家電力公司和西班牙奧本加集團,獲得該項目的30年特許權經營權。這是繼美麗山一期項目之後,中企在海外中標的第二個特高壓輸電項目,也是首個在海外獨立開展工程總承包(EPC)的特高壓輸電項目。
      • 中資海外企業安全令人堪憂,中國通訊企業華為在巴西第二大城市里約熱內盧廠房,當地時間周三發生劫案,四十多名華為員工被持槍匪徒洗劫,中國總領事館已介入。官方傳媒報道,事發於當日中午約十二時左右,華為位於博塔弗戈區的廠區食堂,突然有六至七名持槍匪徒闖入,將食堂內四十多名華為員工洗劫一空。據知情人士透露,搶匪對每個人都搜身三遍,手機、頸鏈、戒指都被搶走。有員工聽不懂葡萄牙語,還遭到搶匪毆打。財物得手後,歹徒迅速逃離現場,當地警方約十多分鐘後抵達現場。據遇劫的華為員工向警方表示,被搶的幾部手機後來定位在市內的一個貧民窟中。事件未有造成傷亡,但財物損失卻嚴重。中國駐里約熱內盧總領館商務參贊白春暉表示,目前總領館已就此案報警,並準備更詳細的訊息向巴方提出交涉,要求巴西警方迅速破案。
      • Brazilian grains company Fiagril sold an undisclosed stake to China's Hunan Dakang Pasture Farming Co Ltd, a unit of Pengxin Group, the Brazilian firm said on Friday.
        Two sources with direct knowledge of the deal said the Chinese firm bought a controlling 57 percent stake in Fiagril, a family-owned company based in Lucas do Rio Verde, Mato Grosso, in the heart of Brazil's center-west grain belt.
      • TCL多媒體(1070)昨宣佈與巴西家電龍頭企業SEMP簽署諒解備忘錄,雙方合共出資2億雷亞爾(折合約6,000萬美元)將在巴西投建合資公司SEMP TCL,雙方各自持股40%和60%,並將於今年8月1日正式營運。此舉是TCL多媒體國際化戰略佈局的重要組成,也是拓展巴西及南美家電市場的重要舉措。
      • BYD Co Ltd, a major private sector new-energy vehicle producer in China, is firming up plans to further expand into the Brazilian market. Towards this goal, it is deepening its cooperation with Correios, Brazil's biggest postal service group, which is an official partner of Rio 2016. "Correios is absolutely the leader of the country's logistics industry. Its projects will influence not only the whole industry, but other international companies such as DHL and Fedex," BYD told China Daily by e-mail.
      • Lenovo Group Ltd, the world's largest personal computer maker, is scaling down its business in Brazil, as part of its broad efforts to reduce costs amid declining consumer demand and increasing financial pressure, Brazilian media reported. The Beijing-based company has reduced its workforce in Brazil from 5,000 staff to 800, according to Brazilian newspaper Valor. It also reportedly has relocated its manufacturing plant from a 52,000-square-meter facility in Sao Paulo state to a facility that is half the size.
      • Olympics
      • CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co has provided subway trains to Rio de Janeiro's rail systems. If the trains win laurels during the Games, the company will likely expect more orders in future. Similarly, China's construction machinery makers, including Xuzhou Construction Machine Group and Sany Group, have already been buoyed by orders from Brazil.
      • 「中國智造」服務里約奧運
      - film

      Hong Kong
      - cg in hk

      • interview hkej 12oct18 c3

      - frozen meat

      • 今年三月,巴西執法部門揭發當地肉類工廠涉嫌出售添加致癌化學物掩飾的腐肉,並出口至世界各地;作為巴西最大的肉類進口地,內地及本港均曾一度禁止所有巴西肉類及禽肉進口。禁令除令同類產品零售價格飆升,更涉嫌令不少經營凍肉轉口生意的凍肉商資金鏈斷裂,其中有本港凍肉商近日被逾廿間凍肉供應商「追數」,指其拖欠貨款高達一億港元。涉事供應商組成「凍肉供應商苦主大聯盟」,今日到葵涌警署集體報案。業內人士表示,凍肉商和供應商之間「賒數」的情況常見,惟金額逾億則較罕見。
      • 《蘋果》記者於距離第一大城市聖保羅市兩小時車程的小鎮伊塔佩蒂寧加(Morro do Alto),找到一個供港養雞場。雞場內設有一有蓋雞舍,採用無籠飼養,近兩萬隻白肉雞可在約1,320平方米空間內走動。場內設通風及自動餵養系統,只需3個人管理。雞場員工指白肉雞平均生長周期為35天,其後送往屠房集中屠宰。巴西今年初爆出疑黑心肉事件,截至7月,供港雞肉與去年相若為1.47億公斤,但牛肉及豬肉入口量都應聲下跌20%及14.9%,分別只有1億及0.83億公斤。不過,ABPA市場副主席Ricardo Santin稱事後農業部已馬上派員到各地屠房調查,未有發現違規,亦無發現腐肉,認為是巴西聯邦警察調查出錯。本港食安中心回覆指,3月起已於進口及零售層面加強抽驗由巴西進口的冷藏及冰鮮肉類和禽肉樣本,結果全部合格。
      •  香港文匯報獨家收到消息指,食環署食安中心打算收緊可向香港出口凍肉的巴西肉廠數量,由現時的480間減至80間,並短時間內將擬議名單交予部分本港入口 商諮詢意見。不過批發及零售的凍肉公司甚至是市民卻毫不知情,而80間公司的篩選準則為本港貿易份額最大的公司,業界批評食安中心做法「鬼祟」、「斬腳趾 避沙蟲」;而該80間公司中有四成是巴西兩大凍肉集團的子公司,質疑此舉製造機會予商家壟斷,將來港人可能要捱貴肉。
      • appledaily 16nov17 cheung yu yan and chan hang bun suggested legco visit 
        • 香港文匯報11月16日率先獨家報道食安中心「靜靜雞」提出諮詢建議,擬將現時480間獲准出口至本港的巴西凍肉生產商減至80間,有關諮詢將於今日截 止。報道引起業界和社會廣泛關注,事件持續發酵。香港商界立法會議員林健鋒及香港工業總會代表昨日召開記者會指,對建議表示理解及支持,但認為除了考慮貿 易額外,應要考慮生產商能否有穩定供應及追查、追蹤系統,建議名單須設有「可加可減」機制。食安中心回應指,中心就該名單的長短及涵蓋哪些巴西廠房持開放 態度,而該名單往後亦可以增刪,原則是以質素為本決定哪些巴西廠房可以在名單內。
        • 港府亦一度計劃大減可向香港進口凍肉嘅巴西肉廠數目,建議限制喺八十間,諮詢結果一直冇晒影。據了解,呢份八十間巴西肉廠嘅名單,依家對後續工作已經冇乜意義,意味着已經唔存在啦。批發及零售界議員邵家輝就話,當局根本冇同業界交代諮詢結果,自己之前都帶咗成班業界去傾o架嘛,如果冇咗個名單,應該快啲講啦!睇嚟食物及衞生局局長陳肇始應該快啲同業界溝通,唔好將啲事收收埋埋啦!
        - FSTB roadshow in Brazil

        - feijoada (black beans and meat stew) - national dish
        - Churrasco (gastronomical specialty of the south region), served by large steakhouses (churrascarias)
        - Sertao (gastronomical specialty of the northeast region)
        - rodizo restaurants (serving buffet)
        - fish like "pintados", "pacus", "piraputangas","dourados"
        - tucupi (gastronomical specialty of northern region)

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