Monday, January 14, 2019


Sap is a fluid transported in xylem cells (vessel elements or tracheids) or phloem sieve tube elements of a plant. These cells transport water and nutrients throughout the plant. Sap is distinct from latexresin, or cell sap; it is a separate substance, separately produced, and with different components and functions.Saps may be broadly divided into two types: xylem sap and phloem sap.Maple syrup is made from reduced sugar maple xylem sap. The sap often is harvested from the Sugar Maple, Acer saccharum.In some countries (e.g., Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Belarus, Russia) harvesting the early spring sap of birch trees (so called "birch juice") for human consumption is common practice; the sap can be used fresh or fermented and contains xylitol. Certain palm tree sap can be used to make palm syrup. In the Canary Islands they use the Canary Island Date Palm while in Chile they use the Chilean Wine Palm to make their syrup called miel de palma.

大麦,是一种禾本科植物,主要的粮食饲料作物,也可以作为啤酒或某些蒸馏酒的发酵原料。汉语俗称三月黄。 Barley (Hordeum vulgare), a member of the grass family, is a major cereal grain grown in temperate climates globally. It was one of the first cultivated grains, particularly in Eurasia as early as 10,000 years ago.Barley has been used as animal fodder, as a source of fermentable material for beer and certain distilled beverages, and as a component of various health foods. It is used in soups and stews, and in barley bread of various cultures. Barley grains are commonly made into malt in a traditional and ancient method of preparation.
- In 3100 BCE, two officials of a temple in Jemdet Nasr (then part of Sumeria, now part of Iraq) received a load of barley. They have been receiving and distributing barley for four years already. In six instalments they received some 160 barigs (one barig equals to 300 litres approximately) of barley.
- In English folklore, the figure of John Barleycorn in the folksong of the same name is a personification of barley, and of the alcoholic beverages made from it: beer and whisky. In the song, John Barleycorn is represented as suffering attacks, death, and indignities that correspond to the various stages of barley cultivation, such as reaping and malting.

  • 粯(xiàn)子粥,一般指苏中南通、泰兴和靖江地区的元麦粉所制作的粥,为苏中地区的特产。当地也将玉米面粥叫做“玉米粯子粥”,单讲粯子粥,就是特指元麦粯子粥。泰兴、靖江元麦为国家农产品地理标志保护产品。

小麥Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain which is a worldwide staple food. The many species of wheat together make up the genus Triticum; the most widely grown is common wheat (T. aestivum). The archaeological record suggests that wheat was first cultivated in the regions of the Fertile Crescent around 9600 BCE. Botanically, the wheat kernel is a type of fruit called a caryopsis.
- 小麥起源於西亞新月地帶,即今以色列、巴勒斯坦、黎巴嫩、約旦、敘利亞、伊拉克東北部及土耳其東南部,距今一萬零五百至九千五百年之間。因為起碼在距今四千五百至四千年之間,小麥已傳入我國,所以我國現存古典文獻,自始就有大量有關麥子的記載。例如三千年前《詩經.國風.鄘風.桑中》,就有「爰采麥矣,沫之北矣。」鄘地在中原腹地今河南新鄉,小伙子到沫鄉之北採摘麥穗,乘機與正在採桑養蠶的漂亮姑娘約會,「期我乎桑中」。後來就把男女幽會,稱為「桑中之約」。比《詩經》更早,三千三百多年前殷商甲骨文裏,已經有「麥」字(圖2、圖3)。麥長期以來是北方旱作農業主體作物,與南方稻作農業雙峰並峙,「南稻北麥」,養育世世代代中國人。同樣通過絲路,原產我國的水稻逐漸向西南傳播到印度,中世紀引入歐洲南部。但是小麥在距今七千年前後,東傳至中亞地區後就一度停滯了,遲至數千年後才繼續向東,進入東亞地區包括我國。這主要是因為小麥原生地西亞,與東亞氣候特點不同。西亞地區為地中海氣候,主要降水集中在冬、春兩季。小麥冬眠「春化期」的冬季陰冷濕潤,生長期的春季春雨綿綿,收穫期的夏季炎熱乾燥,非常適合小麥生長。而包括中國北方在內的東亞,為溫帶季風氣候,季節特點正好相反。小麥冬眠期乾冷少水;春季成長期拔節、灌漿時,「春雨貴如油」;夏季收穫時高溫多雨。可以說不大適合小麥種植。但人類要生存、文明要發展,人們通過灌溉等努力,改變本不適合小麥生長的自然環境,同時推動作物進化。小麥後來由西北繼續東進,在四千多年前進入到中華文明核心區域,即黃河中下游地區;又經過大約兩千年,逐步與北方本土農作物──粟(小米)、黍(黏米,黃粱)兩種小米並駕齊驅。在上個世紀發現小麥遺存的古文化遺址,影響較大、爭論較多的,是甘肅民樂東灰山遺址,出土的小麥遺存為距今五千年前後。多年來,內地出土有距今三千年以前早期小麥遺存的遺址,達三十多處,已知小麥在黃河流域出現的確切時間,為距今四千年前「龍山文化」。繼殷商甲骨文、周代《詩經》記載小麥之後,春秋管仲(約公元前七二三至公元前六四五年),對小麥等農作物科學種田進行論述。《管子.地員》稱:管仲輔佐齊王治理天下,要求農民翻耕農田,並根據土壤條件栽培作物,其中「斥埴(鹹質黏土),宜大菽(大豆)與麥」;「黑埴(黑土地),宜稻、麥」。在引種小麥進入中原和我國廣大地區過程中,因地制宜轉化吸收,讓外來作物在自己的土地上落地生根、開花結果,中華民族不忘本來而又善於吸收外來的優長,發揮了巨大作用。筆者曾造訪陝西西安以西八十公里,八百里秦川腹地的武功地區,那裏是周人始祖后稷故里,《詩經.小雅.生民之什》「有邰」之地。大約四千年前,后稷在這裏種植各種糧食作物並獲得豐收,堯、舜都命他擔任農官,教民耕種。史料反映他善長種稷(粟,小米)並開始種麥。這與黃河流域出土四千年前碳化麥粒相脗合。他還培育了黑黍、雙粒黍、紅小米、白小米等各種高產優良品種,提高糧食產量。
Wheat was a wild plant native to highlands of the Anatolian Plateau. It took the hunter-gatherers of Anatolia a few thousand years to domesticate wheat. At first, wheat was another wild plant that people could eat. Then, people started to cultivate wheat, and the process of selective breeding started.Wild wheat was a mountain plant that liked cold snowy winters and hot dry summer. It took quite some time to grow this plant in Mesopotamia, where winters are warmer. Once a suitable breed was achieved, everything changed. Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Indus Valley thrived with abundance of food, and the first civilizations were born.Northern Europe wasn't suitable for wheat cultivation. European summers were wetter and cooler. The landscape was filled with forest. It took thousands of years for the Northern Europeans to develop a breed of wheat good enough to compete with the Mesopotamian wheat, and to cut all the forests for fields.
- 俄羅斯農業部近日稱,俄可能5月中旬至6月30日暫停向歐亞經濟聯盟以外的國家和地區出口多種糧食。分析預期,作為俄小麥主要買家的土耳其、埃及和孟加拉國或受到一定影響。
- china

  • 早在后稷時期,中國先民們就開始嘗試栽培能四季飽腹的高產小麥,然而由於生產力水平的限制,直到上世紀四十年代,中國小麥畝產依然只有50斤左右。新中國成立後,一群胸懷農業強國夢想的西北農林科技大學學者,在后稷教民稼穡之地,自青春至古稀不斷破解小麥的「生長密碼」,先後培育出60餘種小麥新品,扭轉了中國小麥畝產量低的尷尬局面。吉萬全表示,西農目前已培育出黑、紫、紅、藍、綠、白彩色小麥。「這些麥粒不僅賞心悅目,每種顏色還蘊涵不同的特性。比如富含鐵鋅的黑色小麥,可預防貧血,藍色花青素高可抗衰老。」 據悉,西農目前已經推出了「秦黑」 、「秦紫」 、「秦藍」和「秦白」四大系列的「高產+高營養」彩粒小麥新優品,穩定品系52個,推廣應用13個。
- 以色列、約 旦一帶的早期農民以種植大麥、小麥為 主,然而伊朗、伊拉克附近的古代農夫卻 栽種其他種類的穀類,例如一種名為 emmer的小麥品種,而且飼養山羊。這兩個 地區的早期居民雖然都有耕種,但他們各 自有強烈的本地風俗,看起來兩者應該起 碼幾百年沒有交流溝通過,更遑論其中一 方從另一方身上學到農耕。哈佛醫學院的群體遺 傳學家萊許(David Reich)跟他的研究團隊 分析了 44 個來自中東地區的古人類基因圖 譜;這些古人類生活於一萬四千到三千五百 年前,正好覆蓋了我們有興趣的時期。 萊許發現以色列、約旦一帶古人類的基 因,跟伊朗、伊拉克附近的有着明顯的分 別;而伊朗、伊拉克一帶古代農夫的基因, 卻與在附近生活、以狩獵為生的古代居民較 為接近。這跟之前的懷疑十分吻合:伊朗、 伊拉克附近的古代農民應該跟以色列、約旦 一帶的古居民沒有太多的接觸,因此農耕這 個新主意,看來並不是從一方傳給另外一 方。耕種分別在不同地方獨立被發現的說 法,應該更為合理。

 蕎麥 Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum), or common buckwheat, is a plant cultivated for its grain-like seeds and as a cover crop. A related and bitterer species, Fagopyrum tataricum, is a domesticated food plant raised in Asia. Despite the name, buckwheat is not related to wheat, as it is not a grass. Instead, buckwheat is related to sorrelknotweed, and rhubarb. Buckwheat is referred to as a pseudocereal because its seeds' culinary use is the same as cereals', owing to their composition of complex carbohydrates. The cultivation of buckwheat grain declined sharply in the 20th century with the adoption of nitrogen fertilizer that increased the productivity of other staples.
苦蕎麥又名韃靼蕎麥Fagopyrum tataricum, also known as Tartary buckwheat, green buckwheat,[3] ku qiao,[3]Tatar buckwheat[citation needed], or bitter buckwheat,[4] is a domesticated food plant in the genus Fagopyrum in the family Polygonaceae. With another species in the same genuscommon buckwheat, it is often counted as a cereal, but unlike the true cereals the buckwheats are not members of the grass family. Thus, they are not related to true wheat. Tartary buckwheat is more bitter and contains more rutin than common buckwheat. It also contains quercitrin.Tatary buckwheat was domesticated in east Asia and is also cultivated in Europe and North America.[6] While it is an unfamiliar food in the West, it is common in the Himalayan region today, as well as other regions in Southwest China such as Sichuan province.
  • 位於毛烏素沙漠南緣,曾經黑風肆虐、自然條件惡劣的寧夏鹽池縣,近年來在當地政府的幫助下,鄉親們深度開發苦蕎
- Russia
  • Buckwheat is peculiar to Eastern Europe. It is similar to South American quinoa, but lacks the great PR that has made that grain a favorite among vegans and fans of healthy living. Buckwheat, in contrast, is the staple of choice among Russian, Polish and Lithuanian retirees living on tiny pensions. They like that it’s cheap and can keep for years on the kitchen shelf, even if storing it for that long is inadvisable.
- japan
  • 日本長野縣伊那谷箕輪町的「紅蕎麥之里」,迎來每年的秋季盛開期。原產於喜瑪拉雅地區的紅蕎麥,粉嫩嬌花如同毛絨絨的地氈一樣,在四點二萬平方米的廣闊田地內鋪開一片艷紅。
  • 日本原本對蕎麥麵這一品類有嚴格規定:麵條需含有百分之三十以上的蕎麥粉。但沖繩人偏不走尋常路,不但只用小麥粉,還倔強地把這種傳統的「家常工藝」稱作蕎麥麵。沒想到看似離譜的堅持竟然終成正果,經歷了二戰後有關部門的叫停和沖繩製麵協會的多方交涉,終於在一九七八年十月十七日再度實現了「沖繩蕎麥麵」這一名號的回歸。從此這一天不僅被定為「沖繩蕎麥麵之日」,也讓人們知道,世上其實真的有兩種蕎麥麵。

裸麦又称黑麦  Rye (Secale cereale) is a grass grown extensively as a grain, a cover crop and a forage crop. Rye grain is used for flour, bread, beer, crispbread, some whiskeys, some vodkas, and animal fodder. It can also be eaten whole, either as boiled rye berries or by being rolled, similar to rolled oatsRye is a cereal grain and should not be confused with ryegrass, which is used for lawns, pasture, and hay for livestock.Rye is one of a number of species that grow wild in central and eastern Turkey and in adjacent areas. Domesticated rye occurs in small quantities at a number of Neolithic sites in (Asia Minor) Turkey, such as the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Can Hasan III near Çatalhöyük, but is otherwise absent from the archaeological record until the Bronze Age of central Europe, c. 1800–1500 BCE.[4] It is possible that rye traveled west from (Asia Minor) Turkey as a minor admixture in wheat (possibly as a result of Vavilovian mimicry), and was only later cultivated in its own right.[5] Although archeological evidence of this grain has been found in Roman contexts along the Rhine, Danube, and in Ireland and Britain,[6] Pliny the Elder was dismissive of rye, writing that it "is a very poor food and only serves to avert starvation" and spelt is mixed into it "to mitigate its bitter taste, and even then is most unpleasant to the stomach".Since the Middle Ages people have cultivated rye widely in Central and Eastern Europe. It serves as the main bread cereal in most areas east of the France–Germany border and north of Hungary. In Southern Europe, it was cultivated on marginal lands.
- iceland
  • 在冰島烤麵包簡直是懶人福音。只需將 黑麥粉、麵粉、糖漿、牛奶等加入泡打粉,混合直 接放入容器,做好防水包裹埋在溫泉洞中,等上二 十四個小時就大功告成。無需任何揉搓、發酵,果 然大自然才是最棒的恩賜。至於為什麼選用黑麥, 就要將歷史再向前追溯,畢竟環境特殊,全國適合 栽種土地不過四分之一,相比之下最方便易得也最 便宜的食材就是黑麥了。

斯佩耳特小麦Spelt (Triticum spelta), also known as dinkel wheat or hulled wheat, is a species of wheat that has been cultivated since approximately 5000 BC. Spelt was an important staple food in parts of Europe from the Bronze Age to medieval times. 
- whole wheat Spelt, a grain widely used in the Roman world

Wild rice (Ojibwe: manoomin; also called Canada rice, Indian rice, and water oats) are four species of grasses forming the genus Zizania, and the grain that can be harvested from them. The grain was historically gathered and eaten in North America, India and China. While now a delicacy in North America, the grain is eaten less in China,[1]:165 where the plant's stem is used as a vegetable. Wild rice is not directly related to Asian rice (Oryza sativa), whose wild progenitors are O. rufipogon and O. nivara, although they are close cousins, sharing the tribe Oryzeae.[2] Wild-rice grains have a chewy outer sheath with a tender inner grain that has a slightly vegetal taste. The plants grow in shallow water in small lakes and slow-flowing streams; often, only the flowering head of wild rice rises above the water. The grain is eaten by dabbling ducks and other aquatic wildlife, as well as by humans.
Three species of wild rice are native to North America:
One species is native to Asia:
  • Manchurian wild rice (Z. latifolia; incorrect synonym: Z. caduciflora), is a perennial native to China.
  • 水稻  Oryza sativacommonly known as Asian rice, is the plant species most commonly referred to in English as riceOryza sativa is a grass with a genome consisting of 430Mb across 12 chromosomes. It is renowned for being easy to genetically modify, and is a model organism for cereal biologyOryza sativa contains two major subspecies: the sticky, short-grained japonica or sinica variety, and the nonsticky, long-grained indica rice [ja] variety. Japonica varieties are usually cultivated in dry fields (it is cultivated mainly submerged in Japan), in temperate East Asia, upland areas of Southeast Asia, and high elevations in South Asia, while indica varieties are mainly lowland rices, grown mostly submerged, throughout tropical Asia. Rice occurs in a variety of colors, including whitebrownblackpurple, and red rices.[1] [2] Black rice (also known as purple rice) is a range of rice types, some of which are glutinous rice. Varieties include Indonesian black rice and Thai jasmine black rice. A third subspecies, which is broad-grained and thrives under tropical conditions, was identified based on morphology and initially called javanica, but is now known as tropical japonica. Examples of this variety include the medium-grain 'Tinawon' and 'Unoy' cultivars, which are grown in the high-elevation rice terraces of the Cordillera Mountains of northern Luzon, Philippines
  • Japonica rice (O. sativa subsp. japonica), sometimes called sinica rice, is one of the two major domestic varieties of Asian rice. Japonica rice is extensively cultivated and consumed in ChinaJapanKorea, whereas in most other regions Indica rice [ja] is the dominant type of rice.Japonica rice grains are rounder, thicker, and harder, compared to longer, thinner, and fluffier Indica rice grains. Japonica rice is also stickier due to the higher content of amylopectin, whereas Indica rice starch consists of less amylopectin and more amylose.[1] Japonica rice plants are shorter than Indica rice plants.Japonica rice can be classified into three subgroups, 'temperate japonica',[2] 'tropical japonica' (also known as 'javanica', Oryza sativa subsp. javanica [ja]), and 'aromatic'.[5] Temperate japonica is cultivated in East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan), while tropical japonica is in IndonesiaMadagascar, and also the Americas where it was brought to with slave trade.稉稻傳統上,華南、華中、台灣、印度及中南半島出產的米為秈米(秈稻),而中國淮河以北、西南高海拔地區及日本朝鮮等地所種植的稻米品種多為粳稻。由於生長期長,不能和其他作物輪作,一年只能生長一季。中國著名的天津「小站稻」、東北「北大荒」、寧夏「碧粳米」、唐山「胭脂米」、雲南「香米」都是粳稻品種。臺灣先民所植的主要為秈稻。粳稻的種植則源於日本人引進的蓬萊米,故「蓬萊米」一度是粳米的代稱,相對於當時台灣本地的秈稻(稱「在來米」)。後來經臺灣本土專家的育種而產生眾多本土粳稻種系,主要為台粳系列台農系列
  •  Awamori (泡盛Okinawanアームイaamui) is an alcoholic beverage indigenous and unique to OkinawaJapan. It is made from long grain indica rice, and is not a direct product of brewing (like sake) but of distillation (like shōchū). All awamori made today is from indica rice imported from Thailand, the local production not being sufficient to meet domestic demand.Awamori owes its existence to Okinawa's trading history. It originates from the Thai drink Lao Khao (เหล้าขาว).[4] The technique of distilling reached Okinawa from Thailand (formerly known as Ayutthaya Kingdom) in the 15th century, a time when Okinawa served as a major trading intermediary between Southeast Asia, China, and Japan. All awamori is made from Thai rice ("thai-mai"). 
  • [aranas] filipions eat long grain indica, including jasmine-like milagrosa and wagwag variety 
- 考古學家在浙江省浦江縣上山考古遺址公園,發現一粒已經炭化的「萬年米」,認定為約一萬年前世界稻作文化在這裏起源的實物見證。上山遺址發現於2000年,距今超過一萬年。上山遺址考古領隊、浙江省文物考古研究所研究員蔣樂平表示,在浙江的錢塘江上游流域和靈江流域,已發現19處上山文化遺址,當中有稻作農業起源的大量實證,且有望找到更多遺址。
Jasmine rice (Thaiข้าวหอมมะลิRTGSKhao hom maliThai pronunciation: [kʰâːw hɔ̌ːm malíʔ]泰国香米) is a long-grain variety of fragrant rice (also known as aromatic rice). Its fragrance, reminiscent of pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius) and popcorn, results from the rice plant's natural production of aromatic compounds, of which 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline is the most salient. In typical packaging and storage, these aromatic compounds dissipate within a few months. This rapid loss of aromatic intensity leads many Southeast Asians and connoisseurs to prefer each year's freshly harvested "new crop" of jasmine rice.Jasmine rice is a variety of Oryza sativa. The name "jasmine" refers to the color of the rice, which is as white as the jasmine flower. Jasmine rice is grown primarily in Thailand (Thai hom mali or Thai fragrant rice), Cambodia (angkor kra'oup or Cambodian jasmine rice), Laos, and southern Vietnam. It is moist and soft in texture when cooked, with a slightly sweet flavor. The grains cling and are somewhat sticky when cooked, though less sticky than glutinous rice (Oryza sativa var. glutinosa), as it has less amylopectin. It is about three times stickier than American long-grain rice.
- carolina rice [aranas]Rye (Secale cereale) is a grass grown extensively as a grain, a cover crop and a forage crop. It is a member of the wheat tribe (Triticeae) and is closely related to barley (genus Hordeum) and wheat (Triticum).[1] Rye grain is used for flourbreadbeercrispbread, some whiskeys, some vodkas, and animal fodder. It can also be eaten whole, either as boiled rye berries or by being rolled, similar to rolled oats.

Calrose is a medium grain rice variety, notable for being the founding variety of the Californian rice industry.1948年にカリフォルニア州で開発され、中粒種を中心としたカリフォルニア州の米産業の基盤となった。カルローズはCaloroとCaladyを交配させたものにCaladyを戻し交配したものである。このCaloroは早生渡船から選抜された品種で、Caladyの種子親でもある[1]

  • [aranas] used in filipino cuisine
- glutinous rice

  • In the Philippines, glutinous rice is known as malagkit in Tagalog or pilit in Visayan, among other names. Both meaning "sticky". 
Black rice is a range of rice types of the species Oryza sativa L., some of which are glutinous rice. Varieties include Indonesian black rice, Philippine balatinawrice,[1] and Thai jasmine black rice. Black rice is known as chak-hao in Manipur, where desserts made from black rice are served at major feasts. In Bangladesh it is known as kalo dhaner chaal (black paddy rice) and used to make polao or rice-based desserts. The branhull (outermost layer) of black rice contains one of the highest levels of anthocyanins found in food.[2] The grain has a similar amount of fiber to brown rice and, like brown rice, has a mild, nutty taste.Black rice has a deep black color and usually turns deep purple when cooked.
- Developing hybrid rice to benefit people globally was another of Yuan's lifelong pursuits. To realize this ambition, he was committed to promoting hybrid rice internationally for a long time.To date, this rice has been planted in large areas of India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, the US, Brazil, Madagascar, among other countries.According to a report by consultancy Future Market Insights, hybrid rice seeds are being cultivated on 4.5 million hectares of land in Asian rice-producing countries, excluding China.In the 1980s, agricultural centers in the Philippines and Vietnam started collaborating with the International Rice Research Institute to develop hybrid rice varieties.According to studies, hybrid rice out-yielded existing inbred varieties by an average of 21 percent and 17 percent respectively in Vietnam and the Philippines.The Philippines is a key location for joint research with China on hybrid rice varieties, thanks to the establishment of the Philippine-Sino Center for Agricultural Technology.Hybrid rice varieties are grown on more than 10 percent of arable land in the Philippines, boosting the country's rice output by 2.4 million tons a year.According to Philippine government statistics, this has helped feed 15 million people, or 14 percent of the country's population, based on an annual per capita rice consumption of 160 kilograms.In Vietnam, Chinese hybrid rice was introduced into the Red River Delta region in the 1990s. According to the Access to Seeds Index 2019 published by the World Benchmarking Alliance, Vietnam imports 70 percent to 80 percent of the formal seed used, including hybrid rice seed. China is the main supplier of hybrid rice seed to Vietnam.Agricultural research institutes in Vietnam have also taken part in activities held by China in Southeast Asian countries, such as demonstrating and promoting tropical hybrid rice projects.In 2015, Yuan visited Cambodia to promote hybrid rice, with the aim of planting 300,000 hectares of this crop in the country within three years, according to Xinhua.
- 「海水稻」 學名 「耐鹽 鹼水稻」 ,江門台山海宴鎮 南豐村是廣東首個在鹽鹼地 上完成墾造水田項目並種植 「海水稻」 的村莊。據中國 工程院院士、雜交水稻之父 袁隆平測算,中國約有15億 畝荒蕪鹽鹼地,利用好1億畝 種植 「海水稻」 ,即便畝產 只有300公斤,也能產出300 億公斤糧食,解決8000萬人 的吃飯問題。    畢業於湛江農業專科學院林果專業 的陳日勝,於上世紀80年代發現了一種 能夠抵抗海水鹽鹼性的野生水稻,此後 他開始了長達30多年的海水稻培育工作 。陳日勝團隊去年開始在台山進行晚造 試種,750畝海水稻獲得豐收,最高畝 產超450公斤,曾經的 「農業荒漠」 成 了 「聚寶盆」 。  當前,研究推廣 「海水稻」 對保障 國家糧食安全具有重要意義。在陳日勝 看來,如今基本都是60歲以上的農民在 種植,農民的老齡化是當下急需解決的 問題,為此他計劃用三年時間將台山的 產業園打造成為一個智慧農業園區,屆 時,將為粵港澳大灣區的糧食供應提供 更充足更優質保障。陳日勝說,在5G普 及之後,園區將通過北斗定位進行耕地 操作,使用無人機播種等。
  • 袁隆平海水稻團隊15日在海南三亞舉行的第五屆國際海水稻論壇上宣布,已在全國簽約600萬畝鹽鹼地改造項目,今年將正式啟動海水稻的產業化推廣,擬用8至10年實現1億畝鹽鹼地改造整治目標。

Foxtail millet is an annual grass grown for human food. It is the second-most widely planted species of millet, and the most important in East Asia. It has the longest history of cultivation among the millets, having been grown in India since antiquity.粟(Setaria italica),亦称稷(note by me: xia dynasty term, used to make wine (高粱酒))、粟米,北方又称谷子,俗称小米,属禾本科狗尾草属的一种农作物。早在新石器时代就已经開始种植,在青海遗址中也有出土。小米(Setaria italica var. germanica (Mill.) Schred. ),又称为粟,北方称谷子,谷子脱壳为小米,其粒小,直径1 mm左右。小米是世界上最古老的栽培农作物之一,起源于中国北方黄河流域,是中国古代的主要粮食作物。所以夏代和商代属于“粟文化”。粟生长耐旱,品种繁多,俗称“粟有五彩”,有白、红、黄、黑、橙、紫等各种颜色的小米,也有黏性小米。中国最早的酒也是用小米酿造的. 能與參類媲美的小米,據《本草綱目》,能「治反胃熱痢,煮粥食,益丹田,補虛損,開腸胃」。中醫上五色入五臟,黃色入脾,黃色的小米恰好補益脾胃。小米粥還可安神,小米對於脾胃之補益,當與睡眠緊密相連。所謂「胃不和則卧不安」,用小米粥調和脾胃,順理成章調和睡眠。從現代醫學角度分析,小米含蛋白質,比大米高。脂肪一點七克,碳水化合物七十六點一克,都不低於稻、麥。一般糧食中不含有的胡蘿蔔素,小米每一百克含量達○點一二毫克,維生素B1的含量位居所有糧食之首。如此美味的小米飯,煮粥更是米脂厚厚一層。於是好奇深入研究,這裏的小米和傳說中的陝北米脂黃小米,有何區別。經考古發現,米脂小米有四五千年的歷史,米脂縣更被稱為「千年古縣」;而遼河流域的敖漢旗和奈曼旗,小米則有七八千年歷史。原來這裏就是中華始祖聚落,興隆窪遺址,距今七千五百至八千年歷史。此地黍或粟,當地稱之為穀子,孕育了人類最早的文明。今天我們仍在吃的重要穀物之一,小米堪稱五穀之首。帶着好奇,走近這片黃土地,穿過奈曼旗和敖漢旗的交界,來到了興隆窪遺址。這片儼然世外桃源的仙境,天與山藍綠相間,草與花爛漫相依。站在這片土地上,儼然一股歷史浩蕩,撲面而來。據當地人講,黃土地長出的小米,才是最純正的小米,小米的最高境界是煮純小米飯。北方的主食中小米粥頗為常見,而小米飯卻不多見。幾千年仍然流傳至今的穀物,孕育了黃皮膚黑頭髮的中華民族。

- 粱、黍一类的农作物。
- 类似苦菜的一种草本植物:“薄言采~”。
- 一种良种谷子,白芑 [fine millet]。也叫白粱粟。
- 有机化合物环己间二烯的简称 [1,3-cyclohexadiene]。分子式 C6H8
- 野菜之一种,味苦
- 通“杞”。木名,枸杞 [Chinese wolfberry]

Bran, also known as miller's bran, is the hard outer layers of cereal grain. It consists of the combined aleurone and pericarp. Along with germ, it is an integral part of whole grains, and is often produced as a byproduct of milling in the production of refined grains. Bran is present in cereal grain, including ricecorn (maize)wheatoatsbarleyrye and millet. Bran is not the same as chaff, which is a coarser scaly material surrounding the grain but not forming part of the grain itself.Bran is often used to enrich breads (notably muffins) and breakfast cereals, especially for the benefit of those wishing to increase their intake of dietary fiber. Bran may also be used for pickling (nukazuke) as in the tsukemono of Japan. Rice bran in particular finds many uses in Japan, where it is known as nuka (ぬか). Besides using it for pickling, Japanese people add it to the water when boiling bamboo shoots, and use it for dish washing. In Kitakyushu City, it is called jinda and used for stewing fish, such as sardine. Rice bran is stuck to the surface of commercial ice blocks to prevent them from melting. Bran oil may be also extracted for use by itself for industrial purposes (such as in the paint industry), or as a cooking oil, such as rice bran oil. Wheat bran is useful as feed for poultry and other livestock, as part of a balanced ration with other inputs. Wheatings, a milling byproduct comprising mostly bran with some pieces of endosperm also left over, are included in this category.
- Rice bran is a byproduct of the rice milling process (the conversion of brown rice to white rice), and it contains various antioxidantsthat impart beneficial effects on human health.

- 海關總署昨日通報,天津新港海關早前在一批從美國進口、重達七十八點九三噸的燕麥種子中,檢出有害生物豚草的種子,是全國口岸首次。豚草危害性極大,可導致糧食減產,甚至絕收。目前,該批燕麥種子已被封存,並移交相關部門處理。

Zea is a genus of flowering plants in the grass family. The best-known species is Z. mays (variously called maize, corn, or Indian corn), one of the most important crops for human societies throughout much of the world. Several wild species are commonly known as teosintes and are native to Mesoamerica.玉蜀黍属又名玉米属,是禾本目禾本科下的草本植物,原产于美洲。该属共有六种,除栽培玉米亚种外的都是野生种,又被称大刍草

玉米  Maize (/mz/ MAYZZea mays subsp. mays, from Spanishmaíz after Tainomahiz), also known as corn, is a cereal grain first domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern Mexico about 10,000 years ago. The leafy stalk of the plant produces pollen inflorescences and separate ovuliferous inflorescences called ears that yield kernels or seeds, which are fruits.The word maize derives from the Spanish form of the indigenous Taíno word for the plant, mahiz.[27] It is known by other names around the world. The word "corn" outside North America, Australia, and New Zealand refers to any cereal crop, its meaning understood to vary geographically to refer to the local staple. In the United States,[28] Canada,[30] Australia, and New Zealand, corn primarily means maize; this usage started as a shortening of "Indian corn".[28] "Indian corn" primarily means maize (the staple grain of indigenous Americans), but can refer more specifically to multicolored "flint corn" used for decoration.In places outside North America, Australia, and New Zealand, corn often refers to maize in culinary contexts. The narrower meaning is usually indicated by some additional word, as in sweet corn, sweetcorn, corn on the cob, baby corn, the puffed confection known as popcorn and the breakfast cereal known as corn flakesIn Southern Africa, maize is commonly called mielie (Afrikaans) or mealie (English), words derived from the Portuguese word for maize, milho.Maize is the domesticated variant of teosinte.
Maize and cornmeal (ground dried maize) constitute a staple food in many regions of the world. Maize is central to Mexican food. Virtually every dish in Mexican cuisine uses maize. In the form of grain or cornmeal, maize is the main ingredient of tortillas, tamales, pozole, atole and all the dishes based on them, like tacos, quesadillas, chilaquiles, enchiladas, tostadas and many more. In Mexico even a fungus of maize, known as huitlacoche is considered a delicacy. Introduced into Africa by the Portuguese in the 16th century, maize has become Africa's most important staple food crop.[96] Maize meal is made into a thick porridge in many cultures: from the polenta of Italy, the angu of Brazil, the mămăligă of Romania, to cornmeal mush in the US (and hominy grits in the South) or the food called mealie pap in South Africa and sadza, nshima and ugali in other parts of Africa. Maize meal is also used as a replacement for wheat flour, to make cornbread and other baked products. Masa (cornmeal treated with limewater) is the main ingredient for tortillas, atole and many other dishes of Central American food. Popcorn consists of kernels of certain varieties that explode when heated, forming fluffy pieces that are eaten as a snack. Roasted dried maize ears with semihardened kernels, coated with a seasoning mixture of fried chopped spring onions with salt added to the oil, is a popular snack food in Vietnam. Cancha, which are roasted maize chulpe kernels, are a very popular snack food in Peru, and also appears in traditional Peruvian ceviche. An unleavened bread called makki di roti is a popular bread eaten in the Punjab region of India and Pakistan. Chicha and chicha morada (purple chicha) are drinks typically made from particular types of maize. The first one is fermented and alcoholic, the second is a soft drink commonly drunk in Peru.
- note that there are a lot of ways to call corn in china (see chinese wiki version)
A corncob, also called cob of corn, is the central core of an ear of corn (also known as maize in Spanish-speaking countries). It is the part of the ear on which the kernels grow. The ear is also considered a "cob" or "pole" but it is not fully a "pole" until the ear is shucked, or removed from the plant material around the ear. Young ears, also called baby corn, can be consumed raw, but as the plant matures the cob becomes tougher until only the kernels are edible. When harvesting corn, the corncob may be collected as part of the ear (necessary for corn on the cob), or instead may be left as part of the corn stover in the field. The innermost part of the cob is white and has a consistency similar to foam plastic.
- history
  • [sedgewick] corn was domesticated from wild grass around 9000 years ago in what is now southern mexico.  Around 3000 years ago, mesoamericans began to treat it in an alkaline solution of lime and water before cooking.  This process, called nixtamalization, helps to soften the kernel and separate the germ from the hull, making it easier to grind into paste and form into dough. Treated corn is also easier to digest and more nutritious, with its niacin, calcium, and amino acides made accessible. It also cooks faster, and it was most often shaped into tortillas for griddling on the earthern comales characteristic of the region's kitchens.With the spread of nixtamalization, corn became the basis for the ancient olmec society that shaped subsequent indigenous cultures, including the maya and aztec civilizations, both of which were influential in the region that became el salvador.  As recorded in popol vuh, the sacred maya text, the fox, the coyote, the parrot and the crow brought corn in tribute to the gods who were then in the process of creating the world. The goddess xmucane ground the corn into paste and molded into human flesh. Similarly, the aztec nahuatl language the word for human flesh, tonacayo, can be used for corn as well, and the number one, ce, is derived from another word for corn, cintli.  The spanish named the indians corn rounds tortillas, little cakes.  In central america, the pipil made a variation - a dense disc of approximate dimensions of a breakfast pancake.  Corns and beans are ideal government food, readily subject to centralized political administration. In the indigenous empires of mesoamerica they were often collected as taxes and tribute, also an important form of wealth and power in an agrarian society.
- china

  • 「阿城粘玉米」生產基地位於阿什河流域及其兩岸的河 谷川地和松花江南岸的江沼低洼地帶,阿城粘玉米早在元1928年就進行生產,至今有近百年 的種植歷史,從93年前開始有少數農戶應用農家品種搞 商品性粘玉米種植至今,已歷經90多年的時間,到目前 粘玉米生產在品種選擇、栽培技術、經營手段、生產效 益、生產規模上都發生了質的改變。1999年,亞溝鎮因 生產的以粘玉米為原料的粘豆包質量好、口感好、營養 價值高被 「中國農業部特色產業委員會」授予 了 「中國粘豆包第一鎮」榮譽稱號。阿城區於2009年開始創建全國健康食品玉米原料標準 化生產基地,2010年創建成功,並於2015年進行了基地 續報。
  • 據了解,吉林省四平市位於世界三大黃金玉米帶之一,素有「東北三大糧倉之一」的美譽年,梨樹縣創建百萬畝國家綠色玉米原料標準化生產基地,是全國最大的綠色食品原料(玉米〉標準化生產基地。基地實施現代化生產的技術模式,以玉米秸稈全覆蓋免耕栽培技術為核心,建立秸稈覆蓋、播種、施肥、除草、防病及收穫全程機械化技術體系。 當地農民秋天將玉米秸稈還田,第二年春天用免耕播種機直接播種。玉米秸稈全覆蓋免耕栽培技術能減少風蝕水蝕、防治土壤退化、增強土壤抗旱保水性。

 黄麻  Jute is a long, soft, shiny vegetable fiber that can be spun into coarse, strong threads. It is produced primarily from plants in the genus Corchorus, which was once classified with the family Tiliaceae, and more recently with Malvaceae. The primary source of the fiber is Corchorus olitorius, but it is considered inferior to Corchorus capsularis. "Jute" is the name of the plant or fiber used to make burlap, hessian or gunny cloth. Jute is one of the most affordable natural fibers, and second only to cotton in the amount produced and variety of uses. Jute fibers are composed primarily of the plant materials cellulose and lignin.
- Jute was used for making textiles in the Indus valley civilization since the 3rd millennium BC[4]. For centuries, jute has been an integral part of the culture of East Bengal and some parts of West Bengal, precisely in the southwest of Bangladesh. Since the seventeenth century the British started trading in jute. During the reign of the British Empire, jute was also used in the military. British jute barons grew rich by processing jute and selling manufactured products made from it. Dundee Jute Barons and the British East India Company set up many jute mills in Bengal, and by 1895 jute industries in Bengal overtook the Scottish jute trade. Many Scots emigrated to Bengal to set up jute factories. More than a billion jute sandbags were exported from Bengal to the trenches of World War I, and to the United States south to bag cotton. It was used in the fishing, construction, art and the arms industries. Initially, due to its texture, it could only be processed by hand until someone in Dundee discovered that treating it with whale oil made it machine processable.[5] The industry boomed throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries ("jute weaver" was a recognised trade occupation in the 1900 UK census), but this trade had largely ceased by about 1970 due to the emergence of synthetic fibers. In the 21st century, jute again has become an important export crop around the world, mainly in Bangladesh.
-Corchous olitorius leaves are used to make mulukhiya, sometimes considered the Egyptian national dish, but consumed in Cyprus and other Middle Eastern countries as well. It is an ingredient for stews, typically cooked with lamb or chicken. In Nigeria, leaves of Corchorus olitorius are prepared in sticky soup called ewedu together with ingredients such as sweet potato, dried small fish or shrimp.[15] The leaves are rubbed until foamy or sticky before adding to the soup. Amongst the Yoruba of Nigeria, the leaves are called Ewedu, and in the Hausa-speaking northern Nigeria, the leaves are called turgunuwa or lallo. The cook cuts jute leaves into shreds and adds them to the soup, which normally also contains ingredients such as meat or fish, pepper, onions, and spices. Likewise, the Lugbara of Northwestern Uganda eat the leaves in a soup they call pala bi. Jute is also a totem for Ayivu, one of the Lugbara clans.In the Philippines, especially in Ilocano-dominated areas, this vegetable, locally known as saluyot, can be mixed with either bitter gourd, bamboo shoots, loofah, or sometimes all of them. These have a slimy and slippery texture.

The tomato (see pronunciation) is the edible, often red, berry of the nightshade Solanum lycopersicum, commonly known as a tomato plant. The species originated in western South America. The Nahuatl (Aztec language) word tomatl gave rise to the Spanish word tomate, from which the English word tomato derived. Its use as a cultivated food may have originated with the indigenous peoples of Mexico. The Spanish discovered the tomato from their contact with the Aztec during the Spanish colonization of the Americas and brought it to Europe. From there, the tomato was introduced to other parts of the European-colonized world during the 16th century.The word "tomato" comes from the Spanish tomate, which in turn comes from the Nahuatl word tomatl [ˈtomat͡ɬ], meaning "the swelling fruit".[4] The native Mexican tomatillo is tomate (in Nahuatl: tomātl , meaning "fat water" or "fat thing").[6] When Aztecs started to cultivate the Andean fruit to be larger, sweeter, and red, they called the new species xitomatl (or jitomates) (pronounced [ʃiːˈtomatɬ]), ("plump with navel" or "fat water with navel"). The scientific species epithet lycopersicum is interpreted literally from Latin in the 1753 book, Species Plantarum, as "wolfpeach", where wolf is from lyco and peach is from persicum.
- fruit vs vegetable

  • Botanically, a tomato is a fruit—a berry, consisting of the ovary, together with its seeds, of a flowering plant. However, the tomato is considered a "culinary vegetable" because it has a much lower sugar content than culinary fruits; it is typically served as part of a salad or main course of a meal, rather than as a dessert. Tomatoes are not the only food source with this ambiguity; bell pepperscucumbersgreen beanseggplantsavocados, and squashes of all kinds (such as zucchini and pumpkins) are all botanically fruit, yet cooked as vegetables. This has led to legal dispute in the United States. In 1887, U.S. tariff laws that imposed a duty on vegetables, but not on fruit, caused the tomato's status to become a matter of legal importance. The U.S. Supreme Court settled this controversy on May 10, 1893, by declaring that the tomato is a vegetable, based on the popular definition that classifies vegetables by use—they are generally served with dinner and not dessert (Nix v. Hedden (149 U.S. 304)). The holding of this case applies only to the interpretation of the Tariff of 1883, and the court did not purport to reclassify the tomato for botanical or other purposes
- greece


- chinese translation

  • 大番茄和小聖女果,究竟是否同 屬一個物種?五個 世紀之前,西班牙人僅僅因為新奇和好 看對番茄 「一見鍾情」 ,於是把它們帶 回歐洲。此時的番茄雖然被認為是蘋果 的變種,卻始終被束之高閣,為貴族們 作觀賞用。又過了一百多年,法國植物 學家將它劃分為茄屬植物,可當時因為部分相似的 植物毒性很高,於是它也莫名其妙地被人敬而遠之 ,彷彿一隻穿越了、變形了的 「毒蘑菇」 。 究竟是誰先吃了番茄,至今沒有百分之百的定 論。但只要粗略翻過食物簡史,都會由衷感慨:在 那個年代敢為天下先的人,跟第一個吃了螃蟹的 「 壯士」 ,應該可以同時名垂青史了。有據可查的是 ,番茄第一次華麗轉身,正是有賴於意大利最著名 的那不勒斯披薩,當初製作這道菜的思路,是想用 綠、白、紅三色做成跟國旗契合的主題。沒想到一 戰成名,也徹底為番茄打開了市場,而這一役,比 我們現在熟知的番茄湯還早了近乎十年! 如今的番茄地位大不一樣,教科書也早給出了 明確答案:大番茄是蔬菜、小聖女果屬水果。

- symbol of tribe of asher
Arbequina is a cultivar of olives. The fruit is highly aromatic, small, symmetrical and dark brown, with a rounded apex and a broad peduncular cavity. In Europe, it is mostly grown in CataloniaSpain,[1] but it is also grown in Aragon and Andalusia, as well as California,[2] ArgentinaChileAustralia and AzerbaijanThe name comes from the village of Arbeca in the comarca of the Les Garrigues, where it was first introduced to Europe from the Ottoman Empire in the seventeenth century by the Duke of Medinaceli 
  • [les carnets de julie] also in northern catalonia, france
Israeli technology has allowed Rajasthan to become the hub for India's new-found love for olives 

莱菔,又名萝卜、罗服。拉丁名:RaphanussativusL。异名:荚、芦萉,芦菔、荠根,罗服,萝瓝,雹葖,紫菘,紫花菘温菘、萝苗、楚菘、秦菘,土酥,葖子,萝白。   Daikon (大根, literally "big root"), also known by many other names depending on context, is a mild-flavored winter radish (Raphanus sativus variety (cultivar) 'Longipinnatus') usually characterized by fast-growing leaves and a long, white, napiform root. Originally native to Southeast or continental East Asia,[1] daikon is harvested and consumedthroughout the region, as well as in South Asia.In culinary contexts, daikon or daikon radish (from its Japanese name) is the most common in all forms of English, although luóbo is increasingly familiar due to Chinese immigration. Historical ties to South Asia permit mooli (from its Hindi/Panjabi name and also in Urdu) as a general synonym in British English.[3] The generic terms white radish, winter radish, Oriental radish,[4] long white radish, and other terms are also used. Other synonyms usually vary by region or describe regional varieties of the vegetable. When it is necessary to distinguish the usual Japanese form from others, it is sometimes known as Japanese radish[5] or "true daikon".[6] The vegetable's Mandarin names are still uncommon in English; in most forms of Chinese cuisine, it is usually known as luóbo, Chinese white radish,[5] although in Cantonese and Malaysian cuisine, it is encountered as lobak or lo pak, which are southern Chinese dialect pronunciations of the general Chinese term for radish and carrot (萝卜). In the cuisines of Hokkien-speaking areas such as Singapore and Taiwan, it is also known as chai tow or chai tau (菜头) (在四縣、閩南、潮汕地區俗稱菜頭, 蘿蔔乾臺灣福建廣東潮汕香港澳門地區稱為菜脯). In any of these, it may also simply be referred to as radish, with the regional variety implied by context. In English-speaking countries, it is also sometimes marketed as icicle radish.[citation neededIn mainland China and Singapore, the calque white carrot or misnomer carrot is sometimes used, owing to the similarity of the vegetables' names in Mandarin and Hokkien. This variant gave the title to a popular guidebook on Singaporean street food, There's No Carrot in Carrot Cake, which refers to chai tow kway, a kind of cake made from daikon. In North America, it is primarily grown not for food, but as a fallow crop, with the roots left unharvested to prevent soil compaction and the leaves (if harvested) used as animal fodder.[8] The official general name used by the United States Department of Agriculture is oilseed radish, but this is only used in nonculinary contexts. Other English terms employed when daikon is being used as animal feed or as a soil ripper are forage radish, fodder radish, and tillage radish.

欧防风  The parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) is a root vegetable closely related to carrot and parsley; all belong to the family Apiaceae. It is a biennial plant usually grown as an annual. Its long, tuberous root has cream-colored skin and flesh, and, left in the ground to mature, it becomes sweeter in flavor after winter frosts. In its first growing season, the plant has a rosette of pinnate, mid-green leaves. If unharvested, in its second growing season it produces a flowering stem topped by an umbel of small yellow flowers, later producing pale brown, flat, winged seeds. By this time, the stem has become woody and the tuberous root inedible. The parsnip is native to Eurasia; it has been used as a vegetable since antiquity and was cultivated by the Romans, although some confusion exists between parsnips and carrots in the literature of the time. It was used as a sweetener before the arrival in Europe of cane sugar. The parsnip is usually cooked, but it can also be eaten raw. It is high in vitamins and minerals, especially potassium. It also contains antioxidants and both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. It should be cultivated in deep, stone-free soil. It is attacked by the carrot fly and other insect pests, as well as viruses and fungal diseases, of which canker is the most serious. Handling the stems and foliage can cause a skin rash if the skin is exposed to sunlight after handling. 欧洲防风,民间俗称“芹菜萝卜”,又名美洲防风、欧防风、欧洲萝卜、蒲芹萝卜、欧独活、白甘筍[2]欧洲防风的历史十分悠久,在古希腊和古罗马时代已有栽培。欧美国家有食用欧防风的传统习惯。中国引入欧洲防风已有百年的历史,但种植面积却很小。在歐美,由於歐防風比較粗生,所以在玉米未普及之前,主要用來製作豬隻的飼料。This plant was introduced to North America simultaneously by the French colonists in Canada and the British in the Thirteen Colonies for use as a root vegetable, but in the mid-19th century, it was replaced as the main source of starch by the potato and consequently was less widely cultivated.The etymology of the generic name Pastinaca is not known with certainty, but is probably derived from either the Latin word pastino, meaning "to prepare the ground for planting of the vine" or pastus, meaning "food". The specific epithet sativa means "sown".While folk etymology sometimes assumes the name is a mix of parsley and turnip, it actually comes from Middle English pasnepe, alteration (influenced by nep, turnip) of Old French pasnaie (now panais) from Latin pastinum, a kind of fork. The word's ending was changed to -nip by analogy with turnip because it was mistakenly assumed to be a kind of turnip.[24]

Brassica (/ˈbræsɪkə/) is a genus of plants in the mustard family (Brassicaceae). The members of the genus are informally known as cruciferous vegetablescabbages, or mustard plants. Crops from this genus are sometimes called cole crops—derived from the Latin caulis, denoting the stem or stalk of a plant. The genus Brassica is known for its important agricultural and horticultural crops and includes a number of weeds, both of wild taxa and escapees from cultivation. Brassica species and varieties commonly used for food include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, choy sum, rutabaga, turnip and some seeds used in the production of canola oil and the condiment mustard. Over 30 wild species and hybrids are in cultivation, plus numerous cultivars and hybrids of cultivated origin. Most are seasonal plants (annuals or biennials), but some are small shrubs. Brassica plants have been the subject of much scientific interest for their agricultural importance. Six particular species (B. carinata, B. juncea, B. oleracea, B. napus, B. nigra, and B. rapa) evolved by the combining of chromosomes from three earlier species, as described by the Triangle of U theory. The genus is native to Western Europe, the Mediterranean and temperate regions of Asia. Many wild species grow as weeds, especially in North America, South America, and Australia蕓薹屬是一個十字花科下的。此屬的植物包括了多種重要的農業園藝作物,包括了包心菜芥菜等常見的蔬菜。
Napa or nappa cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis or Brassica rapa Pekinensis Group) is a type of Chinese cabbage originating near the Beijing region of China, and is widely used in East Asian cuisine. Since the 20th century, it is also a widespread crop in Europe, America and Australia. In much of the world, this is the vegetable referred to as "Chinese cabbage". In Australia it is referred to as 'wombok'.The name "napa" comes from colloquial and regional Japanese, where nappa (菜っ葉) refers to the leaves of any vegetable, especially when used as food. The Japanese name for this specific variety of cabbage is hakusai (白菜)—literally "white vegetable"—a Sino-Japanese reading of the Chinese name. The Korean name for napa cabbage is baechu (Hangul배추), which is an irregular, nativized borrowing of the Chinese name (白菜 báicài in Standard Mandarin). In Mandarin, napa cabbage is known as 大白菜 dabaicai, or "big white vegetable", as opposed to the "small white vegetable" that is known in English as bok choyOutside of Asia, this vegetable is also referred to as Chinese cabbageRegionally, it is also known as sui choy,[2] and celery cabbage. In the United Kingdom this vegetable is known as Chinese leaf, in New Zealand as wong bok or won bok, and in the Philippines as wombokor pechay baguio.[4] The name wombok is also used in Australia. Another name used in English is petsaior pe-tsai. In Russia it's called Russian: пекинская капуста, translit. pekinskaya kapusta(literally "Peking cabbage"). In Korean cuisine, napa cabbage is the main ingredient of baechu kimchi, the most common type of kimchi, but is also eaten raw as a wrap for pork or oysters, dipped in gochujang. The outer, tougher leaves are used in soups. It can be used in stir-fry with other ingredients such as tofu, mushroom and zucchini. It is also eaten with hot pot meals. Napa cabbage is particularly popular in South Korea's northern Gangwon Province. In the European, American and Australian kitchen it is more common to eat it cooked or raw as salad.The first notation of Napa cabbage cultivation date from the 15th Century in the Yangtze River region in China. Then it spread to Korea and Japan. Beginning in the 19th Century with the Chinese diaspora, it was distributed to the rest of Asia, Europe, America as well as Australia. During the 16th century cabbage was first introduced to America from Europe and supply of seed materials from Europe continued till World War I. After the blockade of European seed supply the US Government research institutes and people in the seeds business developed superior seed stocks for every vegetable crop. Oregon and Californiawere the cabbage seed production areas during that time.Today it is cultivated and eaten throughout the world. Napa cabbage might have originated from natural hybridization between turnip (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa) and pak-choi (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis). Artificial crosses between these two species and also molecular data strengthened this suggestion.
- 蕪菁甘藍(Brassica napobrassica),又名瑞典蕪菁 The rutabaga (from Swedish dialectal word rotabagge), swede (from Swedish turnip, the plant being introduced from Sweden), or neep (from the Old English næp, Latin napus, reflected in the name Brassica napobrassica) is a root vegetable that originated as a cross between the cabbage and the turnip. The roots are prepared for human consumption in a variety of ways, and the leaves can be eaten as a leaf vegetable. The roots and tops are also used as winter feed for livestock, when they may be fed directly, or by allowing the animals to forage the plants in the field. Various European countries have a tradition of carving them into lanterns at Halloween.
- 雪里蕻(Brassica juncea var. crispifolia),又称雪里红、雪菜、春不老、皱叶芥菜,是芥菜的一种。在中国北方,其茎叶用来制做成同名的咸菜。其根用来腌制咸菜芥菜头。腌好的雪里蕻颜色保持深绿,可用来炒肉,炖豆腐等。而南方的皖南苏南浙江福建广东湖南重庆等地先腌制后烘干的也被称为腌菜、雪菜。
-  西洋油菜又名油菜籽甘藍型油菜油麻菜籽麻油菜籽大油菜  Rapeseed (Brassica napus subsp. napus) is a bright-yellow flowering member of the family Brassicaceae (mustard or cabbage family), cultivated mainly for its oil-rich seed, which naturally contains appreciable amounts of toxic erucic acidCanola are a group of rapeseed cultivars which were bred to have very low levels of erucic acid and are especially prized for use for human and animal food. Rapeseed is the third-largest source of vegetable oil and second-largest source of protein meal in the world.The term "rape" derives from the Latin word for turniprapa or rapum, cognate with the Greek word rhapys.
  • annual rapeseed festival in menyuan county, qinghai province
  • 雲南省曲靖市羅平縣的 油菜花
  • 12日,安徽黃山市歙縣鄉村油菜花藝術季在霞坑鎮石潭村開幕。
  • 一年一度的2021中 國最美油菜花海陝西漢中旅遊文化節暨全市春季主題 招商周活動日前在著名茶鄉——西鄉縣盛大啟動。
  • 雲南大理市喜洲鎮的油菜花近日盛開,吸引大批民眾前往拍照。
  • china daily 5 and 9 apr2021 linli county , hunan - research base for new rapeseed vaireties; 
  • xinghua qianduo rape flower tourism festival taizhou city, jiangsu scmp 19mar2021
    • singtao 31mar2021 e2 “昭阳城外,菜花黄否?”清代《桃花扇》作者孔尚任曾如此问道。“昭阳城”便是现在的江苏省兴化市

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is an annual plant of the daisy family, Asteraceae. It is most often grown as a leaf vegetable, but sometimes for its stem and seeds. Lettuce is most often used for salads, although it is also seen in other kinds of food, such as soups, sandwiches and wraps; it can also be grilled. One variety, the woju (莴苣), or asparagus lettuce (celtuce), is grown for its stems, which are eaten either raw or cooked. In addition to its main use as a leafy green, it has also gathered religious and medicinal significance over centuries of human consumption. Europe and North America originally dominated the market for lettuce, but by the late 20th century the consumption of lettuce had spread throughout the world. World production of lettuce and chicory for calendar year 2015 was 26.1 million tonnes, 56% of which came from China. Lettuce was first cultivated by the ancient Egyptians who turned it from a weed whose seeds were used to produce oil, into a food plant grown for its succulent leaves and oil-rich seeds. Lettuce spread to the Greeks and Romans, the latter of whom gave it the name lactuca, from which the English lettuce is ultimately derived. By 50 AD, many types were described, and lettuce appeared often in medieval writings, including several herbals. The 16th through 18th centuries saw the development of many varieties in Europe, and by the mid-18th century cultivars were described that can still be found in gardens.
- ancient Egyptians thought lettuce to be a symbol of sexual prowess and a promoter of love and childbearing in women. The Romans likewise claimed that it increased sexual potency. In contrast, the ancient Greeks connected the plant with male impotency, and served it during funerals (probably due to its role in the myth of Adonis' death), and British women in the 19th century believed it would cause infertility and sterility. Lettuce has mild narcotic properties; it was called "sleepwort" by the Anglo-Saxons because of this attribute, although the cultivated L. sativa has lower levels of the narcotic than its wild cousins. This narcotic effect is a property of two sesquiterpene lactones which are found in the white liquid (latex) in the stems of lettuce, called lactucarium or "lettuce opium". Lettuce is also eaten as part of the Jewish Passover Seder, where it is considered the optimal choice for use as the bitter herb, which is eaten together with the matzah. Some American settlers claimed that smallpox could be prevented through the ingestion of lettuce, and an Iranian belief suggested consumption of the seeds when afflicted with typhoid. Folk medicine has also claimed it as a treatment for pain, rheumatism, tension and nervousness, coughs and insanity; scientific evidence of these benefits in humans has not been found. The religious ties of lettuce continue into the present day among the Yazidi people of northern Iraq, who have a religious prohibition against eating the plant.萵苣,又名萵菜、春菜,是菊科萵苣屬之一年生或二年生蔬菜。在台灣原來萵苣僅只指菜心,現在泛指萵苣屬類蔬菜。它是一種很常見的食用蔬菜,中國日本等國的人往往烹熟後食用,在西方文化中人們往往放在沙拉漢堡包等食品中生食(稱生菜)。在香港,為了跟西生菜(結球萵苣)區分,葉用的萵苣又稱為唐生菜。

蓴菜屬Brasenia)是睡蓮目蓴菜科的一個,其姐妹群穗蓴屬。蓴菜屬下面僅存一,即蓴菜Brasenia schreberi),另有若干史前物種。本屬由德國博物學家 約翰·克里斯丁·丹尼爾·馮·施雷貝爾英語Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber於1789年所命名。「蓴」主要分佈在北美洲、亞洲及澳洲東部等地。生長在河川、湖泊裏。以中國為例,則以江南地區比較常見。臺灣則以宜蘭的雙連埤最為有名。
太湖採蒓菜,從萬曆年間鄒舜五開始。張君度畫有《采蒓圖》,陳仲醇、葛振甫等人在畫上題詩,一時傳為佳話。 康熙三十八年,車駕南巡,鄒舜五的孫子鄒志宏,向皇帝送了四缸自種的蒓菜,還有二十首《采蒓》,一幅家藏的《采蒓圖》。皇帝命人收下蒓菜,送到暢春園,詩和畫發還,鄒志宏被安排進圖書館工作。 後來,鄒志宏因為工作成績優秀,被提拔為山西嶽陽縣知縣,當時的人們都稱鄒志宏是「蒓菜官」。蒓菜似乎只生長在清水池裏,蘇浙一帶居多。 蕭山有湘湖,張岱讚如處子,紹興人陸游就寫過四十多次採蒓。西湖也有蒓菜,一碗湯端上,碗裏的清蒓,如泡開的新鮮龍井,嘗一口,鮮美滑嫩,清香濃郁。

A baked potato, or jacket potato, is a potato that has been baked for eating. When well cooked, a baked potato has a fluffy interior and a crisp skin. It may be served with fillings and condiments such as butter, cheese or sour cream. Potatoes can be baked in a conventional gas or electric oven, a convection oven, a microwave oven, on a barbecue grill, or on/in an open fire. Some restaurants use special ovens designed specifically to cook large numbers of potatoes, then keep them warm and ready for service. Prior to cooking, the potato should be scrubbed clean, washed and dried with eyes and surface blemishes removed, and basted with oil (usually olive oil) or butter and/or salt. Pricking the potato with a fork or knife allows steam to escape during the cooking process. 
- china

  • 據上海交通大學消息,該校馬鈴薯工程技術中心擁有一支現代食品加工研究團隊,專門研究薯類及雜糧主食化,由該校農業與生物學院王正武教授領銜組建。目前,團隊已開發了近40個特色產品,並申請了20多項發明專利。
  • 300多年前,當發源於南美洲安第斯山區的馬鈴薯漂洋過海來到中國之後,這個果實產於地下的塊莖類作物迅速走紅大江南北,成為國人餐桌上最常見的食物。然而長期品種和口味的單一化,讓馬鈴薯很難與小麥、大米「平起平坐」,很多人壓根「不把土豆當乾糧」。2015年,中國正式啟動馬鈴薯主糧化戰略。「讓馬鈴薯既好看又好吃。」在過去的幾十年時間裡,西北農林科技大學(簡稱西農)一代又一代的科研團隊緊盯目標埋頭苦幹,終於在國家馬鈴薯戰略的關鍵時刻,推出精心培育的一系列「高顏值、高營養」的彩色馬鈴薯品種,也為馬鈴薯在中國的主糧化推廣奠定基礎。
  • 自從 200 多年前馬鈴薯(港稱薯仔)落 戶隴原大地,這種被當地人稱為「洋芋」 的農作物,便成為甘肅人的一種偏愛,甚 至到了「一日無洋芋不歡」的境地。9 月至 10 月,正是馬鈴薯收穫的季 節,在享有「馬鈴薯之鄉」盛譽的甘肅省定西市安定區稱鈎驛鎮

Russet Burbank is a potato cultivar with dark brown skin and few eyes that is the most widely grown potato in North America.[1] A russet type, its flesh is white, dry, and mealy, and it is good for bakingmashing, and french fries (chips).[2] It is a common and popular potato.

King Edward is a potato variety grown in the UK since 1902, making it one of the oldest varieties still grown commercially.The King Edward potato is predominantly white-skinned with pink colouration. It is mostly oval in shape, with a floury texture and shallow eyes.[1] The plant is upright and tall with numerous stems and small green leaves. Its flowers are purple with white-tipped petals.In Redcliffe Salaman's book The History and Social Influence of the Potato first published in 1949, it was noted that parentage of King Edward was unknown. It was bred by a gardener in Northumberland who called it 'Fellside Hero' and passed into the hands of a grower in Yorkshire and in turn a potato merchant in Manchester who having no use for it passed it onto John Butler of Scotter in Lincolnshire. He in turn purchased all the seed stocks available and multiplied the variety on 50 acres of land before renaming the variety King Edward on the advice of a potato merchant. The Coronation of King Edward VII in 1902 coincided with the introduction of this variety of potato and its name is believed to originate as a 'commemoration' of this occasion.[3][unreliable source?] It is claimed that the grower wrote to Buckingham Palace seeking permission to name his potato after the monarch and that a reply was received granting royal assent.

菊薯又名雪蓮薯雪蓮果,在中国四川被称作“万根苕”The yacón (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a species of perennial daisy traditionally grown in the northern and central Andes from Colombia to northern Argentina for its crisp, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots. Their texture and flavour are very similar to jicama, mainly differing in that yacón has some slightly sweet, resinous, and floral (similar to violet) undertones to its flavour, probably due to the presence of inulin, which produces the sweet taste of the roots of elecampane, as well. Another name for yacón is Peruvian ground apple, possibly from the French name of potato, pomme de terre (ground apple). The tuber is composed mostly of water and fructooligosaccharide. Commonly called jicama in Ecuador, yacón is sometimes confused with that unrelated plant, which is a bean. The yacón, in contrast, is a close relative of the sunflower and Jerusalem artichoke. The plant produces a perennial rhizome to which are attached the edible, succulent storage roots, the principal economic product of the plant.
- In colonial times, yacón consumption was identified with a Catholic religious celebration held at the time of an earlier Inca feast. In the Moche era, it may have been food for a special occasion. Effigies of edible food may have been placed at Moche burials for the nourishment of the dead, as offerings to lords of the other world, or in commemoration of a certain occasion. Moche depicted such yacón on their ceramics.

 木薯,又稱樹薯  Manihot esculenta (commonly called cassava (/kəˈsɑːvə/), maniocyucamandioca and Brazilian arrowroot[2]) is a woody shrub native to South America of the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. It is extensively cultivated as an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible starchy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates. Though it is often called yuca in Spanish and in the United States, it differs from yucca, an unrelated fruit-bearing shrub in the family Asparagaceae. Cassava, when dried to a powdery (or pearly) extract, is called tapioca; its fried, granular form is named garri. Cassava is the third-largest source of food carbohydrates in the tropics, after rice and maize.[3][4] Cassava is a major staple food in the developing world, providing a basic diet for over half a billion people. It is one of the most drought-tolerant crops, capable of growing on marginal soils. Nigeria is the world's largest producer of cassava, while Thailand is the largest exporter of dried cassava.
- In the humid and sub-humid areas of tropical Africa, it is either a primary staple food or a secondary costaple. In Ghana, for example, cassava and yams occupy an important position in the agricultural economy and contribute about 46 percent of the agricultural gross domestic product. Cassava accounts for a daily caloric intake of 30 percent in Ghana and is grown by nearly every farming family. The importance of cassava to many Africans is epitomised in the Ewe (a language spoken in Ghana, Togo and Benin) name for the plant, agbeli, meaning "there is life". In Tamil Nadu, India, there are many cassava processing factories alongside National Highway 68 between Thalaivasal and Attur. Cassava is widely cultivated and eaten as a staple food in Andhra Pradesh and in Kerala. In Assam it is an important source of carbohydrates especially for natives of hilly areas. In the subtropical region of southern China, cassava is the fifth-largest crop in term of production, after ricesweet potatosugar cane, and maize. China is also the largest export market for cassava produced in Vietnam and Thailand. Over 60 percent of cassava production in China is concentrated in a single province, Guangxi, averaging over seven million tonnes annually.
- [peru el dorado] in jungle of amazonas and ucayali, the main ingredient of bread is manioc starch. Near the town of chachapoys, the locals share a common method of preparing manioc starch in a dough containing eggs and cornflour fermented in huarapo (sugarcane juice) before wrapping it in green plaintain leaves and baking the packings in the oven. This type of bread is called puchco tortilla. In Ucayali, the kutacho is eaten as if it were bread, but is actually made from green plantains, peanuts and cilantro.

Dioscorea polystachya, appelé plus communément nagaimoigname de Chine ou encore igname de Corée  Chinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya), also called cinnamon-vine,[2] is a species of flowering plant in the yam family. This perennial climbing vine[3] native to China now grows throughout East Asia (JapanKoreaKuril IslandsVietnam).[4] It is believed to have been introduced to Japan in the 17th century or earlier. Introduced to the United States as early as the 19th century for culinary and cultural uses, it is now considered an invasive plant species. The plant was introduced to Europe in the 19th century during the European Potato Failure, where cultivation continues to this day for the Asian food market.[9] The edible tubers, often called nagaimo or Chinese-potato,[2] are cultivated largely in Asia and sometimes used in alternative medicine. This species of yam is unique as the tubers can be eaten raw.薯蕷chinese yam;cinnamon-vine)又稱為「蒣」,是薯蕷科薯蕷屬的一種植物[1]。 薯蕷的塊莖稱為山藥,冬季採挖。原產地位於中國東部淮河附近,因而也得名淮山。植物易栽培。
- [wisdom of pacific islands people] 薯蕷 is often served in big feasts

 番薯,又名地瓜甘薯紅薯白薯 The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning glory familyConvolvulaceae. Its large, starchy, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots are a root vegetable. The young leaves and shoots are sometimes eaten as greens. The sweet potato is only distantly related to the potato (Solanum tuberosum) and does not belong to the nightshade family, Solanaceae, but both families belong to the same taxonomic order, the Solanales. Although the soft, orange sweet potato is often called a "yam" in parts of North America, the sweet potato is very distinct from the botanical yams (Dioscorea), which is native to Africa and Asia and belongs to the monocot family Dioscoreaceae. To add to the confusion, a different crop plant, the oca (Oxalis tuberosa, a species of wood sorrel), is called a "yam" in many parts of Polynesia, including New Zealand. Although the sweet potato is not closely related botanically to the common potato, they have a shared etymology. The first Europeans to taste sweet potatoes were members of Christopher Columbus's expedition in 1492. Later explorers found many cultivars under an assortment of local names, but the name which stayed was the indigenous Taino name of batata. The Spanish combined this with the Quechuaword for potato, papa, to create the word patata for the common potato. In ArgentinaVenezuelaPuerto Rico and the Dominican Republic the sweet potato is called batata. In MexicoPeruChileCentral America, and the Philippines, the sweet potato is known as camote(alternatively spelled kamote in the Philippines), derived from the Nahuatl word camotli. In Peru, the Quechua name for a type of sweet potato is kumar, strikingly similar to the Polynesian name kumara and its regional Oceanic cognates (kumala, umala,  'uala, etc.), which has led some scholars to suspect an instance of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contactIn New Zealand, the most common cultivar is the red (purple) cultivar called kumara (now spelled kūmara in the Māori language), but orange ('Beauregard') and gold cultivars are also available.[7] Kumara is particularly popular as a roasted food, often served with sour cream and sweet chili sauce. In Australia, shops will occasionally label purple cultivars as "purple sweet potato" to denote the difference to the other cultivars. About 95% of Australia's production is of the orange cultivar named 'Beauregard', originally from North America, known simply as "sweet potato". A reddish-purple cultivar, 'Northern Star', is 4% of production and is sold as "kumara".
The origin and domestication of sweet potato occurred in either Central or South America.[8] In Central America, domesticated sweet potatoes were present at least 5,000 years ago.[9] It has been suggested that the origin of I. batatas was between the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico and the mouth of the Orinoco River in Venezuela.[10] The cultigen was most likely spread by local people to the Caribbean and South America by 2500 BCE. The sweet potato was grown in Polynesia before western exploration, and the sweet potato cultivated in Polynesia is the Ipomoea batatas, which is generally spread by vine cuttings rather than by seeds.[14]Sweet potato has been radiocarbon-dated in the Cook Islands to 1000 CE. A common hypothesis is that a vine cutting was brought to central Polynesia around 700 CE, possibly by Polynesians who had traveled to South America and back, and spread from there across Polynesia to Hawaii and New Zealand.[

pumpkin is a cultivar of a squash plant, most commonly of Cucurbita pepo, that is round with smooth, slightly ribbed skin, and most often deep yellow to orange in coloration.
Squash blossoms are the edible flowers of Cucurbita species, particularly Cucurbita pepo, the species that produces zucchini, marrow, spaghetti squash, and many other types of squash.

  • 倭瓜花是什么意思字典: 答:方言,南瓜花,葫芦科植物南瓜的花。 扩展资料南瓜花亦蔬亦药。
  • 如今城裏少有人知道倭瓜花 是可以入菜的,我們家卻每年夏 天都會吃出幾頓用倭瓜花製作的 美食。原來在東北農村,從夏天 一直開到秋末的倭瓜花是人們偶 爾要改善伙食時必做的一道解饞 大餐。清晨採摘初放的倭瓜雄花 ,洗淨去花蕊,捲上調製好的肉 餡,裹稀麵煎炸或上屜清蒸,都 可以製成口感軟香誘人的倭瓜花 盒兒,是自小就喜歡吃的鄉野美 味。
- 羅馬尼亞首都布加勒斯特為慶祝萬聖節,日前舉辦歐洲最大型的南瓜節,吸引數千民眾參加。
- 在日本北海道長沼町,有農戶異想天開將南瓜吊在半空栽培,令人耳目一新,這些「飛天南瓜」近日迎來收成期,將於本月下旬起發售,主要售賣地區是東京。

The turnip or white turnip (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa) is a root vegetable commonly grown in temperate climates worldwide for its white, fleshy taproot. The word turnip is a compound of tur- as in turned/rounded on a lathe and neep, derived from Latin napus, the word for the plant. Small, tender varieties are grown for human consumption, while larger varieties are grown as feed for livestock. In the north of England, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall and eastern Canada (QuebecNewfoundland and the Maritimes), turnip (or neep) often refers to rutabaga, a larger, yellow root vegetable in the same genus (Brassica) also known as swede (from "Swedish turnip").蕪菁Brassica rapa var. rapa),又称為蔓菁大頭菜圆菜头圆根云南)、盘菜恰玛古新疆),原产於黎凡特,最早的种植是在古代中东的两河流域到印度河平原地区。中国为蔓菁的原产地之一,种植历史在3000年以上。《诗经》中称为葑。芜菁属二年生草本植物,块状根,形状有球形,扁球形,椭圆形多种。不耐暑热,需在阴凉场所栽培,适宜在肥沃的沙壤土上种植。芜菁的根以及叶子都可食用并有中药用途。芜菁原产累范特,最早的种植是在古代中东的两河流域一直到印度河平原地区。中国为蔓菁的源产地之一,《诗经》《尔雅》有载蔓菁,则在中国周朝至西汉前已普遍种植蔓菁。芜菁属二年生草本植物,块状根,形状有球形,扁球形,椭圆形多种。不耐暑热,需在阴凉场所栽培,适宜在肥沃的沙壤土上种植,需排水便利。春秋两季皆可种植。芜菁主要病虫害有病毒、蚜虫、跳甲虫等。15世紀時就有印度人專門種植蕪菁了,當時主要是取用其多油的種子。 然而也有推測認為在希臘化時代古羅馬帝國時就已經出現種植的蕪菁。西元前7世紀的希臘詩人莎孚將他最愛的情人Gongýla稱為“蕪菁”,但此外並沒有任何考古學證據證實此推測。
In England around 1700, Turnip Townshend promoted the use of turnips in a four-year crop-rotation system that enabled year-round livestock feeding. In most of England, the smaller white vegetables are called turnips, while the larger yellow ones are referred to as swedes. In the United States, turnips are the same, but swedes are usually called rutabagas. Neeps (turnips) are mashed and eaten with haggis, traditionally on Burns Night. Turnips are carved out as lanterns for Halloween festivals in the Isle of Man, Ireland and Scotland.[7][8] At Halloween in Scotland in 1895, masqueraders in disguise carried lanterns made out of scooped-out turnips.The turnip is an old vegetable charge in heraldry. It was used by Leonhard von Keutschach, prince-archbishop of Salzburg. The turnip is still the heart shield in the arms of Keutschach am SeeThe arms of the former municipality of Kiikala, Finland, were Gules, a turnip Or.
苤藍Brassica capitata L. var. gongylodes L.),又稱撇藍擘藍芥兰头大頭菜和名はカブカンラン(蕪甘藍)、キュウケイカンラン(球茎甘藍)、カブタマナ(蕪玉菜)。Kohlrabi (German turnip or turnip cabbageBrassica oleracea Gongylodes Group) is a biennial vegetable, and is a low, stout cultivar of cabbage. Kohlrabi can be eaten raw as well as cooked. Edible preparations are made with both the stem and the leaves. The name comes from the German Kohl ("cabbage") plus Rübe ~ Rabi (Swiss German variant) ("turnip"), because the swollen stem resembles the latter.[1] Kohlrabi is a commonly eaten vegetable in German-speaking countries and American states with large ancestral German populations such as Wisconsin, but is also very popular in the northern part of Vietnam where it is called 'su hào',[2] and in eastern parts of India (West Bengal) and Bangladesh where it is called 'Ol Kopi'.[3][4] It is also found in the Kashmir valley in north India and is there known as 'Monj-hakh',[5] 'monj' being the round part, and 'hakh' being the leafy part. This vegetable is called 'Nol Khol' in the north of India, 'Navalkol' in Maharashtra, 'Navilu Kosu' in Karnataka[7] and in Ceylon as 'Nol col' (the Turnip Cabbage).[8] It is also native in Cypruswhere it is known as 'kouloumbra' ("κουλούμπρα").
  • Kohlrabi is an important part of the Kashmiri diet and one of the most commonly cooked foods. It is prepared with its leaves and served with a light soup and eaten with rice. In Cyprus it is popularly sprinkled with salt and lemon and served as an appetizer.
Pachyrhizus erosus, commonly known as jicama (/ˈhɪkəmə/ or /ɪˈkɑːmə/; Spanish jícama[ˈxikama] ; from Nahuatl xīcamatl[ʃiːˈkamatɬ]), Mexican yam bean, or Mexican turnip, is the name of a native Mexican vine, although the name most commonly refers to the plant's edible tuberous rootIt is known by its Chinese name bang kuang to the ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia. In Mandarin Chinese, it is known as dòushǔ(豆薯) or liáng shǔ (涼薯), as sa1 got 沙葛 (same as "turnip") in Yue Chinese/Cantonese, and as '芒光' (mang-guang) in Teochew, where the word is borrowed from the Malay, and as dìguā 地瓜 in Guizhou province and several neighboring provinces of China, the latter term being shared with sweet potatoes. Jícama has become popular in Vietnamese food as an ingredient in pie, where it is called cây củ đậu (in northern Vietnam) or củ sắn or sắn nước (in southern Vietnam). In Japanese, it is known as 葛芋 (kuzu-imo).
- [aranas] sinkamas in philippines, or mexican potato or chinese turnip, a cheap suitable substitute for water chestnuts

lotus root
- 據說老武漢有藕湯定婿的習 俗,準女婿到女方家喝了藕湯,表明 他基本被認可了。

Benincasa hispida, the wax gourd, also called ash gourd, white gourdwinter gourdtallow gourdash pumpkinwinter melon,[4] Chinese preserving melon and (Alu) Puhul, is a vine grown for its very large fruit, eaten as a vegetable when mature.It is native to South and Southeast Asia. The wax gourd is widely grown throughout Asia,[7] including Java and Japan,[8] the places where it is thought to have originated and Sri Lanka.One variety of the plant, called chi qua(Benincasa hispida var. chieh-qua), is commonly used in Asian cuisine.In India, the wax gourd is recognized for its medicinal properties in the Ayurvedic system of medicine.[8] It also has significance in spiritual traditions of Indiaand Yoga, where it is identified as a great source of prana.
- china

  • 河北玉田縣

 Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family.  黄瓜也称胡瓜青瓜刺瓜瓜仔哖,属葫芦科甜瓜属植物。黄瓜原产印度,西汉时期张骞出使西域时将其引入中原,称为“胡瓜”。一说因隋炀帝忌讳胡人,将其改为“黄瓜”;[2]另一说五胡十六国时后赵皇帝石勒忌讳字,汉臣襄国郡守樊坦将其改为黄瓜
-  The cucumber originated in India, where a great many varieties have been observed, from Cucumis hystrix. It has been cultivated for at least 3,000 years, and was probably introduced to other parts of Europe by the Greeks or Romans. Records of cucumber cultivation appear in France in the 9th century, England in the 14th century, and in North America by the mid-16th century.
-  Principios activos: contiene abundantes mucílagos, esencia, vitamina Ccarotenosaminoácidoscelulosa. Indicaciones: se usa como demulcenteantipruriginosoemolientediuréticodepurativo. Indicado para cistitisurolitiasisoliguria. En uso tópico, para los cuidados de la piel: cutis grasos, comedones, pieles sensibles, arrugas. Debido a su alto contenido en celulosa, puede resultar indigesto. Algunas variedades presentan un sabor amargo debido a su contenido en cucurbitacina C, debiendo desecharse. The cucumber is listed among the foods of ancient Ur, and the legend of Gilgamesh describes people eating cucumbers.[citation needed] Some sources[who?] also state it was produced in ancient Thrace, and it is certainly part of modern cuisine in Bulgaria and Turkey, parts of which make up that ancient state. Cucumbers are mentioned in the Bible as one of the foods eaten by the Israelites in Egypt.[25] From India, it spread to Greece (where it was called "σίκυον", síkyon) and Italy (where the Romans were especially fond of the crop), and later into China. Robert Daniel, in discussing an ostracon dated to the second half of the third century AD, has suggested identifying an otherwise unknown word, ολγιττα, with the Arabic al-qitta', the common word for cucumber. According to Pliny the Elder (The Natural History, Book XIX, Chapter 23), the Ancient Greeks grew cucumbers, and there were different varieties in Italy, Africa, and Moesia.

丝瓜属  Luffa is a genus of tropical and subtropical vines in the cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae). In everyday non-technical usage, the luffa, also spelled loofah, usually refers to the fruit of the two species Luffa aegyptiaca and Luffa acutangula. The fruit of these species is cultivated and eaten as a vegetable. The fruit must be harvested at a young stage of development to be edible. The vegetable is popular in IndiaChina and Vietnam.[2] When the fruit is fully ripened, it is very fibrous. The fully developed fruit is the source of the loofah scrubbing sponge which is used in bathrooms and kitchens. Luffa are not frost-hardy, and require 150 to 200 warm days to mature.[citation neededThe name luffa was taken by European botanists in the 17th century from the Egyptian Arabic name لوف lūf.
- The fruit section of L. aegyptiaca may be allowed to mature and used as a bath or kitchen sponge after being processed to remove everything but the network of xylem fibers. If the loofah is allowed to fully ripen and then dried on the vine, the flesh disappears leaving only the fibrous skeleton and seeds, which can be easily shaken out. Marketed as luffa or loofah, the sponge is used as a body scrub. In Paraguay, panels are made out of luffa combined with other vegetable matter and recycled plastic. These can be used to create furniture and construct houses.
- consumed as food in various parts of asia
- china daily 24aug19
- 據《湖南省水利志》記載,白關絲瓜起 源於 1933 年,原名白絲瓜。這種白絲瓜 曾是宮廷佳餚,白關人在引進白絲瓜後, 發現絲瓜收獲期較短,且春夏絲瓜與秋絲 瓜口味差距較大,便通過代代人的努力, 改良了絲瓜品種。

- 「錦荔枝」是最早野生苦瓜的名稱,野生苦瓜不是全部綠色,有紅色、金色等顏色,所以又叫「紅姑娘」、「金賴瓜」等。

Colocasia esculenta is a tropical plant grown primarily for its edible corms, the root vegetables most commonly known as taro. It is believed to be one of the earliest cultivated plants.Colocasia esculenta is thought to be native to Southern India and Southeast Asia, but is widely naturalised.[7][8] It is a perennial, tropical plant primarily grown as a root vegetable for its edible starchy corm, and as a leaf vegetable. It is a food staple in AfricanOceanic and Indian cultures and is believed to have been one of the earliest cultivated plants.[4] Colocasia is thought to have originated in the Indomalaya ecozone, perhaps in East IndiaNepal, and Bangladesh, and spread by cultivation eastward into Southeast AsiaEast Asia and the Pacific Islands; westward to Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean Basin; and then southward and westward from there into East Africaand West Africa, where it spread to the Caribbean and Americas. It is known by many local names and often referred to as "elephant ears" when grown as an ornamental plant.This plant and its root is generally called taro, but it has different names in different countries like for instance eddoe, or malanga. In the Philippines, it is usually called gabiabi or avi. In Java the plant received the name of tales, which became taro in Tahitindalo in Fijitalo in Samoa, in Egypt it is called colcas (قلقاس), kalo in Hawaii and amateke in Rwanda.
- In Cyprus, taro has been in use since the time of the Roman Empire. Today it is known as kolokasi (κολοκάσι), which comes from the Ancient Greek name κολοκάσιον ("kolokasion") for lotus root.
- Important aspects of Hawaiian culture revolve around kalo cultivation and consumption. For example, the newer name for a traditional Hawaiian feast (luau) comes from the kalo. Young kalo tops baked with coconut milk and chicken meat or octopus arms are frequently served at luaus
- In India, taro or eddoe is a common dish served in many ways. It is called Arvi in Urdu/Hindi in Central & North India, which is often mispronounced as Arbi. It is called कचु(kachu) in Sanskrit. In Mizoram, it is called bäl; the leaves, stalks and tubers are eaten as dawl bai. The leaves and stalks are often traditionally preserved to be eaten in dry season as "dawl rëp bai". In Assam, a north-eastern state of India, taro is known as "kosu".In Manipur, another north-eastern state of India, taro is known as "pan".The kuki tribes called it "bal".In Himachal Pradesh, a northern state in India, taro is known as ghandyali in Mandi districtSindhis call it kachaloo. In Kerala, a state in southern India, taro corms are known as ചേമ്പ് കിഴങ്ങ് chembu-kizhanguIn other Indian states, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, taro corms are known as sivapan-kizhangu (seppankilangu or cheppankilangu), chamagadda, or in coastal Andhra districts as chaama dumpa in Telugu
In Jamaica, taro is known as cocococoyam and dasheen.
- In Korea, taro is called toran (Korean토란: "egg from earth")
- ****** In Venezuela, taro is called ocumo chino 
In Lusophone countries, inhame (pronounced [ĩ ˈ ȷ̃ɐ̃mi], [ˈ ȷ̃ɐ̃mi] or [ĩˑˈɲɐ̃mi], literally "yam") and cará are the common names for various plants with edible parts of the genera Alocasia, Colocasia (family Araceae) and Dioscorea (family Dioscoreaceae), and its respective starchy edible parts, generally tubers, with the exception of Dioscorea bulbifera, called cará-moela (pronounced [kɐˈɾa muˈɛlɐ], literally, "gizzard yam"), in Brazil and never deemed to be an inhame. Definitions of what constitutes an inhame and a cará vary regionally, but the common understanding in Brazil is that carás are potato-like in shape, while inhames are more oblong. In the "broad" lower class Brazilian Portuguese of the hotter and drier Northeastern region, both inhames and carás are called batata(literally, "potato"). For differentiation, potatoes are called batata-inglesa (literally, "English potato"), a name used in other regions and sociolects to differentiate it from the batata-doce, "sweet potato", ironic names since both were first cultivated by the indigenous peoples of South America, their native continent, and only later introduced in Europe by the colonizers.
  • 自江戶時代開始,日本就有了種芋頭以防大米 不足的習慣,一群人聚在一起,把芋頭做成暖融融的鍋 物,吃着吃着竟也上癮,配角幾乎都要反客為主。備好芋頭,加 入蒟蒻、竹筍、蓮藕、蘿蔔、香菇等先炒後煮,汁水緩 慢包裹住一鍋食材,好吃又下飯,有趣的是,日本人切芋頭的方法也獨樹一幟。最講 究的是先處理掉外皮和兩端,然後沿着一圈的弧度均勻 地切成六邊形,橫截面對稱得賞心悅目
  • “马铃薯”:洋芋。 “甘薯”:山芋。 指“荸荠”:乌芋。 
  • 在古代,「」又寫作「」。《說文》:「芌,大葉實根,駭人,故謂之芌也。从艸亏聲。」」是從「」演變出來的。查「」的本義為帶「送氣」或「感嘆」意味的「」,故後來除衍生了用口吹奏的「」字外,又可能因古人見「芋頭」之塊頭之大,發出感嘆的「」聲,久而久之,便於「」的原字上加注「」而成「」字。

Cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB) is a mixture of closely related organic compounds derived from coconut oil and dimethylaminopropylamine. CAPB is available as a viscous pale yellow solution and it is used as a surfactant in personal care products. Cocamidopropyl betaine is used as a foam booster in shampoos.[3] It is a medium strength surfactant also used in bath products like hand soaps. It is also used in cosmetics as an emulsifying agent and thickener, and to reduce irritation purely ionic surfactants would cause. It also serves as an antistatic agent in hair conditioners, which most often does not irritate skin or mucous membranes. However, some studies indicate it is an allergen.[4][5][6] It also has antiseptic properties, making it suitable for personal sanitary products. It is compatible with other cationic, anionic, and nonionic surfactants.

秋葵亦称黄秋葵咖啡黃葵补肾草,其果实常被称为羊角豆潺茄Okra or okro (US/ˈkrə/ or UK/ˈɒkrə/), known in many English-speaking countries as ladies' fingers or ochro, is a flowering plant in the mallow family. It is valued for its edible green seed pods. The geographical origin of okra is disputed, with supporters of West AfricanEthiopian, and South Asian origins. Abelmoschus esculentus es una planta fanerógama tropical de fruto comestible, originaria de África y perteneciente a la familia de las malváceas. Es conocida con los nombres de quimbombóquingombógombomolondrónocraokra o bamiacandia en Senegal y en México se le llama también abelmosco.
The Egyptians and Moors of the 12th and 13th centuries used the Arabic word for the plant, bamya, suggesting it had come into Egypt from Arabia, but earlier it was probably taken from Ethiopia to Arabia. The plant may have entered southwest Asia across the Red Sea or the Bab-el-Mandeb straight to the Arabian Peninsula, rather than north across the Sahara, or from India. One of the earliest accounts is by a Spanish Moor who visited Egypt in 1216 and described the plant under cultivation by the locals who ate the tender, young pods with meal. From Arabia, the plant spread around the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and eastward. The plant was introduced to the Americas by ships plying the Atlantic slave trade by 1658, when its presence was recorded in Brazil. It was further documented in Suriname in 1686. Okra may have been introduced to southeastern North America from Africa in the early 18th century. By 1748, it was being grown as far north as Philadelphia. Thomas Jefferson noted it was well established in Virginia by 1781. It was commonplace throughout the Southern United States by 1800, and the first mention of different cultivars was in 1806.
Okra leaves may be cooked in a similar way to the greens of beets or dandelions.[15] The leaves are also eaten raw in salads. Okra seeds may be roasted and ground to form a caffeine-free substitute for coffee.[7] When importation of coffee was disrupted by the American Civil War in 1861, the Austin State Gazette said, "An acre of okra will produce seed enough to furnish a plantation with coffee in every way equal to that imported from Rio."
- note the 秋葵纹 in chinese arts and crafts
秋葵的煮法不止一種,還可以煲湯、炒食,風味各有千秋。除了秋葵的果肉以外,我還是喜歡秋葵的花,黃燦燦的秋葵花,摘下來,風乾了,在陶爐中煮沸,味道酣暢飄香,有一種油油的掛杯之濃郁,味道和紅茶有一些相近,卻比紅茶的味道更厚。  走筆至此,有垂涎欲滴之感。這種花朵可以煮茶的秋葵,名曰「咖啡黃葵」,富含多種微量元素,舉杯之間,有一股秋意浩蕩之感縈繞鼻尖,難怪是絕佳的飲品,被冠以「咖啡」開頭,端起瓷盞,飲一口秋葵花茶在舌尖咂摸,還真有咖啡的些許味道。

Bamboo shoots or bamboo sprouts are the edible shoots (new bamboo culms that come out of the ground) of many bamboo species including Bambusa vulgaris and Phyllostachys edulis. They are used in numerous Asian dishes and broths. They are sold in various processed shapes, and are available in fresh, dried, and canned versions.  Bamboo shoot tips are called zhú sǔn jiān () or simply sǔn jiān () in Chinese, although they are mostly referred to as just sǔn (笋). This sounds similar in Korean juk sun (죽순), a commonly used form, although the native word daenamu ssak (대나무싹) is present. In Vietnamese, bamboo shoots are called măng  and in Japanese as take no ko (竹の子 or 筍). Chakma people from the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh call it Bajchur and it is their traditional food. Bamboo shoot tips are called Myit in Myanmar. In Cambodia, they are called Tumpeang (ទំពាំង).
- 春筍和冬筍,又是兩種不同畫風, 前者長得飛快一目十行,味道鮮利直戳眉 毛;後者韜光養晦厚積薄發,肉質細膩入口醇厚。像 醃篤鮮這樣的江南名菜一定要取春筍精華,春筍與肉 為天作之合;冬筍因為自身夠飽滿灼灼其華,配上菇 類、青菜或直接跟飯搭枱,才不會掉了身價。
-李永國是廣西百色田林縣人,當地以特產八渡筍而聞名。李永國說自己原本只是一個普通的農民,和妻子兩人共同管理着家裏240畝的竹筍種植。「田林縣的筍子品質好,以前種植的竹筍收成後,經過繁雜的曬乾程序製作成筍乾,會經由台灣的收購商出口到日本,用於做日本拉麵的配菜。」李永國告訴記者,製作筍乾不僅工序繁雜、費時費力,而且筍乾的價格掌握在日本終端收購商手中,種植戶們時常處於被動地位。於是,從2008年開始,李永國開始注意到剛剛在廣西當地冒頭的「螺螄粉」行業。  螺螄粉火爆催生新機遇  「廣西人幾乎每天都會『嗦粉』,而無論是桂林米粉、老友粉還是螺螄粉,酸筍都是重要的配料統計顯示,截至去年12月17日,袋裝柳州螺螄粉產銷量達到105.60億元,較前年增長68.80%。柳州市商務部門統計,去年前11個月,柳州螺螄粉出口為2019年全年出口總值的31倍,出口額約2770萬元。「在接下來的5年,柳州將致力於把螺螄粉打造為全產業鏈產銷超過500億的大產業。」去年5月28日,內地首個螺螄粉產業學院在廣西柳州職業技術學院正式掛牌成立。李永國也希望,將來「酸筍聞臭師」作為產業中一個重要的崗位,能開設專門的課程,系統性地培育更多專業人才。

Zizania latifolia, known as Manchurian wild rice (pinyin), is the only member of the wild rice genus Zizania native to Asia. It is used as a food plant, with both the stem and grain being edible. Gathered from the wild, was once an important grain in ancient China.[2]:165 A wetland plant, Manchurian wild rice is now very rare in the wild, and its use as a grain has completely disappeared in China, though it continues to be cultivated for its stems.[2]:165 A measure of its former popularity is that the surname Jiǎng (Trad. Simp. ), one of the most common in China, derives from this crop.マコモZizania latifolia、真菰)は、イネ科マコモ属多年草。別名ハナガツミ茭白,又名高瓜菰笋、菰手、茭笋,高笋。是禾本科菰属多年生宿根草本植物。分为双季茭白和单季茭白(或分为一熟茭和两熟茭),双季茭白(两熟茭)产量较高,品质也好。古人称茭白为“菰”。在唐代以前,茭白被当作粮食作物栽培,它的种子叫菰米或雕胡,是“六谷”(稌、黍、稷、粱、麦、菰)之一。后来人们发现,有些菰因感染上黑粉菌而不抽穗,且植株毫无病象,茎部不断膨大,逐渐形成纺锤形的肉质茎,这就是现在食用的茭白。这样,人们就利用黑粉菌阻止茭白开花结果,繁殖这种有病在身的畸型植株作为蔬菜。可入药。世界上把茭白作为蔬菜栽培的,只有中国越南。茭白在山东新泰白庄子被誉为三好之一(三好即 茭白、春芽、野鸭蛋),自古流传至今。多生长于长江湖地一带,适合淡水里生长。
It been accidentally introduced into the wild in New Zealand and is considered an invasive species there. It has been introduced into Hawaii. Importation of the stems to the United States is prohibited in order to protect the North American wild rice species from the fungus.
北米大陸の近縁種(Z. aquatica、アメリカマコモ)の種子は古くから穀物として食用とされており、今日もワイルドライスWild rice)の名で利用されている。
Arctium is a genus of biennial plants commonly known as burdock, family Asteraceae. Native to Europe and Asia, several species have been widely introduced worldwide. The taproot of young burdock plants can be harvested and eaten as a root vegetable. While generally out of favour in modern European cuisine, it remains popular in Asia. Arctium lappa is known as "niúbàng" (牛蒡) in Chinese, which was borrowed into Japanese as gobō, and is still eaten in both countries. In Korea burdock root is called "u-eong" (우엉) and sold as "tong u-eong" (통우엉), or "whole burdock". Plants are cultivated for their slender roots, which can grow about one metre long and two centimetres across. Burdock root is very crisp and has a sweet, mild, and pungent flavour with a little muddy harshness that can be reduced by soaking julienned or shredded roots in water for five to ten minutes. Immature flower stalks may also be harvested in late spring, before flowers appear; their taste resembles that of artichoke, to which the burdock is related. The stalks are thoroughly peeled, and either eaten raw, or boiled in salt water.[7] Leaves are also eaten in spring in Japan when a plant is young and leaves are soft. Some A. lappa cultivars are specialized for this purpose. A popular Japanese dish is kinpira gobō (金平牛蒡), julienned or shredded burdock root and carrot, braised with soy sauce, sugar, mirinand/or sake, and sesame oil. Another is burdock makizushi (sushi filled with pickled burdock root; the burdock root is often artificially coloured orange to resemble a carrot). In the second half of the 20th century, burdock achieved international recognition for its culinary use due to the increasing popularity of the macrobiotic diet, which advocates its consumption. It contains a fair amount of dietary fiber (GDF, 6 g per 100 g), calcium, potassium, amino acids,[8] and is low in calories. It contains a polyphenol oxidase,[9]which causes its darkened surface and muddy harshness by forming tannin-iron complexes. Burdock root's harshness harmonizes well with pork in miso soup (tonjiru) and with Japanese-style pilaf (takikomi gohan). Dandelion and burdock is today a soft drink that has long been popular in the United Kingdom, which has its origins in hedgerow mead commonly drunk in the mediæval period.[10] Burdock is believed to be a galactagogue, a substance that increases lactation, but it is sometimes recommended to be avoided during pregnancy based on animal studies that show components of burdock to cause uterus stimulation. In Europe, burdock root was used as a bittering agent in beer before the widespread adoption of hops for this purpose.
Folk herbalists considered dried burdock to be a diuretic, diaphoretic, and a blood purifying agent.[citation needed] Burdock is a traditional medicinal herb used for many ailments. Burdock root oil extract, also called Bur oil, is used in Europe as a scalp treatment.
In Turkish Anatolia, the burdock plant was believed to ward off the evil eye, and as such is often woven into kilims for protection. With its many flowers, the plant also symbolizes abundance.
Serbian and Croatian languages use the same word, čičak, for burdock and velcro; Turkish does the same with the name pitrak, while in the Polish language rzep means both burr and velcro. The German word for burdock is Klette and velcro is Klettverschluss (= burdock fastener). In Norwegian burdock is borre and velcro borrelås which translates to burdock lock.

La Grande Bardane  Arctium lappa, commonly called greater burdock,[2] gobō (牛蒡/ゴボウ), edible burdock,[2] lappa,[2] beggar's buttons,[2] thorny burr, or happy major[3] is a Eurasian species of plants in the sunflower family, cultivated in gardens for its root used as a vegetable. It has become an invasive weed of high-nitrogen soils in North AmericaAustralia, and other regions.
- ****Elle porte de nombreux noms vernaculaires : Bardane comestible, Grande bardane, Glouteron, Bardane géante, Herbe aux teigneux. Elle est parfois appelée secondairement ou régionalement Chou d'âneCopeauGrippeHerbe au teigneuxHerbe aux pouilleuxHerbe aux seigneursNapolier ou Oreille-de-géant.
Greater burdock root was borrowed into Korean as ueong (우엉), and is widely eaten in the region. It was used in Europe during the Middle Ages as a vegetable, but now it is rarely used except in ItalyBrazil and Portugal, where it is known as bardana or "garduna". Plants are cultivated for their slender roots, which can grow about 1 meter long and 2 cm across. The root was traditionally used in Britain as a flavouring in the herbal drink dandelion and burdock, which is still commercially produced.Dried burdock roots (Bardanae radix) are used in folk medicine as a diureticdiaphoretic, and a blood purifying agent.[15] Anecdotal reports from the 19th century suggest that this medicinal plant has also been used by the Ojibwa tribe, and today, in form of an ingredient in Essiac tea for the alternative treatment of some cancers. As an oily macerate, it is a component of some cosmeticsshampoos and hair care products. The seeds of greater burdock are employed in traditional Chinese medicine particularly for skin conditions and in cold/flu formulas, under the name niubangzi (牛蒡子; some dictionaries list the Chinese as just niúbàng.)

Canarium ovatum, commonly known as pili (/pl/ pee-LEE), is a species of tropical treebelonging to the genus Canarium. It is one of approximately 600 species in the family Burseraceae. Pili are native to maritime Southeast AsiaPapua New Guinea, and Northern Australia. They are commercially cultivated in the Philippines for their edible nutsProduction centers are located in the Bicolregion, provinces of SorsogonAlbay, and Camarines Sur, southern Tagalog, and eastern Visayas. There is no commercial planting of this crop, fruits are collected from natural stands in the mountains near these provinces. Pili kernel is also used in chocolateice cream, and baked goods. The largest buyers of pili nuts are in Hong Kong and Taiwan, the kernel is one of the major ingredients in one type of the famous Chinese festive desserts known as the "moon cake".The tree's sap is also used for igniting fire, substituting for gasoline.

The Guar or cluster bean, with the botanical name Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, is an annual legume and the source of guar gum. It is also known as Gavar, Guwar, or Guvar bean. The origin of Cyamopsis tetragonoloba is unknown, since it has never been found in the wild.[1] It is assumed to have developed from the African species Cyamopsis senegalensis. It was further domesticated in India and Pakistan, where it has been cultivated for many centuries.[2] Guar grows well in semiarid areas, but frequent rainfall is necessary.

Chayote (Sechium edule) is an edible plant belonging to the gourd family Cucurbitaceae. Chayote was one of the several foods introduced to the Old World during the Columbian Exchange. Also during this period, the plant spread from Mexico to other parts of the Americas, ultimately causing it to be integrated into the cuisine of many other Latin American nations.  The common English name is from the Spanishword chayote, a derivative of the Nahuatl word chayohtli (pronounced [t͡ʃaˈjoʔt͡ɬi]). Vernacular names include chaya, chayote or pataste in Nicaragua, christophene in Trinidad and Tobago, christophine,[1] cho-cho,[1] sayote(Philippines),[2] pipinola (Hawaii), pear squash, vegetable pear,[1] choko (Australia and New Zealand[3]), zidra in Ecuador, cidra in Colombia, and mirleton, merleton, mirliton, or militon in Louisiana. Its tuberous and edible root is called chinchayoteor chayotextle in Mexico, tayota in Dominican Republic, and ichintal or güisquil in El Salvador and Guatemala, chayota in Venezuela. In Brazil it is called chuchu or xuxu.佛手瓜是一種葫蘆科佛手瓜屬植物,又稱合手瓜合掌瓜佛手隼人瓜拳頭瓜梨瓜等。原產於墨西哥、中美洲和西印度群島,1915年傳入中國,在中國江南一帶都有種植,以雲南浙江福建廣東最多。也傳至臺灣ハヤトウリ隼人瓜)は熱帯アメリカ原産のウリ科植物。また、その果実のこと。果実を食用にする。別名センナリウリ(千成瓜)、チャヨテ
In Tamil Nadu, South India, chayote is known as Maerakkai (மேரக்காய்)/ chow-chow (சௌ சௌ) in Tamil and widely used in everyday cooking for recipes like "sambar", "kootu", "poriyal", "thuvayal", "chutney" and "mor-kulambu". Chow-Chow is the common name used in the markets. In Burma/Myanmar, the chayote is known as "Gurkha Thee or Gurkha fruit" ေဂၚရခါးသီး and is very cheap and popular. In China, the chayote is known as the "Buddha's Hand Melon" (佛手瓜; pinyin: fó shǒu guā) or alternatively in Cantonese choko (cau1 kau4) 秋球 [lit. autumn ball], and is generally stir-fried. The common Australian and New Zealand word, choko, comes from the 19th century Cantonese market gardeners who introduced many vegetables into those countries. In Taiwan, and southern mainland China, chayotes are widely planted for their shoots, known as lóng xü cài ( 龍鬚菜), literally "dragon-whisker vegetable"). Along with the young leaves, the shoot is a commonly consumed vegetable in the region.    In Réunion, the French overseas territory in the Indian Ocean near Mauritius, chou chou, as it is known, is served in many dishes especially in the highlands. A popular starter of Chou chou au Gratin (baked with a cheese sauce), as a side with a meal and even as a dessert. In Mauritius, it is called sousou and is cultivated in the high plateau of the island. Mixed with beef, pork or chicken chou chou is widely used to make delicious steamed Chinese dumplings called niouk yen (boulette chou chou) or chow mai. These dumplings are very appreciated and can be found in restaurants and snacks all over the island. Stems and leaves are consumes in bouillon to accompany rice and other dishes. The chou chou is also consumed as pickle, salad, gratin, curry and sauté with beef, egg or chicken.
- in this 1995 document it is called christophene, cho cho, chow chow, vegetable pear
- [aranas] spanish imported it from mexico to philippines

小松菜(Brassica rapa var. perviridis)是十字花科蕓薹屬的草本植物,別名冬菜、鶯菜、餅菜、日本油菜。 Komatsuna (コマツナ(小松菜)) or Japanese mustard spinach (Brassica rapa var. perviridis) is a leaf vegetable. It is a variety of Brassica rapa, the plant species that yields the turnipmizunanapa cabbage, and rapini. It is grown commercially in Japan and Taiwan. The name 'komatsuna' is from the Japanese komatsuna (小松菜, コマツナ), 'greens of Komatsu', a reference to Komatsugawa village where it was heavily grown during the Edo period. It is stir-fried, pickled, boiled, and added to soups or used fresh in salads.コマツナ(小松菜、学名Brassica rapa var. perviridis)はアブラナ科野菜。別名、冬菜(フユナ)、鶯菜(ウグイスナ)。 - コマツナは江戸時代なかばまでは「葛西菜」とよばれていた。『大和本草』には「葛西菘(かさいな)は長くして蘿蔔(だいこん)に似たり」とあり、『続江戸砂子』では、菜葉好きが全国の菜葉を取り寄せたが「葛西菜にまされるはなし」と高く評価した。

Medicago hispida Gaertn.  秧草,1-2年生草本植物,又名金花菜三叶菜南苜蓿、“草头”等,是我国古老的蔬菜之一。其茎平卧或倾斜,三出复叶、叶表面浓绿色,总状花序,腋生,每花序有黄色小花2-6朵,蝶形花冠。荚果螺旋形,有钩状刺,种子肾形,黄褐色。茎梗极短,吃的时候,以叶为主。秧草,原产印度,公元前119年张骞二次出使西域时把苜蓿种子带回长安试种,在我国至今有2100多年的栽培历史。《汉书﹒西域传》记载:‘汉使采苜蓿归,天子益种离宫别馆旁。’唐孟谓‘利五脏,轻身健人。洗去脾胃间邪热气,通小肠。’据宋《山家清供苜蓿盘》中记载,秧草在唐代时就为宫廷菜肴。明李时珍本草纲目》将苜蓿列入菜部,‘干食益人,可久食,利五脏……’。阿拉伯语称苜蓿为“AL-FAL-FA”,意即所有食物之父。在扬中,秧草菜粥、秧草汤是农家户户日常的主食,做法简单,味道鲜美,在外久居还乡,喝一碗菜粥,是最舒心的事了。扬中还久负盛名“秧草烧河豚”,每到烟花三月,扬中群贤毕至、佳朋满座,有人冲着河豚而来,有人慕着秧草而至,秧草有两个用途:一是去油,二是解毒,喜荤者吃河豚,食素者吃秧草,各取所好。还有秧草烧带鱼、秧草烧鳜鱼、秧草烧河蚌等名肴

The beetroot is the taproot portion of a beet plant, usually known in North America as the beet, and also known as the table beetgarden beetsugar beetred beet, or golden beet. It is one of several cultivated varieties of Beta vulgaris grown for their edible taproots and leaves (called beet greens); they have been classified as B. vulgaris subspvulgaris 'Conditiva' Group. Besides being used as a food, beets have uses as a food colouring and as a medicinal plant. Many beet products are made from other Beta vulgaris varieties, particularly sugar beet.Beta is the ancient Latin name for beets,[3] possibly of Celtic origin, becoming bete in Old English around 1400.[4] Root derives from the late Old English rōt, itself from Old Norse rót.Betanin, obtained from the roots, is used industrially as red food colorant, to improve the color and flavor of tomato paste, sauces, desserts, jams and jellies, ice cream, candy, and breakfast cereals, among other applications. The chemical adipic acid rarely occurs in nature, but happens to occur naturally in beetroot.甜菜頭(beetroot)也稱為紅菜頭,是植物甜菜軸根[1]。是甜菜的栽培品種之一,種植的目的是為為了其可食用的軸根以及葉子。在生物分类学上的名稱為B. vulgaris subsp. vulgaris Conditiva Group[2]甜菜頭除了作了食物外,也作為食用色素以及藥用植物。大部份甜菜製品是從其他的甜菜品種(例如糖用甜菜)製成。
- [cru jun2019] in 1946, the newly founded plafz state was one of germany's poorest states.  It was not until 1957 when the european community was established that pfalz rose from marginal state to the centre of the european market.  It turned from a beet state to a thriving economic zone, with the export rate topping the list

菠菜又名菠薐鹦鹉菜红根菜飛龍菜 菠菜古称“波稜菜”、「頗棱菜」(相傳來自「頗棱國」,但「頗棱國」一詞可能來自尼泊爾語的菠菜,並非國名[4]);在閩南潮汕地區,因“菠薐”音近“飛龍”而被訛為“飛龍菜” 連橫臺灣通史》提及「菠薐:種出西域頗陵國,誤為菠薐,或稱赤根菜,臺南謂之長年菜,以度歲須食之也。」臺灣臺南一帶在除夕時,必有煮一盤連根帶葉的菠菜,稱為長年菜Originally from Persian aspānāḵ, entering into the European languages by way of Latin which received it from Arabic.[2] The English word "spinach" dates to the late 14th century from espinache (Frenchépinard).

Spinach is thought to have originated about 2000 years ago in ancient Persia from which it was introduced to India and ancient China via Nepal in 647 AD as the "Persian vegetable".[19] In AD 827, the Saracens introduced spinach to Sicily.[20] The first written evidence of spinach in the Mediterranean was recorded in three 10th-century works: a medical work by al-Rāzī (known as Rhazes in the West) and in two agricultural treatises, one by Ibn Waḥshīyah and the other by Qusṭus al-Rūmī. Spinach became a popular vegetable in the Arab Mediterranean and arrived in Spain by the latter part of the 12th century, where Ibn al-ʻAwwām called it raʼīs al-buqūl, 'the chieftain of leafy greens'.[21] Spinach was also the subject of a special treatise in the 11th century by Ibn Ḥajjāj.Spinach first appeared in England and France in the 14th century, probably via Spain, and gained common use because it appeared in early spring when fresh local vegetables were not available.[19] Spinach is mentioned in the first known English cookbook, the Forme of Cury (1390), where it is referred to as 'spinnedge' and/or 'spynoches'.[19][23] During World War I, wine fortified with spinach juice was given to injured French soldiers with the intent to curtail their bleeding.

- 菠菜原產地在波斯(現亞洲 西部、伊朗一代),大約兩千年前伊朗已有 栽培,由於其耐寒、粗生,是農民長種的綠 葉蔬菜之一,也是早春食用的淡季蔬菜。唐 太宗時尼波羅國將其進貢給大唐皇帝,古代 中國人把菠菜稱為菠稜菜,道士則把菠菜叫 作波斯草,主要用於化解服用丹藥之後帶來 的不適。 相傳,清朝乾隆皇帝下江南微服私訪途 中又飢又餓,於是和隨從到一戶人家吃飯。 農家沒什麼好招待,就到菜園挖了些菠菜, 然後和豆腐煮在一起,皇帝吃後讚美不已, 便問:是何菜品,農婦答 「翡翠白玉湯、紅 嘴綠鸚菜」 ,乾隆大喜,農婦還受到封賞, 鸚鵡菜從此便成了菠菜的代名詞。

Mangelwurzel or mangold wurzel (from German Mangel/Mangold, "chard" and Wurzel, "root"), also called mangold,[1] mangel beet,[1] field beet,[2]fodder beet and (archaic) root of scarcity[3][4][5] is a cultivated root vegetable. It is a variety of Beta vulgaris,[5] the same species that also contains the red beet (beetroot) and sugar beet varieties. The cultivar group is named Crassa Group.[6] Their large white, yellow or orange-yellow swollen roots were developed in the 18th century as a fodder crop for feeding livestock.Contemporary use is primarily for cattle,[5] pig and other stock feed, although it can be eaten – especially when young – by humans. Considered a crop for cool-temperate climates, the mangelwurzel sown in autumn can be grown as a winter crop in warm-temperate to subtropical climates. Both leaves and roots may be eaten. Leaves can be lightly steamed for salads or lightly boiled as a vegetable if treated like English spinach or indeed like chard, which is a member of the same subspecies. Grown in well-dug, well-composted soil and watered regularly, the roots become tender, juicy, and flavourful. The roots are prepared boiled like potato for serving mashed, diced, or in sweet curries. Animals are known to thrive upon this plant; both its leaves and roots provide a nutritious food. George Henderson, a 20th-century English farmer and author on agriculture, described mangel beets as one of the best fodders for dairying, as milk production is maximized.The mangelwurzel has a history in England of being used for sport ("mangold hurling"), for celebration, for animal fodder, and for the brewing of a potent alcoholic beverage. The 1830 Scottish cookbook The Practice of Cookery includes a recipe for a beer made with mangelwurzel.[9] In 19th-century American usage, mangel beets were sometimes referred to as "mango".During the Irish Famine (1845–1852), Poor Law Guardians in Galway City leased (on a 999-year-lease) a 20-acre former nunnery to house 1000 orphaned or deserted boys ages from five to about 15. Here, the boys were taught tailoring, shoe making, and agricultural skills. On a five-acre plot, they grew potatoes, cabbage, parsnips, carrots, onions, Swedish turnips, and "mangold wurtzel", both for workhouse consumption and for a cash crop.As with most foods, subsisting on solely one crop can produce dietary deficiency. The food shortages in Europe after World War I caused great hardships, including cases of mangel-wurzel disease, as relief workers called it. It was a consequence of eating only beets.
In South Somerset, on the last Thursday of October every year, Punkie Night is celebrated. Children carry around lanterns called "Punkies", which are hollowed-out mangelwurzels. Mangelwurzels also are, or previously were, carved out for Halloween in Norfolk, Wales, parts of Yorkshire and northwest Cumberland (Workington).John Le Marchant recommends cutting the "mangel-wurzel" to learn the proper mechanics for a draw cut with the broadsword in his historic manual on swordsmanship.Mangelwurzel seeds were sent by Benjamin Rush to George Washington.
- note that there is a band called wurzels from somerset, uk

 阿月浑子,是一种常见乾果,是漆树科黄连木属的植物。开心果营养丰富,味道可口,是很受欢迎的零食。最早的商品名是開口笑,形容其硬殼裂開如笑容之狀,但迅速被更口語化的开心果取代。 The pistachio (/pɪˈstɑːʃiˌ-ˈstæ-/,[2] Pistacia vera), a member of the cashew family, is a small tree originating from Central Asia and the Middle East. The tree produces seeds that are widely consumed as food. Pistacia vera often is confused with other species in the genus Pistacia that are also known as pistachio. These other species can be distinguished by their geographic distributions (in the wild) and their seeds which are much smaller and have a soft shell.Pistachio is from late Middle English "pistace", from Old French, superseded in the 16th century by forms from Italian "pistacchio", via Latin from Greek "pistakion", from Middle Persian "pistak" (the New Persian variant being "pista").The Pistachio tree has been variously described as being native to Central Asia, Western Asia and Iran.[7][8] Archaeology shows that pistachio seeds were a common food as early as 6750 BC. Pliny the Elder writes in his Natural History that pistacia, "well known among us", was one of the trees unique to Syria, and that the seed was introduced into Italy by the Roman Proconsul in Syria, Lucius Vitellius the Elder (in office in 35 AD) and into Hispania at the same time by Flaccus Pompeius. The early sixth-century manuscript De observatione ciborum ("On the observance of foods") by Anthimus implies that pistacia remained well known in Europe in Late AntiquityArchaeologists have found evidence from excavations at Jarmo in northeastern Iraq for the consumption of Atlantic pistachio.[9] The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were said to have contained pistachio trees during the reign of King Merodach-Baladan about 700 BC. The modern pistachio P. vera was first cultivated in Bronze Age Central Asia, where the earliest example is from Djarkutan, modern Uzbekistan. It appears in Dioscurides as pistakia πιστάκια, recognizable as P. vera by its comparison to pine nuts.

- 美國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)前日宣佈,批准首款花生過敏藥物Palforzia上市,有望大幅減低小童出現過敏反應的風險。藥廠Aimmune Therapeutics表示,新藥定價為每月890美元(約6,876港元),但強調藥物只為減低意外進食花生引發的過敏反應,服藥者仍不應主動食用花生。

苜蓿苜蓿属Medicago植物的通称,俗稱「三葉草」(三葉草亦可稱其他車軸草族植物)。是一种多年生开花植物。其中最著名的是作为牧草紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa)。是牲畜饲料。原产地是外高加索小亚细亚、伊朗一带。司马迁在《史记· 大宛列传》: “宛左右以蒲陶为酒, 富人藏酒至万馀石, 久者十岁不败。俗嗜酒,马嗜苜蓿。汉使取其实来,于是天子始种苜蓿、葡萄肥饶地。及天马多,外国使来众,则离宫别观旁尽种葡萄、苜蓿极望。”北魏杨衒之洛阳伽蓝记》载:(洛阳城)“ 大夏门东北,今为光风园,苜蓿生焉。” 明朱橚救荒本草》:“ 张骞大宛带种归,今处处有自。”西京杂记》“樂遊范自生玫瑰樹下多苜蓿,首蓿一名懷風,時人或謂之光風,風在其問常簫蕭然,日照其花有光采,故名苜蓿为怀风,茂陵人谓之连枝草“
- hket 21oct2020 c4

Sagittaria is a genus of about 30 species of aquatic plants whose members go by a variety of common names, including arrowheadduck potatokatnissOmodaka (沢瀉 in Japanese), swamp potatotule potato, and wapato (or wapatoo).[citation needed] Most are native to SouthCentral, and North America, but there are also some from EuropeAfrica, and Asia.Many species have edible roots, prized for millennia as a reliable source of starch and carbohydrates, even during the winter. Roots are eaten cooked, and are harvested by hand or by treading with one's feet in the mud. They are easy to propagate by replanting the roots.
- emblem of omodaka (mizuno) clan

黃麻菜」又名埃及國王菜、野麻嬰、”帝王菜”、摩羅葉Mulukhiyahmolokheyya, molokhia or mulukhiyyah (Arabicملوخية‎ mulūkhiyyah) is the leaves of Corchorus olitorius, commonly known in English as denje'c'jute, nalta jutetossa jute, jute mallow or Jew's mallow.[1][2] It is used as a vegetable. It is popular in Middle EastEast African and North African countries and is called “Saluyot” in the Philippines. Mulukhiyah is rather bitter, and when boiled, the resulting liquid is a thick, highly mucilaginous broth; it is often described as "slimy", rather like cooked okra.While most scholars are of the opinion that mulukhiya's origins lie in Ancient Egypt,[5][6] there is evidence that India is the source of the related species Corchorus capsularis,[7] which is also used for food as well as fiber.

useful read
- ancient grains

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