institute for entrepreneurship
Public policy research institute
- organised "safety issues in agro-food sector benchmarking of pubkic policies and players strategies in context of globalisation" on 26 and 27 jun12, with speakers from france and japan, and include dr kasing leung
- 香港理工大學昨日正式成立「工商管理學院一帶一路中心」,校方希望將之定位為「一帶一路」領域的先導智庫,以填補社會及學界在相關研究及服務的不足,並為業界提供支援,逾200名跨領域專家學者出謀獻策。理大副校長(科研發展)衞炳江於中心的成立典禮上致辭時表示,由國家牽頭的「一帶一路」倡議發展規模龐大,能帶動沿線逾60個國家的基建發展及經濟增長,惠及全球63%人口,理大亦會貢獻所長,參與有關「一帶一路」的發展,剛成立的「工商管理學院一帶一路中心」將會專注相關議題的研究、交流與顧問服務。
- 香港理工大學與粵港澳大灣區內的院校組成合作聯盟,與美國頂尖學府紐約州立大學水牛城分校及美國羅斯維爾帕克癌症研究所,攜手建構首個轉化醫學合作研究平台。各院校昨簽署合作備忘錄,料一年內可推出自動殺菌的醫用紡織品、醫用黏着劑及驗肝醫療裝置等先進醫療設備。
- 香港不少從事科研的畢業生將目光轉向了深圳和珠三角,這裡產業化的環境和市場,為他們施展才華提供了廣闊的天地。最近獲得在新三板掛牌的深圳市三上高分子環保新材料股份有限公司(簡稱三上新材)高薪聘請了香港理工大學畢業的博士鄭偉,利用他獲得的國際專利幫助公司拓展綠色環保新材料,分羹千億市場。老家河北的鄭偉,2001年考入天津工業大學,專業是材料科學與工程(高分子材料方向)。2008年在該校碩士畢業後,他通過網絡獲悉,香港理工大學一教授正招收研究助理,他面試後成功入選該教授的智能材料和智能紡織品(可穿戴設備)課題組。從事研究之餘,他還為攻讀博士學位作準備。經兩年努力,2010年鄭偉獲得理大全額博士獎學金。
- 香港理工大學研發出快速的光傳輸技術,打破全球最快數據中心傳輸速度,系統速率比現時巿場快廿四倍,如兩公里傳輸速率達240Gbit/s,比英國、荷蘭及加拿大等有關領域領先的國家更快,且成本更低。研發團隊相信技術可於數年內套用至商業運作,推動通訊技術的新應用,包括擴增實境及虛擬實境,新技術能夠應付一萬人同時串流4K影片,現時技術只能夠同時應付四百人。
-香港理工大學職業治療系學生 ,就憑專門針對中風、帕金森病患而設的創新指環 「 EASLIDER」,於泰國舉行的 「i-CREATe創新挑戰 賽」中勇奪冠軍
- smart city
- 香港理工大學亦正籌備設立一個智慧城市及空間數據分析實驗室,以建立香港3D空間數據庫;在3D數碼地圖呈現城市熱島效應、各區市民社交媒體使用率等研究數據,以便學者進行分析,從而提升居民生活質素。理大下學年將測繪及地理資訊學課程,改組為土地測量及地理資訊學課程,加入智慧城市的元素。
- 香港理工大學副校長衛炳江昨 日在一個電台節目上建議,政府可將鋪設 網絡視為基建,為城市加裝傳感器,以便 管理基礎設施。他指有關措施可便利市民 生活和工作。
- ai
- application cases
- PolyU has been approved to offer a Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Aviation Management and Logistics commencing September 2017. The programme will launch as a non-Jupas, two-year top-up programme for higher diploma and associate degree holders, and may evolve into a four-year degree for secondary school leavers in the future. Despite Hong Kong’s status as an international air transport hub, no local universities currently offer undergraduate degrees in aviation management. Aviation engineering degrees are currently only available at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and PolyU. Achim Czerny, associate professor at PolyU’s Department of Maritime and Logistics, will head the newly-announced aviation management programme.Jason Middleton, head of the School of Aviation at the University of New South Wales in Australia, told the Post that Hong Kong has been the biggest source of foreign students for the school. The fees for international students at the Australian school are as high as AUD$39,360 (HK$231,490) per year, in addition to a one-time AUD$138,000 (HK$811,628) fee for those in the flying stream. Middleton said however, that mainland student enrolment increased in recent years. PolyU’s announcement comes after the Hong Kong government announced in January that the Airport Authority is working to establish a Civil Aviation Academy.
- 香港理工大学航空服务研究中心新设施昨揭幕,并将添置超过五组逾3500万元新仪器以代替人手,当中包括切割速度全球最高的铝切割器。理大与波音公司五年前成立本港首间航空服务研究中心,昨再次签订未来五年的合作协议。出席仪式的理大校董会主席陈子政说,中心研发航空维修程序中崭新的自动化技术,提升了服务质素、改善工作流程、减低成本、加强安全水平,以至为业界提升整体竞争力。
- 為改善及預防鐵路列車故障,理工大學研發全球首創的光纖傳感鐵路監測科技,利用全自動化的智能警報系統,在日常行車時段監測車軌及列車組件,並減少九成故障發生,「軌旁」系統在二○一四年起獲港鐵於全線鐵路網絡採用。研究團隊形容該項前後花費十二年時間反覆測試的系統,再獲新加坡鐵路公司於明年引入到整套系統,研究團隊亦正跟英澳多國商討輸出技術,期望可將本地科創成果發揚至世界各地。
- 理 大 鐵 路 工 程研發團隊過去 與西南交大合作開發了多項高鐵新技 術
Food safety
- 香港理工大學與三所歐洲大學,即隆德大學、丹麥科技大學國家食品研究所及博洛尼亞大學,共同宣布丹大與博大加入成為食品安全研發中心的新成員。
- developed food hygiene standard certification system for catering industry
social work
- 理工大學近日舉行一年一度的長期服務員工頒獎典禮,副校長(學生及環球事務)阮曾媛琪服務理大逾30年,是得獎者之一。她不單熱心培育本港社工人才,更於1988年開始與北京大學合作,開設內地首個社工碩士課程,先後培養出235名社工教師,成為建構及推動內地社會工作的先驅者。這些畢業生廣佈內地23個省和4個直轄市,在不同崗位推動社會工作發展。理大長期服務員工獎表揚約260位服務逾15年至40年的教職員,其中阮曾媛琪本身是社會工作學專業出身,於1986年加入理大,任教於應用社會科學系,2004年至2010年擔任該系系主任,並於2007年至2010年出任協理副校長,其後晉升為副校長至今。
silver industry/aging
- 一群香港理工大學的學生,聯同內地、 韓國、日本的同學,攜手走進日本了解 「 積極活齡」理念,考察當地社區長者的需 要及對社會的貢獻,並與日本的長者交流 ,參與由長者籌辦的流水麵等日本傳統活 動。 新学制改革
- 香港理工大学藉新学制改革本科生课程,要求本科生毕业前需修毕“大学核心(通识教育)课程”30个学分,包括“服务学习”科目和“服务领袖”计划。理大最近凭这项新课程荣获“全球教学创新大奖2016”四项大奖,其中服务领袖(整体大奖——“领导道德组别”)、服务领袖(“社会企业组别”)各获铜奖。
- 香港理工大學與華為技術有限公司于理大設立“理大─華為先進計算系統與網絡光互連聯合實驗室”,11月30日舉行牌匾揭幕儀式。
- 香港理工大學與英國皇家藝術學院昨日簽署諒解備忘錄,成立人工智能設計實驗室,兩間院校將合作進行不同主題的研究,例如能識別和分析人類情感的「情感計算和社交機器人」及智能服裝設計等,料研究成果可應用於醫療、製造、酒店及零售等多個行業。
- The Faculty of Health and Society of Malmo University, Sweden, and the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University have set up a collaborative research grants scheme to promote research collaboration between the two universities.
- according to hktdc swedish consultant madelene komfehl (talk in jun16), polyu has several partnerships with swedish design schools
- 香港理工大學與柬埔寨皇家金邊大學合辦2017年柬埔寨服務學習及領袖暑期學校,讓學生服務當地社區,昨日並舉行開幕典禮。今年暑假,逾140名理大生和80名皇家金邊大學學生將參加為期一個月的暑期學校,這是理大首次在柬埔寨舉辦糅合服務學習和領袖教育的課程,學生在服務當地社區的同時,可培養領導才能,並與當地大學生交流。
- 由香港理工大学和西安交通大学联合设立的“丝绸之路国际工程学院”,九月二十二日在陕西西安正式揭牌。“丝路工学院”除面向“一带一路”国家和地区培养双学位精英人才,还将为香港和内地青年搭建双向交流和学习平台,助其参与“一带一路”建设。
- 香港理工大學日前與中華全國工商業聯合會於北京舉行交流座談,同時簽署5年合作備忘錄。理大校長唐偉章表示,雙方會配合國家「一帶一路」及「創新、 創業」(雙創)的發展策略,探討新的合作模式,致力推動企業交流合作,鼓勵內地及香港青年雙創,以及在「一帶一路」建設和發展等方面,有更實質性的合作。唐偉章日前率領代表團一行20多人訪京,拜會全國工商聯,獲全國政協副主席、全國工商聯主席王欽敏,中央統戰部副部長、全國工商聯常務副主席徐樂江,及全國工商聯副主席王永慶等會見。
- 理工大學與中國空間技術研究院昨就火星探測項目簽署聯合研製協議,將合作研製火星探測系統的「落火狀態監視相機」(火星相機),雙方料有關設施最早可於二○二○年投入應用。這次火星探測行動將是全球首次對火星同時進行軌道和地面探測。
- 「嫦娥四號」本月三日成功登陸月球背面,開創全球先河,原來香港理工大學也有參與其中,包括開發「相機指向系統」拍攝月球圖像,並研究探測器着陸點的地理特徵。這項探月任務亦會攜帶一個放有薯仔種子的「微型生態圈」實驗室,首次開展月球生態系統研究。有參與任務的理大教授轉述指揮中心消息指,薯仔種子已於本月六日發芽及有新小葉情況,期望能成功培育「月球薯仔」。
- mou between food safety and technology research centre, polyu and graduate institute of food sciencecand technology, national taiwan university
BVI case
- Polytechnic University on Tuesday insisted it had the “understanding” of the governing council, alumni and staff in the wake of the Panama Papers revelation of secretive companies it had set up in the British Virgin Islands. It came as a businessman involved in the controversy made remarks contradictory to PolyU, saying he was not the one who suggested taking up a bulk of the university’s shares in a failing business. Despite clarifications from PolyU seeking to allay public concerns arising from the revelation, questions remained as to the advantages of an offshore firm based in a tax haven, given the negative implications of avoiding transparency and public scrutiny. “Why PolyU decided to transfer its shares to a BVI firm is its internal business and I would not comment on it,” Jonathan Choi Koon-sum, chairman of Sun Wah Group, told the Post. Choi confirmed he was reluctant to wind up the business altogether, saying he did not want to shut down any subsidiaries under the brand name of Sun Wah and sack employees. PolyU had only provided facilities from the very beginning, he added. PolyU Enterprises, according to the university, had already written off the full investment amount by June 2005, based on its net asset value position, prior to setting up the BVI firm in October 2012. “PolyU’s investment in [the joint venture] ... is not cash but in-kind contribution,” it added. The Panama Papers also uncovered another BVI firm owned ultimately by PolyU, which involves Digipower, a specialist in electrical science products such as adaptors. A source with knowledge of the company told the Post the business parter was unwilling to close the business, therefore “they can continue to make use of PolyU’s brand name”. PolyU said it was negotiating for the exit of its involvement in this company. Accounting sector lawmaker Kenneth Leung said it remained uncertain whether any public money was put into the money-losing businesses. “Even though PolyU has not allocated any of its funding to [Sun Wah-PearL Linux], how about the researchers who worked on it?” he asked. “Manpower is also a kind of capital.” League of Social Democrats’ Avery Ng Man-yuen, a management consultant specialising in acquisition and merger, was also unconvinced by PolyU’s claims that the use of BVI firms would be “more cost-effective” in terms of the actual operating and maintenance cost.
Row in personnel changes
- firing of yong wing kwong regarding case of li wing singtao 26oct16 a15
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) today (25 November) announced the candidates appointed to fill its five top management positions. Following these appointments, the new senior management structure under the presidency of Prof. Timothy W. Tong, who assumed office in January this year, will gradually be in place. The new structure, together with redefined roles and responsibilities for various key posts, will cater more effectively for PolyU's development needs.
The new structure saw the introduction of the posts of Provost and Executive Vice President. Prof. Philip Chan Ching-ho, immediate past Dean of Engineering at the University of Science and Technology, has been appointed as the Provost to lead a team consisting of Vice Presidents with academic portfolios and Faculty Deans in the overall planning, development and operation of the University's academic enterprise which includes teaching and research activities, professional and continuing education, as well as student affairs. The Provost will also deputize as President during his absence.
Mr Nicholas Yang, currently Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, has been appointed as the Executive Vice President a team of Vice Presidents with non-academic portfolios in the overall planning, development and operation of the University's non-academic enterprise. His portfolio will cover administration, institutional advancement and partnership development, as well as marketing, internationalisation and advanced executive development.
The appointments of Provost and Executive Vice President were approved by the University Council at a Special Meeting held today, while the appointment of three management posts at the level of Vice President are made by the Council's Senior Executives Evaluation and Compensation Committee. The new appointees (in order of alphabetical order by surname) are:
Prof. Judy Tsui, currently Associate Vice President, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Director of the Graduate School of Business and Chair Professor of Accounting, will assume the post of Vice President (Marketing, Internationalisation and Advanced Executive Development);
Prof. Angelina Yuen, currently Associate Vice President and Head of the Department of Applied Social Science, will assume the post of Vice President (Institutional Advancement and Partnership); and
Prof. Walter Yuen, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Strategic Task Specialist of PolyU, will succeed Prof. Suleyman Demokan, Vice President (Academic Development), upon his retirement in mid 2010.
The commencement date of the above appointments will be in spring / summer of 2010, taking into consideration of the movement of the existing team. Mr Alexander Tzang, currently Deputy President, will retire at the end of this year, while Prof. Jan-ming Ko, Vice President (Special Duties) and Dr Sun-wing Lui, Vice President (Partnership Development), will retire in mid 2010. Prof. Albert Chan, Vice President (Research Development), will take up the Presidency of Hong Kong Baptist University in July next year. Recruitment of his replacement is currently underway.
"Prof. Chan, Prof. Demokan, Prof. Ko, Dr Lui and Mr Tzang have made immense contributions to the development of PolyU over the years. Their hard works have been instrumental in setting the University on its way and in bringing the success it enjoys today," said Prof. Tong.
"I have confidence that with the expertise and commitment of the new senior management team, PolyU will continue to do well with its mission of achieving excellence in a professional context and will bring the University to its next level of excellence," Prof. Tong added.
The University has gone through a stringent recruitment process by inviting application globally and shortlisting the right candidates through its Senior Executives Appointment Committee. More than 100 applications/nominations have been received for the top jobs while another 60 executives who were approached by the professional search service have indicated interest in the openings.
- 為培育年輕一代成為企業家,理工大學今年共資助三十四個初創企業項目,每個項目資助額由十萬元至不多於一百萬元。有研發自動化攝影設備技術公司研發可旋轉三百六十度的電子雲台,只要於腳架及電子雲台上放攝影機,即使只有一位攝影師,都可用遙控同時控制五部攝影機不同角度拍攝,冀助減少攝影成本及攝影師勞損問題。
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