Monday, January 14, 2019

multi ethnic

- case of france, italy germany

- 巴西新任總統博爾索納羅擬修改教科書,把描述該國人口種族多樣性的字眼刪去,惹起極大爭議。教育部周三在壓力下宣布取消計劃,博爾索納羅則在聲明中表示,取消原因是文件發現錯誤。巴西逾一半以上人口屬黑人或混合種族,惟博爾索納羅元旦上任後翌日即推出新修訂的教育部指導方針,並制訂多項公立學校課程使用的書籍新標準,包括不再顯示種族多樣性的字眼、刪除了以前要求顯示婦女正面形象的要求,但避免對性傾向存有偏見的要求則得以保留。然而,新標準意味只有符合白人元素的教科書才會被當局接納,遂引起外界批評。最終,教育部撤回計劃,並重申對平等教育的承諾。報道指,博爾索納羅自上任後立即展開意識形態活動,以宣傳其極端保守主義思想和價值觀,並抹去二○○三年至一六年左翼政府的影響。

- Australia’s federal government has ordered local governments to hold naturalization ceremonies for new citizens on Australia Day amid controversy over the holiday, which some claim is offensive to its indigenous people.The government is proposing that all local government bodies in Australia, typically referred to as councils, must hold induction ceremonies for new citizens on the Australia Day holiday on Jan. 26 and the Australian Citizenship Day holiday on Sept. 17 or have their authorisation revoked, Immigration Minister David Coleman said in an emailed statement on Sunday. Australia Day marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the first British fleet to Sydney Cove where the British flag was raised on the continent marking the start of colonisation. Aborigines trace their lineage on the island continent back 50,000 years and for them, the date marks the start of the loss of their cultural heritage and suffering under discriminatory policies.The holiday has become controversial with pressure by activists to change the date from what they call “Invasion Day”.

- The State Council Information Office on Thursday issued a white paper on cultural protection and development in Xinjiang. The white paper said China is a unified multi-ethnic country. In the course of a civilization that dates back more than 5,000 years, the various ethnic groups of China have created a long history and a splendid culture. Since ancient times many ethnic groups have made their way to Xinjiang, and it has become their home and a place for cultural integration. Various ethnic cultures of Xinjiang have their roots in the fertile soil of Chinese civilization, advancing their own cultural development while enriching the overall culture of China, it said. Since the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, the Chinese government has attached great importance to documenting and protecting the excellent traditional ethnic cultures in Xinjiang, and ensuring that they are passed on to succeeding generations, the white paper said. The Chinese government has promoted creative transformation and innovative development, encouraging these ethnic groups to learn spoken and written languages from each other, promoted communication and integration, respected their freedom of religious belief, and worked to develop their cultural undertakings and industries, it added.
- 民眾表示,土葬是當地少數民族的風俗,但地方政府去年年底起推行火化。政府實施新政策前,沒跟村民商量,已經引發不滿。最近更發生多宗官員強行撬開棺材,搶走屍體火化的事件。最初抗議規模較小,直至有村民不滿家人屍體被搶,與警方爆發較大規模衝突。

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