Sunday, January 27, 2019

russia government

The federal subjects of Russia, also referred to as the subjects of the Russian Federation (Russianсубъекты Российской Федерацииsubyekty Rossiyskoy Federatsii) or simply as the subjects of the federation (Russianсубъекты федерации subyekty federatsii), are the constituent entities of Russia, its top-level political divisions according to the Constitution of Russia. Since March 18, 2014, the Russian Federation constitutionally has consisted of 85 federal subjects, although the two most recently added subjects are recognized by most states as part of Ukraine. According to the Russian Constitution, the Russian Federation consists of republics, krais, oblasts, cities of federal importance, an autonomous oblast and autonomous okrugs, all of which are equal subjects of the Russian Federation. Three Russian cities of federal importance (Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Sevastopol) have a status of both city and separate federal subject which comprises other cities and towns (Zelenograd, Troitsk, Kronstadt, Kolpino, etc.) within each federal city—keeping older structures of postal addresses. In 1993 the Russian Federation comprised 89 federal subjects. By 2008 the number of federal subjects had decreased to 83 because of several mergers. In 2014 Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea became the 84th and 85th federal subjects of Russia. Every federal subject has its own head, a parliament, and a constitutional court. Each federal subject has its own constitution and legislation. Subjects have equal rights in relations with federal government bodies. The federal subjects have equal representation—two delegates each—in the Federation Council, the upper house of the Federal Assembly. They do, however, differ in the degree of autonomy they enjoy (asymmetric federalism). Post-Soviet Russia formed during the history of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic within the USSR and didn't change at the time of the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. In 1992 during so-called "parade of sovereignties", separatist sentiments and the War of Laws within Russia, the Russian regions signed the Federation Treaty (Russian: Федеративный договор Federativny Dogovor),[8] establishing and regulating the current inner composition of Russia, based on the division of authorities and powers among Russian government bodies and government bodies of constituent entities. The Federation Treaty was included in the text of the 1978 Constitution of the Russian SFSR.[citation needed] The current Constitution of Russia, adopted by national referendum on 12 December 1993, came into force on December 25, 1993 and abolished the model of the Soviet system of government introduced in 1918 by Vladimir Lenin and based on the right to secede from the country and on unlimited sovereignty of federal subjects (in practice it[clarification needed] was never allowed), which conflicts with country's integrity and federal laws. The new constitution eliminated a number of legal conflicts, reserved the rights of the regions, introduced local self-government and didn't grant the Soviet-era right to secede from the country. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the political system became de jure closer to other modern federal states with a republican form of government in the world.[citation needed] In the 2000s, following the policy of Vladimir Putin and of the United Russia party (dominant party in all federal subjects), the Russian parliament changed the distribution of tax revenues, reduced the number of elections in the regions and gave more power to the federal authorities.

- Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation is the source of prompt expert views on a wide range of socio-economic development issues of the country. The efforts of the Analytical Center are concentrated on providing operational, informational and analytical support; expert support of government’s decisions on major issues of socio-economic development in the areas of finance, transport, industry, utilities, natural resources, environmental protection, education, health, innovation, information technologies, etc. Particular attention is paid to energy, fiscal policy, agriculture and strategic planning, in which the Analytical Center has established itself as a center of expertise. The Analytical Center was established in December 2005 and became the successor of the Working Center for Economic Reforms at the Government of the Russian Federation and the Center for Economic Forecasting at the Government of the Russian Federation. These centers were established in the early 1990s to replace the main computer center of the USSR State Planning Committee, which existed from 1959 to 1991.

- 俄羅斯莫斯科國防部總部舊址周日下午突然起火,消防員救出至少七人,四十人疏散,暫時並無傷亡數字。國防部官員相信是電線短路的火花引起火警。當局出動數百名消防員、多輛消防車以及雲梯灌救,火勢其後受到控制。目擊者稱事發時五層高的大樓有大量濃煙冒出,當地傳媒引述警方消息報道,大樓的二樓首先起火,其後火勢一直蔓延到其他樓層,甚至燒穿屋頂。國防部指總部在一四年已遷至莫斯科河畔,重要的軍事部門遷至新址,大火無影響國防部運作。至於鄰近克里姆林宮的總部舊址,已改為國防部採購及服務部門辦公室。

Main Intelligence Directorate (RussianГла́вное разве́дывательное управле́ниеtr.Glavnoye razvedyvatel'noye upravleniyeIPA: [ˈglavnəjə rɐzˈvʲɛdɨvətʲɪlʲnəjə ʊprɐˈvlʲenʲɪjə]), abbreviated GRU (RussianГРУIPA: [geeˈru]), is the foreign military intelligence agency of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (formerly the Soviet ArmyGeneral Staff of the Soviet Union). Since 2010, the agency′s official full name is the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces (RussianГла́вное управле́ние Генера́льного шта́ба Вооружённых Сил Росси́йской Федера́ции).
The first body for military intelligence was established in 1810 by the War ministerMichael Andreas Barclay de Tolly who suggested to the Tsar to create a permanent body for Strategic military intelligence. In January 1810, The Expedition for Secret Affairs under the War Ministry was formed. Two years later it was renamed the Special Bureau. In 1815, the bureau became the First Department under the General Chief of Staff. In 1836 the intelligence functions were transferred to the Second Department under the General Chief of Staff. After many name changes through the years, in April 1906 the Military intelligence was carried out by the Fifth Department under the General Chief of Staff of the War Ministry. In November 5, 1918, Imperial Military intelligence was replaced by Main Intelligence Directorate of the Soviet Union. In May 1992, GRU was dissolved and became part of the new Russian Ministry of Defense.

The KGB, an initialism for Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (RussianКомите́т Госуда́рственной Безопа́сности (КГБ)IPA: [kəmʲɪˈtʲet ɡəsʊˈdarstvʲɪnːəj bʲɪzɐˈpasnəsʲtʲɪ] (About this sound listen)), translated in English as Committee for State Security, was the main security agency for the Soviet Union from 1954 until its break-up in 1991, as a direct successor of such preceding agencies as ChekaNKGBNKVD and MGB, a committee was attached to the Council of Ministers. It was the chief government agency of "union-republican jurisdiction", acting as internal securityintelligence and secret police. Similar agencies were constituted in each of the republics of the Soviet Union aside from Russia, and consisted of many ministries, state committees and state commissions.After the dissolution of the USSR, the KGB was split into the Federal Security Serviceand the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian FederationAfter breaking away from Georgia in the early 1990s with Russian help, the self-proclaimed Republic of South Ossetiaestablished its own KGB (keeping this unreformed name).[3] Vladimir Putinworked at the KGB in Leningrad.

National guard service
- A National Guard service will be established to replace a number of Interior Ministry forces, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced Tuesday, the RIA Novosti news agency reported. The National Guard will take over the functions of Russia's special police forces — OMON (riot police) and SOBR (rapid response units). The main objective of the National Guard will be to combat terrorism and organized crime, Putin said. The president made the announcement at a meeting with the heads of the Interior Ministry, the Federal Service for Drug Control (FSKN) and the commander of the country's Internal Troops. At the meeting it was also announced that FSKN and the Federal Migration Service (FMS) will be incorporated into the Interior Ministry structure.
The upper house of the Russian parliament, the Federation Council, has approved the creation of a National Guard, the Interfax news agency reported Wednesday.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin created the new defense force by presidential decree in April 2016. The troops will be used to fight terrorism and organized crime, provide territorial defense, protect public order and secure government facilities. The organization will also be in charge of gun control and securing borders to “ensure Russian territorial integrity,” Interfax reported. The new National Guard will controversially be allowed to fire into crowds in a select number of situations, such as terrorist incidents, hostage situations, or if a government building secured by the National Guard comes under attack.
The Wagner Group (RussianГруппа Вагнераtr. Grupa Vagnera), also known as PMC WagnerChVK Wagner, or CHVK Vagner (RussianЧВК Вагнераtr.ChVK VagnerRussianЧастная Военная Компания Вагнера), is a Russian paramilitary organisation. Some have described it as a private military company (or a private military contracting agency), whose contractors have reportedly taken part in various conflicts, including operations in the Syrian Civil War on the side of the Syrian government as well as, from 2014 until 2015, in the War in Donbass in Ukraine aiding the separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and LuhanskPeople's Republics. Others are of the opinion that ChVK Wagner is really a unit of the Russian Ministry of Defence in disguise, which is used by the Russian government in conflicts where deniability is called for.The founder of the company is reported to be Dmitriy Valeryevich Utkin, who was born in Kirovohrad Oblast (then the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic of the USSR) in 1970. According to the Security Service of Ukraine's statement in September 2017, Dmitriy Utkin used to be a Ukrainian citizen.[27] Up until 2013, he was a lieutenant colonel and brigade commander of a special forces (Spetsnaz GRU) unit (the 700th Independent Spetsnaz Detachment of the 2nd Independent Brigade) of Russia's Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU).[29][1][30] He retired in 2013 and began working for the private company Moran Security Group founded by Russian military veterans; the company performed security and training missions around the world, specializing in security against piracy. The same year, senior Moran Security Group managers were involved in setting up a Hong Kong-based[31] organization Slavonic Corps that headhunted contractors to "protect oil fields and pipelines" in Syria.[1] Utkin was in Syria as part of the Slavonic Corps and survived its disastrous mission. The Wagner Group itself first showed up in 2014,[1]along with Utkin in the Luhansk region of Ukraine. The company's name comes from Utkin's own call sign ("Wagner"), which he allegedly chose due to a passion for the Third Reich. Radio Liberty cited insiders as saying that the Slavic Native Faith (a modern Pagan cult) is a faith favored by the leadership of the Wagner Group.[33] In August 2017, the Turkish Yeni Şafak speculated that Utkin was possibly just a figurehead for the company, while the real head of Wagner was someone else.
- Russian private security contractors have travelled to Venezuela to provide security to the embattled president Nicolás Maduro, the Reuters news agency has reported. Citing three sources, the news agency said that the mercenaries are linked to the Wagner group, which has carried out missions in Ukraine and Syria and is now reportedly active in countries in Africa, too. If it is confirmed that contractors from the group traveled to Venezuela, this would be their first known deployment in the western hemisphere.

Presidential anti corruption council
- Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed the national anti-corruption plan for 2016-2017. The relevant decree has been published on the Kremlin website. The presidential decree gives the Russian government until June 10 to submit a joint report on efforts to crack down on corruption in the federal authorities to the presidium of the presidential Anti-Corruption Council. At the same time, the heads of federal institutions of power have been given until May 15 to introduce amendments into their anti-corruption plans aimed at "achieving concrete results in the work to prevent corruption, minimize (or) liquidate the consequences of corruption-related legal violations, as well as [ensure] control over the implementation of measures outlined in the national plan." The heads of federal institutions of power will have to present their reports on the fight against corruption before June 10. The federal institutions whose work is coordinated by the government will have to present such reports before May 20 of this year.

The Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSVTS) Since 2000, the Russian Federation has established a sufficiently effective system to manage military-technical cooperation (“MTC”) between the Russian Federation and foreign states, incorporating the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (“FSMTC of Russia”) (till 16 August 2004, the Russian Federation Committee for Military-Technical Cooperation) as its critical enabler. The Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation is empowered with control and supervision functions in the MTC area.Regulations for the Federal Service for Military- Technical Cooperation were approved by Decree of the Russian Federation President dated 16 August 2004 № 1083 «Issues of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation».

federal migration service


Federal Tax Service (FNS) Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo)

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (Minprirody of Russia) shall be a federal executive authority performing functions of public policy making and statutory regulation in the field of the study, use, renewal, and conservation of natural resources, including the subsoil, water bodies, forests located in designated conservation areas, fauna and their habitat, in the field of hunting, hydrometeorology and related areas, environmental monitoring and pollution control, including radiation monitoring and control, and functions of public environmental policy making and implementation and statutory regulation, including issues of production and consumption waste management (hereinafter waste), conservation areas, and state environmental assessment.
- russian federal service for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring
- federal service for supervision of natural resources management
- federal water resources agency
- federal forestry agency
- federal subsoil management agency

russian export center jsc isva piblic institute for export support established with assistance of govt of russian federation Reorganisation


civil service


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