Friday, January 18, 2019


- ministry of industries and mines
The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance (Persianوزارت فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی‎ also known as Ershad ارشاد) is the ministry of Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is responsible for restricting access to any media of which the government in Tehran does not approve.

  • The Islamic Republic News Agency (Persianخبرگزاری جمهوری اسلامی‎), or IRNA, is the official news agency of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is government-funded and controlled under the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. The agency also publishes the newspaper Iran. As of 2010, the Managing Director of IRNA is Mohammad Khodaddi. IRNA has 60 offices in Iran and 30 more in various countries around the world.
- iran trade point
- iran trade promotion organisation
- iran customs administration
- export promotion center of iran
- revolutionary guard

  • Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards, champions of a deadly war with Iraq in the 1980s and more recently active in battlefields in Iraq and Syria, have long been big players in the Islamic Republic’s economy. Since coming to power three years ago, Hassan Rouhani, the moderate president, has tried to contain their influence. This month, some of those efforts bore fruit when two Iranian banks refused to do business with Khatam-al Anbia, a construction business linked to the guards, which still face international sanctions despite last year’s nuclear deal. The move has angered hardliners and is likely to intensify the struggle between Rouhani’s supporters and the guards.
  • Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps is being forced to shrink its sprawling business empire and some of its senior members have been arrested as part of President Hassan Rouhani’s attempts to curb the elite force’s role in the economy. In the past year, the guards, who have interests in sectors ranging from oil and gas to telecoms and construction, have had to restructure some holding companies and transfer ownership of others back to the state, a regime insider and a government official told the Financial Times. At least a dozen guards members and affiliated businessmen have been detained in recent months, while others are being forced to pay back wealth accrued through suspect business deals, the officials said. One manager of a large holding company affiliated to the guards was arrested a few months ago and cash worth millions of dollars was confiscated from his house, said a businessman who has worked with the guards. A brigadier general — described as the corps’ economic brain — was also arrested this year, but released on bail, the regime insider said.
  • Sepah news is the media arm of iran's revolutionary guard

Bandar Abbas (Persianبندرعباس‎‎)  or Bandar-e ‘Abbās (Persian: بندر عباس), also romanized as Bandar ‘Abbās and Bandar ‘Abbāsī; formerly known as Cambarão and Porto Comorão to Portuguese traders, as Gombroon to English traders and as Gamrun or Gumrun to Dutch merchants,[2] also Jaroon (to the Arabs) and Cameron (to the English), is a port city and capital of Hormozgān Province on the southern coast of Iran, on thePersian Gulf. The city occupies a strategic position on the narrow Strait of Hormuz, and it is the location of the main base of the Iranian Navy. Bandar Abbas is also the capital and largest city of Bandar Abbas County.  Bandar Abbas has always been a port, and as such its various names have all addressed this function. The most common name over time (Gameroon) has traditionally been said to derive from Persian gümrük, customhouse (from Late Greek kommerkion, from Latin commercium, "commerce"), but is now speculated to be from Persian kamrūn, shrimp (which in Portuguese is camarão, similar to the former Portuguese name).[4] Its current name is derived from that of Shah Abbas I [5] paired with 'port.' The earliest record of Bandar Abbas is during the reign of Darius the Great (between 522 and 486 BCE). Darius's commander, Silacus, embarked from Bandar Abbas to India and the Red Sea. During Alexander's conquest of the Persian Empire, Bandar Abbas was known under the name of HormirzadIn the year 630 CE, Maharaja Derbar Raja of Gemeron was defeated in battle and escaped to Ceylon, and he was later blown off course by a storm to the remote shores of Kuala Sungai Qilah, Kedah (now Malaysia). The inhabitants of Kedah found him to be a valiant and intelligent person, and they made him the king of Kedah. In the year 634 CE, a new kingdom was formed in Kedah consisting of Persian royalty and native Malay of Hindu faith, the capital wasLangkasuka (see Kedah Sultanate and Early history of Kedah).

Bushehr Province 布什爾省

The Greeks knew of Bushehr by Mezambria during the battles of Nearchus. A French excavating team however in 1913 determined the origin of Bushehr to date back to the Elamite Empire. A city there, known as Lyan, contained a temple that was designed to protect the compound from naval attacks. Its remains can still be seen today 10 kilometers south of the present city of Bushehr.Marco Polo describes this region as part of the Persian province of Shabankareh. It contains the village of Saba, Iran where are buried (he was told) the three Magi which visited the Christ Child.A key turning point in the history of Bor event of significance is known to have taken place in this region until the arrival of the European colonialists in the 16th century.The Portuguese, invaded the city of Bushehr in 1506 and remained there until Shah Abbas Safavi defeated and liberated the Persian Gulf region of their presence. By 1734, Bushehr had once again risen to prominence due to Nader Shah of the Afsharid dynasty, and his military policies in The Persian Gulf.Bushehr was selected by Nader to be the central base of Nader's Naval fleet in the Persian Gulf. He thus changed the name of the city to Bandar e Naderiyeh (Nader's Port). He hired an Englishman by the name of John Elton to help build his fleet. Dutch accounts report his naval fleet to have amounted to 8000-10000 personnel as well as several ship construction installations.After Nader's death, the Dutch continued to have good commercial relations in Bushehr, until the British made their debut in Bushehr in 1763 by a contract they signed with Karim Khan of the Zand dynasty. By then, the city of Bushehr had become Iran's major port city in the Persian Gulf. By the Qajar era, BritainNorwayRussiaItalyFranceGermany, and the Ottomans had diplomatic and commercial offices there, with Britain steadily gaining a foothold in the area. Close to 100 British ships are reported to have docked at the port city every year during the Qajar era.

-Bushehr, Booshehr or Bushire (Persianبوشهر‎ [buːˈʃe(h)ɾ] ); also romanised as BūshehrBouchehrBuschir and Busehr), also known as Bandar Bushehr (Persianبندر بوشهر‎; also romanised as Bandar Būshehr and Bandar-e Būshehr), previously Beh ArdasherAntiochia in Persis (Ancient GreekἈντιόχεια τῆς ΠερσίδοςromanizedAntiócheia tês Persídos) and Bukht Ardashir, is the capital city of Bushehr Province.During the Sassanian era, the name of the city was Ram Ardashir and later become Reyshahr, eventually this turned in to Bushehr, which is the current name of the city.

East Azerbaijan Province
Azerbaijan or Azarbaijan (Persian: آذربایجان Āzarbāijān [ɒːzærbɒjdʒɒːn];[lacks stress] Azerbaijani: آذربایجان Azərbaycan [ɑzærbɑjdʒɑn]),[lacks stress]also known as Iranian Azerbaijan,[1] is a historical region in northwestern Iran that borders Iraq, Turkey, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Armenia, and the Republic of Azerbaijan. Iranian Azerbaijan is administratively divided into West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Ardabil, and Zanjan provinces. The region is mostly populated by Azerbaijanis, with minority populations of Kurds, Armenians, Tats, Talysh, Assyrians and PersiansIranian Azerbaijan is the land originally and historically called Azerbaijan; the Azerbaijani-populated Republic of Azerbaijan appropriated the name of the neighbouring Azerbaijani-populated region in Iran during the 20th century. Historic Azerbaijan was called Atropatene in antiquity and Aturpatakan in the pre-Islamic Middle Ages. Some refer to Iranian Azerbaijan as South (or Southern) Azerbaijan and the Republic of Azerbaijan as Northern Azerbaijan,[5] although others believe that these terms are irredentist and politically motivated. Prior to the Russo-Persian wars of the 19th century, the Azerbaijani people were distributed throughout the north-western Persian Empire, with the highest concentrations in Persian provinces that correspond to contemporary Iranian Azerbaijan and the Republic of Azerbaijan. Following military defeats at the hands of the Russian Empire, Qajar Persia ceded all of its territories in the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia to Russia via the Treaty of Gulistan of 1813 and the Treaty of Turkmenchay of 1828.[9] Since then the Azerbaijani people have been partitioned between nations.[10] The territories south of the Aras River, which comprised the region historically known as Azerbaijan, became the new north-west frontier of the Persian Empire and later Iran.[11] The territories north of the Aras River, which were not known by the name Azerbaijan at the time of their capture by Russia, were absorbed into the Russian Empire, renamed the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic during the country's short-lived independence from 1918 to 1920,[12] incorporated into the Soviet Unionas the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, and finally became the independent Republic of Azerbaijan when the Soviet Union dissolved.
Tabriz (pronounced [tæbˈriːz] ) (Persianتبریز‎; Azerbaijaniتبریز) is the most populated city in Iranian Azerbaijan, one of the historical capitals of Iran and the present capital of East Azerbaijan province
  • nickname - city of firsts
  •  Iranian media say firefighters managed to put out a blaze that erupted at the historic market in the northwestern city of Tabriz. Thursday’s report by the official IRNA news agency says some 16 people were slightly injured in the fire, which erupted around 9 p.m. on Wednesday at the Bazaar of Tabriz, which dates back 1,000 years. IRNA says it took six hours to extinguish the fire. About 150 of the market’s 5,500 shops were damaged. The bazaar has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2010 and was mentioned by Marco Polo when he travelled the Silk Road in the Middle Ages.
Fars Province (/fɑːrs/Persianاستان فارس‎, Ostān-e Fārspronounced [ˈfɒː(ɾ)s]), also known as Pars (پارسPārs) and Persis (Persiais the historical homeland of the Persian people.[7][8] It was the homeland of the Achaemenid and Sasanian Persian dynasties of Iran, who reigned on the throne by the time of the ancient Persian Empires. The ruins of the Achaemenid capitals Pasargadae and Persepolis, among others, demonstrate the ancient history of the region. Due to the historical importance of this region, the entire country has historically been also referred to as Persia in the West.
Lar (Persianلار‎, also Romanized as Lār; also known as Larestan)The city was originally called Lar after the person who had first established the city. Lar (لاڑ) is the name of one of Shahnameh's famous heroes. Around 16th and 17th centuries, Lar was considered to be a major stop along the road to the Persian Gulf.Larestani people migrated to Arab states in the Persian Gulf in significant figures around the 1600s, such as Qatar, the UAE, Bahrain, and Kuwait. Some have surname as "Lari" or "Al Lari" along with many other family and tribal names.

  • any relation?

    ************* 吉蘭省  Gilan Province (Persianاُستان گیلان‎, Ostān-e Gīlān, also Latinized as Guilan)borders the Republic of Azerbaijan in the north and Russia across the Caspian Sea.In antiquity, this area was a province of Persia known as Daylam (sometimes DaylamanDailam or Delam). The Daylam region corresponds to the modern region of Gīlān.It was the place of origin of the Buyid dynasty. The people of the province had a prominent position during the Sassanid dynasty, so that their political power extended to MesopotamiaThe first recorded encounter between Gilanis and Deylamite warlords and invading Muslim Arab armies was at the Battle of Jalula in 637 AD. Deylamite commander Muta led an army of Gils, Deylamites, Persians and people of the Rey region. Muta was killed in the battle, and his defeated army managed to retreat in an orderly manner. However, this appears to have been a Pyrrhic victory for the Arabs, since they did not pursue their opponents. Unlike the Russians, Muslim Arabs never managed to conquer Gilan as they did with other provinces in Iran. Gilanis and Deylamites successfully repulsed all Arab attempts to occupy their land or to convert them to Islam. In fact, it was the Deylamites under the Buyid king Mu'izz al-Dawlawho finally shifted the balance of power by conquering Baghdad in 945. Mu'izz al-Dawla, however, allowed the Abbasid caliphs to remain in comfortable, secluded captivity in their palaces.In the 9th and 10th centuries AD, Deylamites and later Gilanis gradually converted to Zaidite Shi'ism.

    Isfahan (Persianاصفهان‎‎), historically also rendered in English as IspahanSepahanEsfahan or Hispahan, is the capital of Isfahan Province in Iran.  Isfahan is located on the main north–south and east–west routes crossing Iran, and was once one of the largest cities in the world. It flourished from 1050 to 1722, particularly in the 16th and 17th centuries under the Safaviddynasty, when it became the capital of Persia for the second time in its history. Even today, the city retains much of its past glory. It is famous for its Persian–Islamic architecture, with many beautiful boulevards, covered bridges, palaces, mosques, and minarets. This led to the Persian proverb "Esfahān nesf-e- jahān ast" (Isfahan is half of the world). The Naghsh-e Jahan Square in Isfahan is one of the largest city squares in the world and an outstanding example of Iranian and Islamic architecture. 
    The name of the region derives from Middle Persian SpahānSpahān is attested in various Middle Persian seals and inscriptions, including that of Zoroastrian Magi Kartir, and is also the Armenian name of the city (Սպահան). The present-day name is the Arabicized form of Ispahan (unlike Middle Persian, and similar to SpanishNew Persian does not allow initial consonant clusters such as sp). The region appears with the abbreviation GD (Southern Media) on Sasaniannumismatics. In Ptolemy's Geographia it appears as Aspadana, translating to "place of gathering for the army". It is believed that Spahān derives from spādānām 'the armies', Old Persian plural of spāda (from which derives spāh 'army' and spahi(soldier – lit. of the army) in Middle Persian).
    古くからの政治・文化・交通の拠点であり16世紀末にサファヴィー朝首都に定められ発展した。当時の繁栄は「エスファハーンは世界の半分(Esfahān nesf-e jahān ast、エスファハーン・ネスフェ・ジャハーン)」と賞賛され[4][注 1]、この街を訪れたヨーロッパの商人も繁栄の記録を残している。イラン人にとってエスファハーンは歴史的・文化的に重要な町であり[5]、町の美しさは「イランの真珠」と例えられる
    納坦茲   Natanz (Persianنطنز‎, also romanized as Naţanz) is a city and capital of Natanz CountyIsfahan ProvinceIran.Its bracing climate and locally produced fruit[citation needed] are well known in Iran.[citation needed] Its pear fruits are well known.[4] The Karkas mountain chain (Kuh-e Karkas) (meaning mountain of vultures). Various small shrines dot the area,[citation needed] and it is known as the shrine of Abd as-Samad.[4] The elements in the present complex date from 1304 with subsequent additions and restorations, such as the Khaneqah and Muqarnas vault. The tomb honors the Sufi Sheikh Abd al-Samad, and was built by the Sheikh's disciple, the Ilkhanid vizier Zain al-Din Mastari.

    *********Kerman  (Persianكرمان‎, also Romanized as KermānKermun, and Kirman; also known as Carmania)is the capital city of Kerman ProvinceIranThe city is home to many historic mosques and Zoroastrian fire temples.Kerman was founded as a defensive outpost, with the name Veh-Ardashir, by Ardashir I, founder of the Sasanian Empire, in the 3rd century AD. After the Battle of Nahāvand in 642, the city came under Muslim rule. At first the city's relative isolation allowed Kharijites and Zoroastrians to thrive there, but the Kharijites were wiped out in 698, and the population was mostly Muslim by 725. Already in the eighth century the city was famous for its manufacture of cashmere wool shawls and other textiles. The Abbasid Caliphate's authority over the region was weak, and power passed in the tenth century to the Buyid dynasty, which maintained control even when the region and city fell to Mahmud of Ghazni in the late tenth century. The name Kerman was adopted at some point in the tenth century.Under the rule of the Seljuq Turks in the 11th and 12th centuries, Kerman remained virtually independent, conquering Oman and Fars.[5] When Marco Polo visited Kerman in 1271, it had become a major trade emporium linking the Persian Gulf with Khorasan and Central Asia.[6] Subsequently, however, the city was sacked many times by various invaders. Kerman expanded rapidly during the Safavid dynasty. Carpets and rugs were exported to England and Germany during this period. In 1793 Lotf Ali Khan defeated the Qajars, and in 1794 he captured Kerman. But soon after he was besieged in Kerman for six months by Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar. When the city fell to Agha Mohammad Khan, angered by the popular support that Lotf Ali Khan had received,[clarification needed]many of the male inhabitants were killed or blinded, and a pile was made out of 20,000 detached eyeballs and poured in front of the victorious Agha Mohammad Khan.[8] Many women and children were sold into slavery, and in ninety days the city turned into ruins. However, the Zoroastrians of Kerman who had been strong supporters of Lotf Ali Khan suffered the wrath of the founder of Qajar dynasty the most during this period. The present city of Kerman was rebuilt in the 19th century to the northwest of the old city, but the city did not return to its former size until the 20th century.
    Ancient names: Kārmānia, Boutiā, Germānia
    Nickname(s): ديار كريمان (Persian for "Land of Karimans"), The City of Stars
    馬漢Mahan (Persianماهان‎, also Romanized as Māhān or Mâhân; also known as Māhūn)[2] is a city and capital of Mahan District, in Kerman CountyKerman ProvinceIranMahan is well known for the tomb of the great Sufi leader Shah Ne'emat Ollah-e-Vali, as well as Shazdeh Garden (Prince Garden). The tomb of Shah Nur-eddin Nematollah Vali, poet, sage, Sufi and founder of an order of darvishes, has twin minarets covered with turquoise tiles from the bottom up to the cupola. The mausoleum was built by Ahmad Shah Kani; the rest of the building was constructed during the reigns of Shah Abbas I, Mohammad Shah Qajar and Nasser-al-Din Shah. Shah Nematallah Wali spent many years wandering through central Asia perfecting his spiritual gifts before finally settling at Mahan, twenty miles south-east of Kerman, where he passed the last twenty five years of his life. He died in 1431, having founded a Darvish order which continues to be an active spiritual force today. The central domed burial vault at Mahan, completed in 1437 was erected by Ahmad Shah Bahmani, king of the Bahmani Sultanate, and one of Shah Nematallah's most devoted disciples.

    哈爾克島Kharg or Khark Island (Persianجزیره خارک‎) is a continental island in the Persian Gulf belonging to Iran.Mentioned in the Hudud al-'Alam as a good source for pearls around 982 AD, Khark was visited by Jean de Thévenot in 1665, who recorded trade at the time with Isfahan and Basra. In 1753 the Dutch Empire established both a trading post and a fort on the island after securing perpetual ownership of the island from Mir Nasáir, the Arab ruler of Bandar Rig, in return for a present of 2000 rupees. In 1766 the Dutch fort was captured by Mir Mahanna, the governor of Bandar Rig.The island was briefly occupied in 1838 by the British to block the Siege of Herat (1838) but was soon returned. Amoco built and operated the oil terminal on the island. Its property was expropriated after the revolution.Once the world's largest offshore crude oil terminal and the principal sea terminal for Iranian oil, the Khark Island facilities were put out of commission in the fall of 1986. Heavy bombing of the Khark Island facilities from 1980 through 1988 by the Iraqi Air Force during the Iran–Iraq War all but destroyed most of the terminal facilities. Khark Island was situated in the middle of the Darius Oilfield, also destroyed by the intensive bombing. Repair to all facilities has been very slow, even after the war ended in 1988. The events experienced by this island gave rise to the dispute in the English contract law case The Kanchenjunga [1990] 1 Lloyd's Rep 391, regarding the conditions for repudiatory breach of contract and a claimant's right to elect to accept repudiation.

    Kish (Persianکیش‎ (Kīsh)) is a 91.5-square-kilometre (35.3 sq mi) resort island in the Persian Gulf off the southern coast of Iran. It is part of the Bandar Lengeh County in Hormozgān Province of Iran. Owing to its free trade zone status, the island is touted as a consumer's paradise, with numerous malls, shopping centres, tourist attractions, and resort hotels. 
    - kish trade promotion company
    - according to a booklet by iran consulate in hk, the island enjoyed trade ties with ports in kowloon dating back to over 900 years ago

     庫姆 Qom (Persianقم‎ [ɢom] ) is  the capital of Qom Province.Qom is considered holy in Shiʿa Islam, as it is the site of the shrine of Fatimah bint Musa (note the design, two tall minarets at front) sister of Imam Ali ibn Musa Rida[6](Persian Imam Reza, 789–816 CE). The city is the largest center for Shiʿa scholarship in the world, and is a significant destination of pilgrimage, with around twenty million pilgrims visiting the city every year, the majority being Iranians but also other Shi'a Muslims from all around the world.[7] Qom is famous for a Persian brittle toffee known as Sohan(Persian: سوهان), considered a souvenir of the city and sold by 2,000 to 2,500 "Sohan" shops.
    During Ayatollah Khomeini's 1979 Iranian Revolution, Qom was named "the birthplace" of this movement. Khomeini studied in Qom and lived there at the beginning and end of the Revolution. Aspects of the culture of Qom, including the Shrine of Fatima Masumeh, were used to unite the Iranian people over significant historical and mythical events.[9] Khomeini used images of the Shrine of Fatima Masumeh in posters, money, and stamps created during the Revolution. Khomeini also constructed an addition to the Shrine of Fatima Masumeh and added more space for pilgrims. In addition, the tomb of Ayatollah Khomeini utilizes architectural elements that are similar to Fatima Masumeh's Shrine, such as the golden dome.

    - famous for senneh kilim carpet
    - largely popoulated by kurdish people

    Shiraz (/ʃˈrɑːz/ Persianشیراز‎‎, ŠīrāzPersian pronunciation: [ʃiːˈrɒːz]) is the sixth-most-populous city of Iran[2] and the capital of Fars Province (Old Persian as Pârsâ). At the 2011 census, the population of the city was 1,700,665 and its built-up area with "Shahr-e Jadid-e Sadra" (Sadra New Town) was home to 1,500,644 inhabitants.[3] Shiraz is located in the southwest of Iran on the "Roodkhaneye Khoshk" (The Dry River) seasonal river. It has a moderate climate and has been a regional trade center for over a thousand years. Shiraz is one of the oldest cities of ancient Persia. The earliest reference to the city, as Tiraziš, is on Elamite clay tablets dated to 2000 BC. In the 13th century, Shiraz became a leading center of the arts and letters, due to the encouragement of its ruler and the presence of many Persian scholars and artists. It was the capital of Persia during the Zand dynasty from 1750 until 1800. Two famous poets of IranHafez and Saadi, are from Shiraz, whose tombs are on the north side of the current city boundaries. Shiraz is known as the city of poetsliteraturewine (despite Iran being an Islamic republic), and flowers.[5][6] It is also considered by many Iranians to be the city of gardens, due to the many gardens and fruit trees that can be seen in the city, for example Eram Garden. Shiraz has had major Jewish and Christian communities. The crafts of Shiraz consist of inlaid mosaic work of triangular design; silver-ware; pile carpet-weaving and weaving of kilim, called gilim and jajim in the villages and among the tribes.[7] In Shiraz industries such as cement production, sugar, fertilizers, textile products, wood products, metalwork and rugs dominate.[8] Shirāz also has a major oil refinery and is also a major center for Iran's electronic industries: 53% of Iran's electronic investment has been centered in Shiraz.[9] Shiraz is home to Iran's first solar power plant.[10] Recently the city's first wind turbine has been installed above Babakoohi mountain near the city.The earliest reference to the city is on Elamite clay tablets dated to 2000 BCE, found in June 1970, while digging to make a kiln for a brick factory in the south western corner of the city. The tablets written in ancient Elamite name a city called Tiraziš.[11] Phonetically, this is interpreted as /tiračis/ or /ćiračis/. This name became Old Persian /širājiš/; through regular sound change comes the modern Persian name Shirāz. The name Shiraz also appears on clay sealings found at a 2nd-century CE Sassanid ruin, east of the city. By some of the native writers, the name Shiraz has derived from a son of Tahmuras, the third Shāh (King) of the world according to Ferdowsi's Shāhnāma.Nickname(s): Cultural Capital of Iran, City of poets, City of gardens, City of flowers and nightingale

    Susa (/ˈssə/; Persian: Šuš[ʃuʃ]Hebrewשׁוּשָׁן ŠušānGreek: Σοῦσα [ˈsuːsa]Syriacܫܘܫ‎ ŠušMiddle Persian: 𐭮𐭥𐭱𐭩 Sūš, 𐭱𐭥𐭮 Šūs; Old Persian: 𐏂𐏁 Çūšā) was an ancient city of the Proto-ElamiteElamiteFirst Persian EmpireSeleucidParthian, and Sasanian empires of Iran, and one of the most important cities of the Ancient Near EastThe site now "consists of three gigantic mounds, occupying an area of about one square kilometer, known as the Apadana mound, the Acropolis mound, and the Ville Royale (royal town) mound."The modern Iranian town of Shush is located on the site of ancient Susa. Shush is identified as Shushan, mentioned in the Book of Esther and other Biblical books.In Elamite, the name of the city was written variously ŜuŝanŜuŝun, etc. The origin of the word Susa is from the local city deity Inshushinak.蘇薩波斯語شوش‎,轉寫:Shush,中國大陸譯作蘇撒,天主教思高聖經譯作穌撒伊朗現代的蘇西Shush城鎮位於古老的蘇薩(Susa)遺址上。 《以斯帖記》和其他聖經相關的書中都提到過蘇西這個地方,當時被稱為蜀山(Shushan)。

    Tamari (Persianتمري‎, also Romanized as Tamarī) is a village in Esfandaqeh Rural District, in the Central District of Jiroft CountyKerman ProvinceIran
    - related??? Tamari (たまり): Made mainly in the Chūbu region 中部地方 Chūbu-chihō of Japan. It is the "original" Japanese soy sauce, as its recipe is closest to the soy sauce originally introduced to Japan from China. Technically, this variety is known as miso-damari (味噌溜り), as this is the liquid that runs off miso as it matures. The Japanese word tamari is derived from the verb tamaru (溜る) that signifies "to accumulate", referring to the fact that tamari was traditionally a liquid byproduct made during the fermentation of miso (type of seasoning). Japan is the leading producer of tamari.

    Azadi Square (Persianمیدان آزادی‎ Meydān e Āzādi), literally the Freedom Square, is a city square in TehranIran. It is the site for Azadi Tower. Both Azadi Tower and Square were commissioned by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran, to mark the 2,500th year of the foundation of the Imperial State of Iran.Before the Iranian Revolution in 1979, it was called the Shahyad Square (میدان شهیاد Meydān e Ŝahyād), meaning "Shah's Memorial Square", and was the site of many of the Revolution's demonstrations leading up to 12 December 1979. The square was again the site of mass opposition during the 2009–2010 Iranian election protests.

    • The Azadi Tower (Persianبرج آزادی‎ Borj e Āzādi; "Freedom Tower"), formerly known as the Shahyad Tower (برج شهیاد Borj e Šahyād; "Shah's Memorial Tower"), is a monument located at Azadi Square. The first name associated with this monument was Darvāze ye Kuroš ("the Gate of Cyrus"), and at the time of the Centenary Celebrations, Asadollah Alam, who chaired the Council of Celebrations, referred to the monument as Darvāze ye Šāhanšāhi ("the Imperial Gate"). The monument's official name was decided before the announcement of the competition for the monument's design in September 1966. Bahram Farahvashi, a scholar and professor of ancient Iranian languages who worked with the Council of Celebrations, came up with the officially designated name of the structure, Šahyād Āryāmehr. Built in 1971 in commemoration of the 2,500th year of the foundation of the Imperial State of Iran, this "gateway into Tehran" was named the Šahyād ("King's Memorial") in honor of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, but was renamed Āzādi ("Freedom") following the 1979 Revolution.L'entrée de la tour, située directement sous la voûte principale, mène au Musée Azadi. Une des pièces principales de la collection est une copie du cylindre de Cyrus (l'original se trouve au British Museum)2. La traduction des inscriptions cunéiformes du cylindre est écrite en lettres dorées sur le mur de l'une des galeries menant au département audiovisuel du musée. À l'opposé se trouve une plaque énumérant douze mesures de la Révolution blanche.
    west azerbaijan province
    -   霍伊  Khoy (AzerbaijaniخویPersianخوی‎; also Romanized as and Khoi),[3] is a city and capital of Khoy CountyWest Azerbaijan ProvinceIran.. Khoy is nicknamed as the Sunflower city of Iran.The city's inhabitants are predominantly Azerbaijanis and Azerbaijani is dominantly spoken in Khoy,[4][5]while nearly all inhabitants can also converse in Persian. The main religion is Shia Islam.[6][7]Occupied since Median times, it shares a long history as an important Christian centre.Khoy was named in ancient times for the salt mines that made it an important spur of the Silk Route.[8] 3000 years ago, a city existed on the area where Khoy is located nowadays, but its name became Khoy only from 14th centuries ago. In 714 BC, Sargon II passed the region of which Khoy is part of in a campaign against Urartu.During the reign of Greater Armenia this city was a part of Nor-Shirakan province (ashkar). Khoy was mentioned in VIII century AD and was called "Gher" by Anania Shirakatsi in "Ashkharatsuyts".In the Parthian period, Khoy was the gateway of the Parthian Empire in the Northwest.[9] Around the year 37 BC, Marc Anthony had crossed the plain that is located between Khoy and Marandduring one of the many and frequent Roman-Parthian Wars.One of the important historic elements of the city is the St. Sourp Sarkis church. Armeniandocuments wrote that the date of the making has to be either 332 or 333 AD.[9] In the city and its surrounding villages, churches are seen and it is reported that Armenians have always been comprising a significant amount of the cities population, but the city was never an "Armenian city" (as in comprising a vast majority).By the first half of the 11th century the Byzantine emperors were actively trying to round off their eastern territories, in an attempt to absorb the unstable Armenian dynasties. In 1021-2 emperor Basil II led his army as far as Khoy within 175 km of Dvin, and obtained the surrender of royalty from the Artsruni dynasty of Van.In 1210, the city was conquered by the forces of Kingdom of Georgia sent by Tamar the Greatunder the command of Zakaria and Ivane Mkhargrdzeli. This was a response to the sacking of Georgian-controlled Ani which occurred in 1208 and left 12,000 Christians dead.

    Yazd (یزد /jæzd/ ), formerly also known as Yezd, is the capital of Yazd ProvinceIranIt is nicknamed the "City of Windcatchers" (شهر بادگیرها Shahr-e Badgirha) from its many examples. It is also very well known for its Zoroastrian fire templesab anbars (cisterns), qanats (underground channels), yakhchals (coolers), Persian handicrafts, handwoven cloth (Persian termeh), silkweaving, Persian Cotton Candy, and its time-honored confectioneries.The name is derived from Yazdegerd I, a Sassanid ruler of Persia. The city was definitely a Zoroastrian center during Sassanid times.[citation needed] The word yazd means God. After the Arab conquest of Iran, many Zoroastrians migrated to Yazd from neighboring provinces. By paying a levy, Yazd was allowed to remain Zoroastrian even after its conquest, and Islam only gradually became the dominant religion in the city. Because of its remote desert location and the difficulty of access, Yazd remained largely immune to large battles and the destruction and ravages of war. For instance, it was a haven for those fleeing from destruction in other parts of Persian Empire during the Mongol invasion. In 1272 it was visited by Marco Polo, who remarked on the city's fine silk-weaving industry. 

    Iran Pistachio Association
    The Economic Cooperation Organisationor ECO (Persianسازمان همکاری اقتصادی‎‎, Urdu:اقتصادی تعاون تنظیم‎, TurkishEkonomik İşbirliği TeşkilatıKazakhЭкономикалық ынтымақтастық ұйымыUzbekIqtisodiy Hamkorlik TashkilotiAzerbaijaniİqtisadi Əməkdaşlıq TəşkilatıTajikТашкилоти ҳамкории иқтисодӣ) is a Eurasianpolitical and economic intergovernmental organization which was founded in 1985 inTehran by the leaders of IranPakistan andTurkey. It provides a platform to discuss ways to improve development and promote trade and investment opportunities. The ECO is an ad hocorganization under the United Nations Charter (Chap. VIII). The objective is to establish a single market for goods and services, much like the European Union.[2]ECO's secretariat and cultural department are located in Tehran, its economic bureau is in Turkey and its scientific bureau is situated in Pakistan.

    The Mostazafan Foundation of Islamic Revolution (Persianبنیاد مستضعفان انقلاب اسلامی‎) formerly Bonyad-e Mostazafan va Janbazan (Foundation of the Oppressed and Disabled or "MFJ") is a charitable bonyad, or foundation, in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the second-largest commercial enterprise in Iran behind the state-owned National Iranian Oil Company and biggest holding company in the Middle East.[2] According to one of the foundation's former directors, Mohsen Rafighdoost, Mostazafan allocates 50 percent of its profits to providing aid to the needy in the form of low-interest loans or monthly pensions, while it invests the remaining 50 percent in its various subsidiaries. With over 200,000 employees, it owns and operates approximately 350 subsidiary and affiliate companies in numerous industries including agriculture, industry, transportation, and tourism. Bonyad-e Mostazafan va Janbazan represented approximately 10 percent of the Iranian government’s annual budget in 2003.

    • It was founded in 1979 as a successor to the Pahlavi Foundation. As an economic, cultural, and social welfare institution, the Foundation controls manufacturing and industrial companies, whose profits are used—according to the foundation—to promote "the living standards of the disabled and poor individuals " of Iran and to "develop general public awareness with regards to history, books, museums, and cinema."[5] The Mostazafan is associated with the Revolutionary Guard where some of its head officials have come from.
    • Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlaviestablished the Pahlavi Foundation as a tax-exempt charity in 1958. This foundation held the assets of Muhammad Reza Shah, his predecessor, and many of his family, who later served on the corporate board and received commissions. The Pahlavi Foundation’s wealth was estimated at $3 billion at its height. The Pahlavi Foundation was dogged by accusations of corruption. The Pahlavi Foundation was said to have owned in Iran four leading hotels: the Hilton, the Vanak, the Evin and the Darband. The Foundation gained international attention for purchasing the DePinna building on Fifth Avenue, New York, valued in 1975 at $14.5 million. Such investment in a foreign market by the Pahlavi Foundation gained media attention because in order to do such foreign investment the Foundation had to register as an American charitable foundation with the declared aim of using the rental to pay for Iranian students studying in America. The advantage of such charitable status was that the US authorities could not investigate the books of the Pahlavi Foundation in Iran.[

    Irancell telecommunications company MTN, is in the field of mobile network service providers. It operates Iran's second largest 2G-3G-4G-4.5G mobile broadband network, and fixed TD-LTE internet services. The company's joint venture in 2006 with MTN Group (49%) and Iran Electronics Industries (51%) were launched in Iran. MTN Irancell in fiscal year of 1392 with revenue of 4.9 billion dollars is at number 32 on the list of largest companies of Iran. Currently, MTN Group holds a 49% percent stake in MTN Irancell consortium, Iran Electronic Industries (SAIRAN) and the Foundation's Islamic Revolution Iran Electronic Development Company hold the other 51% of MTN Irancell shares to be allocated.MTN Irancell has two shareholders: Iran Electronic Development Company (IEDC) (51%), and MTN International (Mauritius) Limited (49%).IEDC currently has two key shareholders:
    The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) (Persianصدا و سيمای جمهوری اسلامی ايران‎, Sedā va Sīmā-ye Jomhūri-ye Eslāmi-ye Īrān, lit. Voice and Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran, formerly called National Iranian Radio and Television until the Iranian revolution of 1979), is an Iranian state-controlled media corporation which holds a monopoly of domestic radio and television services in Iran, and is also among the largest media organizations in the Asian and Pacific regions, and a regular member of Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union. IRIB is independent of the Iranian government, but its head is appointed directly by the Supreme LeaderAyatollah Ali Khamenei.Prior to the 1979 Iranian Revolution, IRIB was known as National Iranian Radio and Television (NIRT).该台开设有中文广播,通过短波每天播出两小时。对德黑兰使用调频播出1小时。华语节目呼号为“伊朗伊斯兰共和国对外广播电台”。在华语广播开台时,先播放伊朗国歌,然后播送《古兰经》及中文翻译,之后播出新闻及其它专题节目。2016年にはニュースサイト「ParsToday」を開設した
    • economist 30may2020 "revolution will be televised" the battle over state TV in iran
    National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC) is a subsidiary of the National Iranian Oil Company, which was privatized in 2009.[1] As of 2011, NITC was owned by funds managing pensions for 5 million Iranians. It is the biggest tanker company in the Middle East and in the world.[1] The company transports Iranian crude to export markets and also engages in cross-trading of crude oil cargoes for some 150 oil majors worldwide, including Royal Dutch ShellTotal SA, Saudi Aramco and state-run producers in Kuwait and Abu Dhabi.
    Mahan Airlines, operating under the name Mahan Air (Persianهواپیمایی ماهان‎, translit. Havâpeymâye Mâhân) is a privately owned Iranian airline based in TehranIran. It operates scheduled domestic services and international flights to the Far EastMiddle EastCentral Asia, and Europe. Its main home bases are Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport and Mehrabad International Airport.Mahan Air as a Full-Service Carrier (FSC), was established in 1991 and began operations in June 1992 as Iran's first private airline. The name of Mahan is taken from historical city of Mahan in Kerman Province. The Airline joined the IATA in 2001 and is owned by Mol-Al-Movahedin Charity Institute (100%).

    •  OFAC has issued a Finding of Violation to Aero Sky Aircraft Maintenance, Inc. (“Aero Sky”), a Texas company located in San Antonio, that negotiated and entered into a contract and contingent contract with Mahan Air in violation of the Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. part 594 (GTSR).
    • 美國財政部前日宣布,制裁一家中國物流公司「上海聖特物流有限公司」(Shanghai Saint Logistics Limited),凍結該公司在美國所有資產,並禁止它與美國公民合作。聲明指,上海聖特物流有限公司是第七家受制裁的伊朗馬漢航空(Mahan Air)代理,它是馬漢航空在上海的貨運銷售總代理,為中伊航線客機提供貨運預訂等服務。馬漢航空因支援伊朗革命衞隊聖城旅,受到華府制裁。
    The Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line Group (Persian: گروه کشتیرانی جمهوری اسلامی ایران‎), more known by the business name IRISL Group, is a shipping line based in Iran. Its fleet comprises 115 ocean-going vessels with a total capacity of 3.3 million tons deadweight (DWT), with 87 ocean-going vessels owned by IRISL while the remaining 28 ships owned under the flag of subsidiaries such as Khazar Shipping, Valfajr as well as Iran-India Shipping Companies. They are manned by 6,000 personnel who work under the flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf, international waters and various ports of the world.IRISL has been sanctioned by the United States, United Nations, European Union, and other parties for its role in assisting Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile development programs. However, the return of the line to the world market was expected by early winter 2016, as a result of the Iran nuclear deal between Iran, the P5+1/EU3+3 powers, and the EU in August 2015.[1] Since the USA pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal, the IRISL was added back to the CIA's sanctions list on June 8, 2020.
    • Due to the increase in the volume of imports into Iran since early 1960, many foreign-flagged vessels began to arrive in Iranian ports, which caused some concerns to the country. Considering the nation's long coastline and accessibility to open seas, the government initiated a research study to determine the feasibility of a national shipping line. The research study began in 1961, and was approved by the first general assembly meeting to establish Iranian National Shipping Company in August 1967 under the name "Aria Shipping Lines".

      Aria Shipping started in 1967 with six vessels. Two smaller vessels with capacity of 1,000 and 1,550 tonnes operated in the Persian Gulf area, and four ocean-going vessels (Aria SepAria FarAria Naz and Aria Gaam) with the total capacity of 61,252 tonnes provided services to Europe, Asia and the Americas. By the end of 1978, due to increasing shipping volume and an expanding national economy, the fleet has expanded to 42 vessels with a total capacity of 525,000 DWT.

      After the Islamic Revolution and changes to economic policies, on January 5, 1979, Aria Shipping was renamed Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL). The company was affiliated to the Ministry of Commerce.

      During the Iran–Iraq War, numerous vessels such as Aria BoomAria JahanAria ShaadAria Omid, became total losses due to missile attacks, which cost the IRISL dearly. After this period, the names of all the vessels were changed to those of martyrs and cities with the prefix "IRAN".

    • MV Saviz is an Iranian cargo vessel of IRISL Group. The vesel is used as reconnaissance ship and swimming base of Iran. It was attacked on 6 April 2021 with several limpet mines at a position at the Red Sea close to the Eriterian coast.
    - retail

    • meisam atr
    • safir (perfumery chain) 
    • roja
    • viana
    • wojooh
    • lilian mode 
    • signed a franchise agreement with debenhams and the the latter entered iranian market in 2009

    • rosha department store

    Foreign policy
    - OFFICIALS in Tehran are not shy about their aim of spreading influence abroad, nor of their apparent success. Even as the efforts of the West and its Sunni Arab allies look distinctly half-hearted, notably in their fight against Islamic State (IS), Tehran can claim, with only a pinch of hubris, to run three Arab capitals: Baghdad, Damascus and Beirut. This week it may have added a fourth: Sana’a, Yemen’s capital, where on January 20th Shia Houthi rebels took over the presidential palace (see article). American and Saudi officials believe the rebel militia is backed by the Iranians, although they deny it in public (and boast of it in private).

    Trade and investment environment
    - Iran’s moderates may have scored a big success at the polls last month but centrist president Hassan Rouhani is still likely to find his reform agenda blocked by hardliners. Even though they disqualified the majority of prominent pro-reform candidates, hardliners failed to retain their parliamentary majority and moderates won an almost equal share of the 290-member legislative body.
    - 伊朗的交通運輸規劃,是以四成作為國際轉運的目標,這是回歸「絲綢之路」的歷史作用,也是更早的「青金石之路」。美國封鎖伊朗,主要是依靠伊拉克和阿富汗,伊朗往伊拉克之路已通,而美軍撤走,阿富汗政權必易手。而中亞亦開始開放,即使現在,阿塞拜疆有BTK鐵路從巴庫經伊朗往土耳其。更重要的是,中國的中亞班列已開通至伊朗,由新疆出哈薩克、土庫曼,已成潛力巨大的國際通道。同時,伊朗至阿富汗南部重鎮赫拉特的鐵路已逐步開通,正好迎接阿富汗政權變更的時機。美國在過去經營的陸路圍堵伊朗,今天似已全盤破產。阿富汗是伊朗語系,它的解放,正好提供給伊朗巨大的市場,也可以經阿富汗把伊朗產品銷往巴基斯坦。更重要的是,伊朗南臨波斯灣,通印度洋,它的港口便可以作為中亞、南高加索和阿富汗的出海口,加上中國的中亞班列,經黑海和土耳其的中歐班列,東西南北暢通,伊朗便是中樞。相對於偏北的烏克蘭、波蘭、白羅斯,或局處裏海與黑海中間的南高加索諸國,伊朗的地理優勢尤勝。最近阿塞拜疆與亞美尼亞之戰,解決了兩國領土之爭,南高加索趨於穩定,兩國中間的Zangazur走廊開放,更有助俄羅斯通過南高加索與伊朗相通,甚至伊朗的石油氣可以輸往俄羅斯,中轉往歐洲與中國。同時,中東西亞形勢穩定底下,謀劃多時的天然氣管道從波斯灣至巴基斯坦、印度,以及從波斯灣伊朗往伊拉克、敍利亞、土耳其至歐洲亦可重拾舊議,再度恢復籌備。只要中東停戰,前提是美軍撤走,中東西亞便可重建。大國如伊朗受美國40年制裁攻擊而不敗,大有機會重振波斯舊風。
    - tariff
    • Iran hikes imported silk threads tariff china daily 26apr18
    - subsidy

    • 在美國經濟制裁下,伊朗政府宣布削減汽油補貼及加價,引發民眾不滿。該國多地大批民眾上周六凌晨上街抗議,有人在道路棄車而去,甚至有人試圖攻擊油庫。一名民眾於示威期間死亡,暫時未知是否遭安全部隊擊斃。

    Foreign currency delay
    - Importers of basic commodities in Iran say they are struggling with delays in receiving hard currency from the central bank, caused by the impact of falling oil prices and international sanctions over the country’s nuclear programme.

    Electricity supply
    - Plunging oil prices have already undermined Iran’s fledgling economic recovery. But another energy issue is also holding back President Hassan Rouhani’s attempts to revive the country’s underperforming industrial base: a lack of power-generating capacity. Decades of heavy government subsidies have left Iran with high levels of energy consumption — per capita consumption of electricity is about 2,160 kilowatt hours compared with 1,300 kWh for neighbouring Iraq.
    While Iran’s energy demands are growing at about 6 per cent a year, growth in capacity is limited to a third of that. The energy ministry admits its depleted power network requires at least 120tn rials ($4.4bn) of investment. This is a severe challenge for a country also grappling with the impact of crippling international sanctions related to its nuclear power programme and the legacies of populist policies implemented by its previous government. Sliding crude prices are also having an impact. The IMF said in October that Iran needed oil prices above $120 a barrel to balance its books. Brent crude, the international benchmark, was on Monday trading at $58 a barrel.

    - oil

    • Iran is finalising a contract system to secure about $100bn of new oil and gas deals with western companies if sanctions are lifted, marking a big shift for a regime traditionally wary of the presence of foreign groups in its energy sector. Mehdi Hosseini, an adviser to Iran’s oil ministry who has been drafting a new energy contract for the past two years, said he expected president Hassan Rouhani to approve it in the coming months. The current system, which prevents companies from booking reserves or taking equity stakes in Iranian companies, has proved hugely unpopular with multinationals and deterred investors even before sanctions were tightened. US oil majors, which have had no presence in Iran since the 1979 Islamic revolution, would be able to bid for Iranian oil contracts if a nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers is agreed. A talks deadline was extended this week.
    • The fate of the oil market in 2016 depends in large part on a series of oil fields with names such as Ahwaz, Gachsaran, Bibi Hakimeh, and Darkhovin. All of them are pumping crude buried thousands of feet under the hills of the Zagros mountain range in western Iran. Since mid-2012 the fields have been producing far below their capacity because of U.S. and European sanctions limiting Iranian oil exports. Now that Tehran has reached a deal with the Western powers to resolve the dispute over the country’s nuclear program, Iranian engineers are working to bring the fields back to full production. Iran is taking steps to ramp up oil exports ahead of an end to U.S.-led sanctions, extending crude contracts with its top two Chinese buyers into 2016 and starting talks with other potential buyers there, sources involved in the talks said. Previously OPEC's No.2 exporter, Iran is keen to recoup oil market share lost during U.S. and European Union sanctions over its nuclear program and is aiming to boost oil output by 500,000 barrels per day (bpd) - equal to about 50 percent of current exports - in early 2016. Sinopec Corp (0386.HK), Asia's largest refiner, and Chinese state trader Zhuhai Zhenrong Corp will together lift around 505,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude from Iran in 2016, the same as this year when they took roughly half of the Islamic Republic's total exports, the sources said. China bought 536,500 bpd of Iranian crude oil in the 10 months to end-October, down 1.9 percent on a year ago as a third regular client, independent Dragon Aromatics, halted purchases for safety checks after a fire in April.
    - shale
    • Iran has discovered new shale oil reserves containing 2 billion barrels of light crude oil in its western Lorestan province, an Iranian official has announced.

    - IRAN’S holiest city, and also its second-largest, has long been a conservative bastion. In parliamentary elections in 2012 Iran’s most right-wing party, the Paydari or Stability Front, won all of Mashhad’s five seats. In local elections the year after it won an outright majority and left the reformists with none. But after the nuclear deal and the lifting of sanctions, reformists backed by the city’s businessmen are attracting packed audiences to their hustings for elections due on 26th February. The conservatives may have expanded the complex around the shrine of Reza, Shia’s eighth imam, but only the reformists can attract the foreign investment the city needs to fill it. Their demands include a new railway to halve the time of travelling the 900 kilometres (560 miles) from Mashhad west to Tehran, the capital; highways designed to turn the city into Central Asia’s conduit to the Middle East; and leisure centres to diversify a rigidly spiritual form of tourism. Some suggest promoting the city not just as Imam Reza’s burial place, but also Harun al-Rashid’s, the eighth century caliph who presided over the golden age of Sunni Islam. “We have to replace the anti-Westerners,” says a businessman who says the conservatives blocked his joint venture with an Italian company, worth €400m ($440m), for a theme park.


    Science and technology
    The Khwarizmi International Award is given annually by the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST) to individuals who have made outstanding achievements in research, innovation and invention, in fields related to science and technology. The award is given to the most prominent engineers annually, with a recent emphasis on digital and mechanical technologies

    •香港學者再次獲得國際級科研榮 譽,香港大學地球科學系教授趙國春,憑其關於遠古地質活動的研 究貢獻,包括率先提出在 18億至 20億年前,因全球板塊碰撞導致一 個「超級大陸」形成,因而獲得伊朗科技部頒授第二十九屆 Khwarizmi國際獎(KIA)一等獎,成為首位獲得此項殊榮的地質學 家。 Khwarizmi 國際獎是為紀念古波斯著名數學、天文學和地理學 家、被譽為代數創造者的Khwarizmi而設,旨在表揚世界各地的創 新者、革新者和發明家。今年的獎項頒發予趙國春以及來自美國、 瑞典、日本、德國、澳洲及墨西哥等地共9位傑出學者,儀式剛於本 月7日在伊朗首都德黑蘭舉行。 是次趙國春獲KIA一等獎,以表彰其兩項原創性研究及對科學的 貢獻,除上述的遠古「超級大陸」的發現外,亦包括於中國華北地 區發現兩條 18.5億至 19.5億年前形成的大陸碰撞造山帶。他對此感 到非常高興,並特別將榮譽歸功於其研究團隊的集體成果,並感謝 港大、香港研資局和國家自然科學基金委員會於科研經費方面的支 持。港大校長馬斐森聯同中央管理小組亦祝賀趙國春獲獎,認為這 印證了港大的研究成果於世界上的影響力。
    - Iran Air blazes a trail with first new aircraft in 23 years Europe's Airbus signed a firm contract on Thursday to sell 100 jets to IranAir, completing a return by Western plane giants and paving the way for deliveries to start next month, a year after sanctions against Iran were lifted. airlines violating us sanctions on iran - Mahan Air, Caspian Air, Meraj Air, Pouya Air, Dena Airways, Al-Naser Airlines, Syrian Air,Dart Airlines, Khors Air company, Kyrgyz Trans Avia, Qeshm Fars Air, and UM Air


    Mega canal
    Intensified discussions on the possibility of a 'trans-Iranian' canal began in 2012, when then-Energy Minister Majid  Namjoo told Fars news agency that the project would cost an estimated $7 billion US.
    The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed inland body of water in the world, with a 7,000 km coastline shared by Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Azerbaijan. Establishing a connection between the Caspian and the Persian Gulf would necessitate the creation of a canal running across almost the entirety of Iran from north to south.  Read more:

    MAPNA Group is a group of Iranian companies involved in development and execution of thermal and renewable power, oil & gas, railway transportation and other industrial projects as well as manufacturing main equipment including gas and steam turbines, electrical generator, turbine blade and vane, HRSG and conventional boilers, electric and control systems, gas compressor, locomotive and other pertinent equipment. The company was initially named Iran Power Plant Projects Management Company (MAPNA), but changed its title to MAPNA Group in October 2012.
    - petropars
    Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran (Persianشرکت ارتباطات سیار ایران‎‎), commonly abbreviated as MCI and also known under its brand name Hamrahe Aval (Persianهمراه اول‎‎; The First Operator), is the first and largest mobile operator in Iran. MCI is a subsidiary of theTelecommunication Company of Iran and has approximately 17 million postpaid and 49 million prepaid subscribers. Hamrahe Aval's service is available in 1,239 cities and over 70,000 kilometers of highway in Iran. It provides roaming services via 271 partner operators in more than 112 countries.

    • telecoms operator Orange is in negotiations with Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran (MCI), the country's largest mobile operator, "regarding a number of areas of potential cooperation and business topics," a spokesman said.
    The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) (Persian: صدا و سيمای جمهوری اسلامی ايران‎, Sedā va Sīmā-ye Jomhūri-ye Eslāmi-ye Īrān, lit. Voice and Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran), formerly called National Iranian Radio and Television until the Iranian revolution of 1979, is an Iranian media corporation which holds a monopoly of domestic radio and television services in Iran, and is also among the largest media organizations in the Asian and Pacific regions, and a regular member of Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union.[2][3] IRIB is independent of the Iranian government, but its head is appointed directly by the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. With 13,000 employees and branches in 20 countries worldwide, including France, Belgium, Malaysia, Lebanon, United Kingdom, the United States, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting offers both domestic and foreign radio and television services, broadcasting 12 domestic television channels, 4 international news television channels, six satellite television channels for international audiences, and 30 provincial television channel available countrywide, half of which are broadcast in minority-status languages in Iran, for example Azeri and Kurdish, as well as local accents or dialects of Farsi. The IRIB provides twelve radio stations for domestic audiences and through the IRIB World Service thirty radio stations are available for foreign and international audiences. It also publishes the Persian-language newspaper Jam-e Jam2016年にはニュースサイト「ParsToday」を開設した
    - ICT
    • (online retail), Iranian ecommerce thrives despite obstacles
    • Fanap
    - electronics

    • Fara electronic
    • One of the key buyers of  2015 hktdc electronics fair autumn edition

    - pistachio

    • Exhibited at 2015 food fair
    - optical

    • Optical pouya 
    • Exhibited at 2014 optical fair

    - bank

    • Companies across the world are lining up to explore opportunities in Iran, and Tehran is keen to lure them, after a range of international sanctions was lifted this weekend. But if businesspeople and politicians are ready, the country’s banks are not. “Our banking system, like our economy has been isolated and has no idea what has happened in the world over the past decades,” says one senior Tehran banker. Iran’s economy is in dire need of refinancing. Years of sanctions imposed over its nuclear programme, combined with the populist policies of former president Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, have left it with negative economic growth in most years since 2011 and a youth unemployment rate of about 25 per cent. But analysts say the banking sector — the main source of finance given the country’s weak capital and debt markets — is the biggest hurdle to economic recovery. Iran’s lenders — most of which are nominally private but affiliated to state bodies — have long operated with low capital adequacy requirements and inadequate regulatory and supervisory mechanisms. They were further weakened by the policies of Mr Ahmadi-Nejad, who forced them to provide cheap loans to small businesses and the poor, as well as the sanctions. While sanctions were in place they were largely able to hide their shortcomings. But with the country keen to attract foreign investment and business partnerships, observers are now sounding the alarm over the state they are in and their ability to underpin business and economic growth.
      Top UK regulators are trying to help three Iranian-owned banks reintegrate into the financial system after years of international sanctions — by deploying a unit designed to aid start-ups. The UK-based Iranian lenders would be among the first beneficiaries of the just-launched unit, which allows participating banks access to services such as a helpline and case officers.
    - oil
    • The chief architect of Iran’s new oil contracts has said domestic companies linked to the country’s Revolutionary Guards may be approved to partner international energy majors. “The point of these Revolutionary Guards is that they are engineering companies, normal engineering companies, that have done something in Iran, they have got experience,” said Mr Hosseini. “It depends on the quality and selection of the IOCs [international oil companies],” he said. “If the IOCs want to work with them, we have no problem. We are not going to interfere in the private negotiations between private companies and the IOCs on what kind of arrangement they have.” Mr Hosseini said the most important thing was to have “qualified” companies operating in the joint ventures. He did not clarify whether this meant companies linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) would be on the final list of approved companies for partnership with western companies. The IRGC sees itself as the defender of Iran’s revolutionary ideals, and since 1979 has grown to have far-reaching political and economic influence throughout the country. Western companies, from Royal Dutch Shell to Total and Eni, have shown interest in investing in Iran after sanctions are lifted, hoping to tap into the country’s vast oil and gas reserves that have been crimped from years of international restrictions. Such is the importance of the IRGC to Iran’s economy that it was agreed as part of the nuclear deal to include some sanctions relief for entities it controls. The EU will delist the IRGC’s main construction arm Khatam Al Anbia, which controls more than 800 companies, eight years after sanctions are lifted. The US is expected to maintain sanctions against entities linked to the IRGC. While energy majors have visited Iran to discuss possible deals, they will be cautious with their re-entry and have emphasised that they will comply with both existing sanctions and any future restrictions. Mr Hosseini said Iran will be able to increase production by 500,000 barrels a day within several months of any lifting of sanctions, which he estimates will take place early next year. A further increase of 1m b/d would take another 12 months.
    - mining
    • 伊朗礦山和採礦業發展及創新委員會的負責人邁赫迪.卡爾巴思安日前表示,為了發展本國採礦和金屬行業,伊朗正加緊與外國潛在投資商進行磋商。當前伊朗採礦和金屬業年進出口總額僅為115億美元(約合894億港元),但制裁解除後,該國樂觀地認為未來該產業收入可能會超過原油。  位於柏林的新歐洲—伊朗貿易中心開業後,卡爾巴思安表示,伊朗礦山和採礦業發展及創新委員會近日就中東國家鋁、鋼、銅和黃金產業的新投資與澳洲力拓礦業集團舉行了磋商。  卡爾巴思安還會見了來自歐洲商品交易巨頭嘉能可和托克,德國最大銅生產商以及世界頭號金屬回收商阿魯比斯的高層:“卡爾巴思安今年早些時候表示,嘉能可和中國有色金屬建設股份有限公司已經簽署了幫助發展伊朗銅產業的商業協議。作為國家發展戰略的一部分,伊朗希望能與合作伙伴共同努力,將銅精礦年產量從當前的20萬金屬噸提高到2025年的200萬金屬噸。根據伊朗礦山和採礦業發展及創新委員會提供的數據資料,伊朗銅儲量約在26億噸,佔世界總儲量的4%,而該國的銅產量則達到了中東地區總產量的75%。  伊朗還是一個鉛和鋅生產大國,在亞洲排名第四,僅次於中國、哈薩克斯坦和印度。伊朗的鋅儲量也是世界上最多的。  3月份,伊朗和韓國以及中國中鋼集團簽署協議,打算建造一個大型鋁冶煉廠,並計劃就西非幾內亞境內的鋁土礦管道在全球進行招標。  去年伊朗礦業部宣布在中部盧特沙漠發現了一處大型煤礦和一處大型鐵礦。伊朗是中國第四大鐵礦來源國,年產量在4500萬噸,每年向中國出口1500-2000萬噸。

    - technology

    • A domestic sheep has given birth to a baby mouflon in a rare successful example of interspecies cloning, according to scientists in Iran. The wild Isfahan mouflon – or ovis orientalis isphahanica – was cloned by researchers at Iran’s Royan Institute, which is dedicated to reproductive biomedicine and stem cell research, using the domestic sheep as a surrogate mother. Poaching has driven the Isfahan mouflon close to extinction in Iran. The cloned mouflon, which looks similar to a deer, has been named Maral, a Persian name for a reindeer and for new babies, which means svelte. Established in 1991, Royan has been a pioneer of IVF in the Islamic republic, where infertile couples have easy access to such treatments at reasonable costs compared to western equivalents. It has also drawn many tourist patients from across the Middle East. Iran has progressive fertility treatment and reproductive health programmes, with Shia clerics in the country largely supportive of such scientific practices.
    • 布什爾核電廠是伊朗唯一核電廠,2011年在俄羅斯協助籌建下啟用。其所需的燃料能源來自俄羅斯生產的鈾材料,受國際原子能機構(IAEA)監督,而根據核不擴散條約伊朗必須將反應堆內使用過的核燃料棒,送返俄羅斯。IAEA對消息表示知情,但拒絕評論。外媒報道,核電廠關閉其實早有先兆,伊朗核官員賈法里(Mahmoud Jafari)在今年3月曾透露,核電廠可能會停止運作,理由是美國從2018年起對伊朗銀行業實施制裁,導致伊朗無法向俄羅斯採購所需組件和設備。
    - aviation

    • The national carrier, Iran Air, boasted a fleet of the latest Boeings and was pursuing the purchase of Concorde jets. But following the 1979 revolution that transformed Iran into an Islamic republic increasingly at odds with the West, decades of sanctions and isolation plunged the industry into disrepair. The average age of the fleet is now more than 22 years old, much of it comprised of cheaper Russian aircraft. Iran's inability to import vital parts has contributed to one of the worst safety records in the world. Now, Iran's deal with world powers to limit its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief could revitalize its aviation industry.

    - automobile
    • Peugeot is just one of a number of European companies — including many in industry, energy and finance — poised to get back into Iran, after world powers came to a preliminary agreement on curbing the country’s nuclear ambitions. A final deal still needs to be reached by a June 30 deadline but, if all goes to plan, then sanctions on foreign trade and investment should start to ease. Some of Europe’s biggest groups are already preparing the ground, with energy seen as one of the most promising sectors.
    - legal
    • Python & Peter, a leading Swiss law firm, has opened an office in Tehran in a further sign of the country opening for business in the wake of the groundbreaking nuclear agreement signed last year. The new office will aim to advise foreign multinationals on how to operate in a country slowly awakening from years of international isolation and numerous economic downturns.In February, Germany’s CMS was the first international law firm to open an office in Tehran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
    - pistachio

    • The pistachio trees at the village in southern Iran are long dead, bleached white by the sun - theunderground water reserves sucked dry by decades of over-farming. The last farmers left with their families 10 years ago, and the village has the look of anabandoned Martian colony. The dome-roofed, mud-walled homes are crumbling, once-green fields are now nothing but dirtfurrows, and the only sign of life is a couple of drifters camping out in an old storehouse.
    - onion

    • According to BBC Monitoring, onions used to cost between 1,000 and 1,500 tomans (30p; 39 cents). Now they are selling for around 4,400 tomans. According to the Islamic Republic News Agency, Agriculture Minister Mahmoud Hojjati said "the black market and a light reduction in production" were to blame for the increase in price. Hossein Asghari from Iran's agricultural ministry explained the losses experienced by onion farmers in recent years had reduced their desire to grow them. But representatives from the Mashhad Farmers Union blame the government, saying it did not buy enough onions from farmers last year which led them to stop growing the crop.

    - carpet

    • Iran's famed carpet weavers are busy at work following the country's historicnuclear deal with world powers, anticipating a boost in exports as sanctions are setto be lifted in the coming months. "The Persian hand-woven carpet is Iran's ambassador. I'm delighted that theambassador is in the process of resuming work in the United States," exporter JilaRassam Arabzadeh said. "The Persian carpet is like the Iranian flag, known all overthe world. Let our flag fly." The landmark July 14 nuclear accord between Iran and six world powers - Britain,China, France, Russia, the US and Germany - is meant to curb Teheran's nuclearprogram in exchange for lifting crippling international sanctions. As part of the deal,the US will resume imports of Iranian carpets, which were halted in 2010.
    - ski

    • With pistes higher than most European resorts, and lift passes much cheaper, Iran is a bit of a downhill paradise. Its north-facing slopes and high altitudes ensure crisp powder between December and May. After the country’s nuclear deal with the West, not to mention the first heavy snowfall in mid-November, Iranian ministers hope to attract fat-walleted tourists to the white peaks outside the smoggy capital.

    Trade and investment environment Sanctions have indeed created pent-up demand, but they have also dried up the liquidity needed to finance it. The price-tags delegates place on Iran’s needs—$15 billion for its railways, $200 billion for its energy sector, $30 billion for tourism—look exciting, but paying for them is a different matter. Oil prices are down by half, sharply reducing revenues as well as the incentives to invest when reopening happens. In the meantime nepotism, legal unpredictability and state companies masquerading as private ones will all bedevil business. “The corruption is still at unbelievable rates,” says Sharif Nezam-Mafi, one of the organisers of the Zurich conference. Financial experts insist that President Hassan Rohani remains on track to privatise the inhisarat, or state monopolies, which dominate the economy, are blacklisted by sanctions and often have close ties to the Revolutionary Guards. Mr Rouhani has sharply squeezed the money supply to cut inflation. And for all the sanctions relief, some American financial sanctions will remain. Western ministers travel back and forth to Tehran but no one yet knows when bank transfers will do the same. Some wonder whether the Supreme Leader’s call for “a resistance economy” could herald a new bout of protectionism. Not all is gloom. Sanctions relief should release $50 billion-120 billion (estimates vary wildly) of Iranian assets frozen abroad. Repatriation from the diaspora might add $20 billion more. Mercedes and Volkswagen are said to be gearing up to replace Peugeot, which once ranked Iran as its second largest market, until sanctions forced its withdrawal. Coca-Cola is planning a major expansion in 2016. American grain exporters, who are already Iran’s largest supplier of wheat, munched merrily at the Zurich lunch. Politicians and businessmen again speak excitedly of the Persian Gulf. But the reality is that the Iranian phoenix may take some time yet to become airborne.
    - value added tax

    • When the authorities sent Hassan a demand for six years’ worth of value added tax on sales from his chinaware shop in northern Iran, he decided to empty the shelves to show his business had ground to a halt amid the country’s deep economic stagnation. Many small businesses are struggling with similar confusion over the country’s VAT law, which came into effect in 2008 and is gradually being implemented in each sector of the economy. But since Hassan Rouhani took office in 2013 the cash-strapped government has tightened tax collection. A decade of populist policies, the impact of US and EU sanctions over Iran’s nuclear programme and plummeting oil prices have crippled the economy, slashed consumers’ purchasing power and left the government struggling with a deficit officials expect to reach IR550tn this year. Economists estimate the country could have zero gross domestic product growth this year.
    - Several Iranians were shot during protests late Saturday, a source tells CNN, after Iran's government warned citizens against holding "illegal" public gatherings, following two days of rare anti-government protests that spread to a number of cities. One local source told CNN that during protests in Dorud, in the Lorestan province of western Iran, his family witnessed a mob storming the governor's office and setting it on fire. Protesters were fired upon and five people were shot, the source said. The protests -- described as the largest public display of discontent since the 2009 Green Movement in Iran -- have emerged against a backdrop of rising food and gasoline prices.
    Iran is a key provider of military support to the government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. It is also accused of providing arms to Houthi rebels fighting a Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, which it denies, and is an ally of Lebanon's powerful Shia movement Hezbollah. The US State Department has urged all nations "to publicly support the Iranian people and their demands for basic rights and an end to corruption".

    Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī (Arabic: محمد بن موسى الخوارزمی‎; c. 780 – c. 850) (Arabic pronunciation: [ælxɑːræzmiː]), formerlyLatinized as Algoritmi, was a Persian mathematician, astronomer and geographer during the Abbasid Caliphate, a scholar in the House of Wisdom in BaghdadIn the 12th century, Latin translations of his work on the Indian numerals introduced the decimal positional number system to the Western world.[4] Al-Khwārizmī's The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing presented the first systematic solution of linear andquadratic equations in Arabic. In Renaissance Europe, he was considered the original inventor of algebra, although it is now known that his work is based on older Indian or Greek sources.[5] He revised Ptolemy's Geography and wrote on astronomy and astrology. Some words reflect the importance of al-Khwārizmī's contributions to mathematics. "Algebra" is derived from al-jabr, one of the two operations he used to solve quadratic equations. Algorism and algorithm stem from Algoritmi, the Latin form of his name. His name is also the origin of (Spanish) guarismo and of (Portuguese) algarismo, both meaning digit.
    Abu Mo’in Hamid ad-Din Nasir ibn Khusraw al-Qubadiani or Nāsir Khusraw Qubādiyānī Balkhi [also spelled as Nasir Khusrow and Naser Khosrow] (1004 – 1088 CE) (Persianناصر خسرو قبادیانی‎‎) was a Persian poet, philosopher, Isma'ili scholar, traveler and one of the greatest writers in Persian literature. He was born in Qabodiyon, a village in middle-ageBactria in eastern Iranian province of Khorasan, now present-day in modern Tajikistan[7]and died in Yamagan, now Afghanistan. He is considered one of the great poets and writers in Persian literature. The Safarnama, an account of his travels, is his most famous work and remains required reading in Iran even today.
    Reza Shah Pahlavi (Persian: رضا شاه پهلوی‎; pronounced [reˈzɑː ˈʃɑːhe pæhlæˈviː]; 15 March 1878 – 26 July 1944), commonly known as Reza Shah, was the Shah of Iran from 15 December 1925 until he was forced to abdicate by the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran on 16 September 1941. Two years after the 1921 Persian coup d'état, led by Zia'eddin Tabatabaee Reza Pahlavi became Iran's prime minister. The appointment was backed by the compliant national assembly of Iran. In 1925 Reza Pahlavi was appointed as the legal monarch of Iran by decision of Iran's constituent assembly. The assembly deposed Ahmad Shah Qajar, the last Shah of the Qajar dynasty, and selected him, by amending Iran’s 1906 constitution. He founded the Pahlavi dynasty that lasted until overthrown in 1979 during the Iranian Revolution. Reza Shah introduced many social, economic, and political reforms during his reign, ultimately laying the foundation of the modern Iranian state. His legacy remains controversial to this day. His defenders assert that he was an essential modernizing force for Iran (whose international prominence had sharply declined during Qajar rule), while his detractors assert that his reign was often despotic, with his failure to modernize Iran's large peasant population eventually sowing the seeds for the Iranian Revolution nearly four decades later, which ended 2,500 years of Persian monarchy.[3][4] Moreover, his insistence on ethnic nationalism and cultural unitarism, along with forced detribalization and sedentarization, resulted in the suppression of several ethnic and social groups. Similar to Atatürk's policy of Turkification his government also carried out an extensive policy of Persianization trying to create a single, united and largely homogeneous nation.

    Mohammad Mosaddegh (Persianمحمد مصدق‎; IPA: [mohæmˈmæd(-e) mosædˈdeɣ] ;[b] 16 June 1882 – 5 March 1967) was an Iranian politician. He was the head of an ostensibly democratically elected government that was removed in a CIA-backed coup,[4][5][6] holding office as the Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 until 1953, when his government was overthrown in a coup d'état orchestrated by the United States' Central Intelligence Agency and the United Kingdom's Secret Intelligence Service.An author, administrator, lawyer, and prominent parliamentarian, his administration introduced a range of social and political actions such as social security, land reforms, and raising taxes including introducing taxation of the rent on land. His government's most notable policy, however, was the seizure by nationalization of the Iranian oil industry, which had been built by the British since 1913 through the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC/AIOC) (later British Petroleum and BP). Many Iranians regard Mosaddegh as the leading champion of secular democracy and resistance to foreign domination in Iran's modern history. Mosaddegh was removed from power in a coup on 19 August 1953, organised and carried out by the CIA at the request of MI6, which chose Iranian General Fazlollah Zahedi to succeed Mosaddegh. While the coup is commonly referred to in the West as Operation Ajax[11] after its CIA cryptonym, in Iran it is referred to as the 28 Mordad 1332 Coup d'état, after its date on the Iranian calendar.[12] Mosaddegh was imprisoned for three years, then put under house arrest until his death and was buried in his own home so as to prevent a political furor.

    • Mosaddegh was born to a prominent Persian family of high officials in Tehranon 16 June 1882; his father, Mirza Hideyatu'llah Ashtiani, was a finance minister under the Qajar dynasty, and his mother, Princess Malek Taj Najm-es-Saltaneh, was the granddaughter of the reformist Qajar prince Abbas Mirza, and a great-granddaughter of Fath-Ali Shah Qajar.

    Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi (Persian:محمد رضا شاه پهلوی‎‎ Mohammad Rezâ Šâhe Pahlavi pronounced [mohæmˈmæd reˈzɒː ˈʃɒːhe pæhlæˈviː]; 26 October 1919 – 27 July 1980) was the Shah of Iran from 16 September 1941 until his overthrow by theIranian Revolution on 11 February 1979. He took the title Shāhanshāh ("Emperor" or "King of Kings") on 26 October 1967. He was the second and last monarch of theHouse of Pahlavi of the Iranian monarchy. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi held several other titles, including that of Āryāmehr (Light of the Aryans) and Bozorg Arteshtārān (Head of the Warriors).
    - khamenei

    • When he was a 30-year-old cleric, Iran’s supreme leader used the phrase “heroic flexibility” in the subtitle of a book he translated to describe a seventh century peace deal negotiated by Imam Hassan, the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed. It is unlikely Ayatollah Ali Khamenei imagined that nearly half a century later he would invoke the same term to justify the painful compromises he made to achieve a nuclear deal — possibly the most important decision of his political career. The 76-year-old, who is Iran’s ultimate authority, has chosen not to acknowledge the concessions — unlike his predecessor, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who once likened a ceasefire with Iraq in 1988 to drinking from a “poisoned chalice”.  But Tuesday’s agreement probably tasted just as bitter. “If he had refused to make a deal, the country would have become more vulnerable to domestic and foreign threats,” said one regime insider. “But now that he has accepted a deal, he has to open up the country which makes him worry about losing control.”
      In the days leading up to the agreement, Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated in a speech aimed at his domestic audience as much as Washington his so-called red lines in negotiations and insisted that the US had made more concessions.
    -  Sayyid Ruhollah Mūsavi Khomeini (Persianسید روح‌الله موسوی خمینی‎‎, [ruːhoɫˈɫɑːhe χomeiˈniː], 24 September 1902 – 3 June 1989), known in the Western world as Ayatollah Khomeini, was an Iranian Shia Muslim religious leader, philosopher revolutionary, and politician. He was the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution that saw the overthrow of the Pahlavi monarchy and Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran. Following the revolution, Khomeini became the country's Supreme Leader, a position created in the constitution of the Islamic Republic as the highest-ranking political and religious authority of the nation, which he held until his death. He was succeeded by Ali Khamenei on 4 June 1989.
    Khomeini was a marja ("source of emulation") in Twelver Shia Islam, a Mujtahid or faqih (an expert in Islamic law) and author of more than 40 books, but he is primarily known for his political activities. He spent more than 15 years in exile for his opposition to the last Shah. In his writings and preachings he expanded the theory of velayat-e faqih, the "Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist (clerical authority)", to include theocratic political rule by Islamic jurists. This principle (though not known to the wider public before the revolution), was appended to the new Iranian constitution after being put to a referendum. According to New York Times, Khomeini called democracy the equivalent of prostitution. Whether Khomeini's ideas are compatible with democracy and whether he intended the Islamic Republic to be democratic is disputed.
    - hassan khomeini

      Hassan Khomeini is a grandson of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of the 1979 revolution — and the custodian of his household and his shrine. This 43-year-old cleric is entering the treacherous world of Iranian politics by running in the February election of the Experts Assembly.
    Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (Persian: اکبر هاشمی رفسنجانی‎, translit. Akbar Hāshemī Rafsanjānī ) or Hashemi Bahramani (هاشمی بهرمانی‎, 25 August 1934 – 8 January 2017) was an influential Iranian politician and writer, who was the fourth president of Iran from 3 August 1989 until 3 August 1997. He was the head of the Assembly of Experts from 2007 until 2011 when he decided not to nominate himself for the post. He was also the chairman of the Expediency Discernment Council of Iran. During the Iran–Iraq War Rafsanjani was the de facto commander-in-chief of the Iranian military. Rafsanjani was elected chairman of the Iranian parliament in 1980 and served until 1989. Rafsanjani also served as president of Iran from 1989 to 1997. He played an important role in the choice of Ali Khamenei as Supreme Leader. In 2005 he ran for a third term in office, placing first in the first round of elections but ultimately losing to rival Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the run-off round of the 2005 election. He and his familly came under fire from conservatives for their support of Mir-Hossein Mousavi who led protests in 2009. Rafsanjani has been described as having been a pragmatic conservative. The Economist called him a "veteran kingmaker." He supported a free market position domestically, favoring privatization of state-owned industries and a moderate position internationally, seeking to avoid conflict with the United States and the West. He was also founder and one of the Board of Trustees of Azad UniversityOn 11 May 2013, Rafsanjani entered the race for the June 2013 presidential election, but on 21 May he was disqualified by the Guardian Council. With Hassan Rouhani's election, in which Rafsanjani openly supported him, the Rafsanjani family gradually recovered their political reputation.
    Hassan Rouhani (Persian: حسن روحانی‎‎,  Standard Persian: pronounced [roʊhɒːˈniː]; born Hassan Fereydoun (Persian: حسن فریدون‎‎) on 12 November 1948)[7][8] is the seventh and current President of Iran, a position he has held since 2013. He is also a lawyer,[9] academic, former diplomat and Islamic cleric. He has been a member of Iran's Assembly of Experts since 1999,[10] member of the Expediency Council since 1991,[11] and a member of the Supreme National Security Council since 1989. Rouhani was deputy speaker of the fourth and fifth terms of the Parliament of Iran (Majlis) and Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council from 1989 to 2005.[3] In the latter capacity, he was the country's top negotiator with the EU three, UK, France, and Germany, on nuclear technology in Iran, and has also served as a Shi'ite ijtihadi cleric,[14] and economic trade negotiator.[15][16]:138 He has expressed official support for upholding the rights of ethnic and religious minorities.[17] In 2013, he appointed former industries minister Eshaq Jahangiri as his first vice-president.

    • His name is also spelled as Hasan RouhaniHassan RohaniHasan RohaniHassan Rowhani or Hasan Rowhani. He was born Hassan Fereydoun (or Fereydun, in reference to a just king in Persian mythologyPersian‌حسن فریدون‎‎, Persian pronunciation: [hæˌsæn-e feɾejˈdun]) and later changed his last name to Rouhani, which means 'spiritual' or 'cleric';[30] also transliterated as RowhaniRuhani, or Rohani). It is not clear when he officially changed his last name. He was named as "Hassan Fereydoun Rouhani" (Persianحسن فریدون روحانی‎‎) in a list of Majlis representatives on 5 July 1981,[31] while photos of his identification card (in Persian transliteration: shenasnameh) taken around his presidential campaign in 2013 only mention "Rouhani" as his last name.
    • The brother of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Hossein Ferydoun, has been detained, a judiciary spokesman says. Mr Ferydoun failed to meet the bail terms on unspecified financial issues and was taken to prison. He has previously been linked to officials at the centre of a scandal involving inflated salaries for managers at the state insurance firm. He has always denied any wrongdoing.

    Shirin Ebadi (Persian: شيرين عبادى‎‎ Širin Ebādi; born 21 June 1947) is an Iranianlawyer, a former judge and human rights activist and founder of Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran. On 10 October 2003, Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her significant and pioneering efforts for democracy and human rights, especiallywomen's, children's, and refugee rights. She was the first ever Iranian to receive the prize. In 2009, Ebadi's award was allegedly confiscated by Iranian authorities, though this was later denied by the Iranian government.[3]If true, she would be the first person in the history of the Nobel Prize whose award has been forcibly seized by state authorities.[4] Ebadi lived in Tehran, but she has been in exile in the UK since June 2009 due to the increase in persecution of Iranian citizens who are critical of the current regime.[5] In 2004, she was listed by Forbes magazine as one of the "100 most powerful women in the world".[6] She is also included in a published list of the "100 most influential women of all time."

    - dubious

    • The VNS international business company will provide some 24.5 billion U.S. dollars in Iran's road construction projects, official IRNA news agency reported on Tuesday. "The bank facilities, expected to be paid in the form of finance agreements, will go to the projects of Iran's Ministry of Roads and Urban Development," VNS representative, Mohammad Taqi Norouzi, said in a meeting with the Iranian financial and economic officials here on Monday. According to the agreements and memoranda of understanding (MoUs) signed between the VNS and Iran, the company will invest some 22 billion euros, 24.5 billion U.S. dollars, in the Iranian road construction projects, Norouzi was quoted as saying.

    New year celebration
    - There are remarkable similarities in the ways Chinese and Iranianscelebrate their spring festivals, according to Salarian. It is a time forfamily reunions in both countries, and people who live away from theirhometowns customarily return for a family dinner on the eve of thefestivalFish is a common holiday dish in both countries, as is a version of thesaying, "May you get more than you wish for every year." Like the ChineseIranians enjoy a weeklong holiday to celebrate thefestivaland children also wear new clothes as they accompany theirparents on visits to relativesWhile Chinese attach scrolls of blessing couplets on gateposts and offerguests nuts and candy in exquisite boxes, Iranians traditionally present anelaborate table setting with seven items starting with the letter "s" in thePersian alphabetThe custom came from Iran's ancient religious doctrine that consideredseven virtues as seven angels whose names start with "s". Apart fromgarlic, vinegar, apples, wheat sprouts and sumac berries, the seven itemsinclude Iranian sweet paste made from germinated wheat and dried fruitof the oleaster tree, a type of olive native to Iran.

    - university of tabriz

    - the number of individual languages listed for Iran is 78. Of these, 76 are living and 2 are extinct. Of the living languages, 5 are institutional, 8 are developing, 27 are vigorous, 31 are in trouble, and 5 are dying.

    Shāh Chérāgh (Persianشاه چراغ‎‎) is a funerary monument and mosque in Shiraz, Iran, housing the tomb of the brothers Ahmad and Muhammad, sons of Mūsā al-Kādhim and brothers of ‘Alī ar-Ridhā. The two took refuge in the city during theAbbasid persecution of Shia Muslims. The tombs became celebrated pilgrimage centres in the 14th century when Queen Tashi Khatun erected a mosque and theological school in the vicinity. Shāh-é-Chérāgh is Persian for "King of the Light". The site was given this name due to the nature of the discovery of the site by Ayatullah Dastghā'ib (the great grandfather of the contemporary Ayatullah Dastghā'ib). He used to see light from a distance and decided to investigate the source. He found that the light was being emitted by a grave within a graveyard. The grave that emitted the light was excavated, and a body wearing an armor was discovered. The body was wearing a ring saying al-‘Izzatu Lillāh, Ahmad bin Mūsā, meaning "The Pride belongs to God, Ahmad son of Musa". Thus it became known that this was the burial site of the sons of Mūsā al-Kādhim.

    The term Iranian Intermezzo represents a period in history which saw the rise of various native Iranian Muslim dynasties in the Iranian plateau. This term is noteworthy since it was an interlude between the decline of Abbāsid Arab rule and power and the eventual emergence of the Seljuq Turks in the 11th century. The Iranian revival consisted of Iranian support based on Iranian territory and most significantly a revived Iranian national spirit and culture in an Islamic form.
    - Tahirids (821–873)
    - Sajids (889–929)
    - Saffarids (861–1003)
    - Samanids (875/819–999)
    - Buyyids (932–1055)
    - Sallarids (942–979)

    iranian (people)
    -  In countries such as the US, Iranians are officially recognised as “white” because according to the U.S. Census Bureau, “A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa” is “white”. Iranians are West Asians or “Middle Eastern” therefore they are considered “white” in the eyes of the US government.In the UK however, “white” encompasses those who are solely of European origin. The category “Asian or British Asian” is largely reserved for people of South Asian (Indian, Pakistani etc) or East Asian (Chinese) descent. Therefore when filling out ethnicity forms, Iranians in the UK often select the category “Other ethnic group”.
    • [comments section] Many of the words Europeans use to describe their “whiteness” are of Iranian origin.The Caucus mountains are in what used to be the northern part of the Persian Empire and before that time were mainly populated by Iranian speaking peoples. The word Aryan is from Iran. Iran means land of the Aryan. Aryan simply means noble and is not related to a racial lineage other than Iranian Kings and people. ********Actually, indigenous people of the Caucasus are Kabardians, Circassians, Abzakh, Georgians, Chechens, etc. Not Iranians, although there is one Iranic-speaking group (Ossets). In Europe though, we do not have Iranian origins and our languages aren’t descended from Iranian. We speak related languages (Indo-European languages) for most of us because one of the ethnic group that made the modern Europeans and Iranians were the Indo-Europeans from the Eurasian steppe. Other than that, we have other roots not shared at all with the Iranians, and Iranians have other roots not shared with us. Some Iranic-speaking people (like the Scythians or Sarmatians) lived (partially) in Europe but couldn’t be differentiated much from us and they eventually assimilated into other cultures.

    iranian disapora
    - after 1979 revolution
    - invasion of iraq by iran

    iranic people

    - los angeles

    • And I have been hearing Persian here in USA for last 15 years(LA being a Iranian Hub), I can tell that Persian is being spoken and even understand some words here

    Lurs (also Lors, LurishلورَلPersian:لُرها) are an Iranian people living mainly in western and south-western Iran. Their population is estimated at around five million. They occupy LorestanKohgiluyeh and Boyer-AhmadKhuzestan and Fars (especially LamerdMamasaniand Rostam), BushehrChaharmahal and BakhtiariHamadanIlam, and Isfahan provinces.[4]The Lur people mostly speak the Lurish language (sometimes called "Luri"), a Southwestern Iranian language related to Persian. According to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, the Lurish language is the closest living language to Archaic and Middle Persian.[5] According to the linguist Don Still, Lori-Bakhtiari like Persian is derived directly from Old Persian.

    - *****

    - arabic caliphate
    • In Iran the Eastern Marches of the Caliphate remained in the control of a Persian-speaking elite, possibly augmented by Persians from the West. This elite then became powerful within the Caliphate and reimported Persian letters and language back into Western Iran and Iraq. Without Eastern Iran’s preiminent cultural and economic role, and the very limited influence of the Caliphate there, Persian might have gone the way of Coptic.
    The Zand dynasty (Persianسلسله زندیه‎‎, Silsilah-i Zandīyah) was an Iranian dynasty of Lak[1] a branch of Lurs[2]origin founded by Karim Khan Zand that initially ruled southern and central Iran in the 18th century. It later quickly came to expand to include much of the rest of contemporary Iran, as well as Azerbaijan, and parts of Iraq and ArmeniaThe dynasty was founded by Karim Khan, chief of the Zand tribe, which is a tribe of Laks,[1][3] a branch of Lurs[1] who may have been originally Kurdish. Nader Shah moved the Zand tribe from their home in Lakestan to the eastern steppes of Khorasan. After Nader’s death, the Zand tribe, under the guidance of Karim Khan, went back to their original land.[4] After Adil Shah was made king Karim Khan and his soldiers defected from the army and along with Ali Morad Khan Bakhtiari and Abolfath Khan Haft Lang, two other local chiefs, became a major contender but was challenged by several adversaries.[5] Abolfath Khan was the Prime Minister, Karim Khan became the army chief commander and Ali Morad Khan became the regent. Karim Khan declared Shiraz his capital, and in 1778 Tehran became the second capital. He gained control of central and southern parts of Iran. In order to add legitimacy to his claim, Karim Khan placed the infant Shah Ismail III, the grandson of the last Safavid king, on the throne in 1757. Ismail was a figurehead king and real power was vested in Karim Khan. Karim Khan chose to be the military commander and Alimardan Khan was the civil administrator. Soon enough Karim Khan managed to eliminate his partner as well as the puppet king and in 1760, founded his own dynasty. He refused to accept the title of the king and instead named himself The Advocate of the PeopleBy 1760, Karim Khan had defeated all his rivals and controlled all of Iran except Khorasan, in the northeast, which was ruled by Shah Rukh. His foreign campaigns against Azad Khan in Azerbaijan and against the Ottomans in Mesopotamia brought Azerbaijan and the province of Basra into his control. But he never stopped his campaigns against his arch-enemy, Mohammad Hassan Khan Qajar, the chief of the Qoyunlu Qajars. The latter was finally defeated by Karim Khan and his sons, Agha Mohammad Khan and Hossein Qoli Khan Qajar, were brought to Shiraz as hostages.Karim Khan's monuments in Shiraz include the famous Arg of Karim KhanVakil Bazaar, and several mosques and gardens. He is also responsible for building of a palace in the town of Tehran, the future capital of the Qajar dynasty.

    • In foreign policy, Karim Khan attempted to revive the Safavid era trade by allowing the British to establish a trading post in the port of Bushehr. This opened the hands of the British East India company in Iran and increased their influence in the country.[7] The taxation system was reorganized in a way that taxes were levied fairly. The judicial system was fair and generally humane. Capital punishment was rarely implemented.

    The Pahlavi dynasty (Persian: دودمان پهلوی‎‎) was the ruling house of Iran from 1925 until 1979, when the monarchy was overthrown and abolished as a result of the Iranian Revolution. The dynasty was founded by Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1925, a former Brigadier-General of the Persian Cossack Brigade, whose reign lasted until 1941 when he was forced to abdicate by the Alliesafter the Anglo-Soviet invasion. He was succeeded by his son, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran.  The Pahlavis came to power afterAhmad Shah Qajar, the last ruler of theQajar dynasty, proved unable to stop British and Soviet encroachment on Iranian sovereignty, had his position extremely weakened by a military coup, and was removed from power by the parliament while in France. The National Assembly, known as the Majlis, convening as a Constituent Assemblyon 12 December 1925, deposed the young Ahmad Shah Qajar, and declared Reza Shah the new monarch of theImperial State of Persia. In 1935, Reza Shah instructed foreign embassies to call Persia by its ancient name, Iran, and the official name Imperial State of Iran(Persian: کشور شاهنشاهی ایران‎‎ Keshvar-e Shāhanshāhi-ye Irān) was adopted.
    • 1971年10月12日至16日,自稱"王中王"的伊朗國王巴列維舉行有史以來最為奢華的大派對,慶祝波斯帝國建立2500週年。大沙漠中設計名師用37公里真絲建起豪華帳篷城;世界頂級餐館巴黎的馬克西姆停業兩星期來凖備珍饈美味;嘉賓來自世界各地,其中包括60多位國王、王后、總統。大規模慶典的目的,既是要展現波斯帝國的悠久歷史、燦爛文明,也是要彰顯當代伊朗在巴列維領導下取得的成就。巴列維希望借此舞台向世界宣告他的"伊朗夢":在強大的領導人帶領下實現經濟騰飛,復興波斯文明、重振帝國榮耀,趕超日本,棲身世界強國……但是,每一場派對都會留下宿醉,巴列維這次狂歡的後果不僅僅是頭痛。他的極盡奢華震驚了在貧困中掙扎的廣大伊朗民眾,讓反對力量更加堅定、團結。
    • any relation?
    • 澳洲昆士蘭大學二十歲男學生帕夫洛(Drew Pavlou),去年七月在校內組織支持香港反修例運動的集會,並在校內及社交網站上批評學校與中國政府之間的關係。他上月收到校方寄出的電子郵件,對他作出損害校譽等十一項指控;校方並考慮舉行閉門聽證會決定是否開除其學籍。事後有人發起網上聯署,要求校方撤銷對帕夫洛的退學處分,目前已有逾二萬五千人簽名。
    The Iran crisis of 1946, also known as the Iran-Azerbaijan Crisis, followed the end of World War II and stemmed from the Soviet Union's refusal to relinquish occupied Iranian territory, despite repeated assurances. In 1941 Iran had been jointly invaded and occupied by the Allied powers of the Soviet Red Army in the north and by the British in the centre and south. Iran was used by the Americans and the British as a transportation route to provide vital supplies to the Soviet Union's war efforts. As of August 1941, the United States was a neutral nation and had not yet entered as a belligerent in World War II. Therefore, the bloc known as 'The Allies' were principally (with Poland and France occupied by Germany in 1939 and 1940, respectively) the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, recently forming their alliance after the German invasion of territories of the Western Soviet Union in June 1941. In the aftermath of the occupation of Iran, those Allied forces agreed to withdraw from Iran within six months after the cessation of hostilities. However, when this deadline came in early 1946, the Soviets, under Joseph Stalin, remained in Iran and local pro-Soviet Iranians proclaimed a separatist People's Republic of Azerbaijan. In late 1945, in addition to the People's Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Mahabad also came into existence. Soon, the alliance of the Kurdish and People's Azerbaijani forces, supported in arms and training by the Soviet Union, engaged in fighting with Iranian forces, resulting in a total of 2,000 casualties. Negotiation by Iranian premier Ahmad Qavam and diplomatic pressure on the Soviets by the United States eventually led to Soviet withdrawal. The crisis is seen as one of the early conflicts in the growing Cold War at the time.
    The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup (Persian: کودتای ۲۸ مرداد‎‎), was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953, orchestrated by the United Kingdom (under the name "Operation Boot") and the United States (under the name TPAJAXProject or "Operation Ajax"). Mossadegh had sought to audit the documents of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), a British corporation (now part of BP) and to limit the company's control over Iranian petroleum reserves. Upon the refusal of the AIOC to co-operate with the Iranian government, the parliament (Majlis) voted to nationalize Iran's oil industry and to expel foreign corporate representatives from the country.After this vote, Britain instigated a worldwide boycott of Iranian oil to pressure Iran economically.Initially, Britain mobilized its military to seize control of the British-built Abadan oil refinery, then the world's largest, but Prime Minister Clement Attlee opted instead to tighten the economic boycott while using Iranian agents to undermine Mosaddegh's government. Winston Churchill and the Eisenhower administration decided to overthrow Iran's government, though the predecessor Truman administrationhad opposed a coup.Classified documents show that British intelligence officials played a pivotal role in initiating and planning the coup, and that the AIOC contributed $25,000 towards the expense of bribing officials.[17] In August 2013, 60 years after, the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) admitted that it was in charge of both the planning and the execution of the coup, including the bribing of Iranian politicians, security and army high-ranking officials, as well as pro-coup propaganda.[18][19] The CIA is quoted acknowledging the coup was carried out "under CIA direction" and "as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government". Following the coup in 1953, a government under General Fazlollah Zahedi was formed which allowed Mohammad-Rezā Shāh Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran (Persian for an Iranian king), to rule more firmly as monarch. He relied heavily on United States support to hold on to power. According to the CIA's declassified documents and records, some of the most feared mobsters in Tehran were hired by the CIA to stage pro-Shah riots on 19 August. Other CIA-paid men were brought into Tehran in buses and trucks, and took over the streets of the city. Between 200 and 300 people were killed because of the conflict. Mosaddegh was arrested, tried and convicted of treason by the Shah's military court. On 21 December 1953, he was sentenced to three years in jail, then placed under house arrest for the remainder of his life. Other Mosaddegh supporters were imprisoned, and several received the death penalty.[12] After the coup, the Shah continued his rule as monarch for the next 26 years until he was overthrown in the Iranian Revolution in 1979.


    - ????The White Revolution (Persianانقلاب سفید‎ Enqelāb-e Sefid) or The Shah and People Revolution (Persianانقلاب شاه و مردم‎ Enqelāb-e Shāh va Mardom) was a far-reaching series of reforms in Iran launched in 1963 by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and lasted until 1978. Mohammad Reza Shah’s reform program was built especially to weaken those classes that supported the traditional system. It consisted of several elements, including land reform, sale of some state-owned factories to finance this land reform, construction of an expanded road, rail, and air network, a number of dam and irrigation projects, the eradication of diseases such as malaria, the encouragement and support of industrial growth, enfranchisement of women, nationalization of forests and pastures, formation of literacy and health corps for rural isolated areas, and institution of profit sharing schemes for workers in industry. In the 1960s and ’70s the shah sought to develop a more independent foreign policy and established working relationships with the Soviet Union and eastern European nations. In subsequent decades, per capita income for Iranians skyrocketed, and oil revenue fueled an enormous increase in state funding for industrial development projects.
    • scmp remember a day column  Iran’s elite Imperial Guard rolled out tanks, anti-aircraft guns, and crack commandos to demonstrate that they would “shed their last drop of blood” for the Shah. The “Immortal Brigade” showed their patriotism during a military exercise at the Lavizan base, where they screamed: “Long live the Shah, death to all traitors.”
    - 1979 revolution
    • ft 26may2021 young iranians find freedom in wild camping

    The Huma (Persianهما‎‎, pronounced HomāAvestanHomāio), also Homa, is a mythical bird of Iranian legends and fables, and continuing as a common motif in Sufi and Diwan poetry. Although there are many legends of the creature, common to all is that the bird is said to never alight on the ground, and instead to live its entire life flying invisibly high above the earth. A British Museum catalog captions a photograph of the griffin-like capitals at Persepolis with "Column capital in the form of griffins (locally known as 'homa birds')". The Persian language acronym for "Iran National Airline" is HOMA and the airline's emblem is the stylized rendering of a Persepolis capital. Herman Melville briefly alludes to the bird in Moby-Dick. At the beginning of the chapter entitled "The Tail," the narrator speaks of "the bird that never alights." It is also referred to in movie Days of Being Wild by Wong Kar-wai and the play "Orpheus Descending" byTennessee Williams.[citation neededThe literature series Dragonlance named Krynn's greatest hero, Huma Dragonbane, after the Huma bird.

    ethnic group
    - persian
    - azeri
    - gilaki and mazandarani
    - kurd
    - arab
    - lur
    - baluch
    - turkman

    - 1953 coup

    • Once expunged from official State Department history, the U.S.-backed 1953 coup in Iran and what led up to it can be glimpsed in documents that the department has quietly published. The operation ultimately pushed the country toward its Islamic Revolution and hostility with the West. The CIA's role in the coup, which toppled Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddegh and cemented the control of the shah, was well known when the State Department offered its first compendium on the era in 1989. But any trace of American involvement in the putsch had been wiped from the report, causing historians to call it a fraud.
    - 伊朗人質危機事件發生於1979年11月4日,一批學生闖入美國大使館,要求美方遣返同年稍早被推翻、之後流亡海外到美國就醫的國王巴列維。事件僵持444日才結束,52名美國人質最終獲釋,惟美國翌年與伊朗斷交,兩國自此交惡。
    USS Vincennes (CG-49) was a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser outfitted with the Aegis combat system that was in service with the United States Navy from July 1985 to June 2005.Vincennes was commissioned in 1985, and saw service in the Pacific before being dispatched to the Persian Gulf in 1988 in support Operation Earnest Will during the Iran–Iraq War. Operating in this capacity the cruiser shot down Iran Air Flight 655over the Persian Gulf, sparking an international incident between Iran and the United States. Following the cessation of hostilities, Vincennes returned to the Pacific Fleet where she remained for the rest of her active career. According to today in history, a compensation was paid.
    - Reza Zarrab, a gold trader at the center of a bribery scandal that engulfed Turkey’s leadership more than two years ago, was charged by the U.S. of running a scheme to help the Iranian government launder hundreds of millions of dollars and evade economic sanctions. Zarrab, 33, owner and operator of Royal Holding A.S., and two others, are accused of using a web of companies over five years to induce U.S. banks to unwittingly process transactions that violated international sanctions against Iran, according to an indictment unsealed on Monday. The charges are a blow to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has repeatedly insisted that allegations of corruption against him and his inner circle were nothing more than a coup attempt. In response to the scandal centered around Zarrab in 2013, Erdogan turned Turkey’s bureaucracy upside-down, dismissing thousands of state employees, police officers and prosecutors, with many jailed. He also labeled a group of former allies he blamed for the accusations, the Gulen religious movement, a terrorist organization.
    - The US was Iran’s major market for Persian rugs and the sanctions caused total carpet exports to drop by 30 per cent — the embargo meant no American could buy, sell or import Persian rugs, even if they were purchased outside of the Islamic republic. But now, with many of the west’s sanctions lifted after Tehran reached a historic nuclear deal with western powers last year, the industry is enjoying a boom as sales to America soar. Persian carpet exports were up 39 per cent in the four months to July 21, with American devotees of the Iranian artistry the main buyers. The surge is providing a rare bright spot for Iran amid mounting frustrations about foreign companies’ wariness to take advantage of the post-sanctions era and provide the economic dividend Iranians expected.
    - 美籍華裔公民王夕越早前被伊朗指控,涉嫌「滲透」當地為英美多個機構收集「高度機密文章」。伊朗國營電視台播出片段,顯示王夕越表示若美國能更深入了解伊朗,便可以制訂更好的政策。有報道認為,這個時候播出片段是為了向特朗普施壓。
    - ????? Rudy Giuliani appeared at a rally against Iran’s regime in Warsaw on Wednesday at the behest of a controversial group once labelled a terrorist organisation by Washington, and without the approval of the Trump administration. Mr Giuliani, who serves as Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, said he attended the demonstration at the invitation of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), an Iranian resistance group that was on the US state department’s terrorist list until 2012. The former New York mayor has represented MEK for 11 years, but his work for the group has come under renewed scrutiny since he assumed a formal role in Mr Trump’s legal team in April. He has acknowledged giving a paid speech for the group in May and appeared at an MEK event outside Paris in July.
    - china daily 26aug19 tehren blacklists us-based thinktank - foundation for defense of democracies
    - sanction

    • 美國國務院周二宣布,首次對伊朗民用太空項目實施制裁,受影響的包括伊朗太空總署,及其下屬的兩個研究中心。伊朗總統魯哈尼隨即表示,不會和美國舉行任何雙邊會面,並威脅會在數天內進一步減少對核協議的履行承諾。
    • faq

    Germany, France and the UK have set up a payment channel with Iran called INSTEX, to help continue trade and circumvent US sanctions. Washington has cautioned EU nations against such actions. The channel, set up by Germany, France and the UK, is called  INSTEX — short for "Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges."

    • 比利時、丹麥、芬蘭、挪 威、荷蘭及瑞典前日起加入機制,法德 英對此表示歡迎。
    - ****The Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) was a British company founded in 1908 following the discovery of a large oil field in Masjed Soleiman, Iran. The British government purchased 51% of the company in 1914, gaining a controlling number of shares, effectively nationalizing the company. It was the first company to extract petroleum from Iran. In 1935 APOC was renamed the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) when Reza Shah Pahlavi formally asked foreign countries to refer to Persia by its endonym Iran.In 1954, it was renamed again to the British Petroleum Company (BP), one of the antecedents of the modern BP public limited company. The government of Mohammad Mosaddegh nationalized the company's local infrastructure assets and gave the new company the name National Iranian Oil Company. The British waged a trade war with Iran rather than pay Iran's new prices (the arrangement since 1901 had been that Iran got only 16% of the profits) and, with the United States' CIA, arranged a military coup to depose Mosaddegh and install a regime more favorable to the UK.In 1901, William Knox D'Arcy, a millionaire London socialite, negotiated an oil concession with Mozaffar al-Din Shah Qajar of Persia. He financed this with capital he had made from his shares in the highly profitable Mount Morgan mine in Queensland, Australia. D'Arcy assumed exclusive rights to prospect for oil for 60 years in a vast tract of territory including most of Iran. In exchange the Shah received £20,000 (£2.2 million today),[2] an equal amount in shares of D'Arcy's company, and a promise of 16% of future profits.D'Arcy hired geologist George Bernard Reynolds to do the prospecting in the Iranian desert. Conditions were extremely harsh: "small pox raged, bandits and warlords ruled, water was all but unavailable, and temperatures often soared past 50°C".[5] After several years of prospecting, D'Arcy's fortune dwindled away and he was forced to sell most of his rights to a Glasgow-based syndicate, the Burmah Oil Company.On 14 April 1909, Burmah Oil created the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) as a subsidiary and also sold shares to the public.Volume production of Persian oil products eventually started in 1913 from a refinery built at Abadan, for its first 50 years the largest oil refinery in the world (see Abadan Refinery). In 1913, shortly before World War I, APOC managers negotiated with a new customer, Winston Churchill, who was then First Lord of the Admiralty. Churchill, as a part of a three-year expansion program, sought to modernise Britain's Royal Navy by abandoning the use of coal-fired steamships and adopting oil as fuel for its ships instead. Although Britain had large reserves of coal, oil had the advantage of greater energy density, allowing a longer steaming range for a ship for the same bunker capacity. Furthermore, Churchill wanted to free Britain from its reliance on the Standard Oil and Royal Dutch Shell oil companies. In exchange for secure oil supplies for its ships, the British government injected new capital into the company and, in doing so, acquired a controlling interest in APOC. The contract that was set up between the British Government and APOC was to hold for 20 years. The British government also became a de facto hidden power behind the oil company.APOC took a 50% share in a new Turkish Petroleum Company (TPC) organised in 1912 by Calouste Gulbenkian to explore and develop oil resources in the Ottoman Empire. After a hiatus caused by World War I, it reformed and struck an immense gusher at Kirkuk, Iraq in 1927, renaming itself the Iraq Petroleum Company.In 1920, the APOC also acquired a northern oil concession that had been formally granted in 1916 to a former Russian subject, the Georgian Akaki Khoshtaria. To manage this new acquisition, the APOC formed a new subsidiary, the North Persia Oil Company, but the Iranians refused to accept the new company, giving rise to a lingering dispute over the northern Iranian oil.[9]:61–65

    In 1923, a large quantity of oil was found at Naftkhana (now Khanaqin in Diyala Province), which was considered a "transferred territory" along the Iran-Iraq border.[10] The Khanaqin Oil Company was registered in London as an APOC subsidiary.During this period, Iranian popular opposition to the D'Arcy oil concession and royalty terms whereby Iran only received 16% of net profits was widespread. Since industrial development and planning, as well as other fundamental reforms were predicated on oil revenues, the government's lack of control over the oil industry served to accentuate the Iranian government's misgivings regarding the manner in which APOC conducted its affairs in Iran. Such a pervasive atmosphere of dissatisfaction seemed to suggest that a radical revision of the concession terms would be possible. Moreover, owing to the introduction of reforms that improved fiscal order in Iran, APOC's past practice of cutting off advances in oil royalties when its demands were not met had lost much of its sting.In 1923, Burmah employed Winston Churchill as a paid consultant to lobby the British government to allow APOC to have exclusive rights to Persian oil resources, which were subsequently granted.[12] In 1925, TPC received concession in the Mesopotamian oil resources from the Iraqi government under British mandate. TPC finally struck oil in Iraq on 14 October 1927. In 1928, the APOC's shareholding in TPC, which by now was named Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC), would be reduced to 23.75%; as the result of the changing geopolitics post Ottoman Empire break-up, and the Red Line Agreement.Later in March 1951, the Iranian parliament, the Majlis, voted to nationalise the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) and its holdings, and shortly thereafter the Iranian public elected a champion of nationalisation, Mohammed Mossadegh, as prime minister.[22] That led to the Abadan Crisis, in which, under British pressure, foreign countries agreed not to purchase Iranian oil, and the Abadan refinery was closed. The AIOC withdrew from Iran and increased the output of its other reserves in the Persian Gulf.Mossadegh broke off negotiations with the AIOC in July 1951, after the AIOC threatened to pull its employees out of Iran, and Britain warned tanker owners that "the receipts from the Iranian government would not be accepted on the world market."[23] The British ratcheted up the pressure on the Iranian government and drew up a detailed plan of an invasion to occupy Abadan, a contingency plan known by the code name "Buccaneer". That plan was ultimately rejected by both Clement Attlee and Winston Churchill.[24] US President Harry S. Truman and US ambassador to Iran Henry F. Grady opposed intervention in Iran but needed Britain's support for the Korean War.With a pro-Western Shah and the new pro-Western Prime Minister, Fazlollah Zahedi, Iranian oil began flowing again and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, which changed its name to British Petroleum (BP) in 1954, tried to return to its old position. However, Iranian public opinion was so opposed that the new government could not permit it.Under pressure from the United States, BP was forced to accept membership in a consortium of companies which would bring Iranian oil back on the international market. BP was incorporated in London in 1954 as a holding company called Iranian Oil Participants Ltd (IOP).[38][39] The founding members of IOP included British Petroleum (40%), Gulf Oil (8%), Royal Dutch Shell (14%), and Compagnie Française des Pétroles (later Total S.A., 6%). The four Aramco partners — Standard Oil of California (SoCal, later Chevron), Standard Oil of New Jersey (later Exxon), Standard Oil Co. of New York (later Mobil, then ExxonMobil), and Texaco – each held an 8% stake in the holding company.[38][40] In addition, these companies paid Anglo-Iranian about $90 million for their 60 percent share in the consortium, and a further $500 million, paid out of a ten cent per barrel royalty. The Shah signed the agreement on 29 October 1954, and oil flowed from Abadan the next day. Within a few months each of the American companies contributed 1 percent to Iricon, a consortium made up of nine independent American companies, which included Phillips, Richfield, Standard of Ohio, and Ashland.[6]:476–478

    This group of companies at various stages came to be known as the Supermajors, the "Seven Sisters", or the "Consortium for Iran" cartel, and dominated the global petroleum industry from the mid-1940s to the 1970s. Until the oil crisis of 1973, the members of the Seven Sisters controlled around 85% of the world's known oil reserves.All IOP members acknowledged that the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) owned the oil and facilities in Iran, and IOP's role was to operate and manage them on behalf of NIOC. To facilitate that, IOP established two operating entities incorporated in the Netherlands, and both were delegated to NIOC.[38][39] Similar to the Saudi-Aramco "50/50" agreement of 1950,[43] the consortium agreed to share profits on a 50–50 basis with Iran, "but not to open its books to Iranian auditors or to allow Iranians onto its board of directors."[30] The negotiations leading to the creation of the consortium, during 1954–55, was considered as a feat of skillful diplomacy for the "Seven Sisters". Some viewed the move as one to quell the rising tensions of Iranians since it allowed IOP to divert and hide profits with ease—effectively controlling Iran's share of the profits.

    • Scottish Oils Ltd, established by Anglo-Persian in 1919 by merging five Scottish oil shale companies (Young's Paraffin Light & Mineral Oil Company, Broxburn Oil Company, Pumpherston Shale Oil Company, Oakbank Oil Company and James Ross & Company Philpstoun Oil Works), was a producer of shale oil. Shale oil production in Scotland ceased in the early 1960s but there was an unsuccessful attempt to revive it in 1973.[48] The company was wound up on 15 December 2010.[49] The Scottish Oil Agency Ltd was a distributing and selling organisation of Scottish Oils Ltd.[50] A Scottish Oil Agency rail tanker is preserved at the Museum of the Scottish Shale Oil Industry.

    - ???????伊朗國營電視台周日引述伊朗官員報道,英國向伊朗償還4億鎊(約43億港元)的債務後,伊朗會釋放擁有英國和伊朗雙重國籍的女子納扎尼。惟英國外交部淡化報道。另有英媒報道,伊朗持續利用社交網等渠道散播假消息,鼓動蘇格蘭獨立主義。

    - Russia and Iran have always co-operated. Even during the reign of Shah Reza Pahlavi, who was swept from power by the 1979 Islamic revolution, Iran and the Soviet Union had joint industrial projects, and Tehran even bought Soviet military hardware. Under the Shah, who was considered to be a key U.S. ally, the Soviet Union built a major repair plant for armored vehicles, Babak, which has lasted until today. After the Islamic revolution, relations became more complicated, starting with the denunciation shortly after the 1979 Islamic revolution by Iran of articles 5 and 6 of the Soviet-Iranian Treaty of 1921, which were very sensitive for Moscow, since they contained mutual obligations to prohibit the presence of troops hostile to Russia or Iran within their respective territories. But cooperation in various fields continued even during fierce ideological debates between Moscow and Tehran. Today, there is a new surge of Russian-Iranian cooperation, which outrages the West. But contrary to popular belief, most of these projects are economic in nature. Of course, Russia and Iran both support the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. The Russian air force used Iran’s Hamadan airbase in August.
    - business delegation to iran and plan to build two nuclear plants

    - diplomatic relations
    - 1953 coup

    • The British government in 1952 repeatedly asked the US to join in a coup aimed at toppling Mohammad Mosaddegh, Iran’s prime minister, according to newly declassified State Department documents. The files offer “the first officially-released confirmation of Britain’s expressed aim in late 1952 to persuade Washington to help oust Mosaddegh,” according to two scholars affiliated with the National Security Archive, the private non-partisan research organisation that obtained the documents.  The “Top Secret” State Department memoranda — including one entitled “British proposal to organise a coup d’état in Iran” — also offer fresh insights into London’s assessment of Iranian politics and the threat to British interests that eventually led to the August 1953 coup.  That anti-government uprising, backed by Britain and the US, toppled Mosaddegh, ushered in more than two decades of authoritarian rule by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and embittered relations between Tehran and the west. 
    • BBC「以新聞當武器」的往績,可謂史不絕書。以1953年的伊朗政變為例,時任總理摩薩台下令將伊朗石油業國有化,而在此之前,伊朗的石油資源一直由英國的英伊石油公司所掌控,利益大頭歸英方。摩薩台膽敢動英國人的奶酪,英國軍情六處(MI6)遂指導BBC波斯語頻道,播送大量醜化摩薩台的報道甚至假新聞。
    - ransom

    • 英籍伊朗裔女子納扎尼去年四月回鄉探親時,被伊朗政府以涉嫌參與間諜活動拘捕。伊朗駐英國大使上周五表示,英國政府會於數日內向伊朗償還約四十六億五千萬港元債務。外界批評英國向伊朗「跪低」,以支付贖金換取釋放納扎尼。
    - 伊朗外交部上周六表示,當日傳召英國駐伊朗大使馬卡伊雷(Rob Macaire),抗議英國有波斯語系傳媒呼籲杯葛上周五的伊朗總統選舉。伊朗外交部西歐事務主管傳召馬卡伊雷,要求英方解釋設在英國的伊朗總統選舉海外票站運作受阻礙一事。在上周五,有反伊朗政府示威者到伊朗駐倫敦大使館外抗議,他們形容這是一場「羞恥的選舉」,另有示威者在伯明翰票站外與伊朗政府支持者衝突。此外,伊朗向馬卡伊雷投訴總部設於倫敦的電視台「伊朗國際」(Iran International),以及英國廣播公司旗下的波斯語電視台鼓勵民眾杯葛投票及上街示威。

    - Germany's top ten industrial giants flew to Iran on Sunday in order to discuss future economic cooperation, after the protracted negotiation between the P5+1 and Iran finally borne fruit this week. According to Iran's Oil Ministry Director General for Europe, US and Caspian Countries Hossein Esmayeeli, Germany's delegation of its top ten industrial companies headed by German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel are due to arrive in Iran on Sunday.
    - Three Iranian banks namely Middle East Bank, Saman Bank and Sina Bank are planning to open branches in German cities to increase Iran's trade relations with Europe, according to Iran's ambassador to Germany.

    - gas

    • Iran says French energy giant Total is to sign a contract worth close to $5bn (£3.8bn) to develop an offshore gas field in the Gulf. It is the biggest foreign deal since most economic sanctions against the country were lifted in 2016. Oil ministry officials said the deal to develop the South Pars gas field would be signed on Monday in Tehran, with Total getting a 50.1% stake. China's CNPC would hold a 30% stake and Iran's Petropars 19.9%. Total was planning to sign the contract several months ago, but decided to wait and see if the Trump administration in the US would re-impose sanctions on Tehran.

    - business delegation to iran

    • One sector was notably missing from France’s historic business delegation to Iran this week: the country’s biggest banks.More than 100 top companies from the CAC 40, including Total, Peugeot and Airbus arrived in Tehran on Monday as part of an economic and political delegation to forge business links ahead of the lifting of international sanctions on Iran.  
    • , French and Iranian companies had inked nine commercial deals by the time Rouhani met with French President Francois Hollande. The one that carried the largest price tag was with Airbus, which agreed to sell Iran Air 118 jets worth 22.8 billion euros ($25 billion). Iran is looking to revitalize its economy now that most Western sanctions have been lifted following a landmark deal over the country's nuclear program. Rouhani was just in Rome, where signed agreements worth more than $15 billion.Other big winners on Thursday included French car maker Peugeot-Citroen, which said it would work with Iran Khodro to manufacture 200,000 cars a year outside Tehran, and oil and gas company Total, which came to an understanding with the National Iranian Oil Company on purchases of crude oil. Total did not provide further details on its agreement, but French media cited the company's chief executive as saying the deal would allow for the import of between 150,000 and 200,000 barrels per day. Iran sits on massive oil reserves but had trouble selling its product abroad while sanctions were still in place. Its return to oil markets has been met with disdain by other major energy exporters,such as Saudi Arabia, which lament an already oversupplied global market and, consequently, low oil prices.

    - investors from France

    • AccorHotels, the French group, is to take over two hotels in Iran and wants to secure at least 100 more over the next decade, as a breakthrough nuclear deal with world powers paves the way for a boost in the country’s untapped hospitality sector. Sébastien Bazin, Accor’s chief executive who was in Tehran on Tuesday to sign a deal to run two airport hotels, said his company has been interested in the Iranian market for a “long, long time”. 
      Airbus is poised to re-enter the Iranian aircraft market as the international community prepares to lift sanctions that have paralysed the country’s economy. Fabrice Brégier, head of Airbus’s passenger jet unit, said the company had an understanding of future aircraft needs from Iranian airlines and officials, thanks to its existing business supplying certain parts and safety services.

      - Italy and Iran signed billions of dollars of business deals on Monday at the start of a visit to Europe by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani aimed at rebuilding his nation's ties with the West after years of economic sanctions. Heading a 120-strong delegation of business leaders and ministers, Rouhani will spend two days in Rome before flying to France on Wednesday, looking to polish Tehran's diplomatic credentials at a time of turmoil in the Middle East.
      An Italian government source said the Iranians would sign up to 17 billion euros ($18.4 billion) worth of deals in sectors from energy to infrastructure and from steel to shipbuilding. "This is just the beginning of a journey. There are sectors where we must work closer together," Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said, standing alongside Rouhani. "I am sure this visit will be a fundamental part of our ability to overcome together the challenge of fighting terrorism, atrocity and evil that we all have to confront together," Renzi added, referring specifically to Islamic State militants, who oppose Iran and the West in equal measure.

      - The international integrated oil and gas OMV Company, based in Austria's Vienna, will start developing Iran's Band-e Karkheh oilfield in the near future, semi-official Fars news agency reported on Tuesday quoting an Iranian energy official as saying. "The OMV will soon start development activities in Band-e Karkheh oilfield," the executive manager of the project to develop the oilfield, Alireza Zamani, said on Tuesday. "The operation will be carried out based on a discovery and development contract between the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and the OMV firm," Zamani said.

      Novo Nordisk is to become the first western pharmaceuticals company to build a manufacturing plant in Iran, in a sign of confidence in the country’s economy after its nuclear deal with the US and other world powers. The Danish drugmaker said it would invest €70m in a facility to make insulin pens for local use, creating 160 jobs and increasing the company’s access to the about 5m Iranians with diabetes.

      Iran wants Norway help for spare parts. China Daily - 2017-11-28

      middle east

      Ahwazi Arabs are an Arab community in Iran which resides mostly in the resource rich Khuzestan Province in southern Iran, bordering Iraq. This area is known as Ahwaz by the Arab community, and the capital of Khuzestan is Ahvaz. Ahwazi Arabs are the largest Arab community residing in Iran. The majority are Shia, while a minority, concentrated in the coastal areas, are Sunni Muslims.

      Saudi arabia
      - Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, claimed Saudi Arabia was tying its fate to “terrorists” after Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief, took the highly unusual decision to address a meeting of the Mujahedin Khalq Organisation (MEK) in Paris over the weekend. The exiled MEK is Iran’s most organised opposition group, although it has little support inside the country.

      -  Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani is in Tehran on Sunday amid regional tensions following the US killing of Iranian commander and Iran accidentally shooting down a Ukrainian jetliner.According to several sources, the reason for the visit is for the Emir of Qatar to offer President Hassan Rouhani $3 billion in compensation for the 176 passengers who lost their lives following Iran’s admission that it shot down the Ukraine-bound aircraft after mistaking it for a ‘hostile target’.

      - India approved a $150 million project to develop the strategic Iranian port of Chabahar, which includes a transit route to Afghanistan bypassing Pakistan, a government statement said on Wednesday. New Delhi signed a multi-million-dollar memorandum of understanding with Tehran last May to develop the port on its southeastern coast, but the deal had been stuck since. The approval came at a cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Iran quashes talk of undermining Gwadar port The statement said the project would “provide opportunities to Indian companies to penetrate and enhance its footprint in the region.” “Cabinet approves provision of credit of $150 million USD to Islamic Republic of Iran for Chabahar port development,” the statement said. “India is negotiating this project to facilitate the growing trade and investment with Iran and other countries in the region, notably Afghanistan..,” it added. The port’s location will also help it compete with China, which is investing heavily in Gwadar port in Balochistan, in the race to boost business interests in the region.

      - historical ties
      • 今年適逢日本與伊朗建交90周年,日本油輪「日章丸」與電視劇《阿信》,成兩國持續友好要因之二,也讓安倍更有信心能讓美國與伊朗「核解」融冰。伊朗一直跟日本保持友好關係,其中一個原因是舉世聞名的「日章丸事件」。1953年,日本出光石油的油輪日章丸衝破英國封鎖,駛往伊朗,成功滿載石油製品回到日本,轟動全球,史稱「日章丸事件」,日伊因此牽起友誼之手。日本與伊朗在1974年給予雙方國民免簽待遇,時任日本首相的福田赳夫也在1978年前往伊朗訪問。另一方面,安倍曾於1983年以秘書官身份,隨父親前外務大臣安倍晉太郎訪問伊朗;安倍當時見到擔任伊朗總統的哈梅內伊。除了政治經濟聯繫關聯,日本電視連續劇《阿信》,在伊朗播出後也廣受喜愛。

      • 日本經濟產業省官員周一承認,曾向美國尋求豁免,以繼續進口伊朗原油。外界普遍認為獲豁免機會不大,日本多間石油商正準備自十月起停止購買伊朗原油,並研究從其他地區入貨。

      - investors from japan

      • Japan Tobacco International has bought an Iranian cigarette maker in an attempt to reinforce its position as the market leader in a country which hopes to open up to western companies once international sanctions over its nuclear programme are removed. The company said JTI Pars, its Iranian subsidiary, had recently acquired the privately owned Arian Tobacco Industry (ATI) for an undisclosed amount.
      north korea
      -聯合國早前一份報告指,伊朗與北韓去年已恢復合作發展長程導彈,美國塔夫斯大學學者李晟允(Sung-Yoon Lee)表示,兩國有長期及密切夥伴關係,認為雙方在對美問題早有共識。

      - 美國總統特朗普加強對伊朗制裁,並力促所有國家停止從伊朗進口石油,否則進口國亦會面臨制裁。伊朗石油部長桑加尼(Bijan Zanganeh)周一表示,南韓已停止由德黑蘭購入原油,但揚言美國試圖中止伊朗石油出口的企圖不會得逞。
      4日,韓國籍油輪「韓國化學號」及20名船員被伊朗扣押。伊方表示,涉事船隻載有7200噸石油化工原料,因屢次違反環保條例被扣。美韓兩國均呼籲伊朗立即釋放該油輪。韓國表示將盡快派遣代表團處理此事,並將清海部隊驅逐艦「崔瑩」號派遣到霍爾木茲海峽附近。韓國外交部副部長崔鍾建原定10日訪伊,受此事影響或難成行。  伊朗在韓國銀行的70億美元資金因美國制裁而被凍結,導致近期韓伊關係緊繃。不過,伊朗否認扣押韓國油輪是對此事的報復。
      • 南韓副外長崔鍾建周日前往伊朗德黑蘭展開為期3日的訪問,商討釋放油輪和船員等問題。惟伊朗副外長阿拉格奇(Abbas Araghchi)稱,首爾不應該把事件政治化,油輪是因污染環境被扣;強調在伊朗法院作出裁決前,油輪不會前往任何地方。

      - historical ties
      • 中國與伊朗的交往可追溯至公元前2世紀。西漢時期張騫派副使到安息(即今天的伊朗),打通了中國經此至羅馬的商貿通道,即古絲綢之路。此後,中國與伊朗之間的往來連綿不斷。1971年中伊建交以來,雙方各領域友好合作關係不斷髮展。特別是近年來,中國與伊朗高層互訪頻繁。隨?中國與伊朗友好關係日益發展,雙邊經貿合作也不斷增強,兩國貿易額1998年僅為12億美元,2014年已增至518億美元,中國連續6年保持伊朗第一大貿易伙伴國地位。 目前,近百家中國公司活躍在中國與伊朗經貿合作的各個領域。伊朗高鐵、油氣、水電、化工、電信等領域的一大批建設工程都包含?中國人的智慧結晶。
      • 今天的伊朗,古時曾建立波斯帝國,簡稱波斯國。波斯國其勢力範圍最大東到印度,北到高加索,南到印度洋,西到埃及。現在的伊朗、伊拉克和阿富汗都曾經屬於當年古波斯帝國的版圖 。波斯帝國始於公元前550年居魯士大帝開創阿契美尼德王朝,終於1935年巴列維王朝禮薩.汗改國名為伊朗。波斯帝國全盛時期領土東起印度河平原、帕米爾高原,南抵埃及、利比亞,西至小亞細亞、巴爾幹半島,北達高加索山脈、鹹海。早在公元前2世紀,中國與波斯民間就已開闢「絲綢之路」,西通羅馬。漢代的東西交通,有水陸兩途。漢代多由陸路,經由中國西部以達安息(波斯)、天竺(印度),大秦(古代羅馬)。在中國許多漢墓出土的絲織刺繡中的藝術圖案,有聯珠對鴨紋錦,聯珠騎士紋飾,聯珠鶯鳥紋綿等,都受到古代波斯工藝美術的濃重影響。歷史上,波斯曾成為東西方陸路的要衝和經濟文化交流的中間站,中國的絲綢和養蠶、織絲技藝傳入波斯,古代波斯詩人費多西在他的詩中曾盛讚中國的織錦。薑、肉桂、大黃、土獲荃等藥材也是由中國傳往波斯和西亞的。中國有許多東西來源於波斯,或是經由波斯傳入的,波斯成為「中介站」。中國古代的絲織品在波斯得到很高的盛譽,由波斯再傳入其他國家。因此,波斯與中國的文化藝術相互交往學習已有逾兩千年的歷史。而波斯人的足跡也隨之踏遍整個東方絲綢國家。隋唐時,長安東市、西市都有波斯人的「胡店」及波斯邸,又稱「胡邸」,銷售西亞及非洲的象牙、犀角、香料和珠寶。同時,中國的絲帛、瓷器、茶葉也擺滿了巴格達的集市。此外,入華波斯人在唐朝的活動,說明波斯文化與中華文化在唐朝的相互影響與交融。其中最典型的材料,是近年才真正為學界所知的波斯回族李素一家的事跡,他們作為波斯貴裔,入仕唐朝;他們保持自己的景教信仰,把波斯系統的占星學引入中國;他們接受中華文化,甚至中國禮儀;他們使用李唐姓氏,並融入中國社會。

      - When Tehran adopted a “Look East” policy nearly a decade ago to reverse Iran’s dependence on western technology, its sights were set on China. Amid anti-western rhetoric and the tightening of international sanctions imposed over Tehran’s nuclear programme, China replaced Germany as Iran’s top trading partner, accounting for almost half the Islamic republic’s foreign trade. However, since Tehran’s nuclear agreement in July, with the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany, and in the expectation of improved ties with the west, many in Iran’s business community feel able to express their perception that China has not proved itself to be a friend in time of need. “In the absence of rivals, Chinese groups imposed conditions by increasing prices and delaying deliveries, while Iranian industrialists felt forced to use Chinese products,” says Mohsen Safaei Farahani, former deputy economy minister. When sanctions are removed — the timetable has yet to be determined — and the country’s doors open to western products, some analysts expect Iranians to retaliate by taking their business elsewhere. “What is definite is that the speed of growth of trade with China will decrease as of 2017, when the risks of business with Iran will decline, and hence there will be less room for China to manoeuvre,” says Mr Safaei Farahani.


      - ran’s ambassador to China has called on Beijing to step up its role in the Middle East as the two nations look to establish a strategic partnership during President Xi Jinping’s (習近平) trip to the region this week. Xi’s trip, which comes amid rising fears over regional terrorism and increasing tensions between Tehran and Riyadh, would focus mainly on economic cooperation, Ali Asghar Khaji said. Beijing would seek to promote its One Belt, One Road initiatives, while Tehran would look to sign related agreements and a free-trade deal, he said. Xi’s trip, which starts tomorrow and will see him visit Saudi Arabia, Iran and Egypt, is his first overseas tour this year. It comes as Beijing positions itself as a key player in major international affairs in a bid for diplomatic clout to match its economic power.
      - 中國與伊朗上月簽署為期25年的合作協議,協議基本上加強兩國在經貿、能源和安全領域的全方位合作。伊朗外交部發言人哈提卜扎德稱,協議是貿易、經濟和運輸合作的路線圖,特別着重兩國的私營領域。最高領袖哈梅內伊的顧問穆罕默德則說,伊朗面臨國際孤立,石油需要買家,中國就是了。據外媒報道,中國大幅增加在伊朗能源、電力、銀行、電訊、港口、鐵路及農業等方面的投資,並在克什姆島等地設立自由貿易區、智慧城市、5G和多個城市的鐵路建設。《石油經濟學人》則指中國最初5年投資2,800億美元在石油、天然氣和石化行業,並會在交通和基礎設施領域投資1,200億美元,而這些交易是用人民幣和「以物易物」的方式交易。伊朗備受國際孤立,美國全面制裁,就是一些中國企業與伊朗間接有交易,同樣被處罰,情況令伊朗經濟大受打擊。協議是削弱美國制裁的力度,而伊朗是最大石油出口國之一,石油佔全國出口80%,協議是破壞特朗普政府針對德黑蘭的極限施壓運動。若6月協議在伊朗獲通過,未來25年,伊朗將會煥然一新。而協議對中國來說,也是意義重大。首先,石油是軍事和商業的必需品,中國需求極殷,伊朗石油以大幅度優惠,有25年的長期供應,解決了中國對石油需求的一大問題。其次是協議用人民幣或「以物易物」方式交易,可避過用美元結算、受美國制裁的風險,更重要者,是讓人民幣國際化多走一步,也是對美元進一步追擊。其實本幣結算和貨幣互換,是中國與俄羅斯、東歐和中東等國家金融合作重點之一,更重要的是中國跟伊朗加強軍事和安全合作,包括軍事經驗交流、軍事演習、共同研發武器、分享情報等。伊朗是中國在中東建立更緊密合作國家,進可以影響美國在中東的部署,守是開拓政經軍事的中東據點。
      - leaders visit

      •  習近平指出,歷史上中伊兩國為建設絲綢之路、促進東西方文明雙向交融作出過重要貢獻,兩國建交45年來的友好交往正是對“和平合作、開放包容、互學互鑑、互利共贏”的絲綢之路精神的繼承和詮釋。自1971年建交以來,雙方相互理解,相互信任,患難與共。在伊朗核問題全面協議談判中,中方讚賞伊朗無意發展核武的承諾,支持伊朗維護自身正當權益,充分肯定伊朗為推動協議達成作出的積極貢獻。下一階段,我們願與伊方密切合作,確保協議順利實施。經貿上,中國連續6年保持伊朗第一大貿易伙伴國地位。兩國人文交流十分密切,“相知無遠近,萬里尚為鄰”,兩國人民友誼已經成為中伊友好關係發展的重要動力。 習近平認為,中伊在“一帶一路”框架內的合作可以集中在四個方面。  增強政治互信,築牢合作之基。中伊將建立全面戰略伙伴關係,密切政黨、立法機構、地方等方面交往,深化雙方在上海合作組織、亞信、聯合國等多邊框架內合作,不斷增進政治互信,豐富戰略關係內涵。  堅持互利共贏,共享繁榮發展。中伊資源稟賦和合作優勢互補性強。隨?伊朗核問題全面協議的達成和執行,中伊關係將迎來新的發展契機。中方將秉持合作共贏理念,加強中伊發展戰略對接,深化互利合作,各施所長,各盡所能,更多惠及民眾,實現共同繁榮。  促進互聯互通,擴大務實合作。中方願同伊方在公路、鐵路、海路、網路領域深化合作,推進亞洲東西通道建設,並以此帶動沿線國家貿易和投資便利化,降低人員、商品、資金跨境流動成本,鞏固擴大能源資源和產業合作。  秉持開放包容,鼓勵文明交流。我們要加強文化、教育、新聞、出版、旅遊等領域交流,鼓勵青年和學生交往,讓絲綢之路精神薪火相傳,讓兩國人民心與心相通、手和手相連。
      - 最近,《紐約時報》說取得了伊朗與中國合作協議最後的文本,顯示中伊的協議正在最後審議階段。在伊朗國會批准之後,相信中伊兩國便會公開宣布。協議為期二十五年,包括近一百個項目,涉及四千億美元。中國參與投資的項目有機場、高鐵、地鐵、港口、自由貿易區、5G和北斗定位系統,乃至銀行建設等。伊朗支付中國的投資,是穩定的伊朗石油用折扣價供應,協議基本上是一個石油換取投資的協議,是取己之長、補彼之短的優勢互補。

      • 歐美媒體近日不約而同取得一份長達十八頁的文件,詳細羅列了中國和伊朗正在秘密擬定的廿五年能源及投資合作計劃。有關消息連日引發巨大回響,反倒掩飾了一些更關鍵的問題:為何協議內容在此時被曝光?無巧不成書,在協議被曝光前夕,伊朗的核設施發生連串離奇爆炸。美方情報分析指,單是在本月二日發生於中部納坦茲核設施的爆炸,便令伊朗核計劃至少延遲兩年。中東媒體猜測,不排除是以色列的F35隱形戰機成功穿透伊朗防空網發動空襲。如果屬實,則說明伊朗的防空雷達如同虛設,德黑蘭當權者們的驚恐可想而知。無論連串爆炸是如何引起,都反映了伊朗目前面對的險惡處境:國家經濟遭到封鎖,民生困難催生反政府情緒;核計劃寸步難行,戰略安全難以提升;在軍事技術劣勢下,革命衞隊與正規軍單憑目前的常規裝備,無力抵擋外部軍事打擊。伊朗要對此採取某種緊急措施,也就具備了充分的理由。
      • 伊朗出售石油、天然氣給中國,中國還以工業製品,以及建基礎設施。伊朗亦可利用石油收益購買俄羅斯的農產品,形成3國互通有無的經貿格局。中伊合作更可讓中國全力推動伊拉克、敍利亞和黎巴嫩的重建,恢復歷史上歐亞絲綢之路的中段,更可復興地中海東部地區,北連希臘,南接埃及。這是一個大區域的大發展戰略。特別是地中海東部沿岸海域有油氣田,各國和平合作,共同開採,發展機會更大,中國參與當地也可透過基建投資助一把力。

      - sanctions beneficiary

      • As European companies assessed their potential losses and missed opportunities in Iran, they also began to ponder whether the big beneficiary of President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal would be China.
      - involved in sanctions

      •  settlement agreement (the "Agreement") is made by and between Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Group Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies and subsidiaries worldwide (collectively referred to hereafter as "Jereh Group" or "Respondent"), and the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).
      • COSCO Shipping Tanker (Dalian) Co., Ltd., or any entity owned, directly or indirectly, 50 percent or more by COSCO Shipping Tanker (Dalian) Co., Ltd

      - energy
      • Iran signed a $4.8 billion natural gas development project with energy giants Total SA and China National Petroleum Corp, marking the first joint venture with international partners since UN sanctions on the nation were eased in January. Paris-based Total will control 50.1 percent in the project, with CNPC taking 30 percent and Iran's Petropars the rest. The deal, for the 11th phase of the offshore South Pars gas field, is still preliminary, with both sides signing a "heads up agreement", according to Gholam-Reza Manouchehri, deputy director of the National Iranian Oil Co.
      • China Gezhouba Group International Engineering Company Limited and Iran&China Investment Development Group recently had signed a strategic partnership agreement in Beijing to promote their investment business in the Middle East market. According to the agreement, the two companies will launch beneficial cooperation in the fields of hydraulic engineering, hydroelectricity and industrial parks, so as to strengthen China-Iran cooperation in the fields of energy and infrastructure construction. The establishment of Iran&China Investment Development Group was proposed by the Iranian government, and supported by several Chinese enterprises. Enjoying the most preferential policies of the Iranian special economic zones, the company has set foot in the fields of non-ferrous metallurgy, mine exploitation, solar power generation, gas power generation, building materials, biopharmaceuticals, medical apparatus and others.
      • China’s state oil company has pulled out of a US$5 billion deal to develop a portion of Iran’s massive offshore natural gas field, the Islamic Republic’s oil minister said on Sunday, an agreement from which France’s Total SA earlier withdrew over US sanctions. The South Pars field deal, struck in the wake of Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, appears to be just the latest business casualty of America’s pressure campaign on Tehran following US President Donald Trump’s unilateral withdrawal of the US from the deal. It also comes as China and the US engage in their own trade war, as Beijing and Washington levy billions of dollars of tariffs on each other’s goods. Oil Minister Bijan Zangeneh, quoted by the ministry’s SHANA news agency, said on Sunday that the China National Petroleum Corp. was “no longer in the project.” He did not elaborate or give any reason for the withdrawal, though SHANA said the company “had pulled out of a contract” to develop the field.

      - nuclear

      • The Iran nuclear deal calls on Tehran’s negotiating partners to help develop its civil nuclear program, and longstanding allies Russia and China have wasted little time in offering to do so. The head of Iran’s atomic energy organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, said Tuesday that Iran plans to move ahead with the construction of two new nuclear power plants, with the help of China, and two others with Russian assistance.
      • Chinese and Iranian enterprises have agreed to renovate the Arak heavy water reactor, a key part of an international deal over Iran's nuclear program, and the first commercial contracts will be signed this weekend, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said in Beijing on Thursday. In the redesign, the reactor will be reconfigured so it cannot yield fissile plutonium usable in a nuclear bomb. The fate of the 40-megawatt Arak reactor was a key sticking point in nearly two years of negotiations that led to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iranian nuclear issue, signed by Iran with China, France, Russia, Britain, the United States and Germany in 2015. According to Lu, the six powers have set up a working group, jointly headed by China and the US, on the Arak project, a core content of the JCPOA.
      - rail

      • The Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region plans to start preliminary work on a railway linking China with Iran via Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan within five years. The railway is expected to run from Xinjiang's Kashgar to Afghanistan's Herat, then go through Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and finally connect with the Iranian railway. Conducting preliminary work on the railway has been listed in the draft of the region's 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) that is likely to be passed by the regional people's congress on Saturday. The central government positioned Xinjiang as the core region on the Silk Road Economic Belt, which was proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013 and aims to revive the trade route that once connected China with Europe via Central Asian countries. Representatives of transport ministries and railway departments from the five countries signed a document on the railway in a meeting in December 2014, Xinhua News Agency reported. To better construct transportation corridors on the southern part of the economic belt, Xinjiang also began preliminary work on the China-Pakistan railway and the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway, the draft said. Both railways will start at southern Xinjiang's Kashgar, which borders Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan. Kyrgyzstan and China have been discussing for many years the possibility of constructing a China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway.
      • 1月底由浙江義烏開出的首班“中國─伊朗”鐵路集裝箱貨運試行專列于當地時間11日已從土庫曼開往伊朗,預計數日後將抵達終點站─伊朗首都德黑蘭,班列全程逾一萬公里,是中國首列開往中東地區的國際鐵路貨運班列。據悉,這比原來海陸轉運節省一半時間。 據俄羅斯衞星新聞網引述伊朗媒體報道:首次“中國─哈薩克─土庫曼─伊朗”鐵路集裝箱貨運試行專列已從土庫曼斯坦開往伊朗。報道指出,本次列車的試運行是為了開通新的鐵路定期運輸路線。  這次裝運各類貨物的列車于1月底從中國浙江省義烏市出發,用9天行駛了7908公里,橫穿哈薩克,抵達土庫曼的邊境鐵路站Serhetyaka。根據貨運的需求,土庫曼有兩條路線可採用,分別通往伊朗的東南部和北部。專家預計,數日後列車將抵達終點站──伊朗首都德黑蘭。  
      • 中國駐伊朗大使館經商參 處網站14日刊文,援引伊朗媒體報道稱,中 國企業參與承建的德黑蘭─馬什哈德鐵路電 氣化改造項目已經開工,總統魯哈尼出席了 開工儀式。
      • 24日,中車大連機車公司製造的首批3列伊斯法罕地鐵1號線車輛,在大連灣碼頭裝船啟運。 據介紹,伊斯法罕地鐵1號線車輛為3動2拖5節編組,全車採用模組化設計,在原有出口伊朗設拉子地鐵車輛基礎上設計優化,對整車集成能力進行了全面科技提升,使車輛運用可靠性、可維護性進一步提高。列車採用受電弓供電,最高運行時速70公里,最大載客量1732人。按用户要求,其中一節車廂設計為專用的“女士車廂”。
      • CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co will supply 100 subway cars for Metro Line 2 in Mashhad, the second-biggest city in Iran in May, the company told China Daily on Thursday.

      - oil
      • 中石油官網30日報道稱,在21日至23日間,中國政府特使、國務院國有資產監督管理委員會主任張毅訪問伊朗,在中國石油天然氣股份公司總裁汪東進的陪同下,對中石油駐中東地區的企業進行了調研,研究部署了中東地區業務發展。汪東進稱,經過多年艱苦創業,形成了集團公司在中東地區業務發展完整的產業鏈,是中國石油甲乙方單位在全球最多的地區,也是近年來海外業務發展最快的地區。 據中石油官網報道,9月20日至25日,集團公司副總經理、黨組成員,股份公司總裁汪東進,在陪同中國政府特使、國務院國資委主任張毅訪問伊朗期間,到中國石油駐中東地區企業調研,研究部署中東地區業務發展,要求盡快實現一處油田項目的投產。外媒此前報道,中石油和中石化在伊朗的油田項目都有望於今年10月投產。
      • 據伊朗媒體報道,國際社會對伊朗解除制裁後,伊朗將該國最大油田的下一階段開發重新交給了中國。伊朗石油部長贊加內16日表示,將把位於伊朗中西部伊斯法罕省的北阿扎德甘油田和位於伊朗南部胡齊斯坦省的亞達瓦蘭油田第二階段的開發工作交由中國的石油公司進行。 據《德黑蘭時報》報道,15日,中國國家能源局副局長張玉清同伊朗石油部副部長扎馬尼尼亞簽署一份為期5年的諒解備忘錄。扎馬尼尼亞表示,該備忘錄涵蓋一系列的合作,包括石油天然氣的勘探開發、設備製造、提煉和石油化工等項目。
      • 美國在去年十一月重新制裁伊朗,包括禁止企業簽署涉及伊朗新油田的合約,惟容許部分國家獲豁免,以防止全球油價上升。美媒周五報道,中國企業擬把握豁免時機,向伊朗油田投資三十億美元(約二百三十四億港元),並擴大在當地的影響力。伊朗石油部表示對有關提議不知情,涉事華企和美國國務院暫未回應。
      • 外媒上周五引述消息報道,基於華府取消對伊朗石油的制裁豁免,中國兩間石油企業中石化及中石油已經決定本月不進口伊朗石油。
      - port

      • 據伊朗官方媒體12日報道,中國與伊朗簽署一項新合同,將合作修建波斯灣南部的“格什姆石油碼頭”,這項合同價值5億5千萬美元(約合42.77億港元),將把“格什姆島”打造成海灣地區石油生產,和石油產品儲備領域的一個重要樞紐。 綜合鳳凰網、中國網消息:據伊朗國家電視台當天報道,伊朗阿拉克機械製造公司當天與中國最大的重工企業簽署合同,在伊朗南部格什姆自貿區修建石油碼頭。據報道,這項工程的主要目的是,將格什姆島建成伊朗最大的石油產品生產和儲存地。項目的第一階段完成後,格什姆島將能存儲1千萬桶原油。
      - infrastructure

      • "In eastern Iran, Chinese workers are busily modernizing one of the country’s major rail routes, standardizing gauge sizes, improving the track bed and rebuilding bridges, with the ultimate goal of connecting Tehran to Turkmenistan and Afghanistan."

      - music diplomacy

      • When the first sweet, chirpy notes of the Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto flutter over the heads of an audience in Teheran next week they will herald success in a long quest to bring the Chinese Philharmonic Orchestra to Iran. That feat, achieved through laborious efforts over many months, is all the more remarkable given the deafening indifference the orchestra faced in Iran before its diplomatic overtures finally struck a positive note. Its country's top diplomats were, understandably, preoccupied with a matter of much weightier importance: searching for accord with big world powers over the country's nuclear program. "It was risky," says Wu Jiatong, CEO of Wu Promotions, which has arranged most of the orchestra's international tours over the past 10 years.
      - automobile
      • As the country prepares itself to see the western restrictions lifted soon, the western automakers might find that its auto market landscape has changed quite a bit, with new competitors from the East already filling the slots. The new rivals mostly come from China, headed by Chery Automobiles Co., Lifan Industry Group Co. and Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co. The latter, for example, offers JAC models, Italian-designed and assembled on site in Iran – with prices around 30 percent lower than what comparable rivals would offer. The Chinese automakers took full advantage of the country’s void left by automakers such as PSA Peugeot Citroen, as the French company once treated Iran as its biggest market apart from the home country. The Chinese are en rout to lift their overall market share of the Iranian auto commerce from around one percent back in 2011 to more than 9 percent in 2016, with researcher IHS Automotive estimating the market to be around 1.17 million units worth in that period.
      - tourism

      • 伊朗文化遺產、手工藝和旅遊組織副主任泰穆里上周六宣布,內閣批准對中國遊客實行免簽證入境,中國遊客前往伊朗不再需要簽證,惟伊朗遊客前往中國仍需簽證。分析指,該政策可避免外國人因美國對伊朗的制裁而受罰。

      - investors from china
      • peak sports obtained financing from banks to leverage on one belt one road
      • 安徽奇瑞汽車 股份有限公司伊朗汽車工業園擴建項目日前正式簽約。 配合「帶路」擴產能10萬台 此次,奇瑞結合國家「一帶一路」戰略產業支持政 策,制定了伊朗工業園的擴建規劃,以現有 6萬台整車產 能的工廠為基礎,建立 10萬台整車及主要零部件配套的 汽車產業園。奇瑞提出,三年內實現在伊朗年銷 10萬台 目標。 作為中國第一家進入伊朗的乘用車自主品牌企業,奇瑞 早在 2004年就與伊朗莫迪蘭汽車製造有限公司合作,出 口成套散件組裝整車。 2009年奇瑞抓住市場機遇,成功 收購莫迪蘭公司股權,成為最大股東。與此同時,奇瑞同 步在伊朗當地建立屬地化團隊,全面負責合資公司的經營 和管理。目前,奇瑞在伊朗已擁有具備 6萬台整車產能的 工廠,擁有超過150家的銷售和售後服務網絡。
      • Through MVM, Chery became China's first auto maker to invest in Iran in 2004, which now has a production capacity of 60,000 units a year. MVM employs more than 2,500 local staff to produce some of Chery's most popular models. "The trip makes us feel the power of the parent company and also the hospitality of the Chinese people. They respect us in every aspect - our customs and dietary traditions," said Sadegh. When the training ends at the end of the month, Sadegh and his colleges will go back home to help reach MVM's goal of expanding annual production capacity to 160,000 units within the next three years. Chery's chair and general manager Yin Tongyue signed the agreement to expand MVM, according to Chery. MVM sold about 40,000 cars in Iran last year, making Chery the top-selling foreign car brand in the market. There are about 180,000 Chery cars on the road in Iran. Chery, the first Chinese automaker to produce five million passenger cars, is among the Chinese manufacturing firms to contribute to that endeavor.
      •中洋集團控股有限公司主席林健忠對 伊朗情有獨鍾,2016年多次到訪伊朗,與歐州企 業洽商聯手,投資伊朗基建項目,總投資額超過 30億港元。他近日接受專訪時說:「目前的伊朗 就如上世紀 80年代的內地,『一帶一路』將為香 港帶來無限商機,是港人再次發達的機會。」他 強調,自己今次牽頭引資投資伊朗,也希望能夠 發揮先鋒作用,為香港參與推動「一帶一路」盡 自己一分力。

      Hong kong
      - consul general in hk

      • Hong Kong can strengthen relations with Iran by exporting more expertise and funding to the country, a top Iranian diplomat in the city has said. Iranian consul general Mehdi Fakheri’s remark came about three months after former financial secretary John Tsang Chun-wah travelled to the country’s capital, Tehran. Tsang described the visit as “the beginning of a profitable relationship”.
      - tourist visa
      • Hk and iran negotiating 免簽證hket 12jan16
      • 港人到伊朗可獲免簽證待遇。港府昨宣布接獲伊朗伊斯蘭共和國政府通知,香港特區護照持有人由即日起,可免簽證前往伊朗旅遊,最長可逗留廿一日。
      - maritime

      • 一艘香港註冊的運油輪前日在阿曼灣霍爾木茲海峽附近水域拋錨停泊時,有身份不明的武裝人員上船。英國一個海上安全組織指,該運油輪被帶到伊朗的水域後獲釋。另有美媒指,登船者可能是伊朗的革命衞隊。報道指,遇事船隻為SC TAIPEI(圖),由上海傲興船舶管理有限公司所有。船上有廿二名船員,相信全為中國籍。事發時該船正位於伊朗賈斯克市港口西北約四十七海里,並無載貨,正等候到沙特阿拉伯朱拜勒泊岸。英國海軍營運的海上安全組織「UK Maritime Trade Operations」稱,在格林威治時間周二下午十二時廿八分(香港時間周二晚八時廿八分)收到SC TAIPEI遇事的消息,而在大約一個小時後,油輪已獲放行,目前正在船長的控制之下,所有船員安全。

      - links with hk elite

      • 最新解封的文件披露,香港與當時正進行的兩伊戰爭亦差點拉上關係。伊朗政府當年曾接觸香港「造船大王」王華生家族的中華造船廠,希望以約9億元合約,在香港重裝3艘巡航艦,但由於英國當時有指引禁止向兩伊任何一方提供軍備,交易最終告吹。據英國外交部文件,正與伊拉克交戰的伊朗在1986年前後尋找重裝3艘巡航艦的機會,曾接觸英國及澳洲的船公司但被拒。有關重裝不涉組裝武器,但涉全船重新鋪線、結構加固等,每艘作價2,500萬鎊,據當年匯率,合約總值逾9億元。文件透露中華造船廠獲伊朗政府接觸後,由當時的董事總經理、現任港區人大的王敏剛(圖)向港府申請批准,當時英國政策是不參與兩伊戰爭,亦不向任何一方提供軍備,外交部認為英屬領土亦應貫徹政策,終拒絕申請。

      - hk role in silk road
      • article by 林健忠博士 《「一帶一路」與香港》主編 中國伊朗友好協會特邀理事
      - delegation from hk

      • A 19-member delegation from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) returned to Hong Kong yesterday after a nine-day business mission to Iran. The delegation visited the major cities of Tehran, Mashhad and Isfahan to explore opportunities for business cooperation and meet potential partners in line with the Mainland’s Belt & Road initiative, and following the lifting of sanctions on Iran as a result of the successful outcome of the “five plus one” negotiations. Delegates met with top representatives of the Iranian public and private sectors, banks, chambers of commerce, and local businesses, as well as visiting commercial and tourism developments. Commenting on the trip upon returning to Hong Kong, Chairman of HKGCC’s Asia & Africa Committee and mission leader Andrew Wells, said that delegates were surprised by the level of sophisticated development that the country had achieved, despite years of sanctions, largely on its own initiative.
      - ip event in hk

      • 海上絲綢之路協會昨日舉行研討會,邀請了伊朗駐港總領事梅迪法格雷(Dr.Mehdi Fakheri)介紹伊朗的歷史與前瞻。他表示,伊朗經濟逐漸開放,歡迎內地與香港的資金到當地投資,而“一帶一路”是讓各國增進社會經濟關係的機會。他認為,為了令“一帶一路”持續運作,所有參與的國家地區都應該積極作出貢獻。
      - companies/individuals involved in sanctions

      • 美國進一步封鎖伊朗的資金來源。美國財政部周四宣布,將六間公司及兩名個人列入制裁名單,其中三間為香港企業。美國財政部表示,列入制裁名單的六間公司包括香港的眾祥石化有限公司、嘉祥實業有限公司、Sage Energy HK Limited、中國內地的山東齊旺達石油化工有限公司、Peakview Industry Co Ltd以及阿聯酋的Beneathco DMCC。另外,華府亦制裁齊旺達集團董事長王志清,以及眾祥石化常務董事巴安達利恩(Ali Bayandarian)。受制裁的個人及公司將被凍結在美資產、禁止與美國企業及個人做生意等。
      • 財政部在聲明宣布,把來自伊朗、阿聯酋及中國的六間公司列入制裁實體名單,它們涉為伊朗的石油化工產品提供運輸與銷售渠道,並為今年一月已被美方制裁、總部設於香港的公司Triliance Petrochemical Co. Ltd提供支持。Triliance早前因被指向伊朗國營石油轉帳約數百萬美元購入伊朗石油及石化產品,而遭受制裁。國務院則制裁五間來自伊朗、阿聯酋、中國的公司及三名個人,指他們涉參與伊朗石油與石化行業相關交易。
      • 美國國務院周一宣布,將兩名中國男子和六個中國實體列入黑名單,包括五間香港船運公司,指控他們與伊朗航運公司(IRISL)有業務往來,甚至協助該公司避過美國制裁。國務卿蓬佩奧表示,是次行動是向全球持份者發出警告,任何人與伊朗航運公司做生意,將承擔遭美國制裁的風險。

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