Thursday, January 17, 2019

japan government

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • 外務大臣表彰は,多くの方々が国際関係の様々な分野で活躍し,我が国と諸外国との友好親善関係の増進に多大な貢献をしている中で,特に顕著な功績のあった個人および団体について,その功績を称えるとともに,その活動に対する一層の理解と支持を国民各層にお願いすることを目的としています。4 また,この度の外務大臣表彰に際し,「公邸料理人に対する外務大臣表彰」及び「外務省職員に対する永年勤務者表彰(25年勤続及び35年勤続)」をあわせて行います。優秀かつ貢献度の高い者として今回表彰される15名の公邸料理人に対しては,「優秀公邸料理長」の称号が認定されます。外務大臣表彰及び「優秀公邸料理長」の称号の認定は,優秀な公邸料理人の外交活動への貢献の意義を改めて認めるとともに,今後の優秀な公邸料理人の確保の一助とすること等を目的とするものです。
  • Jonathan choi conferred the award 22sep17
  •  纵横游 honored singtao 6sep18 a1
- ministry of agriculture forestry and fisheries japan
  • List of exporters and producers
  • plant protection website
  • minister lam met with SFH  re relaxing import control of food from fukushima hkej 15aug14 a10

- ministry of economy trade and industry
  • sme support japan
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (文部科学省 Monbu-kagaku-shō), also known as MEXT, Monka-shō, and formerly the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (文部省 Monbu-shō), is one of the ministries of the Japanese governmentThe Meiji government created the first Ministry of Education in 1871. The Japanese government centralises education, and it is managed by a state bureaucracy that regulates almost every aspect of the education process. The School Education Law requires schools around the country to use textbooks that follow the curriculum guideline set by the ministry, although there are some exceptions. In January 2001, the former Monbu-shō and the former Science and Technology Agency (科学技術庁 Kagaku-gijutsu-chō) merged to become the present MEXT. 1950年(昭和25年)8月29日:文部省の外局として、文化財保護委員会が設置される。1956年(昭和31年)5月19日:科学技術庁が設置。1968年(昭和43年)6月15日:文化財保護委員会を廃止して、文部省の外局として文化庁が設置される。2001年(平成13年)1月6日:中央省庁再編により、文部省と科学技術庁を廃止。これらを統合した文部科学省が設置される。2012年(平成24年)9月19日:原子力規制委員会の設置により、原子力安全に係る事務が原子力規制委員会に移管される。2015年(平成27年)10月1日:文部科学省の外局としてスポーツ庁が設置される。

- ministry of environment

  • Trade Tie-up Promotion Program
  • industrial tourism
  • invest japan business support center (IBSC)
- jitco

  • 由於政府不願向低技術員工發出正式工作 簽證,企業於是利用「技工培訓計劃」 (TITP),走法律罅聘請外籍低技術勞工,參 加 TITP的培訓員工可獲 3年工作簽證。不 過,外界批評 TITP已變相成為「奴役」外 勞的手段。
- japan international cooperation agency, has overseas offices around the world

  • JICA's predecessor, the previous Japan International Cooperation Agency (also known as "JICA"), was a semigovernmental organization under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, formed in 1974. The new JICA was formed on October 1, 2003. A major component of the comprehensive overhaul of Japan's ODA decided by the National Diet on November, 2006, is that the merger in 2008 will be between JICA and that part of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) which currently extends concessional loans to developing countries.

The Imperial Household Agency (宮内庁 Kunai-chō) is an agency of the government of Japan in charge of state matters concerning the Imperial Family and also keeping of the Privy Seal and State Seal of Japan. From around the 8th century AD up to the Second World War, it was named the Imperial Household Ministry (宮内省 Kunai-shō)The agency is unique among conventional government agencies and ministries, in that it does not directly report to the Prime Minister at the cabinet level, nor is it affected by legislation that establishes it as an Independent Administrative Institution.The Imperial Household Agency can trace its origins back to the institutions established by the Taihō Code (or more formally "The RitsuryōCode of the Taihō era(大宝律令 Taihō Ritsuryō)) promulgated in 701–702 AD.[2] The Ritsuryō system established the namesake Ministry of the Imperial Household (宮内省 Kunai shō) which is a precursor to the present agency. The old code also gave rise to the Ministry of Ceremonial (式部省 Shikibu shō) which has its legacy in the Board of Ceremonies (式部職 Shikibu shoku) under the current agency, and the Ministry of Civil Administration (治部省 Jibu shō) which oversaw the Bureau of Music (雅楽寮 Uta ryō) that would now correspond to the Agency's Music Department (楽部 gakubu). The basic structures remained in place until the Meiji Restoration (1868).
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA(国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 Kokuritsu-kenkyū-kaihatsu-hōjin Uchū Kōkū Kenkyū Kaihatsu Kikō, literally "National Research and Development Agency on Aerospace Research and Development") is Japan's national aero-space agency. Through the merger of three previously independent organizations, JAXA was formed on 1 October 2003. JAXA is responsible for research, technology development and the launch of satellites into orbit, and is involved in many more advanced missions, such as asteroid exploration and possible manned exploration of the Moon. Its motto is One JAXA[3] and its corporate slogan is Explore to Realize (formerly Reaching for the skies, exploring space).On 1 October 2003, three organizations were merged to form the new JAXA: Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (or ISAS), the National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan (NAL), and National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA). JAXA was formed as an Independent Administrative Institution administered by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC). Before the merger, ISAS was responsible for space and planetary research, while NAL was focused on aviation research. NASDA, which was founded on 1 October 1969, had developed rockets, satellites, and also built the Japanese Experiment Module. The old NASDA headquarters were located at the current site of the Tanegashima Space Center, on Tanegashima Island, 115 kilometers south of Kyūshū. NASDA also trained Japanese astronauts, who flew with the US Space Shuttles. In 2012, new legislation extended JAXA's remit from peaceful purposes only to include some military space development, such as missile early warning systems. Political control of JAXA passed from MEXT to the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office through a new Space Strategy Office.
- 日本首個水陸兩棲作戰部隊、專責奪島作戰的陸上自衞隊「水陸機動團」,昨日在長崎縣佐世保市的相浦駐地正式成立。外界相信水陸機動團主要作用是在釣魚島等地抗衡中國戰力。

Honours system
菊花章(きっかしょう)は、日本の明治時代以降の栄典制度における最高位の勲章大勲位菊花章頸飾大勲位菊花大綬章の2種類がある。2003年11月3日の栄典制度改正以降は正章(頸飾と大綬章)と副章という形となっている。この副章は、旧制度では大勲位の範疇に独立して存在する勲章(大勲位菊花章)であったが、実際には頸飾・大綬章の副章として運用され単独で授与された例はなかった。The Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum (大勲位菊花章 Dai-kun'i kikka-shō, literally Grand Order of the Capitulum of the Chrysanthemums) is Japan's highest order. The Grand Cordon of the Order was established in 1876 by Emperor Meiji of Japan; the collar of the Order was added on January 4, 1888. Although technically the order has only one class, it can either be awarded "with collar", meaning on a chain, or "with grand cordon", accompanied by a sash. Unlike its European counterparts, the order may be conferred posthumously.
Apart from the Imperial Family, only six Japanese citizens have ever been decorated with the collar in their lifetimes; the last such award was to former Prime Minister Saionji Kinmochi in 1928. Seven others have been posthumously decorated with the collar; the last such award was to former Prime Minister Sato Eisaku in 1975. Today, only the reigning Emperor holds this dignity as sovereign of the order; however, exceptions are made for foreign heads of state, who can be awarded the collar in friendship.
桐花大綬章(とうかだいじゅしょう)は、日本の勲章の一つ。1888年(明治21年)1月4日に旭日章の最上位として追加制定された。日本に於ける高位勲章の一つ。The Order of the Paulownia Flowers (桐花章 Tōka shō) is an order presented by the Japanese government. Established in 1888 during the Meiji Restoration as the highest award in the Order of the Rising Sun; however, since 2003 it has been an Order in its own right. The only grade of the order is Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers (旭日桐花大綬章 Kyokujitsu tōka daijushō), which ranks higher than the Order of the Rising Sun but lower than the Order of the Chrysanthemum.
Traditionally, the order has been conferred upon eminent statesmen, former prime ministers and senior cabinet ministers, diplomats and judges. It may be conferred posthumously, and is the highest regularly conferred honor in the Japanese honors system.
-  旭日大綬章(きょくじつだいじゅしょう、Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun)は、日本の勲章の一つ。2003年平成15年)の栄典制度改革以前の勲一等旭日大綬章に同じ。旭日大綬章は、1875年(明治8年)4月10日、「賞牌従軍牌ヲ定ム」(明治8年太政官布告第54号、現件名・勲章制定ノ件。)により制定された。これが現在の旭日章の基になったもので、明治政府が制定した最初の勲章である。勲章のデザインは、日章を中心に八角の光線(旭光)を二重に配したもの。鈕(ちゅう)には桐の花葉を用いている。綬は、織地白色、双線紅色。旭日大綬章は旭日章の最高位で、2003年(平成15年)の栄典制度改革以前の勲一等旭日大綬章に相当する。他の旭日章との意匠の違いは、大綬章の副章のみが二重の旭日(重光章の正章も同一の意匠で二重の旭日ではある)、他の章は一重になっていることである。The Order of the Rising Sun (旭日章 Kyokujitsu-shō) is a Japanese order, established in 1875 by Emperor Meiji of Japan. The Order was the first national decoration awarded by the Japanese government, created on 10 April 1875 by decree of the Council of State. The badge features rays of sunlight from the rising sun. The design of the Rising Sun symbolizes energy as powerful as the rising sun in parallel with the "rising sun" concept of Japan ("Land of the Rising Sun"). The order is awarded to those who have made distinguished achievements in the following fields: international relations, promotion of Japanese culture, advancements in their field, development in welfare or preservation of the environment. Prior to the end of World War II, it was also awarded for exemplary military service. Beginning in 2003, the two lowest rankings (7th and 8th classes) for the Order of the Rising Sun were abolished, with the highest degree becoming a separate order known as the Order of the Paulownia Flowers, with the single rank of Grand Cordon.
  •  戴德丰 of four seas awarded 勲五等双光旭日章
瑞宝章(ずいほうしょう、Orders of the Sacred Treasure)瑞宝章は「勲章増設の詔」(明治21年1月4日詔)により大勲位菊花章頸飾並びに勲一等旭日桐花大綬章、及び女性を授与対象とした宝冠章(5等級後に8等級)と共に増設された勲章であり、同日の「各種勲章等級ノ製式及ヒ大勲位菊花章頸飾ノ製式」(明治21年1月4日勅令第1号)により勲一等から勲八等までの8等級が制定され、「各種勲章及大勲位菊花章頸飾図様」(明治21年11月25日閣令第21号)によってその意匠等が定められた。

  • notable recipient - founder of yakult

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