Wednesday, January 23, 2019


The Fergana Valley (alternatively Farghana or FerghanaUzbekFarg‘ona vodiysi, Фарғона водийси, فەرغانە ۉادىيسىKyrgyzФергана өрөөнү, Ferğana örőnü, فەرعانا ۅرۅۅنۉ [ferʁana œrœːny]Tajikводии Фaрғонa, vodi‘i Farğona/vodiji FarƣonaRussianФерганская долина, Ferganskaya dolina/Ferganskaja dolinaPersianوادی فرغانه‎‎, vādi-ye Ferġāna/vâdiye Ferqâna) is a valley in Central Asia spread across eastern Uzbekistan, southern Kyrgyzstan and northern Tajikistan. Divided into three republics of the former Soviet Union, the valley is ethnically diverse and in the early 21st century was the scene of ethnic conflict. A large triangular valley in what is an often dry part of Central Asia, the Fergana owes its fertility to two rivers, the Naryn and the Kara Darya, which run from the east, joining near Namangan, forming the Syr Darya river. The valley's history stretches back over 2300 years, when its population was conquered by Greco-Bactrian invaders from the west. Chinese chroniclers date its towns to more than 2,100 years ago, as a path between Greek, Chinese, Bactrian and Parthian civilizations. It was home to Babur, founder of the Mughal Dynasty, tying the region to modern Afghanistan and South Asia. The Russian Empire conquered the valley at the end of the 19th century, and it became part of the Soviet Union in the 1920s. Its three Soviet republics gained independence in 1991. The area largely remains Muslim, populated by ethnic UzbekTajik, and Kyrgyz people, often intermixed and not matching modern borders. Historically there have also been substantial numbers of RussianKashgariansKipchaksBukharan Jews and Romani minorities. Mass cotton cultivation, introduced by the Soviets, remains central to the economy, along with a wide range of grains, fruits and vegetables. There is a long history of stock breeding, leatherwork, and a growing mining sector, including deposits of coalironsulfurgypsumrock-saltnaphtha, and some small known oil reserves.
- findings have been made during excavation work by a joint team of archaeologists from China and Uzbekistan, an archaeology forum staged by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) announced Tuesday. The work was carried out at the Minggepa ruins in the southeast of the Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan. Five excavations since 2012 have broadened the ruins' size from 500 by 800 meters to 2,100 by 1,300 meters, showing that just over 2,000 years ago Minggepa was not simply a provisional garrison fort for nomads, but a fully functional castle, the largest in the Fergana Valley. The team also unearthed the ruins of a handicraft workshop, the west gate of the inner city and a graveyard. The relics were believed to date back about 2,155 years, according to a report from the Institute of Archaeology of the CASS.

The national holding company Uzbekneftegaz (Uzbek"Oʻzbekneftegaz" MXKRussianНХК "Узбекнефтегаз") is a state-owned holding company of Uzbekistan's oil and gas industry.Uzbekneftegaz was established in May 3, 1992. In 1998, it was transformed into national holding company.Uzbekineftegaz leads a consortium of Korea National Oil Corporation, China National Petroleum Corporation and Lukoil exploring and developing gas condensate fields in the Aral Sea.[1] In February 2008, Uzbekneftegaz and consortium led by the Korea Gas Corporation established the joint venture Uz-Kor Gas Chemical to develop the Surgil gas field, containing about 133 billion cubic metres (4.7 trillion cubic feet) of natural gas, and build the Ustyurt gas-chemical complex.[2] It will produce 4 billion cubic metres (140 billion cubic feet) of gas per year and about 500,000 tons per year of plastics as well as 100,000 tons of petrol which is derived as a bi-product in the process. Together with another Korean company, Korea National Oil Corporation, Uzbekneftegaz explores Namangan-Tergachi and Chust-Pap oil fields in eastern Uzbekistan.[4] In August 2008, Uzbekneftegas signed a cooperation agreement with Petrovietnam.[5] It also cooperates with Lukoil in the Kandym-Khausak-Shady-Kungrad project to develop several natural gas fields in Uzbekistan. Uzbekneftegaz together with China National Petroleum Corporation owns and operates the Uzbek section of the Central Asia–China gas pipeline.[8] They also have a joint venture for developing the Mingbulak oilfield. Together with Sasol and Petronas, Uzbekneftegaz develops Uzbekistan GTL, a gas-to-liquids (GTL) project.In addition, Uzbekneftegaz has a production sharing agreement with Gazprom on gas exploration, joint ventures with Prista Holdings on motor oil and lubricants production, and with Ariston Thermo Group on heating boilers production.

  • ft 12apr19

- nilufar abduvalieva

  • Exhibited at tdc jan2016 fashion week 

- 去年底以來,中亞大國烏茲別克換了總統,政策開始大變,一是擴大對外開放,吸引外資,改變以往的閉關鎖國;二是經濟改革,開放外國旅客與投資,計劃取消外匯管制,匯率貶值一半,建立自由經濟區,招攬來自中國的企業投資。

Timur (Persian: تیمور‎‎ Timūr, Chagatai:Temür, UzbekTemur; died 18 February 1405), historically known as Tamerlane (Persian: تيمور لنگ‎‎ Timūr(-e) Lang, "Timur the Lame"), was a Turco-Mongolconqueror and the founder of the Timurid Empire in Persia and Central Asia. He was also the first ruler in the Timurid dynastyBorn into the Barlas confederation inTransoxiana during the 1320s or 1330s, Timur gained control of the westernChagatai Khanate by 1370. From that base, he led military campaigns across Western,South and Central Asia, Caucasus and southern Russia, and emerged as the most powerful ruler in the Muslim world after defeating the Mamluks of Egypt and Syria, the emerging Ottoman Empire and the declining Delhi Sultanate. From these conquests he founded the Timurid Empire, but this empire fragmented shortly after his death. Timur is considered the last of the greatnomadic conquerors of the Eurasian Steppe, and his empire set the stage for the rise of the more structured and lastingGunpowder Empires in the 1500s and 1600s.[3][4]:1 Timur envisioned the restoration of theMongol Empire of Genghis Khan. "In his formal correspondence Temur continued throughout his life to portray himself as the restorer of Chinggisid rights. He justified his Iranian, Mamluk and Ottoman campaigns as a re-imposition of legitimate Mongol control over lands taken by usurpers[5] To legitimize his conquests, Timur relied on Islamic symbols and language, referred to himself as the "Sword of Islam" and patronized educational and religious institutions. He converted nearly all the Borjigin leaders to Islam during his lifetime. "Temur, a non-Chinggisid, tried to build a double legitimacy based on his role as both guardian and restorer of the Mongol Empire."[6] Timur also decisively defeated the ChristianKnights Hospitaller at Smyrna, styling himself a ghazi.[7]:91 By the end of his reign, Timur had gained complete control over all the remnants of the Chagatai Khanate, Ilkhanate, andGolden Horde and even attempted to restore the Yuan dynasty.[citation neededTimur's armies were inclusively multi-ethnic and were feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe,[7] sizable parts of which were laid waste by his campaigns.[8] Scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, amounting to about 5% of the world population.[9][10] He was the grandfather of the renowned Timurid sultan, astronomer and mathematicianUlugh Beg, who ruled Central Asia from 1411 to 1449, and the great-great-great-grandfather of Babur, founder of the Mughal Empire, which ruled parts of South Asia for over three centuries, from 1526 until 1857. Timur is also recognized as a great patron of art and architecture, as he interacted with Muslim intellectuals such as Ibn Khaldun and Hafiz-i Abru.[7]:341–2


- Generally speaking, the two languages are very close. A lot of words are the same, but they might be pronounced differently. From what I have observed for a few mintues, it seems that we have the same grammar. I guess, 2–3 months of constant practise would be enough for an Uzbek to become fluent in Kazakh.

- appledaily 22feb19

- 烏茲別克前總統卡里莫夫的女兒古納拉的行蹤仍然成謎,古納拉的兒子一直認為母親受新總統米爾濟約耶夫迫害,質疑她已被毒死,新政權至今未有公布古納拉的情況。此時,米爾濟約耶夫的姪女則成為「新公主」,取代古納拉的地位。「新公主」、廿七歲時尚達人迪奧拉(Diora Usmanova)來頭不小,她的亡夫巴布爾是俄羅斯富豪奧斯曼諾夫的姪兒。奧斯曼諾夫身家高達約七百億港元,還持有英超球隊阿仙奴四分一股權,是名親俄羅斯總統普京的富豪。由於奧斯曼諾夫沒有子女,巴布爾被視為他的接班人,惟一三年時巴布爾在車禍中過世。

- 烏國以前是蘇聯統治的,被分配以發展農牧業為主,工業基礎薄弱。上世紀三十年代,日本在二戰時期侵佔朝鮮半島時,很多朝鮮人逃到西伯利亞,當時的蘇聯政府為了安頓這些朝鮮人,把他們陸續送到中亞地區開墾,其中以烏茲別克收容最多;到上世紀九十年代,蘇聯解體,中亞五國相繼獨立,由於烏茲別克有不少朝鮮人聚居,最高峰時期有逾六十萬人,如今最少仍有十多萬人,這個族群的存在,正好為烏韓貿易提供有利條件,不僅有南韓商品源源輸入,南韓工業亦順理成章進駐當地,大宇汽車和當地企業合作就是一個例子。

- root from uzbekistan


- leaders' visit

  •中國國家主席習近平22日在塔什干同 烏茲別克斯坦總統卡里莫夫舉行會談。兩國元首簽署了聯合聲明,一致 決定建立中烏全面戰略夥伴關係;雙方達多項共識,包括支持共建絲綢 之路經濟帶,在經貿、投資、能源、交通、農業、金融、科技領域深化 互利合作,同意共同嚴厲打擊 「三股勢力」 等。兩國元首還見證了外交 、經貿、融資等領域多項雙邊合作文件的簽署。
- financial

  • The Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange, or UzEx, the biggest trading platform in Central Asia, has opened a branch in Shanghai to promote trade between Uzbekistan and China, China Daily reported Tuesday. The branch, located in the National Exhibition and Convention Center, the venue for the annual China International Import Expo, was launched Tuesday. The branch has 10 trading seats and will provide spot transaction to domestic buyers for commodities traded at UzEx, including metals, crude oil, products, cotton and construction materials. The opening of the new branch will facilitate mutual access for entrepreneurs and producers to the commodity markets of the two countries according to market mechanisms, said Farokhidin Ibragimov, chairman of the board of UzEx. This is the second branch of UzEx in China. UzEx opened its first branch in Kuitun, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in 2010.

- Investors from china

  • singtao 10dec15 b4 asttar group

Hong Kong
- delegation from hk
  • 筆者剛剛到過烏國首都塔什干訪問,有晚在酒店碰到老同學林超英和香港深度旅行團到當地作文化與地理之行。顯然,在中央政府推動一帶一路建設之下,絲綢之路成為了不少人關注的熱點,特別是中亞和烏茲別克還遺留着不少歷史文物。

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