- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship
- Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries www.minagri.gob.ar
- MInistry of Industrywww.industria.gob.ar
- Ministry of Tourism www.turismo.gob.ar
- Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation www. mincyt.gob.ar
- Invest in Argentina http://www.inversiones.gov.ar/en
- Federal Fishery Council of Argentina, (CFP, in Spanish) an organization responsible for establishing a national fishery policy.http://www.cfp.gob.ar/index.php?sec=home&lang=en
- national institute for agricultural technology www.inta.gov.ar
- national institute for industrial technology www.inti.gov.ar
- national vitiviniculture institute www.inv.gov.ar
El Calafate is a city in Patagonia, Argentina. It is situated on the southern border of Lake Argentino, in the southwest part of the Santa Cruz Province, about 320 km Northwest of Río Gallegos. The name of the city is derived from a little bush with yellow flowers and dark blue berries that is very common in Patagonia: the calafate (Berberis buxifolia); the word comes from the word "calafate", which is Spanish for "caulk". El Calafate is an important tourist destination as the hub to visit different parts of the Los Glaciares National Park, including the Perito Moreno Glacier and the Cerro Chaltén and Cerro Torre. The history of El Calafate began in the first decades of the twentieth century. Originally, it was simply a sheltering place for wool traders. The town was officially founded in 1927 by the government of Argentina to promote settlement, but it was the creation of nearby Perito Moreno National Park in 1937 that sparked growth and the building of better road access.
On March 2, 1561, Pedro del Castillo founded the city and named it Ciudad de Mendoza del Nuevo Valle de La Rioja after the governor of Chile, Don García Hurtado de Mendoza. Before the 1560s the area was populated by tribes known as the Huarpes and Puelches. The Huarpes devised a system of irrigation that was later developed by the Spanish. This allowed for an increase in population that might not have otherwise occurred. The system is still evident today in the wide trenches (acequias), which run along all city streets, watering the approximately 100,000 trees that line every street in Mendoza. It is estimated that fewer than 80 Spanish settlers lived in the area before 1600, but later prosperity increased due to the use of indigenous and slave labor, and the Jesuit presence in the region. When nearby rivers were tapped as a source of irrigation in 1788 agricultural production increased. The extra revenues generated from this, and the ensuing additional trade with Buenos Aires, no doubt led to the creation of the state of Cuyo in 1813 with José de San Martín as governor. It was from Mendoza that San Martín and other Argentinian and Chilean patriots organized the army with which they won the independence of Chile and Peru. Mendoza suffered a severe earthquake in 1861 that killed at least 5,000 people. The city was rebuilt, incorporating innovative urban designs that would better tolerate such seismic activity. Mendoza was rebuilt with large squares and wider streets and sidewalks than any other city in Argentina.
- Seven Years in Tibet, directed by French director Jean-Jacques Annaud, was shot in and around Mendoza. Several dozens of sets were built, ranging from a 220-yard (200 m) long recreation of the Tibetan capital city of Lhasa (built in the foothills of the Andes), to a 9,000-square-foot (840 m2) recreation of the Hall of Good Deeds in the Potala, the ancient palace of the Dalai Lama (built in an abandoned garlic warehouse outside the city).
- ft special 22mar18
San Miguel de Tucumán (Spanish pronunciation: [san miˈɣel de tukuˈman]; usually called simply Tucumán) is the capital of the Tucumán Province, located in northern Argentina 1,311 kilometres (815 mi) from Buenos Aires. It is the fifth-largest city of Argentina after Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Rosario and Mendoza and the most important of the northern region.[1][2][3][4] The Spanish Conquistador Diego de Villarroel founded the city in 1565 in the course of an expedition from present-day Peru. Tucumán moved to its present site in 1685.The first foundation of "San Miguel de Tucumán y Nueva Tierra de Promisión" was on May 31, 1565 by Diego de Villarroel in the Campos de Ibatín, 60 kilometres (37 mi) to the southwest from where the current city is located nowadays. The city was moved to "La Toma" (where the old town or casco histórico is placed today) in 1685, due to the low quality of Ibatín water. On September 24, 1812, the Battle of Tucumán took place near the city, when the Spanish army coming from the Alto Perú were defeated by the army led by Manuel Belgrano. Belgrano had been committed to step back to Córdoba by the government of Buenos Aires, but the Tucumán inhabitants requested him to resist another Spanish invasion. With his troops almost unarmed and tired but reinforced with local gauchos (self named Los decididos de Tucumán), Belgrano attacked the Spanish army from behind, defeating them and ensuring the Independence of Argentina. After the battle of Tucumán, the same army led by Belgrano would achieve another victory in Salta. After those battles, Belgrano established a circular fortress known as "La Ciudadela", located 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) from the current Plaza de la Independencia (former Plaza Mayor). Because it had patriot barracks and was located on an intermediate point between the Río de la Plata and the Alto Perú and Santa Cruz de la Sierra, San Miguel de Tucumán was designated as the venue for the Congress of the Independence. On July 9, 1816, the Independence of Argentina was declared, not only from Spain but from any other foreign domination. The act of the Independence was signed at the Casa de Tucumán, also named "Casa Histórica" or "Casa de la Independencia". By 1850 the city had increased its population considerably, overpassing the estimated registers. Because of that, in 1870 it was proposed that the city be expanded, setting new limits. During those years, the first railway line reached the city, built by British-owned Córdoba Central Railway. The immigrants arriving in the region (most of them were Spanish, Arabs, Jews and Italians) influenced the architectural style that adapted to those new cultures, leaving the original colonial style behind. Therefore, new buildings in the city were made in Neoclassical, eclectic and picturesque styles. During the first years of the 20th Century the city added 400 hectares (990 acres) for recreational uses, therefore the first great park (similar to those existing in Paris and London) was built. By 1930 the city doubled its population.
- thinktank
- http://www.acton.org/ Founded in April, 1990, the Acton Institute is named in honor of John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton (1834-1902), 1st Baron Acton of Aldenham and the historian of freedom. Known as “the magistrate of history,” Lord Acton was one of the great personalities of the nineteenth century. Widely considered one of the most learned Englishmen of his time, Lord Acton made the history of liberty his life’s work. Indeed, his most notable conclusion of this work is that political liberty is the essential condition and guardian of religious liberty. He thereby points to the union of faith and liberty, which has been the inspiration for the mission of the Acton Institute.The mission of the Acton Institute is to promote a free, virtuous, and humane society. This direction recognizes the benefits of a limited government, but also the beneficent consequences of a free market.
- Federal Investment Council www.cfired.org.ar
- wineries of argentina www.bodegasdearargentina.org
- wines of argentina www.winesofargentina.org
- exportar foundation www.exportar.org.ar
- mendoza business council www.cem.org.ar
- standards agency http://www.iram.org.ar/
- National Animal Health and Agri-food Quality Service http://www.senasa.gov.ar/
- http://www.inidep.edu.ar El Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP)
- The National University of Tucumán (Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, UNT) is an Argentine national university located in Tucumán Province and the largest in Argentina's northwest region. Founded on 25 May 1914 in San Miguel de Tucumán, access to the university is unrestricted and free of charge.Der französische Ethnologe Alfred Métraux gründete hier 1928 ein Ethnologisches Institut und das Ethnographische Museum.[3] Er organisierte auch die Publikation der Revista del Instituto de Etnología.
- En el decenio de 1870 se registró un antecedente de lo que posteriormente sería el inicio de la educación universitaria en Tucumán. En esa época comenzaron a dictarse "cursos libres" de Derecho en el Colegio Nacional, y tres años más tarde, la Sala de Representantes aprobó una ley que instituyó "la Facultad de Jurisprudencia y Ciencias Políticas, que servirá de plantel a la Universidad Provincial que se fundará después en esta capital". No obstante en 1882, el gobierno nacional desautorizó la continuación de dichos cursos, determinando que para la obtención de los títulos universitarios habilitantes, los alumnos debían rendir sus exámenes en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, con lo cual el proyecto quedó suspendido.
- Pampa Corporation http://www.pampacorporation.com
- multidiscipline organization aiming to provide customized solutions in the areas of renewable clean energies, real estate, project financing and capital markets advisory.
- media/broadcast
- Grupo Clarín is the largest media conglomerate in Argentina. Established as such in 1999, it includes the Clarín newspaper (the most-widely circulated in Latin America), Papel Prensa (the nation's principal newsprint manufacturer), Cablevisión cable television, the Artear media company, and numerous other media outlets. Rooted in the successful, 1945 launch of the centrist daily, Clarín, by the late Roberto Noble, the group is active within the publishing, newspaper, television, radio, and telecommunications industries. Its largest shareholder is Ernestina Herrera de Noble. Other major shareholders include Héctor Magnetto, José Antonio Aranda, Lucio Rafael Pagliaro, and the investment bank Goldman Sachs. Magnetto is the President and CEO of the media group, while Ernestina Herrera de Noble directs the flagship Clarín newspaper. Having become the largest newspaper distributor in the Spanish-speaking world by 1980 (when its revenues topped US$900 million),[3] the group diversified itself significantly in 1990, when it entered into television sector with the acquisition of Channel 13, and into radio with the purchase of Radio Mitre. Following the expansion into cable television in 1992 (Multicanal), Todo Noticias, the group's cable news channel, was established in 1993 and remains one of the most influential in its sector. The conglomerate also controls Patagonik Film Group and numerous regional newspapers (notably Los Andes of Mendoza and La Voz del Interior of Córdoba). Grupo Clarín was listed in the Buenos Aires and London Stock Exchanges in 2007, upon which a 20% share in the group was made available to stockholders (leaving 9% for Goldman Sachs, and 71% for its private shareholders).
- e-commerce
- MercadoLibre (founded by Marcos Galperin) ft 20may15 page8
- food
- Buenavista Fisheries www.pequerabuenavista.com.ar (participated in HK seafood expo 2014)
- Patagonian Seafood www.ianfishsa.com.ar (participated in HK seafood expo 2014)
- YPF seeks foreign partners to tap Argentina’s shale http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/a4c74236-5eef-11e4-be0b-00144feabdc0.html
- choptical s.a.
- speaker at buyer forum of 2013 tdc optical fr
- bond
- 2117 Argentina bond may end up being the government bond market equivalent of the Pets.com IPO during the 2001 tech boom — the sign of a bubble peak. https://www.ft.com/content/0c73b8f4-5670-11e7-9fed-c19e2700005f
- grain
- http://in.reuters.com/article/2015/11/23/global-grains-idINL3N13I19Z20151123 Conservative opposition candidate Mauricio Macri comfortably won Argentina's presidential election on Sunday after promising business-friendly reforms to spur investment in the struggling economy. Argentine grains output would shoot 30 percent higher by 2019 as Macri is expected to make good on his vow to cut export taxes and state controls that have weighed on production, his farm advisor said in an interview earlier this month. "Soybean prices will underperform relative to corn over the coming weeks, as policies enacted following the Argentine presidential election will encourage increased soybean exports," BMI Research said in a note.
- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/3f7cf388-a275-11e5-8d70-42b68cfae6e4.html
Mauricio Macri on Monday made his first big economic announcement as Argentina’s new president, scrapping taxes on agricultural exports in a bid to boost precariously low central bank reserves. Confirming a campaign promise to Argentina’s key farming sector, the world’s largest exporter of soyabean derivatives, Mr Macri said taxes on grain and beef exports will be removed immediately, while a 35 per cent tax on soya exports will be cut by 5 percentage points a year.
- economist 30mar19 "mendoza model" a wine growing province offers lessons in how to reform
- energy
- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/5d20901c-094f-11e5-8534-00144feabdc0.html Argentines have descended on Añelo hoping to benefit from the $200bn of investment that officials say Vaca Muerta needs to attract over the next decade for the country to achieve energy self-suffiency. Its population has doubled to some 6,000 since the Chevron deal was signed in 2013, while there are now as many workers in the nearby shale fields, just a few minutes drive away. Slumping oil prices have put a brake on any hoped-for major new investments in Vaca Muerta for now. Still, on a national level the business climate in Argentina is beginning to pick up as investors cheer the prospect of a more market-friendly administration when the populist government of President Cristina Fernández is replaced after elections in October. “There is beginning to be a lot of interest from investors because of the political change that is coming,” said Federico Tomasevich, chief executive of Puente, Argentina’s largest investment bank, which has just opened an office in London to capitalise on renewed interest in Argentina after a protracted investment drought since its 2001 default.
Trade and investment environment
- trade policy
- http://www.economist.com/news/business/21636066-targeted-president-foreign-companies-are-leaving-or-scaling-back-waiting-cristina
- https://www.ft.com/content/bcf26210-e0d2-11e7-a8a4-0a1e63a52f9c Argentina is stepping up efforts to re-engage with the world after more than a decade of isolation, leading the push for a trade pact between the EU and South America as well as hosting multilateral bodies, from the World Trade Organization to the G20. “We are going to push all the way,” says Marcos Peña, the cabinet chief of Argentina’s centre-right government, of the agreement between the EU and the Mercosur bloc of Latin American countries, which officials say is just weeks away from completion. “The idea that we can develop our society by closing ourselves to the world is a lie. It is something that has brought us a lot of problems,” added Mr Peña, who is widely considered to be the second most powerful man in Argentina after President Mauricio Macri. He insists that a deal between the EU and Mercosur — the trade bloc that also includes Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay — is “clearly in everyone’s best interests”.
- https://www.ft.com/content/51f879b0-4ef3-11e8-a7a9-37318e776bab Argentina raised interest rates for the second time in a week after more than $5bn of central bank intervention failed to stop a steep fall in the peso, highlighting the intensifying pressure on emerging market currencies in recent weeks. The country’s central bank on Thursday again took markets by surprise as it raised interest rates by three percentage points to 33.25 per cent, just six days after it had lifted them from 27.25 per cent to 30.25 per cent. But even this was not enough to stem the peso’s decline, and the Argentine currency fell to an all-time low on Thursday. “The central bank needs to shock the market and regain their credibility,” said Federico Kaune, head of emerging market debt at UBS Asset Management. “This is too gradual, so they’ll probably have to have another emergency meeting very soon and hike rates even higher.”
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-08/argentine-central-bank-holds-key-interest-rate-at-40-percent Argentina’s central bank held its key interest rate at 40 percent, the world’s highest, as it seeks to prevent a further slide in the peso and runaway inflation. The 7-day repo was held at 40 percent, the central bank said on its website. All 21 economists in Bloomberg News’ survey called for the bank to hold borrowing costs.
- https://www.businesslive.co.za/bd/world/americas/2019-04-17-argentina-introduces-price-controls-as-inflation-spirals/ Argentina's President Mauricio Macri announced a freeze in the price of basic goods and public services on Wednesday in a bid to limit the impact of spiralling inflation that could hamper his re-election hopes in October. Hit by soaring prices due to inflation that reached almost 55% over the past 12 months, many Argentines have been calling for a change in economic policy. "It's a difficult time for Argentine families. March and April have abnormally high levels of inflation due to the unstable exchange rate," said finance minister Nicolas Dujovne. "We're convinced we're going to win the battle against inflation," he said. The government has committed to not increasing the price of public services such as transport, gas and electricity for the rest of the year.
- Manuel José Joaquín del Corazón de Jesús Belgrano y González (3 June 1770 – 20 June 1820), usually referred to as Manuel Belgrano (Spanish pronunciation: [mãˈnwel βelˈɣɾano]), was an Argentine economist, lawyer, politician, and military leader. He took part in the Argentine Wars of Independence and created the Flag of Argentina. He is regarded as one of the main Libertadores of the country. Belgrano was born in Buenos Aires, the fourth child of Italian businessman Domingo Belgrano y Peri and Josefa Casero. He came into contact with the ideas of the Age of Enlightenment while at university in Spain around the time of the French Revolution. Upon his return to the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, where he became a notable member of the criollo population of Buenos Aires, he tried to promote some of the new political and economic ideals, but found severe resistance from local peninsulars. This rejection led him to work towards a greater autonomy for his country from the Spanish colonial regime. At first, he unsuccessfully promoted the aspirations of Carlota Joaquina to become a regent ruler for the Viceroyalty during the period the Spanish King Ferdinand VII was imprisoned during the Peninsular War (1807–1814). He favoured the May Revolution, which removed the viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros from power on 25 May 1810. He was elected as a voting member of the Primera Junta that took power after the ouster. As a delegate for the Junta, he led the ill-fated Paraguay campaign. His troops were defeated by Bernardo de Velasco at the battles of Campichuelo and Paraguarí. Though he was defeated, the campaign initiated the chain of events that led to the Independence of Paraguay in May 1811. He retreated to the vicinity of Rosario, to fortify it against a possible royalist attack from the Eastern Band of the Uruguay River. While there, he created the flag of Argentina. The First Triumvirate did not approve the flag, but because of slow communications, Belgrano would only learn of that many weeks later, while reinforcing the Army of the North at Jujuy. There, knowing he was at a strategic disadvantage against the royalist armies coming from Upper Peru, Belgrano ordered the Jujuy Exodus, which evacuated the entire population of Jujuy Province to San Miguel de Tucumán. His counter-offensive at the Battle of Tucumán resulted in a key strategic victory, and it was soon followed by a complete victory over the royalist army of Pío Tristán at the Battle of Salta. However, his deeper incursions into Upper Perú led to defeats at Vilcapugio and Ayohuma, leading the Second Triumvirate to order his replacement as Commander of the Army of the North by the newly arrived José de San Martín. By then, the Asamblea del Año XIII had approved the use of Belgrano's flag as the national war flag. Belgrano then went on a diplomatic mission to Europe along with Bernardino Rivadavia to seek support for the revolutionary government. He returned in time to take part in the Congress of Tucumán, which declared Argentine Independence (1816). He promoted the Inca plan to create a constitutional monarchy with an Incadescendant as Head of State. This proposal had the support of San Martín, Martín Miguel de Güemes, and many provincial delegates, but was strongly rejected by the delegates from Buenos Aires. The Congress of Tucumán approved the use of his flag as the national flag. After this, Belgrano again took command of the Army of the North, but his mission was limited to protecting San Miguel de Tucumán from royalist advances while San Martín prepared the Army of the Andes for an alternative offensive across the Andes. When Buenos Aires was about to be invaded by José Gervasio Artigas and Estanislao López, he moved the Army southwards, but his troops mutinied in January 1820. Belgrano died of dropsy on 20 June 1820.
- ARA General Belgrano was an Argentine Navy light cruiser in service from 1951 until 1982. Originally commissioned by the U.S. as USS Phoenix, she saw action in the Pacific theatre of World War II before being sold by the United States Navy to Argentina. The vessel was the second to have been named after the Argentine founding father Manuel Belgrano (1770–1820). The first vessel was a 7,069-ton armoured cruiser completed in 1896. She was sunk on 2 May 1982 during the Falklands War by the Royal Navy submarine Conqueror with the loss of 323 lives. Losses from General Belgranototalled just over half of Argentine military deaths in the war.
- Fernando de la Rúa (15 September 1937 – 9 July 2019) was an Argentine politician of the Radical Civic Union (UCR) who served as President of Argentina from 10 December 1999 to 21 December 2001. De la Rúa was born in Córdoba; he entered politics after graduating with a degree in law. He was elected senator in 1973 and unsuccessfully ran for the office of Vice President as Ricardo Balbín's running mate the same year. In 1993, he was re-elected senator in 1983 and 1993, and as deputy in 1991. He unsuccessfully opposed the pact of Olivos between President Carlos Menem and party leader Raúl Alfonsín, which enabled the 1994 amendment of the Argentine Constitution and the re-election of Menem in 1995. De la Rúa was the first chief of government of Buenos Aires to be elected by popular vote, a change introduced by the amendment of the Constitution. He expanded the Buenos Aires Underground, adding new stations to Line D, starting the expansion of Line B, and establishing Line H. He established Roberto Goyeneche Avenue and the city's first bicycle path. In 1999, De la Rúa was elected President after running on the Alliance ticket, a political coalition of the UCR and the Frepaso. He was opposed by the Peronist unions and his Vice President Carlos Álvarez resigned after denouncing bribes in the Senate. The economic crisis that began during Menem's administration worsened and by the end of 2001 led to a banking panic. The government established the Corralito to limit bank withdrawals. De la Rúa called a state of emergency during the December 2001 riots. He resigned on 20 December, and the Congress appointed a new President. Since then, he retired from politics and faced legal proceedings.Fernando de la Rúa was the son of Eleonora Bruno and Antonio De la Rúa; he was born in the city of Córdoba and attended the local Military Lyceum before entering the National University of Córdoba, from which he graduated with a law degree at the age of 21.[1] He married a Buenos Aires socialite, Inés Pertiné, in 1970; they had three children, including Antonio de la Rúa. De la Rúa became involved in politics at a young age; he entered public service in 1963 as an advisor to President Arturo Illia's minister Juan Palmero.
- Mauricio Macri Blanco-Villegas (Spanish pronunciation: [mauˈɾisjo ˈmakɾi ˈblaŋko βiˈʃeγas]; born 8 February 1959) is the current President of Argentina and has been in office since 2015. A former civil engineer, Macri won the first presidential runoff ballotage in Argentina's history (the runoff system had been introduced in 1994) and is the first democratically-elected non-Radical or Peronist president since 1916.[1] He was chief of government of Buenos Aires from 2007 to 2015, and represented the city in the lower house of the Congress of Argentina from 2005 to 2007. The reintegration of Argentina into the international community is central to Macri's agenda. Born in Tandil, Buenos Aires Province, Macri is the son of Francesco Macri, a prominent Italian businessman in the industrial and construction sectors, and was raised in an upper class home. He received a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina and studied at Columbia Business School in New York City.[3] Macri became president of Boca Juniors, one of Argentina's two most popular football clubs, in 1995. In 2005, he created the centre-right Republican Proposal party (Propuesta Republicana, also known as PRO).
- Macri was born in Tandil in the province of Buenos Aires, the son of Italian-born tycoon Francisco Macri (owner of the Philco affiliate in Argentina) and Alicia Blanco-Villegas Cinque.[10] The family moved to Buenos Aires a short time later, and kept their houses in Tandil as vacation properties. His father, and his uncle Jorge Blanco Villegas, influenced Macri to become a businessman, and Franco expected his son to succeed him as leader of his firms. Macri preferred his uncle's company to constant scrutiny by his father. He was educated at Colegio Cardenal Newman, and received a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina(UCA). At this time Macri became interested in neoliberalism and joined the now-defunct Union of the Democratic Centre and a think tankled by former minister Álvaro Alsogaray.[12] In 1985, he briefly attended Columbia Business School, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the Universidad del CEMA in Buenos Aires. Macri's professional experience began at SIDECO Americana, a construction company which was part of his father's Socma Group holding company, where he worked for three years as a junior analyst and became a senior analyst. In 1984, he worked in the credit department of Citibank Argentina in Buenos Aires. Macri joined Socma Group the same year, and became its general manager in 1985. In 1992, he became vice president of Sevel Argentina (then manufacturing Fiat and Peugeot automobiles under licence in Argentina as part of Socma), and became president two years later. In 1991, Macri was kidnapped for 12 days by officers of the Argentine Federal Police. Kept in a small room with a chemical toilet and a hole in the roof to receive food, he was freed when his family reportedly paid a multimillion-dollar ransom.[14] Macri has said that the ordeal led him to enter politics.
- hkej 5jul18 shum article
- architect
- César Pelli (October 12, 1926 – July 19, 2019) was an Argentine–American architect who designed some of the world's tallest buildings and other major urban landmarks.[1] Some of his most notable contributions included the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur[2] and the World Financial Center in New York City.[3] The American Institute of Architects named him one of the ten most influential living American architects in 1991 and awarded him the AIA Gold Medal in 1995.[4][5] In 2008, the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat presented him with The Lynn S. Beedle Lifetime Achievement Award. Pelli was born October 12, 1926, in San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
- literature
- Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges Acevedo KBE (/ˈbɔːrhɛs/; Spanish: [ˈxorxe ˈlwis ˈborxes]
audio (help·info); 24 August 1899 – 14 June 1986) was an Argentine short-story writer, essayist, poet and translator, and a key figure in Spanish-language literature. His best-known books, Ficciones (Fictions) and El Aleph (The Aleph), published in the 1940s, are compilations of short stories interconnected by common themes, including dreams, labyrinths, libraries, mirrors, fictional writers, philosophy, and religion. Borges' works have contributed to philosophical literature and the fantasy genre. Critic Ángel Flores, the first to use the term magical realism to define a genre that reacted against the dominant realism and naturalism of the 19th century,[3] considers the beginning of the movement to be the release of Borges' A Universal History of Infamy (Historia universal de la infamia). However, some critics consider Borges to be a predecessor and not actually a magical realist. His late poems dialogue with such cultural figures as Spinoza, Camões, and Virgil. In 1914, Borges' family moved to Switzerland, where he studied at the Collège de Genève. The family travelled widely in Europe, including Spain. On his return to Argentina in 1921, Borges began publishing his poems and essays in surrealist literary journals. He also worked as a librarian and public lecturer. In 1955, he was appointed director of the National Public Library and professor of English Literature at the University of Buenos Aires. He became completely blind by the age of 55; as he never learned braille, he became unable to read.
indigenous people
- https://www.ft.com/content/fe5d3812-a7a0-11e7-ab55-27219df83c97 The Mapuche people, who number some 200,000, have ancestral land claims that represent a large chunk of Patagonia as well as most of south-central Chile where they originated and number at least 1.5m more. There are more than 200 indigenous land conflicts in Argentina. Last month, with government support, the Senate extended a 2006 emergency law protecting communities from eviction until conflicts are resolved, to the applause of human rights groups.
- Guñelve (wünelfe in Mapudungun) is a symbol from the Mapuche iconography which can be described as an octagram or a star with eight points. It represents the planet Venus, but has also erroneously been thought to represent the canelo tree, which is considered sacred among the Mapuches.The guñelve, also called the "Star of Arauco", was the inspiration of Bernardo O'Higgins to create the current flag of Chile. El guñelve (< mapudungun Wüṉyelfe o Wünelfe, el lucero o el planeta Venus) es un símbolo de la iconografía mapuche que puede ser descrito o como una forma especial de octagrama o estrella de ocho puntas, similar a la estrella tartésica, o como una cruz foliada —es decir, una cruz cuyos extremos se dividen para formar dos nuevas puntas—, similar a la cruz de Malta.
Falkland Islands
- Stanley (/ˈstænli/; also known as Port Stanley) is the capital of the Falkland Islands. The original capital of the islands was at Port Louis to the north of the present site of Stanley, on Berkeley Sound.Work on the settlement began in 1843 and it became the capital in July 1845. It was named after Lord Stanley, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies at the time.In 1849, 30 married Chelsea Pensioners were settled there to help with the defence of the islands and to develop the new settlement.
- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/5d7f48ce-16df-11dd-bbfc-0000779fd2ac.html Argentina is to protest to Britain over plans by UK companies for exploratory drilling around the Falkland Islands, due to start in about two months. British sources confirmed that the Argentine foreign ministry had summoned officials to a meeting on Wednesday, though not at the level of ambassador. A source at the ministry said: “There will be a protest.” The meeting comes after Rockhopper Exploration said it was ready to start drilling in waters around the disputed islands. Argentina, which does not recognise the exploration licences, calls the islands the Malvinas and maintains its claim to sovereignty in spite of losing a brief war between the two countries in 1982.
- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/aad99c68-1062-11df-a8e8-00144feab49a.html Argentina yesterday summoned the British ambassador in Buenos Aires to issue a "vehement protest" about the imminent start of drilling for oil and gas around the disputed British-ruled Falkland islands over which the two countries fought a brief war in 1982. Ambassador Shan Morgan is out of the country so the protest note was handed to chargé d'affaires Simon Thomas. The Foreign Office confirmed he was called in. Excitement has been mounting for more than a decade that the waters around the disputed islands could contain significant quantities of hydrocarbons, and the upcoming drilling campaign is seen as the moment of truth.
- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/1bfee34e-cbd4-11e4-beca-00144feab7de.html Argentina began issuing 50 peso notes this month featuring a map of the Falkland Islands. Through mass circulation, they are designed to remind citizens of the continued claim by Argentina over the UK dependent territory it unsuccessfully invaded in 1982 and calls the Malvinas. But the longstanding diplomatic dispute between the UK and Argentina has not deterred several smaller oil companies from persisting with ambitions to pump oil and gas from the remote waters around the Falklands. Most of the money being spent over the coming months — to drill six wells at a cost of $400m — is being committed by London-listed Premier Oil and Noble Energy of the US. Junior partners include UK-based Rockhopper Exploration and Falkland Oil & Gas.
Oil was first found off the Falklands in 2010 by Rockhopper in a field named Sea Lion that is located north of the islands. The discovery was too modest in size to secure interest from large energy groups, but the tax revenues associated with the crude could yet be transformational for the scarcely populated Falklands.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160331/00180_005.html聯合國大陸架界限委員會(CLCS)日前裁定,應擴大阿根廷領海範圍,此舉令英國屬地福克蘭群島被其領海包圍。福克蘭政府周二還擊,指裁決無法律約束力。
- The May Revolution (Spanish: Revolución de Mayo) was a week-long series of events that took place from May 18 to 25, 1810, in Buenos Aires, capital of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata. This Spanish colony included roughly the territories of present-day Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and parts of Brazil. The result was the removal of Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros and the establishment of a local government, the Primera Junta (First Junta), on May 25. It was the first successful revolution in the South American Independence process. The May Revolution was a direct reaction to Spain's Peninsular War. In 1808, King Ferdinand VII of Spain abdicated in favor of Napoleon, who granted the throne to his brother, Joseph Bonaparte. A Supreme Central Junta led resistance to Joseph's government and the French occupation of Spain, but eventually suffered a series of reversals that resulted in the Spanish loss of the northern half of the country. On February 1, 1810, French troops took Seville and gained control of most of Andalusia. The Supreme Junta retreated to Cadiz and dissolved itself, and the Council of Regency of Spain and the Indies replaced it. News of these events arrived in Buenos Aires on May 18, brought by British ships. Viceroy Cisneros tried to maintain the political status quo, but a group of criollo lawyers and military officials organized an open cabildo (a special meeting of notables of the city) on May 22 to decide the future of the Viceroyalty. Delegates denied recognition to the Council of Regency in Spain and established a junta to govern in place of Cisneros, since the government that had appointed him Viceroy no longer existed. To maintain a sense of continuity, Cisneros was initially appointed president of the Junta. However, this caused much popular unrest, so he resigned under pressure on May 25. The newly formed government, the Primera Junta, included only representatives from Buenos Aires and invited other cities of the Viceroyalty to send delegates to join them. This resulted in the outbreak of war between the regions that accepted the outcome of the events at Buenos Aires and those that did not.The May Revolution began the Argentine War of Independence, although no formal declaration of independence was issued at the time and the Primera Junta continued to govern in the name of the deposed king, Ferdinand VII. As similar events occurred in many other cities of the continent, the May Revolution is also considered one of the early events of the Spanish American wars of independence.
- The history of the Jews in Argentina goes back to the early sixteenth centuries, following the Jewish expulsion from Spain.Sephardi Jews fleeing persecution immigrated with explorers and colonists to settle in what is now Argentina.[4] In addition, many of the Portuguese traders in the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata were Jewish. An organized Jewish community did not develop until 1810, however, after Argentina gained independence from Spain. By mid-century, Jews from France and other parts of Western Europe, fleeing the social and economic disruptions of revolutions, began to settle in Argentina.
- https://www.ft.com/content/0c7895a6-29aa-11e7-9ec8-168383da43b7 As well as touting his economic plans, Thursday’s summit with Mr Trump will also give Mr Macri the opportunity to shore up a bilateral relationship that was rekindled when former President Barack Obama visited Argentina last year. Before that, relations between Buenos Aires and Washington had been in a deep freeze for a decade. Juan Procaccini, who runs the Argentine government’s investment agency, notes that $58bn of investment commitments have been made since Mr Macri took power, with about $14bn expected this year, from $5.7bn in 2016. “The earliest investors will get the biggest returns — it’s the law of the jungle,” he says. Mr Procaccini also points to the strong vote of confidence of Argentina’s tax amnesty, which attracted $117bn, the second biggest in the world after Indonesia’s last year. He says: “Many have understood that the country has changed, for good, and we’re not going back.”
- Agreement on Strategic Partnership, Complementarity and Cooperation, signed on 22 March 2010, and undertook a commitment to hold meetings of the main bilateral mechanisms, as well as business meetings. https://www.mrecic.gov.ar/en/argentina-peru-joint-communique
- http://www.economist.com/news/americas/21699488-new-start-old-relationship-ending-estrangement A hundred years ago Britain and Argentina were complementary economic superpowers. Britain built Argentina’s railway, which helped make Argentina one of the world’s ten richest countries, and bought 40% of its exports, mainly beef and grain. In 1914 Harrods, a fancy department store, opened its first overseas branch in Buenos Aires. Signs of this former commercial camaraderie are everywhere. Red post boxes appear on street corners. Football, the national sport, is an English invention, as are some Argentine teams. The original Newell’s Old Boys, Lionel Messi’s first club, were the pupils of a Kent-born teacher. Posh porteños (Buenos Aires residents) play cricket at the Hurlingham Club.
- BP folds Argentine assets into JV backed by Cnooc ft 12sep17
- falklands
- during falklands war 1982, hk seamen participated in the south atlantic task force (plaque in hk mariners club/st peter's church)
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/14/argentina-and-uk-agree-to-remove-obstacles-to-falklands-development Buenos Aires and London have agreed to extend flights between the Falkland Islands and Argentina and to explore the possibility of joint hydrocarbon exploration in the south Atlantic. also ft report on 15 sep16
- there's a community of Welsh speakers as well. They live in the Chubut province (Y Wladfa[1]) in Patagonia, but unfortunately, only 10% of people there speak Welsh (or as it is known there, Patagonian Welsh).https://www.quora.com/What-languages-are-spoken-in-surprising-places
- The free city-state of Hamburg was the first German state to establish diplomatic relations with Argentina in 1829. The first ambassador of Germany to Argentina was sent on 7 May 1871. German immigration in Argentina is the largest inLatin America. Over 3,000,000 Argentines are of German descent. They had great influence in the Argentine education system and many German schools were a place in the country. In fact, the Argentine army planned to recruit a large number ofGerman scientists and technicians for industry. Many German entrepreneurs and professionals believe that Argentina was industrialized and could be narrowed through greater ties of German technology. The creation of newspapers in German as Argentinisches Tageblatt, which means "Argentine newspaper" outstanding and continues to this day.
- German Argentines (German:Deutschargentinier, Spanish: germano-argentinos) are Argentine citizens of German ancestry. The term "German" usually refers to ethnic Germans who immigrated to Argentina from Germany,Austria, France, Hungary, Poland, Romania,Russia, Switzerland, former Yugoslavia and elsewhere in Europe (though only the descendants of Volga and citizens count). Some German Argentines, or their ancestors, originally settled in Brazil, and then later immigrated to Argentina. Germany as a political entity was founded only in 1871, but immigrants from earlier dates are also considered German-Argentine due to their shared ethnic heritage, language and culture. Germans today make up the fourth-largest immigrant group in Argentina with well over two million Volga Germans alone.[1]Thousands of German-Argentines have become professionals and technicians like doctors, bureaucrats, teachers and soldiers. They founded German schools such as the Hölters Schule and German-language newspapers such as theArgentinisches Tageblatt (Argentine Daily). The five provinces with the largest numbers of inhabitants of German descent are, in order of largest German population:Córdoba, Entre Ríos, Buenos Aires,Misiones and La Pampa.
- Benetton, the global Italian fashion brand, currently owns 2.2 million acres of land in Argentina, an area the size of Puerto Rico. This makes the company the largest private landowner in the country.[vii] It uses the land for livestock, farming, prospecting, fossil fuel extraction, and logging.http://www.coha.org/benetton-in-patagonia-the-oppression-of-mapuche-in-the-argentine-south/
- Festival de la India http://www.buenosaires.gob.ar/areas/cultura/al_dia/semanaIndiaCCBorges.php
- economist 30mar19 "exception and rules" in 1950 argentina's GDP per person was 3 times that of japan, according to maddison project database. The Eva peron charitable foundation, run by the president's wife, shipped 100 tonnes of relief supplies to the war-battered japanese. Thousands of japanese migrated in the opposite direction, creating a population of 23000 nipo-argentinos by the end of 1960s
- trade history
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160205/PDF/b18_screen.pdf 中國與阿根廷開始貿易接觸是一九四五年抗日戰爭結束後,但經過三年內戰,新中國甫成立便被歐美製裁,貿易停滯。一九五八至六一年中國經歷“大躍進”及自然災害,農業失收,農業改革失敗,加上中蘇交惡,工業改革也倉促下馬,經濟情況嚴峻,百姓生活很苦。這時中央便有人提出向外國買糧。但當時的冷戰政治使美加澳三個產糧大國不願向中國大量售糧,而且中國外匯短缺,買也只能是小量,例如:一九六〇年中國從加拿大隻進口了十八萬六千美元的糧食。為此,中國便想到非英語系的阿根廷和巴西。但當時這兩國都和中國沒有外交關係,阿根廷又是反共親歐的國家,並無商貿渠道可以問津。 據魯道夫回憶,他當時四十多歲,有人接觸他説中國有意向外買糧。他對新中國並無惡感,便接受友人的牽線,決定接下這筆生意。當時還沒有柏林圍牆,他拿?自己的德國出生證件勇闖東柏林,與中國大使館接觸,很快便接到邀請去北京。這令他十分驚喜,因為當年歐美諸國無一承認紅色中國,獲邀赴華的人是少之又少的。他從東柏林經蘇聯到北京,抵達北京機場時,等?他的是替他穿針引線的美國華僑冀博士。 這位冀博士出身于哥倫比亞大學經濟學專業,曾是宋子文的手下,解放前已回國,是周恩來總理的親信。次日周便接見了魯道夫並設宴款待。周告訴他做對華貿易是困難重重的,要有勇氣打破西方的各種制裁,問他可有決心。他向周表示,穀物的出口不應受政治制裁,故他可以理直氣壯答應此事。 回到阿根廷後,他與地方的穀物合作社接觸,幾經努力,終於按中方的要求,收集到足夠的供應量開出購買訂單。中方也信守承諾,向他開出大額美元的信用證。一九六〇年第一批穀物上船開離阿根廷的港口,他和合作夥伴們賺到了第一桶金。他還透露,發貨期間突然接到中方的急電,將一部分穀物改道運往阿爾巴尼亞支援該國的糧荒。當時由霍查總理領導的阿爾巴尼亞,是支持中國反對蘇聯霸權的唯一兄弟國家。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160206/PDF/b8_screen.pdf
- leaders visit
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/02/05/a19-0205.pdf 阿根廷總統克 里斯蒂娜於本月2日至5日對中國進行國事訪問,習近平 4日在人民大會堂與她舉行會談。據新華社報道,兩國元 首共同簽署並發表聯合聲明,同意加強兩國全面戰略夥伴 關係,還見證了兩國政治、經貿、金融、核能、航天等領 域合作文件的簽署。習近平強調,中阿兩國要深化務實合 作,將核電作為下階段重點合作領域加以推進。http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2015-02/05/content_19493910.htm Both countries signed 15 agreements, covering areas including finance, nuclear energy, space technology, telecommunications and culture. One nuclear agreement will allow both countries to build a nuclear power station in Argentina. Xi said nuclear power will be a key sector pushed for-ward by the two countries. He called for greater cooperation on infrastructure, agriculture, energy, mining and equipment manufacturing. Kirchner said Argentina is diversifying energy sources and looks forward to strengthening nuclear energy cooperation with China and using Chinese nuclear technology. She said Argentina also welcomes Chinese car and telecommunication companies setting up factories in her country, as well as enterprises developing Argentina's mineral resources, including potassium and lithium.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170519/00178_014.html 應中國國家主席習近平邀請,阿根廷總統馬克里周日起出席「一帶一路」國際合作高峰論壇,並對中國展開國事訪問。兩國元首發表聯合聲明,雙邊簽署總金額高達一百五十億美元(約一千一百七十億港元)的合作項目。兩國元首發表的聯合聲明指,雙方共同見證簽署在教育、文化、農業、質檢、體育、投資、能源、鐵路和金融等領域合作文件的簽署。
- 中國國家主席習近平與特朗普會晤後,周日續留當地作國事訪問,並且與阿根廷總統馬克里會談。據了解,兩國在會後簽署了三十項農業貿易和金融協議,其中包括一項價值九十億美元的貨幣互換協議,藉此增加遭受貨幣危機影響的阿根廷之外匯儲備。據當地中央銀行周日聲明,相關協議將「有助中國和阿根廷之間的金融穩定性,同時能促進貿易」。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181204/00178_006.html
- ambassador to china
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2017-02/16/content_28217812.htm article on "Key areas for boosting Sino-Argentine ties"
- http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/556107/Argentina-boosted-new-naval-warships-China Over the last decade, Argentina has been searching for a country to meet their requirements for an offshore patrol vessel, including looking at designs from Brazil, Germany and Spain. But China has now reportedly impressed Argentina with its China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation's (CSIC) P18 export corvette vessel. The Chinese offer was said to have been accepted late last year and the vessel will be known as the Malvinas class – referring to the Argentine name for the Falkland Islands. An initial deal could include two ships - which Argentine sources have estimated could cost $50million (£33million) each - built in China and three co-produced in Argentina, according to Brazilian website Naval Power.- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1661592/china-firm-starts-work-argentine-railway-project The Argentina Belgrano cargo railway project, which is being funded by China, has begun construction, said the project's general contractor, China Machinery Engineering Corp, yesterday.
- http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-02-04/argentine-president-s-tweet-mimics-chinese-during-official-visit, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/05/world/americas/argentinas-president-mocks-chinese-accents-during-visit-to-china.html?_r=0
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160317/00178_001.html 中國與亞洲多國的海洋糾紛屢掀漁船偷捕衝突,日前更擴至阿根廷外海,掀起兩國外交風波。名為「魯煙遠漁010」的中國漁船據報兩度闖入阿根廷領海非法捕撈,態度強硬的阿國海岸防衞隊多番警告下,漁船反撞向對方艦船,企圖藉機逃離,最終被阿國艦船開槍擊沉。中國外交部昨提出緊急交涉,要求阿國徹查後向中方通報,官媒則「聲討」阿國過度使用武力。
- wto
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-12/15/content_27677278.htm The Ministry of Commerce urged Argentina on Wednesday to abide by World Trade Organization rules over anti-dumping investigations on five Chinese products. China is concerned by measures taken by Argentina against Chinese products, according to Wang Hejun, head with the trade remedy investigation department with the MOC. Argentina launched anti-dumping investigations on Dec 7 local time on Chinese PMMA plate, multifunctional food processing machines, metal protective screening, household dishwashers and steel pipes. Argentina initiated 11 anti-dumping investigations against Chinese products this year, the highest number in Latin America, according to Wang.
- scmp 2dec18 argentina denies it agreed with us on predatory china
- 昨日舉行的十二屆全國人大常委會第九十六次委員長會議決定,十二屆全國人大常委會第二十八次會議6月22日至27日在北京舉行。本次委員長會議亦建議,在 此次人大常委會會議上,審議國務院提請審議批准的《中華人民共和國和阿根廷共和國引渡條約》議案、《中華人民共和國和埃塞俄比亞聯邦民主共和國引渡條約》 的議案。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/06/16/a17-0616.pdf
- financial
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170629/00178_009.html十二屆全國人大常委會第廿八次會議前日批准中國與阿根廷的引渡條約,這是繼秘魯及巴西之後,第三個拉美國家與中國簽訂並生效的引渡條約。此外,全國人大常務會亦批准中國與埃塞俄比亞的引渡條約。
- https://www.ft.com/content/2e0cf612-68b0-11e8-b6eb-4acfcfb08c11 Argentina is in talks with China on contributing to a package of support from foreign lenders, including the IMF, as it works to restore confidence in its deficit-ridden economy, a senior minister has told the Financial Times. Marcos Peña, cabinet chief, said Buenos Aires hoped to build on a currency swap arrangement between Argentina’s central bank and the People’s Bank of China that was agreed in July 2015 and extended last year.
- http://www.arabnews.com/node/1401756/business-economy Argentina’s central bank said on Thursday it would nearly double its currency swap deal with China, bringing the total to 130 billion yuan ($18.7 billion), as Beijing looks to expand its influence in the recession-struck Latin American country.Argentina and China first agreed to a currency swap program to boost its dwindling reserves in 2009 under former President Cristina Fernandez. Last year, under President Mauricio Macri, they agreed to extend the program for three more years.
- aerospace
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160321/00178_003.html中國早前與阿根廷協議在當地興建太空探測站設施,預計將於今年底落成,但有報道引述顧問公司消息,指設施可能被中國軍方控制,擬用於軍事用途。有中國官員近日表明設施全供民用,並非由軍方人員管理,惟未有公布更多資料。
- 中国在位于阿西南部内乌肯省建立的空间监测站的设备安装调试已进入最后阶段,将于4月开始接收来自月球的信号,这将是中国计划在2017年底开展的空间任务的重要组成部分。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170219/PDF/a8_screen.pdf
- 美國傳媒報道指,該座碟形的太空站重達四百五十噸,十六層樓高,今年三月開始運作。外界推測中國藉此強化在美洲收集情報的能力,而事件更在阿國國內引起廣泛討論,阿根廷官員則表示,他們樂於協助中國完成探月任務。據悉,中阿秘密協商籌建該座太空站時,正值阿根廷亟需投資之際。美國陸軍戰爭學院教授艾力斯指,阿根廷無力償還一千億美元(約七千八百億港元)的國債,被國際借貸市場排拒於門外,而中國此時捧着錢來,猶如「上帝派來的救星」。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180730/00178_004.html
- 中國在阿根廷內烏肯省興建的太空監測站,被當地人質疑實際用途。包括阿根廷參議院多數黨領袖皮凱托等六名國會議員周一提案,建議成立委員會監察該太空監測站。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190331/00178_011.html
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2019-01/17/content_37428025.htm China will use its Long March 6 carrier rocket for several launches to place 90 satellites into orbit for an Argentine company, a landmark achievement for China in the international space market, according to the project contractor. China Great Wall Industry Corp, the international arm of State-owned space conglomerate China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, announced on Wednesday that it recently signed a multiple launch services agreement with Satellogic, a private Argentine company specializing in Earth-observation satellites.
- infrastructure
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/1948001/argentina-says-china-deals-still-top-priority Argentina on Thursday sought to reassure China that bilateral cooperation remained a priority for its new government amid growing concerns over political changes in the South American country. After a meeting with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi, Argentinian Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra said investment projects with China would go ahead. Argentina’s government, led by newly elected President Mauricio Macri, had announced a review of the deals with China made by the previous administration, amid concerns over “technological errors” and “confidentiality issues”. The deals include the controversial Nestor Kirchner and Jorge Cepernic dams on the Santa Cruz River, a US$5.7 billion joint project with a local firm and China-based Gezhouba Group.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2017-02/09/content_28148065.htm Two Chinese-built locomotives arrived in Argentina on Wednesday, as part of an ambitious plan to revive the South American country's aging cargo rail network and spur the country's economic development.
- 由中車大連公司製造的首台出口阿根廷內燃貨運機車日前在大連港碼頭裝船啟運。機車運抵後,將在阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯聖馬丁線路上擔當貨運牽引任務,運輸糧食、礦石等重要物資。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/11/16/b06-1116.pdf
- 阿根廷当地时间4月23日上午,中车四方公司与阿根廷交通部在布宜诺斯艾利斯签署了罗卡线200辆城际动车组及配件供货合同,总金额2.78亿美元。这是中车四方在阿根廷赢得的第三批城际动车组订单。2013年,阿根廷交通部先后两次向中车四方採购总计709辆城际动车组,用以更换萨缅托、米特雷和罗卡三大城铁线路上的老旧车辆。这也是中国出口量最大的城际动车组订单,目前全部车辆都已投入运营。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180425/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- 中國國務院副總理胡春華周二在北京會見阿根廷內閣首席部長培尼亞,雙方討論貿易、投資及農業方面的合作計劃。培尼亞發表聲明,稱有意推動中國投資阿根廷第四個核電站的興建工程,工程造價約八十億美元(約六百二十四億港元),而阿根廷亦希望出口豆粕等大豆加工產品到中國。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190627/00180_004.html
- hydroelectricity
- 在巴塔哥尼亞高原之上,由中國能建葛洲壩集團股份有限公司與阿方共同承建的孔多克里夫和拉巴朗科薩兩座水電站(孔拉水電站)正緊張施工中。項目部生產經理楊正貴向大公報記者介紹,孔拉水電站建成後可以提升阿根廷整個國家6.5%的電力供應,每年為阿根廷節約11億美元的燃油進口外匯。項目也極大帶動了當地就業問題的解決。孔拉水電站工程建設高峰期直接用工將超過5000人,80%以上的工作人員在當地招聘。項目主材及部分施工設備都在本地採購,亦間接提供了2萬多個工作崗位。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190425/PDF/a6_screen.pdf
- solar energy
- Atop a remote mountain peak in northernmost Argentina, workers were laying the groundwork for a Chinese-financed solar-power plant.They were working with the Shanghai Electric Power Construction Company for the project located at the peak 4,000 meters above sea level near Cauchari, a town in the province of Jujuy, which borders Chile and Bolivia.The plant at the peak is ideal for capturing sunlight via three solar parks and is expected to cut both energy costs and carbon dioxide emissions by at least 325,000 metric tons, and help boost clean energy and drive development in this far-flung region.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2018-10/22/content_37111982.htm, http://www.china.org.cn/world/Off_the_Wire/2019-05/14/content_74782699.htm
- fishing
- 五艘中國漁船上周四(22日)被指闖入阿根廷海域進行非法捕魚活動,遭阿根廷海警船追捕並開槍掃射。阿根廷外交部指,涉事漁船試圖撞向阿根廷海警,海警才開槍警告,而漁船最終逃去,事件中無人受傷及被捕。中方尚未回應事件。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180227/00178_014.html
- 一艘中國漁船上周五疑進入阿根廷專屬經濟區海域非法捕魚時,遭阿根廷海岸警衞隊巡邏船攔截,期間更密集開槍射擊,最終該漁船逃入國際水域,目前傷亡情況不詳,阿根廷政府已發出國際拘捕令,追緝該船。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190304/00178_001.html
- http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-02/18/c_137830904.htm Argentina's growing prawn exports to China represent another facet of win-win bilateral ties based on shared profit and mutual benefit. China is Argentina's second-largest trade partner and leading market of its agricultural exports, with bilateral trade reaching 13.8 billion U.S. dollars in 2017, up by nearly 2,300 times since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1972. Today, Argentina's prawn sales to China are poised to deepen and diversify the two countries' trade ties. Xinhua recently toured the facilities of Altamare, a company in Puerto Madryn, in Argentina's southern Chubut province, which was acquired by Chinese-owned Shanghai Fisheries General Corporation (SFGC) in 2015.
- automotive
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/motoring/2017-01/11/content_27922656.htm Shenzhen-based BYD Co has been officially selected as the recommended company by an evaluation committee in Argentina for the purchase of 50 electric buses on behalf of the Ministry of Environment. The bid was launched by the Ministry of Environment as a pilot project for the introduction of electric public transport in different cities throughout the country.
- Chinese-made automobiles are now more frequently seen driving on the streets of Argentina, as more carmakers travel to the South American market. This week, Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co Ltd, better known as JAC Motors, became the latest Chinese manufacturer to present its line of passenger and commercial vehicles for Argentine consumers. Argentine importer Sideco showcased JAC-branded SUVs and pickups at Arenas Studios, the expansive moviemaking venue in the La Boca district of Buenos Aires, capital of the country. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201810/09/WS5bbc4068a310eff3032814c0.html
- Two Chinese electric buses began operating on Thursday in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires, the first eight vehicles that will soon be incorporated into four urban passenger transport lines. The two units, manufactured by the Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Company, were unveiled in the Palermo neighborhood, north of the capital, by Minister of Transport Guillermo Dietrich, Buenos Aires Mayor Horacio Rodriguez, and the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development Sergio Bergman. http://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201905/22/WS5ce48ca5a3104842260bcf8b.html
- mining
- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-barrick-gold-mine-shandong-gold-idUSKBN1780KW China's Shandong Gold Mining Co Ltd (600547.SS) will pay $960 million for a 50 percent stake in Barrick Gold Corp's (ABX.TO)(ABX.N) Veladero gold mine in Argentina, the Canadian miner said in a press release on Thursday. The deal, which confirms an earlier Reuters report about the talks, will also see the two firms look at jointly developing the nearby undeveloped Pascua-Lama gold and silver project which straddles the border of Argentina and Chile. Barrick added the two miners would also look at other additional investment opportunities on the El Indio Gold Belt.
- Argentina made its first export of chilled beef to China, days after a new health protocol entered into force which allows this product to enter China. The Argentine Ministry of Agribusiness reported on Monday that the export was carried out on Saturday and consisted of chilled, vacuum packed rib eye cuts, which are considered to be high value cut within the Argentine industry."This represents a great opportunity for the Argentine industry and for trade between both countries," said Minister of Agribusiness Luis Miguel Etchevehere.http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-06/25/c_138171650.htm
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-05/16/content_25290920.htmBodega Achaval Ferrer is not the only Argentine vineyard that is seeking to reachout to Chinese consumers. Other wine makers too are targeting China, which hasbecome one of Argentina's top 10 wine export destinations. In 2015, Argentina exported $19.98 million worth of wine to China, up from $9.09million in 2010. "The potential for Argentina's wines in China is great considering that China has 20million frequent wine consumers. Their number is expanding fast. If eachconsumer spends 100 yuan on Argentina's wines each year, the market size will be100 times its current number," said Mao Yufen, a Xi'an-based wine trader with QinAn Wine Trade Co Ltd.
- investors from China
- http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201502/0223/HZ10223CGBA.pdf Mr Cheng who operated supermarkets
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20151007/PDF/b2_screen.pdf 工行( 01398)正研究收購滙控(00005)阿根廷分 行,兩者於今年第二季更曾在布宜諾斯艾利 斯舉行會議,商討有關收購事宜。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2015-11/06/content_22383758.htmState-owned China National Nuclear Corp is inching closer to a $6 billion deal with Argentina tobuild the Latin American country's fourth nuclear plant. The nuclear giant has wrapped up talks for the fourth reactor and signed a framework agreementfor a fifth plant. That fifth one is expected to use China's home-grown nuclear technology,according to CNNC sources. CNNC will work with Nucleoelectrica, the state-owned nuclear operator of Argentina, on the fourthreactor, Atucha 3, which is expected to cost about $6 billion. Construction of the Atucha NuclearPower Plant Complex in Buenos Aires province is expected to be completed in eight years. Atucha 3 will be using a Canadian-developed Candu reactor which uses a heavy-water model,while the fifth reactor, Atucha 4, will use China's third-generation pressurized-water nucleartechnology, known as Hualong One. http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20151116/PDF/a3_screen.pdf 據中國之聲報道:當地時間15 日上午,中核集團與阿根廷核電公司在土耳其簽 約,拿下了阿根廷核電60億大單。 據悉,這次簽約的項目有兩個,一個是阿根 廷的第四座核電站,即阿圖查核電站3號機組的 重水堆核電站,裝機容量75萬千瓦。另一個是圍 繞阿根廷第五座核電站的框架性協議。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-04/09/content_24394644.htm Chinese meat processor Foresun Group has agreed to buy three beefslaughterhouses and a livestock confinement unit in Argentina from Brazilianmeatpacker Margrif Global Foods SA for $75 million. Under the agreement, Black Bamboo Enterprises, a subsidiary of Foresun, will takeover three meatpacking facilities in the towns of Hughes, Vivorata and Unquillo, alllocated in the central part of Argentina, Margrif announced in a regulatory filing. The confinement unit, based in Monte Ralo, is also in the same area. Foresun, headquartered in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang province, has already made aninitial payment of $34 million to gain control over the facility in Hughes, with theremainder to be paid within 12 months of delivery of the other units.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170510/00180_036.html阿根廷布省胡寧市一間華人經營的超市,上周六遭兩名電單車賊人打劫,他們持槍威脅收銀員與一名顧客,並要求後者趴在地上然後交出錢包。他們得手後,向天花板連開三槍,並帶着賊贓離開。超市亦損失一萬披索(約五千港元)現金,警方仍在追捕兩名賊人。
- Huawei
- http://www.economist.com/news/americas/21702216-giant-economic-experiment-argentinas-southern-tip-starting-flag-tax-haven
- literature
- illegal fishing- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/05/06/b07-0506.pdf 由中國 12家出版單位組成的代表團,給本屆 國際書展帶來 300多種、500多冊圖書,其中半 數以上是西文版。從孔孟老莊等中國古代文化經 典,到《駱駝祥子》、《生命的吶喊》等現代著 作;從實用的漢語教材,到西藏天路的旅行遊 記,每一本書都承載着獨特的中國文化,等待着 有緣的異國朋友發現蘊藏其中的奧秘。據中國駐阿根廷大使館文化參贊楊川穎介 紹,圍繞 2016年「中拉文化交流年」和 2017年 慶祝中阿建交 45周年兩項重要活動,中國 10多 個文化團體先後造訪阿根廷,而阿根廷探戈舞團 和音樂團體也在中國成功演出。這些活動極大地 拓寬了兩國文化交流的深度和廣度。 布宜諾斯艾利斯國際書展是拉美地區規模最 大的書展之一,每年吸引約 40個國家和地區數 以萬計的圖書界人士參展。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160411/00178_026.html 中國遠洋漁船「魯煙遠漁010號」上月十四日在阿根廷被擊沉,船上四名船員被控「涉嫌非法捕魚」及「對抗執法」,遭阿根廷海岸警衞隊扣押。內地官媒報道,當地時間本月七日和九日,經阿根廷相關法院同意,准許包括船長在內的四名中國船員離開阿根廷返回中國。
- 上月底有五艘中國漁船被指闖入阿根廷海域進行非法捕魚活動,遭阿根廷海警船追捕並開槍掃射。據中國駐阿根廷大使館網站消息,駐阿根廷使館王曉林參贊上周三約見阿國海警總局局長斯加塞略,要求阿方查清事實,並促請阿方理性執法,保護在阿國附近海域作業的中國船員和漁船合法權益和生命財產安全。雙方還就進一步完善應對突發事件聯絡機制達成共識。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180308/00178_018.html
- Argentine artist learn chinese painting china daily 30aug17
- 阿根廷科爾多瓦地區法院秘書處一名女職員涉嫌欺詐,被判三年緩刑及罰款七十元(阿根廷比索‧下同,約卅二港元)。經她處理的入籍個案全變無效,致四百名華人被取消阿根廷國籍。由於中國不允許雙重國籍,令到眾多華人受害者處於「無國籍」狀態,甚至沒有護照。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171111/00178_004.html
- 阿根廷馬德普拉塔發生華人涉嫌勒索同胞案件,疑犯和受害人都是超市店主,兩間超市只有咫尺之遙。疑犯涉嫌勒索受害人並威脅要傷害其子。警方周日拘捕疑犯,控以敲詐未遂罪。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190612/00180_013.html
- cg in hk
- hkej 30nov17 c3 feature article
- The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Co-operation in Wine-related Businesses between Hong Kong and Argentina with the Chief Executive Officer of the Argentina Investment and Trade Promotion Agency, Mr Juan Pablo Tripodi, in Bueno Aires, Argentina today (December 14, Bueno Aires time). The MOU will facilitate co-operation between Hong Kong and Argentina in wine-related trading and investment promotion, education and training, tourism and prevention of counterfeiting. http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201712/15/P2017121500168.htm
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2017-07/31/content_30299826.htm El Enemigo winery in Cachingo near the central city of Mendoza in western Argentina, target china market, establish in hk using chile tie-up
- hk people in argentina
- http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/supplement/travel/art/20170813/20118550 Gustavo有個中文名,叫伍志偉。他是阿根廷華人移民二代,爸爸伍平業(音譯)於廣東省台山出生,二戰後舉家搬到香港。直到1954年,阿根廷總統貝隆推動工業化,邀請各國企業前來設廠,當中包括香港的「南洋紡織公司」。只得17歲的伍平業毅然登上去南美的船,來到地球另一端的布宜諾斯艾利斯。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20180625/00269_002.html80後阿根廷專才Raul Eduardo Munoz來港創業,宣揚家鄉紅酒
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