The Causeway Islands (Spanish: Islas Calzada de Amador) are four small islands by the Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal. They are linked to the mainland via a causeway, made from rock extracted during the excavations from the Panama Canal. In part the causeway was meant to serve as a breakwater for the entrance.
A four-lane road runs along the causeway to each island, and there is a bicycle/jogging path as well.
The islands are as follows:
- Naos - home to a research lab run by the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI).
- Culebra
- Perico
- Flamenco
During World War II, fortifications were constructed on the islands to protect the canal but were never used. They have since been dismantled, but bulwarks and empty gun emplacements still exist. Launch facilities are used by pilots boarding ships entering the Panama Canal from these islands. Manuel Noriega built a private house on one of the islands, which was destroyed and looted during his ouster. Since control of the islands reverted to Panama (they had previously been part of the Canal Zone), there has been considerable development along the causeway and edges of the islands, including port facilities, marinas, shopping, and restaurants. Away from their perimeters, the hilly islands still contain isolated maritime jungle, though they are threatened by continued development.
- takung 27jan19
Portobelo (historically Porto Bello in English) is a port city and corregimiento in Portobelo District, Colón Province, Panama. Portobelo was colonized in 1597 by Spanish explorer Francisco Velarde y Mercado[2] and quickly replaced Nombre de Dios as a Caribbean port for Peruvian silver. Legend has it that Christopher Columbus originally named the port "Puerto Bello", meaning "Beautiful Port", in 1502.[3] After Francis Drake died of dysentery in 1596 at sea, he was said to be buried in a lead coffin near Portobelo Bay. From the 16th to the 18th centuries, it was an important silver-exporting port in New Granada on the Spanish Main and one of the ports on the route of the Spanish treasure fleets. The Spanish built defensive fortifications.The privateer William Parker attacked and captured the city in 1601 and Captain Henry Morgan repeated the feat in 1668. He led a fleet of privateers and 450 men against Portobelo, which, in spite of its good fortifications, he captured. His forces plundered it for 14 days, stripping nearly all its wealth while raping, torturing and killing the inhabitants. It was captured again in 1680 by John Coxon.The British had a disaster in the Blockade of Porto Bello under Admiral Hosier in 1726. As part of the campaigns of the War of Jenkins' Ear, the port was attacked on November 21, 1739, and captured by a British fleet of six ships, commanded by Admiral Edward Vernon. The British victory created an outburst of popular acclaim throughout the British Empire. More medals were struck for Vernon than for any other 18th-century British figure. Across the British Isles, Portobello was used in place and street names in honor of the victory, such as Portobello Road in London, the Portobello area in Edinburgh, and the Portobello Barracks in Dublin.
The Spanish quickly recovered the Panamanian town and defeated Admiral Vernon in the Battle of Cartagena de Indias in 1741. Vernon was forced to return to England with a decimated fleet, having suffered more than 18,000 casualties.[6] Despite the Portobello campaign, British efforts to gain a foothold in the Spanish Main and disrupt the galleon trade were fruitless. Following the War of Jenkins' Ear, the Spanish switched from large fleets calling at few ports to small fleets trading at a wide variety of ports, developing a flexibility that made them less subject to attack. The ships also began to travel around Cape Horn to trade directly at ports on the western coast.
- Mossack Fonseca & Co. is a Panamanian law firm and corporate service provider, which is the world’s fourth biggest provider of offshore financial services. From its 1977 foundation until the April 2016 publication of the Panama Papers it remained mostly obscure, even though it sits at the heart of the global offshore industry, and acts for about 300,000 companies. More than half are registered in British tax havens – as well as in the UK. The firm received worldwide media attention in April 2016, when the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists published information about its clients' financial dealings in the Panama Papers articles, following the release of an enormous cache of its documents from between 1970 and 2015 leaked to the news media.
The firm was founded by German lawyer Jürgen Mossack in 1977 and joined by Panamanian novelist/lawyer Ramón Fonseca in 1986. It later added a third director, Swiss lawyer Christoph Zollinger. It specializes in commercial law, trust services, investor advisory, and international business structures.[8] It also offers intellectual property protection and maritime law services. An internal memorandum revealed in the 2016 Panama papers leak noted that 95% of the company's work consists of "selling vehicles to avoid taxes". The firm has nine offices in China, several in Latin America, others in the United States[8] and Europe, with two in Switzerland.[16] Lawyers from the firm have been sent to foreign countries to promote business in Panama and Panamanian financial products. Mossack established operations in the British Virgin Islands in 1987, where it incorporated more than 100,000 companies. The firm was consulted by the country of Niue when it sought to become an offshore financial center, and managed that business exclusively for the country through their Panama headquarters. However, American banks imposed embargoes on bank transfers to Niue in 2001, leading to a shutdown of the business in 2005. Accounts of the firm's clients were moved from Niue to American Samoa.
- Panama Canal
- The Hay–Pauncefote Treaty is a treaty signed by the United States and the United Kingdom on 18 November 1901, as a preliminary to the creation of the Panama Canal. The Treaty nullified the Clayton–Bulwer Treaty of 1850 and gave the United States the right to create and control a canal across the Central American isthmus to connect the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. In the Clayton–Bulwer Treaty, both nations had renounced building such a canal under the sole control of one nation. Prior to the opening of the Panama Canal to traffic on 15 August 1914, a controversy with Great Britain respecting the interpretation of the Hay–Pauncefote Treaty arose. Under the Panama Canal Act of 1912, United States vessels engaged in the coast-to-coast trade between U.S. ports were to be exempted from canal tolls. Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Secretary, lodged a protest and claimed that the act discriminated against British and other foreign vessels in contravention of the Treaty, and requested that the Senate forgo action on the bill in order that a detailed statement might be sent, but President Taft signed the Act on 24 August. In a formal protest lodged on 9 December, Grey declared that "while the Hay–Pauncefote Treaty left the United States free to build and protect the canal, it expressly maintained the principle of Article VIII of the Clayton–Bulwer Treaty of 1850, guaranteeing to England the use of the canal on a complete equality with the United States of America." On 27 February 1913 he pressed for arbitration. In the United States, the British contention was generally regarded as an attempt to interfere with the United States' sovereign rights to regulate its own commerce, and to use the canal in whatsoever manner it saw fit. A minority, led by Republican Senator Elihu Root, held that the British objection was based on solid grounds. President Wilson took office in 1913 and on 5 March 1914, Wilson sent a message to Congress strongly urging the repeal of the exemption. He regarded the exemption as a plain breach of the Hay–Pauncefote Treaty and declared that it was only in the United States that there was any doubt as to its language. He proposed a "voluntary withdrawal from a position everywhere questioned and misunderstood." He faced strong opposition from his own party members whose 1912 Democratic Party platform had committed them to guaranteeing free passage for U.S. Nevertheless, President Wilson forced his own party members to accept a repeal of the exemption, but not before a proviso had been inserted in the bill expressly reserving to the United States the right to exempt ships from tolls in the future. Wilson signed these revisions to the Panama Canal Act on 15 June 1914.
- The Torrijos–Carter Treaties are twotreaties signed by the United States andPanama in Washington, D.C., on September 7, 1977, which abrogated theHay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty of 1903. The treaties guaranteed that Panama would gain control of the Panama Canal after 1999, ending the control of the canal that the U.S. had exercised since 1903. The treaties are named after the two signatories, U.S. President Jimmy Carterand the Commander of Panama's National Guard, General Omar Torrijos. Although Torrijos was not democratically elected as he had seized power in a coup in 1968, it is generally considered that he had widespread support in Panama to justify his signing of the treaties. This first treaty is officially titled The Treaty Concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal (Spanish: Tratado Concerniente a la Neutralidad Permanente y Funcionamiento del Canal de Panamá)[1] and is commonly known as the "Neutrality Treaty". Under this treaty, the U.S. retained the permanent right to defend the canal from any threat that might interfere with its continued neutral service to ships of all nations. The second treaty is titled The Panama Canal Treaty (Tratado del Canal de Panamá),[2] and provided that as from 12:00 on December 31, 1999, Panama would assume full control of canal operations and become primarily responsible for its defense.
- Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno (Spanish pronunciation: [maˈnwel noˈɾjeɣa]; born February 11, 1934) is a former Panamanian politician and military officer. He was military dictator of Panama from 1983 to 1989, when he was removed from power by the United States during the invasion of Panama. From the 1950s until shortly before the U.S. invasion, Noriega worked closely with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. From the mid-1970s, Daisaku Ikeda (池田 大作) fostered a close relationship with Noriega, both before and during his period as military dictator of Panama. Noriega repeatedly visited the Taiseki-ji and hosted Ikeda on several visits to Panama. Both leaders praised each other in public statements.
- Ricardo Alberto Martinelli Berrocal, GColIH (born March 11, 1951) is a Panamanian politician and businessman who was the 36th President of Panama from 2009 to 2014. In May 2017, Interpol issued a red notice (request for international arrest) for the extradition of Ricardo Martinell, installed in Miami. Panamanian justice accuses the former president of having spied on telephone conversations of about 150 people, including journalists and leaders of the opposition. He is also suspected of embezzlement on a $45 million contract to purchase food for schools. Martinelli was arrested in Miami by U.S. Marshals on June 12, 2017 to face extradition to Panama.
archaeological find
- Venado Beach excavations - Venado Beach is a very important site for understanding the development of complex polities in the culture known as Coclé, perhaps best known for the major cemeteries of Sitio Conte and El Caño. Note pendants in the form of frogs/toads
- The United States Invasion of Panama, code named Operation Just Cause occurred between mid-December 1989 and late January 1990. It occurred during the administration of President George H. W. Bush and ten years after the Torrijos–Carter Treatieswere ratified to transfer control of the Panama Canal from the U.S. to Panama by 1 January 2000. During the invasion, de facto Panamanian leader, general, and dictator Manuel Noriega was deposed, president-elect Guillermo Endara sworn into office, and the Panamanian Defense Force dissolved.
- Many of those who bought the condos, it turns out, did so not to live there but allegedly to launder illicit money – Russian gangster money, drug cartel money, people-smuggling money. A joint Reuters-NBC News investigation published on Friday alongside a report by the non-profit Global Witness said the skyscraper with Trump’s name had ties to international organised crime.
- people
- Operation Nifty Package was a United States Delta and Navy SEAL-operated plan conducted in 1989 designed to capture Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega. When Noriega took refuge in the Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See (diplomatic quarter), deafening music and other psychological warfare tactics were used to convince him to exit and surrender himself. The United States claimed that after ten days of psychological harassment, the Papal Nuncio (ambassador) Monsignor Laboa had threatened to revoke Noriega's sanctuary if he didn't surrender to the United States, although Laboa insisted that he had made no threats of revoking the right of asylum under the Church, but had used his own "precisely calibrated psychological campaign" to force Noriega's departure.Although the operation was successful, National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft would later point to the psychological harassment of the Papal Nuncio as "a low moment in US Army history," noting that their approach had been silly, reproachable and undignified.アメリカ陸軍は、「鼓膜が破れるほどの音量」でけたたましいロック音楽を鳴らす、大使館のフェンスに対して装甲車のエンジンを全開にする、「ヘリコプター着陸区画」を作るために近隣の区域に火を放ち、ブルドーザーで整地をするなどの心理戦へと転換した。報道によると、ザ・クラッシュのバージョンの"I Fought The Law (アイ・フォウト・ザ・ロウ)"、AC/DCの"You Shook Me All Night Long"、ガンズ・アンド・ローゼズの"Welcome to the Jungle (ウェルカム・トゥ・ザ・ジャングル)"[11]、ジェスロ・タルの"Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young to Die!"[12]などが繰り返し再生された。
- 憶起近30年前自己初到巴拿馬艱難謀生的歲月,巴拿馬華僑華人中國和平統一促進會會長麥杞佳感慨良多。他說,伴隨中國經濟實力的增長和國際地位的提高,當地社會對華僑華人的尊重程度也在增加。今天能在異國他鄉見到祖(籍)國的最高領導人,旅巴華僑華人深感振奮。年逾九旬的巴拿馬中華總會永久名譽會長章辭修表示,期望更多的僑胞此次有機會見到習近平主席。在巴拿馬生活已超過50年的章辭修說,與中國建交是巴拿馬作出的「最好的、非常成熟的」決策,巴拿馬朝野「沒有一個政黨反對」。他說,有理由相信,巴拿馬各黨派都已認識到對華關係的重要性,未來兩國關係一定會更好。巴拿馬大學孔子學院巴方院長巫俊輝說,中國改革開放以來的高速發展,巴拿馬人民也都看在眼裡。目前巴拿馬在基礎設施建設、現代農業等領域還相對滯後,但也蘊含着巨大的發展空間。他期待習主席的到訪帶來更多合作機遇,為巴拿馬的發展注入推進劑。巴拿馬華助中心主任羅德雙表示,自己的巴拿馬朋友聽聞習主席將訪問的消息後都頗為高興,相信這將促進兩國人民相互了解,增進感情,並期待「中國機遇」能幫助提振巴拿馬經濟。他亦表示,旅巴僑界要為兩國關係長期穩定發展出更多力,發揮更多的橋樑紐帶作用。
- 在巴拿馬居住有近三十萬中 國人,約佔這國家總人口的百分 之八,比例不可謂不大。他們與 巴拿馬人民友好相處,貢獻突出 ,被巴拿馬人親切地稱為 「老鄉 」,巴拿馬政府還在本世紀初專 門設立了 「華人日」(每年三月 三十日),足見他們在巴拿馬人 民心目中的地位之高。 誠如紀念碑的顯示,中國人 抵達巴拿馬已經超過一百五十年 ,準確地說,到二○一九年是一 百六十八年,因為據歷史記載, 首批中國人是在一八五一年來到 這個國家的,是為了參加巴拿馬 洋際鐵路的建設。他們的抵達, 不僅是歷史輪廓的展現,更是中 國與巴拿馬源遠流長友誼的見證 。巴拿馬已故領導人托里霍斯將 軍曾經親口告訴我,巴拿馬鐵路 的每根枕木都是一位中國人的化 身,在挖掘巴拿馬運河中死去的 中國人應該更多,巴拿馬人民應 該永遠銘記他們
- diplomatic relation
- fta
- aviation
- railway
- delegation from china
- Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno (Spanish pronunciation: [maˈnwel noˈɾjeɣa]; born February 11, 1934) is a former Panamanian politician and military officer. He was military dictator of Panama from 1983 to 1989, when he was removed from power by the United States during the invasion of Panama. From the 1950s until shortly before the U.S. invasion, Noriega worked closely with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. From the mid-1970s, Daisaku Ikeda (池田 大作) fostered a close relationship with Noriega, both before and during his period as military dictator of Panama. Noriega repeatedly visited the Taiseki-ji and hosted Ikeda on several visits to Panama. Both leaders praised each other in public statements.
- hkej 23feb18 shum article
- Ricardo Alberto Martinelli Berrocal, GColIH (born March 11, 1951) is a Panamanian politician and businessman who was the 36th President of Panama from 2009 to 2014. In May 2017, Interpol issued a red notice (request for international arrest) for the extradition of Ricardo Martinell, installed in Miami. Panamanian justice accuses the former president of having spied on telephone conversations of about 150 people, including journalists and leaders of the opposition. He is also suspected of embezzlement on a $45 million contract to purchase food for schools. Martinelli was arrested in Miami by U.S. Marshals on June 12, 2017 to face extradition to Panama.
- Born in Panama City, Ricardo Martinelli is the son of Ricardo Martinelli Pardini and Gloria Berrocal Fabrega.[2]His father is of Italian descent, and his mother is of Spanish descent. He completed his secondary education at Staunton Military Academy in Staunton, Virginia, in the United States. In 1973 he graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Arkansas.[4] He earned a Master of Business Administration degree from the INCAE Business School in 1977, graduating from its campus in Nicaragua.
- On February 20, 2010, the University of Arkansas established the Ricardo A. Martinelli Berrocal Scholarship to provide financial aid to prospective University of Arkansas students from Panama. He was also presented with the Citation of Distinguished Alumnus award and was made an official ambassador of the State of Arkansas by Governor Mike Beebe.
- On June 16, 2013, received and acknowledgement from the FAO in Rome, Italy, for helping to reduce the child malnutrition in the Panamenian territory. It took place during the 38th Session of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Conference. Martinelli was awarded besides other thirty seven countries.
Knight Grand Cross, Special Class of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, Royal House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (28 July 2012)
Grand Collar of the Order of Prince Henry, Portugal (29 July 2013)
- 有外洩的美國外交機密文件顯示,馬丁內利在任時曾欲放棄與台灣的邦交,改為與中國建交,更派出時任副總統的現任總統胡安瓦雷拉與中方接觸,但中方因不願損害兩岸關係而拒絕。
archaeological find
- Venado Beach excavations - Venado Beach is a very important site for understanding the development of complex polities in the culture known as Coclé, perhaps best known for the major cemeteries of Sitio Conte and El Caño. Note pendants in the form of frogs/toads
- The United States Invasion of Panama, code named Operation Just Cause occurred between mid-December 1989 and late January 1990. It occurred during the administration of President George H. W. Bush and ten years after the Torrijos–Carter Treatieswere ratified to transfer control of the Panama Canal from the U.S. to Panama by 1 January 2000. During the invasion, de facto Panamanian leader, general, and dictator Manuel Noriega was deposed, president-elect Guillermo Endara sworn into office, and the Panamanian Defense Force dissolved.
- Many of those who bought the condos, it turns out, did so not to live there but allegedly to launder illicit money – Russian gangster money, drug cartel money, people-smuggling money. A joint Reuters-NBC News investigation published on Friday alongside a report by the non-profit Global Witness said the skyscraper with Trump’s name had ties to international organised crime.
- people
- ********Philippe-Jean Bunau-Varilla (French pronunciation: [filip ʒɑ̃ byno vaʁija]) (1859–1940), commonly referred to as simply Philippe Bunau-Varilla, was a French engineer and soldier. With the assistance of American lobbyist and lawyer William Nelson Cromwell, Bunau-Varilla greatly influenced the Washington's decision concerning the construction site for the famed Panama Canal. He also worked closely with President Theodore Roosevelt in the latter's orchestration of the Panamanian Revolution.Bunau-Varilla was born on 26 July 1859 in Paris, France. After graduating at age 20 from the École Polytechnique, he remained in France for three years. In 1882 he abandoned his career in public works at the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and traveled to Panama. He arrived at the isthmus in 1884, employed with Ferdinand de Lesseps's Panama Canal Company. After the Panama Canal Company went bankrupt in 1888 amidst charges of fraud, Bunau-Varilla was left stranded in Panama. He struggled to find a new way to construct the canal. When the New Panama Canal Company sprang up back in his native France, Bunau-Varilla sailed home, having purchased a large amount of stock. However, as de Lesseps' company had before, the New Panama Canal Company soon abandoned efforts to build the canal. It sold the land in Panama to the United States, in hopes that the company would not fail entirely. U.S. President Grover Cleveland, an anti-imperialist, avoided the canal issue. When the more supportive Theodore Roosevelt became president in 1901, canal planning resumed in the United States. Bunau-Varilla energetically promoted a canal in Panama. With aid from the New Panama Canal Company's New York attorney, William Nelson Cromwell, he persuaded the government to select Panama as the canal site, as opposed to the popular alternative, Nicaragua.[2] When opponents voiced their interest in constructing a canal through Nicaragua, which was a less politically volatile nation, Bunau-Varilla actively lobbied in the United States, for example by distributing Nicaraguan postage stamps featuring belching volcanos to senators.[3] Through lobbying of businessmen, government officials, and the American public, Bunau-Varilla convinced the U.S. Congress to appropriate $40 million to the New Panama Canal Company, under the Spooner Act of 1902. The funds were contingent on negotiating a treaty with Colombia to provide land for the canal in its territory of Panama.Colombia signed the Hay–Herrán Treaty in 1903, ceding land in Panama to the United States for the canal, but the Senate of Colombia rejected ratification. Bunau-Varilla's company was in danger of losing the $40 million of the Spooner Act, and he drew up plans with Panamanian juntas in New York for war. By the eve of the war, Bunau-Varilla had already drafted the new nation's constitution, flag, and military establishment, and promised to float the entire government on his own checkbook. Bunau-Varilla's flag design was later rejected by the Panamanian revolutionary council on the grounds that it was designed by a foreigner. Although he prepared for a small-scale civil war, violence was limited. As promised, President Roosevelt interposed a U.S. naval fleet between the Colombian forces south of the isthmus and Panamanian separatists.Bunau-Varilla, as Panama's ambassador to the United States, was invested with plenipotentiary powers by President Manuel Amador. Lacking formal consent of the government of Panama, he entered into negotiations with the American Secretary of State, John Hay, to give control of the Panama Canal area to the U.S. No Panamanians signed the resulting Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty, though it was ratified in Panama on 2 December 1903.[6]Bunau-Varilla had received his ambassadorship through financial assistance to the rebels, he had not lived in Panama for seventeen years, and he never returned,[7] leading to the charge that he was "appointed Minister by cable".[8] Panamanians long resented his betrayed trust put in him by the new Panamanian authorities. The treaty was finally undone by the Torrijos–Carter Treaties in 1977.
- Operation Nifty Package was a United States Delta and Navy SEAL-operated plan conducted in 1989 designed to capture Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega. When Noriega took refuge in the Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See (diplomatic quarter), deafening music and other psychological warfare tactics were used to convince him to exit and surrender himself. The United States claimed that after ten days of psychological harassment, the Papal Nuncio (ambassador) Monsignor Laboa had threatened to revoke Noriega's sanctuary if he didn't surrender to the United States, although Laboa insisted that he had made no threats of revoking the right of asylum under the Church, but had used his own "precisely calibrated psychological campaign" to force Noriega's departure.Although the operation was successful, National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft would later point to the psychological harassment of the Papal Nuncio as "a low moment in US Army history," noting that their approach had been silly, reproachable and undignified.アメリカ陸軍は、「鼓膜が破れるほどの音量」でけたたましいロック音楽を鳴らす、大使館のフェンスに対して装甲車のエンジンを全開にする、「ヘリコプター着陸区画」を作るために近隣の区域に火を放ち、ブルドーザーで整地をするなどの心理戦へと転換した。報道によると、ザ・クラッシュのバージョンの"I Fought The Law (アイ・フォウト・ザ・ロウ)"、AC/DCの"You Shook Me All Night Long"、ガンズ・アンド・ローゼズの"Welcome to the Jungle (ウェルカム・トゥ・ザ・ジャングル)"[11]、ジェスロ・タルの"Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young to Die!"[12]などが繰り返し再生された。
- 憶起近30年前自己初到巴拿馬艱難謀生的歲月,巴拿馬華僑華人中國和平統一促進會會長麥杞佳感慨良多。他說,伴隨中國經濟實力的增長和國際地位的提高,當地社會對華僑華人的尊重程度也在增加。今天能在異國他鄉見到祖(籍)國的最高領導人,旅巴華僑華人深感振奮。年逾九旬的巴拿馬中華總會永久名譽會長章辭修表示,期望更多的僑胞此次有機會見到習近平主席。在巴拿馬生活已超過50年的章辭修說,與中國建交是巴拿馬作出的「最好的、非常成熟的」決策,巴拿馬朝野「沒有一個政黨反對」。他說,有理由相信,巴拿馬各黨派都已認識到對華關係的重要性,未來兩國關係一定會更好。巴拿馬大學孔子學院巴方院長巫俊輝說,中國改革開放以來的高速發展,巴拿馬人民也都看在眼裡。目前巴拿馬在基礎設施建設、現代農業等領域還相對滯後,但也蘊含着巨大的發展空間。他期待習主席的到訪帶來更多合作機遇,為巴拿馬的發展注入推進劑。巴拿馬華助中心主任羅德雙表示,自己的巴拿馬朋友聽聞習主席將訪問的消息後都頗為高興,相信這將促進兩國人民相互了解,增進感情,並期待「中國機遇」能幫助提振巴拿馬經濟。他亦表示,旅巴僑界要為兩國關係長期穩定發展出更多力,發揮更多的橋樑紐帶作用。
- 在巴拿馬居住有近三十萬中 國人,約佔這國家總人口的百分 之八,比例不可謂不大。他們與 巴拿馬人民友好相處,貢獻突出 ,被巴拿馬人親切地稱為 「老鄉 」,巴拿馬政府還在本世紀初專 門設立了 「華人日」(每年三月 三十日),足見他們在巴拿馬人 民心目中的地位之高。 誠如紀念碑的顯示,中國人 抵達巴拿馬已經超過一百五十年 ,準確地說,到二○一九年是一 百六十八年,因為據歷史記載, 首批中國人是在一八五一年來到 這個國家的,是為了參加巴拿馬 洋際鐵路的建設。他們的抵達, 不僅是歷史輪廓的展現,更是中 國與巴拿馬源遠流長友誼的見證 。巴拿馬已故領導人托里霍斯將 軍曾經親口告訴我,巴拿馬鐵路 的每根枕木都是一位中國人的化 身,在挖掘巴拿馬運河中死去的 中國人應該更多,巴拿馬人民應 該永遠銘記他們
- diplomatic relation
- 巴拿馬不但是台灣在中美洲最重要的邦交國,更是中國最早的邦交國,早在清朝宣統元年(1910年1月16日)即與大清國建交,後延至中華民國直至昨天,雙方建交已107年,即使國民黨敗退台灣,巴拿馬亦堅持相隨,拒不承認中共。但台巴情誼亦非堅不可摧。60年代末70年初中共在聯合國「爭位」要取代台灣,表決時巴國棄權不挺台。1997年巴國與中國互設辦事處;陳水扁、馬英九時代都曾傳與台斷交危機。中巴雖無邦交,但中國駐巴貿易處規模龐大,遠超台灣駐巴國大使館。近年台巴關係更陷危機。馬英九任內訪巴國專機不能在首都機場降落,亦無軍禮歡迎儀式。去年蔡英文上任後出訪首站即巴國,但巴總統竟在臉書上稱呼台灣為「中國台灣」。上月台灣剛援助巴國290萬美元(約2,261萬港元)金援,資助當地農業與安全計劃。
- 由于歷史的原因,巴拿马一直没有同中华人民共和国建立外交关系,但双方的往来甚密,相互理解也在不断加深。1979年底,我作为新华社记者来到这个 国家常驻,前后四年多,参与加深两国了解和理解的相关事务,包括1982年为中国常驻联合国副代表周南面见巴拿马国家元首托里霍斯将军担任现场翻译,以及 参与一些互相访问和相关机构建立的洽商等项事宜。巴拿马的魅力和人民的热情,给我印象深刻,记忆恒远。1996年,双方根据意愿和可能,商定相互设立贸易代表机构,推进两国的经贸合作和其他多方面的交流和往来。今天的建交,应该是双方的诚意和相互了解逐渐加深的必然结果,属于水到渠成,基础牢固,理当得到各方面的认可和祝贺。
- Panama announced Tuesday (Jul 25) it has opened an embassy in China after cutting diplomatic ties with Taiwan in June. "The opening of the Republic of Panama's embassy in the People's Republic of China was done in accordance with the principles that frame the diplomatic relations between both countries," the foreign ministry said in a statement.
- Foreign Minister Wang Yi is in Panama to inaugurate China’s embassy following the establishment of diplomatic relations agreed in summer. The facility will provide a visible symbol of the new diplomatic ties between the countries, and could open the floodgates to new Chinese investment. Wang arrived in Panama City on Saturday for his first official visit, and was received by Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela and Vice President Isabel De Saint Malo in the Palace of Las Garzas. Before chairing the opening of the embassy, Wang will have a private talk with Varela to discuss 12 priority points set out in the new bilateral agenda, including tourism, trade and security, De Saint Malo explained earlier this week.
- 巴拿馬副總統兼外長德聖馬洛日前透露,繼今年七月在北京設立大使館後,巴拿馬計劃盡快在中國設立兩個領事機構,其中一處將設在上海,希望為發展巴拿馬的旅遊業和雙邊貿易帶來機遇。
- 中国国务院总理李克强11月17日下午在人民大会堂会见来华进行国事访问的巴拿马总统巴雷拉。李克强表示,中国和巴拿马正式建交顺应时代趋势和民心所向,开启了两国关系的歷史性篇章。习近平主席同总统先生举行会谈,全面规划中巴关系发展蓝图。中方愿在相互尊重、平等相待、尊重彼此核心利益的基础上,同巴方增强政治互信,将“一带一路”倡议同巴方发展战略相衔接,深化互利合作。李克强指出,中国愿将自身作为世界货物贸易大国的优势同巴拿马作为“世界桥樑”的区位优势相结合,开展物流网络合作。; 為推動兩國貿易投資自由化便利化,雙方宣佈啟動中巴自由貿易協定聯合可行性研究。雙方決定簽署兩國政府間海運協定。中國政府支持中國企業參與巴拿馬基礎設施建設,鼓勵中資金融機構在巴拿馬設立分支機構,歡迎巴方擴大對華出口。中方同意開放巴拿馬為中國公民組團出境旅遊目的地,願同巴方加強民航合作。
-在昨日上海舉行的「中國-巴拿馬商務論壇」上,正在中國訪問的巴拿馬總統巴雷拉向與會中巴企業家分享了高鐵旅行帶給他的觸動。「目前,巴拿馬至哥斯達黎加 的鐵路建設計劃正在進行可行性研究,我們希望中美洲鐵路建設能夠引入中國技術和資金。未來,巴拿馬至哥斯達黎加鐵路將與巴拿馬運河相配合,形成更強大高效 的運輸物流體系。」
- 當地時間 17日,王毅與巴拿馬副總統兼 外長德聖馬洛舉行兩國外交部間首次政治磋 商。磋商前,兩國外長簽署建立兩國外交部 間政治磋商機制的諒解備忘錄。王毅表示, 中方願與巴方加強在多邊事務中的溝通與協 調,利用自身影響在國際場合維護巴方的正 當合法權益。
- fta
- 巴拿馬正尋求同中國簽署自由貿易協 定,進一步促進巴中和拉中經貿合作。 巴拿馬華裔林錦珍從2014年起擔任辦 事處代表,是中巴建交的推動者和歷史見 證者。林錦珍說,巴中兩國6月13日簽署建 交聯合公報後,巴拿馬總統巴雷拉任命了 一個工作小組來到中國,同中方就航運、 經貿、金融、文教等領域的合作進行磋商。 「巴拿馬正在尋求同中國簽署自由貿 易協定,相關磋商已經開啟。目前巴拿馬 科隆自貿區裏有大量商品來自中國,並從 那裏走向整個拉美地區。因此巴中自貿協 定將在中國商品進入拉美地區的過程中起 到非常重要的作用,同時也將幫助巴拿馬商 品叩開中國市場的大門。」林錦珍強調說。
- 巴拿馬近日發官方聲明稱,持有巴拿馬臨時居留許可滿兩年的大陸人,可以申請該國永久居留許可。
- aviation
- 中國國際航空股份有限公司(以下簡稱「國航」)將於4月5日開通北京-休斯敦-巴拿馬城航線。
- railway
- 《中華人民共和國商務部和巴拿馬共和國外交部關於開展巴拿馬鐵路項目可行性研究的合作協議》7日在巴拿馬城簽署。商務部部長鍾山與巴拿馬外交部代部長路易斯.米格爾.因卡皮耶代表兩國政府在協議上簽字。巴拿馬總統巴雷拉出席簽字儀式。
- 据巴拿马国家电视台的报道,当地时间22号,巴拿马政府正式成立“巴拿马至奇利基”铁路专案高级别委员会,负责与中国政府指定的机构单位协调所有与上述铁路专案可行性研究有关的事宜,该委员会将隶属于巴拿马总统府。此前,本月13号、14号在秘鲁首都利马召开的第八届美洲峰会上,巴拿马总统巴雷拉首次对外透露,该国正在和中国就这项先期投资约50亿美元、约合人民币315亿元的铁路专案进行可行性研究。
- 中國去年六月與被視為美國後花園的中美洲巴拿馬建交後,中資企業加緊參與當地的基建項目。巴拿馬公共工程部上周五宣布,中國交通建設公司和中國港灣工程公司聯營體以總分第一,成功中標巴拿馬運河第四橋項目,中標合同價十四億二千萬美元(約一百一十億七千萬港元)。
- The first batch of imported beef from Panama has entered the Chinese market, Shanghai customs office said Wednesday. The imported Panamanian beef, weighing 23 tonnes, is part of new bilateral trade agreements between the two countries. The beef left Panama on June 22 and was transported to China by sea. Beef is Panama's second export to China since the two countries established diplomatic ties on June 13, 2017.
- Panamanian Charlie Collins is on a mission to introduce his country’s cuisine to the world Panama’s food features influences from Spain, France, the Caribbean and even China
- delegation from china
- Some 80 business leaders from China and Panama gathered Monday for a forum in Panama City's financial district to explore bilateral business opportunities. The event, co-organized by Panama's Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (CCIAP), the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and the Chinese government, came a little over a month since the two countries established diplomatic ties. Wang Weihua, charge d'affaires at China's embassy in Panama, told the gathering that he hoped the forum will lead to new trade and investment cooperation between the two nations and to greater mutual understanding through increased exchanges.
- 華人抵達巴拿馬至今已有163年。早期來巴拿馬的華人勞工參與了兩洋鐵路和巴拿馬運河的建設,為這兩項舉世矚目的工程付出了辛勤的汗水甚至生命的代價。從此以後,就有不少華人選擇在巴拿馬定居,並形成拉美最大的華人僑社之一。而廣州花都區更與巴拿馬有着很深的淵源。羅記添告訴記者:「巴拿馬當地華人華僑大約有20萬人,其中八成都是來自廣東廣州花都區。」此外,花都區至今還保留着一條「巴拿馬村」,因為村中一半人都在巴拿馬。首都巴拿馬城眾多的中餐館大多經營粵式菜系,規模較大的有龍鳳、金麒麟、雙喜樓等,均可容納近千人用餐。餐廳服務生多是當地人,當你點菜時,他們一 律使用粵語報菜名,燒賣、皮蛋粥、蝦餃、排骨、鳳爪等,標準的粵語發音;而當地食客們對這些異國發音的食品名稱,也早已耳熟能詳、運用自如。巴拿馬人喝早茶與華人有不同之處,當地人極少喝熱茶,多喝冰水。這就是具有巴拿馬特色的粵式早茶。
- hkej 14jun17 a20 chinese investors including cosco
- 繼有中國女富豪買新西蘭島嶼後,再有一神秘中國女富商計劃豪擲一億美元(約七點八億港元),競購巴拿馬出售全球首個「房地產暨自然遺產」試點項目卡約內塔斯群島,擬在島上開發興建私人住宅區及豪華海邊度假村,但七成面積需留作自然保護區。
-中國嵐橋集團繼去年成功收購澳洲達爾文港後,5月12日耗資9億美元(約70億港元)成功收購巴拿馬最大港口瑪格麗特島港口,成為中國企業首次在巴拿馬進行的大型投資。今後山東嵐橋港(亞洲)、澳洲達爾文港(大洋洲)、巴拿馬瑪格麗特島港(中美洲)將實現三港互聯。 中國嵐橋計劃把瑪格麗特島港口(瑪島港)建成現代化和高效率的深水港口,為實現“一帶一路”沿線港群協同發展發揮積極作用。 瑪島港地處巴拿馬運河大西洋入口,是過往巴拿馬運河必經港口,位於西半球最大自由貿易區─科隆自由貿易區,與香港和記黃埔的碼頭相望,科隆自由貿易區擁有便利的海鐵陸空多式聯運,是世界貨物集散中心之一。
- migrant slaves in 19th century
- chinese labor worked also on canals, notably the Panama Canal (1880-1914) (source: Diana Lary Chinese Migration)
- education
- ties
- panama canal
Country Profile
- 正在中國訪問的巴拿馬總統巴雷拉昨日到訪中國人民大學,獲授該校名譽博士學位,並受聘為該校拉美研究中心名譽顧問。
- ties
- 台灣的蔡英文總統,昨日原定公開接見多明尼加共和國參議院議長訪問團。但巴拿馬與大陸建交的消息傳出後,總統府臨時將這行程改為不公開。另外,目前有一百九十一名巴拿馬學生在台灣讀書,台灣則有十二人在巴拿馬進修西班牙語。台灣的教育部國際司副司長藍先茜表示,巴拿馬學生若是自費在台灣讀書,即使雙方斷交,學生也可繼續留台。但拿台灣獎學金赴台的巴拿馬學生,或是拿巴拿馬政府獎學金到巴拿馬進修的台灣學生,要看兩地外交部怎麼決定。
- diplomatic representation
- investors from Taiwan- “台驻巴拿马大使馆”在当地时间14日,由“大使”曹立杰主持降旗典礼,标誌着整个“大使馆”正式结束运作。台“外交部发言人”王珮玲表示,台巴“外交关系”终止后,“驻使”会在最短期间内离开任所,后续闭馆事宜将由最资深馆员代理。据悉,曹立杰即日内就会动身,离开巴拿马搭机返台。takung 16jun17 a9
-在當局鼓勵下赴中 南美洲投資的台資企業,因為政 策 等 多 方 面 原 因 , 遇 到 諸 多 困 難。蔡英文參觀巴拿馬長榮箇朗貨 櫃碼頭時,箇朗貨櫃碼頭公司董事 長張衍義透露,箇朗續約過程不是 非常順暢,讓他體會「若是與政府 機關交涉,別想佔便宜,只有吃虧 的份」。 張衍義說,合作是在今年 1月 3日 就到期,但為何10幾天前、6月14日 才在巴拿馬內閣會議通過續約,可說 明續約過程並不是非常順暢。如果沒 有「大使」協助,可能還要拖。
- panama canal
- hkej 23feb18 shum article talked about hk company chosen to provide services
Country Profile
- hkecic publication compass spring 2015 issue
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