Thursday, January 24, 2019


veterinary science
-城大動物醫學院將於下學年開辦本港首個獸醫學學士課程,校方透露600多個申請者中,逾半為大學或以上學歷人士,當中有4名博士及1名醫科畢業生。為配合 課程需要,校方擬於新界洽購農地,並添置牛羊雞鴨豬、水產動物作教學用途,屆時以商業模式經營農場,會考慮賣牛奶、羊奶。
-  校長郭位昨日宣佈,該學院已獲得澳新獸醫管理局理事會(AVBC)認證小組發出「合理保證書」,學士課程開課時即可獲得臨時認證資格,認證小組會繼續考察 課程的營運情況,確保課程達標;若一切順利,首批學生畢業時就可取得正式認證資格,在本港、英聯邦國家如英國、澳洲、新西蘭、加拿大等地執業。
- 城市大學屬下的動物醫療檢驗中心已分階段投入服務,設全港首個商營動物屍體解剖室,可為動物或禽畜解剖化驗。今後獸醫診所可直接將動物樣本送至該中心化驗,節省運輸成本及時間。
- usa

  • The need to set up a dairy farm in Tai Po was one of the many challenges City University of Hong Kong (CityU) faced in its decade-long campaign to introduce a bachelor of veterinary medicine (BVM). But each potential problem was overcome in turn, and the six-year programme is now successfully up and running and preparing to welcome its third intake in September next year. The curriculum was designed to include courses of particular relevance to the Asia-Pacific region, arranged around the themes of animal welfare, aquatic animal health, food safety and emerging infectious diseases. Along the way, students must also meet CityU’s general “gateway education” requirements. In due course they will be expected to meet the accreditation standards set by the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons to practise professionally. However, the real cornerstone of the curriculum is the four-year Cornell University veterinary medicine programme and the prerequisites it entails.

- bay area
  •  城巿大學近日與惠州市政府簽署了合作備忘錄,當地將提供1,000畝的土地予城大落實合作項目。校長郭位昨日表示,惠州是大灣區內的重要城市,發展吸引力 很大,雙方合作項目將包括成立動物醫療檢驗中心及食物安全實驗室。未來,城大又會與哈爾濱工業大學聯合提供研究生課程,有望最快明年招生。

- 近年全球極端天氣愈見頻繁,一個準確的颱風預報系統能有效保障人類的生命財產安全。有見及此,香港城市大學能源及環境學院大氣科學講座教授陳仲良與英國倫敦帝國學院合作研發季節颱風登陸預報系統,可更準確預測登陸的熱帶氣旋數目和強度,開創同類研究先河。研究項目更獲「歐洲委員會與研究資助局合作計劃」資助200萬港元。

social work
- 政府由本學年起在全港官津小學逐步推行「一校一社工」,大大增加學位社工的需求,但城市大學及理工大學今年起均停辦自資社工學士學位兼讀制課程。有關注團體不滿城大在同類課程供不應求的情況下仍停辦,昨趁城大社會及行為科學系開會前請願,但該學系的系主任盧鐵榮表明,學系早於數月前已決定不會再討論重開課程。
- Professor Tan Cheng Han (simplified Chinese: 陈清汉; traditional Chinese: 陳清漢; pinyin: Chén Qīng Hàn), SC, was the dean of the Faculty of Law of the National University of Singapore (NUS) until 2012. He teaches Contract law and Company Law and directs the EW Barker Centre for Law & Business. Professor Tan is also a consultant at TSMP Law Corporation. In August 2012 he was appointed the inaugural chairman of Singapore's new Media Literacy Council. Tan graduated from the NUS in 1987 and obtained his LLM from the University of Cambridge in 1990. Tan also practices as an advocate specialising in complicated commercial disputes and is a member of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre's Regional Panel of Arbitrators. Tan was appointed as Senior Counsel in 2004 at the age of 39, and together with fellow Andrew Phang, became the first academics to be so appointed.[2] Prior to joining NUS in 1996, Tan was a partner in Drew & Napier's litigation department.Tan's current public appointments include being Chairman of the Singapore Media Literacy Council, Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Move-On and Filming Orders, Advisor to the Singapore Tae Kwon-do Federation, a Commissioner of the Competition Commission of Singapore, a member of the Appeal Advisory Panel to the Singapore Minister for Finance, a member of the Military Court of Appeal in Singapore and a member of the Governing Board of the International Association of Law Schools.In 2004, Tan was one of three Singaporeans who were chosen out of a pool of 8000 candidates worldwide to be part of The Forum of Young Global Leaders, a forum which was created by Klaus Schwab, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.

香港城市大學專上學院昨日在九龍灣德福分校舉辦「澳洲同樂日」,並宣布與澳洲伍倫貢大學(University of Wollongong)的策略性聯盟,城大專上學院未來的辦學名稱是「香港澳大利亞伍倫貢書院」。

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