Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Ambazonia, also known as Amba Land, is a self-declared state consisting of the Anglophone portions of Cameroon which previously comprised Southern Cameroons. The Southern Cameroons was formerly the United Nations Trust Territory of Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom administration (1922–1961), which in 1961 voted to become independent from the United Kingdom by federating with the French-speaking Republic of Cameroon.In 2017, the Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Consortium United Front (SCACUF) unilaterally declared Ambazonia to be independent, while the Cameroonian government stated that the declaration has no legal weight. The ensuing protests and violence are referred to as the Anglophone Crisis.The term "Ambazonia" is derived from the word Ambozes, the local name for the bay area at the mouth of the Wouri (now Douala) river.

杜阿拉Douala is the largest city in Cameroon and its economic capital. It is also the capital of Cameroon's Littoral Region. Home to Central Africa's largest port and its major international airport, Douala International Airport (DLA), it is the commercial and economic capital of Cameroon and the entire CEMAC region comprising Gabon, Congo, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic and Cameroon. Consequently, it handles most of the country's major exports, such as oilcocoa and coffee, timber, metals and fruits. The first Europeans to visit the area were the Portuguese in about 1472. At the time, the estuary of Wouri River was known as the Rio dos Camarões (Shrimp River). By 1650, it had become the site of a town formed by immigrants, said to have arrived from Congo, who spoke the Duala language. During the 18th century it was the center of the transatlantic slave trade.In 1826 Douala appeared to be made of four different villages located in four specific locations: the village of Deido (Dido), of Akwa, of Njo and Hickory-town (today Bonaberi, located on the other side of Wouri River).Between 1884 and 1895 the city was a German protectorate.[3] The colonial politics focused on commerce and some exploration of the unoccupied territories. In 1885, Alfred Saker organized the first mission of the British Baptist Church. In the same year the city known as Kamerun was renamed Douala and became the capital of the territory until 1902, when the capital was moved to Buéa.In 1907 the Ministry of Colonies was established and Douala had 23,000 citizens.After World War I in 1919, the German colonial territories became French and British protectorates. France received a mandate to administer Douala. A treaty was signed with the local chiefs.From 1940 to 1946, it was the capital of Cameroon.[5] In 1955 the city had over 100,000 inhabitants.In 1960 Cameroon became independent and it became a federal republic, with its capital in Yaoundé. Douala became the major economic city. In 1972 the federal republic became a unified state. Douala then had a population of around 500,000.
-*********In the 1980s, in Cameroon the struggle for liberalization and multi-partitism grew. Between May and December 1991, Douala was at the center of the civil disobedience campaign called the ghost town operation (ville morte) during which economic activities shut down to make the country ungovernable and to force the government to allow multi-partitism and freedom of expression.
- **********The Palace Dika Akwa Mukanda was built in 1990.
  • Rumors spread, on Sunday, November 19, 2017, suggest that Dika Akwa palace in Douala has burnt down. However, Mukanda (as the palace is called in Duala idiom) is there with no trace of fire outbreak. Those who are used to the palace can attest that it is different from the building shown in the video; the only resemblance is the paint: they are both white.According to corroborative sources, it is the video of a car explosion that occured during the night of Saturday, November, 18. The explosion occurred in a suburb popular with revelers, not so far from Dika palace. Indeed, the driver was drinking nearby when his overheated car exploded. As a matter of fact, many people were distressed when the rumors, of the fire outbreak at Mukanda, broke because it is one of Douala’s mythical buildings. It is also the headquarters of the mighty Sawa traditional assembly: it is the Ngondo which was built after Cameroon’s independence by Prince Dika Akwa Nya Bonambella (1933-1995), an anthropologist, a lawyer, an Egyptologist, and politician. https://www.stopblablacam.com/culture-and-society/2011-1231-has-dika-akwa-palace-burnt-down

- *********Bali, housing area located near Bonanjo administrative area.
- town planning
  • In 1896 a first urban plan of the city was developed during the German colonial period. The plan included a hospital, the governor residency, the palace of justice, the police station, administrative buildings and buildings for the port and customs (among those the Old Woermann Linie Bachelors House). The Bonakouamouang Chimney also dates back to this period. In 1904 construction of the Villa Mandessi Bell was begun. In 1905 the palace of the King Manga Ndumbe Bell (also called la Pagode) was built, and in 1906 the general plan of Gross Douala was established. In 1914 the large population living in Bonanjo was moved to the new estate of Neue Bell (New Bell).Between 1925 and 1930, during the French colonial period, the chamber of commerce, the new palace of justice, the new railway station, the vault of the Kings Bell and the catholic cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul were built. Constructions were intensified between 1930 and 1955 and in 1955 the bridge on Wouri River was built. In 1935 the Mausoleum of the Kings Akwa was constructed. In 1947 the Temple of the Centenary was built. In 1959 a new city plan was designed (Plan Dorian); according to Danièle Diwouta-Kotto,[4] this plan is still influencing Douala's urban development. After the independence of 1960 a new development and urban plan were established. In 1998 a research prepared the diagnostic for the 2015 horizon. In 2005 a new development and urban plan was designed and routes and public canalizations were reestablished and created. In the same year the Project Sawa-Beach was launched. Since 1888, terracotta bricks have been produced in Douala.The publication Suites architecturales[4] focuses on heritage and reappropriation in the architecture of Douala, and it presents some of the characteristics of the buildings and architecture of Douala after its independence. Among those buildings are the casino, the show-room La Meublerie, the exhibition hall Cami-Toyota, Union Bank of Cameroon, Immeuble Hollando, the Baptist church, Immeuble Victoria, headquarters of CA-SCB, espace doual'art, and Orange Flagship. The Palace Dika Akwa Mukanda was built in 1990. Along the city's main thoroughfare lie some of Cameroon's best restaurants, coffee houses and French-style patisseries; along the waterfront, many bars and bistros may be found, commanding views of the Gulf of Guinea and nearby mangrove swamps. Many of these are frequented by the city's large expatriate population, mainly French or Lebanese, most of whom work in the petroleum industry.

*******姜鎮Dschang is a city located in the West (Ouest) Province of Cameroon.  The documented history of Dschang began in 1895, when it was invaded by a German military mission. In 1909, the city replaced Fontem as the capital of a Germany military district. The region where Dschang now exists was then not the place of any major settlement but, instead, was an area that two bordering chiefdoms fought over. The name Dschang translates to "dispute" in the local language. Following Germany's defeat in World War I, Cameroon became a British possession in 1917. The country was subsequently handed over to the French in 1920, who declared Dschang to be the capital of West Province, and developed the city's vacation resort in the 1940s. This resort now forms the basis of Dschang's plans to promote the city as a tourist destination.On January 1, 1960, Cameroon became an independent state, and the regional administration was moved to the city of Bafoussam. Dschang suffered from this move, as much more effort was invested in the infrastructure of Bafoussam. Following the opening of the Université de Dschang (University of Dschang) in 1993, however, foreign interest and developmental investment of the city began to increase, and plans for a drive to increase tourism and the exploitation of mineral deposits will contribute to the city's current development.

- people
  • André-Louis Auzière, a 69-year-old retired banker
    • 法國第一夫人特羅尼厄的前夫奧齊埃(André-Louis Auzière)離世,終年六十九歲。極注重私隱的他,其實早在去年十二月過身,並在平安夜落葬,惟死訊至周三才由他任職大律師的三十六歲女兒蒂費納(Tiphaine Auziere)公開。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20201010/00180_027.html

- organisation for the harmonisation of business law in africa (ohada) http://www.ohada.org/
- cameroonian american chamber of commerce http://camamcommerce.com/

-  Paul Biya (born Paul Barthélemy Biya'a bi Mvondo; 13 February 1933) is a Cameroonian politician serving as the President of Cameroon since 6 November 1982. A native of Cameroon's south, Biya rose rapidly as a bureaucrat under President Ahmadou Ahidjo in the 1960s, serving as Secretary-General of the Presidency from 1968 to 1975 and then as Prime Minister of Cameroon from 1975 to 1982. He succeeded Ahidjo as president upon the latter's surprise resignation in 1982 and consolidated power in a 1983–1984 staged attempted coup[citation needed] in which he eliminated all his rivals.Biya introduced political reforms within the context of a one-party system in the 1980s. Under serious pressure, he accepted the introduction of multiparty politics in the early 1990s. He supposedly won the 1992 presidential election with 40% of the plural, single-ballot vote and was re-elected by large margins in 1997, 2004, 2011 and 2018. Opposition politicians and Western governments have alleged voting irregularities and fraud on each of these occasions. Many independent sources have proved that he did not win the elections in 1992, and the subsequent elections were a rampant fraud.Biya is currently the longest-ruling non-royal leader in the world and the oldest ruler in Sub-Saharan Africa after Robert Mugabe stepped down during the 2017 Zimbabwean coup d'état.Biya has maintained Cameroon's close relationship with France, one of Cameroon's former colonial ruler besides the United Kingdom.
  •  Paul Biya was born in the village of Mvomeka'a in the South Region of Cameroon. He studied at the Lycée General Leclerc, Yaoundé and the Lycée Louis-le-Grand, Paris and went on to the Institut des hautes études d'Outre-Mer where he graduated in 1961 with a Higher Education Diploma in Public Law. He married Jeanne-Irène Biya, who did not have any children, though she adopted Franck Biya who was born from a relationship of Paul Biya with another woman.[citation needed] After Jeanne-Irène Biya died on 29 July 1992, Paul Biya married Chantal Biya (37 years younger than himself) on 23 April 1994, and had two more children with her. Biya is a good friend of the former Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos
  •  連續掌權四十三年的喀麥隆總統比亞(Paul Biya),去年十月在選舉中再度連任,反對派直斥為舞弊,上周六起連日示威,並稱有六人被軍方槍傷。在法國巴黎,有示威者闖入喀麥隆大使館,當局則於周一拘捕反對派領袖康托。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190130/00180_017.html
- Francis Ikome

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Ikome
  • http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/francis-ikome/
  • http://camamcommerce.com/leader/francis-ikome-2/
- nasako besingi

  • http://www.greenpeace.org/africa/en/Press-Centre-Hub/conviction-besingi-judicial-harrassment-Greenpeace/ Greenpeace Africa is alarmed by the judicial harassment against a prominent environmental activist and human rights defender. Yesterday, Nasako Besingi was sentenced to pay 25,000 FCFA in fines and more than 400,000 FCFA in court charges or face 1 year in prison. "This is Besingi’s second conviction within three months and is a serious attack on freedom of expression and a clear intimidation message for the communities fighting for their land and livelihoods." Said Irene Wabiwa, Senior Campaign Manager for Greenpeace Africa. Besingi was convicted for unlawful assembly, after a number of court adjournments. The charges pertain to peaceful meetings he organised to protest the plans of agribusiness company Herakles Farms to establish a huge palm oil plantation on forested land near his home village of Mundemba, South West Region.
- *******亞歷山大·迪米特里·桑治·比朗Alexandre Dimitri Song Billong,1987年9月9日),通稱亞歷士·宋Alex SongSong was born in Douala, Cameroon, and lost his father at the age of three. Since then, his uncle Rigobert Song has been like a second father and was a major influence in choosing football as a career. Unable to find a club or academy where he could hone his skills, Petit Song (as he is known in the Cameroon side) opted to move to France, joining Bastia at age 16.Song signed with Swiss Super League club Sion on a free transfer on 14 August 2018.[48] In March 2020, Song was one of nine players sacked by Sion for refusing to take a pay cut during the coronavirus pandemic.

Gas shortage
- http://www.businessincameroon.com/energy/0810-5692-cameroon-scdp-denies-all-claims-about-supposed-oil-and-gas-shortage On October 5, 2015, many were seen lining up in some of the filling stations of Yaoundé. The reason for this affluence, local fuel attendants explained, was that the various stations had not been supplied in Super, Gasoil and domestic gas for many days. Despite the apparent solving of the matter in the afternoon of the same day as some of the empty stations were supplied, Cameroon’s Company for Oil and Gas Supply (SCDP in French), for its part, deny all claims of shortage stating in the governmental daily it has 13 million liters of super and 22 million liters of gasoil in stock. It should be reminded that Cameroon has an extremely limited Oil and Gas stocking capacity, which explains the various tensions arising in relation to supply. However, SCDP, to solve this issue, launched a program which aims at increasing its stocking capacity. In facts, it was in the framework of this program that the Canadian firm Blaze Energy Limited was awarded, in April 2015, a contract worth about 4 billion FCFA for the construction of storage tanks with an overall capacity of 13,000 cubic meters in Douala, an investment similar to the one made in Yaoundé in 2014.
-http://en.starafrica.com/news/cameroon-gas-shortage-worsens.html Cameroon’s gas shortage has intensified in several regions of the country including Douala the capital of the Littoral Region where most of the production and distribution units are installed.For over a month, the orange-colored domestic gas cylinders of the Cameroon Metal Processing Company (SCTM) which leads domestic gas distribution with 33 percent of market shares remain desperately empty. Despite orders placed to authorized retailers, dealers said they no longer receive supplies to the extent that many households using SCTM cylinders now resort to firewood, while the wealthiest simply transfer to other competitors. Few months ago, Gas Professionals Group (GPP), the operator for Cameroon’s petroleum products distribution sector, had threatened to suspend SCTM supplies because of the non-payment of rights’ transfer for such products amounting to over CFA 2 billion.
- http://www.businessincameroon.com/energy/0804-6120-cameroon-sctm-domestic-gas-timidly-reappears-in-stalls-after-two-months-of-shortageThe Société Camerounaise des Dépôts Pétroliers (SCDP – Cameroonian Company of Oil Depots) has resumed the supply in domestic gas to Société Camerounaise de Transformation Métallique (SCTM) since 1 April 2016, we learned from official sources. This decision, we learned, comes following a consensus between the leader in the domestic gas distribution market in Cameroon and Tradex, its supplier, who claims the payment of a FCfa 4 billion debt from SCTM. Though the details of this consensus have not been specified, households in the Cameroonian capital can again enjoy domestic gas since the beginning of this week. However, as noted in the depots, the quantities released on the market are insufficient to meet the high demand.

- Goalie joins defence of Cameroon's anglophones ft 14feb17 

- 新加坡船舶管理公司東方太平洋航運周三證實,旗下一艘於喀麥隆遭挾持的油輪已於周二獲釋,二十六名船員安全無恙。油輪上周在林貝的煉油廠卸貨時,疑因商業糾紛而被當地租船方DSC Marine和武裝民兵挾持。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190208/00180_020.html

- visit by leaders
  • China will always be a sincere friend and trustworthy partner with Africa no matter how international relations change or how China develops, President Xi Jinping said on Thursday. Xi made the remarks while meeting with visiting Cameroon President Paul Biya at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi said China and Africa have strengthened friendships and enhanced cooperation in past decades, and the two sides are part of a community of shared future and common interests. Biya is the first foreign head of state to visit China since Xi was re-elected president last week. Witnessed by the two leaders, China and Cameroon signed a number of cooperation documents covering such areas as economic and technological cooperation, human resources, infrastructure construction and production capacity. Xi said the two countries have supported each other on issues related to core interests since the establishment of diplomatic relations 47 years ago. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201803/23/WS5ab3efd7a3105cdcf6513ab5.html
- bamboo
  • 喀麦隆总统保罗.比亚23日访问北京国际竹藤组织总部。其间,比亚表示,喀麦隆欢迎国际竹藤组织在非洲建设竹子中心。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180325/PDF/a5_screen.pdf

- ????????美國《華爾街日報》中文網上周一報道,中國免除喀麥隆三萬億中非法郎(約四百零五億港元)債務,至本周一晚上十一時始承認該報道「表述有誤」,經已撤回。事件被內地官媒調侃怒斥不專業。《華爾街日報》該篇報道指,喀麥隆總統於本月十九日宣布中方免除該國巨債。該報道事後更被海外傳媒轉述,惟該報的英文及法文版網頁均沒有這則報道。

hong kong
- When Gilbert Mvondo was hired to cut roads through pristine Cameroonian rainforest in 2015, he did so expecting to be paid.He had been recruited, along with a number of other residents of Meyomessala – birthplace of Cameroon’s President Paul Biya – to prepare the ground for representatives of the prime minister’s office and the Trade Park Corporation, a little-known but well-connected firm with a registered address in Hong Kong’s Wan Chai district.The 
Hong Kong company had promised to create jobs through the cultivation of cannabis and other crops for export, and was eyeing an area of land roughly the size of Kowloon for what its promotional materials said would be a “modern, technology-driven agriculture export free zone” called Meyo AgriPark.But today, the rainforest has started to reclaim the roads that Mvondo and his countrymen helped dig, with neither the hemp plantation nor the promised jobs having materialised. Locals have returned to the farms they say they were told to vacate to make way for the project – and both Mvondo and his fellow road builders are still waiting to be paid.https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/economics/article/3040626/leak-reveals-hong-kong-firms-failed-multimillion-dollar
- *******https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/economics/article/3040626/leak-reveals-hong-kong-firms-failed-multimillion-dollar When Gilbert Mvondo was hired to cut roads through pristine Cameroonian rainforest in 2015, he did so expecting to be paid.He had been recruited, along with a number of other residents of Meyomessala – birthplace of Cameroon’s President 
Paul Biya – to prepare the ground for representatives of the prime minister’s office and the Trade Park Corporation, a little-known but well-connected firm with a registered address in Hong Kong’s Wan Chai district.The Hong Kong company had promised to create jobs through the cultivation of cannabis and other crops for export, and was eyeing an area of land roughly the size of Kowloon for what its promotional materials said would be a “modern, technology-driven agriculture export free zone” called Meyo AgriPark.But today, the rainforest has started to reclaim the roads that Mvondo and his countrymen helped dig, with neither the hemp plantation nor the promised jobs having materialised. Locals have returned to the farms they say they were told to vacate to make way for the project – and both Mvondo and his fellow road builders are still waiting to be paid. According to interviews and internal documents seen as part of a joint investigation by the South China Morning Post, NBC News and the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, hundreds of thousands of US dollars appear to have been spent on Trade Park’s project in Meyomessala, yet questions remain about where the money actually went.In an email to reporters, Meyomessala Mayor Christian Mebiame Mfou’ou said “unfortunately” his town had not received “anything” from the project – this despite an investor from Equatorial Guinea insisting that he had wired more than US$300,000 to the local official’s personal account.Trade Park Corporation’s communications with Cameroonian officials and foreign investors, and its business plans to produce medicinal oil extracts from cannabis in order to “establish Cameroon as a destination for the agricultural pharmaceutical industry” have been unearthed in a cache of documents obtained by Distributed Denial of Secrets, a US-based collective of transparency activists that posts leaked documents online.The latest documents, dubbed the #29Leaks, have been shared with nearly two dozen media outlets across 18 countries – including NBC and McClatchy in the United States; CBC in Canada; The Times in Britain; Süddeutsche Zeitung in Germany; and the OCCRP, the international consortium of investigative journalists that reported on the Panama Papers leak – ahead of their planned public release later this month.The #29Leaks detail the activities of London-based Formations House, a family-run company services firm of which Trade Park Corporation is just one of many subsidiaries.

  • https://www.tradeparkcorp.com/
  • any relation?
  •  https://www.rollingstone.com/movies/movie-features/cheech-and-chong-on-40-years-of-up-in-smoke-real-life-drove-everything-629983/

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