Saturday, January 19, 2019

anthropology, race, racial discrimination

- ft 27jul19 the new human story

Origin of men
- 英國一隊古人類學研究團隊,近日對可能是人類直系祖先的原始人「小腳」化石進X光研究,相信是現今保存最完整的「小腳」化石為人類進化史帶來新資訊。化石更透露出該原始人生前經歷的身體疾病,進一步揭開原始人的生活面貌。「小腳」是南方古猿化石的稱呼,因其腳骨化石首先被發現而得名,融合了類似猿和人類的特徵。今次的化石身高約130厘米,367萬年前存活於現今的南非,上世紀90年代於約翰內斯堡西北部洞穴,由負責是次研究的金山大學古人類學家克拉克(Ron Clarke)出土,是現存最完整的「小腳」化石。
- 山西省考古研究院近日公布,當局在芮城縣西侯度遺址的石器中發現距今243萬年的鋁鈹同位素,顯示「直立人走出非洲」的歷史時期比學界主流認為的185萬年前,提早了近60萬年。當局目前尚在研究西侯度人種其後的演化;上述研究成果早前已在國際學術期刊發布。
- 目前有理論指最初的智人起源自二十萬年前的非洲再往世界各地繁衍。《自然》雜誌周三刊文指在中國湖南道縣出土的一批人類牙齒,可證明首批現代人類最早在十二萬年前抵亞洲,比目前理論再早七萬年。考古學家早前在道縣福岩洞的灰色沙質黏土層,發現四十七顆大小不一的牙齒,而據其特徵及經分析後,發現與現代人牙齒非常相似。專家認為,智人或於八萬至十二萬年前已到達今日的中國。智人離開非洲的路線仍然未知,但過去研究推斷他們跨越阿拉伯半島和中東地區往亞洲。研究亦意味首批智人先抵中國,才有另一批智人抵達歐洲。倫敦大學學院專家兼共同作者馬蒂農托雷斯指,研究或重繪現代人類的遷移史。研究員稱今次發現衍生另一疑問,為何現代人類抵達距離較近的歐洲時間,會較往亞洲長?他們推斷因歐洲已有尼安德特人,歐洲大陸因冰河時期被冰封,妨礙相對暖和的東非新物種進入。 
- 現代人類文明起源何處,科學家一直推測 可能是非洲東部或西部,但一直未有明確證 據或理論證實。一個跨國研究團隊前日在 《自然》期刊發表報告,指出智人或在 20萬 年前,從非洲南部博茨瓦納一帶的河谷出 現,再因氣候轉變遷移至世界各地,是至今 最具體的「現代人類故鄉」地點推測。不過 研究一出立即引起爭議,有專家質疑人類未 必只有一個故鄉。 everyone in the world has a little bit of Neanderthal. Tibetans, SE Asians, and Native Americans have some Denisovan. Some SE Asians and ZPakistanis also have a bit of a species which branched from is 3.1 million years ago, the same time as our final separation from chimps and the appearance of the genus Homo (Homo Habilis).The only people without Neanderthal are a few groups of hunter gatherers in Africa. However, these groups have introgression from a species which branched off from us 800,000 years ago and another that branched off 1.3 million years ago, about the time we lost our fur.Pure Homo sapiens do not exist. We are hybrids too.
- 墨爾本樂卓博大學(La Trobe University)考古學系研究人員,於2018年6月20日在南非約翰內斯堡以北一個礦場發掘時發現該個頭骨化石,由於那天是南非的父親節,遂暱稱其為「父親節化石」。在此之前,羅百氏傍人的標本僅有幾顆零星牙齒,因此學者對牠們所知不多。領導研究的利斯(Angline Leece)表示,羅百氏傍人在200萬年前生活在乾旱的非洲大陸,是同期的直立人(現代人祖先)的近親。他們主要吃堅硬的植物塊根和樹皮維生,結果發展出腦小齒大的特徵,這與同時吃植物也食肉的直立人腦大齒小的特徵剛剛相反。這證明不同的生活方式會令近似的物種有不同的進化方向,印證了「微進化」理論。研究並發現,頭骨化石反映最初的羅百氏傍人數量佔多,惟後來因無法應付氣候變化,加上生存方式比不上直立人成功,終致滅族。
Wushan Man 巫山人, literally "Shaman Mountain Man" is a set of fossilised remains of an extinct, undetermined non-hominin ape found in central China in 1985. The remains are dated to around 2 million years ago and were originally considered to represent a subspecies of Homo erectus (H. e. wushanensis). The remains that have become known as "Wushan Man" were found in 1985 in Longgupo (龙骨坡, literally "Dragon Bone Slope" which is an alternate English name for it), Zhenlongping Village, Miaoyu Town of Wushan County, Chongqing in the Three Gorges area of China 20 kilometres (12 mi) south of the Yangtze River.The presence of SinomastodonNestoritheriumEquus yunnanensisAiluropoda microtaremains in the level containing the jaw suggested that its remains belonged to the earliest part of the Pleistocene or late Pliocene.[3] Dating of the layers containing the fossil remains was initially done using archaeomagnetic dating of traces of the Earth's ancient magnetic field. These confirmed a Pleistocene age linking the fossil jaw to around 1.78 million to 1.96 million years ago and so the same time as the human fossils that appeared in Africa's Olduvai Gorge. Later in 1992, a joint Chinese-American-Canadian research team using electron spin resonance dating and a deer tooth from one of the cave's upper levels three meters above that containing the jaw dated this level to a minimum age of 750,000 years and a most likely age of 1 million making the layers below at least and probably much older in date than this. More recent dating techniques suggest the layer containing the fossils are 2 million to 2.04 million years old.
Lantian Man (藍田), formerly Sinanthropus lantianensis (currently Homo erectus lantianensis) is a subspecies of Homo erectus. Its discovery in 1963 was first described by J. K. Woo the following year. The cranial capacity is estimated to be 780 cubic centimetres (48 cu in), somewhat similar to that of its contemporary, Java Man.Remnants of Lantian Man were found in Lantian County, in China's Shaanxi province, approximately 50 km southeast of Xi'an. Shortly after the discovery of the mandible (jaw bone) of the first Lantian Man at Chenjiawo (陈家窝), also in Lantian, a cranium (skull) with nasal bones, right maxilla, and three teeth of another specimen of Lantian Man were found at Gongwangling (公王岭), another site in Lantian.A skull found at Gongwangling is the oldest fossil of a Homo erectus ever found in northern Asia. When first published in 1964, it was dated to 1.15 million years ago, but in 2001, Zhu Zhaoyu (朱照宇), a geologist at the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and other scientists began a fresh research of the site. Their new analysis was published in 2015, which has determined that the strata containing the cranium from Gongwangling dates to approximately 1.63 million years ago, much older than the previous estimate of 1.15 million years. This new confirmed date makes the cranium the second oldest site outside of Africa, Dmanisi, Georgia being the oldest.[2] It is older than the Peking Man, but slightly younger than the Yuanmou Man.他們大約生活在80至75萬年前。當時藍田人的生活地區,草木茂盛,很多種遠古動物棲息,包括大熊貓東方劍齒象葛氏斑鹿等素食動物,更有兇猛的劍齒虎。藍田人用簡單而粗糙的方法打製石器,包括大尖狀器、砍砸器、刮削器和石球等,在自然環境中掙扎求存。他們捕獵野獸,採集果實種籽塊莖等為食物。
- another theory - yuanmou man 元謀人
- 現代人類所屬的靈長目人科中在遠古時曾有多種人族,但大多隨年月而滅絕,僅餘智人一屬。不過,國際考古團隊上周五發表的研究報告指出,原來二百萬年前的非洲大陸上,曾經有過三種人族共存的時期,與現今「天下盡歸智人」的情況大相逕庭,刷新學界對人類祖先進化過程的認知。
Neanderthals, or more rarely Neandertals, (UK /niˈændərˌtɑːl/, us also /n/-, -/ˈɑːndər/-, -/ˌtɔːl/, -/ˌθɔːl/; named for the Neandertal region in Germany) were a species or subspecies of archaic human in the genus Homo that went extinct about 40,000 years ago. Neanderthals and modern humans share 99.7% of their DNA and are hence closely related. (By comparison, both modern humans and Neanderthals share 98.8% of their DNA with their closest non-human living relatives, the chimpanzees.)[8]Neanderthals left bones and stone tools in Eurasia, from Western Europe to Central and Northern Asia. Due to accumulating genetic and fossil evidence suggesting Neanderthals evolved in Europe separately from modern humans in Africa for over 600,000 years, paleontologists generally classify them as a distinct species, Homo neanderthalensis. From the 1950s to the early 1980s, however, Neanderthals were widely considered a subspecies of Homo sapiens (H. s. neanderthalensis) and a minority of scholars still hold this view. Several cultural assemblages have been linked to the Neanderthals in Europe. The earliest, the Mousterian stone tool culture, dates to about 160,000 years ago. Late Mousterian artifacts were found in Gorham's Cave on the south-facing coast of Gibraltar. Compared to Homo sapiens, Neanderthals had a lower surface-to-volume ratio, with shorter legs and a bigger body, in conformance with Bergmann's rule, as an energy-loss reduction adaptation to life in a high-latitude (i.e. seasonally cold) climate.

  • Joachim Neander (Neumann) (1650 – 31 May 1680) was a German Reformed (CalvinistChurch teacher, theologian and hymn writer whose most famous hymn, Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation (GermanLobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren) has been described by John Julian in his A Dictionary of Hymnology "a magnificent hymn of praise to God, perhaps the finest creation of its author, and of the first rank in its class."[1] Due to its popularity it was translated several times into English - Catherine Winkworth being one of the translators in the 19th century - and the hymn has appeared in most major hymnals.Neander wrote about 60 hymns and provided tunes for many of them. He is considered by many to be the first important German hymnist after the Reformation and is regarded as the outstanding hymn writer of the German Reformed Church.[citation needed]Joachim Neander was born in Bremen, the son of a Latin teacher. His grandfather, a musician, had changed the family name from the original Neumann ('New man' in English) to the Graeco-Roman form Neander following the fashion of the time. In 1671 he became a private tutor in Heidelberg, and in 1674 he became a teacher in a Latin school in Düsseldorf, one step before becoming a minister. While living there, he liked to go to the nearby valley of the Düssel river, nature being the inspiration for his poems. He also held gatherings and services in the valley, at which he gave sermons. The Neandertal (originally Neanderthal, from German Thal for "valley," now spelled Tal, though both t and th represent a t-sound) was renamed in his honor in the early 19th century.

  • The Neandertal (/niˈændərˌtɑːl/also US/-ˌtɔːl/German: [neˈʔandɐtaːl]; sometimes called "the Neander Valley" in English) is a small valley of the river Düssel in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. In August, 1856, the area became famous for the discovery of Neanderthal 1, one of the first specimens of Homo neanderthalensis to be found.The Neandertal was originally a limestone canyon widely known for its rugged scenery, waterfalls and caves. However, industrial quarrying during the 19th and 20th centuries removed most of the limestone and dramatically changed the shape of the valley. It was during such a quarrying operation that the bones of the original Neanderthal man were found in a cave known as Kleine Feldhofer Grotte. Neither the cave nor the cliff in which the bones were located still exist.During the 19th century the valley was called Neandershöhle (Neander's Cave) and after 1850, Neanderthal. It was named after Joachim Neander, a 17th-century German pastor. Neander is the Graeco-Roman translation of his family name Neumann; both names mean "new man". Neumann lived in nearby Düsseldorf and loved the valley for giving him the inspiration for his compositions. Former names of the gorge were Das Gesteins (The Boulders) and Das Hundsklipp (Cliff of dogs, perhaps in the sense of "Cliff of Beasts").

  • A diet of pine nuts, mushrooms and moss might sound like modernist cuisine, but it turns out it was standard fare for Spanish Neanderthals.Researchers studying the teeth of the heavy-browed hominids have discovered that while Neanderthals in Belgium were chomping on woolly rhinoceros, those further south were surviving on plants and may even have used naturally occurring painkillers to ease toothache. The findings, the researchers say, are yet another blow to the popular misconception of Neanderthals as brutish simpletons.
  • - blood clot and turk part!!!
  • As far as we know Neanderthals did not migrate out of Africa.Their immediate ancestral species, probably H. heidelbergensis, was the one that migrated out of Africa.Neanderthals evolved from Heidelberg populations that has settled in Europe.(H. sapiens probably evolved from Heidelbergs that remained in Africa)
  • 古人類尼安德特人一向被認為保持原始獸性及未開化。英國考古學家最近研究一具於伊拉克出土、約七萬年前的尼安德特人骸骨後,認為當時的人類已經有葬體習俗。名為沙尼達爾Z(Shanidar Z)的尼安德特人骸骨,埋於伊拉克庫爾德斯坦著名考古遺址沙尼達爾洞穴。該洞穴曾出土十具零碎的同類骸骨,骸骨上有一些混雜花粉的泥濘污垢,考古學家當時認為可能是一種「花葬」。
  • [horrible histories] neanderthals made flute (world's first instrument from animal bone)

丹尼索瓦人    Denisovans or Denisova hominins ( /dɪˈnsəvə/ di-NEE-sə-və) are an extinct group of archaic humans in the genus Homo without a defined taxonomic name. Pending its taxonomic status, it currently carries temporary names Homo denisova, Homo altaiensis as a separate species or subspecies Homo sapiens denisovaIn 2010, scientists announced the discovery in Altai permafrost cave of a finger bone of a juvenile female found in the Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains in Siberia, a cave that has also been inhabited by Neanderthals and modern humans.

  • 尼安德特人和智人被視為現代人類的始祖。以色列科學家近日成功利用DNA排序,重塑人類祖先近親丹尼索瓦人的容貌(圖)。他們希望利用這技術來分析現時在中國找到、可能屬於丹尼索瓦人的骸骨。科學家在十年前才於俄羅斯西伯利亞發現有丹尼索瓦人,而對於這五萬年前滅絕的人種一直所知不多,留下的只有淡紅色的骨頭、一個下顎骨及三隻牙齒,但這足以讓科學家利用DNA排序,來找出容貌結構特徵。參與研究的教授卡梅爾形容這任務十分艱巨︰「如果真的那麼容易的話,警察就很易憑DNA找出疑犯容貌。」科學家利用三年觀察丹尼索瓦人古代DNA的化學變化,再重塑其容貌。他們又比對尼安德特人和現代人類的DNA變化,發現有五十六處不同,但指丹尼索瓦人與尼安德特人的進化過程較接近,所以相似程度會比現代人高。研究指,丹尼索瓦人的頭骨比現代人類為闊,而且沒有下巴。丹尼索瓦人和尼安德特人原本同屬智人,後來於四十萬至五十萬年前分成兩個明顯分支,尼安德特人由非洲前往歐洲和西亞,丹尼索瓦人則出現在東亞。
  • 2019年 6月,中國科學院院士陳發 虎帶領的蘭州大學環境考古團隊在會 議上公佈,夏河丹尼索瓦人發現 地——甘肅省甘南州夏河縣白石崖溶 洞保存有豐富的舊石器文化遺存,包 括大量石器和動物骨骼化石。
  • 中國一支聯合考古團隊上周五公布,他們在甘肅省一個白石崖溶洞的沉積物中,成功提取10萬年前居於俄羅斯西伯利亞地區的丹尼索瓦人(Denisovan)的基因線粒體,證明這個在約4.5萬年前已滅絕的神秘人種,也曾在包括中國在內的亞洲地區廣泛分布。發現線粒體的白石崖溶洞,位於青藏高原東北部海拔逾3,200米,同一地點在上世紀80年代,曾發現一件前所未見的古人類下頷骨化石,命名為「夏河人」。來自蘭州大學及社科院古人類研究所等機構的考古專家團隊,10年前開始在洞穴展開研究,直至最近才有所發現相關基因線粒體。專家並由基因線粒體證實「夏河人」其實就是丹尼索瓦人。20世紀末,俄羅斯考古人員在阿爾泰山丹尼索瓦洞穴內,發現已滅絕的丹尼索瓦人化石。當時出土的除一節指骨和3顆牙齒化石,更包括一批精美石器。比起同期的尼安德特人,丹尼索瓦人的化石資料一向極為罕有,因此不能得知他們的長相和體態,只可以由遺傳學基因分析去了解他們。這次在甘肅省的發現,亦是首次在阿爾泰山以外發現丹尼索瓦人足迹,被認為是考古學里程碑。
Maba Man (馬壩人, 马坝人) is the pre-modern hominid whose remains were discovered in 1958 in caves near the town called Maba, near Shaoguan city in the north part of Guangdong province, China.The Maba Men lived in caves at Lion Rock, near Maba. The site is now a park and tourist attraction including the possibility to visit the cave and a museum nearby. Although described at the site as "ape-men", the Maba Men were not really very apelike and were comparable to European Neanderthals.狮子岩位于曲江县城西南约2公里处。它外形貌似狮子,由狮头峰与狮尾峰两座秀丽玲珑的石灰岩孤峰所组成,一高一矮,南北并立,由北遥望如卧狮酣睡,由南远看则似雄狮起舞。这座狮子岩就是著名的“马坝人”遗址、“石峡文化”遗址的所在地,在1961年10月狮子岩被发现。在1958年大跃进时期,当地农民在狮子岩附近烧制土磷肥时,偶然在狮头山石缝中发现了头骨化石。
Danuvius is a genus of extinct ancient great ape that lived 11.6 million years ago and was capable of upright bipedal walking. The type and only known species is D. guggenmosi. The fossils were unearthed in Germany between 2015 and 2018. The new finding challenges the accepted idea that bipedal walking evolved much later in the ancestors of modern humans.

晚期智人 (Homo sapiens sapiens),因发现于中国台湾省西部台南县左镇乡(今台南市左镇区)而得名。标本都捡自臭屈附近的菜寮溪河床。菜寮溪是台湾地区出产动物化石最丰富的地区之一,也是迄今台湾地区唯一发现化石人类的地点。中国的晚期智人化石。1971年起在台湾台南左镇菜寮溪陆续发现。包括顶骨、额骨、枕骨和牙齿等标本。根据对化石中氟、锰含量的测定,估计其年代为距今3万~2万年。是迄今台湾省发现的最早的人类化石。左镇人是目前所知最早在台湾出现的人类之一,因为其化石是在台南县左镇乡的菜寮溪所发现的,所以学者将其称之为「左镇人」。左镇人是属于旧石器时代晚期的现代人种(Homo sapiens sapiens),其头骨化石经过计量的测定后,推测约有2万至3万年之久。这说明了至迟在距今2万至3万年以前,台湾岛上就已经开始有人类居住。台湾最早的史前文化 ---「长滨文化」,可能就是左镇人的文化。 -
- 早前一個國際考古學家團隊,研究在葡萄牙中部海岸一個洞穴發現的一批歐洲早期現代智人史前石器工具,印證現代智人早在四萬一千至三萬八千年前已到達歐洲最西端,比以往所認為要早五千年,相信他們曾與當時瀕於滅絕的尼安德特人有一定交流。團隊周一在《美國國家科學院學報》發表的報告中指出,他們在名為皮卡雷洛(Picareiro)的洞穴中,出土該批於舊石器時代中晚期製作的精細石製工具,這些工具被視為早期現代智人的象徵。
- The oldest archaic Homo sapiens found so far are dated to 300 000 years, the Hualongdong Man of China and the Jebel Irhoud Man of Morocco. There were Homo erectus, Homo Heidelbergensis, Homo Naledi, Homo Floresiensis still living in different areas of the world.

The Caucasian race (also Caucasoid or Europid) is a grouping of human beings historically regarded as a biological taxon, which, depending on which of the historical race classifications used, has usually included some or all of the ancient and modern populations of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa. First introduced in the 1780s by members of the Göttingen School of History,[4] the term denoted one of three purported major races of humankind (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid).


- Mongoloid /ˈmɒŋ.ɡə.lɔɪd/ is a term for peoples indigenous to East AsiaCentral AsiaSoutheast AsiaSiberia aka North AsiaNorthern Europe, the Arctic, the Americas, parts of thePacific Islands, parts of Africa (Madagascar), and parts of South Asia. Individuals within these populations often share certain associated phenotypic traits, such as epicanthic folds(epicanthus), sinodonty, and neoteny. Epicanthic folds and oblique palpebral fissures are common among most Mongoloid individuals. Most exhibit Mongolian spot from birth to about age four. The vast majority have straight, black hair and dark brown almond-shaped eyes, and most have broad, relatively flat faces as well. Traits more controversially ascribed to Mongoloids include high intelligence, a stoic, taciturn, unaggressive demeanor. The extent to which individual psychological makeup is a social construct, rather than a matter of biology, remains a matter of debate. The earliest systematic use of the term was by Blumenbach in De generis humani varietate nativa (On the Natural Variety of Mankind, University of Göttingen, first published in 1775, re-issued with alteration of the title-page in 1776). Blumenbach included East and South East Asians, but not Native Americans or Malays, who were each assigned separate categories.
Hamitic (from the biblical Ham) is a historical term inethnology and linguistics for a division of the Caucasian race and the group of related languages these populations spoke. "Hamitic" was applied to the non-Semiticlanguages in the Afroasiatic family, which was thus formerly labelled "Hamito-Semitic". The Hamitic languages were classified as including the Berber, Cushitic andEgyptian branches. However, since these branches have not been shown to form an exclusive (monophyletic) phylogenetic unit of their own, separate from other Afroasiatic languages, linguists no longer use the term in this sense. Each of these branches is instead now regarded as an independent subgroup of the larger Afroasiatic family. Beginning in the 19th century, scholars generally classified the Hamitic race as a subgroup of the Caucasian race, along with the Semitic race – thus grouping the non-Semitic populations native to North Africa and the Horn of Africa, including the Ancient Egyptians. According to theHamitic theory, this "Hamitic race" was superior to or more advanced than Negroid populations of Sub-Saharan Africa. In its most extreme form, in the writings of C. G. Seligman, this theory asserted that virtually all significant achievements in African history were the work of "Hamites" who had migrated into central Africa as pastoralists, bringing new customs, languages, technologies and administrative skills with them. In the early 20th century, theoretical models of Hamitic languages and of Hamitic races were intertwined.  The term Hamitic originally referred to the peoples said to be descended from Ham, one of the Sons of Noahaccording to the Bible. According to the Book of Genesis, after Noah became drunk and Ham dishonored his father, upon awakening Noah pronounced a curse on Ham's youngest son, Canaan, stating that his offspring would be the "servants of servants". Of Ham's four sons, Canaan fathered the Canaanites, while Mizraim fathered theEgyptians, Cush the Cushites, and Phut the Libyans.[2] During the Middle Ages, believing Jews, Christians, and Muslims incorrectly considered Ham to be the ancestor of all Africans. Noah's curse on Canaan as described in Genesis began to be misinterpreted by some scholers inEurope as having caused visible racial characteristics in all of Ham's offspring, notably black skin. According to Edith Sanders, the sixth-century Babylonian Talmud says that "the descendants of Ham are cursed by being Black and [it] depicts Ham as a sinful man and his progeny as degenerates."Some Arab slave traders used the account of Noah and Ham in the Bible to justify Negro (Zanj) slavery, and later European and American Christian traders and slave owners adopted a similar argument.However, the Bible itself indicates that Noah restricted his curse to the offspring of Ham's youngest son Canaan, whose descendants occupied the Levant, and it was not extended to Ham's other sons, who had migrated into Africa. According to Sanders, 18th-century theologians increasingly emphasized this narrow restriction and accurate interpretation of the passage as applying to Canaan's offspring. They rejected the curse as a justification for slavery.

How different races are called
- usa

  • 1960s - black power revolution - call for use of "black" instead of "negro"
  • 1980s - preferred to be identified by individual tribes than by how whites called them : black -->african americans; for mexicans, spanish, hispanics instead of latino; asians instead of orientals; native americans instead of american indians
- uk


pure, mixed?

idioms relating to nationality

Ellsworth Huntington (September 16, 1876 – October 17, 1947) was a professor of geography at Yale University during the early 20th century, known for his studies on environmental determinism/climatic determinism, economic growth and economic geography. He served as President of the Ecological Society of America in 1917, the Association of American Geographers in 1923 and President of the Board of Directors of the Society for Biodemography and Social Biology from 1934 to 1938. He taught at Euphrates College, Turkey (1897–1901); accompanied the Pumpelly (1903) and Barrett (1905–1906) expeditions to central Asia; and wrote of his Asian experiences in Explorations in Turkestan (1905) and The Pulse of Asia (1907). He taught geography at Yale (1907–1915) and from 1917 was a research associate there, devoting his time chiefly to climatic and anthropogeographic studies. He was the 1916 recipient of the Elisha Kent Kane Gold Medal from the Geographical Society of PhiladelphiaIn 1909, Huntington led the Yale Expedition to Palestine. It was his mission to determine "step by step the process by which geologic structure, topographic form, and the present and past nature of the climate have shaped man's progress, moulded his history; and thus played an incalculable part in the development of a system of thought which could scarcely have arisen under any other physical circumstances." He was on the original standing committee of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles from 1941.

Norman Barnett Tindale AO (12 October 1900 – 19 November 1993) was an Australian anthropologistarchaeologistentomologist and ethnologist. Born in Perth, Western Australia, his family moved to Tokyo and lived there from 1907 to 1915, where his father worked as an accountant at the Salvation Army mission in Japan, and Norman attended the American School in Japan where his closest friend was Gordon Bowles, a Quaker[2] who, like him, later became an anthropologist.
Tindale is best remembered for his work mapping the various tribal groupings of Indigenous Australians. This interest began with a research trip to Groote Eylandt where Tindale's helper and interpreter, a Ngandi impressed him with the importance of knowing with precision tribal boundaries.[14] This led Tindale to question the official orthodoxy of the time which was that Aboriginal people were purely nomadic and had no connection to any specific region. While Tindale's methodology and his notion of the dialectal tribe have been superseded, this basic premise has been proved correct.
拿破崙·沙尼翁  Napoleon Alphonseau Chagnon (August 27, 1938 – September 21, 2019) was an American anthropologist, professor of anthropology at the University of Missouri in Columbia and member of the National Academy of Sciences.[3] Chagnon was known for his long-term ethnographic field work among the Yanomamö, a society of indigenous tribal Amazonians, in which he used an evolutionary approach to understand social behavior in terms of genetic relatedness. His work centered on the analysis of violence among tribal peoples, and, using socio-biological analyses, he advanced the argument that violence among the Yanomami is fueled by an evolutionary process in which successful warriors have more offspring. His 1967 ethnography Yanomamö: The Fierce People became a bestseller and is frequently assigned in introductory anthropology courses.Admirers described him as a pioneer of scientific anthropology. Chagnon was called the "most controversial anthropologist" in the United States in a New York Times Magazine profile preceding the publication of Chagnon's most recent book, Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes—the Yanomamö and the Anthropologists, a scientific memoir.Chagnon's work with the Yanomamö was widely criticized by other anthropologists.[4][22][23] Anthropologists critiqued both aspects of his research methods as well as the theoretical approach, and the interpretations and conclusions he drew from his data. Most controversial was his claim that Yanomamö society is particularly violent, and his claim that this feature of their culture is grounded in biological differences that are the result of natural selection.As a result of the controversy and the alleged unethical practices with the Yanomami,[36] Chagnon was officially barred from studying the Yanomami and from reentering their country in Venezuela.
Daniel Fabre, né le  à Narbonne et mort le  à Toulouse1, est un ethnologue et anthropologue français.

- [anthropology by ember, ember and peregrine and published by prentice hall] classification

  • prosimians
  • anthropoids
  • new world monkeys (platyrrhines)
  • features: broad nose; three premolars; no ear tube; prehensile tail
  • ceboids
  • cebids
  • marmosets tamarins 
  • old world primates (catarrhines)
  • features:: narrow nose; two premolars; ear tube; cheek pouches; ischial callosities; non-prehensile tail 
  • old world monkeys (ceropithecoids) - colobines; cercopithecines
  • apes and humans (hominoids)  - lesser apes (hylobates); great apes (pongids); human (hominds)
- resources

  • So your question is, why was it the line of the Old World monkeys (or their immediate ancestors) which gave rise to apes, and not that of New World monkeys? I don’t know if anyone knows, but I would guess either that the sort of trees that grew in Africa at that time were more favourable for the development of tailless brachiators (because early gibbons are where apes start), or that New World monkeys were too specialised too early. I think it’s important to note that New World monkeys have prehensile tails, and Old World monkeys don’t. New World monkeys didn’t have an urgent selection pressure to develop stronger grasping hands they could hang from and use to navigate the trees, leading on to developing a bipedal posture so that the hands could become more specialised, because their tails did the duty of grasping hands.

有三百二十萬年歷史的著名阿法種南方古猿遺骨「露西」(Lucy),向來被學界視為人類的祖先。不過,一個國際古人類學團隊周三(28日)公布突破性發現,指一具在二○一六年於埃塞俄比亞出土、近乎完整的古代人族生物頭顱骨化石,或可追溯至三百八十萬年前。研究成功為化石重塑容貌,由於比露西歷史更悠久,或有助填補人類進化史中的斷層。, ft 29 aug19

- 美國考古學家早前在愛達荷州西部發現一批文物,分析後認為可證明人類在較現時已知早一千二百年已在該處居住,他們的原居地可能是現時的日本北海道,為人類的遷徙路線提供新證據。俄勒岡州立大學學者戴維斯(Loren Davis)領導的團隊,於愛達荷州西部一個相信有一萬六千年歷史遺址的最古老區域,掘出四十多塊估計是在製作工具過程切下的石頭薄片以及一些骨頭。團隊亦於遺址上,發現與日本北海道出土的年期相近石器,由此相信美洲第一人或來自當時仍屬美洲大陸的北海道或東北亞。考古學界此前相信,人類是經過從西伯利亞延伸到阿拉斯加、現時已淹沒的白令陸橋地域,再向南遷移至加拿大,但由於當地有巨大冰原阻擋無法跨越,直至冰原於一萬四千八百年前出現裂縫形成「無冰走廊」,人類才成功到達美洲。

- hair

  • red hair
    •  in the colloquial Portuguese of the day, there wasn't even an everyday word for red hair or redhead. On her ID papers, her hair color was listed as “Loira,” meaning Blonde. The more accurate word, “Ruiva,” was about as commonly-used as our words “Russet" or “Auburn,” and none of the Brazilian adults or schoolkids in her farming town had such a rich vocabulary. So she remained “blonde,” creepy-pale, and strangely spotted, until she came to the US for college.
  • Auburn hair is a variety of red hair, most commonly described as reddish-brown in color or dark ginger. Auburn hair ranges in shades from medium to dark. It can be found with a wide array of skin tones and eye colors, but as is the case with most red hair, it is commonly associated with light skin features.  "Auburn" can be used to describe many shades of reddish hair with similar definitions or hues. It is often conflated in popular usage with Titian hair. While Titian hair is a brownish shade of red hair, auburn hair is specifically defined as including the actual color red. Most definitions of Titian hair describe it as a brownish-orange color,[2][3] but some describe it as being reddish.[4] This is in reference to red hair itself, not the color red.Auburn encompasses the color maroon, but so too do chestnut and burgundy. In contrast with the two, auburn is more red in color, while chestnut is more brown, and burgundy is more purple; chestnut hair is also often referred to as "chestnut-brown".The word "auburn" comes from the Old French word alborne, which meant blond, coming from Latin word alburnus("off-white"). The first recorded use of auburn in English was in 1430.[5][6] The word was sometimes corrupted into abram, for example in early (pre-1685) folios of CoriolanusThomas Kyd's Soliman and Perseda (1588) and Thomas Middleton's Blurt, Master Constable (1601). Auburn hair is common among people of northern and western European descent, as well as North Africans,[8] but it is rare elsewhere. Auburn hair occurs most frequently in the following regions: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Poland, north Iberia and Russia. This hair color is less common farther south and southeast, but can occur somewhat regularly in Southern Europe(more so in Spain, and to some extent Portugal and Italy). It can also be found in other parts of the world colonized by genetically European people, such as North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Siberia, etc. Auburn is sometimes seen among the indigenous people of Taiwan (Formosa), but it is absent in the later Han Chineseimmigrants. It is more common among the Formosan aborigines than among the white people of Northwestern European descent.
  • cases
- eyes

  • The genes for the blue eyes have been found in ancient remains found in the Caucasus region and Italy dated about 14 000 - 13 000 years ago. The ancient blue eyed Caucasus hunter - gatherers migrated the Middle East many times.
  • An epicanthic fold is a skin fold of the upper eyelid that covers the inner corner (medial canthus) of the eye.[3] However, variation occurs in the nature of this feature and the possession of 'partial epicanthic folds' or 'slight epicanthic folds' is noted in the relevant literature. Various factors influence whether epicanthic folds form, including ancestry, age, and certain medical conditions.The highest frequency of occurrence of epicanthic folds is found in specific ethnicities: East Asians, Southeast Asians, Central Asians, North Asians, Polynesians, Micronesians, Native Americans (as well as Mestizos), the Khoisan, and the Malagasy. Among South Asians, they occur at very high frequencies among the Bhutanese,[10] Northeast Indians,[10] Kirati, and certain Adivasi[10] tribes of eastern India.In some of these populations the trait is almost universal, specifically in East Asians and Southeast Asians, where a majority, up to 90% in some estimations, of adults have this feature.

In anthropologypygmy peoples are ethnic groups whose average height is unusually short. The term pygmyism is used to describe the phenotype of endemic short stature (as opposed to disproportionate dwarfism occurring in isolated cases in a population) for populations in which adult men are on average less than 150 cm (4 ft 11 in) tall. The term is primarily associated with the African Pygmies, the hunter-gatherers of the Congo basin (comprising the Bambenga, Bambuti and Batwa). The term "pygmoid" is a traditional morphological racial category for the Central African Pygmies, considered a subgroup of the Negroid category.The term "Asiatic Pygmies" has been used of the Negrito populations of Maritime Southeast Asia and other Australoid peoples of short stature. The Taron people of Myanmar are an exceptional case of a "pygmy" population of East Asian phenotype. 俾格米人Pygmies,單數作Pygmy)並不是一個種族,而是泛指所有全族成年男子平均高度都少於150厘米或155厘米的種族。對於身高稍長的人種,又稱作「類俾格米人」(pygmoid)。比較知名的俾格米人都生長於非洲中部,例如:Aka、Efe及Mbuti等民族;在泰國印尼菲律賓巴布亞新畿內亞巴西玻利維亞[2]亦有俾格米人或有些相似的尼格利陀人。這些棕種人東南亞最早定居的人種[3]。此外還發現至少有25個小型人類個體,大約於1000到3000年前在密克羅尼西亞帛琉群島生活[4]現時「俾格米人」這個名詞一般被用來專指在非洲的相關人種,不過「俾格米人」這個名詞一般被認為帶有貶義,但由於現時未有一個較好的詞語來形容這班在非洲中部的人種[5]。Hewlett建議採用他們的自稱「森林的兒子」("Forest people"或"Forest forager")[5],而他們比較喜歡其他人以他們實際所屬於的種族的名稱,例如:阿卡族(Aka,又名姆邦加族/Mbenga)、巴卡族(Baka)、木布提族(Mbuti)和特瓦族(Twa)[6]。在中非洲,有時會用「阿卡」的眾數形式「巴雅卡」來表示當地的所有俾格米人。相同地,在剛果語裡亦有類似的名詞「巴姆邦加」。

Ang mo (紅毛Pe̍h-ōe-jīâng-mô͘ / âng-mn̂g) or ang moh is a racial descriptor that is sometimes seen as an epithet, used to refer to white people. It is used mainly in Malaysia and Singapore, and sometimes in Taiwan. It literally means "red-haired" and originates from Hokkien, a variety of Southern Min.[1] The usage is similar to the Cantonese term gweilo (鬼佬; "ghost man"). Other similar terms include ang mo kow (紅毛猴; "red-haired monkeys"), ang mo kui (紅毛鬼; "red-haired devil"), ang mo lang (紅毛人; "red-haired people"). Although the term has historically had some derogatory connotations, it has entered common parlance as a neutral term in Singapore and Malaysia, where it refers to a white person or, when used as an adjective, Western culture in general.The earliest origin for the term ang mo could be traced to the contact between Hokkien(Southern Min) speakers in southern Fujian with the Portuguese Empire and Dutch East India Company during the Haijin ("Sea Ban") period in the 16th and 17th century. During the 17th century, the Dutch East India Company failed in its attempt to force their way into Fujian to trade in the 1620s during the Sino-Dutch conflicts and were called ang mo by the locals. The Dutch East India Company and then the Spanish Empire had colonized Taiwanand the Spanish built Fort San Domingo in Tamsui, Taiwan. The Dutch later drove the Spanish out and seized the Fort which also became known as "City of the Red-Haired" (紅毛城; pinyin: hóng máo chéng; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Âng-mn̂g-siâⁿ) in Taiwanese Hokkien. Dutch peoplewere known in Taiwan as ang mo lang ("red-haired people") in Taiwanese Hokkien. This is most likely because red hair is a common trait among the Dutch. This historical term ang mo lang continues to be used in the context of Taiwanese history to refer to Dutch people. The Chinese characters for ang mo are the same as those in the historical Japanese term kōmō (紅毛), which was used during the Edo period (1603–1868) as an epithet for (northwestern European) white people. It primarily referred to Dutch traders who were the only Europeans allowed to trade with Japan during the Sakoku, its 200-year period of isolation. Portuguese and Spanish traders were in contrast referred to as nanban (南蛮), which is in turn cognate to the Chinese nanman and means "southern barbarians".
紅毛(こうもう)、または紅毛人は、主に17世紀から19世紀にかけ(日本では江戸時代)、日本、福建台湾東南アジア華僑華人社会などで使われた、白人(あるいはその一部・特定の国民)に対する呼称である。閩南語(福建語)読み[1][2]を音写した ang mo / ang moh(アンモ、アンモー)は、現代では侮蔑語差別語とみなされることがある[1]中国語では侮蔑の意味を強めた「紅毛屎」「紅毛鬼」「紅毛猴」「紅気鬼子」という表現もある。江戸時代に、オランダ人イギリス人など淡い髪色の形質を持った人の多い北ヨーロッパ系民族を総称した。濃い髪色の形質を持った人の多い南ヨーロッパ系(スペイン人ポルトガル人)の南蛮と対比して使われた。「南蛮」と同様、のちには西洋の文物を単に紅毛と呼ぶこともあった。鎖国以後は、ほとんどの場合オランダ人を意味した。また南蛮同様、西洋一般に意味が広がることもあったが、オランダ由来の物品も南蛮と呼ばれることが多く、それに比しては「紅毛」はあまり広まらなかった。

- The barbarian kingdoms that emerged in the West after the fall of the WRE were feudal states, relying on feudal lords for men/tax collection. They lacked a corp of educated civil officials to staff a bureaucracy and instead relied on a few learned monks and (in Italy mainly) former Roman administrators. They had tribal military forces instead of maintaining an expensive professional army. Of course, this changed with time as a professional class of knights eventually emerged in the West. The Caroligian (Frankish) empire had a small bureaucracy of educated men and could supply relatively (for the age and place) large armies. But until the 12th century no Western kingdom came even close to having as good an administration as the Byzantine one.

- In “The Travels of Marco Polo,” the people of China are described as “white.” Records left by eighteenth century missionaries also report the skin color of Japanese and other East Asian people as clearly white. Yet in the nineteenth century, this perception quietly gave way to descriptions as “yellow.” In travel books, scientific discourse, and works of art, portrayals of East Asians began presenting them as having yellow skin. What happened in between? In his 2011 book “Becoming Yellow: A Short History of Racial Thinking,” National Taiwan University professor Michael Keevak delves deeply into the origins and history of how and why East Asians went from being seen as “white” to being classified as “yellow.” The first suspect implicated in applying the “yellow” label to East Asian faces is the famed Carl Linnaeus (1707-78). At first, Linnaeus used the Latin adjective “fuscus,” meaning “dark,” to describe the skin color of Asians. But in the tenth edition of his 1758-9 “Systema Naturae,” he specified it with the term “luridus,” meaning “light yellow” or “pale.”It was Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840) who went beyond the coloring ascribed by Linnaeus to apply the completely different label of “Mongolianness.” Regarded as a founder of comparative anatomy, the German zoologist did more than just use the Latin word “gilvus,” meaning “light yellow,” to describe East Asian skin color: he also implicated the Mongols, a name with troubling and threatening connotations for Europeans with their memories of Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, and Timur.
- scmp 3feb19 "the chinese were white, until white men called them yellow" - not the pic of men in different races

The Yellow Peril (also Yellow Terror and Yellow Spectre) is a racist color-metaphor that is integral to the xenophobic theory of colonialism: that the peoples of East Asia are a danger to the Western world. As a psycho-cultural perception of menace from the East, fear of the Yellow Peril was more racial than national, a fear derived, not from concern with a specific source of danger, from any one country or people, but from a vaguely ominous, existential fear of the vast, faceless, nameless horde of yellow people opposite the Western world. As a form of xenophobia, the Yellow Terror is the fear of the rising tide of colored people from the Orient. The racist ideology of the Yellow Peril is a "core imagery of apes, lesser men, primitives, children, madmen, and beings who possessed special powers", which are cultural representations of colored people that originated in the Græco–Persian Wars (499–449 BC), between Ancient Greece and the Persian Empire; centuries later, Western imperialist expansion included East Asians to the Yellow Peril. In the late 19th century, the Russian sociologist Jacques Novikow coined the phrase in his essay "Le Péril Jaune" ("The Yellow Peril", 1897); later, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany used Yellow Peril racism to encourage the European empires to invade, conquer, and colonize China.[3] To that end, the Kaiser misrepresented the Asian victory in the Russo-Japanese War (1904–05) as a racialist threat to the white folk of Western Europe, and misrepresented China and Japan in alliance to conquer and subjugate the Western world. The sinologist Wing-Fai Leung explained the fantastic origins of the phrase and racialist ideology: "The phrase yellow peril (sometimes yellow terror or yellow spectre) ... blends Western anxieties about sex, racist fears of the alien other, and the Spenglerian belief that the West will become outnumbered and enslaved by the East." The academic Gina Marchetti identified the psycho-cultural fear of Asians as "rooted in medieval fears of Genghis Khanand the Mongolian invasions of Europe, the Yellow Peril combines racist terror of alien cultures, sexual anxieties, and the belief that the West will be overpowered and enveloped, by the irresistible, dark, occult forces of the East";[5]:2 hence, in light of Japanese imperial militarism, the West included Japanese people to Yellow Peril racism.黄禍論(おうかろん / こうかろん、Gelbe GefahrYellow Peril)とは、19世紀半ばから20世紀前半にかけてヨーロッパ北アメリカオーストラリアなどの白人国家において現れた、黄色人種脅威論。人種差別の一種である。フランスでは1896年の時点でこの言葉の使用が確認されており、ドイツ帝国皇帝ヴィルヘルム2世が広めた寓意画『ヨーロッパの諸国民よ、諸君らの最も神聖な宝を守れドイツ語版』によって世界に流布した[1]日清戦争に勝利した日本に対して、ロシア・ドイツ・フランスが自らの三国干渉を正当化するために浴びせた人種差別政策で、続く日露戦争の日本勝利で欧州全体に広まった[2]主な論者に: gelbe Gefahr(「黄禍」)というスローガンを掲げたドイツ帝国皇帝ヴィルヘルム2世が挙げられる。古来白人は、モンゴル帝国をはじめとした東方系民族による侵攻に苦しめられてきた。キタイと言う言葉の直接の意味は、10世紀頃に華北にて朝を建国した遊牧民族契丹」を指すが、ロシア語においては(現在も含めた)「中国」を意味し、北方への対外侵略を常としてきた契丹と同一視する事で警戒心・畏怖の意味も込められている[3]。そのため黄色人種は、モスクワ大公国(後のロシア帝国)においては「タタールのくびき」として、また、西ヨーロッパではアンチキリストがアジアから現れると信じられ、共に恐れられてきた。近代の黄禍論で対象とされる民族は、主に中国人日本人である。とくにアメリカ合衆国では1882年に制定された排華移民法1924年に制定された排日移民法など露骨に反中反日的な立法に顕われ、影響が論じられる。
- note that there is a wikipedia version in the language of Principality of Asturias in spain

Sambo or Zambo is a derogatory term used for a person with Indigenous American origin and, in some countries, also mixed with African origin. In an eighteenth-century Mexican casta painting by Ignacio Maria Barredazambo is a synonym for lobo (Spanish for "wolf"). Later, its technical meaning was expanded to include people having a mixture of black and white ancestry—mulattoquadroon, octoroon, etc. in modern US English[1] and British English.The word "sambo" came into the English language from the Latin American Spanish word zambo, the Spanish word in Latin America for a person of mixed African and Native American descent.[3] This in turn may have come from one of three African language sources. Webster's Third International Dictionary holds that it may have come from the Kongo word nzambu ("monkey") — the z of (Latin American) Spanish being pronounced here like the English s. The Royal Spanish Academy gives the origin from a Latin word, possibly the adjective valgus[4] or another modern Spanish term (patizambo), both of which translate to "bow-legged".[citation neededThe equivalent term in Portuguese-speaking areas, such as Brazil, is cafuzo.

Blackamoor is a European art style from the Early Modern period depicting highly stylized figures, usually African males but sometimes other non-European peoples, in subservient or exoticized form. Blackamoor is often found in sculpture, jewelry, furniture, and decorative art. In the Iberian peninsula historically this word does not exist. The Castilian word for the moor was moro, Portuguese: mouro and for a black negro, Portuguese: negro, preto, but there has never been an Iberian word merging the two meanings. This is because the terms simply referred to Muslims regardless of ethnicity. The same can be said of the French cognate maureThe term Blackamoor is now viewed by some as racist and culturally insensitive. Blackamoor is still widely produced in Italy (mainly Venice) with the United States as the biggest importer in the world.

  • [1776 chron]note that comic opera the blackamoor washed white debuted in london in 1776; a blackamoor riot on 3rd or 5th feb was mentioned
- economists
  • economist 28jun2020 "gains to diversification" economists grapple with their race problem In january 1970 a group of black economists wrote a letter to the American Economic Association (aea). They criticised colleagues who ignored discrimination in the profession and paid no heed to racial inequality in their own research. Just over half a century later, similar complaints have resurfaced. This time the aea seems to be listening. On June 5th it issued a statement saying that “we have only begun to understand racism and its impact on our profession and our discipline.” Openness to more diverse groups of people and ideas should enhance the profession’s understanding of the world. Barriers to entry are not only unfair, they could undermine healthy competition in the marketplace for ideas. And a better grasp of, say, the huge racial gaps in income and wealth in America seems essential to a profession that studies who gets what.
Shindana Toys, a division of Operation Bootstrap, Inc., was a South Central Los Angeles, California cooperative toy company in business from 1968 to 1983.[1] It was an Operation Bootstrap initiatives undertaken following the 1965 Watts Riots. Company proceeds supported businesses in the Watts area. Shindana (a Swahili word roughly meaning "to compete") Toys was community-owned and founded by Louis S. Smith, II and Robert Hall. The latter was the company's first CEO and President; though he was succeeded in both posts by Smith. The Chase Manhattan Bank, the Mattel Toy Company, Sears Roebuck & Co., and Equitable Life Assurance helped finance portions of the Shindana Toys operations. Shindana Toys was historically significant for being one of the first toy companies (if not the first) to market ethnically-correct[clarification needed] black dolls. 


roman empire

The Lake Placid Club was a social and recreation club founded 1895, in a hotel on Mirror Lake in Lake Placid, New York, under Melvil Dewey's leadership and according to his ideals. It was instrumental in Lake Placid's development as an internationally known resort.Dewey intended the club as a place where educators might find health, strength and inspiration at modest cost. Under his leadership, the club became nationally known for winter sports; it built a winter clubhouse in 1907 that allowed year-round visits to Lake Placid. By 1923, the Club had grown to 9,600 acres (39 km2), with 356 buildings (including 110 residences), its own theatre (seating capacity 1,200), library, boathouses, 21 tennis courts, seven golf courses, farms, a staff of 1100, a fire department, and even a school, today known as Northwood School.Membership declined steadily as vacationing trends among the wealthy changed. Air travel and time constraints meant that fewer families spent the entire season at the Club. In 1977, only 471 families renewed their membership, compared to 711 the previous year. The Club closed soon after serving as headquarters for the International Olympic Committee during the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid.[4] During the 1990s the Club was a frequent target for arson and vandalism. Its last buildings were demolished in January 2002.For most of its existence the Lake Placid Club excluded Jews and other socially stigmatized groups. In 1954, a New York Times article criticized the Club for its refusal to admit Blacks and Jews. The B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League filed a complaint about the Club. The dispute lasted several years, until the League decided to drop the charges of discrimination in 1959. Representatives of the Club claimed that its members were religiously motivated and therefore wished to vacation as Christians among Christians in order to "strengthen their appreciation of and attachment to Christianity."[11] Since Dewey's time, the Club had been very strict about membership, avoiding fashionable vacationers, not serving alcohol in the dining room, and only accepting guests who came recommended by other members. The criteria for membership remained intact until 1976.In 1926, Dewey established a southern branch of the club in Lake Stearns, Florida; the town was renamed Lake Placid as a result. It is now owned by the South Florida District of the Church of the Nazarene, which operates it as the Lake Placid Camp and Conference Center.

  • Melville Louis Kossuth "Melvil" Dewey (December 10, 1851 – December 26, 1931) was an American librarian and educator, inventor of the Dewey Decimal system of library classificationAs a young adult he advocated spelling reform; he changed his name from the usual "Melville" to "Melvil", without redundant letters, and for a time changed his surname to "Dui".From 1883 to 1888 he was chief librarian at Columbia University. During his time as director of the New York State Library(1888–1906) Dewey established a program of traveling libraries. From 1888 to 1900 Dewey served as secretary and executive officer of the University of the State of New York.In 1883 Dewey became librarian of Columbia College, and in the following year founded there the School of Library Economy, the first institution for the instruction of librarians ever organized. His theories of spelling reform(to which end he founded the Spelling Reform Association in 1886)[9] found some local success at Lake Placid: there is an "Adirondak Loj" in the area, and dinner menus of the club used his reformed spelling. 

The Lily-White Movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil Warand the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery.The term lily-white movement was coined by Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party.[1] The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century, including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.
On March 20, 1924, the Virginia General Assembly passed two laws that had arisen out of contemporary concerns about eugenics and race: SB 219, titled "The Racial Integrity Act[1]" and SB 281, "An ACT to provide for the sexual sterilization of inmates of State institutions in certain cases", henceforth referred to as "The Sterilization Act". The Racial Integrity Act of 1924 was one of a series of laws designed to prevent interracial relationships. The Racial Integrity Act required that a racial description of every person be recorded at birth and divided society into only two classifications: white and colored (essentially all other, which included numerous American Indians). It defined race by the "one-drop rule", defining as "colored" persons with any African or Native American ancestry. It also expanded the scope of Virginia's ban on interracial marriage (anti-miscegenation law) by criminalizing all marriages between white persons and non-white persons. In 1967 the law was overturned by the United States Supreme Court in its ruling on Loving v. VirginiaThe Sterilization Act provided for compulsory sterilization of persons deemed to be "feebleminded," including the "insane, idiotic, imbecile, or epileptic."
John Henry Boalt (March 29, 1837 in Norwalk, Ohio – May 9, 1901 in Cloverdale, California) was an attorney who resided in Oakland, California in the late 19th century. After graduating from Amherst College in 1857, Boalt attended the University of Heidelberg School of Mining and was a member of the Signal Corps in the American Civil War. Boalt was also a judge and president of the local Bar association.[which?Boalt is known for his racism against Chinese people. He was influential in his support of the Chinese Exclusion Act, writing that "Chinese were unassimilable liars, murderers and misogynists who provoked 'unconquerable repulsion'". After Boalt's death in 1901, his widow, Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt, created a trust allocating two parcels of land in San Francisco valued at $100,000 to be sold for the benefit of the University of California to construct a building to house its new School of Jurisprudence on the Berkeley campus. Six weeks later, the 1906 earthquake destroyed the properties. The trustees were able to sell only one parcel, for far less than the original value. In recognition of the gift, the new building was named Boalt Memorial Hall of Law. Because of Boalt's racist legacy, Berkeley law lecturer Charles P. Reichmann proposed in 2018 that the building be renamed.

Sundown towns, also known as sunset towns, gray towns, or sundowner towns, are all-white municipalities or neighborhoods in the United States that practice a form of racial segregation by excluding non-whites via some combination of discriminatory local laws, intimidation, and violence. Entire sundown counties[1] and sundown suburbs were also created by the same process. The term came from signs posted that "colored people" had to leave town by sundown.[2] The practice was not restricted to the southern states, as "(a)t least until the early 1960s...northern states could be nearly as inhospitable to black travelers as states like Alabama or Georgia."Discriminatory policies and actions distinguish sundown towns from towns that have no black residents for demographic reasons. Historically, towns have been confirmed as sundown towns by newspaper articles, county histories, and Works Progress Administration files, corroborated by tax or U.S. Census records showing an absence of black people or sharp drop in the black population between two censuses.
- 新冠肺炎疫情未解,國外不時傳出有華人遭歧視。美國亞裔記者協會(AAJA)昨舉行記者會,呼籲媒體在報道新冠肺炎新聞時,要準確及留神,避免加劇種族歧視。協會建議有關報道不要使用唐人街的照片,及勿用「武漢肺炎」稱呼等。
- 亞裔受歧視的問題持續惡化,重災區紐約市情況尤其嚴重,相關案件較去年攀升廿倍,該市日前成立專責小組專門處理與疫情相關的歧視投訴。
- 美國白宮前日向各聯邦政府部門發出備忘錄,指總統特朗普要求停止為員工提供反種族歧視的訓練課程,形容相關課程內容會散播「反美思想」、造成「分化」等。在美國各地目前爆發種族平權示威之際,特朗普的決定反映他繼續無視現實。有提供相關課程的律師指出,課程其實有助提升政府行政效率,批評白宮做法「危險」。備忘錄同時提到,特朗普及其政府仍然承諾平等及公平對待所有美國人,未來會提供新的培訓課程聯邦指引,又指特朗普一直致力為被忽視的人發聲,無論屬於任何種族或宗教的美國人,特朗普均會全力支持,稱「錯誤地宣揚種族歧視,以製造分化,與我們堅守的一切價值背道而馳,在聯邦政府中更不應有容身之所」。據聯邦政府公務員透露,部分原定前日舉行、以「種族偏見」為主題的課程已被推遲。根據商務部轄下少數族裔商業發展局在2017年進行的研究指出,過往20年來,政府與少數族裔人士持有企業簽署的合約愈來愈少,反映在批出聯邦合約上,白人企業確實存在優勢。
- 美國財政部轄下的鑄幣局一批非裔員工,今 年 6月去信財長姆努奇恩,指出鑄幣局內存在系 統性種族歧視,而且局內的管理層職位缺乏種族 多元,法務部門更長期被白人律師佔據,未有徹查 非裔員工遭受的不公待遇。財政部已就投訴內容, 對鑄幣局展開調查。
- 美國著名學府哈佛大學創校近4個世紀,首次由非白人學生出任學生會正副主席,分別是非裔的哈里斯(Noah Harris)和華裔的珍妮‧甘(Jenny Gan,音譯)。

- 加拿大卑詩省一名華裔度假村老闆為了節省開支,把七名白人員工解僱、改聘華人,更曾性騷擾女員工。該批員工以涉嫌受種族歧視為由,告上法庭。卑詩省人權法庭裁定老闆違反人權法及性騷擾罪成,須賠償十七萬三千加元(約一百零三萬港元)。涉事度假村「Spruce Hill Resort and Spa」有七名白人員工,在前年八月被解僱。法官指,華裔老闆陳健華(Kin Wa Chan,音譯)多次表示要以華人取代白人員工,因為「華人員工比較好,薪金又比白人低,更不用向他們支付假期薪金及加班費」 australiaThe term White Australia policy comprises various historical policies that effectively barred people of non-European descent from immigrating to Australia. There was never any specific policy titled as such, but the term was invented later to encapsulate a collection of policies that were designed to exclude people from Asia (particularly China) and the Pacific Islands (particularly Melanesia) from immigrating to Australia. These policies were progressively dismantled between 1949 and 1973. Competition in the gold fields between British and Chinese miners, and labour union opposition to the importation of Pacific Islanders into the sugar plantations of Queensland, reinforced the demand to eliminate or minimize low wage immigration from Asia and the Pacific Islands. From the 1850s, there were restrictions on family members joining Chinese miners already in Australia. The colonial authorities levied a special tax on Chinese immigrants that other immigrants were exempted from. Towards the end of the 19th century, there was also a push by the labour unions to stop work done by Chinese immigrants in the furniture and market garden industries. Australian furniture had to be labelled "Made with Chinese Labour".[citation neededSoon after Australia became a federation, the Government of Edmund Barton, passed the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901, which was drafted by Australia's second Prime Minister Alfred Deakin. The passage of this bill is considered the commencement of the White Australia Policy as Australian government policy. Subsequent acts further strengthened the policy up to the start of the Second World War. These policies effectively allowed for British migrants to be preferred over all others through the first four decades of the 20th century. During the Second World War, Prime Minister John Curtin reinforced the policy, saying "This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race." The policy was dismantled in stages by successive governments after the conclusion of the Second World War, with the encouragement of first non-British, non-white immigration, allowing for a large multi-ethnic post-war program of immigration. The Menzies and Holt Governmentseffectively dismantled the policies between 1949 and 1966 and the Whitlam Government passed laws to ensure that race would be totally disregarded as a component for immigration to Australia in 1973. In 1975, the Whitlam Government passed the Racial Discrimination Act, which made racially based selection criteria unlawful. In the decades since, Australia has maintained large-scale multi-ethnic immigration. Australia's current Migration Program allows people from any country to apply to migrate to Australia, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, culture, religion, or language, provided that they meet the criteria set out in law.
- incidents

  • The Lambing Flat riots were a series of violent anti-Chinese demonstrations that took place in the Burrangong region, in New South WalesAustralia. They occurred on the goldfields at Spring Creek, Stoney Creek, Back Creek, Wombat, Blackguard Gully, Tipperary Gully, and Lambing Flat (now Young, New South Wales), in 1860–1861. Events in the Australian goldfields in the 1850s led to hostility toward Chinese miners on the part of many Europeans, which was to affect many aspects of European-Chinese relations in Australia for the next century. Some of the sources of conflict between European and Chinese miners arose from the nature of the industry they were engaged in. Most gold mining in the early years was alluvial mining, where the gold was in small particles mixed with dirt, gravel and clay close to the surface of the ground, or buried in the beds of old watercourses or "leads". Extracting the gold took no great skill, but it was hard work, and generally speaking, the more work, the more gold the miner won. Europeans tended to work alone or in small groups, concentrating on rich patches of ground, and frequently abandoning a reasonably rich claim to take up another one rumoured to be richer. Very few miners became wealthy; the reality of the diggings was that relatively few miners found even enough gold to earn them a living. The Chinese generally worked in large organised groups, covering the entire ground's surface, so that if there was any gold there, the Chinese miners usually found it. They lived communally and frugally, and could subsist on a much lower return than Europeans. The rural background of most of the Chinese diggers suited them very well to life as alluvial goldminers: they were used to long hours of hard outdoor work as a member of a disciplined team, accustomed to simple sleeping quarters and basic food, and were satisfied with a much smaller return of gold than the majority of Europeans.


- The largest ethnic group in the United States are Germans.This surprises most people because unlike other ethnic groups, there are no real German holidays, festivals, or other displays of German pride.
You can find lots of stuff for other European groups such as Italians or Irish, but almost nothing for Germans, even though they are more of us.When Germans began migrating to the US, there wasn’t even a country called Germany. Most of them came from Prussia or Bavaria, parts of modern-day Germany, but they were separate countries at the time with just a shared language.As you can tell by the map, Germans flocked towards rural areas. There were large Italian and Irish enclaves in cities like New York and Boston, but Germans, by and large, came to the US to become farmers.People in rural areas don’t usually define or influence culture.Many of the small German towns spoke German and had German-language newspapers and churches.All of this changed in 1917 when the US entered WWI. Suddenly, Germans were the enemy and it became very unfashionable to be German.During WWI, the US Government created a list of almost half a million German Americans and imprisoned over 4,000. There were mobs who attacked Germans during the war and for the years 1917–18, there were more Germans lynched in the US than African Americans.During this period, the use of the German language in the US ground to a halt. German newspapers either closed or changed to English. Speaking it in public could get you assaulted.Orchestras stopped playing music by German composers.Anti-German sentiment contributed to the passage of the 18th Amendment banning the sale and consumption of alcohol because Germans were the primary beer manufactures in the US. (Pabst, Schlitz, Blatz, Busch, Heileman, Hamm, Anheuser, Coors, are all German families which started breweries in the US).Cities changed their name or pronunciation. New Berlin, Wisconsin changed the pronunciation of the town from saying like the city in Germany “ber-lyn” to “ber-lun”.Many families changed their names to something more American.After everything that happened in WWI and WWII didn’t help things.While the brunt of domestic hostilities during WWII was focused on Japanese-Americans, there were over 11,000 Germans imprisoned in the US during this period.Basically, the two wars with Germany eliminated any showing of ethnic pride or public expressions of ethnicity within the United States.


- 中國和印度近期因邊境糾紛而關係緊張,逾三百名來自印度東北部的護士長相酷似中國人,因此在西孟加拉邦加爾各答多家醫院受到歧視,於是憤而集體離職。

- 澳洲悉尼有網民近日上載多張亞洲菜餐廳外牆照片,可見被噴上納粹圖案及種族歧視語句。有受害店主稱,這些塗鴉存在已久,而且數量有增無減,有女食客更指塗鴉令她失去食欲。

new zealand
- 新西蘭奧克蘭一個游泳池近日張貼卡通海報,當中的白人女童提醒深膚色男童不要在泳池內小便,被指是種族歧視。負責人事後移除海報,強調無意讓任何人感到不安。另有民眾認為投訴者杯弓蛇影,如把角色調換相信沒有白人會感到冒犯。

- 為消除包括種族、國籍、身心障礙及性傾向等一切歧視,日本川崎市議會上月底提出日本第一個附帶罰則的反歧視條例。市議會周四(12日)表決通過全日本第一個附帶刑事罰則的反歧視條例,其中無關罰則的部分將先從十二月及明年四月實施,條例將在明年七月起全面實施。
- Calpis (カルピス Karupisu) is a Japanese uncarbonated soft drink, manufactured by Calpis Co., Ltd.Calpis' original logo was a simplified black and white depiction of a black man with large lips drinking from a glass using a straw. The logo was developed from a painting by a German artist depicting a black person wearing a Panama hat drinking Calpis. As the logo came to be considered offensive, the black/white was first reversed, and then the logo was subsequently dropped altogether.

- 內地近日首次發表最大規模的中國人基因庫研究結果,揭示中國人的遺傳特徵與東亞人群非常相似,其中日本人群與中國北方漢族人群聚類完全重疊;又發現酒精代謝能力與基因異變有關,而廣東人的酒量在全國排最後。
African-Americans have been advised to stop travelling to Guangzhou, according to an alert issued on Saturday by the United States consulate in the city, citing a local government-led crackdown targeting people of African origin due to Covid-19 fears. The warning followed reports that local authorities had imposed tough measures in recent weeks screening people entering and leaving the city’s “Little Africa” district in Yuexiu district after five Nigerians tested positive for the coronavirus. As part of the campaign to tighten scrutiny of foreigners, those who appear to be of African origin and others suspected of having “African contacts” were subjected to mandatory tests, followed by mandatory quarantine, regardless of their recent travel history, the consulate notice said. It also said members of the city’s sizeable African community had been denied service in hotels, bars and restaurants.

  • 廣東省廣州市近日出現的多宗新冠肺炎境外輸入疫情,均與來自非洲的外籍人士有關,網上亦傳出有非洲人士被強行帶走檢疫或粗暴對待的消息。尼日利亞眾議院議長格巴雅比阿密拉前日會見中國駐當地大使周平劍,就網傳在廣州的尼日利亞公民被收繳護照的事件,要求周作出交代。
  • 中國駐尼日利亞大使周平劍前日與尼日利亞外交部長奧尼亞馬會面,並舉行聯合記者會。兩人指,近期尼日利亞公民疑在廣州受不公平對待一事,純屬誤會。奧尼亞馬表示,尼日利亞國內有民眾僅根據社交網的流傳片段解讀,從而誤會尼日利亞人及非洲人受區別對待。

interesting case
- 加拿大一名黑人男子在多倫多一所知名中餐館慶祝生日時,遭侍應要求先付款才可用餐。事主認為起因是種族歧視,法庭周一裁定中餐館違反人權法,須向事主賠償一萬加元(約六萬一千港元)。
- covid

  • Norway is far from the only country where people from black and minority ethnic (Bame) groups have been disproportionately affected. People from a Bame background make up about 13 per cent of the UK population but account for a third of virus patients admitted to hospital critical care units. Black Americans represent around 14 per cent of the US population but 30 per cent of those who have contracted the virus.Similar patterns showing disproportionate numbers of Bame virus victims have emerged in the US and other European countries with large minority populations, although Prof Khunti said none had as strong evidence as the UK about overall ethnic patterns of Covid-19. France, another country with a large Bame proportion, prohibits the gathering of statistics based on ethnicity.

- darkie/darlie

  • scmp 9dec18 "asia's brush with racism"
American Anthropologist is the flagship journal of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), published quarterly by Wiley
L'Homme. Revue française d'anthropologie, is a French anthropological journal established in 1961 by Émile BenvenistePierre Gourou, and Claude Lévi-Straussat the École pratique des hautes études, as a French counterpart to Man and American Anthropologist.

- fin walkers

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