Sunday, January 13, 2019

inner mongolia

- 內蒙古政協委員、英美洋行公司行政總裁雲維恩在出席今年內蒙古兩會時則對推廣蒙古族文化非常關注。身為孛兒只斤.忽必烈第29代孫,又是內蒙古政協港澳委員,他身上的「雙重作用」更為突出。他說,自己的父親曾任內蒙古政協委員,因此感覺肩上所承載的責任更重了許多。他希望自己能成為蒙古族的「文化使者」,推廣發展蒙古族文化,在以後的履職中貢獻更多力量,利用專長為內蒙古引薦更多項目和商機,獻計當地發展。
  • His company 裕峻sued by 保華in 2011
  • Not qualified as 選委會member for 2017 ce election

Bairin Right Banner (Mongolianᠪᠠᠭᠠᠷᠢᠨ ᠪᠠᠷᠠᠭᠤᠨ ᠬᠣᠰᠢᠭᠤ Baɣarin Baraɣun qosiɣu巴林右旗pinyinBālín Yòu Qí) is a banner of eastern Inner Mongolia, China. It is under the administration of Chifeng City, 143 kilometres (89 mi) to the south-southeast. Baarin Mongols live here. 旗人民政府驻大板镇。北元蒙古国大汗巴图蒙克达延汗,是成吉思汗第十五世孙,巴彦蒙克吉浓之子。达延汗手下有左翼三万户蒙古部落和右翼三户蒙古部落,巴林部是达延汗左翼三万户蒙古部落之一喀尔喀部12鄂托克之一。后达延汗把7个喀尔喀部分封给格哷森札札赉尔皇太吉(喀尔喀部的始祖,苏密尔皇妃所生)成为如今的蒙古国,另5部喀尔喀鄂托克分封给阿尔楚博罗特(满都海皇后所生),达延汗之五子,北元蒙古国五大摄政王之一。阿尔楚博罗特是蒙古南喀尔喀五部(巴林部、扎鲁特部、弘吉喇部、巴优特部,乌吉耶特部)的始祖。 后来阿尔楚博罗之子和尔朔齐哈萨尔率部南迁,称为南喀尔喀。和尔朔齐哈萨尔之五子各领有南喀尔喀部,遂称为南喀尔喀五部。喀尔喀五部专门守护北元蒙古东南部边界,为了和明朝开放关商多次和明朝交战和谈判关商问题。满清兴起重创南喀尔喀称“内喀尔喀”,只剩下扎鲁特部、巴林部二部,速把亥孙色特尔等率属归附皇太极,编为二扎萨克旗,属于昭乌达盟。今内蒙古赤峰市仍有巴林左旗、巴林右旗。清顺治五年(1648年),清政府设理藩院,统管边疆地区,在蒙古建旗制,编佐领。将巴林部分为巴林右翼旗和巴林左翼旗,旗下设佐领(亦称苏木)。清太宗皇太极的五女儿,固倫淑慧長公主(1632年-1700年),她的生母是孝庄文皇后博尔济吉特氏,是顺治帝姐姐, 1648年,嫁给了巴林郡王色布腾。之后,直到20世纪初多位满清固伦公主及和硕公主嫁给巴林部王公,以“满蒙联姻”政策巩固蒙古盟旗的权衡。

- [from baidu]杭锦旗,旧称鄂尔多斯右翼后旗是一个以蒙古族为主体、汉族占多数的少数民族地区。 杭锦旗,商周时为方、羌方、龙方和猃狁等民族游牧之地。约在公元前十世纪,西伯姬昌派大将南仲北逐猃狁(音险允),并在杭锦旗北境修筑朔方城,加强了北部边境的军事防御。春秋战国时期,杭锦旗境为匈奴游牧地。1973年,在杭锦旗红巴拉和阿鲁柴登发现春秋晚期和战国晚期的匈奴墓葬,出土有以各种动物纹为特征的金银装饰品和铁器,即当时匈奴的遗物。秦始皇二十六年(公元前221年),秦统一中国,在全国推行郡县制。当时,匈奴仍游牧于河套,经常侵袭秦朝北境。秦始皇三十二年(公元前215年),派大将蒙恬发兵30万,北击匈奴,迫其北退700余里,河套地区归秦所领。秦朝在河套北部设置九原郡,杭锦旗当时属于九原郡。秦朝廷徙内地民户到河套地区居住生产,充实边防。秦末,政局动荡,战乱频繁,所徙居民散,匈奴复居河套地域。汉初,与匈奴和亲修好,双方相安无事。汉武帝时,国力强盛,开始对匈奴主动征战。公元前127年,将军卫青率大军出云中西进,击败匈奴,收复河套,汉武帝接受主父偃建议,决计把河套地区经营为抵御匈奴的“攘外之本”,动用10余万人,耗费“数十百巨万”,于杭锦旗沙日召地区再建朔方城,为朔方郡治。现旗境悉归朔方郡。朔方郡领数县,锡尼镇北库布其沙漠中有广牧县,沙日召一带为朔方县,巴拉亥一带为活野县,浩绕柴达木一带为大城县,毛布拉孔兑沟下游地区则有渠搜县和呼遒县,胜利乡带为修都县。沃野县还设有盐官。初始元年(公元9年),王莽篡权,建立新朝,改朔方郡为沟搜郡。东汉光武五年(公元29年),割据者卢芳在匈奴的支持下称帝于五原,战据朔方、云中等郡。建安七年(公元31年),卢芳建制的朔方郡太守投降东汉。东汉初期,将朔方郡直属并州,郡治移到临戎县,杭锦旗仍属朔方郡。建武二十四年(公元48年),匈奴分为南北二部,南匈奴附东汉,入居朔方等郡地,助汉防守。建安二十年(公元215年),曹操平息北方割据势力,但仍无法维持有效统治,减朔方等郡。杭锦旗复为匈奴、鲜卑、乌桓、羌等民族的游牧地。两晋十六国时期,杭锦旗先后归属前赵后赵前秦后秦,西燕大夏等国。 [from wikipedia]政府驻锡尼镇。境内汉语方言主要属晋语大包片前127年,卫青率大军出云中西进,击败匈奴,收复河套,汉武帝接受主父偃建议,把河套建为抵御匈奴的“攘外之本”,动10余万人,耗费“数十百巨万”,于沙日召地区建朔方城,为朔方郡治。618年唐朝建立,将杭锦旗为丰州地。丰州城位于格更召苏木境内的库布其沙漠(库结沙)中,为当时地北交通要冲。丰州汉族人口约万人,还有大量突劂、吐谷浑人。1941年,横跨杭锦旗和鄂托克旗的“桃力民办公室”(1943年改为桃力民办事处)设立,辖杭锦旗黄河以南的近1/3面积。1949年12月,杭锦旗临时人民政府成立(后改为杭锦旗人民政府)。
Hure Banner (Mongolianᠬᠦᠷᠢᠶ᠎ᠡ ᠬᠣᠰᠢᠭᠤ Күриы-э қосиу Küriy-e qosiɣu庫倫旗pinyinKùlún Qí库伦旗是内蒙古自治区通辽市下辖的一个旗,旗人民政府驻库伦镇库伦,系蒙古语,意为庭院。早在春秋战国时期就有人类在库伦旗征战、游牧。约在1632年,西藏高僧传教至此,划定领地称曼殊希利库伦。清顺治三年(1646年)建旗,实行政教合一体制达285年。库伦旗建置始于清初。1633年,西藏高僧阿兴希日巴传教至此,划定疆界,为其领地,称曼殊希礼库伦。清顺治三年(1646年),建锡埒图库伦札萨克达喇嘛旗,为漠南蒙古地区唯一实行政教合一体制的旗,历时近300年。1931年政教分治,锡埒图库伦扎萨克达喇嘛旗改称库伦旗。1946年4月至1949年9月先后属辽西省、辽吉省、辽北省哲里木盟。1949年10月后隶属于内蒙古自治区哲里木盟。1969年7月至1979年7月随同哲里木盟划归吉林省。1979年7月又重新划归内蒙古自治区。1999年1月哲里木盟撤盟设市,库伦旗隶属于通辽市管辖。

  • more detailed in russian wikipedia version
  • 庫倫旗是清 代內蒙古唯一實行政教合一的喇嘛旗。三 大寺因創建時間早、規模大及影響力深而 成為當時希勒圖魯倫扎薩克喇嘛旗的政教 權力中心,其中興源寺是旗政教中心,福 緣寺為財政中心,而象教寺為喇嘛住所。

Jarud Banner (Mongolianᠵᠠᠷᠤᠳ ᠬᠣᠰᠢᠭᠤ Жаруд қосиу Jarud qosiɣu扎魯特旗pinyinZālǔtè Qí) is a bannerof eastern Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China. It is under the administration of Tongliao City. 

  • 扎鲁特民歌 - 西苏梅林, 四季歌
Jungar Banner (Mongolianᠵᠡᠭᠦᠨᠭᠠᠷ ᠬᠣᠰᠢᠭᠤ Жэгүнар қосиу Jegünɣar qosiɣu 准格爾旗pinyinZhǔngé'ěr Qí)(蒙古语意为“左翼、左手”) is a banner of western Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China, lying on the western (right) bank of the Yellow River and bordering the provinces of Shanxi to the southeast and Shaanxi to the southwest. It is under the administration of Ordos City.准格尔旗境内的汉语方言主要属于晋语大包片宣统三年(公元1911年),爱新觉罗溥仪退位后,袁世凯任中华民国临时大总统,并宣布“清廷对待蒙古实行的种种政策继续生效”,所以伊盟的盟旗制度仍继续执行,七旗行政区划没有明显变动。民国元年(1912年),民国北京政府成立,仍袭清制。抗战时期,马占山接受国民政府“警卫伊盟,兼守河防”的命令,率部开进了准格尔旗布军抗战,一直坚持到日本投降后,才率军撤走。1948年4月,准格尔旗解放,成立准格尔旗临时政务委员会,政府驻地设于沙圪堵。1950年4月,准格尔旗末代扎萨克奇福海回沙圪堵交印,旗政最终统一于人民政府。1955年9月旗人民政府改称旗人民委员会。1968年4月,又改称革命委员会。1981年1月复改称人民政府迄今。1999年8月旗人民政府驻地从沙圪堵迁址薛家湾。
  • 居住着汉、蒙古、回、满、朝鲜、达斡尔、俄罗斯、白、黎、锡伯、维吾尔、壮、鄂温克、鄂伦春等民族。
  • 六十四歲的楊晶是內蒙古準格爾旗人,擁有中央黨校研究生學歷。他曾在內蒙古自治區工作了三十六年,曾出任內蒙古自治區區政府主席四年,二○○八年調任中央統戰部副部長、國家民委主任,其後先後任中央書記處書記、國務委員、國務院黨組成員兼國務院秘書長、國家行政學院院長等職務,但去年十九大他未有當選中央委員。內蒙古自治區黨委常委會昨日亦召開會議,會上表明堅決擁護中央對楊晶的處理決定,強調全區各級黨組織和黨員領導幹部要從楊晶嚴重違紀案中吸取教訓、對照反思。


  • 联兴,字勃斋,蒙古镶蓝旗人。道光己酉翻译举人,联捷成进士,选庶吉士,散馆授户部主事。

- 商周至秦汉时期,这片土地属于东胡人的牧场。至晋朝时期,系乌桓、鲜卑人住地。南北朝及隋唐时期,是契丹住地。辽代,为北大王擦喇之牧地,契丹人居住。金朝时期,金界壕以南为北京路,女真人居住。元代属上都路,到北元及明朝时期,归于乌梁海三卫占地。嘉靖三十九年(1560年)内喀尔喀五部,征服三卫之一的公宁卫,附属于察哈尔部。乌巴什继承其父和尔朔齐哈萨尔诺颜之位,自称伟徵诺颜,驻牧于泰宁东部。对所管辖的部号称扎鲁特。从此“扎鲁特部”这一名称开始载于史册。天聪二年(1628年)归属后金。皇太极为了更好地利用科尔沁部和扎鲁特部的势力,于天聪五年(1631年)对蒙古地区开始实行军政令统一的旗(和硕)佐领(苏木)制度。从此以后,扎鲁特部在行政和军事上,失去了传统的自主权力。天聪十年(1636年),后金改名为大清国,整个内蒙古49旗完全置于清王朝的直接统治之下。
其風格獨特的版畫產業也很 有名。當地版畫名家韓戴沁介紹,雖然現在已 經可以實現機器印製版畫而不似傳統以人手壓 製,但由於大幅套色版畫需要重複刻板,顏色 多則刻板次數多,手工難度仍然很高。

- 農工黨內蒙古自治區委
  • 記者日前從農工黨內蒙古自治區委獲悉,農工黨內蒙古自治區委2015年多次組織開展調研並形成多個提案,在今年內蒙古「兩會」上積極議政建言,提出醫藥衛生、生態環境、文化教育等方面提案,獲得廣泛關注。據介紹,2016年,農工黨內蒙古自治區委將繼續深入開展調查研究,提出具有前瞻性、針對性、可行性的意見和建議,為科學民主決策、破解發展難題,建睿智之言、獻務實之策,為內蒙古改革發展穩定多作貢獻。
ᠠᠷᠠᠳ ᠤᠨ
西里爾字母Дотоод Монгол Ардын Хувьсгалт Нам[2]),簡稱內人黨,於1925年10月在內蒙古地區張家口所成立的一個左翼政黨,曾經在內蒙古歷史上有一定影響,1930年代中期已經解散。1945年抗戰勝利後,該黨一部分老黨員宣佈恢復內蒙古人民革命黨的活動,並建立內蒙古人民革命黨東蒙古本部。1947年4月20日,根據《中共中央關於內蒙古自治問題給東北局的復示》,「內蒙古人民革命黨」解散。
  • 俄國十月革命蒙古人民革命成功,使內蒙古蒙古族人士開始成立政治組織以實現民族解放。1924年底至1925年初,正值孫中山赴北京,並和李大釗共同發動國民會議運動之時,大批蒙古族青年知識分子、牧民運動領袖在北京集會,討論召開內蒙古國民代表大會及成立內蒙古國民黨事宜。起初,郭道甫發起成立了「中華民國蒙黨執行會」,白雲梯擔任會長,共有7名會員。隨後,1925年1月13日,「內蒙各盟旗各團體代表大會」(又稱「內蒙國民代表大會預備會」)召開,50多人出席大會。大會通過了大會宣言,宣佈內蒙古自治的六項主張,決定於1925年3月15日召開內蒙國民代表大會,並發表《致內蒙王公書》。但因3月1日至4月16日,孫中山、李大釗主持召開了國民會議促成會全國代表大會,其間孫中山於3月12日在北京病逝,又因為北京政局發生變化,內蒙國民代表大會未能按原定時間舉行。
  • You are probably wondering what is the connection between Inner Mongolian Peoples Party (IMPP) and Mongolian General Intelligence Agency? And most importantly why the stamp is held by the Intelligence Agency? IMPP party was established in the 1920s.[1] It was closely allied with Mongolia and Soviet Union. Due to various reasons it stopped functioning in the 30s. China and Japan were at war in the 1930s. Manchuria was occupied by the Japanese, a puppet regime was also established in Inner Mongolia. The situation was very tense as Japan was ready to attack Mongolia. Mongolian Intelligence Agency ( at that time: Ministry of Interior ) was tasked with infiltrating Inner Mongolia and Manchuria and establish spy network.Before Soviet-Mongolian Manchurian offensive of 1945, this network was significantly increased and another dimension was added to their tasks. Mongolian Intelligence Agency was tasked with preparing Inner Mongolia to unite with us. So, Inner Mongolian Peoples party was re-established in 1943 with the help of Mongolia’s intelligence agency. The goal of the party was:Recruit a well established influential people for the party.Ask Mongolia for assistance and help unite Inner Mongolia with Outer Mongolia.After liberation of China by the Soviet- Mongolian troops, IMPP united with Communist Party of China and ceased to exist in 1946.
Alxa Left Banner
- Aulunbulage 

  • “敖伦布拉格”系蒙古语译音,意为“很多的泉”,因镇内浩勒包一地有水泉108眼之多,故取此名。1958年前属霍布日、哈鲁乃两巴格所辖。1958年公社化时两巴格合并成立敖伦布拉格公社,1983年改敖伦布拉格苏木。
- history
  • [barnett] tingyuanying (quaint walled town in a small oasis just beyond the holan (alashan) mountains) was usually called wangyehfu by local inhabitants. In 1948, it has a mixed china-mongol population of about 7000, it is the capital of alashan special banner of mongols. It was said that the alashan mongols have lived in sinkiang, from whence they moved to the vicinity of lake kokonor in chinghai about 300 years ago. A little over 200 years ago, the prince of alashan and his manchu princess wife settled in yingyuanying and built a chinese walled town. It is also said that prior to that, alashan mongols had been fighting on the side of manchus against both the non-chinese people in sinkiang and the tibetans in kokonor, driving them to tingyuanying.The alashan banner govt in 1948 (with its seat at tingyuanying) not only handles affairs of 120,000 mongols within its region, but also has jurisdiction over a very large area.  There is a clear boundary between alashan territory and ninghsia propert that follows the crest of the mountains. West of the mountains, alashan possesses definite territorial jurisdiction. No non-mongols are allowed to own any land in tingyuanying, and this includes han chinese, who may rent land but cannot own it. Alashan territory actually covers almost half of ninghsia province and is much larger than the territory administered by the provincial government. Similarly, the edsengol special banner has territorial jurisdiction over its area in the west.  Administratively, also, the alashan banner has a greater degree of autonomy than many other mongol groups in china. The banner is divided into 36 baga (bag), each ruled by a so called pien kuan appointed by the prince. A number of eastern baga are grouped together into three larger units, each under a tsung kuan (or amban), also appointed by the prince. There is no proper assembly, power is concentrated in the hands of the prince, assisted by three hsiehli (tusalagci) and two tsangching  (janggi) - the equivalent of counselors and special secretaries - four ch'u chang, or department heads, and various other functionaries. Because of its autonomous status, the alashan special banner is sometimes called the kingdom of alashan.  The prince in 1948 is named Ta, a genial connoisseur of horses, has become so chinese that he can't speak own native mongol language (though understands some). Perhaps because of its strong ties with nanking, and its pro-chinese orientation, the banner maintains no connections with other mongol groups. 
    • communism
      • in 1932, a small but well-organised communist underground carried out a coup in tingyuanying, imprisoned local officials and held the city for several days. After a week of fighting, communist leaders were killed or captured and own govt restored to power. Chinese communists moved into kalgan when the russians moved out, and then established an inner mongolian autonomous assiciation under tutelage of yun tse, or ulanfu (ulanhu), a moscow-trained mongol who is the main chinese communist agent. A program of local autonomy was implemented and special rights and hereditary privileges of the princes were abolished. These however, did not directly affect the region where the majority of mongols in china are concentrated, namely western manchuria and the adjacent province of jehol. Mongol groups in this region of eastern inner mongolia (about 2 million mongols) established a great mongolian republic in wangyehmiao. In 1946, an inner mongolian autonomous region govt was set up at wangyehmiao and yun tse was made chairman. This new govt soon began to cooperate actively with chinese communist military forces in manchuria.  But mongol groups in north chahar and suiyuan have developed a counterrevolutionary attitude.  This govt continues to receive support from russia.
        •  乌兰夫(蒙古语:ᠤᠯᠠᠭᠠᠨᠬᠦᠦ,鲍培转写:UlaGan Hüü,西里尔字母:Улаанхүү[註 1];1906年12月23日-1988年12月8日),漢名云泽、云时雨,中国内蒙古蒙古族人。中国共产党政治家、中华人民共和国和内蒙古自治区领导人,中国人民解放军开国上將,官至国家副主席,有“蒙古王”之称。  Ulanhu or Ulanfu (23 December 1907 – 8 December 1988), also known by his Chinese name Yun Ze, was the founding Chairman of China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, serving from 1947 to 1966. Ulanhu had the nickname of "Mongolian Viscount” during his political career. He served as Vice-Premier between 1956 and 1966. He was purged during the Cultural Revolution but later reinstated. Between 1983 and 1988 he held the office of Vice President of the People's Republic of China.初め慶春と名付けられ、4歳で雲澤に改めた[4]。1966年に発動される文化大革命では内モンゴル人民革命党粛清事件に巻き込まれ、内モンゴル人民革命党や内モンゴル人民共和国などの分離独立勢力を糾合して現在の内モンゴル自治区を築いたことから「内外モンゴル統一を企む民族分裂主義者」「現代の王公となって独立王国を築こうとしている」として攻撃され、同年5月1日のメーデーに北京入りした際に失脚し、抑留された[13]。同年5月21日から7月27日、共産党華北局の前門飯店会議が開催され[14]、ここでウランフは批判・攻撃され、4回の「自己反省」を強制された[15]。7月27日、華北局は「ウランフの誤った問題に関する報告」を提出し[16]、8月16日にウランフは自治区党第一書記の職を解任[17]されたのを始めとし、党・政府・軍の職務を剥奪されて失脚した。周恩来の保護を受け、北京で軟禁生活を送ったが、ウランフはこの時期、名前を漢風の王 自力と変え、文革期の圧迫を凌いだ。
          • 前國家副主席烏蘭夫的長女、內蒙古自治區人大常委會黨組前副書記雲曙碧,於本月21日逝世,享年97歲。
            • note by me - prominent role in red cross
    • russia
      • in late 1920s, the chinese "christian general" feng yu-hsiang (during his period of collaboration with the soviet union) used a ninghsia city-tingyuanying-urga (now ulan bator) route for bringing supplies from the soviet union. Soon after V-J day, some of the former meng chiang leaders, under buyandalai, organised in western inner mongolia an inner mongolian autonomous govt oriented toward russia and outer mongolia. When russian troops withdrew from the kalgan region, they took with them several thousand mongols, including 200-300 educated young men-one of whom was prince teh's son - for training in soviet union. 
    • japan
      • In 1937, when the japanese occupied north china, they established a theoretically independent puppet mongol state called meng chiang, with the cooperation of teh wang, the powerful leader of the silingol (shilingol) league in north chahar.  Prince teh was made head of meng chiang, and for the next eight years, many mongols in north china experienced a nominal autonomy that the chinese had not been willing to grant them in that region.  The puppet regime ended in 1945. 

阿爾山市 Arxan (Mongolian for "Hot Springs") is a county-level city in the Hinggan League of northeastern Inner Mongolia in the PRC. 元来はホルチン右前旗の一部であったアルシャン市域は1992年10月にアルシャン経済開発区に指定され、1996年6月に県級市に昇格した。

Bayannur or Bayannao'er (Mongolianᠪᠠᠶᠠᠨᠨᠠᠭᠤᠷ ᠬᠣᠲᠠ Bayannaɣur qota 巴彦淖尔市pinyinbāyànnàoěr) is a prefecture-level city in western Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China. Until December 1, 2003, the area was called Bayannur League.The Zhao Dynasty (403 BCE–222 BCE) controlled an area including modern-day Bayannur, while the Western Han Dynasty (206 BCE–24 CE) established a hierarchical Chinese administrative structure. The Qing Dynasty (1644–1912) designated this area as part of "Inner Mongolia", but after its overthrow by the Republic of China (1912-1949), Bayannur was assigned to Suiyuan Province. Because of Mongol-Chinese cooperation with the Communist faction in the Chinese Civil War (stalled since 1950), Suiyuan was annexed to the new Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region from 1954, although not without controversy because of the province's large and longstanding ethnic Han majority.巴彦淖尔系蒙古语,意为“富饶的湖泊”,因境内有著名的淡水湖乌梁素海以及众多的湖泊而得名。早在原始社会,巴彦淖尔市境内阴山以北地区就有人类居住,使用的石器多为刮削器,过着以狩猎为主的生活。夏商西周至春秋,鬼方、猃狁等民族游牧于此。战国时,赵国云中郡管辖达到阴山南,林胡、楼烦等民族游牧于阴山北。

- 黄河流经包头的地段是原始人类较早活动的地方,在这里蕴藏着大量的古人类文化遗迹,已发掘的就有10多处。在位于东河区以东15公里的阿善沟门的格膝盖沟,发掘出一处保存完好的新石器时代村落遗址和大量的文物。战国时期赵武灵王于公元前306年(武灵王20年)筑九原城。前221年,统一中国,设九原郡。公元433年,鲜卑族建立北魏,设怀朔镇辽代,属云内州管辖。元代后,蒙古族各部落陆续进驻河套,包头地区成为土默特部落游牧之地。乾隆五年(1741年),建筑萨拉齐,设协理通判,这是包头地区最早出现的行政建制。1809年设包头镇。1870年(同治九年)前后,包头修筑城墙,辟东、南、西、东北、西北5座城门,形成了近代包头的城市规模。中华民国初 年,包头已发展成为中国西北著名的皮毛集散地和水旱码头。1923年平绥铁路通车包头,1926年(民国十四年),设包头县。1931年,包头电灯面粉公 司和永茂源甘草公司创办,包头开始有了近代工业。1934年,中德双方组织的“欧亚航空邮运股份有限公司”在包头修筑飞机场,开辟包头--宁夏--兰州航 线,定期航班每周往返一次。饮食、服务业日益兴旺,市面日趋繁荣。1937年,抗日战争爆发,日军进占包头。日占期间归属“蒙疆联合自治政府”统治。1938年,包头设市,1945年实行市县并存。1949年9月19日,绥远发动“9·19”起义,包头获得和平解放。1950年2月13日,包头市人民政府成立。 1954年,合并,包头市成为内蒙古自治区辖市。The Gelaohui secret society and the Hui Muslim General Ma Fuxiang came to an agreement in 1922, in which Ma Fuxiang agreed to allow the Gelaohui to extort protection money from wool merchants in Baotou.A railway from Beijing was constructed in 1923, and the city began spurring some industrial sites. A German-Chinese joint-venture in 1934 constructed the Baotou Airport and opened a weekly route connecting Baotou with Ningxia and Lanzhou.
Darhan Muminggan United Banner

  •中德專家近期在內蒙古自治區包 頭市達茂旗發現距今 2000 多年罕見 的阿拉伯戰馬岩畫。據分析,該岩 畫具備阿拉伯純種馬的特質,其特點 為身體圓潤、線條流暢,鼻樑中間處 微凹狀,昂首挺胸透出一股高傲之 氣,這正是阿拉伯世界名馬的典型特 質。

Graphene, the strongest material ever discovered, is expected to give new momentum for growth to Baotou, a city in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region which is rich in graphite reserves, according to the chief of a local research institute. "The graphene industry is in the infancy in China, and needs a lot of research to bring around sophisticated technologies and talent. Research institutes can play an important role as the driving force of the industry, especially in set-ting up standards," said Liang Hejun, director of the Inner Mongolia Institute of Graphene Materials. Graphene is a thin layer of pure carbon. It is the lightest material known but is stronger than diamond. It is 200 times stronger than the strongest steel. It conducts electricity and heat better than any other material.
- history
  • [barentt] city lies near the foothills of taching mountains. Within its mud city wall, almost all buildings are a dull yellow-brown color, made of raw, unplastered mud and straw. In 1948, there are only 300-400 mongols in paotow, many of them speak chinese, wear chinese clothes and have been assimilated by the chinese.  Mongols have been either assimilated or pushed out of the railway zone by colonization of chinese agriculturalists, traders and busineessmen. The main agricultural area of suiyuan province is located in a region called hotao, west of paotow. The peiping-suiyuan railway provided cheap transportation for products produced in suiyuan, ninghsia, kansu, chinghai, and sinkiang to tientsin via paotow and kalgan. It faced a problem when several thousand refugees from other areas in china where there is active fighting or prices are even higher than in paotow, many of them turned beggars in city's streets. Paotow is the main trading center of suiyuan, kweisui is its political center.
- delegation to hk

  •全港各區工商聯會長李鋈麟日前率領全港各區工商 聯的會董,與內蒙古自治區包頭市人民政府代表團成員 進行會面,雙方就如何加強兩地經貿合作、推動 「一帶 一路」建設等話題展開深入交流,為未來的緊密合作打 好基礎。

武川县距今一万年前武川县境内已有人群部落。武川县地归属,商、西周时属鬼方,春秋时属猃狁战国时属林胡楼烦,其种族“食肉饮酪”、“以穹庐为舍,逐水草迁徙”。.秦汉时县境为匈奴与秦汉争战之地,以属匈奴时间较长。三国、两晋时,属鲜卑族拓跋氏。北魏天兴初(公元398年),道武帝拓跋珪将其东部地区的高门弟子及豪杰两千户迁到北部居住,以镇守边塞。宇文陵“随例徙居武川”(《北史》卷9第311页),此为“武川”一名最早的记载。北魏设“六镇”,武川为其中之一。《隋书》载隋文帝杨坚的五世祖杨元寿“魏初为武川镇司马”。《旧唐书》载唐高祖李渊的四世祖李熙“领豪杰,镇武川,因家焉”;《新唐书》记为“戍于武川,因留家焉”。北魏正光六年(公元525年),破六韩拔陵的起义军占领武川镇。后来,柔然族接受了北魏朝廷的请求,出兵攻打起义军,首领阿那瑰“拜受诏命,勒从十万,从武川镇西向沃野镇”(《魏书蠕蠕列传》2302页)。北朝后期,武川先后属东魏、北周。北周的孝闵皇帝宇文觉、世宗明帝宇文毓、高祖武帝宇文邕、宣帝宇文赟和静帝宇文衍(阐)等五位皇帝及许多大臣均为武川人。保定三年(公元563年),隋国公杨忠“出武川,过故宅,祭先人,席卷二十余城”(《北史》卷11第398页)。武川县地隋时属突厥,唐时属唐,先后归云中都督府单于大都护府安北都护府辖。According to the earliest records, the name Wuchuan comes from the "Book of Zhou" (周书), dating from 398 AD, and the "History of the North" (北史). Human activity can be traced back as far as 10,000 years.The archaeological site at Daqingshan (大青山) village includes many artefacts from the Dayao Culture (大窑文化) and proves that the area was suitable for human habitation at that time. Another Paleolithic site at Erdaowa (二道洼) Village has an estimated age of 10,000 years. Many stone tools were found there, including knives, cutters and axes, indicating that the occupants of the area were hunter-gatherers.A more recent site from 5000 BC was found at Jinergou (井儿沟). Better stone tools and pottery were unearthed. The tools were of types used for building, harvesting and making clothes, proving that agriculture was already well established at that time.In the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period (五帝时期), about 2800BC, many tribes settled at Wuchuan. These included the Yunzhou (荤粥), Shefang (舌方), Tufang (土方) and Guifang (鬼方). The Yellow Emperor's war against Yunzhou was recorded in the Records of the Grand Historian by Sima Qian. During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, King Wu of Zhou (武王) fought against the Guifang tribe many times, finally winning the battle after 3 years; an event which is recorded in the I Ching.Around 302BC, Wuchuan belonged to the State of Zhao (赵国), one of the Warring States. The king of Zhao defeated Hulinloufan and built a wall near Daqing Mountain to stop the advance of the northern tribes. This event was recorded in the "Water Jingzhu" (水经注). The wall is now called the South Daqing Mountain Great Wall. Wuchuan also plays a role in the history of the Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, especially the Battle of Changping (长平之战) of Zhao Kuo (赵括). During this time, Wuchuan was controlled by the Xiongnu, a nomadic people famous for their bronzes and animal carvings. A Xiongnu dagger together with some knife-shaped coins from the State of Yan were unearthed at Tuchenzi Village, indicating that cultural exchanges between the Xiongnu and the Han Chinese were very extensive at that time. A total of more than 20 ancient tombs of the Qin and Han period have also been discovered in Wuchuan.Later, Wuchuan was one of the capitals of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. A tomb was found at Tuchenliang village, containing ancient coins, weapons, and many other bronze and iron artefacts. A Roman gold seal was unearthed at Touhao village and some Persian silver coins from the Sassanid Dynasty were discovered at Baidao Cheng village. This indicates that during the period of the Northern Wei, Sui and Tang dynasties, a northern silk road existed, stretching from Xi'an to Datong to Huhhot and crossing Daqing Mountain to Wuchuan, eventually reaching the Middle East and finally Rome.In 916, Wuchuan belonged to the state of Qidan(契丹). Archeological sites have also been found from the Yuan, Liao and Jin states. Some Song Dynasty coins were also unearthed. In addition, eight ancient tombs and seven ruins of towns from that period were discovered around the area of Dongtucheng along the river Qiangpan. 中國(呼和浩特)跨境電商綜合試 驗區業務開通儀式日前在內蒙古和林格爾新區智能製 造產業園舉行,標誌着內蒙古和呼和浩特跨境電商發 展進入新征程。
-這處隱沒在內蒙古呼和浩特市鬧市中的文化場所, 藏有世界各地報紙刊物上千種,還有各類有特色的圖 冊、圖書、刊物創刊號和特刊號 3萬冊,號外收藏 1,500餘種、1萬多份。

Hulunbuir or Hūlúnbèi'ěr 呼伦贝尔市,内蒙古自治区下辖地级市,以境内呼伦湖贝尔湖得名。在远古时期,古人类——扎赉诺尔人就在呼伦湖一带繁衍生息,创造了呼伦贝尔的原始文化。公元前209年,匈奴族征服东胡族,统一了北方草原,呼伦贝尔地区属其三部领地之一的左贤王庭辖地。公元一世纪,活动在鄂伦春旗一带的拓跋鲜卑族“南迁大泽”(即呼伦湖),取代了匈奴的统治,建立了鲜卑部落联盟。由此入主中原,建立了北魏王朝。这是中国历史上第一个少数民族政权。鲜卑人的余部室韦部落和回纥突厥黠戛斯以及辽代的契丹、金代的女真族相继征战和统治呼伦贝尔之时,蒙古诸部在呼伦贝尔悄然兴起。公元八世纪,生活在额尔古东岸的成吉思汗的先祖蒙兀室韦部迁移至斡难河、克鲁伦河、土拉河的发源地肯特山区。12世纪,当成吉思汗登上政治舞台统一蒙古草原时,又返回呼伦贝尔,在这里进行了几次大的决定性战役,消灭了政敌,打破了长期几个大部落势力均衡的局面,最后统一了蒙古高原。东北沦陷时期,岭东为兴安东省,岭西为兴安北省,均直辖于伪满洲国
The town itself and its name actually originate from a rather humbling part of Chinese history when, in the declining years of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), the Russians forced Beijing to sign the Treaty of Aigun in 1858 and effectively created the present boundaries between China and Russia. Another treaty signed in 1896 created the China Far East Railway, which opened up train tracks between China and Russia and made Manzhouli the first point of entry into China from the Russian bloc. Manzhouli finally became part of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region in 1949 with the founding of the People's Republic of China. In the early days of revolution before New China, Chinese Communist leaders were smuggled across the border here to attend meetings with their Soviet counterparts. Even further along the timeline, the last Qing emperor, Puyi, was captured at its railway station, in a failed attempt to escape across the border.Some Russians migrated here several generations ago and have Chinese names, Chinese spouses and very little of their mother tongue. The only betrayal of their origins is probably their sharper facial features, "especially the nose", says our guide Xiao Zhao, whose husband is the descendant of a Russian trader.Manzhouli's night scene, too, mirrors the influences, with nightspots and restaurants catering to Russian tour groups. They come specifically for vodka and entertainment - especially live shows at such opulent restaurants as Maxim's, featuring Chinese and Ukrainian singers, acrobats and magicians.Manzhouli's Taowa Square is a popular tourist site. The square itself features brass statues of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals as well as sculptures from various fairytales and other icons of moral examples.To attract a better tourist profile, the town had also built a dusty red cathedral-like building on a hill that allows visitors a vantage from which to view the town. This is Manzhouli's famous Wedding Chapel, which intends to attract couples to hold their marriage ceremonies here. (added by me - note the gothic style of the chapel)

Jalainur District or Zhalainuo'er District (Mongolianᠵᠠᠯᠠᠢᠳᠨᠠᠭᠤᠷ ᠲᠣᠭᠣᠷᠢᠭ Жалаинаур тоори Jalainaɣur toɣoriɣ;扎賚諾爾區pinyinZhālàinuò'ěr Qū), an urban district under Manzhouli's administration, is listed as a district of Hulunbuir officially and located in the northeast of Inner Mongolia.
A scale model of Moscow's Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat (popularly known as Saint Basil's Cathedral) has been built in Jalainur. The building houses a science museum. 

Kubuqi Desert (庫布齊沙漠) is a desert in Inner Mongolia, China.「庫布齊」為蒙古語,意為「弓上的弦」。1988年5月,當地政府決定把庫布其沙漠邊陲的一間瀕臨破產的鹽廠公開承包。一位名叫王文彪的28歲年輕公務員決定博一博,闖出一條屬於自己的路。1995年,王文彪先生在原有企業的基礎上組建了億利集團,開始更大規模的沙漠治理工程。1997年起,借助政府有利政策,更大膽地決定修穿沙公路,「鎖住四周、滲透腹部、以路劃區、分塊治理」,最終使得5條總長343公里的穿沙公路在庫布其沙漠中縱橫交錯。讓人稱奇的是,路修到哪裡,綠色就出現在哪裡。2015年12月,庫布其沙漠治理模式和成果在巴黎氣候大會發佈,1.86萬平方公里的庫布其沙漠,有三分之一披上了綠裝。

Ordos qota; 鄂爾多斯市; pinyin:È'ěrduōsī) is one of the twelve major subdivisions of Inner MongoliaChina. It lies within the Ordos Loop of the Yellow River. Although mainly rural, Ordos is administered as a prefecture-level city. Its administrative seat is situated inDongsheng which had a population of 582,544 inhabitants as of the 2010 census. Another Banner is being urbanized quickly around the city of Ejin Horo with about 251,894 inhabitants at the 2010 census which is the seat of Ordos Airport. Ordos is known for its lavish government projects, including the new Ordos City, a large city with abundant infrastructure, seldom used by residents and frequently described as a "ghost city". It hosted the 2012 Miss World Final.
- nestorian bronze crosses cast in ordos region (collection exhibited at hku museum) 

Manzhouli (满洲里MongolianManǰuur (Манжуур хот); RussianМаньчжурия) is a sub-prefecture-level city located inHulunbuir prefecture-level cityInner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the China(PRC). Located on the border with Russia, it is major land port of entry. It has an area of 696.3 square kilometres (268.8 sq mi) and a population of more than 300,000 (in 2010).In ancient times the area was inhabited by many tribes that lived in Manchuria including theDonghu, the Xiongnu, the Xianbei, the Khitan, and the Mongols. During the decline of China's last dynasty, the Russian Empire forced the house of Qing (1644–1912) to cede the Outer Manchurian territory in the 1858 Treaty of Aigun. That treaty effectively made the Argun River, which originates in this area, the border between the China and Russia. In 1901, the China Far East Railway was completed in accordance with the Sino-Russian Secret Treaty of 1896, linking Siberia, northeast China ("(Inner) Manchuria"), and the Russian Far East. A settlement then formed around Manchzhuriya Station, the first stop within Manchuria for Russians. It was the beginning of the modern city of Manzhouli and the name of Manzhouli came from Russian Manchzhuriya (Маньчжурия i.e. Manchuria). In 1905, Manzhouli was designated a trading center in the Sino-Japanese Treaty of 1905, greatly boosting Manzhouli's growth. In 1908 the Manzhouli customs was set up. Under theRepublic of China, Manzhouli came under the jurisdiction of the province of Hsingan. In 1927, Manzhouli was designated as a city. Although with Hsingan and surrounding areas, Manzhouli came under Japanese control in 1931, and was part of the Empire of Manchukuofrom 1932 to 1945. It became part of Inner Mongolia under the China from 1946. In 1992, Manzhouli became one of the first land border cities opened up by the People's Republic of China. It has since experienced somewhat of a boom as a center of border trade between China and Russia.
- government

  • 國務院辦公廳日前點名通報內蒙古自治區滿洲里市政府、海關和部分企業亂收費、變相漲價收費,抵銷減稅降費效果的問題,一座人口二十五萬的小城,政府一年亂收費竟高達一億元,「政令不出中南海,民意難過長安街」依然是內地政壇難以除卻的頑疾。

Tongliao (Mongolianᠲᠦᠩᠯᠢᠶᠣᠤ ᠬᠣᠲᠠ Tüŋliyou qota, Тонляо хот通辽市The original Mongolian name for Tongliao city proper (i.e. Horqin District) is Bayisingtu ('having buildings'), while the original name of the prefecture-level city is Jirem. The Mongolian dialect spoken in this area is Khorchin Mongolian.大约三千年前,这里的古代先民已进入了奴隶社会。据考古发现夏家店下层文化遗迹和生活器具证实,通辽土地上的第一代居民是东胡族和山戎族。春秋时,燕国在河北省和辽宁省交界一带,就是通辽的中南部地区,为防御东胡人入侵,而修筑的燕长城遗迹,在奈曼旗库伦旗境内仍清晰可辨。这证明最晚在春秋中叶,东胡人便已揭开了通辽古代文明的序幕。后来,东胡人为燕国所败北撤。秦王朝统一中国后,通辽的南部地区属辽东郡与辽西郡管辖,成了秦的一部分,其他多数在东胡管辖区。西汉初,匈奴主宰了包括通辽境内的大漠南北广大地区,继之而起的是被匈奴控制的东胡族的后裔鲜卑和乌桓族。汉武帝时,曾三次出兵匈奴后获胜,使通辽同内地的联系更为密切,大大促进了这一地区生产力的发展和繁荣。东汉末年,鲜卑族首领檀石槐统一了鲜卑各部落,建立了部落军事联盟,包括大漠南北的广大地域,科尔沁草原亦属军事联盟的一部分。南北朝时期,在鲜卑人生活了近五百年的科尔沁草原上,又兴起了新的民族契丹。契丹族自4世纪中叶,就游牧于西拉木伦河和老哈河流域。唐朝初年,形成部落联盟,受唐朝控制。

Ulanqab or Ulan Chab   乌兰察布市蒙古语ᠤᠯᠠᠭᠠᠨᠴᠠᠪ
中蒙胡都木文转写Ulaɣancab qota西里尔字母Улаанцав хот)地处中国内蒙古自治区中部。原为烏蘭察布盟。2003年12月1日,经国务院批准撤销乌兰察布盟,成立乌兰察布市。“乌兰察布”一词来源于蒙语,即“红色的山崖”之意。战国时期,乌兰察布区域的大部分是赵国匈奴的领地。秦并六国后,又在原来这里的赵地设置云中代郡雁门三郡。秦亡后,匈奴乘中原禁楚汉相争,无暇他顾之机,大举南进,这里的大部分地区为匈奴所占有。

uxin banner/wushen county乌审旗,旧称鄂尔多斯右翼前旗时为上郡辖地。西汉时期南部、中部为上郡辖地,设奢延、龟兹、高望、白土等县。王莽新朝改奢延、高望为奢节县、坚宁县。东汉为上郡地。县有奢延、祯林和龟兹属国。奢延县辖地同西汉。西晋为羌胡地,旗境南部为奢延县地。十六国时期:4世纪,该地区为匈奴铁弗部占据鄂尔多斯地区,先后归附后赵前秦西燕后秦。413年于今乌审旗南部萨日乌素河北岸建统万城,今乌审旗为夏国京都辖地。南北朝:427年,北魏攻夏国,占领统万城,改夏统万城为统万镇,今乌审旗为统万镇辖地。536年,夏州为东魏高欢袭取。537年西魏夏占领夏州,统万城为西魏夏州及化政郡的治所,今乌审旗为化政郡辖地。后改化政郡为弘化郡。557年夏州归属北周。隋朝:今乌审旗为朔方郡地。开皇初年,废朔方郡称夏州。607年,又改为朔方郡,治所统方城。唐朝初期建制承隋制。武德年间,改朔方郡为夏州。后又改为朔方郡,再改为夏州。五代时期:今乌审旗仍为夏州地,夏州治所统万城。北宋、西夏并立时期,今乌审旗为夏州地。982年,北宋一度控制夏州。986年,辽封李继迁为定难军节度使都督夏州。988年,宋廷用李继捧为夏州刺史。治所在统万城。991年李继捧叛宋,以夏州将辽。994年(宋淳化五年)宋军复占夏州,毁夏州城,建制仍存。1038年李元昊(赵元昊)建立西夏,今乌审旗为西夏夏州地,统万城为西夏平夏城。
- 乌审旗的汉族在日常生活中使用的语言为晋语,属于晋语的鄂尔多斯方言。鄂尔多斯汉语方言属于晋语方言,归内蒙古晋语大包片,与晋北晋语、陕北晋语、冀西晋语有着很深的渊源。

XilingolXilin Gol or Xilinguole Aimag/League is one of 12 league of Inner Mongolia. The seat is Xilinhot, while the area is 202,580 km2 (78,220 sq mi). The league's economy is based on mining and agriculture. Xilingol borders Mongolia to the north, ChifengTongliao and Hinggan League to the east, Ulanqab to the west and Hebei to the south. This is the only prefecture-level division of Inner Mongolia in whose south border nomadic culture is still vivid. Some division, such as Tongliao, has a much higher percentage of Mongolian population but agriculture is extensive among Khorchin Mongols there. Xilingol League is also the closest Inner Mongolian prefecture-level division to Beijing, although among those Inner Mongolian prefecture-level divisions bordering Hebei, the province surrounding Beijing, Xilin Gol is also the most unapproachable one. With a significant population of Chakhar Mongols, who speaks a Mongolian dialect closly related to the standard dialect of Mongolia, the dialect spoken in Xulun Hoh Banner, Xilin Gol League is chosen as the standard language of Mongolian in China, nevertheless the de facto common standard is a mix of Khorchin-Kharchin and Chakhar, due to an extensive Khorchin Mongolian speakers presence in China. 时各旗会盟于锡林郭勒河而得名,屬漠南蒙古民國後曾與察哈爾盟共屬察哈爾省抗戰期間曾為日軍佔領,並為日人扶植的德王蒙疆政府統治,中国共產黨曾設晉察冀解放區統治。中华人民共和国成立後,撤銷察哈爾省,劃入內蒙古自治區至今。

Yakeshi (Mongolianᠶᠠᠭᠰᠢᠬᠣᠲᠠ (Ягши хот)牙克石The original name for the city, Xuguit Banner, came from the Mongolian word for the area. Its name was changed to Yakeshi in 1983 when it was designated a county-level city.牙克石(满语)意为“要塞”之意,是内蒙古大兴安岭政治、经济、文化、医疗和交通中心. 市名は満州語で「川の崩れた入り江」を意味するヤクサ(yaksa)に由来する。先秦,属东胡地。西汉初,匈奴击败东胡,建奴隶制政权,为左贤辖地。东汉,在大兴安岭北部深山密林中游猎的鲜卑拓跋部南迁大泽(今呼伦湖),此地为鲜卑部落领地。隋,属辽西室韦部落领地。唐,归河北道室韦都督府管辖。辽,大兴安岭以东地区归上京道东北路招讨辖,岭西地区由乌古敌烈统军司辖。金,岭东归蒲与路辖,岭西归东北路招讨司辖。元,实行领户分封制,岭西为合拙·哈萨尔封地,岭东为合赤温·额勒赤封地。元至元十五年(1288年),诸王封地纳入行省,岭西归岭北行省和林路辖,岭东归中书省泰宁路辖。明,岭西归努尔干都司斡难河卫海刺儿千户辖,岭东归卓尔河卫辖。清,岭西归呼伦贝尔副都统衙门辖,岭东归布特哈总管衙门辖。

朱日和镇,是中华人民共和国内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟苏尼特右旗下辖的一个[1]其名称“朱日和”在蒙古语中意为心脏[2],又意“勇气”、“胆量”(《蒙汉词典(第八版)》ISBN 978-7-81074-000-5)。亞洲最大陸軍基地朱日和戰術訓練基地位於此。
- note that there is only swedish wikipedia version other than chinese

- 內蒙古工商聯
- 內蒙古僑商聯合會
- 內蒙古自治區餐飲與飯店行業協會
  • 內蒙古自治區餐飲與飯店行業協會近日宣布,代表內蒙古的「蒙餐菜系」正式成為中國第九大菜系。專家指蒙餐因注重健康營養極具競爭力;另有數據指出,蒙餐產品在海外至少有四十家大型餐廳,將「烤全羊」、「手把肉」等特色菜傳揚開去。協會會長郎立興

- wood

  • The Manzhouli Lianzhong Group, China's largest timber and frame-housebuilding company, is leading a project with Russia to develop forest resources.

- food

  • Inner Mongolia Ding Ye Foodstuff Co Ltd, one of the country's biggest sunflower seed exporters, said it is speeding up its push to go global with the launch of new production lines at home and plans to establish overseas offices in the next two years. The Bayannur-based private company, established in 2013, processes sunflower, pumpkin and calabash seeds and mainly exports to the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

- milk
  • Mengniu
  • 內地乳製品企業蒙牛集團27日在新西蘭就特侖蘇新西蘭專屬牧場合作項目簽署四方協議,與合作夥伴鵬欣集團、安碩及塔希牧場一道,共同開展從專屬牧場奶源供應到乳品深加工的戰略合作。
  • russia
  • The 20%-state-owned company has committed to a joint venture with the AFK Sistema Group, a Moscow-headquartered conglomerate with interests stretching from IT and telecoms to real estate and biotechnology. This will see the two jointly invest US$750 million in developing the region's dairy sector, with the aim of upping its milk production to about 500,000 tons a year. If successful, this would make it not only the largest dairy production project ever to be undertaken in Russia, but also one of the most sizable in global terms. In terms of detailed implementation, it is envisaged that pastureland will be sourced from the 150,000 hectares already owned by Agroholding Steppe, Sistema's existing agriculture-focused subsidiary. Once operational, the joint venture will distribute milk throughout the Far East region and across the border into China, with much of it processed via Mengniu's production facilities in Heilongjiang, the mainland's northernmost province.
  • indonesia
  • Mengniu Dairy, China’s second-largest dairy product producer, said it faced challenges in securing the supply chain for production when opening a new milk-based drink plant in Indonesia in November. This is the latest example of Chinese dairy producers venturing abroad to secure safe sources of supply since the industry’s melamine scandal 10 years ago. Lu Minfang, chief executive of Mengniu Dairy, said it was an ordeal to secure raw materials and packaging needed to get the project into operation after a tour of the company’s facilities in Berkasi on the eastern border of the capital Jakarta. “Indonesia lacks support for industries. It is not as good as more developed countries,” said Lu. “The [development] here is still relatively immature.”
  • Yili Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd, the Chinese dairy giant, announced on Friday its plans to invest in four dairy projects in New Zealand for a combined 3 billion yuan ($489 million) to build the world's largest dairy base. The project's scope will range from raw milk processing, UHT (ultrahigh temperature processing) and liquid milk, as well as milk powder manufacturing and packaging projects. The deal is aimed at improving the dairy group's profitability and competence and brand influence in the global market. hkej 22nov14 a 18 ; On Nov 12, Yili and Dairy Farmers of America, a huge US cooperative, signed a deal to build a powdered milk plant in Kansas in the United States - the largest milk powder producer in the US. The jointly invested plant is expected to produce 80,000 metric tons of powdered milk annually and will export to the Chinese market as well as others that have a growing demand for dairy products.
- wine

  • 位于乌海市飞机场路东,建成于2008年,注册资金2.3亿元,总资产约5亿元。汉森酒庄隶属于内蒙古汉森酒业集团有限公司,是集团公司的主导产业。
  • Dubious and kiv link with hk, featured in one of the photos of inner mongolia exhibition at central library apr17
- cashmere
  • Erdos Group has already made a major impact on the world stage and now it plans to expand its international operation from its Ordos headquarters. The world's largest manufacturer of cashmere products has about 30 percent of the global market from its base in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region. With more than 40,000 staff, the Chinese conglomerate is valued at about 70 billion yuan ($10.4 billion) with a sales revenue of more than 40 billion yuan annually.
- hospital

  • State-owned Inner Mongolia International Mongolian Hospital in Hohhot, capital of the autonomous region

- equine industry

  • Inner Mongolian Rider Horse, entrepreneur bets on horse success
- rare earth

  • The largest rare earth new material industrial park in China is expected to be built in Baotou, the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, promoted by technological innovation and the "Made in China 2025" strategy. "The national-level new material park is planned with a total area of 470 square kilometers, supported by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the autonomous region," said He Weihua, deputy mayor of Baotou, at the Ninth China Baotou Rare Earth Industry Forum on Monday.

- sheep/goat rearing

  • 电商助突围 内蒙古羊绒迎春
- pig rearing


- donkey
  • 「2016年全國驢產業技術創新會議」近日在內蒙古赤峰敖漢旗舉行。此次會議的主題是優化驢業結構,推動驢業升級。驢皮是阿膠最主要的原材料。據國家級非物質文化遺產東阿阿膠製作技藝代表性傳承人、東阿阿膠總裁秦玉峰介紹,近年驢皮市場價格不斷飆升,16年前,每張驢皮價格20多元人民幣(下同),2013年每張驢皮已飆升至600元左右,現在更是漲到2,500元左右。「隨着人們健康意識的增強,阿膠滋補成了剛需,揭示了巨大的市場空間;阿膠對驢皮的剛需,也讓驢皮和毛驢養殖產業開啟了更大的市場空間。」
- traditional medicine

  • A lesser-known variety - traditional Mongolian medicine - found in the Inner Mongolian autonomous region

烏蘭夫蒙古語ᠤᠯᠠᠭᠠᠨᠬᠦᠦ鮑培轉寫Ulaan Hüü西里爾字母Улаанхүү;1906年12月23日-1988年12月8日),別名雲澤雲時雨中國內蒙古蒙古族人。中國共產黨政治家中華人民共和國內蒙古自治區領導人,中國人民解放軍開國上將,有「蒙古王」之稱。1923年,加入中國社會主義青年團;1925年加入中國共產黨;是第八屆中共中央政治局候補委員,第十屆中央委員,第十一、十二屆中央政治局委員。曾任中華人民共和國副主席,第四、五、七屆全國人大常委會副委員長,第五屆全國政協副主席國務院副總理中共中央統戰部部長等職。中華人民共和國和中國共產黨的主要領導人之一。1955年被授予上將軍銜,是57位「開國上將」之一。1988年12月8日,因病經搶救無效,在北京病逝,終年82歲。
  • 「烏蘭夫」在蒙古語意思是「紅色之子」。
  • bio and granddaughter 布小林
  • 雲大棉,中共政治人物,第八、九屆全國政協委員。他是成吉思汗的後人[3]。伯父烏蘭夫曾任國家副主席[3]任香港英美洋行有限公司董事長、香港東華三院總理、九龍東區扶輪社創辦人,人稱玩具大王[4]雲維恩:次子,於2018年2月24日死於車禍。他當天清晨於香港西環干諾道西獨自駕車途中撞向路中分隔的風琴式防撞欄,重傷昏迷,救出後延至中午證實死亡
  •  雲維恩obit singtao 9mar18 a24

Siqin Gaowa (ᠰᠡᠴᠡᠩᠭ᠋ᠣᠣ᠎ᠠ, Mongolian CyrillicЦэцэнгуа, born 19 January 1950), bornDuan Anlin, is a Chinese actress with aHan Chinese father and a Mongolianmother. She was born in Guangzhou. Her father died early and she was brought up by her mother in Inner Mongolia. She is married to musician Chen Liangsheng (陈亮声) (who first married pianist martha agerich, see actually a copy) since 1986 and currently holds Swiss citizenship together with her husband.
哈斯朝鲁(1966年 ),中国导演,蒙古族蒙古语中哈斯的意思为玉,朝鲁为石头。国家一级导演兼制片人、编剧。内蒙古电影集团艺术总监,内蒙古电影家协会副主席,中宣部“四个一批”人才,内蒙古杰出人才,享受国务院特殊津贴,是国家重点扶持的十位青年导演之一。
腾格尔蒙古语ᠲᠡᠨᠭᠷᠢ鲍培转写Tengri西里尔字母Тэнгэр;1960年1月15日)是中国蒙古族歌手出生于中国内蒙古自治区鄂托克旗腾格尔以演唱蒙古民族歌曲而在中国大陆成名。1993年,腾格尔组建苍狼乐队,自己成为乐队的主唱。著名歌曲有《蒙古人》、《天堂》等脍炙人口的草原风格的流行歌曲。腾格尔并为多部热播的中国大陆电视剧创作并演唱主题曲,如《康熙帝國》、《神探狄仁杰》等。在文艺界,腾格尔多次获得“模范标兵”的称号。Il interprète la musique du film La Légende du scorpion noir (《夜宴》yè yàn, 2006) de Feng Xiaogang avec Zhang ZiyiGe YouXun Zhou et Daniel Wu.

- han people

science zone
- Eight scientific research zones are to be established in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology. The eight zones-which bring the national total to 46-will aim to promote innovation-driven economic growth and enhance China's international cooperation in the field. The list was recently released by the Ministry of Science and Technology, which includes 46 science zones across the nation.

Genghis khan
- The Genghis Khan Mausoleum is located in about 15km southeast of Atengxilian town of Ikinholo Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The old name of Genghis Khan was Temujin, who was born in 1162 in a noble family of a Mongolian tribe. With his wisdom and intrepidity, he gradually unified Mongolia. In 1206, all chieftains of the tribes in Mongolia convened a meeting at the bank of the Wonan River, jointly choosing Temujin as the Great Khan, and calling him Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan was such an outstanding politician, militarist who overawed Europe and Asia. Riding the whirlwind in his whole life, he fought with enemies, conquered the Central Asia, and established by far the most capacious Mongolia Great Empire of the border in the world, striding Eurasia. Genghis Khan died on the journey of attacking Xi Xia (a dynasty in old times). Since Genghis Khan was buried secretly after his death, nobody knew where his coffin was buried. It was still a historically unsettled case. The devout offspring can only set the curtain that Genghis Khan had used before his death on the plateau between Altai and Kent Mountain, and set up eight white felt curtains, which are called eight white rooms. The eight white felt curtains became the mausoleum symbol of Genghis Khan. For hundreds of years, it received the sacrifice of Genghis Khan by their offspring.  After the perdition of the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), eight white rooms moved with the Erdos tribe, which was responsible for guardianship. In the sixth year (1649) of the Shunzhi reign in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), the Qing court granted Elinqin, middle banner of Erdos left wing, the noble rank of Prince, and he served as the leader of Ikinholo ally. For the convenience of meeting the ally, he moved the eight white rooms to the area that he governed, which is Ikinholo Banner now. Ikinholo means Monarch Mausoleum. In the period of Anti-Japanese War, the coffin of Genghis Khan had been moved to Xinglong Mountain in Yuzhong County of Gansu Province, and then it had been transferred to the Ta'er Temple of Bingzhong County in Qinghai Province. In the spring of 1954, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region organized a delegation to escort Genghis Khan's Mausoleum bedroom, which escorted the coffin of Genghis Khan to the original place to bury. The Genghis Khan Mausoleum was formally founded in 1956.
Now, the Genghis Khan Mausoleum is located in the place, with the front facing to the south. The main construction of the mausoleum consists of three co-adjacent mausoleum palaces. The main hall is 26 meters in height, the yurt peak, like a Mongolian tent, dots the white wall, and the top was built with luck designs by yellow-white glazed tile. Climbing along the steps, one can see a 5 meter-high sitting statue of Genghis Khan in the middle of the mausoleum. In the bedchamber behind the main hall, there are three Mongolian tents covered with yellow satin juxtaposition. The coffins of Genghis Khan, his wife, his second wife and his third wife are placed in the middle of the hall, and the coffins of Genghis Khan's two brothers are placed in the west and the east of the bedchamber. The western and the eastern halls are all 23 meters in height. The coffin of Genghis Khan's fourth son Tolui (the father of Kublai Khan, who was the founder of the Yuan Dynasty) and the coffin of Kublai Khan's wife were placed in the eastern hall; The western hall enshrines 9 banners, which were the symbol of 9 generals, and arms and other goods used at that time. The east and west corridors of the main hall were decorated with large frescos. The content manifests the expedition history of Genghis Khan and the processes that Kublai Khan unified China. Two huge wooden wheels outside the hall have received supremacy homage for many years by visitors, because it was said that the two wheels were used to carry the coffin of Genghis Khan hundreds of years ago.
Genghis Khan's real tomb is still historically a mystery. People have already regarded the Genghis Khan Mausoleum that evolved from the eight white rooms as Genghis Khan's real mausoleum, with which to commemorate his achievements.
- People attend a sacrificial ceremony for Genghis Khan at the mausoleum of Genghis Khan in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, April 27, 2016. The ceremony, held in the third month on the Chinese lunar calendar, has a history of more than 700 years. The sacrificial ceremony for Genghis Khan was listed as one of China's intangible cultural heritages in 2006. 

Christianity is a minority in Inner Mongolia region of the People's Republic of China. There are Orthodox Churches in LabdarinManzhou and HailarThe Shouters are active in Inner Mongolia. About 100,000 Chinese Christians were in the region in 1993. The region has few Mongolian Christians. [3] Numerous house church leaders were detained in Xilinhot in 2008.[4] Inner Mongolia is an area of rapid growth of Protestantism. [5] Religious Affairs Bureau staff have declared a Christmas gathering in Duolun County illegal in 2006.[6] Inner Mongolia Bible School (formerly Inner Mongolia Training Class) was founded in 1987.[7] Inner Mongolia has more than 170,000 Protestants and over 1,000 official churches.[8] Tongsun Street Church was started with the help of Swedish missionaries around 1900.[9] According to Tjalling Halbertsma, Christians used to live in Inner Mongolia before 1206. [10] Hohhot used to have or has a very large house church with more than 1500 church members. [11] Protestantism entered the region in the late 19th century. [12] Due to the Dungan Revolt (1895–96)the western Inner Mongolian Han Chinese Catholic village Xiaoqiaopan had defensive procedures institted by the Belgian Priests in charge.[13] Missionaries were killed during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900.[12] The French Catholic vicar apostolic, Msgr. Alfons Bermyn wanted foreign troops garrisoned in inner Mongolia, but the Governor refused. Bermyn petitioned the Manchu Enming to send troops to Hetao where Prince Duan's Mongol troops and General Dong Fuxiang's Muslim troops allegedly threatened Catholics. It turned out that Bermyn had created the incident as a hoax.[14][15] In Fengzhen, a church was founded as early as 1892.[12] Most Christians in Inner Mongolia are Han Chinese. Its priest tried to prevent the demolition of the only Catholic church of Ordos and was arrested. [16] A Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Suiyuan, a Roman Catholic Diocese of Chifeng and a Roman Catholic Diocese of Jining exist. Inner Mongolia has Catholic villages.  It has an illegal Catholic seminary. Several priests of the illegal Catholic Church have been arrested in 2007.  There are also more than 200,000 Catholics in Inner Mongolia. The Roman Catholic church has a history of over 120 years. There are at least 32 Catholic churches and 100 home meetings. During the Boxer Rebellion more than 2000 Catholics were murdered in Inner Mongolia. Four bishops appointed by the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association are present in Inner Mongolia.

Chahar (Mongolianᠴᠠᠬᠠᠷ Чахар; 察哈爾pinyinCháhā'ěr), also known as Chaha'erChakhar, or Qahar, was a province of the Republic of China in existence from 1912 to 1936, mostly covering territory in what is part of eastern Inner Mongolia. It was named after the Chahar Mongolians.

nine young Chinese musicians sing about their happy, carefree lives at the Kennedy Center in Washington.

- At Settle Victoria Hall in England, Chinese performers in long colorful robes and leather boots recently enthralled an audience, members of which had seldom heard the sounds of the morin khuur (horse-head fiddle) and such other indigenous instruments before. Showcasing the traditional khoomei, or throat-singing, musicians brought alive the magic of the grasslands and the mountains. During the hourlong concert, the band from the Inner Mongolia autonomous region led the audience through a mixture of nomadic melodies, as part of its UK tour that started on Jan 26. Anda Union, the band from Hohhot, capital of Inner Mongolia, performed 23 concerts in Glasgow, Liverpool and Oxford, among other cities. The tour will end on Friday. "It has been raining since we started our tour in the United Kingdom. Some people may not like the rain but we enjoy it very much. The smell of the grass reminds us of our home. We love being close to nature," says Nars, the lead musician, who grew up in the Horqin grasslands of Inner Mongolia with his herder grandparents. Since the band's birth in 2001, the musicians' mission has been to find inspiration from old and forgotten songs while creating a new form of music. One of their songs, The Legend of the Swan Brothers, is based on a Mongolian song, which tells the story of a local folk hero similar to Robin Hood, stealing from the rich to help the poor.

- tourism

  • 13日在內蒙古呼和浩特市召開的中俄旅遊協調會議上,俄羅斯「偉大的茶葉之路」商業協會與中國內蒙古旅遊協會簽訂「茶葉之路」旅遊合作協議,雙方就建立旅遊夥伴關係,共同確定「茶葉之路」合作項目等方面達成合作意向。協議確定,雙方將互相交換信息,共同舉辦「茶路」旅遊會議,共同參加地區、國際旅遊活動;組織學生交流活動,舉辦旅遊人員培訓班,加強雙方人才合作。
- China is known for the quantity of cashmere it produces, but not necessarily for its quality. Butthat is changing as local brands and breeders shift their focus. Italian luxury brand LoroPiana, a key name in the apparel industry, has also joined the effortIn November, two couples from among the herders in the Inner Mongolia autonomous regionand other areas in China - Shi Yushe and his wife Wang Cunxiang, and Zhan Fayu and hiswife Li Juying - received the Loro Piana Cashmere of the Year Award in Beijing, based on thefineness, length and other attributes of their cashmere.

- There is also the little bit of historical factor that Outer Mongolia mostly consists of Khalkha Mongols, who were descends of Gersenji Khongtaiji of the Jalayir, whereas the actual main heirs of the old Mongolian empire all stayed in Inner Mongolia. Duh, Outer Mongolia is rather inhospitable comparing to the Inner Mongolia land, of course the ruling Mongol elites are going to stay South.
Also, there is the bit that Outer Mongolia gave up their native script in the 1940s and adopted a Slavic system instead.So, basically, no matter how you spin it, both economy and right of succession wise, Outer Mongolia is the splinter group.

China and Mongolia
- 內蒙古開通「零擔貨物」列車

Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan
- 內蒙古政協召開專題協商會,與內蒙古發改委、商務廳等有關部門圍繞內蒙古港澳台僑資企業發展中存在的困難及解決辦法進行面對面協商。與會委員建議,應把港澳台僑資企業納入民營企業範圍享受各項扶持政策,放寬政策,拓寬渠道,扶持中小科技型企業創新創業。進一步建立港澳台僑商合法權益保障聯

Hong Kong
- association

  • 香港內蒙古工商聯合會establishment ceremony ad
  • 香港內蒙古工商聯合總會成立大會暨就職典禮前日假香港會議展覽中心舉行,香港特別行政區行政長官梁振英、中聯辦副主任黃蘭發、內蒙古自治區代理主席、黨委常委布小林應邀蒞臨主禮。陳健文榮任創會會長,鄭耀棠任總顧問。當晚,社會賢達、政商翹楚等逾千人同申慶賀,共證該會誕生
  • ad re 張德江visit

  • 香港內蒙古總會

  • 香港鄂倫春基金會主席趙式慶
  • 香港內蒙古社團總會秘書長高燕

-內蒙經貿周力推八大產業,,,,,,,, hkej 14aug14 a26,,
- opportunities for hk

  • 楊志強 香港工商專聯會會長 article
- food

  •呼倫貝爾.香港合作項目簽約儀式 近日在香港舉行。活動現場,兩地企業就 綠色有機食品供應、綠色食品生產養殖、 食品加工廠設備投資以及文化、旅遊等六 個項目簽訂了合作協議。
  • 「首屆內蒙古綠色農畜產品2019香港推介會」昨日在港舉辦,推介會以「綠色、合作、品牌、發展」為主題。內蒙古自治區副主席艾麗華稱,推介會讓內蒙古綠色農畜產品更便利進入香港、讓「內蒙古味道」更好豐富香港的餐桌,是兩地合作的一項重要成果,是內蒙古綠色農畜產品走向世界的重要展示窗口,也是內蒙古和香港推動「一帶一路」建設的重要合作平台。歡迎香港各界人士抓住機遇,共商合作之計。中聯辦副主任楊健、投資推廣署助理署長蔣學禮、香港中華總商會永遠榮譽會長林廣兆,以及內蒙古自治區政協常委、內蒙古海外聯誼會副會長蔡彬彬等共300多位嘉賓參加是次推介會。

- tourism

  • promotes tourism in hk
  • ,內蒙古入境旅遊去年仍保持 增長,高於內地 4.41個百分點。其中,蒙古國客人總量微增,俄羅斯 客人略有下降,港澳台同胞尤其是香港遊客增幅24.21%。
- tv, film
  • 二○一九內蒙古影視推介會四月二十四日晚在港舉行,電視劇《忽必烈》、電影《海林都》、紀錄片《烏蘭牧騎》、電影《閃電烈馬》、電視劇《父親的草原母親的河》、電影《蒙古馬》等六部草原文化題材影視作品參加了本次推介活動。推介會由相聲演員姜昆主持。  該六部作品由內蒙古草原文化保護發展基金會和內蒙古電影集團有限責任公司出品,主辦方利用香港特殊的區位優勢,搭建交流平台,為弘揚發展草原文化,促進草原文化影視作品傳播提供更廣闊的空間。
- media

  • 2016内蒙古.香港重点合作专案推介会”今日举行,内蒙古自治区人民政府代表团昨日在港举行媒体高层见面会,近四十间两地媒体出席。

- delegation to HK

  •內蒙古黨校第 27期 40 位學員中青班赴香港公共行政學院 進行了為期14天的培訓學習,加深 對香港「一國兩制」、「法治化城 市」等認識和了解。內蒙古中青班 赴港學習每年舉辦兩次,這次是第 五次學習,讓學員赴香港開拓視 野。
  • 由內蒙古統戰部副部長、工商聯黨組書記向東率領的內蒙古工商代表團一行30多人,日前到訪香港潮屬社團總會,受到主席陳幼南,創會主席陳偉南,永遠名譽主席蔡衍濤、許學之,首席會長高佩璇,名譽會長黃書鋭、謝賢團,副主席陳賢豪、許瑞勤,會董胡炎鬆及總幹事林楓林等熱烈歡迎。,
- delegations from HK

  • 近日,全國政協港澳台僑委員會組織 來自20個國家的31位列席過全國政協會議的 海外僑胞到內蒙古自治區進行考察。自治區 政協主席任亞平表示,希望考察團在內蒙古 期間了解內蒙古經濟快速發展、民族團結和 諧、邊疆穩定安寧及豐富多彩的少數民族風 情,為內蒙古的健康發展出謀劃策、搭建平 台、提供支持。
  •  港區省級政協委員聯誼會會員事務委員會日前舉辦「慶祝香港回歸祖國20周年『一帶一路』內蒙古考察團」,組織來自19個地區政協委員共52人赴內蒙 古進行為期7天的訪問考察。考察團先後到訪錫林浩特、西烏旗、呼和浩特、鄂爾多斯等地,均得到各地政協、統戰部等部門領導的高規格和熱情接待,收穫甚豐。 其間,內蒙古自治區主席布小林會見了全體成員。考察團由中聯辦協調部副巡視員張麗、聯誼會主席陳清霞及會長譚錦球任榮譽團長,聯誼會副會長顏純烱、副秘書長張心瑜任榮譽顧問,會員事務委員會主任劉與量任團長。
- investment promotion event in hk
  •內蒙古自治區政府代表團昨日在港舉辦「2016內蒙古·香港重點合作項目推介會」媒體高層見面會, baotou ip promotion, (with quote from ihk), (participating companies), Hulunbuir ip event
  • 第六屆「內蒙古.香港經貿合作活動」昨正式在港開幕,開幕式現場共簽約19個重點合作項目,涵蓋金融、製造、能源、化工、現代物流、電子生物、基建等多個領域。此外,香港政制及內地事務局局長聶德權發表演講時透露,在內蒙古投資的國家和地區中,香港佔據了第一位,集中在製藥、電子、燃氣、交通、採礦、服務業等領域。截至去年底,累計有470家香港企業在自治區投資,投資總金額達104億美元;41家內蒙古企業來港投資,總額為35.9億美元,同時有8間企業在港上市。同一場合,南非駐港總領事倪清閣,香港貿易發展局副總裁周啟良,香港新西蘭商會主席衛德雲亦發表講話,歡迎、鼓勵兩地多多交流,推動商貿合作活動。中聯辦副主任仇鴻,外交部駐港特派員公署副特派員楊義瑞,香港商經局副局長陳百里,全國人大代表鄭耀棠、王敏剛,全國政協委員張學修、朱銘泉、楊志紅、詹洪良、董吳玲玲、周勇、閻峰,香港中華廠商聯合會會長吳宏斌,香港總商會主席吳天海,香港工業總會主席郭振華,香港中華總商會永遠榮譽會長林廣兆等政商界人士亦參與了是次活動。
  • 以節能環保為主題,促 進內蒙古.香港兩地經貿合作交流的 「內 蒙古香港節能環保對接洽談會」昨日在香 港召開。會議上內蒙古相關盟市及企業代 表展開項目推介活動,並進行簽約儀式。「內蒙古.香港節能環保對接洽談會 」由內蒙古自治區政府主辦,中國國際 貿易促進委員會內蒙古自治區委員會承 辦,香港能源服務協會協辦、香港環保 企業助力。內蒙古自治區主席布小林出 席會議,香港環保產業協會主席鄭文聰 、香港能源服務協會主席譚兆棟出席會 議並致辭。
  • 「第二屆內蒙古國際能源大會」、「第二屆阿爾山論壇」、「呼倫貝爾國際綠色發展大會」三項重大會議新聞發布會昨日在香港乾元驛精品館召開,活動旨在歡迎國內外各界人士共為內蒙古的發展群策群力。大會內容相互融合、緊密聯繫,將綠色發展與生態產業緊密連接,構建了一條綠色發展之路。發布會由內蒙古草原文化保護發展基金會主辦,香港大公文匯傳媒集團承辦。烏克蘭國家工商會駐香港總代表、香港內蒙古社團總會會長海峰嶺,光大控股執行董事姜元之,香港大公報副總編韓紀文,中國民生銀行香港分行行長杜雲飛,中國銀行香港有限公司風險管理部副總經理劉勝能,浩源國際控股有限公司董事長吳葵生,巴布亞新幾內亞名譽領事、金融發展研究所創辦人及所長詹劍侖等嘉賓出席了是次發布會。

- investors from HK
  • 香港通用積 分商務公司在招聘會上提供了 30個就業單位, 負責內蒙古的市場推廣。 「目前,我們招收30人負責內蒙古的市場推 廣,我們的待遇是責任底薪 4,000+績效+獎 金,要求工作人員每月完成 100個商家的業務 洽談。」該公司工作人員說。
  • 記者日前從內蒙古—香港 經貿洽談會上獲悉,內蒙古商務廳與香港大 嘉清真國際控股有限公司、內蒙古住建廳與 AECOM分別簽署了合作意向書。此次洽談會 共有來自香港、馬來西亞、韓國等國家和地 區,包括AECOM、馬來西亞清真產業促進署 等在內的 160餘人參加。 蒙港經洽會吸引外資 此次洽談會內蒙古拋出 513 個合作項目的 「橄欖枝」希望與港方加深合作。近年來,在 蒙港經貿合作周、經貿文化推廣周等平台的推 動下,雙方經貿往來合作密切。 截至 2014年底,945家港資企業在內蒙古投 資創業,嘉里集團、恒基集團、新世界集團等 港企在內蒙古均有投資項目。同樣活躍的還有 內蒙古在香港的投資,截至目前,內蒙古對香 港境外投資總額 20.69億元人民幣,集中在羊 絨、餐飲、食品加工和進出口貿易等領域。 雲光中:兩地互補潛力巨 內蒙古自治區副主席雲光中表示,香港是國 際知名的自由港和國際貿易、金融、航運中 心,企業實力雄厚,而內蒙古資源豐富,投資 環境優越,發展潛力巨大。 記者了解到,2010年至 2015年 5月,內蒙古 對香港累計貿易額近 20億美元,2015年 1月至 5月內蒙古對香港貿易額 2,881萬元(人民幣,下 同)。近年來,香港在內蒙古的投資越來越 「熱」。2011起連續 3年的「蒙港活動周」蒙 港雙方共簽約項目 123個,簽約金額達 971.22 億元。 在內蒙古的港資企業發展迅速,2009 年至 今,港資企業在內蒙古設立企業 167家,投資 總額已突破 18億元。企業涵蓋機械製造、電子 信息、節能環保、商貿物流、金融投資等行 業。
- investors from inner mongolia

  • 內蒙古仕奇集團在香港開設的內蒙古農畜產品精品館今日(四月二十四日)正式開幕,並舉行首屆內蒙古香港綠色農畜產品推介會,加強港蒙兩地經濟合作,借香港國際平台向全球宣傳內蒙古的農畜產品及文化。名為「香港•乾元驛」的內蒙古農畜產品精品館,位於尖沙咀維港之濱的甲級商廈,佔地1 322平方米,設有展示廳宣傳內蒙古特色農畜產品,以及洽談區、會客廳、聯合辦公區、智慧視訊系統以供洽商、推廣活動、品牌合作等。這次推介會由中國國際貿易促進委員會內蒙古自治區委員會主辦,並由集團創立的內蒙古草原文化保護發展基金會承辦,亦得到內蒙古自治區人民政府支持。
  • 由香港‧乾元驛主辦的「皇朝會‧內 蒙古味道之天賦河套香港美食節」9至 19日一連10日在香港皇朝會舉行。在 1 0日的啟動禮上,香港皇朝會總經 理、亞洲餐飲廚藝協會主席黎志華, 「內蒙古味道」聯盟主席孫劍昊,內 蒙古巴彥綠業實業有限公司副總經理 王建臣,香港國際廚藝交流協會會長 陳國強等嘉賓出席主禮。
- jewellery

  • 第二屆呼和浩特國際珠寶玉石展日前 於內蒙古國際會展中心舉辦,包括2家港企的300多 個珠寶商參展。同時,內蒙古權威珠寶鑒定機構專 家也攜帶先進的檢測儀器在現場免費為消費者鑒 定、諮詢服務。 翠賢堂香港珠寶集團的高級鑒定師王明介紹,該 店出售的翡翠來自緬甸,價格在 35萬元(人民幣, 下同)至60萬元之間。 香港 BESTIE珠寶設計師及創始人宋景暄介紹, 這是第三次來內蒙古,感覺呼和浩特變化很大,希 望發展更多的合作夥伴。他還介紹,該品牌的產品 價格可以滿足年輕女性的消費需求,而且產品是以 作坊式手工生產的,以珍珠為主要配飾材料,採用 不同材質金屬搭配,能夠凸顯珍珠給人帶來的高貴 品質。香港亞太國際貿易展覽集團投資公司項目經 理李巖說:「我個人希望明年再來舉辦珠寶活動, 能夠為消費者們普及珠寶知識。我們在哈爾濱搞了 一個珠寶玉石產業園區,更希望通過年年舉辦珠寶 展來推動內蒙古珠寶玉石產業的發展。」
- lamb for hk market

  • 近日,港澳學子採訪團一行來到了地處巴彥淖爾的富川科技集團肉羊基地,得知香港不少的羊肉都是從這裏輸入。據接待講解員王裕嬌表示,基地內的羊無論是食、住均是按動物福利標準飼養,品質上達到世界領先水平,堪稱是最幸福的羊。

- youth exchange
  • 記者近日從內蒙古青聯 十一屆四次常委擴大會議上獲悉,內蒙古青 聯去年共組織 25人隨全國青年代表團出訪 韓國、日本、俄羅斯、蒙古等 8個國家執行 友好訪問和培訓任務。同時,組織青聯委員 參加香港青年聯合會第二十二屆會慶、中蒙 青年友好交流、台灣青年代表團訪問等活 動。
  • 范長江行動內蒙古行”的港澳學子們千里迢迢來到內蒙古實地採訪 
  •日,“追夢大草原”香港大學生內蒙古暑期實習計劃啟動儀式在包頭市舉辦,包頭市相關領導及內蒙古自治區團委、內蒙古自治區青聯以及包頭團市委領導出席啟動儀式;香港大學生實習單位負責人、29名香港大學生參加了啟動儀式。  從即日起到7月15日,這29名香港大學生將分別在內蒙古包商銀行、明華能源等6家單位、29個崗位進行實習鍛鍊。
  • 女童軍
  • 由香港大公文匯傳媒集團發起的「范長江行動-香港傳媒學子內蒙古行」,12日在內蒙古呼和浩特舉行出發儀式。未來10天內,近40名來自香港與內地高校傳媒學子,將再次秉承范長江新聞精神,從歷史、文化、旅遊、經濟等不同角度,感知內蒙古獨有的草原文化風情,了解當地現代化建設新風貌。,
  • 「范長江行動--2017香港傳媒學子內蒙古行」昨日在內蒙古阿爾山啟動,20餘名香港及內地學子將秉承范長江精神,先後參訪阿爾山、大興安林區、成吉思汗廟、朱日和賽馬場以及多個供港綠色食品企業,深入了解蒙元文化的歷史與發展變化。啟動儀式上,內蒙古自治區黨委宣傳部外宣處處長溫都蘇巴圖,與參訪團團長、大公報副總編輯兼香港大公文匯傳媒集團董事會秘書、辦公室主任韓紀文先後致辭,內蒙古興安盟委委員、阿爾山市委書記高長勝向香港傳媒學子授旗。
  •香港友好協進會青年代表 團7月3日-7月7日赴內蒙古呼倫貝爾 市進行體驗式交流活動
  • 為慶祝內蒙古自治區 成立七十周年和香港回歸祖國二十周年 ,由國家文化部主辦,香港內蒙古社團 總會和香港聯藝機構聯合承辦的 「2017 國粹香江進校園」活動於日前圓滿落 幕。
  • 為鼓勵香港學生關注現時中國荒漠化治理情況,一直參與治沙的億利公益基金會今年1月在港發起首個大學生「庫布其獎」荒漠治理創業大賽和中學生「庫布其獎」說說荒漠化短片比賽,並於5月28日至31日組織近40位得獎學生親臨庫布其作深度體驗,讓學生了解庫布其治沙模式及沙漠生態經濟的新商機。面對這張綠色名片,香港學生在讚歎之餘,也紛紛用自己所學所識為當地出謀獻策。

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