- country called dinamarca in spanish
- Old English Scylding (plural Scyldingas) and Old NorseSkjöldung (plural Skjöldungar), meaning in both languages "People of Scyld/Skjöld" refers to members of a legendary royal family of Danes, especially kings. The name is explained in many texts, such as Friedrich Christoph Dahlmann's 'Research on the Field of History' (German: Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Geschichte), by the descent of this family from an eponymous king Scyld/Skjöld, but the title is sometimes applied to rulers who purportedly reigned before Scyld/Skjöld, and the supposed king Scyld/Skjöld may be an invention to explain the name. There was once a Norse saga on the dynasty, the Skjöldunga saga, but it survives only in a Latin summary by Arngrímur Jónsson.
- Danish Crown Prince Frederik is currently on a four-day trip to China, which will come to an end on September 26. Research, education and tourism are the main focus areas of the tour, which also involves the Danish Minister for Higher Education and Science, Søren Pind. Denmark’s future king has become a hot topic in China after his recent appearance on the extremely popular Chinese travel reality TV show Sisters on Trip. During an episode filmed in Copenhagen, the Crown Prince served the participating Chinese celebrities fresh Danish oysters directly from his personal freight bike. The young women, who this Saturday appeared in Beijing to see His Royal Highness live, were not disappointed. “He is very handsome,” said one according to Danish TV channel TV2. The Crown Prince is staying in Beijing for three days. On Sunday he visited Tsinghua University’s Life Long Learning Lab, which was developed in cooperation with the LEGO Foundation, the Danish Royal House confirmed. Today, he took part in the inauguration of the Danish Industry Foundation House, home of the Sino-Danish Center for Research and Education. It was Queen Margrethe II who, in 2014, cut the first sod of the building that her son is now officially opening. As part of the inauguration, the Crown Prince will take a run on the Great Wall, accompanied by students from the centre.https://gbtimes.com/popular-danish-crown-prince-visits-china
- danish patent and trademark office
- a freetown
- [booklet of 2019 nordic festival] after the military moved out in 1970s, the area was taken over by hippies, independent artiest, and grassroots movement activists who proclaimed it a free town. The town has its own set of rules, and drugs like cannabis are commonplace. While the relations between christiania and the danish authorities have been strained, there has always been an element of mutual respect as the two have operated independently from each other over the past five decades.
- In old Norse the city Copenhagen was Kaupmannahafn. It literally means chapman’s haven (merchant’s harbor), Haven is Hagen in Low German. It’s probably the merchants of Lübeck that called the city Kopenhagen which was then adopted to English.https://www.quora.com/Why-did-the-Danish-K%C3%B8benhavn-become-Copenhagen-in-English-Where-is-the-letter-g-from
- reclamation
- In order to create more space for Copenhagen's development, CPH City & Port Development will extend Nordhavn by 100 hectares over the next 20 years. CPH City & Port Development will receive land to expand Nordhavn. A massive expansion will take place over the coming years along the north-east corner of Nordhavn. This work is being implemented in order to, among other things, create space for a 1,100 metre long quay that from 2013 will be able to accept up to three large cruise ships at the same time. With the current volumes of earth, the land reclamation project is expected to be completed in 2025, and Nordhavn will be expanded by almost 1 million m2.http://www.byoghavn.dk/english/development/districts-uk/district-nordhavnen-uk/land_reclamation-uk.aspx
- stone age burial chamber in Rævehøj
Helsingør (/ˌhɛlsɪŋˈɜːr/ HEL-sing-UR, Danish: [hɛlseŋˈøɐ̯ˀ]; Swedish: Helsingör), classically known in English as Elsinore, is a city in eastern Denmark. The name Helsingør is derived from the word halsmeaning "neck" or "narrow strait", referring to the narrowest point of theØresund (Øre Sound) between what is now Helsingør and Helsingborg, Sweden. The people were mentioned as Helsinger(which may mean "the people of the strait") for the first time in King Valdemar the Victorious's Liber Census Daniæ from 1231 (not to be confused with the Helsings of Hälsingland in Sweden).
- Helsingør as it is known today was founded in the 1420s by the Danish king Eric of Pomerania. He established the Sound Dues in 1429, meaning all foreign ships passing through the strait had to pay a toll, which constituted up to two-thirds of Denmark's state income. With this income Eric of Pomerania built the castle Krogen. The castle was expanded in the 1580s and renamed Kronborg. All ships had to stop in Helsingør to get their cargo taxed and pay a toll to the Danish Crown, but it also generated a significant trade for the town. The Sound Dues were abolished in 1857 with the Copenhagen Convention, where all naval nations agreed to pay a one-time fee.
- In World War II, Helsingør was among the most important transport points for the rescue of Denmark's Jewish population during the Holocaust.
Zealand (Danish: Sjælland, pronounced [ˈɕeˌlænˀ]), at 7,031 km2, is the largest and most populous island in Denmark proper. The exact origin of the Danish name "Sjælland" is controversial. Sjæl in Danish today means "soul", but based on older records one can exclude this interpretation. Even a derivation derived from siô / sæ (meaning "sea") corresponding closely to the English name is today largely rejected – but it could be speculated that the English came up with their own separate name prior to the start of Danish research on the name's origin, and may have caused people thinking Sjælland means Zealand.In Norse mythology as told in the Gylfaginning, the island was created by the goddess Gefjun after she tricked Gylfi, the king of Sweden. She removed a piece of land and transported it to Denmark, which became Zealand. The vacant area was filled with water and became Mälaren.[4]However, since modern maps show a similarity between Zealand and the Swedish lake Vänern, it is sometimes identified as the hole left by Gefjun. Gefjun is queen of King Skjöldr, eponymous anchestor of the Scyldings, related to the etymological debate.Despite their identical names in English, the island is not connected historically to the Pacific nation of New Zealand, which is named after the Dutch province of Zeeland.Zealand gives its name to the Selandian era of the Paleocene.
- The Nordic Council is a geo-political inter-parliamentary forum for co-operation between the Nordic countries. It was formed after the Second World War in 1952 to promote co-operation between the five Nordic countries. Its first concrete result was the introduction in 1952 of a common labour market and free movement across borders without passports for the countries' citizens. The Council consists of 87 representatives from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway andSweden as well as the autonomous areas of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and theÅland Islands. The representatives are members of parliament in their respective country/area and are elected by those parliaments. The Council holds ordinary sessions each year in October/November and usually one extra session per year with a specific theme. Since 1991 Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania participate with observer status, as well as the German state of Schleswig-Holstein since 2016. In 1971, the Nordic Council of Ministers, an intergovernmental forum, was established to complement the Council.
- hkej 3may17 shum article
- business
- confederation of danish industry http://di.dk/english/Pages/English.aspx, support TTIP agreement (letter to FT on 14jul14)
- Danish confederation of trade unions
- Association of Danish Mortgage Banks http://www.realkreditraadet.dk/Frontpage.aspx
- Fashion
- Kopenhagen Fur http://www.kopenhagenfur.com, Economist article for May3rd to 9th 2014 issue (page 62)
- Nordic Fashion Association http://www.nordicfashionassociation.com/
- danish union of metalworkers http://www.danskmetal.dk/Om%20Dansk%20Metal/Hvad%20er%20Metal/English.aspx, support TTIP agreement (letter to FT on 14jul14)
- Health
- Continua Health Alliance http://www.continuaalliance.org/
- The Global Maritime Forum is an international not-for-profit organisation dedicated to promoting the potential of the global maritime industry. To serve its mission, it convenes leaders from across the maritime community with policy-makers, experts, NGOs and other influential decision-makers and opinion shapers to discuss collective challenges and to work together on developing new solutions and recommendations for action.https://www.globalmaritimeforum.org/
Baltic and International Maritime CouncilBIMCO is the largest of the international shipping associations representing shipowners; its membership controls around 65 percent of the world's tonnage and it has members in more than 120 countries, including managers, brokers and agents. The association's main objective is to protect its global membership through the provision of information and advice, and while promoting fair business practices, facilitate harmonisation and standardization of commercial shipping practices and contracts.在航運板塊運籌帷幄。經營17載,將華光成功打造成世界知名航運品牌。2019年趙式明逐漸淡出家族海運板塊,交由其弟趙式慶接棒。如今身為華光航業控股有限公司董事長的她,卻未因「卸下」而被遺忘,反而在航運界更上一層樓,獲邀成為世界最大的國際航運組織波羅的海國際航運公會(BIMCO)候任主席,作為即將成為BIMCO百年歷史上的首位華人女性主席 hkcd 9dec2020 aa3
- futurist
- Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies http://cifs.dk
- Since 1983, Rolf Jensen has been a futurist at The Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies (CIFS) and, since 1988, its director. CIFS is one of the world's largest future-oriented thinktanks, providing strategic advice to over 100 international companies and government agencies. Rolf Jensen is an expert in scenario building, future issues and business strategy. Through his work with CIFS, he participates in numerous global networks and regularly organizes conferences and round-table discussions providing international futurologists, future-oriented economists and sociologists with the opportunity to share vision and research. He is the author of the best-selling book The Dream Society: How the Coming Shift From Information to Imagination Will Transform Your Business.
- indigenous affairs
- http://www.iwgia.org International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)
- maersk
- http://in.reuters.com/article/alibaba-maersk-idINL5N1EU0Z5 The world's largest container shipping line Maersk has teamed up with Alibaba to allow shippers of goods to reserve space on its vessels through the Chinese e-commerce giant, in a move that bypasses traditional middleman freight forwarders.
- http://scandasia.com/danish-freight-company-damco-opened-in-cambodia/
- https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dfds-ferry-stranded-baltic-sea-off-lithuania-hundreds-of-passengers/ A ferry stranded in the Baltic Sea for several hours with about 300 people on board was on the move again on Tuesday following a malfunction that sent smoke pouring from the engine room, authorities said. The Regina Seaways was headed toward its original destination in Lithuania after the crew restarted the main engine, according to the country's defense ministry. The ferry, operated by Copenhagen-based DFDS Seaways, was in international waters off Kalingrad, Russia's Baltic Sea exclave between Poland and Lithuania when the engine stopped working. The Regina was paralyzed for about six hours because of the breakdown.
- danfoss
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-04/12/content_24455444.htm Danfoss, the largest industrial group in Denmark, plans to double its sales in China over the nextsix years despite the country's economic slowdown, a top executive said. Sales in the world's second-largest economy rose to 4 billion yuan ($617.6 million) in 2015, up 2percent year-on-year, but the company aims to have a growth rate of 10 percent and double itscurrent sales volume by 2021, according to Kjeld Stark, president of Danfoss China.
- https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/sep/21/is-money-laundering-scandal-at-danske-bank-the-largest-in-history It was 2013 and officers at the Estonian branch of Danske Bank were beginning to realise they had taken on some very unpleasant customers. After a tipoff, a member of staff had travelled to Moscow and started asking questions. The team was trying to trace the identity of people hiding behind anonymous corporate vehicles, which had opened accounts and were now using them to transfer huge sums of money. That was when its staff began to receive anonymous threats. “This bank will sink,” one caller warned.
- ft 26sep18 London’s role in Danske dirty money scandal under spotlight
- https://www.ft.com/content/1ece518c-3f6a-11e9-b896-fe36ec32aece The Nordic money-laundering scandal has spread to Austria after a prominent Kremlin critic filed a complaint urging Vienna prosecutors to investigate $967m of suspicious money flows from Danske Bank to Raiffeisen and other lenders in the country. Bill Browder, an anti-money-laundering activist and investor, said Austrian banks had for years ignored red flags and enabled Russian criminals to launder funds abroad, according to documents sent to the Vienna Public Prosecutor’s Office and seen by the Financial Times. Raiffeisen shares fell 12.3 per cent on Tuesday. Investors were reacting to Hermitage Capital Management’s accusations, which are linked to a series of regulatory investigations and the release of an investigative report into money laundering by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project.
- energy
- DONG Energy (former names: Dansk Naturgas and Dansk Olie og Naturgas (abbreviated as DONG)) is an integrated energy company based in Fredericia, Denmark. It is Denmark's largest energy company.
Danish energy powerhouse Dong Energy is to change its name to Orsted, it has been announced. "Dong was originally short for Danish Oil and Natural Gas," Thomas Thune Andersen, chairman of the board of directors, said in a statement Monday. "With our profound strategic transformation and the divestment of our upstream oil and gas business, this is no longer who we are. Therefore, now is the right time to change our name." https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/02/dong-energy-changes-name-to-orsted-goes-big-on-renewables.html- https://www.ft.com/content/9b14ff0e-bf0d-11e7-b8a3-38a6e068f464
The world’s largest operator of wind farms, formerly known as Dong Energy, will sell the stake in the Walney Extension project off the British coast to two Danish pension funds.- economist 31aug19 "tailwinds" the once dirty energy company behind the global boom in offshore windpower
- food and beverage
- Carlsberg - carlsberg takes a sobering look at russia http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/1fe1a12e-2835-11e4-b085-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3AzPdCR41
- Danish Crown AmbA is a Danish food processing company, dealing primarily in meat processing of pork and beef. It is Europe's largest pork producer.[3] Through its subsidiaries, known as the Danish Crown Group, it is also involved in a long list of other food products. It is Europe’s largest pork-processing company and Denmark's largest beef-processing company, as well as its single largest agricultural exporter.Danish Crown was originally formed in 1970 when Sydøstjyske Andelsslagterier in Kolding and Vojens merged, however in 1986 Danish Crown was itself merged into Tulip. In 1990, when Wenbo, Tulip and Østjyske Andelsslagterier merged they revived the name Danish Crown. Since then Danish Crown have taken over every major slaughterhouse in Denmark.[citation needed] In February 2015, Danish Crown announced that it was acquiring smaller Danish rival Tican.On October 13, 2010, the members voted to change Danish Crown from a cooperative to a joint stock company.
- hk
- ess-food www.ess-food.com
- people ray chan, business development officer china/hk rakwc@ess-food.com
- Reinholdt www.reinholdt-co.dk, Salmon Trout Caviar, exhibited at seafood expo 2014
- http://bpi.nu
- aria
- glycom
- leading Human Milk Oligosaccharides supplier
- Salt
- http://www.saltsyderiet.dk/en
- watches and clocks
- obaku, hktdc video clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftrDUygDZVg&list=TLkMtvDQlK2S8
- pharmaceutical
- Novo Nordisk, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/9a1ed570-5b8d-11e4-b68a-00144feab7de.html#axzz3J0p3sfm5 The Jutland peninsula in Denmark provides half the world’s supply of insulin, the life-saving pancreatic hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. And Novo Nordisk, the Danish company is the largest global supplier. For more than a decade Novo’s sales have grown each year at double-digit rates, helping turn it into a $115bn behemoth that has overtaken Norway’s Statoil as the Nordic region’s biggest company by market capitalisation.
- 靈北H. Lundbeck A/S (commonly known simply as Lundbeck) is a Danish international pharmaceutical company engaged in the research and development, production, marketing, and sale of drugs for the treatment of disorders in the central nervous system (CNS), including depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, epilepsy and insomnia.The company was founded by Hans Lundbeck in 1915, and was initially a trading company supplying a variety of goods to the Danish market, including machinery for manufacturing, aluminium foil, artificial sweeteners, and photographic equipment. Lundbeck entered the pharmaceutical market in 1924, importing medicines and cosmetics from companies based in other European and American countries. By the late 1930s, Lundbeck had begun to produce its own medicinal products and had established its own research department. Production continued during the Second World War, although it was limited due to a lack of raw materials. After the war, Lundbeck continued to grow and in 1957 the company introduced Truxal (chlorprothixene) for the treatment of schizophrenia, entering the market for brain disorders. In 1954, the Lundbeck Foundation was established to maintain and expand the activities of Lundbeck Group and also to provide funding for scientific research of the highest quality. From the late 1970s and up through the 1980s, Lundbeck diverted its old agency business and thus became a dedicated pharmaceutical company focusing on the production of drugs used to treat disorders and diseases of the central nervous system. In 1989, Lundbeck launched the antidepressant Celexa (citalopram), which became the cornerstone for the company’s international expansion and in 2009 Lundbeck, bought Ovation and established a commercial platform in the USA.
- biotech
- 潘淑嫺patty hkej 27feb19 c3
- Novozymes is a global biotechnology company headquartered in Bagsværd outside of Copenhagen, Denmark employing approximately 6,500 people by the end of 2014. The company has operations in a number of countries around the world, including China, India, Brazil, Argentina, United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. Class B shares of its stock are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic exchange. The company’s focus is the research, development and production of industrial enzymes, microorganisms, and biopharmaceutical ingredients. In 1925 the brothers Harald and Thorvald Pedersen founded Novo Terapeutisk Laboratorium and Nordisk Insulinlaboratorium with the aim to produce insulin. In 1941 the company's predecessor launched its first enzyme, trypsin, extracted from the pancreas of animals and used to soften leather, and was the first to produce enzymes by fermentation using bacteria in 1950s.[3][4] In the late 1980s Novozymes presented the world’s first fat-splitting enzyme for detergents manufactured with genetically engineered microorganisms, called Lipolase. The current Novozymes was founded in 2000 as a spinout from pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk
- Vestas http://www.vestas.com/, manufactures wind turbines
- Shares in Vestas’ fell 3 percent on Wednesday as first-quarter profit fell well below forecasts and the wind turbine maker surprisingly announced the departure of its chief executive, known for an earlier turnaround of the company.“We have a big chunk of orders that we took in 2017 where the prices were really low,” Chief Financial Officer Marika Fredriksson told Reuters, adding that most of the low-margin orders had been executed in the first quarter of 2019.In addition tariffs stemming from U.S-China trade tensions and higher raw material prices had increased costs.https://www.reuters.com/article/vestas-wind-results/update-2-vestas-shares-fall-after-profit-disappoints-and-ceo-departs-idUSL5N22K1RQ
- Amager Bakke Waste-to Energy plant
- www.globalfashionagenda.com
- plans to set up RHQ in Shanghai http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/03/15/b03-0315.pdf
- Education
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/beijing/2014-10/27/content_18805907.htm The Ministry of Education is stepping up efforts to improve the innovative ability of Chinese teachers and students by cooperating with Denmark's Lego Education Group. The two parties reached an agreement in Beijing recently to continue bilateral cooperation and promote a second Innovative Talent Development Program in China. Under the agreement, Lego Education will provide products manufactured by Lego Group, such as the popular toy building blocks and robotics equipment, to schools selected by the ministry, from 2015 to 2019, to enable Chinese students to "learn by playing". Meanwhile, Lego Education will provide training for Chinese teachers, to help them play a better role in guiding and inspiring students to innovate.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-05/29/content_29541164.htm Danish international toy group Lego says that its robot education program - which teaches children from the ages of 3 up the basics of coding - is doing really well in China.
The program was launched by the group nearly 20 years ago and is offered by the company to schools. Robot software is the set of coded commands or instructions that tell a robot what tasks to perform.- 上海三家樂高活動中心日前突然倒閉,影響逾百名購買課程的家長,涉款一百萬元人民幣(約一百一十萬港元)。中國廿四個省市共有一百七十家樂高活動中心,其中一百五十家的授權已經過期或即將過期。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191219/00178_023.html
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2015-09/03/content_21781836.htm Lego A/S, the Danish toymaker, said on Wednesday that the number of employees at its manufacturing facility in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province, will nearly triple to 600 bythe end of this year from the current 230. The factory will be fully operational in 2017, it said, adding that packing activities ina new factory in China will also begin later this year. "The factory is going to supply our expanding Asian market and will createproduction capacity that will enable us to reach even more children in the region,"Lego said.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-03/03/content_23719758.htm Danish toy giant Lego A/S will open its largest retail store in the world near theShanghai Disney Resort, the company said on Tuesday. The 1,000-square-meter store will be located on the main shopping street outsideDisneyland, and will be operated by Lego. The resort, the first Disney theme park on the Chinese mainland, is scheduled toopen in mid-June.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-11/25/content_27481308.htm LEGO's first factory in Asia and the fifth in the world will start operation on Friday in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province, to produce up to 80 percent of all LEGO products sold in Asia, which is growing into one of its largest markets. The factory is located in the city of Jiaxing, in the middle of the Yangtze River Delta and is approximately 100 kilometers away from Shanghai, where the LEGO Group will have its central distribution center for Asia.
- china
- china daily 30jul19 lego store in shaanxi
- 內地媒體上周五報道,中國首家樂高主題樂園(LEGOLAND)正式與四川眉山市政府簽約,該園計劃在今年底動工,可望在二○二三年開業。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190929/00178_018.html
- hk
- 37歲的洪子健是全球13位「樂高專業認證大師」的一員,亦是首位晉身的華人http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/11/16/a11-1116.pdf
- 中港樂高(LEGO)代理商凱知樂國際(02122)就轉攻網上平台,連職員都要玩埋一份https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20200408/00202_025.html
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200605/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
- media
- labour
- energy
- telecom
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-11/03/content_18852572.htm Denmark should ban coal use by 2025 to make the Nordic nation a leader in fighting globalwarming, adding to green measures ranging from wind energy to bicycle power, Denmark'sclimate minister said on Saturday.
- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ad40767e-8f57-11e4-b080-00144feabdc0.html Copenhagen’s 40 per cent reduction in carbon emissions since 1990 has turned it into a green showcase for Chinese delegations. Somewhat dazed, officials from the Danish capital say they now receive inquisitive groups from Chinese municipalities virtually every week. The Chinese signed a contract with Danfoss, a local engineering company, to help Anshan kick its debilitating coal habit during a visit to Copenhagen by President Hu Jintao in June 2012. Danfoss was chosen because of its expertise in a field where the Danes are world leaders: improving the efficiency of massive urban heating networks. Once seen as dreary manufacturers of thermostats and valves, Denmark’s heating companies are now at the vanguard of a major strategic and environmental trend worldwide. The technology, known as district heating, takes heat that would otherwise be wasted from power stations or factories and uses it to warm water. The process has been used in Denmark for decades but is now gaining global attention. “We never thought that one day we would have a showcase city,” says Niels Christiansen, Danfoss’s chief executive. “It wasn’t orchestrated, it just happened. We pressed ahead with district heating and now have the most modern solutions.”
Immigrants policy
- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/5fe8095c-1ffb-11e5-aa5a-398b2169cf79.html Denmark’s new centre-right governmentwill cut immigrants’ benefits by half as it named the founder of an anti-immigration party as Speaker of parliament.
Buying property
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20160416/00202_014.html 丹麥克朗同歐元掛鈎,近年歐元區經濟唔掂,歐元一路碌落嚟,丹麥央行為咗聯繫匯率就爆Seed放水,存款利率早喺4年前已經喺零以下,堪稱全球負利率先驅。話說當地有個財務策劃師,佢間屋嘅按息舊年年底已經跌到去負0.0562厘,上月要畀「負249丹麥克朗」按息,即係點?即係銀行要畀番大概292蚊港紙佢
- The Danish West Indies (Danish: Dansk Vestindien) or Danish Antilles was a Danish colony in the Caribbean, consisting of the islands of Saint Thomas with 43 square miles (110 km2); Saint John with 42 square miles (110 km2); and Saint Croix with 100 square miles (260 km2). The Danish West India Guinea Company annexed the uninhabited island of Saint Thomas in 1672 and St. John in 1675. In 1733, Saint Croix was purchased from theFrench West India Company. When the Company went bankrupt in 1755, the King ofDenmark-Norway assumed direct control of the three islands. The Danish West Indies was occupied by Britain in 1802–1803 and 1807–1815, during the Napoleonic Wars. The intention of Danish colonization in the West Indies was to exploit the profitabletriangular trade, involving the exportation of firearms and other manufactured goods to Africa in exchange for slaves who were then transported to the Caribbean to staff the sugar plantations. The final stage of the triangle was the exportation of cargo of sugar and rum to Denmark. The economy of the Danish West Indies was dependent on slavery. After a rebellion, slavery was officially abolished in 1848, leading to the near economic collapse of the plantations. In 1852, the sale of the increasingly unprofitable colony was first debated in the Danish parliament. Denmark tried several times to sell or exchange the Danish West Indies in the late 19th and early 20th century, to the United States and the German Empire respectively. The islands were eventually sold for 25 million dollars to the United States, which took over the administration on 31 March 1917, renaming the islands the United States Virgin Islands.
- The Second Battle of Copenhagen (or the Bombardment of Copenhagen) (16 August – 5 September 1807) was a British bombardment of the Danish capital, Copenhagen in order to capture or destroy the Dano-Norwegian fleet, during the Napoleonic Wars. The incident led to the outbreak of the Anglo-Russian War of 1807, which ended with the Treaty of Orebro in 1812. Britain's first response to Napoleon's Continental system was to launch a major naval attack on the weakest link in Napoleon's coalition, Denmark. Although ostensibly neutral, Denmark was under heavy French and Russian pressure to pledge its fleet to Napoleon. London could not take the chance of ignoring the Danish threat. In September 1807, the Royal Navy bombarded Copenhagen, seizing the Danish fleet, and assured use of the sea lanes in the North Sea and Baltic Sea for the British merchant fleet. A consequence of the attack was that Denmark did join the war on the side of France, but without a fleet it had little to offer. The attack gave rise to the term to Copenhagenize.
- cci inform media group http://www.ccieurope.com/About_CCI/The-Company.aspx, to cooperate with Roularta media group http://www.ccieurope.com/Default.aspx?ID=252&PID=1334&Action=1&NewsId=150
- The Egmont Group (formerly The Gutenberghus Group) is a Danish media corporation founded and rooted in Copenhagen, Denmark. The business area of Egmont has traditionally been magazine publishing but has over the years evolved to comprise mass media generally. The Egmont Group was founded by Egmont Harald Petersen in 1878 as a one-man printing business, but soon became a magazine business. It was originally called "P. Petersen, Printers", named after Petersen's mother, as he was still too young at the time to register his own company. The company was renamed Gutenberghus in 1914 (after the famous inventor of the printing press), a name it kept until 1992. Since 1948 Gutenberghus, looking for new opportunities, sent its editor Dan Folke to Walt Disney Productions, and he managed to acquire a license for publishing comic magazines in Scandinavia. In 1948 the company started to publish a Donald Duck comic magazine in Sweden (as Kalle Anka & C:o) and Norway (as Donald Duck & C:o), in 1949 also in Denmark (as Anders And & C:o). This magazine features all the well known Disney Characters, from Mickey Mouse to Little Hiawatha under license from Disney. With the acquisition in 1963 of the Danish publisher Aschehoug, Egmont also entered the book market. From the late 1980s the Egmont Group used the close connection with Disney to expand their Scandinavian focus to a global focus, being the producer of Disney for the new Eastern European market, as well as for the Chinese market. In 1991, Egmont was co-founder of the Norwegian television channel TV 2 which Egmont now owns.
- Inter Ikea Centre Group (IICG) (develop, own and manage shopping centres in partnership with IKEA) - http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1574461/iicg-looks-adapt-mainland-market-it-eyes-expansion
- Pandora, http://www.dcc.hk/members/pandora-jewelry-asia-pacific-ltd/ PANDORA jewelry was founded in 1982 in Copenhagen, Denmark, by Danish goldsmith Per Enevoldsen and his wife Winnie. In 1987, the first in-house designer joined the company and PANDORA began to focus on creating its own unique jewelry. And the company decided to start manufacturing its jewelry in Thailand in 1989. PANDORA adopts vertically integrated business model, from in-house design and production to global marketing and direct distribution. In 2000, PANDORA’s charm bracelet concept was first launched in the Danish market. Consumers embraced the concept, and in the following years, driven by a growing and encouraging demand, the company began to expand internationally, entering markets such as the US and Canada in 2003, Germany in 2006, Australia, UK, Poland, and Hong Kong in 2009, Italy, China and Russia in 2010, and many more.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2016-05/06/content_25100351.htm ISS hopes to offer its full range of services to public and private customers in 77countries. As many cities in China restructure and switch their focus from industrial toservice-dominated activities, more global providers are rushing to share in the newopportunities being provided, according to ISS Group, the Danish outsourcingcompany. Jeff Gravenhorst, its CEO, told China Daily that it is gearing up to expand itsbusiness in the country, after enjoying 28 percent compound annual growth inChina since launching here in 2005.
- labour
- https://www.thelocal.dk/20170522/danish-government-drops-plan-to-increase-retirement-age The minimum age for Danes to draw pensions had been slated for a six-month increase from the current age of 67 to 67.5 years. But the coalition government has now withdrawn plans to go through with the proposal in the absence of an overall parliamentary majority in support of the plan, the PM told broadcaster DR.
- https://www.wealthx.com/intelligence-centre/daily-news/2019/speculation-ban-hits-denmarks-450-billion-pension-market/ Denmark’s plan to target short-term property speculators backfired this week as the country’s pension industry ripped into the proposal.A plan that was initially intended to target Blackstone Group Inc. has ended up uniting Denmark’s investment community, after Housing Minister Kaare Dybvad proposed placing a 10-year moratorium on rent hikes tied to renovations. Local pension funds, which have targeted real estate to boost returns, say the law would choke investments. scmp 11dec19 print version has the bloomberg report
- energy
- Denmark's approval for a controversial pipeline to pump more Russian gas into Europe will strengthen Russia's influence in the region, Ukraine warns. "This is not only a matter of energy security, it is a geopolitical issue," Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky said of the Nord Stream 2 gas project.Plans for the 1,225km (760-mile) undersea pipeline have divided Europe.The Danish permit was the last major hurdle. The pipeline will run under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany.The Russian-led Nord Stream 2 project has also infuriated the US, which fears the pipeline will tighten Russia's grip over the region's energy supply and reduce its own share of the lucrative European market for American liquefied natural gas.US President Donald Trump has said the pipeline, owned by Russia's Gazprom, could turn Germany into a "hostage of Russia".On Wednesday, Denmark said it had granted a permit for part of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to be constructed near the Baltic island of Bornholm.https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50247793
- 丹麥政府批准了連接俄德的北溪二號天然氣管道在丹麥境內一段的建設,管道便可在二○一九年底全部建成;北溪一號天然氣管道早在二○一一年建成,二○一八年滿載運作。連同二號管道,在明年開始,俄羅斯供應歐洲的天然氣便可大增。俄羅斯的天然氣儲量全球第一,歐洲本地天然氣生產則正趨耗盡,各國也因應氣候暖化而棄用煤、油等,改用清潔能源,天然氣便會成為主要的清潔能源。其中德、法、意三大國佔的比重最大,可是來自俄羅斯的天然氣佔歐洲能源需求不多,作用關鍵但不是絕對。北溪二號天然氣管道項目的另一重要性,是德俄企業合作主持天然氣在歐洲內的分銷,這將會成為戰略性資產,德俄合作便可借天然氣供應與分銷掌控整個歐洲的發展,形成德國主導的歐盟與俄羅斯的戰略性合作。證諸德國要與法國建立歐洲的軍隊,要求美國撤軍,擺脫北約與美國的政治與軍事的控制。這應該是二次大戰美國建立全球霸權之後,歐洲第一次走上獨立自主之路。此舉伴隨着俄羅斯對美國的積極抗衡,中國脫鈎美國,便是新的國際多元格局。三者互相影響、互相支援,變成了反美或去美的國際連線。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20191103/00184_001.html
- https://www.ft.com/content/6d2c8d8a-a767-4e41-b0f9-3237dd711597 Six of Denmark’s biggest companies are teaming up to launch one of the world’s largest green hydrogen projects as they look to create emission-free fuels suitable for ships, trucks, aircraft and heavy industry. Container shipping group AP Moller-Maersk, airline SAS, logistics group DSV Panalpina, ferry line DFDS, Copenhagen Airports and renewable energy company Orsted are aiming to open their first hydrogen facility powered by offshore wind by 2023 and reach full capacity by 2030 as they try to help Denmark achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/64a20d0a-5799-11e5-a28b-50226830d644.html Europe’s biggest telecommunications companies have long argued that consolidation is essential to the industry, enabling them to invest in the technology and infrastructure required. In the coming weeks, they will find out if the momentum behind their dealmaking will hit a roadblock in Brussels. By October 7, Margrethe Vestager, the EU’s antitrust chief since April, will decide whether to block a merger in Denmark, her home country to put a brake on consolidation across Europe. The proposed joint venture between TeliaSonera and Telenor would reduce the number of mobile operators in the country from four to three, and is being watched closely as a possible precursor for two far larger four-to-three consolidation deals: Hutchison Whampoa’s £10bn acquisition of O2 in the UK and the merger between Three and Wind in Italy. In her first months as commissioner, Ms Vestager has been unusually vocal about telecoms tie-ups, arguing that they run a high risk of lifting consumer prices through reduced competition. She has also won a tough reputation, after issuing charges against US technology group Google and Gazprom, Russia’s gas export monopoly.
- https://munchies.vice.com/en_us/article/theres-a-danish-town-overrun-with-giant-oysters The most recent attack in Ribe wasn't a human one, though. Oh no. In the 60s, Pacific oysters were introduced to the Wadden Sea to bolster the local population. The mudflats, now on the UNESCO World Heritage list, were traditionally home to mussel banks and native oysters—food to help sustain the 12 million birds on their migratory pit-stop. A couple of consecutively warm summers, however, saw the Pacific Oyster population explode beyond all imagination. Suddenly, they took over. By the turn of the twentieth century the mussel beds were densely covered like some sort of permanent oysternami. There were up to 300 of the bastards per square metre. Now it's thought that there are around 500 tons of Pacific Oysters breeding in the area, all roughly the size of an average person's hand.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170428/00178_026.html丹麥駐華大使館周一於官方微博發布一篇文章,稱丹麥海岸遭一種「太平洋生蠔」的物種入侵,堆積到要游泳就要先跨過一堆生蠔。該文章引起內地網民關注,將其視作「丹麥吃蠔團」的邀請卡,更有人建議丹麥開設「生蠔簽證」。使館方回應指,發文是為了呼籲公眾關注物種入侵,但不排除若獲得中方許可,未來可向中國出口生蠔。
- https://www.ft.com/content/a28cdf34-30b2-11e7-9555-23ef563ecf9a Chinese businesses were quick to pick up the baton. Alibaba, the ecommerce group which accounts for more than one-tenth of China’s retail sales, is talking with customs authorities in Hangzhou province to devise a way to bring the oysters into China. Nordic raw seafood has to go through special customs channels to enter China so Tmall, Alibaba’s site for large merchants such as Mondelez and Burberry, is exploring ways to expedite the process. Raw oysters are not overly popular in China, according to the China Fisheries and Seafood Expo, partly due to concerns about food safety. The Expo said it takes 60 to 72 hours for oysters to reach Chinese cities from their places of origin, adding that oysters can survive for about 10 days to two weeks after leaving water. Kristian Borbjerggaard, owner of Veno Seafood, which sells oysters from Limfjord, said he would be happy to start exporting to China but only if they paid a “good price”. “We don’t want to give it away; it’s a good oyster. But it could be fantastic to get Chinese customers,” he added.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-11/03/content_18852572.htm Denmark should ban coal use by 2025 to make the Nordic nation a leader in fighting globalwarming, adding to green measures ranging from wind energy to bicycle power, Denmark'sclimate minister said on Saturday.
- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ad40767e-8f57-11e4-b080-00144feabdc0.html Copenhagen’s 40 per cent reduction in carbon emissions since 1990 has turned it into a green showcase for Chinese delegations. Somewhat dazed, officials from the Danish capital say they now receive inquisitive groups from Chinese municipalities virtually every week. The Chinese signed a contract with Danfoss, a local engineering company, to help Anshan kick its debilitating coal habit during a visit to Copenhagen by President Hu Jintao in June 2012. Danfoss was chosen because of its expertise in a field where the Danes are world leaders: improving the efficiency of massive urban heating networks. Once seen as dreary manufacturers of thermostats and valves, Denmark’s heating companies are now at the vanguard of a major strategic and environmental trend worldwide. The technology, known as district heating, takes heat that would otherwise be wasted from power stations or factories and uses it to warm water. The process has been used in Denmark for decades but is now gaining global attention. “We never thought that one day we would have a showcase city,” says Niels Christiansen, Danfoss’s chief executive. “It wasn’t orchestrated, it just happened. We pressed ahead with district heating and now have the most modern solutions.”
- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/5fe8095c-1ffb-11e5-aa5a-398b2169cf79.html Denmark’s new centre-right governmentwill cut immigrants’ benefits by half as it named the founder of an anti-immigration party as Speaker of parliament.
Buying property
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20160416/00202_014.html 丹麥克朗同歐元掛鈎,近年歐元區經濟唔掂,歐元一路碌落嚟,丹麥央行為咗聯繫匯率就爆Seed放水,存款利率早喺4年前已經喺零以下,堪稱全球負利率先驅。話說當地有個財務策劃師,佢間屋嘅按息舊年年底已經跌到去負0.0562厘,上月要畀「負249丹麥克朗」按息,即係點?即係銀行要畀番大概292蚊港紙佢
- The Danish West Indies (Danish: Dansk Vestindien) or Danish Antilles was a Danish colony in the Caribbean, consisting of the islands of Saint Thomas with 43 square miles (110 km2); Saint John with 42 square miles (110 km2); and Saint Croix with 100 square miles (260 km2). The Danish West India Guinea Company annexed the uninhabited island of Saint Thomas in 1672 and St. John in 1675. In 1733, Saint Croix was purchased from theFrench West India Company. When the Company went bankrupt in 1755, the King ofDenmark-Norway assumed direct control of the three islands. The Danish West Indies was occupied by Britain in 1802–1803 and 1807–1815, during the Napoleonic Wars. The intention of Danish colonization in the West Indies was to exploit the profitabletriangular trade, involving the exportation of firearms and other manufactured goods to Africa in exchange for slaves who were then transported to the Caribbean to staff the sugar plantations. The final stage of the triangle was the exportation of cargo of sugar and rum to Denmark. The economy of the Danish West Indies was dependent on slavery. After a rebellion, slavery was officially abolished in 1848, leading to the near economic collapse of the plantations. In 1852, the sale of the increasingly unprofitable colony was first debated in the Danish parliament. Denmark tried several times to sell or exchange the Danish West Indies in the late 19th and early 20th century, to the United States and the German Empire respectively. The islands were eventually sold for 25 million dollars to the United States, which took over the administration on 31 March 1917, renaming the islands the United States Virgin Islands.
- The Second Battle of Copenhagen (or the Bombardment of Copenhagen) (16 August – 5 September 1807) was a British bombardment of the Danish capital, Copenhagen in order to capture or destroy the Dano-Norwegian fleet, during the Napoleonic Wars. The incident led to the outbreak of the Anglo-Russian War of 1807, which ended with the Treaty of Orebro in 1812. Britain's first response to Napoleon's Continental system was to launch a major naval attack on the weakest link in Napoleon's coalition, Denmark. Although ostensibly neutral, Denmark was under heavy French and Russian pressure to pledge its fleet to Napoleon. London could not take the chance of ignoring the Danish threat. In September 1807, the Royal Navy bombarded Copenhagen, seizing the Danish fleet, and assured use of the sea lanes in the North Sea and Baltic Sea for the British merchant fleet. A consequence of the attack was that Denmark did join the war on the side of France, but without a fleet it had little to offer. The attack gave rise to the term to Copenhagenize.
-Jeppe Sebastian Kofod (born 14 March 1974) is a Danish politician who has been serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark since 27 June 2019, representing the Social Democratic Party. Until 2019 he was a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Denmark as a member of the Party of European Socialists since 25 May 2014. He then also was the leader of the Social Democrat Group in the European Parliament.From 2006 to 2007 Kofod completed a Master in Public Administration at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.On 27 June 2019, Kofod was named Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Frederiksen Cabinet.[16][17]Early during his tenure, Kofod and Frederiksen faced a diplomatic incident when U.S. President Donald Trump confirmed his interest in buying Greenland from Denmark;[18] at the time, Kofod said the island could not be bought “in dollars, yuan or roubles”.[19] He later approved the establishment of a U.S. consulate in Greenland's capital Nuuk, which was widely seen as part of a broader move by the U.S. to expand its diplomatic and commercial presence in Greenland and the Arctic.[20] In 2020, he welcomed a $12.1 million economic aid package from the U.S. government for Greenland.[
- 前立法會議員許智峯於去年11月底,因所謂「公務」赴丹麥,自此一去不返。據丹麥傳媒報道,協助許智峯潛逃的丹麥政客或被特區政府追究。而丹麥外相科弗德(Jeppe Kofod)竟包庇稱,丹麥不會同意將國會政治人物引渡至香港起訴,丹麥議員不必擔心受報復雲雲。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/news/232109/2021/0110/540289.html
- Anders Holch Povlsen (born 4 November 1972) is a Danish billionaire who is the CEO and sole owner of the international clothes retailer chain Bestseller (which includes Vero Moda and Jack&Jones), a company founded by his parents, the largest shareholder in the British internet clothes retailer Asos.com, and second - largest in German internet clothes retailer Zalando. He is the second-largest individual private landowner in the UK and Scotland's largest private landowner.Anders Holch Povlsen was born in 1972 to Troels Holch Povlsen and Merete Bech Povlsen.[1] The family's first clothes store opened in 1975 in the tiny Danish town of Brande, with a population of just 7,000.[3] Other outlets soon followed. Anders was only 28 when his father made him the sole owner of Bestseller.[3] The family also has an interest, along with two Danish partners, in Bestseller Fashion Group China, a company that designs its own collections for 5,000 stores in China.Povlsen is married to Anne Storm-Pedersen[11] and lives in Aarhus, Denmark.[1] Povlsen had four children: Agnes, Alma & Astrid and Alfred. Three of his children were killed in the 2019 Sri Lanka Easter bombings,[12] where the family was on holiday.
- Astrid Krag
- navy base
- maritime
- fta
- financial
- investors from denmark
- investors from china
- film
- museum
- students exchange/internship
Hong Kong
- senior official visit
- Astrid Krag
http://www.ft.dk/Folketinget/findMedlem/SASKR.aspx http://www.dr.dk/nyheder/politik/find-politiker/Politiker/Astrid%20Krag/1124 https://da-dk.facebook.com/astrid.krag http://www.thedanishparliament.dk/Members/saskr.aspx Lessons from Denmark on how to cope with an aging society http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2013-09/09/content_16953277.htm- visited China in August 2013 http://issuu.com/scandasia/docs/scnmag131000s/8
- (Karl Albert) Bertel Thorvaldsen (Danish pronunciation: [ˌbɛɐ̯dl̩ ˈtɔɐ̯vælˀsn̩]; ca. 1770 – 24 March 1844) was a Danish sculptor of international fame, who spent most of his life (1789–1838) in Italy. Thorvaldsen was born inCopenhagen into a Danish/Icelandic family of humble means, and was accepted to the Royal Danish Academy of Art when he was eleven years old. Working part-time with his father, who was a wood carver, Thorvaldsen won many honors and medals at the academy. He was awarded a stipend to travel to Rome and continue his education.
- Harald "Blåtand" Gormsson (Old Norse: Haraldr blátǫnn Gormsson, Danish: Harald Blåtand Gormsen) (probably born c. 935) was a King ofDenmark and Norway. He was the son of King Gorm the Old and of Thyra Dannebod. He died in 985 or 986 having ruled as King of Denmarkfrom c. 958 and King of Norway for a few years; probably around 970.
- Codex Holmiensis C 37 contains the oldestmanuscript of the Danish Code of Jutland(Danish: Jyske Lov),[1][2] a civil code enacted under Valdemar II of Denmark. The code covered Funen, Jutland, and Schleswig. Prior to the adoption of the Jutlandic, Zealandic and theScanian laws, there had been no uniformity of laws throughout settlements in Denmark. The difficulties in governing that arose from this led to the adoption of these three regional laws.[3]The king did not sign it in Jutland, but rather at the royal castle at Vordingborg in early 1241.
Danish (language)
- Harald "Blåtand" Gormsson (Old Norse: Haraldr blátǫnn Gormsson, Danish: Harald Blåtand Gormsen) (probably born c. 935) was a King ofDenmark and Norway. He was the son of King Gorm the Old and of Thyra Dannebod. He died in 985 or 986 having ruled as King of Denmarkfrom c. 958 and King of Norway for a few years; probably around 970.
- hkej 9mar2021 a18 fung article Blå means black skin, tan means great person
- "Bluetooth" now commonly refers to the Bluetooth wireless specification design started by Ericsson, Nokia, Intel and Toshiba to enable cable-free connections between computers, mobile phones, PDAs, printers, etc. The Bluetooth communications protocol in these devices is named after the king, because he unified Denmark and Norway much like the technology whose goal was to unify computers and cellular phones.[24] The Bluetooth logo consists of the younger futhark runes, also known as the Nordic runes for his initials, H (
hagall) and B (
berkanan) (Long-branch runesversion). The younger futhark rune names have been documented; "hagalaz" and "berkana" etc. are posited elder futhark rune names in a posited proto-Germanic.
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/16/treasure-of-legendary-danish-king-bluetooth-unearthed-in-germany A 13-year-old boy and an amateur archaeologist have unearthed a “significant” trove in Germany which may have belonged to the Danish king Harald Bluetooth who brought Christianity to Denmark.
- Nikolaj Frederik Severin Grundtvig (Danish pronunciation: [ˈneɡolajˀ ˈfʁæːˀðʁæɡ ˈsɛvəʁin ˈɡʁɔndvi]; 8 September 1783 – 2 September 1872), most often referred to as N. F. S. Grundtvig, was a Danish pastor, author, poet, philosopher, historian, teacher and politician. He was one of the most influential people in Danish history, as his philosophy gave rise to a new form of nationalism in the last half of the 19th century. It was steeped in the national literature and supported by deep spirituality. Grundtvig holds a unique position in the cultural history of his country. Grundtvig and his followers are credited with being very influential in the formulation of modern Danish national consciousness. He was active during the Danish Golden Age, but his style of writing and fields of reference are not immediately accessible to a foreigner, thus his international importance does not match that of his contemporaries Hans Christian Andersenand Søren Kierkegaard. From 1813 to 1815, he attempted to form a movement to support the Norwegians against the Swedish government. Later he preached on how the weakness of the Danish faith was the cause of the loss of Norway in 1814. His sermon was met by an enthusiastic congregation in Copenhagen. Grundtvig withdrew from the pulpit because of lacking his own parish, and being barred by other churches.[18] In 1821 he resumed preaching briefly when granted the country living of Præstø, and returned to the capital the year after.From 1844 until after the First Schleswig War, Grundtvig took a prominent part in politics, developing from a conservative into an absolute liberal. In 1861 he received the titular rank of Bishop in the Church of Denmark, but without a see. He continued to write and publish until his death. He spoke from the pulpit at Vartov Church every Sunday until a few days before his death. His preaching attracted large congregations, and he soon had a following. His hymn book effected a great change in Danish church services, substituting the hymns of the national poets for the slow measures of the orthodox Lutherans. In all Grundtvig wrote or translated about 1500 hymns, including "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage" and "Det kimer nu til julefest".
- Grundtvig is the ideological father of the folk high school, though his own ideas on education had another focus. He advocated reforming the ailing Sorø Academy into a popular school aiming at another form of higher education than what was common at the university.
- In 1815 Grímur Jónsson Thorkelin published the first edition of the Epic of Beowulf titled De Danorum rebus gestis secul. III & IV : Poëma Danicum dialecto Anglosaxonica in a Latin translation. Despite his lack of knowledge of Anglo-Saxon literature, Grundtvig quickly discovered a number of flaws in Thorkelin's rendering of the poems. After his heated debate with Thorkelin, Johan Bülow (1751–1828), who had sponsored Thorkelin's work, offered to support a new translation by Grundtvig — this time into Danish. The result, Bjovulfs Drape (1820), was the first modern language translation of Beowulf.
- architect
Grundtvig went on to explore the extensive literature of the Anglo-Saxons which survived in Old English and Latin. In both poetry and prose, it revealed the spirituality of the early Church in Northern Europe. Grundtvig was very influenced by these ancient models of Christian and historical thought (notably the 8th-century Bede's Ecclesiastical History, written in Latin). Using the resources of the Royal Library in Copenhagen and of the libraries at the universities of Exeter, Oxford and Cambridge in three successive summer visits to England (1829–31), he went on to make transcriptions of two of the four great codices of Anglo-Saxon poetry: the Exeter Book and the codex designated Junius 11 in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Although he thought to publish them, this project was never realized. Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon literature continued to be a major source of inspiration to Grundtvig. It had a wide-ranging influence upon his work.
- Jørn Oberg Utzon, AC, Hon. FAIA (Danish: [ˈjɶɐ̯ˀn ˈutsʌn]; 9 April 1918 – 29 November 2008)[1]was a Danish architect, most notable for designing the Sydney Opera House in Australia.Utzon was born in Copenhagen, the son of a naval architect, and grew up in Aalborg, Denmark, where he became interested in ships and a possible naval career.
- Codex Holmiensis C 37 contains the oldestmanuscript of the Danish Code of Jutland(Danish: Jyske Lov),[1][2] a civil code enacted under Valdemar II of Denmark. The code covered Funen, Jutland, and Schleswig. Prior to the adoption of the Jutlandic, Zealandic and theScanian laws, there had been no uniformity of laws throughout settlements in Denmark. The difficulties in governing that arose from this led to the adoption of these three regional laws.[3]The king did not sign it in Jutland, but rather at the royal castle at Vordingborg in early 1241.
Danish (language)
- there are dialects which preserve the original three genders, some which have merged them into two (common and neuter), and some which have merged all of them into one gender. They’re all Danish. And none of this happened because anyone decided it or “planned” or “wanted” it.
- Hygge is as Danish as pork roast and it goes far in illuminating the Danish soul. In essence, hygge means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. The warm glow of candlelight is hygge. Friends and family – that’s hygge too. There's nothing more hygge than sitting round a table, discussing the big and small things in life.
- Krudttønden - powder keg
- https://www.quora.com/If-English-is-my-first-language-how-challenging-will-I-find-learning-Danish A lot of Danish words are also similar. Tree is træ, shoe is sko, book is bog. Sometimes, words are slightly different but there are obvious similarities. For example, cloud is sky and pelt or hide is skind.Danish does have some quirks. The Danish counting system is different because it’s based on twenties, not tens. Fifty in Danish would be halvtreds — roughly half two score, 75 is femoghalvfjerds. Five and half seventy. It makes no sense to anyone but Danes. Imagine how a drunk Swede feels when arguing about a bar tab in Denmark. Danish spelling is not consistent with how it’s pronounced, at all. In French, you can generally just ignore the last third of the word. In Danish, the middle part of a word is usually swallowed. That makes spelling Danish a bit challenging. Danish has at least 30 vowel sounds and a glottal stop. Sounds are often formed deep in the throat which is a distinct challenge and even Danish children learn words more slowly than Swedish, German or English children. That means that even the slightest accent will make it difficult to understand people completely. Another challenge is that Danes will, upon hearing an accent — which they will with the first word — switch to English.
- 瓦爾德馬一世,又名瓦爾德馬大帝 Valdemar I of Denmark, also known as Valdemar the Great, was King of Denmark from 1146 until his death in 1182. The reign of King Valdemar I saw the rise of Denmark, which reached its zenith under his second son, and successor, King Valdemar II of Denmark. He was the son of Canute Lavard, Duke of Schleswig, a chivalrous and popular Danish prince, who was the eldest son of King Eric I of Denmark. Valdemar's father was murdered by Magnus the Strong, days before the birth of Valdemar; his mother, Ingeborg of Kiev, daughter of Grand Prince Mstislav I of Kiev and Christina Ingesdotter of Sweden, named him after her grandfather, Vladimir Monomakh, Grand Prince of Kiev. As an heir to the throne, and with his rivals quickly gaining power, he was raised at Ringsted in the court of Danish nobleman Asser Rig of Fjenneslev (ca. 1080-1151). Asser was a member of the Hvide noble family and had been raised together with Valdemar's father Canute Lavard. Valdemar was raised together with Asser's sons, including Absalon (c. 1128–1201) who would become his trusted friend and minister and who would serve as Bishop of the Diocese of Roskilde from 1158-92 and Archbishop of Lund from 1178 until his death. In 1146, when Valdemar was fifteen years old, King Eric III of Denmark abdicated and a civil war erupted. The pretenders to the throne were: Sweyn III Grathe, son of King Eric II of Denmark, the son of King Eric I; and Canute V, son of Magnus the Strong, the son of King Niels of Denmark, brother of King Erik I. Valdemar himself held Jutland, at least Schleswig, as his possession. The civil war lasted the better part of ten years. In 1157, the three agreed to divide the country in three among themselves. Sweyn hosted a great banquet for Canute, Absalon, and Valdemar, during which he planned to dispose of all of them. Canute was killed, but Absalon and Valdemar escaped. Valdemar returned to Jutland. Sweyn quickly launched an invasion, only to be defeated by Valdemar in the Battle of Grathe Heath on 23 October 1157. He was killed during flight, supposedly by a group of peasants who stumbled upon him as he was fleeing from the battlefield. Valdemar, having outlived all his rival pretenders, became the sole King of Denmark. In 1158, Absalon was elected Bishop of Roskilde, and King Valdemar I made him his chief friend and advisor. The King reorganized and rebuilt war-torn Denmark. He built Sønderborg Castle as a fortified fortress, constructed on an islet in the Als Strait (Als Sund) that later was connected to Als Island. At Absalon's instigation, he declared war upon the Wends who were raiding the Danish coasts. They inhabited Pomerania and the island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea. In 1168, the Wendish capital, Arkona, was taken, and the Wends became Christians and subject to Danish suzerainty. Danish influence had reached into Pomerania. In 1175, King Valdemar I built Vordingborg Castle as a defensive fortress and as a base from which to launch raids against the German coast.
- Battle of Fotevik (Danish: Slaget ved Fodevig) was fought between forces of King Niels of Denmark and his son Magnus Nilsson, against those of Erik Emune on 4 June 1134 at the bay of Fotevik in Skåne. At his death, King Eric I of Denmark had two known sons who were candidates for succession to the throne, Canute Lavard and Erik Emune. Canute, as Eric's only legitimate son, had a particularly strong claim. When King Eric's younger brother Niels was selected instead, becoming King Niels, Canute was forced to flee. In January 1131 he was trapped in a forest near Ringsted in Zealand, and executed. Some sources consider it to have been a murder committed by Magnus Nilsson, while some attribute it to King Niels himself. The new king and his son soon found themselves in a civil war against Lavard's half-brother Eric Emune. The death of Canute Lavard had provoked a civil war that would last intermittently until 1157. At the Battle of Fotevik, the forces of King Niels were taken by surprise by a contingent of German soldiers on horses. Cavalry attack on a large scale had previously only rarely been used in Scandinavia. Magnus Nilsson was slain, together with the six (possibly five) bishops and a large number of the priests accompanying the invading army. A half brother of Canute Lavard, Harald Kesja, together with eight of his sons who had sided with King Neils, were subsequently captured and decapitated near Vejle in Jutland. After the battle, King Niels fled with the remnants of his fleet to Schleswig. He was murdered on 25 June 1134 by the city's burghers. The battle was a decisive victory for Eric, who became the next King of Denmark as Eric II.
- king christian iv of denmark
The orange area marked “2 (3)” went from three (like the pink area) to two (like the green area further to the west) relatively recently. But I don’t think that was due to any plan or specific desire; it just happened. (For what it’s worth, the standard language has two genders.)https://www.quora.com/Do-any-languages-which-have-gender-nouns-plan-to-or-want-to-get-rid-of-that-feature-at-some-point
- frisind- fri means freedom, and sind refers to the mind. Everyone should have the right to express their own ideas, opinions and preferences
- core value of danish society
- Hygge is as Danish as pork roast and it goes far in illuminating the Danish soul. In essence, hygge means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. The warm glow of candlelight is hygge. Friends and family – that’s hygge too. There's nothing more hygge than sitting round a table, discussing the big and small things in life.
- Krudttønden - powder keg
- https://www.quora.com/If-English-is-my-first-language-how-challenging-will-I-find-learning-Danish A lot of Danish words are also similar. Tree is træ, shoe is sko, book is bog. Sometimes, words are slightly different but there are obvious similarities. For example, cloud is sky and pelt or hide is skind.Danish does have some quirks. The Danish counting system is different because it’s based on twenties, not tens. Fifty in Danish would be halvtreds — roughly half two score, 75 is femoghalvfjerds. Five and half seventy. It makes no sense to anyone but Danes. Imagine how a drunk Swede feels when arguing about a bar tab in Denmark. Danish spelling is not consistent with how it’s pronounced, at all. In French, you can generally just ignore the last third of the word. In Danish, the middle part of a word is usually swallowed. That makes spelling Danish a bit challenging. Danish has at least 30 vowel sounds and a glottal stop. Sounds are often formed deep in the throat which is a distinct challenge and even Danish children learn words more slowly than Swedish, German or English children. That means that even the slightest accent will make it difficult to understand people completely. Another challenge is that Danes will, upon hearing an accent — which they will with the first word — switch to English.
Christiania, also known as Freetown Christiania (Danish: Fristaden Christianiaor Staden), is a self-proclaimedautonomous neighborhood of about 850 residents, covering 34 hectares (84 acres) in the borough of Christianshavn in theDanish capital Copenhagen. Civic authorities in Copenhagen regard Christiania as a large commune, but the area has a unique status in that it is regulated by a special law, the Christiania Law of 1989, which transfers parts of the supervision of the area from the municipality of Copenhagen to the state. It was temporarily abandoned by residents in April 2011 while discussions continued with the Danish government about its future, but is now open again.[1] Christiania has been a source of controversy since its creation in a squatted military area in 1971. Its cannabis trade was tolerated by authorities until 2004. In the years following 2004, measures for normalizing the legal status of the community led to conflicts, police raids and negotiations.
- Hkej 2jun16 shum article
- 瓦爾德馬一世,又名瓦爾德馬大帝 Valdemar I of Denmark, also known as Valdemar the Great, was King of Denmark from 1146 until his death in 1182. The reign of King Valdemar I saw the rise of Denmark, which reached its zenith under his second son, and successor, King Valdemar II of Denmark. He was the son of Canute Lavard, Duke of Schleswig, a chivalrous and popular Danish prince, who was the eldest son of King Eric I of Denmark. Valdemar's father was murdered by Magnus the Strong, days before the birth of Valdemar; his mother, Ingeborg of Kiev, daughter of Grand Prince Mstislav I of Kiev and Christina Ingesdotter of Sweden, named him after her grandfather, Vladimir Monomakh, Grand Prince of Kiev. As an heir to the throne, and with his rivals quickly gaining power, he was raised at Ringsted in the court of Danish nobleman Asser Rig of Fjenneslev (ca. 1080-1151). Asser was a member of the Hvide noble family and had been raised together with Valdemar's father Canute Lavard. Valdemar was raised together with Asser's sons, including Absalon (c. 1128–1201) who would become his trusted friend and minister and who would serve as Bishop of the Diocese of Roskilde from 1158-92 and Archbishop of Lund from 1178 until his death. In 1146, when Valdemar was fifteen years old, King Eric III of Denmark abdicated and a civil war erupted. The pretenders to the throne were: Sweyn III Grathe, son of King Eric II of Denmark, the son of King Eric I; and Canute V, son of Magnus the Strong, the son of King Niels of Denmark, brother of King Erik I. Valdemar himself held Jutland, at least Schleswig, as his possession. The civil war lasted the better part of ten years. In 1157, the three agreed to divide the country in three among themselves. Sweyn hosted a great banquet for Canute, Absalon, and Valdemar, during which he planned to dispose of all of them. Canute was killed, but Absalon and Valdemar escaped. Valdemar returned to Jutland. Sweyn quickly launched an invasion, only to be defeated by Valdemar in the Battle of Grathe Heath on 23 October 1157. He was killed during flight, supposedly by a group of peasants who stumbled upon him as he was fleeing from the battlefield. Valdemar, having outlived all his rival pretenders, became the sole King of Denmark. In 1158, Absalon was elected Bishop of Roskilde, and King Valdemar I made him his chief friend and advisor. The King reorganized and rebuilt war-torn Denmark. He built Sønderborg Castle as a fortified fortress, constructed on an islet in the Als Strait (Als Sund) that later was connected to Als Island. At Absalon's instigation, he declared war upon the Wends who were raiding the Danish coasts. They inhabited Pomerania and the island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea. In 1168, the Wendish capital, Arkona, was taken, and the Wends became Christians and subject to Danish suzerainty. Danish influence had reached into Pomerania. In 1175, King Valdemar I built Vordingborg Castle as a defensive fortress and as a base from which to launch raids against the German coast.
- Danish rendering of Russian Владимир (Vladimir), ultimately from Proto-Slavic *Voldiměrъ, which see for more. First used for king Valdemar of Denmark (1131-1182), a grandson of Vladimir of Kiev; reshaped like the semantically and formally similar German Waldemar, Old Norse Valdimarr, as if a compound of the native Germanic elements valdr (“power, rule”) and mærr (“famous”).
- any relation? there is a valdemar winery in washington https://www.valdemarestates.com/; Mercedes Ritchie Lackey (born June 24, 1950) is an American writer of fantasy novels. Many of her novels and trilogies are interlinked and set in the world of Velgarth, mostly in and around the country of Valdemar. Her Valdemar novels include interaction between human and non-human protagonists with many different cultures and social mores. Her other main world is one much like our own, but it includes clandestine populations of elves, mages, vampires, and other mythical beings. The Bedlam's Bard books describe a young man with the power to work magic through music; the SERRAted Edge books are about racecar driving elves; and the Diana Tregarde thrillers center on a Wiccan who combats evil.
- Battle of Fotevik (Danish: Slaget ved Fodevig) was fought between forces of King Niels of Denmark and his son Magnus Nilsson, against those of Erik Emune on 4 June 1134 at the bay of Fotevik in Skåne. At his death, King Eric I of Denmark had two known sons who were candidates for succession to the throne, Canute Lavard and Erik Emune. Canute, as Eric's only legitimate son, had a particularly strong claim. When King Eric's younger brother Niels was selected instead, becoming King Niels, Canute was forced to flee. In January 1131 he was trapped in a forest near Ringsted in Zealand, and executed. Some sources consider it to have been a murder committed by Magnus Nilsson, while some attribute it to King Niels himself. The new king and his son soon found themselves in a civil war against Lavard's half-brother Eric Emune. The death of Canute Lavard had provoked a civil war that would last intermittently until 1157. At the Battle of Fotevik, the forces of King Niels were taken by surprise by a contingent of German soldiers on horses. Cavalry attack on a large scale had previously only rarely been used in Scandinavia. Magnus Nilsson was slain, together with the six (possibly five) bishops and a large number of the priests accompanying the invading army. A half brother of Canute Lavard, Harald Kesja, together with eight of his sons who had sided with King Neils, were subsequently captured and decapitated near Vejle in Jutland. After the battle, King Niels fled with the remnants of his fleet to Schleswig. He was murdered on 25 June 1134 by the city's burghers. The battle was a decisive victory for Eric, who became the next King of Denmark as Eric II.
- king christian iv of denmark
- [tr berg] in 1597, king christian was given hondius' map by his advisor. Seeing that sweden had been drawn as extending all the way to the varanger peninsula with access to the sea in the north, vardohus and its environs were isolated from the rest of kingdom of denmark-norway. One of the advisors wrote that not so long ago, kola belonged to norway, but due to oversights of danish and norwegian commanders, the russians have been able to take possession of the area. The english, dutch, scots and french salied thru danish-norwegian waters (per fretum nostrum norvagicum) to trade on kola peninsula, and most failed to pay the toll demanded by king in vardo.Royal ship set sail in 1599 in the region to show supremacy. king charles ix of sweden tasked civil servant andreas bureus with drawing a map of nordic countries.9 years later, bureus submitted to king gustav ii adolpf of sweden his lapponia map. Here scavenius pops up again.
- 美俄在歐洲的軍事角力有增無減,北約周一指控俄羅斯戰機,上周五攔截美軍戰略轟炸機時入侵丹麥領空。俄羅斯國防部同日否認,又公布當天在波羅的海國際水域上空,攔截三架飛近俄國邊界的美軍戰略轟炸機。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200902/00180_003.html
- https://www.ft.com/content/f854b316-ac27-11e6-ba7d-76378e4fef24 Copenhagen will put its national interests ahead of old alliances in EU exit talks
- The Kiel Canal (German: Nord-Ostsee-Kanal, literally "North-[to]-Baltic Sea canal", formerly known as the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kanal) is a 98-kilometre (61 mi) long freshwater canal in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. The canal was finished in 1895, but later widened, and links the North Sea at Brunsbüttel to the Baltic Sea at Kiel-Holtenau. The first connection between the North and Baltic Seas was constructed while the area was ruled by Denmark-Norway. It was called the Eider Canal, which used stretches of the Eider River for the link between the two seas. Completed during the reign of Christian VII of Denmark in 1784, the Eiderkanal was a 43-kilometre (27 mi) part of a 175-kilometre (109 mi) waterway from Kiel to the Eider River's mouth at Tönning on the west coast. It was only 29 metres (95 ft) wide with a depth of 3 metres (10 ft), which limited the vessels that could use the canal to 300 tonnes. After 1864 Second Schleswig War put Schleswig-Holstein under the government of Prussia (from 1871 the German Empire), a new canal was sought by merchants and by the German navy, which wanted to link its bases in the Baltic and the North Sea without the need to sail around Denmark. In June 1887, construction started at Holtenau, near Kiel. The canal took over 9,000 workers eight years to build. On 20 June 1895 the canal was officially opened by Kaiser Wilhelm II for transiting from Brunsbüttel to Holtenau.
- https://www.theguardian.com/weather/2019/jan/28/denmark-begins-work-on-wall-to-keep-out-wild-boar Denmark’s planned 42-mile (70km) fence along the German border is intended to keep out not people but wild boars, which authorities say threaten to bring disease to Danish pig farms. Construction on the fence was beginning on Monday along the northern edge of the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. Danish lawmakers and the country’s environmental agency approved the project last summer, arguing it would help farmers protect their pigs against African swine fever (ASF). The disease, lethal for pigs, has not yet been spotted in Denmark or Germany but it is common in eastern Europe and there was a small outbreak in Belgium last autumn. Though the threat of ASF may not sound alarming on its face, pigs and pork production are no joke in Denmark. The country has nearly twice as many pigs as people – it’s home to more than 12 million pigs across 3,000 farms, compared with a human population of just under 6 million – and pig exports account for billions of pounds annually.
- https://www.ft.com/content/f854b316-ac27-11e6-ba7d-76378e4fef24 Copenhagen will put its national interests ahead of old alliances in EU exit talks
- The Kiel Canal (German: Nord-Ostsee-Kanal, literally "North-[to]-Baltic Sea canal", formerly known as the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kanal) is a 98-kilometre (61 mi) long freshwater canal in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. The canal was finished in 1895, but later widened, and links the North Sea at Brunsbüttel to the Baltic Sea at Kiel-Holtenau. The first connection between the North and Baltic Seas was constructed while the area was ruled by Denmark-Norway. It was called the Eider Canal, which used stretches of the Eider River for the link between the two seas. Completed during the reign of Christian VII of Denmark in 1784, the Eiderkanal was a 43-kilometre (27 mi) part of a 175-kilometre (109 mi) waterway from Kiel to the Eider River's mouth at Tönning on the west coast. It was only 29 metres (95 ft) wide with a depth of 3 metres (10 ft), which limited the vessels that could use the canal to 300 tonnes. After 1864 Second Schleswig War put Schleswig-Holstein under the government of Prussia (from 1871 the German Empire), a new canal was sought by merchants and by the German navy, which wanted to link its bases in the Baltic and the North Sea without the need to sail around Denmark. In June 1887, construction started at Holtenau, near Kiel. The canal took over 9,000 workers eight years to build. On 20 June 1895 the canal was officially opened by Kaiser Wilhelm II for transiting from Brunsbüttel to Holtenau.
- https://www.theguardian.com/weather/2019/jan/28/denmark-begins-work-on-wall-to-keep-out-wild-boar Denmark’s planned 42-mile (70km) fence along the German border is intended to keep out not people but wild boars, which authorities say threaten to bring disease to Danish pig farms. Construction on the fence was beginning on Monday along the northern edge of the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. Danish lawmakers and the country’s environmental agency approved the project last summer, arguing it would help farmers protect their pigs against African swine fever (ASF). The disease, lethal for pigs, has not yet been spotted in Denmark or Germany but it is common in eastern Europe and there was a small outbreak in Belgium last autumn. Though the threat of ASF may not sound alarming on its face, pigs and pork production are no joke in Denmark. The country has nearly twice as many pigs as people – it’s home to more than 12 million pigs across 3,000 farms, compared with a human population of just under 6 million – and pig exports account for billions of pounds annually.
- Association
- 丹中聯合商會主席兼丹麥健康食品公司董事長李麗華小姐說:「中歐高層的會晤,表明中國領導人對於歐盟國家合作的誠意和決心。協定將加強歐洲企業進入中國市場的信心,並加促中歐經貿投資多領域合作,達成技術和資源互補互利共贏。」https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210102/00180_005.html
- 北京中關村一間雅致的茶室裏,香港著名兒童戲劇導演、戲劇教育家葉遜謙興奮地展示手機裏存的《九九消寒圖》。這個代表中國人過冬哲學的「數九」繪圖法,與「二十四節氣」等傳統文化一起,被葉遜謙熔鑄成一堂戲劇教育課程《節氣》中,走進了孩子們心裏。「《九九消寒圖》是思考生命的循環,二十四節氣是老祖宗留下的人生循環的24個節點。幾百年前,丹麥的安徒生想的也是生命的循環。把這兩個文化放在一起,你會發現沒有什麼是不可能的,沒有什麼不可以融合。」葉遜謙在北京出生,香港成長,美國留學,與丹麥有長期的藝術交往......走南闖北多年的葉遜謙一路「漂流」,一路結交朋友,將自己的戲劇帶到世界各地。幾年前,葉遜謙帶學生去丹麥演出,演出的劇目是改編自安徒生的《夜鶯》。「安徒生從來沒來過中國,這是想像中的發生在中國皇帝與夜鶯之間的唯美故事。但我們是不是可以切入一些中國傳統文化?」葉遜謙回憶道,在丹麥的劇院演出時,主角夜鶯一開口,獨具中國特色的花旦唱腔就立刻驚艷了在座的所有丹麥人。在丹麥和中國之間,葉遜謙用童話搭起了一座通往東方世界的橋樑。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2021/02/08/a19-0208.pdf
- navy base
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170409/00180_006.html丹麥據報以國防安全考慮為由,拒絕向一間中資礦業公司出售位於領地格陵蘭的廢棄海軍基地。丹麥國防部稱該基地將會重啟,用作物流中心儲存戰略物資,以及培訓海軍人員。分析指此舉是為免允許另一勢力在格陵蘭建立據點,損害丹麥與美國之間的關係。報道引述知情人士指,丹麥國防部計劃近期派遣六名人員,前往格羅尼達爾(Gronnedal)的廢棄海軍基地,重開房屋與港口設施,而此舉為權宜之計,「很明顯丹麥政府無法容忍兩個超級大國在格陵蘭島玩『捉迷藏』,美國政府亦不樂見此情況」。根據丹麥與美國於一九五一年達成有關格陵蘭島的防務協定,美國在該地區擁有實質性軍事權利。格陵蘭是丹麥的海外自治領地,但外交及防務仍掌握在丹麥政府手中。格陵蘭島自治政府對丹麥這項決定感到難堪,批評未事先知會。
- Blue Water has therefore in the exceptional circumstances made an agreement with SAS Cargo for a regular scheduled service with two weekly departures between Copenhagen and Shanghai. First departure will be on 6 May. For the present, eight departures are planned.https://www.bws.net/en/media/news/2020/05/01/blue-water-establishing-air-bridge-between-denmark-and-china
- maritime
- 16日,中国出口丹麦马士基的首艘超深水海工作业船“马士基安装者”号(Maersk Installer)在大连成功交付,这是中国船厂首次承接世界航运巨头马士基海工项目并出口该类型船舶。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171017/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- fta
- 丹麥傳媒周三報道,中國駐哥本哈根大使馮鐵早前施壓,以自由貿易協議威逼利誘,要丹麥自治領地法羅群島與中國科技巨企華為合作建設當地5G通訊網絡,惟中方否認有關指控。華為方面則稱並不知道中國大使曾與法羅群島官員會面。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191213/00180_011.html
- financial
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170507/PDF/a6_screen.pdf 丹麥盛寶銀行(Saxo Bank)宣布,吉利汽車(00175)母公司中 國吉利集團,通過收購該銀行創始人及一 些小股東的股份,有望在盛寶集團持股達 30%左右,涉及金額約為4億美元。盛寶銀行成立於1992年,總部位於丹 麥首都哥本哈根,是為普通投資者開發線 上交易平台的金融機構之一。 除吉利外,盛寶銀行其他主要股東為 富爾奈斯持有的25.71%股份以及美國德太 集團 「TPG資本」持有29.26%的股份。
- Chinese carmaker Zhejiang Geely Holding Group will increase its stake in Denmark’s Saxo Bank to more than 50 percent in a deal that highlights China’s drive to tap the expertise of European financial firms.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-saxobank-m-a/chinas-geely-to-take-control-of-denmarks-saxo-bank-idUSKCN1C70RG
- The world's leading mobile payment platform Alipay was launched in Denmark on Monday, enabling its Chinese users to enjoy its fast and convenient payment service when they travel to the Nordic country.Operated by Ant Financial Services Group, an affiliate company of China's Alibaba Group, Alipay users can hail a taxi, book a hotel, buy movie tickets, pay utility bills, make appointments with doctors, or purchase wealth management products directly from within the app. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-10/24/c_136700816.htm
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170124/PDF/a23_screen.pdf 高彩霞是東北人,曾在丹麥生活工作了十二年, 海派豪爽。2013年,中科院植物生物學家高彩霞率先在農 作物上,成功使用名為 「CRISPR-Cas9」 的基 因編輯技術,於小麥對抗 「白粉菌」 戰線中找 到突破點,並由此開拓基因編輯在植物育種、 糧食增產之巨大應用前景。權威科學雜誌《自 然》對此給予高度評價,高彩霞去年入選《自 然》10大中國科學之星
- 中國最大糧食進出口公司中糧集團,周三在上海舉行的第二屆中國國際進口博覽會上,與全球最大的豬肉出口商丹麥皇冠簽訂豬肉採購意向協議,同意在二○二○年購買價值一億美元(約七億八千萬港元)的豬肉。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191108/00180_004.html
- investors from denmark
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-06/18/content_25754987.htm Danish wind turbine maker Vestas Wind Systems A/S, the biggest player of itssector in the Chinese market, said it would be open to various businessopportunities, as it adapts to changes in the world's wind power sector. "As the world leader in wind energy turbines and solutions, we must be aware ofthe global consolidation trend including China. If and when appropriate, Vestas willconsider participating for a proper strategic consideration," said Chris Beaufait,president of Asia Pacific and China at Vestas.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-06/29/content_25898574.htm The world's top insulin producer by sales is confident that China's focus on innovation will spur it toward new partnerships with local entrepreneurs for technology solutions to complement modern treatments for diabetics, said Jakob Riis, executive vice-president of China and Pacific & marketing, Novo Nordisk A/S. The Copenhagen-based company has been operating in China for 22 years and is the market leader, Riis told China Daily on the sidelines of the Summer Davos in Tianjin on Monday. Novo Nordisk boasts the largest share of 30 percent in China's 21.3-billion-yuan ($3.2-billion) diabetes-related drugs market.
- investors from china
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20160323/00202_016.html 在國內分銷豪華汽車及名貴鐘錶的耀萊集團(00970)表示,正在洽購丹麥高級影音品牌Bang & Olufsen(B&O),但未有透露作價或其他詳情。B&O目前市值約29.6億丹麥克朗(約34.8億港元)。
- 2016年12月10日,上海安徒生童话乐园·中信泰富广场全国首展正式开幕,这是上海安徒生童话乐园在试业期间携手中信泰富广场,首次通过上海地标商圈对外展出。http://news.ifeng.com/a/20161212/50404881_0.shtml
- 上海安徒生童話樂園工程多次延期險釀爛尾,揭示內地主題樂園的部分弊端。oriental daily 15apr17
- to be opened in june singtao 15apr17 a14
- 中國首座經丹麥官方授權的安徒生銅像,昨日在位於楊浦區的上海安徒生童話樂園揭幕,這也是該銅像在丹麥哥本哈根以外唯一的複製品。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/06/02/a19-0602.pdf
- Shanghai Andersen Paradise is ready to expand its experience to other cities in China by signing a strategic cooperation agreement with the Royal Danish Consulate in Shanghai on Wednesday.According to the memorandum of understanding, the two parties will work together to build 30 projects featuring North Europe, Denmark and Andersen's fairy tales. This will be one major tactic to address competition from Disneyland, according to the management team of Shanghai Andersen Paradise. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2017-11/16/content_34593288.htm
- Though now based in Beijing with his family, William Yip, a 43-year-old Hong Kong drama director and educator, took more than 200 flights across China in 2019 alone to usher drama into classes, in places ranging from first-tier metropolises to small towns in the west.Cooperating with the Chinese-Danish Cultural Alliance and the Hans Christian Andersen Foundation in Denmark, Yip soon drafted the "H.C. Andersen award initiative" after returning to Beijing.https://www.chinadailyhk.com/article/126310#A-modern-fairy-tale
- film
- Bille August (born 9 November 1948) is a Danish Academy Award-winning film and television director. His 1987 film Pelle the Conquerorwon the Palme d'Or, Academy Award and Golden Globe. He is one of only eight directors to win the Palme d'Or twice, winning the prestigious award again in 1992 for The Best Intentions, based on the autobiographical script by Ingmar Bergman. He was married to Swedish actress Pernilla August from 1991 to 1997. On 23 September 2011, Bille August announced that he had opened his studio in Hangzhou, China and taken a position as Tianpeng Media's Art Director, aiming to produce Chinese films for Tianpeng Media over the next few years. Tianpeng Media is a new media company established in 2010. The company so far has produced two films, The Women Knight of Mirror (竞雄女侠秋瑾) and The Years of Qi Xiao Fu(七小福之燃情岁月), which will be released later this year. Bille is the first foreign director to be hired by the Chinese film company. Recently, August also accepted the invitation from the Hangzhou government to serve as a "culture consultant" for the city. His 2013 film Night Train to Lisbon premiered out of competition at the 63rd Berlin International Film Festival.[2] He had planned to direct a Gianni Versace biopic with Antonio Banderas as Versace, but this project was cancelled.
- The Chinese Widow (Chinese: 烽火芳菲) is a 2017 Chinese war drama film directed by Bille August, starring Liu Yifei and Emile Hirsch.[1][2]The film premiered at the 2017 Shanghai International Film Festival as the opening film and will be released on 10 November 2017 in mainland China.
- china daily 12oct18
- museum
- lego palace museum display at Danish cultural centre scmp 29sep17
- students exchange/internship
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-10/31/content_27221855.htm Higher education institutions and companies in Denmark are seeking Chinese students and graduates to learn and work in the European country to improve its communications with China. On Oct 24, six Danish companies and 13 higher education institutions and universities participated in "Denmark Day" events held at Peking University in Beijing, offering education and career opportunities to Chinese students.The event - the sixth annual Denmark Day - was celebrated in Shanghai on Wednesday and in Hong Kong on Friday.
Hong Kong
- senior official visit
- The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, will depart for Copenhagen, Denmark, in the small hours tomorrow (October 9) to attend the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) World Mayors Summit 2019 and the C40 Steering Committee meeting. He will meet with municipal officials and stakeholders to exchange views on a variety of environmental issues related to climate change, and will also visit a major waste-to-energy facility. The four-day C40 World Mayors Summit 2019 will start on October 9 (Copenhagen time) and aims at bringing together global decision makers for cities, business executives, scientists and other stakeholders to showcase their strategies to tackle the climate crisis, including decarbonisation actions. Also on October 9 (Copenhagen time), Mr Wong will participate in a regional meeting of Asia mayors on low-carbon inclusive growth organised by C40. He will also meet the Chief Executive Officer of the Denmark Green Building Council, Ms Mette Quist. Over the next two days, Mr Wong will attend multiple sessions and participate in various activities of the summit. On October 10 (Copenhagen time), he will meet the Minister of State in the Ministry of National Development and the Ministry of Manpower of Singapore, Mr Zany Mohamad, and give a presentation on Hong Kong's flood prevention and adaptation measures in combating climate change at a plenary session of the C40 World Mayors Summit. He will also take part in the C40 Steering Committee meeting on October 11 (Copenhagen time) and meet the Global Ambassador of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, Mr Gregor Robertson, afterwards.https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201910/08/P2019100800518.htm
- Felix Chung's article in singtao 5nov14 a21 on Danish govt's measures to support development in various sectors
- royalty
- Danish companies in HK
- royalty
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20160111/00176_108.html 林曼茜九二年曾破獲一單總值一億六千五百萬港元嘅跨國毒品案件,金額之高至今無人能及。佢亦係香港警隊第一批女CID、第一個女港督榮譽副官、第一個機動部隊女大隊長同女教官。講到三十年來嘅威水事迹,林曼茜話最難忘係當年代表港督與丹麥皇室用膳、以及警方為佢打破年過四十就要離開機動部隊嘅規矩。
- 食物環境衞生署食物安全中心昨日宣布,因應世界動物衞生組織通報指丹麥Middelfart市爆發低致病性H7禽流感,中心即時指示業界暫停從該地區進口禽肉及禽類產品(包括禽蛋),以保障本港公眾健康。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20190319/00176_040.html
- Danish companies in HK
- SCMP country report 14nov14
- Jebsen (founded by Jacob Jebsen and Heinrich Jebsen), obtained licence in 2006 (togeether with Porsche) to sell cars in china singtao 17jul15 a18
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hkedition/2015-10/05/content_22092245.htm from shipping hong to marketing giant, it has been an eventful voyage spanning some 120 yearsfor Jebsen & Co Ltd, group managing director Helmuth Hennig tells Emma Dai. The booming consumerism in China offers a "blue ocean" for overseas niche market players,despite the prospect of being rocked by waves in the shape of a slowing economy andchallenges from e-commerce - so believes the top manager of a century-old hong. "When I joined the company, there was a lot of discussion about disintermediation - why do youneed a middleman? What are the values that companies like Jebsen bring to the table? Do youcreate value or just take margin?" recalled Helmuth Hennig, group managing director of Jebsen &Co Ltd. "We have no God-given right to be here. We need to work hard to create value. At the end of theday, (we would survive) only if we were innovative," Hennig told China Daily in a leadershipinterview. Established by two Danish families in 1895, when the last Chinese empire under the QingDynasty (1644-1911) was on the wane, Jebsen started its journey as a shipping agency, oneamong the thousands of hong in colonial Hong Kong. Despite the dramatic changes in the business landscape in the last 120 years, the companynever shifted its focus away from China and the region, even during World War II and the"cultural revolution" (1966-76) years. Their top picks, though, evolved from BASF indigo dye inthe late 19th century, to various automobile brands and consumer goods today. Its four strategic business units are consumer, beverage, industrial and motors, complementedby specialized businesses including logistics and marine. According to the company website,Jebsen supports the value chain of its partners from brand building, marketing, import andlogistics, to sales and distribution to a wide network of wholesalers, retailers and consumers.
- Hans Michael Jebsen (捷成汉) is a Hong Kong-based Danish businessman and landowner. He joined the Jebsen Group in Hong Kong in 1981, and has been the Chairman and main shareholder of the Group since 2000. He is originally from Denmark.[1] He owns a large portfolio of historic properties in Denmark, including several manor houses and historic inns.Jebsen was born on 15 November 1956 in Siegen, Germany. The Jebsen family is of German-Danish origin and he attended the Deutsches Gymnasium in Åbenrå before studying Economics and Business Administration at the University of St Gallen, Switzerland (1978-81).Jebsen is a director of Singapore-based Jebsen & Jessen (SEA) Pte Ltd. of the Jebsen and Jessen Family Enterprise worldwide. He is also on the board of Hysan Development Co. Ltd. and The Wharf (Holdings) Ltd. in Hong Kong.Hans Michael Jebsen is active in various charities and NGOs. He is the Chairman of the Asian Cultural Council Hong Kong Friends’ Committee, a trustee of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Hong Kong, as well as a member of the Advisory Board of Hong Kong Red Cross.[2] He established the Jebsen Educational Foundation in 1995,[6] and serves on the Corporate Advisory Board of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Business School. He was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star of Hong Kong in 2001, the Silver Cross of the Order of Dannebrog of Denmark in 2006, the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2009, and Knight 1st class of the Order of Dannebrog of Denmark in 2014. Since 2005, Jebsen has been an honorary citizen of Jilin City, China.[8] In addition, he is an Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology,[9] and a member of the Hong Kong European Union Business Co-operation Committee for the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.Jebsen is married to Desirée Jebsen, a former countess of Schaffgotsch. They have five children. Several of them have attended the Herlufsholm Bording School in Denmark and featured in a Danish television documentary about the school. The family has close ties to the Danish royal family.[5] He is a member of the Royal Danish Yacht Club and the Royal Copenhagen Shooting Society
- http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/international/art/20150915/19295528 全球第一間森林幼稚園於1950年代初於丹麥成立,並逐漸於歐美普及,單是德國目前已超過1,500間,學費也低至每月約700港幣。而香港首間森林幼稚園HK Forest Kindergarten由Danie Strydom於今年2月創辦,並以全港各大郊野公園作上課地點。
- investor from hk
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150808/PDF/b1_screen.pdf 英裘(01468)宣佈,斥資最多2343萬元,收購丹麥三個水貂場連近8000隻母貂。集團認為,收購有助拓展上游業務,併為集團提供更多採購毛皮之資源。
- Herine早年與丈夫於當地城市羅斯基勒(Roskilde),以約200萬港元買入一塊地皮,再以約300萬港元興建一幢約2,000方呎的一層房屋。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20170925/00269_002.html
- hk lego designer hkej 14dec17 c3
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