Thursday, January 3, 2019

china trade policy and wto

- china trade week
- China’s anger at the EU’s refusal to recognise it as a “market economy” is threatening efforts to present a united front on climate change after Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris accord.
Beijing’s willingness to risk a hard-fought alliance on emissions reductions highlights how it is both pushing its own interests and struggling to get others to fall into line as Washington forfeits global leadership on issues such as global warming and trade.
- A Shanghai university has opened China's first international school to train the country's future trade negotiators.
The Shanghai University of International Business and Economics inaugurated the School of Trade Negotiations, China's first trade negotiation school, on Oct 11. The honorary dean of the school is Zhou Hanmin, a renowned national political adviser and law expert in Shanghai. The school will produce graduates in five areas, which cover national representatives specializing in bilateral or regional agreement negotiations, national representatives for multilateral negotiations in international organizations, negotiators employed by international organizations, international dispute mediators and arbitrators, as well as lawyers specializing in international law.

Beijing is accelerating its push for World Trade Organisation market economy status (MES) despite growing international criticism that it has backed away from difficult economic reforms. China’s moves to devalue the renminbi and bail out its stock market, among other steps, have raised concerns that it is backtracking from much-heralded efforts to give a freer reign to market forces. Undeterred, the renewed drive for the coveted MES comes ahead of upcoming summit meetings with four of its largest trading partners, according to people familiar with the discussions. A provision in China’s WTO accession agreement that allows other countries to treat it as a non-market economy will expire in December 2016, potentially requiring the EU to begin drafting new trade legislation by the end of this year. “For China, market economy status is a matter of prestige,” said one Beijing-based diplomat. “For us, it’s a political decision to take.” Granting Beijing MES would make it easier for Chinese companies targeted in WTO anti-dumping cases to defend themselves, leading some to warn of “disastrous consequences” for the EU and US. The ramping up of talks comes as President Xi Jinping leaves this week for his first official state visit to the US and is scheduled to visit the UK in October. Premier Li Keqiang will meet senior EU leaders in Beijing at the end of the month and also host German Chancellor Angela Merkel later in the year. While Beijing argues that MES should be extended automatically in December 2016 under the terms of its WTO accession agreement, other trade experts argue that the agreement instead requires Chinese exporters to prove first that they do not benefit from government subsidiesand currency policy.
- 據新華社報道,有關部門昨日消息 指,日前召開的中央全面深化改革領導小組第十六次 會議審議通過《關於實行市場准入負面清單制度的意 見》。意見對實行市場准入負面清單制度作出了頂層 設計,明確了總體要求、主要任務和配套措施。意見 指出,市場准入負面清單由國務院統一制定發佈;地 方政府需進行調整的,由省級人民政府報經國務院批 准。未經國務院授權,各地區各部門不得自行發佈市 場准入負面清單,不得擅自增減市場准入負面清單條 目。按照先行先試、逐步推開的原則,從 2015 年至 2017年,在部分地區試行市場准入負面清單制度,積 累經驗、逐步完善,探索形成內地統一的市場准入負 面清單及相應的體制機制,從 2018年起正式實行內地 統一的市場准入負面清單制度。 意見指出,市場准入負面清單制度,是指國務院以 清單方式明確列出在中華人民共和國境內禁止和限制 投資經營的行業、領域、業務等,各級政府依法採取 相應管理措施的一系列制度安排。負面清單以外的行 業、領域、業務等,各類市場主體皆可依法平等進 入。 
- market economy status

  • Washington has warned Brussels against granting China ‘market economy status’, saying the long-sought trade concession could hamper efforts to prevent Chinese companies flooding US and European markets with unfairly cheap goods. Achieving market economy status (MES) at the World Trade Organisation is one of China’s core strategic goals. Among other benefits, it would make it far more difficult for the US or EU to impose steep tariffs on Chinese companies for unfairly dumping low-cost goods on their markets.
    Europe’s need to make a decision on MES next year is rooted in the terms of China’s agreement of accession to the World Trade Organisation in 2001. Beijing argues this accord means that it will automatically become a market economy at the end of 2016. The EU needs to decide whether it agrees with that interpretation. Europe’s traditional industries have led the campaign to deny China MES. The €28bn ceramics sector says that as many as 100,000 jobs, or half the total it employs in Europe, are at risk. About 33,000 jobs were lost in the tableware sector in the seven years to 2011 before anti-dumping tariffs were imposed, according to Cerame-Unie, a trade body.
  • 當年中國為了早日加入WTO,允許其他國家在中國入世後的十五年內仍然把中國當作非市場經濟國家看待,儘管從「市場經濟地位國家」的原意,並非對一國總體經濟體制等情況作判斷,而更多體現在解決貿易糾紛時的「技術適用」,但時至今日,這一問題早已超越了單純的技術層面,變成了政治問題,成為一些國家保護國內企業和擴大在華利益的籌碼。例如美歐就經常利用中國爭取市場經濟地位早日獲承認,對中國提出過分要求。目前,許多國家包括歐盟的一些成員國已經承認中國的市場經濟地位,但美國和歐盟尚未承認。中國入世議定書第十五條規定,WTO成員在對中國出口產品的反傾銷調查中使用「替代國」數據的做法應當於一六年十二月十一日終止。換言之,中國將在這一期限後自動獲得市場經濟地位。在此背景下,近期爆出美國官員多次就此問題向歐盟表達關切,認為給予中國市場經濟地位無異於單方面解除歐洲對華貿易防禦,不利阻止中國企業在美歐市場傾銷廉價商品。
  • When members of the European Union sat down in Brussels yesterday, there was just one item on the agenda. The representatives of the 28 member states met to begin discussions on whether China should be granted market economy status, beginning the end of years of deliberation on the issue. A decision is not expected until February but if the status is granted, from December China would be able to protect its exporters from paying high punitive tariffs in anti-dumping cases. A yes from the EU members is not likely to have a major impact in the short run but it would put China in a stronger position to realise its bigger goal: to influence global trade rules. The outcome of the talks is far from certain. At the centre of the debate is whether China’s economic performance qualifies it for the status to come into effect at the end of this year.
    China is intensifying lobbying to gain “market economy status” under the World Trade Organisation despite growing opposition in Europe and the US to a move that would make it harder for other major economies to bring anti-dumping cases against Beijing.
    Washington and many European politicians, under pressure from protesters fretting about the impact of Chinese imports on jobs, are seeking to block automatic MES for Beijing, which China says should be accorded in December — the 15th anniversary of its 2001 accession to the WTO.
  • Ft column commentary
  • China has launched a legal challenge against the EU and US over their reluctance to treat it as a “market economy” under World Trade Organisation rules.
  • china praised Germany's position over Article 15 in the protocol on China's accession to the World Trade Organization, saying it hopes to see Germany continue to play a positive role on the issue. Sigmar Gabriel, Germany's vice-chancellor and foreign minister, called for the implementation of the article during talks with Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing on Wednesday. Gabriel said Article 15 should be implemented and that revision of the European Union's laws should not target or discriminate against any country and should comply with the WTO's rules.
  • China has submitted a case to the World Trade Organization seeking fair treatment, after the United States rejected the nation's demand to be treated as a market economy under global trading rules, the Ministry of Commerce announced on Thursday.
  • 大陸國務院新聞辦同日亦發表《中國與世界貿易組織》白皮書,強調中國加入世貿組織後,切實履行承諾、支持多邊貿易體制,同時亦強調中國反對單邊主義和保護主義。

- ita

  • 沈丹陽說,擴圍談判是世貿組織近18年來達成的第一份關於取消關稅的重要協議。協議在1996年《信息技術協議》產品範圍基礎上新增201項產品,包括信息通信技術產品、半導體及其生產設備、視聽產品、醫療器械及儀器儀錶等與當代科技發展密切相關的產品。所有產品計劃於2016年7月1日起實施降稅,絕大多數產品將在3年至5年後最終取消關稅,並在最惠國待遇的基礎上對全體世貿組織成員適用。據了解,擴圍談判自2012年5月啟動至本月達成全面協議,歷時3年半,經過近20輪磋商,共有24個參加方、53個世貿組織成員參加,參加方擴圍產品全球貿易額達1.3萬億美元,佔相關產品全球貿易額約90%。中國於2003年正式加入《信息技術協議》。
- trade facilitation

  • 國務院官方微博6日發佈消息稱,為實施世界貿易組織(WTO)“貿易便利化協定”,同意設立“國務院貿易便利化工作部際聯席會議”。根據國務院官網,國務院3月27日給商務部的覆文指出,同意建立由國務院官員牽頭負責的國務院貿易便利化工作部際聯席會議制度。主要職能是在國務院領導下,研究部署、統籌指導貿易便利化工作。圍繞《協定》實施開展工作,加強對貿易便利化工作的宏觀指導,研究確定提高我國貿易便利化水平的政策舉措,協調各部門的貿易便利化政策;對《協定》實施提供工作指導,協調解決實施中遇到的重大問題;對實施情況進行監督,及時總結實施的成功典型經驗並推廣;統籌貿易便利化領域的對外交流與國際合作;完成國務院交辦的其他事項。聯席會議人事部分,召集人為國務院副總理汪洋,副召集人為商務部長高虎城,海關總署署長於廣洲、國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局局長支樹平、國務院副秘書長江澤林。其他成員來自商務部、國家發展和改革委員會、公安部、財政部、環境保護部、交通運輸部、農業部、人民銀行、税務總局、食品藥品監管總局、林業局等。聯席會議由商務部負責,辦公室設在商務部,承擔聯席會議日常工作。聯席會議根據工作需要定期或不定期召開會議,由召集人或召集人委託的副召集人主持。


  • 針對美歐 9家鋼鐵協會發聲反 對給予中國市場經濟國家待遇,中國商務部新聞發言人沈丹陽昨日表 示,鋼鐵貿易問題和中國市場經濟地位問題之間並沒有直接的關係,不 能將前者作為繼續實施歧視性、不公平貿易的借口。根據中國 2001年 加入世貿組織時簽訂的《中國加入議定書》第 15條第 4款,中國將在 明年 12 月自動獲得市場經濟地位,對華反傾銷「替代國」的做法自 2016年 12月 11日起必須如期終止。
  • 中國商務部新聞發言人沈丹陽昨日在北京舉行的記者會上強調,中國的市場經濟地位不需要世貿組織其他成員的背書。他認為,改革開放以來,中國已經建立並在不斷完善社會主義市場經濟體制,走出了一條符合當代中國發展實際、具有鮮明中國特色的市場經濟發展道路。中國的經濟發展取得了舉世矚目的成就,對世界經濟增長的貢獻得到國際社會的廣泛認可。沈丹陽並表示,《中國加入世貿組織議定書》第15條是關於反傾銷「替代國」做法的規定。根據該條規定,對中國出口產品反傾銷調查中使用「替代國」價格的做法應當於2016年12月11日終止,在此之後世貿成員不能繼續對中國出口產品使用「替代國」做法。這是世貿成員必須遵守的條約義務。無論美歐等成員是否承認中國的市場經濟地位,都必須如期履行第15條義務、棄用「替代國」做法。沈丹陽強調,中方堅決反對任何曲解、拖延該條款執行的行為,敦促美歐等成員盡快採取必要措施,確保如期棄用「替代國」做法,共同維護多邊貿易體制的權威,避免貿易爭端,推動國際貿易的健康發展。

- usa

  • China will launch a one-year long probe into U.S. imports of a major animal feed ingredient, after Chinese ethanol producers claimed that the U.S. ethanol industry is unfairly benefiting from subsidies; China will conduct an anti-dumping and anti-subsidy probe into imports of U.S. distillers' dried grains with or without solubles (DDGS) starting from January 12 
  • 在昨日舉行的世界貿易組織(WTO)閉門會議上,中國發起針對美國增加關稅的討論,獲多國響應,表示憂慮相關措施會造成針鋒相對的貿易行動。
  • 世界貿易組織(WTO)周四裁定,中國對從美國進口的白米、小麥與玉米等穀物實施的配額關稅措施,違反中國加入世貿時,容許美國穀物有限度進入中國市場的承諾。此次爭議源於美國前總統奧巴馬政府的年代。美方二○一六年指摘中國違反世貿規則,對穀物實施關稅配額,打擊美國農業出口。中美任何一方均可在六十天內,就裁決提出上訴。美國貿易代表萊蒂澤歡迎世貿的裁決,強調總統特朗普會採取必要措施,執行貿易規則。

- anti dumping duties on other countries
  • 據中新社報道,中國商務部昨日發佈新聞稿顯示,鑒於原產於日本、韓國和歐盟的進口取向電工鋼產品在中國市場存在傾銷,將對上述產品徵收反傾銷稅。中國商務部23日晚間發佈終裁公告,裁定原產於日本、韓國和歐盟的進口取向電工鋼產品存在傾銷,中國國內取向電工鋼產業受到了實質損害,並且傾銷與實質損害之間存在因果關係,決定自2016年7月23日起,對原產於上述國家和地區的進口取向電工鋼產品徵收反傾銷稅。
  • China will continue anti-dumping duties on a commodity chemical imported from the South Korea and Thailand. The tariffs on pure terephthalic acid will become effective for another five years on Thursday, with rates ranging from 2 percent to 20.1 percent, the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said Wednesday in a notice posted on its website. The chemical is used to make clothing and plastic bottles. Products from companies including South Korea's Hyosung Corporation and Thailand's Indorama Petrochem Ltd. will continue to be subject to the tariffs.
  • The Chinese Ministry of Commerce said Monday that it has started an anti-dumping investigation into ethanolamine imported from the United States, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and Thailand. The ministry received a joint application demanding an inquiry from six domestic producers, who accused foreign manufacturers of dumping the products on the Chinese market, according to an official statement.
- imported waste

  • China's environmental watchdog confirmed on Thursday that it has notified the World Trade Organization about a ban on the importation of 24 types of solid waste, which will take effect at the end of this year. It also said it will get tough on waste smuggling. By the end of 2017, China will forbid the importation of certain waste plastics, vanadium slag, unsorted wastepaper and certain textile materials, the Ministry of Environmental Protection said in its WTO filing, which was submitted on Tuesday.

- publication/media
  • Wto tribune
  • Founded on 11th December, 2002, which marked the 1th anniversary of Chinas accession to WTO, China WTO Tribune is a monthly periodical focusing on WTO and CSR. It is supervised by Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China. Upholding the values and principles of Global View and Win-win Competition, China WTO Tribune recognizes and interprets the great significance of Chinas reform and opening-up policy, hoping to achieve the vision of common development and win-win results between China and the world. With the original ideas of responsible competitivenessGoldenBee and others, China WTO Tribune encourages enterprises and organizations with excellent social responsibility activities, helps enterprises and organizations willing to make progress, fosters a market featured as responsible consumption and investment and creates a social climate encouraging responsibility.

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