Monday, January 7, 2019

chinese surnames

-  自1958年的漢語拼音方案公佈後,內地的人、地名拼寫有了統一的標準,現在已為聯合國有關機構承認,可以說漢語拼音已經走向世界。它不但是人、地名拼寫法的標準,也是外國人學習中文的初階。新加坡和馬來西亞在上世紀70年代便推廣華語(普通話)和漢語拼音。普通話隨着華文正在走向世界,漢語拼音也在走向世界。


- singtao 7jan19 f2 origin and connection with 田氏

  •  甘肅隴西縣 - 李氏文化的發祥地
 is also romanized as Wong in Hong Kong, Macau, Cantonese, Hakka and Hainanese; Waan or Waon in Shanghainese; Ong or Bong in Hokkien; Heng in Teochew;Uōng in Gan; Vang, Vaj, or Vaaj in Hmong; Vương or Vong in Vietnamese; Wang () in Korean; and Ō or Oh in Japanese is typically romanized identically, despite its distinct tone. It is also Wong in Cantonese, Ong or Ang in Hokkien, Wang () in Korean, and Ō or Oh in Japanese. However, in Vietnamese, it is written Uông is the Chinese word for "king". William Baxter and Laurent Sagart reconstructed the Old Chinese form of Wáng as *ɢʷaŋ and the Middle Chinese as hjwang. The modern bearers of the name Wáng come from many different backgrounds, but the principal origins of the modern surname were four: the Zi, the Ji, the Gui, and the adoption of the name from ethnic groups outside the Han Chinese.
The most ancient family name of Wáng was originated from the surname Zi. The Chinese legend mentions that near the end of Shang DynastyKing Zhou of Shang's uncle Bi GanJi Zi, and Wei Zi were called "The Three Kindhearted Men of Shang". King Zhou was violent in his rule, and Bi Gan repeatedly remonstrated to the king regarding his behavior. The king shunned his comments and killed Bi Gan instead. Bi's descendants used Wáng as their surname as they are descendants of a prince and were known as "The Bi clan of the Wáng family".[11] The Zi clan has existed for about 3100 years through Qin Dynasty to Tang Dynasty and exists today. The Zi clan of Wáng lived predominantly in Henan during these times and developed into the famous Wáng family of Ji prefecture.
More Wáng were originated from the royal family of Zhou Dynasty. The original surname of the royal family of Zhou Dynasty was Ji. However, many of them have separated out of the family due to the loss of power and land. Because they once belonged to the royal family, they used Wáng as their surname. This family of Wáng traced its ancestry to Wang ZiqiaoAccording to the classical records, after King Wu of Zhou defeated the Shang Dynasty, he established the Western Zhou Dynasty. During the reign of the 21st king, King Ling of Zhou (571 - 545 BCE), the capital was in Chengzhou, which is the present day Luoyang, Henan. A son of King Ling, Wangzi Qiao or Prince Qiao, was reduced to civilian status due to his remonstration to the king. His son Zong Jin remained as a Situ in the palace, and because of the people at the time recognized him as the descendant of the royal family, they called his family the "Wáng family".[14] When the 8th generation Wang Cuo became a general in the State of Wei, the clan finally regained its status. In the early period of Qin Dynasty, this clan was active in areas of Luoyang in Henan. Between the end of Qin Dynasty and the beginning of Han Dynasty, Wang Yuan and Wang Wei, sons of the Marquis of Wuchen Wang Li, moved to Langye in Shandong and Taiyuan in Shanxi. Since then, they have developed into the famous Wáng families of Langye and Taiyuan, the largest group among this surname. The Ji clan of Wang existed around 2600 years. In China, 90% of the Wáng family originated from the Ji clan.[citation neededDuring the Tang dynasty the Li family of Zhaojun 赵郡李氏, the Cui family of Boling 博陵崔氏, the Cui family of Qinghe 清河崔氏, the Lu family of Fanyang 范陽盧氏, the Zheng family of Xingyang 荥阳郑氏, the Wang family of Taiyuan 太原王氏, and the Li family of Longxi 隴西李氏 were the seven noble families between whom marriage was banned by law.[15] Moriya Mitsuo wrote a history of the Later Han-Tang period of the Taiyuan Wang. Among the strongest families was the Taiyuan Wang.[16] The prohibition on marriage between the clans issued in 659 by the Gaozong Emperor was flouted by the seven families since a woman of the Boling Cui married a member of the Taiyuan Wang, giving birth to the poet Wang Wei.[17] He was the son of Wang Chulian who in turn was the son of Wang Zhou.[18] The marriages between the families were performed clandestinely after the prohibition was implemented on the seven families by Gaozong.[19] The Zhou dynasty King Ling's son Prince Jin is assumed by most to be the ancestor of the Taiyuan Wang.[20] The Longmen Wang were a cadet line of the Zhou dynasty descended Taiyuan Wang, and Wang Yan and his grandson Wang Tong hailed from his cadet line.[21] Both Buddhist monks and scholars hailed from the Wang family of Taiyuan such as the monk Tanqian.[22] The Wang family of Taiyuan included Wang Huan.[23] Their status as "Seven Great surnames" became known during Gaozong's rule.[24] The Taiyuan Wang family produced Wang Jun who served under Emperor Huai of Jin.[25] A Fuzhou-based section of the Taiyuan Wang produced the Buddhist monk Baizhang.
In Qi, the descendants of Tian An (田安) received the surname Wáng.
In Korea, the Wangs are said to have originated from the Silla kingdom. One of the kingdom's noble families originally had the surname Jak (). However, when Wang Geon – the future founder of the Goryeo kingdom – met a Buddhist monk at an early age with his father, the Buddhist monk foresaw that he would one day become king and therefore his father changed their last name to "Wang". Wang was then the Goryeo dynastic name for the duration of the kingdom, although it has since fallen into disuse. It is said that when Goryeo fell, people changed their surname to avoid severe persecution from the succeeding Joseon Dynasty. The Kaesong Wang lineagetraces its ancestry to the Goryeo rulers.
Ō (Japanese) is a rare Japanese name, mostly held by those of Chinese descent.
In Indonesia, the surname is often romanized as "Heng", "Bong" or "Ong" for people of Hokkien descent,[citation needed] and more commonly as Ong by Chinese Peranakan.
Vương or Vuong (Chữ Nôm: ) is a Vietnamese surnameIt is derived from the Chinese surname Wang and is cognate with related names like Wong in Cantonese, Vang in Hmong, and Ong in Hokkien.
Wang is also a completely unrelated surname in Sweden and Norway. It is a variant spelling of the name Vang which is derived from the Old Norse word vangr, meaning field or meadow.
Wang is also a surname in the German and Dutch languages. The name is derived from Middle German wang/ Middle Dutch waenge, which is literally "cheek". However, in southern German, its meaning, "grassy slope" or "field of grass", is similar to the Scandinavian surname.

- people

Cài[nb 1] (Chinese) is a Chinese surname that derives from the name of the ancient Cai state. It is regionally more common in China's Fujian Province and in areas settled by ethnic Chinese from that province than in China as a whole. The surname is the 34th most common surname in China,[1] but the 9th most common in Taiwan, where it is usually romanized as Tsai based on Wade-Giles romanization of Standard Mandarin[2] and the 8th most common in Singapore, where it is usually romanized as Chua, which is based on its Teochew and Hokkien pronunciation. Koreans use Chinese-derived family names and in Korean, Cai is 채 in HangulChae in Revised Romanization,[3] It is also a common Cantonese name in Hong Kong where it is romanized as ChoyChoi or Tsoi. In Macao and Malaysia, it is spelled as Choi, in Malaysia and the Philippines as Chua, in Thailand as Chuo (ฉั่ว).[citation needed] Moreover, it is also romanized in Cambodia as either ChhayChhuor or Chhor among Chinese Cambodians and as Tjoa or Chua in Indonesia.
- example of tsai surnamed people

  • dorothy chu tsai shu fan obitrurary scmp 27nov17
chu储姓起源于周朝。据《海陵储氏支谱》记载:“考储氏,肇始于周,作相于齐,彪炳史册世人而知之。”储姓发源于春秋齐国田氏,起于储子。泰州《储氏家谱》记载的储氏第一世,是唐代的文羲公(储光羲),居住在毗陵(今常州市),至今已1300余年,始祖储光羲原籍山东,后落户金坛庄城,唐开元年间进士,后担任监察御史,是田园山水诗派代表诗人之一。 [1]  据江苏宜兴、金坛、安徽潜山等地《储氏宗谱》记载,储氏庄城一世光羲公后裔在润州庄城(今属金坛)繁衍至12世,值宋高宗南渡,时兵戈扰攘,庄城地值通衢,骚扰尤剧,遂散居异地。 [2]  1300多年来,光羲公后人陆续迁徙至大江南北,世系清楚,字辈不乱,被尊称为“江南储氏之祖”。
- note its 圖騰

- some people e.g. 胡文虎 's surname in english is aw
- 胡(aw)美三obitruary scmp 29aug17 probably a portuguese as there is a ceremony at club lusitano


  • modern example

- 其實費姓多源,祖宗不同,讀音也不同。源於外族的,如鮮卑族費連氏、滿族費佳氏(Feigiya Hala),費皆讀「廢」,道理跟歌手費翔讀「廢翔」一樣──費翔原名Kris Phillips,費自然讀Phillips的「F」音。此外,費姓還可追溯至上古的姬姓和姒姓。古代姓、氏有別,姓紀祖先,氏表子孫所出。「秘」音費氏,或始於春秋魯懿公的孫費庈父,費是庈父食邑,他以邑名為氏,後來僖公把費賜給季友,成為季氏邑(參見《左氏會箋》)。怎知道邑名讀「秘」呢?《左傳》「費伯帥師城郎」,費伯即費庈父,《釋文》於此注音:「費音祕。」據宋代《廣韻》,費指魯邑時,發音為「兵媚切」(幫母至韻),即「秘」。但「費」又見於《廣韻》另一處,發音為「扶沸切」(並母未韻):「費,姓也,夏禹之後,出江夏。」此句其實源於《史記.夏本紀》:「禹為姒姓,其後分封,用國為姓,故有……費氏」。這裏的費國,現代粵音該讀「廢」(古無輕唇音,上古音當然大異),跟魯邑的費不同。《出師表》那位費禕是江夏人,照《廣韻》所述,是夏禹之後,似乎讀「廢衣」才對。以上講法,跟趙明誠《金石錄》卷十七所考類同。總的來說,費姓讀「秘」,只限姬姓之後,其餘都讀「廢」,以概率論,讀「廢」正確的機會反而較大。


逄姓(逄,汉语拼音:Páng),注音符号:ㄆㄤˊ。一个中文姓氏。在《百家姓》中排名第296位。台湾有此姓。中国古代黄帝的大臣伯陵封于逄地(今山东潍坊青州),于是后人以国名为氏。Bàng là một họ của người Trung Quốc (chữ Hán: 庞, Bính âm: Pang) và Triều Tiên (Hangul:방; Hanja: 龐; Romaja quốc ngữ: Bang). Trong danh sách Bách gia tính họ này xếp thứ 120. Người Trung Quốc còn một họ nữa cũng có phiên âm Hán Việt là Bàng, đó là họ 逄 (đứng thứ 296 trong Bách gia tính), tuy nhiên họ này hiếm gặp hơn họ Bàng (庞).
  • re news on hkeaa commissioned to organise certification for chinese music theory and performance



  • some are of khmer origin
  • some germans may use that surname by cutting short their own surnames
  • The surname originated in two major branches: during the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperorsperiod, and near the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty. It was a prominent aristocratic clan in theEastern Jin dynasty of China. The hometown of the Xie is Kaifeng, Henan Province.
  • There is a less common surname with the same pronunciation but different writing (解).
  • The spelling of the same Chinese character using Wade–Giles romanization is Hsieh. The spelling "Hsieh" is most commonly used in Taiwan and in older romanizations. "Hsieh" tends to be incorrectly pronounced as "Shay" by those attempting to read it using English orthography. However, other variations are pronounced "Sh'eh" and the spelling is sometimes modified as Shieh.
  • The Cantonese spelling of the same Chinese character is Tse or Tze and the Taishanese spelling of the same Chinese character is Dea, Der, Dare, or Dear. The Min Nan (Hokkien) and Teochew spelling of the same Chinese character is Chia, Cheah, or Sia.
  • In Malaysia and Singapore, the name is most commonly Chia, although CheahSeahSiaChaTseChay etc. can also be found. During theChinese diaspora, the region was administered by British Empire clerks, who knew little about Chinese dialects, often had to find their own romanizations. As a result, the variations are non-exhaustive.
  • In the Philippines, the name is also spelled as Sese (which also means thank you in Kapampangan, a local dialect in Pampanga, Philippines where the first Xie settled). In Indonesia, the name is also spelt as Tjhia or Tjia. In East Timor, as a legacy of Portuguese colonialism and lingua franca, Xie is also produced as Tchia, Tchea, Tsia, Tcha and Tjea. The Vietnamese version is Tạ.
  • In the United States, the name is sometimes spelled as Jair and Zia. Other variations of the surname include Shea and Shei.
Deng*, Tang*, Teng*, Thian*, Thean*
  • The 34th most common last name in China. There are three main origins of the Dengs. 1) Descendents of Xia Yu. The great grand son of Xia Yu, Zhong Kang, awarded his son, the duke of Deng in Gu Deng Lin (south of Deng Zhou in HeNan), during the Xia Dynasty. The kingdom lasted more than 800 years and was brought to an end by Emperor Zhou Zhong Ding of the Zhou dynasty, and the people began to bear the last name Deng. 2) Descendents of the Shan Dynasty; Shan Wu Ding made his uncle duke, in the land of Man. The kingdom was renamed Deng. In 648 B.C., the Deng kingdom was eliminated by Chu. 3) During the Five Dynasties, the king of Nan Tang Li Hou Zhu awarded his 8th son Li Cong Yi as the duke of Deng. After Nan Tang was eliminated, the people of the Deng kingdom became fugitives and used Deng as their last name (instead of Li) to avoid persecution. 
    Hometown: NanYang in HeNan Province.
Shi ([ʂɻ̩])) or Shih is the romanization of several Chinese surnames, including 石, 史, 師, 時, 士, 釋, and 施.

种(Chóng)姓出自仲姓,为周代仲山甫之后,为避仇所改。据《通志·氏族略》载:“种,本仲氏,以避难改载仲为种,望出河南。”种姓本为仲氏,以次为氏。仲为排行第二。周代王室重臣仲山甫(一作仲山父)的后人,为避仇改为种氏。种氏家祠地址位于山东省枣庄市薛城区种庄村. 源于任姓,出自商朝开国君王汤的佐相仲虺的后代,属于避难改姓为氏。仲虺,是著名的造车鼻祖奚、任、薛、仲四大姓氏的祖先奚仲(车服大夫、车正)的后代,世袭为古薛国(今山东枣庄薛城奚村)首领。源于姬姓,出自西周时期周王室上卿仲山甫的后代,属于避难改姓为氏。源于姬姓,出自春秋时期卫国大夫仲由,属于避难改姓为氏。仲由,公元前542~前480年,字子路,又字季路鲁国卞人(今山东泗水泉林镇卞桥村),孔子的得意门生,以政事见称。源于妫姓,出自春秋末年越国大夫文种的后裔,属于以先祖名字为氏。文种,郢人(今湖北江陵),与宛三户里人(今河南南阳宛县)范蠡为同为越国大夫。源于姬姓,出自战国时期赵国君主赵成侯赵种的后裔,属于以先祖名字为氏。周烈王姬喜元年(赵敬侯赵章十二年,赵成侯元年,公元前375年)赵敬侯病逝,当年赵章之子赵种即继位,是为赵成侯。源于妫姓,出自战国时期齐国大夫田种首,属于以先祖名字为氏。该支种氏出自战国时期齐国田氏家族,为帝舜后裔。战国时期的周显王三十六年(齐威王田因齐二十四年,魏惠成王魏罃三年,公元前333年)与魏惠成王(梁惠王)魏罃会田于郊。源于满族,属于汉化改姓为氏。据史籍《吉林通志》记载:满族汪佳氏,亦称王佳氏,世居王佳(今辽宁沈阳东陵区汪家乡)、辽阳(今辽宁辽阳)、讷图(今俄罗斯境内能图河流域)等地。

  • 楚國宗室白公勝,封有(今安徽穎上),後人改為慎姓。《姓氏考略》:「春秋時,楚國有慎縣,白公之邑,其後人以地為氏,望出天水。」


Ling is a surname which can be of either Chinese, English, or Nordic origin.According to traditional stories, the surname pronounced Líng () in Mandarin originated during the Zhou Dynasty as an occupational surname for a court official responsible for the storage and handling of ice. King Wu of Zhou's brother Kang Shu (康叔) had a son who held this post, and Kang Shu's descendants later adopted Líng as their surname.There is also a less-common surname pronounced Lìng () in Mandarin. In some cases, it may be a shortened version of the surname Linghu (令狐)."Ling" may also be an Eastern MinNorthern Min, or Wu transcription of the surname pronounced in Mandarin as Lín (). The English surname Ling, also spelled Linge, may have two different origins: one from a word used in Lincolnshire meaning "heath", and the other as a toponymic surname referring to the parish of Lyng, SomersetOne other rare surname () also pronounced Líng in Mandarin is believed to be used by only eight people in China.The Vietnamese surname Linh originated from the Vietnamese pronunciation of a different character pronounced Líng in Mandarin (), which is not used as a surname in Chinese.

 is the pinyin romanization of the Chinese surname written  in Chinese character. It is also spelled Leut according to the Cantonese pronunciation. Relatively uncommon, it is not listed in the Song Dynasty classic Hundred Family Surnames. Li 栗 is the 249th most common surname in China, with a total population of about 300,000, half of whom live in Henan province.According to traditional accounts, the surname Li 栗 originates from the legendary tribe or state called Lilu (栗陆氏), and the historical state of Li, which has been linked to Lilu. In the third-century text Records of Emperors and Kings (帝王世纪), Huangfu Mi records the legend that goddess Nüwa enfeoffed thirteen tribes or states, all having theFeng (风) surname. Lilu was ranked the fourth among the thirteen.[4][5][6] Professor Li Yujie of Henan University believes that Lilu was likely the first people in China to cultivate chestnuts (the character li 栗 also means chestnut). During the Shang Dynasty, the state of Li (栗) existed in what is now Xiayi County, Shangqiu, Henan province. After the state was conquered by the Zhou Dynasty, its people adopted the name of their former state as their surname. The surname thus has a history of approximately 3,100 years. The Li capital (called Licheng or Li City), now submerged under the Tianlong Lake southwest of the county seat of Xiayi夏邑 , is a protected site of Shangqiu.


- not much info but mentioned in The Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland - under grouping of fung but see pang


- the chinese name of rev frederick galpin was 闞斐迪 (1842-1932, arrived in china in 1868 and stayed for 30 years)




- people
  • 熙光宣:明朝人,河南人,洪武中仪制郎中使朝鲜。(《万姓统谱》)
  • 熙厚:明朝人,大足人,吏目。(《续文献通考》)
  • 吳光正family re his mother's obit 4jul18 in various newspapers

 - example of foreigners' translated surname
  • emilio alvarez 项华知, managing director, vortex capital 

Xin (Wade–GilesHsin) is the romanization of several Chinese surnames including Xīn 辛, Xīn 新 and Xìn 信, etc. 
Chinese Xin (信) family originated from;
《中国姓氏大全》将恽归为罕见姓,而在常州却是常见姓。(Yùn )姓源出有三:出自芈姓, 杨姓, 郓姓



- note various 郡望堂號including 琅琊郡,琅琊堂


  • surname chiam

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