Friday, January 11, 2019


- 《论语》是儒家最重要的典籍之一。《论语》一书的流传比较复杂。至汉初就有三种本子,《古论语》、《齐论语》、《鲁论语》(以下分别简称《古论》《齐论》《鲁论》)。《古论》属古文,《鲁论》与《齐论》属今文,当时张禹依据《鲁论》篇目,兼采《齐论》说,善者从之,号称《张侯论》,在当时影响颇大,这是《论语》的第一次改定本,也就是现在通行的各本的祖本。东汉末年,郑玄又依据《张侯论》,并参照《古论》和《齐论》,为《论语》作注,这可以说是《论语》的第二次改定本,此本唐以后不传。至魏,有何晏等人所撰的《论语集解》,是书首创古籍注释中的集解一体,较为集中地保存了《论语》的汉魏古注。在训解《论语》的诸多著作之中,《论语集解》居于一个承前启后的关键地位。从皇侃的《论语义疏》到邢昺的《论语注疏》、朱熹的《论语集注》、再到刘宝楠的《论语正义》,这些“论语学”史上有重要影响的经典注本,无一不是在《论语集解》的基础上成就。

The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars, also translated as The Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety (pinyinÈrshísì Xiào), is a classic text of Confucian filial piety written by Guo Jujing (郭居敬) during the Yuan dynasty (1260–1368). The text was extremely influential in the medieval Far East and was used to teach Confucian moral values.The text is generally attributed to Guo Jujing (郭居敬)[1] but other sources suggested two other possible authors or editors: Guo Shouzheng (郭守正)[2] and Guo Juye (郭居業). Some of the stories in The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars were taken from other texts such as the Xiaozi Zhuan (孝子傳), Yiwen Leiju, Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era and In Search of the Supernatural.
There were earlier precedents of The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars. A Buddhist bianwen titled Ershisi Xiao Yazuowen (二十四孝押座文), which was among the manuscripts discovered in Dunhuang's Mogao Caves, is the oldest extant text related to The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars. During the Southern Song dynasty, the artist Zhao Zigu (趙子固) drew a painting, Ershisi Xiao Shuhua Hebi (二十四孝書畫合璧), about The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars. During the Yuan dynasty, the scholar Xie Yingfang (謝應芳) mentioned in Gui Chao Ji (龜巢集) that a certain Wang Dashan (王達善) once praised The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars and the Classic of Filial Piety. During the Qing dynasty, Wu Zhengxiu (吳正修) mentioned in Ershisi Xiao Gu Ci(二十四孝鼓詞) that the Twenty-four Filial Exemplars were very well known. After the release of The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars, revised editions of the text and other similar works were published. Some of these include: Riji Gushi Daquan Ershisi Xiao (日記故事大全二十四孝; Complete Diary Stories of the Twenty-four Filial Exemplars), Nü Ershisi Xiao (女二十四孝; Female Twenty-four Filial Exemplars), and Nan Nü Ershisi Xiao (男女二十四孝; Male and Female Twenty-four Filial Exemplars). The philologist Yang Bojun mentioned the development of The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars in Jingshu Qiantan (經書淺談). After the book was compiled by Guo Shouzheng during the Yuan dynasty, a new illustrated edition with drawings by Wang Kexiao (王克孝) was released, and this made the book even more popular. Towards the end of the Qing dynasty, Zhang Zhidongand others edited and expanded the book and released it as Bai Xiao Tu Shuo (百孝圖說; Illustrated Hundred Stories of Filial Piety). 

- according to 论语今释by 蔣沛昌 (publisher 岳麓书社), 孔子遠祖是殷商苗裔, 祖籍栗巴(今河南夏邑县)
- forced to have coarse diet of vegetable broths or stews without condiments "chenopod broth" during his troubled passage between Chen 陳 and Cai 蔡.
Confucius’ Birthday (Chinese: 孔子誕辰 / 孔子诞辰, Mandarin pinyin: Kǒngzǐ Dànchén, falls on the 27th day of the eighth lunar month of the Chinese calendar. It is officially celebrated on Taiwan as "Teachers' Day" on September 28th, and in Hong Kong on the third Sunday of September as "Confucius Day", though the traditional date is also often observed. Mainland China observes a "Teachers' Day" on September 10th to celebrate the efforts of today's teachers, and there is a legislative effort underway to move that to September 28th. Many countries with Confucian cultures hold commemorations each year, especially mainland China, Macau, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan. The birth of Confucius is not a public holiday, but it is an official public holiday for workers (not including teachers) in Taiwan, known as Teachers’ Day. In October 2006, Hong Kong officially commenced celebrating the birth date of Confucius. The roots of this traditional ceremony can be found as far back in the time of the Zhou Dynasty, and appeals to both foreign tourists and local people to this day.

  • 政府自二○一四年將九月第三個周日訂為「香港孔聖誕日」後,孔教更想將嗰日訂為公眾假期,提出用復活節最後一日假期嚟替換。呢個建議唔單止激起宗教界嘅爭論,搞到政府內部都好頭痕。立法會體育、演藝、文化及出版界議員馬逢國透露,政府有意接納呢個替換假期嘅建議,但就踢爆勞工及福利局(勞福局)同民政事務局(民政局)互相卸膊,拒絕牽頭上身,令事件原地踏步多年。據悉,最新進展係民政局「推莊」失敗,將接手跟進有關建議。

Confucius family
- 孔子七十六代後裔、山東大學歷史文化學 院教授孔令仁於2016年7月18日19時10分因 病醫治無效在山東濟南逝世,享年93歲。 山東大學於2016年7月20日14時在濟南粟山 殯儀館為孔令仁舉行了送別儀式。孔令仁,女,山東曲阜人,孔子七十 六代後裔,1924年11月出生於濟南,山東 大學歷史文化學院教授,歷史學家,著名 社會活動家,曾任全國政協常委、全國婦 聯副主席、民盟中央副主席、中國孔子基 金會副會長、山東省政協副主席、民盟山 東省委名譽主委、山東大學校務委員會副 主任等職。 孔令仁長期工作在教學科研第一線, 耕耘杏壇60餘載。她主編的《中國近代企 業的開拓者》、《中國近代化與洋務運動 》,以及10卷本、400萬字《中國老字號》 煌煌巨著,獲得學術界交口讚譽。 作為社會活動家,孔令仁還利用出國 講學、探親訪友和接待外賓等機會,做了 大量海外聯誼工作。她還投身婦女兒童事 業,廣泛接觸各界婦女群眾,反映她們的 現實要求和願望,維護婦女兒童的合法權 益。
-  《孔子世家譜》是中國歷史上延續時間最長、包羅內容最豐富、譜系最完整的族譜,是儒家文化的重要典籍,已作為世界上最長的家譜列入健力士世界紀錄。尤其2009年新版《孔子世家譜》,全譜共80冊,4.3萬頁,2,000餘萬字,錄入孔氏族人總數約200萬人。

- 曾子文化协会为庆祝儒家宗圣曾子诞辰2522周年暨该会成立三周年,日前假长沙湾君好海鲜酒家举行敬老爱心千岁宴,当晚筵开63席,750多人聚首一堂,非常热闹。
- 曾子文化協會日前在觀塘區順利社區會堂舉行「曾子順利頌母親」,大會除了安排連串的表演節目,更為參與活動的超過300名長者送上愛心福米,以及提供華服體驗活動,讓他們一嘗穿上華服的滋味。觀塘民政事務處聯絡主任主管曹嘉文讚揚該會積極到各區進行促進和諧及宣揚中華傳統文化工作,而是次活動,更是區內史無前例的社區活動,為區內居民帶來新鮮感,冀今後能有更多類似活動。

Hong Mai (洪邁, 1123 Poyang-1202 Hangzhou),[1] courtesy name Jinglu (景盧), art name Yechu (野處) and Rongzhai (容齋), was a Chinese statesman, Confucian scholar and writer during the Southern Song dynasty.Yijianzhi was one of Hong's major contribution to the Chinese Yaoguai mythology tradition that dates back to the time of Gan Bao.[6] The record spoke widely about incidents that are mythical, fantastic, and supernatural during Song dynasty. More importantly, the record depicts the daily life of Song dynasty Chinese in detail which otherwise would remain unknown to modern time researchers.Hong Mai was an advocate of Chinese colloquial fiction writing. He elevated the writing of fiction to the same level of poetry. Especially, Hong praised the Tang dynasty fiction writers for their touching renditions of common people's day-to-day emotions.In 1180, Hong Mai initiated his project of compiling ten thousand Tang dynasty poems. The compiling was completed in the year of 1190. The publication is known as "Ten thousand quatrains of Tang".

Hanban (汉办), also known as Confucius Institute Headquarters,[1]is the colloquial abbreviation for the Office of Chinese Language Council International(Chinese国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室pinyinguójiā Hànyǔ guójì tuīguǎng lǐngdǎo xiǎozǔ bàngōngshì). It was originally called the China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (NOTCFL, Chinese国家对外汉语教学领导小组pinyinguójiā duìwài Hànyǔ jiàoxué lǐngdǎo xiǎozǔ), which was established in 1987.[2] According to Hanban's official website, Hanban is "a public institution affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education" and is committed to "providing Chinese language and cultural teaching resources and services worldwide".[3] Hanban's goals include "making Chinese language and culture teaching resources and services available to the world", "meeting the demands of overseas Chinese learners", and "contributing to the formation of a world of cultural diversity and harmony".[2]Hanban aims to cultivate knowledge and interest in the Chinese language and culture around the world, especially in people who are not native speakers of Chinese. Hanban has worked "closely with overseas organizations to develop Chinese language courses in their respective countries".Hanban is most notable for the Confucius Institute program.[4] It also sponsors Chinese Bridge, a competition in Chinese proficiency for non-native speakers.[5] Organizationally, Hanban sits directly under the Ministry of Education.[3] It has numerous subdivisions, including three separate Confucius Institute divisions in charge of Asian and African, American and Oceanian, and European regions.2002年成立國家對外漢語教學領導小組辦公室。嚴美華任主任,姜明寶張國慶任副主任。2004年1月16日中國國家對外漢語教學領導小組辦公室專兼職主任聯席會議召開。2005年1月4日,許琳被任命為國家漢辦主任,嚴美華被免去國家漢辦主任職務。2006年2月五洲漢風教育科技(北京)有限公司以馬箭飛為法人代表進行軟件企業認定備案,3月2日發證,證書編號「京R-2006-0025」。2007年8月27日漢考國際測試技術服務(北京)中心有限公司成立,「法定代表人/負責人」為胡志平。截止到2008年底五洲漢風教育科技(北京)有限公司總資產已達到5000萬。[5][永久失效連結]2009年9月9日五洲漢風網絡科技(北京)有限公司成立,「法定代表人/負責人」為王永利。根據財政部公佈的《網絡孔子學院網站運營服務項目中標公告》,2009年12月15日網絡孔子學院網站運營服務由五洲漢風網絡科技(北京)有限公司中標,中標金額:35,200,000.00元,招標編號:CEIECZB01-09JX033。

    Confucian Academy
    - note the 離 Lí trigram lines (represent fire)
    - Pope Francis greets huge crowds during the Vatican’s General Audience every Wednesday, and for many Catholics who attend it would be a dream come true to have a personal conversation with the pontiff. That chance however went to a non-Catholic on October 28 last year, when Hong Kong’s Confucian Academy president Tong Yun-kai met the pope in Rome. “I was there with about 400 religious leaders from around the world ... and I told the pope that I am very worried about the chaos around the globe, including the refugee crisis in Europe,” Tong told the Post. “I asked him what could religious leaders do ... The pope said he too was worried about these problems.” Tong met the pontiff as part of the Interreligious General Audience held on that day. According to the Vatican’s website, the occasion was held to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the declaration which defines the relationship between the Catholic church and the non-Christian religions. 

    Confucius institute
    - history

    • [潘春陽] first institute set up in 2004
    • Beijing is abandoning its Confucius Institute brand after a global backlash over censorship, switching to a new look as a centre for “language exchange and cooperation”. In a directive to lower-level agencies, the Ministry of Education said the Confucius Institute Headquarters, or Hanban, had changed its name to the Ministry of Education Centre for Language Education and Cooperation.The directive, which was circulating on social media on Saturday, was confirmed by a source in the education sector who was briefed about the change. There was no response to phone calls to the institute’s headquarters or its Asian offices.
    - guidelines

    • 孔子學院章程

    -, hkej 31oct14 a23
    - China's Confucius Institute has opened more than 490 branches across the world and plans to increase the number to 500 by the end of this year, according to the agency. Chief Executive of the Confucius Institute Headquarters Xu Lin said on Sunday all foreign directors will have attended training courses in China by the end of the year. He was speaking at an ongoing seminar held in Shanghai and attended by 36 foreign directors from 21 countries.

    - 據新華社報道,以「適應需求,融合發展」為主題的第十屆孔子學院大會6日在上海開幕。會議提出了今後5年孔子學院的發展行動計劃草案,將突出「特色、品質、創新、共建、品牌」5個關鍵詞。來自134個國家和地區的大學校長及孔子學院代表、各國駐華使節、中資企業代表等共計2,300餘人參會。今年是孔子學院新10年的開局之年,此前已走過規模化建設的歷程。2004年開始,中國在借鑒英、法、德、西等國推廣本民族語言經驗的基礎上,探索在海外設立以教授漢語和傳播中國文化為宗旨的非營利性教育機構「孔子學院」。至今,中國已在134個國家和地區建立了500所孔子學院、1,000個中小學孔子課堂,學員總數達190萬人。 number of institutes overseas china daily 17aug16
    - 德國第17家孔子學院─施特拉爾鬆德孔子學院31日舉行成立儀式,德國總理默克爾應邀出席併為這家孔子學院揭幕。這是默克爾首次為孔子學院揭幕。  施特拉爾鬆德是默克爾擔任議員的選區所在地,被視作其“政治故鄉”。默克爾在致辭中表示,很高興看到她去年與中國總理李克強共同見證簽署協議的施特拉爾鬆德孔子學院正式成立。
    - for learning the Chinese language, literature and culture is higher than ever in Latvia due to excellent bilateral relations and growing economic connections, and the visit of Premier Li Keqiang will further boost Sino-Latvian language and cultural exchanges, said Shang Quanyu, director of LUCI-the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia.- general education article
    - The Confucius Institute will hold its largest annual conference on Saturday in Kunming, Yunnan province. Since it started in 2006, the event has discussed ways to make Chinese language and culturemore accessible to foreigners. This year's topics include the global evaluation system for the Chinese language that hasbeen designed by the institute and developing new programs to promote cultural exchangesbetween China and the world.
    Launched 12 years ago, the Confucius Institute is a nonprofit educational organization that works largely through cooperation between a Chinese university and a foreign counterpart. It has had 511 branches in 140 countries, teaching Chinese to more than 2.1 million students.With rapid expansion in recent years, the Confucius Institute has also started to diversify by setting up institutes that highlight traditional Chinese medicine, business and fashion design. Zhang Haiyan has been studying multinational cooperation and teaching at universities in Europe for more than 30 years, and he is now the director of the Confucius Institute at Neoma Business School in France. That branch was founded in 2014 and is the first topical Confucius Institute that features a business program in France. "There are now eight business Confucius Institutes around the world," says Zhang. "We formed a union to share resources and host international seminars." Besides language-related courses and activities for around 700 students per year, Zhang's institute offers training for companies who want to do business with China
    - sign language

    • Chinese Sign Language expert Zheng Xuan became the first hearing-impaired teacher to volunteer abroad with Confucius Institute
    - music

      A platform for nurturing talented people who can use foreign languages to teach traditional Chinese music at Confucius Institutes abroad should be set up to meet the increasing demand, experts said. As of this month, 500 Confucius Institutes have been established in 134 countries around the world. Many are in need of teachers who can teach Chinese music, according to Ling Zi, former associate executive editor of Little Performer Magazine, who has visited many Confucius Institutes in United States in recent years.
    孔廟,又稱夫子廟至聖廟先師廟先聖廟文宣王廟,通常稱為文廟[註 1],本是中國紀念孔子、供後人祭祀孔子的廟宇式建築,自漢武帝罷黜百家,獨尊儒術後成為藉以宣傳儒家思想的廟宇。隨著中國文化在中國周邊地區的影響加深,越南朝鮮日本等地都興建了許多孔廟。18世紀以後,在歐洲美洲等地也相繼出現了孔廟。海內外孔廟曾發展到三千多處(目前尚存一千三百多處)。
    - 作為禮制廟宇的孔廟多與地方官學結合,亦即所謂「廟學制」,布局主要可以分為前廟後學、左廟右學、右廟左學等形式。其中崇聖祠明倫堂大成殿大成門是中國、朝鮮、越南、琉球皆有的主要建築,中國孔廟一般都有萬仞宮牆泮池禮門義路欞星門東西兩廡幾部分,有些孔廟並設有鄉賢祠名宦祠節孝祠孝子祠等。中國的孔廟一般都是三進院落(曲阜孔廟是九進),也有許多只有兩進。
    在越南,地方孔廟稱文址(Văn chỉ),村社孔廟稱祠址(Từ chỉ)。
    • 鄉賢祠:用於紀念當地籍貫的歷史名人[4],由知縣具文遂級呈報朝廷,經審批後入祠立碑紀念[5]
    • 名宦祠:用於紀念當地政績突出官員[4],由知縣具文遂級呈報朝廷,經審批後方可入祠立碑紀念[5]

    - 中國孔子基金會上周四發表聲明,指因設置「全國儒學社團聯席會議秘書處(下稱「秘書處」)」,超出中國孔子基金會的職責範圍,根據國家文旅部的要求,決定取消設置秘書處,不再負責組織全國省級以上儒學社團聯席會議。聲明指出,作為發起單位之一,中國孔子基金會二○一三年建立了全國省級以上儒學社團聯席會議機制,並根據各省儒學社團的建議而設立秘書處。至目前為止,全國省級以上儒學社團聯席會議在全國各地由各省儒學社團承辦召開了七次會議,出版了六部會議論文集,加強了儒學社團的交流。聲明呼籲,今後承辦聯席會議的儒學社團按照國家有關規定,向其主管部門進行審批或備案。

    Hanban (汉办), also known as Confucius Institute Headquarters,[1]is the colloquial abbreviation for the Office of Chinese Language Council International(国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室). It was originally called the China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (NOTCFL, 国家对外汉语教学领导小组pinyinguójiā duìwài Hànyǔ jiàoxué lǐngdǎo xiǎozǔ), which was established in 1987.[2] According to Hanban's official website, Hanban is "a public institution affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education" and is committed to "providing Chinese language and cultural teaching resources and services worldwide".[3] Hanban's goals include "making Chinese language and culture teaching resources and services available to the world", "meeting the demands of overseas Chinese learners", and "contributing to the formation of a world of cultural diversity and harmony".[2]Hanban aims to cultivate knowledge and interest in the Chinese language and culture around the world, especially in people who are not native speakers of Chinese. Hanban has worked "closely with overseas organizations to develop Chinese language courses in their respective countries". Hanban is most notable for the Confucius Institute program.[4] It also sponsors Chinese Bridge, a competition in Chinese proficiency for non-native speakers.[5] Organizationally, Hanban sits directly under the Ministry of Education.[3] It has numerous subdivisions, including three separate Confucius Institute divisions in charge of Asian and African, American and Oceanian, and European regions. In 2014, The Economist labeled Hanban a "government entity".[6] Hanban has been criticized for its Confucius Institute program and for the actions of former Director-General Xu Lin.The China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (NOCFL) was established in 1987 to "enhance the mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and other peoples of the world, promote economic and trade cooperation as well as scientific, technological and cultural exchanges between them".國家漢語國際推廣領導小組辦公室,簡稱國家漢辦漢辦(英語:Hanban),是國家漢語國際推廣領導小組的常設辦事機構,作為正司局級直屬事業單位掛靠在中華人民共和國教育部。國家漢語國際推廣領導小組辦公室與教育部對外漢語教學發展中心孔子學院總部合署辦公國家對外漢語教學領導小組,成立於1987年7月。2002年成立國家對外漢語教學領導小組辦公室。嚴美華任主任,姜明寶張國慶任副主任。漢辦也是孔子學院的管理機構,主要職能是負責中國的對外漢語教學漢語國際推廣,其宗旨是「向世界推廣漢語,增進世界各國對中國的了解。」工作目標是「漢語走出國門,走出亞洲,走向世界。」
    - host organization of chinese proficiency test in hk, according to a hku space handout, chinese testing international co ltd is an independent legal entity that specialises inchined language testing services

    confucius teaching
    - Ancient teachings aid modern lifestyles


    -山東省近日印發《關於弘揚企業 家 精 神 支 持 企 業 家 幹 事 創 業 的 若 干 措 施 ( 試 行)》,營造企業家健康成長環境,激發企業家創 業創新熱情。山東省還將籌建 「儒商」學院,打造 國內一流的企業家培訓基地。
    - 6月30日,由山東 省委、省政府主辦的第二屆儒商大會暨青年企業家創 新發展國際峰會在濟南舉行。此次大會採取線上線下 相結合、以線上為主的方式舉辦,定向邀請港澳嘉賓 參會。當日, 山東省委書記 劉家義與香港 世茂集團董事 局 主 席 許 榮 茂、澳門新柏 嘉(橫琴)發展 有限公司總經 理馬志毅進行 了連線對話。

    - 湯恩佳
    • 香港孔教學院(學院)院長湯恩佳女兒湯惠心,與學院常務副院長吳漢良大仔、粵港澳大灣區青年總會主席吳學明前晚結婚,就採取香港首見嘅古代士族婚禮

    “why Confucius became more well-known than Laozi.” I think this attitude starts with the first Jesuit missionaries in China, specifically Matteo Ricci (who developed the view of Chinese culture that the Jesuits for the next century followed fairly closely). To Ricci (as articulated e.g. in De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas), Buddhism and Taoism were rival religions to be fought against (just like any other “heathen” religion). Confucianism, on the other hand, was a “politico-moral” philosophical teaching, following which could be generally compatible with the Christian beliefs. The Jesuits (who provided Europe’s main window to the Chinese civilization in the 17th century) therefore viewed Confucianism either positively or at least neutrally, and felt that studying it was important for earning respect from the Chinese elites, and successfully bringing Christianity into the Chinese society via this route. This resulted in major research and translation projects, which made at least an overview of Confucius’ works available to the European learned audiences… in Latin, of course.As far as the 17th century Jesuits were concerned, no comparatively deep study of Taoism was needed for their purposes. In the 18th century, the Popes basically said that Jesuits’ acceptance of “Chinese [i.e. Confucian] Rites” was wrong, and the order had to mostly pull out from China. (See Chinese Rites controversy). By the time western scholars (many of them Protestants, such as James Legge (1815–1897)) started working on the translation of Chinese classics again, Latin had gone out of fashion, and the translations were made directly into English, French, German, Russian, etc. Thus in Legge’s Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) Laozi is simply Lao Tzu.

    - 有網民於美國時間周二在白宮請願網站,發起「關閉在美國孔子學院」的簽名活動。與此同時,針對聯邦參議員魯比奧和聯邦調查局(FBI)局長克里斯托弗‧雷發表言論,指中國學生學者對美國國家安全構成威脅,賓夕凡尼亞州費城有華人舉行集會抗議。 california

    • 由中國政府資助的孔子學院遍布美國各地大學,有美國國會議員曾批評中國藉此影響當地高等教育。北佛羅里達大學(University of North Florida)近日以孔子學院的課程和活動,不符合該校發展目標為由,宣布將關閉該校的孔子學院。
    • 美國傳媒報道,美國國防部正以「國家利益」為名,宣布不再資助設有孔子學院的美國大學中的中文教育項目,可能會導致在美國的孔子學院新一輪的關閉潮。在過去十五個月來,至少有十五間美國大學宣布關閉校內的孔子學院。
    •  中國政府在全球多間大學資助設立孔子學院,因被懷疑是間諜及洗腦組織,遭美國多間大學關閉後,美國三藩市州立大學(SFSU)日前亦決定關閉校內的孔子學院,結束與北京師範大學長達十四年的合作關係。截至今年一月,美國的一百零五間孔子學院中,已有十三間關閉或決定關閉。
    • 受美國政府施壓下,在美開辦時間最長的馬里蘭大學孔子學院,近日宣布將在二○一九年至二○二○年的學年內關閉,但校方表示會繼續推廣漢語。

    - UCLA Confucius Institute

    • 美國加州大學戴維斯分校近日發表聲明,將於今年八月十五日起關閉校內孔子學院,該校亦將與中國教育部下屬單位「國家漢辦」分離。資料顯示,國家漢辦是為各國提供語言文化教學,是孔子學院的管理機構。

      - chicago

      • The Chinese Cultural Festival, jointly hosted by the Confucius Institute in Chicago and Chicago Public Schools, is a good way for American students to learn about China, CIC director Jane Lu said.

      - houston

      - has deepened its links with China, with the British Crown dependency officially launching its first Confucius Classroom, which opened in Hautlieu School last week as the 1,000th such facility worldwide.
      - florida

      • Miami Dade College on Thursday terminated its contract with the Confucius Institute, effectively shuttering the last of four branches that the organisation, affiliated with the Chinese government, operated in the Sunshine State. The move, which comes one week since the college’s board of trustees appointed an interim president, was made “due to low and declining enrolment that does not justify the operational cost” of running the programme, the school said in a statement Friday.
      - activities in usa

      - 2009至2011年,我受南京大學 委派,赴加拿大滑鐵盧大學孔子學院 任中方院長。孔子學院的工作,主要 是教漢語和介紹中國文化。漢語教學 ,基本上是在學校和社區圖書館進行 ,可以在學校舉辦中國文化節,也可 以到社區展示中國工藝品;可以在當 地的節日活動中貢獻書法、剪紙、武 術等 「中國元素」 ,也可以整合各種 資源舉辦以中國文化為主題的講座、 表演乃至學術會議。正是在一次介紹 中國文化的活動中,我結識了加拿大 聯邦議員Peter Braid先生。 那時經常來我們活動現場的加拿 大聯邦議員(國會不開會時回到選區 )有兩位:Stephen Woodworth和 Peter Braid。

      - Vice-Premier Liu Yandong visited the Confucius Institute at Sao Paulo State University on Wednesday, asking students there to carry forward the traditional friendship between the people and to help promote Sino-Brazilian ties. China and Brazil, the largest developing nations, are important partners in cooperation, Liu said. "Not long ago, President Xi, Premier Li and I received a letter signed by Mr. Luis Antonio Paulino, dean of the Confucius Institute, and some 30 students from the school. ... We are really moved by their enthusiasm for the Chinese language and their aspiration to learn more about China," said Liu. There has been increasing interest in Brazil for learning Mandarin, and the country now hosts the largest number of Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms, Liu said. There are about 20,000 students registered at the 10 Confucius Institutes and the four middle school Confucius Classrooms in Brazil, and many primary and middle schools have incorporated Mandarin into their school curriculum, she added.

      - 為紀念華人抵秘一百七十周年,秘魯中華通惠 總局和自由區市政,在秘魯利馬市共同打造華僑 孔子公園。孔子公園由中國駐秘大使館、秘魯中 華通惠總局、香港孔教學院、佛山市南海區僑務 局和佛山市順德區僑務局共同贊助建設,孔教學 院無償捐出孔聖銅像。孔教學院院長湯恩佳博士 代表孔教學院出席是次孔子聖像揭幕儀式。

      - Top Chinese legislator visits Confucius Institute in Vladivostok


      The Confucius Institute at the University of Helsinki was established in 2007 following  the official visit by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao to Finland in September 2006 in connection with the Helsinki ASEM Summit. The agreement is signed between the University of Helsinki and the Office of Chinese Language Council (Hanban). The academic partner of the institute is the Renmin University of China.

      • in denmark??? china daily 25oct17

      Alessandra Lavagnino, professor of Chinese language and culture at the University in Milan and co-director of its Confucius Institute, praised the crucial value China gives to culture.

      - 比利時報道指,布魯塞爾自由大學的孔子學院院長宋新寧,利用人脈關係為中國情報機構效勞,遭比利時禁止入境。另外,美國紐約羅徹斯特大學的管弦樂團原定會在今年冬天到中國巡迴演出,不過因三名南韓樂手上周不獲批簽證,樂團周二宣布取消演出。
      比利時布魯塞爾自由大學(Vrije Universiteit Brussel,VUB)周三宣布,將於明年終止與孔子學院合作。校長保韋爾斯(Caroline Pauwels)表示,學校將僅在符合研究自由的原則下與其他機構合作,董事會考量這點後,認為與孔子學院的合作已不符政策目標,因此決定終止。

      saudi arabia
      -  Saudi university signs agreement with Confucius Institute, Fang Aiqing reports. The Confucius Institute Headquarters signed an agreement in Beijing on Monday for the provision of Chinese language instructors to Saudi Arabia's King Saud University. According to the agreement, the Confucius Institute Headquarters will send Chinese language instructors to help the university teach Chinese and launch a Chinese language department.

      - 達喀爾大學孔子學院

      印度教育部本周將開會檢視國內七間大學設立的孔子學院,以及五十四份中印高等學府簽署的校際合作諒解備忘錄。印度官方公布的正式文件顯示,排除中文為中學選修科目。報道指,安全部門人員上月十五日向內閣秘書長高巴(Rajiv Gauba)匯報中國滲透印度通訊及高等教育後,教育部決定檢視孔子學院安排等。有高官透露,政府將審視孟買大學孔子學院、韋洛爾科技大學孔子學院、拉夫里科技大學漢語教學中心、金德爾全球大學漢語言培訓與研究中心、加爾各答中文學校孔子課堂、巴拉蒂爾大學廣播孔子課堂、曼格拉姆大學漢語教學中心。

      sri lanka
      - institute set up in 2009

      - 澳洲《悉尼晨驅報》報道,十三間本地大學與中國的孔子學院簽訂合約,部分大學同意讓孔子學院審查教學質量,並收受十至十五萬澳元(約四十七至七十一萬港元)資助及教學資源等作報酬。澳洲教育及培訓部部長德昂表示,會調查是否違反外國干預法。
      - 阿德萊德大學孔子學院

      - 澳洲新南威爾士省教育部去年五月起,審查省內由中國政府資助的孔子課程。當局以憂慮外國影響力滲透為由,周四宣布今年底結束當地十三間學校的孔子課程,並由一個一百二十萬澳元(約六百三十五萬港元)的漢語教學課程取代。

      - 林羅生 was a confucius scholar from china to bakufu government hkej 16jun18

      Jongmyo is a Confucian shrine dedicated to the perpetuation of memorial services for the deceased kings and queens of the Korean Joseon Dynasty (1392–1897). The main buildings of Jongmyo was constructed in October, 1394 when Taejo, first king of Joseon Dynasty, moved the capital to Seoul. It was destroyed by fire in the Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–98), then rebuilt in 1608.宗庙制度在朝鲜半岛最早由新罗从中国引进。韩国首尔的宗庙1394年由朝鲜太祖李成桂下令修建,被认为是当时亚洲最长的建筑之一。
      - 九處古朝鮮王朝時代的書院,已獲UNESCO諮詢機構「國際古蹟遺址理事會」(ICOMOS)推薦加入名錄。全數九間書院均建於古朝鮮王朝時代,為崇尚儒家思想的古代民間教育機構,主導推廣理學,書院內一般設有祭祀先賢的祠堂和培養儒生的講堂,至今原形仍保存完好。九間書院分別是榮州紹修書院、慶州玉山書院、安東陶山書院、安東屏山書院、達成道東書院、咸陽藍溪書院、井邑武城書院、長城筆岩書院、論山遁岩書院。 月峯書院Wolbongseowon Confucian Academy (built in 1578, the 11th year of King Seonjo) was established to honor Ki Daeseung's study and virtue by Kim Gyehwi and other confucian scholars through Mangcheonsa Shrine in Sanwol-ri, Bia-myeon, Gwangsan-gun. The location of the confucian academy was moved to its current site in 1646 (the 24th year of King Injo) and the name 'Wolbong' was made by King Hyojong in 1654. In 1671, Bak Sang and Bak Sun's shrines were placed from Deoksansa Shrine by suggestions of Song Siyeol. Also, Kim Jangsaeng and Kim Jip's shrines were additionally placed in 1673. Unfortunately, the confucian academy was abolished due to the abolition policy of Daewongun in 1868 (the 5th year of King Gojong). Later, Bingwoldang Confucian Academy, comprised of five rooms, was built by Jeollanam-do's Confucian scholars in 1983. In addition, Gojiksa Shrine comprised of four rooms in 1972, Jangpangak Pavilion comprised of three rooms and Oesammun Gate in 1978, Sau in 1980 and Naesammun Gate in 1981 were established in order.

      - [潘,王] first batch of confucius institutes set up in 2006

      - confucius institute in suphan buri province, central thailand china daily 3oct14

      - event in jakarta hkej 15apr2020 a19,

      - 4 confucius institutes in philippines

      - shandong promote confucianism around the world china daily 19sep17
      - Shandong province, the home of Confucius (551-479 BC), is actively promoting the work of founding a university named after the Chinese sage, in a bid to develop the province into a research and study center of Confucianism with global appeal, the top provincial official said on Saturday in Jinan, the capital. It is the second time that Liu Jiayi, Party chief of the province, has spoken of plans to build such a university.
      Last week, at the Fifth Nishan Forum on World Civilizations in Nishan, Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius in Shandong, Liu said the province has been implementing a Master of Confucianism program, including establishing a university named after the sage and developing a Confucian research center with global leadership.

      - 第二屆河北儒學論壇在滄州舉行。來自內地和香港 的各大院校及機構的上百名教授、專家、學者齊聚 「獅城」滄州,共同探討儒學文化的傳承和發展。

      -   香港孔教學院院長湯恩佳,向湖北經濟學院捐贈孔子聖像。當天 由湖北經濟學院校長董仕節主持揭幕儀式,孔教學院院長湯恩佳與 校黨委書記溫興生,共同於孔聖園為孔聖像揭幕。湖北經濟學院師 生上下共 200 餘名代表參加是次揭幕儀式。hkcd 9mar2020 a14

      - 建水文廟建於元 朝至元二十二年(公元1285年),從古 至今經歷代50多次擴建增修。建水文廟正 面22扇格子門,雕有形態各異的飛禽走獸 ,玻璃瓦的屋頂,光彩奪目。廟宇周圍種 植的古柏讓整個文廟顯得莊嚴肅穆,有 「 金碧壯麗甲全滇」 之美譽,其規模僅次於 山東曲阜孔廟。

      - 南京夫子廟始建於宋景祐元年( 公元一○三四年),原是上元、江寧 兩縣學的文廟。明清兩代曾三次毀而 復建,現存的夫子廟是清代同治八年 重建的,後經幾次整修,成今天的格 局。
      - 香港孔教學院院長湯恩佳無償向南京新中醫學院捐贈孔子銅像,旨 在弘揚儒家文化,讓中外師生都能經常瞻仰孔子聖容,思考孔子聖 誨,加深對儒學的理解。hkcd 9mar2020

      - statue at fuzhou university

      - hkcd 30oct18 a19 9th edition of 孔子文化節

      - 大成至聖先師奉祀官
      • 即使是尊法抑儒的秦始皇,也曾封孔鮒(孔子第九世孫)為「文通君」,此後直到唐代,孔家嫡系後裔幾乎一直都能在不同朝代享有公爵或侯爵的待遇。北宋時期,朝廷尊孔子為「至聖文宣王」,封其嫡裔為「衍聖公」(有繁衍聖裔之意),這個爵位自此之後就被孔家嫡系世代繼承,歷經明、清而不改。1912 年中華民國建立,次年首位正式大總統袁世凱在《崇聖典例》中保留「衍聖公」的爵位,頗有繼承歷朝正統的意味。1919年(民國八年),第三十一代衍聖公孔令貽無子而逝;為了維持聖人血脈,其遺腹子孔德成將誕生之際,北洋政府出動軍隊護衛孔府,當孔德成出生時,政府甚至鳴炮十三響慶祝「聖裔不輟」,並在其滿百日時,由大總統徐世昌以大統總令任命為三十二代衍聖公,然而這也是中國最後一任的衍聖公。在西風東漸的當時,孔德成除了傳統家學,也學習英文等新學。但隨著五四運動等社會變遷,儒學傳統一再受到輿論的質疑和挑戰,甚至連知名學者蔡元培也主張,政府應該廢止祭孔並取消對孔府的優待(這是去中國化!抓到了,蔡元培是的!)1928 年(民國 17 年,孔德成八歲),孔府以孔德成的名義請求政府取消「衍聖公」的爵位。1935 年(民國 24 年),國民政府下令將「衍聖公」改為「大成至聖先師奉祀官」(位階極高,相當於部長等級,口語上常簡稱為孔子奉祀官)。來到臺灣的孔德成與道教的張天師、佛教的章嘉活佛等,被中國民國政府視為其中華道統所在(剛好湊成儒、道、釋三教傳人),因此在艱困的時局中仍備受蔣介石總統禮遇。孔德成的兩個兒子都曾在成績不足的情況下,經政府同意保送政大、臺大兩間學校,當時還曾引起不少輿論。隨著時代變遷,在民間抨擊(如李敖、柏陽)和政界異議(如尤清、朱高正)下,政府也逐漸縮減孔子奉祀官的相關預算,例如 1998 年裁撤台中的「大成至聖先師奉祀官府」(臺灣在二十世紀末還有「官府」耶!)、2008 年將孔子奉祀官改為無給職。同時政府也順應時勢修改相關的規定,孔子奉祀官不限定由男性擔任,現行規定「大成至聖先師奉祀官由孔子後裔承襲。」(〈大成至聖先師孔子奉祀及紀念要點〉第二條)釋出了由女性擔任奉祀官的可能性。到了今天,孔子奉祀官雖然不若以往地位尊榮、待遇優渥,但每年教師節在台北市孔廟舉行的釋奠典禮,仍然可以看到現任的奉祀官孔垂長與其他聖人後裔(如孟子、曾子的後代)在典禮中擔任要角。
      - 台南孔廟創建於 300 多年前,是 台灣最古老的文廟,被譽為「全台 首學」,同時也是台南最著名的景 點之一。因 2016 年 2 月 6 日強震受 損,台南孔廟從去年6月開始大修, 計劃總經費約5,000萬元新台幣,範 圍涵蓋整個孔廟園區。
      - [poon hon tong book on interview with ma ying gou]  ma saw confucianism as tool to 移風易俗, he was the first head of state of roc to visit confucius temple
      - 「台北孔廟佾舞文化交流團」及孔子第79代嫡長孫孔垂長一行60人昨日在曲阜孔廟以雅樂舞祭祀了孔子。孔垂長昨日表示,希望通過兩岸的力量,把儒學、中華傳統文化推廣到全世界。「儒家文化是中華傳統文化的重要組成。因孔子嫡孫的身份,我以弘揚儒家文化作為出發點。」2011年,孔垂長發起成立「中華大成至聖先師孔子協會」,2014年發起成立至聖孔子基金會,搭建合作平台。這次孔垂長特別邀請台北市孔廟雅樂舞團到曲阜孔廟做祭孔樂舞展演,是希望能夠通過這種方式,啟發兩岸人士從中想到推廣儒學、傳統文化更好的方式。

      - Macao will inaugurate its first Confucius Institute to develop Macao into an international platform for Chinese language education for overseas countries, especially Portuguese-speaking countries, the University of Macau (UM) said on Thursday. UM said it has received approval from the Office of Chinese Language Council International to establish a Confucius Institute, as a response to the Macao Special Administrative Region's effort to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative.

      Hong kong
      - history
      • 朱汝珍是广东清远人,清光绪三十年(1904年)参加甲辰恩科会试,取得贡士资格后参加殿试,考得一甲第二名,即榜眼,获赐进士及第。清廷在次年废除科举,朱汝珍乃成末科榜眼。民间传说朱汝珍本获主考评为状元,但慈禧太后不喜欢他的籍贯和姓名,广东人使她想起洪秀全、孙中山等“反贼”,“珍”想起被她害死的珍妃,“朱”与“诛”同音而产生忌讳,于是钦点他为榜眼,状元则为刘春霖。民国成立后,朱氏甘当遗老,仍然效忠紫禁城内的清末帝溥仪,且深受重用。另一方面,溥仪成为日本傀儡伪满洲国皇帝后,朱氏并无前往担任伪职,在伪满成立前,他已移居香港。1931年,朱汝珍来到香港,先创办隘园学院,后出任香港大学教习,又主讲学海书楼。来港前,他在1930年参与创办孔教学院,以弘扬儒学,该院后来开办孔教中学。1933年朱氏出任第二任院长,并兼任中学校长、香港孔圣会会长等职。1942年日军佔领香港期间,日本总督邀请朱氏出任香港维持会会长,朱氏拒绝之,并在同年离开香港。
      - association

      • Hong Kong (World) Confucianism Association
      • On February 28, ACDC visited Dr. Tong Yun Kai, President of The Hong Kong (World) Confucianism Association for a dialog meeting. At the visiting, Mr Mujdat Yelbay introduces Anatolia Cultural & Dialogue Centre and its activities for globe peace and harmony. Following up his introduction Dr. Tong Yun Kai expressed their project for world peace from the perspective of Confucius and how it is important to promote these activities and community projects. At the end, both sides presented their unique presents to each other and gave their words to get in touch to have more harmony and more peace projects for the problem of globe.

      - temple
      • 孔教學院院長湯恩佳多年來爭取在香港興建孔廟,到近年終於成事,並獲黃大仙區議會通過在鑽石山綜合發展區內興建。湯恩佳話,孔廟已有晒興建計劃,唔使好耐就會同政府簽約,繼而動工,成功在望。佢介紹,孔廟最多可以容納三十二萬人,連埋停車場面積更達三十萬呎,仲打算係廟中設立全世界最大嘅孔子像添!湯恩佳話,過往三十年佢亦到訪過世界各地,旅途中一共捐出逾五百個孔子像,實行將孔子思想傳遍全世界。
      • 孔教學院喺幾年前已計劃耗資五億元,喺鑽石山大磡村舊址興建本港首間孔廟,計劃仲設有孔教文化圖書館同中醫診所等,但呢個計劃就遇上困難。六宗教領袖座談會尋日舉行新春團賀,孔教學院院長湯恩佳喺致詞時提到,孔聖廟工程涉及嘅補地價太貴,令到計劃受阻,會去信特區政府希望能減低補地價,仲呼籲現場嘉賓聯署支持添
      •  喺鑽石山大磡村興建香港首間孔聖廟嘅計劃,早前因為補地價問題而受阻,不過湯恩佳就透露問題已解決,現已入紙向政府申請動工。唔知結果係政府減價,抑或湯恩佳搵到「大水喉」呢?
      - international school

      • 香港行將有一間「復古國際學校」,家長如有復古興趣,可以留意。4月10日蘋果日報報導孔聖堂將申辦私立學校,年收14萬8千元。這一間新辦私立小學其實名叫晉德學校,由一個「晉德書院教育基金」主理,孔聖堂由於有現成地方,「晉德」又以中國傳統教育理想為宗旨,故此雙方認為教育原則相近,願意合作而已。晉德學校校長羅美寶,與左丁山相識,她說會以最新教學方法(沉浸),把中國的一套「禮樂射御書數」及儒家思想融入課程之中,再加上來自牛津劍橋的教育專家的指導,務求打造一間現代全新思維的學校,既有傳統儒學理念,亦有準備學生考入牛劍的範式,由幼稚園、小學、中學一條龍,或中學初期便提供申請進入牛劍的訓練,這一點相信在香港國際學校之中,甚為罕有。晉德的英文名是Chinese Academy,中文「晉」有「進」的意思,象徵聰明、智慧、才華,與德同源於易經,德者,「君子以厚德載物」,指道德情操,廣闊胸襟。晉德教育基金理事會內多位牛劍畢業生,還有兩位孔聖堂的代表,就是新亞校友李金鐘和郭少棠教授,兩派及兩代的教育專才,各自出錢,出地,出力來發展一所糅合中西思維,純牛劍教育方式的私立學校,香港家長當樂觀其成。晉德基金則創於2015年,由一羣大多畢業於牛津劍橋兩大學的年輕學人發起,面貌十分21世紀,但其教育觀念則上溯數百年牛津劍橋歷史,尊重傳統之餘,不忘現代視野,意在建立一個以中華文化傳統與國際教育為主軸的教育機構。中方與英方,傳統與現代,中國儒學與英國人文,能否融合,培養出面貌一新,中英並重的學生,是孔聖堂與晉德基金的共同挑戰。晉德學校校長羅美寶對左丁山說,晉德基金還有一個策略發展管理伙伴Norton House Education{seems to be a hk company},與Norton House合作,可參與全球不同的學術及文化交流,請來牛津及劍橋的教育專家,提供不同階段的配對發展意見。

      - Confucius related activities in HK
      •  孔子學院開放日十月二十七日於香港理工大學舉行,上演了多個舞蹈、朗誦、崑曲等節目
      • adulthood capping ceremony
      • 6jul19 at leighton hill community hall, assistant district officer Lau Hayley of wan chai district office was one of the officiating guests

      • 新學年伊始,作為家長都期望子女在新一年讀書聰明、品學兼優。嗇色園黃大仙祠昨舉辦「萬世師表孔聖先師啟蒙開筆禮」,近二百名莘莘學子參與當中,祈獲孔聖先師啟蒙,不僅只求個人成績名列前茅,更能注重做人的道理,修身立德。有家長帶同子女參與,坦言這類中國文化意義重大,而且愈見式微,故希望孩子能夠體會這種文化,做到薪火相傳。「萬世師表孔聖先師啟蒙開筆禮」儀式結合道教科儀及儒家教義,於昨午二時開始,一眾學子身穿特製傳統儒服向孔聖先師行禮,道長及主禮嘉賓之後誦讀孔子寶誥、黃大仙師寶訓、《考經》及《三字經》等,向學生灌輸正確的人生觀及價值觀。此次開筆禮,眾學子在科儀中一同撰寫「人」字。「人」字一撇一捺,就好比學習,應該相互支持和幫助,學會做個堂堂正正的人。

      - 2016

      new year / spring celebration
      - ritual

      events in taiwan, hubei, shenzhen, confucius theme csntonese opera

      - history hkej30jan16 c3

      - article on 陳獨秀反孔


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