Friday, January 11, 2019


La Red de Inversiones y Exportaciones del Paraguay (REDIEX

  • co-organise ip event with ihk on 16 Mar 2015
- El nombre oficial de la ciudad ―La Muy Noble y Leal Ciudad de Nuestra Señora Santa María de la Asunción ― es el que recibió en su acta de fundación, fechada el 16 de septiembre de 1541, momento en que su Cabildo fue instituido por el teniente gobernador Domingo Martínez de Irala, acto que elevó a la categoría de ciudad lo que era un fuerte militar, erigido con el mismo nombre el 15 de agosto de 1537 por Juan de Salazar de Espinosa (natural de Medina de Pomar, España). La fundación del fuerte que daría vida a la ciudad de Asunción se llevó a cabo en el territorio de los guaraníes-cario, pueblo con el que los conquistadores hispanos hicieron alianza. Asunción tuvo su auge en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI, para luego decaer a causa de su aislamiento geográfico y el olvido en que cayó la provincia paraguaya para la metrópoli.ヌエストラ・セニョーラ・デ・ラ・アスンシオンスペイン語Nuestra Señora de la Asunción)、またはアスンシオン市Ciudad de Asunción)、パラグアイ共和国の首都。郊外の都市とともに、人口200万人を超すアスンシオン都市圏を形成する。名前は「聖母の被昇天 (Asunción de María)」に由来する。アメリカ合衆国の首都のワシントンD.C.などと同じく、アスンシオンはパラグアイのどの州にも属さない特別区になっている。

Ciudad del Este (Spanish pronunciation: [sjuˈðað ðel ˈeste]Spanish for City of the East) initialed CDE is the second largest city in Paraguay and capital of the Alto Paraná Department, situated on the Paraná River.  The city consists of a large population of Lebanese immigrants, as well as Taiwanese.Founded in 1957, it was originally called Puerto Flor de Lis, then until 1989 Puerto Presidente Stroessner, after Alfredo Stroessner. The city is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ciudad del Este.
-  Alain Labrousse, membre fondateur et ancien directeur de l'Observatoire géopolitique des drogues, indique à la page 36 de l'article de juillet-aout 2008 de la publication "Diplomatie" aux éditions Areion, quelques pans de l'histoire de la criminalité et des affaires douteuses de la ville.
"Un autre cas emblématique d'État trafiquant est celui du Paraguay. Le rapport des États-Unis sur les drogues pour 2007 déclare qu'il est "le premier producteur de marijuana d'Amérique du Sud" et constitue "une voie majeure pour la cocaïne[ destinée à l'Europe". Mais le narcotrafic n'est qu'une des activités illicites du Paraguay parmi beaucoup d'autres. Lors de la dictature du président Stroessner(1954-1989), Ciudad del Este (appelée alors Puerto Presidente Stroessner), ville frontalière du Brésil et de l'Argentine, a été le lieu privilégié de rendez-vous discrets des représentants des gouvernements militaires du Cône Sud, des envoyés de Taïwan, de la Corée du Sud, et même de la loge italienne P2 et de la secte Moon. La fin de la guerre froide a fait de cette ville cosmopolite, devenue zone franche, un pot-pourri de la criminalité internationale qui se partage des activités telles que la fabrication de faux dollars et de faux documents d'identité, le trafic de drogues et d'armes, la revente (ou l'échange contre de la cocaïne) de voitures volées en Argentine et au Brésil, ainsi que le blanchiment d'argent sur une grande échelle. Selon des sources proches de la Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) des États-Unis, les triades chinoises y sont représentées par des Taïwanais qui se sont infiltrés au sein de la florissante communauté de commerçants de leur pays. Les derniers mafieux arrivés sont les Russes  et les Serbes attirés par la quantité et la qualité de la matière première négociable sur le marché de la prostitution… Le journaliste Sebastian Rotella, du Los Angeles Times a montré, lui, l'implication de la mafia japonaise des Yakuza dans l'économie de la ville depuis 1998. Les groupes islamistes intégristes, en particulier le Hezbollah libanais soutenu par l'Iran, se sont quant à eux fondus au sein de la prospère communauté libanaise sunnite de 20 000 personnes (10 % de la population de la ville) arrivée au début du siècle. En effet, de nombreux chiites les ont rejoints depuis la fin des années 1970, à la suite du déclenchement de la guerre civile dans leur pays. Certains de ces groupes auraient organisé les attentats contre l'ambassade d'Israël en Argentine en 1992 et contre la Mutuelle israélite d'Argentine qui fit 85 morts et 200 blessés. Les États-Unis soupçonnent un important homme d'affaires musulman, Assad Ahmad Barakat, d'avoir également joué un rôle dans ceux du 11-SeptembreMais comme Ciudad del Este est le troisième centre commercial mondial après Miami et Hong Kong [underlined by me], au-delà des déclarations périodiques contre les trafics des autorités brésiliennes et argentines, personne n'a réellement intérêt à restreindre les activités licites ou illicites qui ont pour théâtre cette fructueuse zone franche."
- hkej 27jul17, 24jul18, 25jul18 (role as white glove) shum article

- leather

  • cencoprod
  • exhibited at 2019 fashion access

Francisco Solano López (24 July 1827 – 1 March 1870) was President of Paraguay from 1862 until his death in 1870. He was the eldest son of Juana Pabla Carrillo and the president Carlos Antonio López. Francisco Solano López is one of the most controversial figures in Latin American history, particularly because of the Paraguayan War, known in the Plate Basin as "Guerra de la Triple Alianza". From one perspective, his ambitions were the main reason for the outbreak of the war while other arguments maintain he was a fierce champion of the independence of South American nations against foreign rule and interests. He resisted until the very end and was killed in action during the Battle of Cerro Corá, which marked the end of the war.
-  Alfredo Stroessner Matiauda (Spanish pronunciation: [alˈfreðo strosˈner]; November 3, 1912 – August 16, 2006) was a Paraguayan military officer who served as Presidentof Paraguay from 1954 to 1989. He ascended to the position after leading an army coup in 1954. His 35-year-long rule, marked by an uninterrupted period of repression in his country, is the longest in modern South American history. Stroessner's rule is ranked 20th-longest among other non-royal national leaders since 1900 and made him one of the world's longest-serving non-royal heads of state. In 1954, he ousted Federico Chávez, becoming president after winning an election in which he was the sole candidate. A staunch anti-communist, Stroessner had the backing of the United States for most of his time in power. His supporters packed the legislature and ran the courts, and he ruthlessly suppressed all opposition. He kept his country in what he called a constant "state of siege" that overruled civil liberties, enforced a cult of personality, and tortured and killed political opponents. Membership in his Colorado Party was a prerequisite for job promotion, free medical care and other services. The constitution had to be modified in 1967 and 1977 to legitimize his six consecutive elections to the presidency. Stroessner provided refuge for Argentina's Juan Perón and Nicaragua's Anastasio Somoza Debayle (later assassinated in Paraguay). In 1988, he won an unprecedented eighth term on a majority, according to official figures, of over 89 percent of the registered vote. Less than a year later, he was overthrown in a military coup led by his former confidant, General Andrés Rodríguez and forced into exile in Brazil, where he spent the last 17 years of his life. Following a bout of pneumonia, he tried to return to his homeland to die, but was rejected by the government. He died in Brasília on August 16, 2006, of complications from a hernia operation. Stroessner's parents were Hugo Strößner, who emigrated from Hof, Bavaria, Germany, and worked as an accountant for a brewery, and Heriberta Matiauda, who grew up in a wealthy Paraguayan family of Criollo Spanish descent. Stroessner was born in Encarnación, Paraguay. He joined the Paraguayan army in 1929, entering the national military school at the age of 16 and received his commission as a lieutenant in 1931. 

  • hkej 24jul18 shum article,,

- Under the 1992 constitution, introduced after the dictatorship, a head of state may only serve a single five-year term. But sitting President Horacio Cartes is trying to remove the restriction and run for re-election. Protesters were photographed smashing in windows of the congress building in the capital, Asuncion, on Friday night and setting fire to the interior. Paraguay was controlled by military ruler General Alfredo Stroessner, who seized power in a coup, from 1954 until 1989. The new constitution in 1992 created the modern government but there has been a long period of political instability and party infighting, as well as a failed coup attempt. President Cartes' term is due to end in 2018. The change, if approved, would also allow former President Fernando Lugo to run again.
Mr Lugo was ousted in 2012 over his handling of a land eviction in which 17 people were killed. His supporters would like to see him run again.

-  After Paraguay became independent, significant change occurred in Asunción. Under the rule of Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia (in office 1813-1840) roads were built throughout the city and the streets were named. However, during the presidency of Carlos Antonio López (President 1844-1862) Asunción (and Paraguay) saw further progress as the new president implemented new economic policies. More than 400 schools, metallurgic factories and the first railroad service in South America were built during the López presidency. After López died (1862), his son Francisco Solano López became the new president and led the country through the disastrous Paraguayan War that lasted for five years (1864-1870). After the end of the armed conflict, Brazilian troops occupied Asunción until 1876. Many historians[which?] have claimed that this war provoked a steady downfall of the city and country, since it massacred two thirds of the country's population. Progress slowed down greatly afterwards, and the economy stagnated. After the Paraguayan War, Asunción began a slow attempt at recovery. Towards the end of the 19th century and during the early years of the 20th century, a flow of immigrants from Europe and the Ottoman Empire came to the city. This led to a change in the appearance of the city as many new buildings were built and Asunción went through an era more prosperous than any since the war.

- Paraguayan President Mario Abdo said on Thursday he was cutting diplomatic ties with Venezuela and was immediately withdrawing his country’s diplomats from Caracas. Abdo made the announcement just minutes after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was sworn into a new term in office.


Paraguay pretende establecer relaciones con la República Popular de China, que se convirtió en el principal proveedor del país sudamericano. Para hacerlo, sin embargo, debe romper con Taiwán, país con el que tiene lazos diplomáticos plenos desde 1957. Dos días después de su resonante victoria electoral del 20 de abril de 2008, el presidente paraguayo Fernando Lugo anunció su intención de establecer relaciones diplomáticas con el país asiático. "Vamos a tener relaciones con China. De hecho ya existe una intensa relación comercial sin embajada. Lo que vamos a hacer es formalizar lo que ya existe", aseguró.

- ties

  • "the blossom and the passion flower" economist 21jul18 issue

- url does not work
- Oscar Arias Sánchez, who was president of Costa Rica in 2007, described his decision to recognise the People’s Republic of China (PRC) that year as an act of realism. Taiwan had seen itself as a figurehead of the fight against communism ever since 1949 when the Kuomintang (KMT) nationalists were defeated by the communists and went into exile in Taiwan ; from early on, it was able to count on the support of Latin American leaders whose foreign policies were aligned with the US, and forged close links with military regimes in the region. In Paraguay, an imposing statue of KMT leader Chiang Kai-shek, erected by President Alfredo Stroessner (1954-89) in the centre of the capital, Asunción, still witnesses the friendship between the two dictators. Both were active members of the World Anti-Communist League (now the World League for Freedom and Democracy) founded by Chiang Kai-shek in 1966. Paraguay is still a bridgehead for Taiwan in South America, and its only point of access to Mercosur, the South American common market. In 1969 Cuba had been the only country in Latin America to recognise the PRC. But after China won a UN seat in 1971, displacing Taiwan as the sole representative of the Chinese people, and began its rapprochement with the US, it set about dismantling the diplomatic network its rival had established. Taiwan lost valuable potential allies : despite repeated requests, it remains excluded from international organisations, except for the WTO (World Trade Organisation), which it joined in 2001. The PRC also forced countries to make a choice : opening an embassy in Taipei automatically meant breaking off diplomatic relations with China — a non-negotiable rule intended to help China further isolate Taiwan.China managed this more easily in South America than in Central America, which remained a bastion of support for Taiwan, even in the 2000s. So it was a surprise when Costa Rica changed sides in 2007 ; though its recognition of the PRC has not changed the balance of power between China and Taiwan in Central America , Arias Sánchez’s realism could spread to other countries — at a political level (Latin America’s anti-communists are well aware that the “red peril” has dissipated), and especially at an economic level.
-  El gobierno paraguayo le dio el nombre de "Avenida Presidente Chiang Kai-shek" a una nueva avenida de la ciudad capital de Asúnción y en la parte principal de la misma, será erigida una estatua del Generalísimo. La ceremonia de inauguración de dicha arteria, tuvo lugar el viernes último, en conmemoración del centenario del nacimiento del gran hombre de estado y líder anticomunista chino, habiendo estado presidida por el presidente de dicha nación, General Alfredo Ströessner. Por su parte, el 30 de octubre, el Dr. Mario López, senador paraguayo y ex-embajador en los Estados Unidos, ofreció también una conferencia acerca de la vida del ex-presidente Chiang, en la sala principal del Centro Cultural Confucio, a donde asistieron cientos de altos funcionarios civiles y militares paraguayos.,106,115&post=78269
- Colegio Chino
- chiang kai shek road, statue, chinese style pavilion ( 涼亭) hkej 27jul17 shum article, economist 21jul18 issue

country info
- ft invest paraguay special report

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