Sunday, January 13, 2019

Czech Republic

- ministry of foreign affairs
- ministry of agriculture
- ministry of industry and trade
- ministry of regional development
- czechtrade
- czech export bank
- export guarantee and insurance corporation
- czech tourist authority
- czechinvest

Český Krumlov   捷克克魯姆洛夫德語:Krumau an der Moldau或Böhmisch Krumau,德文原名為莫爾道河畔的克魯毛或者波西米亞的克魯毛)是捷克共和國的一個小城鎮,亦作切斯基克倫洛夫
The town's name begins with Český ("Bohemian") to differentiate it from Moravský Krumlov in south Moravia.

Malá Strana (Czech for "Little Side (of the River)", German: Prager Kleinseite) or more formally[citation needed] Menší Město pražské (English: Lesser Town of Prague) is a district of the city of Prague, Czech Republic, and one of its most historic regions. In the Middle Ages, it was a dominant center of the ethnic German (and since 16th century also Italian) citizens of Prague.[citation needed] It also housed a large number of noble palaces while the right-bank towns were comparatively more bourgeois and more Bohemian Czech.The name Malá Strana translated into English literally means "Little Side", though it is frequently referred to as "Lesser Town", "Lesser Quarter", or "Lesser Side". This name derives from its position on the left (west) bank of the river Vltava, on the slopes just below the Prague Castle, in opposition to the larger towns of Prague on the right bank, to which it is conjoined by the Charles BridgeThe town was originally called the New Town beneath the Prague Castle (Czech: Nové Město pod Pražským hradem) after 1257 when it was founded. After Charles IV founded the New Town of Prague in 1348, the town was renamed the Lesser Town of Prague (Czech: Menší Město pražské). In the 17th century the unofficial name Little Quarter (Czech: Malá Strana) was first used.Malá Strana was founded by the King Ottokar II of Bohemia in 1257. As a royal town (a town founded by the king) it got many privileges. It was created by amalgamating a number of settlements beneath the Prague Castle into a single administrative unit. The original residents were expelled and mostly German craftsmen and merchants were invited by the king. Even though the city was royal, the king did not master the city as a whole.[citation neededIn the second half of the 14th century the Lesser Town of Prague was extended by the King and Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV who built a new defensive wall called Hunger Wall. In 1419-1420 the Lesser Town was burnt down by Hussites. In 1541 the town was strongly damaged again by a fire. Because of the fire 50 people died. After this fire the town was rebuilt in the Renaissance style and many palaces of nobility were built there. The market place, now known as Malostranské náměstí (Lesser Town Square),[2] was the center of the town. This square is divided into the upper and lower parts with the St. Nicholas Church in the middle.
  • The Hunger Wall (CzechHladová zeď) is a medieval defensive wall of the Lesser Town of Prague, today's Czech Republic. It was built on Petřín Hill between 1360 and 1362 by order of Charles IVMarl from quarries on Petřín Hill was used as construction material. The purpose of the construction was to strengthen the fortifications of Prague Castle and Malá Stranaagainst any attack from the west or south. Originally the wall was 4 to 4.5 metres high and 1.8 metres wide and was equipped with battlements and (probably) eight bastionsThe wall was repaired in 1624, further strengthened in the middle of 18th century and repaired or modified several times later (in modern era in 1923-25 and 1975). One of preserved bastions serves as a base for the dome of Štefánik ObservatoryA well preserved part of the wall may also be found in the interior yard of the 19th-century house in Plaská Street No.8.The wall was originally called Zubatá (toothed) or Chlebová (built for bread). The adjective Hladová (hungry) appeared after a 1361 famine, when the construction works on the wall provided livelihood for the city's poor. According to myth, the purpose of the wall was not strategic but to employ and thus feed the poor. Another myth, recorded in writings of Václav Hájek z Libočan or Bohuslav Balbín, is that the Emperor Charles IV himself worked on the wall several hours every day "to help his beloved people".这堵墙在1624年修复,18世纪中叶进一步加固,后来又多次修复或修改(20世纪是在1923-25年和1975年)。其中一个保存下来的堡垒被用作史蒂芬尼克天文台圆顶的基础。“饥饿墙”化已成为一个在捷克语中已经成为无用的公共工程的一种委婉说法。
  • **********In großer Entfernung zur alten Stadtmauer der Kleinseite wurde von 1360 bis 1362 eine neue sechs Meter hohe und zwei Meter breite Stadtbefestigung errichtet, von der große Teile bis heute erhalten blieben. Ihren Namen soll sie aufgrund einer am Ende der Bauzeit auftretenden Hungersnot erhalten haben. Möglicherweise sind die Bauarbeiten auch auf die große Zahl der nach Beendigung der Arbeiten an den Wohnbauten der Prager Neustadt und in der Burg Karlštejn freiwerdenden Arbeitskräfte zurückzuführen, die hier eine neue Beschäftigung fanden. Franz Kafka schrieb seine Erzählung „Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer“ in Anlehnung an die Hungermauer. In dieser Erzählung ist die chinesische Mauer ebenso etwas „Unzweckmäßiges“, sozusagen eine Beschäftigungstherapie für Arbeitslose."The Great Wall of China" (original title "Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer", literally During the construction of the Great Wall of China) is a short story by Franz Kafka. While written in 1917, it was not published until 1930, seven years after his death. Its first publication occurred in Der Morgen, a German literary magazine. A year later, Max Brod included it in Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, the first posthumous collection of short stories by Franz Kafka. Contained within the story is a parable that was separately published as "A Message from the Emperor" ("Eine kaiserliche Botschaft") in 1919 in the collection Ein Landarzt (A Country Doctor). Some sub-themes of the story include why the wall was built piecemeal (in small sections in many different places), the relationship of the Chinese with the past and the present and the emperor's imperceptible presence. The story is told in first person by an older man from a southern province. The first English translation by Willa and Edwin Muir was published by Martin Secker in London in 1933. It appeared in The Great Wall of China. Stories and Reflections (New York City: Schocken Books, 1946).

  • hket 6aug19 so called lennon wall owned by sovereign order of malta
  •  捷克首都布拉格的連儂牆舉世聞名,但多年來均有遊客在牆上胡亂塗鴉,甚至繪上不文圖案,引來連儂牆業主馬耳他騎士團不滿。騎士團早前聯同布拉格市政府,封閉並全面復修連儂牆,上周四重新開放,新的連儂牆只展示30多名專業藝術創作家的作品,不再允許公眾以噴漆塗鴉。
- chinese

Mladá Boleslav
 (Czech pronunciation: [ˈmladaː ˈbolɛslaf]GermanJungbunzlau) is a city in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic
Founded in the second half of the 10th century by King Boleslav IIas a royal castle. Because there already was a castle known as Boleslav near Prague, this new castle was named Mladá (young) to distinguish it from the older Boleslav, which became known in the 15th century as Stará Boleslav (Old Boleslav). The town received partial city rights in 1334 and 1436, becoming an important site on the road from Prague to northern Bohemia, Lusatia, and Brandenburg. In the 16th century the town was a leading centre of the Unitas Fratrum / Unity of the Brethren / Moravian Church, hosting the Brethren's bishop, Renaissance church, and printing house. After being re-Catholicized in the 17th century, the town's population declined. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Mladá Boleslav (called Bumsla by Jews) was an important Jewish center.[2] In the 19th century (in fact, the period of decline of the Jewish community), Mladá Boleslav was dubbed "Jerusalem on Jizera". In 1634, Jacob Bassevi von Treuenberg (born 1580 in Verona, Italy), the first ennobled Jew in the Habsburg monarchy, was buried on the Jewish cemetery in Mladá Boleslav.
- hebrew manuscript of book of psalms (called the tehillim, contains lyrics to worship and meditative songs that god gave to king david and others) was copied and made in this town in 1719.

斯拉維欽Slavičín wurde 1141 erstmals in einer Besitzurkunde des Olmützer Bischofs Heinrich Zdik erwähnt. Am 2. Juni 1256 belehnte Bischof Bruno von Schauenburg Helembert de Turri mit Slavičín. Unter de Turri wurde der Ort zum Markt erhoben und die Kirche mit Pfarrhaus errichtet. Daneben erhielt auch das Mautrecht und die peinliche Gerichtsbarkeit. 1663 und 1704 wurde der Ort durch Brände zerstört. Daneben erfolgen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert mehrfach Türkeneinfälle. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg entwickelte sich die Marktgemeinde schnell und erhielt 1964 Stadtrechte.Legenden zufolge soll Adalbert von Prag im Jahre 985 von seiner Missionstätigkeit in Ungarn über den Wlarapass nach Mähren gereist sein und an der Stelle der Kirche mit seinen Begleitern gerastet haben. Dabei soll er sich zu einer Umkehr entschlossen haben, um die hier lebenden Heiden zum Christentum zu bekehren.
- people

  • Zdeněk Hřib (born 21 May 1981) is a Czech manager, physician and a Czech Pirate Partypolitician who has served as the Mayor of Prague since November 2018. Zdeněk Hřib was born on 21 May 1981 in Slavičín, near the city of Zlín in the south-east of the Czech Republic. He studied medicine at the Charles University in Prague and participated in a student exchange program in Taiwan.In December 2019, Hřib was among the four mayors of Visegrad Group capitals Prague, Warsaw, Bratislava and Budapest, who signed a so-called “Pact of Free Cities” that agrees to protect "common values of freedom, human dignity, democracy, equality, rule of law, social justice, tolerance and cultural diversity".[13] In April 2020, Hřib ordered and oversaw the removal of the statue dedicated to Soviet Ivan Konev, a controversial act that necessitated additional security for Hřib in the following weeks.
  • 捷克傳媒近日報道,布拉格市長賀吉普因早前移除蘇聯戰爭英雄雕像,成為俄特工毒殺目標。賀吉普前日指已接受警察保護;惟普京的發言人佩斯科夫否認有暗殺計劃,斥報道是假新聞。賀吉普去年拒絕接受「一個中國」條款,宣布解除與北京的姊妹城市關係,改與台北締結協議。

Slavonice (Czech pronunciation: [ˈslavoɲɪtsɛ]GermanZlabings) is a town situated in the southwest of Moravia on the border with South Bohemia, Czech Republic, about a kilometre from the Austrian border with about 2,700 inhabitants. While historically the town belongs to Moravia, it is now part of the South Bohemian Region.
The town has a traditional medieval renaissance city centre with Sgraffito covered buildings dating from the 14th to 16th centuries, the oldest dating to 1545. The Sgraffito are the second oldest in the Czech Republic, with older existing only in Prague from 1544. The renaissance character of the town is due to a period of extreme wealth in the 14th to 16th century when Slavonice was an important town on the route from Prague to Vienna. When the route was relocated to the north, passing through Znojmo the town's source of wealth dried up as the local farming and forestry activities could never generate enough income. The town is therefore very much preserved in its renaissance look.
The original German-speaking population was expelled in June 1945 following the Second World War.

Telč is a town in southern Moravia, near Jihlava, in the Czech Republic. The town was founded in the 13th century as a royal water fort on the crossroads of busy merchant routes between Bohemia, Moravia and Austria.

特普利采According to the 1541 Annales Bohemorum by chronicler Wenceslaus Hajek, the thermal springs are fabled to have been discovered as early as 762; however, the first authentic mention of the baths occurred in the 16th century. The settlement of Trnovany was first documented in a 1057 deed, while Teplice proper was first mentioned about 1158, when Judith of Thuringia, queen consort of King Vladislaus II of Bohemia, founded a Benedictine nunnery ad aquas calidas ("at the hot springs"), the second in Bohemia. A fortified town arose around the monastery, which was destroyed in the course of the Hussite Wars after the 1426 Battle of Aussig. In the late 15th century, queen consort Joanna of Rožmitál, wife of King George of Poděbrady, had a castle erected on the ruins. The name "Teplice" is derived from the Old Czech, meaning "hot spring".
En 1822, en el balneario coincidieron la condesa austriaca Augusta von Harrach y el rey de Prusia Federico Guillermo III, viudo de su primera esposa Luisa de Mecklemburgo-Strelitz. Augusta y el rey Federico Guillermo III se casarían en Berlín dos años después, en 1824.
Urquelle „Pravřídlo“
In 1994, Jaroslav Kubera of the Civic Democratic Party (ODS) became mayor of Teplice and he held the position until 2018.

The Vltava (/vəlˈtɑːvə/Czech pronunciation: [ˈvl̩tava]GermanMoldauIPA: [ˈmɔldaʊ]) is the longest river within the Czech Republic, running southeast along the Bohemian Forest and then north across Bohemia, through Český KrumlovČeské Budějovice and Prague, and finally merging with the Elbe at Mělník. It is commonly referred to as the Czech national river. Both the Czech name Vltava and the German name Moldau are believed to originate from the old Germanic words wilt ahwa ("wild water"; compare Latinaqua). In Annales Fuldenses (872 AD) it is called Fuldaha; from 1113 AD it is attested as Wultha. In Chronica Boemorum (1125 AD) it is attested for the first time in its Bohemian form as Wlitaua. On the other side there is a river Ltava in Ukraine with no traces of Germanic origins. The name of a settlement on this river was mentioned in the Hypatian Chronicle in 1174, traditionally connected to the name of the city of Poltava, Ukraine. There are many theories describing etymology of LtavaOne of the best-known works of classical music by a Czech composer is Bedřich Smetana's Vltava, usually called The Moldau in English. It is from the Romantic era of classical music and is a musical depiction of the river's course through Bohemia.

維索基納州The Vysočina Region (IPA: [ˈvɪsotʃɪna]CzechKraj Vysočina "Highlands Region", GermanRegion Hochland), is an administrative unit (Czechkraj) of the Czech Republic, located partly in the south-eastern part of the historical region of Bohemia and partly in the south-west of the historical region of Moravia. Its capital is Jihlava.
-  伊赫拉瓦   Jihlava (Czech pronunciation: [ˈjɪɦlava] GermanIgla Among the principal buildings are the early Gothic churches of St. Jacob, Friars Minor church of Our Lady and Dominican church of the Holy Cross, the Baroquechurch of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the Municipal Hall and a number of municipal houses containing Gothic and Renaissance details. There is also a Jewish cemetery, containing some remarkable monuments including the tombstone of the parents of Gustav Mahler.  The origin of the city's name (Iglau in German) is unclear. Most common theory has it derived from the German word Igel, meaning hedgehog, usually in reference to the city's coat of arms. However, the name was in use since before the symbol of a hedgehog was. It is more likely the city is named for the river that flows through it, the name of which is also unclear in its origin, either being derived from the German word Igel as the first theory suggests, or from Slavic word jehla, referring to sharp stones in Jihlava river bed.

  • people
  •  受新冠肺炎疫情影響,捷克參議院議長維施特奇爾(Miloš Vystrcil)早前決定延遲訪問台灣。他近日受訪時表示,如在未來訪台,希望展示捷克對自由民主的重視。

- diplomacy

  • czech centres

- thinktank
  • Association for International Affairs:
  • AMO is a non-governmental non-profit organization founded in 1997 to promote research and education in the field of international relations. 
  •  Michal Thim is a Taiwan analyst at the Prague-based think tank, Association for International Affairs (AMO), and a member of the Centre for International Maritime Security with a research focus on cross-strait relations, and East and Southeast Asian regional politics and security. 
  • article in scmp 2dec16 on seized military vehicles of singapore by hk customs
- business

  • confederation of industry of czech republic
  • czech chamber of commerce
  • confederation of employers and entrepreneur's association of czech republic

- jewellery and watches
  • Association of Jewellers and Watchmakers of Czech Republik
- Wine
- Film
- archaeology

  • The European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) is a membership-based, not-for-profit association, open to archaeologists and other related or interested individuals or bodies in Europe and beyond. It was founded in 1994 at an inaugural meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where its statutes were formally approved,[1] and recognized by the Council of Europe in 1999.[2] EAA has had over 11,000 members on its database from 60 countries worldwide, working in prehistory, classical, medieval, and historic archaeology. EAA holds an annual conference and publishes the flagship journal of European archaeology, the European Journal of Archaeology. The EAA also publishes an in-house newsletter, The European Archaeologist(TEA). The registered office of the association is in PragueCzech Republic.

political party
-  The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (Czech and SlovakKomunistická strana ČeskoslovenskaKSČ) was a Communist and Marxist–Leninist political party in Czechoslovakia that existed between 1921 and 1992. It was a member of the Comintern. Between 1929 and 1953 it was led by Klement Gottwald. After its election victory in 1946 it seized power in the 1948 Czechoslovak coup d'état and established a one-party state allied with the Soviet UnionNationalization of virtually all private enterprises followed. In 1968, party leader Alexander Dubček proposed reforms that included a democratic process and this led to the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union. Under pressure from the Kremlin, all reforms were repealed, party leadership became taken over by its more authoritarian wing and a massive non-bloody purge of party members was conducted. 
In 1989 the party leadership bowed to popular pressure during the Velvet revolution and agreed to call the first contested election since 1946. In 1990, the centre-based Civic Forum won the election and the Communist party stood down. In November 1990, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia became a federation of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia and the Communist Party of Slovakia.The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia was declared to be a criminal organisation in the Czech Republic by the 1993 Act on Illegality of the Communist Regime and on Resistance Against It.
  •  En 1995 varios ex-militantes del KSČ crearon un nuevo partido, primero bajo el nombre de Partido de los Comunistas Checoslovacos y más tarde de nuevo adoptaron las siglas KSČ. El programa de este nuevo partido se basa en el restablecimiento de la República Socialista de Checoslovaquia. Su actual líder es Miroslav Štěpán, ex-Secretario del KSČ de Praga. Es una formación muy pequeña y con modestos resultados electorales.1995 haben einige ehemalige Mitglieder der KSČ eine neue Partei gegründet, anfänglich mit dem Namen Partei tschechoslowakischer Kommunisten (Strana československých komunistů), ab 1999 in Kommunistische Partei der Tschechoslowakei umbenannt.

- directory
- czech export bank  Česká exportní banka, a.s. je jedna z českých bank. Byla založena roku 1995, její ústředí sídlí v Praze 1, ve Vodičkově uliciBanku založil nepřímo stát k podpoře exportu České republiky. Svým zákazníkům poskytuje takové druhy úvěrů a služeb, které jim jiné banky nemohou nabídnout a tak jim umožňuje prosadit se na zahraničních trzích. Naprostá většina klientů jsou právnické osoby.

  • state owned

- skoda auto
  •  Skoda started localization in China at SAIC Volkswagen in 2007. Since then, more than 1.8 million Skoda models have been delivered to Chinese customers, according to Andreas Hafemann, president of Skoda China.
- utility
  •, keen to expand
- energy

  • Energetický a průmyslový holding, a.s. (EPH) is a Czech Republic (Prague) based company currently investing mainly in the energy sector in Europe, founded in 2009.[2] The group's business lines covers the complete value chain ranging from highly efficient cogeneration, power generation, and natural gas transmission, gas storage, gas and electricity distribution and supply.[2] The majority owner is Czech entrepreneur and lawyer Daniel Křetínský (94%). Company was founded in August 2009 as (indirect) subsidiary of J&T Finance Group.
  • Daniel Křetínský (born 9 July 1975) is a Czech entrepreneur and lawyer who is the chief executive officer (CEO) and majority owner of Energetický a průmyslový holding (EPH)[2] and co-owner and president of football club AC Sparta Prague. His father is Mojmír Křetínský, informatics professor at Masaryk University,[3][4] his mother Michaela Židlická, lawyer and judge of Constitutional Court. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University and started to work as legal trainee in law firm. In 1999, he joined J&T as lawyer and became a partner in 2003.[4] Since 2004 he is chairman of football club AC Sparta Prague and he is believed to be its 40% shareholder. When in 2009 J&T founded Energetický a průmyslový holding, he became its chairman and 20% shareholder.[6] He also ceased to be partner of J&T. In 2011, he became chairman and 60% shareholder of EP Industries, that was divested from EPH.[7] From 2014 he is one of the owners of Czech media house Czech News Center, among others publisher of tabloid Blesk, that is the most read newspaper in the Czech Republic.

- agriculture
  • Jakub Vagner Rybarstvi paired up with Robert Schonfled on fishing business
- cyber security

  • avast
trade and investment environment
- state owned enterprises

  • Specifically, China ought to study closely the “mass privatisation” of the Czech Republic, which has emerged as the most successful post-Soviet economy with a per capita GDP last year that was 91 per cent of the European Union average, and about 2.4 times China’s, in current US dollars. During 1991-92, Czechoslovakia (which split in 1993 into the Czech and Slovak Republics) successfully privatised about 1,500 state-owned enterprises, representing most of its economy. Privatisation coupons were distributed to eligible citizens to allow them to invest in state-owned enterprises, and many did this through “investment privatisation funds” established by a variety of Czech and foreign investors. Controlling stakes were eventually transferred to these “spontaneous” investment privatisation funds, not envisaged under the original government design, and which were endowed with a very clear mission to design and execute market-driven restructuring strategies for their portfolios of companies.

Wenceslaus I (Czech: Václav [ˈvaːtslaf]; c. 907 – September 28, 935), Wenceslas I, Václav the Good or Saint Wenceslaus was the duke (kníže) of Bohemia from 921 until his assassination in 935. His younger brother, Boleslaus the Cruel, was complicit in the murder. His martyrdom and the popularity of several biographies gave rise to a reputation for heroic goodness that resulted in his elevation to sainthood. He was posthumously declared to be a king and came to be seen as the patron saint of the Czech state. He is the subject of the well-known "Good King Wenceslas", a carol forSaint Stephen's Day.
Bedřich Smetana (Czech pronunciation: [ˈbɛdr̝ɪx ˈsmɛtana]; 2 March 1824 – 12 May 1884) was a Czech composer who pioneered the development of a musical style which became closely identified with his country's aspirations to independent statehood. He is thus widely regarded in his homeland as the father of Czech music. Internationally he is best known for his opera The Bartered Bride and for the symphonic cycle Má vlast ("My Homeland"), which portrays the history, legends and landscape of the composer's native land. Smetana was naturally gifted as a composer, and gave his first public performance at the age of 6. After his conventional schooling, he studied music under Josef Proksch in Prague. His first nationalistic music was written during the 1848 Prague uprising, in which he briefly participated. After failing to establish his career in Prague, he left for Sweden, where he set up as a teacher and choirmaster in Gothenburg, and began to write large-scale orchestral works. Bedřich Smetana was born as Friedrich Smetana on 2 March 1824, in Litomyšl, east of Prague near the traditional border between Bohemia and Moravia, then provinces of the Habsburg Empire. He was the third child, and first son, of František Smetana and his third wife Barbora Lynková. František had fathered eight children in two earlier marriages, five daughters surviving infancy; he and Barbora had ten more children, of whom seven reached adulthood.[1][2] At this time, under Habsburg rule, German was the official language of Bohemia. František knew Czech but, for business and social reasons, rarely used it; and his children were ignorant of the correct literary Czech until much later in their lives.The Smetana family came from the Hradec Králové region of Bohemia. František had initially learned the trade of a brewer, and had acquired moderate wealth during the Napoleonic Wars by supplying clothing and provisions to the French Army. He subsequently managed several breweries before coming to Litomyšl in 1823 as brewer to Count Waldstein, whose Renaissance castle dominates the town.
  • Má vlast (Czech pronunciation: [maː vlast], meaning "My homeland" in the Czech language) is a set of six symphonic poems composed between 1874 and 1879 by the Czech composer Bedřich Smetana. While it is often presented as a single work in six movements and – with the exception of Vltava – is almost always recorded that way, the six pieces were conceived as individual works. They had their own separate premieres between 1875 and 1880; the premiere of the complete set took place on 5 November 1882 in Žofín Palace, Prague, under Adolf Čech, who had also conducted two of the individual premieres. In these works Smetana combined the symphonic poem form pioneered by Franz Liszt with the ideals of nationalistic music which were current in the late nineteenth century. Each poem depicts some aspect of the countryside, history, or legends of Bohemia.

Václav Havel (Czech pronunciation: [ˈvaːt͡slav ˈɦavɛl]; 5 October 1936 – 18 December 2011) was a Czech writer, philosopher,dissident, and statesman. From 1989 to 1992, he served as the last president ofCzechoslovakia. He then served as the firstpresident of the Czech Republic (1993–2003) after the Czech–Slovak split. WithinCzech literature, he is known for his plays, essays, and memoirs.His educational opportunities having been limited by his bourgeois background, Havel first rose to prominence as a playwright. In works such as The Garden Party and The Memorandum, Havel used an absurdist style to criticize communism. 
  • hkej 25jul17 shum article
Daniel Křetínský (born 9 July 1975) is a Czech entrepreneur and lawyer who is the chief executive officer (CEO) and majority owner of Energetický a průmyslový holding(EPH) and co-owner and president of football club AC Sparta PragueHis father is Mojmír Křetínský, informatics professor at Masaryk University,[3][4] his mother Michaela Židlická, lawyer and judge of Constitutional Court. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University and started to work as legal trainee in law firm. In 1999, he joined J&T as lawyer and became a partner in 2003.[4] Since 2004 he is chairman of football club AC Sparta Prague and he is believed to be its 40% shareholder. When in 2009 J&T founded Energetický a průmyslový holding, he became its chairman and 20% shareholder.[6] He also ceased to be partner of J&T. In 2011, he became chairman and 60% shareholder of EP Industries, that was divested from EPH.[7] From 2014 he is one of the owners of Czech media house Czech News Center,[8] among others publisher of tabloid Blesk, that is the most read newspaper in the Czech Republic.

  • The Czech billionaire and his business partner Patrik Tkac have acquired 4.6% of the supermarket chain – owner of Paris’s ubiquitous Monoprix stores – through their Vesa Equity Investment vehicle. Interest in Casino from an outside investor or industry rival is overdue. Despite the problems caused by its complicated ownership structure, the Monoprix and Franprix chains are decent assets. It also has a promising online business, Cdiscount.

- of slovak origin
  • 捷克政府傳出改組內閣消息,總理巴維斯周三證實,將撤換工業及貿易部長諾瓦科娃。親華的諾瓦科娃在上月的一個會議上,應大陸駐捷克大使張建敏要求,將台灣駐當地代表汪忠一驅趕離場,令她飽受各界抨擊,有媒體指該次事件是她被撤的導火線。
national development fund
- Czech banks have agreed to contribute a modest portion of their profits to a national development fund to avoid a threat of special taxes that earlier afflicted their eastern European peers. Prime Minister Andrej Babis said on Monday he wants the units of Societe Generale SAErste Group Bank AGKBC Groep NV, and UniCredit SpA, to jointly pay an initial 6 billion koruna ($260 million) to the proposed fund in 2020 that would help finance public-investment projects. He wants others to join in as contributors later, after the government and the four biggest lenders work out the details.Designed to help pay for increased public spending during a global economic slowdown, the plan means the mostly foreign-owned industry could avoid an even costlier bank-asset tax proposed by Babis’s coalition partner Social Democrats. Tomas Salomon, chief executive officer at Erste’s Ceska Sporitelna AS unit, welcomed the preliminary agreement and said Czech banks were “ready to invest billions of koruna” in the fund.

Power supply
- tv host and mayor sparks a revolution in paying for utilities The mayor, who is also a TV presenter, hit on an innovative solution: an electronic auction for electricity and gas supplies for households.

Food and drink
- beer

Country name
- The Czech Republic wants to be known as "Czechia" to make it easier for companies and sports teams to use it on products and clothing. The country will retain its full name but Czechia will become the official short geographic name, as "France" is to "The French Republic". If approved by parliament, the name will be lodged with the United Nations.

czech language
Czech is a historical Czech spelling of the word Čech, whereas it's the present spelling of Čech in Polish language. It probably made it into English from Old/Middle Czech via (Church) Latin, but it could've come from Polish as well. Just a side note: the word Czechia is attested in a Latin document/translation from 1569, and it appeared in English in 1841 (original Czech title Poselkynie starych Przjbiehuw Czeskych).

- places names

  • country names often end with "sko", names to note: rakousko (austria), DE - Německo, GR - Řecko; HR - Chorvatsko; HU - Maďarsko; NL - Nizozemsko; UK - Spojené království
- 名詞在捷克語中有七種不同的「語法 格*(case)」,還可根據單複數、陰陽性等不同 發生變化。
- pronunciation
  • In Czech, words are always stressed on the first syllable. For longer words there might be an intermediate stress somewhere in the middle, but never on the end. The final “a” in the “ova” on women’s surnames should be a long “ah” but not stressed, and the “o” is short as in “hot”.

Orbis Pictus, or Orbis Sensualium Pictus (Visible World in Pictures) is a textbook for children written by Czech educator Comenius and published in 1658. It is something of a children's encyclopedia and is one of the first picture books intended for children.
The Cunning Little Vixen (CzechPříhody lišky Bystroušky, lit. Adventures of the vixen known as Sharp-Ears, and, until the 1970s, generally referred to in English as Adventures of Vixen Sharp-Ears) is a Czech language opera by Leoš Janáček, composed 1921 to 1923, in which a clever fox and accompanying wildlife (as well as a few humans) have small adventures while traversing their lifecycles. Its libretto was adapted by the composer from a serialized novella (daily comic) by Rudolf Těsnohlídek and Stanislav Lolek, which was first published in the newspaper Lidové noviny. The opera incorporates Moravian folk music and rhythms. Described as a comic opera, it has nonetheless been noted to contain a serious theme. Interpretations of the work remain varied, ranging from children's entertainment to a tragedy.

The Church of Mother of God before Týn (in Czech Kostel Matky Boží před Týnem, also Týnský chrám (Týn Church) or just Týn), often translated as Church of Our Lady before Týn, is a gothic church and a dominant feature of the Old Town of PragueCzech Republic. It has been the main church of this part of the city since the 14th century. The church's towers are 80 m high and topped by four small spires. In the 11th century, this area was occupied by a Romanesque church, which was built there for foreign merchants coming to the nearby Týn Courtyard.[1] Later it was replaced by an early Gothic Church of Our Lady before Týn in 1256. Construction of the present church began in the 14th century in the late Gothic style under the influence of Matthias of Arras and later Peter Parler. By the beginning of the 15th century, construction was almost complete; only the towers, the gable and roof were missing. The church was controlled by Hussites for two centuries, including John of Rokycan, future archbishop of Prague, who became the church's vicar in 1427. The building was completed in the 1450s, while the gable and northern tower were completed shortly thereafter during the reign of George of Poděbrady(1453–1471). His sculpture was placed on the gable, below a huge golden chalice, the symbol of the Hussites. The southern tower was not completed until 1511, under architect Matěj RejsekAfter the lost Battle of White Mountain (1620) began the era of harsh recatholicisation (part of the Counter-Reformation). Consequently, the sculptures of "heretic king" George of Poděbrady and the chalice were removed in 1626 and replaced by a sculpture of the Virgin Mary, with a giant halo made from by melting down the chalice. In 1679 the church was struck by lightning, and the subsequent fire heavily damaged the old vault, which was later replaced by a lower baroque vault. Renovation works carried out in 1876–1895 were later reversed during extensive exterior renovation works in the years 1973–1995. Interior renovation is still in progress.

The Hussites (Czech: Husité or Kališníci; "Chalice People") were a Christian movement in the Kingdom of Bohemia following the teachings of Czech reformer Jan Hus (c. 1369–1415), who became the best-known representative of the Bohemian Reformation and one of the forerunners of the Protestant Reformation. This predominantly religious movement was propelled by social issues and strengthened Czech national awareness. After the Council of Constance lured Jan Hus in with a letter of indemnity, then tried him for heresy and put him to death at the stake on 6 July 1415,[1]the Hussites fought the Hussite Wars (1420–1434) for their religious and political cause. Among present-day Christians, Hussite traditions are represented in theMoravian Church, Unity of the Brethren, and the refounded Czechoslovak Hussite churches.

Ian Robert Maxwell MC (10 June 1923 – 5 November 1991), born Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch, was a British media proprietor and Member of Parliament (MP). Originally from Czechoslovakia, he rose from poverty to build an extensive publishing empire. After Maxwell's death, huge discrepancies in his companies' finances were revealed, including his fraudulent misappropriation of the Mirror Group pension fund. Early in his life Maxwell escaped from Nazi occupation, joined the Czechoslovak Army in exile in the Second World War and was decorated after active service in the British Army. In subsequent years he worked in publishing, building up Pergamon Press to a major publishing house. After six years as an MP during the 1960s, he again put all his energy into business, successively buying the British Printing Corporation, Mirror Group Newspapers and Macmillan, Inc, among other publishing companies. Maxwell had a flamboyant lifestyle, living in Headington Hill Hall in Oxford from which he often flew in his helicopter, and sailing in his luxury yacht, the Lady Ghislaine. He was notably litigious and often embroiled in controversy, including about his support for Israel at the time of the 1948 Palestine war. In 1989, he had to sell successful businesses, including Pergamon Press, to cover some of his debts. In 1991, his body was discovered floating in the Atlantic Ocean having fallen overboard from his yacht. He was buried in Jerusalem.Maxwell was born into a poor Yiddish-speaking Orthodox Jewish family in the small town of Slatinské Doly (now SolotvynoUkraine), in the easternmost province of (pre-Second World War) Czechoslovakia. His parents were Mechel Hoch and Hannah Slomowitz.
  • Robert Maxwell, the international newspaper tycoon, launched a new Russian-language weekly Thursday in Israel, designed for the country’s most rapidly growing market — Soviet Jewish immigrants. Called Vremya (Time), it is affiliated with Ma’ariv, Israel’s second-largest daily, in which Maxwell bought a 50 percent interest last year. Vremya, which will also be available in the Soviet Union, is staffed mainly by Soviet immigrants. Its name is the same as that of the most popular Soviet television news program. Vremya faces stiff competition for readers who are for the most part of a different generation of Soviet Jews. There is a host of Russian weeklies and periodicals and one Russian-language daily newspaper in Israel, Nashastrana (Our Country), which is affiliated with the Labor Party’s foreign-language publishing house.
- 捷克本月初宣布驅逐兩名俄羅斯外交官,指控他們試圖毒害與移除蘇聯戰爭英雄科涅夫雕像的相關官員,包括布拉格市長賀吉普及布拉格第六區區長科拉爾。俄羅斯周一回應指,指控毫無根據,宣布驅逐兩名捷克外交官作報復,稱不會容忍一切「不友善行動」。克里姆林宮發言人佩斯科夫指,仍然有意與捷克建立互利互助的夥伴關係。

The Sudetenland (Czech and Slovak: Sudety, Polish:Kraj Sudetów) is the German name (used in English in the first half of the 20th century) to refer to those northern, southwest, and western areas ofCzechoslovakia which were inhabited primarily by ethnic German speakers, specifically the border districts of Bohemia, Moravia, and those parts ofSilesia located within CzechoslovakiaThe name is derived from that of the Sudetesmountains, which run along the northern Czech border as far as Silesia and contemporary Poland, although it encompassed areas well beyond those mountains. The word Sudetenland did not come into existence until the early 20th century and did not come to prominence until after the First World War, when the German-dominated Austria-Hungary was dismembered and the Sudeten Germans found themselves living in the new country of Czechoslovakia. TheSudeten crisis of 1938 was provoked by the demands of Nazi Germany that the Sudetenland be annexed to Germany, which in fact took place after the later infamous Munich Agreement. When Czechoslovakia was reconstituted after the Second World War, the Sudeten Germans were largely expelled, and the region today is inhabited primarily by Czech speakers. Parts of the current Czech regions of Karlovy VaryLiberecOlomouc,Moravia-Silesia, and Ústí nad Labem are situated within the former Sudetenland.

- not only the Czech Republic and Slovakia celebrated the 100th anniversary of the establishment of their first mutual country, Czechoslovakia. There were also several events organised at Slovak and Czech embassies in various countries. The celebrations also took place in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. Local children sang the national anthems of both the Czech Republic and Slovakia, as well as several folk songs, the Fičí website reported.

- economist 23mar19 "back on a roll" a cult two-wheeler reflects te stops and starts of indian capitalism

- 捷克參議院主席什捷赫率領的捷克代表團所乘飛機,據報周日在準備前往南韓訪問時,被拒絕經過中國領空。有捷克電台報道稱,是因為捷克向中國提供的飛行文件資料不準確。飛機最終不得不降落到蒙古首都烏蘭巴托。

- china daily special 29 and 30 mar16
- ties

  • Li and Sobotka attended the signning ceremony for 12 cooperative documents in areas including medicine, sports and tourism. At least four of them are about health cooperation, including inviting Czech infant patients to come to China for medical treatment. China wants to speed up nuclear cooperation with the Czech Republic, Li told Sobotka. Liu Haixing, director-general of the Department of European Affairs of the Foreign Ministry, said that two of the Czech Republic's nuclear reactor sets are in need of upgrading, and Chinese companies want to take part in that. "There is no concrete agreement signed (about the nuclear reactor) yet, but we hope that in the future there would be such progress," he said, adding that China is willing to cooperate with France in the upgrade project. "We hope to carry out nuclear cooperation with the Czech Republic, and participation of a third party is also welcomed. The Czech side would like to enhance aviation cooperation, including aviation manufacturing, with China, and we also welcome that," he said. The two countries have made fruitful progress in health cooperation in traditional Chinese medicine and cancer-resistant drugs, he added. On Thursday, China and the Czech Republic signed a memorandum of understanding on jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative, referring to Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road.
  • Examples of companies
- senior officials visit

  • 捷克農業部長尤雷奇卡原定上周四訪華,跟中國農業部長及水資源管理部長會面,惟尤雷奇卡稱行程突遭取消,中方解釋指此為「雙方都能完全理解的原因」。
- china investment forum

  • 2016


  • 捷克總統辦公室特命代表德沃吉克亦表示,訪問期間,習近平與捷克總統澤曼將簽署中捷兩國建立戰略伙伴關係的文件,這將成為中捷關係的新起點。 德沃吉克指出,“這份戰略伙伴關係的協議將會覆蓋中捷合作的各個領域,而捷克方面強調了兩個重點,就是希望把捷克打造成中國在中東歐的航空和金融中心。”
  • Two countries also will intensify efforts to manage any financial crisis that mightarise Both Chinese and Czech banking watchdogs have demonstrated their willingnessto support increased activity by banks and financial companies in each other'smarkets under the Belt and Road Initiative, which will boost connectivity throughoutEurasia. They also have decided to deepen cooperation on cross-border crisis managementto prevent the impacts of any financial crisis.
- financial

  • Bank of Communications (BoCom), one of China's largest commercial banks, launched a branch here on Monday as it plans to step up its support to Chinese investment in Europe. The Prague branch is BoCom's 23rd overseas banking institution and the first one in Central and Eastern Europe from BoCom Group. The services provided by the Prague Branch will include account services, corporate financing services, international settlement and trade financing services, and treasury services.

- canal

  • ahead of Xi’s arrival, Vojtech Filip, vice-chairman of the Czech parliament, said China would jointly fund the construction of the international Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal, a project Zeman has been promoting. The two sides will invest around 1 billion euros (HK$8.6 billion) in phase one. “This project perfectly matches China’s One Belt, One Road initiative, and could be strategically connected to it,” he was quoted by China Youth Daily as saying. The proposed canal will be a Y-shaped water corridor from Poland and the Czech Republic to Slovakia and Austria. The canal will connect the three major central European river basins and eventually link the North Sea at Hamburg of Germany to the Black Sea at Constanta of Romania and the Baltic Sea at Szczecin of Poland.
- aviation

  • 在中國遊客赴中東歐旅遊熱潮推動下,中國與捷克的首條直飛航線,即北京至布拉格航線,在中秋國慶節前夕正式開通。據悉,由海南航空執飛的這條中捷兩國首都航線每周3班。隨着「一帶一路」戰略推進,中東歐正成為中國遊客出境旅遊的新增長點,也是中國民航業佈局的新目標。海南航空總裁謝皓明說,北京至布拉格航線是中國和捷克兩國間的首條直飛航線,希望這座承載中捷友誼的「空中橋樑」能為兩國的旅客提供安全、便捷、舒適的航空旅行服務,「隨着『一帶一路』發展戰略實施,中歐航空市場合作將進一步擴大,中國和歐洲各國間商務出行及出境遊市場前景良好。」
- railway
  • 中國首列出口至歐盟的動車「天狼星號」近日運抵捷克,該動車由六卡車廂組成,最高時速可達一百六十公里,預料在完成歐盟認證測試後,可正式投運。內媒分析指,事件標誌歐盟已認可中國的鐵路技術及質量。

- investment promotion
  • china investment forum in czech republic 

- investors from China

  • Lian Yongping, general manager of Changhong Europe Electric, says moving production to Europe was the only way to establish a foothold in the market without worrying about trade barriers. Changhong chose the Czech Republic for its factory site because of its central location in the continent, its industrial capability, stable investment environment and skilled but relatively low-cost labor. "Local workers are highly skilled, but salaries in manufacturing are lower than in countries such as Germany." The country's industrial capacity allowed Changhong to establish a regional supply chain to manufacture its televisions. Lian says the country's foreign investment regulations help companies make long-term investment plans. Changhong established its European operations in 2005 and they began production two years later. At the time, the company made only 100,000 TVs a year globally, almost all of them OEM sets for European brands. Today, the number of Changhong's OEM orders is about half its entire production of 800,000 TVs.
  • Hainan Airlines Co Ltd plans to launch the first direct flights between China and theCzech Republic in September as part of the effort to implement the Belt and RoadInitiativeThe route from Beijing to Prague, capital of the Czech Republic, will begin on Sept23, with the Chinese carrier running three flights a week"This will be Hainan Airlines' seventh route to Europe, which would complete thecarrier's global network," said Chen Ming, vice-president of HNA Group, parentcompany of the airline.
  • CEFC China Energy Company Ltd, considered the country's sixth-largest privatecompany, has made its latest investment in the Czech Republic, taking a majority59.97-percent stake for an undisclosed sum in SK Slavia Prague, one of the centralEuropean nation's oldest soccer clubs. CEFC closed a series of strategic agreements in the country last week, includingthe acquisition of two buildings in the capital Prague's historic center, and a stakeincrease in the Czech-Slovak investment group, J&T Finance. The remaining stake in Slavia Prague will be controlled by Fly Sport Investments, aprivate company owned by Czech businessman Jiri Simane.

- investors in china

  • Home Credit Group, a Czech company operating mainly in Russia and eastern Europe, has beaten some of the world’s largest financial groups to become the first foreign company to set up as a consumer finance lender in China. The company received a licence from China’s banking regulator this year and will formally launch a pilot operation in the eastern city of Tianjin today providing small loans to consumers to buy products such as mobile phones or motorbikes on credit.  
  • Home Credit Consumer Finance Co, the Czech Republic-based international consumer finance provider, will expand and add two call centers in China with more than 10,000 employees as the country is seeing a boom in consumption upgrading, said a senior executive.
    - chinese in czech rep

    • 在習近平抵達捷克前一天,《歐洲時報》記者提前來到布拉格,親身感受到了當地華人華僑迎接習近平的激動心情和熱烈場面。據了解,幾天前當地華人就在社團的帶領下有序而緊張地開始了各項準備工作。有負責做標語的,有負責排練節目的,有負責組織車輛、飲食的等等。甚至有的華人從外地驅車上百公里趕來參加準備活動,而這些都是義務自願的。  當地一位老華僑説:“隨?祖國的強大和經濟的發展,捷克華人在當地地位不斷提高,華人的發展離不開祖國這個強大後盾。習主席這次來,是我來捷克20年最開心的事,也是我一生中最重要的事。我會帶?全家老小來迎接習主席。”   當地中文報紙《布拉格時報》主編劉東輝説,捷克以如此盛大而熱烈的場面歡迎外國元首還是第一次。他説,“中捷兩國建交67年來,中國國家元首首次訪問捷克,必將是兩國關係史上的重要里程碑。”捷克中國經濟貿易文化促進會會長李如江説,習近平訪問捷克讓當地華僑華人感到特別自豪,“我們感到自己在這裏的地位一下子提高了很多!”

    - Artists keep communications openbetween two countries

    - ???

    • 有中國官方背景的微信公眾號麗水市僑聯前日發文,指捷克地方政府徵用中國援助歐洲僑胞的防護物資。文章亦反駁捷克傳媒所報道的囤積居奇說法,強調有關方面正與捷克溝通,澄清不實報道。中國駐捷克大使館事後展開交涉,捷克內政部同意歸還口罩。捷克烏斯季州海關周二在工業園區巡查時,在一家倉庫發現六十八萬個呼吸閥口罩及二萬八千個口罩。州長決定依據《緊急危機法》徵用該批口罩,其中三十八萬個呼吸閥口罩分發予警察及消防員,其餘交給內務部。《布拉格時報》報道,該批物資為浙江省、麗水市及青田縣政府援助歐洲僑胞,上面有紅十字會的捐贈標籤,因多數歐州航班停飛,周一經由中歐班列運抵烏斯季州,準備分發至歐洲各國華僑華人手中。捷克總統澤曼早前感謝中國提供醫療物資援助,又指已有七架飛機前往中國,首批病毒檢測試劑已運抵捷克。隨着歐洲成為新冠肺炎的震央,多國出現防護物資短缺,意大利及塞爾維亞均表示,希望獲得中國的幫助,從中國購買口罩、病毒檢測試劑及防護服等。

    - 捷克首都布拉格市議會周四在無異議下,正式通過與台灣台北締結為姊妹市的提案,市長賀吉普料會於下月與台北市長柯文哲簽署相關協議。布拉格市政府十月初宣布與大陸北京解除姊妹市關係,原因是北京拒刪除協定中涉「一個中國」的條項。

    Hong kong
    - cg in hk

    • Press int hkej 27sep16 c3

    - parliamentary exchange

    • Parliamentary delegation led by the vice-president Mr Jan Bartošek met with the honourable members of the Liaison Subcommittee of the Legislative Council on May 5, 2016. The delegation was composed by the Education Committee members: Mr Jiří Zlatuška, Ms Vlasta Bohdalová, Mr Simeon Karamazov and Ms Marta Semelová. Members of the Committee on education of the Czech Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies, paid a visit to some Hong Kong universities - among them  HKUST. Possibilities of closer cooperation and opportunities for Czech students were among the main topics for discussion.
    - pork

    • On Tuesday, May 7, 2019, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Mr. Jindrich Fialka met with the Deputy Secretary of Hong Kong´s Food and Health Bureau Mr. Eugene Fung. The talks became an important milestone in the process of negotiations of the Pork Meat Import Protocol. The Protocol, after concluded, will clear the way for direct imports of Czech pork and pork products into Hong Kong.

    - trade event in hk

    • 2nd Czech Beer and Wine Festival in Hong Kong was a great success. The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Hong Kong organised the Festival as a project of economic diplomacy in Renaissance Harbour View Hotel on 6th May 2019. Together 15 Czech producers of beer, wine, spirits and other food products participated at Festival that was very appreciated both by Czech companies and local importers, distributors and F&B managers. The Festival was officially opened with brief speeches by Consul General Mr. Jan Juchelka and Deputy Minister of Agriculture Mr. Jindřich Fialka. The tasting of Czech products started after presentation of Czech Grape and Wine Producers Association. The event visited more than 150 participants. During the Festival Czech cuisine was served.

    - investors in hk
    • czech guy startup in hk hket 24jul17 a14
    • Tomas holub startup hkej 12aug17 a13

    -「布拉格劇場設計四年展」(Prague Quadrennial,簡稱PQ)自1967年第一屆開始,每四年在布拉格定期舉行,是世界同類型展覽中最負盛名的,主要展示當代舞台美術(Scenography)和劇場建築(Theatre Architecture)。第十三屆「布拉格劇場設計四年展」(PQ2015),共超過90個國家、6,000多位專業劇場人士與學生參與。觀眾更超過180,000人,是去屆的三倍。今屆主題為「分享空間:音樂、天氣、政治」(SharedSpace: Music, Weather, Politics),是一個國際型計劃,由PQ與歐洲十三個團體共同合作舉辦,期間以研討會、論壇、展覽的形式於歐洲各地舉行,最後在布拉格作最後的展出。香港參與PQ2015的部分包括國家館、學生館、工作坊以及聲音廚房(Sound Kitchen)。香港館的主題是「Why theatre exists?」,訪問多位香港舞台工作者,探討當代劇場的存在意義、定位和價值,以錄像形式播放;另設置四個製作模型來展示香港劇場的特色。學生館則由香港演藝學院代表,主題是「We are dreamers」,展示四個校內演出的舞台設計模型及服裝設計圖。筆者繼上屆之後再度參與SpaceLab工作坊,把《ScenoZen一境四心》--舞台空間美學祭典帶給國際劇場工作者,讓他們從靜心中體驗創意。另由香港後台技術人員協會主席羅國豪帶領香港專業教育學院學生創作的音響展演《AMBIENT CUBE》參與了聲音廚房(Sound Kitchen)部分。
    - 1968

    • On 7 September 2018, an event to commemorate the 50th anniversary of occupation of Czechoslovakia by foreign armies in 1968 was held at the Hong Kong Baptist University. The occupation ended the reform process of so called "Prague Spring" and led numerous Czechoslovak citizens to exile abroad. The exhibition was accompanied by screening of a famous Czech movie "Firemen's Ball" (Hoří, má panenko!) and a debate conducted by film critics.

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