- [tr berg] called enea (norse origin)
- places names
- linguistics origin of european subdivision names https://www.quora.com/If-the-territory-of-Romania-was-inhabited-by-Latin-speakers-why-do-many-toponyms-rivers-mountains-cities-have-Slavic-origin
- jupiter's moon is europa
Micro countries
- http://www.economist.com/news/europe/21704823-europes-micro-countries-may-be-places-where-people-are-up-no-good-so-are-bigger-ones-small
The Pyrenees (/ˈpɪrᵻniːz/; Spanish: Pirineos [piɾiˈneos], French: Pyrénées [piʁene], Aragonese: Pirineus, Catalan: Pirineus [piɾiˈnɛus], Occitan: Pirenèus, Basque: Pirinioak [piˈɾinioˌak] or Auñamendiak [auˈɲamendiˌak]) is a range of mountains in southwest Europe that forms a natural border between France and Spain.For the most part, the main crest forms a divide between France and Spain, with the microstate of Andorra sandwiched in between. The Crown of Aragon and the Kingdom of Navarre have historically extended on both sides of the mountain range, with smaller northern portions now in France and larger southern parts now in Spain. In Greek mythology, Pyrene is a princess who gave her name to the Pyrenees. The Greek historian Herodotus says Pyrene is the name of a town in Celtic Europe. According to Silius Italicus, she was the virginal daughter of Bebryx, a king in Mediterranean Gaul by whom the hero Hercules was given hospitality during his quest to steal the cattle of Geryon during his famous Labors. Hercules, characteristically drunk and lustful, violates the sacred code of hospitality and rapes his host's daughter. Pyrene gives birth to a serpent and runs away to the woods, afraid that her father will be angry. Alone, she pours out her story to the trees, attracting the attention of wild beasts who tear her to pieces.After his victory over Geryon, Hercules passes through the kingdom of Bebryx again, finding the girl's lacerated remains. As is often the case in stories of this hero, the sober Hercules responds with heartbroken grief and remorse at the actions of his darker self, and lays Pyrene to rest tenderly, demanding that the surrounding geography join in mourning and preserve her name: "struck by Herculean voice, the mountaintops shudder at the ridges; he kept crying out with a sorrowful noise 'Pyrene!' and all the rock-cliffs and wild-beast haunts echo back 'Pyrene!' … The mountains hold on to the wept-over name through the ages."
- The European Economic Area (EEA) is the area in which the Agreement on the EEA provides for the free movement of persons, goods, services and capital within the European Single Market, including the freedom to choose residence in any country within this area. The EEA was established on 1 January 1994 upon entry into force of the EEA Agreement. The EEA Agreement specifies that membership is open to member states of either the European Union (EU) or European Free Trade Association (EFTA). EFTA states which are party to the EEA Agreement participate in the EU's internal market without being members of the EU. They adopt most EU legislation concerning the single market, however with notable exclusions including laws regarding agriculture and fisheries. The EEA's "decision-shaping" processes enable EEA EFTA member states to influence and contribute to new EEA policy and legislation from an early stage. Third country goods are excluded for these states on rules of origin. When entering into force in 1994, the EEA parties were 17 states and two European Communities: the European Community, which was later absorbed into the EU's wider framework, and the now defunct European Coal and Steel Community. Membership has grown to 31 states as of 2016: 28 EU member states, as well as three of the four member states of the EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). The Agreement is applied provisionally with respect to Croatia—the remaining and most recent EU member state—pending ratification of its accession by all EEA parties. One EFTA member, Switzerland, has not joined the EEA, but has a series of bilateral agreements with the EU which allow it also to participate in the internal market.
- hkej 22mar18 shum article
- open europe
- Open Europe is a think tank with offices in London and Brussels and an independent partner organisation in Berlin, promoting ideas for economic and political reform of the European Union. The think-tank was set up by business people and is a proponent of a flexible model for European integration, allowing for EU member states to integrate with each other to different degrees and for powers to also be returned from the EU to member states. Open Europe is an advocate of an economically liberal EU Single Market as well as supportive of the EU's freedom of movement, but has called for less EU involvement in several other policy areas. It has adopted a neutral stance in the 2016 EU referendum in the UK.
- 歐洲工業圓桌會議(European Round Table for Industry,ERT)周一開會,促請歐盟加強對抗中國的國家資本主義,但不要跟隨美國限制對華商業往來。ERT由60名主要歐洲跨國企業高層組成,會議要求歐盟別借新冠疫情打擊經濟而加強歐洲製造業及政治自主,最終演變成保護主義。對於有聲音要求歐盟增加戰略自主,鞏固歐洲製造能力及地緣政治地位,ERT的意見書促歐盟有需要時要有自己的立場,並警告主張經濟自主可能適得其反。會議成員之一、瑞典銀瑞達集團(Investor AB)主席兼瑞典電訊商愛立信副主席瓦倫堡(Jacob Wallenberg)表示,中國在美國和歐盟施壓下遂步開放銀行、保險及其他市場,這不是完美方法,但持續施壓帶來進步,所以有理由繼續。他認為每個國家都應有能力保護國家安全,但要在外交思維下行事,才可維持關係,強調戰略自主非常容易導致保護主義。他說自己了解美國政治環境,不認為會因與中國做生意而與美國有嫌隙。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210707/00178_008.html
- European Services Forum http://www.esf.be/
- european banking federation http://www.ebf-fbe.eu/
- http://www.eu-meat.eu/index.php?lang=en
- European Film Promotion http://www.efp-online.com/en/
- European Film Commission Network http://www.eufcn.net/
- European apparel and textile confederation http://www.euratex.eu
- European Fur Breeders Association http://www.efba.eu/
- european automobile manufacturers association http://www.acea.be/
- http://www.europeancitiesmarketing.com/
- Europa Nostra (Latin for "Our Europe") is a pan-European Federation for Cultural Heritage, representing citizens’ organisations that work on safeguarding Europe's cultural and natural heritage.Europa Nostra's network covers almost 50 countries across Europe and beyond. It is composed of over 250 member organisations. Europa Nostra was founded in 1963 on the initiative of Italia Nostra, as a response to the serious threat to the survival of Venice, caused by regular flooding. In 1991 it merged with the Internationales Burgen Institut (the International Castles Institute), itself created in 1949.
- economist 18jan2020 "l'industrie, c'est moi" europe is rediscovering its penchant for statist intervention
- rail
- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/e8b80ea2-ecbc-11e4-b82f-00144feab7de.html When a train used to reach a European border, the driver would have to get off, walk to the rear carriage and change the tail lights to meet the requirements of the country he was entering. That practice has all but ended, a casualty of the drive by the European Union over the past two decades to create a single EU railway that not only makes it easier to cross borders but also seeks to ensure competition on lines by ending the monopolies of state-controlled train operators. This could provide big growth opportunities for operators such as Stagecoach, Go-Ahead and National Express of the UK, and Keolis of France. The EU passenger rail market generates £200bn in annual revenue, according to Arriva, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn, and the financial crisis increased momentum in some countries to open up their railways to private operators to secure savings in public spending.
- high speed rail
- http://www.economist.com/news/business/21638109-high-speed-networks-are-spreading-fast-face-rising-competition-problems-down-line
- chip making
- http://www.economist.com/news/business/21625887-specialisation-and-new-technologies-may-put-europe-map-again-fighting-back
- http://www.economist.com/news/europe/21685519-lights-are-going-out-night-clubs-all-over-europe-less-ecstatic After the fall of the Berlin Wall night clubs sprang up in that city in a moment of “cultural anarchy”, says Dimitri Hegemann, one of Tresor’s founders. They took over disused banks, warehouses and power plants. In the rest of Europe several “superclubs” had already opened in the 1980s, and more followed. In London, Fabric opened in 1999 in a former cold store; in Amsterdam, one started in a former print works. Smaller venues proliferated, too. Since then, however, the party seems to be winding down. Between 2001 and 2011 the number of discotheken in the Netherlands fell by 38%. In Britain there were 3,144 clubs in 2005 but only 1,733 ten years later, says the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers; in 2015 revenues were £1.2 billion ($1.7 billion), down from £1.5 billion in 2010. In Berlin, although the number of music venues has been stable at about 350 (120 of which are clubs), several long-established night spots have closed their doors. Partly this is because most European cities are becoming nicer to live in. “Even in Berlin it is harder to find an unused space in the inner city,” sighs Sven von Thülen, a DJ who has compiled an oral history of clubbing. Clubs are being pushed farther out. Increasing rents are also a problem, says Lutz Leichsenring of the Club Commission, a German industry body, especially in places such as London where property values have soared.
trade and investment environment
- movement of natural persons
- https://www.quora.com/Which-EU-country-has-the-easiest-citizenship-requirements
- theory on european govt
- [1776 chron] richard pricevargued for a form of european govt. Each state should continue independent with respect to all its internal concerns, but a general confederacy should be formed with a senate consisting of representatives from all the different states.
- A maypole is a tall wooden pole erected as a part of various European folk festivals, around which a maypole dance often takes place. The festivals may occur on May Day or Pentecost (Whitsun), although in some countries it is instead erected at Midsummer. In some cases the maypole is a permanent feature that is only utilised during the festival, although in other cases it is erected specifically for the purpose before being taken down again. Primarily found within the nations of Germanic Europe and the neighbouring areas which they have influenced, its origins remain unknown, although it has been speculated that it originally had some importance in the Germanic paganism of Iron Age and early Medieval cultures, and that the tradition survived Christianisation, albeit losing any original meaning that it had. It has been a recorded practice in many parts of Europe throughout the Medieval and Early Modern periods, although it became less popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. Today, the tradition is still observed in some parts of Europe and among European communities in North America.
- archive
- http://www.ica.org/en/euronomos-online-legal-database legal system related to archives and records management in the EURBICA countries - See more at: http://www.ica.org/en/euronomos-online-legal-database#sthash.HLAvHUwX.dpuf
- https://www.ft.com/content/82263fc6-ad97-11e7-aab9-abaa44b1e130 French president Emmanuel Macron’s plans to make common cause with Germany to reform the eurozone have suffered an early setback as Berlin pushes proposals for sovereign debt writedowns that Paris fears could shatter investor confidence in the single currency. Mr Macron wants ambitious overhauls of eurozone governance ranging from the creation of a large common budget to the appointment of a European finance minister. Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, signalled last month that the proposals, part of a broader agenda for EU renewal, were a “good basis” for negotiations. But in a sign of how difficult it will be to find common ground on the euro, the German finance ministry has set out a blueprint that rides roughshod over some of Paris’s priorities.
- European welfare states, a glory fading away http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-09/12/c_136603266.htm
- TS eliot, in a lecture on unity of european cluture, published in german in berlin in 1946, which was included as the final chapter of his 1948 book notes toward the definition of culture, eliot's account effectively constituted a defense of heritage of greece, rome and israel.
- british cultural historian and political theorist ernesrt barker reverted to 19th c principles in the conclusion to hit three-volume The european inheritance, where he revived the tainean concepts of race, milieu and moment as stock, space and time.
european languages
- https://www.quora.com/Why-is-a-often-replaced-for-%C4%83-or-%C3%A2-in-Romanian-words-of-Latin-origin-sanguis-s%C3%A2nge-Most-other-Latin-languages-have-kept-the-A-sound
- https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-in-pronunciation-between-Spanish-and-Portuguese
Ethnic groups
- The Basques (Basque: euskaldunak; Spanish: vascos; French: basques, English: /bɑːsks/ or /bæsks/) are an indigenous ethnic group characterised by the Basque language, a common Basque culture and shared ancestry to the ancient Vascones and Aquitanians. Basques are indigenous to and primarily inhabit an area traditionally known as the Basque Country (Basque: Euskal Herria), a region that is located around the western end of the Pyrenees on the coast of the Bay of Biscay and straddles parts of north-central Spain and south-western France.
- European welfare states, a glory fading away http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-09/12/c_136603266.htm
- TS eliot, in a lecture on unity of european cluture, published in german in berlin in 1946, which was included as the final chapter of his 1948 book notes toward the definition of culture, eliot's account effectively constituted a defense of heritage of greece, rome and israel.
- british cultural historian and political theorist ernesrt barker reverted to 19th c principles in the conclusion to hit three-volume The european inheritance, where he revived the tainean concepts of race, milieu and moment as stock, space and time.
european languages
- https://www.quora.com/Why-is-a-often-replaced-for-%C4%83-or-%C3%A2-in-Romanian-words-of-Latin-origin-sanguis-s%C3%A2nge-Most-other-Latin-languages-have-kept-the-A-sound
- https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-in-pronunciation-between-Spanish-and-Portuguese
Portuguese uses a number of letters and diacritics that are not present in Spanish:
- Examples: ç, ã, õ, à, â, ê, ô are all letters that do not exist in Spanish, and in many cases, having a pronunciation that does not exist in Spanish
Both languages have sounds that do not exist in the other:
- Examples: The sound of Spanish j, and the ˈθ sound of z in Iberian Spanish do not exist in Portuguese; the nasal vowels of Portuguese; the pronunciation of s as “sh” in many positions in Portuguese; the pronunciation of RR is completely different in many varieties of Portuguese to the rolled sound this digraph has in Spanish.
- The voiced S sound (like English z) which exists in Portuguese but not in Spanish.
- https://www.quora.com/Are-there-languages-that-are-a-mix-of-Indo-European-and-non-Indo-European-origins
Ethnic groups
- The Basques (Basque: euskaldunak; Spanish: vascos; French: basques, English: /bɑːsks/ or /bæsks/) are an indigenous ethnic group characterised by the Basque language, a common Basque culture and shared ancestry to the ancient Vascones and Aquitanians. Basques are indigenous to and primarily inhabit an area traditionally known as the Basque Country (Basque: Euskal Herria), a region that is located around the western end of the Pyrenees on the coast of the Bay of Biscay and straddles parts of north-central Spain and south-western France.
- mother of francois fillon, Anne Soulet Fillon, is a celebrated historian of Basque descent
- basque language
- https://www.quora.com/Was-the-Basque-language-born-in-the-Spanish-side-or-the-French-side-of-the-Basque-speaking-area
Basque is completely unrelated to any other language spoken today in the world. All Western Europe speaks different variants of Indo-European languages, whose origins are in the East. It is not known how these languages spread all over Europe but some theories suggest that they were transmitted along a new industry and knowledge; agriculture (and later, Romanization). It is believed that prior to the spread of Indo-European languages, Western europe spoke different languages closely related to Basque. Actually, Aquitanians were pretty much Basques, and Basque genes are prevalent as far as Wales, Ireland, and most of Western Europe. https://www.quora.com/What-is-so-special-about-the-Basque-language/answer/Luis-M-Gonzalez- In Basque there is no starting F sound, therefore Spanish lost most starting F sounds. Hijo, hoja, hilo, hambre, harto, hacer, hoz, haz… all these words lost the F because of Basque. Look at other Spanish languages that are not closely related to Basque such as Catalan fill, fam, fart, fer, falç…
For the same reason Spanish has no V sound, because Basque has no V sound.https://www.quora.com/Why-do-some-Spanish-words-alternate-the-French-letter-F-with-the-letter-H-such-as-in-hambre-and-faim-or-hilo-and-file-or-hijo-and-fils- [poon hon tong book on interview with ma ying gou] in basque, xavier is javier in spanish
- "sariia" is reward
- diaspora
- ?https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-there-is-a-Native-American-language-from-the-Southwest-that-is-closely-related-to-Basque There are Basque communities in Idaho and Nevada, including a neighborhood in Boise, Idaho called The Basque Block. Some families still maintain the Basque language. There’s even a Basque immersion preschool in Boise: BOISEKO IKASTOLA . But that’s probably not what you were asking about. There was the Dené–Caucasian hypothesis that connected Basque with the Sino-Tibetan languages, North Caucasian languages, and the Na-Dené languages of North America (Navajo, Apache, Koyukon, Hupa, etc.), along with a few others such as Burushashki. But I don’t think that hypothesis is widely accepted.
- Bertsolaritza [berˈts̺olaɾits̻a] or bertsolarism is the art of singing extemporaneously composed songs in Basque according to various melodies and rhyming patterns. Bertsos can be composed at a variety of occasions but are performed generally by one or various bertsolaris onstage in an event arranged for the purpose or as a sideshow, in homage ceremonies, in benefit lunches and suppers, with friends or at a competition. Such a sung piece of composition is called a bertso, the person who sings it is called a bertsolari and the art of composing bertsos is called bertsolaritza in Basque. Traditionally these were sung by men but there is an increasing number of young female bertsolaris today.
- economist 16feb19
- https://www.quora.com/Who-are-the-Basques-Vascos-and-where-does-their-language-come-from The Basques are typical Western Europeans who have experienced a severe genetic bottleneck and subsequently endured a relative genetic isolation that caused them to drift apart from other Europeans more than they would have by looking at the ancestral components that played the major roles in their genetic history. The Basques also have more Neolithic European ancestry than most other Western Europeans (and, in particular, more indigenous Western Hunter-Gatherer ancestry as a part of that Neolithic European component than others) as well as far less influence from Central/East Mediterranean (roughly from Italy to the Levant and Anatolia) and North African peoples than the rest of Iberia.
- africaans
- Afrikaners, the descendants of Dutch, French, German and other European immigrants/colonists. Having gotten that out of the way, the first of these immigrants arrived in 1652. Roughly the same time as the first English settlers in North America and nearly two centuries before the first ones in Australia. Afrikaners have been around for over three hundred years. They do not have automatic citizenship rights anywhere in Europe. They are the light-skinned tribe of Africa. Deal with it. And the language they speak is not a European language. It has European roots, but it is far more different from modern Dutch than American English is from British English. Afrikaan and Dutch are still mutually intelligible, but only just. It takes some effort for Dutchmen and Afrikaners to communicate. Afrikasns as a language developed in Africa, and is spoken nowhere else.https://www.quora.com/Why-are-Afrikaans-called-Afrikaans-despite-being-European
- asem
- asem
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160510/PDF/a20_screen.pdf 今年是亞歐會議舉行20周年。外交部、國務院新聞辦9日在廣州共同主辦亞歐互聯互通媒體對話會。亞歐會議籌委會顧問扎.恩赫賽汗稱,互聯互通將是本屆會議重要議題,中國提出的“一帶一路”建設、亞投行有助亞歐基建合作;亞歐基金等組織為亞歐一體化帶來可能性,下一步將促進亞歐在媒體和數字領域上互聯互通。外交部部長助理錢洪山表示,中方推進成立亞洲基礎設施投資銀行和絲路基金,與巴基斯坦、蒙古、俄羅斯建設經濟走廊,互聯互通合作已經取得早期收穫。此外,中方在與歐盟商討設立中歐共同投資基金,互聯互通合作平台建設進展順利。
- 2017
- http://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2017/11/19/eu-foreign-policy-chief-3-foreign-ministers-visit-rohingya-camps/ Foreign ministers of Germany, Sweden and Japan, after visiting Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar yesterday, have agreed to strongly raise the issue at the 13th Asian European Foreign Ministers Meeting (ASEM) slated to take place in Myanmar’s Naypyidaw on November 20-21.
- https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/11/20/asia-pacific/politics-diplomacy-asia-pacific/asem-foreign-ministers-avoid-discussing-rohingya-issue-reaffirm-stand-terrorism-sources/#.WhOo0dV96M8 The session of the Asia-Europe Meeting will not directly discuss the crisis involving 600,000 Rohingya Muslims who have fled since August from Rakhine state in western Myanmar to neighboring Bangladesh, to escape atrocities reportedly being committed by Myanmar security forces. Instead the ministers will stick to reaffirming their “commitment to combat terrorism and violent extremism” by such means as preventing “misuse of communications technology” to spread terrorist propaganda and violent extremism, according to the draft of the statement to be issued Tuesday.
- 2018
- 第十二屆亞歐首腦會議昨起於歐盟總部所在地比利時布魯塞爾舉行,正在歐洲訪問的中國國務院總理李克強出席會議。有歐洲專家接受採訪時表示,在當前國際形勢下,會議有望推進亞歐地區間務實合作,助力中歐戰略溝通和協作。歐洲學院歐盟國際關係與外交研究部歐中研究中心研究員傅立門(Duncan Freeman)傅立門進一步表示,歐盟歐亞互聯互通戰略與「一帶一路」倡議均為宏偉藍圖,二者要實現對接,既需中歐從細節入手,規劃具體連貫的政策,搭建開放合作的架構,也需雙方進行持續深入的溝通。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/10/19/a08-1019.pdf
- 第十二屆亞歐首腦會議19日在布魯塞爾閉幕。與會領導人強調維護多邊主義的重要性,重申支持基於規則的多邊貿易體制,反對各種形式的保護主義。本屆亞歐首腦會議以「全球夥伴應對全球挑戰」為主題;閉幕前夕,發布了會議主席聲明。中國國務院總理李克強出席會議,發表題為《共擔全球責任 共迎全球挑戰》的引導性講話,並表示中國願與亞歐各方積極推進科技創新和新經濟合作。中方將於明年舉辦以創新發展為主題的高級別對話會,希望各方積極參與,共同促進世界開放創新深入發展。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181021/PDF/a5_screen.pdf
- 北京報 道) 2015 亞歐 商品貿易博覽會 將於 8月 12日至 16日在烏魯木齊 舉辦。本屆商博 會以「打造絲綢之路商貿平台,推進亞歐產業互利 合作」為主題,設置紡織服裝產業展、農產品食品 展、珠寶玉器工藝精品展、新疆葡糖酒精品展和境 外精品展等,重點引進英、韓等國家及香港、台灣 等地區的時尚精品參展。展會舉辦期間還將舉辦高 峰論壇、產業論壇和貿易投資促進活動以及客商招 待會等活動。 據介紹,中國國家領導人、多國政要 以及中外部長級嘉賓屆時將出席。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/04/29/a10-0429.pdf
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150925/PDF/b7_screen.pdf 2015歐亞經濟論壇本月二十四至二十六日在陝西西安舉行,國務委員王勇在開幕式上的主旨演講中表示,歐亞國家攜手“一帶一路”建設與合作,要堅持增進政治互信;加快推進區域合作;加強基礎設施互聯互通。據瞭解,本屆論壇被確定為國家保留舉辦的機制性涉外論壇,並被列為“一帶一路”建設重要平台。 大公報記者任麗西安報道 歐亞經濟論壇是上海合作組織框架下的重要經濟合作機制。論壇發起於2005年,已成功舉辦五屆。本屆論壇以“創新合作模式,共享絲路繁榮”為主題,立足“一帶一路”建設平台、上合組織國家經貿交流與合作平台和推進西部地區對外開放平台的發展定位,充分彰顯論壇“依託上合組織、服務一帶一路、促進地方發展”的宗旨,吸引來自全球53個國家及地區的2000多名嘉賓參加並開展廣泛對話。
america and asia
- [tr berg] many cartographers believed that america and asia were one and the same continent. On the portuguese map from 1502, the easternmost coast of asia continues east off the map, perhaps indicating that it connects to america somewhere beyond the parchment, and the same true of two italian world maps produced a few years later. On a world map by iacomo gastaldi in 1556, he added an opening between america and asia that he named the streti di anian (the strait of anian, probably from marco polo's travelogues, where ania is the name given to one of china's provinces). It is striking that it is placed exactly where bering strait is in reality. The strait of anian also appeared in other maps in 16th c.
- The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative to aid Western Europe, in which the United States gave $13 billion (approximately $130 billion in current dollar value as of August 2015) in economic support to help rebuild Western European economies after the end ofWorld War II. The plan was in operation for four years beginning in April 1948. The goals of the United States were to rebuild war-devastated regions, remove trade barriers, modernize industry, make Europe prosperous again, and prevent the spread of communism.[1] The Marshall Plan required a lessening of interstate barriers, a dropping of many petty regulations constraining business, and encouraged an increase in productivity, labour union membership, as well as the adoption of modern business procedures.
- nuclear, military base
- 美國駐波蘭大使莫斯巴赫上周五在社交網表示,如果德國拒絕繼續部署美國核武,波蘭可以讓美方在該國重新部署。波蘭官員未有回應建議,但該國此前已經期盼美軍在當地建立基地,並承諾會支付費用。美國駐德國大使格雷內爾早前促請柏林繼續允許美國在德國部署核武,震懾俄羅斯、中國及北韓。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200518/00180_035.html
- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/21d66e58-10ef-11e5-8413-00144feabdc0.html
Europe’s biggest oil groups are extending business deals with their Russian energy partners despite this month’s EU vote to continue imposing sanctions, highlighting how western companies are learning to live with the restrictions placed on Moscow.
BP is close to agreeing a deal to acquire a 20 per cent stake in a Siberian oilfield from state-owned Rosneft that could be worth $700m, people familiar with the matter told the Financial Times, while Eni and Statoil have received approval from European capitals to continue work on their joint ventures with Rosneft. Shell is also still working on its Salym joint venture with Gazprom Neft, the oil arm of the Russian gas giant, and has applied for approval from the Dutch government for other projects.
- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/eb1ebca8-9514-11e5-ac15-0f7f7945adba.html
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151223/00192_001.html 歐盟前日宣布延長對俄羅斯的經濟制裁,雖然有關決定獲全體成員贊成,但意大利和德國為此鬧意見。俄氣西輸走線從南改為北,意方暗示有人礙於體面,硬拉歐盟全體「蹚制裁俄國渾水」,為保己方利益側側膊做私幫生意,與俄羅斯繼續攬頭攬頸。歐盟指,由於德、法、俄和烏克蘭四方於明斯克簽署的和解協議限本年結束前全面落實,俄方未能促使烏東親俄武裝分子遵守協議,故會繼續制裁俄國施壓。紙包不住火,歐盟大老力圖淡化制裁俄國爭端,惜以意大利為首的多名成員,拒在十二月初自動通過「延長制裁俄國」,要求將之列作上周布魯塞爾歐盟峰會議題。意國總理倫齊認為,歐盟一方面為烏克蘭問題制裁俄國,另方面又尋求克宮支援擺平敍利亞亂局,延續制裁俄國與否應重新商討。japan
- Japonism (from the French Japonisme, first used in 1872) is the influence of Japanese art, fashion and aesthetics on Western culture. The term is used particularly to refer to Japanese influence on European art, especially in impressionism. In France the term Japonisme refers to a specific French style which mainly found expression in the fine arts from 1864, while in England it initially influenced the decorative arts, with the first documented pieces of furniture in the Anglo-Japanese style completed in 1862, even if the term Anglo-Japanese was used as early as 1851. From the 1860s, ukiyo-e, Japanese wood-block prints, became a source of inspiration for many European impressionist painters in France and elsewhere, and eventually for Art Nouveau and Cubism. Artists were especially affected by the lack of perspective and shadow, the flat areas of strong color, and the compositional freedom gained by placing the subject off-centre, mostly with a low diagonal axis to the background.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160611/PDF/a6_screen.pdf中國國務委員楊潔篪10日在布魯塞爾同歐盟外交與安全政策高級代表莫蓋里尼舉行第六輪中歐高級別戰略對話。楊潔篪表示,當前中歐和平、增長、改革、文明四大夥伴關係建設穩步推進,雙方致力於全面落實《中歐合作2020戰略規劃》,在政經人文等各領域以及國際事務中的交流合作日益廣泛深入。中方願同歐方保持高層交往,加強戰略溝通,拓展務實合作,共同推動中歐全面戰略伙伴關係持續深入發展。 莫蓋里尼表示,中國是歐盟重要合作伙伴,雙方在廣泛領域開展了富有成效的合作,給歐中雙方帶來實實在在的利益。歐中加強戰略對話和政策協調,有利於推動雙方各領域合作取得更多成果,促進國際和地區熱點問題的解決。 雙方一致認為,始終堅持從戰略高度和長遠角度看待彼此關係,建設好四大夥伴關係,為構建以合作共贏為核心的新型國際關係貢獻實踐經驗。應深化中歐在經貿投資、基礎設施互聯互通、數字化、法律事務和人員往來便利化等領域的合作,加快中歐投資協定談判進程;為雙方深化政治安全、科技創新、藍色經濟等方面合作注入更多動力。
- 中國外 交部發言人耿爽1日在例行記者會上宣布 ,為推動中歐全面戰略夥伴關係持續健康 穩定發展,加強各領域交流和務實互利合 作,中國政府決定設立歐洲事務特別代表 ,並任命吳紅波大使擔任首任特別代表。 耿爽指出,吳紅波大使是資深外交官,熟 悉歐洲地區事務,曾擔任聯合國副秘書長 ,外交部部長助理,中國駐德國、菲律賓 大使等職。吳大使將協助外交部協調處 理涉歐事務,推動中歐高層交往,參與中 歐各領域重要交流合作,為深化中歐和平 、增長、改革、文明四大夥伴關係不懈努 力。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191102/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
- bit
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150619/PDF/a19_screen.pdf 商務部新聞發言人沈丹陽18日在此間談及正在推進的中歐投資協定談判時稱,儘管中歐雙方均未給達成談判設定時間表,但會“儘早”。沈丹陽是在當日召開的商務部例行記者會上作出上述表示的。6月4日,中國歐盟投資協定第六輪談判在布魯塞爾舉行,商務部隨後發佈的新聞稿稱,雙方通過深入討論,進一步增進了理解,縮小了分歧,實現了預期目標。沈丹陽介紹,2013年11月中歐雙方宣佈啟動中歐投資協定談判時曾發佈一個《中歐合作2020戰略規劃》,2014年3月雙方又共同發表了《關於深化互利共贏中歐全面戰略伙伴關係的聯合聲明》。這兩個文件都明確設定了中歐投資協定談判的目標,即在中國與歐盟成員國已簽署的投資保護協定基礎上,要儘早達成一個富有雄心的、涵蓋投資保護和市場準入的協定。
- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/77dc2efc-b9b4-11e3-a3ef-00144feabdc0.html Chinese president Xi Jinping has called for the EU and China to “actively explore” a bilateral trade agreement, arguing that such a move would make the pair “the twin engines for global economic growth”. Mr Xi’s call, made during a speech on Tuesday, will be seen as a bid to build a rival to a mooted EU-US pact and other significant trade negotiations now under way around the world, the vast majority of which have left China on the sidelines.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170601/PDF/a14_screen.pdf歐洲問題專家馮仲平表示,中方應利用把握機會和歐洲講所謂中國的市場經濟地位的問題,就是雙邊自由,雙邊投資協定(BIT)。他認為,歐洲覺得應利用李克強總理這次訪問推動談判,加快進程。中方此前表示,願同歐方推進包括雙邊投資協定談判、自貿可行性研究等在內的廣泛領域務實合作。中國歐盟商會主席何墨池表示,中歐之間貿易增長的關鍵在於中歐投資協定談判。http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2017-06/01/content_29568796.htm European companies are hoping that a bilateral investment treaty between China and European Union can be concluded within 12 months to sustain their robust growth momentum in China, a key European business body said on Wednesday."The key to growing bilateral trade and investment is a successfully negotiated comprehensive agreement on investment with a strong market-opening component," said Mats Harborn, president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. China and the EU completed the 13th round of BIT talks last month in Beijing. Eager to deepen their mutual trust, the Chinese government in March pledged to further open its market to European companies and treat them the same way as domestic ones, even before a formal agreement is in place. Harborn said there are expectations regarding a treaty concerning the negative list, which shows areas where investment is prohibited, with all other areas presumed to be open. The chamber released its Business Confidence Survey 2017 on Wednesday, saying European companies reported that their business in China improved in 2016, with more than 50 percent of companies experiencing higher sales than the previous year.Among the respondents, information, communications technology, automobile, machinery, cosmetics, environmental protection and retail companies all reported growth in sales. More European businesses reported rising earnings than at any other time since 2010. Sectors such as travel, education, pharmaceuticals and engineering saw sharp annual increases in profits that ranged from 70 percent to 100 percent in 2016.
- EC Investment Fund
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2015-06/16/content_21014218.htm Brussels and Beijing are discussing the possibility of Chinese involvement in the European Commission's 315 billion euro ($354.8 billion) investment plan for 2015-17, a senior European Commission official told China Daily on Monday. The EC official, who did not want to be identified, said, "In the context of the Investment Plan for Europe, the commission has been contacted by stakeholders from outside Europe but no concrete figures or proposals have been presented."
- http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-15-5723_it.htmAt the High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue in Beijing today, China announced its intention to contribute to the Investment Plan, as well as closer cooperation with the EU on investment issues in general. Today during the High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue in Beijing, Vice-Premier Ma Kai informed Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen that China will contribute to the Commission's €315 billionInvestment Plan for Europe. China is the first non-EU country to announce its contribution to the Plan. As well as this announcement, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group to increase cooperation between the EU and China on all aspects of investment. The working group will include experts from China's Silk Road Fund, the Commission, and the European Investment Bank (EIB). The EIB, the Commission's strategic partner in the Investment Plan, was also represented at the HED in Beijing. The European Commission and the Chinese government also signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the EU-China Connectivity Platform to enhance synergies between China's "One Belt One Road" initiative and the EU's connectivity initiatives such as the Trans-European Transport Network policy. The Platform will promote cooperation in areas such as infrastructure, equipment, technologies and standards. This will create multiple business opportunities and promote employment, growth and development for both sides, and it will be done in cooperation with the EIB.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/1822541/china-plans-inject-billions-eu-infrastructure-fund China will pledge a multibillion-dollar investment in Europe's new infrastructure fund at a summit in Brussels later this month, in Beijing's latest round of chequebook diplomacy to win greater influence. While the exact amount is still to be decided, the pledge marks the latest step in Beijing's efforts to shape global economic governance at the expense of the United States. The move follows major European Union governments' decision to join the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in defiance of Washington. Beijing's pledge towards the European Fund for Strategic Investment is expected to come with a request for return investment in its "One Belt, One Road" infrastructure drive - building major energy and communications links across Central, West and South Asia to as far as Greece. "China announced that it would make 'X' amount available for co-financing strategic investment of common interest across the EU," a draft communique read, adding that agreements would be finalised at another meeting in September.
- financial
- 中歐國際交易所近日 正式在山東自貿區青島片區設立 中歐國際交易所中國(北方)資 本市場服務基地,將立足山東服 務中國北方廣大地區。這是擴大 金融對外開放後,國外交易所在 中國設立的首個資本市場服務基 地。中歐國際交易所總部設在德 國金融中心法蘭克福,是首屆中 德高級別財金對話的重要成果, 是在中國總理李克強和德國總理 默克爾的共同關心下發展起來的 國際市場上首個專注中國和人民 幣相關金融產品的離岸交易平 台。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/paper/index.html
- 第三屆北京月球與深空探測國際論壇昨日在北京開幕,來自國內外的200多名專家就月球、火星和小行星探測規劃等進行交流探討。最新信息顯示,在未來幾年裡,中國將通過嫦娥五號探測器採集2公斤月球樣品返回地球並開展實驗室研究,首次火星探測任務將展開繞、落、巡科學探測。在國際合作方面,中國航天部門正推進與歐洲太空總署(ESA)、俄羅斯聯邦航天局(FSA)在月球極區探測、樣品合作、月球數據中心等領域積極有序合作。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/09/21/a15-0921.pdf
- 中國「北斗」衛星導航系統跟歐洲民用衛星導航系統「伽利略」(GALILEO)系統也正在協調兼容問題。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/12/28/a15-1228.pdf
- 中國科學院國家空間科學中心22日在北京透露,歐洲空間局21至22日召開理事會,正式批准中歐聯合研製的「太陽風─磁層相互作用全景成像衛星計劃」(簡稱「微笑計劃」或SMILE)正式工程立項。這標誌着SMILE任務圓滿完成方案研究工作,全面進入工程研製階段。「微笑計劃」衛星計劃於2023年底發射,運行壽命3年。屆時,人類將首次實現對地球空間大尺度結構的整體成像,揭示太陽活動影響地球空間環境的變化規律,助科學家防範地球空間災害、保障通訊航天安全。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190323/PDF/a6_screen.pdf
- 中歐人工智能合作邁向新高地,13日,盧森堡國家實驗室與中國人工智能獨角獸公司(估值達10億美元以上之初創企業)深蘭科技宣布共同成立聯合實驗室,致力於中歐在人工智能基礎研究和應用開發領域的相互開放和合作協同。盧森堡國家實驗室負責人表示,此次深蘭科技─盧森堡國家實驗室自動駕駛、智能和精密製造、數據和金融安全中歐聯合實驗室正式揭牌,並聯合發布「中歐AI國際共同體2020計劃」。未來,將在自動駕駛技術、智能和精密製造、數據和金融安全等領域,提供並展示「中國智造」技術核心,並與歐洲的500強建立聯合研究項目,打造洲際產業科研平台和應用中心。據介紹,「中歐AI國際共同體」的歐洲盧森堡中心和中國上海中心將投入不低於40位人工智能領域的科學家,冀共同提升歐洲和中國新興市場在人工智能領域的國際競爭力。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180914/PDF/a5_screen.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/business/money/article/1710445/chinese-investments-europe-soar-record-us18b-2014 Chinese investments in Europe doubled last year to a record US$18 billion, according to a report by Baker & McKenzie, an international law firm. And Europe had already received at least US$5.8 billion of Chinese investments less than two months into this year, with the US$4.3 billion acquisition of French resort company Club Med by Hong Kong-listed Fosun International, and the US$1.5 billion acquisition of France's Louvre Hotels, Europe's second-largest hotel group, by state-owned Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels, it said. "A more substantial downturn in the Chinese economy might impact the willingness to invest overseas," said Thomas Gilles, the chairman of the firm's EMEA-China group. "But we remain bullish that the next decade will see a further expansion in Chinese investment into the [European Union]." The surge in Chinese investments in Europe last year followed a drop to about US$9 billion in 2013 from US$13 billion in 2012 because of a decline in investment in energy and materials, the report said.
- 全球能源互聯網中歐技術裝備研討會在德國當地時間12月10日至11日在柏林召開。會議由中國國家電網公司和德國電氣電子及通信技術學會共同主辦,來自有關國際組織、中歐能源電力企業、研究機構、高等院校的70餘位代表出席會議。參會者均對全球能源互聯網理念表示高度讚賞,認為是宏偉的目標和偉大的構想,願意在技術研發、電網發展等方面加強與中國國家電網公司的合作,推動全球能源互聯網為世界可持續發展發揮重大作用。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/12/12/b03-1212.pdf
- freight transport
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2015-12/11/content_22688078.htm the number of freight trains traveling between Zhengzhou in Henan province and the German city of Hamburg is to be doubled by 2017, officials said, after a surge in the volume of goods being carried on the service. Yang Wenjun, vice-president of State-owned Zhengzhou International Hub Development and Construction Co Ltd, which has operated the 10,214 kilometer route since 2013, said 150 trips have been made between the cities. Its trains transported 60,000 tons of goods in the first 11 months of 2015, compared with 36,000 tons goods last year, said Yang, a clear sign of strengthening demand despite the slowdown in China's national economic growth. Zhengzhou is not the country's first city to connect with Europe by train, but Yang said that almost every major region of China lies within a 1,500 kilometer radius of the central provincial capital, making it a perfect distribution center.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160829/PDF/b8_screen.pdf 廣州首趟中歐班列28日正式開通,前往俄羅斯卡盧加州,比海運省時68%以上,運費比空運節省80%,構建成國家“一帶一路”戰略上一條全新國際物流陸路大通道,使中國陸上對外貿易往來進一步覆蓋歐洲全境。該線路更將於明年中開始,每週開行進出口班列。廣鐵集團透露,目前廣東運往歐亞地區的班列貨物已突破10萬噸,成為珠三角與歐亞各國“新絲綢之路”的直通車,出口產品覆蓋服飾布料、傢具家電、數碼電子、輕型機械等眾多領域。而今年全國將陸續增開中歐、中亞班列運行線達62條,增近38%。/大公報記者方俊明廣州報道 隨着國家“一帶一路”戰略深入實施,中國開通中歐、中亞班列逐年增加,而珠三角正成為連通歐亞各國“新絲綢之路”的經濟樞紐。繼目前全球鐵路開行最遠的貨物班列“東莞石龍─荷蘭鹿特丹”(全程13488公里)在今年6月統一“中歐班列”品牌開通後,載有41組集裝箱的廣州首趟中歐班列于8月28日運行,駛往俄羅斯卡盧加州沃爾西諾。
- forestry products
- 從俄羅斯西伯利亞發出的1800方木材昨日抵達甘肅蘭州新區中川北站,這是到達蘭州新區的第三列(蘭州號)。蘭州新區中歐木材專列不僅實現常態化運行,進口木材集散分撥中心也將運營。據悉,2017年5月蘭州新區計劃實施進口木材首列。進口木材在俄羅斯烏蘭烏德組織發運,經12天5000多公里的運程到達蘭州新區,在蘭州新區中川北站通關。蘭州新區計劃借助中歐班列進口木材專列,聯手中國甘肅國際經濟技術合作總公司等企業,打造西北地區首個木材產業園和漿紙產業園。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180815/PDF/b3_screen.pdf
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20151024/PDF/a11_screen.pdf 江門與國家工業和資訊化部中小企業發展促進中心合作建設的“中歐(江門)中小企業國際合作區”,23日在2015年江門市引資引智創業創新推介會上揭牌成立,吸引了93個項目落户,總投資1119億元人民幣。 據介紹,中歐(江門)中小企業國際合作區的設立,是為了對接歐洲企業先進的生產技術和管理經驗,加強與歐洲的產業合作和項目引進,促進中小微企業發展。雙方將共同規劃建設合作區、搭建合作區的公共服務平台、建立合作區的投融資服務體系、開展合作區的人才培訓。 江門將以園區+基地模式建設該合作區,未來或將探索江門現有產業基地與意大利水暖衞浴、鞋業,法國服裝、德國光電、瑞士機械等產業集羣專項對接合作。 對接港澳是江門未來發展另一重點。港珠澳大橋通車後,江門將實現與香港、澳門、廣州、深圳、珠海等重要城市1.5小時生活圈,江門未來五年投入超千億元,構建“三大路網、一大樞紐”,進一步突顯“左聯廣佛、右連珠中、拉近深莞、直通港澳”的綜合性樞紐地位,使人流、物流、資訊流在這裏融會貫通。http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201603/0301/HZ19301CHBB.pdf
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160615/PDF/a15_screen.pdf第七屆 中歐企業家峰會13日在倫敦舉行,共有 400多位中歐政要、企業家和專家學者參 加,多家企業在峰會期間簽署合作協議。 而 「一帶一路」成為會場內的熱詞。
- 为期两天的第八届“中欧企业家峰会”14日在英国伦敦开幕,500馀位中欧政要、企业家领袖和专家学者出席,本届峰会深入探讨在“一带一路”战略背景下,中欧双边多元领域的合作,也为脱欧后英国带来信心。峰会联合主席、英国前首相白高敦在主旨演讲中表示,近30年来中国政府和人民取得的长足发展和成就前所未有,“一带一路”战略给沿路国家和地区带来利益,也为未来创造了巨大可能性。 伦敦发展促进署首席执行官劳拉表示,过去几年看到中国企业在英国的数量几乎增长了十倍,有着强劲的表现。即使在英国脱欧公投以后,中国还是在积极投资,这也给了英国很大的信心,伦敦会在知识、人才、基础设施和技术方面继续提供支持。takung 16jun17 a15
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/nation/2016-10/05/content_15505939.html At a China-Europe civilization dialogue in the Greek capital of Athens on Monday, the international community said East andWest should work closer together to face common challenges and make the world a better place for all people. The forum, China-Europe: Cultural dialogues in Greece, the first of its kind, was hosted at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. Held in the cradle of Western civilization, the event, co-sponsored by the Chinese and Greek culture ministries, as well as the Chinese embassy in Greece, sought to lay the foundations of a broader and deeper cultural understanding between China and Europe.
- investors from China
- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1707549/chinese-investors-look-europe-growth-opportunities
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2015-02/16/content_15228480.html In 2009, Hisense restructured its European business to focus on establishing subsidiaries in countries across the continent to market and sell its electronics and appliances. According to Appliance Online statistics, Hisense refrigerators are the third-biggest revenue generators in the refrigerator sector. Another successful approach for Chinese appliance makers has been building factories in Europe. Haier has a factory in Italy, TCL has one in France and consumer electronics company Changhong has a factory in the Czech Republic. Lian Yongping, general manager of Changhong Europe Electric, says moving production to Europe was the only way to establish a foothold in the market without worrying about trade barriers. Changhong chose the Czech Republic for its factory site because of its central location in the continent, its industrial capability, stable investment environment and skilled but relatively low-cost labor.
Hong Kong
- official visit
- phil logan visit in nov 2016 to meet with SFH and SCED http://www.investineu.com/content/commissioner-hogan-official-visit-hong-kong-vietnam-and-indonesia-eu-agri-food-producers
- 特首林鄭月娥展開歐洲訪問行程,先到比利時布魯塞爾,獲比利時國王菲利普接見,並與歐盟委員會副主席莫格里妮會面。林鄭月娥強調,香港回歸以來成功落實「一國兩制」,港人的自由和權利得到充分保障,法治和司法機構的獨立亦一如既往地穩健。她並歡迎歐洲企業、初創公司及科研機構落戶香港,利用香港優勢開拓內地和亞洲市場。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/06/16/a09-0616.pdf
- http://www.eeas.europa.eu/delegations/hong_kong/documents/more_info/publications/key_facts_leaflet_hk_04_en.pdf
- http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/hong_kong/documents/eu_hong_kong/eu_hk_trade-investment_2014_en.pdf
- http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/hong_kong/documents/publications/euyearbook2015hk.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hkedition/2016-02/26/content_23651499.htm
Hong Kong 's traditional business links with the West and geographical proximity to the Chinese mainland make it a top draw for European countries seeking a FinTech foothold in the region .Oswald Chan reports .European countries such as Ireland ,Sweden and the UK all sent high-level ministerial delegations to Hong Kong in mid-January this year to promote their financial technology (FinTech )services industries and explore possible collaboration with the SAR in this fast-evolving field .Irish Assistant Secretary Neil Ryan (department of finance ),the country 's ambassador to Beijing -Paul Kavanagh ,as well as representatives from promotion agency Enterprise Ireland and Irish fund industry organizations were among distinguished guests from Ireland who attended the Asian Financial Forum (AFF )held on Jan 18and 19in Hong Kong ,in an effort to promote the country 's FinTech industry .This was the first time the Irish government had set up a national stand at the AFF ,with the Irish business representatives meeting delegates from other countries .The FinTech industry is one of the key spotlights in the international financial industry .After the rocky years following the global financial crisis of 2008,the Irish government identified the international financial services industry as one of the priority sectors for future growth .Similarities between Hong Kong and the three European nations which came calling are propelling either side to recognize mutual niches in the FinTech industry .
- Peterson 培新partner with LJ group to invest in properties singtao 5may16 c2, hket d1
- Promotion website for youth http://euap.hkbu.edu.hk/youngeurope/en/
- news supp
- scmp 31aug16
- immigration of wealthy chinese ft 9oct14 pp1
- 在18世紀歐洲社會所盛行的「中國熱」,伏爾泰(Francois-Marie Arouet,又名Voltaire)、萊布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz)等哲人從中國傳統思想文化中汲取智慧,點燃啟蒙主義;至清末民初內外交困,學習西方自強已成中國有識之士共識,「西方」無疑指歐洲,漢語世界與歐洲的關係愈發密切;最早走出國門的張德蠡、康有為、陳季同等放眼世界,與現代歐洲邂逅,五四時期,巴金、老舍、徐志摩、戴望舒等中國作家旅居歐洲,汲取異域文化精華。二戰之後,程抱一、熊秉明、熊式一等定居歐洲,及至上世紀60年代,赴歐台灣留學生人數增長,趙淑俠、鄭寶娟等移民歐洲,促成歐洲華文文學的首個高潮,上世紀80年代以來,來自中國的留學生人數激增,推動歐洲華文文學出現全新高潮。台灣新人不斷湧現,發展多種文體而有所突破:北美、東南亞等地的華文文學相比,歐洲華文文學脫胎於截然不同的社會文化環境;歐洲移民政策不像北美及澳洲般寬鬆,華人移民歐洲的歷史亦不像移民東南亞般悠久,歐洲華人移民數量畢竟有限,分散在各國,較有代表的有英國的虹影、文俊雅,法國的程抱一、戴思傑、山颯、黃育順、鄭寶娟、呂大明、施文英,德國的陳玉慧、謝盛友、譚綠屏、麥勝梅、穆紫荊、黃鶴升、高關中、劉瑛,瑞士的朱文輝(余心樂)、宋婷、朱頌瑜,比利時章平,荷蘭的林湄、丘彥明,奧地利的方麗娜,捷克的李永華,西班牙的張琴,丹麥的池元蓮,當中不乏享譽文壇的作家。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/04/11/b04-0411.pdf, http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/04/18/b02-0418.pdf
- 歐洲華文文學http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/05/02/b04-0502.pdf
- https://www.quora.com/Why-has-Eastern-Europe-historically-always-lagged-behind-Western-Europe-in-terms-of-technology-or-culture
political geography
- austrian geographer hugo hassinger (1917) presented a division of europe
- https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Greek-nations-want-to-unite-Greece-and-Cyprus-while-some-Spaniards-separate
- Eurointelligence https://www.eurointelligence.com/about-eurointelligence.html
Europeana collection
- http://www.europeana.eu/portal
- http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/hong_kong/documents/eu_hong_kong/eu_hk_trade_investment_2013_en.pdf
- http://www.euronews.com/2016/12/19/how-do-christmas-celebrations-differ-around-europe
Location game
- https://geoguessr.com/european-union/play
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