- ******https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Japan-called-Japan-in-English-instead-of-Nippon
The Bonin Islands, also known as the Ogasawara Islands (小笠原群島 Ogasawara Guntō), are an archipelago of over 30 subtropical and tropical islands, some 1,000 kilometres (540 nmi; 620 mi) directly south of Tokyo, Japan. The name "Bonin Islands" comes from the Japanese word bunin (an archaic reading of 無人 mujin), meaning "no people" or "uninhabited". The only inhabited islands of the group are Chichijima (父島), the seat of the municipal government, and Hahajima (母島), which includes Ogasawara Village. Ogasawara Municipality (mura) and Ogasawara Subprefecture take their names from the Ogasawara Group. Ogasawara Archipelago (小笠原諸島 Ogasawara shotō) is also used as a wider collective term that includes other islands in Ogasawara Municipality, such as the Volcano Islands, along with other small, uninhabited and isolated islands. Geographically speaking, all of these islands are part of the Nanpō Islands.
- Japanese discovery of the islands occurred in Kanbun 10 (1670) and was followed by a shogunate expedition in Enpō 3 (1675).[8] The islands were claimed as a territory of Japan. They were then referred to as Bunin jima (無人島 Buninjima), literally "the uninhabited islands". In 1727, Ogasawara Sadato (小笠原 貞任 Ogasawara Sadato), a ronin, claimed that the islands were discovered by his ancestor Ogasawara Sadayori (小笠原 貞頼 Ogasawara Sadayori), in 1593, (Tensho 20), and the territory was granted as a fief by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. However, investigation of the claim found that it was a fraud and the very existence of Sadayori was doubtful; as a punishment Sadato was exiled by the shogunate (1735). The first published description of the islands in the West was brought to Europe by Isaac Titsingh in 1796. His small library of Japanese books included Sangoku Tsūran Zusetsu (三国通覧図説 An Illustrated Description of Three Countries) by Hayashi Shihei.[10] This book, which was published in Japan in 1785,[11] briefly described the Ogasawara Islands.
- In 1827 Captain F. W. Beechey of HMS Blossom reached the island chain and claimed them as a British possession. Commodore Matthew C. Perry of the United States Navy visited the islands in 1853 and bought property at Port Lloyd from Savory for $50. The US "Colony of Peel Island" (Chichijima) was created and Savory was appointed governor.
- In 1862 (Bunkyū 1), the islands were claimed by Japan, and in 1875 the Japanese government renamed them the Ogasawara Islands.[21] The Japanese names of each island were resolved and 38 settlers from Hachijojima were sent the following year. In 1876 the islands were put under the direct control of the Home Ministry and the islanders of European and US ancestry were granted Japanese nationality in 1882. Jack London visited the islands in 1893 and published an account of his sojourn.
- The Orange Islands from the Pokémon anime are based on the Bonin Islands.[citation needed]
Mount Daisen (大山 Daisen), is a volcanic mountain in Tottori Prefecture, Japan. Mount Daisen, which stands directly on the Sea of Japan, was regarded as one of the most important mountains for Japanese Shugendō. According to the Izumo Kokudo Fudoki, completed in 733, it was called Ōkami-take, literally, Mountain of the great god. Mount Daisen has been called Hōki Fuji and Izumo Fuji, depending on which side of the mountain the viewer is standing on. These names are based on the old Hōki and Izumo provinces. Halfway up the mountain stands a Buddhist temple, Daisen-ji. This has existed as a centre of worship since the Heian period. It was founded by the Tendai sect in 718.
Climbing the mountain used to be severely prohibited without a selected monk of Daisen-ji, and common people could not access the mountain until the Edo period.大山(だいせん)は、日本の鳥取県にある標高1,729mの成層火山であるが、活火山としては扱われていない[1]。鳥取県および中国地方の最高峰でもある。角盤山(かくばんざん)とも呼ばれるほか、鳥取県西部の旧国名が伯耆国であったことから伯耆大山(ほうきだいせん)、あるいはその山容から郷土富士として伯耆富士とも呼ばれる。日本百名山や日本百景にも選定され、鳥取県のシンボルの一つとされている。大山は中国山地の連なりからやや北に離れた位置にある独立峰の火山で、その裾野は日本海に達しており主峰の剣ヶ峰や三鈷峰、烏ヶ山や船上山などの峰を持つ。Le Daisen (大山 ) est un volcan du Japon situé dans la préfecture de Tottori, dans la région de Chūgoku.
Ehime Prefecture (愛媛県 Ehime-ken) is a prefecture in northwestern Shikoku, Japan. The capital is Matsuyama.Until the Meiji Restoration, Ehime Prefecture was known as Iyo Province. Since before the Heian period, the area was dominated by fishermen and sailors who played an important role in defending Japan against pirates and Mongolian invasions. After the Battle of Sekigahara, the Tokugawa shogun gave the area to his allies, including Kato Yoshiaki who built Matsuyama Castle, forming the basis for the modern city of Matsuyama. The name Ehime comes from the kuniumi part of the Kojiki where Iyo Province is mythologically named Ehime "lovely princess.愛媛県(えひめけん)は、日本の都道府県の1つで、四国地方の北西部から北中部に位置する県。県庁所在地は松山市。令制国の伊予国に当たる。江戸時代, 伊予八藩、すなわち、松山藩、紀州藩の支藩の西条藩、小松藩、今治藩、大洲藩と支藩の新谷藩、宇和島藩と支藩の吉田藩。ごく短期間、川之江藩が存在した。
- 大王製紙株式会社(だいおうせいし、英: Daio Paper Corporation)は、三和グループに属する日本の大手製紙メーカーである。とりわけ、家庭用品「エリエール」のブランドで知られる。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170721/00180_029.html日本愛媛縣流傳一個都市傳說,在縣內扭開水龍頭,流出的不是普通水喉水,而是新鮮可口的蜜柑汁。為了宣傳當地名產蜜柑,有商店破天荒把「蜜柑汁水龍頭」帶到松山機場,令傳說變成真實。
- Imabari (今治市 Imabari-shi) is a city in Ehime Prefecture, Japan. It is the second largest city in Ehime Prefecture.Imabari is home to a large number of shipbuilding and maritime servicing facilities along the northern and eastern coastlines of the city. Facilities include a small container port and maintenance and construction shipyards belonging to Imabari Shipbuilding, Japan's largest ship builder. The port has also long been a trading center within Shikoku. The city is home to a large cotton processing industry, with particular emphasis on towels. The city produces around 60% of the towels produced in Japan.
- Dazaifu (太宰府市 Dazaifu-shi?) is a city located in Fukuoka Prefecture. Dazaifu was the imperial office governing Kyūshū (corresponding to Tagajō in Tōhoku) after it was moved from present-day Fukuoka City in 663. According to the Taiho Code of 701, an attempt by the Yamato state to exert further control over its territories, Dazaifu was given two principal administrative functions: to supervise the affairs of Tsukushi (present-day Kyushu) and to receive foreign emissaries. Dazaifu hosted foreign embassies from China and Korea. Kōrokan, a guesthouse for foreign embassies, was also established. The Korokan featured in contemporary literature, such as the Man'yōshū, as a place of departure for ocean voyages. From the Nara period through the Heian period and until the Kamakura period, Dazaifu was one of the military and administrative centers of Japan. In the Heian period, Dazaifu was a place of exile for high-ranking courtiers. Nobles exiled there include Sugawara no Michizane. His grave is at Dazaifu Tenman-gū. Dazaifu was sometimes attacked by rebels. At other times the head of Dazaifu himself raised a rebellion.[chronology citation needed] In 739 the powerful nobleman Fujiwara Hirotsugu was appointed to Dazaifu. He soon organised a rebellion, raising 15,000 men. After three months, the uprising was suppressed by 17,000 court troops. In 939 another nobleman, Fujiwara Sumitomo, rebelled against the court. Allying himself with pirates, in 941 he landed in Kyushu. Then he defeated the troops guarding Dazaifu and burned the state buildings. Due to this and other developments, Dazaifu never regained its earlier prestige. With the invasions of the Mongols and the decline of imperial authority, Dazaifu became less politically significant. In the Muromachi period the political center of Kyūshū was moved to Hakata. In medieval times, Dazaifu was the base of the Shōni clan. The Shōni were later expelled by the Ōuchi clan. In the Edo period, Dazaifu was a part of the Kuroda han until its abolition in 1873.
- Karatsu (唐津市 Karatsu-shi) is a city located in Saga Prefecture on the island of Kyushu, Japan. Its name, formed from the Japaneseword roots 唐 kara (China, or continental East Asia in general), and 津 tsu (port), signifies its historical importance as an ancient trading port between Japan with China and Korea.
- Karatsu Kunchi (唐津くんち; the suffix "kunchi" simply meaning festival) The festival, which begins on the evening of November 2 and concludes on 4th, features daily parades of fourteen hikiyama, massive floats in the form of samurai helmets, sea bream, dragons, and other fantastical creatures, all constructed from wood, lacquer, and other materials. 乾漆で製作された巨大な曳山(ひきやま)が、笛・太鼓・鐘(かね)の囃子にあわせた曳子(ひきこ)たちの「エンヤ、エンヤ」「ヨイサ、ヨイサ」の掛け声とともに、唐津市内の旧城下町を練り歩く。
- 唐津神社(からつじんじゃ)は、佐賀県唐津市南城内にある神社である。旧社格は県社。社伝によれば、三韓征伐に際して航海の安全を住吉三神に祈願した神功皇后が、帰朝の後に報謝のため松浦の海浜に宝鏡を縣けて三神を祀ったのに起源を持ち、天平勝宝7年(755年)に、時の領主であった神田宗次が神夢により海浜に赴くと、漂着してきた宝鏡入りの筺を得たので、神功皇后の捧げた鏡であろうと帝に奏聞したところ、9月29日に「唐津大明神」の称号を賜ったという。文治2年(1186年)、宗次の後裔を称する神田広(実は源久の5男)が社殿を造立して神田を寄進し、神田宗次の霊を合祀したという。慶長年中に寺沢氏が唐津城を築いて入部すると、同7年(1602年)(または11年(1606年)[1])に当神社を再建、以後唐津藩主の祈願所と定められ、崇敬を受けた。明治6年(1873年)に郷社に列し、これを機に現在の「唐津神社」に改称した。それ以前の神社の名前はわからない。昭和17年(1942年)県社に昇格、戦後は神社本庁に参加する。
- note the symbol of city resembles 唐 in a circle
- Hiroshima was established on the river delta coastline of the Seto Inland Sea in 1589 by powerful warlord Mōri Terumoto, who made it his capital after leaving Kōriyama Castle in Aki Province. Hiroshima Castle was quickly built, and in 1593 Terumoto moved in. Terumoto was on the losing side at the Battle of Sekigahara. The winner of the battle, Tokugawa Ieyasu, deprived Mōri Terumoto of most of his fiefs, including Hiroshima and gave Aki Province to Masanori Fukushima, a daimyō who had supported Tokugawa. After the han was abolished in 1871, the city became the capital of Hiroshima Prefecture. Hiroshima became a major urban center during the imperial period, as the Japanese economy shifted from primarily rural to urban industries. During the 1870s, one of the seven government-sponsored English language schools was established in Hiroshima. Ujina Harbor was constructed through the efforts of Hiroshima Governor Sadaaki Senda in the 1880s, allowing Hiroshima to become an important port city. The San'yō Railway was extended to Hiroshima in 1894, and a rail line from the main station to the harbor was constructed for military transportation during the First Sino-Japanese War. During that war, the Japanese government moved temporarily to Hiroshima, and Emperor Meiji maintained his headquarters at Hiroshima Castle from September 15, 1894, to April 27, 1895. The significance of Hiroshima for the Japanese government can be discerned from the fact that the first round of talks between Chinese and Japanese representatives to end the Sino-Japanese War was held in Hiroshima, from February 1 to February 4, 1895.
- setting of japanese film "in the corner of the world" during ww2
- people
- 三宅 一生(みやけ いっせい、Issey Miyake
- Nishi-Chūgoku Sanchi Quasi-National Park (西中国山地国定公園 Nishi-Chūgoku-sanchi Kokutei Kōen) is a Quasi-National Park in Shimane Prefecture, Hiroshima Prefecture, and Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan.[2][3] It was founded on 10 January 1969. There are many beautiful mountain and ravines including Mount Osorakan (恐羅漢山 Osorakan-zan), Mount Kanmuri (Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima) (吉和冠山 Yoshiwa Kanmuri-yama), Sandan ravine (三段峡 Sandan-kyō), Hikimi ravine (匹見峡 Hikimi-kyō) and Jakuchi ravine (寂地峡 Jakuchi-kyō). There are virgin forests of Japanese beeches, Japanese oaks and Japanese horse chestnut.
- 広島県広島市東区に出生。1945年、7歳の時に広島市への原子爆弾投下により被爆。同じく被爆した母、春笑を放射能障害のため3年経たないうちに亡くした。「破壊されてしまうものではなく、創造的で、美しさや喜びをもたらすもの」を考え続けた末、衣服デザインを志向するようになった[2]。
- famous for crease clothing
- Takehara (竹原市 Takehara-shi) is a city located in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. The city was founded on November 3, 1958.Occupying a strategic location on the Seto Inland Sea, it became renowned as a port city in the Muromachi period and then flourished as a centre of the salt industry in the latter days of the Edo period.
- notable people
- 頼杏坪(儒学者、漢詩人)
- 頼春水(儒学者、漢詩人)
- 頼春風(儒学者、漢詩人、医師)
- niseko ニセコ町(ニセコちょう)は、北海道虻田郡にある町。2001年(平成13年)に日本全国の自治体で初の自治基本条例となる「ニセコ町まちづくり基本条例」を策定し、住民との情報共有化や住民参加型のまちづくりを制度として保障している[3]。ニセコはアイヌ語の「ニセイ・コ・アン・ペツ」(峡谷にある川)に由来する。この川とは地区の正面に聳えるニセコ連峰に源を発して南に流れ、尻別川に合流するニセコアンベツ川のことで、ニセコアンペツの水源である山はアイヌ語で山を意味するヌプリの語を付け「ニセコアンヌプリ」とされた。
- 豊岡市(とよおかし)
- 741年(天平13年):聖武天皇により国分寺の建立の詔が出される。但馬国分寺、国分尼寺は気多郡(豊岡市日高町)に建立される。804年(延暦23年):但馬国府が気多郡高田郷(豊岡市日高町)に遷される。南北朝時代:山名時氏が但馬国を掌握し、城之崎(豊岡市)および出石(豊岡市出石町)に拠点を置く。室町時代:山名持豊(宗全)により但馬(城崎郡)を中心にして中国地方で栄え、山名氏が最盛期をむかえる。戦国時代:守護代垣屋氏の勢力が強まり山名氏が衰える。
- old city flag has french tricolors
- Ise (伊勢市 Ise-shi?), formerly calledUjiyamada (宇治山田), is a city located on the eastern tip of Kii Peninsula, in central Mie Prefecture (formally in Ise Province), on the island of Honshū, Japan, facing Ise Bay. Ise is home to Ise Grand Shrine, the most sacredShintō shrine in Japan, and is thus a very popular destination for tourists. The city has a long-standing title – Shinto (神都) – that roughly means "The Holy City" and literally means "Capital of the Kami". Ise's history is directly linked to that of Ise Grand Shrine. Ise Grand Shrine is separated into two main parts: The Inner Shrine and the Outer Shrine. Despite the names, these are actually two physically separate shrines approximately six kilometers apart. Modern Ise began with small settlements that sprung up around the two shrines. During theEdo period, Ise was a popular destination for pilgrimages which were called "o-Ise-mairi" (literally, "Coming to Ise") and thus these settlements grew larger and developed into small villages. The village around the Inner Shrine was named Uji and the village around the Outer Shrine was named Yamada. Because of the religious importance of Ise Grand Shrine, theTokugawa shogunate during the Edo period viewed the area as politically significant and installed a magistrate in Yamada.
- 「鹿児島」という名の由来は、野生の鹿の子(鹿児)が多く生息していたからとか、多くの水夫(かこ)が住んでいたから、火山を意味するカグという言葉から由来した等諸説ある。さらに、神話から来たという説もあり現在でもどれが正しいか確定していない。しかし、「カゴ」は崖という意味の古語であり、桜島の四方が崖になっていたので島名を鹿児島(麑嶋)と称する様になり、それが対岸の神社名(鹿児島神宮)として定着し、更には郡名に拡大したという説が有力である。都市としての始まりは、島津家第6代当主島津氏久が東福寺城(鹿児島市清水町)を居城にしたとき(1340年頃)とみられる。1549年(天文18年)、フランシスコ・ザビエルが現在の市域に当たる場所(祇園之洲町付近)に上陸し、日本初のキリスト教伝来の地となる。19世紀の中頃にはヨーロッパの機械文明を取り入れた研究が進み、第28代当主島津斉彬のもと集成館(現・尚古集成館)事業として反射炉や溶鉱炉が造られ、日本における近代工業化の発祥の地となり、近代日本の黎明期、明治維新において政治家、官僚、軍人等数多くの人物を輩出し、近代日本建設の礎となる。Kagoshima (鹿児島市 Kagoshima-shi, Japanese: [ka̠ɡ̃o̞ɕima̠]) is the capital city of Kagoshima Prefecture at the south western tip of the island of Kyushu in Japan, and the largest city in the prefecture by some margin. It has been nicknamed the "Naples of the Eastern world" for its bay location (Aira Caldera), hot climate, and emblematic stratovolcano, Sakurajima. The city was officially founded on April 1, 1889.
- note the cross in the emblem of the city and 島津家
- hk
- Shirley係去參加兩年一度嘅香港鹿兒島會議,夜晚出席當地政府舉辦嘅酒會,大會安排香港嘉賓着上特色衣飾,齊齊跳鹿兒島轄下奄美島嘅「八月舞」。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180907/00176_087.html
- 海と山の迫る東西に細長い市街地を持ち、十分な水深のある扇状の入り江部に発展した理想的な港湾・神戸港を有する日本を代表する港町である。「神戸」という地名は、現在の三宮・元町周辺が古くから生田神社の神封戸の集落(神戸「かんべ」)であったことに由来する。西国街道の宿場町であり北前船の出発地の一つでもあった兵庫津(ひょうごのつ)に近く、廻船問屋が軒を並べていた神戸村を指していた。神戸三社(神戸三大神社)をはじめとする市内・国内にある神社の神事に使うお神酒の生産にも係わり、前述の有馬温泉や神封戸の形成も市名の由来に関係している。海運においても古くから盛んで、近代には世界の市場にその名を知られるほどに隆盛していった。以降も貿易・鉄鋼・造船・機械・製造・ゴム・真珠加工・観光等の産業を中心に発展、ファッション・医療・食料品などの産業も近年は盛んである。神戸市は、明治初期まで使われた律令制では、畿内(かつての首都圏)の西の境に位置し、現在の須磨区と垂水区を境に東は五畿内の摂津国、西は播磨国であった。神戸港の前身となる沿岸地域は京・大坂の外港・経由地として栄え「兵庫津」と呼ばれた。遣隋使の時代には、すでに港は開かれていたが、平清盛により経が島の近くに都である福原京が計画された前後に貿易の拠点として整備され大輪田泊(おおわだのとまり)と呼ばれたことがその発展の始まりとされる。江戸時代に、西宮宿(現在の西宮市)と大蔵谷宿(同明石市)とを繋ぐ宿場として兵庫津が存在した。兵庫津は自治組織として港町として扱われた浜方と、宿場町を司る岡方とが存在した。本陣は浜方と岡方の双方に存在したが、江戸時代中期以降は浜方の本陣の利用を希望する大名家が漸増した。条約による1868年の兵庫開港の際、神戸村が事実上の開港場となり、外国人居留地や港が造られ、1879年に勅令により「神戸港」となる。その後、日清戦争・第一次世界大戦を経て上海・香港・シンガポールをしのぐ規模となり、1990年代初期までの間、東洋最大の港として発展を続けた。一方、港と共に造船・鉄鋼・機械を中心とした工業も発達し、阪神工業地帯の中核を担う日本有数の重工業都市に成長する。県名の由来にもなっている「兵庫」と神戸とは元来別々の町村であったが、市域の拡大によって一つの都市としてまとまっていった。
- 201年 - 生田神社、長田神社創建。
Kōchi (高知市 Kōchi-shi, Japanese: [koːꜜtɕi]) is the capital city of Kōchi Prefecture located on the island of Shikoku in Japan.The river plain now containing the city centre was originally settled as a castle town around the seat of the lords of Tosa Province, Kōchi Castle. The castle site was chosen by Lord Yamauchi Kazutoyo in 1601. The city takes its name from that of the castle. As the centre of administration for the province, and the prefecture which succeeded it, the town rapidly grew to become the largest settlement of the region. During the time of the Meiji Restoration, Kōchi became famous as a centre of pro-imperial ideology, and later for incubating democratic and human rights movements. The city was incorporated on April 1, 1889.長宗我部元親の大高坂山城に端を発し、山内一豊の入府以来土佐藩の城下町として発展した都市である。高知城の周辺は、鏡川などの川に挟まれた地形であった。 このため、高知城は当初、「河中山城」(こうちやまじょう)と呼ばれていたが、 音を借りて「高智山城」と改め、やがてこれが略されて「高知城」となった。自山內一豐入府之後,高知市作為土佐藩的城下町得到發展。
Kuchinoerabu-jima (口永良部島), is one of the Satsunan Islands, usually classed with the Ōsumi Islands belonging to Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. 縄文前期(B.C.7000 - 6000年代)の土器が種子島と共に出土する(塞ノ神式土器)。縄文中期以降は弥生時代に入るまで遺跡が見られず、この時期激しい火山活動があったのではないかと推定される。弥生時代の遺跡も多少出土する。飛鳥時代から平安時代まで掖玖(屋久、屋久島)の支配下にあったと推定される。1408年(応永15年)に漸く「恵良部」(口永良部島)とし史料に初出する。戦国期の抗争(禰寝氏、種子島氏、島津氏)を経て島津氏の支配下となる。史料上大隅国と確定するのは1702年(元禄15年)編纂の「元禄国絵図大隅国」である。なお、屋久島と同時期に多禰国となり後大隅国となったのか、もしくは多禰国が大隅国に編入されて後にこれに加えられたのかは定かではない。
- The Aso Grasslands are located in Aso region of Kumamoto Prefecture, which situates in the middle of the Kyushu Island in Japan. Aso region spreads around active volcanic craters and huge caldera. The Aso volcano has one of the world’s largest caldera stretching 18 km from east to west and 25 km from north to south. This caldera area is designated as Aso-Kuju National Park and is also a part of the Japanese Geoparks Networks. http://www.fao.org/family-farming/detail/en/c/282483/
- uji 宇治郡(うじぐん)は、京都府(山城国)にあった郡。豊臣秀吉の桜で有名な醍醐寺、浄土真宗の開祖である親鸞が誕生したとされる日野の里、坂上田村麻呂の墓等がある。また、京都府宇治市の東部とは琵琶湖より流れ出る宇治川の右岸地域のこと。このあたりには、禅宗の一派である黄檗宗の大本山、黄檗山万福寺等がある。万福寺は中国風の建築で有名な寺院。開祖は、インゲンマメや茶を日本に持ち込んだとされる隠元隆琦。『宇治市史』等では、「うじ」とは「うち」を意味するとする[1][2]。一方、『山城国風土記』(逸文)では、応神天皇皇子・菟道稚郎子(うじのわきいらつこ)が、この地に宮「菟道宮(うじのみや)」を構えたことが地名の起源となったとする説話を伝える[3][4]。しかしながら地名としての「莵道」は以前からあったという説もあり[1]、『日本書紀』の垂仁3年3月および仲哀元年閏11月などに「莵道河」(現・宇治川)の記載があることから、「菟道稚郎子」の人名の方が地名を冠したという見方がある[4]。
- いわゆる平成の大合併においては、宇治市と城陽市・宇治田原町・井手町の枠組みでの議論がなされた。2002年(平成14年)に設置された合併協議会では、上記の4市町および八幡市・京田辺市・久御山町という枠組みで協議が行われたが、のちに上記4市町での枠組みとなった[13][14]。しかし交渉がまとまらなかったため2007年(平成19年)11月、合併協議会は解散した。
- 加茂町(かもちょう)は、京都府相楽郡にあった町である。2007年3月12日、山城町、木津町と合併し木津川市となった。奈良時代の一時期、都(恭仁京)が置かれたという歴史があり、多数の史跡・文化財を有する。日本最初の流通貨幣「和同開珎」が造られた地でもある。「文化が薫る暮らしよい町」を町の標語に掲げていた。特産品は、壁紙、襖紙、茶、椎茸。
Mageshima (馬毛島)has been occupied, at least seasonally, since the Kamakura period, as fishermen from neighboring Tanegashima would use it as a base of operations. The inhabitants were evacuated during World War II for security reasons. In 1951, an effort was made to colonize the island with government assistance, and the island population reached a peak of 528 people in 113 households in 1958. The economy of the island was based on the production of sugar cane and vinegar, as well as commercial fishing. However, difficulties with agriculture due to pests, and due to foreign completion caused many islanders to abandon the island from the late 1960s. In 1974, the Heiwa Sogo Bank started a resort venture and floated plans for construction of the national oil reserve on the island, but neither plan came to fruition. In March 1980, the last resident left the island. In 1995, a subsidiary of Tateishi Construction acquired the island, and announced plans to construct a landing field for the Japanese space shuttle, HOPE-X, on the island. Other plans to establish a spent nuclear fuel storage facility were also announced. However, subsequently no construction has been taken and the HOPE-X project itself was cancelled in 2003. In 2009, Mageshima came under consideration as a possible relocation site for the Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Ginowan, Okinawa, or at least as a site for the United States Navy to relocate its aircraft carrier aircraft touch-and-go training. However, Tateishi Construction subsequently came under investigation for tax fraud and for collusion with politicians over the project. Initial logging to clear an area for the proposed runways was performed without proper permission, and in September 2011 local fishermen filed lawsuits alleging damage to fishing grounds due to increased runoff created by the illegal logging.2016年11月4日、防衛省による用地買収について、土地所有者のタストン・エアポート社との契約に目途が立ったことが明らかになった。2018年6月27日、朝日新聞によると、タストン・エアポート社の債権者が破産申請を行ったと報道された。これが事実であれば、債権者によって土地の所有権が分散されFCLPの移転問題に影響が出る可能性がある。
- 1974年、平和相互銀行により馬毛島開発株式会社が設立される。当初はレジャー施設の建設を計画していたが挫折。馬毛島が国の石油備蓄基地の候補地になったことから土地買収が進んだ。しかし石油備蓄基地は鹿児島県志布志湾に決定し(志布志国家石油備蓄基地)、以後島は放置される。このあと馬毛島は、日本の無人島の中では北海道の渡島大島に次いで2番目に面積が大きい島とされていた。1983年、右翼活動家の豊田一夫は、平和相互銀行に馬毛島の土地を自衛隊の超水平線レーダー用地として防衛庁に売却するという話を持ちかけ、不正経理によって用意させた巨額の資金を政界にばら撒いたとされている。これは1986年に発覚、経営が悪化していた平和相互銀行は住友銀行に救済合併された(馬毛島事件)。1986年には前年に起こった山火事等の影響で集団化したトノサマバッタが大発生(蝗害)したが、翌年には収束した。1995年、立石建設が馬毛島開発を買収して子会社(現在のタストン・エアポート株式会社)とする。馬毛島開発は島の土地の買収を進め、西之表市の公有地である市道と旧学校地を除く大半を所有地とした。馬毛島開発では、日本版スペースシャトル (HOPE) の着陸場、使用済み核燃料中間貯蔵施設などを誘致するとの構想を持っていたが、実際の開発は進まず、わずかに採石事業などが行われている。
- 日本《產經新聞》報道,政府計劃在西南諸島的無人島馬毛島,發展成類似美軍沖繩基地的自衞隊軍事據點,加強軍事防線應對中國。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180717/00178_003.html
- 據日本媒體昨日報道,日本政府計劃收購鹿兒島南部的馬毛島,將其建成日本自衛隊及駐日美軍的共用新據點,駐日美軍航空母艦艦載機,將在此處進行陸地模擬甲板升降訓練。馬毛島面積約8平方公里,島上無人居住,大部分土地及設施屬於日本一家民營企業,日本防衛省已與該企業就收購價達成協議,據報為160億日圓(約11.5億港元),計劃在4月前簽訂收購合約。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/01/10/a20-0110.pdf
Miyazaki Prefecture (宮崎県 Miyazaki-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Kyushu.[1] The capital is the city of Miyazaki.Historically, after the Meiji Restoration, Hyūga Province was renamed Miyazaki Prefecture.『古事記』に「竺紫(つくし)の日向の高千穂のくじふる嶺に天降りまさしめき」とあり、天照大神の孫の邇邇藝命(ににぎのみこと)が降り立った国(天孫降臨神話)。この神の孫である山幸彦と海幸彦の争い(山幸彦と海幸彦神話)、さらに、山幸彦の孫であるカムヤマトイワレヒコが、東征して大和橿原宮にて、天皇に即位し初代天皇神武天皇となった(神武東征神話)等の神話(日向神話)がある。
- 1883年5月9日 - 川越進らによる分県運動の結果、日向国のうち志布志郷・松山郷・大崎郷[4]を除いた地域をもって、国より再置県が認められ分県が成立した(宮崎県再置)。なお、同日に富山県・佐賀県も再置されている(「明治16年太政官布告第15号 富山佐賀宮崎三縣設置」参照)。分県運動は西南戦争の敗北により、鹿児島県及び宮崎支庁での薩摩士族の影響が少なくなった時点で「鹿児島県所属のままでは、日向国の発展は望まれない」との認識を背景に興り、1880年に徳島県が高知県から分離したことで活発になる。旧薩摩藩領であり、西南戦争後日向国最大の都市であった都城が「表立っての賛成はできないが、運動には反対しない」との立場を採ったことは分県運動への大きな弾みとなった。1882年に宮崎県再置の案が鹿児島県会に提出されたがこのときは否決。川越進が県議長となった後、1883年3月の県議会で再度案は提出され可決し、5月9日に太政官達示により宮崎県再置が成立した。江戸時代の日向国は複数の藩(延岡藩・高鍋藩・飫肥藩・薩摩藩・佐土原藩)が分立していた。この為住民の「日向国」としての意識は従来希薄であり、分県運動は日向国として一体となって行動した初めての出来事でもあった。当時、日向は薩摩よりも人口密度が低く、県庁が遠い為に何かにつけ不便であった。分県運動が最高潮となった1881年は、金融が逼迫し、自由民権運動も盛んだった時期で、鹿児島県による宮崎支庁への支出が徴収される地方税よりも少ないという悲憤もあった。
Nagasaki (長崎市 Nagasaki-shi?, Japanese: [nàgáꜜsàkì]) (

- Kōfuku-ji (興福寺 Kōfuku-ji?) has its origin as a temple that was established in 669 by Kagami-no-Ōkimi (鏡大君), the wife of Fujiwara no Kamatari, wishing for her husband’s recovery from illness. Its original site was in Yamashina, Yamashiro Province (present-day Kyoto). In 672, the temple was moved to Fujiwara-kyō, the first planned Japanese capital to copy the orthogonal grid pattern of Chang'an. In 710 the temple was dismantled for the second time and moved to its present location, on the east side of the newly constructed capital, Heijō-kyō, today's Nara. Kōfuku-ji was the Fujiwara's tutelary temple, and enjoyed as much prosperty for as long as the family did. The temple was not only an important center for the Buddhist religion, but also retained influence over the imperial government, and even by "aggressive means" in some cases. When many of the Nanto Shichi Daiji such as Tōdai-ji -declined after the move of capital to Heian-kyō (Kyoto), Kōfuku-ji kept its significance because of its connection to the Fujiwara. The temple was damaged and destroyed by civil wars and fires many times, and was rebuilt as many times as well, although finally some of the important buildings, such as two of the three golden halls, the nandaimon, chūmon and the corridor were never reconstructed and are missing today.
- Yayoi Kusama (草間 彌生 or 弥生 Kusama Yayoi, born March 22, 1929) is a Japanese artist and writer from Matsumoto, Nagano.
Nagoya (名古屋市 Nagoya-shi?) is the largest city in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is Japan's third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area. It is located on the Pacific coast on central Honshu. It is the capital of Aichi Prefecture. The city's name was historically written as 那古野 or 名護屋 (both read as Nagoya). One possible origin is the adjective nagoyaka (なごやか?), meaning 'peaceful'. The name Chūkyō (中京, consisting of chū (middle) + kyō (capital)) is also used to refer to Nagoya. Notable examples of the use of the name Chūkyō include the Chūkyō Industrial Area, Chūkyō Metropolitan Area, Chūkyō Television Broadcasting, Chukyo University and the Chukyo
- 名古屋市出身の人物
- note the logo and flag - chinese character 8 in a circle
Nara 奈良
- Asuka (飛鳥?) was the Imperial capital of Japan during the Asuka period (538 – 710 AD), which takes its name from this place. It is located in the present-day village of Asuka, Nara Prefecture. Some of the many theories of what the place was named after include the bird common crossbill, or isuka in Japanese, or local geological features, e.g. 洲処 (suka, meaning sandbar, sandbank or delta) or 崩地 (asu) + 処 (ka)[clarification needed]. Or it may have been named in honor of Asuka (or Ashuku) Nyorai, the Japanese equivalent of Akshobhya, one of the Five Buddhas of Wisdom, who is still worshiped in Asuka-dera (Asuka Temple), the Asuka-niimasu-jinja (the shrine for his manifestation as a Shinto god), and several other structures from those days.
- Tōdai-ji (東大寺?, Eastern Great Temple) is a Buddhist temple complex, that was once one of the powerful Seven Great Temples, located in the city of Nara, Japan. Its Great Buddha Hall (大仏殿 Daibutsuden?), houses the world's largest bronze statue of the Buddha Vairocana, known in Japanese simply as Daibutsu(大仏?). The temple also serves as the Japanese headquarters of the Kegon school of Buddhism. The temple is a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site as one of the "Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara", together with seven other sites including temples, shrines and places in the city of Nara. Deer, regarded as messengers of the gods in the Shinto religion, roam the grounds freely.
- 大阪發生強烈地震,附近的歷史名城京都和奈良亦受波及。不少文物和景點受損,包括京都戰國時代的國寶級茶室,以及奈良東大寺的四大天王立像,損失價值難以估計。奈良著名景點東大寺內的四大天王立像亦受損。其中多聞天王(俗稱托塔天王)手持的木製寶塔被震落地。而在奈良縣王寺町達磨寺內,一支被列為國家重要文化財產、高一點八米的八角形石柱上,一顆寶珠裝飾掉下。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180619/00176_021.html
Niigata 新潟県(にいがたけん)は、日本の県の一つで、中部地方の日本海側に位置する。古代には越国の領土であり、五畿七道の北陸道のうち東半分を占め、令制国(旧国)では越後国と佐渡国の全域に相当する。この旧国名から越佐(えっさ)と表現することもある。県章は「新」の字を崩した物を中央上に置いて、その周りを「ガタ」を丸く図案化したもので囲んだものである。また、県章とは別にシンボルマークも制定されている。
- Nagaoka
- The area of present-day Nagaoka was part of ancient Echigo Province. Under the Tokugawa shogunate, a castle town was constructed by Hori Naoyori lord of Nagaoka Domain in 1616. However, as the initial castle was located in an area prone to flooding by the Shinano River, a new castle was built at the site of present-day Nagaoka Station in 1617. Nagaoka flourished as under the reign of the 13 generations of the Makino clan during the Edo period. In the Boshin War of 1868 during the Meiji Restoration, the city was reduced to rubble. A gift of one hundred sacks of rice from a neighboring province was sold to finance a new school during the reconstruction of Nagaoka, from which the anecdote of Kome Hyappyo was born.The towns of Nagaoka and Nagaoka-honmachi were established with the creation of the municipalities system on April 1, 1889. The two towns were merged on November 1, 1901 with the towns of Senju, Kusouzu, Ara, and village of Ouchi to form the modern town of Nagaoka, which was then raised to city status on April 1, 1906.
- The Makino clan (牧野氏 Makino-shi?) are a daimyō branch of the samurai Minamoto clan in Edo period Japan. In the Edo period, the Makino were identified as one of the fudai or insider daimyō clans which were hereditary vassals of the Tokugawa clan, in contrast with the tozama or outsider clans.
- The manufacturing industry prospered in Nagaoka following the war, due in part to favorable location and good transportation infrastructure. Current industrial production includes precision instruments and the machine tools.
- notable people - Nobuhiro Watsuki, author of Rurouni Kenshin (るろうに剣心)
okayama 岡山市(おかやまし)は、中国地方の南東部、岡山県の南東部に位置する政令指定都市で、同県の県庁所在地である。中国・四国地方で第2位の人口を有する。
- 全国的には桃太郎の伝説と吉備団子や西大寺会陽(裸祭り)、温暖な瀬戸内の気候により育まれたマスカット・オブ・アレキサンドリア、シャインマスカット、ニューピオーネ、桃太郎ぶどう、白桃、愛宕梨(あたご梨)、鴨梨(ヤーリー)など高級フルーツの産地として有名な都市である。中心部には岡山城や日本三名園の一つである後楽園を擁している。岡山藩池田氏の城下町として栄えた江戸時代以来、地域中心都市として発展してきた高層ビルの立ち並ぶ中心部と、閑静な田園や中山間地域が広がる郊外部を持っている。また古くから学都としての趣を持ち、明治期から戦前の昭和期にかけて旧制第六高等学校(中国四国地方唯一のナンバースクール)、旧制岡山医科大学(中国四国地方で設置された初めての大学)、旧制岡山農業専門学校、旧制岡山農業研究所、旧制岡山師範学校、旧制清心女子専門学校などが開校された。現在でも市街地中心部に数多くの大学や専門学校が存在し、学都としての性格をより一層強めている。
- 古代の岡山は吉備国の一角であり、弥生時代と古墳時代には、筑紫・出雲・ヤマト・毛野などと並んで、日本列島を代表する政権として繁栄し、ヤマトと連合して列島の統一・治世に貢献した。しかし、吉備の興隆を快く思わないヤマトに勢力を削減され、備前国・備中国・備後国・美作国に分割され、これ以後現在に至るまで、経済・文化の面で連関の強い旧吉備国の政治的な統一は達成されていない。吉備国が分割された後、備前国の国府は現在の岡山市域内に置かれたと見られる。
- 岡山周辺は室町時代までは農村地帯で、16世紀には金光氏が小規模な城を築いて拠点にしていた。戦国時代に岡山の地の交通の便と土地の広さに目を付けた宇喜多直家は1570年(元亀元年)に金光宗高を謀反の疑いありとして切腹させて、岡山城を奪った。その後城を大規模に拡張し、山陽道を岡山経由に付け替えて、備前国内外の商人を呼び寄せ、1573年(天正元年)に本拠にすべく移住した。直家が始めた城下町・岡山の振興は、秀家の代にも続けられ、これ以後、岡山は主に備前国の政治経済の中心地となった。
- 宇喜多秀家が関ヶ原の戦いで没落すると、1601年(慶長6年)に小早川秀秋が岡山城に入った。秀秋は翌1602年(慶長7年)に死に、小早川家は断絶した。1603年(慶長8年)には池田忠継が入り、以後江戸時代を通じて、岡山は池田氏の城下町となった。城下町としての岡山は発展を続け、池田氏第四代の綱政の代である1707年(宝永4年)には町方人口が3万0635人(武家・寺社方を含めた総人口は推定4万 - 5万人)に達し、国内でも十指に入る経済力を持つ城下町となった。後楽園が造成されたのもこの時期である。しかるに町方人口は享保の頃から漸減し、幕末の1858年(安政5年)には2万0092人となる。これは岡山藩の新田開発による農村商業の発達とは対照的であり、藩当局が農村から都市への人口流入を抑制する政策をとったことによるものとみられる。
- 明治4年7月14日(1871年8月29日)の廃藩置県により、岡山は岡山県の県庁所在地となり、1889年(明治22年)には市制を敷いた。1930年(昭和5年)、岡山市歌(初代)を制定。第二次大戦末期の1945年(昭和20年)6月29日に岡山空襲で大きな被害を受けて1000人以上が犠牲となり、10万人以上が家を失った。
The Ōsumi Islands (大隅諸島 Ōsumi-shotō) is an archipelago in the Nansei Islands, and are the northernmost group of the Satsunan Islands, which is in turn part of the Ryukyu Archipelago. The chain extends from the southern tip of Kyushu to Yakushima. Administratively, the group belongs within Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.The Ōsumi Islands have been settled since at least the Jōmon period. Burial sites on Tanegashima, namely the Yokomine and Hirota sites, attest to a uniquely well-developed Yayoi period culture at the end of the 4th century AD.[1] The artifacts include magatama, an engraved pendant, and emblems with apparent writing. Tanegashima and Yakushima are first mentioned in written documents of the Chinese Sui dynasty of the 6th century. Mention is made in the Japanese Shoku Nihongi under an entry for the year 699 of the islands of Tane, Yaku and Amami. The Ōsumi Islands formed ancient Tane Province during the Asuka period. The islands were often mentioned in the diaries of travelers between Tang-dynasty China and Nara period Japan. Some of the islands in the archipelago have local legends of providing refuge to the Heike clan after their defeat in the Genpei War at the end of the Heian period. During the Sengoku period, in 1543 a Chinese vessel with the Portuguese Mendes Pinto stranded on Tanegashima and is credited with introducing sugarcane and firearms to Japan. Until modern times firearms were colloquially known in Japan as "Tanega-shima," due to the belief that they were introduced by Pinto. In fact, Pinto was probably not present at the first Portuguese contact with the Japanese, although he did visit Tanegashima soon after and legend says he did marry a local woman and had a son. The Europeans had arrived to trade not only guns, but also soap, tobacco and other goods unknown in medieval Japan, for Japanese goods. During the Edo period, Ōsumi Islands were ruled by the Shimazu clan of Satsuma Domain and was considered part of Ōsumi Province. Following the Meiji Restoration, the islands have been administered as part of Kagoshima Prefecture.
- なお、口永良部島は、古代は屋久島(多禰国)と共にあり天長元年(824年)に多禰国四郡が大隅国二郡に再編された際に共に編入されたと推定されるが、史料上大隅国と確定するのは1702年(元禄15年)編纂の「元禄国絵図大隅国」である。馬毛島は種子島氏が支配していた(よって大隅国と推定)が無定住島である期間が長くはっきりしない(明治期以降、鹿児島県熊毛郡から西之表市)。
- chichibu 秩父市
- Kawagoe (川越市 Kawagoe-shi)
- The city is known locally as "Little Edo" (小江戸 Koedo)after the old name for Tokyo, due to its many historic buildings.旧武蔵国入間郡。直接の由来は平安時代に河越館を構えた豪族河越氏[6] であるが、その由来は古来より諸説ある。川越は古来より武蔵国の中枢で、諸方に交通の便が拓けていたが川越市街地を川が囲む形となっており、入間川を越えないとたどり着けない地であることから「河越」と称されたという説や、養寿院にある銅鐘(国の重要文化財)に「武蔵国河肥庄」という銘があり吾妻鏡にも文治2年(1186年)の記述に既に「河肥」の文字があることから入間川の氾濫によって肥沃な地であるからという説、などである。
- 川越城(かわごえじょう)は、埼玉県川越市にある日本の城。江戸時代には川越藩の藩庁が置かれた。別名、初雁城、霧隠城。関東七名城・日本100名城。通常、川越城の名称を表記する場合、中世については河越城、近世以降は川越城と表記されることが多い。
The Seto Inland Sea (瀬戸内海 Seto Naikai), also known as Setouchi or often shortened to Inland Sea, is the body of water separating Honshū, Shikoku, and Kyūshū, three of the four main islands of Japan. The region that includes the Seto Inland Sea and the coastal areas of Honshū, Shikoku, and Kyūshū is known as the Setouchi Region. It serves as a waterway, connecting the Pacific Ocean to the Sea of Japan. It connects to Osaka Bay and provides a sea transport link to industrial centers in the Kansai region, including Osaka and Kobe. Before the construction of the San'yō Main Line, it was the main transportation link between Kansai and Kyūshū. Yamaguchi, Hiroshima, Okayama, Hyōgo, Osaka, Wakayama, Kagawa, Ehime, Tokushima, Fukuoka, and Ōita prefectures all have coastlines on the Seto Inland Sea; the cities of Hiroshima, Iwakuni, Takamatsu, and Matsuyama are also located on it. The Setouchi region is known for its moderate climate, with a stable year-round temperature and relatively low rainfall levels. The sea is also famous for its periodic red tides (赤潮 akashio) caused by dense groupings of certain phytoplankton that result in the death of large numbers of fish. Since the 1980s, the sea's northern and southern shores have been connected by the three routes of the Honshū–Shikoku Bridge Project, including the Great Seto Bridge, which serves both railroad and automobile traffic.
- Some sites along the Seto Inland Sea were featured in eighth-century Japanese literature, both in prose and in verse, including Kojiki, Nihon Shoki, and Man'yōshū. Since some sites were used as places of exile, their feeling and landscape were evoked in waka. In fiction, in The Tale of Genji, Genji fled from Kyoto and resided in Suma (now a part of Kobe) and Akashi for two years. In medieval literature, because of the Genpei War, the Seto Inland Sea is one of the important backgrounds of The Tale of the Heike, particularly in its latter part.
- このようにして開墾された段々畑は、第二次世界大戦後、多くが柑橘類の栽培に転用された。日照と水はけに優れた段々畑は、糖度の高い柑橘の栽培には適していた。しかし段々畑での農業には非常に手間がかかることから、近年、耕作放棄地が増加しつつある。
- genre - wase, navel, dekopon, ocho lemon, harumi
Shiga Prefecture (滋賀県 Shiga-ken) is a prefecture of Japan, which forms part of the Kansai region in the western part of Honshu island. Shiga was known as Ōmi Province or Gōshū before the prefectural system was established.[3] Omi was a neighbor of Nara and Kyoto, at the junction of western and eastern Japan. During the period 667 to 672, Emperor Tenji founded a palace in Otsu. In 742, Emperor Shōmu founded a palace in Shigaraki. In the early Heian period, Saichō was born in the north of Otsu and founded Enryaku-ji, the center of Tendai and one a UNESCO World Heritage Site and monument of Ancient Kyoto now. In the Medieval Period, the Sasaki clan ruled Omi, and afterward the Rokkaku clan, Kyōgoku clan and Azai clans ruled Omi. In the 1570s, Oda Nobunaga subjugated Omi and built Azuchi Castle on the eastern shores of Lake Biwa in 1579. Tōdō Takatora, Gamō Ujisato, Oichi, Yodo-dono, Ohatsu and Oeyo were Omi notables in the Sengoku period. In those times, Ninja were active in Kōka (See also Kōga-ryū). In 1600, Ishida Mitsunari, born in the east of Nagahama and based in Sawayama Castle, made war against Tokugawa Ieyasu in Sekigahara, Gifu. After the battle, Ieyasu made Ii Naomasa a new lord of Sawayama. Naomasa established the Hikone Domain, later famous for Ii Naosuke. Ii Naosuke became the Tokugawa shogunate's Tairō and concluded commercial treaties with the Western powers and thus ended Japan's isolation from the world in the 19th century. Besides the Hikone Domain, many domains ruled Omi such as Zeze. With the abolition of the han system, eight prefectures were formed in Omi. They were unified into Shiga Prefecture in September 1872. "Shiga Prefecture" was named after "Shiga District" because Otsu belonged to the district until 1898. From August 1876 to February 1881, southern Fukui Prefecture had been incorporated into Shiga Prefecture.
- Ōmi Province (近江国 Ōmi no kuni) is an old province of Japan, which today comprises Shiga Prefecture.[1] It was one of the provinces that made up the Tōsandō circuit. Its nickname is Gōshū (江州).
- http://cuhkmuseumfriends.com/files/articles/Friends_newsletter_2018_v3_r1_14-11-2018-12-10-33.pdf Nabe Kaburi is a custom originating from a temple in the Omi Province. It required every woman attending the temple on a certain day each year to carry on her head an iron pan for each of the lovers she had during that year, one pot for each lover.
Shimane Prefecture (島根県 Shimane-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūgoku region on the main Honshu island.[1] The capital is Matsue.[2] It is the second least populous prefecture in Japan, after its eastern neighbor Tottori. The prefecture has an area elongated from east to west facing the Chūgoku Mountain Range on the south side and to the Sea of Japan on the north side. It is divided into the Izumo Region in the East, the Iwami Region in the West and the Oki Region, a small group of islands off the northern coast. Most of the cities are near the shoreline of the Sea of Japan. Izumo Taisha in Izumo City is one of the oldest Shinto shrines in Japan. The Oki Islands in the Sea of Japan are also part of Shimane Prefecture, which also claims to have jurisdiction over the South Korea-controlled island of Liancourt Rocks (Korean: Dokdo(獨島), Japanese: Takeshima(竹島)).The history of Shimane starts with Japanese mythology. The Shinto god Ōkuninushi was believed to live in Izumo, an old province in Shimane. Izumo Shrine, which is in the city of Izumo, honors the god.[3] At that time, the current Shimane prefecture was divided into three parts: Iwami, Izumo, and Oki.[4] That lasted until the abolition of the han system took place in 1871. During the Nara period, Kakinomoto no Hitomaro read a poem on Shimane's nature when he was sent as the Royal governor.島根県(しまねけん)は、日本の中国地方の日本海側である山陰地方の西部をなす県。県庁所在地は松江市。離島の隠岐島、竹島なども島根県の領域に含まれる。旧国名は出雲国・石見国・隠岐国であり、現在でも出雲地方・石見地方・隠岐地方の3つの地域に区分されることが多い。
- Unnan (雲南市 Unnan-shi) (うんなんし)is a city located in Shimane Prefecture, Japan. The modern city of Unnan was established on November 1, 2004, from the merger of the towns of Daitō, Kamo and Kisuki (all from Ōhara District), the towns of Mitoya and Kakeya, and the village of Yoshida (all from Iishi District).
- 2007年(平成19年)7月 雲南ブランド化プロジェクトの開始。
- 園山 民平(そのやま みんぺい、1887年(明治20年)9月4日 - 1955年(昭和30年)1月11日)は、日本の作曲家。島根県鳶巣村(現在の出雲市)出身[1]。園山は当初編集部から大きな期待をかけられているようには感じなかったと述懐している[2]が、『満州唱歌集』の発行に携わり、自ら収録曲の作曲も行うなど満州唱歌の誕生に深く関与することになる。1932年(昭和7年)に『満州唱歌集』の大改訂が行われた際には録音機を担いで満州各地を回って現地の音楽の採譜を行い、改訂に貢献した[3]。園山は満州唱歌のほかに満州国の国歌を作曲し[1]、大連音楽学校を創設し校長を務め[1]、さらに大連周辺の女学校や中学校の音楽教師も務めるなど音楽教育にも力を注いだ。こうした活動が評価され、やがて園山は大連を代表する音楽家の一人として認識されるようになった。園山は終戦後も満州に留まり、1947年(昭和22年)に帰国[4]。帰国後は宮崎県で活動した。園山は1949年(昭和24年)に日本における市民オーケストラの先駆けといわれる宮崎管弦楽団を設立し[1][5]、満州時代と同様に録音機を担いで[4]地元に伝わる民謡の採譜を行うなど精力的に活動した[1][4]。民謡の採譜作業は1954年(昭和29年)9月に完了し、園山の死後の1957年(昭和32年)に『日向民謡101曲集』として出版された。その功績に対し1951年に宮崎県から県文化賞が贈られている[6]。晩年はオペラ作品も手掛け、1951年に宮崎オペラ協会を設立すると[1]、その第1回公演のオペラ「桜子物語」を作曲した[5]。
- 岛根县的云南市,很多日本人都闻所未闻。翻查了一下,云南市原来是二○○四年才成立,由六个町组成,由于此处是古代出云国的南部,故取名云南。更有趣的是,岛根是本州岛西南部“中国地方”五县之一,所以可称得上名副其实的“中国云南”。更令人惊奇的是,云南市也吃米线。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180201/PDF/b7_screen.pdf
Shimonoseki (下関市 Shimonoseki-shi) is a city located in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. It is at the southwestern tip of Honshu, facing the Tsushima Strait and also Kitakyushu across the Kanmon Straits. Nicknamed the "Fugu Capital," it is known for the locally caught pufferfish and is the largest harvester of the pufferfish in Japan.The Heike and Genji fought at Dan-no-ura near the present Kanmonkyo Bridge. The city prior to 1902 was commonly known as Bakan (馬關) and formally Akamagaseki (赤間關).[citation needed] On February 13, 2005, Shimonoseki absorbed the towns of Hōhoku, Kikugawa, Toyota and Toyoura (all from Toyoura District) to create the new and expanded city of Shimonseki. Since October 1, 2005, the city has been designated as a core city by the Japanese Government.[citation needed] The geographical position of Shimonoseki has given it historical importance, especially with the Bombardment of Shimonoseki in 1864 and the Treaty of Shimonoseki, where a defeated China handed over Taiwan, Penghu, and Port Arthur to the victorious Japanese in 1895.[citation needed] An Imperial decree in July 1899 established Shimonoseki as an open port for trading with the United States and the United Kingdom.On January 7, 2006, the wooden station building at Shimonoseki station, which had dated back to 1942, was destroyed in a fire, the cause of which is suspected to be arson.下関市(しものせきし)は、山口県西部に位置する中核市。本州の最西端に位置し、関門海峡北岸に面する。山口県最大の人口を擁する都市である。古くより九州や中国・朝鮮半島といったアジア大陸からの本州の玄関口として栄えた。また日本史における数々の重要な出来事に関係している都市でもある。「下関」の名称の初見は869年(貞観11年) であるのに対し、「赤間関」の名称の初見は1185年(元暦2年)である。ただし、これを関所の名称[4] と捉え、「あかま(赤間・赤馬)」が地名であると解すると平安時代まで遡ることができる。いずれにしても鎌倉時代に「赤間関」という呼び名が成立し、付属する港湾や関門海峡の長門国側を指す広域地名、更には対岸の豊前国門司関を含めた関門海峡全体の別名としても用いられた[7]。元寇をきっかけに赤間関を防衛するために長門守護は長門探題とされて北条氏一門が任ぜられた。北条氏が滅びると長門の御家人であった厚東氏が長門守護とされるが、南北朝の内乱の中で周防国の在庁官人・御家人であった大内氏が南朝方として周防・長門両国を征服、後に北朝方に離反して室町幕府から両国の守護、更に対岸の豊前国の守護にも任ぜられて赤間関を含めた関門海峡両岸を大内氏が支配する体制が16世紀中期まで200年近く続くことになる。大内氏は赤間関に代官を設置して直接管理し、港湾の管理・関銭や帆別銭の徴収・明や朝鮮などの外交使節への応対などにあたった[8]。特に外国からの船舶が東へと向かうためには必ず赤間関に立ち寄って瀬戸内海を経由して京都方面に向かうことになり、朝鮮の使節が博多に寄らずに直接赤間関を目指した例もある。また、室町幕府が派遣した遣明船の往復の際にも必ず赤間関に立ち寄り、帰国時には赤間関から京都へ使者が送られていた。遣明船の記録でも、往路は寧波到着時に日本の年号から明の年号に改め、帰路は赤間関到着時に日本の年号に戻す慣例[9] があった[10]。また、16世紀に大内氏が日明貿易を独占すると遣明船から抽分銭を徴収する抽分司官が赤間関に置かれた他、明の朝廷に献上する貢物や輸出品を保管する倉庫も設置され[11]、朝鮮などの外国人も居住していた。
- 港町として栄えたこともあり、古くから海運や貿易および金融に関連した産業が盛んであった。金融業では、日本銀行が当地に支店を置くほか、中国・四国地方最大の金融グループである山口フィナンシャルグループおよび傘下の山口銀行、山口県下最大(中国地方3位)の信用金庫である西中国信用金庫などが本社・本店を置く。製造業では、造船業において、三菱重工業が彦島に下関造船所を置き、現在も同社造船部門の主要拠点の一つに位置づけられているほか、中小の造船所が存在する。他の製造業では神戸製鋼所(アルミ・銅製品)・ブリヂストン(タイヤ)・日清食品(即席食品)・シマノ(自転車)・ニチハ(窯業系外装材)・長府製作所(給湯設備、太陽光発電システム)などが下関に主な生産拠点を置いている。また、下関港は中枢国際港湾、国際拠点港湾、日本海側拠点港および総合的拠点港に指定されている。
- famous people
- The Nishi-Chugoku Shinkin Bank西中国信用金庫(にしちゅうごくしんようきんこ)は、山口県下関市細江町に本店を置く信用金庫。通称「にししん」。1909年5月7日 - 彦島地区の5漁協が母体となり、無限責任彦島村信用組合として設立。2007年1月9日に山口県内に地盤を持つ下関信用金庫(下関市)、吉南信用金庫(山口市)、宇部信用金庫(宇部市)、津和野信用金庫(島根県鹿足郡津和野町)の対等合併(法人格は下関信用金庫を継承)により誕生した。山口県の中部・西部および隣県に広範なネットワークを持つ、山口県下最大(中国地区3位)の信用金庫である。2009年5月7日には、創立100周年を迎えている。また、2009年10月13日には岩国信用金庫(岩国市)と下関市職員信用組合(下関市)と合併しており、岩国地域にも進出している。旧外国為替公認銀行で外国為替業務も取り扱うことができる。
- Shizuoka Prefecture was formed from the former Tōtōmi, Suruga and Izu provinces. The area was the home of the first Tokugawa Shogun.[citation needed] Tokugawa Ieyasu held the region until he conquered the lands of the Hōjō clan in the Kantō region and placed land under the stewardship of Oda Nobunaga. After becoming shogun, Tokugawa took the land back for his family and put the area around modern-day Shizuoka city under the direct supervision of the shogunate. With the creation of Shizuoka han in 1868, it once again became the residence of the Tokugawa family.
- 楽曲
*****Tochigi Prefecture栃木県(とちぎけん)は日本の都道府県の一つで、関東地方北部に位置する。県庁所在地は宇都宮市。県内には日光国立公園が立地し、日光・那須などの観光地・リゾート地を有する。
- kanuma 鹿沼市(かぬまし)は、関東の北部・栃木県の中部に位置する市である。サツキと鹿沼土の産地として有名。また減少傾向にあるが野州麻の産地として全国一の生産量を誇る。山岳信仰の舞台として歴史に登場する。深山巴の宿(じんぜん・ともえ)は古代より修験者達が二荒山へ向かう宗教の道であったと同時に、足尾の鉱物を運ぶ金属の道でもあった。1532年(天文元年)壬生氏により鹿沼城が築かれる。1590年(天正18年)壬生義雄が小田原で陣没。壬生氏改易(5代続いた)でその居城である鹿沼城が廃城となる。
- 宇都宮市の西に位置し、2006年(平成18年)1月1日に旧粟野町の編入合併を経て、人口約10万人の栃木県第6位の市となった。宇都宮に近いものの、かつての上都賀郡であり、宇都宮とは町の成り立ちを異にする。日光例幣使街道の宿場であり、東照宮、輪王寺などの造営、修繕に係わった彫刻師の影響を受けた彫刻屋台や木工の町であり、家具や木製建具の産地となっている。また鹿沼土の産地として知られ、サツキなどの園芸品の産地でもある。面積約500ヘクタール・(500町歩)におよぶ広大な古峯ヶ原(コブガハラ)の標高約700メートルに鎮座する古峰神社の祭神は日本武尊(ヤマトタケルノミコト)で関東、東北一円の信仰を集め、「天狗の社」として天狗信仰も残る。
- city symbol is a six pointed star
- 製成於日本鐮倉時代的佛教護法神祇十二神將像,日前已完成修復作業,並於上周五及上周六於櫪木縣鹿沼市醫王寺開放予民眾參觀。經過修復後,神像由原來紅黃藍的色彩,還原成貼近製作時的單調色彩。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180325/00180_036.html
- Nikkō (日光市 Nikkō-shi?) is a city located in Tochigi Prefecture, in the northern Kantō region of Japan. Shōdō Shōnin (勝道上人?) established the temple of Rinnō-ji in 766, followed by the temple of Chūzen-ji in 784. The village of Nikkō developed around these temples. The shrine of Nikkō Tōshō-gū was completed in 1617 and became a major draw of visitors to the area during the Edo period. It is known as the burial place of the famous Japanese shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. A number of new roads were built during this time to provide easier access to Nikkō from surrounding regions.
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/11/22/a19-1122.pdf小池於本月11日宣佈設立「建設國際金融中心對策委員會」及「延攬海外金融企業委員會」,前者將於本周五召開首次會議。「建設國際金融中心對策委員會」由多名日本金融業領袖組成,包括日本交易所集團前主席齋藤惇及三井住友銀行行長國部毅等。
Usuki (臼杵市 Usuki-shi) is a city located on the east coast of Ōita Prefecture, Japan. It is famous for its Usuki Stone Buddhas, a national treasure, and its soy sauce production. Recently it has become known for having the look and feel of a Japanese castle town. The city was founded on April 1, 1950. On March 31, 1954, multiple towns were merged into Usuki. On January 1, 2005, the town of Notsu (from Ōno District) was merged into Usuki. William Adams reached Bungo, now Usuki City, in April 1600.Agriculture and fishing are the primary industries, however the production of soy sauce and miso paste are also popular. Many people come from abroad to work at Usuki shipyards. The city is well known for its kabosu fruits.
- 「臼杵」的名稱被認為源自轄區內臼冢古墳入口處的石甲,由於該石甲外型與「臼」和「杵」相似,因此產生這樣的地名。戰國時代大友宗麟在丹生島上建築了丹生島城(臼杵城),周邊也開始以城下町的型態發展,並成為和中國、葡萄牙的商人往來的商業城市。大友氏之後,臼杵先後成為福原氏、太田氏的領地,直到1600年稻葉貞通由美濃改封於此,直到明治維新實施廢藩置縣為止的兩百多年間都屬於稻葉氏的領地。現今的臼杵市區規劃幾乎都是在稻葉氏治理的時期所完成。1877年西南戰爭期間,臼杵一度成為西鄉軍與政府軍的戰場,並受到戰火波及。
- The Usuki Stone Buddhas (臼杵磨崖仏 Usuki Magaibutsu) are a collection of stone sculptures of Buddhas were estimated to be carved during the 12th century.
Yonaguni (Japanese: 与那国島 Hepburn:Yonaguni-jima?, Yonaguni romanization:Dunan, Okinawan romanization: Yunaguni)is one of the Yaeyama Islands. It is the westernmost inhabited island of Japanand lies 108 kilometers (67 mi) from the east coast of Taiwan, between the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean proper. In the 12th century, it was incorporated into the Ryūkyū Kingdom. By 1879, the island was formally annexed into Japan. Until the early 20th century, Yonaguni was part of the larger Yaeyama Magiri (village after 1907), which included the neighboring Yaeyama Islands. In 1948, it became an independent village. From 1945 to 1972, it was occupied by the United States and was then returned to Japan to form a part of Okinawa Prefecture. On May 4, 1998, a part of the island was destroyed by a submarine earthquake. As a result of increased tensions between Japan and China over the disputed sovereignty of the Japanese-controlled uninhabited Senkaku/Diaoyu/Tiaoyutai Islands which are located roughly 80 nautical miles north-northeast of Yonaguni Island, Japan began construction in 2014 of a coastal monitoring/early warning station with radar and other sensors on Yonaguni to counter a perceived threat from Chinese forces. The initial planned complement of a 150 troops include personnel stationed at a physically separate garrison camp located on the outskirts of Yonaguni town. Separately, a joint (GSDF/ASDF) “mobile aircraft control & warning squadron" is planned to be formed and co-located at the station. 在14世紀時島上已與沖繩本島有貿易往來,1510年,琉球王國尚真王在位期間被納入琉球國版圖之內,1879年改屬沖繩縣。二次戰後的1945年至1972年期間的美國治理琉球時期為美國所統治,直到沖繩政權移交才再度由日本治理。
- 与那国方言では、どぅなんちまと呼ばれる。その由来には諸説があり、池間栄三は、「ゆうな」(オオハマボウ)(黄槿 (學名:Hibiscus tiliaceus )[2],別稱黄木槿[3]、朴仔[4]、披麻、銅麻、港麻、海麻、河麻、山加半、桐花[5]、鹽水面頭果、古老仔[6]、糕仔樹[7]及粿葉樹)という木に由来する説が有力であるとする。この説によれば、石垣島では与那国のことを「ゆのおん」というが、これは「ゆうなふん」の転訛で、「ゆうな」の「ふん」(群れ)、すなわち、ゆうなの群生を意味するという。そして、与那国方言では語頭のヤ行が濁音化してダ行となるから、「ゆうな」が「どぅな」となるとされる。また、「よな」は海岸の洲や、米、砂を意味するという説もあり、富島壯英は諸説を検討した上で、「どぅなん」は砂や米を意味する「よね」に由来すると結論付けている[16]。与那国島付近は天候が不安定で海を渡るのが難しいため、「渡難」(どぅなん)と呼ばれるともいわれるが、俗説とされる。
- case explained hkej 13jan16 a23
- usa
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170519/00178_013.html 美軍太平洋司令部日裔司令哈里斯,周三在日本防衞省高官陪同下,首次登上靠近釣魚島的沖繩縣與那國島,視察日本自衞隊基地,並聲稱美軍會守護釣魚島。中國外交部昨日表示對哈里斯的言論嚴重關切,並重申釣魚島自古以來是中國的領土。
trade and investment environment
- tax
- 日本政府計劃從2019年起,向所有離境的日本人及外國旅客,徵收每人約1,000日圓(約68.6港元)的離境稅,並可能將有關稅款計在機票價格來徵收。當局預計於明年推出的稅制改革方案中提出建議,目標在後年開始實施,一旦落實,勢必引起日本旅遊業界反對。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/10/29/a15-1029.pdf
- 日本參議院周三表決通過開徵「國際觀光旅客稅」,有關法例正式成立。政府將向所有年滿兩歲的國民及外國旅客,於從日本出境時徵收一千日圓(約七十三港元)稅款,明年一月七日實施。今次日本是自一九九二年新增地價稅以來,時隔廿七年再開設新稅項。旅客稅將會從機票或船票的附加費中收取,而機組人員、過境旅客及未滿兩歲的兒童則可獲豁免。日本政府預期,二○一九年度可徵收約四百三十億日圓(約三十二億港元)稅款,將把有關稅收用於推行觀光政策。政府原打算在二○一七年度通過法案,但因森友學園等風波而延誤了國會審議。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180412/00180_020.html
- 日本財務省和觀光廳計劃,擴大訪日旅客免稅制度,只要一般商品和消耗品合計的消費額滿五千日圓(約三百四十港元),便可免除消費稅。當局希望趕在二○一八年度通過,並於明年夏天實施。旅客目前購買化妝品、食品等消耗品,以及其他一般商品,需分別滿五千日圓才能免稅。當局前日定出方針,擬把消耗品及一般商品合而為一,消費總額達標便可免稅,並且合併以同一種申請表辦理。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171117/00180_011.html
- https://www.ft.com/content/4d7a771e-e0a6-11e7-a8a4-0a1e63a52f9c Japan’s conservative ruling parties have announced tax rises for higher earners, in stark contrast with the income tax cuts being pushed through the US Congress. In an effort to stimulate the economy and ignite inflation, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government also said it would cut corporation tax — but only for companies that sharply increased wages.
- 日本政府施壓下,當地的電訊商NTT DoCoMo周一落實將手機服務費劈價最多40%,1GB用量的基本計劃月費減價40%至2,000日圓,而三人家庭計劃月費則由17,140日圓削至10,940日圓。其餘兩大電訊商KDDI及軟銀股份(Softbank Corp)料跟隨減價。 日本政府官員包括官房長官菅義偉之前不斷向電訊商施壓要求減費,以減輕消費者在今年十月上調消費稅前的財務壓力。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20190416/00202_023.html
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2019-04/16/content_37458774.htm Japan held the first qualification exam for foreigners seeking new work visas on Sunday, aiming to tackle its serious labor shortages. About 390 people took Sunday's exam, which involved a paper test and a skill test focused on checking the knowledge and skills required to work in the country's hotel and accommodation business.The exam was held in seven locations across Japan and the results are set to be published on May 25. Japan, shifting from its traditionally strict immigration rules, launched a new visa system from April 1.Under the new system, Japan is expected to accept about 345,150 foreign workers in the next five years. Workers are supposed to get a job in 14 labor-hungry sectors such as accommodation and nursing care. There are two kinds of visas for them. One allows them to stay in the country up to five years without bringing relatives, while another, for more skilled workers, allows them to stay longer than five years after renewing licenses and to bring family members to Japan.
- special economic zones
- https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3009857/malaysia-eyes-deal-send-blue-collar-workers-japan-under Malaysia is in talks with
Japan on sending blue-collar workers to the country under a new visa programme that was launched on April, according to official sources. The two countries are aiming to strike a deal as early as July this year, when Malaysia’s Human Resources Minister M Kulasegaran will visit Tokyo for the signing of a memorandum of cooperation. The memorandum is intended to provide a basic framework for information sharing for the recruitment of blue-collar workers in specified sectors to work in Japan, which is in need of more foreign workers due to a rapidly ageing population and low birth rate.
- When Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe created a series of “special economic zones” in 2014 he promised they would be “the drill that breaks through the rock of vested interests”. Three years on, that drill threatens to break his own government, amid a growing scandal about how a close friend of Mr Abe, who runs a school operator called Kake Gakuen, came to open a new veterinary school in one of the zones. The scandal raises questions about whether the SEZ system tackles special interests, or has instead become a way for different special interests — those with close ties to Mr Abe — to seek privileges of their own.https://www.ft.com/content/490b51be-5729-11e7-9fed-c19e2700005f
- 日本農業老齡化及人手不足的問題加劇,政府周三基本決定在新潟市、愛知縣和京都府三個國家戰略特區,允許外國人從事農業,希望召集海外有經驗人士,為農業注入活力。申請條件包括擁有一年以上務農經驗,以及在日生活總計不得超過三年。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180309/00180_028.html
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-japan-power-reforms/japans-power-monopolies-face-major-reform-jolt-idUSKCN0WX0G1 Japan’s power utilities will lose their monopoly over electricity on Friday in an unprecedented shakeup that could give a much needed jolt to Japan’s long stagnant economy. Already, a price war has broken out among many of the more than 260 companies that will be allowed to sell electricity in Japan’s $70 billion retail market. From April 1, Japanese consumers will be able to buy electricity from suppliers ranging from telecoms conglomerate Softbank (9984.T) and trading firm Marubeni (8002.T) to travel agency H.I.S. (9603.T) and a Hokkaido-based supermarket co-operative that has branched out into solar parks. They and others like Japan’s biggest city gas operator, Tokyo Gas (9531.T), are packaging other services, offering loyalty programs and even employing, in the case of Marubeni, the magic of Studio Ghibli, the Japanese animation powerhouse that won an Oscar for “Spirited Away.”
- hotel
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20161207/PDF/a24_screen.pdf 日本近年來遊客劇增,當 局希望借助如Airbnb等短租民宿,來緩解酒店業壓力。自去年 開始,日本政府就已着手制定民宿新法,日前,其通過一項新規,將民宿的 年度營業天數上限設定為180天,新法將在明年國會會期中通過。有分析稱,此舉將有助 當地私人住宅出租行業的發展;但亦有人士指出,180天的時間仍相對有限,除必要成本外 ,屋主可能難以盈利。
- 日本上月九日通過新民宿法,認可並規管民宿設施,料可紓緩二○二○年東京奧運面臨的酒店荒。國內外相關公司隨即展開推廣,令業界朝氣勃勃。然而,近來接連發生涉及民宿的案件,引起民眾的疑慮。日本對民宿開綠燈前,東京、大阪等大城市早已是非法民宿林立。新民宿法將於明年春天於全國實施,准許房東向政府提交申請並獲批後,便可依法經營民宿,營業日數以每年一百八十日為限。旅遊相關服務業大表歡迎,紛紛參一腳開展相關活動。orientaldaily 18jul17
- 京都市議會前日通過從明年10月起,實施三級制「宿泊稅」,根據每晚房間租金,向所有酒店、旅館或民宿等設施的住客收取最多每晚1,000日圓(約68港元)稅款,用於保護文物、改善交通及旅遊設施,是日本首個全面徵收「宿泊稅」的城市。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/11/04/a15-1104.pdf
- 日本國會去年通過的《住宅住宿事業法》(又稱民宿新法)昨日正式實施,這條新例雖然一度被形容是「民宿合法化」,吸引不少港人前往日本買樓收租,但實際上卻是大大收緊了Airbnb等類型民宿的經營難度。新例下,Airbnb上的民宿已有多達8成下架,公司於是在前日宣佈,將會推出措施協助業主申請民宿資格並管理物業。新例實施前,在日本經營民宿原本需要根據《旅館業法》申請許可,新例實施後,業主只需向所屬都道府縣政府提交申請便可,但新例同時規定這類民宿每年只能經營最多180天,加上各地區政府紛紛加入不得產生噪音等額外要求,令很多業主卻步。雖然日本中央政府希望藉民宿新法增加旅客住宿供應,以應付2020年東京奧運的旅客潮,但不少地方政府卻試圖利用新法案,打擊違法民宿,減少大量旅客入住住宅區造成的不便。截至6月8日,當局只接到2,707宗的民宿申請,遠少於Airbnb在5月底時列出的5.5萬家日本民宿,顯示不少業主都不願登記。截至本月1日,全日本53個地方政府制訂了條例,設置了比新法更嚴的限制。東京23區中也有18個區對營業區域和時間進行了限制。「限制太嚴了。只聽到個人房東叫苦不迭。」http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/06/16/a20-0616.pdf
- https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/daily/article/20180616/20422117 在大阪持有三個單位經營民宿的港人Kammy Kwok向《蘋果》表示,單位至今仍未獲發牌,而其民宿管理公司旗下的21個民宿單位,亦只有一個獲批。她指申請許可的手續繁複,客戶預約亦被迫取消。Kammy指,單位經營民宿回報率原可達8%至9%,若最終不獲發牌,會考慮轉租予當地留學生和參加工作假期人士,料回報仍達7%至8%。她正探討與日本公司合作,購買整幢大廈翻新並改建成酒店,毋須受每年180日經營日數限制。
- casino
- https://www.ft.com/content/a8325b90-bb95-11e6-8b45-b8b81dd5d080 Japan took a step towards legalising casinos on Tuesday, fulfilling a cherished ambition of Shinzo Abe and firing the starting gun on a race to control a potential $40bn Japanese gaming industry.
- 日本參議院上周五表決,在執政自民黨等多數贊成票下,正式通過包括解禁賭場的綜合度假區(IR)建設法。這是日本民營賭博首次合法化,政府將設立賭場管理委員會,負責管理及監督賭場營運。IR建設法的核心內容是將賭場從賭博罪的適用對象中排除,加以解禁;可在國內最多興建三處包含賭場的綜合度假區,首個賭場最快在二○二○年代中期開業。目前北海道、大阪、和歌山及長崎四個道府縣均有意興建賭場,政府會在評估經濟效益後決定選址。根據該法,賭場可向客人貸款,外界憂慮或會助長賭風及病態賭博。為免民眾沉迷賭博,將針對本地居民設立每周三次、每月十次的入場限制,並收取六千日圓(約四百二十二港元)入場費。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180722/00180_006.html
- Japan is moving to limit overtime to 60 hours a month to rein in overwork among corporate employees, with the aim of implementing the rules from April 2019.https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics-Economy/Policy-Politics/Japan-unveils-overtime-cap-to-curb-long-work-hours?n_cid=NARAN11
- 日本參議院昨日在自民、公民兩黨及日本維新會等政黨支持下,表決通過《出入境管理及難民認定法》修正案,擴大接收更多外國人才;並新增讓兩類有特定技能的外國人,取得居留資格,分別是從事需具備知識、經驗等一定技能業務,以及需要熟練技能業務勞工。政策料明年四月一日實施,預計到第五年累計接納三十四萬人。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181209/00180_021.html
- old people's homes
- 日本安老院分私營和民營,私營安老院每月收費約十五萬至二十萬日圓(約一萬至一萬四千港元),民營安老院收費相對便宜,約五萬至十五萬日圓(約三千六百至一萬港元)。安老院經營者需向當局提出經營許可,以檢查入住長者人數和設施是否符合標準。不過,在高齡人口急增下,全日本有一千六百間無牌安老院,是有牌安老院的一成五。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180212/00180_015.html
Foreign relations
- Treaty of San Francisco (サンフランシスコ講和条約 San-Furansisuko kōwa-Jōyaku?), Peace Treaty with Japan (日本国との平和条約 Nihon-koku tono Heiwa-Jōyaku?) or commonly known as the Treaty of Peace with Japan, Peace Treaty of San Francisco, or San Francisco Peace Treaty), mostly between Japan and the Allied Powers, was officially signed by 48nations on September 8, 1951, at the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco, California,United States. It came into force on April 28, 1952. According to Article 11 of the Treaty of San Francisco, Japan accepts the judgments of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and of other Allied War Crimes Courts imposed on Japan both within and outside Japan. This treaty served to officially end World War II, to formally end Japan's position as an imperial power, to allocate compensation to Allied civilians and former prisoners of war who had suffered Japanese war crimes, and to end the Allies' military occupation and returnsovereignty to Japan. This treaty made extensive use of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to enunciate the Allies' goals. This treaty, along with the Security Treaty signed that same day, is said to mark the beginning of the "San Francisco System"; this term, coined by historian John W. Dower, signifies the effects of Japan's relationship with the United States and its role in the international arena as determined by these two treaties and is used to discuss the ways in which these effects have governed Japan's post-war history. This treaty also introduced the problem of the legal status of Taiwan due to its lack of specificity as to what country Taiwan was to be surrendered, and hence some supporters ofTaiwan independence argue that sovereignty of Taiwan is really still held by the Allies (particularly the US).
- The document officially renounces Japan's treaty rights derived from the Boxer Protocol of 1901 and its rights to Korea, Formosa (Taiwan) and the Pescadores, Hong Kong (then a British colony), the Kuril Islands, the Spratly Islands, Antarctica and Sakhalin Island.
- korea
- recognise the independence of korea, renounces all right, title and claim to korea, including the islands of quelpart, port hamilton and dagelet
- Neither Korea nor its derivatives South Korea and North Korea was allowed to sign either the Treaty or a separate peace arrangement with Japan.
- free and open indo-pacific strategy http://www.mofa.go.jp/files/000259285.pdf
- hkej 16apr18 shum article
- http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/1846008/delayed-tpp-talks-may-hamper-japans-bid-other-free-trade-deals
- tpp
- Japan plans to push forward talks to put a Pacific rim trade pact into force without the United States, which withdrew from the multination agreement in January as President Donald Trump pursues bilateral trade deals, a government source said Saturday. https://www.japantoday.com/category/politics/view/japan-eyes-putting-tpp-into-force-without-u-s
- https://www.ft.com/content/3ccdf200-2658-11e7-8691-d5f7e0cd0a16 According to officials who work on trade, Tokyo is now ready to proceed without much change to the existing TPP text, a big departure from its previous reluctance to expose Japanese farmers to a surge of agricultural imports without offsetting ease of access to the US auto market.
- A meeting of chief negotiators for the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact from 11 participant countries, without the United States, was set to be held in Hanoi on Saturday evening, followed by a ministerial meeting on Sunday morning. The Japanese government intends to lead discussions and pave the way for early enforcement of the pact by the 11 countries. Prior to the meeting, Nobuteru Ishihara, Japan’s minister in charge of TPP affairs, held a series of separate talks with his counterparts from Australia, Chile, Canada and Malaysia on Saturday. Ishihara also had separate talks on Friday with ministers from four countries — Vietnam, Mexico, Peru and New Zealand. According to a source related to the negotiations, Ishihara agreed with ministers from Vietnam, Mexico and Peru to promote discussions for realizing the TPP.http://www.the-japan-news.com/news/article/0003710700
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-japan/japan-finance-minister-suspects-u-s-wants-bilateral-fta-idUSKBN1HO0B8 Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso said on Tuesday he suspects the United States wants a bilateral free-trade agreement, but he reiterated Japan’s preference for Washington to join the multi-lateral Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
- eu
- https://www.ft.com/content/c2696826-5e67-11e7-91a7-502f7ee26895 Japan and the EU are set to sign a sweeping free trade deal next week after talks in Tokyo made significant progress on the sensitive areas of cheese and car parts. Although the negotiations broke up around 9pm on Saturday in Tokyo without a formal deal, officials signalled that their political leaders would be able to reach an agreement at a summit on July 6. A deal would be an emphatic rejection of US President Donald Trump’s protectionism on the eve of next week’s G20 summit in Hamburg. It would send a message that the liberal world order is still in business and that those who reject it risk losing out on trade opportunities.
- https://www.ft.com/content/20248b48-6193-11e7-91a7-502f7ee26895 Europe’s farmers will win prized access to the Japanese market as part of a trade deal that will also sweep away tariffs that have impeded exports by Japan’s carmakers to the EU. Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, and Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission president, will present the agreement in Brussels on Thursday, a day before G20 leaders meet in Germany. The deal is a boost for a global trading system that has been put under strain by the protectionist instincts of Donald Trump, US president, and a broader rise in economic nationalism. The accord, reached after four years of talks, will remove tariffs from 99 per cent of goods traded between the EU and Japan, although in some cases lengthy transition periods of a decade or more will apply. The EU and Japan have also agreed to open up their public procurement markets to each other and to remove some non-tariff barriers to trade. 日本放送協會報道,EPA主要內容包括歐盟在協議生效7年內,逐步廢除日本汽車關稅,日本則在15年內分階段取消歐盟入口芝士關稅。日本又同意對歐洲進口的紅酒、意大利粉、朱古力、牛肉、各級豬肉,實施完全及局部免稅。歐洲從日本進口的綠茶及日本酒,亦享免稅優惠。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/07/07/a24-0707.pdf
- According to ignacio sanchez recarte, sec-gen of euro ctte of wine companies, abolition of custom duties made them able to compete with chief rival chile
- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/0118e3a6-ea99-11e5-bb79-2303682345c8.html
Meti is haunted by the knowledge of what it is like to hold real power and then lose it. Throughout the postwar recovery — and more spectacularly so during the miracle growth years of the 1970s — Meti throbbed with influence. International bestsellers such as The Enigma of Japanese Power or Japan: Who Governs? focused on the activities of the ministry. It played the role of an arch manipulator of a command economy, with a mandate to take on the world. It did not just have the ear of the sitting prime minister, it was also the gateway through which all leaders were expected to pass on their way to the top. Gauging the ministry’s influence in 2016 prompts much deeper questions of what Abenomics can still hope to achieve, how political power is applied in Mr Abe’s administration, and whether Meti’s activities are genuinely better for Japan. It is easy to see, says Atsushi Saito, the former head of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and now chairman of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts in Japan, why Meti has seized the Abenomics opportunity so aggressively. “The important thing about the rise of China is that most developed nations have seen that pure market-based capitalism sometimes cannot compete against the Chinese state. Government officials in most developed nations believe that helping their nations’ companies with their decisions can help them compete more effectively with China,” says Mr Saito.
- shinzo abe wife scandal
- 日本首相安倍晉三夫婦捲入森友學園低價買官地風波,副首相兼財務相麻生太郎日前承認財務省曾刪改批文。麻生周四決定不出席下周一至周二在阿根廷召開的二十國集團(G20)財長及央行行長會議,留在國內處理森友學園一事。自民、民進兩黨就安倍晉三下周一出席參院預算委員會的審議會議達成共識,會議議題料聚焦竄改森友學園買地文件。同日上午,委員會就森友學園問題進行質詢,麻生等人出席會議,但在野民進、共產兩黨不滿政府與執政自民黨處理竄改文件一事的手法,所以缺席會議。安倍早前表明希望麻生留任,而麻生則將責任推予前國稅廳長官佐川宣壽,執政自民黨同意提前傳召佐川,惟拒絕傳召第一夫人安倍昭惠,指她與刪改批文無關。有分析指,安倍此舉是希望「棄車保帥」。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180316/00180_014.html
- corporate
- http://www.bbc.com/news/business-27994913 (24 jun 14) Japan has unveiled plans to cut the country's corporate tax to below 30% in several stages starting next year. The move is part of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's plan to revive the economy, a pledge made when he took office in December 2012. Japan's corporate tax rate, at nearly 36% for large companies operating in the capital Tokyo, ranks among the highest in the industrialised world. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/13/us-japan-economy-abe-idUSKBN0EO0K320140613
- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/4fdd74fc-8ff0-11e4-a0e5-00144feabdc0.html The Japanese government has agreed the first in a series of promised corporate tax cuts, as it tries to encourage cash-rich companies to raise wages to spur demand. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/30/us-japan-economy-taxes-idUSKBN0K804020141230
- http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/international/art/20150822/19265795 為吸引遊客消費,日本政府考慮將部份產品的消費稅免稅門檻,由原來的10,000日圓(629港元)以上調整至5,000日圓(314港元),但擔心此舉令消費稅稅收減少,執政黨將在年底前展開討論。
觀光廳認為降低免稅門檻有利促進遊客(圖)購買工藝品,亦會吸引地方店舖註冊為免稅店。日本希望在2020年東京奧運時地方免稅店數量增至2萬間。 - http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/bd956978-5c37-11e5-a28b-50226830d644.html
Shoppers in Japan may have to hand over their tax ID number every time they go to the supermarket as part of a unique, controversial plan to ease the pain of a rise in consumption tax. Under the proposed system, consumers would be able to apply online for a 2 per cent rebate on essential purchases such as food, according to officials at the Ministry of Finance. That would offset some of a planned rise in consumption tax from 8 per cent to 10 per cent. - http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a5c6d206-f001-11e5-aff5-19b4e253664a.html The meetings suggest Mr Abe is determined to put off a rise in consumption tax from 8 to 10 per cent scheduled for April 2017. Mr Abe is likely to use May’s G7 summit, which he will chair, as both platform and excuse for the delay
- 日本參議院周五通過延遲增加消費稅,令日本未來三年的消費稅率維持在百分之八。日本將由原定的二○一七年四月,延至二○一九年十月才加稅。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20161119/00180_022.html
- 民法(みんぽう、明治29年法律第89号、英語: Civil Code[1][2])は、日本における、私法の一般法について定めた法律。実質的意味の民法と区別する意味で、「民法典」または「形式的意味の民法」とも呼ばれる。1896年、明治29年法律第89号により定められた民法第一編・第二編・第三編(総則、物権、債権)及び1898年6月21日の明治31年法律第9号により定められた民法第四編・第五編(親族、相続)で構成されており、また附属法例として6月15日、明治31年法律第11号民法施行令が設置され[3]、全体が7月16日から施行された。これによりいくつかのそれまでの法規が廃止された[4]。原案起草者は穂積陳重・富井政章・梅謙次郎の三名である。この民法典は、社会情勢と価値観が大きく転換する明治維新の後に妥協的に成立したものであったため[5]、民法典論争からの代表的な保守的論客であった穂積八束の影響を受けた教育界から日本古来の美風を害し、従来の家族制度を無視するものであると批判されていたが、それとは逆に、大審院をはじめとする法曹界においては戸主権の弊害が意識されていたため[6]、1925年(大正14年)の「親族法改正要綱」「相続法改正要綱」に結実したように、戸主権の制限を加え、また女子の地位向上・男女平等を実現しようとする改正論が支配的な流れとなり、その後、日本国憲法の制定を機に、その精神に適合するように、法律上の家制度の廃止を中核として後2編を中心に根本的に改正された[7]。
- 日本總務省周日發布國內人口推算調查,截至本月中的數據顯示,七十歲以上人口較去年增加一百萬至二千六百一十八萬人,佔總人口百分之二十點七,是首次超過相當於國民每五人中有一人的比例。長者人口比例亦達到兩成八,六十五歲以上的長者人口創紀錄,增至三千五百五十七萬人。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180918/00180_025.html
Wealth/income Inequality- 民法(みんぽう、明治29年法律第89号、英語: Civil Code[1][2])は、日本における、私法の一般法について定めた法律。実質的意味の民法と区別する意味で、「民法典」または「形式的意味の民法」とも呼ばれる。1896年、明治29年法律第89号により定められた民法第一編・第二編・第三編(総則、物権、債権)及び1898年6月21日の明治31年法律第9号により定められた民法第四編・第五編(親族、相続)で構成されており、また附属法例として6月15日、明治31年法律第11号民法施行令が設置され[3]、全体が7月16日から施行された。これによりいくつかのそれまでの法規が廃止された[4]。原案起草者は穂積陳重・富井政章・梅謙次郎の三名である。この民法典は、社会情勢と価値観が大きく転換する明治維新の後に妥協的に成立したものであったため[5]、民法典論争からの代表的な保守的論客であった穂積八束の影響を受けた教育界から日本古来の美風を害し、従来の家族制度を無視するものであると批判されていたが、それとは逆に、大審院をはじめとする法曹界においては戸主権の弊害が意識されていたため[6]、1925年(大正14年)の「親族法改正要綱」「相続法改正要綱」に結実したように、戸主権の制限を加え、また女子の地位向上・男女平等を実現しようとする改正論が支配的な流れとなり、その後、日本国憲法の制定を機に、その精神に適合するように、法律上の家制度の廃止を中核として後2編を中心に根本的に改正された[7]。
- 日本では、中国式の法典である律令法の大宝令が8世紀初頭に成立して、民法の規定もその要部を占めていた。しかし、12世紀末に武家時代になってから、律令法はその効力を失い、広く一般社会に通用するまとまった形での民法典は存在しなかった[14]。なお、戸令応分条(相続法)について述べた記述が江戸時代の国学者、村田春海の随筆『織錦舎随筆』にみられる。そして、19世紀半ばに鎖国政策が崩壊した後、諸外国から不平等条約の改正の条件として、民法典の制定を求められたため、早急にこれを制定する必要を生じた[16]。明治新政府の初代司法卿である江藤新平が、箕作麟祥に対して、フランス民法を「誤訳もまた妨げず、ただ速訳せよ」と命じたのは、このような事情を背景としている(敷写民法)。なお、明治民法が実際に制定されるまでも、民法の全分野につき多数の法令が出されていた。
- 日本參議院全體會議周三表決通過《民法》修正案,將於二○二二年四月一日開始把成人年齡從二十歲下調至十八歲。這是自一八七六年制訂《民法》以來首度改變成年的定義,同時女性可以結婚的年齡從十六歲上調至十八歲。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180614/00180_027.html
- 日本總務省周日發布國內人口推算調查,截至本月中的數據顯示,七十歲以上人口較去年增加一百萬至二千六百一十八萬人,佔總人口百分之二十點七,是首次超過相當於國民每五人中有一人的比例。長者人口比例亦達到兩成八,六十五歲以上的長者人口創紀錄,增至三千五百五十七萬人。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180918/00180_025.html
- http://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21643202-problem-not-super-rich-secure-v-poor IN THOMAS PIKETTY’S bestseller, “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”, Japan appears as another rich country in which wealth is becoming ever more concentrated. It is certainly another rich country in which the book is selling well. Mr Piketty visited Tokyo this month, to a rapturous reception. Yet Japan may be the place where his thesis holds up least well.
foreign domestic helpers
- http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/2066508/japan-shuns-hong-kong-model-it-prepares-get-its-first-foreign Under the new visa category created for special zones, cleaners must be employed full time by agencies, rather than individuals, and be paid as much as their Japanese colleagues. Rather than living with a family, recruits must be provided with their own accommodation. They must also speak basic Japanese. Work performed by foreign domestic workers under the Japanese programme would be limited to such activities as cooking, laundry, cleaning, shopping and childcare. They would not be allowed to engage in nursing care.
Retirement model
- http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/economy/article/1838442/japan-style-elderly-insurance-model-could-spur-silver-hair
Press freedom
- http://www.economist.com/news/asia/21693269-criticism-government-being-airbrushed-out-news-shows-anchors-away
Study in Japan
- singtao 16may16 a16 feature article
- http://www.tokyo.ywca.or.jp/ryugakusei/index.html
- www.studyjapan.go.jp/ch/toj_stopc.html
- http://www.jasso.go.jp/study_j/index_twn.html
- www.jasso.go.jp/eju/twn.html
- Publication - 日本留學試驗試題集、job hunting guide for international students
- http://www.jpss.jp/zh-tw/
- http://www.jpf.go.jp/
- www.abk.or.jp
- www.juas.hk
- 日本漢字能力檢定協會 www.kanken.or.jp
Travel in Japan
- http://tax-freeshop-wifi.jnto.go.jp/eng/index.php
- accommodation
- https://japantraveleronline.com/
- http://web-japan.org/trends/11_food/jfd170720.html shukubo, which are lodgings within temples and shrines
- 岐阜縣高山善光寺
- free wifi
- http://tax-freeshop-wifi.jnto.go.jp/eng/wifi-guide.php
- http://tax-freeshop-wifi.jnto.go.jp/eng/shop-wifi-list.php?location=curp&distance=5000&sort=distance&view=map&lat=&lng=
- www.japanrailpass.net
- six jr group companies - hokkaido, east, central, west, shikoku, kyushu
- 速旅Central Nippon Expressway Pass http://www.welcome2japan.hk/topics/data/r8otqu000001japl-att/r8otqu000001japs.pdf (1) 以日本中部地區高速公路為周遊地區,在各種定額內由 2 天起至 14 天無限次通行,可以盡情體驗日本中
部地區魅力無窮的觀光勝地。(2)通行費固定,且可以利用 ETC 電子收費系統,不必為繳納使用費而在收費站停車浪費時間,讓不習慣日本收費道路體系的外國旅客也能輕鬆利用。
(3)可以利用株式會社豐田租車公司愛知・名古屋‧岐阜・福井及馬自達租車/時代運輸網路公司(Times Mobility Networks)(以下簡稱「各租車公司」)所提供的出租汽車。
- places to go
- http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/08/07/reference/japan-working-hard-douse-fire-ant-invasion/ Fire ants, a venomous, highly invasive nonnative pest, have been spotted over the past few months in various parts of Japan, prompting the Environment Ministry to both warn the public to seek immediate treatment for stings and take measures to prevent further infestation. First detected June 9 in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, fire ants had been identified in 10 locations nationwide as of July 27, from Oita Prefecture to Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo. The ministry has confirmed one injury caused by a fire ant; a male worker in his 30s developed a rash on his left arm after being stung in a warehouse in Fukuoka on July 27.
Butter shortage- Shimokitazawa 下北沢
- Yoyogi Park (代々木公園 Yoyogi kōen) is a park in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, located adjacent to Harajuku Station and Meiji Shrine.Yoyogi Park stands on the site from where the first successful powered aircraft flight in Japan took place by Captain Yoshitoshi Tokugawa on 19 December 1910. The area later became an army parade ground. From September 1945, the site housed the military barracks known as the "Washington Heights" for U.S. officers during the Allied occupation of Japan. In 1964, the area was used for the Tokyo Olympics housing the main athletes village and the Yoyogi National Gymnasium. The distinctive building, which was designed by Kenzo Tange, hosted the swimming and diving, with an annex for the basketball. In 1967 most of the area north of the gymnasium complex and south of Meiji Shrine was turned into Yoyogi Park.
- 京都巴士一日券http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170727/00180_018.html
- http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/08/07/reference/japan-working-hard-douse-fire-ant-invasion/ Fire ants, a venomous, highly invasive nonnative pest, have been spotted over the past few months in various parts of Japan, prompting the Environment Ministry to both warn the public to seek immediate treatment for stings and take measures to prevent further infestation. First detected June 9 in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, fire ants had been identified in 10 locations nationwide as of July 27, from Oita Prefecture to Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo. The ministry has confirmed one injury caused by a fire ant; a male worker in his 30s developed a rash on his left arm after being stung in a warehouse in Fukuoka on July 27.
- http://www.straitstimes.com/news/asia/east-asia/story/japans-butter-refugees-cry-over-spilt-milk-butter-shortage-hit-christmas-b
Monastery (package for meditation)
- 宝泉寺 http://www.zazen.or.jp/syugyoannai.html
- hokusai - known for the grest wave painting
- 家紋は今日まで息づいている日本固有の文化であると言っていい。
- 日本だけで241種、5116紋以上の家紋がある。
- 単に紋所(もんどころ)や紋とも呼ばれる。
- 2017年現在、採取されているだけで 2万近くの家紋が確認されている。
- 武具(刀や甲冑など)に好んで使用された。
- 家紋は人々の暮らしに息づいていた。
- 2017年現在、採取されているだけで 2万近くの家紋が確認されている。
- 武具(刀や甲冑など)に好んで使用された。
- 家紋は人々の暮らしに息づいていた。
- 家紋のおこり
- 日本語の「美学」は、中江兆民がVeronの著作を訳して『維氏美学』と邦題を付けたことによる。日本の高等教育機関における美学教育の嚆矢は東京美術学校および東京大学におけるフェノロサのヘーゲル美学を中心とした講義、森林太郎(森鴎外)による東京大学におけるE. V. ハルトマン美学ら当時の同時代ドイツ美学についての講演、およびラファエル・フォン・ケーベル(ケーベル先生の呼称で知られる)による東京大学での美学講義である。また京都においては京都工芸学校においてデザイン教育を中心とする西洋美学および美術史の教育がなされた。なお東京大学は独立の一講座として大塚保治を教授に任命、美学講座を開いた世界で最初(1899年)の大学である。日本における主要な美学関連学会としては美学会があり、雑誌『美学』(年四回)および欧文誌 Aesthetics (隔年)を発行している。毎年十月に行われる全国大会のほか、年五回関東および関西で研究発表会が開催される。なお2001年の国際美学会議(4年おき開催)は日本で行われた。
Food Culture http://www.maff.go.jp/e/oishii/
- shojin ryori 精進料理
- honzen ryori 本膳料理
- ryokan 旅館
- kaiseki style
Chikuwa (竹輪?) is a Japanese tube-like food product made from ingredients such as fish surimi, salt, sugar, starch, monosodium glutamate and egg white.
- Daikon, also known by many other names depending on context, is a mild-flavored winter radish (Raphanus sativus) usually characterized by fast-growing leaves and a long white napiform root.
- tea
- Robosquare https://robosquare.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/english/
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20150829/00180_010.html 日本最大暴力團體「山口組」傳出分裂,其屬下十多個分支組織、逾二千名成員,疑不滿現任掌舵人獨攬大權,擴大其原屬分支的勢力,又將資金及業務重心由組織發源地關西,轉移至油水較多的東京,決定脫離組織另起爐灶。日本警方高度關注事件,擔憂今次分裂風波會引發幫派大火併,已下令各地相關部門提高警戒。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20150907/00180_012.html 日本最大暴力團體「山口組」分裂終於成定局。被逐出山口組的十三個分支組長正式另起爐灶,成立名為「神戶山口組」的新組織。日本警方高度關注事件,外界亦擔憂山口組分裂會釀成新一輪幫派鬥爭,掀起腥風血雨。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151117/00180_029.html日本最大幫派組織山口組,旗下的愛櫻會會長菱田達之,周日傍晚被人發現伏屍家中。警方認為案件可能與山口組分裂一事有關。
The cat
- http://www.economist.com/news/obituary/21656623-tama-stationmaster-kishi-station-and-vice-president-wakayama-electric-railway-died
- Marine Day (海の日 Umi no Hi), also known as "Ocean Day" or "Sea Day", is a Japanese national holiday celebrated on the third Monday in July. The purpose of the holiday is to give thanks to the ocean's bounty and to consider the importance of the ocean to Japan as an island nation. The day was known as Marine Memorial Day (海の記念日 umi no kinen bi) until 1996. Communications Minister Shozo Murata designated the day in 1941 to commemorate the Meiji Emperor and his 1876 voyage in the Meiji Maru, an iron steamship constructed in Scotland in 1874. The voyage included a trip around the Tōhoku region, embarking on a lighthouse boat in Aomori, and a brief stop in Hakodatebefore returning to Yokohama on July 20 of that year. However, it was not designated a national holiday until 1995, when it became the first holiday in the summer months. First observed on July 20, 1996, the Happy Monday System legislation moved the date to the third Monday of July beginning in 2003.
- 秋分の日(しゅうぶんのひ)は、日本の国民の祝日の一つである。日付は天文学上の秋分日。しばしば「昼と夜の長さが等しくなる。」といわれるが、実際は昼の方がすこし長い。詳細は秋分を参照のこと。秋分の日は、1948年(昭和23年)に公布・施行された国民の祝日に関する法律(昭和23年法律第178号)によって制定された。同法第2条によれば、「祖先をうやまい、なくなった人々をしのぶ。」ことを趣旨としている。休日としては、1878年(明治11年)改正の年中祭日祝日ノ休暇日ヲ定ム(明治11年6月5日太政官布告第23号)による秋季皇霊祭から続くもので、1947年(昭和22年)に廃止される休日ニ關スル件(昭和2年勅令第25号)までこの名称だった。仏教各派ではこの日「秋季彼岸会」が行われ、宗派を問わず墓参りをする人も多い。
- http://web-japan.org/niponica/niponica24/en/index.html
A bōnenkai (忘年会, literally "forget the year gathering") is a Japanese drinking party that takes place at the end of the year, and is generally held among groups of co-workers or friends.[1][2] The purpose of the party, as its name implies, is to forget the woes and troubles of the past year, and hopefully look to the new year, usually by consumption of large amounts of alcohol. A bōnenkai does not take place on any specific day, but they are usually held in December.
- 神武東征(じんむとうせい)は、日本神話において、初代天皇カムヤマトイワレビコ(神武天皇)が日向を発ち、大和を征服して橿原宮で即位するまでを記した説話。日向の都を大和に移す意味での「東遷」と呼ばれることも多く、宮崎県の印刷物は「神武東遷」と記述している。
- 葦原中国(旧字体:葦原中國、あしはらのなかつくに)とは、日本神話において、高天原と黄泉の国の間にあるとされる世界、すなわち日本の国土のことである。豊葦原中国(旧字体:豐葦原中國、とよあしはらのなかつくに)とも呼ばれ、単に中国地方、もしくは中津国(中つ国)とも言う。日本書紀には、豊葦原千五百秋瑞穂國(とよあしはらのちいほあきのみずほのくに)という記載がある。神々の住む天上世界である高天原と、死後の世界である黄泉、あるいはスサノオが治める根之堅洲国に対比された日本の国土を指すと考えられる。
- Tetsudo shoka
- Netsuke (根付) [netsɯke] are miniature sculptures that were invented in 17th-century Japan to serve a practical function. Traditional Japanese garments—robes called kosode and kimono—had no pockets; however, men who wore them needed a place to store their personal belongings, such as pipes, tobacco, money, seals, or medicines. Their solution was to place such objects in containers (called sagemono) hung by cords from the robes' sashes (obi). The containers may have been pouches or small woven baskets, but the most popular were beautifully crafted boxes (inrō), which were held shut by ojime, which were sliding beads on cords. Whatever the form of the container, the fastener that secured the cord at the top of the sash was a carved, button-like toggle called a netsuke. Netsuke, like the inrō and ojime, evolved over time from being strictly utilitarian into objects of great artistic merit and an expression of extraordinary craftsmanship. Such objects have a long history reflecting the important aspects of Japanese folklore and life. Netsuke production was most popular during the Edo period in Japan, around 1615–1868. Today, the art lives on, and some modern works can command high prices in the UK, Europe, the USA, Japan and elsewhere. Inexpensive yet faithful reproductions are available in museums and souvenir shops. Okimono, small and purely decorative sculptures, were often made by the same artists who produced netsuke.
- http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/editors/6/20160916/ peanut sisters
- 霧霰 (type of embossing) on containers
- evolved from chinese art of tray landscapes, introduced to japan during the heian period
- 銃剣道(じゅうけんどう)は、明治時代にフランスから伝来した西洋式銃剣術に日本の槍術の心技・剣道の理論等を日本人に合うように研究・改良されて成立した銃剣術が1956年に近代スポーツとして競技武道化したもの。剣道のような防具を身に付けて竹刀の代わりに木銃(もくじゅう)を用いて相手と突き合う競技である。
- 京都王牌藝妓 - 如何把季節 元素引入服務。原來除了和服,藝 妓頭上的花簪,也會以四時花朵和 植物為範本設計造型,每月更換花 簪款式http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/10/24/a18-1024.pdf
YOSAKOI(よさこい)は、高知県のよさこい祭りから端を発した、踊りを主体とする日本の祭の一形態である。1990年代に北海道札幌市のYOSAKOIソーラン祭りが成功したことにより、そのノウハウをもとに2000年代にかけて各地に広がった。1950年(昭和25年)、南国高知産業大博覧会(高知市)において「よさこい踊り」が披露された。1954年(昭和29年)、高知市において第1回「よさこい祭り」開催。1992年(平成4年)、札幌市において第1回「YOSAKOIソーラン祭り」開催。1999年(平成11年)、高知市「よさこい祭り」で第1回「よさこい全国大会」開催。2011年(平成23年)、東日本大震災を機に、全国組織の「YOSAKOI! JAPAN連絡協議会」発足[1]。
indigenous people
- 愛奴族是生活在日本北海道的原住民族群,但多年來受到歧視。日本政府周五通過支援愛奴族的新法案,首次在法律寫明該族是原住民族,把振興愛奴文化定為中央與地方政府的職責。法案將提交國會,爭取於本屆會期內通過。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190216/00180_026.html
- history
- http://rbth.com/multimedia/history/2017/02/06/100-years-after-the-bolshevik-revolution-how-russians-fled-to-japan_696456
- http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/2050842/could-tokyo-moscow-rail-link-proposal-be-revived-when-putin
- Russia has reportedly snubbed Japan by not accepting a dog as a diplomatic gift for President Vladimir Putin, who is scheduled to meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during a summit on 15 and 16 December. According to reports, Abe's government wanted to gift a male Akita to Putin, which is a large breed of dogs originating from the mountainous northern regions of Japan. The Asian nation apparently thought Akita would be a great companion to a female dog of the same breed that Tokyo had gifted Putin in 2012.http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/russia-turns-down-japans-diplomatic-gift-dog-ahead-summit-1595815
- The first Anglo-Japanese Alliance (日英同盟 Nichi-Ei Dōmei?) was signed in London at what is now the Lansdowne Club, on 30 January 1902, by Lord Lansdowne(British foreign secretary) and Hayashi Tadasu (Japanese minister in London). A diplomatic milestone that saw an end to Britain's splendid isolation, the alliance was renewed and expanded in scope twice, in 1905 and 1911, before its demise in 1921. It was officially terminated in 1923.
- brexit impact
- 兩國外相及防務大臣上周四在倫敦開會,商討東海、南海、朝鮮半島局勢,更首度提出行動綱領。雙方謀措舉行海上聯合軍事演習,屆時英國的最新航空母艦伊利沙伯女王號,將與日本準航母出雲號一同現身印度太平洋海域。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171217/00180_011.html- british in japan
- beef
- Japan’s Foreign Minister, Taro Kono, told his Jordanian counterpart on Tuesday that his country does not intend to follow in the footsteps of the United States and move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Kono, who is visiting the Middle East, met in Amman with Jordan’s Foreign Minister, Ayman Safadi, according to Jordan’s official Petra news agency. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/239861
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151213/00192_001.html 雖然日印視中國為對手,但兩國與華的經貿,卻佔很大比重,相反,日印之間的雙邊貿易,僅徘徊於每年一百五、六十億美元左右,遲遲未能打破二百億美元大關,印度只佔日本貿易總額的百分之一點二,而日本則佔印度貿易總額的百分之二。
- 日本政府上周五宣布,由於印度違反承諾,提高電子產品的入口關稅,已向世界貿易組織(WTO)啟動起訴程序。歐盟也在上月要求與印度磋商,內容與日本的訴求基本一樣。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190513/00180_006.html
- [precarious belongings]after 1952, when korean people in japan were deprived of japanese nationality and citizenship, the status of resident koreans in japan has been an unsettled issue and they have been suffering institutional and everyday discrimination in japan
- The Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea (Japanese: 日韓基本条約 (Nikkan Kihon Jōyaku); Korean: 한일기본조약, 韓日基本條約, Hanil Gibon Joyak) was signed on June 22, 1965. It established basic diplomatic relations between Japan and South Korea.As Korea was not a signatory state of the Treaty of San Francisco, it was not entitled to the benefits of Article 14 which stipulates the reparations by Japan. However, by the provisions of Article 21 of the treaty, Korea was entitled to be an authority applied to Article 4 of the treaty which states the arrangement of property and claims.[citation needed] The Treaty was the fruit of the "Korea–Japan Talks," a series of bilateral talks held between South Korea and Japan from October 1951 to June 1965[citation needed] in order to normalize diplomatic ties. Over that period of 14 years, a total of seven talks were held. 1949年3月、韓国政府は『対日賠償要求調書』では、日本が朝鮮に残した現物返還以外に21億ドルの賠償を要求することができると算定していた。韓国政府は「日本が韓国に21億ドル(当時)+各種現物返還をおこなうこと」を内容とする対日賠償要求を連合国軍最高司令官総司令部に提出した。日韓基本条約締結のための交渉の際にも同様の立場を継承したうえで、韓国側は対日戦勝国つまり連合国の一員であるとの立場を主張し、日本に戦争賠償金を要求した。さらに1951年1月26日、李承晩大統領は「対日講和会議に対する韓国政府の方針」を発表し、サンフランシスコ講和会議参加への希望を表明した。
- http://www.economist.com/news/asia/21620252-troubling-rise-xenophobic-vitriol-spin-and-substance
- http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/1873539/why-shinzo-abe-wont-be-staying-one-particular-5-star-hotel Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is giving the Lotte Hotel the cold shoulder during his upcoming visit to South Korea, more than a year after the hotel suddenly cancelled an event to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Japan Self-Defence Forces. The reception and musical performance had been held annually at the Lotte Hotel in Seoul, but management opted to cancel the event after an editorial in the Dong-a Ilbo newspaper the day before triggered anger among South Koreans. "The military flag, which was used under Japanese militarism, was waved at the forefront of invasion," the editorial stated. "It is natural that the Asian countries invaded by Japan are sensitive to the flag. "Is Japan holding such an event in the middle of Seoul because it does not know what is going on or does not care about it at all?" The hotel reported receiving threats and claimed there were plans for a protest if the event went ahead.
- trade dispute
- anti-korea
- http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/1802992/japan-poised-announce-us100-million-investment-infrastructure Japan will announce a US$100 billion plan to invest in roads, bridges, railways and other building projects in Asia, a report said yesterday, weeks after China outlined its vision for a new infrastructure development bank in the region. In the latest twist of a tussle for influence in the fast-growing region, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set to unveil the five-year public-private partnership this week, Jiji Press reported. The sum is in line with the expected $100 billion capital of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) that Beijing and more than 50 founding member states are establishing. “The envisioned assistance is aimed at demonstrating Japan’s stance to contribute to building up high-quality infrastructure in Asia through human resource development and technological transfers and showing the difference from the AIIB, so that Japan can keep a high profile in the region,” Jiji said, without naming its sources.
Central asia
- japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has departed for a tour of Mongolia and 5 Central Asian countries for talks with the nations' leaders to boost economic ties. Abe flew from Tokyo's Haneda airport on Thursday to Mongolia, the first leg of his trip. It is his first overseas visit since reshuffling his cabinet earlier this month. Abe told reporters that Mongolia and Central Asia are geopolitically important areas linking the East and West. He said they are extremely important countries in his "diplomacy that takes a panoramic perspective of the world map." Abe said these countries used to depend on exporting natural resources but are now aiming to become economies that rely on value-added industries and are seeking high-quality infrastructure. Abe said that's where Japan has a role to play and expressed his willingness to boost economic ties with the resource-rich nations as Japan's top salesman. He said that together with the business leaders who will accompany him, he wants to dramatically bolster ties with the countries. Prime Minister Abe visits Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan before returning to Japan next Wednesday.http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20151022_17.html
South East Asia
- ofdi
- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his Vietnamese counterpart, Nguyen Xuan Phuc, agreed Monday to work together to maintain peace and security in the South China Sea, where Hanoi is engaged in a territorial dispute with Beijing.
- film
Mekong 5
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150705/PDF/a16_screen.pdf 日本首相安倍晉三4日在東京都內的迎賓館與湄公河流域5國首腦舉行了“日本與湄公河流域國家峯會”,宣佈今後三年內將向該區域提供7500億日圓(約合港幣472億元)的政府開發援助。安倍還指出,湄公河流域對基礎設施建設存在?巨大的需求,也是日本的重點經營地區之一。有評論認為,這是日本眼見中國財力及外交影響力進一步提升,加快步伐爭奪地區影響力的舉措。 日本與湄公河流域五國的會議4日在東京元赤的迎賓館舉行。除了安倍之外,有來自泰國、越南、柬埔寨、老撾、緬甸五國領袖出席。 簽署《新東京戰略2015》http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/article/1832652/japan-pledges-us61b-development-mekong-region
- legacy
- CEATEC http://www.ceatec.com
Tourist info
- photo database
- Kobe
- 「源平藤橘(げんぺいとうきつ)」と呼ばれる源氏、平氏、藤原氏、橘氏といった強力な氏族が最も名を馳せていた時代、地方に移り住んだ氏族の一部が他の同じ氏族の人間と区別を図るため土地の名前などを自分の家名(屋号)とし、それが後の名字となった。 家紋は家の独自性を示す固有の目印的な紋章として生まれ、名字を表す紋章としての要素が強い。
- http://www.kakeisi.com/kamon_roots.html
- 日本語の「美学」は、中江兆民がVeronの著作を訳して『維氏美学』と邦題を付けたことによる。日本の高等教育機関における美学教育の嚆矢は東京美術学校および東京大学におけるフェノロサのヘーゲル美学を中心とした講義、森林太郎(森鴎外)による東京大学におけるE. V. ハルトマン美学ら当時の同時代ドイツ美学についての講演、およびラファエル・フォン・ケーベル(ケーベル先生の呼称で知られる)による東京大学での美学講義である。また京都においては京都工芸学校においてデザイン教育を中心とする西洋美学および美術史の教育がなされた。なお東京大学は独立の一講座として大塚保治を教授に任命、美学講座を開いた世界で最初(1899年)の大学である。日本における主要な美学関連学会としては美学会があり、雑誌『美学』(年四回)および欧文誌 Aesthetics (隔年)を発行している。毎年十月に行われる全国大会のほか、年五回関東および関西で研究発表会が開催される。なお2001年の国際美学会議(4年おき開催)は日本で行われた。
Food Culture http://www.maff.go.jp/e/oishii/
- shojin ryori 精進料理
- honzen ryori 本膳料理
- ryokan 旅館
- kaiseki style
Chikuwa (竹輪?) is a Japanese tube-like food product made from ingredients such as fish surimi, salt, sugar, starch, monosodium glutamate and egg white.
- Daikon, also known by many other names depending on context, is a mild-flavored winter radish (Raphanus sativus) usually characterized by fast-growing leaves and a long white napiform root.
- ordinary rice (uruchimai) (粳米)
- glutinous rice (mochigome) (もち米)
- Koshihikari (コシヒカリ)
- Akitakomachi
- Sasanishiki
- Yamada Nishiki
- genmai (玄米)
- white
- mellow
- red
- tea
- Sen no Rikyū (千利休?, 1522 - April 21, 1591, also known simply as Rikyū), is considered the historical figure with the most profound influence onchanoyu, the Japanese "Way of Tea", particularly the tradition of wabi-cha.
- Sadou, also called "chadou" or "cha no yu," is the traditional etiquette of preparing and drinking tea
- Wabi-cha (わび茶; 侘茶; 侘び茶), is a style of Japanese tea ceremony particularly associated with Sen Rikyū and Takeno Jōō before him. Wabi-cha emphasizes simplicity. The term came into use in the Edo era, prior to which it was known as wabi-suki (侘数寄), suki meaning "artistic inclination," and "wabi" literally meaning 'forlorn'.
- Ichi-go ichi-e (一期一会 "one time, one meeting") is a Japanese term that describes a cultural concept often linked with famed tea master Sen no Rikyu. The term is often translated as "for this time only," "never again," or "one chance in a lifetime." However, ichigo ichie was actually coined much later by Ii Naosuke (1815 -1860) who was chief administrator of the Tokugawa Shogunate and was also a tea master. Rikyu's phrase was "ichigo ni ichido" (once in a lifetime) – the complete phrase seems to have been "ichigo ni ichido no e no yō ni."
- Sencha (煎茶) - the freshly-picked tea leaves are steamed and then dried as they are roled. After the leaves have been shaped, they are blended to achieve the best flavor for the consumer. In gernal, sencha is green tinged with yellow. (making process: tea picking, steaming, cooling, rolling, drying, cutting and sorting, hirre (drying), blending) denotes shiage process
- Gyokuro (玉露) - the finese grade of japanese green tea. The tea leaves are cultivated using the ooishita method, which involves shading the young tea leaves from direct sunlight for around 20 days after they first start to appear. This distinctive process inhibits astringency, producing tea leaves with large amounts of theanine, an amino acide that enchances umami. (making process: covering the tea fields, tea picking, steaming, cooling, rolling, drying, cutting and sorting, hirre (drying), blending) denotes shiage process
- Matcha - a fine powdered green tea commonly used in sadou. The young tea leaves are shaded from direct sunlight and steamed in the same way as for gyokuro, then turned into tencha (non-ground leaves) by drying without rolling, and finally ground in a stone mill. Tools: chashaku (tea scoop), chasen (bamboo whisk) (making process: tea picking, steaming, cooling, drying, sorting, kneading and drying, tencha, cutting and sorting, hirre (drying), stone milling) denotes shiage process
- Bancha (whole leaf green tea) - mainly made from leaves plucked during late summer and is produced using the same procedure used for sencha.
- Houjicha (roasted whole leaf green tea) - made by roasting sencha or bancha over a high flame. The roasting process diminishes the tannin and caffeine content of the leaves to suppress astringency and bitterness and draw out fragrance. Houjicha is warm brown in color.
- Genmaicha (green tea with roasted rice) - made by mixing roasted rice with sencha or bancha. Before being blended with the tea, the rice is steeped in water and steamed then roasted at a high temperature, and the popped rice stands out white amongst the tea leaves.
- Aracha (荒茶), also known as Unrefined or Crude Tea, is a type of green tea produced in Japan. Unlike most other teas, aracha green tea is produced using the entire leaf of the tea plant, including the leaf blade, leaf stem, broken particles of the leaf, and the fine leaf hair.
- Refined aracha is called shiagecha. All tea companies and artisans use the shiagecha method to finish processing the tea. The shiagechamethod produces sencha, gyukuro, and bancha.
- http://www.needs.com.hk/mobile/vol/1606/tour_piy/ kinds of wine
- Robosquare https://robosquare.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/english/
Kabukimono (傾奇者 (カブキもの)) or hatamoto yakko (旗本奴) were gangs of samurai in feudal Japan. They appeared between the end of the Muromachi period (AD 1573) and the beginning of the Edo period (AD 1603). The term Kabukimono is often translated into English as "strange things" or "the crazy ones", believed to be derived from kabuku, meaning "to slant" or "to deviate". They were either rōnin, wandering samurai, or men who had once worked for samurai families who, during times of peace, formed street gangs. Some, however, were also a few members of more prominent clans - most notably, Oda Nobunaga and Maeda Toshiie. Kabukimono would often dress in flamboyant clothing, combining colors such as yellow and blue, and often accessorized by wearing short kimonos with lead weights in the hem, velvet lapels, wide obi, elements of European clothing or even clothes meant for women.[1] Kabukimonoalso often had uncommon hairstyles and facial hair, either styled up in various fashions, or left to grow long. Their katana would often have fancy hilts, large or square tsuba, red scabbards and were usually longer than normal length. Some kabukimono even used extremely long kiseru as weapons.かぶき者(かぶきもの。傾奇者、歌舞伎者とも表記)は、戦国時代末期から江戸時代初期にかけての社会風潮。特に慶長から寛永年間(1596年~1643年)にかけて、江戸や京都などの都市部で流行した。異風を好み、派手な身なりをして、常識を逸脱した行動に走る者たちのこと。茶道や和歌などを好む者を数寄者と呼ぶが、数寄者よりさらに数寄に傾いた者と言う意味である。当時男性の着物は浅黄や紺など非常に地味な色合いが普通だった。しかし、かぶき者は色鮮やかな女物の着物をマントのように羽織ったり、袴に動物皮をつぎはうなど常識を無視して非常に派手な服装を好んだ。他にも天鵞絨(ビロード)の襟や立髪や大髭、大額、鬢きり、茶筅髪、大きな刀や脇差、朱鞘、大鍔、大煙管などの異形・異様な風体が「かぶきたるさま」として流行した。
Yakuza (Japanese: ヤクザ, [jaꜜkɯza]), also known as gokudō (極道 "the extreme path", [gokɯdoː]), are members of transnational organized crime syndicates originating in Japan. The Japanese police, and media by request of the police, call them bōryokudan (暴力団"violent groups", [boːɾʲokɯdaɴ]), while the yakuza call themselves "ninkyō dantai" (任侠団体 or 仁侠団体 "chivalrous organizations", [ɲiŋkʲoː daɴtai]). The yakuza are notorious for their strict codes of conduct and their organized fiefdom-nature. They have a large presence in the Japanese media and operate internationally with an estimated 102,000 members.The name "yakuza" originates from the traditional Japanese card game Oicho-Kabu, a game in which the goal is to draw three cards adding up to a value of 9. If the sum of your hand exceeds 10, the second digit is used as your total instead, with the exception of 10 (which equals 1). If the three cards drawn are 8-9-3 (pronounced ya-ku-sa in Japanese), the score is 20 and therefore zero, making it the worst possible hand that can be drawn.ヤクザとは、組織を形成して暴力を背景に職業的に犯罪活動に従事し、収入を得ているものを言う。この偏倚(へんい)集団を特徴づける要因の一つに集団内部の「親分子分」の結合がある。また下っ端に該当する場合は「チンピラ」と称される。
- https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/10/03/business/u-s-treasury-puts-yakuza-figures-mob-linked-firms-sanctions-blacklist/#.W7XDwlquyM8 The U.S. Treasury Department took aim Tuesday at Japan’s largest yakuza syndicate, placing four senior officials of the Yamaguchi-gumi on its sanctions blacklist as well as two companies tied to the gang. “We are ramping up pressure on this dangerous Japanese crime syndicate and local gang leaders who profit from everything from sexual exploitation, to weapons smuggling, and extortion,” said Sigal Mandelker, the treasury’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence. The two companies placed on the sanctions list were Yamaki K.K., which owns the land where the Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters in Kobe is located, and Toyo Shinyo Jitsugyo K.K., which manages the headquarters as well as other real estate used in the syndicate’s diverse businesses.山口組
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20150829/00180_010.html 日本最大暴力團體「山口組」傳出分裂,其屬下十多個分支組織、逾二千名成員,疑不滿現任掌舵人獨攬大權,擴大其原屬分支的勢力,又將資金及業務重心由組織發源地關西,轉移至油水較多的東京,決定脫離組織另起爐灶。日本警方高度關注事件,擔憂今次分裂風波會引發幫派大火併,已下令各地相關部門提高警戒。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20150907/00180_012.html 日本最大暴力團體「山口組」分裂終於成定局。被逐出山口組的十三個分支組長正式另起爐灶,成立名為「神戶山口組」的新組織。日本警方高度關注事件,外界亦擔憂山口組分裂會釀成新一輪幫派鬥爭,掀起腥風血雨。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151117/00180_029.html日本最大幫派組織山口組,旗下的愛櫻會會長菱田達之,周日傍晚被人發現伏屍家中。警方認為案件可能與山口組分裂一事有關。
The cat
- http://www.economist.com/news/obituary/21656623-tama-stationmaster-kishi-station-and-vice-president-wakayama-electric-railway-died
- Marine Day (海の日 Umi no Hi), also known as "Ocean Day" or "Sea Day", is a Japanese national holiday celebrated on the third Monday in July. The purpose of the holiday is to give thanks to the ocean's bounty and to consider the importance of the ocean to Japan as an island nation. The day was known as Marine Memorial Day (海の記念日 umi no kinen bi) until 1996. Communications Minister Shozo Murata designated the day in 1941 to commemorate the Meiji Emperor and his 1876 voyage in the Meiji Maru, an iron steamship constructed in Scotland in 1874. The voyage included a trip around the Tōhoku region, embarking on a lighthouse boat in Aomori, and a brief stop in Hakodatebefore returning to Yokohama on July 20 of that year. However, it was not designated a national holiday until 1995, when it became the first holiday in the summer months. First observed on July 20, 1996, the Happy Monday System legislation moved the date to the third Monday of July beginning in 2003.
- 秋分の日(しゅうぶんのひ)は、日本の国民の祝日の一つである。日付は天文学上の秋分日。しばしば「昼と夜の長さが等しくなる。」といわれるが、実際は昼の方がすこし長い。詳細は秋分を参照のこと。秋分の日は、1948年(昭和23年)に公布・施行された国民の祝日に関する法律(昭和23年法律第178号)によって制定された。同法第2条によれば、「祖先をうやまい、なくなった人々をしのぶ。」ことを趣旨としている。休日としては、1878年(明治11年)改正の年中祭日祝日ノ休暇日ヲ定ム(明治11年6月5日太政官布告第23号)による秋季皇霊祭から続くもので、1947年(昭和22年)に廃止される休日ニ關スル件(昭和2年勅令第25号)までこの名称だった。仏教各派ではこの日「秋季彼岸会」が行われ、宗派を問わず墓参りをする人も多い。
- http://web-japan.org/niponica/niponica24/en/index.html
A bōnenkai (忘年会, literally "forget the year gathering") is a Japanese drinking party that takes place at the end of the year, and is generally held among groups of co-workers or friends.[1][2] The purpose of the party, as its name implies, is to forget the woes and troubles of the past year, and hopefully look to the new year, usually by consumption of large amounts of alcohol. A bōnenkai does not take place on any specific day, but they are usually held in December.
A shinnenkai (Japanese 新年会, literally "new year gathering") is the Japanese tradition of welcoming the arrival of the New Year, usually by the drinking of alcohol. A shinnenkai is generally held among co-workers or friends in January. Like the many festivals (matsuri) and celebrations that the Japanese are known for, a shinnenkai is their way of getting together to celebrate a new year and to make promises to each other to do their best for this year while wishing each other good luck and fortune.
- 神武東征(じんむとうせい)は、日本神話において、初代天皇カムヤマトイワレビコ(神武天皇)が日向を発ち、大和を征服して橿原宮で即位するまでを記した説話。日向の都を大和に移す意味での「東遷」と呼ばれることも多く、宮崎県の印刷物は「神武東遷」と記述している。
- 葦原中国(旧字体:葦原中國、あしはらのなかつくに)とは、日本神話において、高天原と黄泉の国の間にあるとされる世界、すなわち日本の国土のことである。豊葦原中国(旧字体:豐葦原中國、とよあしはらのなかつくに)とも呼ばれ、単に中国地方、もしくは中津国(中つ国)とも言う。日本書紀には、豊葦原千五百秋瑞穂國(とよあしはらのちいほあきのみずほのくに)という記載がある。神々の住む天上世界である高天原と、死後の世界である黄泉、あるいはスサノオが治める根之堅洲国に対比された日本の国土を指すと考えられる。
- Tetsudo shoka
- Netsuke (根付) [netsɯke] are miniature sculptures that were invented in 17th-century Japan to serve a practical function. Traditional Japanese garments—robes called kosode and kimono—had no pockets; however, men who wore them needed a place to store their personal belongings, such as pipes, tobacco, money, seals, or medicines. Their solution was to place such objects in containers (called sagemono) hung by cords from the robes' sashes (obi). The containers may have been pouches or small woven baskets, but the most popular were beautifully crafted boxes (inrō), which were held shut by ojime, which were sliding beads on cords. Whatever the form of the container, the fastener that secured the cord at the top of the sash was a carved, button-like toggle called a netsuke. Netsuke, like the inrō and ojime, evolved over time from being strictly utilitarian into objects of great artistic merit and an expression of extraordinary craftsmanship. Such objects have a long history reflecting the important aspects of Japanese folklore and life. Netsuke production was most popular during the Edo period in Japan, around 1615–1868. Today, the art lives on, and some modern works can command high prices in the UK, Europe, the USA, Japan and elsewhere. Inexpensive yet faithful reproductions are available in museums and souvenir shops. Okimono, small and purely decorative sculptures, were often made by the same artists who produced netsuke.
- http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/editors/6/20160916/ peanut sisters
- 霧霰 (type of embossing) on containers
- evolved from chinese art of tray landscapes, introduced to japan during the heian period
- 銃剣道(じゅうけんどう)は、明治時代にフランスから伝来した西洋式銃剣術に日本の槍術の心技・剣道の理論等を日本人に合うように研究・改良されて成立した銃剣術が1956年に近代スポーツとして競技武道化したもの。剣道のような防具を身に付けて竹刀の代わりに木銃(もくじゅう)を用いて相手と突き合う競技である。
- 京都王牌藝妓 - 如何把季節 元素引入服務。原來除了和服,藝 妓頭上的花簪,也會以四時花朵和 植物為範本設計造型,每月更換花 簪款式http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/10/24/a18-1024.pdf
YOSAKOI(よさこい)は、高知県のよさこい祭りから端を発した、踊りを主体とする日本の祭の一形態である。1990年代に北海道札幌市のYOSAKOIソーラン祭りが成功したことにより、そのノウハウをもとに2000年代にかけて各地に広がった。1950年(昭和25年)、南国高知産業大博覧会(高知市)において「よさこい踊り」が披露された。1954年(昭和29年)、高知市において第1回「よさこい祭り」開催。1992年(平成4年)、札幌市において第1回「YOSAKOIソーラン祭り」開催。1999年(平成11年)、高知市「よさこい祭り」で第1回「よさこい全国大会」開催。2011年(平成23年)、東日本大震災を機に、全国組織の「YOSAKOI! JAPAN連絡協議会」発足[1]。
indigenous people
- 愛奴族是生活在日本北海道的原住民族群,但多年來受到歧視。日本政府周五通過支援愛奴族的新法案,首次在法律寫明該族是原住民族,把振興愛奴文化定為中央與地方政府的職責。法案將提交國會,爭取於本屆會期內通過。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190216/00180_026.html
- history
- 25-28 June 1990 - The fifth meeting of the Structural Impediments Initiative (SII) Talks is held in Tokyo and concludes with the issuing of a final report. Japan announces it will undertake public investments worth 430 trillion yen over a ten-year period starting in FY1991. Japan also announces its intention to improve its distribution and business practices. https://www.mofa.go.jp/region/n-america/us/relation.html
- china policy
- hkej 30jul18 shum article
- 日本外務省昨公開的一九七九年外交文件顯示,在中國推行改革開放後不久,美日兩國政府試圖通過官方和民間組織合作,促使中國經濟依賴美日,避免日後成為威脅。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171221/00178_007.html
- http://www.scmp.com/business/economy/article/1698220/japan-mulls-quotas-rush-seal-tpp-trade-deal-us Japan is considering creating quotas for low or no-tariff imports of main agricultural products such as beef and pork in a rush to seal an ambitious Pacific trade deal, Japanese media said yesterday. A stand-off between the United States and Japan over access to farm and car markets has been holding up negotiations over a 12-nation trade pact, known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). A bilateral agreement between the two economies, which dominate the TPP, is key to a deal among the 12 nations, which account for 40 per cent of the world economy. Negotiators had hoped to clinch a deal last year. Japan would propose "TPP quotas" in which it would set the detailed volumes for such products as beef, pork, dairy and rice that it would accept at low or no tariffs, the Nikkei business daily said, without identifying its sources. Beef and pork are among the farm markets that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has vowed to protect under the TPP, along with dairy, wheat and sugarcane. For beef, the TPP quota was likely be set at 500,000 tonnes a year, roughly the level of imports now, Nikkei said.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/1821971/japans-abe-also-loser-us-houserejection-trade-bills The failure of a package of trade-related measures in the US House of Representatives was a blow to President Barack Obama, but it was also a blow to his ally, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, half a world away. Abe has made reviving Japan's stubbornly anaemic economy one of his top priorities, and forging a wide-ranging trade pact with the United States, through the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), was a key part of that goal.For both countries, the TPP has been viewed as a way to counter a rising China. For the United States, it was a way to project influence in Asia; for Japan, it was a way to regain some of the economic might it lost as China gained. For Beijing, that means Friday's actions in the House counted as something of a victory. "The outcome won't affect China that much, but China would be happy to see it and chuckle underneath," said Shi Yinhong , director of the US Study Centre at Renmin University in Beijing. The House voted down a package of trade-related bills as Democrats rebuffed Obama's personal pleas for their support for his free-trade initiative. The package included a measure to give the administration fast-track negotiating authority considered crucial to conclude the Pacific Rim trade deal.
- Hkej 23oct15 c5 impact of tpp on agricultural sector
- hkej 28oct15 a22 shum yuk fai article on pros and cons for Japan joining tpp
- 日本與美國等12個國家早前就「跨太平洋戰略經濟夥伴關係協定」(TPP)達成協議,進一步開放國內市場,建立自由貿易區。日本農業過去受到政府高度保護,預料TPP通過後將首當其衝,面對競爭加劇及本土市場逐漸飽和,當地農業開始放眼香港、台灣等海外市場,嘗試藉出口收益彌補國內競爭加劇的損失。最新數據顯示,日本目前僅5%農產品用作出口,其餘均作內銷。日本農林水產出口去年達到破紀錄的6,120億日圓(約392億港元),政府希望到2020年能衝破1萬億日圓(約640億港元)大關。TPP生效後,各成員國將大幅減少針對日本漁農業的貿易限制,首相安倍晉三形容這是新機會,國民應拿出勇氣面向世界。古谷認為日本農產品出口的最大挑戰不是關稅,而是運費。業內人士透露,日本葡萄運輸成本可以高達售價一半甚至更多,牛肉的運輸成本亦高達售價一成,是導致出口價格高昂的原因之一。東京大學環球農業科學系教授鈴木信弘直言,日本農產品質素雖高,但昂貴價格將損害其海外競爭力。全日空及雅瑪多等日本運輸企業近年已設法改善這問題,例如雅瑪多與多個農場合作,先收集各地新鮮農產品,集中運到沖繩那霸機場,再轉運至亞洲其他地區。改善物流亦有助縮減運輸時間,令農產品更新鮮,增加吸引力。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/10/30/a23-1030.pdf
- http://finance.yahoo.com/news/japans-leader-vows-accelerate-economic-measures-tpp-083034349--finance.html Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged Monday to accelerate his mix of policies to prop up Japan's economic recovery and speed up parliamentary approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact.
- Japan gave a big nod to free trade by ratifying the Trans-Pacific Partnership Friday even as Asia's focus shifts to a China-led alternative framework amid U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's threat to abandon the 12-nation pact. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party and junior coalition partner Komeito, as well as opposition parties, voted for the TPP in the upper house. The trade pact had already cleared the lower house, and thus was ratified. http://asia.nikkei.com/Politics-Economy/International-Relations/Japan-ratifies-TPP-despite-Trump-s-threat
- The Abe administration gained some breathing room from the U.S. threat of high tariffs on Japanese auto imports, but Tokyo’s strategy of persuading Washington to take a multilateral trade approach took a further blow.
- 日本於二○一一年發生福島核災後,歐盟一直規限日本食品進口。歐盟上周六宣布下月一日起局部或全面解禁福島縣產大米等十個縣的食品。orientaldaily 13nov14
Russia- The Abe administration gained some breathing room from the U.S. threat of high tariffs on Japanese auto imports, but Tokyo’s strategy of persuading Washington to take a multilateral trade approach took a further blow.
Japan agreed to new trade negotiations with the United States after long trying to avoid such talks that could lead to a bilateral free trade agreement.To avoid talks on a bilateral FTA, Japan had agreed to a different set of negotiations known as the FFR, for free, fair and reciprocal. The last term was included because of Trump’s strong desire to erase the trade imbalance with Japan. Japanese officials had hoped that negotiations through the FFR would provide a forum for trying to convince their U.S. counterparts about the benefits of returning to the TPP. But increasing frustration among those U.S. officials at the lack of progress in the FFR talks led to the latest agreement to enter negotiations for a bilateral “Trade Agreement on Goods” (TAG). At a news conference following his meeting with Trump, Abe touched upon the TAG, saying, “It is totally different from a comprehensive FTA.” However, the TAG negotiations are nothing but a new round of bilateral talks on tariffs between the two nations. http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201809270033.html
- 日本於二○一一年發生福島核災後,歐盟一直規限日本食品進口。歐盟上周六宣布下月一日起局部或全面解禁福島縣產大米等十個縣的食品。orientaldaily 13nov14
- http://rbth.com/multimedia/history/2017/02/06/100-years-after-the-bolshevik-revolution-how-russians-fled-to-japan_696456
- http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/2050842/could-tokyo-moscow-rail-link-proposal-be-revived-when-putin
- Russia has reportedly snubbed Japan by not accepting a dog as a diplomatic gift for President Vladimir Putin, who is scheduled to meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during a summit on 15 and 16 December. According to reports, Abe's government wanted to gift a male Akita to Putin, which is a large breed of dogs originating from the mountainous northern regions of Japan. The Asian nation apparently thought Akita would be a great companion to a female dog of the same breed that Tokyo had gifted Putin in 2012.http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/russia-turns-down-japans-diplomatic-gift-dog-ahead-summit-1595815
- The first Anglo-Japanese Alliance (日英同盟 Nichi-Ei Dōmei?) was signed in London at what is now the Lansdowne Club, on 30 January 1902, by Lord Lansdowne(British foreign secretary) and Hayashi Tadasu (Japanese minister in London). A diplomatic milestone that saw an end to Britain's splendid isolation, the alliance was renewed and expanded in scope twice, in 1905 and 1911, before its demise in 1921. It was officially terminated in 1923.
- brexit impact
- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-3684035/Japan-maker-bamboo-whisks-eyes-Brexit-risks.html
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2017-06/26/content_29889526.htmJapan wants to hold informal free trade talks with the United Kingdom as it also works to sign a deal with the European Union, a report said on Sunday. Tokyo's moves aim to minimize Brexit's impact on Japanese companies as the UK negotiates its exit from the EU, the business daily Nikkei reported.
- 兩國外相及防務大臣上周四在倫敦開會,商討東海、南海、朝鮮半島局勢,更首度提出行動綱領。雙方謀措舉行海上聯合軍事演習,屆時英國的最新航空母艦伊利沙伯女王號,將與日本準航母出雲號一同現身印度太平洋海域。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171217/00180_011.html- british in japan
- beef
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-01-09/japan-ends-two-decade-u-k-beef-ban-as-mad-cow-disease-fears-dim Japan will end a ban on U.K. beef imports imposed in the mid-90s during the mad cow disease epidemic as fears over the devastating infection recede.The ban on all U.K. beef shipments that had been in place since 1996 in a bid to stem the spread of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE, will be lifted following recommendations from a food safety committee, the Asian nation’s health ministry said on Wednesday. British cattle younger than 30 months will be allowed for import, it said.Japan’s loosening restrictions on U.K. beef follows China, which lifted its ban on U.K imports in June. Eating meat from animals infected with BSE has been tied to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, an incurable human illness that destroys brain tissue. In the 1980s and 1990s, Britain suffered an epidemic of mad cow disease that killed several people and led to widespread export bans on beef. Since then, cases have been sporadic and isolated.
- british diplomats in japan
- japanologist- Sir Francis Richard Plunkett GCB GCMG PC(1835–1907) was a British diplomat. Plunkett was born on 3 February 1835 at Corbalton Hall in County Meath, Ireland. He was the youngest son of Arthur Plunkett, 9th Earl of Fingall and Louisa Corbally. In 1873, Plunkett was nominated as Secretary of Legation in Tokyo under Sir Harry Parkes.[2]He left Tokyo in 1876 and served as Diplomatic Secretary in St Petersburg, Constantinopleand Paris before being appointed Parkes's successor in Japan. Plunkett was the British Minister in Tokyo, 1884–87,[3] He was made a Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George while in Tokyo. In 1900 he was appointed Ambassador at Vienna. The following year he was appointed to the Privy Council in February 1901,[4] and was created a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath (GCB) on 9 November 1901.
- Basil Hall Chamberlain (18 October 1850 – 15 February 1935) was a professor of Japanese atTokyo Imperial University and one of the foremostBritish Japanologists active in Japan during the late 19th century. (Others included Ernest Satow andW. G. Aston.) He also wrote some of the earliest translations of haiku into English. He is perhaps best remembered for his informal and popular one-volume encyclopedia Things Japanese, which first appeared in 1890 and which he revised several times thereafter.
- Japan’s Foreign Minister, Taro Kono, told his Jordanian counterpart on Tuesday that his country does not intend to follow in the footsteps of the United States and move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Kono, who is visiting the Middle East, met in Amman with Jordan’s Foreign Minister, Ayman Safadi, according to Jordan’s official Petra news agency. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/239861
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151213/00192_001.html 雖然日印視中國為對手,但兩國與華的經貿,卻佔很大比重,相反,日印之間的雙邊貿易,僅徘徊於每年一百五、六十億美元左右,遲遲未能打破二百億美元大關,印度只佔日本貿易總額的百分之一點二,而日本則佔印度貿易總額的百分之二。
- 日本政府上周五宣布,由於印度違反承諾,提高電子產品的入口關稅,已向世界貿易組織(WTO)啟動起訴程序。歐盟也在上月要求與印度磋商,內容與日本的訴求基本一樣。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190513/00180_006.html
- [precarious belongings]after 1952, when korean people in japan were deprived of japanese nationality and citizenship, the status of resident koreans in japan has been an unsettled issue and they have been suffering institutional and everyday discrimination in japan
- The Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea (Japanese: 日韓基本条約 (Nikkan Kihon Jōyaku); Korean: 한일기본조약, 韓日基本條約, Hanil Gibon Joyak) was signed on June 22, 1965. It established basic diplomatic relations between Japan and South Korea.As Korea was not a signatory state of the Treaty of San Francisco, it was not entitled to the benefits of Article 14 which stipulates the reparations by Japan. However, by the provisions of Article 21 of the treaty, Korea was entitled to be an authority applied to Article 4 of the treaty which states the arrangement of property and claims.[citation needed] The Treaty was the fruit of the "Korea–Japan Talks," a series of bilateral talks held between South Korea and Japan from October 1951 to June 1965[citation needed] in order to normalize diplomatic ties. Over that period of 14 years, a total of seven talks were held. 1949年3月、韓国政府は『対日賠償要求調書』では、日本が朝鮮に残した現物返還以外に21億ドルの賠償を要求することができると算定していた。韓国政府は「日本が韓国に21億ドル(当時)+各種現物返還をおこなうこと」を内容とする対日賠償要求を連合国軍最高司令官総司令部に提出した。日韓基本条約締結のための交渉の際にも同様の立場を継承したうえで、韓国側は対日戦勝国つまり連合国の一員であるとの立場を主張し、日本に戦争賠償金を要求した。さらに1951年1月26日、李承晩大統領は「対日講和会議に対する韓国政府の方針」を発表し、サンフランシスコ講和会議参加への希望を表明した。
- hkej 13dec17 shum article
- http://www.economist.com/news/asia/21620252-troubling-rise-xenophobic-vitriol-spin-and-substance
- http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/1873539/why-shinzo-abe-wont-be-staying-one-particular-5-star-hotel Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is giving the Lotte Hotel the cold shoulder during his upcoming visit to South Korea, more than a year after the hotel suddenly cancelled an event to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Japan Self-Defence Forces. The reception and musical performance had been held annually at the Lotte Hotel in Seoul, but management opted to cancel the event after an editorial in the Dong-a Ilbo newspaper the day before triggered anger among South Koreans. "The military flag, which was used under Japanese militarism, was waved at the forefront of invasion," the editorial stated. "It is natural that the Asian countries invaded by Japan are sensitive to the flag. "Is Japan holding such an event in the middle of Seoul because it does not know what is going on or does not care about it at all?" The hotel reported receiving threats and claimed there were plans for a protest if the event went ahead.
- trade dispute
- Japan asked South Korea on Tuesday to launch bilateral talks over what it sees as Seoul’s unfair subsidies for shipbuilders, but a government source said the dispute will most likely go to the World Trade Organization. Tokyo believes that massive assistance provided to the South Korean shipbuilding industry by government-affiliated financial institutions goes against international trade rules, but Seoul has resisted reviewing its subsidy program, claiming the institutions provide the assistance at their own discretion. If the bilateral talks break down, the case will be brought to a WTO dispute settlement panel. It generally takes nearly two years for such a dispute to be settled under the WTO framework.https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/11/06/business/japan-sue-south-korea-wto-subsidies-shipbuilders/#.W-J3ttIzYdU
- anti-korea
- Zaitokukai, full name Zainichi Tokken o Yurusanai Shimin no Kai (在日特権を許さない市民の会, meaning Association of Citizens against the Special Privileges of the Zainichi), is an ultra-nationalist and far-right extremist political organization in Japan, which calls for an end to state welfare and alleged privileges afforded to Zainichi Koreans. It has been described by the National Police Agency as a potential threat to public order due to its "extreme nationalist and xenophobic" ideology.
- Manga Kenkanryu (マンガ 嫌韓流 Manga Kenkanryū, "Hating the Korean Wave") is a Japanese manga written by Sharin Yamano with a theme that draws on anti-Korean sentiment in Japan. The manga started as a webcomic on the author's website entitled CHOSEN, and after being refused publication for two years, it was published by Shinyushaand released in Japan on July 26, 2005. It was controversial and triggered a Japanese Internet movement.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/1802992/japan-poised-announce-us100-million-investment-infrastructure Japan will announce a US$100 billion plan to invest in roads, bridges, railways and other building projects in Asia, a report said yesterday, weeks after China outlined its vision for a new infrastructure development bank in the region. In the latest twist of a tussle for influence in the fast-growing region, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set to unveil the five-year public-private partnership this week, Jiji Press reported. The sum is in line with the expected $100 billion capital of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) that Beijing and more than 50 founding member states are establishing. “The envisioned assistance is aimed at demonstrating Japan’s stance to contribute to building up high-quality infrastructure in Asia through human resource development and technological transfers and showing the difference from the AIIB, so that Japan can keep a high profile in the region,” Jiji said, without naming its sources.
Central asia
- japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has departed for a tour of Mongolia and 5 Central Asian countries for talks with the nations' leaders to boost economic ties. Abe flew from Tokyo's Haneda airport on Thursday to Mongolia, the first leg of his trip. It is his first overseas visit since reshuffling his cabinet earlier this month. Abe told reporters that Mongolia and Central Asia are geopolitically important areas linking the East and West. He said they are extremely important countries in his "diplomacy that takes a panoramic perspective of the world map." Abe said these countries used to depend on exporting natural resources but are now aiming to become economies that rely on value-added industries and are seeking high-quality infrastructure. Abe said that's where Japan has a role to play and expressed his willingness to boost economic ties with the resource-rich nations as Japan's top salesman. He said that together with the business leaders who will accompany him, he wants to dramatically bolster ties with the countries. Prime Minister Abe visits Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan before returning to Japan next Wednesday.http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20151022_17.html
South East Asia
- ofdi
- http://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21629566-weak-domestic-economy-spurring-japanese-firms-expand-abroad-outward-bound
- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his Vietnamese counterpart, Nguyen Xuan Phuc, agreed Monday to work together to maintain peace and security in the South China Sea, where Hanoi is engaged in a territorial dispute with Beijing.
During their meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office in Tokyo, the two leaders also confirmed their readiness to promote free and fair trade through regional trade agreements, including the 11-member Trans-Pacific Partnership, despite the spreading protectionism trend. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/10/08/national/politics-diplomacy/japan-vietnam-agree-cooperation-secure-peace-south-china-sea/#.W7xi-aMrif0
- film
- The Burmese Harp (ビルマの竪琴 Biruma no tategoto, a.k.a. Harp of Burma) is a 1956 Japanese drama film directed by Kon Ichikawa. Based on a children's novel of the same name written by Michio Takeyama, it tells the story of Japanese soldiers who fought in the Burma Campaign during World War II. A member of the group goes missing after the war, and the soldiers hope to uncover whether their friend survived, and if he is the same person as a Buddhist monk they see playing a harp. The film was among the first to show the losses of the war from a Japanese soldier's perspective. The film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film of 1956. In 1985, Ichikawa remade The Burmese Harp in color with a new cast, and the remake was a major box office success, becoming the number one Japanese film on the domestic market in 1985 and the second largest Japanese box office hit up to that time.
Mekong 5
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150705/PDF/a16_screen.pdf 日本首相安倍晉三4日在東京都內的迎賓館與湄公河流域5國首腦舉行了“日本與湄公河流域國家峯會”,宣佈今後三年內將向該區域提供7500億日圓(約合港幣472億元)的政府開發援助。安倍還指出,湄公河流域對基礎設施建設存在?巨大的需求,也是日本的重點經營地區之一。有評論認為,這是日本眼見中國財力及外交影響力進一步提升,加快步伐爭奪地區影響力的舉措。 日本與湄公河流域五國的會議4日在東京元赤的迎賓館舉行。除了安倍之外,有來自泰國、越南、柬埔寨、老撾、緬甸五國領袖出席。 簽署《新東京戰略2015》http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/article/1832652/japan-pledges-us61b-development-mekong-region
- legacy
- At the time Japanese rule of Taiwan and the Pescadores began in 1895, the Governor-General of Taiwan set up temporary headquarters at the former Qing Dynasty secretariat.[1]The new rulers began making long-term plans for development of the island. The plans soon included building a new headquarters for the Governor-General. A two-stage architectural design contest was held in 1906 and 1910.The architectural design of Uheiji Nagano was selected in 1910. Aspects of the design typical of Japanese architects in Taiwan's colonial period include a facade facing east and a creative blend of traditional European elements (Renaissance, Baroque and neoclassical).
- CEATEC http://www.ceatec.com
Tourist info
- photo database
- https://jomc.jnto.go.jp/photo/
- Kobe
- www.feel-kobe.jp
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