Wednesday, January 9, 2019

UK - China, Taiwan and Chinese

- history

  • 1949年 4月初,解放軍渡江戰 役前夕,中共中央主席毛澤東要 求所有在長江駐紮的外國戰艦, 限 4月 20日前全部撤離,大部分 戰艦照辦撤離。英國皇家海軍紫 石英號,奉命開往國民政府首都 南京,準備接走英國使館人員和 英屬僑民。4月 20日,中國人民 解放軍準備在次日發動渡江戰 役,紫石英號未經許可,不聽警 告,擅自闖入解放軍江防區,解 放軍守防炮兵開炮示警,紫石英 號完全不理會,繼續前行。解放 軍前沿炮兵開火,英艦立即開炮 還擊,雙方都在未接到開火命令 的情況下相互炮擊。 雖然英艦戰炮和火力都比解放 軍強,但紫石英號還是被擊中重 傷擱淺,艦長斯金勒陣亡。消息 傳到英國,一貫不示弱的邱吉爾 震怒,下令即從香港調英國皇家 海軍伴侶號、倫敦號、黑天鵝號 前去增援,又被解放軍炮兵擊 退,英國緊急往香港增兵 45,000 人。紫石英號事件標誌着列強對 中國「炮艦外交」的結束、幾百 年來對中國欺凌的徹底終結。 1949年解放軍打到與香港一水 之隔的深圳,在解放軍過橋開往 香港之前,向中央請示進攻香 港。毛澤東指示:「不進軍香 港。」此後數十年,香港成為新 中國的國際通道,解決了很多新 中國辦不到的經濟金融貿易等問 題,尤其在中國內地 3年困難時 期,香港起了不可替代的作用。  On 30 July 1949 Amethyst slipped her chain and headed downriver in the dark, beginning a 104-mile (167 km) dash for freedom running the gauntlet of guns on both banks of the river. She followed the passenger ship Kiang Ling Liberation in the hope that the observers ashore would be confused and not see Amethyst in the dark. When the battery opened fire, the fire was directed at the Kiang Lin Liberation which was sunk by the gun fire, with heavy civilian casualties.At 0500 hours on 31 July, Amethyst approached the PLA forts at Par Shan (Baoshan) and Woosung (Wusong) which had their searchlights sweeping the river. At 0525 a planned meeting with the destroyer Concord took place, at which point Amethyst sent the signal "Have rejoined the fleet south of Woosung. No damage. No casualties. God save the King".[15][16]Concord had been ordered to prepare to provide gun support to Amethyst if she came under fire from the shore batteries at Woosung. To achieve this she had moved up the Yangtze during the night, at action stations. Fortunately for the British, Amethyst was not spotted by the shore batteries and the two ships then proceeded down river until at 0715 they stood down from action stations and after clearing the river mouth arrived at the Saddle Islands at 1200 hrs to anchor and transfer much needed oil and stores.After a short stay at anchor, Concord lent Amethyst sailors to fill gaps in her ship's company and the two ships set sail for Hong Kong. Next day the cruiser Jamaica (flying the flag of the Flag Officer Second in Command Far East Fleet) and destroyer Cossack took over as escort and proceeded to Hong Kong. Concord was sent to Japan after being sworn to secrecy.Future Governor of Hong Kong, Edward Youde, was on the British Embassy Staff at Nanking. At great personal risk he penetrated the Chinese Communist lines in an attempt to negotiate the release of Amethyst. His negotiations came to naught. Youde later was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire for his actions.The Amethyst had a ship's cat named Simon who was seriously wounded during the event. After receiving medical care, he recovered and continued to perform his duties catching rats, protecting the dwindling food supply during the 101 day siege and helped boost morale for the surviving sailors. Simon died soon after returning to the UK, posthumously being awarded the Dickin Medal (sometimes referred to as "the animals' Victoria Cross"). He remains the only cat so honoured.
- Diplomatic representation
  • 中國政府於2018年購入位於倫敦的原英國皇家鑄幣廠地皮,用作興建新的駐英大使館,英國傳媒昨日披露,負責牽線交易的是首相約翰遜首席顧問利斯特(Edward Lister),而他在洽談交易時受薪出任政府及上址買賣雙方的顧問,涉多重利益衝突。《星期日泰晤士報》指,利斯特在2017年4月成為英國外交部轄下外交及英聯邦辦公室的受薪非執行董事,獲時任外相的約翰遜委派負責中方購買地皮一事。惟他當時受僱於中方聘請來物色新大使館選址的國際物業公司CBRE,以及擁有鑄幣廠地皮的物業公司Delancey。

    Delancey於2010年以5,100萬英鎊(約5.43億港元)購入地皮,一度有意發展該處成辦公室,最終於2018年5月作價2.55億英鎊(約27.1億港元)賣給中方興建大使館。在交易完成後,時任中國駐英大使劉曉明與利斯特見面,感謝他為這宗買賣所作的個人努力。前公職生涯行為標準委員會主席格雷厄姆(Alistair Graham)直指利斯特涉及利益衝突,質疑他是否有能力保障公眾利益,認為外交部必須調查其行為是否合規。政府發言人則稱,利斯特在監督中國駐英大使館交易一事恪守指引。

- visit by royalty

  • 國家主席習近平昨日在北京會見英國安德魯王子。習表示目前國際形勢極大變化,但中英關係「黃金時代」繼續穩步向前;中方願同英方繼續密切高層互訪,確保中英關係健康穩定向前,另強調加強創新科技合作有利互利共贏。安德魯王子稱願繼續致力加強科技、創新等合作。
  • 中行董事長陳四清(右)與英國約克公爵安德魯王子於周一在上海會面。雙方就中英兩國未來合作互通,以及中行為兩國企業提供金融服務支持等話題進行了交流。安德魯王子說,中國國際進口博覽會將會對世界貿易帶來積極深遠影響。中行一直以來致力推動中英經貿合作,希望未來雙方繼續保持密切合作關係。

- visit by leaders
  • Xi visit 2015
  •  中國商務部新聞發言人沈丹陽昨日在北京透露,此次中國國家主席習近平訪英將達成一批重要經貿成果,涵蓋金融、能源、醫療、汽車、地產等多領域,「涉及金額很大,超過歷次領導人訪英的成果」。另據路透社報道,英國預計習近平訪問期間,中英將達成逾200億英鎊(約2,400億港元)商業協議。據中新社報道,沈丹陽表示,在此次習近平訪英的經貿成果中,既有政府間協議,也有金融機構和企業間合作項目,合作形式包括雙邊貿易、雙向投資、技術合作、金融合作和戰略合作等,「充分體現了中英經貿合作的特點和未來合作的潛力」。近年來,中英經貿關係發展迅速。英國是中國在歐盟內第二大貿易夥伴、第二大實際投資來源地和投資目的地,中國是英國第四大貿易夥伴。去年,中英雙邊貿易額達808.7億美元,同比增長15.3%,增幅位列中國與歐盟主要貿易夥伴之首。雙邊投資方面,截至8月底,英國在華投資項目是7,992個,實際投入196.1億美元。中國對英國直接投資存量從2010年底的13.5億美元快速增長至2014年底的128億美元,英國是中國在歐洲投資增長最快的國家。

    • 英國前首相卡梅倫於今年九月訪華,在北京與中國國務院副總理馬凱會面,討論兩國經貿合作、未來建立中英基金(UK-China Fund)的可能性等。英國傳媒披露,該涉款高達五億鎊(約五十一億港元)基金的設立者包括卡梅倫的保守黨友人兼前金主查德林頓爵士,招來利益衝突的質疑。
    • 英國首相文翠珊昨日展開上任後首次國事訪華行程,並出席中英總理年度會晤,抵京前先飛抵首站湖北武漢,英方宣布將與中國在教育領域開展一系列合作項目,預計價值五億五千萬英鎊(約六十一億港元)。文翠珊展開一連三日訪華行程,昨日先前往武漢大學,出席湖北英國教育文化交流展,與學生互動交流,隨後又考察長江水資源及水生物保護情況,之後前往黃鶴樓,並欣賞京劇表演。文翠珊下午轉抵北京,中國國務院總理李克強為她舉行歡迎儀式,兩人其後進行新一輪中英總理年度會晤,並見證簽署兩國合作文件。兩人會後會見記者,文翠珊表達期望中英達成自由貿易協議,而李克強指英國脫歐,對中英貿易關係基礎不會構成影響。文翠珊又會見英國企業家代表,她此行還會和國家主席習近平會面。另外,中英企業家委員會昨日成立,以推動中英經貿合作。
    • 中國國務院副總理胡春華與英國財政大臣夏文達17日在英國倫敦共同主持召開第十次中英經濟財金對話,雙方在深化中英合作上取得新共識,並在宏觀經濟與全球經濟治理、貿易投資、金融改革、產業戰略和「一帶一路」倡議等領域獲得廣泛進展,達成69項互利共贏成果。其間,中英雙方簽署諒解備忘錄,正式開展第三方市場合作。雙方還簽署了總額超過49億港元的未來交易協議。此外,滬倫通也於當天正式啟動。本次對話中,雙方圍繞宏觀經濟形勢及全球經濟治理、貿易投資與大項目合作、金融改革與金融市場發展、戰略性與新領域合作等議題進行了深入交流,達成69項互利共贏成果。在對話框架下,雙方簽署了總額大約5.03億英鎊(約49.3億港元)的未來交易協議。英國國際貿易大臣利亞姆.福克斯表示,與中方簽署的這些協議能夠為英國各經濟領域創造新的工作崗位。
    - visits by government officials
    • Britain's finance minister, Philip Hammond, has described his weekend visit to China, in which he announced 1.4 billion pounds ($1.88 billion) worth of deals, as a success.
    •, The Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, today (Monday 30th July) began his first major international trip since his appointment, visiting Beijing to meet his Chinese counterpart and further enhance UK-China relations.Foreign Secretary Hunt’s trip will build on the successful visit by the Prime Minister at the start of the year during which the two countries:
    • signed major new commercial deals worth over £9 billion pounds, creating and securing jobs and prosperity in both the UK and China;
    • agreed new measures to improve market access in China and remove barriers to trade, including an agreement which led to the lifting of the BSE ban on British beef exports last month;
    • agreed to open up the Chinese market to enable UK financial services expertise to reach more Chinese consumers.
      - chinese embassy in uk

      • 中英為了雙方的大使館地點出現爭拗,英國傳媒周四引述英國外交部消息人士報道,英國早前要求中方放棄對英國駐華大使館外道路的控制權,但被中方拒絕,觸怒英國外交部。至近日中國駐英大使館欲搬遷,英方拒絕讓中國使館搬往新址。消息指,中國計劃將駐英使館從倫敦市中心馬里波恩(Marylebone),遷址到面積達六十萬平方呎的舊皇家鑄幣廠。據報中國使館亦正物色美國駐英使館附近的適合地點作新館址。
      • Beijing announced on May 18 it was leaving its premises in Portland Place in the West End after 150 years and moving its diplomatic representation to the iconic former Royal Mint. Situated in front of the Tower of London, on the teeming crossroad to Tower Bridge over the River Thames, the huge palace – built in 1810 – and its surrounding offices have remained empty since the last gold sovereign was struck there in 1975.Known in the Middle Ages as Eastminster, the site where the embassy will be, is expected to be a major economic boost to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets where it is situated.

      - Sino-British Joint Liaison Group
      • 戴維斯是英國資深外交家,長期負責東亞事務,上世紀八十年代曾出任英國駐華使館貿易專員,九十年代曾出任英國駐香港高級貿易專員,1993至1997年擔任中英聯合聯絡小組英方首席談判代表,親歷了中英雙方就香港主權移交談判的整個過程。

      - trade and investment ties
      • Property, financial services, advanced manufacturing major beneficiaries The rapid increase in Chinese investment in the United Kingdom is set to continue in 2015.
      • Bilateral trade between China and the United Kingdom hit a record high in 2014, and China'sinvestment in the UK also saw robust growth, a Chinese senior diplomat said. The year was marked by enhanced China-UK economic cooperation, with bilateral tradereaching $80.9 billion, up 15.3 percent year-on-year, said Jin Xu, minister counselor of theeconomic and commercial office of China's embassy in Britain. Bilateral trade has doubled since 2009, and the growth rate in 2014 was the fastest amongEuropean countries, Jin said. The target for this year is $100 billion.
        The UK is China's second-largest trading partner in the European Union. The portion of trade that involved vehicles, aviation and communications expanded last year, andChina became Britain's largest supplier of electro-mechanical products. China also surpassed the UK to become Jaguar Land Rover's largest market, he said. The past year also saw some key mergers and acquisitions and China's investment in the UKexceeded $7 billion, Jin said.
      • Chinese firms are now bidding for UK infrastructure contracts as a springboard to demonstratetheir technical expertise. Chinese companies are increasingly investing in the United Kingdom's infrastructure sector, withthe potential to invest 105 billion pounds ($170 billion) in the energy, property and transportsectors by 2025. A report released in October by the UK law firm Pinsent Masons and the Centre for Economicsand Business Research in London comes at a time when there is a yawning gap between theUK's current infrastructure needs and the UK government's planned investment. Firm finds success building modern prefab rooms that are shipped from China to produce hotelsin the UK, often for upscale companies. Chinese modular construction techniques are transforming the global construction industry withtheir environmentally friendly and cost-effective advantages, and CIMC Modular BuildingSystems Ltd is leading this wave in the United Kingdom. CIMC MBS is a subsidiary of China International Marine Containers, a Shenzhen-headquarteredcompany founded in 1980. It initially started as a manufacturer of shipping containers, butgradually, expanded into building ships, tank storage facilities and oil rigs, and even financingprojects. The two planned reactors are at Hinkley Point C in Somerset. The project is awaiting a final investment decision after the European Commission gave itsproject approval in October. Cooperation between EDF Group of France, the lead investor, and its Chinese partners onHinkley Point C was first announced by British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osbornewhen he visited China in October.
      • The UK’s first nuclear power station for more than two decades is at least £1.5bn over budget and could be completed 15 months behind schedule, its developer has admitted.
      • 中英合作:從􀎠黃金年􀎡邁進􀎠黃金時代
      • 英國《衞報》周日報道,英國首相約翰遜本月12日在首相府與多間中資企業舉行圓桌會議,尋求英國強化與北京的經濟和貿易聯繫,並有意重啟「中英經濟財金對話」和「中英聯合貿易和經濟委員會」,以恢復兩國經貿對話。
      - fta

      • China is willing to take a positive attitude to carry out free trade agreement talkswith :the United Kingdom if it wants to further deepen its business ties with China,the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday. Zhang Shaogang, the ministry's director-general of the department of internationaltrade and economic affairs, said as the UK is a major world economy, China wouldrespect its wishes if it wanted to launch free trade agreement talks. Technically, when it does leave the European Union after final talks with theEuropean Commission, the UK government will be able to agree free tradeagreements with other economies, even if it will no longer benefit from the EU'sfree trade pacts with 53 countries and regions.

      - association
      • CBBC
      • 第三屆英 中貿易協會中國境外投資大會 3日在北京舉行,為 近 200名中國投資者帶來橫跨 13個領域、20多個地 域的 100個英國獨家投資項目。相關人士表示,在 保留往屆大會精品項目的基礎上,英中貿易協會結 合中英合作最新熱點,甄選了基礎設施與房地產、 金融業、新能源與材料、媒體創意產業、時尚零售 產業、服務業、教育等多個領域的英國投資機會。 有助將中國科技引入英國 英中貿易協會首席執行官傅仲勳表示,中國的境 外投資無疑將推動英國在未來幾十年間的商業發 展。這些投資主要散佈在房地產、金融服務、零售 和製造業等行業,與英國的長處相對應。他還指 出,近年來,中國投資者逐漸開始在倫敦以外的英 國地區尋找商機。在某些新興領域進行首次投資, 將有助於將中國的科技引入英國。英中貿易協會相 信,英國企業將大大從與中方企業在第三國項目上 的合作中獲利。
      •  Lord sasson article
      • China Chamber of Commerce in the UK (CCCUK) was established in 2001(use to be the China Enterprises Association in Britain). It now has about 140 members, which are mainly Chinese commercial and financial institutions and China invested enterprises in the UK, covering mainly finance, transportation, trade, telecommunication, energy and manufacturing sectors. CCCUK aims to represent China invested business in the UK, protect their interests, and promote the bilateral development of trade and investment between China and the UK.The chairmanship of CCCUK is at present held by Bank of China, while the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade acts as the secretariat of the Chamber.
      • obor event on 18jan18 in london
      • 英國48家集團俱樂部源於成立於 1954年的 「英中貿易48家集團」 ,48 位被譽為 「破冰者」 的英國企業家率先 打破西方對華禁運壁壘,以非官方的力 量開啟了英國和新中國最早的貿易對話 。目前,該俱樂部已有600多個會員, 為促進中英關係發展發揮積極作用。
      • CAL-UK China Association Of Linguists
      • 英中語言家協會﹙UCAL-UK China Association Of Linguists﹚於1月20日正式成立,並在當晚舉行成立晚會和第一屆執委會就職典禮。晚會上政要和社團代表滙聚,出席嘉賓包括中國駐英大使館公使銜教育參贊沈陽,中國駐英大使館領事處一等秘書及領事范中華、俄羅斯文化參贊,葡萄牙駐英大使館教育處專員,華人保守黨和華人工黨要員,英國48集團俱樂部主席和要員等,與會人士約150人,共同慶祝見證協會的成立暨就職典禮儀式。晚會以中國傳統舞獅表演揭開序幕,沈陽公參上台致詞發言,對英中兩國雙方語言教育、文化交流的進一步發展和合作、研發,給予高度肯定和定位評價,同時寄望英中語言家協會能擔當起合作交流語言大使,進一步協助推動英中兩國友好關係穩固、持續發展,也為兩國之間的文化交流互動作出積極努力。英中語言家協會創始人、英中語言家協會創會主席兼會長、英國文潤堂有限公司董事長兼總經理邵莉湘為協會的成立表示十分興奮,也感謝來賓到場支持。她說,作為一個語言工作者,多年來在朋友推動下,一直有意建立這麼一個平台,讓大家都可以就語言方面互相交流。「所以經過在倫敦的十年工作經驗,對語言的愛好和持續的熱誠,終於和我的團隊創立這個協會,旨在要在語言界成為專業的協會,並和所有的協會,不限界別,通力合作,成為一個很好的平台,為中英帶來更好的經濟、教育、文化等各方面的交流。」演講致詞結束後,沈陽公參與邵主席/會長一起為英中語言家協會執委顧問團等頒發了協會聘書共15份。協會執委會包括名譽主席:伍善雄MBE,鄧柱廷OBE,名譽會長:葉劍橋、司徒民星、陳德樑、黃亮、朱小久,名譽顧問:單聲博士、桂秋林、王鑫剛、創會主席/會長:邵莉湘、副會長朱小久、秘書長李文、顧問:王海、張春生、王俊芳。
      - UK China business summit

      • China and the UK have a lot to offer each other in industry and advanced manufacturing in terms of developing staff members with expertise, matching investments and commercialization of research and academic findings, regional leaders of both said at the Second UK-China Business Leaders Summit in Shanghai recently. Companies and regional leaders in China and UK may introduce opportunities for cooperation in the sectors with the help of exchanges of educational and training systems at deeper levels, such as an employer-led curriculum and more frequent dialogue between the two sides, said one senior UK businessman. The remarks were made by Sir John Peace, Chair of Midlands Engine-an English collaboration between local governments and the UK national government, local business and universities-together with a plan to generate an additional 34 billion pounds ($42.8 billion) for the economy over the next 15 years and to create 300,000 jobs.
      - 中國商務部部長鍾山和英國國際貿易大臣福克斯於24日在京共同主持召開中英經貿聯委會第13次會議。雙方就中英經貿關係、「一帶一路」合作、中美貿易摩擦、中國國際進口博覽會、未來雙邊經貿關係安排等議題深入交換意見。會後,鍾山與福克斯還見證簽署了《關於建立中英服務貿易工作組諒解備忘錄》。, see also china daily 27aug18

      - China Britain Economic and Financial Dialogue
      • china, britain vow to boost economic and financial cooperation
      • fresh impetus for sino-uk ties George Osborne announced the UK's intention to becomethe first Western country to issue a bond in Chinese currency; the Industrial andCommercial Bank of China's new branch license in London. ICBC will be the first Chinesemainland bank to open a branch in the UK since 1949. Reciprocal measures were also agreed to open up financial markets, with Lloyds of London toopen a Beijing branch soon.
      • China Britain Investment and Partnership Forum,
      • Top Chinese and UK officials discussed the next step for intensifying the economic and trade relations at a high level dialogue in London on Thursday. The eighth UK-China Economic and Financial Dialogue brought the most senior Chinese delegation to Britain this year and involved a series of events, including discussions on trade, financial services, infrastructure and energy. Billions of pounds of projects were showcased, while this year's dialogue has a strong focus on infrastructure investment, trade and financial services. A series of announcements on infrastructure is expected to make during the dialogue. CITIC and Chinese Developer ABP together are investing 320 million pounds in the 1.7 billion pound London Royal Albert Docks project. CITIC Construction will also establish its UK HQ at Royal Albert Dock. When complete, the project is expected to create 30,000 jobs and become a commercial hub of a comparable scale to the City of London and Canary Wharf. Chinese and British leaders affirmed on Thursday that they want to use the momentum of a new "golden era" in their relations to further cooperate in a range of economic and trade fields. As the most senior Chinese delegation to visit this year met top British officials for the eighth China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue, areas of cooperation under discussion included trade, investment, market access, financial services, macroeconomic policy and infrastructure. A total of 63 agreements were reached, including moving the feasibility study on London-Shanghai Stock Connect to the next stage.
      • China Life and China Investment Corporation are among the latest mainland financial companies set to open offices in London, even as concerns over Brexit remain, according to Mark Boleat, chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee for the City of London. “There will be more Chinese financial firms opening offices in London. She said Britain and mainland China have already been talking closely about setting up joint international standards and studies on how best to manage green projects.
      • 第九次中英經濟財金對話昨日在北京閉幕,雙方在金融、基建、能源等領域達成72項合作成果。中英雙方表示同意加快滬倫通(即倫敦及上海股市互聯互通)進程,啟動兩國債市互通的可行性研究。英方承諾向亞投行項目準備特別基金捐款5,000萬美元(約合3.8億港元),雙方在「一帶一路」框架下加強在基礎設施互聯互通、裝備製造、金融、投資、第三方市場等方面務實合作。
      •  The tenth Economic and Financial Dialogue (EFD) between the UK and China will be held on 17 June in London, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, announced today. The UK-China EFD will see the Chancellor host Vice Premier Hu Chunhua and a Chinese delegation in London for a series of events to discuss multilateral and bilateral economic issues, financial services cooperation, and trade and investment.

      - political parties

      • labour
      • singtao 23may17 a18

      - financial

      • London is gearing up to promote its green financial offerings to Chinese companies involved in the flagship “One Belt, One Road” economic development initiative, as well as projects needing funds to combat pollution in the mainland, according to one of the UK capital’s leading finance officials. Catherine McGuinness, deputy chairman of the policy and resources committee for the City of London, said it is keen on “promoting green finance in China by setting standards and platforms for companies to issue green bonds and other products”, to raise funds to finance infrastructure projects that could help cut emissions.
      • Huatai Securities Co Ltd saw its shares climb by 1.19 percent on Wednesday, as investor sentiment rose over its plans to become the first mainland-listed company to also list on the London Stock Exchange.On Tuesday night, the Shanghai-listed brokerage announced its board has passed a resolution to apply to issue Global Depositary Receipts trading on the main market of the London bourse.
      • 據新華社報道,中英綠色金融工作組第三次會議於當地時間11月30日在倫敦舉行,中國金融學會綠色金融專業委員會(以下簡稱綠金委)與「倫敦金融城綠色金融倡議」組織在會議期間共同發佈了《「一帶一路」綠色投資原則》。依據2017年底第九次中英經濟財金對話達成的成果,綠金委與倫敦金融城牽頭多家機構共同參與了原則的起草工作。該原則在現有責任投資倡議基礎上,將低碳和可持續發展議題納入「一帶一路」倡議,以提升投資環境和社會風險管理水平,進而推動「一帶一路」投資的綠色化。作為一套鼓勵投資企業自願參加和簽署的行為準則,該原則從戰略、運營和創新三個層面制定了七條原則性倡議,包括公司治理、戰略制定、項目管理、對外溝通,以及綠色金融工具運用等,供參與「一帶一路」投資的全球金融機構和企業在自願基礎上採納和實施。此後,參與原則起草工作的中英機構還將組建秘書處,繼續推動更多機構簽署該原則。同時,指導和開發相關實施細則和工具,並報告實施效果。
      - companies listed in uk, ipos, planned listings

      • 在滬倫通啟動三個月後 ,中國太平洋保險(601601)昨日在董 事會上批准發行GDR並在倫交所上市,為 首家公告擬發行GDR的A股保險機構。

      - stock connect
      • The feasibility study for a link between the Shanghai and London stock exchanges is under way and the two sides “are making good progress”, London Stock Exchange chief executive Nikhil Rathi said in Beijing on Tuesday. But Rathi, also director of international development for the London Stock Exchange Group, declined to say when London investors could access bonds and stocks in Shanghai and Chinese investors could trade securities listed in London, because the study was still in the early stages.
      • London's financial community wants the proposed Shanghai-London StockConnect plan to go ahead, insisting the United Kingdom's exit from the EuropeanUnion will not make the London Stock Exchange's listings less attractive to Chineseinvestors. They reasoned that London's tougher listing rules compared with EU rules wouldmake the exchange more attractive to high-quality new listings, and London isunlikely to lose its strength as a financial center post-Brexit. The plan, already the subject of a feasibility study by the LSE, faced delay,according to the South China Morning Post on June 27, because the Chineseregulator - the China Securities Regulatory Commission - was having doubts overBrexit.
      • 外媒引述消息人士報道,中國敦促內地公司赴英國倫敦上市,旨在透過激活「滬倫通」交易來加強海外聯繫,並為解除防疫封鎖措施後的經濟復甦來爭取資金,預計下半年將有一至兩家中國企業登陸倫交所。據稱,內地已批准中國太平洋保險(601601.SH)和國投電力(600886.SH)重啟倫敦上市計劃,前者有望成為今年首家在倫交所亮相的中國企業,料將尋求集資20億至30億美元(約156億至234億港元),可能於九月或十月定價。
      - bond
      • denominated in gbp
      •  中國工商銀行倫敦分行在倫敦證券交易所發行6億英鎊債券。這是中資銀行發行的首筆英鎊債券。作為首隻由中資銀行公開發行的以英鎊計價的中期票據,該筆破冰式交易在推動中資機構在英鎊債務融資市場建立新的定價基準,豐富中資行境外融資幣種,提升多樣化資金籌措能力等方面具有積極意義。
      - securities
      • Leading Chinese broker Nanhua Futures Co Ltd launched a British subsidiary on Wednesday, aiming to connect Chinese metal companies with the world's oldest metals trading market, which is located in London. Nanhua has applied to become a member of the 141-year-old London Metal Exchange. After it becomes a member, Nanhua will be able to assist Chinese metals producers and users to trade with their international counterparts.

      - bank

      • China Merchants Bank Co became the first of the country's joint-stock commercial banks to open a branch in London on Thursday, highlighting significant market-driven demand for financial services providers to expand internationally to serve increasing Chinese investment abroad. The Shenzhen-based CMB, established in 1987, is China's sixth-biggest, and the world's 16th largest bank. CMB first established a presence in the United Kingdom capital in 2009 with a representative office. With the launch of a full branch, CMB will be offering a range of wholesale banking businesses serving corporate clients, including deposits, financing and currency clearing.
      • 交通銀行倫敦分行副總經理韓橋向學子們介紹,在英國倫敦這個百年金融中心裏,交通銀行正逐步譜寫新篇章:建於1908年的交通銀行,正和眾多同業一道參與「一帶一路」建設,並積極幫助中國企業「走出去」。大公報實習記者 李潔雯、冼世澄、嚴婉茵倫敦報道 交通銀行是最早在英國設立代表處的中資金融機構之一,早在1993年就踏出第一步,並於2011年成立交通銀行(英國)有限公司。隨着英國監管機構對中資銀行在英機構設置態度的進一步開放,2016年交通銀行倫敦分行正式開業,為中英兩國企業提供金融服務。開業以來,倫敦分行一直積極參與並推動倫敦成為歐洲跨境人民幣交易中心,為打造兩國外交「黃金時代」以及「一帶一路」建設發揮重要作用。韓橋介紹,近年倫敦分行的工作重點之一是幫助中資企業「走出去」,邁向全球市場。比如今年年初,中國運動品牌安踏收購芬蘭亞瑪芬體育(Amer Sports),此舉為安踏進軍國際的重要一步,長期來看,將有助該公司在國際市場立足。倫敦分行參與了該次收購案的融資項目,韓橋說:「香港分行為亞洲部分的併購融資,倫敦分行則負責歐洲部分的融資項目。」這些項目可以體現交通銀行一直致力協助中國企業走向國際,發展海外業務,同時也是積極響應「一帶一路」倡議的表現。此外,交通銀行倫敦分行還充分利用倫敦銀團市場活躍的特點,重點參與英國與歐美跨國公司銀團,積極參與英國實體經濟企業發展,先後為Ibstock、R&R冰淇淋、默林娛樂等企業提供融資支持。

      - credit card

      - digital payment
        WeChat Pay is expanding into the United Kingdom next month. China's biggest mobile payments platform in terms of number of transactions will offer a new payment option to British retailers looking to attract Chinese shoppers.
      - insurance

      • 太平英國多年來始終在當 地餐飲業保險市場處於領先地位,近年 來公司不斷探索、採取有力措施穩步拓 展本地新的業務領域和細分市場,取得 明顯成效。 憑拳頭產品打開當地市場 而作為英國唯一的具有中資背景的 經營性保險機構,太平英國充分發揮中 國太平整體資源優勢和中國保險業在倫 敦的窗口優勢,不斷提高承保能力,加 大對中資企業服務力度。經過多年的發 展,該公司與不少在英的中企成為合作 夥伴,例如ABP(總部基地)、富力地 產、綠地集團等,協助這些企業在海外 投資,為其 「走出去」 提供了優質的保 險服務。

      - visit by royal family
      • 英國威廉王子將於下月獨自訪問中國及日本,在訪華期間,他預定到訪西雙版納的野象谷。但野象谷被指強迫大象表演,有違保育原則。有保育人士敦促威廉取消往野象谷的行程。
      - visit by chinese leaders

      • Ahead of Xi's October visit, Britain's Cameron pushes for increases in trade and investment. British Prime Minister David Cameron hailed a banner year in UK-China relations, the high point of which will be President Xi Jinping's state visit to Britain in October. Speaking after a meeting with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi at 10 Downing Street in London on Tuesday, Cameron said he was looking forward to meeting Xi. This will be the first official visit to the UK by a Chinese president in the last decade. Cameron visited Beijing in 2013.   [added by me later: robert miller of phynova (a life science company) was a member of delegation, and a speaker at 2016 trad chin med conference] Xi's visit will be a milestone in the ties between the two countries and could herald the dawn of a new era in relations, Wang said. "We should ensure it goes smoothly and brings our relations into a golden age," he said. Cameron said the UK not only wants to improve relations, it wants to be China's leading global partner. Britain will push for greater bilateral trade, encourage two-way investments and welcome Chinese investments in various fields, including high-speed rail, aviation, telecommunication and civilian nuclear power, Cameron said. Cameron also vowed to facilitate the EU-China Investment Agreement negotiations and support a feasibility study into an EU-China Free Trade Agreement.
      - visits by uk leaders
      • Nations pave way for cooperation on two nuclear power plants, high-speed railways
        Increased Chinese involvement in the United Kingdom's push for more nuclearpower plants and high-speed rail is on track as Beijing and London synergized theirown strategic plans at a keynote dialogue in Beijing on Monday. China and the UK endorsed 53 agreements at the 7th China-UK Economic andFinancial Dialogue, covering a range of sectors including nuclear energy,infrastructure, trade, finance and space programs, ahead of President Xi Jinping'svisit to the UK in October.
      - cooperation in third country markets

      • both countries have advantages and expertise and are highly complementary in their economies. They can develop third-country markets through investment, deployment of technology and expertise and the construction of projects. For example, the shift in nuclear power from developed nations to developing ones is becoming an important trend, so China and the UK can cooperate in building civilian nuclear energy projects in such markets. India, Pakistan and many other developing countries are moving to use more nuclear power as a key fuel source. The UK is a global leader in the nuclear industry, a position built up through 60 years of safe operations. With lots of experience, the UK nuclear supply chain has built up huge expertise right across the fuel cycle. While China is a relative latecomer to nuclear power-its first reactor was connected to the grid only in 1991-it aims to become a major player in nuclear technology supply to the world. China has started exporting its nuclear technology. The UK, with more than 60,000 skilled professionals and a focus on safety and quality, can be a partner for China in this industry. Infrastructure projects in third-country markets can also be an area of cooperation. China has been investing in infrastructure projects in developing countries in Asia and Africa, while at the same time gaining business for its companies. The UK has a High Value Opportunities program that helps businesses access large-scale overseas procurement projects. The program has led to a number of significant projects across Asia. These include Singapore's mass rapid transit development program (worth 30 billion pounds, or about $47 billion), a Malaysian transport infrastructure (22 to 28 billion pounds), a flood management and infrastructure in Thailand (more than 20 billion pounds) and so on. China can join the UK program and cooperate with well-known UK companies, such as Arup and Atkins. Both are multinational professional services firms that provide engineering, design, planning, project management and consulting services. Such companies embody UK's advantages in the service industry.
      - 老友會

      • 當地時間22日,中國國家主席習近平在倫敦集體會見英國前首相白高敦等英國友人。習近平指出,兩國關係發展離不開各界友人的支持和努力,表示願聽取大家對促進中英關係發展的看法和建議。 習近平首先感謝在座英國友人為中英關係發展作出的重要貢獻。英國前首相白高敦、四十八家集團俱樂部主席佩裏、英國出口商協會主席尼達姆勛爵、前副首相赫塞爾廷勛爵等先後發言。他們祝賀習近平主席訪英成功,表示對此訪期間英中達成多項共識和合作協議感到高興。
      - ecommerce

      • 3月23日,中國銀行聯合英國貿易投資總署(UKTI)在倫敦成功舉辦「中英跨境電子商務白皮書發布會」,海外首發《中國銀行跨境電商服務白皮書》。《白皮書》的發布為中英兩國企業提供了詳細的跨境貿易背景資料與相關政策信息,幫助中英企業快速熟悉並投入到跨境電子商務貿易,將中英兩國的經貿合作關系帶上了一個新的高度。《中國銀行跨境電商服務白皮書》是中國銀行與英國貿易投資總署根據雙方多年來在跨境服務方面的經驗與專業知識,共同編寫完成的。《白皮書》介紹了中國跨境電商相關政策、英國出口企業主要情況、中國境內跨境電商進口試點城市情況、中國銀行產品服務等信息,為英國企業來華開展跨境電商合作提供了詳實的背景情況介紹。

      - 習思中心
      - trade
      • temporary ban on cheese
      - Lord Wei led a healthcare mission to China
      - 2014 mission to China 京交會, news report "uk very keen on partner's creative potential",
      - legal

      • Firm receives long-awaited approval for Shanghai free trade zone joint operation with best friend Zhao Sheng

      - food and drinks

      • "nation's imports of uk food and beverage boom in 2017" china daily 22feb18
       - beef
      • China has ended a two-decades-long ban on imports of beef from the UK, first introduced after the outbreak of BSE - or "mad cow disease" - in the 1990s. The government said the development will be worth £250m to British producers over the next five years. It comes after years of site inspections and negotiations between UK and Chinese government officials. It now allows official market access negotiations to begin, a process which usually takes around three years. The announcement comes after Prime Minister Theresa May's trade mission to China earlier this year, during which President Xi Jinping signalled that a lifting of the beef ban would be happening soon.
      • The British beef industry is set to benefit from an estimated £230 million boost as the Chinese government today (18 October) finalised details of a historic UK-China agreement. For the first time in over 20 years, UK farmers and beef producers will have full access to the Chinese market, marking the end of a ban imposed by China following the BSE outbreak in 1996. Today’s announcement follows extensive inspections by the Chinese authorities – who have confirmed that British beef producers meet the necessary standards to export to their market – and marks the final step in securing access. The Chinese authorities have cleared four beef sites for export in the first instance – with further sites under review – and the first exports are expected to be shipped in the next few months.
      - dairy
      •  International Trade Secretary Liam Fox has said an agreement for UK dairy in China could benefit NI dairy producers. The deal, which is valued at almost £240m over five years, was secured in China on Thursday. China approves imports of dairy products made in the UK, such as milk powder, cream and yoghurt. The agreement means that dairy processors can use milk from third countries like the Republic of Ireland, in produce going to China. Mr Fox said: "Lakeland Dairies in Northern Ireland is likely to be the main beneficiary of this deal."
      - baby formula
      • Prince Louis’s penchant for British-made baby formula is fuelling a Brexit boom for a factory in the Lake District which has just signed a £85 million export deal with China. Royal nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo contacted Kendal Nutricare last November after reading press reports about powdered infant milk making babies ill after brand leader Aptamil changed its ingredients. It came a decade after baby formula in China became contaminated by melamine in the plastic packaging, leading to the death of six babies.
      - moutai

      • windsor castle event in 2012 about moutai icw 2012 olympics hkej 19jan15 a9 
      - baijiu

        Internationally, the drink is making gains among businessmen. Paul Mathew still remembers vividly the first time he tasted baijiu, the fiery whiteChinese spirit. He was on a business trip to Yunnan in 2004. "Pungent" is the wordhe uses to describe the drink, and he did not appreciate it very much. Today, however, he's become one of London's very few baijiu experts, and his bar,The Hide, will be hosting a day of creative baijiu-tasting and cocktail-making on Aug8, which has been dubbed World Baijiu Day by organizers in Beijing.
      - barley

      • UK farmers could soon see shipments of their barley sent to China following the signing of a £20million trade deal. Defra secretary Liz Truss is set to sign the deal on Friday making the UK one of a handful of countries able to supply China’s 6million tonne a year barley requirement. Industry estimates suggest the new market could be worth around £20million a year, based on annual export figures of around 150,000 tonnes. UK levy body organisation AHDB said the deal was the culmination of four years of work to secure the necessary protocol to export barley to China.
      - school of wok

      • 鍋學院負責人、明星廚師彭永浩(Jeremy Pang)

      - catering
      • 在 重慶坐擁九家麵館的二十九歲男子周正波,今年九月獲邀到英國倫敦出席美食節,僅僅三天就賣出逾一千五百碗麵,營業額達十多萬元人民幣,令他計劃到海外開設 連鎖店。周稍後將再赴英,籌備開麵館的事宜,並將重慶小麵介紹給全世界的識食之士。
      - chinese products

      • 英國大型連鎖店Poundworld於去年被發現,出售逾九萬五千件不合規格的中國製造廉價安全背心,上周五被判罰逾七萬英鎊(約八十二萬港元)。專家檢測後發現背心的反射效能只及相關標準的百分之二點四,令人沒法輕易看到螢光色。連鎖店被控誤導顧客,店方承認控罪。

      - Chinatown
      • 倫敦唐人街紅樓將變身
      • 半個多世紀以來,倫敦唐人街一直是遊客必到之 處,區內不少華人開設的中餐館,是附近打工仔 「放飯」聖地,更曾為無數留學生一解鄉愁。不 過隨着倫敦全城樓價近年不斷攀升,唐人街一 帶商舖亦受到波及,不少老字號中餐館因為 捱不起貴租紛紛結業,讓路予投注站等行 業。有中餐館東主嘆道,未來 5 年內,唐 人街「大紅燈籠高高掛」的情景或許一去 不復返。 
      • 位於倫敦華埠華都街 (Wardour Street)的新牌樓近已正式落成,其傳統經典的設計吸引了不少遊人駐足欣賞,更被西敏市政府稱譽為「全英國最漂亮、效果最好的牌樓!」但在華麗背後,其建造過程中經歷了很多不為人知的艱辛困難。
      • 「新華埠」項目臨「爛尾」
      • 利物浦大佐治街發展公司(GGSD),最近公布新進展,佔地5英畝的爛尾項目重現曙光。
        重新考慮後的藍圖,對原計畫有所增刪。新規劃將建成710個公寓式住宅,25棟連排式別墅,商業休憩用地和寫字樓,分別佔地8萬和6.35萬平方公尺。新藍圖經過耐心的公眾諮詢,上周還設展覽會,向市民解說該項目。今年2月,由資深地產業人Neal Hunter和Jason Oakley領軍的GGSD,與CBRE、Arup、Planit-IE等公司及建築師Brock Carmichael緊密合作,承諾用2億2000萬鎊完成華埠重建計劃。GGSD發言人解釋,重新規劃過的藍圖,新主意不少,包括將發展項目的總體造型定為三個平面三角,各從大佐治街的不同方向指向河道。計畫中最高的建築物有18層,但不會高過、只會襯托聖公會的利物浦座堂,項目總體樓高會隨著靠近波羅的三角(Baltic Triangle)而減少,形成波浪型。
        沿大佐治街將建成一座條形公園。發言人表示,將為節日和公眾活動預留充足的露天空間。目前處於擱置狀態的相關工程,預計於今年稍後時間,從第一期開始重新啟動。第一期工程包括117個住宅、6000平方公尺商用空間及泊車場。2019年中將啟動第二期,預計主體工程將於2023年竣工。singtao eu facebook 14jun18
      - aerospace
      • In June, Chinese aerospace and mining group Ligeance Investments, a subsidiary of Shaanxi Ligeance Mineral Resources, acquired the United Kingdom-based Gardner Aerospace Holdings Ltd. This is a supplier of aircraft engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc and European aircraft manufacturer Airbus Group SE. The deal is 326 million pounds ($420.5 million). A month later, Ligeance Investments launched Gardner Aerospace's largest factory in the city. Currently, Gardner Aerospace has 10 production plants globally.
      • Leading space scientists from Britain and China signed a partnership agreement early this month to promote and strengthen both sides' space education and space-culture activities. Under the memorandum of understanding, a new virtual center will be established to lead space education and space-culture activities between the two countries. The center will be led by Britain's National Space Academy and a consortium of Chinese laboratories. In the areas of culture and education programs, it will be supported by the University of Nottingham. The new virtual center partnership will serve as a platform for Sino-British space-education and cultural leadership, which can then be expanded to include participation from other space agencies and new space programs or agencies in the developing world.
      - tech

      • China's rapidly growing economy has given rise to a large contingent of young talent keen on becoming entrepreneurs, many of whom have found a market or the right support to realize their dreams in the United Kingdom. Many of these young Chinese have blazed their own path in the UK not only because of the country's open business environment and entrepreneurial spirit, but also through the support of a number of government-led and private-sector programs. The Sirius program is one example of the UK's helping hand. Initiated by UK Trade & Investment, a government agency that works with businesses based in the country to help them expand to international markets, it gives young entrepreneurs a wide range of support, including mentoring, office space provisions and access to networking opportunities as well as working visas in the UK. Marian Sudbury, director of global operations and investment at UKTI, says the Sirius program was launched to encourage overseas graduates to continue to contribute to the UK's creative and business environments after graduation. Lin Zhenyu, 24, is one of many Chinese participants in the Sirius program. He leads a team of five in a startup called Sensory Media, which helps restaurants automatically match their music to the lighting in a room using an LED lighting and application system. Another young Chinese entrepreneur is Lesley Zhang, 32, from Shanxi province. In September 2013, she attended the Global Graduate Entrepreneurs' Festival in Manchester that was initiated by UK Trade and Investment. After meeting what would eventually turn out to be her business partner at the conference, the two worked to turn the concept of fashion rentals into an online venture. They created Rentez-Vous, a clothes-sharing platform for women who want to access high quality fashion without having to pay full prices.
      • "The number of startups led by Chinese students is increasing in recent years,"Philip Hao, chairman of the Young Entrepreneur Society Global, or Yes Global, said,adding that the organization put together the UK round of the startup competitionthat Yao's team participated in. The rising trend was a result of policy supports from the two governments and thenew way of doing business in the Internet era.A large number of the Chinese student-led startups he has seen focus on onlineservice. This is no coincidence, since even a one-man team can jump-start abusiness such as selling on eBay. "But running a company is not just coming up with great ideas or being venturous,"Hao said. Nowadays, market competition is getting more intense with youngentrepreneurs fighting to make it to the top tier. So, it is more about how toestablish systematic management and how to control budgets. You need to attendto every detail." In Yao's case, the local government in Suzhou has offered help to his team insecuring investment in the initial phase. The University of Warwick has alsopromised to support them in their project's future development. "Without such support, it would be much harder for us to enter the business world,"Yao said. Despite the challenges, UK universities quite often maintain an open mind onstudent entrepreneurship. "Enterprise and startup companies are an increasingly important option foruniversity students of all nationalities," Keith Burnett, vice-chancellor of theUniversity of Sheffield and member of the British Prime Minister's Council ofScience and Technology, said. "The University of Sheffield encourages students to become actively involved in itsenterprise activities and has the largest program of students in free enterprise inthe UK," he added. An international team of Sheffield students, working together on startup ventures inthe areas of health and support for people in need, reached the global finals of theEnactus World Cup in Johannesburg in South Africa this month. The international event is aimed at promoting entrepreneurial action as a catalystfor progress. The university also makes funding and professional advice available to studentswith a great business idea.
      • 「對話中英科創精英——北京·倫敦科技創新投 資論壇」昨日在北京清華科技園舉辦,來自中國 和英國科技創投領域的諸多資深人士就中英科技 領域合作展開交流。倫敦發展促進署總裁尹高德 (Gordon Innes)表示,作為最受中資歡迎的 城市,倫敦視中國為優先合作市場,英國政府亦 提供減稅、簽證等政策來便利中國投資者。
      • graphene
      • to Xi's visit, the University of Manchester's National Graphene Institute hassigned deals with two Chinese entities-telecommunications major HuaweiTechnologies Corp and the Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials. The NGI-BIAM deal focuses on using graphene for transport. For its part, BIAM hasbrought Aviation Industry Corporation of China into the project. When President Xi Jinping visited BGT Materials Ltd based in the University ofManchester in October, he was shown the world's first graphene light bulb, whichwas manufactured in China.BGT, which contracts out manufacturing to suppliers in China, estimates sales ofits product will reach 300,000 to 500,000 bulbs this year.
      •  At the first UK-China graphene conference last week in the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing, British scientists demonstrated the latest breakthroughs in the commercialization of the highly conductive, incredibly strong two-dimensional material made of carbon. Researchers from the Manchester-based National Graphene Institute demonstrated the filtration capabilities of ultrathin, graphene-oxide membranes. The technology could be used to separate particles from solvents in the manufacture of medication, and to transform seawater into clean drinking water.
      • Kuang-Chi Group, a Chinese technology company best-known for making a huge high-altitude helium balloon, has made its first major investment in the UK, shrugging off investor concerns about Brexit
        Kuang-Chi, whose subsidiary KuangChi Science is listed in Hong Kong with a market capitalisation of about $2bn, said on Monday it was investing $30m in Gilo Industries, an aerospace tech company that makes engines for jetpacks and unmanned aircraft. Kuang-Chi will take a 40 per cent stake in Dorset-based Gilo, valuing it at $80m.
        China's top scientific research institute has joined up with a member of Great Britain's royal family to attract British scholars to do research in China.Prince Andrew was on hand as Bai Chunli, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, spoke about the President's International Fellowship Initiative on Monday in Buckingham Palace. 
        Bai said it is the right time for Western scientists to do research in China. 
        First launched in 2013, the initiative has given 2,800 scientists the chance to work in China in one of four categories: distinguished scientist, visiting scientist, postdoctoral researcher or international PhD student. Its support of the work of 205 Britons, like Sir Andre Geim, a Nobel Prize laureate, has included lecture trips and cooperative research at CAS. This year, 22 British scientists are expected to work in China. 
      • Unigroup Ltd is teaming up with Britain's Dialog Semiconductor Plc to develop smartphone chips, in a deal that will help the Chinese technology giant expand its growing semiconductor empire.
      - quantum
      • Physicists have extended the capabilities of secure quantum communication tenfold, marking a step forward in efforts to establish hack-proof network communications, according to a study published by scientific journal Nature on Monday. The latest research used China's 
        Micius satellite, the world's first quantum communication satellite, launched in 2016, to conduct so-called entanglement-based distribution of quantum secret keys – a secure communications method that implements a cryptographic protocol – between two spots on Earth at a rate of 0.12 bits per second. Those involved in the study include Artur Ekert, a professor of quantum physics at Oxford’s Mathematical Institute; Wang Jianyu, a researcher who leads the Shanghai branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS); and Pan Jianwei, who is lead scientist of Quantum Experiments at Space Scale – the government-backed research project in the field. Their latest research could help accelerate China’s efforts to 
        develop hacking-resistant communications networks, while burnishing the country’s credentials as a quantum technology powerhouse. Scientists in this field seek to harness the distinct properties of atoms, photons and electrons to create more powerful tools for processing information.Quantum communication takes advantage of the laws of quantum physics to protect data. Unlike traditional encryption methods based on mathematics, which can be theoretically cracked by the sheer force of faster and more powerful computers, quantum keys are known to remain intact in the face of such advanced computing capability. Any attempt to eavesdrop will cause a physical change in the message, which would trigger a security alert to the sender or receiver.
      - blockchain

      •     Speaking at the China-UK Blockchain Collaboration Seminar at the headquarters of London & Partners, the Mayor of London's official promotional agency, Bao Ling, minister counselor at China's embassy in the UK, said: "Britain has unique advantages in blockchain research, and has gathered a large number of talents and professionals. Financial technology and the UK's well-developed financial market provide rich soil for blockchain incubations."

      - articificial intelligence
      • first China-Britain AI Summit in London on Friday, which brought together around 100 Chinese and British representatives from tech companies, consultancies and regulators. Organized by the London-based consultancy China-Britain Business Fusion, delegates considered topics including bilateral investment and technology collaboration and witnessed live demonstration of robotics technology.
      - data centre

      • A Chinese consortium has bought a 49 percent stake in British data center company Global Switch for 2.5 billion pounds ($3.09 billion), in a strategic move aimed at sharing data center technology and locations. The consortium was set up by data center company Daily-Tech Beijing, although the majority of the funding comes from Jiangsu Shagang Group, China's largest private steelmaker. Wednesday's deal came as Chinese and Western companies expand into each other's markets, creating a big demand to store data in international locations. The partnership allows both data center companies to follow their clients' expansion footsteps overseas and help them store data in convenient locations. Global Switch has begun building data centers in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Singapore, using high quality technology to help Daily-Tech Beijing's clients store data.
      - telecom
      • The University of Bristol is looking for Chinese partners to set up joint programs for the fifth-generation of wireless network technology as China is on course to be at the forefront in the 5G race globally. Andrew Nix, dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the university, said China is now at the pinnacle in many areas of 5G, actively involving in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project process, to drive the 5G research and development.
      • T has become the first international company to secure a licence to sell its services directly to Chinese customers, representing a potential thawing of relations between the UK and China. The telecoms company received a nationwide licence from the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology that will allow it to directly sell to customers in China and bill them in the Chinese Yuan. While BT already operates in China, this will be the first time it can directly contract its business customers. 

      - r&d

      • Research and development collaborations between Chinese companies and British universities are burgeoning. In previous decades, many foreign multinational companies were eager to set up R&D facilities in China to tap the huge market and enjoy benefits such as lower costs. Now Chinese companies are setting up their own R&D centers in Europe. As Chinese companies shift away from producing cheap goods to value-added ones, they are ramping up their spending on R&D and upgrading their technologies and products.
      • The British government has set up a 100 million pound ($130.6 million) research fund to attract global talent, with China identified as one of the key recruitment pools. The Ernest Rutherford Fund, which takes its name from the nuclear physicist and Nobel laureate, was established by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy as part of the government's 1 billion pound industrial strategy laid out in April.
      - energy

      • The UK government’s approach to foreign investment in critical infrastructure is to be tested after National Grid agreed to sell a controlling stake in its gas distribution division that serves nearly 11m British households and businesses. In one of the biggest British infrastructuredeals in recent history, the FTSE 100 company said on Thursday it had struck a deal to sell a 61 per cent stake in its UK gas distribution business to a consortium backed by Macquarie, the Australian investment bank, and China Investment Corporation, China’s sovereign wealth fund.
      • A discovery made by British and Chinese researchers has taken scientists one step closer to the generation of clean energy by using sunlight to split water molecules, just as plants do through photosynthesis. Researchers from the University of Liverpool, University College London and East China University of Science and Technology have synthesized a new organic material that works with sunlight to separate water into its constituent elements, oxygen and hydrogen. Pure hydrogen is a zero-emission fuel that can be used in engines or batteries, so the breakthrough could lead to an abundant clean energy source for the future.

      - nuclear

      • article by Keith Burnett I would appeal to people to see how deeply serious we are and open to the possibilities of exporting British-Chinese nuclear power to the world. I want to do it for the children of the United Kingdom who will benefit from the clean power and economic benefits this will bring, and also for the children of China who I hope will become partners in a great endeavor. We cannot achieve this in isolation. This is the right time to turn challenge into opportunity. The UK can make the next generation of nuclear technology in partnership with China. I hope it will fire the starting gun of a joint Olympic race - perhaps a long-distance one - to a greener, better world. The author is vice-chancellor of the University of Sheffield and a member of the UK prime minister's advisory council on science and technology. He is a member of the UK Atomic Energy Authority and a recent recipient of China's Individual Performance Excellence Award. 
      • The UK has opened the way for the first Chinese-designed nuclear power plant in the west, saying Beijing could use Britain to launch a global rollout of its technology. Amber Rudd, energy secretary, said she wanted Beijing to take the lead in developing new nuclear plants in Britain. She said China was expected to lead the construction of a Beijing-designed nuclear power plant in Essex, in eastern England, its first in the west, under a proposed joint deal with EDF, the French energy group, to build a new generation of UK reactors.
        The British government has asked nuclear regulators to start the process for approving a Chinese-designed reactor for a proposed plant in Britain, expected to be one of the first new plants in decades. General Nuclear Services (GNS), an industrial partnership between French utility EDF and China General Nuclear Power Corporation(CGN), hopes to use the design at a new nuclear station planned to be built in Bradwell, Essex.
      • Hinkley point
      • A Shanxi-based company principally engaged in the coal business will invest 3 billion yuan ($440 million) in the Hinkley Point power plant in the United Kingdom. Wintime Energy Co Ltd, a company principally engaged in the exploitation, operation, washing, selection and processing of coal, recently made the investment, together with China General Nuclear Power Corporation.
      • 中核集團10日透露,中英核聯合研發與創新中心(簡稱“中英核研發中心”)于當地時間11月9日在倫敦揭牌,這是中國和西方發達國家共同建設的第一個核領域聯合研發中心,標誌着中英核能合作已在核能投資領域的基礎上(中法合資的英國“欣克利角C”核電廠項目已正式啟動),開始邁向科研、科技、核工業全產業鏈領域等更全方位的合作階段。該中心位於英國曼徹斯特,研發費用由英國政府和中核集團負責提供,5年總計投入5000萬英鎊,擬打造成具有發展潛力和行業影響力的中英核技術合作連接紐帶和研發平台,由中核集團中國核電(英國)公司與英國國家核實驗室(NNL)各佔50%股比。
      • Development at the Bradwell B power plant in the United Kingdom is progressing smoothly. Electricite de France SA, or EDF, and China General Nuclear Power Corp are working together to develop the new nuclear power station at Bradwell-on-Sea on the Essex coast near London. Bradwell will be built with indigenous Chinese third generation nuclear technology known as Hua-long Pressurized Reactor 1000 or HPR1000, with support from the French energy group.
      • cumbria
      • 根據英國媒體報道,中廣核集團有意競投日本東芝旗下位於英國坎布里亞郡(Cumbria)的核電項目,項目估值約150億英鎊。據內媒引述中廣核集團方面確認,該集團已參與競購上述核電項目。較早前,東芝與具有法國政府背景的機構洽資企業NuGen,曾獲授權建設坎布里亞郡的穆爾賽德核電項目。該項目計劃建成發電能力為3,800兆瓦的核電站,可為600萬戶家庭供電,該核電站項目估值高達150億英鎊(約1,588億港元)。不過,由於東芝爆出會計醜聞後運營出現虧損,拖累穆爾賽德核電項目也陷入困難。

        • Britain's University of Sheffield and China's Tsinghua University announced on Wednesday that they have created a master's degree program in nuclear engineering and management to help ensure the supply of qualified graduates for bilateral projects. The joint program is the first of its kind for China, and leverages both universities' expertise in the nuclear technology sector.The first class of students, whose studies begin in Beijing in September, will include 80 people from China and 30 from overseas. The two-year program will be taught in English.Sheffield is heading efforts to market this degree outside China and is offering 10 scholarships to attract international students to the program.China General Nuclear Power Group, China National Nuclear Corp and State Nuclear Power Technology Co will all partner with the program by providing internship opportunities.

        - wind
        • A Chinese State-owned nuclear group has started construction on the multimillion-dollar Brenig onshore wind farm in the United Kingdom. The renewable energy operation of China General Nuclear Power Corp, or CGN, announced this week it was carrying out building work at the Denbigh site in North Wales in partnership with Jones Bros Civil Engineering, a UK company. The 16-turbine project is due to be completed in 2018 and will generate up to 37.6 megawatts of electricity, which could power 25,000 households.
        •  ORE Catapult and Chinese clean energy company TusEnergy will establish a £2 million (CNY 17.5 million) research centre to help develop innovative technologies for the offshore wind industry. The research centre in Shandong province in the east of the country will assist UK companies looking to enter the Chinese market and support the development of a 300MW offshore wind farm, the partners stated. Research is expected to start at the centre in early 2019, ORE Catapult stated. The two partners had signed a collaboration agreement in December 2017, in which the two organisations vowed to work together to advance offshore wind and technological cooperation between the UK and China.
        - aviation
        • [scmp 17aug18 remember a day]it was reported on 14aug1978 that negotiation on civil aviation rights between china and britain resumed. As background, an agreement was initated in 1973 but later become dormant because of problems over status of taiwan flagship carrier china airlines, which flew to hk
        • Airlines will have the right to operate more than twice as many weekly services as at present between the UK and mainland China under sweeping changes that the UK government said were part of building a “confident, global Britain after Brexit”. The deal, agreed on Tuesday between representatives from the two governments, will increase the maximum number of weekly flights between the two countries to 200, from 80 at present.  Restrictions will also be lifted on the Chinese destinations to which airlines can fly. 
        • Birmingham Airport may be close to resurrecting a direct air route to China, while Edinburgh Airport is also hoping to invigorate Scottish tourism and business links with China through its own long-haul connection-as both British airports go on the active hunt for direct flights to the mainland.
        •  The United Kingdom and China have agreed to raise the limit on the number of direct weekly flights between the two nations to 150 from 100. The UK government said the move was the first of several "open skies" deals struck in an effort to increase trade post-Brexit. The deal follows an agreement in October 2016 to raise the limit from 40 to 100.
          Such services are regulated internationally, typically through bilateral agreements that limit the number and type of flights. Currently, despite the deal allowing up to 100 flights a week, there are only around 60.
        - rail
        • Trainmakers look to the future with projects in the UK and Europe, report Meng Jingin Birmingham and Cecily Liu in London. About 151 years ago, it was the British who built the first railway line in China. Nowthe Chinese want to return the favor by supplying the United Kingdom with state-of-the-art trains that can run on the country's first high-speed rail. The opportunity they see is Britain's HS2, the high-speed train project that linksLondon with the English Midlands and Northern England. Advanced technology,extensive experience and cost efficiency are believed to be the competitiveadvantages that Chinese firms are banking on to open the doors in the UK andother mature economies in Europe.
        • 為吸引中國對英投資,英國財政大臣 奧斯本上月造訪中國期間宣佈開放總額度為 118億英鎊 (約 1,410億港元)的高鐵 2號項目建設合約,為英國 吸引中資作最新的努力。最新消息顯示,法國阿爾斯 通、德國西門子以及日本日立都準備競標英國高鐵 2 號項目,是有意參與該項目競標的中國中車的潛在對 手。是次啟動招標的部分大約 140公里,連接倫敦和伯 明翰,定於 2017年開始建設。
        • An engineering firm that was handed a contract reportedly worth £170m to help develop high-speed rail network HS2 has pulled out of the project fewer than two months after it was selected to complete the work. The Government confirmed on 9 February that it had appointed US-based company CH2M to help develop a section of the network north of Crewe to Manchester and from the West Midlands to Yorkshire. But on Wednesday, CH2M said it had decided to withdraw its interest, following what it called “continuing discussions” between HS2 and CH2M over the award of the contract.
        - automobile

        • In collaboration with the University of Liverpool and Huazhong University's Wuhan New Energy Institute, Liverpool-based technology firm ULEMCo Ltd will lead a project that aims to facilitate the mass production of hydrogen-fueled vehicles in China, as the country looks to curb carbon emissions. The project will focus primarily on the application of hydrogen technology for commercial vehicles. While the market for passenger cars that run on electricity is growing rapidly, power-intensive heavy-duty vehicles remain some of the worst carbon emitters.
        - steel
        • Fading steel industry competitiveness, rather than China, is responsible for the job losses in the United Kingdom, a top steel industry official said on Wednesday. Li Xinchuang, deputy secretary-general of Beijing-based China Iron and Steel Industry Association, said that it was unfair that the media coverage in the UK had turned a blind eye on China's job creation in the country.
          Li was responding to media coverage in the UK and the United States that the latest cuts, by Tata Steel of more than 1,200 jobs, resulted from China's low-priced steel exports. Statistics from UK Steel, an industry association, show that the UK imports about 60 percent of its steel requirements. China accounts for about 8 percent of that total. "It is unreasonable to blame China for Tata Steel's redundancy," Li told China Daily.
        - chem

        • Major Chinese chemical company Lianhetech has bought UK-based chemical manufacturer Fine Industries in a 103 million pound ($126.5 million) deal, securing an operation with more than 200 jobs and providing Lianhetech with its first European base.
        - biochem
        • A Chinese venture capital company is injecting cash into a United Kingdom biotech company that is trialing a "universal" vaccine that promises to protect against all major types of flu. Oxford-based Vaccitech hopes its new vaccine will put an end to the annual arms race between vaccine manufacturers and the viruses that cause influenza, or flu.
        - electric motor
        • Chinese electric motor manufacturer Wolong LDG has announced plans to increase manufacturing output at its Laurence Scott factory in the English city of Norwich. During a recent visit, executives from the company detailed Wolong's international structure and anticipated growth in the United Kingdom. Laurence Scott employs more than 150 people in the county of Norfolk making bespoke high-voltage electric motors for the oil and gas, nuclear power and defense markets.
        - cooperation on film
        • Reel alliance

        •蘇格蘭福建商會?source=feed_text&story_id=520849351448173 china britain film festival 2016
        - mass media
        • 13日中国华策影视集团与英国独立电视台(简称ITV)在伦敦正式签约,进一步深化跨国影视产业战略合作,双方联手打造的综艺节目《跨界冰雪王》在年初播出后好评如潮。

        - creative industry

        • The United Kingdom is known for its creativity, and a recent event, the Great Creator UK Graduate Show 2015 in Beijing, showcased some of its talent. The event, organized by the British Council, displayed 360 pieces of creativity, ranging from fashion, jewelry and product design to visual art. The brands being exhibited included Miss Patina, and the Chinese designers who took part included Wang Haizhen and Sun Hefang. The UK's creative industry was valued at more than 70 billion pounds ($107 billion) in 2014. It now represents about 12 percent of the national economy and provides almost 200 million jobs in the UK, says Carma Elliot, China director of the British Council, which promotes cultural relations and educational opportunities for the UK.
        - architecture
        • 有「設計界的威尼斯雙年展」之譽的第二屆倫敦設計雙年展4日在倫敦薩默塞特宮正式開幕,南京大學教授魯安東策展的《南京長江大橋記憶計劃》榮獲本屆組委會破例額外增設的特別榮譽獎,這也是雙年展首次頒發該獎項。今年共有40個國家、城市和地區共40個作品參展,大展主題為「情感狀態」,旨在探究設計如何影響人類的情感、記憶與存在方式。「中國南京館」的《南京長江大橋計劃》代表中國內地參展。
        - construction
        • 近日,英國最大的模塊化學生公寓紐卡斯爾大學新學生公寓Park View Student Village正式投入使用。記者從中集了解到,這一模塊化學生公寓由中集集團旗下中集模塊化建築投資有限公司承建,中集僅用6個月就完成了6棟公寓的施工部分。據介紹,中集集團自主研發了鋼結構模塊化建築體系,將傳統建築裝修工序90%以上轉移至工廠環境下完成,最大程度保證質量和安全的穩定性,建造時間可縮短50%,建築垃圾可減少50%以上。
        - sme

        • china uk sme business matchmaking event

        - investors from china
        • Chinese investment created more than 6,000 jobs in the United Kingdom in the 2014-15 fiscal year, according to Jin Xu, minister counselor of the economic and commercial office at the embassy of China in London. "With 112 projects during the year, Chinese investment ranked fourth among all the foreign countries in the UK," said Jin, making it the top job creator in the UK among developing countries. "Chinese companies made a significant contribution to the UK economy through growth and employment, and the UK has been a main destination for Chinese investment." Jin was speaking as figures from UK Trade & Investment revealed that more than $1.4 billion in Chinese investment came into the country during the first six months of this year, compared with $7 billion in total last year. To date more than 500 Chinese companies have established branches or offices in the UK, expanding into advanced manufacturing, infrastructure, financial services, telecommunications, brand networking and R&D. One of the UK's largest Chinese investors is tech giant Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, which has created nearly 1,000 jobs there over the past decade. The company announced in 2012 that it would spend 1.3 billion pounds ($2 billion) in the country until 2017, split equally between procurement and investment. Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co Ltd announced in March that it planned to invest 250 million pounds building a new facility in Coventry for the London Taxi Company, a firm which it had rescued from administration.
        • The top Chinese firms in the United Kingdom have been accelerating their growthrate, according to the latest Tou Ying Top 25 tracker, which examines theperformance of the 25 fastest-growing Chinese firms in the country. Four sectors dominated Chinese investment into the UK in 2015: Infrastructure,high-technology manufacturing and R&D, financial services and property, said Jin,adding bilateral opportunities for R&D, services and infrastructure are immense.
        • HK CTS Hotels Co Ltd launched its British-style hotel brand Kew Green Hotels in Beijing onSept 13, aiming to expand in the Chinese market with its "affordable luxury" hotel service. Different from traditional business hotels, Kew Green Hotels focuses on customers born after1980, a group with more individual spirits and a strong connection to social media, saidHuang Peng, board director and executive general manager of HK CTS Hotels.
        • Huawei
        • huawei bolsters uk presence with tech deal
        • 華為4800萬助英大學研發5G
        • The company opened its first office in the United Kingdom in 2001 and nowhas 15 offices across the country and 890 employeesMore than 70 percent of Huawei employees there are local recruitsMore importantlymost of themembers of the top management team are localHuawei will continue to expand its investment inthe UK in the coming years and plans to have 1,500 staff by 2017. Besides hiringand localizing its products and servicesthe company's research anddevelopment center in the UK will deepen relationships with local customers.
        • Sheffield
        • More than £1bn is to be invested in Sheffield by a Chinese manufacturing firm over the next 60 years, the council has announced. The Sichuan Guodong Construction Group is to initially invest £220m over the next three years. The money is for the city centre, although individual projects have not yet been announced.
        • 中廣核參建英核電項目,,
        • When pianist Ben Hui gave up his music career to start a marketing agency in 2010, he was venturing into a new field as a one-man band. Since then his company, Language Brand Communication, has worked with dozens of big names including Airport City Manchester, NBA Global Games, Imperial College London, UK Trade & Investment and the UK's National Health Service, and it employs six people.
        • A three-year effort by a Chinese developer to rebuild the Crystal Palace in London, which housed the Great Exhibition of 1851, has faltered and industry experts warned this could be the beginning of more failures regarding Chinese property ventures abroad. Bromley Council in London announced last month that an exclusivity agreement on Crystal Palace Park with ZhongRong Group would not be renewed. The private Chinese developer, founded by Ni Zhaoxing, had proposed building a £500 million cultural destination on the same scale as the original Victorian glass and iron structure, which was first built in Hyde Park in 1851, then moved to Crystal Palace Park in 1854 before it was destroyed by fire in 1936. ZhongRong started discussions with London mayor Boris Johnson in 2012, who then announced the plan with some fanfare in 2013. "I have not heard of any outright failures to complete developments by other Chinese firms, but I'm pretty certain some investments have experienced much more difficulty than anticipated, especially around the complexity of the UK planning process," Mark Farmer, the head of residential at consultancy EC Harris in London, told the South China Morning Post.
          A Chinese construction company has been chosen to build the world’s first tidal lagoon project for generating clean electricity in Britain. The state-owned China Harbour Engineering Company has won the deal to undertake marine works on the £1bn Swansea Bay Tidal Project, which will deliver power to the National Grid, potentially enough for 120,000 homes.
        • You Xuezhong, chairman of the board of Shandong Yongtai Chemical Group, a leading private tire producer in China, during the trip to the UK in mid-June, struck a deal to acquire the Coventry-based automotive manufacturer UYT Ltd for 28 million pound ($43.59 million). The acquisition marks Yongtai's second major move in the UK. In July 2013, the tire producer, based in Dongying, a city in East China's Shandong province, acquired a 70 percent stake in Covpress Ltd, a Coventry-based pressed materials company that presses steel into car-body parts. UYT, which is going to serve as an assembly plant for the car parts pressed by Covpress, is seen by Yongtai as part of an important move to extend the industrial chain of its auto component business as assembled products can be sold at much higher prices than pure components. With the acquisition of UYT, Yongtai has also inched closer to its goal of being a flagship in the auto components industry. "Coventry, which is the heart of UK's carmaking industry, is the perfect place for us to make investment in terms of gaining cutting-edge technology. Combined with China's advantage in production and the large automobile market, we are building something that can be very competitive worldwide," said You.
        • A £3.5 billion mixed-use development transforming a large part of Silvertown - an old industrial site in east London's Royal Docks - into a creative community is looking for corporate entities mainly from Asia to fund its first phase scheduled for construction in early 2016.
          It is one of the latest large-scale developments that the London government promoted to revamp the historic and rundown dockyard that once served as a trade centre for the city. In 2013, Advanced Business Park (ABP), a Chinese developer, signed a £1 billion (HK$12 billion) deal with the mayor of London to acquire a 4.7 million square foot site at the docks.ABP planned to convert the site into a business district for Asian companies to set up their European headquarters.
        • 中國民企擬斥巨資殺入英國旅遊市場。外國傳媒報道,稱中國中富集團近日宣布將在英國投資二億五千萬(英鎊‧下同,約三十億港元),於英國各地知名景區開發多個度假村等,旨在吸引更多中國遊客到英國。該項目料在中國國家主席習近平十月訪英期間簽署。
        • Gts chemical holdings from shandong listed in uk
        • 據英國媒體近日報道,中 國國家外管局旗下銀杏樹投資基金加入倫敦 城市機場價值20億英鎊(折合人民幣約192億 元)的收購競標。消息人士稱,若此次洽談 成功,將是繼中投公司收購倫敦希思羅國際 機場10%股份之後,中國主權財富基金在倫 敦收購或參股的第二個大型國際機場項目。作為國家外管局在英國成立的全資子公 司,銀杏樹投資近年亦不斷在英國投資大型 房地產項目。據《英國房產周刊》報道,該 公司去年在英國為主的歐洲市場收購了不低 於20億英鎊(折合人民幣約192億元)的房 地產資產,包括倫敦、曼徹斯特等地的優質 寫字樓,以及布里斯托CabotCircus購物中心 50%的股份。
        • 現在英國企業中,有中國人持股的包括:泰晤士自來水公司(9%)、希思羅機場(10%)、英國人傳統早餐吃的麥片餅Weetabix(60%)、英國人傳統的百貨店House of Fraser(89%)、能源巨頭EDF風力發電(80%),披薩餅PizzaExpress(100%)。
        • 國家主席習近平訪英之際,廣發基金昨宣佈成立英國子公司「廣發國際(英國)」,是首次有全中資資產管理公司在歐洲成立子公司。廣發國際(英國)可在歐盟從事公募、專戶和投資顧問等業務。廣發國際(英國)本月獲英國監管部門(FCA)發出MiFID 和UCITS牌照,可在歐洲從事資產管理業務。截至9月30日,廣發基金管理的公募資產規模約2,507億元,資管總規模約3,931億元。
        • 在中英即將簽署的項目中,包括三胞集團收購哈姆雷斯,哈姆雷斯是世界最大的玩具連鎖店,已有200多年歷史。目前尚不清楚收購價是多少
        • 在21日倫敦市長宴請習近平主席的晚宴中,還將簽署一項32億英鎊(約合384億港元)的倫敦派拉蒙娛樂主題公園項目(London Paramount Entertainment Resort)建設協議。
        • see woo foods limited
        •  Guanghwa bookstore 
        • 泗和行倫敦華埠總店於3月18日舉行店面擴張開幕儀式,向顧客展現新增設的游水海鮮、鮮魚檔口和鮮肉檔口。泗和行食品集團創辦人謝貴全、謝伙全和謝漢榮,與中國駐英大使館盧海田參贊、俞晴領事和倫敦華埠商會主席兼會長鄧柱廷OBE等嘉賓一同為儀式剪綵,並參觀了煥然一新、經擴充後的泗和行店面。英國多個商會組織、僑社與媒體等五十餘名來賓出席了活動。開幕儀式於當日中午舉行,在一眾嘉賓剪綵之後,還有傳統舞獅採青以及嘉賓燒香祭拜等環節,引來許多路人駐足圍觀並拍照留念。隨後,在謝貴全帶領之下,嘉賓參觀了擴張後的泗和行,並對店鋪的乾淨整潔以及食材的豐富新鮮紛紛表示讚賞。
        • 藍鼎國際(00582)宣布,已完成以1.37億英鎊(約16.44億港元)收購英國倫敦梅菲爾區利陞賭場(Les Ambassadeurs Club)。 藍鼎國際主席仰智慧表示,集團成功把利陞賭場納入業務版圖之一,象徵藍鼎業務衝出亞洲,進一步邁向國際,並指未來將引入更多來自中國市場的大注賭客,將項目的回報最大化。  目前,倫敦有27間經營中的娛樂場,其中六間傳統上被視為“高檔”,包括已有逾200年歷史的利陞賭場,場內設有45張賭桌。
        • Chinese cosmetics maker Shanghai Jahwa (Group) Co Ltd has reached anagreement to acquire Mayborn Group, the parent company of the largest Britishnursing bottles producer Tommee Tippee. Jahwa, wholly owned by Ping An Insurance (Group) Co, is acquiring the companyfrom British private-equity firm 3i Group Plc, the group said. The proceeds to 3ifrom the transaction will be £135 million ($197 million). The purchase is the first time that Jahwa made an overseas acquisition. It is alsothe company's first purchase of a non-cosmetics brand. Jahwa owns many well-known Chinese makeup brands, including Herborist and Maxam.
        • China's third-largest private equity firm CSC Group is helping to fund an artificial intelligenceincubator in Britain
        - investors from uk

        • Leading British media company Silvergate Media Ltd, producer of popularanimation series such as Octonauts and Peter Rabbit, will collaborate with CCTV,China's State-owned national broadcaster, to produce and market the fifth seasonof Octonauts. Silvergate will also sell its licensed toys and consumer products in China. William Astor, chairman and co-founder of Silvergate, told China Daily during hisvisit to CCTV in Beijing that the agreement is that Silvergate will provide the scriptand music and produce content, while CCTV's animation company will work onanimation.
        • International law firm, Memery Crystal, is delighted to have signed an MOU and created a strategic partnership with Yingke, one of China’s largest law firms. As a leading law firm acting for clients at the centre of the SME market, this co-operation agreement will increase access for clients of both Memery Crystal andYingke to new business opportunities. This is a perfect catalyst for UK and international clients of Memery Crystal aspiring to expand into China and for Yingke’s Chinese and worldwide clients interested in doing business in the UK and beyond.
        • Five years ago, Annvita English Tea Company managed 10 tea houses around China, serving imported blends and pastries in British-style tea rooms. The number has since grown tenfold, with more planned.
        • Group, a unit of State Grid Corp, the electricity transmission and distributionutility, said it will build amusement parks jointly with BBC Worldwide in China. Luneng Group engages in real estate and clean energy. The parks foray comes onthe back of the boom in the local leisure industry. Its new ventures will be executed by Luneng Commerce and Tourism Property Co, asubsidiary, which will use the concepts of BBC Worldwide's two money-spinners:Top Gear, a motoring show, and BBC Earth, a documentary featuring naturalhistory. The parks will come up at its complex in Wenchang, Hainan province, a SouthChina Sea island that is a tourist hot spot. Zhou Tao, executive director of Luneng Commerce and Tourism, said the companywill invest nearly 10 billion yuan ($1.5 billion) on the 400,000-square-meter resortand to buy the intellectual property rights from BBC Worldwide.
        • 2007, Quiatkowski has played a pioneer role in the industry as general manager of Cosl-Expro Testing Services (Tianjin) Company, a joint venture established by China Oilfield Services Limited and the oilfield services provider Expro Group of Britain.
        - british in china

        • Ian Cluckie has been involved with Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou for the past decade, working on a joint project to develop a system for flood-risk forecasting on the Pearl River in southern China.
        • Roger Owen is a research professor at the Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering at Swansea University and is one of the pioneers of an engineering revolution that has literally transferred design from pen-and-paper on the drawing board to the computer screen.
          - property
          • 「草堂」於上世紀五十年代曾被中國銀行買下,作為高級員工宿舍。後來幾度易手,年久失修。二零零六年由希臘裔地產巨子以四千萬英鎊購入後全面裝修,兩年前叫價一億英鎊待售,可惜無人問津。倘若此屋重回中國人手上,可謂天公造美。
          • 移民湧英 華人紛購房產投資
          • Shanghai-based developer Greenland Group said a 67-story, 241-meter tower it is building inLondon is set to become the tallest residential building in Western Europe. Despite market concerns over uncertainties about London's real estate landscape after theBrexit referendum, Chinese developers remain confident and optimistic about the future in thecity. The 800-million-pound ($1.06 billion) development with a gross floor space of 98,000 squaremeters in West India Quay at Canary Wharf, known as The Spire London, will be the second-tallest building in London when it is completed in 2020, just second to the 310-meter Shard.
          • 太和控股(00718.HK) 公布,其間接全資附屬公司與賣方訂立收購協議,擬以1.12億英鎊(相等於約11.56億港元)收購RCBG和MRB銷售股份及接納銷售貸款,將以現金支付。RCBG集團及MRB集團的主要資產為位於西倫敦(6-9 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6JP, United Kingdom)的住宅物業。於完成後,集團擬持有該等物業作投資用途,並擬出租該等物業賺取租金收入。(ay/da)(報價延遲最少十五分鐘。)
          • China National Building Materials Group Corp struck a 2.75-billion-pound ($3.41 billion) joint venture deal on Monday to open six highly cost-efficient pre-fabricated house-building factories in the United Kingdom, capable of producing 25,000 homes a year. The new homes built by the joint venture will reduce construction costs to a target of 400 pounds per square meter, significantly less than the 1,000 pounds per sq m average in the UK market. It came at an opportune time when the UK government is making policy plans to increase affordable homes. CNBM partners with the UK's housing association Your Housing Group and renewable energy specialist Welink to construct the factories for modular units. CNBM will provide 2.5 billion pounds in funding, and 250 million pounds from YHG.
          • Chinese real estate giant Wanda closed a 470 million pound ($600 million) deal to buy a major piece of land in South London's Nine Elms area on Wednesday, the latest in a series of key Chinese investments in London property. The 4.05 hectare plot, Nine Elms Square, has already received outline planning permission for the construction of 1,821 apartments in three high-rise buildings that will each have between 32 and 54 floors. The consent was obtained by British company VINCI St. Modwen, which then sold the land on to Wanda. VINCI St. Modwen initially planned to develop 23 hectares of land around the Nine Elms area.
          • 中渝置地(01224)本月與富力地產(02777)合作投得英國倫敦Nine Elms地皮。中渝副主席兼董事總經理林孝文以「沙田第一城價錢買到倫敦市中心」來形容地皮作價便宜。又強調去年悉售內地項目不代表離開內地市場。
          • 由總部基地全球控股集團和中信集團共同投資的倫敦皇家阿爾伯特碼頭項目28日舉行奠基儀式,這一投資17億英鎊(約合172億港元)的大型項目正式開工建設。這一項目將建設集商業、住宅、零售為一身的綜合體,為倫敦打造第三大商務金融區。
          • Chinese developer ABP held a "topping out" ceremony in East London on Thursday to mark the completion of the first buildings in the company's 1.7-billion-pound ($2.2 billion) Asian Business Park, which aims to act as a gateway to the United Kingdom for Chinese businesses. Beijing-based ABP broke ground on the major development at the Royal Albert Dock on the Thames river last April. It is expected to have 58,993 square meters of commercial office space by the spring of 2019.
          • 中渝置地 (1224) 
          • 中渝置地(1224)昨 宣佈落實投資 1.82億英鎊(約 18.45億 港元)參與倫敦Whiteleys改造及重建 項目。據悉,工地前期工程正在順利 進行,預計於 2019 年底完成拆卸階 段。項目預計於2023年完成。 Whiteleys前身是購物中心,現時由 Meyer Bergman 全資擁有。中渝置地 副主席兼執行董事黃志強昨表示,重 建Whiteleys是項極具吸引力的商業建 議,除了能修復標誌性的歷史遺產, 將住宅、零售、酒店用途獨一無二地 融合起來,更可在被低估的市中心黃 金地段大幅提升資本和租金價值,很 高興能夠參與此項目。
          • 中渝置地 (1224) 主席 張松橋家族斥資 2.1億英鎊 (約 21.3 億 港 元) 購 入 英 國 倫 敦 武 士 橋 (Knightsbridge)Rutland Gate 2-8a 號 一幢擁有 45間房的古老大宅,有望 打破倫敦單一獨立屋成交價新高紀 錄。

          - tourism

          • VisitBritain, the national tourism agency, is giving the UK’s most loved attractions a mandarin makeover as part of a campaign to lure more high-spending Chinese visitors. “China is a different country with a different language and British names don’t mean anything to Chinese necessarily,” said Robin Johnson, head of overseas operations at VisitBritain. “This (campaign) creates names that actually bring to life what the attractions are. We need to bring out the warmth and the welcome, which is so important to Chinese visitors.”
          • 中英兩國政府6日同時宣佈,從1月11日開始,將互為對方國民自動頒發為期兩年、可以多次入境的簽證。綜合新華社、中通社報道,英國內政部6日表示,英國將於11日開始為中國公民提供全新的兩年期多次往返簽證。據悉,英國對華兩年多次往返簽證針對前往英國旅遊、商務、參加會議及商務考察人羣,新簽證的申請費用將與現行的6個月訪問簽證費用一樣,都為85英鎊。  英國內政部還宣佈,計劃將提供指紋採集服務的中國城市從9個增加到50個。英國移民大臣詹姆斯.布羅肯希爾説,近年來,到訪英國的中國遊客越來越多,希望新的兩年期簽證能為中國到訪者帶來更多便利。  與此同時,中國6日也宣佈將為從事商務、旅遊等活動且符合條件的英國公民提供兩年有效、多次入境的相應類別簽證。
          • “2016美麗英倫攝影大賽”26日在倫敦啟動,該大賽由著名女星Angelababy(楊穎)出任形象大使,英國女王御用攝影師亨利.達拉勒擔任大賽評委會主席,並得到了中英兩國官方的大力支持,是促進中英文化交流的重量級活動。本屆大賽除主單元外,組委會與中國國家旅遊局英國辦事處聯合主辦了非競賽單元“英國攝影師鏡頭中的美麗中國”,旨在通過雙向拍攝視角促進中英文化交流,也得到中英政府部門的大力支持。 中國駐英國大使館公使銜參贊金旭在致辭時稱,去年國家主席習近平訪英為中英兩國友好關係發展打下了很好的基礎,在英國脱歐之後,中英關係對英國的穩定、發展也更加重要。通過圖片分享的形式,去展現中國人鏡頭中的美麗英倫和英國攝影師鏡頭中的美麗中國,這個對比很有意義,非常有助於中英兩國人民加深對彼此的理解和文化認知。” 英國旅遊局中國事務部主管喬.萊斯利稱,近幾年中國至英國旅遊的人數,每年都在以三倍的速率遞增,她很希望“美麗英倫”攝影大賽能夠讓更多中國人民分享到英倫之美,並吸引更多的中國人親身來英國體驗這個國家的魅力。  本屆大賽由英國Chinalink公司和騰訊網聯合主辦,協辦單位包括英國旅遊局、皇家攝影學會。包括皇家攝影協會主席皮查德、英國的貝茨勛爵、中國著名導演陸川、視覺中國總編輯柴繼軍在內的眾多明星前來助陣。據悉,大賽得獎作品並將于年底在中英舉行相關攝影作品巡展。

          - bike sharing

          • China's famed "bike wars" may soon be fought on foreign shores, as Bluegogo and Mobike compete with fellow stand-free cycle hire company ofo in the British market. Cycle hire startups, so-called bike Ubers, are big business in China. Around 30 companies control tens of thousands of bikes in at least 35 Chinese cities. The two largest, ofo and Mobike, recently secured $450 million and $300 million in funding, respectively. Already locked in a battle for market share across China, the startups now have London in their sights. Elsewhere in the UK this month, Beijing Bikelock Technology's bike hire business ofo is launching a pilot bike-hiring scheme in Cambridge. Mobike is reportedly interested in launching similar projects in Birmingham and Manchester. The Sunday Times recently reported Bluegogo and Mobike were looking at London.
          • Chinese bike-sharing company Youon Technology Co Ltd will form a joint venture with United Kingdom operator Cycle.Land to roll out 1,000 new dockless bicycles in London in March, the enterprises announced on Monday. The companies have signed a strategic partnership and will soon establish a UK-based joint venture company. Youon will provide the bicycles and Cycle.Land will operate and maintain the new project.
          - childcare

          • JiaYi Education is planning to open British-style preschools in China and acquire more childcare centers in the United Kingdom, following its recent purchase of Devonshire-based nursery group Bambinos, a company associate said. The Beijing-based education company plans to purchase more British facilities and open nurseries in China under the Bambinos brand, having acquired the firm's childcare centers in Plymouth, Plymstock, Woolwell, and Tavistock in Southwest England as part of a multimillion-pound deal last month. "We are looking for more investment opportunities in Britain," said Xiao Li, chief executive of London Thames Capital, an advisory firm that represents JiaYi Education in the UK.

          - education
          • 受疫情影響,英國不少私校因學費收入大減陷財困。英媒調查發現,英國17間私立學校近年被中國企業收購,部分更由中共高級黨員控制;預料英校被華企收購數目將續增,專家憂中共正滲透英教育系統發揮影響力。
          • going out
          • 北京大学英国校区启动仪式,25日在位于英国牛津的“一塔湖图”新校园内隆重举行。英国校区是北京大学的首个海外校区,也是中国的高等学府第一次以独资经营、独立管理形式走出国门开办的海外分校,被外界誉为“中国高等教育歷史上的一个里程碑”。
          • branch of uk academic institution
          • 4月9日,成都威斯敏斯特學校奠基典禮暨新聞發布會在成都舉行,意味着英國威斯敏斯特公學來華發展暨第一所海外學校正式進入建設階段,預計將於2020年秋季開學。英國威斯敏斯特公學始創於1179年,建校以來先後培育出7名英國首相、多名諾貝爾獎獲得者和眾多政治家、科學家、音樂家等大批傑出人才,有英國公學的「千年玫瑰」之譽。
          • recognition of academic qualification
          • 英國伯明翰大學周一宣布認可中國高考成績,是英國頂尖高校聯盟「羅素大學集團」當中的首例。
          •  英國劍橋大學近日宣布認可中國高考成績,並稱達到全省排名前0.1%,且符合相關英語要求者,便可申請入讀該校本科學位。
          • sino uk university
          • Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (Chinese: 西交利物浦大学, Pinyin: Xī’ān Jiāotōng Lìwùpǔ Dàxúe, short: XJTLU) is a Sino-British university based in SuzhouJiangsuChina.[1] Founded in 2006 and resulting from a partnership between the University of Liverpool and Xi’an Jiaotong University, it is the first Sino-British joint venture between research led universities,[2][3] exploring new educational models for China.[4] The University primarily focuses on science, technology, engineering, architecture and business with a secondary focus in English, recognised by the Chinese Ministry of Education as a "not for profit" educational institution.[5] Students are rewarded with a University of Liverpool degree as well as a degree from XJTLU.
          • vocational
          • China is learning from the United Kingdom's vocational education system as it moves to improve the skills of its talent pool. On Friday, a delegation from the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee visited City of Westminster College, a leading British vocational school, with the goal of incorporating best practices into China's education system.
          • Oxford University's new China center demonstrates the university's devotion to the study of the Chinese language and attests to the increasing power China has in the world, students said, oxford can play a bigger role in reflecting change
          • chinese student numbers are booming across northeastern england
          • mathematics
          • 滬教師赴英校授數學秘訣
          • The Chinese "mastery approach" to math teaching is set to roll out in more than 8,000 primary schools in the United Kingdom, with funding of up to 41 million pounds ($54.3 million), to bring pupils up to par with their Asian counterparts.
          • HarperCollins’s education division signed an agreement to release a series of 36 maths books at the London Book Fair, the state-run China Daily reported, with Colin Hughes, managing director of Collins Learning, calling it “historic”.
          • collaboration between British universities and China’s aerospace sector is under scrutiny as US authorities investigate links between Beijing’s biggest military aircraft manufacturer and Iran’s ballistic missile programme. Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute (Bamtri), a subsidiary of Chinese state aerospace group Avic, was placed on a watch list by the US Department of Commerce last year because of alleged dealings with companies owned by Li Fangwei, also known as Karl Lee, a Chinese national wanted by the US for selling missile technology to tehran. Imperial College, London and Birmingham University are among a number of western organisations and companies that have signed research agreements with Avic and Bamtri, covering aerospace technologies, mainly the development of lighter, stronger materials. Birmingham’s research programme, undertaken with western aerospace companies such as Airbus and EADS, ended before Bamtri’s inclusion on the US watchlist.
          • aviation firm AVIC International Holding Corp has completed the acquisition of AIM Altitude, a Britain-based aircraft cabin interior supplier, for an undisclosed amount, from the London based private equity firm TowerBrook. AIM Altitude, based in Bournemouth in southern England, has three production bases in the United Kingdom and sales presences in the US, Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia, with more than 1,100 employees globally.
          • students will have better chances of obtaining top-notch dual China-UK degrees - and at a lower cost - thanks to an initiative advancing student mobility and educational exchanges between the countries. The China-UK Association for the Humanities in Higher Education joined forces with 12 top-tier universities to strengthen academic ties and promote people-to-people exchanges.
          • 英國廣播公司BBC2台前晚播出紀錄片《我們的孩子是否夠tough?》第一集,紀錄位於英格蘭漢普郡博航特中學(Bohunt School)的50名9年級學生,接受了長達一個月的「中國學校」試驗,第一個挑戰是穿上中國式校服──鬆身體育套裝,英國學生大呼難看:「這根本是降落傘!」每天朝7晚7上學長達12小時,小班教學改成了50人一起看黑板,聽教師的演講、要快速抄筆記又不准講話,學生抱怨:「期望我們像軍隊一樣?」另外,對於中國教師來說,體育科不及格是不能升學的,學生則說:「霍金恐怕做不到吧。」
          • British international schools in china
          • 中國與英國近年教育交流頻繁,英國倫敦去年 9 月舉行中英教育峰會,雙方代表簽訂 23項學術研 究及交流協議。英國大學大臣約翰遜在會上表 示,協議有助雙方教育研究人員應對全球挑戰, 以及在各層面教育上建立夥伴關係,令兩國學生 學習到成為未來領袖的關鍵技巧。 中國駐倫敦大使館教育處公使銜參贊沈陽表 示,約 15萬註冊中國學生正在英國學習,還未計 算在當地修讀基礎及語言課程的學生。沈陽形容 中英教育合作及交流,是兩國關係的亮點。大量中國學生在英國留學,直接刺激英國經 濟。倫敦商業組織 London First 最近一份報告顯 示,在倫敦留學的外國學生,雖令政府增加 5.4億 英鎊(約 60 億港元)公 共開支,但同時帶來 逾 28億英鎊(約 309億 港元)經濟收益。 中英學術交流愈趨 頻繁,增加教育市場 機會,英國各大學均 把握機會進軍中國, 如薩里大學便與 17間 中國大學簽訂合作協 議 , 協 助 大 學 生 深 造、獲得雙學位,以 及與中國建立研究關係。薩里大學校長埃默里表 示,薩里大學於中國的地位提升,有助該校學生 求職,亦可讓英國從中國的發展得益。埃默里還 計劃與更多優質大學合作。 英國教育大臣吉布也表示,若英國希望學習中 國教育的成功經驗,提高學術水平,就必須與中 國合作。他特別指出上海的教學模式,以整班方 式教導學生,深度了解數學結構,輔以高質素教 科書,有助提高學生數學水平,是達至成功的關 鍵。 英國文化協會為鼓勵英國學生赴中國留學,推 出「Generation UK」獎學金計劃,目標為在 2020 年前,令在中國的英國留學生及實習生人數增至 8 萬。參與「Generation UK」的學生加勒特-伊雲斯 稱,他一直希望在國際組織工作,認為學習中文 是非常重要。
          • 位於北倫敦的明愛(倫敦)學院,於4月14日舉辦首屆《中國文化遺產管理碩士班》開學典禮儀式。 該學院邀請了中國駐英大使館領事部盧海田參贊和范中華領事、倫敦紅橋區女王代表陳德樑、明愛學院合作夥伴密德薩斯大學(Middlesex University )學術合作部經理 Sophie Underwood 和密德薩斯大學專門指定的學術導師 Francisco Dominguez 博士,明愛學院董事會董事、授課老師、新聞記者,以及明愛的朋友們同新入學的碩士學生和職員一起慶祝該碩士課程的正式啟動,並祝賀明愛(倫敦)學院同密德薩斯大學一起聯合開辦在英首屆《中國文化遺產管理碩士班》。
            Closer collaboration between the United Kingdom and China in the fields of education and research has been urged by the recently announced new chancellor of the University of Bristol, a prestigious higher education institution in the UK.
          •位於New Oxford Street,大英博物館鄰近的 Princes College,於10月9日中 午舉行了一場交接儀式。Princes College 作為倫敦市中心最悠久的語言學校之一, 在來自世界各地的學生中樹立了極佳口 碑。此次交接儀式是為慶祝這家資深的語 言學校成功被一個年輕的華人團隊收購, 以期未來在英語教育方面作出貢獻,促進 中英教育、文化與經濟等多方面交流。
          •暨南大學— 伯明翰大學聯合學院昨日在廣州揭牌,中英兩所百年名 校正式啟動聯合辦學教育模式。
          • 12月12日,深圳城市大學與英國倫敦國王學院簽署了合作框架協議,根據合作框架協議,倫敦國王學院將為深圳城市大學提供有效課程體系信息、制定高水平的辦學方案,並在專業設置、教學大綱、課程設計、質量控制、學分互認、師生交流互訪及員工發展項目等方面與深圳城市大學展開深度合作。
          • china programme
            The London School of Economics has been forced to “put on hold” a proposed China programme funded by a staunchly pro-Beijing venture capitalist after the plan sparked outrage among the university’s academics. The university outlined the proposal to LSE scholars focused on China at a meeting last month, according to Chris Hughes, a professor of international relations at the school, and another academic who did not wish to be identified. It named Eric Li as the backer of the programme, said Prof Hughes and the other academic, both of whom attended the briefing. Mr Li is a Shanghai businessman who has regularly praised the authoritarian government of Chinese president Xi Jinping and previously justified the 1989 crackdown on the Tiananmen Square protests. When questioned about the matter by the Financial Times, the university said management had decided in mid-October to suspend the plan.
          • scholarship
          • The British Council, together with 31 universities in the UK, has recently unveiled the Great Scholarships 2018 - China campaign, with a total value of nearly 1 million pounds ($1.33 million).
          • bristol
          • celebrates its Chinese graduates and connections

          - sports

          • 由全英華人體育總會與全英大學華人運動會合辦的全英華人運動會2016,分別將於今年二月底及三月中舉行。這次的運動會將舉辦足球、籃球以及田徑等比賽項目。足球比賽首先於2月27日、2月28日連續兩日在倫敦Mile End Stadium舉行。緊接著的籃球比賽及田徑比賽則於3月12日在Sheffield舉行。是次活動贊助單位,包括 Napoleon Casino、皇朝集團、Adventurous Education、海桂集團、中國城集團、泗和行集團、Hydra Sportswear 、沈陽大學國際中心、添福海鮮酒家、博喬留學、英國大道諮詢集團、英超物流以及中晟海外置業投資。與以往不同的是,今年的足球比賽將增加為三個不同的賽事組別,分別為大學杯、元老杯與公開杯。大學杯以全英大學華人學生社團為參賽單位,元老杯的參賽團體則由三十五歲或以上的華人組成的隊伍為主,公開杯參賽者的年齡、界別及背景則不受限制。勝出賽事的隊伍將分別獲得八百鎊、亞軍五鎊及季軍三百鎊獎金。今年主辦單位邀請到奧運會中國馬術冠軍華天及2015年度香港小姐冠軍麥明詩作為頒獎嘉賓。
          - fencing

          • china daily 3sep19 british family run fencing equipment manufacturer expands into china

          - football

          • 正當華人文化控股準備注資曼城母公司之際,城市足球集團老闆、曼城班主蒙蘇(Sheikh Mansour),亦對中國球壇虎視眈眈。意大利傳媒《Tuttocalcioestero》報道,蒙蘇有意購入中超球會北京國安,目前已展開談判,目標是用足球征服中國。
          • The Premier League has signed its richest TV deal outside the UK, cashing in on the boom in the sport in China by signing a three-year deal worth $700m (£564m).  The contract, for three years from 2019-20, is with digital broadcaster PPTV, a division of Suning Holdings, and is understood to be worth almost 12 times the existing deal of around $60m over three years with Super Sport Media Group.
          • Chinese investors southampton fc china daily 16aug17
          • BBC及金融時報於8月15日報導,中國企業家高繼勝Ji-sheng Gao買入英超球會修咸頓80%股權,原股東Katharina Liebherr保留20%,這位小姐現年39歲,瑞士人,其父親Markus於2009年買入居於乙組(League 1)的修咸頓,價錢極便宜,當時修咸頓陷入財困,由清盤官管理,Markus以大約一千三百萬鎊至一千五百萬鎊購入全部股權,但Markus於2010年8月10日因中風逝世,遺產由女兒Katharina繼承,這位小姐管治球隊有方,修咸頓於2012年升上英超,已非吳下阿蒙,今出售八成股權,收回一億六千萬鎊,即是修咸頓估值二億鎊,Katharina家族的投資八年間增值逾十三倍。
            高繼勝經營甚麼生意,香港人所知甚少,金融時報說此次收購,由高家的香港財富(Hong Kong based fortune)支付,如此說來,高先生一家原來是香港的隱形大陸富豪之一。他收購修咸頓之前,已有中國商人買入阿士東維拉、伯明翰、狼隊、雷丁(上述四隊皆已從英超降班至冠軍聯賽),以及西布朗,當然還有曾經(於2015年12月1日)轟動一時的CMC(China Media Capital Holdings)買入曼城的13%股權,作價二億六千五百萬鎊,CMC的主席便是香港TVB的揸弗人黎瑞剛。不到兩年時間,中國公司或商人已投資了超過20億美元於歐洲球會,最近內地官媒抨擊「香港商人」李鴻勇購入AC米蘭99.93%股權,作價7.4億歐元,令人懷疑這批中資商家借習近平的中國足球夢為名投資外國球會,有走外匯之嫌。

          • 英超球隊曼聯周二宣布,將與中國房地產商合作,於二○二○年底在北京、上海、遼寧瀋陽開設主題娛樂體驗中心,中心將設景點和展覽吸引球迷。在北京的體驗中心將選址前門大柵欄地區的北京坊,距天安門和故宮僅咫尺之遙。

          - golf

          • Golfers at one of the world's most famous clubs have warned China's ambassador to Britain that Sino-UK relations could suffer if he fails to intervene in a membership dispute. Players and residents from the prestigious Wentworth Club - home of the Ryder Cup - handed a petition to the Chinese embassy on Friday, calling on Liu Xiaoming to force Beijing-based Reignwood Investments to scrap plans for a massive increase in fees and a drastic cull of members. "Reignwood want to turn our club into an exclusive haven for the wealthy elite. We want Mr Liu to warn Reignwood they need to think again or face resistance by members, who are prepared to do whatever they can to save their community and a great British institution," club captain Michael Fleming told the PostReignwood, founded by Chinese-Thai entrepreneur Chanchai Ruayrungruang, bought the club, near London, in September last year, promising to preserve Wentworth's "unique culture". But six weeks ago it announced that from 2017, membership would be slashed from 4,000 to 800, and existing members would have to reapply for membership and pay a £100,000 (HK$1.175 million) joining fee, up from £15,000. Annual fees would double to £16,000.
          • In the battle for the fairways of Wentworth’s famous golf course, China’s nouveau riche appear to have met their match: the English men in blazers who have long ruled over one of Britain’s best-known country clubs. Reignwood, the Chinese owners for the past 18 months, backed down on Friday from plans to expel most of the existing members and substantially raise fees in the face of a fierce campaign against the proposals. The Asian leisure conglomerate, which bought the club from restaurateur Richard Caring for £135m, made a series of concessions intended to placate Wentworth’s membership, dominated by businessmen, City financiers and celebrities. Wentworth Residents Association, one of the groups that challenged the plans, said the club had caved in over proposals to cut membership from 4,000 to 888 and charge existing members a one-off fee of up to £125,000. For weeks, the company had shown little inclination to change course, arguing the changes were needed to invest up to £50m on infrastructure and promotion to fulfil its ambition to make Wentworth one of the world’s top 10 golf clubs. But under the new proposals, existing members will no longer have to pay the new fee of up to £125,000, which Reignwood describes as a debenture.
          • 由英國華人體育總會高爾夫球協會主辦的第二屆英聯對歐聯華人高爾夫球友誼賽和第19屆全英華人高爾夫球公開賽,先 後於7月11日和12日圓滿舉行。11日並進行了2016年改選,英國華人體育總會會長楊馬煌退任,由林奕權接任,主席則由黎育如接任;英國華人體育總會之高爾夫球協會會長林道明亦退任,由許晋武接任。至於歐洲華人高爾夫球協會會長鍾盤威亦退任,由張育國接任。
          - mandarin
          • A new TV cartoon show in Britain is teaching toddlers how to speak Mandarin - a sign, experts say, of the language's growing popularity around the world. The Lingo Show is broadcast weekdays on the BBC's CBeebies channel, whose target audience is children under 6 years old, and aims to introduce Chinese, French and Spanish words to young viewers through a range of colorful characters. Since making its debut this month, the show is already proving a hit, with its companion games website reportedly attracting 238,000 visitors in the first week, or a quarter of all CBeebies visitors that week.
          • More than three in four British business leaders believe Mandarin-speaking abilities give school-leavers a career advantage over their counterparts, according to a new survey. Among more than 1,000 senior business decision-makers questioned by YouGov on behalf of the Mandarin Excellence Programme, 77 percent said the ability to speak Mandarin at a high level would be beneficial to students in their future careers.
          • 7日佩茨伍德中英雙語幼兒園在倫敦成立,成為英國第一家由教會合辦的中英雙語幼兒園,開創了中文教育推廣的全新模式。該中英雙語幼兒園位於倫敦南部的布洛姆利區,是由英國最大教會之一的浸信會聯盟成員與英國著名中文學校瑞雅中文學校合作開辦,並獲得了英國教育管理機構──英國教育標準局的認可和支持。據英國教育標準局統計,截至2018年春英國處於早期教育階段的幼兒人數280多萬,其中獲得中英雙語教育者為數甚少,相關教育需求較為強烈。
          - cny celebration
          • 亞洲以外 最大規模的中國羊年新春慶典活動22日開始在 倫敦華埠舉行,活動將跨越三天,邀請來自中 國的演唱家、香港無極樂團以及英國本土藝術 家,帶來集音樂舞蹈等多方位視覺盛宴,預料 將有近五十萬市民參與慶祝活動,也折射出中 國與日俱增的國際影響力。 此次羊年新春慶典由英國最大僑團之一倫 敦華埠商會組辦,活動在倫敦市中心的特拉法 加廣場中國城及倫敦西區舉行,共分為三個舞 台,包括特拉法加廣場舞台、莎士比利道華埠 舞台,以及萊斯特廣場花園仔及查寧十字道表 演區,活動得到英國主流媒體的廣泛報道和輿 論關注。
          • As British Prime Minister David Cameron held a reception at his official residence, dozens ofChinese-style red lanterns, big and small, dangled around the winding stairs from the ground floorto the upper stories. From the entrance hall to individual rooms, there were lots of traditional Chinese red envelopesdecorated with gold characters proclaiming happiness and wealth. Many red envelopes alsoincluded cartoon characters of sheep, since 2015 is the Year of the Sheep or goat, according toChinese zodiac. Red envelopes contain gifts of money, an old Chinese tradition.
          • 華人顧客居首位的Selfridges,春節期間將提供多項「中國新年專屬服務」,除了推薦各式春節專屬商品給顧客,在Selfridges旗下的不同分店也會舉辦各式慶祝活動,主要集中在倫敦、曼城與伯明翰三個城市。活動內容包括:從2月1日至2月10日,Selfridges倫敦與伯明翰分店,整體建築外觀將閃耀著喜慶紅光;曼城分店則與海南航空合作,邀請中國藝術家在2月6日與7日的周末帶來歌唱、舞蹈與塗鴉表演;另從2月4日至7日,凡購買飾品類與皮件,皆能在倫敦分店免費專屬刻字,使禮物更顯獨一無二;倫敦與伯明翰分店在春節期間,將免費發送畫上特製的中國風山水畫的傳統竹扇。而所有在倫敦、伯明翰與曼城分店購物的顧客(食物區除外),不論消費金額,皆能獲贈特製的新年幸運曲奇。Westfield於倫敦的兩家分店,Westfield London與Westfield Stratford City皆在春節期間舉辦一系列中國新年慶祝活動。Westfield Stratford City從本周末至下周一(2月6日至2月8日),將舉行中國書法作坊、臉譜彩繪、舞獅表演、中國藝術作坊、傳統絲竹樂器演奏、中國燈籠作坊與猴子人偶拍照活動。Westfield London除了從本周末至下周一舉行上述這些表演外,2月8日(周一)將增加傳統踩高蹺與中國舞蹈表演。兩間分店皆把握春節的黃金周末,試圖吸引更多華人顧客前往。Harrods為慶祝農曆新年,特推出許多獨家或限量商品,從服裝、飾品、香水、酒類、朱古力至魚子醬等,都是特別針對春節期間準備的限量商品。其中最特別的主打商品是Harrods銀行與知名貴金屬製造商PAMP所推出的限量猴年純金金牌,以及Harrods與藝術玩偶品牌PAPINEE所推出的限量快樂猴玩偶。政府與民間慶典紛呈霓光:中國新年慶祝會 Midlight Birmingham 由伯明翰知名劇院Birmingham Hippodrome Creative主辦、英格蘭藝術委員會(Arts Council England)與知名藝術協會Without Walls聯合贊助,並由英國華人參政計劃(British Chinese Project)參與支持的「霓光:中國新年慶祝會」,在本周日(2月7日)晚間舉行。活動主要展出華裔藝術家金澳文(Aowen Jin)的燈光裝置作品,並配上華人合唱團的現場音樂表演,屆時燈光將會隨著歌聲與音樂互動,展開一場視覺與聽覺交融的高科技燈光秀。金澳文此次展出的燈光互動裝置,是他為期一年的研究成果。他表示,經過針對伯明翰這個城市的深入研究,發現當地的華裔社群是全英國成長最迅速的,而伯明翰同時也是全英國最年輕、最多元的城市。此次展出的作品也是首次匯集了當地華人社群的力量,共同呈現出新一代在英華人的藝術視角。曼城2016中國新年慶祝盛會 
            Celebrate Chinese New Year in Manchester 由曼徹斯特市議會(Manchester City Council)聯合贊助的曼城春節慶祝盛會已於2月4日(周四)率先開跑,為期四天至周日結束,屬於歐洲地區最大規模的春節慶典之一,期間整個商業中心都布滿一片喜慶紅、Albert Square掛上滿滿的紅燈籠、St. Ann’s Square變成一個中國美食市場、購物街區換上充滿中國風的裝飾等,四天裡每日都排滿豐富的慶祝活動,包括免費臉譜彩繪、舞獅表演、燈光節、武術舞蹈、古典樂曲表演、當代與中國藝術作坊等,讓整個曼城在春節期間都能發出濃濃的中國味。
          • 伯明翰大型新春慶祝活動於2月7日(周日)在伯明翰南苑(Southside)的中國城舉行。此次活動規模巨大,約39,000人參與。受邀嘉賓有伯明翰市長、市議員以及中國駐倫敦大使館代表。這次伯明翰新春慶祝活動由華人佳節籌委會(Chinese Festival Committee)主辦。在新任籌委會主席James Wong帶領下,此次慶典參與人數創歷史新高;舞獅、中國戲曲等節目更全程網上直播,遠在香港的網民可以同步觀看。   James Wong稱:「這次新春活動是有史以來最成功的一次。慶祝活動吸引大量觀光客,我們的社群媒體與民眾互動熱烈。我們也很高興今年首次能將活動節目網上直播,讓來自全球的人們都可共同歡慶農曆新年。」今年春節活動有中國傳統音樂表演、雜耍和武術表演在Arcadian精彩演出,另外在大型購物中心Grand Central則有舞獅表演。
          • 倫敦華埠於年初七(14日)適逢情人節舉行猴年新春盛大慶祝活動,原已是中國在海外最盛大的新春活動,今年天朗氣清,人群於早上便擠滿倫敦華埠以至特拉法加廣場沿路一帶。據主辦方引述警方估計高達70萬人次參與,是歷來最高。同時,當天倫敦華埠商戶尤其是餐館食肆的生意亦受帶動,部分估計較去年激增達三至五成。倫敦華埠商會主席兼會長鄧柱廷OBE向本報稱,警方估計當天有70萬人次參與,相信跟天氣良好,以及今年倫敦巿政府大力支持,在所有地鐵站張貼海報配合宣傳有關。他並引述警方稱,因人流過多,Leicester地鐵站一度需在中午12時關閉,這是近年少有發生的現象。鄧主席續稱,因觀賞人群過多,巡遊隊伍需要停留較久,令當天的花車遊行比原定慢了近倍時間才完成。倫敦華埠猴年慶新春活動於情人節當天,由早上10時至下午6時,在特拉法加廣場、查寧閣大道以至倫敦華埠一帶,舉行花車遊行、四海同春以及多項表演等精彩繽紛活動。特拉法加廣場大舞台的文藝匯演於中午12時開始前,有多位嘉賓致詞祝賀,依次由倫敦華埠商會主席兼會長鄧柱廷OBE、中國駐英大使劉曉明、國僑辦副主任譚天星、大倫敦副市長羅傑伊凡斯(Roger Evans)、西敏市市長(Lord Mayor)克里絲黛寶(Christabel Flight)、倫敦市議會議員羅伯戴維斯(Robert Davies)致詞。他們紛紛獻上新春祝福,並表示很高興能參與中國海外最大的新春慶典,鄧柱廷OBE及多位均提及倫敦華埠商會新近建成的中國傳統牌樓成為華埠的吸睛景點,並對中英兩國在各層面之交流感到喜悅,冀望兩國關係日益緊密。劉曉明大使在開幕典禮致詞,祝賀大家情人節及猴年快樂,感謝主辦單位倫敦華埠商會、倫敦市政府、西敏市政府以及全體志願者的努力。他重申中英兩國交往因去年習近平訪英而達到新的境界,期待藉春節感受中西方和諧共融,共賞中英關係「黃金時代」的開年大戲。倫敦副市長Roger Evans AM致詞,特別感謝全體志願者的辛勤付出,說倫敦已成為全球第一「志願」城市,在倫敦新春慶祝活動體現出來。
          • 旅歐吉澳同鄉會繼2月7日在密惠市的新年巡遊後,於2月16日晚在格林威治新世紀大酒樓舉行2016年春節聯歡團拜宴會,筵開38席,約共450人出席,為近年最盛。酒樓內掛滿紅燈籠,以舞獅迎賓。出席嘉賓有中國駐英國大使館總領事費明星、范中華一秘兼領事和何福榮武官、密惠市市長Cllr Barry Kemp和夫人、倫敦華埠商會會長兼主席鄧柱廷OBE、香港新界鄉議局海外顧問委員會(歐洲聯絡處)會長林道明與僑領、華人華僑等,迎春接褔,共賀新歲。
          • three-part documentary, Chinese New Year: The Biggest Celebration on Earth, which records the experiences of five British presenters as they immerse themselves in the Lunar New Year festivities, is making waves both in China and abroad. Xu Fan reports. For most people who have never been to China, the Spring Festival - which creates the world's largest human migration annually - is difficult to comprehend. But a three-part documentary, Chinese New Year: The Biggest Celebration on Earth, provides a shortcut to understanding the country and its culture.
            Its three one-hour episodes - Migration, Reunion and Celebration - record five British presenters' journeys as they experience how the Lunar New Year is celebrated. Jointly produced by China and the United Kingdom, the series began airing on BBC in mid-February and was released on Chinese video-streaming sites on Feb 29.
          • Europe's oldest Chinatown is to stage its biggest-ever Chinese Lunar New Year celebrationscentering around the myth of a bird trying to fill in the ocean, organizers announced Monday.Liverpool's Chinatown will celebrate the Lunar New Year, which falls on Jan 28, with spectacularprojections telling the story of Jingwei and the Ocean.
          • 2019 cny

          - northeast England
          • companies in northeast england make concerted effort to build relations
          - 英駐華大使瀋陽推英國周
          - great festival of creativity

          • As British creative industries reach out for opportunities to expand in the Chinese market, the Great Festival of Creativity in Shanghai from Mar 2 to 4 will showcase UK innovation in sectors such as fashion, luxury retail, health, technology and entertainment, said organizers. As part of the gala, the National Theatre of Great Britain's life-size puppet horse Joey from the internationally acclaimed theatrical production War Horse will highlight the partnership between the national theaters of Britain and China. "We are excited to be working with the National Theater of China on the next chapter of the extraordinary journey that War Horse has taken around the world," said Nicholas Hytner, director of the National Theatre of Great Britain. "We very much look forward to sharing it with audiences in Beijing, Shanghai and all over China." The festival will also host the first viewing of a unique exhibition bringing the variety of British creativity to life. Items on display for the first time include an interactive model of the No 10 Downing Street front door designed and built by British installation artist Jason Bruges. Ahead of the festival, London's Philharmonia Orchestra signed a deal with Chinese premium liquor producer Wuliangye on Feb 23 in London. The 500,000-pound ($777,000) partnership will run over five years and brings together one of China's premiere brands with one of the UK's cultural leaders.
          - museum

          • 英国利物浦国家博物馆旗下的利物浦世界博物馆将于二○一八年二月举办“秦始皇和兵马俑”大型特展,将展出一百多件珍贵文物,其中超过半数是首次在英国亮相。

          - cultural heritage protection

          • 中國敦煌研究院與大英博物館將在文物研究與保護、數字化保存和展覽等重要領域開展一系列務實合作。根據敦煌研究院和大英博物館日前在英國倫敦簽訂的首份合作備忘錄,2017年5月15日至2022年5月14日,雙方將在中國畫、絹畫與印刷品、中國紡織品、其他來自敦煌及周邊地區資料的研究,壁畫、紙質繪畫、絹畫、紡織品的保護,以及數字化技術和博物館預防性保護技術等方面開展合作。
          - literature

          • Chinese poet Jidi Majia was awarded the Lifetime Achievement award at the third Cambridge Xu Zhimo Poetry Art Festival, which opened on Saturday at Cambridge University's King's College.

          - arts
          • A number of Chinese cultural activities and events will be held in Britain this year, Liu Xiaoming, China's ambassador to the UK, said on Tuesday. "As part of the China-UK Year of Cultural Exchange, the China Cultural Season will include many performances and events, bringing our cultural exchange to a new level," Liu said in a speech to mark the beginning of the season. In August, the Military Band of the People's Liberation Army of China will perform at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Chinese pianist LangLang will give performances at the Edinburgh International Festival. In addition, Zhejiang's Changxing Lotus Dragon Dance Folklore Group will hold a first performance in Edinburgh, with the National Theatre of Scotland and Tianjin Children's Art Theatre jointly performing a drama named Dragon. "Culture knows no borders; exchanges see no finish line; geographic borders are no barrier to the cultural exchanges between China and the UK," said Liu. The China Season will include creative industry and cultural trade forums and a China-UK video festival, and it will feature a Shenzhen-Edinburgh international creative industry incubation center. In addition, Shanghai fashion week will debut at the London Fashion Week. It also includes the Amazing China: 2015 Mobile Phone Photo Contest, a global competition jointly held by China Daily and the Royal Photographic Society from August to November. "The year of 2015 is a big year for China-UK relations," Liu said, adding that President Xi Jinping will visit the UK in October. This is the first China-UK Year of Cultural Exchange, said Xiang Xiaowei, cultural counselor of the Chinese embassy in the UK. During Premier Li Keqiang's visit to the UK in June last year, the two countries agreed to set 2015 as a year of cultural exchange, with the first half being UK Season in China and the second half China Season in the UK. In March, the Duke of Cambridge visited China and launched the UK Cultural Season. Catherine Mallyon, executive director of the Royal Shakespeare Company, said the company is planning to translate Chinese classics into English. Keith Nichol, head of cultural diplomacy at the British Department of Culture, Media & Sport, said, "It is really important that culture-to-culture exchanges embrace the whole of the UK so that people get the chance of visiting them." David Allfrey, chief executive and producer of the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, added: "I think we have so much to learn from each other."
          • Li Shengsu, a veteran actress of the traditional Chinese theater form, says they would be "happy to introduce" the shows on a BBC program to let more British audiences understand the Peking Opera. The British tour is being organized by Zhang Kewei, the president of Sinolink, a London-based company which seeks to take Chinese art and culture to the world. "I watched the performance of China National Peking Opera Company in London 10 years ago. It left a very strong impression on me. So, I've always waited for its return," Zhang says. His company has been working on getting the plays to Britain as commercial shows for the past year. This year is also being officially marked as special for China-United Kingdom exchanges.
          • 日前,一輛被塗滿色彩、載有 6個B&W音 響循環播放由英國音樂藝術家編寫的音樂 作品的公交車,駛上江蘇南京街頭。這是 2015中英文化交流年壓軸項目、由英國總 領事館文化教育處在南京開展的首次音樂 駐地項目——「35路聲音美術館」。英國總領事館文化教育處華東區藝術項目經理龔蓓表示,這個項目讓美術館的概念 不再僅僅是等待衣裝革履的人們在作好看展準備的情況下進出的藝術場所,而是悄無 聲息地潛入生活並與其融為一體的實踐體,讓藝術重回生活。米拉之後會把這些帶回英 國展出,作為延續。
          • 中國國務院僑辦組派的「文化中國.四海同春」赴歐洲藝術團今年第八度來到英國倫敦,除了於情人節在倫敦華埠慶新春活動演出,並於15日晚在牛津圓環附近的Palladium劇院舉行慰僑專場演出,與英國華僑及當地觀眾共賀猴年佳節。柔術、雜技、木偶戲及川劇變臉等多元精緻的表演節目,讓逾千嘉賓觀眾摒氣凝神,喝采掌聲不斷。當晚劇院座無虛席,國務院僑辦副主任譚天星、中國駐英國大使劉曉明和大使館一些領導和代表觀看演出。譚天星在表演前上台向觀眾致新年祝賀,說中國國務院僑務辦公室已連續第八年組派「文化中國.四海同春」藝術團來英國慰問僑胞,希望能讓英國華僑感受祖國對海外同胞的思念及感謝。今年的表演節目有更多雜技類表演,在柔術《牽手》中,表演者以優雅的身段恣意扭轉摺疊身體,演出高難度的特技動作;在雜技《蹬技》表演者則仰臥在小台上,高舉雙腳輕鬆騰翻耍弄紙傘及紅布,令現場觀眾嘆為觀止。此外,曾登上央視春晚的雜技《力量》,則由兩位男表演者利用身體力量的平衡達成特技動作,配合磅礴雄壯的音樂,讓台下觀眾看得目不轉睛,拍手叫絕。
            選秀節目《中國好聲音》戰隊四強人氣學員趙大格及第四季總冠軍張磊也先後登台,趙大格首先帶來「Ain't No Mountain High Enough」及「藍旗袍」兩首輕鬆搖擺的現代歌曲,她說;「我也在美國學習設計五年了,所以也特別能體會異鄉遊子的感受!」擅長民謠曲的張磊則透過質樸有穿透力的嗓音演唱「異鄉人」和「旅行」抒情歌,唱進領聽者的心坎。川劇變臉及木偶戲為演出中呼聲最高的兩個橋段,川劇表演藝術家邵檢貴瞬息變化的變臉速度讓觀眾折服,木偶也一同表演變臉,匠心獨具。接著,邵檢貴步入觀眾席讓幾位觀眾近距離觀看變臉的瞬間,使現場氣氛更加熱烈。木偶戲《別洞觀景》的表演者則巧妙操控木偶,讓木偶摘花別在頭上,與台下觀眾握手互動,讓木偶的動作仿若真人一般精巧微妙。晚會並請到在英國習舞的周宇航表演敦煌舞蹈,利用長水袖在空中劃出宛如水墨一般的圓弧;壓軸是「第四代江姐」得聲樂家鐵金則以嘹亮的歌聲帶來「紅梅贊」、「為了誰」及「我和我的祖國」,引起現場觀眾強烈共鳴及思鄉之情,最後與一眾嘉賓上台大合照,為演出劃下完美句點。
          • One of four daughters of a civil servant and a teacher, she grew up in 1960s Liverpool. Her grandmother, who left school at age 12 and subsequently raised 14 children, had little social life or time for cultural activities. But unlike women from the older generations, Jude Kelly's passion as a little girl was to gather children in her neighborhood and tell them stories or perform plays with them.Kelly, who is now artistic director of London's Southbank Centre, among Britain's largest cultural institutions, shared her story of growing up at the UK-China Workshop for Senior Arts Center and Theater Management, which was held at the Tianqiao Performing Arts Center in Beijing on March 3-4. "That's not a testimony to my individual talent. That's a testimony to a philosophy that every child's imagination would become something someday," Kelly, 62, says. "In the end, art is personal. It's about using art to explain our emotions. So, as people working in the arts, we have a great mission to celebrate the imagination of people." Prior to 1951, very few people in Britain were directly involved with the arts but they are for everyone, Kelly says. And that's how the Southbank Centre sees it, reflecting the spirit of the 1951 Festival of Britain, which turned what was then a post-war wasteland into a creative space on the banks of River Thames, with millions visiting each year. "The place was built for people to take part in things, not just inside concert halls. We want to make all people feel welcome to drop in any time," Kelly says. Impressed by China's new cultural infrastructure, built in the past few years, Kelly says the country holds a big potential in engaging more people in the arts, similar to Southbank's early days . Sean Gregory, director of Creative Learning at London's Barbican Center, another venue for performing arts, with more than 1.8 million annual visitors, says education is very crucial to making changes and giving ordinary people access to the arts.
          • V&a and china merchant shekou cooperation
          • 記者朱燁北京報道:應英國Sinolink Productions邀請,在中國文化部和中國駐英國大使館支持下,著名京劇表演藝術家于魁智、李勝素、楊赤(特邀)將率領中國國家京劇院一團一行六十五人,攜京劇經典大戲全本《將相和》和《白蛇傳》再赴英倫,於十月十三至十五日在倫敦孔雀劇院(The Peacock Theatre)演出四場。  此行是中國國家京劇院一團繼二○○五年和二○一五年兩度訪英成功後的又一次英倫之旅。
          •月22至23日,英國倫敦聖保羅教堂(St Paul's Church)迎來世界非物質遺產── 中國崑曲的首次造訪,紀念東方和西方的 兩位戲劇大師湯顯祖和莎士比亞逝世400 周年。
          • The China-UK Art & Aesthetics Forum was organized by Phoenix Art, part of the Sino-UK culture exchange year. Artists and fashion designers from both countries shared their ideas at the forum. Before the forum, Phoenix Art launched a menswear design contest featuring 83 designers from both countries.

          - music

          • The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra has just concluded its first tour in China, from late December in Guangzhou, Changsha, Shanghai to Beijing on Jan 5. The orchestra, which is composed of around 85musicians, performed Elgar's Enigma Variations as well as music of Tchaikovsky, Pablo de Sarasate and Dvorak under the baton of conductor Vassily Sinaisky.
          • London Symphony Orchestra has begun an intensive period of cultural bridge-building with China aimed at promoting East-West ties and mutual understanding. LSO has completed its sixth China tour.
          • Representatives of Britain's music industry and the Department for International Trade visited China recently seeking new ways for the United Kingdom to benefit from the country's lucrative pop market.
            The weeklong trip to Beijing, which concluded on Monday, was part of the UK government's Music Mission, which aims to help bands and stars break into the Chinese charts. Currently, UK artists comprise about 5 percent of the acts in China's top 100. So far, China's music market is worth about 134 million pounds ($171 million) a year. The Beijing trip pushed for a more through mixture of conferences, artist showcases and visits to Chinese music companies. The Department for International Trade organized the mission in partnership with the Association of Independent Music and the British Phonographic Industry. Gennaro Castaldo, a BPI spokesman, said, "British music is hugely popular around the world - it has become the UK's international calling card and is arguably more important than ever as the UK looks to form new trading relationships post-Brexit." Emmy Buckingham, membership and international manager at the Association of Independent Music, said, "Since our last mission to China in 2007, AIM has been encouraged by advances in Chinese copyright law that are creating valuable market opportunities." Some 12 UK acts, including singer-songwriter Lucy Rose and Northern Irish singer Ciaran Lavery, will benefit from the latest round of funding through the Music Exports Growth Scheme that aims to further boost music exports. The government program, which has awarded nearly 2 million pounds of investment for UK artists, helps British musicians build on their domestic success to crack overseas markets.
          • 舉世知名的英國劍橋大學國王學院合唱團,近日推出最新專輯《再別康橋》,首度收錄有兩首中文歌,分別為詩人徐志摩的《再別康橋》及中國著名民歌《茉莉花》。今次是該合唱團成立五百多年以來,首次向全球發布中文曲目。
          • 英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會(ABRSM)公布,內地部分省市的考級試將全部取消,包括廣東深圳、廣州、中山、珠海和廈門等七地,報名考生將獲退款;香港、澳門地區的考試則不受影響。外界猜測,取消考試的原因與內地的政策有關。內媒指停考原因是政策問題,目前該機構的英國總部正與內地文化部門協調,完善相關手續。ABRSM頒授的證書獲百多個國家認可,每年有超過六十五萬人報名應考,是全球最權威的音樂考級試之一。

          - martial arts

          • 「中英武術精英薈萃聯合公 演」的大型活動由中國武術協會主辦,也 是中英兩國高級別人文交流機制框架活動 之一。中國武術代表團由中國武術協會副 主席陳恩堂率領,其中包括15名世界、亞 洲和全國武術冠軍,他們與英國多家著名 武術館校的武林高手同台切磋武術,以武 會友,論劍英倫。

          - chinese lantern festival

          • Longleat, the stately home in Wiltshire and the seat of the Marquesses of Bath, has been transformed into an illuminated winter wonderland with more than 20,000 Chinese lanterns, bringing a touch of the Far East into the West Country. Among the lightworks created by a team of artists from Zigong in China's Sichuan province are a 100-metre-long dragon, a 50-metre-long floating dragon boat, a 20-metre-tall pagoda and a palace made of 80,000 porcelain cups, bowls and plates, as well as a giant blue and white tea set created from 220,000 liquid-filled glass phials.
          • Hundreds of traditional Chinese lanterns lit up the sprawling gardens of London's Chiswick House to celebrate the upcoming Lunar New Year. This week's Magical Lantern Festival focused on the Silk Road, a network of trade routes connecting China with the West, which expanded on Wednesday with the arrival of the first China-to-Britain freight train in London. Around 1,500 lanterns replicated this journey along the ancient Silk Road, with illuminated models of Rome's Colosseum, the Egyptian pyramids and a Tang dynasty palace.
          - british empire

          • missionaries

          - study on china's history

          • My new book is now out. Out of China narrates the struggle of China’s peoples across the twentieth century to roll back foreign power, and explores the explosive legacy today of the era of foreign domination. Starting in 1918 it charts the decline, fall and afterlife of the foreign enclaves that had been established in many of China’s great cities (as well as in some quite out-of-the-way backwaters). It shows how the battle to restore China’s dignity and sovereignty took place on battlefields, and in conference chambers, but also in museums and galleries, in Hollywood, in print, and on stage. Out of China is concerned with struggles over ideas, and political power, but I also draw out the human dimension, and the stories of those caught up by design or chance in this now largely vanished world. The battle for China was not over even when the last foreign colony, Macao, was handed back in 1999, and tensions over the record of foreign powers in China, and over the wider legacy and impact of the West remain live today.

          - association

          • 全英華人社團聯合總會第23屆執委會選舉大會於3月15日在伯明翰皇冠假日酒店(Crowne Plaza Hotel)舉行。上屆會長葉劍橋為全場唯一會長提名,并獲得一致通過,成功連任。上屆首席副會長曾嘉文、秘書長司徒民星也獲得連任。李天生、李房福、曾憲初、何家金、鄧桂芳、關子斌和林發富成為本屆副會長。共有來自英國各地的華人社團代表和媒體等四十餘人出席大會。對於此次連任,葉劍橋表示,在未來任期的三年之內,他將會竭盡所能做好人才發現及資金尋找的工作。他希望能為總會找更多的人才和錢財,將總會的整體運作搞得有聲有色:「人的健康靠運動,會的發展要多搞活動。但是搞活動,沒有錢沒有人才,說什麼都假。」他預備尋找更多與總會相關的社團,或是主流社會的有關組織和企業,來贊助總會的活動,從中為總會找到一些運作基金。
          • 全英華人社團聯合總會於7月19日在倫敦華埠中國城大酒樓召開第二十三屆第二次常務會議,鑑於前總會會長葉劍橋不幸辭世而須補替,當天除缺席者外,執委們一致通過,由原首席副會長曾嘉文接任新會長,原任副會長鄧桂芳接任首席副會長,並遞補了李冠平為副會長及王庚勝為執行委員。曾嘉文會長獲選後表示,全英華人社團聯合總會是一個愛中國、愛香港、愛家鄉的華人社團,自一九六八年成立以來已經歷了差不多半個世紀的春秋,見證了英國華人社會的發展和演變。
          • 全英華僑華人中國統一促進會常務副會長劉凱說,一些極端激進分子藉口反對特區政府有關條例修訂,暴力衝擊立法會大樓,肆意損壞立法會設施。這種嚴重違法行為踐踏香港法治,破壞香港社會秩序,損害香港的根本利益,是對「一國兩制」底線的公然挑戰。
          • 據中新社報道,英國50多家華僑華人社團代表於當地時間7月5日發表致英國政府的公開信,反對英方涉及香港的錯誤言論,並呼籲珍惜來之不易的中英友誼。公開信發起人之一、旅英文化學會主席黎麗表示,公開信由50多家華僑華人社團代表聯合署名,並於當日下午寄給英國外交大臣傑里米.亨特(Jeremy Hunt)本人。公開信發出後,仍相繼有20多家華人社團表示支持和響應。
          • 旅歐吉澳同鄉會
          • 曾天送憶述認識發哥於2003年,在倫敦的萬富宮 與英國僑界領袖張醒雄會長、 「西貢鄉事委員會」 劉運喜主席一起, 「旅歐西貢糧船灣同鄉會」江水 生會長介紹後,劉皇發迅即答應率團訪問旅歐吉 澳、旅歐糧船灣同鄉會。 舞獅及麒麟隊站滿漆咸街 本文開端時,我曾說劉皇發是曾天送心中的王, 此話怎說呢? 筆者是訪問團團員之一,有幸看到十 分盛大的場面,我甚至認為,這不就是迎接王的陣 仗嗎?至今我記憶猶新,當我們的車快要到同鄉 會,已經透過車窗外看到歡迎列隊,聽到敲鑼打 鼓、看到兩條舞獅、舞麒麟的隊伍站滿整條漆咸街 (Chatham),燃燒鞭炮裏啪啦的響,連續響了很 久,當我跟隨大隊進入同鄉會所,外面仍然持續的 在燃燒鞭炮的聲響,裏面已經有人手捧一團香 火列隊等候,他們遞給我們每人3炷香,示意要我們 向天后娘娘上香。踏入這個同鄉會所,你不會覺得 身在國外,因為裏面有打麻將的房間,唱粵劇的房 間,學中文書法國畫的房間等等。 1984 年在英格蘭的肯特郡(Kent)買下這一幢房 子,樓高 4 層,7 間課室,是吉澳全體鄉親集腋成 裘,聚沙成塔的結果;總共籌得6萬英鎊。目的是為 了鄉親思鄉想家聚會的落腳點,守望相助相互幫忙 之地。還有一個重要的原因是希望自己的下一代子 孫要接受中國文化的熏陶,不要忘記自己是中國 人!
          - chinatown

          • 利物浦華埠商會(Liverpool Chinese Business Association)主席黃榮富(Brian Wong)表示,「更準確地說,已經處於貧寒邊緣⋯⋯但我相信,必定有轉機。」
            其他數字也在說明一點什麼。華人社群,說是利物浦規模最大的少數族裔,但唐人街這裡的常住華人人口,從上世紀中後期開始減少,現在只剩下1.2萬。1860年代抵達利物浦的華人,在這裡立足奮鬥,成為歐洲首支初具規模的華社力量。1950、1960年代,更多的移民和尋求政治庇護者到達,進一步提高利市華人社群的地位,但同時,卻受到主流就業市場的歧視。也正因如此,華人自顧自家,選擇自僱行業,自己人越住越近,唐人街越來越大,人口密度也越來越高。但隨著「華二代」成長起來,華埠逐漸式微。專門為服務華人而開設的商鋪,如縫補店、洗衣店、保險公司、律師行等,逐一面臨結業的考驗。當地商家Simon Wong預測,將有更多華埠商貿,特別是餐飲業,未來可能被迫結業。
          • 英國移民局5日(周四)在倫敦華埠搜捕無證勞工,但態度惡劣。據現場傳出的視頻資料,其間一名聾啞婆婆躺在白色的執法車前,移民局車輛卻仍向前直衝險些造成意外,路人合力推動執法車試圖制止。事件引起接近200多名華人和路人的聲討,不料移民局呼喚警方增援,警員粗暴推走在場民眾,同華人發生一定的爭執甚至肢體衝突,令緊張氣氛升級,事件擾攘超過一小時,是倫敦華埠首次發生警民對峙的嚴重事件。倫敦唐人街位於倫敦市中心威斯敏斯特市蘇豪區(SOHO),是英國最大的華人社區,聚集了眾多中餐館、超市和紀念品店,華裔人口傳統上以香港和廣東籍為主,近年來中國其他省份的移民也不斷加入。今年以來英國移民局以檢查黑工為名,已經三次突襲倫敦唐人街,頻率之高過往罕見。華埠商會首席副會長鄧漢聲表示,移民局經常在店舖最繁忙時突擊檢查,令商戶感到非常困擾,行動不但影響生意,華人餐飲業的公眾形象也大受打擊。倫敦華埠商會經過召開公眾大會,決定於24日下午發起唐人街罷市行動,抗議當局粗暴執法。倫敦華埠商會主席鄧柱廷表示,英國華人大多奉公守法,且多年來與英國執法部門關係良好,但此次個別執法人員粗暴執法令事件惡化。商會將要求當局徹查事件,改善專業操守。英國華人資料及諮詢中心主席、法官楊慶權就事件發表聲明,稱衝突事件令人十分失望。如果調查發現移民局人員執法過當,將會把內政部日前頒發的嘉許狀退還。英國各地華人亦紛紛表示,將會發起行動聲援,維護華人的尊嚴及合法權益。 這已經不是第一次因搜捕黑工引發唐人街罷市。2013年10月由於英國移民局連續數周在唐人街大規模搜捕非法移民,突襲了多家中餐館,倫敦華埠商會認為這一行為涉嫌歧視華人,丑化華人社區形象,倫敦唐人街於22日進行了為時3小時的罷市,抗議移民局「歧視性執法」。

          - 倫敦霸王客橫行 中餐館「縱」出禍?

          - 新一代華人在英倫
          - policing and security

          • 英國各地近期發生多宗華人家庭及中餐館的爆竊案,警方從蘇格蘭格拉斯哥附近發生的一宗華人家庭爆竊案中,拘捕多名東歐籍疑犯,搜出一批中國人的地址。曾是「英國監督警務行動組」旗下華人支部「民權」的統籌林懷耀先生提到,在政府的緊縮政策下,警方不會即時處理非緊急案件,形成匪徒有恃無恐。
          - money laundering

          • 多名在英國的中國留學生,近日因為銀行帳戶被凍結,向中國駐英國使館求助。經了解,該些留學生曾透過微信群或朋友圈,結識可疑人士並私自兌匯,因帳戶異常變動,遭英方懷疑洗黑錢,才被凍結戶口調查。

          - 中國國家主席習近平訪英期間,曾於10月22日下午在東方文華酒店接見了在英華人華僑、學生學者以及中資企業代表近兩百人,更與其中不少人親切握手,還送上貼心的祝福,讓華人華僑倍感溫暖。作為六十餘名華人華僑代表之一的倫敦華埠商會主席兼會長鄧柱廷OBE激動地說,「今天主席說了很多,還希望華人華僑能為中英黃金時代繼續努力。」該會副主席林奕權覺得親眼見到習主席非常震撼,「平時都是在電視上見到,今天親身見到,感覺很親切。」他回想起五年前胡主席訪英時,幫手做安保,「短短五年,英國對中方的訪問的重視度已經不一樣。當時警察也只有幾個,酒店大家都自出自入,感覺不太受重視,但現在不一樣,整個氣氛不一樣了,警察有超過一百個,嚴緊很多。全英華人社團聯合總會會長葉劍橋則透露,習主席在講話中提到如「一帶一路」等中國目前發展的政策及依法治國的理念,還特別強調了其在十八大上提出的「兩個一百年」奮鬥目標,呼籲華人華僑一起努力。蘇格蘭華人社團聯合總會名譽會長鍾盤威從蘇格蘭遠赴,還有幸與習主席握手,「非常榮幸受邀,中國現在這麼強盛,這一次訪英意義特殊。」其餘受邀的華僑還包括榮業行集團主席葉煥榮、泗和行集團主席謝貴全、新界鄉議局海外顧問委員會歐洲聯絡處會長林道明、旅歐吉澳同鄉會會長曾天送、游運來及紐卡素東北華僑聯誼會會長曾憲初等。
 鑼鼓頻催,農曆猴年將至,英國數十個華人社團首次攜手合作,聯合舉辦一個全英華人華僑新春團拜會,群策群力,銳意創新,屆時將有一番盛況。這次別開生面的新春團拜將於2016年1月30日下午4時在倫敦西敏市中央大會堂﹙Westminster Central Hall﹚舉行。團拜會總策劃王春在倫敦華埠中國站舉行的發布會上表示,這次首屆全英團拜會的主題是「團結、和諧、發展、創新、共贏」,由參加的社團共同贊助,參加的華人社團迄今已達七十多個,但希望還有更多社團踴躍加入,共襄盛事。王春透露,團拜會將新老結合,改變一般的節目形式,除邀請地方戲曲、民樂表演團體演出之外,還特設廟會,中有50個展台,舉行中國特色的小節目,其間並有高蹺穿插,而大會節目則由蘇格蘭管弦樂團伴奏中國音樂。西敏市中央大會堂是倫敦的人文中心,能夠容納兩千多位觀眾。籌委會因地制宜,推出了五十多個廣告展位,向各位商家招租。團拜會由英國齊魯文商會(山東同鄉會)發起,英國三十二家僑會聯袂主辦,多家僑會傾力協辦。王春說,團拜會今後每年將由不同的社團做主委,今年已獲山東地方機構贊助,而中國駐英大使館亦給予大力支持。
          - participation in politics
          • BBC中文网3月26日于伦敦举行座谈会,邀请华裔国会议员候选人、华人社区及政治团­体代表探讨英国政治与华人关系,议题包括华人登记选民、议政、参政。这是中文网有关英­国大选系列报道之一。
          • two chinese claim to be supported by David Cameron
          • UCAL英中語言家協會於4月29日晚假英國董事學會 (Institute of Directors) 開啟協會的《語言大講壇》系列活動,首次講壇議題為「語言與英國華人參政」,就語言文化和華人參政等議題展開探討。中國駐英大使館盧海⽥參贊簡要闡述英國華人參政的現狀,鼓勵所有具中國背景的英國公民在做好自己本職工作的同時,積極參政議政並勇於發聲。《語言大講壇》為英中語言家協會旗艦會務活動,本次講壇從語言及文化角度探討在英華⼈參政議政狀況,不僅旨在幫助華人更好地了解英國主流文化,更號召在英華人踴躍發聲,成為積極參政的公民群體。英國華人工黨主席梁辛尼(Sonny Leong CBE)認為,英國是多元化的國家,華人群體作為其中一員應當更加積極參政。英國社會存在著許多有損華人利益的問題,華人應當將這些告訴政府官員,並督促其改變政策。倫敦市議員首位華裔女候選人杜淑真、英國華人參政計劃副主席葉穩堅及地方議員王鑫剛,作為此次參選英國地方選舉的華裔候選人談及自身參政經歷並聲明,以華人的比例,地方政府、市政廳、議會需要更多華人議席。
          • 英國著名華裔律師、“華人參政計劃”創辦人李貞駒接受本報記者採訪時稱,作為海外傑出華人,她積極推動英國華人華僑特別是港人融入主流社會和爭取話語權。李貞駒生於香港,11歲到英國讀書和發展,後創辦了英國最大華人律師行─李貞駒律師行。她除了熱心維護華人權益,也積極鼓勵華人參與英國政治生活,創辦了“華人參政計劃”,成為華人社區和英國政界通話的橋樑之一。對於香港迴歸二十周年,李貞駒表示,二十年來香港在政治、經濟和文化領域都取得了舉世矚目的成就,中央嚴格遵守《基本法》的有關規定,從不干預特區的內部事務,香港實現了高度自治,這也説明“一國兩制”在香港成功實踐已是一個不爭的事實。
          • 由律師李貞駒成立「英國華人參政計劃」,到各地唐人街呼籲華人行使投票權。不過,有華裔翻譯業者指出,不少老一輩華人移民無法閱讀及理解英語,遑論了解政黨宣言,認為難以說服他們投票。不過,新一代移民、利物浦的超市老闆羅先生(Jimmy Low)則認為,在脫歐切身問題下,華人也積極參與政治。曼徹斯特唐人街總會長陳新貴亦指,華人參政意識開始逐步提升。華人參政計劃透露,社區安全、中文教育、移民政策及種族歧視都是華人群體關心但有待解決的問題。 此外,英國為華人留學熱門地點,有華人希望政府能給予留學優惠、就業機會等支持。另外,華人飲食業面臨廚師荒,不少人希望政府能放寬工作簽證。

          - chinese in uk

          • 1953年在新界出生的鄧柱廷少時在 香港成長,1975年22歲的他來到英 國,於異國他鄉開始打拚之路。旅居英國港人僑領、全英華人 華僑聯合總會會長曾嘉文英國華裔社會活動家、 「爐峰社」創辦人李漢基在接受大 公報記者採訪時表示,香港的教育 應該培訓青少年對國家的歸屬感, 讓他們以身為中國人感到自豪。 李漢基在上世紀七十年代從香港 赴英國求學,之後留在英國發展為華 裔知名牙醫,並積極服務華人社區, 還擔任了倫敦華埠商會的發言人。
          • 英國各地近期發生多宗針對華人家庭及外賣店的入屋爆竊案件,本報記者收到兩個家庭被賊人入屋爆竊後,屋內凌亂不堪如「垃圾堆」的短片。其中受害人操廣東話,兩宗案件的犯案手法非常相似。有華人指,警方從一宗入屋爆竊案中拘捕的疑犯身上,發現一張有多個華人家庭地址的名單,懷疑有中國人和東歐匪徒勾結策劃劫案,不排除港人家庭亦成為目標。
          • 關於蔣彝(Chiang Yee,一九○三至 一九七七年),最著名的段子,和享譽世 界的飲品相關。一九二七年剛剛進入中國 時, 「Coca-Cola」有個拗口的中文譯名 「蝌蚪啃蠟」,不開胃到極點,可想而知 長時間銷售慘淡。負責拓展全球業務的出 口公司在英國登報,以三百五十英鎊的獎 金重新徵集譯名。一位旅英學者從《泰晤 士報》獲悉,以 「可口可樂」之名應徵, 一擊即中。力挽狂瀾的人,就是蔣彝。
          • 來自中國山東青島的崔琦立場則截然不同,她是脫歐黨唯一一個華裔候選人。脫歐亂局令她有感英國政治「不成氣候」,決定投身政壇。針對香港議題,她稱︰「香港的抗議,是年輕一代的聲音未被聽到,一如那些支持脫歐的選民一樣。」她又認為中國對英國而言,是巨大的市場和經濟機會。
          • 美媒上周五引述法庭文件報道,指一名居於英國的華裔男子二○一八年一月起以研發「雷達輔助停車器材」為由,向總部位於英國的航空航天和國防供應商Cobham,訂購一批用於太空衞星和彈道導彈系統的抗輻射晶片,
          • 英媒報道,活躍於英國及其他國家政壇的中國商人胡智榮,疑是中方潛伏在其他國家的統戰代表,並提及英國軍情六處前情報員曾撰寫一篇報告,指出中國政府長期操縱英國政治和學術精英,藉此利用他們的影響力。英國《星期日郵報》報道,胡過去曾接觸五名英國首相,包括約翰遜、文翠珊、卡梅倫、白高敦及貝理雅,又曾與美國總統特朗普合照,曾與中國國家領導人握手。他亦曾與各知名人士,甚至王室成員合照,包括微軟始創人蓋茨、阿里巴巴始創人馬雲、英女王伊利沙伯二世、王儲查理斯等。公開資料顯示,胡為廣東中山人,現任凱信榮集團董事局主席、中國人民對外友好協會全國理事。他先後向社會各界捐贈逾九千萬元人民幣(約一億港元),榮獲「中國兒童慈善家」稱號。
          • 在倫敦華人圈裏叱咤風雲的僑領華 埠商會主席鄧柱廷,上世紀七十年代隨香 港新界移民潮來到英國後,明顯感覺到寄 人籬下、低人一等,他曾經給我講述了一 個他的親身經歷。有一次他去小賣店,買 完東西剛要出門離開,迎面被一個黑人小 青年攔住去路,對他進行各種挑釁,為不 招惹是非,他選擇忍氣吞聲。不料接下來 幾天裏,這個黑人小青年每天如法炮製, 終於讓他忍無可忍,大吼幾聲擺出武打的 架勢,讓對方誤以為他會中國功夫,此後 那個人便再沒有出現。我在採訪英國跨黨派組織 「華人參 政計劃」 時,也常聽到華人受到歧視的個 案。該組織長期推動華人融入英國主流社 會,他們一直都收到來自英國各地的電話 和電郵,講的都是他們遭遇的種族歧視, 原因除了華人所佔人口比例偏低,又分散 居於英國各地,孤單弱勢,還與華人傳統 上對政治冷感有關,由於缺少政治參與, 政界罕有華人身影,造成沒有人為華人發 聲,和其他少數族裔相比,直到二○一五 年才有首位華裔當選英國國會下議院議員 Alan Mak。比較諷刺的是,很多香港媒 體自作多情地稱其為 「麥大粒」 ,但這位 議員在接受媒體採訪時,卻否認自己有這 個中文名字,並且強調不會說中文。 身份認同或許可以選擇,但黑眼睛 、黑頭髮和黃皮膚的外表卻無法改變,換 句話說,在外國人眼裏,無論走到哪裏你 始終是一個中國人。也正因為如此,隨着 英國脫歐、中英關係惡化以及席捲全球的 新冠肺炎疫情,英國華人的處境正變得不 太樂觀。
          • 老陳是我在英國認識多年的老華僑,他在當地打拚了三十多年,如今已祖孫四代,年邁的母親是全家人的主心骨。英國自去年十二月八日為一名九十歲老人公開接種第一針疫苗,就此展開了大規模的全民接種計劃,老陳的母親很快成為首批接種對象,但接種過程並不順利,他向我講述了老人如何從最初拒絕,到後來主動接種的心路歷程。
          • 上世紀七十年代香港經濟起飛,發展為國際金融中心。黃牧卻更早「國際化」。一九六九年旅居英倫,「我在BBC(英國廣播公司)工作十年期間,我每星期一定聽三次以上音樂會。」他在商務印書館出版的最後一本音樂集子(附圖)回憶說。此外他亦經常到柏林、維也納、巴黎等歐洲各大音樂廳,現場聽過的傳奇巨擘包括魯賓斯坦、荷路維茲、奧依斯特拉赫、米爾斯坦、史托斯基、卡拉揚等。他亦將聽樂過程巨細無遺如實報道,讓我等遠方讀者猶如置身其中,在沒有互聯網的年代,效果震撼。  七十到九十年代是香港專業樂評的黃金時期,筆耕的包括已故原上海音樂學院小提琴教授鄭延益、美學教授葉純之、信報總編輯沈鑒治(筆名孔在齊),還有中文大學音樂教授紀大衛等。但以中文每周寫國際樂壇評論的,黃牧是第一位,結束了依靠翻譯外電二手樂聞時代。他的筆下,大多是現場獨家材料。通過現場聽演出,對各大師的唱片進行驗證。他的分析往往趣味盎然,以大量資料輔以獨有角度,佐證主觀評語。一句:「我在現場!」讀者們乖乖跟着他聽音樂。

          - chinese educated/trained in uk
          • 從劍橋走出來的愛國銀行家陳紘
          - sinologist
          •  Denis Crispin Twitchett (23 September 1925 – 24 February 2006) was a British Sinologist and scholar who specialized in Chinese history, and is well known as one of the co-editors of The Cambridge History of China.Denis Twitchett was born on 23 September 1925 in London, England. He read Modern Chinese at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London in 1946-47 before moving on to read the Oriental Studies at Cambridge from 1947-50. He was a lecturer at the University of London (1954–56) and Cambridge (1956–60), the Chair of Chinese at the universities of London (1960–68) and Cambridge (1968–80), and the Gordon Wu '58 Professor of Chinese Studies at Princeton University (1980–94). He was a fellow of the British Academy from 1967. He greatly expanded the role of Chinese studies in Western intellectual circles. During World War II, Twitchett took a crash course in Japanese and for the remainder of the war he was part of the Bletchley Park operations acting as a listener at one of the forward listening stations in Sri Lanka. After the war he gained a degree in geography at Cambridge. He also spent a great deal of time in Japan and was able to learn from the best Japanese historians of China (who tended to focus on Tang China, a period which became his field of expertise also). He married Umeko Ichikawa in 1956. Together they had two children.
          • 英國著名中國政治專家、哈佛大學歷史與政治科學榮休教授馬若德(Roderick MacFarquhar,又譯麥克法夸爾)周日(10日)離世,享年88歲。他生前曾兩度擔任主任的哈佛大學費正清中國研究中心發訃告,形容他是「偉大的學者和偉人」;表示將於適當時機舉行公眾追悼會,向這位中共問題研究泰斗致敬。馬若德不但是六四學運領袖王丹的論文導師,據傳他還是習近平獨生女習明澤的導師之一。馬若德1930年12月生於英屬印度拉合爾,父親是英國外交官。他在1955年獲授哈佛大學遠東地區研究碩士,師承創辦哈佛東亞研究中心(費正清中國研究中心前身)的費正清,畢業後曾先後任職多家傳媒,專責報道中國新聞。他一生縱橫政界、學術界和傳媒界,曾供職英國外交部,以高級文官身份1971年首次訪華。他在1974年當選國會議員,離開政壇後全心全意投入學術研究,1981年獲授倫敦大學博士,之後進入哈佛任教,長期從事中共高層政治研究,兩度擔任費正清研究中心主任。
          • Julia Lovell (nacida en 1975), ganadora del premio Fellowship of the British Academy, es una escritora, traductora y sinóloga ampliamente reconocida. Está casada con su compañero Robert Macfarlane, que también es escritor.Lovell es profesora de historia china moderna y literatura en Birkbeck, Universidad de Londres,[1]​ donde su investigación se ha centrado principalmente en la relación entre cultura (específicamente, literatura, arquitectura, historiografía y deporte) y la construcción de la nación china moderna. Los libros de Lovell incluyen Política del Capital Cultural: La Búsqueda de un Premio Novel de Literatura de China (Universidad de Hawaii Press, 2006); La Gran Muralla: China contra el mundo 1000 AC-AD 2000 (Atlantic Books, 2006); y La Guerra del Opio: Drogas, Sueños y Creando China (Picador, 2011). Lovell es, también, traductora literaria. Sus traducciones incluyen obras de Lu Xun, Han Shaogong, Eileen Chang y Zhu Wen. 
          - food

          • 首届“金筷子”全英东方美食大奖16日在伦敦揭晓,共颁出最佳餐厅、厨师等多项大奖,著名华商谢贵全获“终身成就奖”,以表彰他数十年来为推广中餐美食所做的杰出贡献。华裔名厨谭荣辉获颁“杰出贡献奖”

          - education

          • A UK immigration consultancy had its license suspended which led to 257 Chinese graduates being told to leave the country, drawing attention to visa problems that have harmed the interests of Chinese graduates. In June, the UK-based Overseas Student Service Centre had its sponsorship license revoked by the British Home Office. As a result, 257 Chinese students sponsored by the group were told to leave the UK within 60 days or make alternative arrangements to stay. Compliance checks of the consultancy by the government found "significant breaches" of its obligations, according to a Home Office spokesman who requested anonymity. The Home Office deals with the country's internal affairs. The consultancy's scheme, called the International Student Internship Program, placed eligible graduates in internships at UK-based organizations. It was run in partnership with a UK-based law firm, Denning Legal. The consultancy charged students a fee of 1,200 pounds ($1,570) for the program. It was rolled out under the government's so-called Tier 5 Government Authorized Exchange program, where organizations can sponsor student internships at UK companies
          - newspapers
          • 英國中文報紙式微,唐人街收費報紙幾已絕跡,免費報紙倒有幾份,每樣拿一份,背囊已經半滿,回家每份都翻翻,不能沒有感慨。基於歷史原因,以前的英國中文報源自香港。中文報業好世界的時候,從香港空運到倫敦,隔夜報紙每份三英鎊仍有人買。香港兩份報紙(包括本報)在英國設有辦事處出版本地化報紙,香港主要報紙在英都有特約記者,有大事派人來採訪,這是九七前的情況。
          - arts and culture
          • 一名來自香港的女編劇與台灣拍檔一同自編自演英國廣播公司(BBC)劇集,聲言要透過劇中女角於倫敦的生活點滴,打破英國人對亞洲人的固有偏見思維。惟近日劇集播出後引起網民熱議,不少人認為此劇只會加深英國人對亞裔的歧視,劇中的亞裔女甚至表現出對亞裔男的厭惡,令男性也變成被歧視對象。
          •  Big Ben Awards(大笨鐘獎)近日在英國倫敦揭曉,包括新銳珠寶設計師王徐會美、中國美術學院工業設計系教師高鳳麟等四位中國設計師被授予神工獎,以表彰他們 作為中國年輕的設計力量,為中國文化藝術外交、中國設計走向國際作出的突出貢獻。 Big Ben Awards被譽為全球華人精英領域的「達沃斯」,設有十傑獎、神工獎等獎項,金庸、姚明、陳奕迅等大批優秀華人均曾在不同領域榮獲大笨鐘獎榮耀。
          • 中國書畫作品──晉代大家顧愷之的《女史箴圖》,而它能夠完整地保存,又離不開華人修復專家邱錦仙。中國古畫修復專家邱錦仙(右)已在大英博物館工作三十多年
          - festival
          • 紐卡素華人節慶會(Chinese Festivity Group)在紐卡素辦中式春節巡遊已經有17年歷史。在調動全紐卡素多個文化教育團體參加方面,華人節慶會擁有最多經驗。但過去3年,財政桎梏使得新春遊行越來越沒有過往熱鬧。因此,華人節慶會寄希望於眾籌,讓新春遊行重返紐卡素市最具代表性的節慶之一的重要位置。
            籌款目標為一萬英鎊 singtao europe edition 5sep17
          - participation/showcase in local festive events

          • 英國倫敦市中心周三舉行第三十四屆新年大巡遊,吸引大批民眾簇擁在街道兩旁駐足欣賞。今年參加巡遊的六十八個隊伍代表二十個國家和地區,表演者達八千五百多人。由倫敦華埠商會組建的隊伍成為固定表演之一,今年第三次獲邀出場,大型舞龍舞獅隊、十二生肖隊等濃厚的中國色彩深受英國民眾喜愛。

          - people in chinese community honoured

          - discrimination

          • 英國白金漢郡米爾頓凱恩斯一間小學早前舉辦「中國日」,讓學生學習中國文化。可是,活動期間有老師要求身穿唐裝的學生,在合影時拉起眼角變「矇豬眼」,務求更似中國人,令原本正面的中國日頓時變成辱華。有家長抨擊老師做法是種族歧視,校方事後已撤下照片,校長亦急忙撲火,就事件道歉。
          • 英國廣播公司(BBC)尚未播出的處境喜劇《和拉姆生活在一起(Living with the Lams)》,因被指涉嫌醜化中國人的祖母,近日在網上引起極大爭議。英國劇院和銀幕下的東亞人協會(BEATS)、多個華人團體組織,乃至多名英國華裔演員先後發聲,要求停止製作該劇。BBC華裔記者Elaine Chong更特意製作了一段紀錄片《我們的奶奶》,還原「中國奶奶」的真實形象。
          • In an open letter to the BBC and Twenty Twenty Television, a group claiming to represent the British East Asian creative industry calls for the show to be written by a team of British East Asians, and says failure to ensure that happens would mean the sitcom will “end up reinforcing the very tropes that have traditionally dogged British East Asian screen portrayal”. By the afternoon of 14 February, more than 200 people had signed the letter, which was co-ordinated by the lobbying group British East Asians in Theatre and On-Screen (Beats). The Harry Potter actress Katie Leung and Iron Fist and Game of Thrones star Jessica Henwick are among those who have signed the letter. Daniel York Loh, an actor and writer who is among the letter’s signatories, said it was an unacceptable situation and added that there was plenty of British East Asian talent.

          • 英仇華罪案增兩倍

          - Taipei representative office in the UK

          • Representative Chih Kung Liu wrote to FT editor on 3jun15 on south china sea disputes
          - 英國牛津市議會前晚以四十二票同意、一票反對、兩票棄權,通過與台灣的城市締結姊妹市。議案強調,姊妹市關係與英國官方承認中國立場無關,將與台民間開展交流。
          - taiwanese in uk

          • 二十七歲台籍女子蔣穆純(Mu-Chun Chiang,音譯),已經在英國居住十八年。但是她近日因工作簽證問題,遭英國內政部強制離境。蔣穆純友人發起網上聯署,盼她能留在英國,並且獲得近四萬人支持。英國衞生及社會關懷大臣夏國賢介入事件,內政部宣布推翻原先決定。

          - International Festival for Business
          - City week
          - Mauritius International Knowledge Investment Forum
          - Innovation and Awards Summit (Investhk is sponsor for 2014, info such as videos and photos for past events in 2013, 2011, 2010 also available)
          - International Cartel Workshop by International Bar Association
          - Great Festival of Creativity (worldwide event including HK (in pmq) and shanghai)
          - glyndebourne festival, under supervision of christie family
          - China related
          Performance Groups cooperation with HK
          - Birmingham Symphonic Winds tour to HK and Macau in April 2014

          Views on public policies
          - 英國去年通過容許夫婦二人當中,沒有工作或較低收入的一方,將部分免稅額撥給較高收入的配偶,從而享有更佳稅務優惠。不過條例實施以來,符合資格的夫婦僅得三十三萬人申請,比政府預期少。有當地華人表示,這些優惠只是杯水車薪,無補於事。稅務優惠限制多多,每人只能將約一千英鎊的免稅額轉給配偶。從事資訊科技的李先生表示,太太是全職家庭主婦,沒有收入,他應享有更多入息免稅額。不過,到他申請後才發現,原來根本不可完全享用妻子的免稅額。李先生認為,政府如希望吸引更多夫婦申請,便應慷慨些,不宜設立太多限制。本身是工程師的尼奧和其當私人補習老師的妻子積茜則表示,這政策並不吸引,對一方已是高收入的夫婦而言,每星期所得的優惠連買兩杯咖啡也不能。他們歡迎國會重新審議該條例,放寬稅階,讓更多人真正受惠。
          - Tourism experts and overseas visitors, including those from China, have criticized the United Kingdom's tax-refund system for being too complex and time-consuming. The system, in place since 1995, allows tourists from outside the European Union to claim back valued-added tax on any purchases made in the country upon departure. Yet critics argue that it threatens the UK's bid to become a major shopping destination. "The poor VAT refund experience, as well as hidden fees, certainly decreases Chinese travelers' satisfaction about their UK travel and lowers the UK image as a destination," said Yang Jingjing, a lecturer on tourism development at the University of Surrey. According to the rules, non-EU residents who buy goods in the UK can apply for a VAT refund when they leave the country. In theory, this involves filling out a form and presenting it with receipts to a refund booth, like those at the airport. In practice, however, the procedure can be time-consuming, proving an extra burden for passengers who already need to pass through lengthy security checks. The complexities of the procedure, the number of companies that operate refund programs, and long lines at airport counters mean many tourists are either losing out or being charged what some say are exorbitant fees.
          - brexit

          • 葉穩堅受訪時表示,今次公投對英國華人團體的意義,是給予華人機會參與有關國家前途及未來的投票,使更多華人可以在國家問題上表達己見,意義非凡。他又提到,華人中傾向支持留歐的普遍是年輕人或是商業主導的人,而脫歐支持者則較多是老一輩,情況與英格蘭差不多。有關脫歐對在英華人的影響,葉穩堅表示現階段評論為時尚早,但可加強在英華人與中國的關係。本報記者亦走訪街頭,英國出生、父母是伊朗人的大學經濟系一年級生塞佩,對脫歐感到很振奮,認為英國將會進入一個新方向。英語男教師克雷格對結果感失望,主因是在雙方陣營的爭議中,一個用來攻擊留歐的原因是歐盟腐敗,但他認為哪一個議會不腐敗,因此民眾必須在體制內,才能作出改變。剛大學畢業的馬庫斯坦言,未有想過會脫歐。

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