- “National Company "KAZAKH INVEST” JSC was established in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 100 dated March 1, 2017 “On the renaming of the National Export and Investment Agency“ KAZNEX INVEST” Joint-Stock Company in order to promote sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan by attracting foreign investment in priority sectors of the economy and comprehensive support of investment projects.
“KAZAKH INVEST”, having a wide network of representatives abroad and in the regions of the republic, on the principle of “one window” provides a full range of services to support investment projects from idea to implementation and in the post-investment period, and also acts as a single coordination center for special economic zones of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- La ville est connue pour son institut de physique nucléaire qui héberge un réacteur nucléaire de recherche de type VVR-K (Réacteur à eau légère de conception soviétique) d'une puissance de 10 Mégawatts électriques, ainsi qu'un cyclotron. En 2007, pour éviter les risques, l'organisation Nuclear Threat Initiative (en) (NTI) aide le Kazakhstan a éliminer ses stocks d'uranium fortement enrichi dans le cadre du démantèlement des armes nucléaires au Kazakhstan, notamment en soutenant la conversion du réacteur de recherche nucléaire d'Alataou2. En 2004, débute la construction des infrastructures et des voies d'accès du Parc technologique d'Alataou nommé Alma-IT Park. Le projet, qui couvre 340 ha, est financé à hauteur de 14,6 millions d'euros par le gouvernement kazakh. Les sociétés internationales Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Siemens, Cisco et Thales ont signé des accords de coopération avec le gouvernement kazakh3. En juin 2013, le parc technologique accueille 87 entreprises. Le 5 juin 2013, le président Nursultan Nazarbaev se rend dans cette zone économique spéciale pour y attirer de nouveaux investisseurs.
- lesnaya skazka mountain resort and spa - claimed to have the biggest yurt in the world
阿雷西Arys (Kazakh: Арыс, Arys, ارىس [ɑˈɾəs]; Russian: Арыс, earlier Арысь Aryś), is a town in Turkistan Region of Kazakhstan. Population: 62,197 (2009 Census results); 59,280 (1999 Census results). Arys is the junction of two important rail lines: Trans-Aral Railway (Orenburg-Arys-Tashkent) and Turkestan-Siberia Railway (Arys-Almaty-Barnaul). The Arys station was built ca. 1904 as a station on the Trans-Aral line;[2] a number of buildings and structures dating to 1902-05 are preserved in the city.[3] In 1932 Arys was granted the status of a work settlement, and in 1956, that of a city. The economy of Arys is centered on agriculture (grain, cotton, livestock). There are some industries as well, mostly having to do with the city's railroad origin: a railroad tie factory, an electric locomotive repair plant, and another one for the repair of railroad cargo cars.
- 哈薩克南部城市阿爾斯(Arys)附近一個軍火庫,周一上午失火後,導致倉庫部分彈藥爆炸,事件造成逾五十人受傷,包括婦孺。當局隨即派員滅火,並疏散市內約四萬名居民。
******* 巴甫洛達爾 Pavlodar (Kazakh and Russian: Павлодар) is a city in northeastern Kazakhstan and the capital of Pavlodar Region.Pavlodar was founded in 1720 as Koryakovsky, an Imperial Russian outpost. The settlement was created to establish control over the region's salt lakes, an important source of valuable salt. In 1861 the settlement was renamed Pavlodar and incorporated as a town. Pavlodar's significance was due in large measure to the substantial agricultural and salt-producing industries that had developed there despite the town's relatively small population. Pavlodar's population numbered only about 8,000 in 1897. The name Pavlodar means The Gift of Paul, and was chosen to commemorate the birth of the Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich of Russia. After 1955, the Soviet Government's Virgin Lands Campaign provided the impetus for the rapid growth and development of modern Pavlodar. Under the program, large numbers of young men and women from throughout the Soviet Union were relocated to the city; industrial and commercial activity was increased; and from the mid-1960s on, Pavlodar grew to become a major industrial centre of both the Kazakh SSR and of the Soviet Union because of a major arms and armour manufacturing facility located in the city.
- La ville est rattachée à l’oblast de Semipalatinsk en 1869.
- Im November 1917 bildete sich der Arbeiter- und Soldatenrat der Roten Garden und am 1. Oktober 1918 wurde die Stadt sowjetisch. Am 15. Januar 1938 wurde die Pawlodar Oblysy (damals Pawlodarskaja Oblast) mit Pawlodar als Zentrum gegründet.
- The largest local industries are aluminum, industrial chemicals, and farm machinery. An oil refinery was completed in 1978.
- 由於坦克製造業的關係,當地直到1992年為保密行政區。
- 中哈聯合考古再次取得重要成果。記者早前從陝西省考古研究院獲悉,2019年6月至9月,該院聯合哈薩克斯坦共和國伊塞克國家歷史文化博物館,第三次對拉哈特(Rahat)古城等遺址進行了考古調查與發掘。此次聯合考古共發掘面積980平方米,不僅獲取了拉哈特遺址區域活動過人群的一些物質遺存,同時出土的70件珍貴文物亦真實展現了絲綢之路的輝煌與繁榮。據了解,哈薩克斯坦橫跨亞歐大陸,兩千多年前,古絲綢之路正是經由哈薩克斯坦穿越廣袤的歐亞大陸,為東西方打開地理、民族和文化視界,哈薩克斯坦這條草原之路也成為人類活動的天然大通道。此次聯合發掘的拉哈特遺址,位於阿拉木圖市區以東50公里的伊塞克鎮區域,是哈薩克斯坦境內天山北麓絲綢之路上的一處重要遺址。當地傳說這裡曾是塞人王族部落(金人家族)的居住遺址,著名的伊塞克金人墓葬就位於該遺址附近。
- “National Company "KAZAKH INVEST” JSC was established in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 100 dated March 1, 2017 “On the renaming of the National Export and Investment Agency“ KAZNEX INVEST” Joint-Stock Company in order to promote sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan by attracting foreign investment in priority sectors of the economy and comprehensive support of investment projects.
“KAZAKH INVEST”, having a wide network of representatives abroad and in the regions of the republic, on the principle of “one window” provides a full range of services to support investment projects from idea to implementation and in the post-investment period, and also acts as a single coordination center for special economic zones of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- mr saken mukhamediyev, chief representative of kaznex invest in china, was one of the speakers of the silk road strategy conference organised by polyu on 9apr2015
- Kazakhstan’s president criticized the performance of the central bank as he replaced Governor Kairat Kelimbetov, who devalued the national currency twice in his two-year tenure amid plummeting oil prices and a rout in emerging markets. President Nursultan Nazarbayev named Daniyar Akishev, 39, an aide in his administration and former deputy governor at the central bank, to succeed Kelimbetov, according to a decree posted on his website Monday. The tenge weakened 0.4 percent to 281.26 versus the dollar as of 4:39 p.m. in Almaty, extending last month’s 2.9 percent decline.
- La ville est connue pour son institut de physique nucléaire qui héberge un réacteur nucléaire de recherche de type VVR-K (Réacteur à eau légère de conception soviétique) d'une puissance de 10 Mégawatts électriques, ainsi qu'un cyclotron. En 2007, pour éviter les risques, l'organisation Nuclear Threat Initiative (en) (NTI) aide le Kazakhstan a éliminer ses stocks d'uranium fortement enrichi dans le cadre du démantèlement des armes nucléaires au Kazakhstan, notamment en soutenant la conversion du réacteur de recherche nucléaire d'Alataou2. En 2004, débute la construction des infrastructures et des voies d'accès du Parc technologique d'Alataou nommé Alma-IT Park. Le projet, qui couvre 340 ha, est financé à hauteur de 14,6 millions d'euros par le gouvernement kazakh. Les sociétés internationales Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Siemens, Cisco et Thales ont signé des accords de coopération avec le gouvernement kazakh3. En juin 2013, le parc technologique accueille 87 entreprises. Le 5 juin 2013, le président Nursultan Nazarbaev se rend dans cette zone économique spéciale pour y attirer de nouveaux investisseurs.
- lesnaya skazka mountain resort and spa - claimed to have the biggest yurt in the world
阿雷西Arys (Kazakh: Арыс, Arys, ارىس [ɑˈɾəs]; Russian: Арыс, earlier Арысь Aryś), is a town in Turkistan Region of Kazakhstan. Population: 62,197 (2009 Census results); 59,280 (1999 Census results). Arys is the junction of two important rail lines: Trans-Aral Railway (Orenburg-Arys-Tashkent) and Turkestan-Siberia Railway (Arys-Almaty-Barnaul). The Arys station was built ca. 1904 as a station on the Trans-Aral line;[2] a number of buildings and structures dating to 1902-05 are preserved in the city.[3] In 1932 Arys was granted the status of a work settlement, and in 1956, that of a city. The economy of Arys is centered on agriculture (grain, cotton, livestock). There are some industries as well, mostly having to do with the city's railroad origin: a railroad tie factory, an electric locomotive repair plant, and another one for the repair of railroad cargo cars.
- 哈薩克南部城市阿爾斯(Arys)附近一個軍火庫,周一上午失火後,導致倉庫部分彈藥爆炸,事件造成逾五十人受傷,包括婦孺。當局隨即派員滅火,並疏散市內約四萬名居民。
******* 巴甫洛達爾 Pavlodar (Kazakh and Russian: Павлодар) is a city in northeastern Kazakhstan and the capital of Pavlodar Region.Pavlodar was founded in 1720 as Koryakovsky, an Imperial Russian outpost. The settlement was created to establish control over the region's salt lakes, an important source of valuable salt. In 1861 the settlement was renamed Pavlodar and incorporated as a town. Pavlodar's significance was due in large measure to the substantial agricultural and salt-producing industries that had developed there despite the town's relatively small population. Pavlodar's population numbered only about 8,000 in 1897. The name Pavlodar means The Gift of Paul, and was chosen to commemorate the birth of the Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich of Russia. After 1955, the Soviet Government's Virgin Lands Campaign provided the impetus for the rapid growth and development of modern Pavlodar. Under the program, large numbers of young men and women from throughout the Soviet Union were relocated to the city; industrial and commercial activity was increased; and from the mid-1960s on, Pavlodar grew to become a major industrial centre of both the Kazakh SSR and of the Soviet Union because of a major arms and armour manufacturing facility located in the city.
- La ville est rattachée à l’oblast de Semipalatinsk en 1869.
- Im November 1917 bildete sich der Arbeiter- und Soldatenrat der Roten Garden und am 1. Oktober 1918 wurde die Stadt sowjetisch. Am 15. Januar 1938 wurde die Pawlodar Oblysy (damals Pawlodarskaja Oblast) mit Pawlodar als Zentrum gegründet.
- The largest local industries are aluminum, industrial chemicals, and farm machinery. An oil refinery was completed in 1978.
- 由於坦克製造業的關係,當地直到1992年為保密行政區。
- 中哈聯合考古再次取得重要成果。記者早前從陝西省考古研究院獲悉,2019年6月至9月,該院聯合哈薩克斯坦共和國伊塞克國家歷史文化博物館,第三次對拉哈特(Rahat)古城等遺址進行了考古調查與發掘。此次聯合考古共發掘面積980平方米,不僅獲取了拉哈特遺址區域活動過人群的一些物質遺存,同時出土的70件珍貴文物亦真實展現了絲綢之路的輝煌與繁榮。據了解,哈薩克斯坦橫跨亞歐大陸,兩千多年前,古絲綢之路正是經由哈薩克斯坦穿越廣袤的歐亞大陸,為東西方打開地理、民族和文化視界,哈薩克斯坦這條草原之路也成為人類活動的天然大通道。此次聯合發掘的拉哈特遺址,位於阿拉木圖市區以東50公里的伊塞克鎮區域,是哈薩克斯坦境內天山北麓絲綢之路上的一處重要遺址。當地傳說這裡曾是塞人王族部落(金人家族)的居住遺址,著名的伊塞克金人墓葬就位於該遺址附近。
Semey (Kazakh and Russian: Семей), until 2007 known as Semipalatinsk (Kazakh and Russian: Семипалатинск) and in 1917–1920 as Alash-kala (Kazakh: Алаш-қала, Alaş-qala), is a city in Kazakhstan, in East Kazakhstan Region, and in the Kazakhstan part of Siberia, near the border with Russia.
- The first Russian settlement in the area dates from 1718, when Russia built a fort beside the river Irtysh, near a ruined Buddhist monastery. The monastery's seven buildings lent the fort (and later the city) the name Semipalatinsk (Russian for "Seven-Chambered City"). The fort suffered frequently from flooding caused by the snowmelt swelling the Irtysh, and in 1778 the fort was relocated 18 kilometres (11 mi) upstream to less flood-prone ground. A small city grew around the fort, largely servicing the river trade between the nomadic peoples of Central Asia and the growing Russian Empire. The construction of the Turkestan-Siberia Railway in the early 20th century added to the city's importance, making it a major point of transit between Central Asia and Siberia. On 19 May 1854 Semipalatinsk became the capital of the Semipalatinsk Oblast within the Russian Empire. Between 1917 and 1920 the city operated as the capital of the largely unrecognized Alash Autonomy, a state (1917-1920) after the outbreak of the October revolution in Russia. The city was called Alash-qala during the Alash Autonomy years. Red Army forces loyal to Petrograd took control of the area in 1920. It was the center of the Semipalatinsk Governorate until 17 January 1928, then of the Eastern Kazakhstan Oblast between 17 January 1928 and 14 October 1939 and finally of the Semipalatinsk Oblast between 1939 and 1997. In 1949 the Soviet atomic bomb programme selected a site on the steppe 150 km (93 mi) west of the city as the location for its weapons testing. For decades, Kurchatov (the secret city at the heart of the test range named for Igor Kurchatov, father of the Soviet atomic bomb) was home to many of the brightest stars of Soviet weapons science. The Soviet Union operated the Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) from the first explosion in 1949 until 1989; 456 nuclear tests, including 340 underground and 116 atmospheric tests, took place there.
Shu (Kazakh: Шу / Şw / شۋ), is a city in Jambyl Region of Kazakhstan. The city is located on the Shu River. 楚城(哈薩克語:Шу / Şw / شۋ)是哈薩克斯坦江布爾州的一座城市。該城坐落於楚河畔Chou (en kazakh : Шу, en russe : Шу), connue jusqu'en 1992 sous le nom de Tchou (en russe : Чу), est une localité de l’oblys de Djamboul au Kazakhstan. Elle fait partie du district éponymedont la ville de Tolié Bi est le chef-lieu.La localité est située sur le fleuve Tchou. Schu (kasachisch Шу / Schu; russisch seit 1993 offiziell Шу / Schu[1], früher Чу / Tschu) ist eine Stadt im Süden Kasachstans.Die Stadt liegt am gleichnamigen Fluss Schu.
奇姆肯特 Shymkent (Kazakh: Шымкент, romanized: Shymkent, شىمكەنت, known until 1993 as Chimkent;[2] Uzbek: Чимкент, چىمكېنت; Russian: Чимкент, romanized: Čimkent), is a city in the Republic of Kazakhstan; one of three cities which have the status equal to that of a region (the city of republican significance[3]). The name Chimkent comes from two Sogdian words, chim meaning 'turf' and kent (or kand) meaning 'city'; thus "city in the grass/turf." After Kazakhstan gained independence, the city was renamed Shymkent in 1993 as part of the government’s campaign to apply Kazakhnames to cities. The formal spelling of Шымкент (Shymkent) as codified in Kazakhstan’s Constitution goes against the original Uzbek spelling rules of never having the letter "ы" follow the letter "ш". As a result, the new name Шымкент (Shymkent) is used only in Kazakhstan, while other countries continue to use the original spelling Чимкент (Chimkent).
- Shymkent was founded in the twelfth century as a caravanserai to protect the Silk Road town of Sayram, 10 km to the east. Shymkent grew as a market center for trade between Turkic nomads and the settled Sogdians. It was destroyed several times: by Genghis Khan, soldiers from the southern Khanates, and by nomad attacks. In the early 19th century it became part of the khanate of Kokand. It was captured by the Russians in 1864.[6] It was renamed Chernyaev in 1914 and renamed Shymkent in 1924. Following the Russian conquest, Shymkent was a city of trade between nomadic Turks and sedentary Turks, and was famous for its kumis. There was a gulag located near Shymkent, and many Russian-speaking people came to the area via imprisonment.
Turkistan Region (Kazakh: Түркістан облысы, romanized: Túrkistan oblysy; Russian: Туркестанская область), previously South Kazakhstan Region (Kazakh: Оңтүстік Қазақстан облысы, romanized: Ońtústik Qazaqstan oblysy; Russian: Южно-Казахстанская область, romanized: Yuzhno-Kazakhstanskaya oblast), is the southernmost region of Kazakhstan.The Region was created as South Kazakhstan Oblast in Kazakh SSR of Soviet Union. Between 1962 and 1992 it was named Chimkent Oblastand from 1992 until 19 June 2018 it was again named South Kazakhstan Oblast. The administrative center of the region was Shymkent. On 19 June 2018 Shymkent was taken out of the region and subordinated directly to the government of Kazakhstan, the administrative center moved to Turkistan, and the region renamed Turkistan Region.
- Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), meeting
Shu (Kazakh: Шу / Şw / شۋ), is a city in Jambyl Region of Kazakhstan. The city is located on the Shu River. 楚城(哈薩克語:Шу / Şw / شۋ)是哈薩克斯坦江布爾州的一座城市。該城坐落於楚河畔Chou (en kazakh : Шу, en russe : Шу), connue jusqu'en 1992 sous le nom de Tchou (en russe : Чу), est une localité de l’oblys de Djamboul au Kazakhstan. Elle fait partie du district éponymedont la ville de Tolié Bi est le chef-lieu.La localité est située sur le fleuve Tchou. Schu (kasachisch Шу / Schu; russisch seit 1993 offiziell Шу / Schu[1], früher Чу / Tschu) ist eine Stadt im Süden Kasachstans.Die Stadt liegt am gleichnamigen Fluss Schu.
奇姆肯特 Shymkent (Kazakh: Шымкент, romanized: Shymkent, شىمكەنت, known until 1993 as Chimkent;[2] Uzbek: Чимкент, چىمكېنت; Russian: Чимкент, romanized: Čimkent), is a city in the Republic of Kazakhstan; one of three cities which have the status equal to that of a region (the city of republican significance[3]). The name Chimkent comes from two Sogdian words, chim meaning 'turf' and kent (or kand) meaning 'city'; thus "city in the grass/turf." After Kazakhstan gained independence, the city was renamed Shymkent in 1993 as part of the government’s campaign to apply Kazakhnames to cities. The formal spelling of Шымкент (Shymkent) as codified in Kazakhstan’s Constitution goes against the original Uzbek spelling rules of never having the letter "ы" follow the letter "ш". As a result, the new name Шымкент (Shymkent) is used only in Kazakhstan, while other countries continue to use the original spelling Чимкент (Chimkent).
- Shymkent was founded in the twelfth century as a caravanserai to protect the Silk Road town of Sayram, 10 km to the east. Shymkent grew as a market center for trade between Turkic nomads and the settled Sogdians. It was destroyed several times: by Genghis Khan, soldiers from the southern Khanates, and by nomad attacks. In the early 19th century it became part of the khanate of Kokand. It was captured by the Russians in 1864.[6] It was renamed Chernyaev in 1914 and renamed Shymkent in 1924. Following the Russian conquest, Shymkent was a city of trade between nomadic Turks and sedentary Turks, and was famous for its kumis. There was a gulag located near Shymkent, and many Russian-speaking people came to the area via imprisonment.
Turkistan Region (Kazakh: Түркістан облысы, romanized: Túrkistan oblysy; Russian: Туркестанская область), previously South Kazakhstan Region (Kazakh: Оңтүстік Қазақстан облысы, romanized: Ońtústik Qazaqstan oblysy; Russian: Южно-Казахстанская область, romanized: Yuzhno-Kazakhstanskaya oblast), is the southernmost region of Kazakhstan.The Region was created as South Kazakhstan Oblast in Kazakh SSR of Soviet Union. Between 1962 and 1992 it was named Chimkent Oblastand from 1992 until 19 June 2018 it was again named South Kazakhstan Oblast. The administrative center of the region was Shymkent. On 19 June 2018 Shymkent was taken out of the region and subordinated directly to the government of Kazakhstan, the administrative center moved to Turkistan, and the region renamed Turkistan Region.
- Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), meeting
- Samruk-Kazyna (Kazakh: Samuryk-Qazyna), officially known as the National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna", is a sovereign wealth fund and joint stock company in Kazakhstan which owns, either in whole or in part, a number of major companies in the country. This includes the national rail and postal service, the state oil and gas company KazMunayGas, the state uranium company Kazatomprom, Air Astana, and others. The state is the sole shareholder of the fund.[1] It was created in October 2008 with the merger of two funds, "Samruk" and "Kazyna", by decree of the president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Sagintayev was appointed as chairman of the board of directors at the National Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna JSC by a government resolution dated September 28, 2016.[2] Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board of «Samruk-Kazyna» JSC-Umirzak Shukeyev. Independent directors- Sir Richard Harry Evans, Alper Akdeniz, Wilhelm Bender. The fund is a member of the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds[3] and are signed up to the 24 Santiago Principles which are a voluntary standard of best practice endorsed by the members for the management of the Sovereign Wealth Funds.
- bank
- Samruk-Kazyna (Kazakh: Samuryk-Qazyna), officially known as the National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna", is a sovereign wealth fund and joint stock company in Kazakhstan which owns, either in whole or in part, a number of major companies in the country. This includes the national rail and postal service, the state oil and gas company KazMunayGas, the state uranium company Kazatomprom, Air Astana, and others. The state is the sole shareholder of the fund.[1] It was created in October 2008 with the merger of two funds, "Samruk" and "Kazyna", by decree of the president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Sagintayev was appointed as chairman of the board of directors at the National Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna JSC by a government resolution dated September 28, 2016.[2] Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board of «Samruk-Kazyna» JSC-Umirzak Shukeyev. Independent directors- Sir Richard Harry Evans, Alper Akdeniz, Wilhelm Bender. The fund is a member of the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds[3] and are signed up to the 24 Santiago Principles which are a voluntary standard of best practice endorsed by the members for the management of the Sovereign Wealth Funds.
- hkej 7jun19 shum article
- bank
- atf bank
- ForteBank, Bank, Temirbank and ForteBank merger to end by yearend
- Eurasian Bank JSC is the ninth largest lender[4] in Kazakhstan, headquartered in Almaty,[5] It was founded in 1994 as a closed joint-stock company, and reregistered in 2003 as a joint stock company due to joint stock company law changes.[6] The Bank is owned 100% by Eurasian Financial Company JSCwhich is 100% owned by three equal shareholders: Alexander Mashkevich, Alijan Ibragimov, Patokh Shodiyev (aka Patokh Chodiev). December 1994 - Eurasian Bank was registered as Joint Stock Bank by National Bank of Kazakhstan
- energy
- National Company "KazMunayGas" is Kazakhstan's national operator for exploration, production, refining and transportation of hydrocarbons, representing the state in Kazakhstan's petroleum sector. KMG's founding party is the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan represented by the State Property and Privatization Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. KMG's shareholders are the Fund (90%) and the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (10% + 1 share).
- eurasian resources group
- Eurasian Resources Group is making inroads into China's energy market by supplying a crucial ingredient for lithium-ion batteries. The international metals and mining company is 40 percent owned by the Kazak government and plans to become one of the largest cobalt suppliers to the world's second-largest economy by the end of 2018. "At full capacity, 'Metalkol RTR', ERG's mine project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, will be able to supply up to 21,000 metric tons of cobalt annually to the global market," said Benedikt Sobotka, chief executive officer of ERG. "This is enough to build 2.6 million electric vehicles (EVs)," he added. ERG's project in Congo is crucial for the company in the next two to three years as it takes advantage of China's economic transformation to further boost its market share in the country.
- airline
- Originally conceived as purely domestic airline, BAE Systems agreed in mid-2001 to participate in the proposed start-up at the request of Kazakhstan's head of state, President Nursultan Nazarbayev, in order to facilitate an air radar contract it was then negotiating with the Government of Kazakhstan. Sir Richard Evans, BAE System's chairman at the time, was instrumental in and key to the deal. However, the radar contract never materialized, and subsequent senior management changes and strategic reviews at BAE Systems led to the closure of its offices in Kazakhstan. Additionally, not withstanding the support of Nazarbayev and a number of close advisors, the start-up, initially seen as a foreign entity, was confronted with immediate and vocal opposition from many elements of Kazakhstan's media and political establishment.
- hkej 7jun19 shum article
- logistics
- KTZ express ( (a wholly-owned company of Kazakhstan Railways), Rail service KTZ Express (KTZE) Hong Kong is planning to launch new block train services from four cities in China to Europe via Kazakhstan. Scheduled for launch during the next 12 months, KTZE Hong Kong is currently in discussion with municipal government officials and freight forwarders in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Xi’an. (source: Shippers Today Jan-Feb2015 issue page 16)
- tour services
- /
- expo
- Rakhat Joint-stock company is one of the largest manufacturers of confectionery products in Kazakhstan, which has been leading its history for 75 years. The first production of confectionery was organized in 1942 in the distillery facilities, on equipment evacuated from Moscow and Kharkov during the war.
- banks
- A deal to bring together Kazakhstan’s two biggest lenders is set to close in July, in a major step to contain the crisis in the country’s banking sector. Halyk Bank, the country’s largest lender by assets, expects to finalise a deal to buy rival Kazkommertsbank in July, its chief executive told the FT.
- oil
- That poses a dilemma for the increasingly cash-strapped government of Kazakhstan’s autocratic president Nursultan Nazarbayev: subsidise inefficient producers to save jobs or reform the industry, risking the ire of workers who rely on the government to protect their livelihoods and of powerful businesspeople who have got rich from the oil boom. It is a dilemma that Timur Kulibayev is acutely aware of. The 49-year-old son-in-law of Mr Nazarbayev is one of the country’s most influential business people. He leads Kazenergy, the oil industry association, and his business empire — estimated at $2.1bn by Forbes — touches almost every area of the oil sector. In a rare interview at his office at the Astana headquarters of Kazmunaigaz — the state oil company he used to run — Mr Kulibayev argues the government must cut taxes on the oil industry to avoid large job cuts. “It is essential that the government take steps to reduce the tax burden,” he said. “We hope in this way to help companies which find themselves in a tough situation. Our main task is not to reduce staff, because the social aspect is very important for us.” But cutting taxes would further strain Kazakhstan’s finances. Mr Nazarbayev said recently that the fall in commodity prices had cut the country’s budget revenues by 40 per cent, declaring that Kazakhstan faced a “real crisis” worse than 2007-09. “Companies should not expect that the state will provide them with funding,” he said.
- falconry
- No one knows for sure when falconry began, but historians suggest its roots date back to the days of Genghis Khan, the 13th century Mongol ruler who was said to own hundreds of hunting birds. Nomads in the Central Asian steppes are believed to have started using these birds to catch wild animals such as hares and foxes for food centuries ago. Through the Silk Road, a historical trade route, falconry then spread from Central Asia to medieval Europe and the Middle East, fast becoming a symbol of prestige among the rich. A golden eagle was said to be worth five to six camels, once upon a time. The ancient art was discouraged during the seven decades of Soviet rule as it was considered a sport for the elite. The number of falconers in Kazakhstan, which was part of the Soviet Union, has today dwindled to fewer than 50. Only a small number are real eagle hunters.
Trade and investment enviroment
- privatisation
- Kazakhstan is throwing the London and Hong Kong stock exchanges into competition with each other to host the share flotations of the central Asian nation’s largest companies, including Air Astana, the national airline, and KazMunaiGas, the state-owned oil and gas company. The privatisation drive is part of a plan to transform Kazakhstan from a state-dominated post-Soviet republic into a modern market economy driven by private enterprise. The aim is to cut the level of state-ownership in industry from the current level of about 70 per cent to 15 per cent after the privatisation programme is completed in about 2021, officials said.
- “After stepping down formally, Mr Nazarbayev is still going to be influential and possibly limit any deviation from the current course,” said Stuart Culverhouse, chief economist at Exotix emerging markets investment bank. Mr Culverhouse also said would-be investors would closely watch economic policy decisions under a new leader. Kazakhstan’s oil, gas, and mining sectors — the country’s bread and butter, accounting for 40 per cent of gross domestic product — have been held by a handful of elite figures, including some in the former president’s family. Ms Nazarbayeva is more open to privatisation than her father, but her family’s interests in the gas industry may limit her willingness to open up the industry, analysts have said. Ms Nazarbayeva’s husband, Kazirat Sharipbayev, heads the state gas transportation company Kaztransgas. Investors see privatisation, as well as the stability of the administration, as key to speeding up reform and boosting the country’s economic growth. The slow pace of reform under Mr Nazarbayev provoked public protests before his resignation. The former president’s frustration with his own government showed in regular sackings of prime ministers, other cabinet officials, and the head of the National Bank.
- Oil groups offer $300m to settle Kazakh dispute - labour market
- effect of railway on trade patterns
People - Nursultan Äbishuly Nazarbayev[1][nb 1] (born 6 July 1940) is a Kazakh politician, who served as the first President of Kazakhstan, in office from 24 April 1990 until his resignation on 19 March 2019.[2] He was named First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Kazakh SSR in 1989, and was elected as the nation's first president following its independence from the Soviet Union. He holds the title "Leader of the Nation".Nazarbayev was born in Chemolgan, a rural town near Almaty, when Kazakhstan was one of the republics of the Soviet Union.[8] His father was a poor labourer who worked for a wealthy local family until Soviet rule confiscated the family's farmland in the 1930s during Joseph Stalin's collectivization policy.[9] Following this, his father took the family to the mountains to live out a nomadic existence.[10] His family's religious tradition was Sunni Islam.
- Kassym-Jomart Kemelyevich Tokayev (Kazakh: Қасым-Жомарт Кемелұлы Тоқаев, Qasym-Jomart Kemeluly Toqaev, [qɑˈsəm ʒɔˈmɑrt kɛˌmɛluˈlə tɔˈqɑjɪf], Russian: Касым-Жомарт Кемелевич Токаев, [kɐˈsɨm ʐɐˈmart kʲɪˈmɛlʲɪvɪt͡ɕ tɐˈkajɪf], born 17 May 1953) is a Kazakh politician and diplomat. He took office as the President of Kazakhstan on 20 March 2019,[1][2] succeeding Nursultan Nazarbayev who resigned on 19 March 2019 after 29 years in office.[3] Tokayev was elected president of Kazakhstan in an early election on 9 June 2019 with 71% of the popular vote.[4] He was Chairman of the Senate of Kazakhstan from 11 January 2007 to 15 April 2011 and from 16 October 2013 to 19 March 2019.[5] Tokayev served as Prime Minister of Kazakhstan from 1 October 1999 to 28 January 2002 and as Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva from 12 March 2011 to 16 October 2013.Tokayev was married to Nadezhda Tokayeva and they have a son together.[35] Tokayev is fluent in Kazakh, Russian, English and Chinese, and has knowledge of French.[35] He was President of the Table Tennis Federation of Kazakhstan for 13 years. - Mukhtar Ablyazov (born 16 May 1963, Galkino, South Kazakhstan) is a Kazakh dissident, politician, economist, businessman, and banker. He is the founder and leader of ‘Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan’ (DCK), a political party which directly opposes the authoritarian rule of Nursultan Nazarbayev. Ablyazov started working during the fall of the Soviet Union and the start of Kazakhstan's Independence. His first job was the buying and selling of computers and copying machines. In 1991, Ablyazov registered his first company and called it "Madina," which is the name of his first daughter. In 1992, Ablyazov started his business by supplying all the regions of Kazakhstan with products such as salt, sugar, flower, matches, tea, chocolate, and medicine. In order to run this business, Ablyazov established Astana Holding in Kazakhstan, a multi-sector private holding company, which established and consisted of: "Astana-Sugar", "Astana-Food","Aral-Salt", "The Chimkent Pasta Factory", "Astana- Medical Service", "Astana-Motors", "Astana-Interotel", "Astana-Bank", "Trade House Zhanna (furniture)." In 1998, together with a consortium of Kazakh investors, Ablyazov acquired a loan to buy the shares in Bank TuranAlem in a privatization auction for $72 million. He later paid back the loan. The bank later came to be known as BTA Bank. In 1997, Ablyazov was appointed as head of the state-owned Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company. KEGOC was a company close to buncruptcy at the time of his appointment as its head. In one year, he managed to make the state-owned company profitable. In 1998, as head of KEGOC, Ablyazov was named Minister for Energy, Industry, and Trade. - raushan sarsembayeva
- china linked
- music
- - The Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan, Erlan Idrissov, hopes that in 2015 the Republic will join the World Trade Organization (WTO). "We are working in different directions, last year Kazakhstan successfully completed negotiations with the European Union on a new agreement aimed at expanding partnership and cooperation, the country's accession to the WTO. We hope that both processes will be completed this year," Novosti-Kazakhstan cited him as saying. Monetary policy - You only need to look at a chart of Kazakhstan’s currency against the rouble to appreciate Kairat Kelimbetov’s dilemma.The governor of Kazakhstan’s central bank has kept the tenge tightly pinned to the US dollar since February. But as the Russian economy has lurched towards recession and the rouble has plunged, Kazakhstan’s currency has surged to its strongest relative to that of its neighbour and major trading partner than at any time in the past decade, barring a few weeks in the 2008-09 financial crisis. Last week’s move by the Russian central bank to remove support from the rouble has intensified the pressure, drawing Kazakhstan into a storm brewed in Moscow, Brussels and Washington. Barely a day has gone past in the last few weeks when Mr Kelimbetov has not had to answer questions about whether Kazakhstan will repeat of February’s surprise 19 per cent devaluation, which hurt local companies and angered the Kazakh population. constitution - President Nursultan Nazarbayev has proposed giving Kazakhstan’s rubber-stamp parliament more say in choosing the prime minister and his cabinet, as the ageing leader seeks to prepare the Central Asian nation for political succession. According to proposed changes to the constitution announced on Thursday, the president would have to consult the Mazhlis, the lower house of parliament, before appointing a candidate for prime minister for confirmation by parliamentary vote. Parliament would also gain the right to hold a vote of no-confidence against the cabinet or individual ministers. Privatisation - Kazakhstan is set to embark upon its most ambitious privatisation plan since independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, offering stakes in its largest state-owned enterprises to international investors in preparation for eventual stock market flotations, officials told the Financial Times on Tuesday. The move coincides with a warning from Nursultan Nazarbayev, president, that the world faces “economic turbulence” that for many emerging market countries could dwarf the impact of the global financial crisis of 2008-09. - In closed-door meetings last week, Nursultan Nazarbayev and other Kazakh officials said the commodity-rich central Asian nation would unload hundreds of companies, including its industrial crown jewels, in the most ambitious privatisation drive since its independence from the Soviet Union. Baikonur cosmodrome - Baikonur Cosmodrome (Russian: Космодро́м «Байкону́р» Kosmodrom Baykonur; Kazakh:Байқоңыр ғарыш айлағы Bayqoñır ğarış aylağı) is the world's first and largest operational space launch facility.[1] It is located in the desert steppe ofKazakhstan, about 200 kilometres (124 mi) east of theAral Sea, north of the Syr Darya river, near Tyuratamrailway station, at 90 metres (300 ft) above sea level. It is leased by the Kazakh Government to Russia (until 2050) and is managed jointly by the Roscosmos State Corporation and the Russian Aerospace Forces. The shape of the area leased is an ellipse, measuring 90 kilometres (56 mi) east–west by 85 kilometres (53 mi) north–south, with the cosmodrome at the centre. It was originally built by the Soviet Union in the late 1950s as the base of operations for its space program. Under the current Russian space program, Baikonur remains a busy spaceport, with numerous commercial, military and scientific missions being launched annually.[2][3] All manned Russian spaceflights are launched from Baikonur.[4] Media - KAZINFORM The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation(Kazakh: Бейбітшілік пен келісім сарайы), also translated as the Pyramid of Peace and Accord, is a 77 m high building in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. The structure was built by Sembol Construction at a cost of 8.74 billion Kazakh tenge (about $58 million) and opened in late 2006. The pyramid portion of the building is 62m high which sits on a 15m high earth covered block. All of this construction is above ground level. Though the landscaping of the park rises up to cover the lower levels, these are not in fact basements. It was designed by the British architects Foster and Partners (lead design). Turkish architectural firm Tabanlıoğlu Architectsundertook construction information packages for the Foster design and engineers Buro Happold undertook lead structural and services design. The Foster team was led by architects Nigel Dancey, Peter Ridley and Lee Hallman. Sembol Construction undertook a Design and Build contract, and were ultimately responsible for the final details and finishes, some of which varied considerably from the Foster and Tabanlıoğlu (Tabanlioglu) intent. Auditorium and performance equipment design was by Anne Minors Performance Consultants and acoustics by Sound Space Design. The structure is made up of five "stories" of triangles, each triangle being 12 m on a side. The lower portions, three "stories" of triangles, are clad in pale granite. The upper two rows of triangles, 4 triangles per side, form a glazed apex; instead of stone cladding the triangles of the apex feature a design of stained glass by Brian Clarke, incorporating doves. Construction is of steel frame for the pyramid and concrete for the lower levels. The engineers had to design the building to withstand expansion and contraction due to temperature variations of over 80°C, from -40 to over 40°C - leading to an expansion of the building of up to 30 cm. The Pyramid was specially constructed to host the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. It contains accommodations for different religions: Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism and other faiths. It also houses a 1,500-seat opera house, a national museum of culture, a new "university of civilization", a library and a research center for Kazakhstan's ethnic and geographical groups. This diversity is unified within the pure form of a pyramid, 62m (203ft) high with a 62x62m (203x203ft) base. The building is conceived as a global center for religious understanding, the renunciation of violence and the promotion of faith and human equality. The Pyramid of Peace expresses the spirit of Kazakhstan, where cultures, traditions and representatives of various nationalities coexist in peace, harmony and accord. Bathed in the golden and pale blue glow of the glass (colors taken from the Kazakhstan flag), 200 delegates from the world's main religions and faiths will meet every three years in a circular chamber — based on the United Nations Security Council meeting room in New York. ; Height: 77 m (252.62 ft)p total area: 25,500 sq.m.; Accommodates: Opera Hall for 1,500 seats, The Museum of National History, The Research Center of World Religions, Library of Spiritual Religious Literature, Exhibition and conference rooms
national anthem - Meniń Qazaqstanym (Cyrillic: Менің Қазақстаным, pronounced [mjɪnɪɴ qɑzɑqˈstɑnəm]; lit. 'My Kazakhstan') is the national anthem of Kazakhstan, adopted on 7 January 2006.[1] It is based on a homonymous song written in 1956 composed by Shamshi Kaldayakov and written by Jumeken Najimedenov.[2] This replaced the former anthem used after independence, which followed the melody of the anthem of the Kazakh SSR. The original lyrics were modified by president Nursultan Nazarbayev before the decree was issued. This song is based on a Kazakh patriotic song of the same name written in 1956 in response to the Soviet Virgin Landsprogram. There is debate over whether it was to celebrate the program or to insist Soviet authorities should not turn Kazakhstan into Russia's corn belt. language - President Nursultan Nazarbayev amended his Oct. 26, 2017 decree concerning the transition of the Kazakh alphabet from Cyrillic to Latin script, which if kept, would have put into effect a Latin-script alphabet with 32 letters including nine characters with apostrophes. The new amendment replaces the apostrophes with diacritic signs and digraphs. The deadline to complete the switch remains 2025.The government previously published an action plan detailing the phased transfer to the Latin alphabet. According to the document, the three successive phases will cover 1) regulatory-legal framework (2018-2020), 2) issuance of official records including passports and IDs and trainings for teachers and the adult population (2021-2023) and 3) actual day-to-day use of Latin script in public and state offices, as well as publishing the state media in new alphabet (2024-2025). Before switching to the Latin alphabet (a modified variant for Turkic languages also called Yanalif) in early 1920s, the Kazakh language was transcribed in Arabic script. In 1940, however, along with other Turkic-speaking constituent republics of the Soviet Union, the country was ordered to adopt a version of Cyrillic, which due to incorporating Kazakh-specific hissing syllables and distinct vowels contains 42 letters. A public discussion to switch back to Latin script has long continued and grew bigger with Nazarbayev tasking the government in 2017 with drafting a plan to begin the transfer. The public reaction to the October version of the script deemed it equivocal, objecting, for example, to the use of apostrophes as a nonstarter in the digital age.
- The State Museum of National Musical Instruments was created in 1980. It is one of the cultural sights of the Southern Capital. Kazakh musical instruments have been collected in the Museum from all regions of
embroidery - music - traditional music multimedia center in astana ethnic people - economist 15feb2020 fire and fury - an ethnically motivated attack alarms a multi-ethnic country - kazakhs vs dungans (muslims of chinese descent) blacks - - USA - 哈薩克總統納扎爾巴耶夫日前出訪華盛頓,並與美國總統特朗普會面,雙方就共同關心的經濟、地區安全、國防合作以及美俄關係等進行商討。這是特朗普上台之後,第一個到訪美國的中亞國家元首 - Kazakhstan and a group of oil companies led by Chevron CVX 0.98% have approved a $36.8 billion plan to boost production at the Central Asian country’s Tengiz field, a rare major investment in an industry hit by low prices and a boost to the local economy. The field, one of the world’s biggest, already accounts for more than a third of total crude output in Kazakhstan, which is the biggest former Soviet oil producer after Russia. Under the plan, Tengiz, in which Exxon Mobil exxonmobil-corp and Lukoil lukoil-oil-company also have stakes, will increase output to 39 million tons a year (850,000 barrels per day) by 2022 from 27 million tons currently, Kazakhstan’s Energy Ministry and its foreign partners said in a joint statement on Tuesday. - As part of the Prime Minister Askar Mamin’s working trip to the United States, agreements with leaders of American agribusiness on investing in opening meat processing and irrigation systems in Kazakhstan were reached, the website of the Prime Minister reports. Following Mamin’s negotiations with the leadership of Tyson Foods, the largest meat producer in the USA, represented by the President Noel White and Chairman John Tyson, an agreement on the implementation of the modern agro-multiprotein industry program in Kazakhstan was signed. The document at the first stage provides for the construction of a modern meat processing complex with a capacity of about 2 thousand heads per day in Kazakhstan. The enterprise will not only meet the needs of the Kazakhstani market, but also export products to foreign markets, helping to ensure the country's annual agricultural profit of more than $1 billion. Все права защищены. Используйте активную ссылку на Uk - The inauguration of the UK-Kazakhstan Inter-Governmental Commission (IGC) took place at Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London on 30 October 2013.The establishment of this Commission was proposed when the British Prime Minister David Cameron and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev met during the Prime Minister’s visit to Kazakhstan on 30 June-1 July 2013. It is aimed at providing a senior government to government dialogue for stronger business engagement. - asssociation
Russia - The Russian population in the north of the central Asian nation is dwindling, but some fear Moscow has reasons to bring the region back within its borders. Petropavlovsk is in many ways a normal Siberian town. Dotted with traditional log cottages and Khrushchev-era apartment blocks, the clocks at this sleepy settlement’s train station run on Moscow time. The majority of residents are ethnic Russians, and economic stagnation means many residents hanker for the days of the Soviet Union. However, Petropavlovsk is actually in Kazakhstan. Much of the northern swath ofKazakhstan is predominantly ethnic Russian, and there are growing fears in the country that the north could become the “next Ukraine” – falling victim to ethnic unrest and Kremlin expansionism. Radical Russian politicians have, on occasion, called for Russia to seize northern Kazakhstan, but most analysts agree there is no imminent threat of this. But the area does have many things in common with eastern Ukraine: a large Russian community that gets its news from Russian television, Soviet-era internal borders that nobody expected would become real state boundaries and the potential for rising local nationalism. Since the annexation of Crimea last year, chatter about Russia seizing northern Kazakhstan has been moved from the realm of fantasy to plausible medium-term threat. Norway - Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev has signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway on international road transport", Kazinform has learnt from the president's press service. Turkey - Turkish investors intend to build hydro power plant with capacity 4,2 MW in South Kazakhstan. iran -昨宣布已向哈薩克提出要求,於未來三年購買九百五十噸濃縮鈾,以發展民事核反應堆計劃。 japan - Kazakhstan and Japan will implement seven joint projects, including in the areas of nuclear energy, transport and water supply, worth approximately $2 billion, Kazakh Minister for Investments and Development Zhenis Kassymbek announced at a June 27 meeting with Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Tadao Yanase. Singapore - The first political consultations between Kazakhstan and Singapore took place in Astana, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan informs. The sides discussed the issues of bilateral political and economic cooperation including the initiative of Singapore on signing of the agreement on free trade zone with the Eurasian Economic Union. The parties exchanged opinions on a wide range of relevant issues of the international and regional agenda including the priorities of Kazakhstan in its work in the structure of the UN Security Council in 2017-2018. At the meeting a letter of Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong addressed to President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev confirming the participation of Singapore in the EXPO-2017 in Astana was handed over to the Kazakhstan delegation. Thailand - The Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Kingdom of Thailand Marat Yessenbayev has met with the Minister of Commerce of Thailand Chatchai Sarikulya. The sides discussed the current state and prospects of the Kazakh-Thai trade - economic and investment cooperation. Chatchai Sarikulya noted that the Thai government is interested in expanding bilateral relations with Kazakhstan. Moreover, he believes that the Kazakh-Thai cooperation can serve as a basis for deepening the partnership between ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and the Eurasian Economic Union. M.Yessenbayev and Chatchai Sarikulya also discussed draft bilateral agreements, in particular, treaties on trade and investment protection and a convention for the avoidance of double taxation. The sides agreed to hold in June 2015 in Astana "Thailand Week in Kazakhstan" to further discuss new trade and investment projects. China - visits by leaders
- spy
- 霍爾果斯國際邊境合作中心
- railway
- bank
- silk road
- oil pipeline
- agriculture
- quarantine
- tourist visa
- chinese in Kazakhstan - 「譯倌」「中科國際貿易中心」招商部翻譯
- sinologist
Hong Kong - ties with hk
- official visit
- hk's role as china's and kazakhstan's window
- hkex
- culture
- investors from kazakh
- film festival
- education
Fur Mission from Kazakhstan visiting Hong Kong International Fur & Fashion Fair (28.02.2014) | |
![]() Lauded as one of the fashion industry’s most important events of the year, the 2014 Hong Kong International Fur & Fashion Fair was held from 25 to 28 February at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Organized by the Hong Kong Fur Federation and supported by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), this year’s Fair consisted of 280 exhibitors from 17 countries, which attracted buyers from 30 countries. The event was internationally renowned as a one-stop platform for quality fur and professional services. In terms of scale, this year’s Fair was set to be the largest since the Fair’s inception and the biggest fur industry event in the world. To enhance trade connection with worldwide counterparts, the Federation organizes regular outbound missions to converge with overseas furriers, trade associations’ representatives and government officials. Last October, the Hong Kong Fur Federation’s Directors delegation visited Almaty, Kazakhstan. During the visit, the delegation met with members of Kazakhstan Fur Association, Almaty Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as local fashion media, and had received their warm hospitality. Nevertheless, the delegation felt there is a great potential in cultivating the market after their visit. Upon Directors’ return, the Federation planned to invite a fur delegation from Kazakhstan to visit the Hong Kong International Fur & Fashion Fair with an objective to further promote Hong Kong as the world’s No.1 Fur Trade Centre. With support from the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), a Kazakhstan fur delegation consisted of 12 fur companies attended the Fair during 25 to 28 February 2014. The delegation was also invited to attend the spectacular Hong Kong Fur Gala which showcased a total number of 16 famous local furriers’ latest collection. The Hong Kong Fur Gala has always been the most important event in the fur industry, drawing the attention of over 2,000 buyers around the world that crowded the venue. In 2014, the Gala continues to develop the local industry’s reputation as an international centre of ingenious, high-quality fashion with ‘Fur by Hong Kong’. A welcoming lunch reception for the delegation was organized on 27 February, where all the delegates attended and enjoyed exchanging views and information with the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Fur Federation. The Federation felt particularly honoured as Mr. & Mrs. Nurzhan Abdymomunov, the Consul-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Hong Kong and Macao SARs joined the above lunch and support the incoming mission. Mr. Wilson Chiu, the Chairman of the Federation was delighted that the delegates attended the Fair and were able to see and appreciate the wide range of Hong Kong products and services. He trusted that Kazakhstan buyers will be keen to benefit from Hong Kong’s expertise as well as advantageous prices, both factors which will appeal greatly to the customers. The Federation looks forward to developing a close relationship with Kazakhstan buyers in the future. ![]() Speech by Mr. Wilson Chiu, Chairman of Hong Kong Fur Federation |
HKFF Fur Mission to Almaty in 2013
Mission co-organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. Delegation consists of 8 Federation Directors that set off to Almaty, Kazakhstan for a one week market visit on 13 Oct 2013. The participating Directors include:-
- Mr. Wilson Chiu | Chairman | Chiu’s Fur Trading Co. |
- Mr. Thomas Wong | Honorary Chairman | Asia Fur Co. Ltd. |
- Mr. Wallace Wong | Honorary Chairman | Ocean Fur Co. Ltd. |
- Ms. Joanne Chan | Director | J. C. Fur Co. Ltd. |
- Mr. Fritz Chen | Director | Broadway Fur & Fashion Ltd. |
- Mr. William Lam | Director | Claveyson Fur Processing Ltd. |
- Mr. Sidney Lo | Director | Greenwich (International) Ltd. |
- Mr. Andy Wong | Director | Mandarin Fur Ltd. |
- Ms. Brenda Fung | Manageress | Hong Kong Fur Federation |
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