Thursday, January 10, 2019


- scmp 23nov18 remember a day - report of 25nov1978 about british merchant navay officers called for australian offers to be banned from british vessels
- japan

  • Sasebo Naval Arsenal (佐世保海軍工廠 Sasebo kaigun kōshō) was one of four principal naval shipyards owned and operated by the Imperial Japanese NavyThe Sasebo Naval District was established at Sasebo, Nagasaki in 1886, as the third of the naval districts responsible for the defense of the Japanese home islands. After the establishment of the navy base, a ship repair facility was established in 1889 with a dry dock. With the addition of equipment and facilities for ship production by 1897, the "Sasebo Shipyards" were officially established, and renamed the "Sasebo Naval Arsenal" in 1903. Construction of the arsenal was supervised by the French engineer Louis-Émile BertinIn 1913, a 250-ton crane was installed, and the shipbuilding facilities expanded to permit the construction of large warships. With the mothballing of the Maizuru Naval Arsenal due to restrictions by the Washington Naval Treaty, much of the design and prototype work for new classes of destroyers and torpedo boats formerly done at Maizuru was shifted to Sasebo. The facilities at Sasebo were also used for the conversion of the Akagi and Kaga from battleships to aircraft carriersThe Imperial Japanese Navy employed some 50,000 people at the Sasebo Naval Arsenal at the peak of World War II, constructing and refitting destroyers, light cruisers, submarines and other various naval vessels. The 21st Naval Air Arsenal (Dai-Nijuichi Kaigun Kokusho), established jointly at Sasebo and Omura, produced a total of 966 aircraft. The facilities at Sasebo were used for repairs on the battleships Yamato and Musashi during the Pacific WarAfter the surrender of Japan, On September 22, 1945, the 5th Marine Division landed at Sasebo, and in June 1946, United States Fleet Activities Sasebo was formally established on a portion of the former Sasebo Naval Arsenal. The remaining portion of the shipyards was given into civilian hands with the establishment of Sasebo Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. in 1946. Sasebo Heavy Industries is one of Japan's few remaining active shipbuilders.
  • [international conference on hk: history and society conference kit] construction of ships atlantic faith and oriental giant (ordered by tung family] were completed on 15jan1958 and 31aug1959 respectively

The flag state of a merchant vessel is the jurisdiction under whose laws the vessel is registered or licensed, and is deemed the nationality of the vessel. A merchant vessel must be registered and can only be registered in one jurisdiction, but may change the register in which it is registered. The flag state has the authority and responsibility to enforce regulations over vessels registered under its flag, including those relating to inspection, certification, and issuance of safety and pollutionprevention documents. As a ship operates under the laws of its flag state, these laws are applicable if the ship is involved in an admiralty case. The term "flag of convenience" describes the business practice of registering a merchant ship in a state other than that of the ship's owners, and flying that state's civil ensign on the ship. Ships may be registered under flags of convenience to reduce operating costs, to avoid the regulations of or avoid inspection and scrutiny by the owner's country. Normally the nationality (i.e., flag) of the ship determines the taxing jurisdiction. Since the Flag Right Declaration of 1921, it has been recognised that all states—including land-locked countries—have a right to maintain a ship register and be a ship’s flag state. Because of the failure of some flag states to comply with their survey and certification responsibilities, especially flag-of-convenience states that have delegated their task to classification societies, a number of states have since 1982 established Port State Controls of foreign-registered ships entering their jurisdiction. As at January 2010, Panama was the world's largest flag state, with almost a quarter of the world's ocean-going tonnage registered there.[1] The United States and the United Kingdom had only about 1% each.
- Until World War II nations were able to maintain their dominance, or in some cases, even improve their position in maritime trade by offering vessels exclusive protection for flying their flags, which would in turn give the nation exclusive control over the vessels. Shipowners during this time needed protection from pirates and privateers which was provided by naval vessels of the flag state. In some cases states offered subsidies to the shipbuilding industries. In addition to these incentives, states might impose restrictions based on flag State, closing ports to other ships. One well known example of how this was applied is the case of England, which restricted the import of Asian goods only to American and British vessels. England only opened its ports after it had maneuvered itself into a position of strength, and then most like only to gain access to other continental ports. Similarly, France imposed a trade monopoly on its colonies which remained in place until 1869.
Ships must be registered in the ship register of the jurisdiction whose flag it is flying. Flag registers in many countries are open to ships with foreign owners. Normally, each flag state has only one ship register, but several countries have more than one register:
  • Denmark, France and Norway maintain an international register to compete with flags of convenience.
  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands allows the different constituent countries to set up their own registers under the Dutch flag.
  • Several territories over which the British Crown holds sovereignty have their own register. Most notably, the Isle of Manhas a significant register.
  • Hong Kong, part of China, has a separate ship register, the fourth largest in the world,[3] in addition to China's own ship registry.
Each flag state has set up its own flag state control system:
  • in Canada, Transport Canada is responsible for flag state control under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.[4]
  • in Hong Kong, the Marine Department[5] is responsible for flag state control and enforcement under the Flag State Quality Control Scheme.
  • in Vanuatu, the Vanuatu Maritime Authority has the responsibility to enforce maritime laws and exercise flag state control.
- flag of convenience

  • 「權宜船旗」(Flag of convenience)的慣例,意即船公司或船主將其名下船舶,在規管制度較為寬鬆的國家進行登記,從而降低成本。數字最能說明問題,全球船舶登記最多的三個國家依次為巴拿馬、馬紹爾群島和非洲的利比里亞,三個國家實際擁有的船隻不足二百艘,卻佔全球登記船舶噸位約四成。反觀希臘、日本等航運大國,在該國登記的船舶數量卻遠低於實際數字,反映不少船主利用了「權宜船旗」賦予的便利。事實上,單是巴拿馬一國,懸掛該國國旗商船的數字便多於中國和美國相加的總和。這主要得益於巴國寬鬆的管理制度,船主基本上只需在網上繳交低廉費用,且毋須向巴拿馬政府交利得稅,自然大受歡迎。時至今日,吸引外國商船登記在自己國家名下,已在全球形成商機龐大的市場。有報道指,商船「改換門庭」非常方便,別說啟航前,即使在航行途中也可以進行,監管之疏漏可見一斑。儘管根據聯合國相關規定,船舶跟登記的國家必須有「實際聯繫」,惟沒有得到嚴格落實。去年便發生一宗「有趣」的新聞,正在海上執行任務的解放軍東海艦隊濟南艦,在溫州外海救起蒙古籍貨船上兩名遇險船員。眾所周知,蒙古國乃是內陸國家,本身並沒有海岸線,何來商船?說穿了,就是蒙古國為賺外匯「出售」國旗使用權。這種情況下,船員權益難免被犧牲。

- cases
  • 「史丹納帝國號」由一間瑞典公司擁有,按道理並非伊朗當局針對的對象,但伊方「認旗不認人」,結果還是悍然出手扣查。而更弔詭的是,船上二十三名水手當中,連一個英國人或瑞典人也沒有,而是分別來自俄羅斯、拉脫維亞、菲律賓和印度。這些國家要麼在伊朗核問題上中立,要麼像俄羅斯那樣跟伊朗友好 (俄、伊海軍將於短期內在波斯灣地區舉行聯合軍演),遭此「池魚之殃」,也算無奈。自油輪被扣押後,英國政府被指態度軟弱,有分析指是因為英國執政保守黨當時正忙於選舉新黨魁,分散了精力;亦有分析指英國海軍近年來經費不斷被削減,以致保護商船「有心無力」。但無可否認的是,油輪並非英資公司擁用,加上船上人員不是本國國民,倫敦當局沒有那麼「上心」,亦屬情理之中。背靠大國也有背靠大國的好處。第一次波斯灣戰爭期間,就有不少科威特船隻掛上美國或英國旗,以尋求保護。三十年河東,三十年河西,瑞典的「史丹納帝國號」掛上英國旗,反而「無辜」落入伊朗當局之手,不可謂不諷刺。
  • Most merchant ships flying Panama's flag belong to foreign owners wishing to avoid the stricter marine regulations imposed by their own countries. Panama operates what is known as an open registry. Its flag offers the advantages of easier registration (often online) and the ability to employ cheaper foreign labour. Furthermore the foreign owners pay no income taxes.About 8,600 ships fly the Panamanian flag. By comparison, the US has around 3,400 registered vessels and China just over 3,700.Under international law, every merchant ship must be registered with a country, known as its flag state.That country has jurisdiction over the vessel and is responsible for inspecting that it is safe to sail and to check on the crew's working conditions.Open registries, sometimes referred to pejoratively as flags of convenience, have been contentious from the start.The first transfer of ships to Panama's register in 1922 involved two US passenger ships wishing to serve alcohol to passengers during Prohibition. More followed as shipowners sought to avoid higher wages and improved working conditions secured through US legislation.After World War Two, Panama's registry grew more rapidly as US shipowners sought to lower overheads while European ones switched flags to avoid high tax rates.As demand rose for open registration, other countries in the developing world formed their own. The US used Liberia's registry to build a fleet of neutral ships during the Cold War.Panama now has the largest registry in the world, followed by Liberia, the Marshall Islands, Hong Kong and Singapore. By last year, almost three quarters of the world's fleet was registered under a flag of a country other than its own.The registry is lucrative for Panama, bringing in half a billion dollars for the economy in fees, services and taxes.However, critics of the system point to the ease of hiding the true identity of shipowners and the lax enforcement of rules and regulations.
  • liberia’s economy is on the rocks. The aid money that held the country steady after its brutal civil wars is ebbing and inflation has surged to more than 25%. Many businesses are struggling to stay afloat. But one industry seems to be weathering the storm: shipping.The tiny west African country, with a gdp of just $2.1bn, has one of the largest seagoing fleets in the world. Over 4,400 vessels (about 12% of global shipping) fly its flag. And the number is growing.
  • scmp remember a day on a 21oct1979 report  Hong Kong had been quietly playing a politically sensitive role as a “port of convenience” for ships visiting mainland China and Taiwan. According to local shipping sources, Taiwan did not welcome the visit of vessels coming directly from mainland ports. One way to circumvent this political obstacle was for these ships to go through Hong Kong first before making their way to Taiwan.
  • 日本外務省公布,屬於香港公司、懸掛北韓國旗的貨船「MUBONG 1」,本月在中國上海東面的海域,疑似船對船海上「倒貨」走私交易,涉違反聯合國制裁。這是日本公布第二十一宗同類倒貨活動,已通報聯合國安理會。

legal instrument
The law of general average is a legal principle of maritime law according to which all partiesin a sea venture proportionally share any losses resulting from a voluntary sacrifice of part of the ship or cargo to save the whole in an emergency (for instance, when the crew throws some cargo overboard to lighten the ship in a storm). In the exigencies of hazards faced at sea, crew members often have precious little time in which to determine precisely whose cargo they are jettisoning. Thus, to avoid quarreling that could waste valuable time, there arose the equitable practice whereby all the merchants whose cargo landed safely would be called on to contribute a portion, based upon a share or percentage, to the merchant or merchants whose goods had been tossed overboard to avert imminent peril. While general average traces its origins in ancient maritime law, still it remains part of the admiralty law of most countries.
  • A form of what is now called general average was included in the Lex Rhodia, the RhodesMaritime Code of circa 800 BC. Julius Paulus Prudentissimus quoted from the law around the turn of the 3rd century, and these quotes are preserved, and an excerpt is included in Justinian's 6th-century Digest of Justinian (part of the Corpus Juris Civilis), although the Lex Rhodia is itself now lost. After the fall of Rome, formal maritime law fell into disuse in Europe (maritime law scholar Jean Marie Pardessus suggests that the Digest of Justinian may have been entirely lost until a copy was discovered in Amalfi around 1135), although informal arrangements similar to the basic concept of general average was probably often followed as a practical matter.[3] The medieval Rolls of Oléron, probably a collection of judgments from a court in Bordeaux, provided (along with much else) guidance on what is now called general average, and was taken as authoritative in many parts of Europe: the Laws of Wisbuy, as well as laws of Flanders, the Hanseatic League, Amsterdam, Genoa, and Catalonia, appear to have been copied from the Rolls of Oléron. An ordinance published by King Louis XIV of France in 1681 influenced laws in the rest of Europe, with the definition used in the French code followed in similar terms in codes and ordinances promulgated in that century and the next in Hamburg, Prussia, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Middelburg.The first codification of general average was the York Antwerp Rules of 1890. American companies accepted it in 1949. 
court cases
- international

  • 美國海軍第七艦隊神盾驅逐艦菲茨杰拉德號,兩年前在日本東京外海附近被菲律賓貨櫃船ACX Crystal攔腰碰撞,造成七名美軍死亡。租出貨櫃船的日本郵船公司(NYK Line)被控要負主要責任,案件周一在美國路易斯安那州聯邦法院提堂,遇難美軍及四十名幸存美軍的家屬索賠逾二億八千七百萬美元(約廿二億港元)。日本郵船稱會繼續配合調查,但不會評論案件。

- hk

  • 烏克蘭補給船於○八年三月在大嶼山大小磐洲與一艘內地大型貨船相撞,導致十八人罹難。事後補給船的船長及領航員等四人在區院被裁定危害他人海上安全罪成,分別被判監二十八個月至三十八個月,其中三人後來上訴得直,獲撤銷定罪,只剩下烏克蘭籍船長維持原判。當中一名獲上訴庭撤銷定罪的內地副領航員,認為自己坐了廿八日「冤獄」,要求律政司賠償,但遭律政司拒絕。他認為律政司的決定對他不公,已入稟高院提出司法覆核,要求撤銷律政司不賠錢給他的決定,他更引用終審法院針對另一名涉案人士的判決書,質疑律政司在草擬控告他的罪名時沒有考慮清楚控罪是否合適。

- battle looms in container shipping
- Taiwan has become the latest Asian shipping power to attempt to bail out its container shipping industry, as a glut of vessels and lacklustre trade growth continue to produce the worst-ever conditions in the industry’s 60-year history. The transportation ministry has offered Evergreen Marine and Yang Ming Marine Transport, the main shipping conglomerates, a $1.9bn relief package including a credit line with preferential interest rates. The move comes after several Chinese and Korean shipping companies have collapsed, while Japan’s big three shipping conglomerates have agreed to merge their container shipping operations.

- FT investigation: Beijing has spent billions expanding its ports network to secure sea lanes and establish itself as a maritime power ft 13jan17

Ports in North America
- brief description in Shippers Today Jul-Aug2014 issue

South east asia
26個異地內陸港(辦事處), 較去年底增加73%,遍及粵桂湘贛雲貴滬等地。業界專家稱
,大珠三角港口競爭將更激烈,如佛山 、中山去廣州南沙港的陸路、水路距離分別均較去香港短一半及三分一,而每 40櫃的綜合物流成本亦分別節省150美元(約為 1164港元 )和200美元 (約為 1552港元 ), 意味着香港可能會有更多貨源被廣州港「截糊」。

Competition Law
- Container shipping lines in Hong Kong are holding their breath over a new competition law, which if it goes into effect the way it is written now, will render most of them violators with a liability of 10 per cent of their annual turnover. The Hong Kong Competition Ordinance provides little certainty for the legality of joint operational agreements among container carriers, which are the backbone of an industry that moves industrial and consumer goods around the world. The government is yet to determine the date when the new law, enacted in 2012, becomes effective. It has been widely expected that it will go live early next year. “The way the law is written now makes no allowance for the way the industry works. If we carry on doing what we do today, we’ll be in technical breach of the law from January 1st,” said Tim Smith, chairman of the Hong Kong Liner Shipping Association (HKLSA) and a regional executive at Maersk Line, the world’s largest container shipping line. “We are trying hard to persuade the government to grant exemptions to us, or at least give more time to discuss it with us, so we won’t have regulations that hold back trade and businesses in Hong Kong,” he said.

  • 香港航運競爭力近年不斷受到挑戰,而新生效的香港公平競爭法,恐令慣以聯盟形式營運的船公司,面臨鉅額罰款,部分船公司更明言會減少使用香港貨櫃碼頭,港航運業無疑雪上加霜。香港定期班輪協會已正式向競爭事務委員會提出集體豁免命令申請,業界高呼:冀港能看齊其他競爭對手,避免更多貨櫃船轉移亞洲其他港口。不過,最終如何,仍待揭曉。香港定期班輪協會秘書羅振麟表示,逾九成五在港的定期班輪都有參與“船舶公用協議”,面臨罰款高達營業額的10%。全球最大的班輪公司馬士基上週表示,若香港最終未就聯合經營協議頒發集體豁免令,將是“重大錯誤”,而公司亦會放棄香港作為船隻停泊港口。香港貨櫃碼頭商會主席鍾惠賢稱,目前香港碼頭有近七成為中轉貨,若班輪公司轉往其他碼頭作中轉,香港集裝箱吞吐量勢大幅下滑。早前有數據指出,馬士基的貨量佔本港碼頭吞吐量約10%,影響甚大。 東方海外航線貿易部董事及公司發言人伍紹裘強調,集裝箱運輸企業有關合作運輸的營商形式,過去幾十年在香港及全世界已廣為業界接受,此次業界向競爭委員會提出集體豁免申請也只不過是保持這個在香港運輸界早已存在的營運模式。為提升運輸服務,世界各地的政府通常都會給予業界對有關法例的集體豁免權。伍紹裘提及,最近新加坡競爭事務委員會就現時給予定期班輪的集體豁免權再延續五年,重申香港對定期班輪作出有關的豁免可讓香港與其主要的業務夥伴看齊。 他相信,集體豁免權可幫助維持香港,作為一個運輸港口的競爭力,並可讓香港的有關業界及經濟受惠於合作協議所帶來的營商效率。
  • 保障客戶權益的付貨人委員會主席林宣武反對豁免。林宣武指,對方提出的豁免理據,包括行業的特殊性、需大量資金營運、進入市場門檻低等,又指若不獲豁免將不排除撤離香港。林認為有關理據「自摑嘴巴」及「可笑」,他舉例指,購船等需要大量資金,又何來門檻低?又指經合組織(OECD)早已否定行業的特殊性,即使有豁免協議都不可幫助整個市場,而歐盟亦已逐步取消相關豁免。林宣武續稱,短期內會向競委會提出反對有關豁免申請。他批評,香港定期班輪協會恐嚇會撤出香港,屬不負責任的講法,他認為若有錢賺,對方自然不會撤離。shipperstoday jan-feb16 issue

air Emssion
- Efforts to reduce marine air emission in Pearl River Delta have met with limited success, as not everyone involved is prepared to go the low-sulfur-fuel way.
-  挪威郵輪公司海達路德(hurtigruten)昨日宣佈,已與液態沼氣生產商Biokraft簽訂7年半的合約,向對方購買由死魚和其他有機廢物分解而成的液態沼氣,作為郵輪燃料,Biokraft將於明年起交付液態沼氣。海達路德去年表示,計劃投資約8億美元(約63億港元),把旗下6艘郵輪改裝為混合動力發電,將使用電池、液態天然氣和液態沼氣。海達路德稱,沼氣是航運業最潔淨的燃料,有助保護環境。

The Hanseatic League (/ˌhænsiˈætɪk/Middle Low GermanHanseDüdesche HanseHansa; Standard German: Deutsche Hanse; Latin: Hansa Teutonica)[2] was a commercial and defensive confederation of merchant guilds and market towns in Northwestern and Central Europe. Growing from a few North German towns in the late 1100s, the league came to dominate Baltic maritime trade for three centuries along the coasts of Northern Europe. Hansa territories stretched from the Baltic to the North Sea and inland during the Late Middle Ages, and diminished slowly after 1450. Hanse, later spelled as Hansa,[3] was the Old High German word for a convoy, and this word was applied to bands of merchants traveling between the Hanseatic cities - whether by land or by sea. Merchant circles established the league to protect the guilds' economic interests and diplomatic privileges in their affiliated cities and countries, as well as along the trade routes which the merchants used. The Hanseatic cities had their own legal system and operated their own armies for mutual protection and aid. Despite this, the organization was not a state, nor could it be called a confederation of city-states; only a very small number of the cities within the league enjoyed autonomy and liberties comparable to those of a free imperial city.Historians generally trace the origins of the Hanseatic League to the rebuilding of the north German town of Lübeck in 1159 by the powerful Henry the LionDuke of Saxony and Bavaria, after he had captured the area from Adolf IICount of Schauenburg and Holstein. Exploratory trading adventures, raids, and piracy had occurred earlier throughout the Baltic region—the sailors of Gotlandsailed up rivers as far away as Novgorod, for example—but the scale of international trade in the Baltic area remained insignificant before the growth of the Hanseatic League.
- people
  • schyler family came to bordeaux in 1739 to establish a wine business, they purchased chateau kirwan in 1926
- ft 27nov18 hanseatic states remain as one in eu big league

Impressment, colloquially "the press" or the "press gang", is the taking of men into a military or naval force by compulsion, with or without notice. European navies of several nations used forced recruitment by various means. The large size of the British Royal Navyin the Age of Sail meant impressment was most commonly associated with Great Britainand Ireland. It was used by the Royal Navy in wartime, beginning in 1664 and during the 18th and early 19th centuries as a means of crewing warships, although legal sanction for the practice can be traced back to the time of Edward I of England. The Royal Navy impressed many merchant sailors, as well as some sailors from other, mostly European, nations. People liable to impressment were "eligible men of seafaring habits between the ages of 18 and 55 years". Non-seamen were impressed as well, though rarely. Impressment was strongly criticized by those who believed it to be contrary to the British constitution; unlike many of its continental rivals at the time, British subjects were not subject to conscription for military service, with the exception of a brief experiment with army impressment from 1778 to 1780. Though the public opposed conscription in general, impressment was repeatedly upheld by the courts, as it was deemed vital to the strength of the navy and, by extension, to the survival of the British influence and realm. Impressment was essentially a Royal Navy practice, reflecting the size of the British fleet and its substantial manpower demands. While other European navies applied forced recruitment in times of war, this was generally done as an extension of the practice of formal conscription applied by most European armies from the Napoleonic Wars on. The U.S. Continental Navy also applied a form of impressment during the American War of Independence.

P3 alliance
- CMA CGM, Maersk Line and MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company SA have agreed to establish a long-term operational alliance on East – West trades, called the P3 Network. The aim is to improve and optimize operations and service offerings. The P3 Network will operate a capacity of 2.6 million TEU (initially 255 vessels on 29 loops) on three trade lanes: Asia – Europe, Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic. While the P3 Network vessels will be operated independently by a joint vessel operating center, the three lines will continue to have fully independent sales, marketing and customer service functions (also Shippers Today jul-aug2013 issue)
- Shippers Today jul-aug2013 issue Willy Lin opined that the alliance threatens free trade and is bad for shippers
- On 17 June 2014, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) blocked the proposed P3 Network shipping alliance between Denmark’s AP Møller-Maersk A/S (Maersk), Switzerland’s Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) and France’s CMA CGM (CMA CGM, together the Parties) (the Transaction). This is MOFCOM’s second prohibition decision since the entry into force of China’s Anti-monopoly Law (AML) nearly six years ago, and the first time that MOFCOM has blocked a global foreign-to-foreign deal. The decision highlights MOFCOM’s confidence in charting its own course, and willingness to diverge from positions taken by other major jurisdictions such as the EU and US.

THE alliance
- Hapag-Lloyd AG, Germany’s top container shipping line, and five Asian carriers will form a new vessel-sharing alliance to take on bigger rivals amid a glut in capacity that’s depressed freight rates. The partners will include Japan’s Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd., Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd., Nippon Yusen KK, South Korea’s Hanjin Shipping Co. and Taiwan’s Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp., the Hamburg-based company said in a statement. Called ‘The Alliance,’ it will control 18 percent of the world’s container shipping fleet with more than 620 vessels and a combined capacity of 3.5 million standard twenty-foot containers, or TEU, according to the statement.

Alliances eg 2M
- After China halted plans for the P3Network, what would have been an operational alliance between the three biggest carriers in the international shipping industry, two of the P3 carriers to replace the P3 with a vessel sharing agreement. Maersk and MSC both put out Press releases a week ago to announce a ten-year vessel sharing agreement called the 2M. 2M's combined market share is much smaller than the P3 Network's would have been. The second difference both conveyed was that this agreement is purely a vessel sharing agreement and does not set up a jointly owned but independent organization with executable powers like the P3 Network would have created. As such, the 2M vessel sharing agreement does not need the kind of approval that was necessary for the P3 Network. Maersk and MSC can go right into operation with this 

- 九家海運承運人和碼頭運營商,昨日在上海舉辦的中國國際貿易博覽會上,簽署聯合聲明,攜手建立區塊鏈聯盟。聯盟將發展全球航運商業網絡(GSBN),建立一個基於分布式帳本技術的開放的數字化平台。九家簽約方包括中遠海運、長榮海運、東方海外、楊明海運、達飛輪船、迪拜環球港務、和記港口、PSA國際港務、上海國際港務以及貨訊通。  新平台旨在攜手包括海運承運人、碼頭運營商、海關機構及其代理、發貨人及物流服務供應商在內的所有利益相關方建立行業數字化基準,從而驅動供應鏈行業內的協同創新和數字化轉型。

vessel sharing plan
- Newly formed China COSCO Shipping Corp Ltd and France's CMA CGM SA arereported to be planning a new container partnership to challenge the huge 2Malliance. Formed by Denmark's Maersk Line and Switzerland's Mediterranean Shipping CoSA, the 2M operates more than 2.1 million twenty-foot equivalent units (or TEUs,the industry measurements of capacity of container ships and terminals), and owns193 vessels. According to Alphaliner, a French maritime research firm, however, the Chinese andFrench firms are also seeking to rope in another two shipping companies withintheir "French-Asian Alliance" plan, in a group which would have an estimated 3million TEUs. Their two other partners would be Orient Overseas Container Line of Hong Kongand Taiwan-based Evergreen Line. Dong Liwan, a shipping industry professor at Shanghai Maritime University, said theplans could also potentially split up three of the current four main East-Westalliances - 2M, O3, CKYHE and G6. "If completed, the proposal would effectively rearrange the current shipping-linemap, and leave other remaining carriers of the O3, CKYHE and G6 alliances in aswayable situation," said Dong. The O3 alliance composes the old China Shipping, the Marseilles-based CMA CGM,the world's third-largest container company and United Arab Shipping Co. CKYHE is made up of the previous COSCO, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd, Yang MingMarine Transport Corp, Hanjin Shipping Co Ltd and Evergreen Line. While the G6 groups Orient Overseas Container Line, American President Lines Ltd,Hapag-Lloyd, Hyundai Merchant Marine, Mitsui OSK Lines and Nippon YusenKabushiki Kaisha. China COSCO Shipping brought together China's two biggest State-owned shippingconglomerates: China Ocean Shipping (Group) Co and China Shipping (Group) Co.
- The shake-out of container shipping alliances is becoming clearer as CMA CGM, Cosco Container Lines, Evergreen Line and Orient Overseas Container Lines (OOCL) sign a agreement to form the “Ocean Alliance”. The proposed new alliance follows the merger of Cosco and China Shipping’s container lines and CMA CGM’s move to buy Neptune Orient Lines (NOL), where it plans to pull container line APL out from the G6 Alliance. The four lines signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the alliance will cover the Asia-Europe, Asia-Mediterranean, Asia-Red Sea, Asia-Middle East, transpacific, Asia-North America East Coast, and transatlantic trades. The alliance will cover some 350 containerships and initially more than 40 shipping services, mainly connected to Asia, including 20 services to Europe and the US.

vessel leasing Chinese leasing companies have taken ownership of hundreds of vessels in deals worth tens of billions of dollars in the latest sign of the industry’s rapid transformation amid a long-running financial crisis. The deals made by Chinese companies, including the leasing businesses of ICBC, China Minsheng Bank and Bank of Communications, have provided badly-needed financing for shipowners as miserable trading conditions dominate most shipping sectors. Although there are no comprehensive figures, a conference in London in January heard that Chinese leasing groups had invested $11.5bn in shipping in 2016 alone, a figure seen representing several hundred vessels. Maersk Line, Mediterranean Shipping Company and CMA CGM — the biggest three operators of container ships — have all done Chinese leasing deals.

Inttra and msc
- MSC, a world leader in global container shipping, and INTTRA, the world's ocean shipping electronic marketplace, are pleased to announce a new partnership which will introduce a customer-friendly solution to new container weight safety regulations. Under the agreement, MSC will use INTTRA's eVGM software as a channel for receiving verified gross mass (VGM) submissions from shippers.
As of July 1st, under the International Maritime Organization's Safety of Life at Sea amendment (SOLAS VGM), no container will be cleared to be loaded onto a ship until the shipper or its designee provides a verified weight to the carrier. - See more at:

- economist 5oct19 "headed your way" the next stop for the sharing economy

ship building

  • 由於古埃及人被指於數千年前,單靠蘆葦船就能遠航至黑海,一群來自世界各地的探險家帶頭實踐,建造了一艘蘆葦船,並計劃將於本月中由保加利亞的港口出發,駛至希臘克里特,以證明古時人類的航海技術。

  • 統營閑山大捷慶典是為宣傳與紀念世界四大海戰之一的韓國閑山大捷(1592年)而舉辦,活動中最重要的內容莫過於在眾人面前重現「閑山海戰」,可觀賞龜甲船(外形像烏龜的船)、倭船(日本船)與發射大砲等具有臨場感的海戰景象。
barquebarc, or bark is a type of sailing vessel with three or more masts having the fore- and mainmasts rigged square and only the mizzen (the aftmost mast) rigged fore and aft. Sometimes, the mizzen is only partly fore-and-aft rigged, bearing a square-rigged sail above.The word "barque" entered English via French, which in turn came from the Latin barca by way of Occitan, Catalan, Spanish, or Italian. The Latin barca may stem from Celtic barc (per Thurneysen) or Greek baris" (per Diez), a term for an Egyptian boat. The Oxford English Dictionary, however, considers the latter improbable.The word barc appears to have come from Celtic languages. The form adopted by English, perhaps from Irish, was "bark", while that adopted by Latin as barca very early, which gave rise to the French barge and barque.In Latin, Spanish, and Italian, the term barca refers to a small boat, not a full-sized ship. French influence in England led to the use in English of both words, although their meanings now are not the same. Well before the 19th century, a barge had become interpreted as a small vessel of coastal or inland waters. Somewhat later, a bark became a sailing vessel of a distinctive rig as detailed below. In Britain, by the mid-19th century, the spelling had taken on the French form of barque. Although Francis Bacon used this form of the word as early as 1592,[2] Shakespeare still used the spelling "barke" in Sonnet 116 in 1609. Throughout the period of sail, the word was used also as a shortening of the barca-longa of the Mediterranean Sea.[citation neededThe usual convention is that spelling barque refers to a ship and bark to tree hide, to distinguish the homophones.[citation needed"Barcarole" in music shares the same etymology, being originally a folk song sung by Venetian gondolier and derived from barca - "boat" in Italian.
  • marshall islands takes its name from john marshall, captain of three-masted barque, scarborough, which passed through the area in late june 1788
- *******
-  卡拉維爾帆船Caravel,又譯卡拉維拉帆船葡萄牙語Caravela,或拉丁式大帆船   The caravel (PortuguesecaravelaIPA: [kɐɾɐˈvɛlɐ]) was a small, highly manoeuvrable sailing ship developed in the 15th century by the Portuguese to explore along the West African coast and into the Atlantic Ocean. The lateen sails gave it speed and the capacity for sailing windward (beating). Caravels were used by the Portuguese and Castilians (Spain) for the oceanic exploration voyages during the 15th and 16th centuries in the Age of Discovery.Its English name derives from the Portuguese caravela, which in turn may derive from the Arabic qārib, used to refer to an ancient boat type known as carabus in Latin or καραβος in Greek, perhaps indicating some continuity of its carvel build through the ages.「卡拉維爾」一詞有說是來自葡萄牙語的「橡木材」(Carvalho)之意,但至今未能確實。
- The French and Italian governments announced their intention to facilitate the creation of a more efficient and competitive European shipbuilding industry and to reinforce their military naval cooperation by initiating discussions with a view to establish an industrial Alliance between Fincantieri and Naval Group. Fincantieri and Naval Group worked intensively since this date and submitted their proposal for such an Alliance in July 2018 to the competent French and Italian Ministers, encompassing an industrial project and its envisaged roadmap, along with a description of the key initiatives, which they propose to launch rapidly.
- 3d printing

  • 美國緬因大學日前以3D打印技術,打印出一艘長七米六二,重逾五千磅的巨船,獲健力士世界紀錄認證為最大型的原型聚合物3D打印機、3D打印船及3D打印物體。校方上周四(10日)為船隻揭幕及舉行下水典禮,在二百五十多位業界、軍事及政府代表見證下,開啟了3D打印船隻的新世代。

- france

  • chantiers reunis loire normandie
  • [international conference on hk: history and society conference kit] construction of oriental star (ordered by tung ho wan thru a panama company called maritime foundation agencies, inc) was completed on 20nov1956

ship breaking
- scmp 28oct18 "breaking bad" gadani (pakistan), chittagong (bangladesh), alang (india) accounted for 80% of global trade

Electric ship
- fully electric cargo ship launched in guangzhou china daily 14nov17

- ft article 10feb18 on ocean liners
Six ships and a shore establishment of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Britannia, after Britannia, the goddess and personification of Great Britain:
HMS Minden was a Royal Navy 74-gun Ganges-class third-rate ship of the line, launched on 19 June 1810.[1] She was named after the German town Minden and the Battle of Minden of 1759, a decisive victory of British and Prussian forces over France in the Seven Years' War. The town is about 75 km away from Hanover, from where the House of Hanover comes—the dynasty which ruled the United Kingdom from 1714 until 1901.Minden sailed from Bombay on 8 February 1811 on her first cruise,[4] under the command of Edward Wallis Hoare,[5] and manned by the crew of the Russell. In March she sailed from Madras to take part in the invasion of Java. On 29 July two of her boats, under the command of Lieutenant Edmund Lyons, with only 35 officers and men aboard, attacked and captured the fort covering the harbour of Marrack, to the westward of Batavia.[5] The Naval General Service Medal with the clasp "30 July Boat Service 1811" was issued to survivors of this action in 1848. The Dutch and French forces in Java surrendered in September. Minden then sailed for the UK and escorted convoys to the East Indies, the Cape of Good Hope, South America, and the coast of Africa. Minden saw service during the War of 1812 in the Chesapeake Bay.[6] Some accounts state that Francis Scott Key was aboard Minden when he wrote the poem "Defense of Fort M'Henry", which became the lyrics for "The Star-Spangled Banner".
- sailing ship luise, whose ship's doctor franz johann friedrich meyen (1804-40) circumnavigated the world in 1830-32
Keying ( p Qíyīng) was a three-masted, 800-ton Foochow Chinese trading junkwhich sailed from China around the Cape of Good Hope to the United States and Britainbetween 1846 and 1848.Keying had been purchased in August 1846 in secrecy by British businessmen in Hong Kong, defying a Chinese law prohibiting the sale of Chinese ships to foreigners. She was renamed after the Manchu official KeyingThe Keying was the first ship from China to visit New York. She moored off the Batteryon the southern tip of Manhattan in July 1847, and was received with great fanfare.

  • P. T. Barnum had a copy of Keying built in Hoboken (Barnum claimed he had it towed from China), and exhibited it with a crew which may have included some of the Keying Chinese. However the Brooklyn Eagle described Barnum's crew as "one third white and two thirds negroes or mulattoes", so probably no real Keying crew were present.

The Arabia is a side wheeler steamboat which hit a snag and sank in the Missouri River near what today is Kansas City, Missouri, on September 5, 1856. It was rediscovered in 1988 by a team of researchers. Today, the artifacts recovered from the site are housed in the Arabia Steamboat Museum.
HMS Tamar was a Royal Navy troopship built by the Samuda Brothers at Cubitt Town, London, and launched in Britain in 1863. She served as a supply ship from 1897 to 1941, and gave her name to the shore station HMS Tamar in Hong Kong (1897 to 1997).
HMS Sapphire was an Amethyst-class corvette built for the Royal Navy at Devonport Dockyard and launched on 24 September 1874. She commenced service on the Australia Station in August 1875.[1] She left the Australia Station in July 1879 and returned to England and was refitted and rearmed. After refit she commissioned for the China Station in 1883 until 1890. She returned to Plymouth and was paid off.
RMS Empress of China was an ocean liner built in 1890-1891 by Naval Construction & Armament Co.Barrow, England for Canadian Pacific Steamships (CP). This ship—the first of three CP vessels to be named Empress of China—regularly traversed the trans-Pacific route between the west coast of Canada and the Far East until she struck an underwater reef and sank in Tokyo harbour in 1911. In 1921, Canadian Pacific added two German-built vessels to the Empress fleet; and initially, both were confusingly renamed Empress of China.
  • The first Empress of China was a 5,905-ton vessel launched in 1891 from Barrow, England. She was wrecked on a reef at Tokyo Bay in 1911, and subsequently scrapped in 1912.
  • The second SS Empress of China was a 16,992-ton vessel launched in 1907 from Gestemunde, Germany as the SS Prince Freidrich Wilhelm for the Norddeutscher Lloyd Line(NDL). The ship was purchased in 1921 by Canadian Pacific and then immediately, the ship was renamed Empress of China for a short time. Later in that same year, the ship was renamed yet again as the Empress of India. Subsequent names for this vessel were: the SS Montlaurier (1922); and SS Montnairn (1925). The ship was scrapped 1929.[12]
  • The third SS Empress of China was a 21,860-ton vessel launched in 1913 from Stettin, Germany, as the SS Tirpitz for Hamburg-America Line (HAPAG). The ship was purchased in 1921 by CP and renamed the Empress of China.[13] Then next year, in 1922, the ship was renamed Empress of Australia after re-fitting at Clydebank. The ship was ultimately scrapped in 1952.
RMS Empress of India was an ocean liner built in 1890-1891[1] by Naval Construction & Armaments CoBarrow-in-Furness, England for Canadian Pacific Steamships.[2] This ship would be the first of two CP vessels to be named Empress of India,[3] and on 28 April 1891, she was the very first of many ships named Empress arriving at Vancouver harbor.On 17 August 1903, Empress of India collided with and sank the Chinese cruiser Huang Tai. The vessel was reported sold on 19 December 1914, to Geakwar of Baroda (also known as the Maharajah of Gwalior). The former Empress was re-fitted as a hospital ship for Indian troops. On 19 January 1915, the ship was renamed Loyalty. In March 1919, she was sold to The Scindia Steam Navigation Company Ltd. Company in Bombay (now Mumbai). In February 1923, the ship was sold for scrapping at Bombay.
RMS Empress of Japan, also known as the "Queen of the Pacific", was an ocean liner built in 1890–1891 by Naval Construction & Armaments CoBarrow-in-Furness, England for Canadian Pacific Steamships (CP). This ship – the first of two CP vessels to be named Empress of Japan – regularly traversed the trans-Pacific route between the west coast of Canada and the Far East until 1922.In 1891, Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) and the British government reached agreement on a contract for subsidized mail service between Britain and Hong Kong via Canada; and the route began to be serviced by three specially designed ocean liners. Each of these three vessels was given an Imperial name. Empress of Japan and her two running mates – RMS Empress of China and the RMS Empress of India – created a flexible foundation for the CPR trans-Pacific fleet which would ply this route for the next half century.
Prinzessin Victoria Luise was a German passenger ship of the Hamburg-America Line (HAPAG) of some 4,409 gross register tons (GRT). She is credited with having been the first purpose-built cruise ship. Launched on 29 June 1900, she served with HAPAG until 16 December 1906 after being accidentally grounded off Jamaica.
HMS Agincourt was a dreadnought battleship built in the United Kingdom in the early 1910s. Originally part of Brazil's role in a South American naval arms race, she held the distinction of mounting more heavy guns (fourteen) and more turrets (seven) than any other dreadnought battleship, in keeping with the Brazilians' requirement for an especially impressive design.
RMS Titanic (/tˈtænɪk/) was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Oceanin the early morning hours of 15 April 1912, after it collided with an iceberg during its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City. There were an estimated 2,224 passengers and crew aboard the ship, and more than 1,500 died, making it one of the deadliest commercial peacetime maritime disasters in modern history. The RMS Titanic was the largest ship afloatat the time it entered service and was the second of three Olympic-class ocean linersoperated by the White Star Line. The Titanic was built by the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast.
RMS Empress of Asia was an ocean liner built in 1912–1913 by Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering at Govan on the Clyde in Scotland for Canadian Pacific Steamships.As well as being a passenger liner in peacetime, Empress of Asia served as an armed merchant cruiser and a troopship in wartime. She was sunk during World War II by Japanese aircraft while transiting from Bombay to Singapore.
The RMS Empress of Russia was an ocean liner built in 1912-1913[1] by Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Company at Govan on the Clyde in Scotland for Canadian Pacific steamships(CP). This ship regularly traversed the trans-Pacific route between Canada and the Far East.Empress of Russia was launched on 28 August 1912. She left Liverpool on 1 April 1913 on her maiden voyage via Suez to Hong Kong and Vancouver. Thereafter, she regularly sailed back and forth along the Hong Kong - Shanghai - Nagasaki - Kobe - Yokohama - Vancouver route.Empress of Russia was requisitioned by the British Admiralty twice during the First World War. Initially, the ship was refitted as an Armed Merchant Cruiser at Hong Kong; she was attached to a squadron blockading German merchant shipping in Philippine waters and retained her Chinese crew,[8] but took on French sailors to man her guns.[9]Later, she was transferred to the Indian Ocean.In one incident, the guns of Empress of Russia were brought to bear on Hodeidah in what is modern Yemen. Bluntly, the Turks were told that if British and French counsels, who had been kidnapped, were not brought back, the port city would be demolished. Shortly afterwards, Empress of Russia was released by the Admiralty for a return to civilian service. The ship was refitted at Hong Kong, arriving there on 19 October, going into dock on 25 October and finally paying off on 12 February 1916. Empress of Russia then returned to her familiar trans-Pacific route.[3] Amongst those sailing with Empress of Russia in this period was Sumner Welles, who was to become one of President Franklin Roosevelt's foreign policy advisers. In April 1917 Empress of Russia brought 2,056 members of the Chinese Labor Corps (CLC) from Weihaiwei in China across the Pacific to Williams Head on Vancouver Island. After quarantine the CLC were then transshipped to Port Moody on the Canadian mainland and transported by the Canadian Pacific Railway in guarded cattle trucks across Canada to the Atlantic Coast, where other Empress ships took them to DunkirkThe British Admiralty called Empress of Russia to wartime service for a second time in early 1918. She was to be used in transporting American troops to Europe. Empress of Russia 's last wartime voyage began from Liverpool on 12 January 1919. She sailed to Le Havre where Chinese labor battalions boarded Empress of Russia for the return voyage via Suez to Hong Kong. From the Far East, she sailed across the Pacific to Vancouver for re-fitting. This ship remained a coal-burner after the Great War, even though many liners at that time were being converted to oil.
RMS Empress of Canada was an ocean liner built in 1920 for the Canadian Pacific Steamships (CP) by Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Company at Govan on the Clyde in Scotland. This ship—the first of two CP vessels to be named Empress of Canada[2]—regularly traversed the trans-Pacific route between the west coast of Canada and the Far East until 1939.The ship was launched 18 August 1920 with a notable speech by the general manager of the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, Ltd., Sir Thomas Fisher, noted the approximately $6,800,000 price compared to a pre-war cost of about $2,200,000 and cost of operation that had risen at least 350 per cent had forced first class fares from $76 to $202 (based on a $4 to the pound sterling) and predicted dire consequences for shipping and the British Empire.[1] A world tour, planned for the spring of 1921, was cancelled due to labor disturbances making on-schedule completion doubtful. She undertook her maiden voyage on 5 May 1922. Based at the port of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, the first Empress of Canada was intended to provide service to Japan, Hong Kong, and China. She was at the time the largest vessel ever engaged in transpacific service.[5] Her sister ships included Empress of Franceand Empress of Britain.
The RMS Queen Elizabeth was an ocean liner operated by Cunard Line. With Queen Mary she provided weekly luxury liner service between Southampton in the United Kingdom and New York City in the United States, via Cherbourg in France. She was also contracted for over 20 years to carry the Royal Mail thus enabling her to carry the prestigious Royal Mail Ship (RMS)designation, as the second half of the two ships' weekly express service. While being constructed in the mid-1930s by John Brown and Company at ClydebankScotland, the build was known as Hull 552.[3] Launched on 27 September 1938, she was named in honour of Queen Elizabeth, then Queen Consort to King George VI, who became the Queen Motherin 1952. With the decline in the popularity of the transatlantic route, both ships were replaced by the smaller, more economical Queen Elizabeth 2 in 1969. Queen Marywas retired from service on 9 December 1967, and was sold to the city of Long Beach, California, US. Queen Elizabeth was sold to a succession of buyers, most of whom had unsuccessful plans for her. Finally the Elizabeth was sold to Hong Kong businessman Tung Chao Yung, who intended to convert her into a floating university cruise ship now called the Seawise University. In 1972, while undergoing refurbishment in Hong Kongharbour, fire broke out aboard under unexplained circumstances and the ship was capsized by the water used to fight the fire. In 1973, the wreck was deemed an obstruction to shipping in the area, and so was partially scrapped where she lay.
MS Achille Lauro was a cruise ship based in Naples, Italy. Built between 1939 and 1947 as MS Willem Ruys, a passenger liner for the Rotterdamsche Lloyd, she was hijacked by members of the Palestine Liberation Front in 1985.As Willem Ruys, the ship began her maiden voyage on 5 December 1947. Together with her main competitor and running mate, the MS Oranje of the Netherland Line, she became a popular fixture on the Dutch East Indies route. However, when the East Indies gained independence from The Netherlands in 1949, passengers numbers decreased. The former Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew had travelled aboard Willem Ruys as a fresh graduate upon completing his studies in the United Kingdom.In 1965, she was sold to the Flotta Lauro Line, or Star Lauro, (now MSC Cruises) and renamed Achille Lauro after the company's owner. She was extensively rebuilt and modernized after an August 1965 onboard explosion, and entered service in 1966 carrying passengers to Sydney, Australia. The ship played a role in evacuating the families of British servicemen caught up in unrest in Aden, and made one of the last northbound transits through the Suez Canal before its closure during the Six Day WarAchille Lauro was converted to a cruise ship in early 1972, during which time she suffered a disastrous fire. A 1975 collision with the cargo ship Youseff resulted in the sinking of the latter, and another onboard fire in 1981 took her out of service for a time. She was laid up in Tenerife when Lauro Lines went bankrupt in 1982. The Chandris Line took possession of her under a charter arrangement in 1985, shortly before the hijacking.
-  Taiping was a Chinese steamer that sank after a collision with another vessel while en route from mainland China to Taiwan on 27 January 1949, killing over 1,500 people.Taiping was packed to nearly twice her rated capacity, carrying over 1,000 refugees fleeing advancing Chinese Communist forces during the Chinese Civil War, when she departed ShanghaiChina, on 26 January 1949, bound for KeelungTaiwan. 太平輪は中聯企業公司の豪華客船であり、排水量は総トン数2489トン、由周曹裔在上海所が管理していた[4]国共内戦後期に多くの難民中国大陸から脱出しようとした。これらの人々は金塊と交換したり人間関係によりすでに満員の太平輪に乗船した。1949年1月27日(中国暦除夕[5]の前日)、太平輪は午前10時(現地時間)に出発予定だったが中華民国中央銀行銀元の積み込み(裝運)を待ったため、出発時刻は午後4時18分になった。太平輪には計1000人の乗客(乗船券を持つ乗客508人、船員124人、乗船券を持たない乗客約300人)が乗船しており、また条鋼(鋼條)600トン、東南日報の印刷機・新聞紙100トン以上、中華民国中央銀行の重要書類1317箱、迪化街が予約購入した南北貨などの重量貨物を積載していた。

- The MV Orient Princess is a 1967 built passenger ship, originally built as the Yaohua. She is notable for being the first purpose built passenger ship for the People’s Republic of China as well as their first flagshipOrient Princess was delivered as Yaohua to the China Ocean Shipping Company, who had her first operate from China to East Africa. She would later sail in the Far EastYaohua had a larger swimming pool then most ships of her size. In 1982 the vessel was chartered to Salén Lindblad Cruises,  a move that allowed the ship to become more popular. Salén Lindblad operated her under the name China Cruises beginning in March 1983, having her cruise through the Yangtze River and along the Chinese coast. These cruises would begin in either Beijing or Hong Kong. In 1987 she was purchased and renamed Orient Princess. Throughout the 1990s the Orient Princess would change ownership and roles several times, once operating as a casino ship. Orient Princess was seized by authorities in April 2003 due to her underpaid crew. She was taken over by another Chinese company, who moored her in Tianjin as a floating tourist attraction.
-  新东方公主
  •“新东方公主号” 最旺的赌船 联合早报, 27 August 1993, Page 24
  • fire in 1993
Costa Concordia (Italian pronunciation: [ˈkɔsta konˈkɔrdja]) was a Concordia-class cruise ship built in 2004 by the Fincantieri's Sestri Ponente yards in Italy and operated from 2005 until 2012 by Costa Crociere (a subsidiary of Carnival Corporation). It was wrecked off the coast of Isola del Giglio in Italy on 13 January 2012 due to a collision with a submerged rock. Costa Concordia was ordered in 2004 by Carnival Corporation from Fincantieri and built in the Sestri Ponente yard in Genoa,[5] as yard number 6122.[6] At the vessel's launch at Sestri Ponente on 2 September 2005,[7] the champagne bottle, released by model Eva Herzigová, failed to break when swung against the hull the first time, an inauspicious omen in maritime superstition.

tourist river transport
Bateaux Mouches (French pronunciation: ​[bato ˈmuʃ]) are open excursion boats that provide visitors to ParisFrance, with a view of the city from along the river Seine. They also operate on Parisian canals such as Canal Saint-Martin which is partially subterranean. The term is a registered trademark of the Compagnie des Bateaux Mouches, the most widely known operator of the boats in Paris, founded by Jean Bruel (1917-2003); however, the phrase, because of the success of the company, is used generically to refer to all such boats operating on the river within the city. Bateaux Mouches translates literally as "fly boats" ("fly" meaning the insect); however, the name arose because they were originally manufactured in boatyards situated in the Mouche area of Lyon.

autonomous ferry

fully automated port
- 上海洋山港四期自动化码头10日正式开港试运营。据悉,该码头不仅规模全球居冠,自动化程度世界最高,还拥有多种类中国自主研製的核心设备,首次让内地全自动码头装上“中国芯”。

ship supply services
- [think maritime] ships require provisions, stores and spare parts, and there are may ship supply companies (also called "chandlers") in HK who provide these services. Also provided are repair technicians to maintain and fit equipment that is now common in all ships.

- highly trained and experienced seafarers with special local knowledge, who are responsible for safely guiding a ship from deep water at sea through the harbour and to its nominated berth for docking.

ship agency
- [think maritime] the ship agent is partly entrusted by the principal, who could be the owner of the ship, charterer or operator, to arrange and coordinate delivery of many services required for a vessel's call, such as stevedores, chandlers, water supplier, launches for the crew to get ashore, surveyors, medical services, etc.  The ship agent may also have a commercial role, to find cargo to be loaded on the ship in hk, or for loading in other ports for discharge in hk

tarai bune, or tub-turned boat, is a traditional Japanese fishing boat found mainly on Sado Island and used for catching abalone and other mollusks. The design originated from need to fish in the narrow coves formed by earthquakes.たらい舟新潟県佐渡ヶ島の小木海岸では、主に沿岸漁業用に使用され、観光にも利用される[3]

- pharos lighthouse alexandria

- scmp 6jun19 "a struggle to stay afloat" sharp decline in number of filipinos workings at sea
- Thailand’s crackdown on exploitation and slavery in its multi-billion dollar fishing industry will only succeed if its neighbors step up and adopt anti-trafficking laws, said a labor rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize nominee. Thai fishing vessels are increasingly registering in nearby countries to avoid scrutiny of their treatment of migrant workers as Thailand boosts its laws on human trafficking, said local campaigner Patima Tungpuchayakul.Unlike Thai boats, foreign vessels are not required to undergo checks by officials when they enter or leave ports in Thailand, said the activist, who featured in a 2018 documentary ‘Ghost Fleet’ about workers trapped in slavery in the industry. Thailand has introduced a raft of measures - from contracts for workers to tightened and new laws - to clean up the sector since 2015, when investigations revealed widespread abuses and the European Union threatened to ban imports from the country.“Nowadays there are many Burmese vessels unloading fish in Thailand, when three or four years ago they didn’t even exist,” Tungpuchayakul told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in a phone interview ahead of Thailand’s anti-trafficking day on June 5. 

- Harindarpal S. Banga
  •  He has seen a former boss--commodities trader Abbas Gokal, a powerful player in world shipping in the '60s and '70s--sink into bankruptcy and get 14 years in prison for a $1.2 billion fraud. He has seen the crumbling of the Noble Group, where Banga built a billion-dollar fortune.So four years ago Banga launched his own commodities company, Caravel Group. Armed with $800 million raised by selling his stake in Noble before the shares crashed, he's aiming to re-create the lost magic of that company. He's betting on a new business model, an experienced team  and the resilience of the commodities markets. In his office in the Central Plaza skyscraper in Wan Chai, he exudes the excitement of a young parent. "Caravel is my newborn," he says. He named it after a small, quick-maneuvering 15th-century Spanish ship that chartered new trade routes, heralding an era of economic prosperity.

sinking incidents
The ROKS Cheonan sinking occurred on 26 March 2010, when Cheonan, a Pohang-class corvette of the Republic of Korea Navy, carrying 104 personnel, sank off the country's west coast near Baengnyeong Island in the Yellow Sea, killing 46 seamen. The cause of the sinking remains in dispute, although overwhelming evidence points to North Korea. A South Korean-led official investigation carried out by a team of international experts from South Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Sweden[2][3] presented a summary of its investigation on 20 May 2010, concluding that the warship had been sunk by a North Korean torpedo[4][5] fired by a midget submarine.[6] The conclusions of the report resulted in significant controversy within South Korea.

  • 美國副總統彭斯在冬奧開幕前,參觀被北韓擊沉的南韓天安艦殘骸
  • 雖然北韓派高官團出席閉幕禮,但率團的勞動黨中央委員會副委員長金英哲,被指是擊沉韓軍天安艦的幕後黑手。

- 一艘由香港公司管理的油輪,上周五在非洲西部的畿內亞灣失蹤,疑遭海盜騎劫,船上二十二名印度船員目前下落不明。印度政府已經向尼日利亞及貝寧政府求助。失蹤油輪為巴拿馬籍Marine Express號,由設在香港的中英船舶管理公司(Anglo-Eastern)管理。該公司指油輪最後於香港時間上周五早上十一時半出現在貝寧附近海域,之後失聯,原因未明。中英船舶管理公司在尼日利亞和貝寧當局協助下,正搜索油輪。據悉,船上載有一萬三千五百噸汽油。印度外交部長斯瓦拉傑證實,船員均為印度公民。
- 歐盟海軍(EUNF)上周五表示,一艘掛有香港區旗的貨輪周二在索馬里對開海域遇襲,船上守衞和海盜經過一輪駁火後,後者最終知難而退。這是索馬里海盜今年發動的第二宗襲擊事件。

- protection and indemnity (p&i) insurance is a unique form of insurance where members of p&i clubs mutally insure each other for liabilities arising out of the ownership, management and operation of ships, such as pollution, cargo claims and personal injury.  The small number of p&i clubs together insure around 90 pc of the world's shipping. P&i clubs employ their own underwriters and highly specialised claims handlers.
  • Britannia P&I Club began its life in 1855 when the world looked very different – France and England were at war with Russia in the Crimea, the explorer David Livingstone became the first European to see Victoria Falls, and the first print of The Daily Telegraph rolled off the press. Neither the Suez Canal nor the Cutty Sark had yet been built.That year, John Riley, the youngest of fourteen children of a farming family from the East Riding of Yorkshire, and his cousin, Peter Tindall, who came from a family of shipowners and brokers, established the first Protection & Indemnity Club.The Club originally covered sailing ships but in 1871 Peter Tindall, Riley & Co became managers of a club exclusively for iron steamships. The Club was named after Britannia – the mistress of the sea and the personification of the nation. In the 1860s Tindall Riley & Co had offices in London and Sunderland. Britannia’s Committee had seven Directors, all of whom were British shipowners. By 1876, the Britannia was writing three Classes of insurance; Hull and Machinery risks (Class 1), Freight risks (Class 2) and Protection risks (Class 3).Legislation passed in the mid-nineteenth century prompted shipowners to realise that they faced potentially huge liabilities following a death resulting from negligence. This led to an expansion in the scope of the terms of the insurance, with the Britannia paying its first loss of life claim in 1870. The advent of steamships would give rise to more serious collisions as a result of the inexperience of those operating the new vessels. Hull underwriters responded by restricting cover to 75% of the risk – Clubs offered protection for the remainder. In 1899, Britannia joined with five other Clubs in entering a Pooling Agreement to share claims in excess of GBP 10,000.The twentieth century brought with it new challenges and events and direct consequences for the cover that P&I clubs offered. After the Second World War, the character of Britannia began to change significantly. Members were increasingly drawn from outside the UK and the tonnage began to grow.In April 1947, fire broke out aboard HMS Grandcamp while she was loading a cargo of ammonium nitrate in Texas City. An explosion and fire followed, killing 300 people and injuring more than 3,000. This horrific incident highlighted the potentially catastrophic exposure to risk for P&I clubs. Shortly afterwards, Britannia and the other clubs purchased reinsurance protection from Lloyds of London against any claim exceeding GBP 250,000. The current reinsurance and overspill protection provides up to USD 3 billion of cover to the clubs of the International Group.In the 1960s a Taiwanese vessel exploded causing considerable damage. The shipowner was only insured to the value of his ship. This alarmed shipowners in Hong Kong and Taiwan and they realised the need for adequate liability insurance. As a result, Britannia’s Asian Membership grew steadily from this point. Today, Asian shipowners account for around half of Britannia’s entered tonnage. Since 1970, when the insured tonnage by Britannia was just under 11 million, the tonnage has grown to over 107 million, plus 17 million GT of chartered tonnage.
  • founded in 1869
  • The Swedish Club wrote its first Hull and Machinery policy on 13 December 1872. The first entered ship, the one-year-old steamship ‘Orvar Odd’, was insured for a large sum at that time - over 50,000 Swedish crowns. By 1910, demand for Protection and Indemnity (P&I) insurance was growing rapidly in Sweden - where shipowners were required to have protection against personal injury, loss of life and collision liabilities.Despite an earlier reluctance to offer P&I insurance, the attractively titled Sveriges Ångfartygs Assurans Förenings Delägares Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag ‘Protection & Indemnity’ was founded on 8 December. This proved to be one of the most important developments in the Club’s history.Forty years later, the P&I Club was amalgamated with the Hull Club, in a first step towards creating the total service concept offered by the Club today.
  • American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association, Inc. (the American Club) was established in New York in 1917. It is the only mutual Protection and Indemnity Club domiciled in the United States – indeed, in the entire Americas.The Club is a member of the International Group of P&I Clubs, a collective of thirteen mutuals which together provide Protection and Indemnity insurance for some 90% of all world shipping.The American Club also operates a fixed premium P&I and FD&D facility called Eagle Ocean Marine. It provides attentive, competitively priced cover to the operators of smaller vessels who prefer a fixed premium approach to their P&I needs. Backed by the American Club in conjunction with underwriters at Lloyd's, Eagle Ocean Marine offers gold standard International Group club service underpinned by the impeccable security of reinsurance at Lloyd's. In addition, through a foundational investment it made in 2016, the American Club has developed a presence in the hull and machinery market, an area highly germane to its activity in the P&I sector. This was accomplished in the form of American Hellenic Hull Insurance Company, Ltd., domiciled in Cyprus. Fully capitalized and accredited under the Solvency II regime of the European Union, American Hellenic Hull represents a new force of growing energy within the marine insurance markets across the world.The American Club is subject to regulation by the New York State Financial Services Department, widely recognized to be the most demanding licensing authority in the United States.

common IT standards Five of the world’s largest container shipping groups are joining forces to create new IT standards for the industry that could allow them and ports to use digital technology such as blockchain to make global trade cheaper and safer. AP Moller-Maersk, MSC, CMA CGM, Hapag-Lloyd and Ocean Network Express — five of the biggest six container shipping lines, which together transport nearly two-thirds of all seaborne freight — announced plans to start an association to work on standards that would be openly and freely available to all third parties such as customers, ports and customs authorities.

- DAB propose application of international maritime law
- 船公司收港口附加費 港商反對 hket 21oct14 a15,

- Shippers Today
- maritime economics

- Seawork Asia in Shanghai
- High Speed Boat Operations Forum in Gothenburg
- Europort Romania in Constanta
- advanced fpso forum in London
- inanmarine in Jakarta
- INEC in Amersterdam
- MAST EurAsia in Istanbul
- Society of maritime industries annual conference in Bristol
- container ships in London
- OTES in Beijing
- International Port Security in London
- World Aquaculture in Adelaide
- Naval Shipbuilding and maintenance summit in Beijing
- UDT in Liverpool 昨日,世界海洋科技大會在青島舉行。來自中國、澳大利亞、丹麥、俄羅斯、法國、韓國、美國、挪威、日本、印尼、英

1 comment:

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