Wednesday, January 9, 2019

HKETO Sydney 香 港特區政府駐悉尼經濟 貿易辦事處處長區松柏 (見圖)上周四在墨爾 本舉行的新春酒會上表 示,香港將在新一年為 澳洲商界與人士提供更多不同商機。 逾 200名政商界及社區領袖出席今次酒會,區松柏 致辭時指,根據「一國兩制」,香港享有獨特的優 勢:自由市場經濟、簡單運作的低稅制、獨立司法制 度、自由資金流動、言論自由及集會自由,以及與內 地緊密經貿關係,這些均是促使香港成功的因素。他 續指,去年 11月「滬港通」啟動,全球各地投資者得 以通過香港聯合交易所進入上海股票市場,亦容許內 地居民透過上海交易所買賣香港股票,而與深圳證券 交易所成立類似機制的商討亦已展開。

-;QZdM4QkJ4iMwVdnbY6hFrxz1KKowvq~_s7TA~_cUoHkxuJSFN8P59pBdDokCygOie2B7RDaYUOb76pa7LX8RF8Rsy0Y3lGOuzyq32NnvwB5lYSzoDN4Mrxdjm~_p1~_A~;IKqIVuopqavmaZrZlXkzoLmeRs5xIrc806wusFLEWZANaSx37~_6e~;Qou9fg~-~-.bps.a.1115673038496896.1073741930.139691922761684/1115679071829626/?type=3&theater To welcome the Year of the Monkey, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney (HKETO), held a Chinese New Year Reception in Sydney in conjunction with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Invest Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Australia Business Association - NSW Chapter, at the Sofitel, on 16 February 2016

Talent destination promotion

- hong kong film festival 28jun to 1jul2012 in association with international chinese film festival inc

- australia and new zealand performance tour of hk children's symphony orchestra in main cities of australia (sydney, adelaide, melbourne, canberra) and new zealand (auckland, wellington) jul, aug 2012

hksar anniversary
- symphony of lights on hk house 28jun to 2jul2012

bay area
The Director of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney, Mr. Raymond Fan, hosted a Greater Bay Area (GBA) luncheon at Hong Kong House on 23 October for representatives from the Australian Government, business organisations, academia and think-tanks. Mr. Fan introduced the huge opportunities of the GBA for Australian businesses and Hong Kong's key areas of work in taking forward the GBA development.

-  據澳洲警方透露,首都堪培拉和第二大城市墨爾本的至少10間外國使領館,在9日先後收到可疑包裹。據報香港在墨爾本的經貿辦亦有收到。警方正展開調查,暫無人員受傷報告。

Sar recruitment
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney, and Hong Kong Police Force jointly organised career talk at the University of New South Wales and the University of Sydney on 19 and 21 September respectively. Winnie Chan, Deputy Director of the HKETO gave a presentation to the students on the latest development and job market in Hong Kong, as well as application for government job with a highlight of the Common Recruitment Examination and Administrative Officer. Representative from the Hong Kong Police gave a presentation on the Hong Kong Police Force and the Disciplinary Forces job opportunity, job duties of police inspector, career prospect and selection process.

Project & Research Officer jan 2017

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