Wednesday, January 2, 2019

China FTA, international agreements


  • China will look to reach agreements with more nations as it strives to reduce dollar's dominance,officials say China will step up the pace of its free trade negotiations this year as it seeks to build strongertrade ties with more partners and reduce the dominance of the United States' currency in theglobal trading systemZhang Shaogang, director-general of the department of international trade and economic affairsat the Ministry of Commerce, said China will launch FTA negotiations with Israel and initiate FTAfeasibility studies with Colombia, India, Nepal, Maldives and South Pacific island nations like Fiji,Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea this year.
  • China will seek to quicken the pace of its free-trade negotiations with other Asia-Pacific economies to counter a mammoth Washington-led trade pact in the region, observers say. The United States and 11 other countries that in total make up 40 per cent of the world's economy scored a landmark Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal in Atlanta on Monday. In response, China - presently excluded from the TPP - was expected to push for the conclusion of its Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations by the end of the year, said Peking University professor Wang Yong. Chinese delegates had, during a ministerial meeting in August, called on the negotiating countries - 10 Asean members plus Australia, India, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand - to "show enough political resolution … to conclude the substantive negotiations" by the end of 2015 to "produce deliverables for the East Asia Summit" in November, according to Xinhua.
  • China will step up efforts to forge more bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements in the Asia-Pacific region to reduce the impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership pact inked on Monday, experts said on Wednesday. The TPP will include provisions on eliminating and reducing tariffs and non-tariff barriers on industrial goods among member countries, as well as removing or reducing tariffs and other restrictive policies on agricultural goods. The United States' government considers the TPP as a practical measure that could expand the country's influence in the fast-growing Asia-Pacific region. Apart from the US, the TPP talks involve Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. Zhang Yansheng, secretary-general of the academic committee of the National Development and Reform Commission, said five TPP nations-Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Chile and Peru-have already inked FTA deals with China. These FTAs can effectively lower the possible impact on China's foreign trade and manufacturing activities.
  • During the period of China's 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15), the global economy experienced a downturn, however the regional trade volume increased mainly thanks to free trade agreements. In recent years, the exports of major economies and emerging markets have slowed and China's trade and economic development have also faced downward pressure. However, China's trade growth overall has remained stable. In 2014, China's total trade in goods reached $ 4.3 trillion, an increase of 18.1 percentage points over 2011. It accounted for 11.3 percent of total world trade, the most in the world. At the same time, China's "Going Global" strategy has entered a rapid development stage. From 2011 to 2014, China bucked the trend of falling foreign direct investment and in 2014, for the first time, it approached a balance in two-way investment and its non-financial overseas direct investment reached $107.2 billion. In 2010, China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations launched their first free trade agreement. With the establishment of the FTA, China became ASEAN's largest trading partner and ASEAN became China's third-largest trading partner. ASEAN has also become China's third largest source of foreign investment. By the end of 2014, China and ASEAN's two-way investment had reached over $130 billion. The signing of an FTA with the Republic of Korea in June 2015 was a significant outcome of China's new round of opening up. Being neighbors with close humanistic and cultural traditions, the two countries complement one another in their trade and economy. In 2014, the trade volume between China and the ROK reached $290.5 billion, an increase of 18.3 percent on the value in 2011. China is now the ROK's largest foreign trade partner and investment destination. According to the relevant items in the FTA, 90 percent of the taxed goods can be traded freely, and the trade volume of these goods accounts for 85 percent of the total. China's FTA with Australia is the highest in terms of trade and economy. In 2014, the bilateral trade between China and Australia amounted to $136.9 billion, a 17.4 percent increase over the amount in 2011. China is Australia's largest trade partner, largest source of imports and largest exports destination. The two countries started the negotiations for the free trade agreement in 2005. In the field of goods, 85 percent of both countries' export products became zero tariff immediately their FTA was launched. Australia is the first country with which China has made commitments covering the services trade. As the Sino-Australian FTA took effect, it further promoted bilateral investment, resource flows and personnel exchanges. China aims to build a global high-level FTA network. So far, it has signed 14 FTAs with 22 countries and regions. Since 2011, China has jointly promoted the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and a trilateral FTA between China-Japan-South Korea. The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is the largest trade pact in the Asia-Pacific region at present. China has established FTAs with five out of the 12 TPP members while the rest are participating in the RCEP negotiations. China is pushing for a quick realization of the RCEP and it has proposed an even more inclusive Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific. China continues to comply with WTO rules, contribute to institution building and regional economic integration, and it is willing to work with all countries, including the United States, to promote greater regional cooperation. The author is a researcher at the Ministry of Commerce's International Trade and Economic Cooperation Institute.
  • China has laid out a road map in its quest for free-trade agreements, pledging to reach deals with most of its neighbours and to further open up its own markets. Its guideline, released on Thursday, aimed to create broader FTA markets and achieve closer integration with its “One Belt, One Road” strategy. China aims to grow its trade with FTA partners so that in the near term it at least equals that between China and most developed countries and emerging markets. But it did not give a time frame. China has stepped up its FTA talks to counter the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership, which challenges its trade and investment in the region. The US has also embarked on discussions with the European Union on another pact, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. “Countries will be willing to join as long as they can benefit from lower tariffs and costs under the FTAs. They are not a political alliance, nor do they exclude members from entry into other trade treaties,” Renmin University professor Zhao Xijun said.
  • of Commerce officials expect to conclude negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership this year, as well as restart free trade agreement talks with the Gulf Cooperation Council, and finalize a feasibility study into a trade arrangement with Israel. Final discussions on a free trade agreement between China, South Korea and Japan, and proposed FTAs with Sri Lanka and the Maldives and other countries along the Belt and Road Initiative, will also be accelerated, said ministry spokesman Shen Danyang on Wednesday.
  • Zhang Jianping, director of the International Economic Cooperation Institute at the National Development and Reform Commission, said the TPP is still in its early stage, and will now go through a two-year ratification period, in which "at least six countries, including Canada, Australia and Japan, must approve the final text, for a deal to be implemented via legislative procedures". Zhang said because the TPP members are at different stages of economic development, all the major economies would need to accept the deal, which will set common standards on issues ranging from labor rights to intellectual property protection. China hopes to complete negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership by the end of this year, which would link the Association of Southeast Asian Nations with China, Australia, India, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea, accounting for one-third of the global gross domestic product. Beijing will also launch FTA negotiations with Israel and initiate FTA feasibility studies with Colombia, India, Nepal, Maldives and South Pacific island nations including Fiji and Papua New Guinea this year, as well as reinstate free trade negotiations with the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. Shen Danyang, spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, said China believes that members of the World Trade Organization will not abandon their existing multilateral trading system, since it brings benefits to the global economy. The WTO is still in control of the multilateral trade mechanism. "China hopes the TPP pact and other free trade arrangements in the region will complement each other and contribute to Asia-Pacific trade, investment and economic growth," he said.
- 中國社科院金融研究所在京發布《自貿區藍皮書:中國 自貿區發展報告(2016)》,內容指,雖然當前內地自貿區建設已初步形成 了以周邊國家和地區為基礎的自貿區網絡,但中國自貿區(FTA)建設存在五 大問題:貿易夥伴經濟體量較小、與自貿夥伴的貿易關係緊密度不足、自由貿 易區開放的業務有限、無法全面適應TPP為代表的自由貿易區規則、亞太地區 諸多國家之間存在的利益衝突明顯。對此,《報告》建議加快推進自貿區( FTA)建設,藉 「一帶一路」 建設擴大 「朋友圈」 。
- plan, China plans to seal free trade agreements with 40 percent of the countries and regions along the Belt and Road Initiative in 2017, officials said on Tuesday. The nation had already established FTAs or is in talks with 25 countries and regions along the route of the initiative by the end of this year, and it will accelerate the pace of FTA negotiations with Sri Lanka, Maldives and Pakistan next year.
- China is pushing for a rapid conclusion to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, with a “low-quality” deal mainly focused on lowering tariffs between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and its neighbours. But officials in Japan and Asean insist RCEP should not be Chinese-led. Beijing wants to cast itself as a defender of global free trade for political reasons, they say, after the US quit another huge deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Tokyo and Canberra want a high-quality RCEP deal covering services and investment — half hoping this will bring the US back to the TPP table. The result is a tug of war, with Japan and Australia on one side and China on the other. The prize is a deal that could reshape global trade, economically integrating the world’s most populous region and making its supply chains even more competitive, with big consequences for US strategy and business in the region. 
- China will continue to push forward free trade agreement talks with more than 20 economies along the Belt and Road Initiative this year after clinching 11 such deals in the region, senior commerce officials said on Wednesday.
It will sign an FTA with Georgia and launch an FTA feasibility study with Mongolia during the Belt and Road Forum of International Cooperation in Beijing this weekend, Vice-Minister of Commerce Qian Keming said at a news conference. The country will also explore FTA feasibility studies with Nepal, Bangladesh and Moldova this year, Qian said. China has launched negotiations with the governments of Singapore and Pakistan to upgrade existing FTAs, Qian added. China has completed the fourth round of talks on tariff cuts with India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Laos. "The upgraded protocol of the China-Association of Southeast Asian Nations FTA has been implemented since July. China is actively promoting Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership negotiations, and FTA negotiations with Israel, the Maldives, Sri Lanka and the Gulf Cooperation Council," said Qian.


  • China should join at an appropriate time the US-backed regional trade accord the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as its broad aims were in line with the country's own economic reform agenda, a Communist Party newspaper said yesterday. China is not among the 12 Pacific Rim countries who this month agreed the trade pact, the most ambitious in a generation. The accord includes Australia and Japan among economies worth a combined US$28trillion.
  • The Trans-Pacific Partnership could have a "beautifulfuture if it is compatible withChina's economic transitionaccording to former French prime minister Jean-PierreRaffarin"I don't think it would be good to have a policy for a special part of the worldwithout international cooperation. Now the world is small and everybody must bepart of it," the 67-year-old French politician said.
  •  bad and good economic aspects of TPPfor China
  • 美國泰斗級的中 國問題智庫李侃如在接受大公報獨家專訪時 指出,美國有極大可能在明年4月決定是否 正式加入TPP, 「若美成功加入,我個人十 分期待美國邀請中國加入TPP。」 在回應有 關南海問題時,李侃如表示,美中關係在全 球範圍內非常重要,並會強勢影響世界的發 展,兩國的利益是兼容的;就目前來看,兩 國政府在整體關係上都努力避免出現大的問 題。
  • 中國對TPP成員國的紡織服裝出口佔中國紡織服裝出口總額的35%以上,其中美國與日本佔比合計約24%。而目前TPP成員國之一的越南,是僅次於中國的美國第二大紡織服裝進口來源國,未來其出口關稅有望由平均的17.5%降至0,墨西哥、馬來西亞、秘魯等成員國也都是主要的紡織服裝出口國。TPP成功實施後,美國、日本等國將減少從中國進口,轉而增加從越南、墨西哥等國進口。TPP「從紗認定」原產地規則要求,成員國紡織服裝產品「從紗開始」之後的所有工序和原料,都要在TPP成員國內進行,才能享受零關稅優惠。目前越南、馬來西亞等的紡織原輔料約50%依賴從中國進口,為受益出口零關稅待遇,協議實施後TPP成員國將減少甚至停止從中國進口這些產品。環境保護、智慧財產權保護、勞工和環境標準等也是TPP協定的重要組成部分,這些規則最大化程度保護TPP成員國的商業利益。由於內地的紡織服裝產品標準與國際標準還有一定的差距,在應對綠色貿易壁壘方面也有欠缺,很多企業目前無法滿足智慧財產權保護、環境管理體系和社會責任等國際標準。
  • 中國社科院 昨日在北京發佈《產業藍皮書》。藍皮書指出,由美 國主導的跨太平洋戰略經濟夥伴協定 TPP,對中國產 業競爭力會造成一定影響,其中對中高端產品的影響 較大。
  • 中銀:TPP料無礙中國出口
  • 黎麟祥article on opportunities for china hkej 2feb16 b13
  • 中國商務部新聞發言人沈丹陽3日在北京表示,中方仍在根據有關案文對其進行評估。當地時間2月4日,“我們注意到,TPP各方定於2月4日簽署協定。目前,中方仍在根據有關案文對TPP進行全面、系統的評估。”沈丹陽説。

- Jinping is rekindling efforts to promote a rival to the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement in the wake of Donald Trump’s election victory, Chinese officials said on Thursday.With Mr Xi set to travel to Peru this month for the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation summit, Li Baodong, vice-foreign minister, said China’s plan could fill the void. Chinese officials have previously sought to promote the proposal at Apec, only to encounter resistance from US officials who wanted to prioritise TPP negotiations.
- China should join the Trans-Pacific Partnership as soon as possible to build closer business ties with countries in the Asia-Pacific region and further cut the possibility of trade friction, according to a report by a leading think tank. The report, released on Thursday by the Beijing-based Center for China and Globalization, said that China should not be absent from the TPP after U.S. President Donald Trump decided to withdraw from the previous 12-nation trade pact. The report said that once in the TPP, China can improve its business integration in Asia and build better economic relations with Japan, South Korea and countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Wang Xin, CCG's deputy director, said that joining the TPP will advance the realization of its vision of domestic reform.
  •  China's Special Representative on Latin American Affairs Yin Hengmin will lead a delegation to the meeting, which will see an "extensive exchange of views over the next step in Asia-Pacific regional cooperation", Hua said.
- group would help integrate the Asia-Pacific region, experts say
- TPP gurus ask China to tread carefully
-  此次非TPP成員國中國和韓國首次獲邀參會。外界有聲音指,中國或將順勢填補美國撤出後留下的空缺,成為TPP新「群主」。但中國外交人士指,中國積極推動多邊合作,參與全球共建,貢獻中國智慧,但卻不會成為新的領導者。
- 據中新社報道:商務 部官員24日透露,中國正在就加入《全 面與進步跨太平洋夥伴關係協定》 (CPTPP)做準備,計劃和該協定成員 進行非正式接觸。

us bit

  • China and the United States should complete negotiations on the bilateralinvestment treaty before November's US presidential election to prevent potentialpolitical intervention, former commerce minister Chen Deming said on WednesdayHis comments came after the US Republican presidential frontrunner DonaldTrump pledged to impose tariffs on Chinese products to "level the playing field",even though this would be contrary to the rules of the World Trade OrganizationSpeaking at the annual Boao Forum for Asia in Boao, Hainan province, Chen saidChina and the US have completed text negotiations on the bilateral investmenttreaty, or BIT. Both sides are now exploring ways of further shrinking the so-callednegative lists before moving on to talks on market access, he saidA "negative list" specifies any bans or limits on foreign investmentBusinesses not on such a list are presumed to be unrestricted. This system hasbeen adopted in China's four pilot free trade zones in Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangdongand Fujian, which opened in the past two years.

- China is open to negotiating a free-trade agreement with Mexico, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Thursday, citing the Chinese ambassador to the country, a fillip for Mexico as it faces uncertainty over its trade deals with the United States.

  •, 中國國家主席習近平訪英期間,中英發表聯合宣言,雙方支持儘早完成一份雄心勃勃的、全面的中歐投資協定。雙方呼籲早日開展中歐自貿區聯合可行性研究,以實現第十七次中歐領導人會晤聯合聲明中確立的長期目標,即在條件成熟時簽訂深入全面的自貿協定。 《中英關於構建面向21世紀全球全面戰略伙伴關係的聯合宣言》(以下簡稱《宣言》)中寫道,雙方一致認為,作為今年高層交往高潮,習近平對英國事訪問為中英關係提供了歷史性機遇。中英將共同致力於構建面向21世紀全球全面戰略伙伴關係。此訪開啟了持久、開放、共贏的中英關係“黃金時代”。
  • 26日,中國商務部部長高虎城與英國商業、創新和技能大臣賈維德在英國伯明翰市主持召開了中英經貿聯委會第12次會議。其間,雙方共同出席中英地方經貿合作聯合工作組第一次會議暨中英地方貿易投資論壇閉幕式並致辭。賈維德指出,英國願在歐盟內發揮積極作用,推動中歐投資協定談判,儘早開展中歐自貿區可行性研究。綜合新華社、中新社報道,此次聯委會的召開是為了落實2015年10月中國國家主席習近平對英國進行國事訪問期間兩國領導人達成的重要共識和成果。雙方就中英經貿合作現狀進行了全面梳理,提出了進一步推動雙邊務實合作的建議和舉措,並就對接中國“一帶一路”倡議與英格蘭“北部振興計劃”、“中部引擎”等兩國經濟發展戰略與規劃,加強兩國地方、基礎設施、服務貿易和第三方市場的務實合作,推動貿易投資便利化,加強多雙邊事務合作四大主題廣泛、深入地交換了意見。
- China has an open attitude towards a free trade deal with Britain and is willing to study it, China's Commerce Ministry said on Tuesday. "China is willing to proactively develop trade and business cooperation, has an open attitude toward discussing and signing a free trade agreement with Britain, and is willing to study this with Britain," Shen said, without elaborating. The two countries like to talk about the "golden era" of relations, but ties have been tested by new Prime Minister Theresa May's decision last week to review a major nuclear power plant that China is supposed to partly invest in.

Japan Korea FTA

  • differences in negotiations
- China and 15 partner countries made headway on Thursday on accelerating the pace of negotiations for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. The aim is to reach a "balanced, high quality and mutually beneficial" result. Leaders from China, South Korea, Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations adopted a joint statement, stressing the importance of advancing negotiations over the regional partnership.
- 14日下午,李克强还与东盟十国以及韩、日、印、澳、纽领导人共同出席了区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)首次领导人会议。中国商务部官网15日对外公布了会议后发表的联合声明。声明称,为保持区域合作成果,声明称,RCEP需要整合现有的东盟+1自由贸易协定,并在尚未签订双边自由贸易协定的东盟自贸伙伴国之间建立新的经济联繫。
- Countries taking part in talks on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership are expected to hold four more rounds of meetings, which may involve a gathering of state leaders in 2018, said a Ministry of Commerce official on Tuesday. "The negotiations have achieved steady progress in the market entry permits of goods and service trade. In terms of rule-making, progress has been made in economic and technology cooperation and small enterprises," said Zhang Shaogang, director-general of the department of international trade and economic affairs at the ministry.
- 高峰指出,目前RCEP各方都在按 照領導人會議確定的方向,推動相關工作。 RCEP法律文本審核已於本周啟動,各方正 在印尼首都雅加達開展這項工作,相關成員 也正在溝通相互之間少量市場准入遺留問 題。爭取以相互滿意的方式解決印度關心的 一些問題。各方都對印度早日加入RCEP持 歡迎態度。
- RCEP大棋局齊魯佔「先手」hkcd 18dec2020 a3



- 7月1日,中國 與瑞士、冰島自由貿易協定實施滿6年。據統計,6 年來深圳海關為深圳企業簽發中瑞自貿協定原產地 證書約12.68萬份,涉及簽證金額約144.99億元,簽 發中冰自貿協定原產地證書約2400份,涉及簽證金 額約1.78億元,深企獲關稅減免共計約7.34億元。 在自貿協定相關優惠政策促進下,深圳鐘表、電 子產品、服裝、家具、燈具等優勢產品在瑞士和冰 島的市場份額不斷擴大。根據相關協定安排,中 瑞、中冰自貿協定降稅幅度較大的產品包括鐘表、 電子產品、紡織品、服裝、鞋帽和汽車零部件等, 均為深圳地區的主要出口受益產品。

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