Thursday, January 3, 2019

China State Owned Enterprises (SOE)

- 公私合營經歷了兩個階段:1953年到 1955 年上半年是第一階段,1955年下半年到 1956 年是第二階段。第一個階段,以單個企業的 公私合營為主;第二個階段,以全行業公私 合營為主。 單個企業公私合營後,企業的生產資料由 資本家私人佔有變為國家和資本家共同佔 有,其中社會主義經濟成分居於主導地位。 資本家在企業中的地位,由主管者變為在公 方領導下參與經營管理的私方代表和職員。

- 作為共和國「長子」的中央企業在保增長、調結構、惠民生、促改革等方面將發揮更重要作用。昨天公佈的央企系統(在京)十九大代表名單,不僅人數創新 高,9人連任,更是雲集了29名央企高層。今屆國資委所有副主任主動把名額讓給中央企業高層、讓給中央企業基層。北京專家認為,央企系統的十九大代表群 體,是中國政壇的一支重要力量,不僅將影響中國未來經濟發展,其少數精英人士還將進入中央委員會,發揮更為關鍵的作用。15年前的中共十六大,42名央企系統代表首次單獨組團參會,隨着央企地位的日益上升,黨代會中央企代表方陣也日漸壯大:到了十七大,增加到49人,十八大為52人,本屆央企系統(在京)代表53人,比十六大時增加了近三成。
- 國務院國資委黨委書記郝鵬接班肖亞慶,兼任國資委主任。此番郝鵬履新後不但成為國資委第六任主任,也結束了國資委持續逾三年的「雙首長制」局面,實現一肩挑兩職。而肖亞慶離開國資委後,則轉任國家市場監督管理總局局長。郝鵬1960年7月出生於陝西鳳翔,畢業於西北工業大學自動控制系航空系統工程專業,碩士研究生,高級經濟師。歷任中航工業蘭州飛控儀器總廠廠長、黨委副書記,甘肅省經貿委副主任,蘭州市委常委、副市長,市委副書記、副市長,西藏自治區政府副主席,西藏自治區黨委常委、區政府副主席,西藏自治區黨委副書記、區政府常務副主席,西藏自治區黨委副書記、政法委書記、西藏自治區政府常務副主席等職務。2013年3月,他離開工作十年之久的西藏,在青海省出任省委副書記、省長。2016年底,郝鵬進京就任國務院國資委黨委書記,如今再獲新職,兼任國資委主任,結束了國資委持續逾三年的黨委書記與主任分設的局面,實現一肩挑兩職。
- 國務院國有資產監督管理委員會(下稱國資委),近日在深圳召開會議,與近百間內地國企的代表見面。英國媒體引述消息指,會上要求各間國企要在港扮演更加主動的角色,包括加大在房地產及旅遊業投資,以化解香港當前政治危機。


- China has been pressing ahead with plans to expand mixed ownership of State-owned enterprises to boost economic efficiency. This is expected to produce unprecedented opportunities for foreign companies. Last year, the government identified two SOEs to implement a pilot ownership reform: China National Building Material Group and China National Pharmaceutical Group Corp. In the long run, roughly 50 percent of China’s SOEs could be opened for mixed ownership, according to Zhou Fangsheng, deputy director of the China Enterprise Reform and Development Society, a body under the State Council’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.Mixed ownership would mean that large SOEs, which have traditionally held monopolies in many strategic industries, could form joint ventures using non-State capital.Zhou said sources of non-State capital include domestic private investors, foreign investors, and SOE employees. He added that SOEs at both central and local levels offer opportunities for foreign investors.The commission covers 113 non-financial central SOEs and 98,554 local government-owned companies. Central enterprises controlled about 53 percent of all SOE assets by the end of last year, totalling 91 trillion yuan (US$14.63 trillion), according to the Ministry of Finance.Mixed ownership would provide an opportunity for foreign enterprises to enter some industries blocked to private investors, Zhou said.“It’s possible that foreign capital could become the largest shareholder of an SOE through the mixed-ownership reform, but don’t expect it to become a majority shareholder,” he said. “Allowing State capital, non-State capital and employees to each hold one-third of the shares is a suitable proportion for the next step in mixed-ownership reform.”
- guidance on reform issued on 6sep15 china’s biggest blueprint in two decades on the overhaul of State-owned enterprises has clarified principles for diversifying the equity structure of SOEs, which have total assets of more than $15 trillion. The new guideline for SOE reform, which was unveiled on Sept 13, classifies the SOEs into two groups for the first time: those for public service and those that are profit-oriented. In principle, all profit-oriented SOEs should seek to channel more investment from private investors or other State-owned capital to realize equity diversification, said Lian Weiliang, vice-chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission, at a news conference in Beijing on Sept 14. As a result, State-owned capital could hold a controlling share of equity or less. The guideline also says that all SOEs in this group should introduce corporate and shareholding systems and make full use of public listing.
- opinion issued yesterday
- 國資委、財政部、發改委29日公布《關 於國有企業功能界定與分類的指導意見》。 意見明確,將國有企業界定為商業類和公益 類。商業類按照市場化要求實行商業化運作 ,公益類以提供公共產品和服務為主要目標 。兩類國企將分類改革、實施監管、定責考 核。談論多年的國企分類終於靴子落地,也 掀起了新一輪國企改革的重頭戲。

- 國務院國資委15日公佈了“十三五”時期國企國資改革發展的工作思路和目標要求,其中包括培育一大批具有創新能力和國際競爭力的國有骨幹企業和德才兼備、善於經營的優秀企業家。國資委主任張毅透露,2015年在經濟下行壓力加大的背景下,央企利潤下滑趨勢得到有效遏制,106家央企中99家實現盈利。與2015年“全力以赴保增長”的首要目標不同的是,張毅指出,2016年的首要工作是努力提升發展質量和效益,向做好增量、盤活存量、管理提升要效益。積極處置“殭屍企業”被列為國資委新年的第二大工作重點。張毅表示,“殭屍企業”已列入2016年經濟工作重點,國資委正在研究制定方案,力爭用3年時間基本完成主體任務,到2020年前全面完成各項工作。
- China National Materials Group Corp is holding restructuring negotiations with China National Building Materials Group Corp, another State-owned firm, according to a regulatory filing. Ningxia Building Materials Group, a listed company owned by China National Materials Group said in a statement that the reorganization proposal is yet to be finalized and the plan still needs to be approved by relevant authorities. It did not provide any further details about the proposal in its statement. Reports of the restructuring, however, pushed up Ningxia Building shares by 7.56 percent to 10.24 yuan ($1.56) on Tuesday. The rise came despite a 6.42 percent fall in the benchmark index which sent the prices of several shares tumbling. China National Materials Group also owns Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd, whose shares surged by the maximum daily 9.99 percent limit on Tuesday. Besides, China National Building Materials Group owns other building material companies like China Jushi Co Ltd and Ruitai Technology. Their shares dropped on Tuesday at close, but still lesser than most of their peers. Ningxia Building Materials Group said the reorganization plan will not impact the company's major asset restructuring and not have any significant impact on daily operations and business activities. According to data provided by Wind Information, a market consultancy, about 150 public companies in China incurred losses last year, with State-owned companies bearing the brunt. Municipal government officials in Shanghai have expressed their determination to speed up the ongoing reform of State-owned enterprises by helping a number of SOE groups go public this year. At the annual session of the city's legislature, Mayor Yang Xiong said that the government will help promote a number of SOEs to go for overall listing or listing of their core assets.
Qualified SOE groups should complete their corporate system reform this year. A system for the hiring of professional managers should be set up within SOEs. State-owned assets should concentrate on areas including strategic industries, modern service industry, advanced manufacturing industry, infrastructure and social well-being. Yang also said that the government should provide a better environment for non-public sectors of the economy. Non-State-owned assets should be introduced into SOE reform. Privately owned enterprises should be allowed to enter more areas, getting support to develop their own core technology and brands. Shanghai has been carrying out the SOE reform at a faster speed ever since it rolled out detailed 20 regulations in 2013. According to public information, seven Shanghai-based SOE groups have finished overall listing. The year 2015 was quite fruitful in terms of the capitalization of SOEs. Greenland Group, Shanghai Urban Construction Group and Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Design (Group) Co Ltd finished overall listing while Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company and Lingang Group saw their core assets go public last year. A total of six State-owned financial enterprises went public last year, which means that 71 percent of Shanghai's State-owned financial assets have finished capitalization. At least 65 percent of Shanghai-based SOEs or related companies have adopted a hybrid ownership by the end of last year, taking up 58 percent of the total assets amount and 93.4 percent of net profit.
中國央行、國家發改委等八部委出台意見,加強金融對工業供給側結構改革支持,將加強和改進對企業兼併重組、不良資產處置的力度和效率,積極穩妥推進工業化解過剩產能和庫存;並完善信貸准入標準,加大對戰略性新興產業、傳統產業科技改造和轉型升級等的支持力度;對“殭屍企業”則堅決壓縮退出相關貸款。 The Qianmen branch of Sijiminfu, a roast duck restaurant with only 90 squaremeters of floor space in downtown Beijing, reported net profits of nearly 3 millionyuan ($468,750) last year, an outstanding achievement. The restaurant's recipe forsuccess is not spices or cooking methods, but a unique management philosophythat means key employees are included in a profit-sharing scheme. The so-called dividend-sharing mechanism sees employees with managementresponsibilities take home a share of the profits based on their performance andinvestment, giving them access to financial rewards that were once exclusively formajor shareholders. These employees share 20 percent of the profits within theannual target, plus 60 percent of profits above the annual target. "The practice of dividend sharing could help the ongoing State-owned enterprisereform drive," said China Enterprise Reform and Development Society deputy headZhou Fangsheng. SOE reform has yet to achieve it full potential, having been held back by systematicproblems, conflict of interest and other complicated issues such as propertyownership and management style.
- China will encourage more mergers of central state-owned enterprises and systematically roll out a broad range of management reforms at government companies, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported on Thursday. Beijing is set today to unveil the latest reform package, which represents the next phase of the state enterprise reform programme first introduced last September, Xinhua said.Measures include further adoption of competitive hiring and compensation practices at state-owned companies and the use of employee stock ownership schemes, the news agency said. State companies, moreover, will be directed to further adopt standardised corporate governance practices, including the use of boards of directors and supervisors. The government unveiled its latest programme to overhaul the country’s bloated and inefficient state-owned sector last September. Profits at state enterprises declined 6.7 per cent in 2015. The current measures will be introduced at a press conference by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Xinhua said. The government also will continue to merge its biggest state-owned conglomerates, according to Xinhua. will spend 100 billion yuan ($15.3 billion) over the next two years to relocate workers in steel, mining and other sectors suffering from overcapacity, officials from the nation's industry watchdog said on Thursday.
The government is also trying to close a large number of nonprofitable State-owned enterprises, known as "zombie" companies, to curb production of steel, flat glass, cement and more materials amid weak demand, said Feng Fei, vice-minister of industry and information technology. "The 100 billion yuan fund, set up by the central government, is designed to help laid-off workers get new jobs by offering training and other services," he said at a news conference, adding that local authorities will play a key role in solving the layoff issue. The central government is more in favor of mergers and acquisitions instead of bankruptcies in eliminating zombie enterprises, Feng said. Because of sluggish foreign exports, China's industry output grew by 6.1 percent year-on-year last year, while the rate was 8.3 percent in 2014, according to Miao Wei, minister of industry and information technology. Miao estimated that the growth rate this year will stay around 6 percent. "It will not be practical to pursue faster growth," he told the same news conference on Thursday. The minister said that besides encouraging growth of technology-intensive emerging sectors, eliminating surplus production capacity is a key to keeping industry readings on a healthy track. The worst-affected industries in China's industrial restructuring include coal, steel, cement and glass.
- china will further push ahead with its restructuring of State-owned enterprises thisyear, cutting overcapacity and keeping the total number of key SOEs under 100, thecountry's top State assets watchdog said in a statement on Thursday. A total of 10 State enterprises are currently in the middle of mergers andacquisitions, and several others are in the pipeline for similar restructuring in thesecond half of this year. The target is to cut the total number of central SOEs from 105 to 100 within theyear, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission said. Officials at the watchdog said that six State companies, including China NationalBuilding Materials Group Corp, China National Materials Group Corporation Ltd,State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation and China Power InvestmentCorporation, are under a pilot plan for merger and acquisitions. The number of SOEs affiliated to the central government, or the country's centralSOEs, has dropped from 112 in 2015 to 105 this year, amid a government-drivenreform to streamline the resources of State-owned assets. 
-據中國政府網消息,國務院總理李克 強昨日主持召開國務院常務會議,確定促進創業投資發 展的政策措施,釋放社會投資潛力助力實體經濟;部署建 設北京全國科技創新中心,加快推進創新型國家建設;通 過《中華人民共和國無線電管理條例(修訂草案)》。 Eight of China's major State-owned enterprises are being encouraged by the national assets watchdog to jointly work on key industrial projects amid a massive national push for reform in the State sector. The companies-Aviation Industry Corp of China, China National Machinery Industry Corp (Sinomach), China Poly Group Corp, China First Heavy Industries, China North Industries Group Corp, China South Industries Group Corp, China Reform Holdings Corp Inc, and China Nuclear Engineering Construction Corp-signed restructuring contracts on Tuesday. AVIC will transfer its real estate business to the Beijing-based Poly Group, while other companies will cooperate in areas including nuclear technologies and high-temperature machinery production. CNEC will jointly develop the industrialization of fourth-generation nuclear technology-a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor-with China First Heavy Industries. Sinomach, which has the world's largest forging press equipment that can produce up to 80,000 metric tons, is seeking deeper cooperation in the field of high-end forging die projects with AVIC, said Zhang Faming, director of management department at China National Heavy Machinery Corp, a subsidiary of Sinomach.
  • China Poly Group Corp., a real estate developer, will merge with Sinolight Corp. and China National Arts and Crafts Group, the state asset regulator said on Monday, part of China's ongoing efforts to slim down its bloated state sector. China's cabinet had already approved the merger plan, which will make Sinolight and China National Arts and Crafts Group subsidiaries of China Poly Group, the State Asset Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) said in a notice.,
- of China’s largest state-owned companies have announced plans for partial privatisation, indicating their intention to seek private capital without substantially relinquishing control over corporate strategy. Unlisted China North Industries, which ranked 134th on the global Fortune 500 last year with $52bn in assets, announced on its website last week that it had approved a 26-point plan for mixed-ownership reform, without publishing the plan itself. But there are other clues to its approach. In late December, Lingyun Industrial  Corp, one of North Industries’ 11 listed subsidiaries, said in a stock exchange filing that it would acquire 100 per cent equity stakes in two unlisted units of North Industries. China Railway, which was split off from the now-defunct railway ministry in 2013, officially reported a profit in the first half of 2016, but operates at a loss when government subsidies are excluded. The company’s status as a de facto public utility raises questions about whether private investors would want to buy in.
- China will complete ownership reforms at more than 100 central government-run enterprises by the end of the year through introducing more private capital to State sectors, Economic Information Daily quoted the State-Owned Asset Supervision and Administration Commission as saying on Monday. The commission has formulated the schedule for the mixed ownership reform, according to the newspaper run by the Xinhua News Agency. Mixed ownership reform aims at boosting the efficiency of the SOEs. Mixed ownership reform will be a critical pillar of SOE reform efforts in 2017, according to a statement published at the annual Central Economic Work Conference in mid-December. The electricity, petroleum, natural gas, railways, civil aviation, telecommunications and defense industries will be the focus of the mixed ownership reforms.
- China will prioritize and accelerate the restructuring of steel, coal and power businesses in its major State-owned enterprises to improve operational efficiency and enhance the profitability of State assets, the top State-owned assets regulator said on Wednesday. Eager to crack hard nuts such as overcapacity, low commodity prices and financial losses, the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission will deepen the reform of SOEs from these three priority sectors via business reshuffles, reorganization and mixed ownership reforms. In addition to steel, coal and power, other sectors, including petroleum, gas, railways, telecommunications, civil aviation and military-related industries, will also be given priority to conduct mixed ownership reforms, said Xiao Yaqing, minister of the SASAC.
- State Council General Office forwarded a plan of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, which is a department of the State Council, nationwide. The plan requires optimizing supervision over State-owned capital, enhancing its efficiency and injecting new vitality into State-owned enterprises. It emphasized that pioneering cities should innovate and implement the reform step-by-step.
- Beijing has ordered all firms controlled by the central government to complete restructuring to become limited liability and joint stock companies by the end of 2017.The request from China’s cabinet, the State Council – directed at some 100 enterprises controlled by Beijing – came on Wednesday, after leaders agreed earlier this month to reduce state sector debts and shut down “zombie companies”. Wenwei 27jul17 a17
- 国务院国企改革领导小组已确定将31家国有企业纳入第三批试点范围,其中既有中央企业,也有地方国有企业。目前,发改委正在抓紧指导试点企业制定实施方案。
- China will put over 100 State-owned enterprises into its fourth batch list of mixed-ownership reform for SOEs to better spur innovation and meet market changes, said a senior official from the country's top State assets regulator on Tuesday. Even though the authorities have not released the names of these companies yet, Peng Huagang, secretary-general of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, said they will be in more areas at both the centrally-administered and locally-administered levels in the next stage. As China so far has put 50 pilot central SOEs into mixed ownership reform in three rounds, and the trend has been set, he said for highly competitive commercial companies, State-owned capital can get involved in forms of either majority stake holders or smaller stake holders.During this process, the government will support activities as long as they are conducive to sustained business development, market competitiveness, the preservation and appreciation of State-owned assets, and promote the local economy, he said.

  • 在發改委昨日的新聞發布會上,發 言人孟瑋表示,國有企業混合所有制改革第四批試點 名單已經國務院國有企業改革領導小組審議通過,第 四批混改試點企業共160家,資產總量超2.5萬億元。
- 13部委昨天聯合發文,提出要建立健全金融機構市場化退出機制,完善金融機構市場化退出損失分擔機制,明確股東和無擔保債權人應先於公共資金承擔損失,凸顯監管層決心讓內地向完善市場主體退出制度邁進。發改委、一行兩會等13部委昨聯合發佈《加快完善市場主體退出制度改革的方案》還提到,推動國有「殭屍企業」破產退出,對符合破產等退出條件的國有企業,各相關方不得以任何方式阻礙其退出,防止形成「殭屍企業」。
- number

  • China will continue to merge its biggest state-owned enterprise (SOE) groups and reduce their number this year to no more than 100, state media reported on Thursday. Mergers among central government-controlled SOE conglomerates were accelerating, said Peng Huagang, deputy secretary-general of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), state radio said. The number of central government conglomerates, which now stands at 106, would fall to within 100 this year, Peng said. Ten central SOEs were in active discussions to create five groups, Peng added, according to the report.
  • 國務院國資委8日發布消息稱,經 報國務院批准,中國保利集團有限公司(保利集團) 與中國中絲集團有限公司(中絲集團)實施重組,中 絲集團整體無償劃轉進入保利集團,不再作為國資委 直接監管企業。 國資委監管央企減至96家 根據相關企業官網介紹,中絲集團是國資委監管的 唯一以絲綢為主業的央企集團。1992年組建的保利集 團目前已形成以國際貿易、房地產開發、輕工領域研 發和工程服務、工藝原材料及產品經營服務、文化藝 術經營、民用爆炸物品產銷及服務、金融業務為主業 的發展格局
  • 內地官媒周五報道,前國有重點大型企業監事會主席,中國保利集團有限公司前董事長、黨組書記單亦和,於上月十七日因病醫治無效在北京逝世,終年七十五歲。
- governance 

  • 國資委今日公布《關於全面推進法治央企建設的意見》,提出到2020年,央企依法治企能力達到國際同行業先進水平,努力成為治理完善、經營合規、管理規範、守法誠信的法治央企。意見明確,要充分發揮章程在央企治理中的統領作用,厘清股東大會、董事會、監事會、經理層的職責邊界;高度重視子企業章程制定工作,處理好維護出資人權益與尊重子企業經營自主權的關係。同時,要進一步完善公司法人治理結構,提升治理主體依法履職能力。此外,還要高度重視國家安全審查、反壟斷審查、反傾銷反補貼調查和知識產權等領域的法律風險,深入做好盡職調查,組織擬定防範預案。建立健全涉外重大法律糾紛案件預警和應對機制。加強對企業投資融資、改制重組、對外擔保、產權流轉、物資採購、招標投標等重點領域的管理,堅決杜絕暗箱操作。在推進混合所有制,防止國有資產流失。
  • will fine-tune SOE management abroad
  • China’s Communist party is writing itself into the articles of association of many of the country’s biggest companies in a blow to investor hopes that Beijing would relax its grip on the market. More than 30 Hong Kong-listed state-owned enterprises, representing more than $1tn in market capitalisation, have this year added lines to their central documents that place the party, rather than the Chinese state, at the heart of each group. New phrases injected into the articles of association in recent months include describing the party as playing a core role in “an organised, institutionalised and concrete way” and “providing direction [and] managing the overall situation”. The changes are being billed by the companies as part of Beijing’s efforts to improve efficiency and productivity at SOEs, which account for about a fifth of the country’s economic output. The revisions followed the annual meeting of China’s rubber-stamp parliament in March, although a handful of companies altered their articles last year. While the new language makes explicit investors’ long-held assumption of party influence, the changes are the first time the party rather than the government has been named, investors said. Companies acknowledging the role of the party range from state oil group Sinopec and ICBC, the world’s largest bank by assets, to steel and energy groups as well as leading brokers including Haitong Securities. The articles of association for China Railway Group, one of the country’s biggest construction groups, now state that “when the board of directors decides on material issues, it shall first listen to the opinions of the party committee of the company”. In the case of the country’s four largest banks, the changes were proposed by a unit of CIC, China’s sovereign wealth fund and the controlling party for government stakes in many companies. “This is a reminder to investors they are buying into a party machine,” said David Webb, an independent investor and shareholder activist in Hong Kong. “This move to embed the party into constitutional documents of the companies puts a lie to the government’s claim they want market forces to play a greater role.”
  • Chinese state-owned enterprises are establishing institutional compliance systems for the first time, as regulators roll out new anti-bribery guidelines in the latest crackdown on corruption by President Xi Jinping. China Mobile, Dongfang Electric, China Merchants Bank, China Railway, and China National Petroleum Corporation have been selected by China’s State Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the regulator for SOEs, to set up the systems as they operate in key industries and have operations abroad, according to Chinese state media.
  •  国家发改委和中国央行等五部委昨日发文公布,今年将围绕27项工作要点推进降低企业杠杆率工作。要点从建立健全企业债务风险防控机制、深入推进市场化法治 化债转股、加快推动“殭尸企业”债务处置等六个方面(具体见表)提出要求,并对部委间的分工和时间安排做出明确规定。有分析指出,降杠杆需及时完成,企业 未来被推上市场融资有利于维护金融系统安全稳定。
  • 內地選官用人再現新思路。今年下半年以來,多位地方省部級高官轉崗央企掌門人,例如江蘇省委常委兼蘇州市委書記周乃翔調任中國建築集團公司董事長、大連市長譚成旭調任鞍鋼集團董事長、廣東省副省長歐陽衞民調任國家開發銀行行長、湖北省委常委兼政法委書記王祥喜調任國家能源投資集團董事長。
- 政企分開
  • 一九九八年機構改革時,將航天、航空、兵器、船舶、核工業等軍工總公司改組為企業集團,將各總公司原本承擔的政府職能,統歸新組建的國防科學技術工業委員會。表面看起來國防科工委一統天下,實則有心無力,各大軍工巨頭深耕半個世紀,且由於軍工行業的絕對壟斷性,各自形同獨立王國,內部一切事物可自行做主,外部可直達天庭。科工委虛有其表,有名無實,終在十年後被降格為科工局,併入工信部。更有說服力的案例是鐵路改革。二○一三年,被稱為「計劃經濟最後一個堡壘」的鐵道部被撤銷,政企分開,行政職能成立國家鐵路局,企業職能成立中國鐵路總公司。表面上看,鐵路局代表國家,似乎是老大,實則大謬不然。鐵路全部屬國有,全國所有運行的列車,都歸鐵路總公司管理,無異於是公司內部事務,鐵路局又有何事可管呢?故此分拆之時,原鐵道部部長盛光祖出任鐵路總公司總經理,鐵路局局長卻由副部長陸東福擔任。盛退休後,陸調任鐵總總經理,乃是升遷重用。二者孰輕孰重,一目了然。說到底,企業官本位的體制造成了這一切。
- mixed ownership

  • The central government has selected State-owned enterprises in seven sectors to pilot mixed ownership reform, including petroleum, railway, aviation, telecoms and defense, according to an Economic Information Daily report. It is the latest move from the authorities to invigorate the country’s SOEs. Tentative schemes for the first batch of mixed ownership reform pilots are now under deliberation and awaiting final approval, with four of the pilot projects already approved. The country’s aviation and power giants — China Eastern, China Unicom, China Southern Power Grid, Harbin Electric Corp, China Nuclear E & C Group and China State Shipbuilding Corp — make up the lion’s share of the first batch of pilot projects, according to the National Development and Reform Commission and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.
  • 國務院亦已於近日完成第三批31家國有企業混改試點。至於之前首兩批混改企業,共計將引入約3,000億元(人民幣‧下同)的資金。
  • foreign
  • China welcomes foreign enterprises to take part in the country's mixed-ownership reform, top officials said on Thursday, as the latest batch of State-owned enterprises to implement the reforms is set to be announced.

- fund
  • Chinese State-owned enterprises have launched the nation's largest private equity fund, worth 350 billion yuan ($52.5 billion), to finance SOE restructuring as part of China's efforts to advance supply-side reform. The money will be used for such measures as mergers and acquisitions, industrial upgrades and innovation, officials said. A private equity fund, in general, is a type of vehicle involving rules for capital not publicly noted on a stock exchange.
    The China Structural Reform Fund was initiated by China Chengtong Holdings Group Ltd, a State-owned asset-operating company that has been involved in reorganization of SOEs. The fund will be managed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.
    Initial capital of 131 billion yuan was raised by 10 State-owned companies, including China Mobile Ltd, China Railway Rolling Stock Corp, and China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. China Chengtong is taking the lead. Xiao Yaqing, head of SASAC, said the fund will finance supply-side structural reforms to help pave a sustainable growth path by means of SOE upgrades and industrial consolidation.
  •  China Chengtong Holdings Group, a State-owned investment and asset-operating company, said it will launch a large-scale fund to pool State and private capital to finance the mixed-ownership reform of the country's State-owned enterprises.The plan is the company's newest initiative to support China's SOE reform, after it started the 350 billion yuan ($53.7 billion) national structural reform fund last September in collaboration with several big state firms to provide capital for SOEs' mergers and acquisitions, asset restructuring and industrial upgrades. The new fund will target projects related with SOEs' ownership reforms, with private capital expected to make up a big portion of the fund, according to the company's chairman, Ma Zhengwu.
- overseas investment

  • China has tightened scrutiny of overseas investment by State-owned enterprises, ordering them to improve investment decision-making, strengthen internal auditing and carry out responsible due diligence, according to a guideline issued by the Ministry of Finance on Wednesday. The SOEs are required to set up proper decision-making systems and to carry out financial feasibility studies on overseas projects before making any investment decision. They are also ordered to send on-site inspection and auditing teams to evaluate overseas projects that involve major losses and risks, the guideline said. Companies are also asked to better manage their capital flow, cost control, dividend distribution, foreign exchange and financial information for their overseas projects. The ministry also required SOEs to set up an evaluation system on overseas investment and increase accountability of poor and failed investment decisions. The guideline is aimed at strengthening the management of SOEs' overseas projects, increasing investment efficiency and lifting State capital's capability to serve the "going global" strategy and the Belt and Road Initiative, the ministry said in a statement published on its website.

- realty industry involvement

  • REPORTS SHOW that State-owned enterprises have purchased 27 of the top 50most expensive pieces of land for commercial development nationwide. They did itdespite the fact that discipline requires them to exit from the realty industry. It istime to deepen the SOE reform and better regulate them, says Beijing News As early as 2010, non-realty SOEs were required to exit from the industry andconcentrate on their own fields of business. Last October that order was reiteratedYet the data shows that non-realty SOEs are increasing their investments in therealty sector.
- row back?

  • China’s Communist party is moving to tighten its grip on state-owned enterprises, reversing nearly two decades of attempts to remodel them along the lines of western corporations. The new push, outlined in recent state media articles and party documents, comes amid a tightening of controls over civil society, the military and media as President Xi Jinping seeks to consolidate power within the party.
- key player
  • Li Rongrong (李荣融; 8 December 1944 – 21 December 2019)[1] was a politician of the People's Republic of China who served as chairman of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of PRC.Born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, Li graduated from the department of chemical engineering of Tianjin University, majoring in electro-chemistry. He started working in a factory in July 1968, and was elevated to head of the factory. Since 1986, he had served as vice director of economics commission of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, director of light manufacturing bureau, director of planning commission of the city, and vice director of economics planning commission of Jiangsu. In June 1992, he was transferred to manufacturing planning bureau of manufacturing office of the State Council. Since August 1992, he had served in various posts in State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC). He was appointed as vice director of the Commission in 1998, and became vice director and vice party chief of the Commission in December 1999. In February 2001, he was elevated to the director and Party chief of SETC. He served as the chairman and Party secretary of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.
- new entry

  • 本周,中國誕生了一家新的央企。按照國資委發布的訊息,「中國融通資產管理集團有限公司」列入國務院國資委的監督名單,屬於國有獨資的特大型企業。這一國字頭的新公司,首先有兩大直觀的特殊之處引人矚目。其一,按照央企改革部署,總體大方向是精簡合併重組,逐步減少企業公司,在這種情況之下,組建一間新公司,顯然不同尋常。其二,在近百家央企中,融通集團排名第十,僅次於核工業、航天、航空、船舶、兵器、電子等九大軍工央企,定位副部級,重要性不言而喻。這也顯示出了融通集團「軍工」屬性。根據官方通報,融通集團的經營範圍主要包括房地產、農業、旅遊、酒店、商業、科技、醫療、財務、保險等等,簡直無所不包。原因就在於融通集團的任務是要接管規模龐大的軍隊資產,其資產規模將僅次於「鐵老大」國家鐵路集團。這一公司的組建,有其深刻的背景。內地在上世紀八十年代為籌措軍費,拓展財源,允許軍隊經商,結果帶來了軍內腐敗、武裝走私等諸多問題,嚴重干擾了軍隊主業。到了一九九八年,中央軍委決定,軍隊一律不得經商。此事對軍隊影響甚巨,乃至於被江澤民引以為傲,列作自己執政的「三件事」之一。中共十八大之後,軍民融合被列為國家級重大戰略。二○一七年,中央軍民融合發展委員會組建,最高領導人兼任主任;時任政治局常委張高麗擔任委員會副主任兼辦公室主任,中共十九大之後由新進常委韓正接替。由政治局常委兼掌辦公室,足見層級之高。同時,隨着力度空前的軍內反腐,一大批「軍虎」落台,爆出了軍內仍存的發財尋租亂象,尤其是地產,更是腐敗重災區。譬如,落台的原總後勤部副部長谷俊山,就是主管基建營房工作時大發橫財,成為軍隊歷史上腐敗金額最大的貪官。軍隊清理整頓面臨新任務。隨着「史上最強軍改」推進,按照「軍是軍、民是民」的原則,大量的軍隊資產,比如土地、農場、醫院等,需要剝離,迫切需要一個新平台承接重組。正是在此情況下,融通公司誕生。因此,該公司排名軍工央企序列。

disciplinary actions
- 國資委黨委、中央紀委駐國資委紀檢組周三通報,近期查處了中國鐵路物資(集團)總公司(下稱中國鐵物)、中國冶金科工集團有限公司(下稱中冶集團)兩宗國有資產重大損失案,兩公司共十名官員遭開除黨籍處分。

SOEs which are also government agencies
State Tobacco Monopoly Administration (国家烟草专卖局) and China National Tobacco Corporation (commonly known as China Tobacco,  CNTC) (中国烟草总公司 Zhōngguó Yāncǎo Zǒng Gōngsī) is a Chinese government agency responsible for tobacco regulation and a state-owned manufacturer of tobacco products, operated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China. 

  • 港交所近日宣布,中国烟草的全资子公司中烟国际(香港)拟在港股上市。news reports 3jan19

- 上海市政府昨天表示,未來五年上海地方國有企業每年將計劃增量投資8,000億元人民幣左右,重點佈局戰略性新興產業等領域;將重點完善開放性市場化合作機制,以市政府和國務院國資委簽訂戰略合作協議為契機,加快地方國企與央企,以及系統企業間戰略重組。

- 7月31日,中國航空工業旗下合肥江航飛機裝備有限公司(688586.SH)在上海證券交易所舉行科創板上市發行儀式。這標誌着科創板「央企軍工第一股」 「航空工業第一股」 在安徽省合肥市包河區誕生。

中國儲備糧管理集團有限公司,原稱中國儲備糧管理總公司中儲糧集團中儲糧China Grain Reserves Corporation)是一家以糧油倉儲、加工、貿易及物流,倉儲技術研究、服務為主要經營範圍,並對中央儲備糧、油安全實施監控的大型國有企業。該公司成立於2000年,前身為國家糧食儲備局(1991年3月至2000年4月)。總部位於北京市,截止2015年,共有23家分公司和4家子公司(全資或控股),其業務覆蓋全國。另外擁有338個直屬庫,負責存儲中央儲備糧、油。中儲糧在中國糧油市場有著舉足重輕的地位,亦肩負著中華人民共和國國務院調控中國糧食市場的使命[1]2017年11月,根據《中央企業公司制改制工作實施方案》要求,中儲糧完成總公司本部工商改制變更登記工作。截至2017年底,中儲糧總部已向380家直屬企業下達同意改制批覆,直屬企業完成工商變更登記(公司制改制)的超過96%,壓減法人企業68個[2]中儲糧集團有多個商標和品牌:
  • 中華糧網:1995年創建,中國最大的糧食行業入口網站
  • 營口儲運:2004年成立,中儲糧總公司與營口港務集團合作創建,為公司東北地區重要的海運通道。
  • 東鼎麵粉:子公司安徽省東方麵粉有限公司的知名品牌產品,為安徽省著名商標。
  • 盛湘米業:子公司湖南盛湘糧食購銷集團有限公司的知名品牌,於1998年創立。
  • 黑龍江米聯:子公司黑龍江中儲糧收儲經銷有限公司的知名品牌。
  • 東莞油脂:子公司東莞市中儲糧糧油有限公司的知名品牌,2006年9月成立。
  • 金鼎食用油:子公司中儲糧油脂有限公司旗下的食用油品牌,2011年上市銷售[3]

1949年中華人民共和國建立時,公糧的徵收、保管、調度、供應歸口於財政部門,糧食購銷、調運、市場管理等經營工作歸口於貿易部門。中央人民政府貿易部所屬的中國糧食公司中央人民政府財政部所屬的糧食管理總局[註 1],統一領導全國的糧食經營機構和糧食管理機構。1952年8月7日,中央人民政府委員會第十七次會議通過的《關於調整中央人民政府機構的決定》以及政務院的命令,中國糧食公司和糧食管理總局於1952年9月1日合併成立中央人民政府糧食部政務院財政經濟委員會指導糧食部的工作。 1969年9月15日,商業部糧食部全國供銷合作總社中央工商行政管理局合署辦公。1970年7月1日,商業部、糧食部、全國供銷合作總社、中央工商行政管理局正式合併組成商業部。1979年4月27日,中共中央發出通知,決定再次設立糧食部。1982年2月22日第五屆全國人大常委會第二十二次會議通過了《關於國務院機構改革問題的決議》,把商業部、全國供銷合作總社和糧食部合併設立商業部。1990年9月,國務院決定建立國家專項糧食儲備制度[2],成立國家專項糧食儲備領導小組國家糧食儲備局,負責國家糧食儲備的管理工作。國家糧食儲備局是國務院直屬機構,由商業部代管。1993年3月,根據第八屆全國人大一次會議批准的國務院機構改革方案,撤銷商業部、物資部,組建國內貿易部,原商業部糧食綜合司、糧食購銷司、糧食儲運局、國家糧食儲備局合併,組建新的國家糧食儲備局[3],為國內貿易部管理的副部級國家局。1999年11月24日,國務院辦公廳印發國家糧食局「三定」規定[4],國家糧食儲備局改組為國家糧食局中國儲備糧管理總公司
华商储备商品管理中心成立于1998年,下设八个处室,专门从事国家储备糖、 国家储备肉类管理、具有独立法人资格,财务关系隶属于中央财政。

  • 管理國家儲備肉類的華商儲備商品管理中心(下簡稱華儲)通報,將於周四開始,中國擬以競價交易方式,向市場投放一萬噸儲備凍豬肉,每個企業交易成交數量不超過三百噸。
  • 內地傳媒周三報道,管理國家儲備肉類的華商儲備商品管理中心(下稱華儲)周四將投放今年第五批儲備凍豬肉,共四萬噸,以競價交易方式按標進行掛牌。

- China’s large state-owned banks aim to improve their corporate governance by diversifying ownership, a move experts said could have greater significance than the reforms and stock market listings of state-owned banks at the beginning of the century. The Bank of Communications, the nation’s fifth-largest lender by assets, announced on June 16 that the State Council had approved its plan to deepen reform. The bank said it would look into introducing more private capital and launch employee and executive stock ownership plans. By the end of March, the state held more than 30 per cent of the bank’s shares, a much lower holding compared with other large, state-owned lenders.

Building and construction
- Two state-owned building materials providers have started merger preparations in the latest consolidation of China's state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The Assets Supervision and Administration Commission on Monday announced the reorganization of the China National Building Materials Group Corporation (CNBM) (3323) and China National Materials Group Corporation Ltd (SINOMA) (1893) in an online statement. The commission did not provide further details on the merger. CNBM is the world's major non-metal materials manufacturer, and cement equipment and engineering service provider, with total assets over 430 billion yuan ($64.51 billion).
  • China National Building Materials Group Corp, one of the largest State-owned building materials manufacturers, is in talks to integrate some of its 15 subsidiaries listed both at home and abroad, local media reported. The move by the giant State enterprise is to help boost the profitability of its core business. It followed the announcement in September of a merger between CNBM Group and China National Materials Group Corp, another State-owned building materials giant.

- China's Baosteel Group will have dual headquarters following its merger with smaller rival Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corp, according to Shanghai-based newspaper The Paper.
The newly merged steel giant will have headquarters in both Shanghai and Wuhan in Hubei province, it said, citing anonymous sources.

Shipping  浙江省海運集團子公司五洲船舶提出破產清算,成為內地首家倒閉的國有造船廠。業界人士表示,內地造船業產能過剩,今年或掀破產潮,民營造船廠會首當其衝。有分析指船廠「不造軍艦就倒閉」,惟軍工訂單多由大型國企受惠。
China's top two shipbuilders are being merged by the government to form a new huge conglomerate, a move observers said will greatly boost the nation's shipbuilding industry and facilitate the building of a strong navy. China State Shipbuilding Corp and China Shipbuilding Industry Corp, the country's two biggest State-owned shipbuilders by production capacity, have begun the merger process, according to a brief statement published on Friday by the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission's Bureau of Enterprise Reform.The statement did not give details about the merger, but listed companies under the two shipbuilding giants announced later that day that the two will become parts of the new China Shipbuilding Corp Ltd.Lei Fanpei, chairman of CSSC, will be named chairman of the new company, while Yang Jincheng, CSSC's general manager, will become its general manager, media reports said, adding that Wu Yongjie, general manager of CSIC, will assume the post of deputy Party secretary in the new enterprise.

railway State Council has approved the restructuring of China Railway Corporation and renamed it the China State Railway Group Co Ltd in an effort to make the company more market-oriented. With a registered capital of nearly 1.74 trillion yuan ($252 billion), the company is run by the central government, and the Ministry of Finance performs the investor's duty on behalf of the State Council, according to a company statement released on Tuesday. The group corporation with a board of directors is an authorized investment entity and can establish subsidiaries, branch companies and representative offices in line with business development needs, the statement said. The move came after a series of institutional reforms had been made since 2017 to improve the corporate governance of the country's railway network. Launched in 2013 upon the dissolving of the Railway Ministry, the China Railway Corporation has been in the forefront of the country's corporate reform with a goal to foster modern railway enterprises and separate government functions from business operation. The inauguration of the new group corporation is conducive to enhancing capital utilization efficiency, market competitiveness and risk-preventing capabilities of the local railway industry.

- State-owned China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) and China Nuclear Engineering & Construction Corp (CNEC) have emerged as the latest candidates for a merger, as Beijing pursues consolidation among central government-run enterprises to drive efficiency gains. If the marriage materialises, the restructuring would see the number of companies directly under the management of the central government reduced by one to 101, and result in a fully up and downstream integrated powerhouse in the nuclear industry. It could also see the two Beijing-based nuclear giants re-integrated, after they were separated into independent entities from the erstwhile behemoth China Nuclear Industry Corp in 1999 in the previous round of major restructuring of state-owned enterprises.

- Coal producer Shenhua Group and China Guodian Corp, one of the top five State power producers, announced the official merger into a new entity called China Energy Investment Corp. It comes as the country is trying to cut industrial overcapacity and streamline State-owned enterprises. The merger will create an energy behemoth with combined assets estimated to exceed 1.8 trillion yuan ($271.5 billion) and the fourth-largest Chinese energy sector SOE-after China National Petroleum Corp, the country's largest oil and gas supplier and producer; China Petroleum and Chemical Corp, the world's biggest refiner; and State Grid Corp of China, the nation's electric power giant.

  • 由中國國電集團和神華集團合併重組的國家能源投資集團有限責任公司(簡稱:國家能源集團)昨日在北京舉行成立大會,中國能源領域再添一家「航母級」央企。
  • 國電科環(01296)及龍源電力(00916)公布,其控股股東將由國電集團變更為國家能源集團。
- 有消息指,國務院國有資產管理委員會近 日發佈中央企業煤電資源區域整合試點方案,計劃開展中央 企業重點區域煤電資源整合試點工作,力爭到 2021年末, 試點區域煤電產能壓降四分之一至三分之一。方案主要涉及 的中央企業包括:中國華能(0902.HK)、中國大唐(0991. HK)、中國華電(1071.HK)、國家電投和國家能源集團,視 具體情況可適度擴展至國投和華潤集團等其他涉煤電中央企 業。 路透社引述消息人士稱,國資委計劃通過區域整合優化資 源配置,淘汰落後產能、減少同質化競爭,緩解經營困難。到 2021年末,試點區域煤電協同持續增強,平均設備利用小時明 顯上升,整體減虧超過50%,資產負債率明顯下降

Founded in February 1950 and formerly known as the China National Salt Industry Company (中国盐业公司), China Salt controls a nationwide government monopoly over the salt industry in China. In 2003, administration of the government-controlled enterprise was shifted and placed under the management of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of the People's Republic of China.[2] A law titled "Regulation on the Management of the Salt Industry" (盐业管理条例) dictates that salt cannot be sold across different regions, and that private citizens are forbidden from selling their own manufactured salt, meaning that the management of salt is controlled by the state.中国盐业集团有限公司成立于1950 年2月,原名为中国盐业公司,直属中央贸易部(后改为商业部)管理,主要经营华北、华东、中南三大地区盐产品的采购、运输、调拨、销售、保管及出口业务,并在中央贸易部的授权下,领导与管理批发私商的盐业贸易。1954 年4 月,划归中央轻工业部主管。1964 年经国务院同意,国家经委批准,在中国盐业公司的基础上,组建全国性的盐业托拉斯,名称仍为中国盐业公司,由国务院授权,集中统一管理全国盐行业。1968 年,由于文革运动,盐业托拉斯被迫解体。1980 年2 月28 日经原国家经济委员会“经轻[1980]80 号”文件批准,中国盐业公司更名为中国盐业总公司。2000 年4 月经中央党政机关非金融类企业脱钩工作小组“国脱钩组[2000]9 号”文件批准交由中央管理。现隶属于国务院国有资产监督管理委员会管理,为大型国有独资企业。

  • China Salt is responsible for the iodization of edible table salt in China, where legal salt producers manufacture iodized salt in accordance with the requirements of China Salt. Since the monopoly is the sole provider of iodized salt, consumers have no choice over how much iodine they consume, which has led to health problems relating to iodine overdose; there have been noted increases in reported cases of thyroid cancer in China during 2013. As of 2014, table salt on the Chinese market contains approximately 20–50 mg of iodine per kilogram.
  • There have been numerous calls for the salt monopoly to be broken up and privatized. It is argued that a salt monopoly can no longer be justified, as the basis for its existence to protect national economic interests no longer exist, and that it harms consumers.On 8 March 2013, Taobao was forced to remove all listings of salt from its online marketplace, since it violated the law forbidding sale of salt across regions.[10] Private businesses that violate salt regulations are fined and have their salt products seized.[9] One such case occurred in Chongqing in 2013, where 90 tons of illegally manufactured industrial salt intended for sale as edible salt in Hubei, Sichuan, Shanxi, Shandong and Henan was confiscated by authorities, with a total street market value of 4 million yuan.[11] Because China Salt controls the country's salt mines and wet salt farms whilst selling at expensive prices, various companies manufacturing food products such as soy sauce and food seasonings have resorted to the illegal use of industrial salt created by artificial manufacture in efforts to reduce costs, at the risk of being caught and fined.
  • China National Salt Industry Group, or CNSIC, the country's biggest table salt manufacturer by production volume, will accelerate the pace of mixed-ownership reform by introducing new strategic investors and pushing one of its units to be listed in the stock markets in 2020, according to its top executive. The centrally-administrated State-owned enterprise, which previously managed the sales and production of China's edible salt products, signed deals with 13 companies including Guangdong Salt Industry Group Co and China Reform Holdings Corp in September, to raise more than 3 billion yuan ($425 million) to support the listing of China National Salt Industry Holdings Co, one of its units, in the stock market next year.Under the deal, 2 billion yuan of capital will be invested in China National Salt Industry Holdings Co to add new shareholders. The rest will be used in the group itself for further optimizing its resources, and to assist its subsidiaries to make positive transformation to lay a solid micro-foundation for the reform.All these efforts are aimed to instill new vitality to boost the group's earning ability and further cut previous administrative and monopoly roles to better adapt to the new changes and new market environment brought by China's reform in the salt industry, said Li Yaoqiang, chairman of the Beijing-headquartered group.


- CASC complete key reform in 2017 china daily 19sep17

國家市場監督管理總局日前發布的一則 「企業名稱申報登記公告」顯示,中國廣電網絡股份有限公司已經完成了企業名稱申報登記。根據多部門印發的《全國有線電視網絡整合發展實施方案》,本次由中國廣電牽頭和主導,聯合各省網公司、戰略投資者等共同組建廣電股份,以實現全國有線電視網絡的統一運營管理、國有資產的保值增值。今年5月,眾多廣電系上市公司明確,將以現金出資方式參與組建廣電股份,參與的廣電系上市公司包括:貴廣網絡、東方明珠、廣電網絡、吉視傳媒、廣西廣電、江蘇有線、天威視訊、華數傳媒、電廣傳媒、湖北廣電等等。


- China's State-owned cultural institutions will adopt a new management system to give them more flexibility and make them more responsive to the public. The institutions, including libraries, museums and art galleries, will set up management councils composed of employees, experts and public representatives as their top decision-making bodies, the Ministry of Culture said on Wednesday. "Representatives from outside these cultural institutions must make up a majority of the council members," said Chen Binbin, deputy director of the ministry's public culture department.
-  根据21日公布的《深化党和国家机构改革方案》,中国将整合中央电视台(中国国际电视台)、中央人民广播电台、中国国际广播电台,组建新的中央广播电视总 台。前三者建制撤销,对内保留原呼号,对外统一为“中国之声”。其主要职责是加强和改进舆论监督、加强国际传播能力,讲好中国故事等。原中央电视台台长慎 海雄任新组建的中央广播电视总台台长、党组书记。有学者指出,媒体融合的关键在于构建全新的用户平台,重建媒体与用户之间的信任与连接。
  • 五年前机构改革中组建的国家新闻出版广电总局被撤销,其中的广播电视职能划出组建国家广播电视总局,新闻出版职能和电影职能则划归中宣部,加挂国家新闻出版署、国家电影局的牌子。同时,原广电总局旗下的“中央三台”即中央电视台、中央人民广播电台、中国国际广播电台,整合组建中央广播电视总台,作为国务院直属事业单位。广电领域首次形成了“总局+总台”的格局。此前多年,三台作为副部级单位,各设立分党组,由广电总局党组领导,三台的台长都是广电总局党组成员。这实际是一种“政事合一”的机制,广电总局既负责全国广电行业的行政管理,又负责领导的三家事业单位。  而改革之后,总局与总台分开,新的广电总局作为国务院直属的行政机构,负责全国广播电视领域的政策措施制定、产业发展统筹规划改革、行业监督管理等等。广电总台本身则是一个负责创作、生产、传播的事业单位,是广电领域的“国家队”、“领头羊”和旗舰机构,但并不具备行政管理职能,与地方广播电视台在行业主体地位上是平等关系。简言之,从中央到省、市、县各级广电机构,都要遵守广电总局制定的政策法规,接受监管。这种“政事分开”的模式,进一步理顺了关系,改变了既当裁判员又当运动员的局面。类似的做法在过去几轮机构改革中,都发挥了重要作用。2007年至2008年,原来的国家邮政局一分为三,设立新的国家邮政局、中国邮政集团公司、中国邮政储蓄银行。前者作为行业监管部门,即监督国有的邮政集团,也监管各类民营快递公司;邮政集团只是众多快递企业中的一员,市场地位与民营公司平等。2013年机构改革撤销铁道部,行政职能由新组建的国家铁路局承接,运营职能则重组为中国铁路总公司,同样是实现了政企分开。

China oriental performing art group
 -, China's anti-graft watchdog placed the top executive of a State-owned arts group under investigation as the national campaign against corruption turned its focus to the country's entertainment industry. Gu Xin, 59, chairman and general manager of the China Oriental Performing Art Group, is suspected of "serious violations of Party discipline and laws", the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said on Thursday. The announcement made headlines as the singer and conductor was the first high-ranking executive in the entertainment business to be swept up in the anti-graft campaign, which started in late 2012.The commission did not release details of Gu's case. He remains the head of the group and his resume was still available on Thursday on the company's website.Gu, a native of Jiangsu province, is a renowned singer who won an award at the sixth Paris International Opera Competition in 1986 and performed as the lead tenor in a number of well-known operas, including La Boheme in 1987 and Tosca in 1988.
He was appointed the head of the arts group in January 2010 and won the top conducting prize at a Dutch arts festival in July that year. According to Gu's profile on the group's website, he is a member of the standing committee of the China Democratic League, one of the country's non-Communist parties, and vice-chairman of the Chinese Musicians Association. Gu's performing arts group, founded in 1962, initially was a public institution that mainly performed Chinese folk dance and music. It was transformed into a company in 2009, and was credited as a successful example of the reform of the ownership of state organizations in the arts field. Gu was reported to have made a significant contributions to the transformation.

foreign investment
- China is tightening its grip on outbound investment risks affecting the nation's financial security, with a code of conduct for State-owned enterprises making outbound investments and with a blacklist coming soon. While the code of conduct has yet to be released to the public, the overall regulation framework is the same as the one targeting private companies issued on Monday, according to an official with the National Development and Reform Commission who declined to be named.

- The country now has 111 central SOEs under the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, or SASAC. With around 25,000 SOEs owned and managed by local governments, the State sector employs nearly 7.5 million people. The premier said the SOEs still suffer from systematic faults, mechanism malfunctions and poor management despite their great contribution to the country's economic development. SOEs were hit by declining profits and increased losses since the beginning of this year, he added. In the first half of this year, the profits of the country's central SOEs fell by 3.1 percent year-on-year, a sign of the downward pressure on the Chinese economy, which recorded year-on-year growth of 7 percent in the first six months. Li suggested that SOEs can cultivate more growth points in wider opening-up as they boast competitive edges in a number of sectors such as engineering and machinery, energy, nuclear power and telecommunications. They should form the backbone of the global expansion drive by Chinese industries and competition with multinationals, the premier said. According to SASAC, 107 central SOEs had established 8,515 overseas branches in 150 countries and regions by the end of 2014, with their overseas assets totaling 4.9 trillion yuan ($790 billion). The premier also called for increased cooperation between Chinese SOEs and foreign firms from developed nations through purchasing their core technologies, key parts and components to jointly explore third-party markets. He cited a proposed joint fund to be set up by China and France by November as a successful example of global cooperation by combining China's production capacity with advanced technologies from France. SASAC Chairman Zhang Yi said SOEs will engage in more overseas mergers and acquisitions and establish more global platforms for industrial cooperation to further promote Chinese equipment abroad.

- 东北特殊钢集团有限责任公司(简称“东北特钢”)董事长、党委书记杨华日前自杀身亡后,市场人士一直担心东北特钢2015年度第一期短期融资券可能会面临违约。现在,市场人士的担心最终变成了现实。  3月28日,上海清算所网站上挂出了《东北特殊钢集团有限责任公司2015年第一期短期融资券未能按期足额偿付本息的公告》。该公告显示,东北特钢2015年第一期短期融资券(债券简称:15东特钢CP001,债券代码为041556006)应于2016年3月27日(此日为节假日,顺延至3月28日)兑付本息。截至到期兑付日日终,公司未能按照约定筹措足额偿债资金,“15东特钢CP001”不能按期足额偿付,已构成实质性违约


-今年全國兩會期間,習近平總書記在參加全國政協十二屆四次會議民建、工商聯界 委員聯組會時發表的重要講話,在全國特別是廣大非公有制經濟人士中引起了強烈反 響。在此背景下,2016年中國非公有制經濟發展論壇日前在河南省召開。全國政協 委員、河南省政協副主席、民建河南省委主委、論壇組委會副主任龔立群在接受本報 採訪時表示,本屆論壇邀請了來自政、產、學、研各界嘉賓,就非公有制經濟所面臨 的熱點問題闡述觀點,不僅成功搭建了招商引資平台,更為企業家指點迷津。

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