Friday, January 11, 2019

china trade and investment environment ict tech

- The business sector is encouraged to invest in high technology under a newblueprint on the nation's innovation strategy, Minister of Science and TechnologyWan Gang said on Monday. The central government, in the Outline of the National Strategy of Innovation-DrivenDevelopment released on Thursday, defined the goals for China's scientific powerthrough 2050. It is the first time since the innovation-driven strategy was adoptedat the 18th CPC National Congress in late 2012 that such goals were outlined.
- China will ramp up investment to develop essential industrial components and materials next year, in a move to reduce reliance on foreign technology in key sectors including telecommunications and railways. Miao Wei, minister of industry and information technology, said on Monday the ministry will channel more resources to help tackle technological bottlenecks in 20 industrial parts and 15 industrial materials. The initiative is designed to promote homegrown parts related to telecommunications, the internet of things, railway equipment, machinery manufacturing and other sectors.年全國工業和信息化工作會議昨日在北京開幕。工信部部長苗 圩在工作報告中透露,明年將全面實施「中國製造 2025」,再佈局 2家至 3家動力電池、增材製造國家創新中 心,加快 ARJ21新支線飛機示範運營並實現批量交付,實現 C919大型客機、AG600大型滅火救援兩棲飛機 首飛等;同時深化製造業和互聯網融合發展,大力推進 5G技術產品研發、標準制定和產業鏈成熟,預計 2017 年規模以上工業增加值增長 6%左右。
由国家网信办和中国财 政部共同发起的中国互联网投资基金昨日成立,规划总规模1000亿元(人民币,下同)。基金与中国工商银行、中信国安、中邮人寿、中国移动、中国联通、中 国电信等六家战略出资企业签署合伙协议,首期300亿元资金募集认缴到位。工行、国开行、农行为基金所投企业提供银行授信等支持举措,授信总额达1500 亿元。该基金将聚焦互联网重点领域,通过市场化方式支持互联网创新发展。 
- China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp and several other State-owned enterprises jointly set up a 150-billion-yuan ($21.8 billion) fund on Tuesday, to bolster China's new emerging industries, which will play a key role in the nation's upgrading efforts. The innovation-focused fund, led by Beijing-based CASTC, will target an array of high-tech sectors, including aerospace, nuclear energy, shipping, high-speed rail, quantum communications, 3-D printing and robotics, CASTC General Manager Wu Yansheng said at the launch ceremony. Other partners include rolling-stock maker CRRC Corp Ltd, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Postal Savings Bank of China, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and the Beijing municipal government. The bulk of the capital will be directed to fund industries with a viable business model, huge market potential and the ability to remain globally competitive, Wu said. China has been revamping its massive State-owned businesses through mergers and acquisitions, industrial upgrading and innovation. In September, the central government launched its largest private equity fund, worth 350 billion yuan, to finance SOE restructuring. The fund, guided by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, is expected to raise initial capital of 113.9 billion yuan in the first stage.
-  據新華社報道,經李克強總理簽批,國務院日前印發《關於深化「互聯網+先進製造業」發展工業互聯網的指導意見》(以下簡稱《意見》)。《意見》指出,要深 入貫徹落實黨的十九大精神,以全面支撐製造強國和網絡強國建設為目標,圍繞推動互聯網和實體經濟深度融合,聚焦發展智能、綠色的先進製造業,持續提升中國 工業互聯網發展水平,形成實體經濟與網絡相互促進的良好格局,有力推動現代化經濟體系建設。《意見》提出三個階段發展目標:到2025年,覆蓋各地區、各行業的工業互聯網網絡基礎設施基本建成,工業互聯網標識解析體系不斷健全並規 模化推廣,基本形成具備國際競爭力的基礎設施和產業體系;到2035年,建成國際領先的工業互聯網網絡基礎設施和平台,工業互聯網全面深度應用並在優勢行 業形成創新引領能力,重點領域實現國際領先;到本世紀中葉,工業互聯網創新發展能力、技術產業體系以及融合應用等全面達到國際先進水平,綜合實力進入世界 前列。
- foreign experts
  •  中國國務院總理李克強昨日主持召開國務院常務會議。會議確定加大支持基礎科學研究的措施,提升原始創新能力。其中,會議指出要多方引才引智,支持海外專家牽頭或參與實施國家科技項目。
- high tech industrial zones

  • China will develop 10 new State-level high-tech industrial development zones, the Ministry of Science and Technology said on Wednesday. The new zones have been selected and the majority of them are upgrades from provincial ones in central and western China, some of which will focus on specific industries and integrate with the Belt and Road Initiative, said Qin Yong, the ministry's director of high-tech development and industrialization.

  • 中國信息通信研究院27日在中國國際智能產業博覽會上發布了《中國5G應用發展白皮書(2019)》。《白皮書》指出,5G將構築一個新型網絡基礎設施,支撐產業實現更快速發展和躍升。預計2020至2025年,我國5G商用直接帶動的經濟總產出達10.6萬億元(人民幣,下同),5G網絡總投資額在9000億至1.5萬億元之間,同期典型企業5G業務收入將達到1.9萬億元,5G將直接創造超過300萬個就業崗位。
  • 中國工信部 「第二屆 『綻放杯』 5G應用徵集大 賽之珠海智慧城市專題賽」 暨2019嶺南大數據國際論 壇7日在珠海舉行,進入總決賽的24支優秀創新創業 團隊展開角逐,香港高校研發人員參與的團隊項目斬 獲多個獎項。其中,港科大博士創辦企業之 「5G無 人船」 團隊、港科大 「5G無人碼頭」 項目團隊均獲 三等獎;來自港科大、港中大等國內外高校研發項目 「5G無人駕駛」 團隊奪得二等獎。
  • 廣東省工信廳等九部門日前印發通知,以應對新冠肺炎影響。其中要求在今年第三季結束前,要在省內建成四萬八千座5G基站,並在年底前全省建設六萬座5G基站,及實現全省5G網絡覆蓋人口達90%以上,用戶數達二千萬等。
  • 工信部昨日發布通知稱,已編制完 成2020年第一批行業標準制修訂項目計劃,涉及5G及 下一代移動通信、人工智能、工業互聯網、綠色製 造、網絡數據安全等。

- smes

  • 國家科技部日前公布17項政策措施「大禮包」,支持中國科技型中小企業創新發展。科技部表示,將培育壯大科技型中小企業主體規模,鼓勵科研人員創新創業,支持持有外國人永久居留證的外籍高層次人才創辦科技型企業,給予與中國籍公民同等待遇。在融資方面,加快推進知識產權質押,便利中小企業獲取資金;實施「科技型中小企業成長路線圖計劃2.0」,為優質企業進入「新三板」、科創板上市融資提供便捷通道。

- international cooperation
  • 来自科技部的最新数据显示,中国已与158个国家和地区建立科技合作关系,签订111个政府间科技合作协定,加入200多个政府间国际科技合作组织,形成稳定政府间合作机制,覆盖世界主要国家、地区和国际组织
  •青島海洋科學與技術國家實驗室9日宣布正式發起「印太科學計劃」,為「一帶一路」倡議提供科學支撐,並為未來中國大洋鑽探計劃提供科學基礎。海洋國家實驗室主任、中國科學院院士吳立新則介紹,此次發起「印太科學計劃」將聯合海洋和陸地科學家圍繞印度洋─太平洋海區重大地球科學問題進行協同創新 ,他希望廣大科學家能夠在國際領域開展交流合作,開展以大洋鑽探為代表的科學研究,讓「一帶一路」沿線國家乃至全球的科學家圍繞地球科學前沿問題協同攻關 。地質學上把西太平洋─印度洋這一地區叫「特提斯構造域」,該區域正好與「21世紀海上絲綢之路」範圍高度脗合。
Legal infrastructure
- 中央全面深化改革領導小組(深改組)昨日舉行會議,通過設立杭州互聯網法院,主要受理各類互聯網購物、服務等糾紛的官司。


New materials
- has published guidelines for industries that create new materials, such as graphene, seeking to improve innovation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said Monday. The guidelines said that China aimed for the stable supply of advanced basic materials by 2020, to provide 70 percent of critical and strategic new materials the country needs, while making technological breakthroughs in frontier materials, such as graphene and nanophase materials.

share economy
- China plans to impose appropriate taxes to regulate the sharing economy sector, the country'stop economic planner said in a draft proposal on Tuesday. The draft guideline, published by the National Development and Reform Commission on itsofficial website, called for accelerated research on new tax regulations for the rapidly growingsharing economy sector.

technology transfer

- China announced ambitious plans to soft land a probe on the far side of the moon by the end of 2017 and launch its first Mars probe by 2020, according to a white paper on space activities released on Tuesday. It will be the first probe of its kind in the world to reach the far side of the moon once the program is executed. The white paper reviews China's aviation achievements since 2011, and outlines plans for the next five years. The country aims to become a major space power by 2030, and launch approximately 100 satellites in the next 10 years.
- 火星村
  •  中国火星村(模拟火星基地)总体方案讨论会暨协议签约仪式25日在青海省海西州德令哈举行,标誌着中国首个火星模拟基地正式落地海西州大柴旦红崖地区。 火星模拟基地项目设计拟採取“一村两区、互不可见,通过自然道路连接,与周边自然景观有效融合”的空间布局,即项目主体部分由“火星社区”及“火星营地”两个功能区组成。
- satellite

  • 國新辦周五公布「北斗三號」衞星導航系統提供服務一周年的有關數據,指目前內地智能手機上的導航系統,有70%都使用北斗系統,而非美國的GPS系統,呼籲手機廠商、地圖軟件製造商等,應根據實際情況,把「GPS信號」改成衞星導航信號,在中國應該顯示為北斗信號。

- China's "Big Three" telecom carriers' have been asked to make further reductions in overseas roaming rates and allow users to carry forward unused monthly data allowance, in the latest efforts by the government to regulate the sector. The Ministry and Industry and Information Technology, also the industry regulator, said on Wednesday that the new directive follows public complaints that despite the high fees charged by the carriers, the speed and quality of the provided services remain poor. Zhang Feng, the ministry spokesman, said the speed-enhancing and price-cutting initiatives will be completed by October and will result in lower, roughly about one-third, mobile traffic fees nationwide. Zhang said the carriers will introduce 2-gigabyte per month 4G traffic packages between 50 yuan (US$8) and 60 yuan. The international roaming fees have already dropped by more than 80 percent on average since May.


cloud computing
- China will soon start rating the trustworthiness of cloud computing service providers, especially for government procurement contracts, a move that could potentially shut the doors to foreign companies, a leading expert involved in drafting the policy told China Daily on Friday. Only companies that get full security clearance from the government will be allowed to join Smart City and various other government-funded projects, said Zuo Xiaodong, vice-president of the China Information Security Research Institute, an industry think-tank. "The basic idea of the security rating mechanism is to find trustworthy hardware, software and service providers to ensure that the government has total control of the entire ecosystem," Zuo said. He said the country is building a cloud security assessment, authorization and monitoring system similar to the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program adopted by the United States two years ago.
- Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has issued a three-year action plan for cloud computing. The plan focuses on five major tasks: technological development; industrial development; the promotion of apps; security guarantees; and environmental improvements. It will also expand the scale of cloud computing, and expects the value of the sector to reach 430 billion yuan ($62.5 billion) by 2019. A number of core technologies and cloud computing capacities should meet advanced international levels by the same time.

big data
- The Chinese government will actively seek to share, promote and apply its first set of national mapping information data through institutions and companies to better serve the public, Kurex Mexsut, deputy head of the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation, said on Monday. He made the statement during a State Council news conference in which the results of China's first geographical census were released.
- postal code
  • The State Post Bureau's development and research center and Peking University's Beijing Institute of Big Data Research have been developing exclusive address codes, a type of postal code that offers a new approach. The bureau, China's postal service regulator, is stepping up its efforts in working on unique personal address IDs in a bid to lower delivery costs and speed up the development of automated delivery services. They could also be of use to the public security authorities.The new address codes are based on three-dimensional mapping technology, which splits the terrestrial space into nonoverlapping and seamless multilayered grids, similar in size and shape, and gives each grid a unique code, said Cheng Chengqi, director of the institute.The codes are multidimensional, indexable, and computable. They could accurately locate a home address, whereas the traditional postal code only indicates a rough mailing area.
- a national big data center will be established china daily 22may17
  •  China's first officially authorized data asset assessment center was launched in Inner Mongolia autonomous region on Saturday as local government beefs up efforts in developing its big data industries.Major businesses of the center include verification and evaluation of data assets, which will help to explore the value of data resources and bolster big data transactions. The assessment center will be operated by Horinger New Area, an economic transformation area in Hohhot where big data industries are top development priorities, and Youedata, a leading big data company in the field. "The establishment of the new center will fill in the gaps of data asset assessment in Inner Mongolia and will play an important role in the regional economic development," said Feng Yuzhen, acting mayor of Hohhot.
- China's three major telecommunications carriers-China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom-are ramping up efforts to monetize the flood of data running through their networks.
- personal data protection

  • delivery companies could face fines of up to 100,000 yuan ($14,820), or could even be shut down, for leaking customers' personal data, according to a draft regulation that aims to make the industry more secure. Companies would also be required to store waybills and any electronic data in a suitable management system and destroy it after a set period of time. Fines of up to 20,000 yuan would be assessed for illegal activities that challenge the security, interests or rights of the country or its citizens, or for actions such as opening or hiding people's packages. The draft regulation, released for public feedback by the State Council's Legislative Affairs Office, states that compensation should be paid to customers for delayed, lost or damaged parcels. The draft marks the first time the real-name registration system has been mentioned in legislation. It stipulates that customers must provide their name, address and contact details to use delivery services.

- 國家網信辦周四發布《區塊鏈信息服務管理規定》,將於下月十五日起實施,其中強調區塊鏈技術為中國帶來安全風險,且被不法分子利用傳播違法有害資訊,要求區塊鏈資訊服務提供者,列為安全管理主體,要求服務提供者落實實名制。

Online advertising
- Online advertising will be subject to more scrutiny in China, after a top regulator said on Wednesday that the government would come out with more rules to supervise the sector. Zhang Guohua, head of the advertisement supervision department at the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, said his department will take more steps to curb illegal and fake online advertisements. "Those who break the rules will face strengthened supervision and higher fines," said Zhang during the launch ceremony of China's first national mobile advertising regulation in Beijing. The newly introduced regulation focuses on the technical side of the mobile adverting industry, but Zhang said that more rules and regulations targeting the content of online advertisements are expected to be rolled out soon. Zhang said a data center dedicated to monitoring Internet advertisements is under construction in East China's Zhejiang province. "The center, which is expected to be completed this year, will check all the advertisements on China's 100 major search engines and portal websites," he said. Zhang's speech came one day after a well-known toothpaste brand owned by multinational firm Procter &Gamble was fined 6.03 million yuan ($960,000) for its false TV commercial, the biggest amount that China has imposed on misleading advertisements.

religious message
- 內地擬立法控制網上宗教資訊,首部互聯網宗教信息管理規定日前開放諮詢,國家宗教事務局周一(10日)發布《互聯網宗教信息服務管理辦法(徵求意見稿)》 (簡稱《辦法》),規定上網發布宗教訊息必須持有官方「許可證」,任何組織或個人不得在網上以文字、圖片、影音等方式,直播或者錄播拜佛、燒香、受戒、誦 經、禮拜、彌撒和受洗等宗教活動。

Network convergence

Internet control
- rules are tightened on instant messaging
-, hket 14jan15 a22 (including sites banned)
- The mainland's internet regulator has announced a new mechanism to screen information technology products before they are approved for use. Peng Bo, the deputy director of the Cyberspace Administration of China, the country's top internet regulator, said yesterday that the new system would go into effect this year. The regulator announced in May that products and services would be banned from entering the country if they were not deemed safe and controllable, Xinhua reported at the time.
The decision to screen foreign technology was triggered by the revelations of former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, who disclosed widespread spying by the US National Security Agency.
- Foreign websites must abide by Chinese laws and its Internet management policies, if they wantto operate in the country, a top official said on Tuesday. Wen Ku, director of the telecom department at the Ministry of Industry and InformationTechnology, said the government is committed to the healthy development of the Internet sectorin China, which is already the biggest in the world with about 650 million users, and has takenseveral steps to regulate the industry. Wen's comments follow reports that China has recently blocked access to several virtual privatenetworks, a service that allows users to access websites that are currently unavailable on theChinese mainland 對於內地近期 屏蔽境外VPN服務,工信部通信發展司司長聞庫昨日 回應稱,在中國發展互聯網一定要按照中國的法律法 規來進行,一些不良信息應該按照中國法律進行管 理。因此,隨互聯網的發展、新情況的出現,一定 會有新的管理措施跟上。
- Nicknames in cyberspace such as "Obama" and "Putin" are no longer available for netizens inChina as the country vows to crack down on inappropriate and unlawful screen names, anindustry regulator said on Wednesday. Accounts pretending to be government organizations, celebrities and officials are also banned,the Cyberspace Administration of China said, as are nicknames that appear to advertise cults orpornography, or that damage State security. The new rule requires netizens to use registered account names on virtually all platforms,including blogs, social networking tools and messaging applications, said Xu Feng, director ofthe administration's mobile network management bureau.
- China is building a “big data dam” to rival the Great Firewall blocking the internet, say US business leaders concerned about planned restrictions to the free flow of data across borders. The American Chamber of Commerce in China said proposed rules to store data in the country will require foreign businesses to build costly data centres in multiple countries. The plans would also harm Chinese companies trying to go global and innovate, the chamber said in a report published on Tuesday. China’s government, for example, has proposed a new law on counter-terrorism that would require internet and telecoms companies to store data on servers in China and provide public security authorities with encryption keys. Other regulations on data mobility cover population health information management, which currently prohibit the storage of personal health information overseas, and a law that prohibits transfers abroad of data containing state secrets. A set of administrative measures for credit agencies requires that information collected in China be processed in the country. 
- The Chinese Cabinet vowed on Wednesday to invest hundreds of billions of yuan in the coming years to boost Internet speed and expand broadband access in rural regions. The country plans to spend more than 430 billion yuan ($70.4 billion) in 2015 and more than 700 billion yuan total in 2016 and 2017 to promote network construction, according to a guideline issued by the State Council, China’s cabinet. China had 649 million internet users by the end of 2014, with 557 million of those using handsets to go online, said a government report in February.
-  內地對網絡一向有嚴格控制,據海外傳媒報道,內地最大國營電訊公司中國電信近日發布通知,敲定將於周四全面封鎖虛擬私人網絡(VPN)及廣域網絡(SD- WAN)(即「翻牆」)接入,屆時企業用戶有意繼續使用VPN或SD-WAN,必須要事先向所屬商用網絡服務供應商註冊及申請。

The country’s internet penetration rate is 47.9 percent and rural users only account for just over a quarter of China’s total, says Chinese official data. By comparison, in the United States 74.4 percent of households reported internet use in 2013, according to the United States Census Bureau. According to the Chinese Cabinet guidelines revealed on Wednesday, China will accelerate building of the country’s high-speed broadband networks and improve access in more than 14,000 villages by the end of 2015. 
Foreign websites in China face new restrictions under a proposal that seeks to force internet service providers to block access to everything with a domain registered outside the country. The draft legislation is the latest in a series of tough measures designed to bolster the so-called Great Firewall, China's online censorship apparatus. Many foreign websites, including GoogleFacebookTwitter, YouTube and many foreign news websites, are already blocked. Industry analysts say the rules, disseminated on Monday, fit a new pattern in which the government is making its powers and the limits of dissent more explicit and public rather than denying their existence.
- China is tightening control over foreign companies’ internet use in a move some worry might disrupt their operations or jeopardise trade secrets as part of a crackdown on technology that allows web surfers to evade Beijing’s online censorship.In a letter to corporate customers seen by The Associated Press, the biggest Chinese internet service provider says virtual private networks, which create encrypted links between computers and can be used to see sites blocked by Beijing’s web filters, will be permitted only to connect to a company’s headquarters abroad. The letter from state-owned China Telecom said VPN users were barred from linking to other sites outside China – a change that might block access to news, social media or business services that are obscured by its “Great Firewall”. The letter repeats an announcement from January that only VPNs approved by Chinese authorities are allowed. That has prompted fears of possible loss of trade secrets or information about customers or employees among companies that question the reliability of Chinese encryption services and whether authorities might read messages. Regulators announced a crackdown in January to stamp out the use of VPNs to circumvent web censorship.

Virtual network
Foreign companies will be allowed to operate virtual networks in China, according to a draft rule announced on Wednesday, as the country steps up its push to inject new vitality into the multibillion-dollar telecom industry currently dominated by three State-owned enterprises. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said in a statement on its official website that foreign companies, private enterprises and State-owned companies will all be able to apply to run such networks-telecom services that piggyback on the infrastructure of China's big three carriers: China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom. "China will officially launch virtual network services, and we welcome foreign companies to join the industry," the ministry said, adding there is no limit on the number of applicants. The draft rule, which will seek public feedback over the course of 30 days, comes after the country has piloted virtual network services for three years.
China now boasts more than 60 million virtual network service subscribers, accounting for 4.1 percent of the country's total mobile users, data from the ministry showed.
-  工業和信息化部去年宣布,將在今年三月底前全面清理虛擬專用網絡(VPN),惹外資駐華企業恐慌。工信部長苗圩前日強調有關措施不會影響國內外企業及用戶,呼籲相關企業改用官方批准的VPN服務。

Search engine

  • Some of China's biggest internet companies may see their earning taking a hit from a new regulation, as the country takes a firmer grip on search advertising. The State Administration for Industry and Commerce on Friday released the new regulation, which for the first time classifies paid searches as internet advertising. Analysts said that the revenue could be subject to an additional 3 percent culture-cultivation tax. Such a move could force Baidu Inc, which runs China's biggest online search engine, to cut its fiscal 2017 net income to 16.3 billion yuan (US$2.4 billion), according to analysts at Daiwa Capital Markets HK Ltd led by John Choi. That estimate is about 4 percent below the average of estimates compiled by Bloomberg. About 50 percent of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's revenue in the first quarter would be affected, suggesting a 2.4 percent hit to earnings, wrote Hong Kong-based Choi. "We would expect the market to cut its 2017-19 earnings forecasts for Baidu and Alibaba, given the additional surcharge burden," Choi said in a report. The new regulation, which will take effect on Sept 1, is seen as the government's increased effort to oversee the country's US$23.2-billion internet advertising market, which was under media scrutiny earlier this year after the death of a college student, who sought out a treatment for his rare disease on Baidu's search results.

Domain registration
- 內地對於互聯網有嚴格規管,開設一個「.cn」域名的網站,需要實名認證及向專責部門備案,否則隨時「被消失」在網海中,部分人為了避開繁複手續,會選擇在互聯網環境較自由的地方開設網站。惟本港法律界人士指,一旦有涉及跨境網站的罪行發生,即使有實名制亦極難打擊。根據內地現行法規,任何人如要註冊「.cn」域名,須向中國互聯網絡信息中心(CNNIC)提供身份證明文件,進行實名認證。另方面,任何經營性(如網上廣告、代客製作網頁等)的網站,均須有關部門辦理網站的互聯網信息服務業務(ICP)經營許可證,非經營性網站亦須進行ICP備案,兩者於申請時,均須提供實名資料。執業大律師陸偉雄指出,雖然內地要求實名登記,惟一旦有涉及內地網站的罪行發生,本港有關部門需要跨境執法時,在搜證等各方面均有一定難度,「跨境罪案一直都好難打擊,市民都係小心為上。」

Online viewing content streaming
- 國家互聯網信息辦公室昨日發佈《互聯網直播服務管理規定》(以下簡稱《規定》)。《規定》明確,如提供互聯網新聞信息服務,互聯網直播服務提供者和發佈者,應當依法取得互聯網新聞信息服務資質,並在許可範圍內開展互聯網新聞信息服務。學者指出,《規定》提出的「雙資質」制度,將最大程度遏制新聞侵權和虛假新聞的產生。
- On Monday, the Ministry of Culture released new regulations on online performances, under which live streaming platforms will require performers to register with valid identity documents. The platforms must additionally verify their identification via interviews or recorded video calls. Meanwhile, online games that have not been approved by the ministry will not be allowed to go live on the platforms.
- 內地加強網絡管控,美國電商巨頭亞馬遜旗下的直播平台Twitch,近日突然遭內地有關部門封鎖,其App亦被下架。有用戶猜測,政府此舉是為了解決青少年遊戲成癮的問題。Twitch事後已證實有關消息,但未交代原因。Twitch在全球擁有一千五百萬活躍用戶,早前大量內地玩家透過Twitch收看亞運會電競項目的直播,令Twitch大受歡迎。

Online news
- 中國國家互聯網信息辦公室(網信辦)修訂的《互聯網新聞信息服務管理規定(修訂徵求意見稿)》(下稱《徵求意見稿》)從1月12日開始通過中國國務院法制辦徵求意見。新的互聯網新聞管理規定,除了覆蓋傳統的新聞網站、社交媒體外,還將微信公號、新聞網絡客戶端等新媒體平台作為“具有新聞輿論或社會動員功能的應用向社會公眾提供新聞信息采編髮布、轉載服務,以及提供新聞信息發布平台服務”納入監管。據2015年8月騰訊官方披露的數據,微信平台上的微信公眾號的數量突破1000萬,其數量還在增加,考慮到不再更新的公號,其數量在千萬級應無爭議。該辦法所監管的“互聯網新聞信息”,是指“時政類新聞信息,包括有關政治、經濟、軍事、外交等社會公共事務的報道、評論,以及有關社會突發事件的報道、評論”。根據該規定,申請提供互聯網新聞信息服務,除了主要負責人、總編輯是中國公民;有健全的信息安全管理制度和技術保障措施;還必須有與服務相適應的專職新聞編輯人員、新聞審核人員和技術保障人員。此外,該規定禁止外資進入從事中國大陸的互聯網新聞信息服務,任何組織“不得設立”中外合資經營企業、中外合作經營企業、外資企業從事互聯網新聞信息服務。hkej 14jan16
- 國家網信辦昨日公布《互聯網新聞信息服務管理規定》,加強互聯網訊息內容管理。當中指出,通過網站、應用程式、論壇、博客、微博、公眾帳號、即時通訊工具、網絡直播等形式提供新聞訊息服務,要先取得網信辦許可;主要負責人、總編輯必須是中國公民;亦禁止中外合資或外資經營。新規定在六月一日生效。orientaldaily 3may17

- 國家互聯網信息辦公室昨日發佈《互聯網跟帖評論服務管理規定》,明確網站自10月1日起,不得向未認證真實身份信息的用戶提供跟帖評論服務,並建立跟帖評論審核管理、實時巡查、應急處置等信息安全管理制度,及時發現和處置違法信息。針對「網絡水軍」亂象等問題,國家網信辦有關負責人表示,禁止跟帖評論服務提供者及其從業人員非法牟利,規定明確要求不得為謀取不正當利益或基於錯誤價值取向有選擇地刪除、推薦跟帖評論,不得利用軟件、僱傭商業機構及人員等方式散佈信息。
7日,国家互联网信息办公室公布《互联网群组信息服务管理规定》(以下简称《规定》),并于下月8日正式施行。网信办相关负责人表示,今后各社交平台的群聊将由建群者和管理者负责,若群内出现违法信息,视情节严重与否,将依法关闭群聊,“群主”和成员或被列上黑名单。, china daily 8sep17 "online rules focus on chat, public accounts"


Cyber security
- China adopted a controversial cyber security law on Monday to counter what Beijing says are growing threats such as hacking and terrorism, but the law triggered concerns among foreign business and rights groups. The legislation, passed by China's largely rubber-stamp parliament and set to take effect in June 2017, is an "objective need" of China as a major internet power, a parliament official said.
- 國家網信辦昨日發佈關於《網絡產品和服務安全審查辦法》的徵求意見稿,明確規定將會同有關部門成立網絡安全審查委員會,負責審議網絡安全審查的重要政策,並由網絡安全審查辦公室具體組織實施網絡安全審查。對於網絡安全審查,辦法強調將堅持企業承諾與社會監督相結合,第三方評價與政府監管相結合,其中國家將統一認定網絡安全審查第三方機構,承擔網絡安全審查中的第三方評價工作。此辦法細則目前已公開,在未來一個月面向社會徵求意見。
- Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace- China's top cyber authority on Tuesday released a draft law that would require firms exporting data to undergo an annual security assessment, in the latest of several recent safeguards against threats such as hacking and terrorism. Any business transferring data of over 1000 gigabytes or affecting over 500,000 users will be assessed on its security measures and on the potential of the data to harm national interests, showed the draft from the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC). The law would ban the export of any economic, technological or scientific data whose transfer would pose a threat to security or public interests. It would also require firms to obtain the consent of users before transmitting data abroad. The proposed law, which focuses on personal information security, comes just a day after state media reported government rewards of $1,500 to $73,000 for citizens who report suspected spies.


- The State Council, China's cabinet, issued a call yesterday for ministries and local governments at "all levels" to support innovation and start-ups, with fast-growing companies like e-commerce giant Alibaba leading a tech industry charge as the nation's new economic and job creation drivers. China should catch up with other countries and "encourage the general public to start their own businesses", the State Council said in a statement published online. "Hundreds of thousands of people's passion for innovation should be encouraged to build the new engine for economic development," the online statement said, adding that this trend also reflected the "key spirit" of high-level Communist Party meetings chaired by President Xi Jinping . The State Council said the central government would encourage technology experts and university students to start their own businesses. Students would be able to apply for space and funds from the government to help get their companies off the ground. In the meantime, the government would focus on ways to attract venture capital funds - one of the main funding sources for technology start-ups worldwide - and angel investors who often support young companies, betting on their big potential for future fast growth. The government must "promote financing for technology start-ups, improve the funding and investment exit system of venture capital funds and angel investors", the cabinet statement said, adding that Beijing would also make relevant approval processes more efficient and reduce red tape.  中辦、國辦印發《關於在部分區域系統推進全面創新改革試驗的總體方案》。按照方案,京津冀、上海、廣東、安徽、四川、武漢、西安、瀋陽等8區域成為改革試驗區域,要求在金融創新、人才培養和激勵等方面取得重大突破,適時全國推廣。 綜合新華社、《新京報》報道,《方案》指出,緊緊圍繞國家區域發展戰略的總體部署,選擇若干創新成果多、體制基礎好、轉型走在前、短期能突破的區域,開展系統性、整體性、協同性的全面創新改革試驗。《方案》要求,在國家科技體制改革和創新體系建設領導小組下,建立部際協調機制,由國家發展改革委擔任召集人單位、科技部擔任副召集人單位,會同相關部門、承擔試驗任務所在區域省級政府等組成,指導全面創新改革試驗工作,討論改革試驗方案,統籌協調改革試驗中的重大政策問題,考核、評估改革試驗工作。
- China issued a national plan for national science development on Thursday, givingacademics and inventors more incentives. The plan by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party ofChina and the General Office of the State Council, introduces mechanisms tomotivate researchers and foster innovation with 32 specific measures. It was designed to encourage enterprises taking a dominant role in the country'ssci-tech development, reforming existing research institutes to encourageinnovation and technology transfers and establishing incentive mechanisms toattract more talent. Current evaluation mechanisms should be overhauled to allow financial capital tobe proactive in inspiring new findings and applied technology, it said. Moreover, it stipulates the particular responsibilities of more than 40 relatedgovernment departments that will coordinate to implement the reforms. "The central authority has published a succession of reform measures, includingreforms of scientific research programs and the academician system, andcultivation of entrepreneurial ecosystems, most of which focus on some of themost important problems in the process of China's sci-tech development," said BaoXianhua, deputy director of the Department of Policy, Regulations and Reformunder the Ministry of Science and Technology.
- 中共中央辦公廳、國務院辦公廳印 發的《深化科技體制改革實施方 案》昨日公開發佈,要求各地區各 部門結合實際認真貫徹執行,打通 科技創新與經濟社會發展的通道, 最大限度激發科技第一生產力、創 新第一動力的巨大潛能。 方案指出,深化科技體制改革是 全面深化改革的重要內容,是實施 創新驅動發展戰略、建設創新型國 家的根本要求。黨的十八大特別是 十八屆二中、三中、四中全會以 來,中央對科技體制改革和創新驅 動發展作出了全面部署。 方案突出內容的涵蓋性、制度的 可持續性、措施的針對性和實施的 時序性,旨在更好地貫徹落實中央 的改革決策,形成系統、全面、可 持續的改革部署和工作格局。
- The central government is to further relax regulations covering the transfer of scientific and technological research achievements from national research institutions to enterprises. The decision was announced on Wednesday in a statement issued after a State Council executive meeting presided over by Premier Li Keqiang. Measures will be introduced to encourage such transfers. First, national research institutes and universities will have the right to sell their research findings to enterprises without national-level approval. The policy is aimed at encouraging more scientific research achievements to be sold to small and micro-businesses. It calls for special organizations to be set up to supervise these sales. Second, all profits earned through the sales will go to research producers.Third, at least 50 percent of such sales will go to researchers, who will eventually be allowed to work with the enterprises that buy their research findings for a maximum of three years. They will retain their positions on research bodies to help the enterprises to better implement research achievements. The measures are also aimed at accelerating the process of turning scientific and technological achievements into productivity to advance China's innovation-driven strategy and supply-side structural reform.
- China will open its State-funded science programs to overseas researchers, Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang said on Wednesday. "Every project under the newly launched Major R&D Programs will be open to applications from international partners, and we encourage overseas research institutions to apply for the grants with a mainland partner," Wan said at a news conference hosted by the State Council Information Office. On Feb 16, the ministry initiated the Major R&D Programs, a new national funding program that will replace previous science projects, including the State High-Tech Development Plan, the National Basic Research Program of China and a number of State-funded projects operated by other ministries. The ministry initiated 25 special pilot projects under the program, covering a wide range of research fields from quantum technology to forestry cultivation. Before the integration, some projects were open to foreign researchers and some were not, and only a few foreign scientists had taken the post of chief scientist for major national science and technology programs.
- fdi requirement re tech transfer

  • 據中國政府網消息,國務院總理李克強昨日主持召開國務院常務會議,聽取今年減稅降費政策實施匯報,要求確保為企業減負擔、為發展增動能;部署以更優營商環境進一步做好利用外資工作。會議指出,要平等保護外商投資合法權益,不得強制或變相強制外國投資者和外資企業轉讓技術。

- Tech transfer

  • 中央高度重視科技創 新,並於日前出台《促進科技成果轉移轉化行動方案》(以下 簡稱《方案》)。國家科技部黨組書記、副部長王志剛昨日表 示,《方案》將推動內地與香港的高校和市場建設更高水平合 作機制,促進兩地高校科研機構加強聯繫,聯通兩地的創新創 業要素,鼓勵內地科技成果轉移轉化服務機構與香港的專業服 務機構開展務實合作。「我們也鼓勵香港科技人員參與到內地 的推動科技成果轉化行動中來。」王志剛說。

- South Korea's Samsung (SSNLF) and SK Hynix and their US rival Micron (MU) said that investigators from China's State Administration for Market Regulation visited their offices in China on May 31. A spokesman for SK Hynix said the investigation is over suspected price fixing. Samsung and Micron -- which is based in Boise, Idaho -- did not comment on the subject of the investigation.

Smart home
- 企業盼出台智能家居標準

mobile phone standard
- 】據中新社消息:中國文 化部黨組成員、部長助理于群20日在北京 宣布,由中國主導的手機(移動終端)動 漫標準正式成為國際標準,這也是中國文 化領域的首個國際技術標準。

- Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has blacklisted 32 apps, deeming them malicious or a security threat to users, the ministry said yesterday. They included five third-party apps from Baidu, one from Xiaomi and one from consumer electronics company Meizu. Most of the apps were that allegedly bundled unrelated software that users did not ask to download, according to a notice posted on the ministry’s website.

artificial intelligence
  • 国务院近日印发《新一代人工智能发展规划》,按照规划,中国人工智能的发展将分三步走,到2030年人工智能理论、技术与应用总体达到世界领先水平,成为世界主要人工智能创新中心。届时,人工智能核心产业规模超过1万亿元(人民币,下同),带动相关产业规模超过10万亿元。按照《规划》,未来中国将大力发展下列人工智能新兴产业。包括智能软硬件、智能机器人、智能运载工具、虚拟现实与增强现实、智能终端几方面。
- 據中通社報道,中國國家新一代人工智能治理專業委員會昨日發佈《新一代人工智能治理原則--發展負責任的人工智能》,就人工智能治理明確提出八大原則。

advanced manufacturing A state-owned Chinese investment fund plans to make a further 50 billion yuan (US$7.1 billion) available to the country’s advanced manufacturing industries, according to an official media report. The Advanced Manufacturing Industry Investment Fund (AMIIF) was set up in 2016 and raised 20 billion yuan at that time to support “Made in China 2025”, the government’s plan to upgrade its hi-tech industries to Western levels and reduce the country’s dependence on foreign technologies, such as advanced semiconductors. Among the areas that received funding were industrial robotics, new-energy vehicles and rail transit equipment.

China's major manufacturers of self-balancing scooters, also called hoverboards, formed a sector branch on Tuesday under the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, aiming to build group and international standards to reenter the US market. The self-balancing vehicles are a type of portable, rechargeable battery-powered transportation machine for individual riders. They have two side-by-side wheels with two small platforms between the wheels on which the rider can stand. The vehicle is controlled using the rider's feet.
- 內地近年頻繁發生電動滑板車起火爆炸或煞車失靈引發意外。國家市場監督管理總局近日公布監測報告,抽查商舖及網店出售的四十批電動滑板車,合格率為零,是歷年合格率最低的產品。產品問題包括鋰電池遭重物衝擊下起火,滑板車的車速過快,無法及時煞車。
- 來自國家工信部裝備司、中國民航四川安監局、中 國民航西北空管局、北京航空航天大學、西北工業大學等機構的 20名航空業內專家、學者前日齊聚陝西西安,圍繞輕小型民用無 人機的適航法規、飛行安全和監管監控等技術議題展開深入研討 和交流。據悉,此次「全國輕小型民用無人機飛行安全與監管技 術研討會」,是內地首次就無人機監管監控技術進行研討。
- 民航局昨日宣佈,6月1日正式對重量250克以上的無人機實施登記註冊。根據香港文匯報記者查詢,目前市售的大部分無人機都超過這個重量限制,消費者均須進行實名登記。大部分無人機「飛友」對於實名制的規定都持贊成態度,稱這樣更有利於對無人機進行合理監管。
- 為實現對無人駕駛航空器的依法管理,國務院、中央軍委空中交通管制委員會辦公室組織起草了《無人駕駛航空器飛行管理暫行條例(徵求意見稿)》,日前在工信部官網上對外徵求意見。這是中國首次從國家戰略層面對無人機管理與發展作出部署。據悉,《條例》的管理對象全面覆蓋各類無人機,包含民用、警用、軍用等不同類別。《條例》明確,遙控駕駛航空器和自主航空器統稱無人機。而 模型航空器的管理規則,今後由體育部門會同其他相關部門另行制定。《條例》又結合重量、速度等因素,將無人機分為微型、輕型、小型、中型、大型五大類。據 大疆無人機公司有關負責人介紹,目前中國無人機市場上約90%的產品都屬於輕型無人機。
- 民用無人機試飛運行基地
  • 新華社報道,經中國民用航空華東地區管理局批准,內地首個民用無人機試飛運行基地昨日在上海啟用。據中國民用航空華東地區管理局黨委書記姜春水介紹,迄今為止,華東地區無人機相關製造企業超過110家,佔全國近三成;華東地區無人機實名登記註冊數量已超過4萬架,超過全國登記註冊總數的三分之一;而上海地區無人機產業試飛運行需求特別旺盛,這是內地首個民用無人機試飛運行基地選址上海的主要原因。
  • 国家体育总局航管中心原主任、中国航空运动协会副主席李正梅三日在武汉“国际航空运动高峰论坛”上说,中国航协正计划融合建设二万多个“航空飞行营地”,让老百姓“想飞就飞”,以此释放低空领域巨大的消费潜能,届时仅飞行员培训市场就能达人民币一万亿元。业界人士对《大公报》指出,这次中国航空运动协会提出二万个新目标,相信是要长远地融合大量低空休闲消费区域加快建设航空飞行营地新业态。

cyber game
Cyber games rules strengthened.  china daily 13dec16
- 中共中央宣傳部、中央網信辦、工業和信息化部、教育部、公安部、文化部、國家工商總局、國家新聞出版廣電總局近日聯合印發《關於嚴格規範網絡遊戲市場管理的意見》,部署對網絡遊戲違法違規行為和不良內容進行集中整治,當中要求各相關部門重點排查用戶數量多、社會影響大的網絡遊戲產品。

- 中央網絡安全和信息領導小組辦公室,於上周五發布《未成年人網絡保護條例(草案徵求意見稿)》,公開徵求社會意見。其中第四章第二十三條中提出,網絡遊戲供應商應對可能令青少年網絡成癮的遊戲進行技術改造,並禁止青少年於每日零時至早上八時進行遊戲。

- China will continue integrating healthcare services with the Internet Plus Initiative to improve the quality and efficiency of the sector under a new guideline approved by the State Council, senior officials said on Monday. Management of healthcare services should be improved by optimizing resource distribution and innovative management models with higher efficiency and lower costs, Zeng Yixin, deputy head of the National Health Commission, said at a policy briefing hosted by the State Council Information Office. The guideline on the promotion of integrating healthcare with the internet was approved at a State Council executive meeting on Thursday, which was presided over by Premier Li Keqiang. It's the latest move by the central government to integrate traditional industries with internet technologies. According to the guideline, a service system will be established to promote integration in areas such as public health, privately contracted doctors, medical supplies and medical insurance reimbursement settlement, Zeng said. Meanwhile, supportive policies will be introduced to boost sharing of medical information and infrastructure upgrades for hospitals, along with measures to ensure the security of personal medical information and the quality of healthcare services, he said.
- 由 中國企業自主研發的腔鏡手術機器人 「圖 邁Toumai」 日前在滬完成內地首例機器人 輔助腹腔鏡下前列腺癌根治術。

- Under the current laws, lead-acid batteries have to be transported in accordance with the requirements for hazardous waste, even though they are not damaged and will not leak. As a result, it can take as long as three months to complete the government procedures that allow batteries to be transported between provinces or regions. Moreover, the batteries must be carried in special vehicles designed for the transportation of hazardous waste, which cost twice as much as regular vehicles, Zhang said. The new guidelines propose revisions to laws and regulations, including the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste, to make lead-acid battery transportation more efficient and cheaper. On Jan 24, the ministries of Transport and Ecology and Environment published a pilot program for 20 provincial regions, including Beijing and Tianjin, that will see lead-acid batteries transported as regular cargo, though their passage will be strictly monitored. The guidelines also plan to introduce an "extended producer responsibility" system for the industry, whereby manufacturers will have to contribute to a fund to subsidize the recycling of spent cells. They also encourage the establishment of a collection system based on manufacturers' sales networks.

social credit system
- From borrowing books at public libraries to bank loans, personal and enterprise credit records are growing in value in China.
The first demonstration zone for a social credit system in China, aiming to promote benefits of good credit, is planned for the Yangtze River Delta region, encompassing Shanghai municipality, and the provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui and Zhejiang. The pilot plan, approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, is expected to help nurture a sound business and social environment in the region and regulate individual behavior based on credit records. Under the system, trustworthy entrepreneurs and individuals will be rewarded, while infringers will be discredited. The Yangtze River Delta region has benefitted from growth in enterprise credit and intellectual property rights protection.

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