Emperor turned monk
- alexander I http://tsrus.cn/lishi/2017/08/27/658771Rumours circulated for years that he had not died but had become the monk Feodor Kuzmich.
child adoption
- usa-bound
Word pattern
- bibimbap
- chu chin chow
- fin fang foom
- Hoo Hey How (Hokkien: 魚蝦蟹, Fish-Prawn-Crab) is a Chinese dice-game.
- ku klux klan
- alexander I http://tsrus.cn/lishi/2017/08/27/658771Rumours circulated for years that he had not died but had become the monk Feodor Kuzmich.
child adoption
- usa-bound
- 韓 裔 美 國 作 家 Nicole Chung 的回憶錄,才開始思 索跨種族收養的複雜性。作者被一 對白人夫婦領養,一直被視為掌上 明珠。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190329/PDF/b17_screen.pdf
Word pattern
- bibimbap
- chu chin chow
- fin fang foom
- Hoo Hey How (Hokkien: 魚蝦蟹, Fish-Prawn-Crab) is a Chinese dice-game.
- ku klux klan
- suffolk tale tom tit tot
imperial seal
- chrysanthenum
flag design
- a circle/disc on top of a plain background
- a circle/disc on top of a plain background with two colours
naming of "bad" things
- wuhan coronavirus
bird shooting hero
- Heracles and the Stymphalian birds
- Legend of the Condor Heroes by Jin Yong
point hat costume
- white
flying "x"
- flying dutchman (literature)
http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/security/628636/ The Royal Thai Police has denied buying hacking software to illicitly gather personal data from mobile phones and computers. "We might have used it as a case study but definitely not bought it," said police spokesman Prawut Thawornsiri. The force came under the spotlight after the Bangkok Post Sunday reported it had bought the software from Italian surveillance malware vendor Hacking Team (HT) for more than 10 million baht. Pol Lt Gen Prawut insisted the Royal Thai Police had no policy to carry out surveillance on people's personal information.
http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/passersby-rescue-man/2000688.html?cid=fbsg A man trapped under a lorry in an accident along Boon Keng Road was rescued by several passersby on Wednesday morning (Jul 22). A video uploaded by Facebook user Suan Wang Foo showed at least 11 people trying to lift up a side of the lorry. The number swells to more than 30 as more run forward to help. Eventually, they manage to lift the vehicle's wheels up and pull the victim out.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160405/PDF/a23_screen.pdf 據德國《明鏡》週刊報道:在成立60周年之際,德國聯邦情報局(BND)被該國主流媒體揭露其對美、英、以色列等西方盟友高層進行了經年累月的監聽活動。 此外,聯合國、石油輸出國組織和國際貨幣基金組織等國際機構也是德方監聽對象。 德國著名時政週刊《明鏡》在其4月最新一期登載的長篇調查報道引用內部知情人士爆料指出,早在2013年之前,德國聯邦情報局已對其西方盟友進行了長期的竊聽活動。 《明鏡》指出,這些被德方竊聽的地點包括:以色列總理辦公室、美國國務院、奧地利內政部、比利時內政部、英國國防部、聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦公室、石油輸出國組織(OPEC)和國際貨幣基金組織。此外,美國太空總署和美國空軍也在德方的竊聽名單上。 2013年年中爆發的“斯諾登事件”令美國涉嫌竊聽德國總理默克爾手機一事被公之於眾,在德國國內引發強烈反應,默克爾在2013年10月表示“對朋友的竊聽是不可接受的”。
- 日本東京築地市場將於下月11日,搬遷至位於豊洲的新市場重新營業,不過就在搬遷倒數一個月前,豊洲市場昨日卻爆出沉降醜聞,5層高的水產批發大樓出現長 10米、高5厘米的裂縫,懷疑是地基下沉所引致。東京都政府證實一年前已經知道事件,但一直未有公佈,強調建築物本身仍然安全,新市場啟用不受影響。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/09/12/a19-0912.pdf
Chemical weapon
- 18mar1984 - iranian news agency said that iraq used nerve agents (today in history 18mar18)
- The Halabja chemical attack (Kurdish: Kîmyabarana Helebce کیمیابارانی ھەڵەبجە), also known as the Halabja Massacre or Bloody Friday, was a massacre against the Kurdish people that took place on March 16, 1988, during the closing days of the Iran–Iraq War in the Kurdish city of Halabja in Southern Kurdistan. The attack was part of the Al-Anfal Campaign in northern Iraq, as well as part of the Iraqi attempt to repel the Iranian Operation Zafar 7. It took place 48 hours after the fall of the town to the Iranian army.The Halabja attack has been recognized as a distinct event of the Anfal Genocide conducted against the Kurdish people by the Iraqi regime under Saddam Hussein. The Iraqi High Criminal Court recognized the Halabja massacre as an act of genocide on March 1, 2010, a decision welcomed by the Kurdistan Regional Government. The attack was also condemned as a crime against humanity by the Parliament of Canada.
Lion killer
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/1845865/cleaner-shanghai-mall-has-leg-amputated-after-getting-trapped
drought/water crisis
- 2019
- The White Sea-Baltic Canal was built in record time: 227 km in less than two years (1931-33). It also became one of the most infamous construction projects in Soviet history, as it had claimed the lives of some 12,000 Gulag prisoners who had been building it. The construction of the Great Fergana Canal. The canal was key for the irrigation of vast cotton plantations in the Uzbek, Kyrgyz and Tajik republics, which at that time were part of the USSR. In 1939-40, some 160,000 collective farm laborers worked on that construction site.
Tainted Water
- In April 2014, Flint switched its water supply from Lake Huron (via Detroit) to the Flint River. The problem was compounded with the fact that anticorrosive measures were not implemented. After two independent studies, lead poisoning caused by the water was found in the area's population.[54][55] This has led to several lawsuits, the resignation of several officials, thirteen criminal indictments, and a federal public health state of emergency for all of Genesee County.
- 英國水務部門近日在蘭開夏郡的自來水中發現寄生蟲,可引致腹瀉及嘔吐等症狀,因此向當地數十萬居民發出警告,呼籲煮沸食水後才飲用。不少居民到超市搶購樽裝水,網上更流傳有人趁機以超高價兜售樽裝水。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/08/08/a20-0808.pdf
- http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/mar/12/tap-water-remains-unsafe-in-derbyshire-and-leicestershire Thousands of people in in Derbyshire and Leicestershire are still being advised not to use their tap water after the discovery of high chlorine levels at a nearby reservoir. Up to 3,700 households have been unable to use their water supply since Friday afternoon, when it emerged higher than normal levels of the chemical were detected. According to the Drinking Water Inspectorate, water in the network that supplies areas in Derbyshire has more than eight times the normal level of chlorine – 0.5 micrograms. Principal inspector Sue Pennison told the Derby Telegraph: “The normal level in a swimming pool is between two and four micrograms; this is a little bit higher than that. “There have been incidents like this from time to time over the years and it’s usually just an engineering failure. But we will have to wait to see the result of the investigation before we know.”
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150811/PDF/a17_screen.pdf 受颱風“蘇迪羅”影響,台北水源南勢溪和新店溪濁度暴增,超過台北淨水廠的處理能力。淨水廠被迫減壓供水,10日大台北地區150多萬户受影響,不少民眾發現停水,即使有水也很混濁,直言“不敢喝”。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151119/00180_021.html 美國密歇根州弗林特政府去年四月起,改用當地河流供應食水以節省開支,市民其後報稱出現各種疾病,指是水中含鉛量過多所致。有最少四個家庭上周五入稟法院,控告市政府及州政府危害市民健康。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160127/00180_018.html繼美國密歇根州弗林特市發現食水含鉛後,俄亥俄州環保局日前發聲明指,住有約四千人的錫布靈鎮多戶人家及一所學校食水含鉛量超標。鎮上學校已關閉,村民亦獲發瓶裝水及過濾器。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160417/00180_024.html美國密歇根州底特律市的六十二間小學,早前測試校內飲水機的食水含鉛量,結果發現有十九間學校的食水含鉛量超標最多達一百倍,有關學校已停用有問題的飲水機。當地衞生部門認為含鉛量超標因水管老化所致,建議市內所有六歲或以下的兒童,接受鉛毒測試。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160622/00180_007.html澳洲布里斯班以西的小鎮奧基(Oakey)近月爆出食水污染問題,當地約五千名居民使用受污染食水已長達四年。有澳洲媒體近日再次測驗該區的水質,發現所含有的毒物污染水平超出國際標準逾四百倍,引起各界關注。
- 加拿大一項分析了來自十一個城市的家居自來水樣本研究發現,有三分之一水樣本的含鉛量超標,當中蒙特利爾及西部西吉納等城市部分水樣本的含鉛量,甚至比當年受鉛水事件醜聞困擾的美國密歇根州弗林特的水樣本之含鉛量更高。有民眾坦言將改飲樽裝水,直至政府推出補救行動。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191106/00180_022.html
http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20160615/00176_020.html其實前政府高官涉運用權力將官產據為己用,早於香港九七回歸前已經發生。《東方日報》早於九八年曾踢爆港英政府末代外籍布政司霍德,竟私自佔用大嶼山狗嶺涌荒僻平房,花公帑安裝冷氣重修,將之改建為別墅「享溫柔」,而接任布政司的陳方安生對此別墅含糊其詞,但因「是非屋」引來問題多多,為求「斬纜」,她於九六年正式宣布放棄別墅,撥歸警隊作執勤宿舍。霍德在香港官場由高級新聞主任攀升為布政司之職,而在九三年退休後,雖然他離開香港,卻獲委任為港府駐英專員,其仕途生涯亦因此延長至九七年六月三十日,即前後為官卅一年,而本報於九八年曾踢爆霍德出任布政司期間,竟把大嶼山狗嶺涌平房佔用闢作別墅。據水務署早年的資料顯示,在八七年以前,大嶼山狗嶺涌平房一直是小隊工作人員往集水區維修工程時,作存放用具及度宿之用,但八七年後,工程需要更改編制,平房便一直空置。據報霍德未知是否與當年新相識的女伴朱利安(Gillian Paterson)經常郊遊談心,竟然知道有此「避世桃源」,並情有獨鍾,最後索性於八九年向港督申請正式將之撥歸己用,被指用作度假談情。與此同時,建築署當年的資料顯示,建築署轄下的改建工程組曾於八九年四月,批核一項約九萬元公帑的工程,為霍德將大嶼山的平房安裝冷氣重修,改建為別墅,當時已引來批評,霍德當年身為布政司,區區一個改建工程,自然順利獲批,而事實上,歷任布政司都沒有度假別墅,只有港督擁有別墅款客,霍德此舉被質疑是「無中生有」,把平房據為己用。
- 河南許昌市建安區秋湖村近一個多月內,二千三百畝麥苗枯死,村民懷疑是鄰近的化工廠排污所致。區政府周四指麥苗枯死是因草甘膦(除草劑)藥害引起,正調查是否與化工廠有關。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190330/00178_022.html
Tianjin blast
- http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education-community/article/1850049/hong-kongs-asian-youth-orchestra-has-lucky-escape
- 血鑄河山(紀念抗戰勝利特輯)- your dad my dad, your son my son
-http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/aug/23/pentagon-confirms-explosion-us-military-base-japanThe Pentagon confirmed on Sunday that an explosion had occurred at a US military base in Japan. No injuries were reported. Video posted to YouTube appeared to show the explosion. A Department of Defense spokesman later said the blast happened just after midnight local time “at a building on a US army post, the Sagami Depot in the city of Sagamihara … about 25 miles south-west of Tokyo”.
- http://www.itv.com/news/update/2015-08-12/foreign-secretary-visited-tianjin-morning-of-blast/
Accidents on sea during Firework display
- 日本東京灣上周六晚舉行煙花大會期間,兩艘遊覽船在台場彩虹大橋以北約九百米相撞。當局接報到場救援,相信沒有人在事故中墮海失蹤。據報,兩艘船上共載有十四名乘客,包括一名兩歲女童;所有人在事故中均告受傷,其中十一人需要送院,幸仍有意識,性命並無大礙。東京海上保安部正調查事故起因。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171225/00180_003.html
boeing 777
- On July 6, 2013, a 777-200ER operating as Asiana Airlines Flight 214, crashed while landing at San Francisco International Airport after touching down short of the runway. Surviving passengers and crew of the 307 people on board evacuated before fire destroyed the aircraft. Two people were killed in the crash and another person who evacuated the aircraft was killed outside after being hit by an emergency vehicle. These were the first fatalities in a crash involving a 777 since its entry into service in 1995.[233][234][235] The official accident investigation concluded in June 2014 that the pilots committed 20 to 30 minor to significant errors in their final approach, and that complexities of the automated controls contributed to the accident.
- On March 8, 2014, a 777-200ER carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing as Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, was reported missing. Air Traffic Control's last reported coordinates for the aircraft were over the South China Sea at 6°55′15″N 103°34′43″E. After the search for the aircraft began, Malaysia's prime minister announced on March 24, 2014 that after analysis of new satellite data it was now to be assumed "beyond reasonable doubt" that the aircraft had crashed in the Indian Ocean and there were no survivors. As of August 2016, the cause remains unknown, but the Malaysian Government declared it was an accident in January 2015. On July 29, 2015, an item later identified as a flaperon from the missing aircraft was found on the island of Réunion in the western Indian Ocean.
- The fifth hull loss occurred on July 17, 2014, when a 777-200ER, bound for Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam as Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, broke up in mid-air and crashed in the Donetsk province in eastern Ukraine, after being hit by an anti-aircraft missile. All 298 people (283 passengers and 15 crew) on board were killed. The incident was linked to the ongoing Donbass insurgency in the region. The official accident report, released in October 2015, states that airliner was brought down by a Buk missile launched from territory held by pro-Russian separatists.
- carrie lam won election with 777 votes
nails found in seats of public transport
- 江西上饒一名林姓男子近日晚上租用共享單車時,赫見座位上竟藏有一支長達六厘米的鐵釘。他批評上一手的乘客缺德,直言若不慎坐中,隨時傷重入院。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180701/00178_023.html
Liquid food
- http://www.economist.com/news/business/21665068-startup-called-soylent-wants-change-way-people-consume-calories-liquid-lunch
Soylent, a two-year-old startup, is trying to save consumers time and money by selling them a healthy, cheap “meal” that they can drink. Each vegetarian portion has only around 400 calories, costs around $3 and boasts of being as nutritious as, and more environmentally-friendly than, processed food and meat.
Soylent has found a place among American workaholics who resent the cost and hassle of preparing regular meals. This is especially true in Silicon Valley, home of many “early-adopter” engineers too consumed with coding the future to break from work. Their bad diets can damage their health. Several years ago Sam Altman, an entrepreneur who is now president of Y Combinator, a startup boot camp, was so cost-conscious and focused on building his first company, Loopt, that for weeks he ate only ramen noodles and coffee ice cream, until he developed scurvy. He later became an investor in Soylent. At first the product was sold as a powder, but even that was a hassle for some consumers, so on September 9th it started shipping version 2.0, which comes already mixed and bottled.The name Soylent is a tribute to a 1966 science-fiction novel, “Make Room! Make Room!”, set in an overpopulated world where everyone eats a mixture of lentils and soy (and, in the film version, human flesh).
Helping smes to go to china
- http://realbusiness.co.uk/article/31424-amazon-and-ukti-join-forces-to-help-smes-go-global American online ecommerce giant Amazon has linked up with the government to help boost British exports. A new partnership between Amazon and UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) is primarily aimed at helping SMEs increase foreign trade and grow ecommerce sales. The two parties said the agreement would help “encourage and facilitate overseas trade" for British businesses through new resources and "dedicated" programmes that show the simplicity of selling through Amazon’s global e-commerce platforms. Also reported in hkcd 21sep15.
International advisors to chongqing
India pm visit to us
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151204/00180_017.html Google早前向美國的教育機構提供了一系列的工具,以減低它們在建立科技設施上的成本,其中包括廉價手提電腦Chromebook。美國一個私隱關注組織卻指,Google可透過Chromebook監控學生,因而向美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)投訴。Google已否認指控。
comfort woman
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160107/00180_019.html 菲律賓一批二戰時遭日軍強暴的受害婦女,周三亦要求日本對此作出賠償,又指摘菲律賓總統阿基諾三世沒有支持她們取回公道,敦促政府支持她們索償。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160304/00180_003.html 南韓反對黨議員為阻止具爭議的反恐法通過,上周起在議會展開馬拉松式拉布。持續八日的拉布於周三結束,發言時間長達一百九十二小時,打破加拿大新民主黨於一一年創下五十七小時的紀錄,成為全球議會拉布時間最長紀錄。反對黨於上月廿三日開始在國會拉布,逾三十名議員先後朗讀各種長篇大論的學術文章及網絡評論等,以拖延時間,同時要求修訂反恐法的條文。直至周三,反對派同意結束行動,因恐怕再拉布會影響下月國會選舉的選情。反對派的共同民主黨黨領袖當日演說了足足十二小時,其後表示議員因專注拉布而未能落區工作,遂決定中止行動。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20160303/00202_020.html 思捷環球(00330)前副主席潘祖明二○○八年離開思捷,稅局其後就潘離職所得的5,200多萬元「利益」,向潘徵收790萬元入息稅。潘不服,昨日向高院上訴,法官押後裁決。潘祖明現時是財務匯報局主席,他九九年十二月加入思捷,○八年七月辭去思捷所有職務,包括副主席、財務總裁、公司秘書。按思捷當年的公布,潘祖明是「因有意發展其他事務而辭任」。不過,代表潘的資深大律師昨指,當年思捷主席要求潘祖明離去,潘最後同意與思捷訂立「分手協議」,「安靜地離去」。潘離職時,思捷主席是Heinz Jürgen Krogner-Kornalik。上述5,200多萬元「利益」,涉及替代支付酌情花紅的款項及認股權。潘堅持「分手協議」已完全取代其僱傭服務協議,所以上述所得與其任職思捷無關,毋須繳入息稅。但稅局認為,性質亦是源自僱傭協議。
Street sleepers
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20160616/00176_134.html近日政界人士紛紛爆出「特事特辦」濫用特權醜聞,點知尋日又爆一單,有讀者投訴指由前特首董建華成立的智囊「團結香港基金」總幹事鄭李錦芬,上周六參觀位於機場禁區嘅機場控制塔,被指忘記攜帶身份證,仍獲放行。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160723/00180_005.html美國傳媒揭露,康涅狄格州長馬洛伊去年十一月攜同兒子的背包,經過私家通道,在沒有接受保安檢查下前往機場離境閘口。他的做法引起機場職員不滿,炮轟「州長並非超然於法律之外」。馬洛伊事後接受訪問時向公眾道歉。
imperial seal
- chrysanthenum
- japan
- thailand
- oman https://www.facebook.com/omanobserver/videos/189572832399138/
- flag of india
flag design
- a circle/disc on top of a plain background
- Japan
- bangladesh
- palau
- adopted on 1 January 1981, when the island group separated from the United Nations Trust Territory. As with the flags of several other Pacific island groups, blue is the colour used to represent the ocean and the nation's place within it. While this puts Palau in common with the Federated States of Micronesia and other neighboring island groups, the disc on the flag (similar to that on Japan's flag) is off-centre like that of the flag of Bangladesh, but in this case represents the moon instead of the sun. The current flag was introduced in 1981 when Palau became a republic.
- Flag of Japan used in Palau 1914–1944
- a circle/disc on top of a plain background with two colours
- The Australian Aboriginal Flag represents Aboriginal Australians. It is one of the official flags of Australia, and holds special legal and political status. It is often flown together with the national flag and with the Torres Strait Islander Flag, which is also an official flag of Australia.The Australian Aboriginal Flag was designed in 1971 by Aboriginal artist Harold Thomas, who is descended from the Luritja people of Central Australia and holds intellectual property rights to the flag's design. The flag was originally designed for the land rights movement, and it became a symbol of the Aboriginal people of Australia.The Government of Australia granted it Flag of Australia status, under the Flags Act 1953, by proclamation on 14 July 1995. Due to an "administrative oversight", the 1995 proclamation was not lodged so that it would continue in force indefinitely; hence it automatically expired on 1 January 2008. It was therefore almost identically replaced, on 25 January 2008, with effect as from 1 January. In the 2008 proclamation, the flag "is recognised as the flag of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia and a flag of significance to the Australian nation generally" and appointed "to be the flag of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia and to be known as the Australian Aboriginal Flag". The design is reproduced in Schedule 1 and described in Schedule 2.The symbolic meaning of the flag colours (as stated by Harold Thomas) is:[5]
- two equal horizontals of red and white
- monaco
- indonesia
- state of hesse, germany
- tournai, hainault, belgium
- flags featuring a Spanish fess include the national flags of Lebanon (since french mandate in 1920 with lebanon cedar), Cambodia, Laos and Tajikistan, the restored flag of Libya, the flag of French Polynesia, the flag of Prussia, and the proposed national flag of Cyprus. Had the flag of Israel lacked the top and bottom white bands, it too would have featured a Spanish fess.
- Canadian pale is a centre band of a vertical triband flag (a pale in heraldry) that covers half the length of a flag, rather than a third as in most triband designs. This allows more space to display a central image (common charge). The name was suggested by Sir Conrad Swan, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant (a heraldic office in Britain), and first used by Queen Elizabeth II as Queen of Canada proclaiming the new Canadian flag on 28 January 1965.[1] Properly, the term should only apply to Canadian flags, though in general use the term is also used to describe non-Canadian flags that have similar proportions.
- In coats of arms, and heraldry in general, a 'Canadian pale' is what might well be referred to in South African heraldry as a 'broad pale' as its width is half that of the shield on which it is shown as opposed to the ordinary pale's third to a quarter. They are most commonly used in Canadian heraldry.
- star and crescent
- bend in river like a tear drop
people named maria
- maria martin
may fourth
- The Haymarket affair (also known as the Haymarket massacre, Haymarket riot, or Haymarket Square riot) was the aftermath of a bombing that took place at a labor demonstration on May 4, 1886 at Haymarket Square in Chicago. It began as a peaceful rally in support of workers striking for an eight-hour work day, the day after police killed eight workers. An unknown person threw a dynamite bomb at the police as they acted to disperse the meeting, and the bomb blast and ensuing gunfire resulted in the deaths of seven police officers and at least four civilians; dozens of others were wounded. In the internationally publicized legal proceedings that followed, eight anarchists were convicted of conspiracy. The evidence was that one of the defendants may have built the bomb, but none of those on trial had thrown it.[3][4][5][6] Seven were sentenced to death and one to a term of 15 years in prison. Illinois governor Richard J. Oglesby commuted two of the sentences to terms of life in prison; another committed suicide in jail rather than face the gallows. The other four were hanged on November 11, 1887. In 1893, Illinois Governor John Peter Altgeldpardoned the remaining defendants and criticized the trial.
- 1919 china
protest casualty
- 智利反政府示威快將踏入一個月,演變成的暴力衝突至少造成廿四死、近三千人受傷。當地醫學組織近日表示,至少二百三十人在連串示威活動喪失視力,其中五十人更需要植入義眼,批評警方執法時不遵守開槍指引,直接瞄準示威者的臉部發射子彈。警方回應指將收緊警員開槍的條件。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191116/00180_004.html
- 逾千人上周六走上街頭悼念老婦逝世一周年,期間與防暴警察發生衝突,警員施放催淚彈後,將一名推着手推車的老婦推倒在地,片段在社交網引起關注。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191203/00180_010.html
government rescuing private corporations
- ottoman empire
- turkey
- mauretania
- bend in river like a tear drop
- 乾坤湾景区位于陕西省东北部延安市延川县,与众多古代长城墩台,一起构成了中原的屏障。隔河与山西省相望。
- 面甕亭里仙岩村, 寧越郡, s korea https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB:KOCIS_Hanbando-myeon,_Yeongwol-gun,_Gangwon_Province_(4618109268).jpg
- castle grounds of cesky krumlov
- different names in other languages, same for japanese
people named maria
- maria martin
- casted as maria in sound of music broadway; according to sound of music keepsake published by colorama, maria was doing missionary work in new guinea when contacted by paramount regarding casting; her husband was richard halliday, a producer
- 商丘好人公園北門入口處,塑有一個 39米 高的大拇指,它也成為整個公園的乃至商丘的 新標識。走進這個佔地 6.6萬平方米(約 66公 頃,990畝)的主題公園,給人第一印象便是 震撼!公園設計以紅色為基調,分形象展示 區、文化發展區、歷史傳承區三大區塊,通過 多種手段形象地融入旗幟、典範、信念、表彰 等多種元素,將「好人文化」推向極致。中心廣場天幕舞台是整個公園的亮點。天幕 上播放的「商丘好人」個個不同凡響,他們是 全國道德模範李學生、榮獲第三屆和第六屆全 國道德模範提名獎的黃偉、榮登「中國好人 榜」的「商丘好人」孫成樂、楊紹光、王超 華、周桂蘭等等。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/07/14/a22-0714.pdf
- 無獨有偶,昨天到滬,在上海又見到一個好 人公園。這座佔地 4萬平方米的好人主題公園 位於申城金山區。設計幽雅的公園滿是好人元 素,上海海上書畫院院長朱鵬高題寫的「金山 好人」景觀石蔚然大氣,上海辭賦家張青雲撰 寫的《金山好人賦》引遊人駐足觀賞。反映全 國道德模範和滬上優秀護士蔡蘊敏、全國最美 家庭代表龔建強、模範教師吳永祥及家庭造血 幹細胞團隊等等好人事跡的宣傳片在循環播 放。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/07/14/a22-0714.pdf
- USS Bonhomme Richard
- The Haymarket affair (also known as the Haymarket massacre, Haymarket riot, or Haymarket Square riot) was the aftermath of a bombing that took place at a labor demonstration on May 4, 1886 at Haymarket Square in Chicago. It began as a peaceful rally in support of workers striking for an eight-hour work day, the day after police killed eight workers. An unknown person threw a dynamite bomb at the police as they acted to disperse the meeting, and the bomb blast and ensuing gunfire resulted in the deaths of seven police officers and at least four civilians; dozens of others were wounded. In the internationally publicized legal proceedings that followed, eight anarchists were convicted of conspiracy. The evidence was that one of the defendants may have built the bomb, but none of those on trial had thrown it.[3][4][5][6] Seven were sentenced to death and one to a term of 15 years in prison. Illinois governor Richard J. Oglesby commuted two of the sentences to terms of life in prison; another committed suicide in jail rather than face the gallows. The other four were hanged on November 11, 1887. In 1893, Illinois Governor John Peter Altgeldpardoned the remaining defendants and criticized the trial.
- 1919 china
protest casualty
- 智利反政府示威快將踏入一個月,演變成的暴力衝突至少造成廿四死、近三千人受傷。當地醫學組織近日表示,至少二百三十人在連串示威活動喪失視力,其中五十人更需要植入義眼,批評警方執法時不遵守開槍指引,直接瞄準示威者的臉部發射子彈。警方回應指將收緊警員開槍的條件。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191116/00180_004.html
- 逾千人上周六走上街頭悼念老婦逝世一周年,期間與防暴警察發生衝突,警員施放催淚彈後,將一名推着手推車的老婦推倒在地,片段在社交網引起關注。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191203/00180_010.html
government rescuing private corporations
- airlines
- cathay pacific
- 新冠肺炎疫情重創航空業,德國漢莎航空公司上月獲該國政府同意,斥資九十億歐元(約七百九十億港元)打救。漢莎監督董事會日前表決同意,放棄部分在主要樞紐的航班着陸權,以換取歐盟委員會支持該方案。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200610/00180_012.html
naming of "bad" things
- wuhan coronavirus
- https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/health-environment/article/3048286/corona-beer-virus-searches-surge-china-coronavirus
- corona is the name of various cities in usa, in romania (an old name of a city called brasov), maya ancient civilisation
- fao koronivia joint work on agriculture http://www.fao.org/climate-change/our-work/what-we-do/koronivia/en/
bird shooting hero
- Heracles and the Stymphalian birds
- Legend of the Condor Heroes by Jin Yong
point hat costume
- white
- ku klux klan
- Dressed in white robes and high pointed hoods, children joined their parents to take part in Easter processions across Spain. The youngsters were among the many hooded 'nazareno' penitents who gathered for religious ceremonies in Cordoba and Seville in Andalusia, on Sunday. Hundreds of similar events take place throughout Spain during Easter Holy Week - known as Semana Santa. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3017426/Children-brotherhood-Hooded-youngsters-join-parents-Easter-processions-Spain-got-KKK.html#ixzz5BO6uEEet
- https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5913484/holy-week-2018-devil-costumes-lash-trade-guns-celebrate/ Members of the Nazarenos brotherhood participate in a procession during celebrations in Zipaquira, Colombia
flying "x"
- flying dutchman (literature)
- 好望角有一座纜車,一問其名叫得 「可疑 」 ,叫 「飛行荷蘭人」 ,細打聽方知,是為紀 念一八六○年在這裏沉沒的一艘同名帆船。據 說每年都有鮮花拋在海裏,祭奠那些勇敢的先 行者。那裏有一塊黃色的木標,遊客都紛紛在 此拍照,原來上面刻着東經18°28'26",南緯 34°21'26"。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200924/PDF/b3_screen.pdf
http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/security/628636/ The Royal Thai Police has denied buying hacking software to illicitly gather personal data from mobile phones and computers. "We might have used it as a case study but definitely not bought it," said police spokesman Prawut Thawornsiri. The force came under the spotlight after the Bangkok Post Sunday reported it had bought the software from Italian surveillance malware vendor Hacking Team (HT) for more than 10 million baht. Pol Lt Gen Prawut insisted the Royal Thai Police had no policy to carry out surveillance on people's personal information.
http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/passersby-rescue-man/2000688.html?cid=fbsg A man trapped under a lorry in an accident along Boon Keng Road was rescued by several passersby on Wednesday morning (Jul 22). A video uploaded by Facebook user Suan Wang Foo showed at least 11 people trying to lift up a side of the lorry. The number swells to more than 30 as more run forward to help. Eventually, they manage to lift the vehicle's wheels up and pull the victim out.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160405/PDF/a23_screen.pdf 據德國《明鏡》週刊報道:在成立60周年之際,德國聯邦情報局(BND)被該國主流媒體揭露其對美、英、以色列等西方盟友高層進行了經年累月的監聽活動。 此外,聯合國、石油輸出國組織和國際貨幣基金組織等國際機構也是德方監聽對象。 德國著名時政週刊《明鏡》在其4月最新一期登載的長篇調查報道引用內部知情人士爆料指出,早在2013年之前,德國聯邦情報局已對其西方盟友進行了長期的竊聽活動。 《明鏡》指出,這些被德方竊聽的地點包括:以色列總理辦公室、美國國務院、奧地利內政部、比利時內政部、英國國防部、聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦公室、石油輸出國組織(OPEC)和國際貨幣基金組織。此外,美國太空總署和美國空軍也在德方的竊聽名單上。 2013年年中爆發的“斯諾登事件”令美國涉嫌竊聽德國總理默克爾手機一事被公之於眾,在德國國內引發強烈反應,默克爾在2013年10月表示“對朋友的竊聽是不可接受的”。
- 日本東京築地市場將於下月11日,搬遷至位於豊洲的新市場重新營業,不過就在搬遷倒數一個月前,豊洲市場昨日卻爆出沉降醜聞,5層高的水產批發大樓出現長 10米、高5厘米的裂縫,懷疑是地基下沉所引致。東京都政府證實一年前已經知道事件,但一直未有公佈,強調建築物本身仍然安全,新市場啟用不受影響。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/09/12/a19-0912.pdf
Chemical weapon
- 18mar1984 - iranian news agency said that iraq used nerve agents (today in history 18mar18)
- The Halabja chemical attack (Kurdish: Kîmyabarana Helebce کیمیابارانی ھەڵەبجە), also known as the Halabja Massacre or Bloody Friday, was a massacre against the Kurdish people that took place on March 16, 1988, during the closing days of the Iran–Iraq War in the Kurdish city of Halabja in Southern Kurdistan. The attack was part of the Al-Anfal Campaign in northern Iraq, as well as part of the Iraqi attempt to repel the Iranian Operation Zafar 7. It took place 48 hours after the fall of the town to the Iranian army.The Halabja attack has been recognized as a distinct event of the Anfal Genocide conducted against the Kurdish people by the Iraqi regime under Saddam Hussein. The Iraqi High Criminal Court recognized the Halabja massacre as an act of genocide on March 1, 2010, a decision welcomed by the Kurdistan Regional Government. The attack was also condemned as a crime against humanity by the Parliament of Canada.
Lion killer
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/1845865/cleaner-shanghai-mall-has-leg-amputated-after-getting-trapped
drought/water crisis
- 2019
- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-48290957 North Korea has said it is suffering its worst drought in 37 years and called on its citizens to "battle" against the crop damage caused by it. It comes after the UN said that up to 10 million North Koreans were "in urgent need of food assistance". North Koreans had been surviving on just 300g (10.5 oz) of food a day so far this year, the UN report said.
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-philippines-climatechange-water/as-rains-fall-short-manila-trickles-into-a-water-crisis-idUSKCN1SN11Z Since early March, the Manila metropolitan region has been in the grips of a water shortage, as the El Nino phenomenon has contributed to a 60% decline in rainfall, compared the country’s long-term average, across half the country’s provinces in the first part of the year, according to the government. In Manila, that has exposed shortfalls and delays in the region’s water infrastructure. At the peak of the shortage in March, supply was 30 percent lower than normal in the city’s East Zone, according to Manila Water, the private company responsible for providing water to almost seven million people living in the zone. While commercial centers and heavily touristed areas were largely unaffected, some of the city’s more neglected areas had no running water for seven days or more, the company said. As the crisis mounted, Manila Water’s chief operating officer quit, in mid-April. Before the month was out, the government hit the firm with a $10 million fine for breach of contract and ordered it to spend $12 million developing a new water source. Water supply has since been partially restored to 98 percent of customers, for at least eight hours a day - though at low pressure, a spokesman told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
- The White Sea-Baltic Canal was built in record time: 227 km in less than two years (1931-33). It also became one of the most infamous construction projects in Soviet history, as it had claimed the lives of some 12,000 Gulag prisoners who had been building it. The construction of the Great Fergana Canal. The canal was key for the irrigation of vast cotton plantations in the Uzbek, Kyrgyz and Tajik republics, which at that time were part of the USSR. In 1939-40, some 160,000 collective farm laborers worked on that construction site.
Tainted Water
- In April 2014, Flint switched its water supply from Lake Huron (via Detroit) to the Flint River. The problem was compounded with the fact that anticorrosive measures were not implemented. After two independent studies, lead poisoning caused by the water was found in the area's population.[54][55] This has led to several lawsuits, the resignation of several officials, thirteen criminal indictments, and a federal public health state of emergency for all of Genesee County.
- 英國水務部門近日在蘭開夏郡的自來水中發現寄生蟲,可引致腹瀉及嘔吐等症狀,因此向當地數十萬居民發出警告,呼籲煮沸食水後才飲用。不少居民到超市搶購樽裝水,網上更流傳有人趁機以超高價兜售樽裝水。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/08/08/a20-0808.pdf
- http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/mar/12/tap-water-remains-unsafe-in-derbyshire-and-leicestershire Thousands of people in in Derbyshire and Leicestershire are still being advised not to use their tap water after the discovery of high chlorine levels at a nearby reservoir. Up to 3,700 households have been unable to use their water supply since Friday afternoon, when it emerged higher than normal levels of the chemical were detected. According to the Drinking Water Inspectorate, water in the network that supplies areas in Derbyshire has more than eight times the normal level of chlorine – 0.5 micrograms. Principal inspector Sue Pennison told the Derby Telegraph: “The normal level in a swimming pool is between two and four micrograms; this is a little bit higher than that. “There have been incidents like this from time to time over the years and it’s usually just an engineering failure. But we will have to wait to see the result of the investigation before we know.”
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150811/PDF/a17_screen.pdf 受颱風“蘇迪羅”影響,台北水源南勢溪和新店溪濁度暴增,超過台北淨水廠的處理能力。淨水廠被迫減壓供水,10日大台北地區150多萬户受影響,不少民眾發現停水,即使有水也很混濁,直言“不敢喝”。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151119/00180_021.html 美國密歇根州弗林特政府去年四月起,改用當地河流供應食水以節省開支,市民其後報稱出現各種疾病,指是水中含鉛量過多所致。有最少四個家庭上周五入稟法院,控告市政府及州政府危害市民健康。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160127/00180_018.html繼美國密歇根州弗林特市發現食水含鉛後,俄亥俄州環保局日前發聲明指,住有約四千人的錫布靈鎮多戶人家及一所學校食水含鉛量超標。鎮上學校已關閉,村民亦獲發瓶裝水及過濾器。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160417/00180_024.html美國密歇根州底特律市的六十二間小學,早前測試校內飲水機的食水含鉛量,結果發現有十九間學校的食水含鉛量超標最多達一百倍,有關學校已停用有問題的飲水機。當地衞生部門認為含鉛量超標因水管老化所致,建議市內所有六歲或以下的兒童,接受鉛毒測試。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160622/00180_007.html澳洲布里斯班以西的小鎮奧基(Oakey)近月爆出食水污染問題,當地約五千名居民使用受污染食水已長達四年。有澳洲媒體近日再次測驗該區的水質,發現所含有的毒物污染水平超出國際標準逾四百倍,引起各界關注。
- 加拿大一項分析了來自十一個城市的家居自來水樣本研究發現,有三分之一水樣本的含鉛量超標,當中蒙特利爾及西部西吉納等城市部分水樣本的含鉛量,甚至比當年受鉛水事件醜聞困擾的美國密歇根州弗林特的水樣本之含鉛量更高。有民眾坦言將改飲樽裝水,直至政府推出補救行動。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191106/00180_022.html
http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20160615/00176_020.html其實前政府高官涉運用權力將官產據為己用,早於香港九七回歸前已經發生。《東方日報》早於九八年曾踢爆港英政府末代外籍布政司霍德,竟私自佔用大嶼山狗嶺涌荒僻平房,花公帑安裝冷氣重修,將之改建為別墅「享溫柔」,而接任布政司的陳方安生對此別墅含糊其詞,但因「是非屋」引來問題多多,為求「斬纜」,她於九六年正式宣布放棄別墅,撥歸警隊作執勤宿舍。霍德在香港官場由高級新聞主任攀升為布政司之職,而在九三年退休後,雖然他離開香港,卻獲委任為港府駐英專員,其仕途生涯亦因此延長至九七年六月三十日,即前後為官卅一年,而本報於九八年曾踢爆霍德出任布政司期間,竟把大嶼山狗嶺涌平房佔用闢作別墅。據水務署早年的資料顯示,在八七年以前,大嶼山狗嶺涌平房一直是小隊工作人員往集水區維修工程時,作存放用具及度宿之用,但八七年後,工程需要更改編制,平房便一直空置。據報霍德未知是否與當年新相識的女伴朱利安(Gillian Paterson)經常郊遊談心,竟然知道有此「避世桃源」,並情有獨鍾,最後索性於八九年向港督申請正式將之撥歸己用,被指用作度假談情。與此同時,建築署當年的資料顯示,建築署轄下的改建工程組曾於八九年四月,批核一項約九萬元公帑的工程,為霍德將大嶼山的平房安裝冷氣重修,改建為別墅,當時已引來批評,霍德當年身為布政司,區區一個改建工程,自然順利獲批,而事實上,歷任布政司都沒有度假別墅,只有港督擁有別墅款客,霍德此舉被質疑是「無中生有」,把平房據為己用。
- 河南許昌市建安區秋湖村近一個多月內,二千三百畝麥苗枯死,村民懷疑是鄰近的化工廠排污所致。區政府周四指麥苗枯死是因草甘膦(除草劑)藥害引起,正調查是否與化工廠有關。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190330/00178_022.html
Tianjin blast
- http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education-community/article/1850049/hong-kongs-asian-youth-orchestra-has-lucky-escape
- 血鑄河山(紀念抗戰勝利特輯)- your dad my dad, your son my son
-http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/aug/23/pentagon-confirms-explosion-us-military-base-japanThe Pentagon confirmed on Sunday that an explosion had occurred at a US military base in Japan. No injuries were reported. Video posted to YouTube appeared to show the explosion. A Department of Defense spokesman later said the blast happened just after midnight local time “at a building on a US army post, the Sagami Depot in the city of Sagamihara … about 25 miles south-west of Tokyo”.
- http://www.itv.com/news/update/2015-08-12/foreign-secretary-visited-tianjin-morning-of-blast/
Accidents on sea during Firework display
- 日本東京灣上周六晚舉行煙花大會期間,兩艘遊覽船在台場彩虹大橋以北約九百米相撞。當局接報到場救援,相信沒有人在事故中墮海失蹤。據報,兩艘船上共載有十四名乘客,包括一名兩歲女童;所有人在事故中均告受傷,其中十一人需要送院,幸仍有意識,性命並無大礙。東京海上保安部正調查事故起因。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171225/00180_003.html
boeing 777
- On July 6, 2013, a 777-200ER operating as Asiana Airlines Flight 214, crashed while landing at San Francisco International Airport after touching down short of the runway. Surviving passengers and crew of the 307 people on board evacuated before fire destroyed the aircraft. Two people were killed in the crash and another person who evacuated the aircraft was killed outside after being hit by an emergency vehicle. These were the first fatalities in a crash involving a 777 since its entry into service in 1995.[233][234][235] The official accident investigation concluded in June 2014 that the pilots committed 20 to 30 minor to significant errors in their final approach, and that complexities of the automated controls contributed to the accident.
- On March 8, 2014, a 777-200ER carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing as Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, was reported missing. Air Traffic Control's last reported coordinates for the aircraft were over the South China Sea at 6°55′15″N 103°34′43″E. After the search for the aircraft began, Malaysia's prime minister announced on March 24, 2014 that after analysis of new satellite data it was now to be assumed "beyond reasonable doubt" that the aircraft had crashed in the Indian Ocean and there were no survivors. As of August 2016, the cause remains unknown, but the Malaysian Government declared it was an accident in January 2015. On July 29, 2015, an item later identified as a flaperon from the missing aircraft was found on the island of Réunion in the western Indian Ocean.
- The fifth hull loss occurred on July 17, 2014, when a 777-200ER, bound for Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam as Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, broke up in mid-air and crashed in the Donetsk province in eastern Ukraine, after being hit by an anti-aircraft missile. All 298 people (283 passengers and 15 crew) on board were killed. The incident was linked to the ongoing Donbass insurgency in the region. The official accident report, released in October 2015, states that airliner was brought down by a Buk missile launched from territory held by pro-Russian separatists.
- carrie lam won election with 777 votes
nails found in seats of public transport
- 江西上饒一名林姓男子近日晚上租用共享單車時,赫見座位上竟藏有一支長達六厘米的鐵釘。他批評上一手的乘客缺德,直言若不慎坐中,隨時傷重入院。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180701/00178_023.html
Liquid food
- http://www.economist.com/news/business/21665068-startup-called-soylent-wants-change-way-people-consume-calories-liquid-lunch
Soylent, a two-year-old startup, is trying to save consumers time and money by selling them a healthy, cheap “meal” that they can drink. Each vegetarian portion has only around 400 calories, costs around $3 and boasts of being as nutritious as, and more environmentally-friendly than, processed food and meat.
Soylent has found a place among American workaholics who resent the cost and hassle of preparing regular meals. This is especially true in Silicon Valley, home of many “early-adopter” engineers too consumed with coding the future to break from work. Their bad diets can damage their health. Several years ago Sam Altman, an entrepreneur who is now president of Y Combinator, a startup boot camp, was so cost-conscious and focused on building his first company, Loopt, that for weeks he ate only ramen noodles and coffee ice cream, until he developed scurvy. He later became an investor in Soylent. At first the product was sold as a powder, but even that was a hassle for some consumers, so on September 9th it started shipping version 2.0, which comes already mixed and bottled.The name Soylent is a tribute to a 1966 science-fiction novel, “Make Room! Make Room!”, set in an overpopulated world where everyone eats a mixture of lentils and soy (and, in the film version, human flesh).
football training in uk
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/09/21/a16-0921.pdf 香港新華集團基金會 18日在北京宣佈,9月 下旬將出資選送首批來自遼寧大學的 18名 足球精英赴英國德蒙福特大學進行短期足球 培訓,以推動中國青年足球事業發展及中英 足球教育文化的交流合作。 蔡冠深拜訪足協介紹培訓大計 全國政協教科文衛體委員會副主任、香港 新華集團主席蔡冠深當天帶領部分遼大球員 拜訪中國足球協會,與中國足協副主席林曉 華就大學生球員赴英培訓等進行深入交流。林曉華代表正在英國訪問的中國足協主席 蔡振華,對蔡冠深的到訪表示熱烈歡迎,向 赴英培訓的大學生表示祝賀。他指出,蔡博 士在一個月內兩度參訪中國足協,反映了新 華集團對國家足球事業的大力支持。新華集 團選送優秀大學生球員赴英交流培訓是很好 的創新,對中國足球事業發展有非常積極的 作用。他希望即將赴英的大學生通過交流培 訓,把英國在足球運動開展方面寶貴的經驗 融會貫通並帶回祖國,以推動中國足球事業 的發展。 據了解,為配合國家主席習近平下月赴英 訪問,兼任中國足球改革發展小組組長的國 務院副總理劉延東,目前正率蔡振華等中國 足球界代表訪英,與英方同行進行深入商 談。預料中英兩國在足球方面的合作將有較 大動作。
Helping smes to go to china
- http://realbusiness.co.uk/article/31424-amazon-and-ukti-join-forces-to-help-smes-go-global American online ecommerce giant Amazon has linked up with the government to help boost British exports. A new partnership between Amazon and UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) is primarily aimed at helping SMEs increase foreign trade and grow ecommerce sales. The two parties said the agreement would help “encourage and facilitate overseas trade" for British businesses through new resources and "dedicated" programmes that show the simplicity of selling through Amazon’s global e-commerce platforms. Also reported in hkcd 21sep15.
International advisors to chongqing
- http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201509/0922/HZ20922CHAA.pdf since 2006
India pm visit to us
- http://www.scmp.com/business/global-economy/article/1861855/indian-pm-visits-silicon-valley-he-seeks-funds-and-skills
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151204/00180_017.html Google早前向美國的教育機構提供了一系列的工具,以減低它們在建立科技設施上的成本,其中包括廉價手提電腦Chromebook。美國一個私隱關注組織卻指,Google可透過Chromebook監控學生,因而向美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)投訴。Google已否認指控。
Tourist complaint
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20151021/00184_006.html 最近青島的「天價蝦」宰客事件,在內地引起軒然大波。內地新媒體和網絡輿論產生的影響力和衝擊力前所罕見,不僅使整個山東為之蒙羞,耗費數億元廣告打造的「好客山東」形象也一朝盡喪。這一事件,值得香港引以為鑑。事緣「十一」黃金周期間,有遊客在青島一餐館,點了一碟標價三十八元的蝦,結帳時店主竟論隻計數,要一千五百大元找數。遊客報警,警方推給物價局處理,物價局卻表示「過完節才能解決」,結果遊客求助無門下,只能被迫付款。事主把此趟遭遇放上微博,當堂引起網民嘩然,隨即有十幾萬個跟貼評論,狠批蝦老闆的無良和相關部門的不作為。結果,青島政府對該黑店罰款九萬元,部門負責人要停職受查。對此,有網民戲謔:「蝦老闆去交罰款,到工商局才知道,原來是一隻蝦罰款九萬,他當場昏迷,口吐白沫;送至醫院搶救,醒來正在掛點滴,問護士要多少錢,護士說五元,又說每滴五元,他聞言瞬間斃命……。」「一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥」,我們看到「好客山東」數億元的宣傳,不敵青島一碟坑人千五元的「天價蝦」。在網絡年代,這種效應傳得更快更廣。其實,香港也有這種「不良分子」,例如早前有位內地女遊客在銅鑼灣買兩支「黑鬼油」,銀聯卡被碌走四萬多;還有不良藥店以「以斤代両」或「以両代錢」,這些坑人事件仍屢見不鮮。香港作為「購物天堂」,靠的是信譽保證,故任何「宰客」行為,無異於自毀招牌,必須嚴禁和嚴懲。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160228/00178_025.html 中國人往泰國自駕遊違規亂象百出,惹來怨聲載道。泰北清萊海關上周四即宣布啟用新法規,嚴格管控中國汽車駛入泰國自駕遊,提出九項措施,例如將收取更高手續費、要求入境車輛必須投保、團隊入境必須有導遊、要有住宿安排等。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160228/00178_025.html 中國人往泰國自駕遊違規亂象百出,惹來怨聲載道。泰北清萊海關上周四即宣布啟用新法規,嚴格管控中國汽車駛入泰國自駕遊,提出九項措施,例如將收取更高手續費、要求入境車輛必須投保、團隊入境必須有導遊、要有住宿安排等。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160107/00180_019.html 菲律賓一批二戰時遭日軍強暴的受害婦女,周三亦要求日本對此作出賠償,又指摘菲律賓總統阿基諾三世沒有支持她們取回公道,敦促政府支持她們索償。
Liu xiaobo plaza
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1540182/chinese-embassy-may-find-itself-1-liu-xiaobo-plaza-us-congress-tables?page=all China may soon have an unhappy address for its embassy in Washington. The House Appropriations Committee has included in its next year State Department budget a proposal to rename the stretch of road in front of the embassy “Liu Xiaobo Plaza”.mLiu, a writer, was jailed over his involvement in Tiananmen Square. Later, in 2009, he was slapped with an 11-year sentence for subversion after spearheading a bold petition for democracy reforms. China’s government voiced outrage when he won the Nobel Peace Prize two years ago. China has censored any mention of the Nobel after Liu won, and put his wife under house arrest. The amendment, proposed by Republican congressman Frank Wolf, says the new name should apply for US postal code purposes. The embassy’s street address would be Number 1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/12155985/US-Senate-votes-to-rename-street-outside-Chinese-Embassy-Liu-Xiaobo-Plaza.html The US Senate has voted in favour of giving Chinese diplomats in Washington a daily reminder of the fate of Liu Xiaobo, a jailed pro-democracy activist. The Senate has unanimously approved a bill to rename a the stretch of road in front of the Chinese embassy after Mr Liu, who was jailed for 11 years in 2009 for subversion. This would change the address of China’s embassy in Washington from 3505 International Place to 1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1540182/chinese-embassy-may-find-itself-1-liu-xiaobo-plaza-us-congress-tables?page=all China may soon have an unhappy address for its embassy in Washington. The House Appropriations Committee has included in its next year State Department budget a proposal to rename the stretch of road in front of the embassy “Liu Xiaobo Plaza”.mLiu, a writer, was jailed over his involvement in Tiananmen Square. Later, in 2009, he was slapped with an 11-year sentence for subversion after spearheading a bold petition for democracy reforms. China’s government voiced outrage when he won the Nobel Peace Prize two years ago. China has censored any mention of the Nobel after Liu won, and put his wife under house arrest. The amendment, proposed by Republican congressman Frank Wolf, says the new name should apply for US postal code purposes. The embassy’s street address would be Number 1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/12155985/US-Senate-votes-to-rename-street-outside-Chinese-Embassy-Liu-Xiaobo-Plaza.html The US Senate has voted in favour of giving Chinese diplomats in Washington a daily reminder of the fate of Liu Xiaobo, a jailed pro-democracy activist. The Senate has unanimously approved a bill to rename a the stretch of road in front of the Chinese embassy after Mr Liu, who was jailed for 11 years in 2009 for subversion. This would change the address of China’s embassy in Washington from 3505 International Place to 1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza.
- http://www.theguardian.com/cities/gallery/2016/feb/09/moscow-demolishes-illegal-shops-kiosks-metro-stationsLarge-scale demolition of kiosks and small shopping centers began in Moscow on Monday night, the RIA Novosti news agency reported Tuesday. As of Tuesday morning, 55 percent of the properties subject to removal had been completely removed, Sergei Shogurov, head of the capital's real estate inspectorate, told the news agency. The decision to demolish trade properties that according to City Hall were constructed illegally, was taken in December and affects 104 properties. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/multimedia/photogalleries/moscow-bulldozes-small-business-into-oblivion/6267.html, also reported by tvb on 11feb16 morning news
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160304/00180_003.html 南韓反對黨議員為阻止具爭議的反恐法通過,上周起在議會展開馬拉松式拉布。持續八日的拉布於周三結束,發言時間長達一百九十二小時,打破加拿大新民主黨於一一年創下五十七小時的紀錄,成為全球議會拉布時間最長紀錄。反對黨於上月廿三日開始在國會拉布,逾三十名議員先後朗讀各種長篇大論的學術文章及網絡評論等,以拖延時間,同時要求修訂反恐法的條文。直至周三,反對派同意結束行動,因恐怕再拉布會影響下月國會選舉的選情。反對派的共同民主黨黨領袖當日演說了足足十二小時,其後表示議員因專注拉布而未能落區工作,遂決定中止行動。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20160303/00202_020.html 思捷環球(00330)前副主席潘祖明二○○八年離開思捷,稅局其後就潘離職所得的5,200多萬元「利益」,向潘徵收790萬元入息稅。潘不服,昨日向高院上訴,法官押後裁決。潘祖明現時是財務匯報局主席,他九九年十二月加入思捷,○八年七月辭去思捷所有職務,包括副主席、財務總裁、公司秘書。按思捷當年的公布,潘祖明是「因有意發展其他事務而辭任」。不過,代表潘的資深大律師昨指,當年思捷主席要求潘祖明離去,潘最後同意與思捷訂立「分手協議」,「安靜地離去」。潘離職時,思捷主席是Heinz Jürgen Krogner-Kornalik。上述5,200多萬元「利益」,涉及替代支付酌情花紅的款項及認股權。潘堅持「分手協議」已完全取代其僱傭服務協議,所以上述所得與其任職思捷無關,毋須繳入息稅。但稅局認為,性質亦是源自僱傭協議。
http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/first/20160306/19518625天水圍濕地公園南面上月起出現一座「巨無霸級」泥頭山,逾4層樓高、2個足球場大,附近嘉湖山莊居民遙望泥山不斷擴展,又驚又怒,擔心深圳塌泥事故在港上演。記者昨直擊泥頭車不斷傾倒泥頭,本身是工程師的土力工程處前處長陳健碩指,暴雨或導致山泥傾瀉,估計危及泥山方圓30米的範圍,包括鄰近的康樂活動營地。環保署指正在調查事件。http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20160306/19518632 今次遭非法倒泥的地段至少涉及兩塊地皮,第一塊相信是一幅祖堂地,查冊顯示土地管理人是屏山鄉事委員會副主席鄧達善(圖)。他是著名時裝設計師鄧達智的胞兄,前年雨傘運動期間大批口罩惡漢圍堵壹傳媒大樓時,鄧達善亦有現身,翌日更向記者指「我嚟趁熱鬧,睇吓咩環境,睇吓係咪咁衰,黎智英係咪做賣國賊」。去年湯家驊宣佈辭去立法會議員一職後,鄧又在鄉議局會議上表態,力撐上水鄉委會主席侯志強參選。記者致電鄧達善查詢,鄧聽到問題後立即掛線;記者再次致電,鄧甫接聽即說:「你唔好打嚟啦,癩痢!」然後收線。另一地皮則是由文隆有限公司持有,查冊顯示文隆的股東為雷耀輝及黃永恩,其中雷耀輝現時為41間香港公司的董事,據報他曾為新地進行多個舊樓收購項目;黃永恩也是38間公司的董事,身兼版權審裁處成員。前年有新界原居民以挖土機破壞河口紅樹林,以示對政府保育大蠔河的不滿,他們聲稱只是想復耕。但《明報》後來揭發,村民早在90年代已把大量相關土地售予多間私人公司,未見有復耕的意圖,其中祥太發展有限公司買入最多土地,屬保育區範圍的大地主,而黃永恩正是祥太的董事。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20160313/00176_035.html 李月民踢爆早於○三、○四年已發現有人在上址傾倒泥頭,○七年更曾一日內有數百架次泥頭車出入,惟他過去多年來不斷向不同部門投訴但不果,致令山丘不斷擴大。「泥頭山丘」的出現令鄰近居民憂慮會引發塌泥事故,當局近日才亡羊補牢,勒令業主一周內噴漿加固。李月民指出,○七年曾去信規劃署要求各部門跟進上址傾倒泥頭事宜,但當時各部門回覆均指沒有違例,「一路投訴、但(規劃署)一路都無檢控」。到○八至○九年,環保署雖「出手」一度叫停工程,並在上址噴水及噴灑草米,防止沙泥飛走及綠化環境,但及至今年初,突然有多部推土機駛進上址,並將現場的樹草「推冧」,形成現時所見的一座巨型山丘。
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160309/PDF/a10_screen.pdf政府高度關注天水圍的巨型泥頭山丘事件,五大部門昨日召開跨部門會議商討聯合執法行動,因應該泥山土質鬆散,有潛在倒塌危險,屋宇署下令土地擁有人須於一星期內展開緊急噴漿工程。環境保護署稱,該地盤無採取防止散發塵埃措施,將提出檢控。政府發言人稱,調查仍在進行,不排除會有更多執法或檢控行動。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20160309/00176_049.html 繼天水圍嘉湖山莊對開出現泥頭山丘後,將軍澳百勝角一片山坡被大規模開墾,受影響範圍大如足球場,掘深泥土有兩米,堆起沙石則有三米高,十分誇張。附近居民發現後向多個政府部門舉報,但部門均束手無策,區議員促請政府盡快處理,憂慮會成為深圳塌泥事件翻版。地政總署回覆居民信件坦言,因有關私人土地屬舊批約農地,在農地挖掘及砍伐樹木,無違反地契條款,該署未能採取行動,但已發信土地業權人,勸喻停止挖掘及砍伐樹木。漁農自然護理署回覆本報稱,上址有土地被開闢,並有植物受影響,正根據《林區及郊區條例》,就有關地點是否涉及在政府土地上非法移除植物展開調查。但另外兩個部門又有不同說法,土木工程拓展署表示,上址毗連的天然山坡曾被挖掘,受影響山坡約兩米高,附近樹木的根部受挖掘影響以致外露,又發現上址堆存了建築廢料,已建議有關部門進一步調查及採取適當行動。但環境保護署則稱,先後五次到上址巡查,沒有傾倒建築廢料作填埋情況,已提醒在場人士環保法例的規定,會繼續密切監察及確保工程符合各污染管制法例要求,一旦發現有違法情況,會依法處理。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20160315/00176_047.html繼天水圍嘉湖山莊附近出現「泥頭山」後,元朗流浮山亦出現「垃圾山」。元朗流浮山深灣路一幅土地被人傾倒大量建築廢料,再噴上瀝青填平,疑作停車場之用。正跟進有關投訴的元朗區議員鄺俊宇表示,垃圾山結構鬆散,若遇上雨季,恐有被沖塌傾瀉的危險。環境保護署表示曾經收到三宗涉及在上述土地非法傾倒的投訴,若沒有獲業權人許可則屬違法,署方會聯絡規劃署土木工程拓展署及地政總署,採取相應執法。New immigrant row
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20160306/00176_100.html梁天琦尋日與十多個本民前成員到各區謝票,頗受街坊歡迎。隨着人氣急升,網上有關梁天琦的流言滿天飛,有人找到他幾年前參與大學宿舍活動時的舊照片,形容當時留長髮的梁天琦貌似「大陸喱」、扮本土;亦有人在討論區發貼子,指梁天琦並非香港出世。對於出身被質疑,梁天琦承認並非在香港出世,指香港人的定義是不論出身,不論何時來港,而是看你是否擁護香港的價值觀及文化背景,他更反問:「唔通唔係香港出世就唔係香港人咩?」梁天琦早前曾經在訪問中透露,其母親是內地移民,梁母隨即被批評為「新移民」。梁天琦反駁,「嚟香港廿四年、講廣東話、喺香港工作,都叫新移民?」至於有「國師」之稱的本土派學者陳雲與曾經出選區議會的中出羊子,都表明有意出戰九月立法會選舉新界東選區,梁天琦覺得有本土派出選是好事,選票在選民手上,所以不會阻人出選,並指本土派可以協調及商討。其實本土派一直都斥罵內地人是「蝗蟲」,又反對政府容許單程證新移民來港。還記得一年前,一名十九歲女子黃嘉慧持行街紙考入港大醫學院,並成功取得香港身份證,還撰寫「自傳」放上網炫耀自己的偷渡史,隨即惹來網民狠批,又鬧她是「支那人」搶奪香港人資源。如今梁天琦承認自己並非在本港出生,但無透露何時來港及透過甚麼渠道來港,當被指不是香港人時,他就「搬龍門」將「香港人」重新定義,確是龍門任佢擺,飄移境界!
Street sleepers
- 溫莎堡所在的溫莎—梅登黑德市,其巿議會主席近日致函警方,要求婚禮前趕走所有露宿者,以恢復社會秩序。有巿民認為露宿者普遍沒有攻擊性,無必要趕走他們,批評此舉治標不治本;惟亦有居民指大部分露宿者均有居所,藉行乞騙財。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180105/00180_018.html
racial discrimination
- http://www.scmp.com/news/world/article/1922359/demna-gvasalia-darling-paris-fashion-week-race-row-only-using-white Diversity campaigners have condemned the darling of Paris fashion week after he failed to cast a single model of colour in his two headline-grabbing shows.Demna Gvasalia, who counts black music superstars Rihanna and Kanye West among his biggest fans, used only white models in shows for his own hip Vetements label and for Balenciaga Sunday, where he has just taken over as creative director. The British-based Models for Diversity group on Monday slammed his choice as “appalling, unbelievable and bewildering”.
Travel agency malpractice
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160331/00180_003.html 中國遊客近年成為世界各地旅遊業的頭號目標,有南韓傳媒指,有當地旅遊公司為吸引高消費力的中國旅客,竟向內地旅行社繳付「人頭稅」,隨後再帶旅客購買雜牌商品以賺取佣金。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20160616/00176_134.html近日政界人士紛紛爆出「特事特辦」濫用特權醜聞,點知尋日又爆一單,有讀者投訴指由前特首董建華成立的智囊「團結香港基金」總幹事鄭李錦芬,上周六參觀位於機場禁區嘅機場控制塔,被指忘記攜帶身份證,仍獲放行。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160723/00180_005.html美國傳媒揭露,康涅狄格州長馬洛伊去年十一月攜同兒子的背包,經過私家通道,在沒有接受保安檢查下前往機場離境閘口。他的做法引起機場職員不滿,炮轟「州長並非超然於法律之外」。馬洛伊事後接受訪問時向公眾道歉。
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20161008/00180_004.html 美國紐約曼哈頓大橋周四下午被發現掛上一幅巨大直幡,顯示俄羅斯總統普京的圖像,並寫上「和平締造者」的字眼。目擊者表示,看到兩人在大橋上拉開直幡,但不久被當局派人移走。警方正在調查事件,暫時無人被捕。
non attendence
- 前立法會議員劉慧卿(卿姐)雖然已經卸下議員身份,但仍然好關心弱勢社群。一直關注外傭權益的卿姐原定尋日出席立法會一個有關規管外傭職業介紹所嘅公聽會,當大家以為卿姐會重返立法會時,點知就見唔到佢現身。原來卿姐一時「擺烏龍」,搞錯公聽會日期,所以未有出席。卿姐特別喺社交網站道歉,確係有錯就要認,其所屬嘅民主黨(白鴿黨)成員真係要好好學習。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20171014/00176_121.htmlnon attendence
- 全國政協副主席、香港前特首董建華,日前在北京出席活動後隨即返港,未有現身昨日的國慶閱兵,一度引起猜測。董建華事後透過公關解釋,他因急性泌尿科問題需接受治療,經短暫留院觀察後,已回家休息。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20191002/00176_004.html
- 針對日本首相安倍晉三好友擔任理事長的加計學園計劃利用“國家戰略特區”新設獸醫學院一事,日媒17日披露了部分被懷疑是文部科學省的內部文件,內容稱加速推進新設獸醫學院是經由安倍指示,日本政府高層則連忙出面“滅火”,聲稱相關報道“不實”。《朝日新聞》報道説,已掌握多份有關新設獸醫學院計劃的文件,其中一份《關於新設獸醫學院一事來自內閣府的傳達事項》中提及“希望能以2018年4月開學為前提倒排最短時間表”,並稱“這是來自官邸最高層的指示”。另一份《內閣府針對大臣確認事項的回答》中稱,“正以最快制度改革為前提推進程序”,並稱“聽説這是首相的意願”。
Role of social media in accidents
- typhoon hato in macau - facebook
- houston flood - wechat groups china daily 30aug17
cave rescue
- Specialist divers have helped to safety six British men trapped by flooding in a Mexican cave. The men, who had been in the Cuetzalan caves for more than a week, were said to be in good spirits and to have suffered no major health problems. They were being brought out one by one. The remaining two were taken out as light started to fade on Thursday. Earlier Mexican President Vicente Fox asked the UK to explain what the men, five of them soldiers, had been doing. The British Ministry of Defence said it was a sporting, not a military, trip but some Mexican press reports suggested the six were searching for raw materials for making nuclear weapons. The six men on the expedition, named Cuetzalan Tiger, were part of a 13-strong group from the Combined Services Caving Association. One of the rescued men was said to have joked that he wanted to go back to the cave to resume exploring as soon as possible.http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3569811.stm
- https://www.quora.com/Why-did-Tesla-say-that-3-6-and-9-was-the-key-to-the-universe
sars - abbreviation for south africa revenue service, est in accordance with the South African Revenue Service Act 34 of 1997
- Alice is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from August 31, 1976 to March 19, 1985. The series is based on the 1974 film Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore. The show stars Linda Lavin in the title role, a widow who moves with her young son to start life over again, and finds a job working at a roadside diner in a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona. Most of the episodes revolve around events at Mel's Diner, where Alice is employed.
- Siri (pronounced /ˈsɪəri/) is an intelligent personal assistant, part of Apple Inc.'siOS, watchOS, macOS, and tvOS operating systems. Siri is a spin-out from the SRI International Artificial Intelligence Center, and is an offshoot of the DARPA-funded CALOproject.SRI International (SRI) is an American nonprofit research instituteheadquartered in Menlo Park, California. The trustees of Stanford Universityestablished SRI in 1946 as a center of innovation to support economic development in the region. The organization was founded as the Stanford Research Institute. SRI formally separated from Stanford University in 1970 and became known as SRI International in 1977. SRI describes its mission as creating world-changing solutions to make people safer, healthier, and more productive.[1] It performs client-sponsored research and development for government agencies, commercial businesses, and private foundations. It also licenses its technologies,[2] forms strategic partnerships, sells products,[3] and createsspin-off companies.
- 針對日本首相安倍晉三好友擔任理事長的加計學園計劃利用“國家戰略特區”新設獸醫學院一事,日媒17日披露了部分被懷疑是文部科學省的內部文件,內容稱加速推進新設獸醫學院是經由安倍指示,日本政府高層則連忙出面“滅火”,聲稱相關報道“不實”。《朝日新聞》報道説,已掌握多份有關新設獸醫學院計劃的文件,其中一份《關於新設獸醫學院一事來自內閣府的傳達事項》中提及“希望能以2018年4月開學為前提倒排最短時間表”,並稱“這是來自官邸最高層的指示”。另一份《內閣府針對大臣確認事項的回答》中稱,“正以最快制度改革為前提推進程序”,並稱“聽説這是首相的意願”。
Role of social media in accidents
- typhoon hato in macau - facebook
- houston flood - wechat groups china daily 30aug17
- 近年來台灣地震頻發,當中令人印象最為深刻的高雄美濃地震,原來亦發生在二月六日。當年的一場地震,導致台南維冠金龍大樓倒塌,奪去一百一十五條性命,九十六人受傷。台南永康區維冠金龍大樓倒塌後,大樓被揭發涉偷工減料,而建造商林明輝等五人事後被控業務過失致死罪,均被判囚五年。逝者已矣,當年幸存者及死者家屬已努力生活,克服陰影,未料在兩年後同一天再發生災情。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180208/00178_009.html
cave rescue
- Specialist divers have helped to safety six British men trapped by flooding in a Mexican cave. The men, who had been in the Cuetzalan caves for more than a week, were said to be in good spirits and to have suffered no major health problems. They were being brought out one by one. The remaining two were taken out as light started to fade on Thursday. Earlier Mexican President Vicente Fox asked the UK to explain what the men, five of them soldiers, had been doing. The British Ministry of Defence said it was a sporting, not a military, trip but some Mexican press reports suggested the six were searching for raw materials for making nuclear weapons. The six men on the expedition, named Cuetzalan Tiger, were part of a 13-strong group from the Combined Services Caving Association. One of the rescued men was said to have joked that he wanted to go back to the cave to resume exploring as soon as possible.http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3569811.stm
- https://www.quora.com/Why-did-Tesla-say-that-3-6-and-9-was-the-key-to-the-universe
sars - abbreviation for south africa revenue service, est in accordance with the South African Revenue Service Act 34 of 1997
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