- central african customs and economic union (udeac) http://www.ceeac-eccas.org/
- overseas chinese association of gabon http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-08/04/content_18239771.htm
- jean ping
- Jean Ping (born 24 November 1942) is a Gabonese diplomat and politician who was the Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union from 2008 to 2012. He was previously the Foreign Minister of Gabon from 1999 to 2008 and served as President of the United Nations General Assembly from 2004 to 2005. The son of Cheng Zhiping (Chinese: 程志平 Chéng Zhìpíng) from Wenzhou, and a Gabonese mother, Jean Ping was born in Omboué, Etimbwé Department, Ogooué-Maritime Province. Cheng immigrated to Gabon in the 1930s as a trader and married the daughter of a local tribal chief. The villagers initially called Jean Ping the "son of Ping." In demonstrating respect to his wife's Christian beliefs, Cheng took his son to get baptized when he was a month old and named him "Jean." Cheng also attained substantial wealth through his many successful business enterprises in his newly adopted country. He sold china, wood, and seafood, and he also ran a bakery. Because of his good relationship with the locals, Cheng was elected to the local assembly three times. Ping claims to have inherited his frugality, industry, and honesty from his father. Ping holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne).
- http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-37212565Gabon's main opposition candidate has claimed victory over President Ali Bongo in Saturday's poll, alleging electoral fraud.Jean Ping, ex-head of the African Union commission, said he was waiting for the president to call and congratulate him. Mr Bongo, whose family has governed for nearly 50 years, has called for calm and for people to wait for official results on Tuesday.
- coup
- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-46779854 The president's term in office has been overshadowed by a long-running French investigation into allegations of embezzlement involving the Bongo family's assets. Mr Bongo, who has been out of the country for two months, reportedly suffered a stroke in October and received treatment in Morocco. He sought to put an end to the rumours about his health with a televised new year message in which he said he was feeling fine. Soldiers said they had been disappointed by the message, calling it "a pitiful sight" and a "relentless attempt to cling onto power." Mr Bongo has been criticised over his prominent role in the Freemasons - an organisation whose Gabonese chapter he led as lodge master.But his supporters point to his role in attempting to diversify Gabon's oil-dependent economy, in the face of declining oil reserves. President Trump has deployed soldiers to Gabon to protect US citizens amid fears of violent protests in the nearby Democratic Republic of Congo following its presidential election.
- Gabon accused French environmental services group Veolia on Tuesday of widespread pollution at SEEG, the power and water utility it operates there, amid a growing dispute over the company’s concession.Veolia, which has already threatened legal action after the government seized SEEG earlier this month and said it would cancel its concession, rejected the accusations. Speaking to reporters in the capital Libreville, government spokesman Alain-Claude Bilie By Nze said an environmental inspection of power and water pumping stations discovered “nearly all” SEEG sites were contaminated by petroleum waste.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-gabon-veolia-environ/gabon-accuses-frances-veolia-of-polluting-amid-concession-dispute-idUSKCN1GB2OO
- leaders visit
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/12/08/a20-1208.pdf 據新華社報道,國家主席習近平昨日 在人民大會堂同加蓬總統邦戈舉行會談。兩國元首決定 將中加關係提升為全面合作夥伴關係
Libreville ,a magnet for both State-owned ,small companies http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-08/04/content_18239771.htmChinese firms help Gabon progress
- chinese in Gabon
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160830/00180_036.html
祖籍中國溫州、曾多次回鄉探親的讓.平,周日早上宣稱勝選。他稱提前宣布勝出是防止翁迪姆巴舞弊,並指控翁迪姆巴七年前同樣是靠舞弊勝出。七十四歲 的讓.平曾任外交部長,懂幾句簡單中文,其中一句就是「我是溫洲人」。他的爸爸程志平是在溫州土生土長的商人,一九三○年代到非洲後定居加蓬。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160902/PDF/b14_screen.pdf 祖籍中國 溫州、曾多次回鄉探親的讓.平,曾任 外交部長,懂幾句簡單中文,其中他經 常掛在嘴邊的一句就是 「我是溫州人」 。有關他的家史及從政之路的文章近日 來被中國網友瘋狂轉載。 讓.平的爸爸程志平是在溫州土生 土長的商人,1930年代到非洲後,娶了 當地米耶內族部落酋長的女兒為妻,就 此扎根加蓬。由於程志平多年來在加蓬 做生意搞慈善,後又參與競選,成為議 會議長並連任兩屆,所以在當地小有名 氣,1985年去世後更佩戴總統第一勳章 ,享受國葬。
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