Saturday, January 12, 2019


The World Wide Web Consortium
World Wide Web Foundation

- 中國國家發展和改革委員會日前 發布消息稱,為適應中國國際互聯網業務流量快速 增長趨勢,面向亞美方向建設新型海底光纜,該機 構已於 2014年 12月底核准了新跨太平洋(NCP) 國際海底光纜工程。
- real estate magnate is financing Google’s and Facebook’s new trans-Pacific internet cable, the first such project that will be majority-owned by a single Chinese company. Wei Junkang, 56, is the main financier of the cable between Los Angeles and Hong Kong, a reflection of growing interest from China’s investors in hi-tech industries. His son, Eric Wei, 33, who grew up in California, is spearheading the half-a-billion-dollar project, which needs to clear regulatory hurdles. It will be the world’s highest-capacity internet link between Asia and the US. For Alphabet’s Google and Facebook, the undersea cable provides a new data highway to the booming market in Southeast Asia. Google and Facebook, which are blocked in China but seeking ways back in, declined to comment on market possibilities in China. Google said the project, called the Pacific Light Cable Network, will be its sixth cable investment and will help it provide faster service to Asian customers. Born in China’s northern Hebei province in 1961 to farmer parents, Mr Wei made his early fortune in steel in Shanxi province. In the late 1990s, he jumped to Beijing real estate, developing properties with names like “The Great Mall”. But frothy prices and tightening regulation had Mr Wei seeking other investments.The cable project requires US government approval, including a landing licence from the Federal Communications Commission and a review by Team Telecom, a committee of officials from the departments of defence, homeland security and justice.Pacific Light will likely face higher scrutiny from Team Telecom due to the controlling interest by a foreign investor, said Bruce McConnell, global vice-president of the EastWest Institute and a cybersecurity expert. Team Telecom rarely rejects a landing licence application, Mr McConnell said, but cable operators must agree to security terms. “The agreement is usually heavily conditioned to ensure that (US) security concerns are met,” he said. The terms often require an American operator of the cable to assist US authorities in legal electronic surveillance, including alerting regulators if foreign governments are believed to have accessed domestic data, according to agreements filed with the FCC. The agreement will be negotiated and executed by one of the US partners, and Eric Wei said they would comply with all US requirements. Pacific Light has already secured a Hong Kong landing licence, he said. Google and Facebook declined to comment on the project’s progress.
- optic fibre networks by facebook, google, amazon, etc hkej 2nov17 a12
- 據中新社報道,隨着第七根海纜在浙江省舟山市金塘大鵬山岬灣中北部的成功登陸,中國自主研發的500千伏交聯聚乙烯海纜回路敷設工程--舟山500千伏聯網輸變電工程海底電纜敷設於昨日全部順利完工。
- Huaweiis poised to sell its majority stake in a submarine cable company, amid pressure from the US to blacklist the company over spying fears. The Chinesecompany, the world's biggest telecom equipment manufacturer, is to sell its 51pc stake in Huawei Marine Networks, which was set up as a joint venture with UK company Global Marine Systems in 2008, for an undisclosed sum. The company, which builds many of the undersea cables that provide some of the basic infrastructure of the internet, is the first major asset sale since its the US began targeting Huawei. It comes as Huawei has been scrambling to limit the impact of a growing US assault against the privately held Chinese company, which the US has accused of links to China's military. Huawei denies the allegations. According to Huawei Marine Network’s website, the company has been involved in 90 subsea cable projects stretching a total of over 50,361km. One of these projects is a 9,000-mile cable linking South Africa with the UK, built initially by former telecoms firm Alcatel-Lucent and upgraded by Huawei Marine in 2015. The buyer, Chinese optic cable company Hengtong Optic-Electric, announced the change of ownership on a filing with the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Monday.
- 據華爾街日報引述知情人士指出,該光纖纜原由Google、Facebook與及中國軟實力(現稱中達集團)(00139)旗下PLD公司共同投資及興建,其後鵬博士公司於一七年收購了PLD公司的93%股權。因鵬博士旗下子公司「鵬博士安全」有份參與建立中國「國家金盾工程」,被指與中國政府關係緊密,或因此惹起美國政府猜度,拒批出許可證。消息指,美國司法部認為光纖纜直接連接到香港,或受中國政府監控,美國外國投資委員會(CFIUS)旗下的電訊小組,亦強烈反對批准光纖許可證的申請。 Almost all global data communications flow through cables under the ocean – just one per cent travels by satellite – and Chinese companies have quietly been eroding US, European and Japanese dominance over the backbone of the internet, the undersea cable market. Now, they have trained their sights on connecting one of the most virtually remote parts of the globe, the Pacific Islandcountries. Of the 378 cables currently operating worldwide, 23 are under the Pacific. But many of these cables run right by Pacific Island nations on their paths between hubs in Los Angeles, Tokyo and Singapore.Despite the volume of data flowing under the Pacific Ocean, just half a million of the 11 million people living in Pacific Island countries and Papua New Guinea – less than five per cent – have access to a wired internet connection and only 1.5 million to a mobile connection, according to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for the Asia Pacific (UNESCAP), compared with 53 per cent of people in Thailand and 60 per cent in the Philippines.More than US$4 billion worth of cables are to come into service by 2021, continuing a trend in which US$2 billion worth of cables have come online every year since 2016, and six of these cables will connect Pacific Island countries.The push to connect Pacific Island nations to the latest generation of internet infrastructure has received extra scrutiny from the US and its allies like
Australia over the involvement of Chinese tech companies.Chinese tech giants like Huawei have entire divisions devoted to undersea connectivity that have laid thousands of kilometres of cable, and Chinese state telecommunication companies such as China Unicom have access to many of the existing trans-Pacific cables.But a panel led by the US Department of Justice has held up a nearly complete trans-Pacific cable project over concerns about its Chinese investor, Beijing-based Dr Peng Telecom & Media Group.The project, the Pacific Light Cable Network, could be the first cable rejected by the panel on the grounds of national security – despite being backed by American tech giants Google and Facebook – setting a precedent for a tougher US stance on Chinese involvement in subsea cables.Craige Sloots, director of sales at Southern Cross Cable Network, which operates the largest existing sets of trans-Pacific cables, said for any new cable, regulators were likely to scrutinise the ownership of the companies involved and the maker of the project’s equipment.These two factors, said Sloots, “pragmatically limit some of the providers you can use if you want to connect through the US”.Experts say that Hong Kong, where the stalled Pacific Light Cable would land, was previously considered a more secure shore landing point than mainland China. But people close to the project say the recent unrest in the city has made this distinction less relevant, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Israel will soon have a critical place on Google’s expanding global fiber optic network. The U.S. technology giant is planning a cable called Blue-Raman (the latter half named after the Indian Nobel Prize laureate Venkata Raman) that will run between India and Italy through Israel.The Raman half of the cable will start in the Indian port city of Mumbai, run beneath the Indian Ocean and overland across an unnamed country, presumed to be Saudi Arabia, before ending at the Jordanian port of Aqaba.The Blue portion of the cable will begin in the Italian port of Genoa, continue beneath the Mediterranean, cross through Israel and end in Aqaba where it will link up with the Raman cable.At an estimated cost of $400 million, the Blue-Raman cable is expected to reach Israel in 2022. Telecom Italia’s Sparkle subsidiary is partnering with Google on the western portion while the Raman portion is being developed with Omani telecom company Omantel.


Internet governance
- IF A satirist were to create a parody of an international conference, amping up the insularity and tedious intricacies for comic effect, he might come up with something rather like the meeting that will take place this week in Marrakech. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, known as ICANN, will bring together 1,300 participants for 346 sessions. The gatherings include “NCPH Reception and Informal Meeting: CSG with the NCSG” and “CJK Generation Panels Co-ordination Mtg with Integration Panel”. Barring any last-minute hiccups, though, something remarkable will happen at the meeting. After two years of negotiations, ICANN is set to agree on a reform that would turn it into a new kind of international organisation. If this goes ahead, a crucial global resource, the internet’s address system, will soon be managed by a body that is largely independent of national governments. And some of ICANN’s champions reckon this is just a start. In future, similar outfits could be tasked with handling other internet issues that perplex governments, such as cyber-security and invasions of privacy.
- WHOEVER controls the internet’s address book has the power over life and death on the network. Delete a domain name (, for example), and a website can no longer be found and an e-mail no longer delivered. Such authority currently falls under the auspices of America, but not for much longer. On October 1st the federal government is scheduled to let lapse a contract that gives it control over part of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the body that oversees the internet’s address system. Some—notably Ted Cruz, a Republican senator from Texas, who seems willing to risk a shutdown of the government to block the transfer—argue that this amounts to giving away the internet. He says that the handover would allow governments in autocratic countries such as China, Iran and Russia to have greater control over what is available online. In fact, the opposite is true. 
Capping a highly politicized debate, the US government on Saturday let go of its remaining grip on the internet, handing control of the net's address book to a nonprofit. Saying free speech in the virtual realm was at stake, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz and others had tried to block the transfer. But a federal judge denied on Friday their request for an injunction and the scheduled handoff took place at midnight. The transfer involved the internet's domain name system, or DNS, which translates the Web addresses you type into your browser, like "," into the numerical language that net-connected computers use to communicate. Under a plan that's been in the works for years, the US Department of Commerce shuttled control of the DNS to a nonprofit called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), whose multiple stakeholders include technical experts, as well as representatives of governments and businesses. Cruz and other critics had argued the transfer could lead to authoritarian countries taking control of the internet and eventually censoring content throughout the world.
domain name
- 美國電子商務企業亞馬遜(Amazon)一直爭取獲得互聯網域名「.amazon」的獨家使用權,其申請上周獲互聯網名稱與數字地址分配機構(ICANN)通過處理。多個南美亞馬遜雨林國家不滿,強調亞馬遜之名不應被單一企業壟斷。


New internet

internet protocol China is making a big push to build the world's largest IPv6, or internet protocol version 6, network, which according to the top industry regulator will pave the way for a sound digital infrastructure to integrate the real and virtual economies.IPv6 is the most recent version of the internet protocol, the communications protocol that provides a unique numerical address, or IP address, for every internet-connected device and every website on the internet. This address allows devices and websites to find each other online.
China's move came as the world has run out of IP addresses offered by IPv4, the former version of internet protocol. IPv6 can offer considerably far more IP addresses than IPv4, better designed for the internet of things era.The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said in a document that developing the next-generation network based on IPv6 is the inevitable trend of internet evolution and upgrading.

- ft 6aug19 the electromagnetic cash cow
- The US and Poland agreed Monday to a deal designed to secure 5G wireless networks in the European country, a move that could result in blocking Huawei Technologies and other Chinese telecommunications firms from its networks. The deal with Poland comes as the US has been courting companies to reject Chinese technology in their next generation of wireless networks, telling allies it could put their citizens’ data at risk of espionage. It was signed by US Vice-President Mike Pence, who is visiting Warsaw for a ceremony commemorating the 80th anniversary of the second world war, and Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. Share on Facebook (opens new window) Share on LinkedIn (opens new window) Save John Reed in Bangkok YESTERDAYPrint this page15 Vietnam’s biggest telecoms company will launch commercial 5G services this year, bypassing China’s Huawei and using technology it has developed itself, underscoring tensions between the two countries. State-owned Viettel, which is operated by the country’s ministry of defence, will begin deploying the next generation mobile network technology from June and complete nationwide deployment a year later. The company announced the plan on Friday after conducting its first trial video call using a connection on equipment produced internally. Viettel said it took six months for its research and development arm, Viettel High Technology, to develop the hardware and software needed to make the call.  Few companies have successfully developed commercial 5G technology. Viettel said it would be the sixth producer of 5G equipment after Ericsson, Nokia, Huawei, Samsung Electronics and ZTE. Viettel has more than 110m customers in 11 countries, including Cambodia, Haiti and Peru.  Vietnam’s communist leadership is speaking out more assertively against China’s activities in the South China Sea, while cautiously drawing closer to the US. Washington has lobbied countries not to work with Huawei based on national security grounds.

- 近日,各國200多位頂 尖無線通信專家齊聚芬蘭萊維(Levi),參加由 芬蘭奧盧大學主辦的全球首個6G峰會。峰會主旨 是 「為6G到來鋪平道路」 。據悉,來自中國電信 、華為、中興和清華大學的專家參加了此次峰會 ,會上展示的中國6G方案尤其搶眼。其中華為認 為6G時代將實現 「萬物互聯」 ,除了更高的速率 、更寬的頻譜,6G應該拓展到海陸空甚至水下空 間。華為還提出了用6G時代通過大腦意念控制聯 網物品,以及利用WIFI、基站進行無線充電等概 念,並估算了成本──99億美元。
- 芬蘭奧盧大學去年與諾基亞展開6G合作研究項目,並在上月舉行首個「6G峰會」,討論研發新流動網絡的技術及困難。項目主任波圖指,團隊初步構想中的6G,會依照5G的基礎升級,估計在運作速度上,6G網絡可透過Sub-1THZ頻譜,達到1Tbps,無線下載速度較5G快超過1,000倍,並可連接至數萬億個裝置,遠多於5G的數十億個。他又估計,6G將大量運用人工智能(AI)技術,用戶等候裝置回應的時間由毫秒縮短至微秒(即100萬分之一秒)。奧盧大學6G項目將持續8年,耗資約2.51億歐元(約22.1億港元)。助理教授本尼斯直言,研究仍處於初步階段,估計最快到2028年,首個標準化的6G流動網絡才會面世。
- 中國科技部官網6 日消息,為促進中國移動通信產業發展和科技創新 ,推動第六代移動通信(6G)技術研發工作,11月 3日,科技部會同發展改革委、教育部、工業和信息 化部、中科院、自然科學基金委在北京組織召開6G 技術研發工作啟動會。相關部門領導和有關專家參 加會議。中國科技部副部長王曦出席會議並講話。 會議宣布成立國家6G技術研發推進工作組和總 體專家組,其中,推進工作組由相關政府部門組成 ,職責是推動6G技術研發工作實施;總體專家組由 來自高校、科研院所和企業共37位專家組成,主要 負責提出6G技術研究布局建議與技術論證,為重大 決策提供諮詢與建議。

source code management

- economist 14mar2020 "altocumulus" a new formation is rising in the computing skies
Practice Guide for Procuring Cloud Services
- microsoft
  • Microsoft Azure /ˈæʒər/ is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed datacenters.
- 內地雲服務一哥的阿里雲衝出海外,在美國東岸及西岸分別建立了數據中心,深入到亞馬遜AWS雲服務的根據地。不過,阿里雲與AWS正面交鋒的戰場,並不是雙方各自的主場,反而是歐洲等第三方市場,將成為未來幾年兩大雲服務的正面戰場。

- event

  • Organised by PUBLIC and supported by French President Emmanuel Macron, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo and the European Commission, the GovTech Summit gathers European leaders and innovators to explore how new technologies can improve public services and democratic practices.

- tax
  • uk
  • oct1998 inland revenue and hmncusmtoms and excise joint paper "electronic commerce: uk taxation policy"
  • Senior OECD officials provided an overview the 13 final reports issued under the OECD/G20 base erosion and profit shifting plan (BEPS) during two webcasts that aired October 5, just after the reports were released. Discussion covered all 15 action items, including the final reports on the taxation of the digital economy, permanent establishments, and transfer pricing. The final report under action 11 concludes that because of BEPS, large multinationals have an effective tax rate that is 4–8 1/2 percent lower than their domestic firm competitors, noted David Bradbury, who heads tax policy and statistics at the OECD.Between USD 100–240 billion in corporate income tax is lost annually from BEPS, which translates to a loss of 4–10 percent of countries’ corporate tax revenue, Bradbury said. Bradbury said that countries have agreed that further study of BEPS is needed. He added that the data in country-by-country tax reports provided to tax authorities will be an important future source of information for statistical analysis of BEPS. While the OECD completed a tremendous amount work since the BEPS plan was announced in 2013, including a final report under action 1, the work to combat BEPS in the digital economy is by no means finished. “There is no general trust that things are solved,” said Pascal Saint-Amans, Director of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, during a discussion of the taxation of the digital economy. “We are just at the beginning of a lengthy, difficult, but very interesting process,” but the good news is that tax administrations are cooperating, Saint-Amans said. Raffaele Russo, OECD Head of BEPS Project, said that the final BEPS report under action 1 provides that countries have the option to adopt domestic tax rules to address the tax challenges associated with the digital economy as long as the rules are consistent with treaty obligations or the measure is agreed to bilaterally with other affected countries. Russo said that countries expect that most BEPS challenges posed by the digital economy will be addressed in the other BEPS reports, especially through the new permanent establishment definitions and transfer pricing rules. However, there remains some uncertainty regarding how to address a digital business’ ability to operate in a country without being physically present and the treatment of data collection in a country that is monetized. The final report under action 1 offers a number potential solutions to these issues, Russo said. Included is a significant economic presence test, which has a threshold for taxation of nonresidents based on factors that demonstrate a constant interaction with a country’s economy; special rules for withholding tax on digital transactions; and an equalization levy “that would probably solve the issues related to attributing profits to such a significant economic presence,” Russo said. Russo said that the action 1 report concludes that these three options should not be international standards; however, the OECD will continue to monitor new developments and will study data made available from country-by-country reporting, monitoring under action 11, and VAT declarations. The OECD may later determine that further action should be taken multilaterally in these areas, he said. The government has found a way to indirectly tax companies such as Google and Facebook, a development which could set the stage for taxation of cross-borderdigital transactions and potentially drive up costs for advertisers. Instead of a straight tax on digital advertising platforms, the government has come up with what it calls an "equalisation levy" of 6% on the fees that advertisers pay. The 'equalisation' happens because the government is supposedly levelling the playing field and making companies such as Google and Facebook pay for the money they make from local advertisers. The nub of the issue is that multi-national digital platforms don't have "permanent establishments" in the country, which would make them liable to pay tax in India. And they cannot also be double-taxed, which means that the government has had to find a way of earning something from the profits that these platforms have been making.
  • tax
  • Inc said on Thursday it will force Australians to use its Australian website instead of its much larger U.S. site to avoid a new sales tax, setting the stage for a showdown with rival eBay Inc in the No. 12 economy.The retail giant said it would subject Australians to the process known as “geoblocking” from July 1, when a 10 percent Goods and Services Tax (GST) applies to imported online goods worth less than A$1,000 ($756). “While we regret any inconvenience this may cause customers, we have had to assess the workability of the legislation as a global business with multiple international sites,” an Amazon spokesman said, adding that the firm was taking the measure to comply with the legislation and not to avoid paying tax. The move will likely drive traffic to Amazon’s Australian website, testing the patience of shoppers who have complained about its thin product range - a tenth the range of its U.S. site - and uncompetitive prices since it began taking orders in December. It may also benefit Amazon’s main rivals, from California-headquartered online market eBay to smaller Australian merchants which had campaigned to have the GST apply to all goods shipped from overseas.

    digital signature
    - in official documents
    • eg

    Network neutrality
    - THE idea that certain businesses are so essential that they must not discriminate between customers is as old as ferries. With only one vessel in town, a boatman was generally not allowed to charge a butcher more than a carpenter to move goods. This concept, called “common carriage”, has served the world well, most recently on the internet. The principle of blindly delivering packets of data, regardless of origin, destination or contents, is welded into the network’s technical foundations. This, more than anything else, explains why the internet has become such a fountain of innovation.
    - A TERSE 900-word letter sent by AT&T to America’s attorney-general a century ago changed the course of the telecoms industry. In exchange for not being broken up, the monopoly agreed to treat all phone calls equally. What became known as the “Kingsbury Commitment” entrenched the notion that existing transport rules would apply to so-called “long lines”. That helped build the world’s best telephone systems. But life is trickier now. Policymakers are wrestling with how that “common-carriage” approach should apply to the internet. In Europe ministers on January 27th discussed rules proposed by Latvia, which currently holds the European Union’s rotating presidency. America’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is expected to start discussing plans on February 5th (and vote on them on February 26th). The arguments revolve around “network neutrality”, a term coined ten years ago by Tim Wu of Columbia Law School. It underlies the extraordinary success of the internet: the businesses that operate the network—by transmitting data, or providing access to it—may not discriminate between different packets of data. So innovators do not need to ask for permission, or to pay extra, to make new projects work.
    - European internet providers would be allowed to profit from “two-speed” data services under proposals being considered in Brussels, opening a transatlantic divide on telecoms regulation after the US banned similar tactics last week. In documents seen by the Financial Times, EU member states are proposing rules that would establish a principle of “net neutrality” but still allow telecoms groups to manage the flow of internet traffic to ensure the network worked efficiently. They will also be able to agree deals with corporate and individual customers to provide faster internet services — although the proposals make clear that these would not be allowed to impair the wider working of the internet in any “material manner”. The European clauses to allow traffic management will be broadly welcomed by network operators but will provoke anger among campaigners for a fully open internet, and are likely to face opposition from more liberal members of the European Parliament. The proposals, made by the Latvian presidency of the European Council, are in stark contrast to the stance taken by the Federal Communications Commission, the US telecoms watchdog, which has prohibited broadband networks from charging differential fees depending on the content that is transmitted. The FCC decided to classify broadband providers as public utilities, giving itself sweeping powers that ban paid-for prioritisation and stop operators from blocking or “throttling” traffic for companies that do not pay them for faster access. Telecoms groups including Verizon and AT&T have said they will try to reverse the rules The big four US broadband companies invested less in capital projects last year than they did in 2017, undermining one of the rationales for a controversial decision by the Trump administration to remove so-called net neutrality protections. Earnings reported in recent weeks show the four companies — Verizon, AT&T, Charter Communications and Comcast — collectively undertook slightly less capital spending in 2018 than in 2017, the first time there has been a drop in three years. They spent $56.9bn in 2018, compared with $57.1bn the previous year and $56.1bn in 2016. The findings call into question one of the main arguments the industry used in its successful campaign to have the Federal Communications Commission overturn the Obama-era net neutrality regulations — a move that sparked anger among internet companies, activists and Democratic politicians.

    data sharing
    - calls for data sharing agreement between US and
    On 3 October 2019, the United Kingdom and the United States signed a first-of-its-kind Bilateral Data Access Agreement (the "Agreement"), which is expected to reduce the time it takes UK and US law enforcement agencies to access electronic evidence held by technology companies located in each other's territory. The issue of ready access to electronic data stored abroad has become increasingly acute in recent years. This has particularly been the case for UK law enforcement agencies, since the evidence needed to further their investigations and support subsequent prosecutions is often stored by technology companies headquartered in the US. Under pre-existing arrangements between the UK, the US and other jurisdictions, law enforcement agencies are able to request information held by a company abroad through Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties ("MLAT"). Under these MLAT processes, law enforcement agencies submit information requests to the government of the country in which the data-holding company is based. The government in turn reviews the request, obtains and serves an order as needed locally, collects the data and ultimately returns it to the requesting country's law enforcement agency. This is a multi-stage process that can take months or even years to obtain the relevant data from abroad.The Agreement will expedite the process, by allowing law enforcement agencies to ask a domestic court to issue a production order for electronic data (such as emails, texts and instant messages) to be issued directly against a communication service provider ("CSP") located in the other country. 
    • 美英這一數據共享法案依據於美國2018年通過的 《雲法案》,旨在授權美國政府及其核心盟友(包括 英、法、德等歐盟主要成員,以及美國的主要軍事盟 友),形成跨境數據調取體系。美國司法部表示,該 協議大幅縮短了法律協助所需時間,讓犯罪調查更有 效率。但有學者指出,這將導致以英美國家的意識形 態和政治制度劃線,形成明確指向中國、俄羅斯的排 他性體系。 澳洲也表示,將會成為與美國簽署數據共享法案 的下一個國家。該國去年10月宣布與美國開啟關於此 協議的正式談判,並於今年3月推出《電訊修正案》, 夯實與美國在《雲法案》框架下的雙邊協議。 為了更方便地建立數據霸權,美英澳去年10月還 聯手促臉書不要設置點對點加密技術,以免無法向臉 書索取用戶數據。

    microchip in human being
    - Ten volunteers received a microchip at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image in Melbourne on Wednesday to mark the launch of Pause Fest, a technology and culture festival now in its eighth year. Their chips were preloaded with a three-day pass to the festival and will be programmed to unlock the door to their home, gym, or workplace, or potentially to function as their public transport pass. When the festival is held in four months time, the volunteers will take part in a panel with Heffernan to talk about whether they found the chips useful.

    facial recognition
    - problems

    - 英媒周一披露,聯合國旗下的國際電訊聯盟(ITU)正審議國際人臉辨識標準提案,部分內容引來人權律師批評為過界,而中興通訊、浙江大華技術和中國電信等中國科技巨企有份提交建議。ITU將於年底完成制訂標準的草案,並經快速程序通過,料非洲、中東和亞洲發展中國家或直接採納為政策,引來外界疑慮。

    • ft 3dec19 beijing shapes rules on facial recognition

    - 香港科技大學宣布未來三年將投入五千萬元,在校園推動連串科技項目,包括資助約四十個由科大教職員、學生或校友開發的面部識別技術系統,這次亦是本港大專院校首間應用相關技術。根據該面部識別技術,科大人憑樣便可自由出入圖書館,借閱圖書、資料「掃面」即可,本月起該技術已於圖書館試用,未來還會擴展至課堂點名、校園設施應用等。此外,科大還會推行人流監測的大數據平台,讓學生實時追蹤校園餐廳、車站等人流。
    - retail

    • Tokyo is expected to approve a plan to set up the devices at airports, major train stations and other locations with a high tourist footfall, as well as more remote parts of the country. According to officials of the Japan Tourism Agency, popular duty-free items – such as high-end cosmetics and watches – will be among the first items to be sold.The vending machines will require anyone purchasing a duty-free item to provide data from their passport and will use facial recognition technology to verify a purchaser’s identity, the agency said. The machines will then automatically send the records for each sale to Japan’s customs clearance system so travellers will be able to smoothly depart the country at the end of their visit.
    • 連鎖便利店7-11在澳洲700家店 舖內配置了人臉識別技術的設備,可以 助該店更了解客人的反應。 該連鎖便利店證實,經臉容識別軟 件所取得的資料,主要是用作評估消費 者的反應,而並非要防盜,情況與美國 的Target、沃爾瑪等不同,它們主要用 作打擊店舖盜竊和欺詐。 澳洲7-11便利店所使用的人臉識 別軟件,裝置在一個店名為消費者經驗 平板(CX tablet)電腦上,光顧的客 人,可向平板,或其軟件提供購物體驗 的資料。而店內亦有告示板指明,客戶 到訪後,即同意臉容識別系統已紀錄其 資料和儲存其容貌。然而,7-11在澳 洲的發言人表示,雖然店內告示板表示 會收集客人資料,但人臉識別系統只會 在客戶使用平板提供購物體驗的資料時 才會啟動,而資料亦不作他用,也不會 長時期儲存於平板的系統內。
    • 日本電氣(NEC)前日宣布,已由上周五開始,實行「人臉識別技術版自動售賣機」的實證試驗,可說是名副其實的「刷臉」付款。今次是日本首次在自動售賣機引入人臉識別付款技術。

    - air traffic

    • 繼日本東京羽田、成田機場後,大阪關西機場周三開始對訪日的外國遊客,出境時使用人臉識別技術確認身份的自動門。除了使出境手續順利方便快捷,還將把更多人員分配給需要臉對臉進行的入境審查,以加強保安。

    - cattle raising

    • Stellapps, which focuses on increasing productivity in the dairy supply chain. It deploys wearable sensors, strapped to cows’ legs, to provide data on each animal’s activity, health and breeding patterns. Company co-founder Ranjith Mukunthan said this information had helped the farmers it works with increase their profits almost fivefold.Stellapps is also in the early stages of developing a facial recognition system for cows that promises to revolutionise India’s dairy industry, Mukunthan said. The facial recognition system aims to strengthen animal-related digital data to be used by insurance companies, nutrition providers, and financial institutions offering loans on cattle.“The existing ID mechanisms for cattle are either ear-tags or RF [radio frequency] chips,” Mukunthan said. “Both of these are high vulnerable for ID theft and manipulation. But this system will significantly bring down manipulation as it documents bovine IDs using facial image, body structure and teeth.”

    - japan

    • 日本媒體上周五發表《日本正與中國競爭人臉識別霸權》的評論文章,指當地商企NEC開展的人臉識別技術實驗,目前已在日本扎根。當中運用範圍包括購物至辦理銀行業務,甚至遊客登機、進入酒店房時均可使用。文章指出,雖然NEC早在一九八九年開展有關研究,但中國的攝像頭和人臉識別系統供應商,正搶佔大部分全球市場;加上以較低的價格打入新興市場,中國企業在該領域上佔據主導地位。該技術在中國迅速增長並催生監控設備行業,消費者亦因日常生活變得輕鬆而沒有抗拒。但隨着中美貿易摩擦,美方在今年十月禁止美企向廿八間中國企業出口高科技設備,反而對NEC等日企提供機會加入競爭。文章又引述一印度企業預計,指出人臉識別的技術已擴至自動駕駛、金融和醫療等方面,估計該技術在二○一八至二○二四年間,在全球市場可賺取利潤達九十一億美元(約七百零九億港元)。

    - taiwan

    • 為免再發生北捷隨機殺人、松山車站爆炸案等慘劇,台灣交通部鐵道局早前宣布在台中市豐原站設置「智慧型影像監控系統工程」,並使用人臉識別系統,維護車站安全。不過,外界擔心會侵犯公眾隱私,台鐵局昨日宣布將會停止實施。

    augmented reality
    美國西雅圖一名醫生早前在家中,指導身處七千五百公里外的英國倫敦外科醫生,利用機械臂完成一項歷時約五小時的微創手術,手術成功拯救一名睾丸癌擴散的卅歲病人,被視為醫療突破。負責手術的英國醫生則利用擴增實境(AR)技術看波特的虛擬手部指示,並從手術室喇叭聽取波特的建議,再透過控制「達文西Xi」手術機械人,成功為病人他耶(Mo Tajer)切除一個黏附大動脈及下腔靜脈、直徑達五厘米腹腔腫瘤。

    virtual reality
    Japan’s Hiroaki Abe was ahead of the game when he launched the world’s first virtual airline in December 2016. Passengers on First Airlines get a boarding pass and experience the complete in-flight experience, from a greeting from the captain, to safety demonstrations, and meals and in-flight snacks served by flight attendants.

    - EU rules that allow Facebook and Google to transfer personal data about Britons and other EU citizens to the US face being scrapped after a campaigning Austrian student scored a major legal victory over Brussels. The top adviser to the European Court of Justice said the “mass, indiscriminate surveillance” carried out by US intelligence services renders a 15-year-old “Safe Harbour” agreement, which makes it easier for US companies to comply with EU data laws, invalid.

    Cyber security 
    - Talk of protectionism once meant bemoaning barriers being erected in far-off lands for offcuts of beef or steel rods, but in Washington these days the protectionism fears have gone digital. Mindful of the world-leading position of domestic technology companies like Google and Microsoft and eager to maintain their competitiveness in the face of new challengers, the US is increasingly pushing back against what it sees as a rising tide of protectionism aimed at the US tech sector in China, Europe and elsewhere. 
    - It was lucky for PayPal that it was Mr Lanier’s team that discovered the problem. He was able to warn the company through its “bug bounty” programme, which pays people who discover security vulnerabilities. Duo Security pocketed the bounty while PayPal fixed the bug before revealing publicly how it been discovered. Google, Mozilla and Hewlett-Packard are among other technology groups that have bug bounty programmes. Bounties range from $500 for spotting tiny bugs to $60,000 for uncovering serious flaws. Millions of dollars have been paid to individual hackers and security companies through these schemes. Unveiling Facebook’s bug bounty programme in 2011, Joe Sullivan, the social network’s chief security officer, wrote on the company’s website: “We realise . . . that there are many talented and well intentioned security experts around the world who don’t work for Facebook. We established this bug bounty programme in an effort to recognise and reward these individuals for their good work and encourage others to join.” In 2014, Facebook paid $1.3m to hackers for their benevolence.
    In January China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, the six members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), proposed an updated draft of International Code of Conduct for Information Security to the United Nations. nAIVETY and paranoia mark the European Union’s attitude to espionage. The EU does not have a spy agency, nor does it have access to the intelligence collected by its members and their allies. That has advantages: EU decision-makers need not worry about keeping secrets (because they do not know any); nor must they grapple with the legal and political practicalities of intelligence oversight—such as what access spooks have to private data. The downside is that they do not see the benefits of espionage, and have a lurid fear (mixed perhaps with envy) of what spy services, particularly American ones, get up to. Yet it is the European Parliament which votes on data-protection rules, the European Commission which negotiates agreements with other countries, and the judges of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) who have the final say on whether those deals meet the right standards. And in October 2015 the ECJ, on the advice of the Commission and to the applause of many parliamentarians, upended the “Safe Harbour” agreement which for the past 15 years had allowed foreign companies to store Europeans’ personal data on American computers.
    - Germany has called on China to speed up negotiations on a cybersecurity deal covering businesses as the two countries make a joint push towards a high-tech manufacturing future. An understanding on how commercial data security would be handled was crucial if the two sides were to cooperate, said German ambassador to China Michael Clauss. One possible solution would be to establish a commercial database in the European nation to quell business concerns that the information would not be open to abuse, Clauss said. But the momentum has stalled since German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited China in October last year, and the two countries agreed to discuss the cybersecurity deal. Negotiations were suppose to wrap up by this summer. “So far, we have made little progress,” Clauss said. “We asked the Chinese side to urgently designate a lead negotiator, so that we can start negotiations as soon as possible.” Both countries have launched campaigns to bring industry firmly into the smart technology era – in Germany, it’s known as “Industry 4.0” campaign, while on the mainland it’s known as “Made in China 2025”. “Tangible progress on data security will be key for China-German cooperation on ‘Industry 4.0’,” Clauss said. “This will obviously influence German companies’ readiness to bring top level technology for digital manufacturing to China.”
    - economist 20oct18 "prime factors" quantum computers will break the encryption that protects the internet.  Fixing this will be tricky
    - shutdown

    •  俄羅斯正考慮暫時切斷全球網絡,以測試本國網絡防禦能力。預料測試將於4月1日之前實施,但確切日期尚未確定。測試開始後,公民及組織將只能在國內傳遞資料。俄羅斯政府去年向國會提交一份名叫《數碼經濟國家計劃》的法律草案,授權就網絡獨立運作進行技術變革。草案要求俄羅斯的網絡服務供應商能確保當國家在網絡上被外國孤立時,其網絡系統仍能正常運作。目前,全球域名系統的根服務器受到12家機構監督,但其中並無俄羅斯機構。根據法律草案,俄羅斯將建立自己的域名系統,如此就算與國際伺服器的連接被切斷,俄羅斯網絡仍能獨立運作。測試開始後,網絡服務供應商將直接把數據傳送到政府管控下的路由點,並過濾掉禁止的內容,這被認為是為了建立一個龐大審查系統。政府目前正向供應商提供資金,變更網絡基礎設施,以保證未來的網絡數據改道能順利進行。俄羅斯媒體報道稱,該國供應商普遍支持草案所定計劃,但在具體做法上存在分歧。據美國科技新聞網站ZDNET報道,供應商認為測試將對俄羅斯互聯網流量產生巨大破壞。
    • 俄羅斯《主權互聯網法》周五正式生效,該法容許政府將國內互聯網運作獨立於全球,意味可隨時網禁。外界擔心新法容許政府進一步加強言論審查及監控。支持者指這令俄羅斯在無法連接國際網絡情況下,國內網站仍能運作,亦可避開外國的網攻。
    •  俄羅斯政府被指加強管制及審查互聯網,該國通訊部周二宣布前一天成功測試「斷網」,切斷國家與全球網絡的連結。當局強調測試目的是確保網絡穩定,並證明俄方在面對外來威脅時,有能力保護境內網絡的「完整性」。 
    • Internet users faced difficulties in accessing online content throughout the county after an international submarine cable developed a technical fault on Tuesday. The Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) issued an alert on social media, saying their teams are working on fully restoring internet services. “We regret to inform you that due to international submarine cable fault, internet services are impacted across Pakistan. Our technical teams are working on fully restoring internet services,” it said in a tweet.
    • 伊朗民眾近日因不滿國內燃料加價,發起大規模示威。政府為遏止示威,自上周六起中斷國內的互聯網連接,導致國民無法接觸網上資訊,連海外伊朗人也不能與國內家人聯絡。據指,斷網平均每天為伊朗帶來六千萬美元(約四億六千萬港元)損失。
    • The Myanmar military has been embroiled in a bloody civil war since January 2019 against the Arakan Army (AA), a rebel group fighting for more autonomy for ethnic Rakhine Buddhists. The government shut down mobile data in several townships across Rakhine state and neighbouring Chin state on June 21 last year, causing panic among residents desperate for information about the unrest.Earlier this month, a government official said the internet shutdown would continue until at least August 1 in eight townships. Telecom companies said the government ordered the blackout to prevent "illegal activities". Rakhine state is also home to the Rohingya, a mostly Muslim minority group who faced a brutal crackdown by the military in 2017. Some 750,000 fled to neighbouring Bangladesh from violence that has led to charges of genocide against Myanmar at the UN's top court. The 600,000 Rohingya remaining in Rakhine live in what Amnesty International has branded "apartheid conditions", with little freedom of movement.


    International Security



    Digital privacy
    GCHQ Bude, formerly called the Composite Signals Organisation (CSO) Station Morwenstow, is a satellite ground station and eavesdropping centre located on the north Cornwall coast at Cleave Camp, between the small villages of Morwenstowand Coombe, operated by the Britishsignals intelligence service (GCHQ), on the site of the former World War II airfield, RAF CleaveOn November 20, 2014, Channel 4 News broadcast an investigation prepared in collaboration with German broadcaster WDR. This report revealed that a leading UK communications company co-operated with GCHQ to allow access to data, including that carried by a rival Indian telecommunications company. The broadcast detailed an operation centred on fibre-optic cables surfacing at Porthcurno beach and Sennen Cove in Cornwall, with data travelling to a nearby cable landing station at Skewjack Farm, and then onwards to GCHQ Bude.

    - The US has developed a way to embed sophisticated hacking tools within the hard drives of personal computers built by some of the world’s biggest manufacturers, according to researchers based in Russia. Kaspersky Lab, a Moscow-based cyber security company, said it had uncovered the spying software in computers made by companies including ToshibaWestern DigitalSeagate and IBM. The devices were used in 30 countries, including Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China, which have long been priorities for US intelligence agencies.

    • CEH
    • CHFI
    - cloudflare
    • singtao 25jun14 a6

    In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internet by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroupforumchat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] either for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.白目」一詞,源自於台灣俚語,是形容搞不清楚狀況、不識相、亂說話、自作聰明的人。「白目」直白的解釋就是「只有眼白,沒有瞳孔的眼睛」,這樣的眼睛當然看不到東西「看不清眼前的狀況」,而衍伸出「不識相」的涵義。另有「白爛」一詞,通常是用來形容一個人愛鬧笑話,或是做了蠢事、讓人感到哭笑不得。「白爛」的直白解釋則是「白色的男性生殖器官」,此象徵男性的年齡非常小,所以「白爛」一詞最初的延伸意義是「幼稚」,而後又變成「幼稚可笑的行徑」的代名詞。兩者皆源自台灣的閩南話,不過因為網路上使用中文能與其他中文使用者對話,尤其是網上公開的討論區,聊天室甚至網路遊戲多為港台澳等繁體字使用者共用,因此成為了網路上有一定的人數能明白的詞語。隨著兩岸網絡交流增多,該詞在簡體字社群的使用頻率也逐漸提高。在網際網路,通常把「白目」與「白爛」合稱為小白,日本稱KY(空気読めない,Kuuki Yomenai,又稱空気読め或空気嫁)。
    From the summer of 2013, there was a base of at least hundred trolls in Olgino, who were paid for distributing messages via Internet to support Russian propaganda.[1][2][3][4][5] In October 2014 it became known that the base had moved to Savushkina street in the same Primorskiy district in St. Peterburg.
    • Olgino (RussianО́льгино) is a historical area in Lakhta-Olgino Municipal Okrug of St. PetersburgRussia, located south-west of the area of Lakhta and east of Lisy Nos. This part of the Neva Bay coast was owned in the mid-19th century by Count Stenbock-Fermor, of Swedish provenance, who bestowed upon it the name of his wife Olga. In the early 20th century, Olgino emerged as a prosperous dacha village north of the Russian capital. Among its inhabitants was the poet Korney Chukovsky. Olgino was incorporated into the city of Leningrad in January 1963. It is considered St. Petersburg's counterpart to Rublyovka, the most exclusive neighbourhood of Moscow.
    • Rublevka or Rublyovka (Russian: Рублёвка) is the unofficial name of a prestigious residential area in the western suburbs of Moscow, Russia, located along Rublyovo-Uspenskoye Highway, Podushkinskoe, 1st Uspenskoe and 2nd Uspenskoe highways. The name derives from the name of the highway: Rublyovskoye shosse.[citation needed] There is no official administrative unit called "Rublyovka", but this name has become popular in society and in mass media. The area features good ecology and rather clear air (in comparison to Moscow and the rest of its suburbs).Many Russian government officials and successful businesspeople reside in the gated communities[1] of Rublevka. 

    - Fraudsters are using clever impersonation techniques to siphon millions from unprotected businesses

    - absolute or relative location system
    - analysis

    • Individual level
    • collective level
    • Traffic analysis
    • location aware services - location based services or location based social networking application
    • Spatial database and graph baesd
    • Trajectory management operations 
    • Examples,,
    - systems of different countries

    • US - NAVSTAR GPS, initiated gps in 1978
    • Russia - GLONASS
    • Europe - Galileo
    • China - Beidou GNSS
    - examples of trajectory data

    • Automatic identification system -

    -, create an esri a/c to publish map on internet
    - Esri, can obtain TIGER-like files 
    - LIDAR
    - photoscience
    - glossary
    - geospatial program standards and specifications
    - TIGER database
    - university consortium for geographic information science

    Digital-mapping services are increasingly in demand

    digital economy

    smart city
    - 普羅大眾對智慧城市亦只一知半解,以致發展遠 遠落後於新加坡等大城市。
    - china daily 23jul19 accelerator program Urban Lab by JLL, swire properties and ping an urban tech

    charging interface for electronic devices
    - usb

    • 蘋果公司生產的智能手機 iPhone目前主要使用 Lightning 連接線充電,但歐洲議會近日提出議 案,要求歐盟委員會修改規例,使在歐洲售賣的蘋 果產品統一使用 USB-C充電線充電,以減少電子 污染,若獲通過將標誌蘋果裝置的一大轉變。 蘋果於 2012年推出 Lightning充電方式,用於其 後推出的所有 iPhone,新推出的 iPad Pro 則採用 USB-C 充電。USB-C 則在 2014 年面世後迅速普 及,適用於大部分新款平板電腦及Android手機, 蘋果用戶則要另行使用轉換器,才能使用 USB-C 及Micro-USB充電線。
    - 美國麻省理工學院(MIT)的科學家,近日研發出一種平面智能陣列天線,它可以安裝於牆紙上,如透鏡和鏡子般將WiFi無線信號反射,令信號強度提高近十倍。研究有助生產更小型的WiFi裝置。該個由MIT電腦科學及人工智能實驗室(CSAIL)人員研發的陣列天線名為「RFocus」,內裏裝有逾三千個微型天線,加強由其他WiFi裝置發出的信號。研究人員透過特別設計的軟件,控制各條天線接收到的信號並反射到指定設備,其後量度這些反射信號的功率,發現比原本強十倍。

    wifi in self-driving cars
    - ft 5jul19 wifi system for self- driving cars rejected

    paperless society
    - china daily 19agu19 kenya set for its first paperless census

    work at home
    - hk
    • 為減低新冠肺炎病毒在社區擴散,香港政府由上個月29日起,實施特別上班安排,至今已逾3個星期,並已多次延長公務員在家工作時間,上周四(20日)再將特別上班安排至3月1日。由於未能回到辦公室工作,例如路政署和運輸署的部分工程項目已受到不同程度延誤,為了確保原有的項目進程,有部分政府部門已於上周開始陸續向公務員派發手提電腦,以方便實行在家工作,更於手提電腦內接駁政府的內聯網及伺服器。有公務員透露,雖然向公務員派發手提電腦,可以解決處理文件上的問題,但由於部分工程涉及大量圖表和畫圖,即使在家有電腦工作,完成報告後仍需要使用專業列印機及影印機打印紙本,所以還是需要回辦公室。雖然手提電腦型號新穎,但使用上始終有限制,例如在製作圖表時,畫面不夠大令製作及觀看時也不方便。故此,要完全實行在家工作有一定難度,部分公務員每星期會有兩至三天回到辦公室工作。與此同時,在家工作也衍生其他問題,由於有手提電腦在手,打工仔變相24小時候命,上司任何時間也可以要求下屬工作,有公務員透露寧願每日或隔日回崗位工作數小時,都不願意領取手提電腦。此外,由於手提電腦連接政府內聯網及伺服器,在家工作有機會產生保安漏洞及資料外洩等問題,如果有手提電腦遺失,後果可大可小。
    real estate
    - economist 15feb2020 tearing down the house - technology is at last poised to upend the world's largest asset market

    - 第五任澳門行政長官選舉將於今日早上十時於澳門東亞運動會體育館(澳門蛋)舉行,選委會主席宋敏莉表示,選舉工作安排及場地已準備就緒,選務人員亦已反覆試練工作流程。投票站內設置三十個劃票間和八個投票箱,選舉日將採用新識別系統,首次以人面識別辨認進入票站的選委,於零點五秒至一秒間完成簽到程序並入場,較以往靠掃條碼等入場方式節省人手,同時即時收集到場選委的人數,依法確保在選舉開始前有至少三分之二的選委出席,選委共有四百名。

    virtual parliament
    - uk

    censorship service
    - A Chinese-owned company is now offering censorship as a service to overseas markets amid rising demand from governments for content moderation services, and as Beijing continues a drive to clean up its domestic cyberspace. BIGO Technology, a Singapore-based social media company owned by Chinese live broadcaster YY Inc, is helping the Indonesian government to filter its internet content, and is also in talks with authorities in Vietnam, Egypt, India and the Middle East to export its censorship technology, according to James Wang, vice-president of BIGO. Chinese internet and social media companies have had to develop comprehensive content review capabilities to block content deemed harmful or inappropriate by the Chinese authorities, putting them at the forefront of technologies that are in increasing demand by governments around the world who want to clean up the internet of nefarious and illegal activity.

    Smart phone material 有傳蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)新一代iPhone 7將取消Home鍵,取而代之是以全塊玻璃當作Touch開屏。藍寶石玻璃屏幕「翻生」之說即時甚囂塵上。雖然眾所周知,Apple原來御用的藍寶石玻璃屏幕生產商極特先進科技(GT Advanced Technologies Inc.)因為產品未符要求,最終搞到不歡而散,極特先進更因而破產。然而,來自美國及中日韓等地的四大智能手機玻璃屏幕生產商,已刮起新一輪爭奪Apple手機藍寶石玻璃屏幕訂單旋風。興建廠房以外,有公司更已推出藍寶石智能手機。內地國營電子製造商德賽(Desay)早前推出搭載藍寶石屏幕的「魔鏡X5」智能手機,標榜售價是相對低廉的999元人民幣,吸引市場的目光。


    除了藍寶石智能手機屏幕外,由美國康寧公司(Corning Inc.)研製的智能手機玻璃屏幕大猩猩玻璃(Gorilla Glass),已廣泛為中國和南韓主要智能手機品牌所採用。去年底已發展至第四代的大猩猩玻璃(Gorilla Glass 4),新一代玻璃大幅地提高了智能手機在跌落時的抗損性能,特別是針對尖銳物體的防護上。


    Social networking- THE NEW NETWORKS

    The social network for IT professionals has over 6m users, who log on to use free tools to manage their networks and chat with peers about problems and products to buy. The Austin, Texas-based start-up has received $111m in capital from investors including Goldman Sachs, VC firm Institutional Venture Partners and Tenaya Capital.

    The platform that boasts 40 per cent of all US doctors has received $81.8m in funding from investors including Morgan Stanley, T Rowe Price and the VC firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson. Doximity allows verified doctors to communicate about patients and papers in a compliant way, broadening their networks beyond their immediate hospital and region.

    Edmodo allows teachers to network with their pupils in contained virtual classrooms, as well as share tips and lesson plans with other educators. Started by a couple of school administrators from just outside Chicago, it has raised $87.5m from investors including Benchmark, Union Square Ventures and Greylock Partners.

    Bringing networking to the military, Rallypoint is one of the youngest vertical social networks. It has 400,000 members, including 10 per cent of all active US servicemen and women, who use it for advice on military moves and for promoting their skills to the private sector. It has received $7m in funding. Investors include Asset Management Ventures.

    mobile app
    - development project team
    • project manager
    • information architect
    • user experience (UX) designer
    • user interface (UI) designer
    • developer
    • content specialist
    • QA tester
    • server administrator
    - development life cycle
    • needs and requirements
    • specifications
    • information architecture
    • interaction design
    • visual design (UI) 
    • usability test
    • analytics

    Digital forenics

    RDBMS (relational database management system)

    Internet scanner

    - food industry

    • 內地大力發展區塊鏈技術。雲南省日前發布區塊鏈普洱茶追溯平台,利用近距離無線通訊(NFC)晶片儲存普洱茶餅追溯資訊,為每塊茶餅配上「身份標識」,確保鏈上儲存的數據真實可信,不可偽造。該平台由雲南省商務廳發起,聯合省數字經濟局、市場監管局、農業農村廳、科技廳、工信廳、海關、藥監局、中醫藥管理局等相關部門,建立該省重要產品追溯體系協同機制,實現與國家重要產品追溯體系數據的對接。
    - insurance


    Bulletin board
    - FidoNet is a worldwide computer network that is used for communication between bulletin board systems(BBSes). It uses a store-and-forward system to exchange private (email) and public (forum) messages between the BBSes in the network, as well as other files and protocols in some cases. The FidoNet system was based on a number of small interacting programs. Only one of these interacted with the BBS system directly and was the only portion that had to be ported to support other BBS software. This greatly eased porting, and FidoNet was one of the few networks that was widely supported by almost all BBS software, as well as a number of non-BBSonline services. This modular construction also allowed FidoNet to easily upgrade to new data compressionsystems, which was important in an era using modem-based communications over telephone links with highlong-distance calling charges. The rapid improvement in modem speeds during the early 1990s, combined with the rapid decrease in price of computer systems and storage, made BBSes increasingly popular. By the mid-1990s there were almost 40,000 FidoNet systems in operation, and it was possible to communicate with millions of users around the world. Only UUCP came close in terms of breadth or numbers; FidoNet's user base far surpassed other networks like BITNET. The broad availability of low-cost Internet connections starting in the mid-1990s lessened the need for FidoNet's store-and-forward system, as any system in the world could be reached for equal cost. Direct dialing into local BBS systems rapidly declined. The availability of internet connectivity is by no means universal, and although FidoNet has shrunk considerably since the early 1990s, it remains in use around the world.

    - IDG News Service
    - China Computer and Communication,
    - card manufacturing
    - nilson report (payment systems)

    online ad

    font type
    - 科技巨頭近年興起自行設計字型,最新有Netflix加入,據稱每年節省上幾百萬美元字型授權費用。省錢其次,更重要是為公司建立別樹一格的品牌形象。其實不少科技巨企早已開發自家字型,如蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)在一五年的發布San Francisco字型給iOS和MacOS使用,目的不為節省成本,而是切合公司的品牌形象。

    beacon is an intentionally conspicuous device designed to attract attention to a specific locationBeacons can also be combined with semaphoric or other indicators to provide important information, such as the status of an airport, by the colour and rotational pattern of its airport beacon, or of pending weather as indicated on a weather beacon mounted at the top of a tall building or similar site. When used in such fashion, beacons can be considered a form of optical telegraphy.
    - applications in navigation, defensive communications, vehicles, etc
    - 數碼遺產至今仍要面對兩個問題。第一,法律地位未完全明確,德國的案例以傳統法例引伸而來,美國則個別州份正在着手寫入法律,其他國家則未有定義。第二,網絡服務的用戶條款各有不同。蘋果公司的iCloud講明內容不可轉讓,無論用戶資料,或在iTunes購買歌曲、電影的版權,離世後便化為烏有。谷歌則設閒置帳戶管理員,讓用戶自定逾期期限,身故後再沒有登入活動,過期後可交由指定用戶接手帳戶內容。
    - 一些年輕人將 遊戲帳號、QQ帳號、微信公眾號等虛擬資 產明確列入遺囑,但根據現有規定,這其 中很多虛擬財產無法繼承。 「目前,雖然 不能說內地對虛擬財產法律規定是空白的 ,但從實際操作角度確實沒有可供遵循 的規範指引」 ,法學博士、京都律師事 務所業務總監劉立傑向大公報表示。
    - 內地愈來愈多九十後開始為未來打算,甚至不少人開始準備身後事。中華遺囑庫最新統計資料顯示,截至今年八月,內地訂立遺囑的九十後已有二百三十六人,較去年底增加五十八人。有趣的是,不少年輕人把自己「虛擬財產」,例如網遊帳號等,寫在遺囑之上。已立遺囑的九十後人士中,大多是單身人士或「不婚族」,或者熱愛旅遊、高危運動的人,職業方面則以年輕白領、創業人士,近六成人是大學本科以上學歷。雖內地現行的「民法總則」早把「網絡虛擬財產」納入為民事權利,惟繼承問題沒明確規定。有內地律師指,具人身性質的帳號、密碼等訊息遺產屬於個人私隱,具私密性,是不得繼承。但不具有人身性質的微信和支付寶中的金額、遊戲幣等則可繼承。至於遊戲帳號使用權能否繼承仍有爭議。]

    - hk

    • 一九五○年代的收音機,香港市場先引入歐洲品牌,德國品牌「德律風根」(TELEFUNKEN),用一顆鑽石造型的標誌印刻在其產品上,真空管收音機,用實木外殼造的大型座枱機

    cloud security alliance

    - tong xin tian xia

    - Indiasoft
    - communicAsia
    - communic macau expo
    - world smart week in Marseille, France
    - Computex, Taipei
    - border management conference, Bangkok
    - NFC and Smart World in Tokyo
    - iam infosec asia in taipei
    asian payment card forum in bangkok
    - asian transport revenue collection forum (different city each year)
    - sdw 2014 in London (next generation citizen and government id solutions)
    - Japan IT Week
    - China e-brand expo, Russia 
    - consumer electronics and photo expo, Russia
    - Photo image Brasil
    - CEATEC, Japan
    - e-governance conference, estonia
    - 世界互聯網工業大會, qingdao
    - Quest Forum
    • attended by among others, HKQAA
    - mobile world congress

    • Hkeia mission to 2016 edition
    - industrial automation

    • industrial automation vietnam

    cisco global cloud index
    ookla net index
    - global information technology report


    International law and cooperation
    China and Russia say they will seek to defend 'information space'

    Macroeconomics related software
    - eviews, gaussa, matlab, rats

    Free online templates

    internet of things
    - sigfox seeks funds to build dedicated network
    Tech and telecoms groups fight to dominate ‘internet of things’
    - hk

    • 香港電訊 (6823)昨日公布,將與專為物業管理者提供服務的 環球行政商務(WEC)合作,為仲量聯行構建全港 最大規模的物聯網地產科技項目。 覆蓋仲量聯行管理物業 香港電訊與WEC,為仲量聯行旗下逾200個全 港的管理物業內,安裝超過 4000 個物聯網感應 器,涵蓋甲級寫字樓、購物商場、工業大廈及住 宅項目等,以自動化技術監控溫度、濕度、空氣 質素、保安或漏水情況,所收集的數據會清晰呈 現在一個中央數碼管理平台上,並經大數據分 析,以便調整及作自動化管理。安裝工程已正式 展開,預期可於今年6月底前完成其中100幢大廈 的安裝。

    Open source
    - economist 5oct19 "your own RISC" a new blueprint for microprocessors is challenging the industry's giants

    - java
    - assembly language


    - code academy
    - treehouse

    42 is a private, nonprofit and tuition-free computer programming school created and funded by French billionaire Xavier Niel (founder of the telecommunication company Illiad) with several partners including Nicolas Sadirac (previous director-general of the Epitech school in France), Kwame Yamgnane and Florian Bucher (former executives of Epitech). The school was first opened in Paris in 2013. Out of more than 80,000 candidates in France, 3,000[3] were selected to complete a four-week intensive computer programming bootcamp called piscine (swimming-pool). Any person between 18 and 30 can be registered for piscine after completing the logical reasoning tests on the website.

    • Xavier Niel (born 25 August 1967) is a French billionaire businessman, active in the telecommunications and technology industry and best known as founder and majority shareholder of the French Internet service provider and Mobile operator Iliad trading under the Free brand (France's second-largest ISP, and third mobile operator).[3] He is also co-owner of the newspaper Le Monde,[4] and co-owner of the rights of the song "My Way"[5] and owner of Monaco Telecom.[6] He is deputy chairman and chief strategy officer for Iliad. On 28 May 2004, Xavier Niel was indicted and detained for a month for alleged procuring and misuse of company assets, which occurred in several sex shops in which he was a shareholder. On 30 August 2005, a Nolle prosequi was pronounced for the procuring part of his indictment, while on 13 October 2006, he was given a 2 years suspended prison sentence for the misuse of company assets.
    • hkej 20aug18 shum article

    - alternatives

    - internet

    - 英國《星期日電訊報》周日報道,英國政府曾在二○一三年推廣使用網上項目管理程式Trello,數百份內閣辦公室及內政部文件因而外洩達四年之久,包括如何獲得政府大樓的安全認證、軍情五處(MI5)的錄音及反恐官員等機密資料。網絡保安專家形容,政府的保安措施「明顯失敗」。

    problem with gigantic internet companies/sites
    - wikipedia
    • 美國一名十九歲香港移民後代,自六年前起開始更新資訊網站「維基百科」的資料,至今已共更新了逾十八萬條、建立逾一萬七千個條目。在二○一六年的美國大選,他更新對候選人特朗普和希拉妮有偏頗或不實的條目資料,對選情產生影響。

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