Friday, January 11, 2019


Орден «Манас» — высшая государственная награда Киргизии. Учреждён 16 апреля 1996 года законом «Об учреждении государственных наград Кыргызской Республики».

Chuy Region or Chui Region (KyrgyzЧүй облусуromanizedÇüy oblusuRussianЧуйская областьromanizedČujskaja oblastj) is the northernmost region (oblast) of the Kyrgyz Republic.The main northwest part of the region is flat, a rarity in Kyrgyzstan. This is the valley of the Chu River. The valley's black soil is very fertile and is largely irrigated with water diverted from the Chu River. The region's Agricultural production includes wheat, maize, sugar beets, potatoes, lucerne, and various vegetables and fruits.楚河州吉爾吉斯語Чүй областы,俄语:Чуйская область,亦作楚河省)是吉爾吉斯斯坦最北面的州,因位於楚河流域而得,是東干人的聚居地。楚河州的行政中心在比什凱克,除了是本州的首府以外,亦是吉爾吉斯的首都。在2003年到2006年5月期間,首府曾經遷往托克馬克(Tokmok)。楚河州包括有整個楚河河谷及鄰近的山脈與峽谷。河谷的黑土非常肥沃,而且被從楚河引來的河水灌溉着。當地的農業生產計有:小麥玉蜀黍甜菜馬鈴薯紫花苜蓿及各種不同品種的蔬菜及水果。在蘇聯統治期間,省內有不少農產品加工及其他工業,使省內湧現多個新市鎮,如:托克馬克、坎特(Kant)及卡拉巴爾塔(Kara-Balta)等。相對於國內其他省份,本州的人口成份比較複雜,計有:俄羅斯人烏克蘭人東干人(中國回民的後裔)、朝鮮人德國人等。

比什凱克 Bishkek (KyrgyzБишке́кBISHKEK, بىشکەک; IPA: [biʃˈkek]RussianБишке́кtr. BiškékIPA: [bʲɪʂˈkʲɛk]), formerly Pishpek and Frunze, is the capital and largest city of Kyrgyzstan(Kyrgyz Republic). Bishkek is also the administrative center of the Chuy RegionIn 1825 Khokand authorities established the fortress of "Pishpek" in order to control local caravan-routes and to collect tribute from Kyrgyz tribes. On 4 September 1860, with the approval of the Kyrgyz, Russian forces led by Colonel Zimmermann destroyed the fortress. In 1868 a Russian settlement was established on the site of the fortress under its original name, "Pishpek". It lay within the General Governorship of Russian Turkestan and its Semirechye OblastIn 1925 the Kara-Kirghiz Autonomous Oblast was established in Russian Turkestan, promoting Pishpek to its capital. In 1926 the Communist Party of the Soviet Union renamed the city as Frunze, after the Bolshevik military leader Mikhail Frunze (1885–1925), who was born there. In 1936, the city of Frunze became the capital of the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic, during the final stages of the national delimitation in the Soviet Union.
In 1991 the Kyrgyz parliament changed the capital's name to "Bishkek".
- according to 中國通史, the city was called 巴拉沙裘 / 虎思榦耳朵 at times of 耶律大石's 西遼國

Karakol (KyrgyzКараколQaraqol/Karakol, قاراقول, Kyrgyz pronunciation: [qɑrɑqoɫ]), formerly Przhevalsk, is the fourth largest city in Kyrgyzstan. A Russian military outpost founded on 1 July 1869, Karakol grew in the 19th century after explorers came to map the peaks and valleys separating Kyrgyzstan from China. In the 1880s Karakol's population surged with an influx of Dungans, Chinese Muslims fleeing warfare in China.In 1888, the Russian explorer Nicholay Przhevalsky died in Karakol of typhoid, while preparing for an expedition to Tibet, the city was renamed Przhevalsk in his honor. After local protests, the town was given its original name back in 1921—a decision reversed in 1939 by Stalin to celebrate the centenary of the explorer's birth. Karakol then remained Przhevalsk until the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991. However the name has been retained by nearby Pristan'-Przheval'sk.

-  Suyab (Persianسوی آب‎‎; simplified Chinese碎叶traditional Chinese碎葉pinyinSuìyèWade–GilesSui4-yeh4), also known as Ordukent (modern-day Ak-Beshim), was an ancient Silk Road city located some 50 km east from Bishkek, and 8 km west southwest from Tokmok, in the Chui River valley, present-day Kyrgyzstan. Suyab was absorbed into the Tang Empire, of which it was a western military outpost between 648 and 719. A Chinese fortress was built there in 679, and Buddhism flourished. According to some accounts, the great poet Li Bai (Li Po) was born in Suyab.

  • according to 中國通史,the city is the second largest city in 耶律大石's西遼國

- Kyrgyz cashmere producers association

- dragon global group

  • Mr Nazarii a terlyga, regional manager, was one of the speakers of silk road strategy conference organised by polyu on 9apr2015
Almazbek Sharshenovich Atambayev (KyrgyzАлмазбек Шаршенович (Шаршен уулу) АтамбаевAlmazbek Şarşenoviç (Şarşen uulu) Atambayev; born 17 September 1956) is a Kyrgyz politician who served as the President of Kyrgyzstan from 1 December 2011 to 24 November 2017. He was Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan from 17 December 2010 to 1 December 2011, and from 29 March 2007 to 28 November 2007. He served as Chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan (SDPK) from 30 July 1999 to 23 September 2011.Almazbek Atambaev was born in 1956 in the Northern region of Chui. His father, Sharshen Atambayev, was a veteran of World War II (Great Patriotic War) who served on the front lines in Eastern Europe. Atambaev received his degree in economics while studying at the Moscow Institute of Management.[2] He has four children from his marriage to his first wife Buazhar. In 1988 he married his second wife, Raisa, with whom he has six children: daughters Aliya (born 1997), Diana, and Dinara, and sons Seyit, Seytek, and Khadyrbek (born 1993).[3] Raisa is an ethnic Tatar, born in the Urals in Russia, who moved to Osh as a child, with her parents. She is a doctor.

  • Kyrgyzstan's security forces have arrested former President Almazbek Atambayev after a botched raid on his property overnight resulted in the death of one officer. Mr Atambayev reportedly surrendered and was taken to the capital, Bishkek. It followed a standoff in which his supporters took six officers captive.

- Social media in Kyrgyzstan is abuzz at the sudden appearance online of a soulful singing performance by President Almazbek Atamabayev, who has apparently elected to show off his more sensitive side. The Russian-language song “In Spite of Fate” appeared on YouTube on July 2 and was accompanied by suitably downbeat snippets from Soviet-era Kyrgyz film “Provincial Romance.” Atambayev does not himself appear in the clip, which had racked up around 75,000 views by July 4, but his voice is unmistakable. Representatives from the Ordo production studio, which recorded the song, told local outlet that the president is also playing the acoustic guitar. “This is one of my first songs,” Atambayev drawls lugubriously in the intro, as if addressing a captive audience at an intimate acoustic set. “It is like a motto for me. This song helped me to beat a path through all the difficulties that befell me in life.” The two-minute song that follows is a melancholy recollection about a lost lover. Referring to “memories like droplets of rain” and swimming to “the lighthouse of your sad eyes,” the song evokes a protagonist weighed down by tribulations and misfortune, rather than the businessman-turned-opposition politician who came to power on the back of a bloody revolution. Other presidents in the region have turned out happier fare. Think of Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov’s “Forward Only Forward, My Dear Country Turkmenistan” — a blandly bubbly streak of ethno-disco trash as lacking in self-reflection and humility as Atambayev’s tune is in cheer. And it is hard to see Atambayevembarrassing thousands of his browbeaten citizens, including all his top officials, into participating in a mass rendition of his song.

Kyrgyzstan is a very ethnically diverse nation. Apart from the Kyrgyz people, the country is home to sizeable amounts of Russian, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Tajik, and Uyghur minorities, all with their own languages!Whereas Kyrgyz is obviously the most-spoken language in the nation, a large amount speak Russian, as it was the only official language when Kyrgyzstan belonged to the USSR. The capital, Bishkek, is notorious for still being filled with Russian speakers, many of whom don’t know much Kyrgyz at all. Kyrgyz and Russian coexist as official languages; knowledge of both is required to be in federal office.  The other major minority language is Uzbek. While it holds no official status in Kyrgyzstan, near the border with Uzbekistan, there are far more Uzbek people than any other ethnicity. The city of Osh has had ethnic conflicts in the past because of the unfortunately poor relations between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. There are other sizeable minorities, as I mentioned. There are more Dungan people in Kyrgyzstan than in any other country, and a majority preserve the Dungan language. And Koreans in Kyrgyzstan are growing in size in Bishkek; there are now a lot of East Asian restaurants from when I left! There was once a very vibrant German diaspora here that spoke German, and even created replicas of German towns with the architecture and pretzels! Unfortunately, the majority have left, and only a few thousand still speak German.

About 10% of the population has studied English to become fluent, while about 3% have done so for Turkish, and 1% have done so for French and Persian. There are also definitely some Chinese speakers, both as a studied language, and because many Dungans know Chinese, but I couldn’t find statistics on that. There are also some students from Pakistan and India who come to study in Kyrgyzstan.

The Epic of Manas (Kyrgyz: Манас дастаны, ماناس دستانی, Azerbaijani: Manas Dastanı, Turkish: Manas Destanı) is a traditional epic poem dating to the 18th century but claimed by the Kyrgyz people to be much older. This opens the possibility of Manas having spoken a dialect of Turki similar to that of the Kazakhs and Nogay people today. The plot of Manas revolves around a series of events that coincide with the history of the region in the 17th century, primarily the interaction of the Turki-speaking people from the mountains to the south of the Dasht-i Qipchaq and the Oirat Mongols from the bordering area of JungariaThe government of Kyrgyzstan celebrated the 1,000th anniversary of Manas in 1995. The eponymous hero of Manas and his Oirat enemy Joloy were first found written in a Persian manuscript dated to 1792-3. In one of its dozens of iterations, the epic poem consists of approximately 500,000 lines, and while Kyrgyz historians consider it to be the longest epic poem in history,[2] the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata and the Tibetan Epic of King Gesar are both longer. The distinction is in number of verses. Manas has more verses, though they are much shorter. In 2009, a parliament member suggested its nomination for the "longest epic story in the world" because “the great heritage of Kyrgyz people should find its place in the world history. There have likewise been attempts to identify Manas as Mannasseh of the Old Testament. “The end of oral epics in Central Asia has been prophesied since the nineteenth century... Nevertheless, we can observe a surprising vitality of oral performance and oral traditions among the Kyrgyz.” Manas still plays "an important role in Kyrgyz cultural identity".

- anti-chinese

  • 中亞國家吉爾吉斯近期發生反華示威,要求審查所有中國公民於當地居留的合法性,網上更傳出政府因無法償還對中國的債務,將割讓土地作抵償。
  • 中亞國家吉爾吉斯近日發生連串反華示威,抗議中國的移民及其經濟影響力日增。首都比什凱克周四約有二百至三百人參加示威集會,期間發生衝突,警方拘捕至少廿一名示威者。

- historical ties
- 在比市西部有一條「鄧小平大街」,全長三點五公里(跟彌敦道差不多),寬二十五米,車來人往,是一條繁華街道。街口矗立着一座兩米多高的紅色花崗岩紀念碑,碑上塑着鄧小平的頭像,紀念碑的正面用中、吉、俄三種文字刻寫着:「此街以中國卓越的社會和政治活動家鄧小平的名字命名」。身處異邦,看到這樣的一條大街,知道這位中國前領導人受到別國人民如此推崇和敬重,筆者和其他團員一樣,心情不禁有些激動,並引以為榮。據一直陪伴着我們的吉國商務官員介紹說:「鄧小平大街」是一九九六年命名的,當時的市長西拉耶夫本身也是著名經濟學家,他提出此議,目的是希望吉爾吉斯能以中國為榜樣,走自己特色的改革開放之路,而鄧小平是中國改革開放的總設計師,因此以他命名來作為學習目標的象徵。
- leaders visit

  •,  Premier Li Keqiang paid his first visit to the Central Asian neighbor. In the capital, Bishkek, Li and Kyrgyz Prime Minister Sooronbay Jeenbekov signed a joint communique on bilateral cooperation in fields such as security, agriculture and production.
  • 出訪中亞的中國國家主席習近平13日在比什凱克同吉爾吉斯斯坦總統熱恩別科夫會談,一致同意推動中吉全面戰略夥伴關係邁上新台階。習近平強調,共建「一帶一路」已成為中吉合作的主線。新形勢下,雙方要推動兩國發展戰略深入對接,挖掘新的合作潛力,擴大經貿投資合作。隨後,兩國元首共同簽署關於進一步深化全面戰略夥伴關係的聯合聲明,內容提到兩國將致力提升預防和應對緊急狀態領域合作水平,包括共用先進信息通信技術等,強調要維護以世貿組織為核心的多邊貿易體制,堅決反對單邊主義和保護主義。
- association

  • 吉爾吉斯斯坦中亞陝西商會會長吉延偉表示,多年來她一直與中亞國家進行文化交流和貿易往來,對當地情況十分熟悉。她說,「一帶一路」項目建設要尊重當地文化傳統與風俗習慣,積極尋求彼此的文化認同,在中國企業走出去過程中,要充分了解當地老百姓的想法,提供適合當地國情和發展階段的產品與服務,同時加強文化交流,提升相互了解和信任。
- fta

  • Negotiations launched
- military

  • china daily 8aug19 sino-kyrgyz anti-terror drill

- agriculture

  • Sherba Kalimovich, the breadwinner of a big Kyrgyz family, had a harvest several times better than previous years when he began to grow corn with high-tech seeds developed by China. The Kyrgyz farmer plant the Zheng 1002 and Zheng Huangnuo No 2 corn seeds developed by China's Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences and successfully bred in an industrial zone, which was developed by Henan Guiyou Industrial Group in 2011 within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. Kalimovich said his cornfield used to produce four metric tons per hectare with the old seeds, and now it produces 10 tons. He added that seed quality is no longer a problem.
- mining

  • 吉爾吉斯中部城市納倫的一批村民,周一與中資礦業公司的華籍工人爆發衝突,雙方互相投擲石頭,導致廿人受傷入院。據指當地村民以畜牧業維生,不滿涉事公司的業務經常破壞生態環境,但後者否認有關指控。該個金礦由華企「Zhong Ji Mining」負責營運,在二○一二年獲得許可證後展開勘探,合約期到三○年結束。

- financial cooperation

  • 人行昨宣佈,與吉爾吉斯斯坦央行簽署加強合作的意向協議,以推動兩國央行在本幣結算、貨幣互換等相關領域合作。
- energy
  • 由新疆企業特變電工承建的吉爾吉斯斯坦比什凱克2×150MW熱電廠項目日前竣工投產。至此,這個由中國國家主席習近平和吉爾吉斯斯坦總統阿坦巴耶夫在2013年上合組織峰會共同見證的吉爾吉斯斯坦最大熱電廠項目建設完成。該項目每年可發電17.4億度,可有效保障比什凱克100餘萬居民的用電用暖。
- metals

  • 中國在吉爾吉斯開設的一家合資黃金冶煉廠,周三被約一千名當地居民縱火破壞,造成四名當地人受傷,但無中國公民傷亡。

- factories relocation
  • Kyrgyzstan is in talks with its giant neighbor China about relocating dozens of Chinese plants and factories to the Central Asian nation, foreign minister Erlan Abdyldayev said on Sunday. China is a major supplier of consumer and industrial goods to the ex-Soviet Central Asia and an importer of local commodities such oil, gas and metals. Now, Kyrgyzstan, whose economy has been hit hard by the recession in Russia and a slump in gold output, wants to have some of those goods produced on its territory and by its own workers, Abdyldayev said.

- investors from china
  • 吉爾吉斯斯坦伊塞克湖工程項目路面機械成套設備發車儀式近日在中聯重科望城工業園舉行。此次發車的路面機械設備共有30餘台,產品包含瀝青站、攤鋪機、液壓雙鋼輪壓路機、輪胎壓路機等,總額超過1,500萬元人民幣。青島龍海路橋集團有限公司董事長萬宗、中聯重科路面公司總經理李慶等出席發車儀式。李慶表示,此次合作是中聯重科助力國家「一帶一路」戰略實施的具體踐行,對中聯重科路面機械發展具有重要的里程碑意義,它標誌着中聯路機已正式進入國家「一帶一路」發展戰略大潮。儀式上,李慶總經理向萬宗董事長交付「金鑰匙」並一同宣佈發車。
  • 吉爾吉斯斯坦總統阿坦姆巴耶夫20日向近年來為該國各領域做出傑出貢獻者授予國家榮譽勛章獎章。中國新疆企業特變電工因成功建設該國重大能源電力工程,幫助該國實現電力供應獨立自主,增進中吉兩國務實友好合作而受到表彰。其董事長張新獲授國家丹克獎章、其駐吉國辦事處主任木沙江獲授國家榮譽證書。 據中新社報道,丹克獎章旨在表彰對吉爾吉斯斯坦國家公共服務、工業、科學、藝術等領域做出突出貢獻的先進人物,是由總統親自頒發的國家最高榮譽。此次是該獎首次授予中國企業家。

- chinese language

  • 29名吉爾吉斯斯坦大學生日前齊聚吉爾吉斯斯坦比什凱克人文大學音樂禮堂,在第15屆「漢語橋」世界大學生中文比賽吉爾吉斯斯坦賽區預賽中用中文暢談夢想,講述與中國的故事。

Deputy Speaker of Kyrgyzstan's Parliament Nurbek Alimbekov stepped down on December 28 following his Taiwan visit (akipress)

Hong kong
- delegation from hk
  • 廠商會考察團在吉爾吉斯的行程,該國經濟與工業部部長科若舍夫全程陪同,並事事親自講解,重視之情,團員都感受得到。為了推動港吉兩地企業的交流和合作,廠商會與吉國經濟部屬下的投資促進局簽訂了一份《投資及商貿合作備忘錄》,雙方均願意共同努力,為加強兩地經貿關係創造更有利的條件。吉爾吉斯素有「中亞山國」之稱,百分之九十的土地在海拔一千五百米以上,空氣清新,景色宜人,在蘇聯統治時期,是高官療養之地。蘇聯雖已解體,療養設施依然存在。所以,如果烏茲別克的旅遊業以帖木兒帝國古文化為賣點,那麼吉爾吉斯也大可發展休閒養生旅遊。難怪有香港「旅遊教父」之稱的黃士心,在接受隨團傳媒訪問時也表示,經此行之後,會積極考慮開闢中亞旅遊線。此外,吉爾吉斯不僅是「歐亞經濟共同體」五成員國之一,而且今年初剛獲歐盟接納為享有「超普惠制待遇」的國家,約有七千種商品可以免稅進入歐盟市場;加上投資門檻不高,現只要四十萬美元便可以開設公司,而當地人月薪僅二百美元左右,這些條件,頗適合中小企落戶。

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