Saturday, January 12, 2019


- economic development board of madagascar
- malagasy arbitration and mediation centre Centre d'arbitrage et de médiation de Madagascar (CAMM) #sthash.oDF2CMZD.dpuf

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- shrimp
  • Ismail, a French citizen born in Madagascar,  entered Madagascar’s shrimp industry in 1973. His company, Unima, is now managed by his son Amyne Ismail and has subsidiaries around the world.The company is the largest player in Madagascar’s $75 million shrimp industry, which has been criticized for damaging the environment, on the island nation where three in four people live on less than $1.90 a day. Aziz Ismail also has owned a British Virgin Islands shell company Ergia Ltd. since 2000, according to files dating from 2000 to 2016 obtained from the law firm Mossack Fonseca.Ismail became the sole shareholder of Ergia Ltd. in 2001 after setting up the company months earlier. Ismail and his son, Amyne, were directors of Ergia Ltd. The company did business in Madagascar and Monaco, according to documents.The Panama Papers files include a 2014 contract under which Ismail’s company, Ergia Ltd. agreed to perform one year of administration and management services and “strategic thinking” on the development of Unima Europe, a Monaco company. In exchange, Unima Europe would pay Ergia Ltd. $1.32 million, according to the contract, which was signed by father and son. It is unclear how Ergia Ltd. in the BVI would provide the consulting services described in the contract. The company appears to have no employees and no independent office, according to a slim financial statement of the company sent via to the law firm Mossack Fonseca to comply with record keeping requirements.

ethnic people
The Malagasy (FrenchMalgache) are an Austronesian ethnic group native to the island and country of Madagascar. They are divided into two subgroups: the "Highlander" MerinaSihanaka and Betsileo of the central plateau around AntananarivoAlaotra (Ambatondrazaka)and Fianarantsoa, and the "coastal dwellers" elsewhere in the country. This division has its roots in historical patterns of settlement. The original Austronesian settlers from Borneoarrived between the third and tenth centuries and established a network of principalities in the Central Highlands region conducive to growing the rice they had carried with them on their outrigger canoes. Sometime later, a large number of settlers arrived from East Africaand established kingdoms along the relatively unpopulated coastlines. 
  • The difference in ethnic origins remains somewhat evident between the highland and coastal regions. In addition to the ethnic distinction between highland and coastal Malagasy, one may speak of a political distinction as well. Merina monarchs in the late 18th and early 19th century, the Malagasy people united the Merina principalities and brought the neighboring Betsileo people under their administration first. They later extended Merina control over the majority of the coastal areas as well. The military resistance and eventual defeat of most of the coastal communities assured their subordinate position vis-à-vis the Merina-Betsileo alliance. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the French colonial administration capitalized on and further exacerbated these political inequities by appropriating existing Merina governmental infrastructure to run their colony. This legacy of political inequity dogged the people of Madagascar after gaining independence in 1960; candidates' ethnic and regional identities have often served to help or hinder their success in democratic elections. Within these two broad ethnic and political groupings, the Malagasy were historically subdivided into specifically named ethnic groups, who were primarily distinguished from one another on the basis of cultural practices. These were namely agricultural, hunting, or fishing practices; construction style of dwellings; music; hair and clothing styles; and local customs or taboos, the latter known in the Malagasy language as fady.
  • participated in ww1 on the side of allies
  • people
  • Andry Nirina Rajoelina (Malagasy: [ˈjanɖʐʲ nʲˈrinə radzoˈel]; born 30 May 1974) is a Malagasy businessman and politician. He started his career in the private sector, first organizing events on the Island (Live concerts), and then investing the advertising business (Injet, billboards and print) and the media (Viva, TV and radio). He was the Mayor of Antananarivo from December 2007 to February 2009, and President of the High Transitional Authority of Madagascar from 21 March 2009 to 25 January 2014, up until the general elections were held in 2013. After stepping down as President of the HAT, he remained head of the majority party, the MAPAR. He is running for the 2018 presidential election in Madagascar.Andry Rajoelina was born on 30 May 1974 to a relatively wealthy family in Antsirabe.[2] His father, now-retired Colonel Roger Yves Rajoelina, held dual nationality and fought for the French army in the Algerian War.[3][4] Although his family could afford a college education for their son, Andry Rajoelina opted to discontinue his studies after completing his baccalauréat to launch a career as an entrepreneur. In 1994, Rajoelina met his future spouse Mialy Razakandisa, who was then completing her senior year at a high school in Antananarivo. 

The Merina Kingdom, or Kingdom of Madagascar, officially the Kingdom of Imerina (c.1540–1897) was a pre-colonial state off the coast of Southeast Africa that, by the 19th century, dominated most of what is now Madagascar. It spread outward from Imerina, the Central Highlands region primarily inhabited by the Merina ethnic group with a spiritual capital at Ambohimanga and a political capital 24 kilometres (15 mi) west at Antananarivo, currently the seat of government for the modern democratic state of Madagascar. The Merina kings and queens who ruled over greater Madagascar in the 19th century were the descendants of a long line of hereditary Merina royalty originating with Andriamanelo, who is traditionally credited with founding Imerina in 1540.

  • note that the flag is same as poland's, coat of arms include the eagle, star and one big stars and four small ones

The Colony of Madagascar and Dependencies (FrenchColonie de Madagascar et dépendances) was a French colony off the coast of Southeast Africa between 1897 and 1958.The Franco-Hova Wars (1883–1896) resulted in the fall of the Merina Kingdom and the establishment of a French protectorate (1896) that became a colony one year later.

South east asia origin
- Ancient charred grains of rice and mung beans excavated from Madagascar provide the first archaeological evidence that ancestors of people living on the East African island known as Malagasy came from South-East Asia, scientists say.

north korea Madagascar’s presidential palace, built on a grandiose scale by North Korea, sits on manicured grounds about 15km outside Antananarivo. Its splendid isolation from the capital — let alone the poverty of Madagascar — is a fitting symbol of a state whose influence is scant.

- fisheries

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- has been a good example for Madagascar in education, especially its commitment to information and communications technology in the classroom, said Andrianiaina Paul Rabary, education minister for Madagascar. While in China for an international conference on the application of information technology in education, Rabary said he was surprised by the rapid development of China in all aspects, including education.
- The first Confucius class in Madagascar was inaugurated on Friday at Le Petit Nid, a private school in Madagascar's capital Antananarivo. "The Confucius class that we inaugurate today is simply the first Confucius class by our institute and the first Confucius class in Madagascar," said the Chinese director of Confucius Institute of Antananarivo University Chen Lijuan during the inauguration. "Because of the sustained efforts and remarkable contribution of the school (Le Petit Nid) in favor of the promotion of the Chinese language and culture in Madagascar, the Confucius Institute headquarters gave its approval for the opening of a Confucius class within the school on March 23, 2016," Mrs Chen said. Chinese courses were introduced in the private school in 2013 with only 210 students. Since then, the number of students studying Chinese in the school has increased to around 2,000 currently, according to school CEO, Sahoby Mampionona Ramahafalisoa.
-anti chinese

  •  The mine had not yet opened, but Madagascans were already seething with rage and the Chinese management finally quit Soamahamanina, leaving behind empty tents and cigarette butts.

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