Loulan, also called Krorän or Kroraina(simplified Chinese: 楼兰; traditional Chinese: 樓蘭; pinyin: Lóulán; Uyghur:كروران, Кроран, ULY: Kroran ), and known to Russian archaeologists as Krorayina, was an ancient kingdom based around an important oasis city along the Silk Roadalready known in the 2nd century BCE on the north-eastern edge of the Lop Desert.[1]The term Loulan is the Chinese transcription of the native name Krorän, and is used to refer to the city located near Lop Nur as well as the kingdom. The kingdom was renamed Shanshan (鄯善) after its king was assassinated by an envoy of the Han dynasty in 77 BCE;[2]however, the town at the northwestern corner of the brackish desert lake Lop Nurretained the name of Loulan. The kingdom included at various times settlements such as Niya, Charklik, Miran, and Qiemo. It was intermittently under Chinese control from the early Han dynasty until its abandonment centuries later. The ruins of Loulan are near the now desiccated Lop Nur in the Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, and are now completely surrounded by desert.
- 新疆文物考古研究所3月29日告訴媒體,經過2個月的考古挖掘,工作人員在羅布泊地區發現了東漢至魏晉時期的古城,推測該古城應為樓蘭國的都城樓蘭城。考古人員依據自然地名將古城命名為“鹹水泉古城”。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170330/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- 新疆生產建設兵團雜技團日前應香港康文署邀請,先後在元朗劇院及沙田大會堂公演本身製作並以歷史上一個古老國度為題的雜技劇《樓蘭尋夢》。根據班固《漢書》卷九十六上「西域傳第六十六上」記載,樓蘭其實是鄯善國的舊稱,在陽關以西一千六百里;距離長安六千一百里,即今新疆羅布泊附近。全國人口不多,只有一千多戶;由於土地貧瘠多沙,可耕地很少,國民要向鄰國購買農產品,而本身則「隨牧畜,逐水草」,所養牧的有驢、馬、駱駝,而當中的駱駝可用於軍事。由此看來,樓蘭只是一個細小的國家。不過,該國盛產玉石,更是漢邦與匈奴互爭主權的一塊小土地。樓蘭國弱,全無能力抗拒任何一方,只得兩面討好,而樓蘭王往往要把自己的王子分別送去匈奴及漢邦作人質。《樓蘭尋夢》就是以記於《漢書》的漢昭帝元鳳年間樓蘭王子安歸(一作嘗歸)和尉屠耆兩兄弟的故事作為背景,然後以想像力加以延伸,講述兄弟重逢,初則兄友弟恭,及後兄弟因性格不合,兄欲奪弟愛而引起諸般矛盾,兄附匈奴而弟靠漢室,最終弟奪兄位http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190107/PDF/a19_screen.pdf
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