Monday, January 7, 2019

russia china

diplomatic representation
  • 俄駐華大使傑尼索夫27日透露,中俄之間將增設總領館。目前中國在俄羅斯聖彼得堡和哈巴羅夫斯克設有總領館,俄羅斯則在上海、瀋陽、廣州及香港設有總領館。傑尼索夫表示,現在俄羅斯在東北只有在瀋陽設有領事館,這顯然不夠。他表示,現在兩國正在討論在哈爾濱設立領事館,按照與中方達成的共識,領事館級別為總領事館。按照中俄此前達成的共識,中國也計劃在符拉迪沃斯託克開辦總領事館。俄羅斯遠東地區和中國東北地緣接近,經貿往來和人員交流頻繁。此前,經中國人民銀行批准,黑龍江綏芬河盧布現鈔使用試點已經啟動。

historical ties
- treaty of kyakhta Le Traité de Kiakhta (en russe : Кяхтинский договор ; chinois : 恰克圖條約 ; pinyin : Qiàkètú tiáoyuē) fut l'un des premiers traités signés entre l'Empire russe et l'Empire Qing. Il établit des accords commerciaux et fixa la frontière entre la Sibérie russe et les territoires Qing de Mongolie et de Mandchourie. Il fut signé par Tulišen et le comte Savva Vladislavitch (Ragouzinski) dans la ville frontière de Kiakhta, le  (21 octobre du calendrier julien) et ratifié par le tsar Pierre II de Russie le 6 juin 1728[1]Le traité de Kiakhta fixa la frontière sino-russe aux rivières Kiakhta et Argoun. Avec le traité de Nertchinsk (1689) et le traité d'Aigun (1858), il contribua à établir les frontières actuelles. Il traitait également des relations juridiques et commerciales entre les deux nations sur la frontière ; les sanctions pour des crimes spécifiques furent définies, y compris un article sur les échanges de fugitifs. En outre, les marchands russes, les comptoirs commerciaux ou assimilées bénéficiaient d'un certain degré d'extraterritorialité et d'exemption culturelle. Parmi les autres dispositions, ils étaient exemptés du tribut à l'empereur chinois. Le traité eut trois versions, une en russe, une en latin et une en mandchou, mais il n'en existe aucune version chinoise.

  • content 一、在兩國邊界方面:條約規定,在恰克圖和鄂爾懷圖山之間的第一個山坡為起點,從東邊的額爾古納到西邊的沙賓達巴哈為中俄兩國的國際行政邊界線,該邊界線以南領土為中國所管轄,邊界線以北領土歸俄國管轄。二、在中俄商貿方面:條約規定,俄國商貿團隊可以每3年自由進北京交易一次,商貿團隊人員控制在210人之內,在與中國人民進行買賣交易過程中,中方不得向俄國商隊收取稅費。此外,中方應肯定俄國商人在中國交易商品的合法性。三、在文化方面:中方允許俄方東正教士在北京進行宗教文化傳播,同時要接受俄國人到中國學習漢語以及滿語。俄方東正教士有權利在中國內地長期居住。原文網址:

- 23mar17 china daily article "connectivity to became growth driven" - note the timeline
- On Moscow's Ulitsa Myasnitskaya, the Perlov Tea Shop has been given a face-lift. Legend has it that the shop was designed to impress the Chinese Emperor on his 1893 visit. 
- The Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation Between thePeople's Republic of China and theRussian Federation (FCT) is a twenty-yearstrategic treaty that was signed by the leaders of the two international powers,Jiang Zemin and Vladimir Putin, on July 16, 2001.
    -年,莫斯科如期举办沙皇尼古拉二世的加冕典礼。李鸿章作为中国皇帝特使受到特别邀请。为了迎接他的到来,俄国皇室做了积极准备,因为这事关之后的贸易协议能否顺利签署,其中最重要的当属修建东部两国交界处铁路的协议。皇室上下精心筹划了很久,包括接见李鸿章的地点、预备其下榻之处等等。当时莫斯科两大茶叶贸易公司由谢尔盖·皮尔洛夫(Sergei Perlov)和谢苗·皮尔洛夫(Semyon Perlov)两兄弟分别拥有。彼此互为竞争对手的哥俩都想邀请李鸿章来自己的茶楼作客,那样不仅能与李鸿章商讨新进茶叶买卖,还可以寻求当局对其未来业务的庇护,作为其对政府服务的奖励。 两兄弟为能更好地接待李鸿章,彼此相互竞争。谢尔盖·皮尔洛夫决定专门为中国使节盖一座中国建筑风格的宫殿。
    来源:«透视俄罗斯» -

    diplomatic ties
    中俄双方在2016年签署了《中共中央办公厅和俄罗斯联邦总统办公厅合作议定书》。作为直接为两国最高领导人服务的办事机构,两个办公厅之间形成了机制化的定期交流互访机制,俄总统办公厅主任于2014年和2016年访华,栗战书则在2015年和2017年两度访俄。 2017年4月,栗战书在莫斯科会见俄罗斯总统普京时指出,中共中央办公厅和俄罗斯总统办公厅合作机制在两国各自对外交往中都是独一无二的,体现了中俄关系的高水平和特殊性。


    • 中俄邊境地 名碑樹立儀式4日在吉林省琿春市春化鎮中俄邊境線舉 行,此次共有5處全新的實體界碑、地名碑正式落成。 綜合中新社報道,琿春市地處中俄朝三國交界,是 中國面向東北亞開放合作的「窗口」。琿春官方介 紹,1993年,中俄兩國重新勘定東部邊界,在琿春市 春化鎮東北部瑚布圖河畔從俄羅斯劃入中國琿春4.7平 方千米土地。2014年,經中國國務院批准,在劃歸的 土地上新確定了「界牌嶺、托倫崗、吉龍溝、紅漆 樁、藍香坪」五處地名。 在立碑儀式上,琿春市相關人員為新樹立的界碑、 地名碑揭牌,沿國境線考察了五塊全新地名碑和界 碑,並就擬開設瑚布河中俄口岸的事項進行了研討。 據介紹,上述土地劃歸中國後,琿春市版圖上新增 了瑚布圖河這條唯一向北流的河流。河流對岸毗鄰俄 羅斯濱海邊疆區的烏蘇里斯克地區,距俄羅斯遠東地 區最大的中國商品集散城市烏蘇里斯克市僅60公里。
    • Russia denied chinese reports that it returned land occupied back from qing dynasty hkej 13nov15 a24

    russian embassy in china

    • Publication 今日俄羅斯

    visit by leaders

    • 習近平訪問歐亞三國成果經 貿:簽署 32份合同,總價值高達 250億美元。包括中國為俄羅斯提供數十億美元的基礎設施貸款; 擬建造一條通往中國天然氣管道,每年向中國出售300億立方米的天然氣;中俄重型直升機項目 合作框架協議等。 一帶一路:中俄雙方共同簽署並發表了《關於絲綢之路經濟帶建設與歐亞經濟聯盟建設對接合作的聯合聲 明》,明確雙方努力將絲綢之路經濟帶建設和歐亞經濟聯盟建設相對接,確保地區經濟持續穩定 增長,加強區域經濟一體化,維護地區和平與發展。 其 他:《中俄關於深化全面戰略協作夥伴關係、倡導合作共贏的聯合聲明》指出,中共中央辦公廳、中 共中央紀委監察部與俄羅斯總統辦公廳分別建立了交往合作機制。這是中共十八大以來,中國首 次將反腐合作寫入與外國簽署的聯合聲明中。
    • 全國人大常委會委員長張德江9日在莫斯科會見了俄羅斯總統普京,並出席中俄議會合作委員會機制性會議。在會見普京時,張德江轉達了習近平主席的親切問候。他説,2013年以來,習近平和普京多次會晤,充分體現了中俄關系的高水準和特殊性。中俄兩國元首從戰略、全局和長遠角度規劃各領域合作,為中俄關系持續健康深入發展指明瞭方向。他此訪的目的,就是推動落實兩國元首達成的重要共識,提升兩國立法機關合作水準,促進中俄全方位合作,實現共同發展振興。
    • 普京表示,很高興來華參加紀念中國抗戰勝利70周年盛典,中方的紀念大會和閱兵式令人印象深刻。今年中國人民解放軍方隊和俄羅斯軍隊方隊分別首次參加了彼此紀念活動,具有重要意義。習近平主席昨日上午在紀念大會上發出要致力於和平的明確有力信息,俄方對此高度讚賞。俄方堅定致力於深化俄中全面戰略協作夥伴關係,願繼續推進兩國能源、石化、金融、航天、科技、製造業等各領域務實合作,加強同中方在聯合國等國際和地區組織中的協調配合。會見後,兩國元首共同見證了外交、基礎設施、地方、教育、科技、海關、經濟、能源、投資、金融、貿易、電力、交通、網絡、汽車等領域合作協議的簽署。
    • In June 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled to pay an official visit to China. In the run-up to the visit, on May 30-31, 2016 the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) will host in Moscow the Second international conference titled “Russia-China: towards a New Quality of Bilateral Relations.” Russian and Chinese politicians and opinion leaders, experts and executives will discuss current issues and identify breakthrough areas of bilateral cooperation. The more developed the relations, the greater the challenges of enhancing them further. These new challenges require constant upgrading of cooperation mechanisms, as well as searching for new formats and opportunities both in bilateral relations and in the international arena,” RIAC President and ex-Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov notes in his article for Rossiiskaya Gazeta.
    • 《中俄睦鄰友好合作條約》簽署15周年紀念大會昨日晚上在北京舉行。國家主席習近平在紀念大會上致辭時指出,他和普京總統將以條約簽署15周年為契機,保持密切高層交往,持續鞏固政治和戰略互信,加大相互支持,彼此構築牢固的戰略支撐。今年是《中俄睦鄰友好合作條約》簽署15周年和中俄戰略協作夥伴關係建立20周年,戰略協作夥伴關係確立了中俄關係的戰略性質,條約確立了兩國世代友好的理念。習近平指出,15年來的實踐充分證明,《中俄睦鄰友好合作條約》確立的宗旨和原則,符合兩國和兩國人民的根本利益,契合和平與發展的時代主題,能夠經受住任何國際風雲變幻的考驗,具有強大的生命力。
    - 中華人民共和國「友誼勳章」頒授儀式8日下午在北京人民大會堂金色大廳隆重舉行。國家主席習近平向俄羅斯總統普京授予首枚「友誼勳章」。中共中央政治局常委、中央書記處書記、黨和國家功勳榮譽表彰工作委員會主任王滬寧,中共中央政治局常委、國務院副總理韓正出席授勳儀式。 國家主席習近平昨日在人民大會堂同俄羅斯總統普京舉行會談。據新華社報道,兩國元首一致同意,秉持世代友好理念和戰略協作精神,拓展和深化各領域合作,推動新時代中俄關係在高水平上實現更大發展。中共中央政治局常委、國務院副總理韓正參加會談。會談後,兩國元首共同簽署了《中華人民共和國和俄羅斯聯邦聯合聲明》(詳見表),見證了多項雙邊合作文件的簽署,並共同會見了中外記者。
    China and Russia signed two important joint statements, one to develop the lately upgraded bilateral relations and the other to promote world stability during President Xi Jinping's state visit on Wednesday. The statements were signed by Xi and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin in Moscow. The two leaders decided on Wednesday to lift the bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for new era, and the two governments issued a joint statement on developing the lifted partnership. In the other statement, the two governments focus on reinforcing global strategic stability. Xi and Putin also witnessed the signing of a number of cooperation documents covering such areas as investment, 5G technologies, e-commerce, natural gas, soybeans, nuclear power and the Belt and Road.
    - 中國國務院總理李克強當地時間17日下午在聖彼得堡同俄羅斯總理梅德韋傑夫共同主持中俄總理第二十四次定期會晤。會晤後,李克強與梅德韋傑夫簽署了《中俄總理第二十四次定期會晤聯合公報》,並共同見證投資、經貿、農業、核能、航天、科技、數字經濟等領域十餘項雙邊合作文件的簽署。

    senior officials visit
    - china daily 30sep19 li zhanshu official visit to russia

    regular meeting

    • 中國國務院總理李克強與俄羅斯總理梅德韋傑夫昨日在北京共同主持中俄總理第20次定期會晤。李克強強調,中俄要深化彼此發展戰略對接,推動兩國務實合作提質增量。會晤後,李克強與梅德韋傑夫共同簽署《中俄總理第二十次定期會晤聯合公報》,並見證能源、投資、金融、高科技、海關、質檢、教育、旅遊等領域30餘項雙邊合作文件的簽署。
    - Twenty-one agreements were signed between China and Russia on Nov 7 to further promote cooperation in various fields, including on high-speed railways, during Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to St. Petersburg.
    Premier Li and his Russian counterpart, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, witnessed the signing of the agreements-which also included civil nuclear power technologies, energy projects and linking China’s  Belt and Road Initiative with the Russia-dominated Eurasian Economic Union-after the 21st China-Russia Prime Ministers’ Regular Meeting in St. Petersburg.


    - Russia–China Friendship Association

    • On May 29-30, 2017 Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and Russia–China Friendship Association hold the Third International Conference "Russia and China: Taking on a New Quality of Bilateral Relations". The event is organised in cooperation with CREON Energy. The tradition to hold the Conference on an annual basis forms an integral part of Russia–China dialogue. In 2017 the event is held on the occasion of the Russia–China Friendship Association's 60th anniversary. The Conference will take place after "Belt and Road" international cooperation forum in Beijing and the visit of the President of Russia to China in May. The event will build on their results.
    - 俄罗斯中国投资者及企业家支持中心

    • 格拉季耶夫18日在京出席“俄罗斯中国投资者及企业家支持中心”揭牌仪式。中国产业海外发展协会秘书长和振伟介绍,该中心发起成立“中俄地区合作发展投资基金”,基金规模为一千亿元人民币,基金註册工作即将完成,首期募集一百亿人民币。基金主要用于中俄重大合作项目。

    • agree to use rmb/ruble to settle payment for imports of fruits and veg from china
    • exporters eyeing boost in russian business Fruit and vegetable exporters in China expect to increase sales to Russia, which has bannedsuch imports from the European Union and the United States in retaliation to Western economicsanctions imposed over the situation in Ukraine.
    • china's pork products heading to russia
    • Economic sanctions from the United States and the European Union against Russian officials and energy companies, and China's signing of a major long-term natural gas deal with Russia, have opened more doors for Chinese suppliers of equipment and services to Russia's oil and gas sector. A spokesman for Sichuan-based and Hong Kong-listed Honghua Group, one of the world's largest land-based oil and gas drilling rig makers, said close to 30 per cent of its orders on hand in the first 10 months of the year were from Russia. In the past few years, about 25 per cent of its sales had been derived from Russia. 
      Laurence Shu, the chief financial officer of Shenzhen-based and Hong Kong-listed Petro-King Oilfield Services, said it had "a lot more interaction" with Russian oil and gas firms and services providers in the past few months. "We have set up an office in Moscow and assigned a team of marketing and technical engineers to follow up with the business opportunities with Russian clients,"
    • 俄羅斯工業貿易部部長丹尼斯.曼圖羅夫近日向媒體表示,到 2015年俄政府將斥資 100億盧布(約合 1.5億歐元),將新車購置補貼計劃延長。此消息對於已進軍俄羅斯市場的三家重慶企業來說,無疑是利好消息。
    • 連日來盧布的大幅跌宕貶值讓俄羅斯人不再出國消費。然而,對於中國人來講,此時則是赴俄旅遊、購物掃貨的良機。近日黑龍江對俄口岸城市赴俄遊客數激增,國人赴俄主要購買當地著名的紫金、皮草、琥珀等。此外,旅俄中國人代購奢侈品賺取差價也成為風潮。
    - Anna Barysheva loves her job promoting Russian food to Chinese customers after living in the country for 13 years. The 28-year-old Russian graduated from Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, with an MBA and is now the general manager at the newly established FRC International Trading Ltd company. Based in Shanghai, the retailer imports Russian food through the border city of Manzhouli in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region.

    • The Russian lower house of parliament, the State Duma ratified a double taxation treaty with China at a session on Jan. 27. The agreement was signed in Moscow in October 2014. China has already completed the ratification procedures needed for the treaty to take effect. “Following ratification by the Russian side, the agreement will come into force from the beginning of the new tax period, that is, from January 1, 2017,” Russian Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseyev said at the Duma session.
    presidential administration

    • An unprecedented communication mechanism set up between China and Russia two years ago has functioned well in boosting bilateral ties, senior officials from both countries agreed on Thursday. Li Zhanshu, director of the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that since the office established the direct discussion mechanism with the Russian Presidential Administration, the two nations had made many efforts to promote friendship. Li was commenting while meeting with visiting Russian Presidential Administration Chief Sergei Ivanov, who is also the country's former defense minister. The discussion mechanism was established following suggestions by President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is the first framework of its kind established by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the administration of a foreign country. China wants to work with Russia to deepen bilateral cooperation and strengthen friendship, said Li, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. The bureau has 25 members, including the Chinese president and premier.
    - 中俄 「海上聯合-2017」 軍演7月 21日至28日在波羅的海舉行,包括3艘 中國艦艇在內的中俄10艘艦艇、十多 架戰機及直升機將參加演習。
    - 中俄兩軍年內將舉行反導計算機聯合演習等活動。
    - 據中新社報道,中 國武警部隊與俄羅斯國民衛隊「合 作-2019」聯合反恐演練 11日上午在 俄羅斯新西伯利亞市近郊舉行。

    movement of natural persons
    羅斯前日亦宣布禁止中國公民入境,禁令包括港澳地區居民。據俄國傳媒報道,俄總理米舒斯京已簽署法令,由今天起暫時禁止中港澳居民以旅遊、工作、教育或個人理由入境,邀請中國公民進入俄國的手續則會在昨起停止辦理。在禁止中國公民入境之前,俄羅斯已在上月底關閉接壤中國的遠東邊境,於遠東、加里寧格勒及聖彼得堡所有口岸設邊境檢查站;一月卅日午夜起暫停來往中國的車輛和火車運輸,僅餘的一條由莫斯科到北京的火車線,亦已在本月二日午夜停駛。, Russia’s entry ban for Chinese nationals will be partial and only affect those who travel with tourist, private, student and work visas, the country’s Foreign Ministry said Wednesday, clarifying the conditions of a sweeping entry ban for Chinese citizens announced the day before.Visitors with official, business, humanitarian and transit visas will still be allowed into the country, the Ministry said.As described Wednesday, this week’s partial entry ban would minimise the effect on business connections between China and Russia and on the operation of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo International Airport, a major transit hub for Chinese tourists travelling to Europe.Visitors coming to Russia for business or humanitarian purposes account for 10 per cent of all Chinese travellers, according to Gabuev. Last year, 1.5 million Chinese tourists travelled to Russia.However, Russia’s tourism industry is about to suffer a significant blow with the flow of Chinese visitors effectively cut off during the entry ban. Because of all the restrictions, tour operators working with Chinese travellers could lose up to US$47 million of profits in the coming months, Maya Lomidze, head of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia, said on Wednesday.

    - 去年中國肉類產品進口激增五成,對俄國肉類進口的需求便存在,問題只是中國政府多年來因防疫問題限制從俄國進口肉類。去年七月,據說中方通告禽肉進口問題已解決,進口禁令已撤銷。幾個月的技術性細節安排後,今年稍後便可開始進口。俄國禽肉的優勝之處是有機食品,不含激素,比美國和中國本地生產的為佳。中歐、中亞班列可開啟南俄和遠東區禽肉出口的發展。目前俄羅斯濱海區出口的冰凍魚產品,已佔中國的最大進口來源,原來屬海運,也可部分轉鐵路運輸,特別是較高檔的魚類,可以有更佳的處理,供應內地大城市。而蜂蜜、雪糕、奶類、礦泉水、糖果等,都可由鐵路從俄中邊境的生產地區多品種、多批次地出口到中國。俄羅斯的小麥、蕎麥、大豆、玉米等優質糧食,也可以在中國內地加工,以東莞石龍為例,正在建設的中俄貿易產業園區,可作為俄國農產品來華的貿易與加工區,標榜的是以有機和非激素、非轉基因來適應內地城市對健康高質農產品的要求。這同樣適用於港澳,而成珠三角的大市場。這會是一個包含商機的變化。orientaldaily 11aug17
    - Russia has made 1 million hectares (2.5 million acres) of arable land available to foreign investors – and while that could be boon for Beijing as it struggles with limited supplies of soybeans in its trade war with the US, analysts are concerned about the quality of the plots available.Valery Dubrovskiy, director of investment for the Far East Investment and Export Agency, a non-profit organisation, said on Tuesday that several Chinese companies had already expressed an interest in the deal.The announcement means that all of the 3 million hectares of arable land in Russia’s Far Eastern Federal District is now available to farmers, Dubrovskiy said, adding that the space is suitable for dairy farming or the growing of crops, such as soybeans, wheat and potatoes.

    • 農業合作是中俄遠東合作的重要 內容,雙方簽署了《關於深化中俄大豆合作的發展 規劃》《中國東北地區和俄羅斯遠東及貝加爾地區 農業發展規劃》,積極商討加強在農產品貿易、加 工、倉儲、物流等領域合作。

    -  Liaoning Wellhope Agri-Tech Joint Stock Co, a Shenyang-based food and animal feed product manufacturer, will open a feed factory in the Russian Far East in October to enhance its earnings in markets related to the Belt and Road Initiative. Opportunities are arising from BRI economies' ongoing modernization of livestock and food supply chains, with significant investment funneling into the sector. Food processing is also growing quickly in economies involved in the initiative. Established in 1995, Wellhope currently owns more than 130 subsidiaries across 29 regions in China. It has established 10 feed processing factories and chicken farms in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Nepal, India, Russia, the Philippines and Indonesia.
    中國海關總署25日連發兩條公告,中方允許俄羅斯全境大豆進口,且增加俄羅斯小麥輸華產區。海關總署表示,根據中國相關法規,允許在俄羅斯境內所有產區種植用於加工的大豆進口,進口俄羅斯大豆不得帶中國關注的檢疫性有害生物,可採用水路、鐵路、公路、航空等方式運輸,裝載的運輸工具應符合檢疫和防疫要求。 中國商務部長鍾山與俄方代表先前在中俄經貿合作分委會第22次會議中明確表示,雙方要按照「中俄新時代全面戰略協作夥伴關係」要求,努力擴大雙邊貿易和投資,深化大豆和其他農產品貿易合作。 China’s customs said on Thursday that it has allowed imports of soybean meal, rapeseed meal, sunflower meal and sugar beet pulp from Russia. Exporters of these animal feed ingredients must be inspected and approved by Russian authorities and also registered with the Chinese regulator, the General Administration of Customs said in a statement on its website.

    dairy products Mengniu Dairy group, one of Mainland China's leading suppliers of milk, yoghurt, ice cream and other dairy products. The 20%-state-owned company has committed to a joint venture with the AFK Sistema Group, a Moscow-headquartered conglomerate with interests stretching from information technology and telecoms to real estate and biotechnology. This will see the two jointly invest US$750 million in developing the region's dairy sector, with the aim of raising its milk production to about 500,000 tons a year. If successful, this would make it not only the largest dairy production project ever to be undertaken in Russia, but also one of the most sizable in global terms. In terms of detailed implementation, it is envisaged that pastureland will be sourced from the 150,000 hectares already owned by Agroholding Steppe, Sistema's existing agriculture-focused subsidiary. Once operational, the joint venture will distribute milk throughout the Far East region and across the border into the mainland, with much of it processed through Mengniu's production facilities in Heilongjiang, the mainland's northernmost province. Although the two companies agreed to go ahead with the joint venture during the course of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok in early September, its formal structure has yet to be announced. Within the industry, though, it is expected that initial production will be on an original equipment manufacturer (OEM)/original design manufacturer (ODM) basis, an arrangement that would allow both parties to make use of their existing production facilities, while sharing any accruing profits. It is believed that such an approach, while possibly taking longer to implement, could give the project longer-term stability.Assuming that either or both of the projects come to fruition, Hong Kong is well-positioned to help drive sales of Russia-origin dairy produce on the mainland and throughout the Southeast Asia region. In this regard, it could leverage its existing logistics connections to the seaports of the Vladivostok basin, as well as its internationally recognised certification and testing expertise. In addition, its marketing and branding resources could play a key role in facilitating market access, while it is also well-equipped to function as a key distribution/storage hub.

    - Moscow and Beijing have signed agreements on the control of grain quality, which technically open the Chinese market to Russian grain. Russian food safety watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor and the Chinese government body in charge of quality control signed two food safety documents on Russian wheat, maize, rapeseed, soybean and rice supplies at a ceremony in Beijing.
      - 佩羅夫茶屋(Perlov's Tea House)主人四代賣茶,其家族故事,就像一篇中俄茶葉貿易史。俄國人嗜茶,首次接觸茶葉始於一六三八年,沙皇使者向蒙古可汗贈送紫貂皮,可汗回贈中國茶葉;從此沙皇愛上飲茶。一六七九年清康熙皇帝在位時,中俄簽署了茶葉進口協定,雙方以貂皮換取茶葉。自此,俄商開始從中國進口茶葉。當年交通不便,運輸困難,俄商用駱駝隊運茶,走五千多公里路程,花約一年半時間,始能將茶葉運抵國。茶葉珍貴,僅富貴人家才買得起。佩羅夫家族最初在小市場設攤檔賣茶葉,傳到第四代,家族富甲一方了。當時莫斯科有兩大茶葉貿易公司,分別屬於佩羅夫家族兩兄弟,兄名謝苗,弟名謝爾蓋,是賣茶競爭對手,兩人同在繁華的米亞斯尼茨卡大街(Myasnitskya Street)興建茶屋,爭奪生意。弟弟謝爾蓋於一八九三年建成佩羅夫茶屋,樓高三層,佔地廣闊,地面一層專賣茶葉,餘地闢作辦公室和住宅。不久,沙皇尼古拉二世登基在即,謝爾蓋聽聞清朝皇帝將派遣特使李鴻章來莫斯科,出席沙皇加冕典禮,他決定將整幢茶屋改建成中式大樓,以誘使李鴻章入住自己家裡,有利雙方簽訂茶葉合同。謝爾蓋請來著名建築師吉皮烏斯(Karl Gippius)設計,從中國進口建築材料,門面搭上瓦頂屋簷,牆壁雕刻龍鳳,還有一些類似中國的文字和寶塔。中式茶屋於一八九六年落成。一九一七年俄國革命後,茶屋遭蘇聯政府收歸國有,地面一層仍然賣茶葉;二、三樓被分隔成小型公共單位,住進數十家房客。蘇聯瓦解,佩羅夫家族後人要求政府歸還茶屋,以及將茶屋全面維修。經過逾百年風吹雨打,茶屋已殘破不堪。二零一二年佩羅夫茶屋以煥然一新面貌,重新開業。它保持了當年鮮豔奪目的外觀,巍立古街。如今茶屋每日客似雲來,出售來自中國、印度和斯里蘭卡等地茶葉,品種逾八百種。茶屋加售咖啡和點心,另闢茶間讓客人賞茶聚會,不單吸引遊客登門觀光,更吸引了俄國人來緬懷。


      cross border ecommerce
      • 來自中國航天科工集團公司的最新消息披露,其控股的旗下上市企業航天資訊股份有限公司(航天資訊)參與打造的首箇中俄跨境電子商務綜合服務平台,即將在8月開通。負責搭建平台的航天資訊近日與接壤俄羅斯濱海邊疆區的黑龍江省綏芬河市政府簽署戰略合作框架協議,雙方將在跨境電商公共/綜合服務平台建設及產業發展方面開展緊密合作。根據協議,航天資訊將助力綏芬河市打造中俄邊境“樣板口岸”,以中俄跨境電商綜合服務平台為切入點,充分發揮資訊科技優勢、覆蓋全國的服務渠道優勢,以企業的徵信平台為基礎、航天商品追溯平台為核心、金融支付為手段,搭建中國跨境電商產業網際網路平台,服務更多企業。航天資訊相關負責人介紹説,中俄跨境電子商務綜合服務平台採用“企業對終端消費者”模式,線上“撮合”外貿企業用户,線下打通物流鏈條。跨境電商項目積極迴應並落實了國家“一帶一路”戰略,旨在通過資訊化、智能化技術促進“中蒙俄經濟走廊”建設,探索對俄跨境電子交易發展特色路徑,創新合作模式。
      • Heilongjiang, which shares a 3,000-kilometer border with Russia, is an important gateway to thecountry. Goods from there enjoy a "one-stop customs clearance" service in Suifenhe, and can be inChina within two hours, according to Wang Jianpeng, general manager of Eshanghui, a Russianfood e-commerce firm. Wang was attending the expo, which attracted nearly 10,000 businesspeople from 103 countriesand regions this year, promoting his WeChat account. "Organic Russian food is very popular inChina," he said. "Our WeChat platform was launched in mid-September, and we now boast more than 800traders distributing Russian goods. Our daily sales volume hit more than 100,000 yuan ($15,873)within 10 days." In 2014, China remained Russia's largest trade partner for the fifth year. Russia is China's ninth-largest trade partner. Bilateral trade jumped 6.8 percent from the previous year to a record highof $95.28 billion in 2014. Twenty years ago, it was less than $7 billion. "Russia has become one of the most attractive markets for China's e-commerce companies,"said Jiang Zhenjun, a Russian studies expert at Heilongjiang University. On Singles' Day, the global shopping festival launched by e-commerce giant Alibaba GroupHolding Ltd on Nov 11 last year, Russian customers purchased the largest amount of goodsamong overseas buyers, according to Jiang. In 2013, around 300 million packages containing items bought on the Internet were transportedfrom China to Russia. That increased to more than 700 million in 2014, and is expected to hit more than 1 billion by theend of this year. China's cross-border e-commerce trade has been developing rapidly, which will help create jobsand inject new energy into the economy, the government's website reported in March. Online shopping revenue amounted to 9.8 trillion yuan from January to August this year, growing24.7 percent annually, according to Zeng Chen, an e-commerce expert at the Ministry ofCommerce.
      • Logistics companies in the world's second-biggest economy say there are morebargain hunters from Russia flocking to China's online shopping sites to takeadvantage of the vast selection of low-cost Chinese goods. Express to Russian, a privately owned courier in Northeast China's Heilongjiangprovince that caters to Russian online shoppers, said its average monthly revenuehas surged more than tenfold since it launched in October 2014. Cui Yong, Express to Russian's general manager, said more Russian consumers areshopping online for their daily needs. "China's textile products, consumer electronics and handcrafted products areimmensely popular among Russian consumers. Growth in cross-border e-commerce has helped more made-in-China products reach potential buyers inRussia," Cui said. Cross-border shopping is the fastest-growing sector in Russia's e-commercemarket. In 2014, its online shoppers placed 47 million orders at international onlinestores and received 75 million parcels from abroad, almost three times the numberof packages received in 2013, according to Data Insight, a Moscow-based researchand consultancy firm. Over the course of 2014, the number of Russian orders for Chinese goods rosefrom 45 percent to 72 percent of all goods bought online from overseas. According to Russian Post, the national postal operator, Russians made about 80million online purchases from platforms outside Russia in 2014, about 80 percentof which came from China. Cui, 47, said the company's average monthly revenue grew from about 100,000yuan in 2014 to about 1 million yuan since the second half of 2015 because of therising popularity of cross-border shopping in Russia. Launched in 2010, e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's AliExpressallows shoppers around the world to buy goods at whole sale prices. According toAlibaba, "hundreds of thousands" of packages are sent from China to Russia on adaily basis. Inc launched a Russian-language site in June 2015 to tap Russia's cross-border e-commerce market.
      - case of ali express
      • Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. is setting up a $2 billion joint venture with billionaire Alisher Usmanov’s internet services firm Group Ltd. to strengthen the Chinese company’s foothold in Russian e-commerce.Asia’s most valuable company signed an accord Tuesday with to merge their online marketplaces in the nation of more than 140 million people. The deal is backed by the Kremlin through the Russian Direct Investment Fund and the local investors will collectively control the new business.’s global depository receipts traded in London jumped as much as 12 percent.The combined company will be better able to compete with local rivals Wildberries and Yandex. Alibaba’s Russian unit AliExpress mostly sells goods imported from China and hasn’t had to worry about competition from Inc. because the U.S. behemoth has little presence in the country. now, the owners of Russia’s top social network VK, the mobile operator Megafon and Alibaba, are teaming up to make it easier for the likes of Mr Saltin to shop online. Online shopping in Russia remains relatively under-developed. The country is one of the few markets where Amazon and other major global retailers have yet to tread and AliExpress, Alibaba’s main overseas brand, currently has a 70 per cent share of the Rbs316bn ($5bn) of annual spending. Boris Dobrodeyev,’s chief executive, said VK will be a one-stop shop for social networking and also shopping, following in the footsteps of the so-called superapps, such as Tencent’s WeChat, which has layered payments and food delivery on top of its messaging service.


      •日,以“互助合作、便利發展”為主題的“‘中蒙俄經濟走廊’黑龍江陸海絲綢之路經濟帶沿線中俄海關、口岸、鐵路部門聯席會議”在中國哈爾濱舉行。本次聯席會議是在中俄雙方致力於加速推進各自國家戰略框架下區域經濟發展的大背景下召開的,旨在依託“中俄博覽會”建立中俄海關、口岸、鐵路部門的協調聯絡機制,為中俄海關、口岸、鐵路部門開展互助合作搭建新平台。中俄政府部門及商界代表共150人出席會議。  與會代表圍繞“深化中俄海關、口岸、鐵路部門合作,促進貿易便利化”,“互聯互通,共建共贏,全面支持‘中蒙俄經濟走廊’黑龍江陸海絲綢之路經濟帶建設”等主題,交流和分享了各部門的先進理念和最佳做法,並就便利貿易進一步推動區域經濟建設達成了五項共識,包括加強各方之間的政策溝通和資訊互換、加強各方合作促進物流暢通和通關便利等。
      • 由中國海關總署和俄羅斯聯 邦海關署聯合舉辦的「絲綢之路經濟帶」與歐 亞經濟聯盟對接框架下中俄海關合作研討會已 於本月 13日至 14日在俄羅斯葉卡捷琳堡市召 開。兩國海關通過會議就建立「網上絲綢之 路」等議題達成高度共識,打造更健全便利的 雙邊貿易環境。 據中新社報道,此次合作研討會以「推進 『絲綢之路經濟帶』與歐亞經濟聯盟戰略對接 下的海關合作」為主題,中俄兩國海關署、地 方政府、邊境海關、鐵路部門、物流運輸和貿 易企業代表出席會議。 雙方圍繞中俄兩國戰略對接框架下完善海關 行政管理、拓展海關監管在傳統及新興領域的 合作,擴大中俄「綠色通道」和「特定商品監 管結果互認」等重點合作項目實施,加強中俄 海關合作促進貿易發展等問題深入交流,在促 進貿易便利化、暢通陸海聯運大通道、攜手共 助國際郵件發展等領域達成多項共識。 中俄雙方一致認為,會議對推動落實《中俄 邊境海關合作綱要》,深化中國東北和內蒙古 地區邊境海關與俄羅斯遠東、西伯利亞及烏拉 爾地區海關之間的合作
      -中俄通关互认 免查检直接放行

      - Otkritie FC Bank, which is the fourth largest lender in Russia, is planning to expand its wealth-management operation and financing products to cater for Chinese corporate clients.Founded in 1993, Otkritie is the largest private bank in Russia and ranks among the world's top 350 lenders. It mainly caters for corporate clients and investment banking, retail businesses and small and medium-sized enterprises as well as private banking. Otkritie is also the largest Russian financial group by assets, worth 3.3 trillion Russian roubles ($50.6 billion). The bank also employs 20,000 staff and has four million customers. "I think the Belt and Road Initiative will promote the development of precious metals and provide us with more opportunities," Dankevich said. "We have been involved in precious metals for more than 20 years," he added. "It is mainly gold and we are very experienced in the sector." Last year, Otkritie became the first Russian member of the Shanghai Gold Exchange, China's only market for trading in the precious metal.
      记者谭笑北京报道:20至21日,由中国人民大学重阳金融研究院联合俄罗斯联邦总统经济顾问团队举办的第三届中俄经济对话在京召开。担任俄罗斯总统普京经济顾问的著名经济学家谢尔盖.格拉兹耶夫(Sergey Glaziev)表示,世界经济发展中心将在未来十年内来到亚洲,这一转变必定会带来世界政治层面的紧张。俄中两国必须携手,在世界经济和金融体系中创造新的架构,其中关键就是欧亚一体化和“一带一路”的良好结合。
      -  哈尔滨银行1月3日对外发布消息,哈尔滨银行与俄罗斯亚太银行,首次实现中俄两国金融机构间卢布现钞空运至中国非边境口岸城市的跨境调入。  哈尔滨银行是内地最早开展对俄金融业务的银行之一。2017年底,哈尔滨银行从莫斯科的俄罗斯亚太银行空运1000万元卢布现钞至位于哈尔滨市的哈尔滨银行金库中。哈尔滨银行曾完成单次3500万元人民币的对俄现金调出业务。

      - The decision by Gazprom Neft, Russia's third-largest oil producer, to use renminbi for trade settlement may prompt more Russian firms to follow suit, experts said on Wednesday. The Russian company had on Friday said that it would henceforth settle all of its crude sales to China in renminbi. Gao Jian, an oil analyst at Sublime China Information, a Chinese commodity consultancy, said China is actively promoting internationalization of renminbi in global trading and the energy sector can be a breakthrough. "Crude trading between China and Russia is huge, and this will help China expand using renminbi in more energy projects in future," he said. "The exchange rate of renminbi and rouble is stable at the moment and this creates good headwinds for yuan trading." 彭博報道,莫斯科交易所執行長Alexander Afanasiev在電郵中指出, 人民幣/盧布是去年莫斯科交易所增長速度數一數二的產品,該交易所在對沖滙率風險方面很有興趣。 去年交易量增7倍創新高 去年莫斯科交易所人民幣交易總量增長7倍,達3950億盧布(折合約538億港元)
      - Beijing has given yuan to cash-strapped Russia in “multiple” deals since October under a bilateral currency swap agreement, mainland China’s central bank said in the first public disclosure of the actual use of funds in the scheme. The People’s Bank of China did not provide the amount used or the exchange rates of the swaps. It said the funds were ultimately used by Russian commercial banks. China and Russia signed a 150 billion yuan (815 billion rouble) currency swap deal – a kind of mutual credit line between central banks – in October 2014. In case of emergency, or when other funding channels like normal bank loans and borrowings dry up, Moscow can ask for yuan from Beijing. 
      • 由于卢布贬值,货币互换协议也无助于改善双边贸易,这也影响到两国间的贸易往来。 根据中方的统计数据显示,2014年,俄中贸易总额达到884亿美元,但在2015年时却下降仅30%,为636亿美元,2016年时这一数据略有回升,达到659亿美元。 尽管贸易统计数据令人失望,但俄罗斯总统普京表示,货币互换协议签署以来,两国在贸易中以本币结算进行支付的额度有所增加。然而,以人民币结算占绝大多数,而以卢布结算的贸易仅占全部贸易的3%。
        来源:«透视俄罗斯» -
      energy cooperation
      • sino russian energy deals benefits all
      • 中俄擬 11月簽西線對華供氣協議
      • china russia start construction of joint-venture natural gas pipeline,
      • 中俄將盡早建西線天然氣管道
      • 俄氣西線輸華合同或 11月簽署
      • 中俄東線管道縱貫九省市 中俄東線天然氣管道項目日前已獲得國家發改委關於設計路線等問題的批覆,將分i北段、中段和南段分別核准建設。據新華社報道,《國家發改委辦公廳關於中俄東線天然氣管道項目有關問題的覆函》指出,根據初步設計,中俄東線天然氣管道起自黑龍江黑河市,途經黑龍江、吉林、內蒙古、遼寧、河北、天津、山東、江蘇、上海9個省市,止於上海市。wenwei 10oct14 a11
      • Beijing and Moscow netted another two giant energy agreements on Sunday, including one to help start early construction of the west route of the China-Russia natural gas pipeline. The pipeline is expected to be completed in 2020 and will provide 30 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year to China through the Altai area of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, sources told China Daily. President Xi Jinping and his visiting Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, witnessed the signing of 16 agreements on Sunday night, the bulk of them in the energy sector.,
        Moscow and Beijing signed an agreement to supply gas from western Siberia to China, in a deal that could eventually see more of Russia’s gas flowing to its vast eastern neighbour than to its traditional European markets.
      • The nation should maintain close cooperation with Russia in the energy sector and accelerate anew natural gas pipeline project, said Vice-Premier Zhang Gaoli on Friday in Beijing during hismeeting with Alexei Miller, president of Russia's state-owned natural gas giant Gazprom OAO. Zhang said the two neighbors achieved great success in the energy industry last year and willfocus on making their cooperation more effective for mutual benefit. Based on bilateral agreements, China and Russia will accelerate the construction of a westernnatural gas pipeline linking Russia's Siberia and northwestern China.
      • China and Russia will seal an agreement later this year on piped gas from Western Siberia, China’s foreign minister said on Sunday, a deal that will continue Russia’s economic shift towards Asia and away from Western Europe. Russia’s split with the west over Ukraine has pushed it closer to China, which is eager to develop overland energy supply lines that reduce its dependence on vulnerable sea lanes. China has taken a carefully neutral stance on the Ukraine conflict, while more broadly expressing its support for Russia.
      • Moscow is planning to expand energy exports to China in an effort to bolster economic and strategic ties, according to Russian deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich.
        The energy export plan comes at awkward time as China’s energy needs are cooling as its economy slows. While predicting flat economic growth this year as a result of plunging oil prices and Western sanctions, Dvorkovich said Russia was looking to diversify its economy and diplomatic support. Russia’s economy has been on a downward spiral since late 2014, when oil prices began to tumble. Slumping energy prices along with Western sanctions induced by the Ukraine crisis have helped to bring Moscow closer to Beijing, the world’s largest energy consumer.
      • A new China-Russia oil pipeline will help guarantee China's oil consumption and,cut its transportation costs, said Gao Jian, an oil analyst at commoditiesconsultancy Sublime China Information Co Ltd. Compared with other countries, Russia has oil of quite good quality, and its locationnear China makes it competitive in exporting oil to China, Gao said, adding thatRussia will certainly become China's largest exporter of oil in the near future. The European economic situation made Russia shift its oil export destinations tothe Asia-Pacific region, while China, as one of the world's largest oil consumers,has the need to import oil from neighboring countries, according to Gao. Construction of the second China-Russia crude oil pipeline started recently innortheastern China's Heilongjiang province, a move that expands the capability foroil transportation from Russia to China. The pipeline, traversing the China-Russia border, is 940 km in length and 813 mm indiameter, with a capacity to transport 15 million tons of crude oil annually,according to China National Petroleum Corporation. The Chinese section of the pipeline starts from the border city of Mohe inHeilongjiang, runs southward through the Inner Mongolia autonomous region andends at Daqing in Heilongjiang. The pipeline is expected to be put into operation at the beginning of 2018. It will run parallel to an existing pipeline-the first China-Russia crude oil pipelinethat was put into use in 2011, which can also transport 15 million tons of oil eachyear.
      • A major power plant built by a Chinese-Russian consortium has been officially brought online. The 483-MW gas-steam combined heat and power, or CHP, facility started operations here on Tuesday, China's Huadian Corp announced. Plans were rolled out for the $571 million joint venture between Huadian and Teninskaya in 2011 by China Huadian Hong Kong Co Ltd and Russian second regional power company TGC-2.,
      Chinese conglomerate CEFC has agreed to buy a 14.16 percent stake in oil major Rosneft for $9.1 billion from a consortium of Glencore and the Qatar Investment Authority, strengthening energy partnerships with Moscow, according to an announcement by Glencore released on Sept 8. Following the deal, CEFC will become the third-largest shareholder in Rosneft after the Russian government and BP.
      •  Rosneft had signed an oil supply deal with CEFC China Energy Company Ltd, Russia’s largest oil producer said in a regulatory filing on Monday

      - 據新華社報道,昨日中俄能源商務論壇在釣魚台國賓館開幕。此次中俄能源商務論壇的主題為「進一步深化中俄能源貿易、投資及金融的全方位合作」,來自中俄雙方有關部門和近90家企業的400餘人參加開幕式。 petroleum

      • The world's largest refiner, China Petroleum & Chemical Corp, also known as Sinopec, and Russia's Rosneft Oil said they will deepen cooperation to stengthen their joint venture Udmurtia Petroleum Corp.
        The joint venture, simply known as UDM, was bought out by the two oil and gas giants in August 2006. Rosneft took a 51 percent stake in UDM and Sinopec 49 percent. UDM is in Udmurtia, a Denmark-sized republic within the Volga Federal District in western Russia.
      • 中國華信集團正在初步洽談購買俄羅斯國家石油公司(Rosneft,俄油)的股權。路透社引述消息人士指出,兩家公司的高層進行了初步討論,7月以來中國華信董事長葉簡明與俄油執行長謝欽(Igor Sechin)已經兩度開會。

      - oil field

      • Rosneft PJSC agreed to sell 20 percent of its Verkhnechonsk oil and gas field in Siberia for about $1.1 billion to Beijing Gas Group Co in a deal that may give the Russian producer access to China's natural-gas market. "The competences and capabilities of our partner in the key distribution market will generate significant synergies from our joint operation," Rosneft Chief Executive Officer Igor Sechin said in a statement on Monday. Sechin and Beijing Gas Chairwoman Li Yalan signed the agreement - outlined back in June - during a meeting in St. Petersburg. The sale will help Rosneft manage the largest debt load in Russia's oil industry. It has accumulated total debts of more than $40 billion, mainly from its $55 billion acquisition of TNK-BP in 2013.
      - pipeline

      • 12月初,中俄 「世紀工程」 東線天然氣管道項目(下 稱管道項目)迎來投產通氣大日子。氣管項目長逾8000公里、工程總價 超過4000億美元(約3.12萬億港元),將在未來30年把超1萬億立方米 天然氣引進神州,根據中俄購銷合同約定,從2019年12月1日起,俄方 開始通過管道東線向中國供氣。除龍吉遼、京津冀等地民眾可用上俄國 清潔能源,不久將來長三角地區的居民也同樣可以使用俄氣。

      - lng
      • 據俄新社報道,俄 副總理德沃爾科維奇表示,亞馬爾液 化天然氣項目協議的主要條款已達成 ,預計將於12月與中國簽署。這是全 球最大LNG(液化天然氣)項目。
      • 中海油(00883)宣布,旗下全資附屬CEPR與諾瓦泰克旗下全資附屬Ekropromstroy訂立股權購買協議。根據協議,CEPR將收購由Ekropromstroy持有的Arctic LNG 2 LLC之10%股權,預期「將於近期完成」。這是一家於俄羅斯聯邦成立的公司,從事由諾瓦泰克牽頭開發、位於俄羅斯格丹半島第二個大型陸上常規天然氣項目,該項目包括Utrenneye氣田的開發生產以及三條液化天然氣生產線的建設和運營。上述項目持有液化天然氣許可證,該許可證授予其專有權,以出口Utrenneye氣田所開採的天然氣生產的液化天然氣。
      • A subsidiary company of China National Chemical Engineering (Group) Co. Ltd. (CNCEC), has signed an agreement with a Russian company to build a natural gas processing and chemical plant in a small town near Russia's shoreline of the Gulf of Finland. The deal, which is worth about 12 billion euros (around 13.3 billion U.S. dollars), was signed between the China National Chemical Engineering No. 7 Construction Company Limited (commonly referred to CC-7) and Baltic Chemical Complex of Russia, said the CNCEC in a statement disclosed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The total construction period will last for 5 years. The CNCEC said in the statement that it would continue to tap the Russian market, promote pragmatic cooperation for mutually beneficial and win-win results, as well as push forward the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative in the direction of high-quality development. Baltic Chemical Complex is a subsidiary company of RusGazDobycha, a vertically integrated company within the Russian gas market, established to undertake projects in Russia, including production, transportation and processing.
      • 作為中俄天然氣合作的重要組成部分,投資600億元人民幣的中俄東線天然氣管道北段的最後一道焊口昨日完美焊接,這也標誌着黑龍江黑河至吉林長嶺段全線貫通,12月1日,該項目將正式接收俄氣,中國與俄羅斯醞釀10年所簽訂的「世紀大單」天然氣合作協議,又向前邁出了重要一步。昨日上午在吉林省松原市境內中俄天然氣管道工程施工現場,一道焊口就要點火開焊,作為北段整條線路段7萬多道焊口最後一道未完成的焊口。當它焊接完成就標誌着中俄東線天然氣管道工程北段管道全線貫通。早在2014年,中俄兩國領導人共同見證了合作文件的簽字儀式。協議包括30年的供應時間,每年380億立方米的供應量(約合3,000萬噸油氣當量),相當於再造了一個渤海油田,合同總額達4,000億美元(約3.1萬億港元),預計從2020年後的30年內,俄羅斯將向中國市場供應1萬億立方米天然氣。
      - hydro power

      • Russia's En+ Group is pushing for more cooperation with China Three Gorges Corpto promote hydropower projects in Russia. En+ Group is a mining, metals and energy conglomerate and major shareholder inaluminum giant United Company Rusal. China Three Gorges Corp is the country'slargest hydropower developer. Oleg Deripaska, the billionaire owner of En+ and president of Rusal, highlighted anongoing hydropower project in Siberia, which has huge potential with total projectcapacity of up to 10 gigawatts. Deripaska said there is still great potential for expansion of hydropower in Russiaas many of the country's rivers, streams and lakes remain largely untapped. Cooperation between the two companies is likely to be carried out through a HongKong-registered joint venture called YES Energo Ltd, set up by En+'s subsidiaryEuroSibEnergo Plc and China Yangtze Power, a subsidiary of China Three Gorges.

      • yearly visitor figures
      • (magazine)
      - tourism cooperation summit
      • 2nd edition in march 2012, key event 2012 自駕遊by car
      - Over 200,000 visited Russia in the first six months of this year, the Agence France-Presse reports. About 410,000 arrived in 2014, according to Russia's tourism authority. Tour groups with more than five members don't need travel visas. Russia is planning to decrease the minimum numbers of people to three, say media reports. Visitors must merely submit a copy of their passport's first page before departure, Yan says. Also, more Russian hotels and restaurants are enabling Chinese tourists to use UnionPay - China's only domestic banking-card industry network - and provide such Chinese-language materials as maps and newspapers, Russian media reports say. Russia's currency has plunged nearly 50 percent against China's compared to its strongest period last year. This makes consumer products at least 30 percent cheaper, according to Ctrip.
      - china friendly project scmp article 23feb18 "a love affair with russia"
      - 俄遠東名城跨境自駕遊火熱

      - 中俄地區合作發展投資基金確認首個項目,中方將參與在俄羅斯建設大型鈾礦場,有關項目協議於本周一在莫斯科舉行簽約儀式。

      far east
      - 俄羅斯總統普京4日在俄羅斯符拉迪沃斯託克會見中國國務院副總理汪洋時表示,俄方願與中方在遠東地區實施合作項目。汪洋在主持中國東北地區和俄羅斯遠東地區地方合作理事會第一次會議時表示,中方正籌建中俄地區合作發展投資基金,重點支持遠東開發合作項目。
      俄罗斯远东发展基金成功找到合作伙伴实施在符拉迪沃斯托克大规模兴建俄罗斯岛项目,中国交通建设股份有限公司正在研究投资该项目的各种方案。俄罗斯政府2017年夏批准俄罗斯岛开发方案。方案规定到2022年在岛上建成集配备酒店基础设施的会展中心、科研和医疗中心、多功能体育健康中心、国际商务中心、住宅、酒店、旅游和休闲娱乐区为一体的现代化多功能集群,规划建筑面积522公顷,计划总投资1415亿卢布。中国交通建设股份有限公司已加入俄罗斯远东发展基金和中国丝路规划研究中心去年为实施综合开发俄罗斯岛项目建立的国际投资财团。来源:«透视俄罗斯» -
        - At the Europlastic factory in Vladivostok, the largest city in the Russian Far East, local workers use Italian-built machinery to make plastic bottle caps out of raw materials imported from China.Alexander Galushka, minister for development of the Russian Far East, said his country will play a vital role in coordinating development of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative. Investment projects in the Russian Far East have attracted $16.9 billion, according to the ministry's data. China accounts for 14.7 percent, with the money going toward cement plants, an oil refinery and road construction, as well as $1.2 million for a rivet-manufacturing base in Khabarovsk, about 800 kilometers north of Vladivostok.

        siberia land lease

        • Plans to hand a stretch of remote Siberian territory to Chinese investors have triggered a storm of protest in Russia, underlining how a relationship hailed by the leaders of both countries is being undermined by deep-rooted distrust. The government of Zabaikalsky Krai, one of the country’s poorest regions, signed a preliminary agreement earlier this month under which Hua’e Xingbang, a private Chinese company, would gain control of more than 1,000 square kilometres of idle land bordering China on a 49-year lease for Rbs24bn ($440m). But when the plan was made public, Russian politicians and media warned it could lead to an annexation of Russian lands by Beijing. “This deal poses huge political risks, particularly to Russia’s territorial integrity,” Igor Lebedev, a deputy speaker of the Duma, Russia’s lower house of parliament, said. “The contract must not be signed.” “They will bring in scores of Chinese. Then 20 or 30 years from now the Chinese government will demand those lands be given to China because all those Chinese people live there,” he added. While Mr Lebedev’s nationalist Liberal-Democratic party often employs rhetoric that is hostile to non-Russians, his outrage has been widely echoed. Vladimir Pozdnyakov, a Communist party deputy from Zabaikalsky Krai, also expressed concerns that the proposed investment could become a Trojan Horse for China to overrun Russia’s sparsely populated eastern Siberian and Far Eastern regions. Only 5.4m live in the five Russian regions neighbouring China, while the two Chinese provinces on the other side of the border have a combined population of 63m. Mr Pozdnyakov suggested the move could destroy the local environment. “We have more than enough experience with that. Where they have planted, the land is dead. Nothing will grow for years,” he warned.
        • On November 11 2015, Mongolia and China issued a joint statement that calls for the development of large industrial projects including in hydropower. For that Mongolia secured a $1 billion loan from the China EXIM Bank, which it intends to use for the construction of the Egin Gol Hydropower Project.  A  $100 million concession for access roads and bridges has been awarded to the China Gezhouba Int. Co., and construction activity began during the harsh winter months. The hydropower project is located on the Eg River near its confluence with the Selenge River, the main source of Lake Baikal. Feasibility studies for the hydropower dam were completed 10 years ago under the auspices of the Asian Development Bank in an ill-directed attempt to help Mongolia utilize renewable energy. Although it is obvious that the electricity generation potential of the rapidly drying rivers of Mongolia is 3000 times smaller than that its wind and sun potential, the World Bank followed the Chinese script. It sponsored the MINIS Project that pursues feasibility studies for two more large dams in the Baikal Basin, one of them - Shuren Hydro- is planned on the Selenge River itself.
        a vast new administrative and business center dubbed "New Moscow"

        • Russia is now looking to the East, and particularly China, for investment to fund Moscow's multi-billion dollar infrastructure projects aimed at upgrading the Russian capital into a global metropolis. At stake is an ambitious midterm urban development plan for the city involving $200 billion investment and properties covering a total of 180 million square meters. The plan includes building a vast new administrative and business center dubbed "New Moscow", improving the city's metro, road and railway systems, and revamping old industrial zones and depressed areas along the Moscow River, Russian officials said at a recent urban forum in Moscow. Dalian Wanda Group Co Ltd, China's largest commercial property conglomerate, is in negotiation with Moscow authorities to develop properties covering 1.5 million sq m at a cost of around $2 billion, according to Marat Khusnullin, deputy mayor of Moscow in charge of urban planning and construction policy. The project will transform an area called Zil Industrial Park, a former Russian automobile manufacturing site along the Moscow River, into a new modern commercial and residential district.
        zarubino port

        • China Merchants Group, the State-owned transport, finance and propertyconglomerate based in Hong Kong, is to take part in the construction of Russia'sZarubino Port, according to a report on Sputnik News. The group is seeking tax and tariff preferences in the building of the port, which isnear to Russia's border with China, Sputnik said. China Merchants is said to have signed an agreement of intent to build the portwith Summa Group, Russia's largest transport and logistics company andZarubino's developer, in May last year during the Asia-Pacific EconomicCooperation summit held in Beijing. A call by China Daily to China Merchants' press office was not returned onWednesday. Founded in 1872, China Merchants is believed to have built 34 ports in 14countries. Zarubino is an ice-free port just 18 kilometers from the border with China. It is connected by road to Hunchun, a county-level city in Jilin province.

        - ,中國東北港口營口港與俄羅斯鐵路股份有限公司簽署合作協議,營口港投資180億盧布(折合約22億港元),成功收購俄鐵下屬 的別雷拉斯特物流中心49%股權。雙方意在共同將這個中歐班列核心樞紐, 打造成莫斯科最大的國際物流中心。

        • 日前,由中国营口港与俄罗斯铁路总公司合建的莫斯科最大国际物流中心─别雷拉斯特物流中心正式开工。目前土石方工程已全面启动,预计集装箱仓储场地一期明年下半年完工。届时,阿里巴巴将在该物流中心拥有自己的跨境电商物流配送海外仓,全力满足俄罗斯民众网购中国商品的需求。
        • 北京時 間12月27日,由中國遼寧港口集團與俄羅 斯鐵路股份公司合作建設的全俄最大物流 中心——莫斯科別雷拉斯特物流中心試運 營。

          security ties

          • putin aims to cement china links as ties with west fray
          Bolshoi Ussuriysky Island (Russian: о́стров Большо́й Уссури́йский)/Heixiazi Island 黑瞎子島

          • Russia and China have finished the demarcation of the border by delivering Tarabarov Island and a part of the Bolshoi Ussuriysky Island to China, Itar-Tass reports. The official ceremony took place on the territories Tuesday. Russia and Chinese border guards have already begun their service on the newly established border.  The event marked the final establishment and the statutory recognition of the entire line of the 4,300-kilometer-long border between Russia and China. According to the intergovernmental agreement, Tarabarov Island will become China’s Yinlong, whereas Bolshoi Ussuriysky will be split into two. Its western part will now belong to China and will be named Heiziazi. The eastern part of the island will remain under Russia’s jurisdiction. The total square of these territories reaches approximately 340 square kilometers.

          • China and Russia cooperate to develop the area
          cross border bridge

          • The Chinese section of a cross-river railway bridge linking the country with Russia will be completed by the end of this year, according to project managers. “Construction for the Tongjiang-Nizhneleninskoye Railway Bridge’s main body will be finished before the end of this year. We will start building its auxiliary facilities next year,” said Lin Yonghan, a project manager at the China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group. “More than 700 workers are racing against time in two shifts to meet the project’s timetable.” Meanwhile, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has asked Russia’s transportation authority to begin construction work on the bridge’s Russian section before May, China News Service quoted Russian media as reporting. Designed to have an annual cargo capacity of 21 million metric tons, the bridge, which crosses the Heilongjiang River, known as the Amur River in Russia, will connect Tongjiang city in Heilongjiang province with Nizhneleninskoye in Russia’s Jewish Autonomous Oblast. The bridge will create a new link between China’s railway network and Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railway, boosting trade, transportation and tourism, the Heilongjiang provincial government said in a statement.
          • The construction of a cross-border rail bridge between China and Russia has moved a step closer to completion because the project's funding gap has been covered, government officials said on Monday.
            With a total investment of 2.6 billion yuan ($379 million), the bridge will connect Tongjiang in China's northeastern Heilongjiang province with Nizhneleninskoye in Russia's Jewish Autonomous Oblast.

          yangtze river and volga river
            • 中國國務委員楊潔篪昨日在成都與俄羅斯總統全權代表巴比奇舉行會晤,共同主持召開中國長江中上游地區和俄羅斯伏爾加河沿岸聯邦區地方領導人第四次座談會,並簽署會議紀要,會見出席中俄青年論壇閉幕式的雙方青年代表。
            • 2016 edition - china daily 18jul16 report

            secret tunnel

            • Scientists recently discovered a secret underground tunnel between China and Russia,The Siberian Times reported on its website. The passageway, carved through rock, is believed to have been laid in 1933 and was helped combat the Japanese invasion of China by allowing the exchange of intelligence, the paper said. The tunnel was uncovered following research by a member of staff at China’s Dongning Fortress who was told about its existence during a visit to North Korea a few years ago, according to the paper. The passageway can be entered from a village, around 155 kilometers from Vladivostok, according to the report.

            bilateral relationship through Heilongjiang

            Russia China Investment Fund 
  , The Russia-China Investment Fund, a private equity fund formed by the Russian Direct Investment Fund and China Investment Corp, will invest more than $500 million in 2017 in Russia and China in infrastructure, agriculture, technology and consumer sectors, according to its senior executives.
   Russian state development companies announced the creation of a $10bn investment fund and a $850m innovation fund with China on Tuesday as President Vladimir Putin met his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in the Kremlin. The new funds are the fruit of years of efforts by Moscow to attract funding for private industry in China after two years of recession, coupled with US and EU sanctions, that saw western corporate lending in Russia decrease dramatically. China has hitherto been reluctant to invest broadly in Russia, limiting major deals to two connected to Mr Putin’s inner circle.
            A consortium of investors led by the Russia-China Investment Fund and the China-Eurasian Economic Cooperation Fund will acquire a 16.1 percent stake in Russian oilfield services firm Eurasia Drilling Company in a sign of deepening cooperation between the two countries. The Russia-China Investment Fund is a joint fund established by sovereign wealth funds China Investment Corp of China and Russian Direct Investment Fund of Russia. The China-Eurasian Economic Cooperation Fund, backed by the Export and Import Bank of China, is an important equity investment vehicle set up by China to realize the strategic goals of the Belt and Road Initiative. The two funds inked the investment deal on Wednesday during Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's state visit to China. Other participants in the deal include leading investment funds from the Middle East.
              inner mongolia and Heilongjiang think tank dialogue hkcd 4jul14
              - 中俄智庫高端論壇(2018)昨日在北京舉行,以「中國與俄羅斯:新時代的合作」為主題,兩國智庫暢談新時代的中俄合作。

              Chinese companies wooed to help build Moscow subways

              • (HK will also exhibit),,,,, hket 2jul14 a18,,, hkej 12jul14 a19
              • 第三屆中俄博覽會擬定於7月11至15日在俄羅斯葉卡捷琳堡市舉辦。此次中俄博覽會係首次赴俄羅斯展出,擬設裝備製造、日用消費、資源開發等八大板塊,全力打造面向中俄雙方開放式的國際合作平台。目前,第三屆中俄博覽會的招商招展工作已經全面啟動。

              - history
              •中 東 鐵 路 , 是 沙 俄 1897-1903 年間在中國東北修建 的一條骨幹鐵路網,總長2489.2公 里,是沙俄西伯利亞大鐵路(從莫 斯科到海參崴,全長 9311公里)的 重要一部分。它西起滿洲里,東至綏 芬河,南接旅順口,哈爾濱則是貫通 東西南北的丁字型鐵路的樞紐,故稱 為「中東鐵路之都」。
              •  「中東路」,也叫做「中東鐵路」,顧名思 義,是「中國東部鐵路」之意。一八九六年, 清政府北洋大臣李鴻章與沙皇俄國財務大臣維 特簽署《中俄密約》,決定利用俄國資本和技 術,修建剛剛完成的俄國泛西伯利亞大鐵路在 中國境內的鐵路支線,即從滿洲北部,中國東 北西端的滿洲里入境,經過松花江中游的小漁 村哈爾濱,再向東連接中俄邊界的綏芬河,接 續到俄國濱海地區海參崴, 再以哈爾濱為起 點向南連通軍港旅順口。這條「丁字形鐵路」 具有極強的地緣政治軍事意義,直接把中國滿 洲變成了沙皇俄國的勢力範圍,相當於半殖民 地。它同時反映出清王朝末年國力羸弱,不得 不奉行「以夷制夷」外交方略的殘酷現實。 「中東鐵路」的修建和日俄戰爭俄國失敗的結 果,導致了俄日這兩大帝國加速對我國滿蒙地 區的殖民擴張的步伐 ,俄國「十月革命」和 中國辛亥革命兩場革命的成功,使中國東北的 地緣政治競爭更趨白熱化。 辛亥革命推翻清王朝,中國歷史翻開新一 頁。在袁世凱死後群雄逐鹿的北洋時期,奉系 軍閥張作霖控制東北。一九二八年六月四日關 東軍策劃「皇姑屯事變」,暗殺了張作霖,接 任的張學良於是年年底「東北易幟」,擁護北 伐勝利並定都南京的蔣介石國民黨政權。「中 東鐵路」的命運再次進入轉折關頭。 「中東路事件」發生的國內外背景很特殊, 而少帥張學良是主角。是時,打倒列強的呼聲 在中國大地迴響,國民政府新任外長王正廷推 行「革命外交」,主張取消帝國主義在華的一 切不平等條約,即「修訂新約運動」,張學良 對此積極響應,試圖通過收回「中東鐵路」樹 立自己的個人威信,同時借此向蔣介石送上一 份大禮。但年輕氣盛的他犯了輕敵的兵家大 忌,在與蘇聯直接的軍事衝突中損兵折將,最 後不得不簽署《伯力協定》,中東鐵路的管理 權不僅重新回歸事件之前的中蘇共管狀態,而 且我國的固有領土黑瞎子島被蘇聯方面佔領。 總之,「中東路事件」在中俄關係史上留下了 中華民族屈辱的一頁。

              - 中俄高鐵項目展開技術論證 莫斯科至喀山段行程 將由 11.5小時變 3.5小時

              • 俄羅斯第一副總理兼財政部長西盧安諾夫日前批評,中國有份參與的俄羅斯高鐵項目沒有經濟效益,認為如用此鐵路運輸貨物將非常昂貴,形同賠錢,故不宜興建。西盧安諾夫認為,上述由莫斯科開往喀山的高鐵項目,應改在人口稠密和人員流動大的地方興建,如行駛莫斯科和聖彼得堡之間。此外,兩地已有空中交通網絡,即使高鐵項目能收回成本,惟飛機總比高鐵快,不符經濟效益。

              - 中國中車長客股份公司26 日表示,該公司與俄羅斯俄鐵快速幹線公司達成一致,雙方 同意通過組建合資企業的方式開展車輛技術裝備供應及在俄 本地化生產合作。 長客股份公司說,這個合作意向是在剛剛於莫斯科閉幕 的中俄高鐵合作企業工作組第五次會議上敲定的。會議期間 ,長客股份公司與俄鐵快速幹線公司就車輛技術條件進行了 交流和澄清,並就車輛訂單數量、如何構建合資公司等重大 事項交換意見。
              - will build a high-speed railway connecting Beijing and Moscow, estimated to cost 1.5 trillion yuan ($242 billion), Beijing’s municipal government announced on Thursday. The length of the railway will total 7,000 kilometers. The railway will pass through Kazakhstan, and the journey will take two days, Bloomberg reports, citing the government’ announcement in the Weibo social network. The railway will ease travel between Beijing and Moscow and reduce travel times, the announcement notes.
              -據環球網援引美國《福布斯》雜誌網站12月27日報 道,中國正聯手俄羅斯和德國共同推進亞歐大陸高速鐵 路的現代化建設,旨在打造一條西連柏林、東接北京的 快速陸上通道。為此,中國中鐵股份有限公司投資了60 億美元,而俄羅斯國有鐵路公司則成為此項目的最大受 益者。 據悉,此投資項目是中國建設中歐陸上 「絲綢之路 」計劃的一部分,該計劃旨在將中國主要的經濟中心與 亞歐大陸的欠發達地區連接起來。該項目的大部分資金 都將用於自俄羅斯首都莫斯科至韃靼自治共和國首府喀 山段的高速鐵路建設。
              - 進入2016年以來,中俄琿春─馬哈林諾鐵路(簡稱琿馬鐵路)國際聯運開啟了“暴走模式”。吉林琿春口岸辦23日透露,這條線路正在成為中國連接俄、日、韓陸海聯運通道的關鍵節點。  據中新社報道,來自琿春市口岸管理辦公室的最新統計數據顯示,今年1月,琿馬鐵路異常繁忙,累計進境煤炭、鐵精粉、板材達到22萬噸。即使在中國春節期間,也有20列火車載貨59831噸進境,較去年同期增長187.2%。  “這條鐵路構建的對俄貿易網絡,已經深入到俄羅斯內陸。”琿春市口岸管理辦公室副主任方丹介紹,貨列增長明顯源於中俄兩國地方政府長期合作打下的堅實基礎,以及雙方進出口企業不斷增加的貿易需求。  琿馬鐵路正式運行始於2002年,但于2004年琿馬鐵路口岸因故臨時關閉。此後,經中俄雙方共同推動,2013年8月,琿馬鐵路得以重啟國際聯運。
                - China Railway Group Ltd, an infrastructure construction company, will build a high-speed railway in Russia connecting the country's third-largest city Yekaterinburg with Chelyabinsk, as the Chinese company's overseas business keeps expanding. The project will involve a total investment of $2.5 billion, according to a memorandum of understanding signed between the Chinese company and Ural Highway during the Fourth China-Russia Exposition held recently in the northeastern Chinese city of Harbin.
                - 參考消息網報道,俄羅斯首都莫斯科副市長胡斯努林表示,中國鐵建股份有限公司(CRCC)將於5月啟動莫斯科西南部三座地鐵站修建工程。

                • Eastern Energy Company, a member of INTER RAO UES Group, signed a long-term contract with State Grid Corporation of China for electric power delivery delivery to China over 110, 220 and 500 kV transmission lines. The contract is signed for 25 years with projected total electricity supply of 100 bn kWh. The first volume of electric power will be delivered on March 1, 2012. EEC expects to export more than 2.6 billion kWh of Russian electricity to China in 2012 (total electricity export to China in 2011 was 1.2 billion kWh).
                • 俄《生意人報》9日援引中國國家 電網公司總經理舒印彪透露的信息表 示,目前中俄電力企業正在探討從俄 遠東地區建設熱力發電廠並向中國出 口電力的計劃,如果項目最終落實, 該電站將成為俄羅斯乃至世界最大的 熱力發電廠。, 據俄媒報道,中國國家電網公司對與俄羅斯國際統一電力系 統公司進行的聯合項目進行了評估,該項目為世界上最大的火力發電站,將使 用俄羅斯阿穆爾州葉爾科夫齊煤田的煤炭資源,項目總造價達150億美元。消息指,俄羅斯正與中方討論將電力增值稅稅率調零的問題,還將建立超 高壓電力輸送線路,中俄在阿穆爾州的電力項目首次訂單可能將於 2019年實 現。
                - 俄羅斯叫停中國投資者在貝加爾湖旁興建樽裝水廠工程,當地有九十二萬居民和環保人士近日反對中國公司抽水,擔心令湖水水位降低,影響當地生態。俄國伊爾庫茨克州的州長列夫琴科上周五宣布暫停建工廠。他表示,該項目施工前獲政府部門支持,也通過生態環保等部門的鑑定,惟檢察院和生態環保等部門檢查施工現場時,發現違法現象。俄國總理梅德韋傑夫上周二下令,調查該項目是否符合最高級別的環保標準。

                • The absence this year of a yearly contract with China, the world’s largest potash buyer, has depressed demand and sales volumes for producers as the agreement acts as a price benchmark for the whole market. Uralkali, the Russian potash producer, last month pointed to the absence of a supply contract with China as a factor behind the “cautiousness among customers who took a wait-and-see approach, delaying purchases”. Before that, Canada’s PotashCorp had blamed the “deferral of new contracts in China” for cautious buying in other regions.

                - Harbin

                • 俄擬在哈爾濱建核電站; plan to build electricity plant not confirmed by Chinese side
                • Harbin-Kazahkstan-Moscow freight flight route

                中俄經濟合作高層智庫研討會 ,,

                - 40多位俄方專家的技術 成果和產品,及100餘項中俄合 作項目14日集中亮相瀋陽 「一帶 一路」 俄羅斯工業技術展。 當日宣布成立的中俄院士創 新中心,由中科院院士聞邦椿和 俄科院院士貝奇科夫共同揭牌。 首批簽約9名中俄院士、俄羅斯高 校和科研院所28家、教授及高級 研究員62人,重點推介項目143 項,合作中俄企業數量200餘家 ,項目庫項目總數超過500餘項 。創新中心將全力打造中俄先進 技術創新體、中俄兩國科技領域 雙邊合作的高端智庫、中俄技術 轉移與成果轉化服務平台。

                innovation and technology
                - China Merchants Capital and Russia's Vnesheconombank signed a memorandum of understanding on Tuesday with a view to financing joint projects and creating high-tech and innovation funds. The parties are considering setting up to invest in a fund in Russian companies, including those focused on exports. "Russia is an important participant in the Belt and Road Initiative and the signing of the MoU between VEB and CMC is undoubtedly fostering strategic cooperation and alignment between Chinese and Russian economies," said Anthony Yang, general manager of CMC SINO-BLR Fund.The signing ceremony took place during the visit of the delegation of Vnesheconombank to Shenzhen. The MoU was signed by Li Yinquan, chairman of China Merchants Capital, and Sergei Gorkov, his Russian counterpart from Vnesheconombank.
                - 中國近年積極開拓極地領域發展,中國和俄羅斯的科學家正在開發世界上首個用於北極地區石油和天然氣資源勘探及開採的冰下通訊技術,雙方專家近日在海參崴進行試驗。
                - China is focusing on its innovation-driven development strategy, and will maintain the high level of cooperation in the field of high-tech industry with Russia, senior officials said during the second China-Russian Innovation Talk on Tuesday in Moscow. The talk, established in 2017, aims at expanding cooperation among medium and small-sized companies and capital markets in both countries.
       On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree, designating 2020 as the year of Russian-Chinese Scientific, Technical and Innovation Cooperation.Meanwhile, the Chinese foreign ministry has identified fields such as communications technology, artificial intelligence and the “internet of things” as promising fields for collaboration.

                big data
                - “2017‘一带一路’中俄大数据产业发展论坛”23日在哈尔滨举行,上百名中俄两国的大数据产业相关人士与会。在论坛期间,中俄双方还签署了信息和经贸战略合作协议。俄方代表表示,俄中两国的大数据产业合作,有助于两国企业及时掌握市场动态,规避风险。

                - 中国和俄罗斯计划于今年10月签署2018年至2022年联合开发太空的“里程碑式”的协议,中国国际电视台(CGTN)27日的报道称,该协议将给两国带来重大利益,特别是对于月球计划和人类再次登月。
                - moon exploration
                • 中俄將聯手探月,俄羅斯國家航天集團與中國國家航天局上周六簽署協議,在探月和深空探測領域方面展開合作,同時還將設立中俄聯合太空探測數據中心。
                • 俄羅斯媒體報道,俄羅斯航天國家集團公司發布消息稱,與中國國家航天局決定在中俄二○一八至二二年航天合作大綱中,新增月球研究與開發項目。
                • 中俄 航天合作實現新突破。國家航天局昨日晚間宣 布,3月 9日,經兩國政府批准,中國國家航天 局局長張克儉與俄羅斯國家航天集團公司總經 理羅戈津通過視頻會議簽署《中華人民共和國 政府和俄羅斯聯邦政府關於合作建設國際月球 科研站的諒解備忘錄》。

                - Russia plans to work with China to design and produce a new wide-body aircraft to compete with Boeing Co and Airbus Group SE, aiming to sign a deal by the end ofthis year, according to Deputy Industry Minister Andrey Boginsky. He said Russia is ready to fund the initial stage of the project, which will focus onthe design of a new twin-aisle plane. China and Russia may sign an inter-governmental agreement by the end of the year,and the project may later be expanded to include the development of an engine, hesaid. Russia is seeking to build ties with China as a counterweight to the United Statesand European influence after relations with the Western powers soured over theconflict in Ukraine. The Chinese slowdown and the plunge in prices for Russia's oil and commoditiesexports caused trade to slump 29 percent in the first half of 2015 to $30.6 billion,threatening the $100 billion target for the year. Russia's United Aircraft Corp and Commercial Aircraft Corp of China, known asCOMAC, are discussing a work plan and obligations and also seek to sign a finalaccord this year, according to Boginsky. That will follow a memorandum ofunderstanding signed in May 2014. The undertaking to design a viable competitor may need as much as $20 billion ofinvestment, according to Oleg Panteleyev, head of research at Global airlines will need as many as 8,830 wide-body planes in the next twodecades with demand in China alone reaching 1,500, according to Boeingestimates. The US manufacturer and Airbus have a duopoly on production of twin-aisle jets,unlike the more crowded narrow-body market where competitors have planes atvarious stages of development. United Aircraft plans to target market share beyond just Russia and China,according to Sergey Loktionov, a spokesman for the company.

                • Domestic aircraft manufacturer Commercial Aircraft Corp of China said on Thursday that it has started work to develop a wide-body commercial jet with Russia, and the passenger plane is expected to be delivered within 10 years. The 280-seat wide-body jet would have a range of 12,000 kilometers. The project signals the two countries' ambitions to compete in the wide-body market, which is currently dominated by US aircraft manufacturer Boeing Co and European manufacturer Airbus Group SE. "Research and development of wide-body aircraft was launched recently," said He Dongfeng, vice-chairman and president of COMAC. The research and development for the jet will be conducted in Moscow, and the assembly work will be conducted in Shanghai, COMAC announced at November's Zhuhai Airshow.
                • Honeywell Aerospace, the global manufacturer of aircraft engines and avionics, is eyeing major deals from the development of China’s first long-haul, wide-bodied jet, ahead of the imminent maiden flight of the Comac C919 next month, the smaller domestic passenger being developed to carry 175 people. Steven Lien, president of Honeywell Aerospace in Asia-Pacific, told the South China Morning Post that the US firm is already in discussions with the Sino-Russian joint venture co-developing the country’s first wide-bodied jet.
                •日,國產大飛機C919於上海首飛成功,被視 為中國民用航空領域一次重大跨越。在C919研製之同時,其後 續乃至未來機型的研製早就提上日程,其中就包括始於2014年、 中國商飛與俄羅斯聯合航空製造集團(UAC)攜手合作之C929遠程廣 體客機項目,乃至C939、C949等機型之未來超前研製。內地媒體從 C929研發團隊一位成員口中得悉,中俄合作研製、以美國廣體客機波音 777為假想敵的C929暫定2020年首飛,航程足以跨洋飛行,並將具備智 能故障診斷和狀態監測能力。
                • Russia has started developing an engine for a long-haul wide-body airliner and has invited China to take part in this work, International Cooperation and Regional Policy Director at state hi-tech corporation Rostec Viktor Kladov said on Thursday.
                  ‘We have invited the Chinese side for partnership in developing the engine as the time is pressing while the Russian side has launched work on the PD-35 engine. There is a decision by the Russian leadership and the United Engine-Making Corporation has already started work on this promising engine," Kladov said, stressing that a task had been set to start the commercial operation of the Russian-Chinese plane already in 2025.

                -  helicoptor
                • 據俄羅斯衛星網報道,俄羅斯副總理德 米特里.羅戈津向記者表示,俄羅斯和中國已就聯合生產 直升機項目的「最後問題」達成共識,並計劃於 5月簽署 最終協議。
                • China and Russia are close to finalizing an agreement to jointly develop a heavy-lift helicopter next year, according to senior Chinese helicopter designers. "The project is progressing smoothly, and we are discussing with our Russian counterparts terms and clauses in the agreement. The negotiations should conclude before the end of this year and the development will start next year," said Wu Ximing, chief helicopter designer at Aviation Industry Corp of China, at the Third China Helicopter Expo, which opened on Wednesday in Tianjin. The new helicopter's production will be based in China, he said, adding it will use the Ukraine-made Lotarev D-136 turboshaft engine at the initial mass-production stage.
                  • 近日,中俄兩國進行了重型直升機合作項目第7輪談判,雙方對相關核心技術達成一致意見。從中航工業公佈的性能參數看,中俄合研重直最大起飛重量達到38.2噸、最大巡航時速為300公里和最大升限達5700米等,都優於美軍現役的CH53E“超級種馬”和CH47“支奴幹”兩種機型。  2015年5月8日,在中國國家主席習近平和俄羅斯總統普京見證下,中國航空工業集團公司董事長林左鳴與俄羅斯直升機公司總經理米赫耶夫在克里姆林宮聯合簽署了先進重型直升機項目合作框架協議。

                  • Negotiations on a jointly developed Sino-Russian heavy-lift helicopter are close to completion, according to a key figure in the program. Huang Chuanyue, deputy chief engineer at Avicopter, the helicopter branch of State-owned Aviation Industry Corp of China, said last week during the International Aviation and Space Salon 2019 in Zhukovsky, a small town outside Moscow, that after many rounds of negotiations between AVIC and Russian Helicopters, terms for the helicopter's contract have been basically finalized and are entering the final approval process. "Our negotiations were launched in 2008," Huang said. "By now, the two sides have reached consensus on almost all of the terms."

                  -俄羅 斯衛星網12月26日報道,俄羅斯NIK研發 與工程公司與北京中資融通諮詢有限公司 代表共同表示,俄中兩國2017年將在莫斯 科州茹科夫斯基和廣西壯族自治區的防城 港成立開發輕型商用飛機、直升機、旋翼 機和無人機的科研中心。預計該中心的產 品將供應至獨聯體、南亞和拉丁美洲地區 的國家。
                  - flight connection

                  • 九月,深圳開達莫斯科的直航航班,雖然航班有限,比不上廣州及香港,主因是深圳不是廣州那樣的內地航空樞紐,國際航線受限制。但深圳機場銳意國際化,努力可嘉。對珠三角的居民及遊客來說,便多了一個機場選擇。由於香港與莫斯科互免旅遊簽證,即使特區政府只給兩周停留,不像對其他免簽證國家一般的三個月,來香港的俄羅斯遊客還多於廣州,顯然在珠三角,香港還是最國際化的城市。

                  - 俄羅斯海關近日傳出將小米手機列入海關知識產權清單內。俄媒指俄海關自上月尾開始,在莫斯科、葉卡、奧倫堡等地大量扣押小米手機包裹,並退回中國。對於網 購小米手機疑遭俄羅斯「封殺」一事,小米回應稱俄羅斯海關的行動只針對非法進口手機,小米在俄羅斯官方網購一切銷售正常。


                  • satellite navigation pact agreed on with Russia, 中俄聯建全球最佳導航系統
                  • :中俄衛星導航重大戰 略合作項目委員會10日在北京 舉行第一次會議,中國衛星導 航系統委員會主席王力、俄羅 斯航天局局長卡馬洛夫共同主 持會議。 業內專家稱,此次會議標 誌着在中俄總理定期會晤委員 會框架下,分別擁有北斗、格 羅納斯(GLONASS)這兩大 全球衛星導航系統的中俄兩國 ,已正式建立起衛星導航重大 戰略合作機制,這必將進一步 推動中俄在衛星導航領域的務 實合作進程。
                  moon exploration

                  • 據俄羅斯衞星網11日消息,俄羅斯宇航局新聞中心表示,俄羅斯與中國10日在莫斯科的聯合會議上就建立有共同軌道的衞星組進行了探討,這些衞星是用於為金磚國家進行地球距離探測的。  消息稱,建立國際衞星組的工作在俄羅斯宇航局與中國國家航天局備忘錄簽署後開始,該備忘錄是於5月簽訂的。此外,雙方還就電子元件基礎生產、月球及遠宇宙空間研究探測等方面的合作進行了討論。  消息指出,在基礎及實踐宇宙研究的框架下,俄中兩國正在進行月球研究方面的合作拓展工作,該項工作是在中國“長征4”及俄羅斯“月球─水珠”項目框架下進行的。在俄羅斯與中國合作框架下,雙方自2013年起簽訂了7項合同,並就24個主題下的技術任務進行了討論。

                  •中俄超導質子聯合研究中心18日落户合肥,中科院等離子體物理研究所與俄羅斯聯合核子所簽署科技合作協議,研製中俄首台超導迴旋質子治療裝置。 超導迴旋質子治療裝置是利用超導科技、採用極高的磁場、可小型化的同步迴旋加速器。由於其結構簡單,非常方便安裝於醫院環境下用於質子治療,是治療腫瘤和癌症等疾病的新型裝置。
                  - President Xi Jinping called on Tuesday for cooperation on the Arctic passage with Russia to help jointly build a Silk Road through the ice. Xi made the remark during his meeting with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at the Kremlin in Moscow on his two-day state visit to Russia. Xi also called for the implementation of projects to boost interconnection.
                  - A recently concluded China-Russia joint Arctic expedition has yielded a more comprehensive and systematic understanding of the Arctic Ocean that will provide scientific support for the development of a Polar Silk Road, scientists from the two countries said on Tuesday.
                  Eleven Chinese researchers and 19 Russians participated in the second joint Sino-Russia Arctic expedition, which started in Russia's eastern port of Vladivostok on Sept 6. After overcoming extreme weather and traveling 12,000 kilometers, they returned to the port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on Oct 21. The 46-day expedition was jointly organized by the Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, based in Qingdao, Shandong province, and the Russian Academy of Sciences Pacific Oceanological Institute.

                  - 記者從 青島海洋科學與技術國家實驗室(以下簡稱「海 洋國家實驗室」)獲悉,歷時 32天的中俄首次聯 合北極科考日前落下帷幕。海洋國家實驗室主任 吳立新院士說,海洋國家實驗室正在與俄羅斯合 作建立北極聯合研究中心

                  far east cooperation

                  黑龍江「粵綏歐」通車 破國際物流瓶頸
                  - 國務院總理李克強日前訪問俄羅斯期間,中俄雙方共同簽署「莫斯科—喀山」高鐵發展合作備忘錄。據報道,高鐵最終將延至北京,總長超 7,000多公里,花費高達 1.5萬億元人民幣。
                  - delegations from china

                  • 中国工业代表团8日以主宾国身份参加俄罗斯2015国际创新工业展,俄罗斯副总理罗戈津和中国国务院副总理汪洋出席了开幕式。 罗戈津在致辞中对中国作为俄罗斯国际创新工业展首个主宾国参加展会表示热烈欢迎,称这标志着两国经贸合作又进入一个新阶段。俄中两国在工业、农业、贸易、核能、航空、航天等领域合作不断深化,前景十分广阔。希望展会期间两国及其他各国参展企业充分交流沟通,开展更加深入的合作。 汪洋表示,中国高度重视与俄罗斯的创新合作,愿与俄方加强创新战略、规划、政策等层面的对接,把中方的产业、资金、市场优势与俄方的技术、人才优势结合起来,共同提升两国科技创新能力和产业整体竞争力,也为全球生产率的提高做出积极贡献。 俄罗斯国际创新工业展是俄最大的国家级综合工业展览,自2010年起每年7月在叶卡捷琳堡市举行。本届展会以"生产效率"为主题,共有来自70多个国家的企业参展。根据俄中两国元首此前达成的共识,中国作为首个主宾国参加本届展会,共有130多家中国企业参展。应俄方邀请,汪洋率团出席展会主宾国活动,主要包括中国馆开馆仪式、"中国之夜"文艺演出以及巡视中国参展单位展台等。

                  attracting chinese financing
                  - Moscow is trying to attract more Chinese loans for Russian companies by shouldering some of the credit risk through a financing arrangement that seeks to ease Beijing’s wariness of further exposure to cash-starved businesses.  Under an agreement to be signed at a summit between Xi Jinping, Chinese president, and Vladimir Putin, his Russian counterpart, in Moscow on Friday, the state-backed Russian Direct Investment Fund and state-owned China Construction Bank will establish a debt mechanism to help unlock Chinese financing for Russian borrowers. RDIF and the $2bn Russia-China Investment Fund — which RDIF launched with the China Investment Corporation in 2012 — plan to lower the risk for Chinese lenders by either taking equity positions in prospective borrowers or extending subordinated debt to them. The effect of such financing structures is that the Russian funds would suffer the first losses if loans soured, potentially sparing their Chinese co-lenders.
                    - 8月17日,中共中央總書記、國家主席習近平出席推進“一帶一路”建設工作座談會並發表重要講話強調,聚焦攜手打造綠色絲綢之路、健康絲綢之路、智力絲綢之路、和平絲綢之路,一步一步把“一帶一路”建設推向前進,造福沿線各地人民。坐擁廿多個國家一類口岸、與俄羅斯邊境相連近三千公里的黑龍江省,一直是中國對俄開放橋頭堡。好風憑藉力,借勢國家“一帶一路”規劃,構建龍江絲路帶,可望催生出對俄的新增長點。本屆中俄博覽會首度在俄羅斯腹地葉卡捷琳堡舉行,為中俄經貿合作跳出邊境合作走向全面交流揭開序幕,併為輻射至俄中部和中亞之區域經濟合作戰略奠基。 大公報記者 焦紅瑞 於海江   葉卡捷琳堡位於亞歐分界線,是中國建設“一帶一路”與俄羅斯推動“歐亞經濟聯盟”的必經之路。今年7月,中俄博覽會首次在俄羅斯腹地城市─葉卡捷琳堡舉辦。7月12日,第三屆中俄博覽會黑龍江周.哈爾濱日開幕,黑龍江省省長陸昊于開幕式上説,中國國家主席習近平5月份在黑龍江省視察時,明確要求黑龍江省在參與國家“一帶一路”戰略中要突出對俄合作。據了解,本屆展會共有來自95個國家和地區的700餘家企業參展參會,中企佔244家、俄企佔190家。 中國展商 黑龍江佔61%  中俄博覽會與第七屆俄創新展同期舉辦,優勢互補相得益彰,是中國境外辦展史上展覽規模較大、出境參展人數較多的一次展會,黑龍江省參展企業達150家,佔國內參展企業總數61%。黑龍江國際貿易促進委員會會長鄂忠齊介紹,本屆中俄博覽會設立“裝備製造與科技創新、資源開發、農林加工、工程科技、醫藥、金融文化、日用消費”等7個主題。此外,中俄兩國中小企業展覽規模大、展品科技含量高,成為展會特色和亮點。俄工業貿易部部長曼圖羅夫評價,“本屆中俄博覽會是推動中俄兩國中小企業間合作盛會”。

                    • China News Service (CNS) President Zhang Xinxin and Dmitry Kiselev, head of the Russia Today international news agency, signed a cooperation deal on the sidelines of the China-Russia Media Forum in St. Petersburg on Thursday. According to the agreement, the two sides will cooperate in news exchange, joint interviews and co-organization of news events. CNS is one of the two news agencies on the Chinese mainland. Through text, photography, features, websites, periodicals, newswires and video, CNS provides news to overseas Chinese people across the world, including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Its user network covers most of the Chinese-language media in the world. The state-run Russia Today news agency is the result of a merger and restructure of the former RIA Novosti news agency and The Voice of Russia, and is one of the largest media conglomerates in Russia. With the task of publicizing Russia's state policies and social life, it offers multilingual news services to the world.
                    • 美國之音報道,「統一俄羅斯黨」領導人、前國家杜馬(下議院)議長格雷茲洛夫日前訪華時,呼籲兩國組建聯合國際新聞通訊社,一方面預防抵制分離主義和極端勢力,另一方面傳播符合兩國利益的信息,並讓相關信息覆蓋最多受眾。陪同格雷茲洛夫訪華的一名國家杜馬議員則透露,兩國聯合新聞通訊社項目,將在明年啟動。hket 4dec15
                    • Strategic trust and coordination between Russia and China will be enhanced by the media in both countries, a senior Chinese official said at the opening ceremony of the second China-Russia Media Forum in Beijing on Friday. The forum will help media outlets in the countries become "close partners" and boost friendship among their peoples, said Liu Qibao, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and head of the CPC Central Committee's Publicity Department. Leading members of the media from the two countries signed 10 cooperative agreements at a ceremony overseen by Liu and Russian presidential administration chief Sergei Ivanov. Zhu Ling, publisher of China Daily, and Pavel Negoitsa, publisher of leading Russian newspaper Rossiystaya Gazeta, signed a framework agreement on long-term cooperation between the newspapers, including China Daily issuing a Russian language edition of "China Watch" in Russia.
                    •東北地區與俄羅斯遠東地區exchange event
                    - exchange event in changchun
                    - The first round of dialogue between Chinese and Russian representatives from various media outlets attending the China-Russia Internet Media Forum & China-Russia New Media Youth Leadership Summit took place Saturday afternoon in Tianhe district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province.
                    - China-Russia Headlines, a bilingual mobile news app produced by China Radio International and Russian news agency Rossiya Segodnya, has started to provide news and information about the two nations' ties. The two companies provide news in written, audio and video formats, said Wang Gengnian, director-general of China Radio International. It was launched in Moscow on Monday. "Besides news headlines, China-Russia Headlines also provides other services, such as bilingual radio, online translation, cross-border internet trading, tourism information and live broadcasting," Wang said.
                    - China and Russia have maintained close cooperation in mainstream media in the past year, a senior Chinese official said during the Third China-Russia Media Forum on Tuesday in Moscow. More than 120 representatives of 75 media agencies from China and Russia participated in the forum and discussed new trends of media development and future cooperation. 
                    - event in changchun
                    - The 2017 China-Russia Forum: New Media • Youth Collaboration kicked off on Monday in Rostov-on-Don, the biggest city in southern Russia. 200 businessmen, experts and scholars from China and Russia participating in the event. They discussed such topics as the role of the internet in the modern world, the influence of high technology on media, media education, youth entrepreneurship and innovation.,
                    - A license agreement has been signed between the China Daily Website and Russia's SPB TV at the Second China-Russia New Media Forum held in Russia on Monday and Tuesday. The agreement grants the SPB TV OTT platform, as well as via the Belt and Road application (owned by SPB TV), the international rights to the video-on-demand content in entertainment, documentary and news produced by the China Daily Website. The content will be produced in English. The monetizing of the content will be based on the sharing of profits received from advertisements.
                    - "Today's closing ceremony of the China-Russia Media Exchange Year should not be seen as the end, but rather it marks a starting point for media exchange and cooperation between China and Russia, passing on the friendship to future generations," Li said. Medvedev, who also addressed the ceremony, said that with more than 250 events being held since 2015, the China-Russia Media Exchange Year has brought opportunities to add new meaning to bilateral ties.
                    - 我和普京總統共同決定2018年至2019年舉辦中俄地方合作交流年,相信這項重大活動將激發兩國地方合作熱情,挖掘雙方合作潛力,帶動更多地方、企業、民眾加入中俄友好合作和共同發展事業,為中俄關係持續健康穩定發展提供更加強勁的動力。雙方將在地方合作交流年框架內舉辦上百項活動,包括投資推介會,貿易、工業和農業展覽會,研討會,藝術節,團組互訪等。兩國地方代表還將在聖彼得堡國際經濟論壇、東方經濟論壇、俄中博覽會框架內積極交流接觸。

                    • 據俄羅斯衛星通信社報 道:中宣部副部長、中央廣播電視總台台 長、委員會媒體理事會中方主席慎海雄5 日在北京舉行的中俄友好、和平與發展委 員會第十二次全體會議上發言時表示, 2020-2021年是中俄科技創新年,媒體理 事會將進一步促進兩國媒體在新技術領域 的合作,努力構建中俄媒體技術創新共同 體。

                    - china daily 5nov19 china russia new media youth collaboration event
                    • Chinese animation blockbuster Monkey King: Hero is back, which grossed $150million in China, has hit the Russian box office, as more and more Chinese films aretesting water in overseas markets.
                    Intellectual property
                    来源:«透视俄罗斯» -

                    - The first cooperative university between China and Russia officially opened its doors to students on Wednesday in a sign of enhanced educational cooperation between the two countries. The opening ceremony of Shenzhen MSU-BIT University, jointly run by Lomonosov Moscow State University, or MSU, and the Beijing Institute of Technology, or BIT, was held in Shenzhen, Guangdong province.
                      - 據中新社報道,昨日,中共中央政治局委員、中央外事工作委員會辦公室主任楊潔篪在俄羅斯索契出席第十五屆瓦爾代國際辯論俱樂部年會並致辭。瓦爾代國際辯論俱樂部由俄羅斯發起成立,每年舉辦一次年會,係世界各國政治家、學者交流互動的重要平台。

                      - qing dynasty

                      • article in art newspaper russia no 2(71) mapt 2019 page 61
                      - 中國畫家李洪濤《中國夢-愛與美的和諧》大型油畫作品展

                        - Museums will host an exhibition dedicated to Chinese emperors in the spring of 2019. The following year, a reciprocal exhibition from Moscow is planned at the Palace Museum in Beijing.

                        chinese language
                        - 俄羅斯傳媒報道,俄國官方有意將中文納入國家統一考試,未來中小學生將可選擇報考中文,這項政策將在二○二○年前落實。據報目前中俄出版社已聯手,將為俄中學出版一系列中文教科書。

                        • 據俄羅斯衛星通信社報道,2019年俄羅斯將首次把漢語科目納入國家統一考試,也就是「俄羅斯高考」中。據「今日俄羅斯電視台」報道,預計2019年俄羅斯高考將有數百名畢業生選擇漢語作為選考語言。

                        - 俄罗斯雅斯纳亚·波良纳庄园博物馆代表团访问中国浙江绍兴鲁迅纪念馆期间10月14日双方签署文化合作协议。
                        - 俄羅斯漢學家對於中國文學一直保持着其他國家難以超越的熱情,從十八世紀中葉開始,從《詩經》到四大名著,從茅盾、老舍到莫言、馮驥才等,都有着俄文版本在當地流傳,為向俄語讀者傳播中國文學作出了重大貢獻。當年在俄羅斯外長拉夫羅夫的晚宴上,俄著名女歌唱家表演了一首被俄外長稱為「中國民謠」的《莫斯科郊外的晚上》。「中俄兩國人民的文學、藝術交流已經到了這種程度。」現在提起仍然忍俊不禁的李肇星說,「這首歌在中國的演唱頻率比在俄羅斯還高,難怪被俄外長稱為 『中國民謠』了。」同時,他也希望這本《畫說宋詞》漢俄文版能發揮「民心相通」的作用

                        Chinese Vice Premier Sun Chunlan and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova on Tuesday co-chaired the 19th session of the China-Russia Committee on Humanities Cooperation in Beijing, calling on the two sides to strengthen people-to-people exchanges.

                        Chinese companies in Russia
                        - ict companies
                          • 在浙江烏鎮舉行的第二屆世界互聯網大會,其中一個大會焦點為中國科網巨企BAT有意「走出去」俄羅斯發展,或促成互聯網界的「一帶一路」。不過分析指,BAT(百度、阿里及騰訊(00700))要攻俄亦未必容易,因俄國保護意識強,亦要承受匯率風險。
                          - Agricultural land
                            • China is encouraging more enterprises to invest in agriculture in Russia’s Far East, Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu said on Monday. Investment of enterprises from Heilongjiang Province, which borders Russia, has yielded handsome returns, Han said at a press conference on the sidelines of the annual session of the Chinese Parliament. Russia’s Far East Federal District, a region two-thirds the size of the US is a vast expanse of territory between Siberia and the Pacific Ocean. President Vladimir Putin has stressed that Russia will prioritize development of the region. The Far East has a population of just 6.3 million and wide swathes of unfarmed fertile land. The Chinese Agriculture minister on Monday said he expects more Sino-Russo cooperation in agricultural research and development as well as professional training. The two sides have had a solid foundation to expand agricultural cooperation, a significant aspect of bilateral ties, Han said in Beijing. Chinese investment is a lifeline for the local population in the region cut off from Russia’s western-facing economy.
                            - unionpay eyes russia market
                            - industrial machines maker Sany Group Co Ltd has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with officials in the Russian city of Kostroma, on a series of joint-venture infrastructure projects. The arrangement will allow Sany, which is China's largest heavy machinery manufacturer, to become involved in the construction of ring roads, a new bridge across the Volga River, and social housing in the historical city, which is part of the Golden Ring of Russian towns at the confluence of the Volga and Kostroma rivers in the west of the country. Xiang Wenbo, Sany's president, called the agreement a new chapter in China-Russia cooperation, which will help speed up the overseas activities of many more Chinese companies. "Previously we focused only on equipment sales, but now Sany is expanding from engineering machinery to other fields, including housing, wind power and mineral products," he said. Sergey Sitnikov, the governor of the Kostroma region, met with Dai Qinghua, head of Sany's Fast Living Housing Home Express, an offshoot which researches, designs and builds on industrial residences, and officials from Hunan Road and Bridge Construction Group Co Ltd on Thursday, to finalize details of the cooperation
                            - 中國內地企業對莫斯科的建設項目, 特別是連鎖酒店建設也表示出了濃厚興趣。據悉 ,中國中金工業城市開發公司已經準備投資15億 美元在俄羅斯建設住宅及商業地產;位於 「植物 園」地鐵站、總投資約為150億盧布 「華明園」中 國商務中心年內就能開始施工。同時,中國也在 評估參與莫斯科開發 「新莫斯科」地區戰略項目 的可行性,並可能參與第三交通換乘環線等設施 的興建。 胡斯努林表示,中國公司擁有先進技術、大 量投資以及大型建設方面的經驗,是非常有競爭 力的。現在很多中國交通建設和地產公司不僅表 現出投資的興趣,很多已經在莫斯科開設代表處 和分公司,並計劃進行投資。
                            - China Petrochemical Corp, better known as Sinopec, has got the green light fromthe Russian government to buy a 20 percent stake in Russian petrochemical andgas company Sibur, a move that signals the petrochemical company's ambition toexpand overseas. The takeover involves two stages-Sinopec will acquire 10 percent of Sibur forabout $1.34 billion then buy the other 10 percent within the next three years,according to Russian media reports.
                            • Haier Group, China's biggest maker of household appliances, has opened a new refrigerator factory in Russia in response to increasing demand from the European market. The new plant is the first joint Sino-Russian business project in a non-energy field. The new site, spanning 24,500 square meters, is located in Kamsky Industrial Park, Naberezhnye Chelny, an important industrial city in the Russian province of Tatarstan. It will entail up to US$55 million in investment, of which US$39 million have been invested already to set up the plant. The rest will be invested this month to buy components and towards production. The factory is a crucial step for Haier to localize its Russia operations. Haier has also started establishing an R&D center and a TV assembly unit in Russia.
                            - forestry

                            • 俄羅斯西伯利亞一間中資伐木廠的外勞宿舍,周二凌晨四時許發生大火。屋內十四名包括華人在內的伐木工人中,有十一人證實死亡,兩人受傷,餘下一人下落不明。當局成立專案小組,以因疏忽造成多人死亡的罪嫌,循刑事方向追究工廠負責人。

                            - water

                            • Chinese mineral water company planning to build a bottled water factory near Lake Baikal in Russia denied that its construction would damage the local ecology, calling the petition against its construction "groundless."
                              The claim that our pipelines in the lake would damage the local ecology is totally groundless and wildly exaggerated, as we do not have a detailed construction plan yet, a marketing department manager with the Beijing Jin Bei Yuan International Commerce and Trading Co, surnamed Jiang told the Global Times. And as far as I am concerned, we only grab water from a depth of 400 to 500 meters, Jiang said. According to, a Russian-language website, more than 300,000 people have signed two online petitions as of Tuesday to scrap the construction of the plant allegedly built in Irkutsk, Russia.
                            - 中國人的土地投資可謂無處不在,據俄羅斯媒體報道,位於西伯利亞伊爾庫茨克州、距蒙古邊界百多公里遠的貝加爾湖畔土地,遭中國人大手購入,建設別墅。有當地的居民擔心,中國人購地情況持續的話,只會令該處變成「中國的省」,遂於上月尾向當局遞交聯署信,要求正視問題,出台相關政策制止。, 
                            russian projects in china scmp rgc supplementb29feb12
                            chinese lenders wary of russian embrace
                            - 中俄簽署的部分協議

                            Russians in china
                            1917年末,俄國內戰爆發,交戰雙方分別為「白軍」與「紅軍」——白軍所指的,就是支持資本主義的反共自由派,與支持沙皇的保皇派等所組成的軍事聯盟;與之相對的,就是支持共產主義、由列寧、托洛茨基(Trotsky)等人帶領的「布爾什維克」(Bolsheviks)紅軍。剩下的,就是歷史。末代沙皇尼古拉二世流亡失敗,全家被屠殺;白軍節節敗退,紅軍日漸壯大;1922年,俄國內戰結束,蘇聯成立,自此出現了日後影響世界局勢甚深的「紅色俄羅斯」。為了逃離共產政權,近百萬俄羅斯人流亡國外,他們主要為俄羅斯中產階層、前貴族、保皇派、軍人,和東正教徒等,簡言之,都是一些在共產政權下會受壓迫的人,由於他們支持白軍,而被稱為「白俄」。須留意的是,俄國內戰背景下的「白俄」(White movement/White Army),與今天的主權國家白羅斯(Belarus)毫無關係,兩者純粹只是名稱相近,而不時被混淆。白俄當中的白,其實是一種意識形態的選擇,象徵了支持資本主義、希望維持俄羅斯原有價值觀的人群,更簡單來說,就是逃離象徵共產主義的紅色的人。其中一批白俄選擇逃亡至中國,最初的落腳地自然是鄰近中俄國境的哈爾濱。本來自19世紀末起,俄國就於中國東北地區建設鐵路,因此早已有一群俄羅斯移民於哈爾濱定居,連同白俄難民,1920年代的哈爾濱,有近10萬名俄羅斯人。期後,日軍侵略中國東北部並成立滿州國後,再有大批居於哈爾濱的俄羅斯人往南逃去上海租界。於是,這些「白俄」就在上海租界建立了規模可觀的聚居地。這些白俄當中,有不少都是知識份子、資產階級,因而大多能適應上海生活,並找到合適工作;至於相對缺乏專業技能的白俄,則可能經營起餐館、咖啡廳等小生意,並漸漸發揚俄國飲食文化。羅宋湯就是在這個時代背景下,落戶於上海。羅宋湯本來是發源於烏克蘭的菜湯,後來成為俄羅斯人餐桌上的經典元素,羅宋湯的「羅宋」,其實就是Russian的洋徑浜英語音譯。來到上海的羅宋湯,經過時代與環境的洗禮,在食材、調味料的使用上已與原來的羅宋湯南轅北轍,不過亦因為在地化,才能於上海的西餐廳扎根,受華人歡迎。1949年,中華人民共和國成立,久居上海的俄羅斯人,再次需要逃亡,其中一部份就來了香港;不少已經學習俄國餐飲烹飪技巧的上海華人,亦南下逃亡至香港。「白俄」離散各地的故事,自然引起了很多人幻想,其中特別是俄羅斯前貴族的故事最多人關心。差利卓別靈最後一部電影、1967年的《香港女伯爵》( (A Countess from Hong Kong),就充分展現了這種對白俄貴族,以及香港的異鄉想像。電影本身其實相當普通,亦得不到太多好評,故事就是講述女主角——一位來自香港的落難俄國女伯爵,與美國有錢人的愛情故事。電影雖然以「香港」為名,實際上與香港有關的劇情不多,只不過是抽取了俄國難民逃亡香港的時代背景。事實上,有別於貴族、中產,更多逃亡來港的「白俄」、或曾在上海向白俄學藝的華人,都屬於低下階層,有不少都只能靠經營餐館營生。於是,1950年代的香港,就出現了不少俄國菜餐廳,例如皇后飯店、ABC愛皮西大飯店、雄雞餐廳,和莎厘娜餐廳等等,後來羅宋湯、亦即香港人口中的紅湯,就成為了香港餐廳的基本菜式。俄國飲食文化、食譜等等輾轉來到香港,曾引起一時佳話;80、90年代後,俄國餐廳相繼倒閉,時至今天,昔日香港俄國菜的榮景已不復見,老牌餐館亦只得莎厘娜、皇后飯店等仍在經營,為少數在港俄羅斯人和對俄國飲食文化有興趣的人服務。至於信仰東正教的人,亦能於港島鬧市中,在擠身於上環商廈的聖彼得聖保羅教堂一隅中尋找信仰的生存空間。

                            chinese in russia
                            - association

                            • 俄羅斯聖彼得堡華人華僑聯合會副會長喬祥鵬說,作為海外華人,強烈譴責暴力衝擊立法會行為,這種違法行為嚴重破壞香港法治、損害香港同胞的根本利益。
                            • 俄羅斯中國和平統一促進會常務副會長、莫斯科德和衡律師事務所主任原毅異常忙碌,受中國駐俄大使館委託,他正參加為在莫斯科的華僑華商派發防疫物資的工作。根據官方發佈,目前在俄羅斯的華人數量大約16萬,在莫斯科又佔大多數。中國駐俄羅斯大使館和各大商會、僑團一直積極籌集防疫物資和藥品,分批次為僑胞提供援助,尤其優先派發給近日備受關注、華商集聚的莫斯科薩達沃市場和柳布林諾市場的華商手中。
                            It is not known for sure why members of the organized Chinese gangs operating in Manchuria and Russia’s Primorye region in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries were called the Honghuzi. The word hónghúzi translates from Chinese as “red-bearded,” or “red beard”. According to the most common theory, they got the name due to their habit of using fake beards for disguise.Honghuzi gangs drafted members from among seekers of easy money, deserters from the Qing army, as well as those Chinese immigrants to Manchuria who preferred robbery to hard work in a mine. “Here he is, dirty, in rags, half-starved, laboring every day, in the rain, in clay sticky soil ... what joys in life does he have? ... No wonder he prefers joining the Honghuzi and a life full of adventures,” the newspaper Vladivostok wrote in an 1896 article. A Honghuzi gang could have from two to several hundred members. To carry out large-scale operations, Honghuzi detachments joined forces, turning into a formidable force that could pose a threat to whole towns.Manchuria was an ideal place for roaming criminal gangs. The Qing government based in distant Beijing had little control over its sparsely populated land, while local governors did not have sufficient resources to fight the Honghuzi.Furthermore, the 'Red Beards' did not limit themselves to plundering only Manchurian villages. Nearby lay Russia's vast Ussuri Krai, a poorly colonized region that experienced the same problems as Manchuria.In those circumstances, there could be no talk of any effective protection of the borders between the Russian and the Qing empires. From their bases on Chinese territory, the Honghuzi easily penetrated into Russian Primorye and just as easily went back home.The Honghuzi either intimidated the Chinese population of Ussuri (the so-called Manzi), forcing them to help them with food and accommodation, or cooperated with them. Often, the 'brothers' gave the locals money and won their trust, proclaiming themselves fighters for the liberation of the originally Chinese lands that had been seized by Western barbarians.More than once, the troops pursuing the bandits were forced to stop at the border.However, that was not always the case. Sometimes Cossack detachments, unknowingly or deliberately, penetrated into Chinese territory. Once an Ussuri Cossack squadron in pursuit of the 'Red Beards' covered a distance of several hundred kilometers across Manchuria.In 1879, Russian troops deliberately entered Chinese territory and burned down a well-fortified Honghuzi fortress near Lake Khanka. Sometimes those raids did not go unnoticed. That same year, having crossed the border, Major Nozhin's detachment came across Qing government troops, which resulted in a small battle. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs had to apologize for the incident.In the early 20th century, the Russian Far East and China became the scene of important historical events, which the 'Red Beards' could not ignore. During the Yihetuan (Boxer) Uprising of 1899-1901, which fought against domination by Western powers, the Honghuzi often joined forces with the remnants of the defeated Qing detachments and fought against Russian troops. Despite their known status as robbers, many Chinese people saw them as the last defenders of their homeland against foreign aggression.During the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, the 'brothers' managed to serve both the Russians and the Japanese for a fee. In particular, they were entrusted with carrying out acts of sabotage on the Chinese Eastern Railway in Manchuria. Commissioned by the Chinese government and built by Russia, the railway was the main source of supply for Russian troops in the Far East. Of the 512 attempts undertaken by the Honghuzi during the entire conflict, only one was a major success: on January 31, 1904, part of a bridge north of the Gongzhuling station was blown up.The collapse of the Chinese Empire in 1911 and of the Russian Empire in 1917 brought turmoil and chaos to the Far East, in which the Honghuzi found themselves in their element. During the Russian Civil War, they continued to rob the local population, from time to time joining either the White or the Red Armies as mercenaries, or the Japanese, when they landed in Vladivostok in April 1918.In China, which was going through a period of discord and struggle between different military and political factions, the Honghuzi reached unprecedented heights. A former 'Red Beards' ringleader, Zhang Zuolin, became not only the de facto ruler of Manchuria, but until June 1928 he ruled the whole of China. He also appointed another 'brother', Zhang Zongchang, who with his bandit detachment served Russia during the Russo-Japanese war, as the governor of Shandong province.In the 1930s, the era of the Honghuzi began to decline. The Soviet government significantly strengthened the protection of state borders with China and clamped down on criminal activity in Primorye. A significant contribution to the fight against the 'Red Beards' was made by the Japanese, who in 1928 killed Zhang Zuolin and three years later captured Manchuria. By the early 1940s, the 'brothers' no longer played any significant part in the life of the Far East.
                            Ten people have died, including seven Chinese citizens, after a blaze at a shoe factory near the Russian city of Novosibirsk on Thursday, sources with the emergency services told local media.

                            migrant slaves in 19th century

                            • Chinese labor built the eastern sections of the five thousand mile Trans-Siberian Railway (source: Diana Lary Chinese Migration)
                            soviets in china
                            - in early 1950s there was a mass inflow of soviet influences into china.  Advisors came to show the chinese how to manage their economy, infrastructure, cultural institutions, architecture and admin systems. The advisors were housed in guesthouses built for them in major cities of china , the friendship hotels (youyi binguan). (source: Diana Lary Chinese Migration)
                            - The monument at the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is carved with the names of 28 experts from the former Soviet Union. Konstantin Silin's is first. On Oct 15, 1957, the 1,670-meter bridge - the first over the river - opened for traffic after 25 months of construction. It was completed two years earlier than planned. The project time was cut by half thanks to a new method used for the bridge's foundation, which was suggested by Silin, the chief engineer and bridge expert sent by the Soviet Union in the summer of 1954. It was the third time that Silin was sent to China to help the country to fix crumbling bridges and to build new ones.Silin was then sent to China by the Soviet Union to help to build the Second Songhua River Bridge. With the bridge completed, the army went across the river and liberated the whole northeast. In 1949, Silin came to China again as a consultant to the Railways Ministry (now the National Railway Administration). He worked on the construction of bridges in Chengdu and Chongqing and the west section of the Longhai and Lanzhou-to-Xinjiang railways. After returning home in November 1957, Silin worked to build and sustain friendship between China and his native land. He died in 1996, and the image of the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge was carved on his gravestone.
                              soviet influence

                              • re. systems of administration; nomenklatura system of elite selection and promotion based on lists of names approved by communist party (source: Diana Lary Chinese Migration)
                              youth exchange
                              - 據新華社報道,阿斯 圖—粵港澳中俄大學生創新創業論壇暨 交流營活動昨日在位於廣州的華南理工 大學舉行。莫斯科國立鮑曼技術大學、 莫斯科航空學院、莫斯科物理技術學院 等 8所俄方高校,華南理工大學、哈爾 濱工業大學、香港理工大學、澳門大學 等15所中方高校參加活動。 此次活動聚焦大學生雙創教育,中俄高 校100餘位師生攜人工智能芯片、水下多 功能航行器、垃圾分類、雲應用調試解決 方案等35個創新創業項目參與競逐。 這是中俄工科大學聯盟和粵港澳高校 聯盟兩大知名高校聯盟首次舉辦聯盟間 的交流活動,意在縱深推進中俄高校的 合作,推動兩國高校在雙創教育領域互 學互鑒,擴大兩國大學生在創新創業領 域的交流。

                              Cny celebration

                              dragon boat

                              • Russia participated in annual international dragon boat festival  - 5 cities international series , primorye district rowing federation strengthened contacts with mainland and hk rowing federations scmp rgc supp 29may12

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