Thursday, January 10, 2019


- Comisión de Promoción del Perú para la Exportación y el Turismo - PROMPERÚ
Aguas Calientes
- was created 50 years ago solely for tourism

阿雷基帕  Arequipa (Spanish pronunciation: [aɾeˈkipa]) is a city located in the province and the eponymous department of Peru. It is the seat of the Constitutional Court of Peru and often dubbed "legal capital of Peru."Arequipa is also an important industrial and commercial center of Peru, [4] and is considered as the second industrial city of the country. Within its industrial activity the manufactured products and the textile production of wool of camelids. The town maintains close commercial links with Chile, Bolivia, and Brazil and with the cities connected the South trainway, as well as with the port of Matarani. The city was founded on August 15, 1540, under the name of "Beautiful Villa of Our Lady of the Assumption" in the name of Marquis Francisco Pizarro. The September 22 of 1541, the monarch Carlos V orders that it should be called «City of Arequipa.» In the viceregal period, it acquired importance for its outstanding economic role, [4] and is characterized by the fidelismo towards the Spanish Crown, [6] receiving titles such as "Very Noble and Very Loyal" and "Very Loyal" by the crown. [7] In the Republican history of Peru, the city has been the focus of popular, civic and democratic rebellions, it has also been the cradle of outstanding intellectual, political and religious figures of the country. [8] In the Republican era, it is awarded the title of "Heroic city of the freedom people of Arequipa.
- [peru el dorado] the virgin of chapi, in arequipa, bread and religion create a language of abundance.  The first people to knead flour with yeast were the indian women who learned from spanish women.  These women, of humble backgrounds, fully appreciate a crunchy piece of bread soaked in olive oil, andalucia-style

Chancay is a small city located 78 km (48 mi) north of Lima. Its population is 63,378. The Chancay culture was a Pre-Columbian archeological culture, later part of the Inca Empire. The main activity in Chancay these days is as a tourist resort for nearby Lima. The main attraction is El Castillo, a faux castle, recently repaired but constructed in the nineteenth century. There is a small museum in the castle displaying Chancay culture pottery and mummies.Fue fundada en 14 de diciembre de 1562 bajo el nombre de Villa de Arnedo.2​ Desde el inicio de la República, hasta 1976, fue capital de la provincia de Chancay (hoy provincia de Huaura).Durante la época prehispánica, la zona de Chancay estaba densamente poblada. Una de las más importante culturas que se desarrolló allí fue la cultura chancay, entre los siglos XII y XV de la era cristiana. Luego fue integrada al imperio incaico. La llegada de los españoles en 1532 originó una catástrofe demográfica, al igual que en el resto de la costa peruana. La toponimia de Chancay deriva al parecer del quechua chanka aylluclan familiar de origen chanca, porque allí la administración imperial inca estableció un grupo de mitimaes o colonos de origen chanca, provenientes de la región de Ayacucho.
- very detailed spanish wiki version
- [peru el dorado] both chancay (a semi-sweet cake, studded with aniseed and sesame seeds) and so-called "revolucion caliente", a type of bullet-shaped biscuit, are well liked in lima. Street vendors hawk their wares with the following refrain - revolution caliente, to grind your teeth, sugar, clove and cinnamon, to grind your molars (muela)

Chincha Province 欽查省La provincia de Chincha fue creada mediante Ley del 30 de octubre de 1868 por el Presidente José Balta, con su capital la Villa de Pisco formada por los distritos de Chincha Alta, Chincha Baja, Pisco y Humay, la misma que fue elevada a la categoría de ciudad, por Ley de 19 de septiembre de 1866. Por Ley de 13 de octubre de 1900 se dividió esta provincia para formar la de Pisco; esta misma Ley trasladó la capital de la Provincia de Chincha a Chincha Alta, que tiene el título de ciudad, por ley 26 de octubre de 1874.
El Carmen District 埃爾卡爾門區 El Carmen es el distrito donde predomina la etnia afroperuana con varias manifestaciones culturales. Es el centro del folclore de la provincia, pueblo romántico alegre, bullicioso asentado en un gran valle chinchano. Es el baluarte del género negro, ya que los primeros pobladores fueron descendientes de esclavos de Angola y mandingas. Su patrona es la Virgen de El Carmen. En dicho pueblo destaca las noches de peña que se realizan para fiestas importantes.

 奇拉河  Chira is the name of a river and valley in northern Peru whose mouth is 100 km north west of the provincial capital of Piura and 25km north of the port of Paita.

丘盧卡納斯 Chulucanas is a town in Morropón Province, Piura Region, Peru. The town is famous for its pottery. Originally dating from pre-Inca times it is today exported all over the world.[5] It is one of seven products that the Peruvian government supports through its Center for Technological Innovation (CITE).[6] Designs are varied, but are predominated by black and white. There are several bigger companies but a lot of small manufactures are in Chulucanas itself and in the nearby village of Quatro Esquinas. A major festival for the town is the Fiesta de Cristo Resucitad at Easter.

****** ワカチナ Huacachina is a village built around a small oasis and surrounded by sand dunes in southwestern Peru. It is about five kilometers from the city of Ica in the Ica District of Ica Province. The oasis was introduced as a feature on the back of the 50 nuevo sol note in 1991. Huacachina has a permanent population of around 100 people,[2]although it hosts many tens of thousands of tourists each year. Huacachina is built around a small natural lake in the desert. Its name means ‘little screaming boy’ based on the folklore story of Henry Cobb. Henry was a prince who turned into a merman (male mermaid) after swimming in the oasis and was chased through the desert by all of the young women due to his godlike good looks. It is commonly referred to as the "oasis of America", it is a resort geared to local families from the nearby city of Ica, and increasingly as an attraction for tourists drawn by the sports of sandboarding on the sand dunes that stretch several hundred feet high.[3] Other popular activities include dune buggy rides on buggies known locally as areneros.

lagunas de montebello
- home to mammals such as opossums, armadillos and white-tailed foxes

Puerto Maldonado
Because it was less accessible by major rivers, the department of Madre de Dios was among later ones to be explored in the late-19th-century rubber boom. Rubber barons active in the department included the Peruvian Carlos Fermín Fitzcarrald of Iquitos, as well as Brazilian and Bolivian interests.[2] The workers for tapping rubber brought in endemic European diseases, causing diseases and high fatalities among the indigenous peoples along the Manu River from 1889 to 1892, when the first rubber parties arrived, with another epidemic in 1896. Fitzcarrald in his exploration found a short passage overland between the Mishagua, a tributary of the Urubamba River, and the Manu River, a tributary of the Madre de Dios River. This land was named as the Isthmus of Fitzcarrald after him. Transporting rubber across it enabled the product to be transferred to ships that could go down the Madre de Dios, connect to the Madeira River, a tributary of the Amazon River, and thereby to Atlantic ports and export markets. He also identified present-day Puerto Maldonado as a strategic location. He died in 1897 when his ship Contamana sank at this point in the river, where Puerto Maldonado was later founded. In 1901, the Peruvian Government created a committee to explore the nation's rainforest. Don Juan Villalta led an expedition along the Tambopata River, departing from Sandia.[4] Villata officially founded Puerto Maldonado on 10 July 1902, as a station at the confluence of the Tambopata and the Madre de Dios River. He named the port after Faustino Maldonado, of Tarapoto, who had explored the Madre de Dios in 1861 and drowned in the rapids of the Mamoré RiverThe Department of Madre de Dios was created by law on 26 December 1912, with Puerto Maldonado as its capital.[5] The city was formally recognized in 1985.

Paracas is a town on Peru's west coast. It's known for beaches, like El Chaco, set on sheltered Paracas Bay. The town is a launch point for the uninhabited Ballestas Islands, home to sea lions, pelicans and Humboldt penguins. Rugged, wildlife-rich Paracas National Reserve spans desert, ocean, islands and the Paracas Peninsula. The peninsula’s Paracas Candelabra is a huge prehistoric geoglyph, etched into a hillside.

皮乌拉  Piura is a city in northwestern Peru located in the Sechura Desert on the Piura River.It was here that Spanish Conqueror Francisco Pizarro founded the third Spanish city in South America and first in Peru, San Miguel de Piura, in July 1532.[3]:27 Piura declared its independence from Spain on 4 January 1821.Like most of northern Peru, the territory of Piura has been inhabited by their autochthonous group of natives called tallanes and yungas. These groups lived without an organization or single leader to rule until the Muchik culture eventually took control, and the mixture of these evolved into the Vicús culture. Centuries later, Piura came under the rule of Tupac Inca Yupanqui for at least 40 years before the Spanish arrived.Piura is host to a stunning mestizo culture (one of the oldest in South America, for Piura is the third Spanish city founded on that continent) most famous for gastronomical dishes like Seco de chabelo, algarrobina-based drinks, many types of seafood and fish, like ceviche and Natilla Sweets. Popular crafts are the Chulucana Pottery and Catacaos is famous for its "Hats" and "Silversmith" arts. The small town of Simbila, is very popular for its handcrafts and pottery. The tondero and cumanana are the traditional music of mestizo Piura and northern parts of Lambayeque. There are also several famous Peruvian Waltz that came from these regions (northern Peruvians have their own style).
- *****also called a city in the sky (la ciudad que vuela)
- language

  • Tallán, or Atalán, is an extinct and poorly attested language of the Piura Region of Peru. It is too poorly known to be definitively classified.
  • [peru el dorado] language spoken locally when the spaniards arrived in 1532.  The modern day district of castilla, where the airport is located, is also known as tacala, the old name. The locals do not call themselves castillian, their spanish place name derivative, but tacalenos, after the tallan name for their town.  In the area where the piura river pours into the seas, called lengash in tallan, one can find other names of remote origins like narihuala, the potters' town, or chusis district.

里馬克區  Rímac is a district in the Lima ProvincePeru. It lies directly to the north of downtown Lima, to which it is connected by six bridges over the Rímac RiverConocido también como «abajo el puente», es uno de los distritos más tradicionales de Lima Metropolitana con calles de influencia sevillana. El río Rímac separa esta localidad del Cercado de Lima, distrito con el que comparte el denominado Centro histórico de Lima.
- Le nom Rímac est un mot d'origine quechua signifiant « parler ».
- cumbia festival held here
- [peru eldorado] cradle of the creole valse

- international alpaca association

- retail

  • cencosud
  • tottus
- cocoa

  • Cocoa United,,  The first listing of a cocoa plantation-owner on Aim, London’s junior market, is set to happen next month, underlining how chocolate consumption is growing rapidly in emerging markets such as China and India.  Monday’s announcement by United Cocoa, which is developing a plantation in Peru, comes amid concerns that the structure of the cocoa industry cannot meet rapidly rising global demand.
La Universidad Ricardo Palma (URP) es una universidad privada ubicada en la ciudad de LimaPerú. Fue fundada el 1 de juliode 1969. En la actualidad cuenta con 19 carreras enmarcadas en 8 facultades. El 12 de abril de 1969 un grupo de ciudadanos, entre ellos destacando el monseñor Antonio San Cristóbal Sebastián como organizador y fundador, se constituyó frente al notario público Elías Mujica Álvarez Calderón, para dar cuerpo a la creación de la Universidad Ricardo Palma, misma que fue inscrita como persona jurídica en derecho privado sin fines de lucro personal en los Registros Públicos de Lima. 

Rose of Lima, T.O.S.D. (April 20, 1586 – August 24, 1617), was a member of the Third Order of Saint Dominic in Lima, Peru, who became known for both her life of severe asceticism and her care of the needy of the city through her own private efforts. A lay member of the Dominican Order, she has been declared a saint by the Catholic Church, being the first person born in the Americas to be canonized as a saint. As a saint, Rose of Lima has been designated as a co-patroness of the Philippines along with Saint Pudentiana; both saints were both moved to second-class patronage in September 1942 by Pope Pius XII, but Rose remains the primary patroness of Peru and the indigenous natives of Latin America. Her image is featured on the highest denomination banknote of Peru.She was born Isabel Flores de Oliva in the city of Lima, then in the Viceroyalty of Peru, on April 20, 1586. She was one of the many children of Gaspar Flores, a harquebusier in the Imperial Spanish army, born in Baños de Montemayor (Spain), and his wife, María de Oliva y Herrera, a criolla native of Lima. Her later nickname "Rose" comes from an incident in her infancy: a servant claimed to have seen her face transform into a rose. In 1597 she was confirmed by the Archbishop of LimaToribio de Mogrovejo, who was also to be declared a saint. She formally took the name of Rose at that time.
-  Luis Antonio Eguiguren Escudero (Piura, July 21, 1887 – Lima, August 15, 1967) was an educator, magistrate, historian and Peruvian politician. He was the director of the General Archive (File) of the Nation (1914), Alderman of Lima (1914–1920), Mayor of Lima (1930), President of the Constituent Congress (1930–1932), founder and leader of the Social Democratic Party. He won the Peruvian presidential election of 1936, but his victory was ignored by the Congress and the then-President Oscar R. Benavides, who claimed that he had won with votes of the APRA. He presided over the Supreme Court and the Judiciary in 1953 and 1954. Luis A. Eguiguren was born in the historical San Francisco Street (now Lima Street), in the city of Piura. He was the son of Francisco Jose Eguiguren Escudero, honest judge, congressman, Secretary of Justice and President of the Supreme Court in 1931, and the distinguished lady Josefina Escudero Menacho.
  •  He made an important contribution to the text Apuntes sobre la cuestión internacional entre Perú y Ecuador, in which he demonstrated that some Peru's northern territories, like Jaen and Maynas, undoubtedly belong to his country. Luis A. Eguiguren is the only Peruvian to lead the three branches of government, the Constituent Congress (1930-1932), the Supreme Court (1953-1954) and the failed Presidency (1936).
Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa, 1st Marquis of Vargas Llosa (born March 28, 1936), more commonly known as Mario Vargas Llosa (/ˈvɑːrɡəs ˈjsə/;[3]Spanish: [ˈmaɾjo ˈβaɾgas ˈʎosa]), is a Peruvian writer, politician, journalist, essayist and college professor. Vargas Llosa is one of Latin America's most significant novelists and essayists, and one of the leading writers of his generation. Some critics consider him to have had a larger international impact and worldwide audience than any other writer of the Latin American Boom.[4] In 2010 he won the Nobel Prize in Literature, "for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt, and defeat."While he initially supported the Cuban revolutionary government of Fidel Castro, Vargas Llosa later became disenchanted with his policies. He ran for the Peruvian presidency in 1990 with the center-right Frente Democrático coalition, advocating classical liberal reforms, but lost the election to Alberto Fujimori. He is the person who, in 1990, "coined the phrase that circled the globe",[8] declaring on Mexican television, "Mexico is the perfect dictatorship", a statement which became an adage during the following decade.

  • hkej 24oct17 shum article
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard (Spanish: [ˈpeðɾo ˈpaβlo kuˈtʃinski ɣoˈðarð]; born 3 October 1938), better known simply as PPK, is a Peruvian economist, politician and public administrator who is the 66th and current President of Peru. He previously served as Prime Minister of Peru from 2005 to 2006. Kuczynski worked in the United States before entering Peruvian politics.[1]
He held positions at both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund before being designated as the general manager of Peru's Central Reserve Bank. He later served as Minister of Energy and Mines in the early 1980s under President Fernando Belaúnde Terry, and as Minister of Economy and Finance and Prime Minister under President Alejandro Toledo in the 2000s.[2]
Kuczynski was a presidential candidate in the 2011 presidential election, placing third. His opponents Ollanta Humala and Keiko Fujimori went on to the 5 June 2011 runoff election, in which Humala was elected. Kuczynski went on to stand in the 2016 election, where he narrowly defeated Fujimori in the second round.[4] He was sworn in as President on 28 July 2016.[5][6] Kuczynski held U.S. citizenship until November 2015; he renounced it to be able to run for Peru's Presidency. On 15 December 2017, the Congress of Peru, which is controlled by the opposition Popular Force, initiated impeachment proceedings against Kuczynski, after he was accused of lying about receiving payments from a scandal-hit Brazilian construction firm in the mid-2000s.[8] However, on 21 December 2017, the Peruvian congress lacked the majority of votes needed to impeach Kuczynski.Kuczyński was born at the Clínica Delgado in Lima, Peru, the son of Madeleine (Godard) and Maxime Hans Kuczyński, one of the earliest public health leaders in Peru.
His parents fled Germany in 1933 to escape from Nazism; his father, born in Poznań, then in the Province of Posen within the German Empire, was a German Jew, and his mother was Christian, of Swiss-French descent. Entering Peru in 1936, Maxime Kuczyński sent his son to receive his early education at Markham College in Lima, and the Rossall School (Lancashire, England), where he was a pupil in Maltese Cross House between 1953-56. He won a foundation scholarship to study at Exeter College, Oxford, and graduated with a degree in politics, philosophy and economics in 1960. Later, he received the John Parker Compton fellowship to study public affairs at Princeton University in the United States, where he received a master's degree in 1961.
Alan Gabriel Ludwig García Pérez (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈalaŋ ɡaβˈɾjel luðˈwiɣ ɡaɾˈsi.a ]; 23 May 1949 – 17 April 2019)[2] was a Peruvian politician who served as President of Peru from 1985 to 1990 and again from 2006 to 2011.[3] He was the second leader of the Peruvian Aprista Party and the only party member ever to have served as PresidentHis first term was marked by a severe economic crisis, social unrest and violence. He ran unsuccessfully for the presidency in 2001, losing in a run-off to Alejandro Toledo.[4]He ran again in 2006 and was elected to a second term, even though his first term in the 1980s was considered by many to have been disastrous. During García's second term, due to the increase in global metal prices, Peru averaged seven percent GDP growth a year, held inflation below three percent annually and accumulated foreign exchange reserves worth US$47 billion; however, his tenure also resulted in increased environmental damage, according to critics, and increased social conflict, according to the national human rights ombudsman's office. On 17 April 2019, García shot himself as police officers were preparing to arrest him over matters relating to the Odebrecht scandal; he died hours later.
Eduardo Ferreyros Kuppers (born 13 October 1959 in San Isidro, Lima, Peru) is the Peruvian Minister of Foreign Commerce and Tourism under President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, since 28 July 2016. He was also Minister of Foreign Commerce and Tourism under President Alan García from 14 September 2010 until 28 July 2011.He is the son of Alejandro Ferreyros Diez Canseco (1926-1974) and Clara Josefina Rosa Küppers Vargas (b. 1928). He has 5 siblings: Alejandro José, Lilian Elena, María Cecilia Ferreyros, Javier Enríque and María Josefina Ferreyros Küppers. He studied at the Santa María Marianistas School. He is licensed in Business Administration from the University of the Pacific (Peru). He is a specialist in foreign trade and international trade negotiations.
Martín Vizcarra  (Lima, 22 de marzo de 1963)  is a Peruvian engineer and politician who is vice president of Peru.[1] He is the former Minister of Transport and Communications of Peru. Vizcarra graduated from the National University of Engineering in Lima. He served as Governor of the Moquegua Region from 2011-2014. In the 2016 general election, Vizcarra ran with the Peruanos Por el Kambio party as candidate for first vice president and as running mate of Pedro Pablo KuczynskiHijo de César Vizcarra Vargas, militante aprista, y de Doris Cornejo, profesora de educación primaria. Su padre fue alcalde de Moquegua y miembro de la Asamblea Constituyente de 1978. Su familia estaba asentada en Moquegua, pero debió nacer en Lima debido a una complicación pulmonar que lo puso al borde de la muerte.
Susana Shizuko Higuchi Miyagawa (born April 26, 1950) is a Japanese Peruvianpolitician and engineer, better known as the former wife of ex-president of Peru Alberto Fujimori. A member of the Peruvian Congress during the 2000-2006 period, she was elected as a member of the Frente Independiente Moralizador (FIM), a political party allied with then president Alejandro Toledo, in both the 2000 and 2001 general elections. Higuchi was born in Peru of Japanese descent. She was formerly married to Alberto Fujimori, who was president of Peru from 1990 until November 2000, when he resigned from office and fled to Japan as allegations of far-reaching corruption in his administration began to emerge. She married Fujimori in 1974 and divorced him in 1994. They have four children:Keiko Sofía, Hiro Alberto, Sachi Marcela and Kenji GerardoAs First Lady during her husband's presidency, Higuchi was one of the first people in Peru to allege criminal misdoings on the part of her husband. As early as 1992, she denounced several of her Fujimori in-laws for corruption in connection with the sale of used clothingdonated by Japan. In 1994, she publicly condemned her husband as a tyrant and his government as corrupt. Fujimori reacted by formally stripping her of the title First Lady in August 1994, appointing their elder daughter First Lady in her place. Higuchi thereupon established her own political party, the Harmony 21st century, and announced her intention to enter politics as a candidate for mayor of Lima in the 1995 elections. In December 1994 the Harmony party was ruled ineligible because it failed to muster the required number of signatures to qualify as a legitimate political party. Because of her outspokenness, Higuchi was subjected to repeated efforts to silence her. In 2001, she told investigators probing the corruption of the Fujimori years that she had beentortured "five hundred times" by the intelligence services of the Peruvian Army.[1] Fujimori has denied that Higuchi had been tortured. He said the scars on her back and neck were not from torture but from a traditional Japanese herbal treatment called moxibustion she underwent to help her stop smoking and for back troubles.[citation neededIn July 2001, she alleged that in 1990, shortly before coming to power, her ex-husband received a donation of US$12.5 million from Japanese citizens destined for poor children in Peru, but he deposited it in a private bank account in Japan.

  • 秘魯日裔前總統藤森謙也早前被最高法院取消特赦令,其女兒藤森慶子周三亦因涉嫌洗黑錢被捕,她戴上手銬由警方帶走,現階段先拘留十日。法官今次亦下令拘捕十九人,當中包括藤森謙也政府的數名內閣成員。
  • The sibling rivalry that has simmered beneath the surface of Peruvian politics for months has finally exploded. Keiko, leader of Peru’s main opposition party, accused her brother of trying to buy votes in Congress. Kenji, who resigned from the party this month saying it lacked moral authority, said his sister harbours “a criminal attitude”. While his children clash, 79-year-old Alberto, the “padrino” of the family, sits at home having been released from jail. It is like a storyline from one of Latin America’s infamously over-the-top soap operas. The rupture between the Fujimori siblings can be traced back to the last presidential election in 2016. Kenji did not vote in the knife-edge second round, which Keiko lost by a whisker. “Until then, Kenji had been a loyal follower of his sister, helping her to bring in votes,” said David Sulmont, a political scientist at the Catholic University of Peru. “But after that he was gradually excluded from her decision-making inner circle.” In December last year the dam broke. In an impeachment vote against President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, Kenji abstained, taking almost a dozen members of his sister’s party with him. That was enough to ensure Mr Kuczynski survived. Three days later, Mr Kuczynski pardoned Alberto Fujimori, freeing him from jail halfway through a 25-year sentence for corruption and human rights abuses. Mr Kuczynski said he took the decision on humanitarian grounds but it looked like payback: the president secured Kenji’s backing in the impeachment vote while Kenji won his father’s freedom. Keiko, it seemed, was outfoxed. Last week the balance of power shifted again. On the Tuesday, Keiko’s followers released secretly recorded videos, which they said proved that Kenji and a government official tried to buy votes in Congress in exchange for access to the president. The leak finally brought about Mr Kuczynski’s resignation — the outcome Keiko had sought for months.

Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa, 1st Marquis of Vargas Llosa (born March 28, 1936), more commonly known as Mario Vargas Llosa (/ˈvɑːrɡəs ˈjsə/;[3]Spanish: [ˈmaɾjo ˈβaɾgas ˈʎosa]), is a Peruvian writer, politician, journalist, essayist and college professor. Vargas Llosa is one of Latin America's most significant novelists and essayists, and one of the leading writers of his generation. Mario Vargas Llosa was born to a middle-class family[9] on March 28, 1936, in the southern Peruvian provincial city of Arequipa.[10] He was the only child of Ernesto Vargas Maldonado and Dora Llosa Ureta (the former a radio operator in an aviation company, the latter the daughter of an old criollo family), who separated a few months before his birth.[10] Shortly after Mario's birth, his father revealed that he was having an affair with a German woman; consequently, Mario has two younger half-brothers: Enrique and Ernesto Vargas.

food culture
- [peru el dorado]

  • *******in some regions, the entire family is portrayed in sweebreads: mother, father and child (guagua).  In cuzco, where they are filled with james and manjarblanco cream, the locals have preserved the custom of baptising their guaguas. 
  • in lima, the five o'clock high tea known as lonche and served with chancay and butter is a tradition that has survived the test of time within local families.
- livestock festival
- bonfire

  • [peru el dorado] propitiatory fires are used to burn old belongings, rags, old clothing, utensils that are no longer of any use.  Clothing is redolent with the vibrations of its owners, which is why good clothing should not be thrown away but rather burned in the purifying fire, one which is a protecting force, one of good omen.  This prevents them from being cast aside to fall into the hands of evil forces, who could use them to strike at the heart of the essence of those who had worn them previously.  It is a time when romantic alliances are forged, the pre-marital agreements traditionally called servinakuy in the upper reaches of the andes. 
- saya rhythm

  • [peru el dorado] carnival melody with african roots, descendants of cimmaroons brought over to the region during the colonial era
- chicha rhythm

  • [peru el dorado] chicha, with its whining lyrics, minimal rhythm and colourful guitar solos (born as a result of the fusion of the andean huayno, cumbia, bolero and pop)

ethnic group
- The Mashco-Piro or Mascho Piro, also known as the Cujareño people and Nomole, are an indigenous tribe of nomadic hunter-gatherers who inhabit the remote regions of the Amazon rainforest. They live in Manú National Park in the Madre de Dios Region in Peru. They have in the past actively avoided contact with non-native peoples.
  • Members of an isolated tribe in the Amazon rainforest have killed a man and wounded two in a clash with another ethnic group, Peruvian authorities said Sunday. The Mashco-Piro tribe, one of the last isolated peoples on Earth, apparently attacked a group of 20 people from the Nahua tribe who ventured onto the indigenous reserve where they live, the culture ministry said. The Nahua, who themselves only recently entered into contact with the outside world, were reportedly following footprints believed to have been left by Mashco-Piro in the Kugapakori Territorial Reserve in eastern Peru.
The Shipibo-Conibo are an indigenous people along the Ucayali River in the Amazon rainforest in Perú. Formerly two groups, the Shipibo (apemen) and the Conibo (fishmen), they eventually became one distinct tribe through intermarriage and communal ritual and are currently known as the Shipibo-Conibo people. 

  • A Canadian man was beaten and lynched in the Peruvian Amazon after local people accused him of killing an 81-year-old indigenous healer, a police officer leading the murder investigation told the Guardian. Olivia Arévalo, a female shaman with the native Shipibo-Konibo people, was shot twice and died on Thursday near her home in the village of Victoria Gracia in Peru’s central Amazon region of Ucayali. Some villagers blamed Arévalo’s murder on a Canadian citizen Sebastian Woodroffe, 41, who lived in the region and was believed to be one of her patients.
The Machiguenga (also Matsigenka, Matsigenga[A 1]) are an indigenous people of population over 7700 people in the Amazon Basin jungle regions of southeastern Peru,[1] east of Machu Picchu and close to the borders of Bolivia and Brazil.[2][3] Theirs is a hunter-gatherer culture for the most part, though they also practice slash and burn agriculture. The main crop grown is cassava, and their main source of protein is the paca, a large 6–12 kg (13–26 lb) rodent. During the dry season, the Machiguenga also use fishing to supplement the protein in their diet. Most Machiguenga lack personal names. Members of the same tribe are individuated using kin terminology, while members of a different tribe are referred to by their Spanish names.

- scmp remember a day on a 27aug1979 report - An uncontacted tribe of very large indigenous people was discovered in the forests of southeast Peru. The tribe – with an average height of 6ft 4 in (1.93m) – ate raw meat because they had not discovered fire, according to a Lima newspaper.

Retail area
- Gamarra

- The Republic of Peru is being pushed as a potentially huge tourism destination for Chinese visitors, but the inconvenience of traveling there is still seen as major hinderance, China's tourism industry leaders said during a visit to the Latin American country on Thursday. With no direct flights, Chinese travelers are faced with a grueling 30-hour trip to get there, which usually includes at least one, sometimes long, stopover in Europe or the United States. But even if a direct flight was launched between the countries, that would be likely to take 17 hours, said Pansy Ho, managing director of Shun Tak Holdings Ltd.

Pre columbian
The Moche civilization (alternatively, the Mochica culture, Early Chimu, Pre-Chimu, Proto-Chimu, etc.) flourished in northernPeru with its capital near present-dayMoche and Trujillo, from about 100 AD to 800 AD, during the Regional Development Epoch. While this issue is the subject of some debate, many scholars contend that the Moche were not politically organized as a monolithic empire or state. Rather, they were likely a group of autonomous polities that shared a common elite culture, as seen in the rich iconographyand monumental architecture that survive today.
  •  The Lady of Cao is a name given to a female Moche mummy discovered at the archeological site El Brujo, which is located about 45 km north of Trujillo in the La Libertad Region of Peru.The Lady of Cao was discovered in 2006 by a team of Peruvian archaeologists led by Regulo Franco Jordan of the National Cultural Institute of Peru with the financial cooperation of the Augusto N. Wiese Foundation. The richness of the burial site, as well as the presence of weapons, suggest that the woman might have been a high ranking priestess or even a Moche ruler, possibly governing what is now known as the Chicama District region of northern Peru. 
  • ft 6mar18

  • pottery

The Chimú were the residents of Chimor, with its capital at the city of Chan Chan, a large adobe city in the Moche Valley of present-day Trujillo city. The culture arose about 900 AD. The Inca ruler Tupac Inca Yupanqui led a campaign which conquered the Chimú around 1470 AD. This was just fifty years before the arrival of the Spanish in the region. Consequently, Spanish chroniclers were able to record accounts of Chimú culture from individuals who had lived before the Inca conquest. Similarly, archaeological evidence suggest Chimor grew out of the remnants ofMoche culture; early Chimú pottery had some resemblance to that of the Moche. Their ceramics are all black, and their work in precious metals is very detailed and intricate. The Chimú resided on the north coast ofPeru: "It consists of a narrow strip of desert, 20 to 100 miles wide, between the Pacific and the western slopes of the Andes, crossed here and there by short rivers which start in the rainier mountains and provide a series of green and fertile oases." [3] The valley plains are very flat and well-suited to irrigation, which is probably as old as agriculture here. Fishing was also very important and was almost considered as important as agriculture.[3] The Chimú were known to have worshipped the moon and it is believed they considered it more powerful than theSun, worshiped by the Inca. Offerings played an important role in religious rites. A common object for offerings, as well as one used by artisans, was the shell of theSpondylus shellfish, which live only in the warm coastal waters off present-day Ecuador. It was associated with the sea, rainfall, and fertility. Spondylus shells were also highly valued and traded by the Chimú.[4] The Chimú are best known for their distinctive monochromatic pottery and fine metal working of copper, gold, silver, bronze, andtumbaga (copper and gold). The pottery is often in the shape of a creature, or has a human figure sitting or standing on a cuboidbottle. The shiny black finish of most Chimú pottery was achieved by firing the pottery at high temperatures in a closedkiln, which prevented oxygen from reacting with the clay.

- Inca empire

archaeological sites
昌昌Chan Chan, the largest city of the pre-Columbian era in South America,[1] is now an archaeological site in La Libertad Region 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) west of Trujillo, Peru.[2]
Chan Chan is located in the mouth of the Moche Valley[3] and was the capital of the historical empire of the Chimor from 900 to 1470,[4] when they were defeated and incorporated into the Inca Empire.[5] Chimor, a conquest state,[3] developed from the Chimú culture which established itself along the Peruvian coast around 1400 AD.[6] In the Chimú tongue, Quingnam, Chan Chan means "Sun Sun;" it was named for its sunny climate which is cooled year round by a southerly breeze. Chan Chan is in a particularly arid section of the coastal desert of northern Peru.[7] Due to the lack of rain in this area, the major source of water for Chan Chan is in the form of rivers carrying surface runoff from the Andes. This runoff allows for control of land and water through irrigation systems.チャン・チャン(ラテン文字表記:Chan Chan、ムチク語:Jang-Jang)は、ペルー共和国北西部トルヒーリョ近郊にある遺跡チムー文明の首都で、チャンチャンとは「輝ける太陽」の意。

ancient civilisation
小北文明(又称作小北地区文明卡劳尔文明)The Norte Chico civilization (also Caral or Caral-Supe civilization)[NB 1] was a complex pre-Columbian era society that included as many as thirty major population centers in what is now the Norte Chico region of north-central coastal Peru. The civilization flourished between the fourth and second millennia BC, with the formation of the first city generally dated to around 3500 BC, at Huaricanga, in the Fortaleza area.[1]It is from 3100 BC onward that large-scale human settlement and communal construction become clearly apparent,[2] which lasted until a period of decline around 1800 BC.[3] Since the early 21st century, it has been established as the oldest known civilization in the AmericasThis civilization flourished along three rivers, the Fortaleza, the Pativilca, and the Supe. These river valleys each have large clusters of sites. Further south, there are several associated sites along the Huaura River. The alternative name, Caral-Supe, is derived from the city of Caral in the Supe Valley, a large and well-studied Norte Chico site. Complex society in Norte Chico arose a millennium after Sumer in Mesopotamia, was contemporaneous with the Egyptian pyramids, and predated the Mesoamerican Olmec by nearly two millennia. In archaeological nomenclature, Norte Chico is a pre-ceramic culture of the pre-Columbian Late Archaic; it completely lacked ceramics and apparently had almost no visual art. The most impressive achievement of the civilization was its monumental architecture, including large earthwork platform mounds and sunken circular plazas. Archaeological evidence suggests use of textile technology and, possibly, the worship of common god symbols, both of which recur in pre-Columbian Andean cultures. Sophisticated government is assumed to have been required to manage the ancient Norte Chico. Questions remain over its organization, particularly the influence of food resources on politics.
帕拉卡斯文化  The Paracas culture was an Andean society existing between approximately 800 BCE and 100 BCE, with an extensive knowledge of irrigation and water management and that made significant contributions in the textile arts. It was located in what today is the Ica Region of Peru. Most information about the lives of the Paracas people comes from excavations at the large seaside Paracas site on the Paracas Peninsula, first investigated by the Peruvian archaeologist Julio Tello in the 1920s.此文化採用「大豆符號」,亦即出現在織物和其他工藝品,形狀像豆子而排成直欄的區別性文字。此種文字缺少明顯的圖畫或圖形的要素,約有303個音值。聲符的文字體系可能解讀得了帕拉卡斯音節文字(例如:pa、ra、ca等的音節),包括單純的元音以及不少較為複雜的音節結構。相較於中美洲之圖畫字,聲符體系在南美洲興盛。借用聲符後來在安地斯山地相當盛行,影響了一系列相近的、通常以直欄呈現的文字。
The Nazca culture (also Nasca) was the archaeological culture that flourished from c. 100 BC to 800 AD beside the arid, southern coast of Peru in the river valleys of the Rio Grande de Nazca drainage and the Ica Valley. Having been heavily influenced by the preceding Paracas culture[citation needed], which was known for extremely complex textiles, the Nazca produced an array of crafts and technologies such as ceramics, textiles, and geoglyphs—specifically the Nazca Lines. They also built an impressive system of underground aqueducts, known as puquios, that still function today. The Nazca Province in the Ica Region was named for this people.Nazca society developed during the Early Intermediate Period and is generally divided into the Proto Nazca (phase 1, 100 BC  – 1 AD), the Early Nazca (phases 2–4, 1–450 AD), Middle Nazca (phase 5, 450–550 AD) and Late Nazca (phases 6–7, 550–750 AD) cultures.

  • カワチ  Cahuachi, in Peru, was a major ceremonial center of the Nazca culture, based from 1 AD to about 500 AD in the coastal area of the Central Andes. It overlooked some of the Nazca lines. The Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Orefici has been excavating at the site for the past few decades.日干し煉瓦のアドベで建設されたピラミッドや様々な施設の跡がある。

The Huarochirí manuscript (in modern Quechua spelling: Waruchiri) is a Quechua-language text from the late 16th century, describing myths, religious notions and traditions of the Indians of Huarochirí ProvinceThe main roles in the myth are played by mountain deities (Huacas), including the rivals Paryaqaqa and Wallallu Qarwinchu, who also act as protectors of regional ethnicities (Huarochirí, Huanca). This text is an important monument of early colonial Quechua literature, because it is unique in its detailed description of the traditional beliefs of the indigenous Andean population of the former Inca EmpireThe name of the original Indian author is unknown, but the document was recorded and annotated by Spanish cleric Francisco de Ávila, who was responsible for the eradication of pagan beliefs. For centuries, the manuscript was forgotten in the royal library of Madrid. German ethnologist Hermann Trimborn discovered the document in Madrid, translated it into German and published a bilingual edition in 1939. Most of it was destroyed in the Second World War. An expanded and re-worked edition in collaboration with Antje Kelm was published in 1967. In 1966, Peruvian writer and anthropologist José María Arguedas translated the text into Spanish for the first time and also published a bilingual edition (Quechua and Spanish).

- [peru el dorado] english naturalist robert lange studied wild cats in peru

Ignacio Merino Muñoz (30 January 1817 in Piura – 17 March 1876 in Paris) was a Peruvian painter who spent much of his life in Paris. He specialized in historical and costumbrista works. His father, Don José, was a judge, district administrator and military commander. His mother Doña Micaela, was from an aristocratic family in Trujillo. At the age of ten, he was sent to study in Paris, where he earned his bachelor's degree and became interested in art.He studied with Raymond Monvoisin and Paul Delaroche, who inspired his interest in history painting. Also as result of Delaroche's influence, he tended to focus on themes from European history, whereas his Peruvian-themed paintings were generally in the costumbrista category.Back in Peru, he became Assistant Director, then Director of the "Academy of Drawing and Painting", founded by José Fernando de Abascal, where he taught or otherwise influenced the careers of other prominent painters, such as Luis Montero, Francisco Masías [es] and Francisco Laso.[2] During the 1840s, he created a series of portraits devoted to Peruvian saints, including Rose of Lima and Martín de PorresIn 1850, he had an opportunity to study with Eugène Delacroix, and returned to Paris. He would remain there for the rest of his life. It is said that an exhibition of his costumbrista paintings served as the inspiration for Martin Paz, an adventure story by Jules Verne, which was set in Lima.[3] Upon returning to Paris, he produced 92 wood engravings for a luxury 1854 edition of Esteban Terralla y Landa's [es] 1797 satire Lima por dentro y fuera, collaborating with Parisian printer A. Mézin and draftsman A. Jourdain.[4] Many of these engravings, including landscapes, portraits, and popular scenes, served as studies for later canvases of costumbrista themes.It was there he created his best-known painting, Colón ante los doctores en Salamanca, which was purchased by the government of President José Balta after winning a third-place medal at the "Exposition des Beaux-Arts". He was also inspired by European literature and created works based on the writings of Shakespeare, Sir Walter Scott and Cervantes.He died of tuberculosis in 1876. Having never married and without an heir, he ceded his estate to the Municipality of Lima. This included 33 paintings which, in 1925, were the first acquisitions of the newly founded "Pinacoteca Municipal Ignacio Merino [es]", administered by the Municipality of Lima to the present day.

- conquistador

  • Francisco Pizarro González (/pɪˈzɑːr/Spanish: [fɾanˈθisko piˈθaro]; c. 1471 – 26 June 1541) was a Spanish conquistador who led the Spanish conquest of Peru. He captured and killed Incan emperor Atahualpa, and claimed the lands for Spain. Francisco Pizarro was born in Trujillo, Cáceres, Spain (then in the Crown of Castile) in modern-day Extremadura, Spain. He was the illegitimate son of infantry colonel Gonzalo Pizarro (1446–1522) and Francisca González, a woman of poor means. His date of birth is uncertain, but it is believed to be sometime in the 1470s, probably 1474. Little attention was paid to his education and he grew up illiterate.His father was a colonel of infantry who served in Navarre and in the Italian campaigns under Córdoba. His mother married late in life and had a son Francisco Martín de Alcántara, who was at the conquest of Peru with his half-brother from its inception.[2] Through his father, Francisco was a second cousin, once removed, of Hernán Cortés. On 10 November 1509, Pizarro sailed from Spain to the New World with Alonso de Ojeda on an expedition to Gulf of Urabá in Tierra Firme. Pizarro became a participant in Ojeda's failed colony, commanding the remnants until he abandoned it with the survivors.[4]:93 He sailed to Cartagena and joined the fleet of Martín Fernández de Enciso in 1513. By his marriage to N de Trujillo, Pizarro had a son also named Francisco, who married his relative Inés Pizarro, without issue. After Pizarro's death, Inés Yupanqui, whom he took as a mistress, favourite sister of Atahualpa, who had been given to Francisco in marriage by her brother, married a Spanish cavalier named Ampuero and left for Spain, taking her daughter who would later be legitimized by imperial decree. Francisca Pizarro Yupanqui eventually married her uncle Hernando Pizarro in Spain, on 10 October 1537; a third son of Pizarro who was never legitimized, Francisco, by Dona Angelina, a wife of Atahualpa that he had taken as a mistress, died shortly after reaching Spain. Historians have often compared the conquests of Pizarro and Cortés in North and South America as very similar in style and career. Pizarro, however, faced the Incas with a smaller army and fewer resources than Cortés, at a much greater distance from the Spanish Caribbean outposts that could easily support him, which has led some to rank Pizarro slightly ahead of Cortés in their battles for conquest. Based on sheer numbers alone, Pizarro's military victory was one of the most improbable in recorded history.[citation neededPizarro is well known in Peru as the leader of the Spanish conquest. After his invasion, Pizarro destroyed[citation needed] the Inca state and while ruling the area for almost a decade, initiated the decline of local cultures. The Incas' polytheistic religion was replaced by Christianity and much of the local population was reduced to serfdom[citation needed] under the Spanish elite. The cities of the Inca Empire were transformed into Spanish Catholic cities. Pizarro is also reviled for ordering Atahualpa's death despite the ransom payment (which Pizarro kept, after paying the Spanish king his due). Many Peruvians, including many of mainly indigenous descent, regard him negatively, although until relatively recently Pizarro had been portrayed positively, for instance in textbooks, for imposing Catholicism and creating a privileged class of mainly Spanish descent.

- [peru el dorado] a peruvian version of genovese panettone invented at the start of the 17th? century by pedro d'onofrio, a baker of italian descent
The Museum of Italian Art (Spanish: Museo de Arte italiano) is a public museum in Lima, Peru, under the administration of the National Culture Institute. It's the only European arts museum in Peru.The Museum of Italian Art was the gift from the Italian community in Peru, for the 100th Anniversary of the Independence, in 1921. Its official inauguration occurred on November 11, 1923. After many years working, the museum passed to be administrated by the National Culture Institute in 1972.

- music

  • [peru el dorado] descendants of africans who arrived in appalling condition - coastal creole music and afro-peruvian cajon musical styles

- history of japanese emigration

- 秘魯身份與公民地位註冊處(RENIEC)近日一項調查發現,該國不少人的名字均取自日本動漫人物,調查員甚至指日本動漫已成為國民生活的一部分。日本傳媒周二引述調查結果指,從《龍珠》、《聖鬥士星矢》和《寵物小精靈》三套在秘魯最受歡迎的日本動畫所衍生出來的人名就有八十四種。

- visit by chinese leaders
  • 據中新社報 道,中國國務院 總理李克強當地 時間 5 月 23 日 上午在利馬主持秘魯中資企業家座談會。會 上,李克強聽取在秘投資的國有和民營企業代 表介紹生產經營情況,並通過遠程視頻連線慰 問中資企業一線員工,同他們互動交流。李克 強還對在秘中資企業提出三點希望。其中包括 將中國優勢和環保的產能同秘魯經濟發展需求 相結合,加強產能和裝備製造合作,帶動中國 裝備走出去。國務院 總理李克強當地時間 23日上午在利馬考 古、人類學和歷史博物館出席中國-拉 丁美洲文明互鑒系列活動。李克強在秘 魯部長會議主席卡特里亞諾陪同下,參 觀了查文文化、印加文化展覽和「中華 文明起源」圖片展,詳細了解秘魯和拉 美文明的歷史脈絡,並向秘方介紹了中 華文明的發展歷程。參觀結束後,李克 強和卡特里亞諾同中秘文化界人士互動 交流,並且發表了熱情洋溢的致辭。
  • and Peru have renewed their commitment to strengthening trade links as the Latin American nation's leader seeks further investment opportunities in the world's second-largest economy. Meeting with his Peruvian counterpart Pedro Pablo Kuczynski on Tuesday, President Xi Jinping said the two nations should continue to enhance cooperation in energy, mining and infrastructure construction and bolster a free trade agreement that was implemented in 2010.China is Peru's largest trading partner and major investor in the mining sector. Last year, bilateral trade exceeded $16 billion and Chinese investment in mineral industries reached $19 billion, according to the Peruvian Foreign Ministry. 
  •會談後,兩國元首見證了中秘《 2016年至2021年共同行動計劃》以及經 貿、礦業、工業園區、信息互聯互通、 經濟技術、質檢、環境等領域多項雙邊 合作文件的簽署。

- association
  • 秘魯中華通惠總局
  • 秘魯中華餐飲業協會
- fta

  • China and Peru signed a range of agreements on Monday as the two countries agreed to begin joint research on ways to upgrade their free-trade agreement.
  • 中國與秘魯自貿協定升級第一輪談判日前在北京結束。中國商務部官員4日稱,雙方磋商取得積極進展,實現良好開局。談判於4月1-4日在北京舉行。商務部新聞發言人高峰稱,雙方就升級談判涉及的服務貿易、投資、知識產權、電子商務、競爭政策、海關程序與貿易便利化、原產地規則等議題展開磋商。
- agriculture
  • Peruvian agriculturist Victor Otazu gives Qinghai province a helping hand with its potato production.china daily 20oct17
- infrastructure

- port
  • COSCO Shipping Ports Ltd has reached an investment agreement with Volcan Compañía Minera SAA, a Peruvian polymetallic miner, to acquire 60 percent of its stake in Terminales Portuarios Chancay SA for $225 million. With an initial payment of $56 million, this deal was sealed in Davos, Switzerland, on Wednesday, the Chinese company said in a statement on Thursday. After the acquisition, Chancay terminal will become the first terminal project controlled by China COSCO Shipping Corp-the parent company of Hong Kong-headquartered COSCO Shipping Ports-in South America, as well as the group's second greenfield port project invested overseas. Volcan is a Peruvian polymetallic miner engaged in the exploration and production of zinc, copper, gold, silver, and lead in Peru's Sierra Central region. In addition to mining business, the company also operates ports, logistics companies and hydroelectric power plants in the country. Located at Chancay Harbor in central Peru and about 58 kilometers from the country's capital Lima, Chancay terminal boasts an exceptional geographic location and is connected with the economic center of Peru by convenient traffic. It is a natural deep-water harbor with a maximum of 16-meter water depth and is capable of meeting the needs of mega vessels. The construction of Chancay terminal includes multipurpose terminals, container terminals and related infrastructure facilities. Phase one of the terminal will have four berths, of which two are multipurpose berths, and two are container berths with a total annual designed capacity of one million TEU, or twenty-foot equivalent units-an industry measure of cargo capacity.
- air freight
  • 着中國 秘魯空中貨運直達航線正式開通

- investors from china
  • At least two people were shot and killed and 18 wounded in a clash between police and local farmers protesting a US$7.4 billion Chinese-owned copper mining project, officials said.  “The two men died of bullet wounds. One was age 30, the other age 24,” Percy Jeronimo, the oral surgeon running the emergency room in the local health clinic, said on Monday. He said four of the wounded were in critical condition. 五礦資源(01208)公布,旗下秘 魯Las Bambas項目,周邊地區於秘魯時間九月二十八 日及二十九日發生抗議活動,造成三人死亡及16人 受傷。公司亦確認,十月一日當地警方於自Cusco前 往Las Bambas之路途中遭遇輕型車輛意外,導致兩名 警務人員身亡,公司對此感到遺憾。 五礦稱,對死傷者的親友致以慰問,並對Las Bambas項目周邊發生的暴力事件深表關注,並竭盡 全力促成與選出的代表團隊進一步對話。公司強調 ,自九月二十九日起,有關地區並無出現大規模抗 議,公司會繼續與地方執法機構合作,並以僱員、 承包商及社區安全為工作重點。 五礦表示,雖然有關地區安全問題及戒備事項 依然備受關注,但周邊安全情況已有所改善。目前 已有國家警衛隊駐守、公司亦持續與社區及主要利 益相關方對話,及秘魯國家和當地政府給予支持, 相信有助穩定局面。現場採礦、建設及試運營活動 已逐步恢復,僱員和承包商可以進出礦場,同時已 恢復運送關鍵物資。之前公布有關Las Bambas項目的 指導目標維持不變。
  • Peru declared a 30-day state of emergency in a remote Andean region to end a protest by residents who have blocked a road used by miner MMG Ltd to move its copper concentrate to port for shipping, the government said on Wednesday. Residents in the area have refused to allow trucks from the Las Bambas mine transit a local road unless MMG or the government pays them for the usage, said Artemio Solano, a regional director of the ombudsman's office, which monitors social conflicts in Peru. There are no alternate routes that MMG can use to reach the port of Matarani on Peru's southern coast, Solano added. MMG, owned by China and based in Australia, did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
  • 中鋁礦業國際(03668)稱,由於其全資附屬公司Minera Chinalco Peru S.A.(負責營運特羅莫克礦場的“中鋁祕魯”)的管理層,及中鋁祕魯的工會對改善中鋁祕魯工人待遇及提供予工會的福利的方案有不同意見,工會宣佈於十月二十一日上午開始進行罷工,罷工預計將持續四十八小時。 中鋁礦業稱,工會曾就進行罷工向祕魯當局提出申請,但未有獲得批准。中鋁祕魯將採取合理措施以降低罷工對其生產的影響,並且繼續其與工會的談判以儘快解決目前情況。公司將繼續評價及評估罷工的進度,並將於需要或適當時候作進一步公告。
  • The Andean mining town of Morococha has moved.
    One day a little more than two years ago, lorries arrived and professional movers entered each home to wrap furniture and haul it away. They put pets in special cages and provided hot food to residents until they could resettle. The mining families left their decrepit mining town – a hodgepodge of shanties made from clapboards and zinc corrugated roofing, open sewers and roaming pigs – and moved five miles to a newly built town called Nueva Morococha, or New Morococha. The company behind the relocation, Aluminum Corp of China (Chinalco), which obtained a concession for a huge open-pit copper mine in 2008, had little choice but to move Morococha. Over the planned 36-year life of the mine, earth movers will chew into mountainsides, and the pit will expand and undermine the town. Rather than negotiate piecemeal with individual owners, the company decided to build a town of 1,050 homes and move Morococha in its entirety. Today, the new town looks taken from a picture book, with tidy row houses, parks, illuminated streets and playgrounds. “It has a church. It’s got a market. It has a soccer stadium. The company built all of this,” said Sylvia Matos, a sociologist with Social Capital Group, a consulting firm hired by Chinalco to carry out the move. The relocation of Morococha, 14,500 ft high in Peru’s central Andean region, underscores the Chinese companies that have flooded into Latin America do not always flout environmental standards and trod on workers’ legal rights as they might at home.

  • 中國國有企業中國石油天然氣集團(中石油,CNPC)日前就社區建設問題,與秘魯西部埃爾阿爾托市的居民談判破裂,上周五更觸發大型示威,有人在中石油相關公司縱火,暫無人死傷

- investors from peru

  • As a member of 25 Peruvian companies, associations and chambers of commerce, his firm attended a face-to-face meeting with 50 Chinese companies in Beijing on Tuesday, which was organized by the Chinese government and Bank of China Ltd, to discuss opportunities for business cooperation and investment.

- literature

  • Dozens of Chinese books are being promoted at an ongoing book fair in Lime, the Peruvian capital, covering a broad range of topics including culture, history, martial arts, and philosophy. The Lima International Book Fair 2016, which is organized by the Peruvian Chamber of Books, also features presentations by several Chinese writers. The book fair opened on July 15 and will end on July 31.
  • 秘魯「中國圖書中心」成立揭幕儀式20日在首都利馬的秘魯國家圖書館舉行秘魯「中國圖書中心」是在國務院新聞辦公室指導下,由中國外文局與秘魯國家圖書館聯合建立的,是在南美洲成立的首家中國圖書中心。

- 粵語融入秘魯當地語言
- chinese migrants slaves in 19th century
  • the most disgusting job of all was harvesting guano, the droppings of sea birds, as fertilizer.  The guano was scraped off cliffs and caves in Peru.   (source: Diana Lary Chinese Migration)

- seafood
  • China is expected to open its market soon for seafood imports from Peru soon amid the two countries' joint efforts to upgrade their free trade agreement in line with the consensus reached by their leaders, said the Peruvian ambassador to China. Peruvian Minister of Production Pedro Olaechea will come to Shanghai to participate at the Conference of Quality Fair on Sep 16, and during his visit, the two countries will sign a protocol to allow the access of Peruvian seafood to China, Ambassador Juan Carlos Capunay told China Daily in an exclusive interview on Friday.
- slavery

  • 秘魯政府文化部考古學家早前在首都利馬東面一個金字塔考古地點,發掘到五副藏於黑色棺木及十一具被直接埋葬於泥土下的骸骨。考古學家估計,骸骨的主人是於十九世紀末至二十世紀初,被「賣豬仔」到當地做農務、修鐵路等苦工的中國移民。
- in peru
  • Luis chang, 3rd generation immigrant, worked as minister in peruvian govt 
hong kong
- diplomatic representation in hk

  • The Regional and Provincial Government of Peru Hong Kong Office officially opened. It entered six memorandums of understanding (MOU) with companies from Hong Kong and mainland China to invest in energy, trade, and mining projects in Peru, according to a press release. The MOUs signed included energy projects like the construction of a hydropower station with Beijing Hongxiao Xinghua Technology Co., Ltd., and a solar farm with Wanke Energy Technology Co. They also signed for investing in coffee distribution, promotion of coffee culture, and a coffee inspection center and free trade inspection area with Hong Kong Encash Investment Company Ltd., as well as a gold mining project with Cyber Credit Technology (Hong Kong) Ltd. At the same time, the municipalities of Chanchamayo and Utcubamba gave authorisation to Asia Cosmos Group Ltd. (ACG) in supporting commercial exchange between Peru and Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China. They will facilitate development of tourism, agriculture, trade, and technology in addition to attracting investments for projects and promoting Peruvian culture. With the support of Peru Chamber Hong Kong and finance enterprise ACG, the office was set to promote Chanchamayo and Utcubamba in Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China to strengthen bilateral trade and induce investments on agriculture, trade, technology, and tourism projects.

- VPower Group (SEHK: 1608), one of Southeast Asia’s largest gas-fired engine-based Distributed Power Generation (DPG) owner and operator, has signed a non-binding Letter of Intent (“LOI”) with F.K. Generators and Equipment Ltd (“F.K.”) for the co-development in F.K.’s 80 MW installed capacity HFO-Fired Distributed Power Generation project in Iquitos, Peru on 12th December. Under the terms of the LOI, upon a satisfactory due diligence, VPower Group shall invest by way of convertible security initially with a view to converting into a substantial share in a project company after Project’s commercial operation date, targeted in 2H 2017.

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