Saturday, December 22, 2018


volcanic eruption
- the super volcano Toba in Java, Indonesia, erupted. The second eruption occurred 39k years ago where Naples, Italy is now located. These conclusions are based on genetic variation data. The second of these eruptions probably had its greatest effect in Europe. It apparently resulted in regional extinctions of both the resident human culture and that of neanderthals. Those replacing them were from a different culture.
- safety measures

  • 新西蘭政府曾在 3年前指示軍方,利用直升機 將一個貨櫃空運至懷特島,並一直放置島上作為 緊急避難所,當火山爆發時,島上遊客可入內避 難。不過有遊客表示不知島上放有「避難貨 櫃」,當局亦未知是否有遊客在前日火山爆發後 走入貨櫃躲避。 該貨櫃長 6米、重 2.4噸,內有安全裝備、衣 物、食物和緊急用品,放置於島上一個棄置礦 場,距離火山口約 400 至 500 米。
- A British lawyer who worked at the Hong Kong offices of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer has been killed in an avalanche while skiing in northern Japan. A spokesman for the London-based company, which has its Hong Kong branch in Quarry Bay, confirmed 34-year-old Barnaby Isaac Levy’s death.
“Barnaby Levy was a wonderful colleague, friend and lawyer,” the official said. “We are shocked and saddened by this news and he will be greatly missed. Our hearts go out to his family and many friends at this difficult time.”
A senior associate with the company, Levy advised corporations and financial institutions throughout the Asia-Pacific region on tax issues surrounding transactions.

Korean Air Lines Flight 007 (also known as KAL007 and KE007) was a scheduled Korean Air Lines flight from New York City to Seoul via Anchorage, Alaska. On 1 September 1983, the South Korean airliner servicing the flight was shot down by a Soviet Su-15 interceptor. The Boeing 747 airliner was en route from Anchorage to Seoul, but deviated from its original planned route and flew through Soviet prohibited airspace about the time of a U.S. aerial reconnaissance mission. The Soviet Air Forcestreated the unidentified aircraft as an intruding U.S. spy plane, and proceeded to destroy it with air-to-air missiles, after firing warning shots which were likely not seen by the KAL pilots.[2] The Korean airliner eventually crashed in the sea near Moneron Island west of Sakhalin in the Sea of Japan. All 269 passengers and crew aboard were killed, including Larry McDonald, a United States Representative from Georgia. The Soviets found the wreckage under the sea on September 15, and found the flight recorders in October, but this information was kept secret until 1993.
  • 一九八三年,大韓航空班機偏離航線而誤闖蘇聯領空,防空人員誤判為軍用偵察機而將其擊落,造成全機超過二百人罹難。有見及此,時任美國總統列根宣布開放「全球定位系統」予民間使用,尤以當時的航運業最能受惠。
Korean Air Flight 858 was a scheduled international passenger flight between Baghdad, Iraq and Seoul, South Korea. On 29 November 1987, the aircraft flying that route exploded in mid-air upon the detonation of a bomb planted inside an overhead storage bin in the airplane's passenger cabin by North Korean agents. The two agents, acting upon orders from the North Korean government, planted the device in an overhead storage bin before disembarking from the aircraft during the first stop-over in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. While the aircraft was flying over the Andaman Sea to its second stop-over in Bangkok, Thailand, the bomb detonated and destroyed the Korean Air Boeing 707-3B5C. Everyone on board the aircraft, 104 passengers and 11 crew members, most of whom were South Koreans, perished. The attack occurred 34 years after the Korean Armistice Agreement that ended the hostilities of the Korean War on 27 July 1953. The two bombers were traced to Bahrain, where they both took ampules of cyanide hidden in cigarettes when they realized they were about to be taken into custody. The male of the pair died, but the female, Kim Hyon-hui, survived and later confessed to the bombing. She was sentenced to death after being put on trial for the attack, but was later pardoned by the President of South Korea, Roh Tae-woo, because it was deemed that she had been brainwashed in North Korea. Kim's testimony implicated Kim Jong-il, who at that time was the future leader of North Korea, as the person ultimately responsible for the incident. The United States Department of State specifically refers to the bombing of KAL 858 as a "terrorist act" and, except between 2008 and 2017, listed North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorismSince the attack, diplomatic relations between North Korea and South Korea have not significantly improved, although some progress has been made in the form of two Inter-Korean Summits. Kim later released a book, The Tears of My Soul, in which she recalled being trained in an espionage school run by the North Korean army, and being told personally by Kim Jong-il to carry out the attack. 
  • hkej 6sep17 14feb18 shum article
Lauda Air Flight 004 was a regularly scheduled international passenger flight between Bangkok, Thailand, and Vienna, Austria. On 26 May 1991, the thrust reverser on the No.1 engine of the Boeing 767-300ER operating the flight deployed in flight without being commanded, causing the aircraft to spiral out of control, break up, and crash, killing all 213 passengers and the 10 crew members on board. It is the deadliest aviation accident involving a Boeing 767 and the deadliest aviation accident in Thailand. The crash also marked the aircraft type's first fatal incident and first hull lossLauda Air was founded and run by the former Formula One world motor racing champion Niki Lauda. Lauda was personally involved in the accident investigation.

  • scmp 11dec19

- 一架載有尼泊爾文化旅遊及民航部長阿迪卡里(Rabindra Adhikari)等七人的直升機,周三在惡劣天氣下,於尼泊爾達布萊宗一處山區墜毀,機上全部人證實死亡。事發地點距離首都加德滿都約四百公里,搜救人員需要徒步趕往現場。
- karachi air crash may2020
  • Two passengers survived, including Zafar Masood, president of the Bank of Punjab, a Sindh provincial government spokesman said. The bank said he had suffered fractures but was "conscious and responding well". The other survivor, engineer Muhammad Zubair, told Geo News the pilot came down for one landing, briefly touched down, then took off again.Airbus said the jet first flew in 2004 and was fitted with engines built by CFM International, co-owned by General Electric and France’s Safran.

Flight delay
- 因管理不善而從全球最佳航空公司排名榜排名節節下跌嘅國泰航空,又出現航班延誤,今次仲累及食物及衞生局局長陳肇始尋日朝早「甩轆」,趕唔切準時返港出席行政會議,兼喺會議前公布醫委會改革有關修訂《醫生註冊條例》草案中嘅醫委會組成事宜,臨時由行政長官林鄭月娥頂上代替公布。

Flight incident
- 全日本航空公司(ANA)周二一班由美國洛杉磯飛往日本東京的客機,起飛逾四小時後因發現其中一名乘客上錯航班,導致全機折返。據悉,涉事乘客手持聯合航空公司的機票,同機的美國騷靈天王John Legend與前模特兒妻子泰根,質疑全日空監管不力。

same company same problem innshort period of time
On 7 January 2020, Pegasus Airlines Flight 747, a Boeing 737-800 (registration TC-CCK), overran the runway on landing at Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen International Airport (IATA: SAW). All on board evacuated via slides. There were no injuries.On 5 February 2020, Pegasus Airlines Flight 2193, a Boeing 737-800 (registration TC-IZK), overran the runway on landing at Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen International Airport (IATA: SAW). The fuselage broke into three segments and an engine caught fire. Three passengers were killed and 179 were injured.

hi-speed rail
- 美國佛羅里達州Brightline高速列車於上周六正式投入服務,但在前一日,列車載着一批試坐的官員及傳媒行駛時,卻不幸撞死一名女子。警方指,女死者擅闖路軌,導致意外。


ship collision
The Halifax Explosion was a maritime disaster in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, which happened on the morning of 6 December 1917. The Norwegian vessel SS Imo collided with SS Mont-Blanc, a French cargo ship laden with high explosives, in the Narrows, a strait connecting the upper Halifax Harbour to Bedford Basin, causing a large explosion on the French freighter, devastating the Richmond district of Halifax. Approximately 2,000 people were killed by the blast, debris, fires or collapsed buildings, and an estimated 9,000 others were injured.Mont-Blanc was under orders from the French government to carry her cargo from New York City via Halifax to Bordeaux, France. At roughly 8:45 am, she collided at low speed, approximately one knot (1.2 mph or 1.9 km/h), with the unladen Imo, chartered by the Commission for Relief in Belgium to pick up a cargo of relief supplies in New York. On the Mont-Blanc, the impact damaged benzol barrels stored on deck, leaking vapors which were ignited by sparks from the collision, setting off a fire on board that quickly grew out of control. Across the harbour, in Dartmouth, there was also widespread damage.[1] A tsunami created by the blast wiped out the community of the Mi'kmaq First Nation who had lived in the Tufts Cove area for generations.

  • The many eye injuries resulting from the disaster led to better understanding on the part of physicians of how to care for damaged eyes, and "with the recently formed Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Halifax became internationally known as a centre for care for the blind", according to Dalhousie University professor Victoria Allen.[148] The lack of coordinated pediatric care in such a disaster was also noted by William Ladd, a surgeon from Boston who had arrived to help. His insights from the explosion are generally credited with inspiring him to pioneer the specialty of pediatric surgery in North America.[148][149] The Halifax Explosion also inspired a series of health reforms, including around public sanitationand maternity care. 
  • In 1918, Halifax sent a Christmas tree to the City of Boston in thanks and remembrance for the help that the Boston Red Cross and the Massachusetts Public Safety Committee provided immediately after the disaster.[164] That gift was revived in 1971 by the Lunenburg County Christmas Tree Producers Association, which began an annual donation of a large tree to promote Christmas tree exports as well as acknowledge Boston's support after the explosion. The gift was later taken over by the Nova Scotia Government to continue the goodwill gesture as well as to promote trade and tourism.[165] The tree is Boston's official Christmas tree and is lit on Boston Common throughout the holiday season. In deference to its symbolic importance for both cities, the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources has specific guidelines for selecting the tree[166] and has tasked an employee to oversee the selection.

- A Norwegian warship was repeatedly warned of its collision course with a Maltese oil tanker before then hitting it in a fjord, the BBC has been told. The KNM Helge Ingstad has been listing dangerously since Thursday's collision in the Hjeltefjord near Bergen. All 137 of its crew were evacuated and eight people were injured. The frigate was returning from Nato military exercises. The tanker, the Sola TS, was slightly damaged but it appears that it did not spill oil. The early morning incident led to the temporary shutdown of a major oil terminal and a gas plant.

Minerve was a diesel–electric submarine in the French Navy. The vessel was one of nine of the Daphné class. In January 1968, Minerve was lost with all hands while returning to her home port of ToulonMinerve sank two days after the submarine INS Dakar of the Israeli Navy disappeared in the eastern Mediterranean between Crete and Cyprus. Two other submarines were lost to unknown causes in the same year, the Soviet submarine K-129 and the American USS Scorpion. After more than 50 years missing, the location of the wreck was discovered in 2019, 45 km south of Toulon.

bridge collapse
- past incidents
- "a bridge too far" economist 18aug18 crumbling infrastructure worries civil engineers

car crash

  • 東華門,為紫禁城東門,位於紫禁城東城牆偏南。東華門坐西朝東,與西華門遙遙對應。東華門外設有下馬碑石,東華門的內金水河為南北流向,河上正對着東華門架有石橋一座。東華門以西為文華殿,迤南是鑾儀衛內鑾駕庫東華門和西華門形制相同,平面呈矩形,城台為紅色,下設漢白玉須彌座,當中辟有三座券門,券洞為外方內圓。城台上有城樓,黃琉璃瓦重檐廡殿頂,基座四周圍以漢白玉欄杆。城樓面闊五間,進深三間,四周出廊,梁枋有墨線大點金旋子彩畫。東檐下有「東華門」匾額,原來是滿文蒙古文漢文三種文字,後來減為滿文、漢文兩種文字,辛亥革命後僅有銅質漢字。東華門始建於明朝永樂十八年(1420年)。清朝乾隆二十三年(1758年)起,東華門門樓開始用於安放閱兵時用的棉甲,每隔一年將這些棉甲抖晾一次。乾隆二十八年三月(1763年),乾隆帝下旨在東華門外的護城河邊空閒圍房中選用70間,設倉廒,用來貯存太監應領米石,賜名「恩豐倉」。

incidental with certain events
- 喀布爾洲際酒店遭恐襲,美國駐阿富汗大使館上周四,即是次襲擊前三天,曾在官方網頁發布警告訊息,表示國務院接到情報指,恐怖組織計劃在喀布爾的酒店發動襲擊。襲擊當日該酒店舉行一場有關中阿關係的論壇,中國大使館臨時代辦張志新也有出席。一名到現場採訪的法新社記者稱,論壇期間所有車輛皆須經過兩個汽車檢查站,然而當駕駛者下車進入酒店時,建築物大門的人手檢查卻形同虛設。 投資推廣署駐三藩市辦事處投資推廣總監鄧廣亮,其在美國南加州大學攻讀建築系的二十二歲兒子鄧詠禧,於本月十五日上午十一時二十五分,駕駛保時捷跑車(波子),在加州馬里布(Malibu)峽谷的Piuma山路時,車輛突然失控,衝出馬路跌落一百呎谷底,車毀人亡。本周二(年廿九)新西蘭發生港人自駕遊奪命車禍,渣打銀行高層李博正(Warren Lee)偕同妻兒往新西蘭,為愛女入讀奧克蘭一間大學打點兼旅遊,一家四口租車由女兒駕駛自駕遊,沒料在駛至北島一條高速公路時失事越線,迎頭撼向一輛運木材貨車,私家車車頭連前座位幾被撞扁,李博正夫婦與女兒當場喪命,兒子身受重傷在當地醫院留醫,性命垂危。渣打(香港)發言人證實死者之一是渣打環球資本市場業務主管李博正,公司對事件深表悲傷,已聯絡其家人盡力提供協助。據了解,李博正擅長將資產證券化,曾在美國修讀工程學士及工商管理碩士,在證券化市場經驗豐富,曾參與協助內地銀行資產證券化,並經常出席有關的研討會。美國駐新西蘭領事館人員獲悉李博正一家遇車禍後,已通知其在美家人,並提供協助,塔夫茨大學亦發通告對Julia一家遭遇感到哀痛。入境處稱,獲悉事件後已即時透過有關領事館了解,證實當事人為居港的外籍人士。處方會與領事館保持聯絡,密切留意事態發展。 太平紳士駕杜卡迪電單車遇車禍受傷。著名律師行貝克‧麥堅時律師事務所(Baker & McKanzie)的香港、中國、越南及韓國辦事處主席李金鴻,昨晨駕駛有電單車界法拉利之稱的杜卡迪(DUCATI)電單車,在港島大潭與屋苑穿梭巴士相撞,衝上行人路翻側,李金鴻倒地受傷,需送院治療,警方將進一步調查意外成因。

  •全球最大律師事務所 Baker& McKenzie香港及內地主席李金鴻( Lawrence Lee)。這個酒局將會非常搶眼,「白髮」拉加德遇上「白髮」李金鴻,白茫茫一片。這段「白頭緣」源於 Baker,拉加德81年加入 Baker,跟李金鴻(80年入 Baker)是同一代 Baker人。拉加德99年成為 Baker史上首任女主席,這時候李金鴻也成為 Baker全球最賺錢辦事處中港區的主席,理所當然地升上 Baker環球執行委員會,跟在 Baker最高決策層的拉加德並肩作戰。拉加德的 Baker生涯一直至04年加入法國政府才結束。拉加德跟李金鴻的工作關係逾20年,其中十年八年相當緊密。李金鴻這頭白髮在商界無人不曉,年輕女律師眺望以為李察基爾訪港,不過李金鴻在商界最出名的地方不是白髮,而是白髮蓋住的腦袋。搵律師搞上市、搞 M&A,大把人可以搵,搵李金鴻做嘅只得一個原因,是客戶有一單奇難雜症,要橋王獻計。過去20年,李金鴻是公認的中環橋王。李金鴻在法律界是異數,資深律師的仕途甚一致,升到某一個位置之後,成為搵生意的 Rainmaker,即律師樓的吉祥物,跟客戶見面的機會是出席爭取這單生意的 Beauty Contest,和完成這單生意的慶功宴,但李金鴻30年來未離開過戰場最前線,這種態度只能源自興趣。信不信由你,今時今日,當其他資深律師在高球場享受陽光,周末仍有機會見到李金鴻跟客戶在咖啡室開會度橋。這幾年李金鴻高調了一點,因為擔任御用智庫智經揸弗人之一。下屆特首開唐唐的話,李金鴻是理想組閣人選。假如李金鴻不大願意從政,唐唐可託人搵拉加德加入游說工作,拉加德曉以大義,指加入政府為社會服務,正是 Baker人的優良傳統。

Singtao 20aug15 a4陳詠釿's dad is senior management in new world (陳少華)and mother in hk police force (馮美珊) 社區組織協會總幹事、民主黨成員蔡耀昌 的 81歲獨居母親,其位於九龍灣麗晶花園的寓所前晚發生火警,蔡母身體多處燒傷, 送院搶救後情況危殆。由於蔡耀昌曾協助新來港人士爭取領取綜援,有關消息傳出 後,自稱「金金大師」的「本土派」中人、北區水貨客關注組召集人梁金成,昨晨在 社交網站轉貼相關新聞報道,更「抽水」留言稱:「個仔成日出賣香港,宜()家 要佢呀(阿)媽受!」各「本土派」成員的留言更極度惡毒,稱「有個咁嘅仔(蔡耀 昌),阿媽都唔方(慌)好人」,「下個到佢個女㗎喇,祝佢全家都長命百歲,多病 多痛。」不少網民痛斥「本土派」中人「冷血」、「涼薄」。 澳門廉政公署一名職員,昨午被發現由新口岸皇朝廣場辦事處二十二樓天台墮下,跌落二樓檢察院的平台,當場死亡,因無檢獲遺書,司警正調查墮樓原因。死者姓翁(四十三歲),屬澳門公務員,廉政公署證實他是工作人員,該署正配合司警調查工作,同時向家屬致深切慰問,將協助家屬處理後事。現場是聖德倫街皇朝廣場,廉政公署的投訴中心設於十四樓。昨午二時許,大廈二樓平台傳出巨響,該處是檢察院的平台,保安員發現一名男子受傷倒臥,疑由高處墮下,立即報警。消防員到場證實男子已死亡,司警懷疑他由天台墮下,惟身上及天台無發現身份證明文件,司警利用指紋識別系統確定身份,初步對屍體進行檢查,認為無可疑。 空難死者大部分為俄羅斯遊客,十七名兒童死難者中,年紀最小的是僅十個月大的女嬰達里娜(Darina Gromova)。她與父親格羅莫夫及母親塔蒂阿娜度假後一起回國,父母在登機前為女兒拍照,可見達里娜一對細小的手放在機場禁區的玻璃窗上,凝望停機坪上的客機,但最終未能與父母回家。另一張令人心碎的照片,便是三十八歲男子沙因(Iurii Shein)在登機梯上抱着三歲女兒阿納斯塔西婭留影,其妻奧莉加把照片上載社交網,並留言「你好彼得(聖彼得堡),再見埃及。我們正回家。」另一張沙因與阿納斯塔西婭在沙灘上的合照,前方的沙上寫有「埃及二○一五」。

中國駐馬里大使館20日晚證實,3名中國公民在當天發生的巴馬科麗笙酒店人質劫持事件中不幸遇害,另有4名中國公民獲救。中國鐵建股份有限公司(簡稱「中鐵建」)證實,3名遇害者確認為該公司下屬中國鐵建國際集團赴馬里交通部洽談非洲鐵路合作項目的三位高管:中國鐵建國際集團總經理周天想、副總經理王選尚,及中國鐵建國際集團西非公司總經理常學輝。中國外交部向遇難者表示沉痛哀悼,中方對這一暴行表示憤慨和強烈譴責。美國百老匯舞台劇《蝴蝶君》作者、著名華裔劇作家黃哲倫,周日晚在紐約布魯克林的住所附近,遭人從後用利器刺傷頸部。黃遇襲後自行前往醫院求醫,經治療後已經出院,現時沒大礙,但有鄰居稱他幾乎因失血過多死亡。警方指這是一宗隨機襲擊案,正追查疑犯下落。 被定性為人禍的深圳塌泥事故踏入第十日,相關追責行動正在展開。當地公安昨日通報,已對十二名涉案的企業負責人及事故負責人採取強制措施(扣查),包括營運肇事渣土(泥頭)堆放場的益相龍投資開發有限公司負責人。與此同時,光明新區城管前局長徐遠安,前晚被發現於南山區某屋苑墮樓身亡,初步斷定為自殺。據報肇事泥頭堆放場就是徐遠安批准設立。深圳光明新區上周日發生嚴重塌泥致七人遇難,至今有逾七十人失蹤。光明新區安監部門早前公開稱,初步判斷事故非天災,定性為生產安全事故,臨時泥頭堆放場是違規作業。深圳公安昨日通報,已對益相龍等涉事企業負責人及事故相關負責人等共十二人採取強制措施。下一步將對涉嫌違法的人士依法查處。然而,上述官方通報非常簡短,除「益相龍投資開發有限公司負責人」以外,其餘人士均沒有公布其相關工作單位及名字,有網民質疑官方只抓一些「嘍囉」抵罪了事,要求當局公開今次被扣查人士的相關資料,又要求當局盡速將引致事故的違法單位及個人盡早繩之於法。公開資料顯示,徐遠安的名字最近一次出現為今年七月三日,其以光明新區城管局部門法人在《二○一五年深圳市光明新區城市管理局部門預算草案》中簽字。而徐遠安最近一次公開露面,則是在去年四月底帶隊調研森林公園和觀瀾森林公園的建設情況。 ○三年起任深圳副市長的陳應春,分管市財政委員會、市司法局及市審計局等多項職務,主力管理當地金融事務,負責聯繫深圳證券交易所及中國人民銀行深圳市中心支行,曾多次對外發表他對深圳金融發展等言論。有內地傳媒分析,認為他捲入去年展開的金融反腐風波,網絡盛傳他自殺是為「一跳保全家」。除此之外,陳應春亦是深圳金融改革、以至深港金融合作的推手。去年四月,香港立法會金融服務界議員張華峰與陳應春會面,雙方在會中談及深港通的問題。張會後引述陳指,有信心深港通可提前在當年上半年推出,對事情感到樂觀,惟承諾最終沒兌現。至同年六月,深圳市人大代表選出新一屆市政府領導成員,陳應春未有入選,卸任市領導公職。陳當時五十八歲,未抵六十歲的退休年齡,已被指在國內官場不尋常。加上有傳他曾被中紀委問話,未知是否為他墮亡的原因之一。怡中航空前CEO林以樂,前天下午到九龍城拔萃男書院附屬小學接兒子放學,沿斜路上學校期間疑心臟病發暈倒校園,救護員接報趕抵,距離校門僅25米左右,由於塞滿接放學的家長私家車,加上載滿學童的小巴不斷駛出,救護車要待校工指揮車輛讓開通道始能駛至校門外,事主送院搶救後無效。有家長質疑違泊累死人,救護車若能暢順抵達,事主或許能救回一命。生產三星手機電池的天津市SDI工廠,昨晨發生爆炸及火警。濃煙直沖半空,數公里外可見。傳是廠內臨時存放等待處理的低質量電池起火。三星SDI發言人稱,火已撲滅,未造成傷亡,起火原因待查。三星SDI公司是三星手機重要電池生產商之一,其生產的部分電池曾供應早前發生電池起火事故的三星Galaxy Note 7 

fireworks factory explosion
- people died and another two were missing after an explosion on Tuesday evening destroyed a fireworks factory near the Portuguese town of Lamego. The victims all worked at the plant 100km (62 miles) east of Porto. The factory's owner was among the dead and several members of his family were either dead or missing, said local mayor Francisco Lopes. Some of the victims were found outside the factory, apparently propelled from the building by the force of the blast. As investigators tried to identify the victims, the mayor said that almost all of the eight caught up in the blast were members of Egas Sequeira's family. Mr Sequeira was among those feared dead along with one of his daughters and a son-in-law, Portuguese media said.

-前特首曾蔭權爵士好友、香港美國商會前主席詹康信,其位於深水灣道的豪宅去年遭賊匪爆竊,就連他於○三年獲港府頒授的金紫荊星章亦被偷走更遭火燒,家傭發現屋中失竊後報警,警方稍後在大宅附近拘捕涉案的內地男賊,並起回賊贓。廿六歲被告昨於區院承認一項爆竊罪,法官指案中星章對事主而言具有榮譽及紀念價值,「有錢都買唔到」,直斥被告的行為差劣,「你偷嘢還偷嘢,冇理由整爛人哋啲嘢」,因此額外加刑三個月;考慮被告認罪,最終判他監禁共兩年兩個月。 A 46-year-old Indian-American lawyer has been killed in the US after being hit by a train at a crossing in California. Kirtee Kapoor, who was born in Bangalore, was a partner in the law firm Davis Polk, The Mercury News reported. Kapoor, who lived in Menlo Park city, was killed by a southbound Caltrain on Monday at the Watkins Avenue crossing in Atherton town, the San Mateo County Coroner’s office said. Thomas McGovern, fellow at the coroner’s office, said the death is still being investigated. Kapoor is survived by his wife and daughter, the report said. According to the website, Kapoor “inspired a generation of Indian lawyers who went abroad”. It said he was the head of the India group at the firm Davis Polk, “one of the first of a new generation of Indian- trained lawyers to make partner at top international firms”.Kapoor earned an LL.B. from the University of Delhi, a BCL from Balliol College, University of Oxford, and earned an LLM at New York University School of Law, a statement on the Davis Polk website said. “Kirtee joined Davis Polk’s New York office as an associate in 1999 and over the next 18 years spent time in several of our offices advising clients on significant M&A matters and in investments and other transactions around the world. He was elected to the partnership in 2007 and moved to Hong Kong later that year. In 2015, he joined our Northern California office,” the Davis Polk statement said.
- obitruary scmp 11jun17

Trans World Airlines Flight 800 (TWA 800) was a Boeing 747-100 that exploded and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near East Moriches, New York, on July 17, 1996, at about 8:31 p.m. EDT, 12 minutes after takeoff from John F. Kennedy International Airport on a scheduled international passenger flight to Rome, with a stopover in Paris.[1]:1 All 230 people on board perished in the third-deadliest aviation accident in U.S. territory. 

ships/navy fire
A fire on one of the Royal Navy's latest guided missile destroyers has killed eight men.
The £23m HMS Glasgow was being fitted out at a shipyard near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, north-east England, and was due to start sea trials shortly.It is thought the fire at Swan Hunter's Neptune yard was started by a welder's torch after gas had been leaking from an oxygen cylinder.Six other shipyard workers were also injured in the blaze and an investigation into the cause has been launched by the factory inspectorate and Northumberland Police.珍寳海鮮舫位於香港仔避風塘,長76米、闊22米、高28米,樓高3層,面積達45,000平方呎,可容納超過2,300名賓客,因此有「世界上最大的海上食府」之稱。珍寳最初建於1950年,由水上人開設,經過多次易手, 在1970年由商人王老吉集資籌建更大的珍寶海鮮舫,但不幸在1971年開業前發生四級大火,整艘船嚴重焚毀,更造成34死42傷。由於王老吉無力重新投資,「賭王」何鴻燊1972年買下珍寶海鮮舫的業權,經過4年時間和耗資港幣3,000多萬,珍寶海鮮舫於1976年建成及開業。直至2002年加入新濠國際發展有限公司,翌年進行翻新工程。

The Great Fire of New York was a devastating fire that burned through the night of September 20, 1776, and into the morning of September 21, on the West Side of what then constituted New York City at the southern end of the island of Manhattan.[1] It broke out in the early days of the military occupation of the city by British forces during the American Revolutionary War.The fire destroyed about 10 to 25 percent of the buildings in the city, while some unaffected parts of the city were plundered. Many people believed or assumed that one or more people deliberately started the fire, for a variety of different reasons. British leaders accused revolutionaries acting within the city and state, and many residents assumed that one side or the other had started it. The fire had long-term effects on the British occupation of the city, which did not end until 1783.

The 1812 Fire of Moscow broke out on 14 September 1812, when Russian troops and most of the remaining residents abandoned the city of Moscow just ahead of Napoleon's vanguard troops entering the city after the Battle of Borodino. The fire all but destroyed the city, which had been mostly abandoned by its residents the previous month.

The Palace of Westminster, the medieval royal palace used as the home of the British parliament, was largely destroyed by fire on 16 October 1834. The blaze was caused by the burning of small wooden tally stickswhich had been used as part of the accounting procedures of the Exchequer until 1826. The sticks were disposed of carelessly in the two furnaces under the House of Lords, which caused a chimney fire in the two flues that ran under the floor of the Lords' chamber and up through the walls. The resulting fire spread rapidly throughout the complex and developed into the biggest conflagration in London between the Great Fire of 1666 and the Blitz of the Second World War; the event attracted large crowds which included several artists who provided pictorial records of the event. The fire lasted for most of the night and destroyed a large part of the palace, including the converted St Stephen's Chapel—the meeting place of the House of Commons—the Lords Chamber, the Painted Chamber and the official residences of the Speaker and the Clerk of the House of Commons. The actions of Superintendent James Braidwood of the London Fire Engine Establishment ensured that Westminster Hall and a few other parts of the old Houses of Parliament survived the blaze. In 1836 a competition for designs for a new palace was won by Charles Barry. Barry's plans, developed in collaboration with Augustus Pugin, incorporated the surviving buildings into the new complex. The competition established Gothic Revival as the predominant national architectural style and the palace has since been categorised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, of outstanding universal value.
  • [uk parliament handout] only westminster hall and the jewel tower survived the fire
winter palace st petersburg fire dec1837

sheung wan fire 1851 scmp 10dec18

The Great Chicago Fire was a conflagration that burned from Sunday, October 8, to Tuesday, October 10, 1871. The fire killed up to 300 people, destroyed roughly 3.3 square miles (9 km2) of ChicagoIllinois, and left more than 100,000 residents homeless.
The following structures are the only structures from the burned district still standing:

Great fire of 1872, boston

The Great Michigan Fire was a series of simultaneous forest fires in the state of Michigan in the United States in 1871.[1] They were possibly caused (or at least reinforced) by the same winds that fanned the Great Chicago Fire; some believe lightning or even meteor showersmay have started the fires.[2] Several cities, towns and villages, including AlpenaHollandManistee, and Port Huron, suffered serious damage or were lost. The concurrent Great Peshtigo Fire in Wisconsin also destroyed several towns in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. In 1881, much more than half of "the Thumb" region was burned over by the Thumb Fire, which followed part of the same path of the 1871 fires.
The PS General Slocum[notes 1] was a sidewheel passenger steamboat built in BrooklynNew York, in 1891. During her service history, she was involved in a number of mishaps, including multiple groundings and collisions. On June 15, 1904, General Slocum caught fire and sank in the East River of New York City.[1] At the time of the accident, she was on a chartered run carrying members of St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church(German Americans from Little Germany, Manhattan) to a church picnic. An estimated 1,021 of the 1,342 people on board died.

The Reichstag fire (GermanReichstagsbrand) was an arson attack on the Reichstag building (home of the German parliament) in Berlin on 27 February 1933, just one month after Adolf Hitler had been sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. The Nazis stated that Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch council communist, was found near the building. The Nazis publicly blamed the fire on communist agitators in general, although in a German court in 1933, it was decided that Van Der Lubbe had acted alone, as he claimed to have done. After the fire, the Reichstag Fire Decree was passed. The fire was used as evidence by the Nazi Party that communists were plotting against the German government. The event is seen as pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany.

France's Museum of Monuments and Museum of Cinema were damaged by water and burning debris after a fire started on Tuesday night and swept across the roof of the east wing of the Palais de Chaillot in the Place du Trocadero, across the Seine from the Eiffel Tower. The Museum of Monuments, which contains an important 19th-century collection of molds and reproductions of Roman and Gothic statues and frescoes, appeared to have suffered most, with around 100 plaster casts of Gothic art damaged by water, shards of glass and debris. The main screening theater in the Museum of Cinema was also flooded. The 30,000 films in the Cinematheque's invaluable library, however, are stored elsewhere.The police said the fire began in an area of the Palais de Chaillot that was being renovated. ''Apparently there was soldering work being carried out during the day,''The west wing of the Palais de Chaillot, which was opened in 1937, houses the Museum of Man and the Marine Museum. Neither was affected by the fire.There are nonetheless plans for the Marine Museum to be transferred to a new site and the Museum of Man to be reorganized to make room for a new Museum of African, Oceanic and Pre-Columbian art, scheduled to be opened in the Palais de Chaillot before 2002.

A baroque building in harbin was on fire orientaldaily 22mar18

The roof of the historic Law Society headquarters in London has been destroyed after a fire broke out during an annual dinner for junior lawyers.Twenty-five fire engines and 150 firefighters were called to the blaze in Chancery Lane in Holborn at 10.40pm, where they battled the fire until 9.48am this morning.The roof of the six-storey building and a staircase from the third to the fifth floor has been destroyed by the fire and there is also damage to the third and fourth floors.

4月22日夜,朝鮮黃海北道發生一起嚴重交通事故,導致32名中國遊客和4名朝方工作人員遇難,2名中國遊客重傷。最近一些海外媒體無端臆測所謂訪問團名單云云,多家韓媒甚至稱,毛新宇將軍亦在名單中。香港文匯報記者多方查證,所謂知名人士遇難者名單皆是謠言。, see also singtao 3may18 for more names

- 內地網民爆料指,廣東佛山南海區知名景點西樵山昨晚發生山火,現場火光沖天,熊熊烈燄迅速向山坡蔓延,多輛消防車到場射水灌救。另外,網傳起火地點並非西樵山主體,而是附近小山崗,起火原因是纖化廠電房引起,火勢隨後被撲滅,惟官方尚未公布詳情。
  • 東晉時,西樵山是全國道教中心之一,明清兩代為佛道並存之地。明朝清朝,包括湛若水何白雲在內的一大批文人相繼隱居西樵山,在此探求理學,吟詩作畫,湛甘泉、方獻夫、霍韜、陳白沙等在西樵山開壇講學、研究理學,使西樵山獲得了「南粵理學名山」的美譽。而當中最有名的莫過於康有為,年青的他正是從西樵山出來,開始開拓他的維新大業。西樵山還是以黃飛鴻為代表的「南拳文化」的發源地,黃飛鴻一百多年前誕生於此地,苦煉武功,修心養德,成為武術界的一代宗師。
glasgow school of art
- The A-listed building, considered to be Charles Rennie Mackintosh's masterpiece, was badly damaged in a blaze in May 2014.That blaze, which was caused by a faulty projector, destroyed the building's library, recognised as one of the world's finest examples of art nouveau. It had been due to reopen next year after being restored in a project estimated to cost up to £35m. There was shock and disbelief that the building had been hit by another major blaze, with local people and former students among those to express sadness.

Grenfell tower fire
- On 2nd May 2012 the RBKC Cabinet was presented with a paper by the Cabinet Member for Housing and Property seeking approval to spend receipts from the sale of empty basements at Elm Park Gardens on a number of housing regeneration projects in the borough. This was all part of Cllr Coleridge’s pet project known as the Hidden Homes Initiative. The Elm Park Gardens sale was projected to return around £8 million in net profits which could then be reinvested elsewhere. The jewel in the crown of this particular plan was a proposal to divert £6 million of this windfall for the regeneration of Grenfell Tower on Lancaster West Estate. This would involve installing a new heating system, new double glazed windows, external cladding of the whole structure, the creation of some new social housing units in disused parts of the building (ie Hidden Homes) the relocation of some community resources in improved premises and some improvements to the public areas surrounding the tower.
Cabinet approved the proposals. Plans for the Grenfell Tower project were drawn up, by the same architects and construction companies that were already handling the KALC project, a period of statutory public consultation followed, and a planning application was submitted by the TMO in September 2012 with a decision date scheduled for 24th December. However, the ink was scarcely dry on the plans before the original application PP/12/03163 was suddenly withdrawn on 18 October 2012. A new application PP/12/04097 was submitted the following day 19 October 2012, but has made no progress since then towards securing planning permission, and is still awaiting decision. Unsurprisingly, the original decision date in December was missed, but subsequent meetings of the Major Planning Development Committee, scheduled for January, February, March and April were all subsequently cancelled.
- also kiv company called rydon which had involvement- 《蘋果》調查發現,本港上環永安中心的外牆,懷疑全幢均使用了同一類型不防火的鋁板,有測量師認為該物料有火警隱患,促請永安盡快全面檢查。綜合英國多間傳媒報道,該倫敦大廈去年5月翻新時,業主在外牆加裝數百幅美國Reynobond品牌的隔熱鋁板,用作改善大廈外觀。《泰晤士報》引述一名Reynobond銷售員指,該品牌隔熱板有兩款,一款名為FR(fire-resistant),內層具防火性能;涉事大廈卻用另一款名為PE的鋁板,其外圍屬鋁質、內層則是不防火的聚乙烯(polyethylene)塑膠層。有報道指,雖然PE價錢較為便宜,但由於有消防隱患,美國已禁止在高樓大廈上安裝這款鋁板,德國亦已評定它為一種易燃物料,危險性相當於厚度不多於12毫米的木頭。翻查資料,本港一間建築物料供應商「偉利華有限公司」曾引入涉事品牌隔熱鋁板,該公司網頁更稱上環永安中心有安裝相關隔熱鋁板。記者翻查永安中心圖則,發現該廈在1995年曾進行外牆翻新工程,在全幢大廈1至28樓外牆加裝涉事的Reynobond4mm隔熱鋁板,鋁板型號為「RB106 PE」,相信正是上述不防火的鋁版。該大廈的1至4樓、亦即百貨公司外牆,均沒設窗戶,全幅被該鋁板覆蓋。
- People living on Chalcots estate in Swiss Cottage were woken during the night and told to leave their homes immediately after Camden council became the first in the country to order an evacuation of blocks at risk of a similar fire.Refurbishment on Chalcots estate was overseen by Rydon, the company involved in the refit of Grenfell Tower, according to its website.
- 供應外牆隔熱板予大樓的美國公司,周一宣布停止向高樓大廈銷售隔熱板。涉事公司Arconic表示,關注倫敦大火一事,為安全起見,決定在全球停止向高樓建築銷售Reynobond PE隔熱板,但若用於低層建築,則會如常銷售。此款鋁板共有三個版本,包括一款中央為易燃塑膠及兩款中央為防火物料,出事大樓使用的是最便宜的易燃塑膠。
- 英國倫敦公屋格蘭費爾大樓火災慘劇發生後,政府加快全面檢查國內同類型高層大樓建築物的外牆隔熱板及防火系統。當地傳媒的調查發現,單在蘇格蘭地區,包括格拉斯哥和愛丁堡,約三百零七幢高樓大廈沒有安裝自動灑水裝置。orientaldaily 4jul17
- 英國格倫費爾大樓於兩年前起火焚毀,造成七十二死。近二百五十名生還者及死者家屬周二於美國費城地方法院集體訴訟,控告多間美國公司生產用於大樓的建築物料等有問題,要求賠償。入稟狀針對涉事雪櫃製造商惠而浦、覆蓋物料製造商Arconic Inc.、隔熱物料製造商Celotex,指控Aronic走捷徑使用聚乙烯,而不是成本較高的防火物料,直指「外國人的生命比美國人卑微」。而Celotex製造的隔熱物料則釋出氰化物,導致數人死亡及對生還者造成長期傷害。入稟人沒有列明索償金額,將由陪審團決定。上述三間公司同日回應事件,表示同情死者,正配合英國調查。惠而浦指有兩個調查都發現涉事雪櫃的型號沒有問題;Celotex則指隔熱物料只是覆蓋層的其中一部分。Aronic表示在上庭時才會回應。
  • For a disaster that enraged Britons and set off sprawling investigations in London, the venue for the lawsuit — the Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas — was unorthodox. But it reflected an increasingly prevalent dilemma for lawyers bringing cases against multinational corporations. Drawn to American courts for plaintiff-friendly liability laws and the opportunity for big payouts, the lawyers and their clients must nevertheless contend with questions about when American rules should apply in disasters abroad. [Britain vowed big changes after the Grenfell Tower burned. Thousands remain stuck in firetraps.] The Grenfell lawsuit, launched in Pennsylvania because the cladding maker, Arconic, has its headquarters there, has also stirred concern in some quarters about a clash between Britain’s slow and painstaking inquiries into the fire and simultaneous American litigation.

honolulu marco polo tower fire
- A 36-story residential tower in Honolulu caught fire on Friday afternoon, killing three people and injuring at least a dozen as flames spread across three floors. The Marco Polo tower overlooks the beachfront tourist district of Waikiki and was built in the 1970s, before sprinkler systems were required, Mayor Kirk Caldwell told reporters.

steel authority of india fire 10oct18 Fletcher Building (FBU.NZ) and SkyCity Entertainment (SKC.NZ) on Wednesday said a “significant” fire at the construction site of the New Zealand International Convention Centre (NZICC) is expected to delay the project. SkyCity owns the construction project and the country’s largest construction firm, Fletcher, is building the centre, but the project has been plagued by delays.“Once the fire has been extinguished and it is deemed safe to re-enter the site, investigations can commence to determine the cause of the fire and assess the extent of the damage,” Fletcher said in a statement.

sudden faint
- 台灣海峽交流基金會前董事長江丙坤,昨晚八時在台北晶華酒店與友人聚餐期間,突然暈倒送院,送往馬偕醫院急救。救護員接報到場後,發現八十五歲的江仍有生命徵象,但陷入昏迷。有消息人士表示,江在兩日前仍於日本訪問,詎料突然發病,令家人感到意外。

Sudden death
- The first Chinese bishop to be consecrated in the Anglican Diocese of Hong Kong and Macau since 1949, the Right Reverend Cheung Wing-ngok, died the day before at the age of 63. His death came only six months after his consecration. Bishop Cheung had been suffering from cancer. 塞爾維亞克盧賽瓦奇市市長內斯托羅維奇(Dragi Nestorovic),早前獲邀出席台灣雙十慶典,之後由外交部人員安排到台灣各地參訪。昨日中午,他在宜蘭新月廣場一間餐廳用餐時,剛吃下一口麵包便突然暈倒,經在場同行人員緊急送往陽明大學附設醫院急救後,下午一時許宣告不治。orientaldaily 22oct17 來自塞國的克盧賽瓦奇市(Krusevca)市長奈斯托羅維(Dragi Nestorovic),60歲,他與塞爾維亞地方經濟發展聯盟執行長及另外五位市長,受邀參加雙十慶典,後獲安排到宜蘭旅遊及參訪,原定昨結束行程返國,由於同日宜蘭全國運動會開幕,一度盛傳奈斯托羅維出席,後證實其行程與全運會無關,屬私人行程。至於捲入市長猝死案的的藍屋餐廳,位於宜蘭縣新月廣場旁邊,為過百年的古蹟建築,前身是宜蘭舊監獄門廳,因藍色外牆而命名,但工人早年利用透明護木漆保護建築,誤將藍屋漆變黑屋。
- lou cheung on 15feb18 singtao
- 重慶副書記任學鋒突病逝 various newspapers 5nov19

- 網傳中國汽車工業協會副會長兼秘書長吳紹明前日墮樓身亡,原因未明。中汽協多位人士確認吳離世消息,其中有人透露,吳是在北京家中跳樓自殺。據悉,吳曾任中國第一汽車集團副總經理兼規劃部部長、黨委常委、副總經理等職,至前年出任中國汽車工業協會秘書長,後又任副會長兼秘書長,支部書記、法人代表。
- 台灣駐大阪辦事處處長蘇啓誠疑因不堪被外界批評救災失力,上周五在家中上吊自殺身亡。有台灣名嘴聲稱接獲網民爆料,指蘇忙於處理受颱風飛燕影響的台灣旅客時,還要接待屏東縣長潘孟安一行人的訪問團,質疑這是「壓死駱駝的最後一根稻草」。台外交部事後刪除該則出訪新聞,引發外界關注。
- 中央駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室主任鄭曉松,因患抑鬱症前晚(20日)在其澳門住所墮樓身亡,終年五十九歲。鄭曉松離世消息震驚澳門政界,多名澳門立法會議員及學者均對鄭曉松離世感突然及可惜,並對他過去一年在澳門的工作給予正面評價。
- 香港上市國企中遠海能的子公司中海發展(香港)航運有限公司總經理賈利賓,周五(21日)凌晨在台北市五星級王朝大酒店墮樓身亡,留下九頁遺書,其中提到自己患有抑鬱症及遇上人生瓶頸,疑為輕生原因,事件目前仍在調查中。
- 35岁梁姓男子前日(15日)於金鐘太古广场堕亡,警方消息指,死者牵涉两单案件,包括一宗串谋欺诈案和一宗出口禁制品案,他於现场留下两封遗书。警察公共关係科发言人接受《大公报》查询时表示,警方接获姓陈(38岁)男保安报案,指姓梁(35岁)男子手持一把鎅刀及一幅横额在太古广场一平台徘徊。警员接报到场,其间尝试劝阻梁男。至晚上约九时许,梁男爬出铁架并处於危险位置,消防尝试拯救及将梁男带回安全位置,惟梁男於约九时许从平台堕下,昏迷被送往律敦治医院治理后於九时三十四分证实死亡。警方於现场检获遗书,初步调查相信事件没有可疑,梁男死因有待验尸后确定。消息指,梁2013年,曾牵涉一单出口禁制品案被海关拘捕;去年七月,他再涉某金融公司的“伦敦金”诈骗案,被警方商业罪案调查科拘捕,现正在担保外出期间,案件仍在调查中。
- 中國司法部昨日公布,司法部黨組女成員、政治部主任馮力軍,近日因病去世,享年五十五歲。馮在前年一月任陝西省副省長;同年三月,調任司法部政治部主任、黨組成員至今。官方資料顯示,馮為陝西蒲城人,一九八七年一月加入中國共產黨,早期任職於陝西省寶雞市,二○○二年起先後任千陽縣長、縣委書記、商洛市委常委等。, other reports mentioned that she fell off from building


slip of tongue
- 英國威廉王子與日本副首相麻生太郎,周四於倫敦肯辛頓出席一間日本文化會館開幕禮時,失言把日本菜說成中國菜。現場氣氛一度變得尷尬,他事後亦不斷嘗試補救,大讚三文魚刺身美味和充滿驚喜。
- 正面臨罷免連署的台灣高雄市長韓國瑜,昨日參加由高雄市府舉辦的「228事件七十三年追思紀念會」,在致詞時將「228」講成「823(金門八二三炮戰)」,還把當年事件起事者之一的「謝雪紅」講成當代企業家「王雪紅」,引發輿論嘩然,指其不尊重遇難者家屬。

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