Sunday, December 23, 2018


models to run the world/story to tell
- [the cambridge encyclopedia 4th ed  2000] three age system - chronological division of old world prehistory into three ages of stone, bronze and iron. Rooted in classical ideas about the past, the scheme owes its archaeological exploitation to a dane (christian jurgensen thomsen 1788-1865) who adopted it in 1819 to classify the collections of the new national museum in copenhagen.
- 美國殖民者的傳統因基督教義與猶太教相同,在十九世紀開始,便有「昭昭天命」(Manifest Destiny)的主張,認為他們是天命神授在北美洲大陸自東往西的擴張,不惜戰爭和對原居民的欺詐。十九世紀四十年代美國與墨西哥之戰,便是以此為理由,結果打敗墨西哥,掠奪了獨立的墨西哥的過半領土。
The Square Deal was President Theodore Roosevelt's domestic program, which reflected his three major goals: conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection.These three demands are often referred to as the "three Cs" of Roosevelt's Square Deal. Thus, it aimed at helping middle class citizens and involved attacking plutocracy and bad trusts while at the same time protecting business from the most extreme demands of organized labor. He explained in 1901-1909:When I say that I am for the square deal, I mean not merely that I stand for fair play under the present rules of the game, but that I stand for having those rules changed so as to work for a more substantial equality of opportunity and of reward for equally good service.The press was using the term "Square Deal" as early as 1871 in a New York Times local news article that reads "Many of the inscriptions on the front of trucks, drays, and other vehicles are quite amusing. On one there is a picture of a hand containing four aces, and over it is inscribed square deal."[4] In 1888, in "letters from the people" (letters to the editor), one writer signed off as "Square Deal". In 1890, the phrase started to appear in headlines, e.g., "Give China a Square Deal"[6] and "Not a Square Deal".An early usage of "square deal" by Theodore Roosevelt in the press occurred in 1899, when The New York Times quoted his saying, "I did not appoint a man because he came from Dr. Wall's or any other church; I gave each man a square deal on his own account. That is what I mean by Americanism."
雅尔塔体系(Yalta System),是对1945年-1991年间国际政治格局的称呼,得名于1945年初美、英、苏三国政府首脑罗斯福丘吉尔斯大林在苏联雅尔塔(今属俄罗斯克里米亚)举行的雅尔塔会议雅尔塔体系其特点是:以美国和苏联两极为中心,在全球范围内进行争夺霸权的冷战,但不排除局部地区由两个超级大国直接或间接参与的战争(如朝鲜战争越南战争阿富汗战争等)。1989年的东欧剧变和1991年的苏联解体,标志着两极格局上的瓦解,也象征着雅尔塔体系最终瓦解。
The Washington Consensus is a set of 10 economic policy prescriptions considered to constitute the "standard" reform package promoted for crisis-wracked developing countries by Washington, D.C.-based institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and United States Department of the Treasury.[1] The term was first used in 1989 by English economist John Williamson. The prescriptions encompassed policies in such areas as macroeconomic stabilization, economic opening with respect to both trade and investment, and the expansion of market forces within the domestic economy.The concept and name of the Washington Consensus were first presented in 1989 by John Williamson, an economist from the Institute for International Economics, an international economic think tank based in Washington, D.C. Williamson used the term to summarize commonly shared themes among policy advice by Washington-based institutions at the time, such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and U.S. Treasury Department, which were believed to be necessary for the recovery of countries in Latin America from the economic and financial crises of the 1980s.[citation neededThe consensus as originally stated by Williamson included ten broad sets of relatively specific policy recommendations:
  1. Fiscal policy discipline, with avoidance of large fiscal deficits relative to GDP;
  2. Redirection of public spending from subsidies ("especially indiscriminate subsidies") toward broad-based provision of key pro-growth, pro-poor services like primary education, primary health care and infrastructure investment;
  3. Tax reform, broadening the tax base and adopting moderate marginal tax rates;
  4. Interest rates that are market determined and positive (but moderate) in real terms;
  5. Competitive exchange rates;
  6. Trade liberalization: liberalization of imports, with particular emphasis on elimination of quantitative restrictions (licensing, etc.); any trade protection to be provided by low and relatively uniform tariffs;
  7. Liberalization of inward foreign direct investment;
  8. Privatization of state enterprises;
  9. Deregulation: abolition of regulations that impede market entry or restrict competition, except for those justified on safety, environmental and consumer protection grounds, and prudential oversight of financial institutions;
  10. Legal security for property rights.
- beijing consensus

- [the cambridge encyclopedia 4th ed  2000]three worlds theory sees the world as being divided into three main blocs of countries, defined by their economic status - first world (developed capitalist economies), second world (developed communist countries), third world (underdeveloped countries, covering most of latin america and recently independent african and asian states, tend to adopt a position of neutrality, most diverse (oil rich countries alongside poorest countries) and large in number) Some (include UN) recognise a fourth world (the 25 poorest nations). The collapse of communist states after 1989 makes the typology somewhat redundant, although the term third world is likely to persist due to its extensive usage.
- economist 14sep19 "common sense" there are more ways to look after public resources than nationalisation and pivatisation
- china daily 20sep19 douglas mcwilliams' book "the inequality paradox how capitalism can work for everyone"
- scmp 3dec19 "a remedy for our times" stakeholder capitalism
  • ft 5apr2021 stakeholder capitalism must find ways to hold management to account
- 由香港發展論壇舉 辦的以「建國七十周年」為背景的第二場研討會日前 假會展中心會議廳舉行,新加坡國立大學東亞研究所 所長鄭永年應邀以「政治體制與治理」為主題發表演 講。香港發展論壇召集人陳啟宗主持研討會,邀請香 港中文大學政治與行政學系榮休教授王紹光與鄭永年 進行深度對談。

  • 弗朗西斯·福山(Francis Fukuyama)生于1952年10月27日,日裔美籍学者。哈佛大学政治学博士,现任约翰霍普金斯大学、保罗·尼采高级国际问题研究院、舒华兹讲座、国际政治经济学教授,曾师从塞缪尔·亨廷顿。曾任美国国务院思想库政策企划局副局长。著有《历史之终结与最后一人》、《后人类未来──基因工程的人性浩劫》、《跨越断层──人性与社会秩序重建》、《信任》、《政治秩序的起源:从前人类时代到法国大革命》。福山本是施特劳斯派(保守派)弟子(布鲁姆的学生),但他在施特劳斯与科耶夫的辩论(“古今之争”)中更多采取科耶夫的“现代”立场,因此他不但明言继承黑格尔——科耶夫的问题(“现代性”——“承认的政治”——“全球性普世一体化国家”——“历史的终结”)逻辑,并是用通俗的当代流行语言重新包装了科耶夫。他的《历史的终结与最后的人》(1992)的历史的终结的观点来自于科耶夫对黑格尔的解释,在黑格尔所说的人类需要被人的欲望的推动下,历史不断进化,福山认为最后的历史是自由民主的历史,在自由民主阶段,人类获得了平等的认可,历史也就终结了。他在《历史的终结》一书(2006年)又提出弱意义上的“历史决定论”与马克思的“强意义上的历史决定论”相对照。关于伊斯兰世界的问题,他认为这“不是文化冲突,而实质上是政治激进主义,与文化无关”。他在《历史的终结》第二十六章“向和平联盟进军”中预言,以后的世界将分为两个部分,“后历史部分”(和平共处)和历史部分。“后历史部分”如何将自由民主推广至历史部分中去?福山断然否决了基辛格现实主义的(与历史部分)的妥协方案,也不认为在联合国框架下能够达成这两部分的合作和和解,因为联合国本身就不是康德意义上的“自由国家”的联盟。所以,福山把北约看成是“自由国家”的联盟,在这个意义上,他保留了武力解决的可能性。而另一方面,历史国家不是铁板一块,其内部发生的危机会使这些国家转变为自由民主国家。在这一部分中,他的模糊之处是自由国家的实现方式上,他既承认武力解决的可能性,又冀望于内部的演变。
- WION TV全球高峰 會,其中一個討論議題是 「後疫情 時代的世界秩序」 ,這是一個各國 都高度關注的話題,但透過線上與 會的蔡明憲卻趁機插播販賣私貨, 葉太即時作出回應,直斥其非,顯 示出高度的政治敏感、堅持原則的 態度,以及維護國家尊嚴的政治自 覺。
- cornwall consenus
  • ft 11jun2021 cornwall consensus is here
- co-opetition

  • ft 7nov19 beijing and washington should prepare for an era of co-opetition

- chinese history

  • 了解唐代廣州成千年商都後與香港的附屬關係、了解明清時期中國怎樣在廣州、香港、澳門和外國周旋、鬥爭、貿易;了解英國為甚麼選香港作為殖民地推動對華的鴉片和其他貿易,以及怎樣建立起上海、香港、新加坡的東亞條約體系,與列強競逐並分割中國;了解冷戰時美國怎樣利用香港,怎樣在香港與中國聯手合作,並在戰勝了日本、蘇聯之後,和平轉變中國不成功,便開展新冷戰,以香港作為戰場。
- wealthy people
  • economist 5oct19 "outrageous future" a new paper makes a novel argument for wealth taxes
- tax reform

    The OECD has proposed a global shake-up of corporate taxation, overturning a century of rules that have allowed digital groups such as Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google to shift profits around the world to minimise their tax bills. The proposals, which were unveiled on Wednesday after months of behind-the-scenes negotiations, are aimed at extracting more corporate tax from large multinationals whether they are digital or own highly profitable brands, such as luxury goods makers or global car companies.  The winners would be large countries including the US, China, UK, Germany, France, Italy and developing economies. These would see an increase in their rights to levy tax on corporate income earned from sales in their territories, while the companies themselves, tax havens and low tax jurisdictions such as Ireland would lose. The OECD’s proposal would give countries two new taxing rights. First, for consumer-facing companies and digital businesses, they would allow countries to tax a proportion of the global profits of large multinationals, ending the ability to shift profits to escape taxation. The OECD is consulting on what would count as a “residual profit” that would be open to this form of taxation, but the tax base would be the sales of the global group in any country. This would be particularly valuable for emerging economies, where multinationals sell but have no presence.The second element proposes that for countries which hosted multinationals with a physical presence, there should be a formula to generate a fixed rate of return on local activity in the country because many disputes arose in the area of distribution. There could be a top-up if these two elements produced revenues that were less than a country would have received under existing rules.
- 山川異域,風月同天

  • 話說一千三百多年前,日本有一個長屋王,給唐朝的眾僧送了一千件袈裟,每件袈裟上都繡着:「山川異域,風月同天,寄諸佛子,共結來緣。」後來唐朝的鑒真和尚看了深受感動,毅然六渡扶桑,譜寫了中日交流歷史。
- global trade
  • If we wish to ensure the sustainability of trade, the challenge will be to recognise and confront the new and sometimes uncomfortable realities of imbalanced trade outcomes, rather than rely on the assumptions, structures and conventional wisdom that have defined our approach to trade in the post-war era.Two threshold questions cannot be avoided: is more trade always of benefit to an economy? And, is reliance on a single trading partner ever sustainable?The tough questions we need to ask should not cause us to overlook or diminish the beneficial role trade can continue to play, both in terms of the economic benefits it can generate and the geostrategic stability it can help cement.Ultimately, the most enduring legacy of the coronavirus might be in helping to necessitate a reconsideration and recalibration of our approach to trade.Stephen Olson is a research fellow at the Hinrich Foundation
- "local"
  • in french - du or de quartier; du pays or du coin
- made in xx
  • 訪問以色列的美國國務卿蓬佩奧周四抵達戈蘭高地,成為首名踏足當地的美國國務卿。蓬佩奧此前在西岸的以色列猶太殖民區發表聲明,要求殖民區出口到美國的貨品,都要標示為「以色列製造」(Made in Israel)。分析指兩項做法反映特朗普政府的中東政策出現重大變動,承認以色列殖民。
- "control epidemic"
  • 隨着歐美地區的新冠肺炎疫情持續惡化,愈來愈多西方國家的醫生、衛生專家甚至政府官員,積極向公眾宣揚一項重要防疫理論─「拉平曲線」(flattening the curve)。簡而言之,即是透過採取嚴格的隔離防疫措施,避免疫情在短時間內大爆發,從而防止醫療體系崩潰。媒體及專家介紹這項理論時,都不免援引中國內地、香港、新加坡以至韓國等亞洲地區的抗疫經驗為例,證明封城、停課等減少社交接觸措施,的確可以有效減慢確診增加速度。所謂「拉平曲線」,是將「傳染病曲線」(epidemic curve)拉平。傳染病曲線是反映累積案例與經過時間關係的圖表,Y軸為案例數,X軸為時間,如某種傳染病的確診個案在短時間內不受控地爆發性增長,傳染病曲線便會呈現高峰陡斜狀;反之,如果能夠透過有效的防疫措施,減慢新病例出現速度,傳染病曲線就會趨於平坦。自從歐美地區新冠肺炎個案暴增後,不少西方傳媒及網民紛紛轉發「將傳染病曲線拉平」的示意圖,當中流傳得最廣的兩幅分別由《經濟學人》以及蘇格蘭微生物學家Siouxsie Wiles製作,大意都是展示兩條一陡一平的傳染病曲線,並加上象徵各地醫療體系負擔上限的虛線。提倡「拉平曲線」的專家主張,雖然抗疫最終目的是完全停止病毒傳播,但減慢傳播速度才是關鍵,如果能夠把醫療體系在任何一段時間內需要處理的病人數量降低,就能讓醫護、藥廠以至社會各界有更多時間作準備,避免醫療體系一下子超出負荷。專家以美國1918年西班牙流感疫情為例,當年聖路易斯在爆出首宗病例後,果斷採取減少社區接觸等隔離措施,成功避免病例大幅增加,相反費城則因為太遲「封城」,結果病例在短時間內暴增,結果兩地的患者死亡率相差8倍。
- 全球便可能分成三類地區,一是中國,在封關之後,大有可能把輸入疫症控制,內地疫情逐步減退,復工復市復課。二是日本、俄羅斯,還可加上港澳台等,疫症大致處於可控。不過外來輸入壓力重大,內部仍然處於防衞疫病再起的緊張狀態。三是其餘各國,面對着新冠肺炎疫症的嚴重威脅。較佳的是鎖關鎖國,但未必防治得有效,惡劣者如英國等,放任疫病,內外輸毒,陷於失控,也禍延外國。
- 筆者最近正在閱讀暢銷書《人類大命運》,作者哈拉瑞這樣描繪未來人類的前景:「社會將分成兩大階層,一個是非常小的精英階層,就像上帝一樣,他們在創造大量的人工智能;絕大部分人將變成沒有任何經濟價值的無用階層。這是廿一世紀最大的風險。」為了減緩這個衝擊,現在很多有識之士已提出對機械人徵稅。微軟創辦人蓋茨曾解釋,「假設工人在工廠做價值五萬美元的工作,該人會被徵收個人所得稅。如果機械人也做一樣的工作,那麼也應該對機械人徵收相似水平的稅款。」徵到的稅主要做什麼呢?因為政府需要透過「全民基本收入」機制,彌補自動化對勞動者的衝擊,只要是公民就能獲得一份最低年收入保障。如果將來絕大部分人都淪為一無是處的無用階層,對社會沒有任何貢獻,領取救濟金後,終日無所事事,只能沉迷在電玩的虛擬世界。
- millennial socialism
  • economist 16feb19 a new kind of left-wing doctrine is emerging. It is not the answer to capitalism's problems
- 晶片戰激化 世界7雄爭話事權 在「戰國7雄」(即中美日韓台歐及印度)當中,以南韓最進取。南韓在記憶晶片部分居世界主導地位,全球市佔率達65%,全拜三星電子和SK海力士之賜。亞洲主導晶片製造部分,全球市佔率達79%。不過,在整個半導體產業鏈,南韓並非在所有領域都處於領先地位,在晶片製造部分,台灣排名第一,南韓居次,美國第三,中國內地第四。
- 中央本月中曾開會專門討論面向「後摩爾時代」的潛在晶片「顛覆性技術」,市場憧憬把多塊晶片先進封裝的技術能夠突破美國政府無所不用其極的技術封鎖,可「曲線救國」、成中芯未來催化劑云云。

new era
- zeitgeist 时代精神

so called new, resurrection/remaking of an established concept
Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism and free market capitalism.[2]:7[3] While it is most often associated with such ideas, the defining features of neoliberalism in both thought and practice have been the subject of substantial scholarly discourse.[4] These ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.[13] These market-based ideas and the policies they inspired constitute a paradigm shift away from the post-war Keynesian consensus which lasted from 1945 to 1980.English-speakers have used the term "neoliberalism" since the start of the 20th century with different meanings,[16] but it became more prevalent in its current meaning in the 1970s and 1980s, used by scholars in a wide variety of social sciences[17][18] as well as by critics.[19][20]Many modern advocates of free market policies avoid the term "neoliberal"[21] and some scholars have described the term as meaning different things to different people[22][23] as neoliberalism "mutated" into geopolitically distinct hybrids as it travelled around the world.[6]As such, neoliberalism shares many attributes with other concepts that have contested meanings, including democracy.The definition and usage of the term have changed over time.[7] As an economic philosophy, neoliberalism emerged among European liberal scholars in the 1930s as they attempted to revive and renew central ideas from classical liberalism as they saw these ideas diminish in popularity, overtaken by recognition of the need to control markets, following the great depression and manifested in policies designed to counter the volatility of free markets, and mitigate their negative social consequences.[25]:14–15 The impetus for this development arose from a desire to avoid repeating the economic failures of the early 1930s, which was identified to be created by the economic policy of classical liberalism. When the term entered into common use in the 1980s in connection with Augusto Pinochet's economic reforms in Chile, it quickly become a term with negative connotations employed principally by critics of market reform, and laissez-faire capitalist set of ideas. Scholars now tended to associate it with the theories of Mont Pelerin Society economists Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, and James M. Buchanan, along with politicians and policy-makers such as Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan and Alan Greenspan. Once the new meaning of neoliberalism became established as a common usage among Spanish-speaking scholars, it diffused into the English-language study of political economy. By 1994, with the passage of NAFTA and with the Zapatistas' reaction to this development in Chiapas, the term entered global circulation. Scholarship on the phenomenon of neoliberalism has been growing over the last few decades.

- economist 3oct2020 technology quarterly

independence movements in 1990s
- 匈牙利總理歐爾班和德國總理默克爾,周一在匈牙利奧地利邊境肖普朗(Sopron),慶祝分隔東西歐國家的鐵幕倒下。在三十年前的八月十九日,一名駐守匈奧邊境的官員決定冒坐牢風險,拒絕開槍,放行六百名東德人離境,為鐵幕打開缺口。現年七十三歲的貝拉(Arpad Bella)在一九八九年八月十九日,帶領六人小隊在肖普朗附近的邊境駐守。他憶述當日看見一群人拿着背包、推着嬰兒車走來,需在頃刻作決定:「我若不制止便是疏忽職守,或要坐五年軍事監獄。正常程序是開槍示警,但在那情況下或會引起恐慌和暴力。」他最終決放行,免引起災難發生。當時為共產國家的匈牙利,有反對派推動「泛歐野餐」活動(Pan-European Picnic),短暫開放邊境讓匈牙利和奧地利代表會面,引來東德人響應。東德領袖在同年十月下台,柏林圍牆亦隨之倒下。

"civilisation state"
- ft 5mar19 "the rise of civilisation state", in the article, it was mentioned that the idea of "nation state" was popularised in 19thC
- A conference on Asian civilizations will be held in May in Beijing, Xinhua News Agency reported on Monday. The purpose of the first Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations is to foster exchanges between Asian civilizations, learn from each other and establish a community with a shared future. In 2015, when addressing the opening of the Boao Forum, President Xi Jinping proposed a conference to be held to promote dialogue among various Asian civilizations, boost regional understanding and enhance cooperation.

cold war again?
- ft 12mar19 "the return of a two-bloc world"
- 'waiting game'

  • users
  • kim won-soo former un high rep for disarmament affairs 22nov19 korean peninsula forum

- 美國華盛頓州西雅圖的反警暴示威持續,連場警民衝突後,警方撤出其中一個警區,數百人佔領市中心六個街區並建立自治區。總統特朗普斥責這是本土恐怖分子所為,揚言地方政府不奪回街區,聯邦政府將介入。
- germany
  • ft 23mar19 berlin revolts against biggest private landlord
  • 1989年柏林圍牆倒下,經濟相對落後的東柏林地區開放,一下子拉低了整個柏林的樓價水平,令當地生活成本一直低於其他德國主要城市,吸引不少藝術家到當地追求波希米亞式生活,一位前市長更曾用「貧窮但性感」來概括柏林風情。但隨着德國政治中心由波恩(西德首都)回歸柏林,加上當地近年發展成高科技及初創企業中心,大量專業人士湧入,人口由2008年的340萬增加至370萬,令柏林成為全球增長最快的房地產市場之一,更推動租金迅速上升。房地產數據網站Immowelt調查顯示,柏林住宅的平均月租在過去10年間升幅為103%,居全國首位。政府數據估計,柏林人口增長速度會繼續加快,估計至2025年人口將增至超過400萬,增加住宅供應迫在眉睫。除了人口增長,柏林租金狂飆的另一個關鍵則是早年政府私有化政策埋下的禍根。2004年,柏林市政府為了減輕負債,將6.5萬個公營住宅單位以4億歐元(相當於現時5億歐元,即約44億港元)賤價出售給私人企業,平均每個單位只賣到33萬港元,當中很大部分都成為德意志住宅的旗下物業。柏林社會民主黨副主席扎多早前建議政府禁止業主在未來5年加租,他表示,當局近年已大舉興建新住宅,相信凍結租金可防止租金在新住宅推出市場前大幅上漲。他估計在理想情況下,隨新住宅推出,平均租金可由現時每平方米10歐元左右,跌至6至7歐元(約53至62港元)。
  • ft 4apr19 unions mobilise to fight german bank merger
- hk
  • 不知大家是否記得一○年有一本當時頗為轟動的書《地產霸權》,中文版出版後成為城中熱話?《地產霸權》英文原名是 「Land and the Ruling Class in Hong Kong 」,是一本分析香港房地產業現象的書籍,原書○五年在美國出版,作者曾在香港幾家大地產發展商工作,可說對地產發展商有相當認識,該書後來翻譯成中文版,一○年發行。該書指出,香港社會的財富主要由少數發展商壟斷,其實這個現象並非香港回歸後才出現,事情發生於主權移交前,這個局面的出現,是因殖民地政府的土地政策造成。這個政策包括限制賣地,中英議定香港回歸後每年賣地不超過五十公頃;在發展新界新市鎮時,政府發出大量換地權益書給新界的土地擁有者,最後都流入各大發展商手中,大大減輕他們的買地或與政府換地和申請改變土地用途的成本;政府又容許私人發展商於市場收購舊樓重建等,容易形成壟斷。

  • scmp 4aug19 fightng on front lines in hk and istanbul
older women vs younger females
- ft 19aug19 why women's fraught relationships at work are rooted in culture and bias

prepare for price hike
- pork

  • ft 18apr19 "pork prices expected to rise sharply" scmp 18apr19 "china set to face shortage of pork world cannot fill"
- corona virus driven
  • fear about the coronavirus had caused the price of Indonesian staples such as chillies, garlic, eggs and aubergine to balloon to about double the normal price. Saipul said he is not personally worried about a coronavirus outbreak in Indonesia, and that he has tried to avoid increasing prices for the typical breakfast and lunch fare he sells. But he worries about the state of mind of others. “People think about the virus and see what happens?” he said. “The prices were already high enough. People are scared.”These fears have found expression online. On one popular Indonesian e-commerce site, the price of a 12.5-ounce (354-gram) can of the international brand Lysol disinfectant spray has nearly quadrupled from about US$6 to US$22. A 19-ounce can for sale online in the South Sumatran city of Palembang is going for more than US$50.

dividing world's population by half
- wandering earth
- avengers 4
  • hkej  16may19  shum article
social contract
The Contract with America was a legislative agenda advocated for by the Republican Party during the 1994 congressional election campaign. Written by Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey, and in part using text from former President Ronald Reagan's 1985 State of the Union Address, the Contract detailed the actions the Republicans promised to take if they became the majority party in the United States House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. Many of the Contract's policy ideas originated at The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.The Contract with America was introduced six weeks before the 1994 Congressional election, the first midterm election of President Bill Clinton's Administration, and was signed by all but two of the Republican members of the House and all of the Party's non-incumbent Republican Congressional candidates.Proponents say the Contract was revolutionary in its commitment to offering specific legislation for a vote, describing in detail the precise plan of the Congressional Representatives, and broadly nationalizing the Congressional election. Furthermore, its provisions represented the view of many conservative Republicans on the issues of shrinking the size of government, promoting lower taxes and greater entrepreneurial activity, and both tort reform and welfare reform.The 1994 elections resulted in Republicans gaining 54 House and 9 U.S. Senate seats, flipping both chambers. The Contract was seen as a triumph by party leaders such as Minority Whip Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey, and the American conservative movement in general.
- Chilean President Sebastian Pinera said on Monday evening he would meet opposition leaders to forge a “new social contract” to alleviate inequality as thousands of Chileans defied a military curfew in protest marches around the capital.
- guterres speech - The only way towards a fair and sustainable future for all, he suggested, involves what he called a “New Social Contract”, which allows young people to live in dignity; women to have the same prospects and opportunities as men; and protects the vulnerable, and a “New Global Deal”, which ensures that power, wealth and opportunities are shared more broadly and fairly at the international level.As part of the New Social Contract, labour market policies would be based on constructive dialogue between employers and workers, and would ensure human rights and fundamental freedoms.

- economist 24aug19 "I'm from a company, and I'm here to help" The idea that companies with a sense of purpose could tackle social injustice, climate change and inequality is swinging through parts of business world
- ft 31aug19 "how a company build an empire"
- ft 18sep19 frontpage ad for its new agenda page - capitalism time for a reset business must make a profit but should serve a purpose too

"rich people"
- 外媒總結資料列出「身家分數」,由-2去到11,總共有14級!如果你使來使去面嗰浸後,至少會剩番嗰筆私己錢多過1,000美元(約7,800港元),就已富裕過全球15億人!

- working hours
  • ft 8apr19 "the '955' work shift has long given way to an agile schedule"
  • scmp 10apr19 "abusive work schedules in tech industry under fire" 
- "emotional authorization","engineering feelings"
  • hku professor pun ngai spoke on the subject during hku-wes symposium on 9-11sep19
  • "classed emotions" generated through inequalities and everyday interaction

- precarious employment
  • ft 9sep19 "taking the credit" case of exploitation of work of postgrad students
  • precarious labour concept - hku-wes symposium on 9-11sep19

- "migrants" as "new working class"
  • china
  • cultivated thru the spirit of craftsmenship
  • literature
  • First published in 2011 The Precariat is the hugely influential first account of an emerging class of people facing insecurity, moving in and out of precarious work that gives little meaning to their lives. Standing warns that the growth of the precariat is producing instabilities in society. Its internal divisions have led to the villainization of migrants and other vulnerable groups and some are susceptible to the dangers of political extremism. Standing argues for a new politics which puts the fears and aspirations of the precariat at the heart of a progressive strategy of redistribution and income security. The precariat is an increasingly global phenomenon, highly visible in the ongoing migrant crisis and protest movements around the world. In a new preface for the Revelations edition Guy Standing discusses recent political developments and their effect on the precariat.
crossing hands
2010年大選前夕,千里達網上忽然興起了一個名叫「Do So」的運動。運動由一名八十歲老人交叉雙手,拒絕現任總理進入家園拉票的故事得到啟發,網民紛紛表示對官僚主義不滿,繼而出現了一個論述,就是選舉不過是既得利益者的小圈子遊戲,投票只會加強了對這個不公義制度的認受,所以應該拒絕投票或投白票,以示不滿。運動以交叉雙手為政治語言,成為青年反抗文化的一部份,出現了Do So塗鴉、Do So手勢、Do So舞步等。假如Do So真的令多了選民拒絕投票,理應對兩大族群都有影響;但因為印裔家庭觀念較重,投票往往是一家人集體參與,只要Do So大行其道,印裔政黨就是贏家。最終選舉結果,印裔政黨憑藉關鍵選區的搖擺票獲勝,成為新一屆執政黨。根據《The Great Heck》,Do So不是一個自然出現的網絡文化,背後策劃的,正視後來因為特朗普競選美國總統、英國脫歐聲名大噪的大數據公司:Cambridge Analytica。這紀錄片揭露,千里達的印裔政黨聘請了Cambridge Analytica,而因為千里達缺乏有效的私隱條例,很容易可以鎖定非裔年青人這目標群組,對其進行密集植入式廣告宣傳「拒絕投票」,令本來很小眾另類的運動,慢慢變成主流。當選的印裔總理否認指控,表示一切不知情,至今在當地政壇依然莫衷一是,但起碼有印裔組織承認為了選戰,確曾接觸Cambridge Analytica。

blue city
Jodhpur, India, a nickname for this city
Reni, Alwar, India, a nickname for this city
- chefchaouen, morocco is blue pearl

pink city
- jaipur, india
- yerevan, armenia


moon landing
The first human-made object to reach the surface of the Moon was the Soviet Union's Luna 2 mission, on 13 September 1959. The United States' Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the Moon, on 20 July 1969.[4] There have been six manned U.S. landings (between 1969 and 1972) and numerous unmanned landings, with no soft landings happening from 22 August 1976 until 14 December 2013. To date, the United States is the only country to have successfully conducted manned missions to the Moon, with the last departing the lunar surface in December 1972.

- doctor atomic by john adams in 2005. Much of the text from the opera was adapted from declassified U.S. government documents and communications among the scientists, government officials, and military personnel who were involved in the project.[citation needed] Other borrowed texts include poetry by Charles Baudelaire and Muriel Rukeyser, the Holy Sonnets of John Donne, quotes from the Bhagavad Gita, and a traditional Tewa Indian song.

- rise of china
  • ft 30oct18 china's military exploits western universities to develop defence technologies
  • 微軟旗下搜索引擎Bing(內地稱「必應」)的內地版,日前下午突然無法使用。微軟周五表示有關問題經已修復,用戶可正常瀏覽,惟沒有交代網站停用等詳細資料。網傳今次Bing停用一事或與百度及政府有關,外交部回應指不了解事件。Bing停用已持續兩天,至周五始恢復運作。日前有消息人士指,此事與百度流量突然大量衝向Bing,導致該瀏覽器無法使用有關。不過有來自電訊商中國聯通的消息指,停運是內地政府的指令,惟不清楚背後原因。
  • 歐美多所大學近日陸續放棄華為的電訊設備及資助。加拿大因華為太子女孟晚舟被扣查一事與華關係緊張,該國卻在周五(25日)宣布注資四千萬加元(約二億三千萬港元),資助華為競爭對手、芬蘭電訊商諾基亞的5G無線技術研究。
- obor alternative - supporters of either side has to work harder!!!

  • us, canada eu to offer robust alternative to bri 13apr19 reports in scmp, china economic review, portland press herald, yahoo news singapore 

colonialism and thriving at the expense of local people
- usa

  • 在19世紀,美國政府和商人在處理中國事務時,有時採取親中立場、有時採取親英立場,選擇立場前只會考慮如何為美國人謀取最大利益。徐教授舉出了商人杜克為例,分析了美國人如何在中國人身上榨取利益。杜克是其中一個商人,他於1890年將香煙出口到中國,謀取了暴利。據統計,1916年美國出口到中國的香煙,達到120億根,比出口到世界其他國家的總數量還多。他在中國賺的大錢,後來成立了杜克大學。此外,史丹福大學的創辦人利用中太平洋鐵路,賺了一大筆財富,開辦了史丹福大學。這條鐵路得以建成,全賴大批中國廉價勞工付出的勞力,而且不少華人更在修路過程中付出了性命。可見,經濟與貿易議題在此200多年來一直都是中美兩國關係的主軸。
emigration/relocation of people from one place to another
The Emigrants (Swedish: Utvandrarna) is a 1971 Swedish film directed by Jan Troell and starring Max von Sydow, Liv Ullmann, Eddie Axberg and Allan Edwall. The screenplay is by Bengt Forslund and Troell. It tells the story of poor Swedes who emigrate from Småland, Sweden, to Minnesota in the mid-19th century. The film depicts hardships in Sweden and on the journey and is based on the first two novels of The Emigrants series by Vilhelm Moberg  The Emigrants (1949) and Unto a Good Land (1952). The Emigrants won international acclaim, and was nominated for Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1971. It was nominated for four more Oscars the following year, including for Best Picture. It is followed by a 1972 sequel, The New Land (Nybyggarna), with the same cast. The 1974 U.S. television series The New Land is based loosely on both The Emigrants and its sequel.

xx is not xx
- scmp 10nov18 we are all chinese message to xinjiang

nutrition , malnutrition
-The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is reviving the nutribun project first introduced in the 1970s as part of the supplementary program of the government for public elementary school learners to address malnutrition.“DOST is reviving that project but this time it is not just the usual nutribun but its nutritional properties are enhanced,” DOST-Western Visayas regional director Rowen Gelonga said in an interview on Thursday.The enhanced nutribun (e-nutribun) technology reformulated by the DOST and the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) is rich in protein, enhanced with micro-nutrients, has iron, and Vitamin A.The ready-to-eat bread weighs approximately 160 grams and provides 32 percent calories, 59 percent protein, 60 percent iron, and 60 percent of Vitamin A of the required energy and nutrient intake (REN) for children, according to DOST data.Currently, the technology has three approved licensees in Western Visayas namely Bread Basket in Roxas City, Capiz; Waffle Time Inc in Iloilo City; and AJJJ Bakeshop in Bacolod City.The Bread Basket started producing nutribun as of Dec. 2 for the requirement of the Department of Education (DepEd) in Capiz.“We hope that in other parts of the region, DepEd will patronize and include nutribun in their feeding program,” he added.The DOST is also working on the license applications of Aklan State University (ASU); Bakeshop, Bread and Butter of Filbake Foods Corporation; University of Antique (UA) Sibalum Technohub; Mang Tinapay; Negrense Volunteers for Change Foundation, Inc; Quinos Café; and the Guimaras State College (GSC) Western Visayas Food Innovation Center (WVFIC).

new age
- satanic symbol (circle enclosed by a triangle which is enclosed by a circle) - featured on the cover of new age book the mark by maurice nicoll
- revelation 13:16 prophesies that the the antichrist will cause all to receive a mark in their forehead or right hand.
- ASTARA, a new age cult
- count saint germain - the new age christ
- new age and hindu teaching of an energy point between one's eyes on the forehead is a precursor of the mark of the beast
- triangle

  • triangle is very popular among witches and satanists
  • the new age triangle can be found in a multitude of shapes, forms, and sizes and is often combined with other symbols such as the circle, the sun, the crescent moon, the square and the star of david
  • the triange is often used as a sign or logo for new age churches and groups that present seminars and other training programs e.g. institute of healing arts, institute of spiritual awareness
  • triangle combined with heart e.g. order of golden dawn

- the enneagram is an item of fascination in the new age
- pentagram

  • pentagram-related products
  • satanic pentagram is a welcome symbol in new age movement.  Can have two points up so that the horns can be viewed

- sun

  • innovative use of sun symbols e.g. the korean sam-taegeuk symbol
  • sun symbol has been revived by the new age e.g. face in sun

- all-seeing eye symbol
  • the capstone of pyramid on the reverse side of the great seal of usa honors the ancient egyptian sun god
- the point within the circle is the sign of lucifer
- dragons
- pegasus flying horse and horned unicorn are ancient mythological creatures given newfound life as new age symbols
- new age mandalas, wheels, and other circular symbols
- yin-yang symbol is prevalent in new age
- the new age and the occult have found many ways to descrate the cross
- the peace symbol is the perverted upside-down cross inside a circle
- the crystal and the lotus blossom are beautiful creations of god that satan's new age followers seek to corrupt

The Birth of a Nation (originally called The Clansman) is a 1915 American silent epic drama film directed by D. W. Griffith and starring Lillian Gish. The screenplay is adapted from the 1905 novel and play The Clansman, by Thomas Dixon Jr. Griffith co-wrote the screenplay with Frank E. Woods and produced the film with Harry Aitken.The film follows two juxtaposed families. One is the Northern Stonemans: abolitionist U.S. Representative Austin Stoneman (based on the Reconstruction-era Representative Thaddeus Stevens of Pennsylvania),[20][21] his daughter, and two sons. The other is the Southern Camerons: Dr. Cameron, his wife, their three sons and two daughters. Phil, the elder Stoneman son, falls in love with Margaret Cameron, during the brothers' visit to the Cameron estate in South Carolina, representing the Old South. Meanwhile, young Ben Cameron (modeled after Leroy McAfee)[22] idolizes a picture of Elsie Stoneman. When the Civil War arrives, the young men of both families enlist in their respective armies. The younger Stoneman and two of the Cameron brothers are killed in combat. Meanwhile, the Cameron women are rescued by Confederate soldiers who rout a black militia after an attack on the Cameron home. Ben Cameron leads a heroic final charge at the Siege of Petersburg, earning the nickname of "the Little Colonel", but he is also wounded and captured. He is then taken to a Union military hospital in Washington, D.C.
- california
- "Kansas City" is a song from the musical Oklahoma!. The plot set-up for it is the return of cowboy Will Parker (played in the film by Gene Nelson) from an excursion to the city of the same name. He describes his experiences in song. The song describes the wonders of there and its entertainments (from the viewpoint of a country bumpkin), all reprising with the concept that the conditions (in 1906) represent the ultimate in progress, with little more expected.The tallest buildings there in 1906 (the era when the musical is set) were the 12-story New York Life Insurance Building and the newly built 17-story Commerce Trust Tower. A major seven-story building at the time was The Jones Store at 12th and Main which took up an entire block and was 500,000 square feet .

- soviet times


- movement relating to Novorossiya

  • (word means volunteer to recruit people)
- in crimea

  • Theme - from slavic nationalism to separatism
  • Mobilization by events and actors on the ground; state led but not state controlled


- Bex lewis the truth behind the poster imperial war museum

Fernand Cortez, ou La conquête du Mexique (Hernán Cortés, or The Conquest of Mexico) is an opera in three acts by Gaspare Spontini with a Frenchlibretto by Etienne de Jouy and Joseph-Alphonse Esménard. It was first performed on 28 November 1809 by the Académie Impériale de Musique (Paris Opera) at the Salle MontansierThe opera was originally intended as political propaganda to support the Emperor Napoleon's invasion of Spain in 1808. Cortez symbolises Napoleon while the bloodthirsty Aztec priests are meant to represent the Spanish Inquisition. The emperor himself is said to have suggested the theme of the opera to Spontini and the premiere was held in his presence. The popularity of the piece declined with the waning of the French army's fortunes in Spain. The 1809 premiere was famous for its spectacular effects, including the appearance of 17 live horses on stage. Critics complained about the adventurous harmony and the loudness of the music. The richness of the staging, extensive use of dance and the treatment of an historical subject make Spontini's work the precursor of French Grand Opera. It was greatly admired by Hector BerliozSpontini substantially revised the opera for a revival in Paris on 28 May 1817. Two further revisions were made for performances in Berlin in 1824 and 1832.

Fauda (Hebrew: פאודה‎, from Arabic: فوضى fawḍā, meaning "chaos") is an Israeli television series developed by Lior Raz and Avi Issacharoff drawing on their experiences in the Israel Defense Forces. The series premiered on February 15, 2015. It tells the story of Doron, a commander in the Mista'arvim unit and his team as they puruse a Hamas arch-terrorist known as "The Panther." The first season was filmed in Kafr Qasim during 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict.

arab world
- The Middle East Broadcasting Center (MBC) will start airing the biggest Arab drama of 2019 from Nov. 17 onwards. The drama titled “Kingdoms of Fire” exposes the tyranny of the Ottomans and their bloody history. Stars in the first episodes of the historical drama include Khaled Al-Nabawi, Mahmoud Nasr, Kinda Hanna, Rashid Assaf, amd Mona Wassef. The drama was visualized under the supervision of a global technical team. The drama, one of the most recent big works of art, highlights the bloody history of the Ottomans and their aggres the Arabs, such as their tyranny, entrenchment, criminality and theft of Arab history.It documents the last era of the Mamluk state and its downfall at the hands of the Ottomans in the early 16th century, with sheds light on a period in Arab history rich in events, revealing many facts about this era, which witnessed a great falsification of history and obscure the crimes committed by the Ottomans at that point of time.

- 「2018 東盟印度紀念高峰會」郵票,十一枚郵票分別代表印度和十個東盟國家,圖案訴說印度對東盟國家的社會和文化影響,事實上東盟絕大部份國家都在印度文化圈內。越南屬於中華文化圈,印度卻不是無可奈何,因為越南吞併的占婆國是印度化國家,所以代表越南的一枚郵票以占婆為內容。
- aryan-dravidian row


Minoru Mukaiya (向谷 実 Mukaiya Minoru, born 20 October 1956) is a Japanese musician best known as the former keyboardist of the jazz fusion band Casiopea and producer of the Train Simulator series of Japanese video games.向谷 実(むかいや みのる、1956年10月20日 - )は、日本ミュージシャンキーボーディスト)、音楽プロデューサー実業家タレントフュージョンバンド、カシオペアの元キーボード奏者(1977年-2012年)。シミュレーションゲームソフト『Train Simulator』の制作者であり、制作元である株式会社音楽館代表取締役社長として知られる。

  • china daily 11apr18 - 発車メロディhassha merodii

- 近日有一支別具一格的女團成立,她們肩負重要使命,就是向公眾推廣認識和了解虛擬貨幣。女團上周五在東京舉行首場演唱會,無論門票或紀念品,均需以虛擬貨幣付款。該個名為「虛擬貨幣少女」(日語:仮想通貨少女)的偶像女團,由成瀬Rara、松澤果菜子、上川湖遙等八名年齡由十五至二十二歲的成員組成。在演唱會上,她們分別戴上代表現時日本最流行的八種虛擬貨幣的面具,並穿上女僕迷你裙,載歌載舞。


- 解放後思想鬥爭

  • 陳哲海牧師confession in 1952 (温州基督教編年史)- 反動派的謠言說:共產黨要除三師(律師,法師,牧師)

- cultural revolution
  • mango cult
- unification, taiwan
  • 《國家記憶》欄目昨起推出十集大型文獻紀錄片《一九五八炮擊金門》。該系列首次深度、全面、權威披露炮擊金門這一軍事行動的歷史內幕,展現60多年前蔣介石集團「反攻大陸」計劃遭到重挫、美國「劃峽而治」的圖謀宣告失敗
- workers patrol to counter student protests
  • Beijing pattern 1989; shanghai pattern 1984
- jiaotong qiangguo
  • chinadaily 4jan18
- trade war
  • 美日七次貿易金融戰1951-1995
  • ft 22oct18 China tariffs to hit US soyabean exports, Bunge warns
- indicator?
  • scmp 4mar19 "faith in government"
theory, studies
- 多年前,洗腦宣傳專家『庫爾』出版了一部歷史百科全書《宣傳和說服眾生》詳細介紹了英國廣播公司悠久的為配合英國政府的政策而制訂公司的宣傳路向;『英國的獨有方式』不是明示圖形,明刀明槍的正面攻擊批評,而是含蓄低調的『餵養』影射的藝術。例如在為英軍參與美國軍事入侵伊拉克時護航,英國廣播公司不停的大力宣傳放大薩達姆的暴行,引來公眾恐懼和蔑視,而讓英美的戰爭劣行廣開道德高地的大門。
As early as 1928, Edward Bernays recognized propaganda as a modern instrument to produce productive ends and "help bring order out of chaos". Because of its secrecy it has been difficult to determine what constitutes propaganda and what the nature of propaganda is. For a time from 1920 to around 1933, propaganda was simplistically viewed as being able to modify sentiments and attitudes of an individuals without their being conscious. That limited perspective of propaganda as being able to influence the individual psychologically was prevalent.
- The Institute for Propaganda Analysis from 1937, inspired by Harold Lasswell defined propaganda as "the expression of opinions or actions carried out deliberately by individuals or groups with a view to influencing the opinions or actions of other individuals or groups for predetermined ends and through psychological manipulations".[3]
- This definition seemed more accurate and was supported by others such as Goebbels, a German propagandist, who stated, "We do not talk to say something, but to obtain a certain effect".[4] Similarly, F.C. Bartlett held an interpretation of the goal of propaganda as not merely an instrument to increase political understanding of events, but as a means to obtain results through action. Ellul supports the idea that propaganda is made primarily because of a will to action for the purpose of effectively arming policy made by the state.
Leonard Doob, an American specialist, defined propaganda in 1948 as "the attempt to affect the personalities and to control the behavior of individuals towards desired ends".
Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes (1965/1973) (FrenchPropagandes; original French edition: 1962) is a book on the subject of propaganda by French philosopher, theologian, legal scholar, and sociologist Jacques Ellul. This book appears to be the first attempt to study propaganda from a sociological approach as well as a psychological one. It presents a sophisticated taxonomy for propaganda, including such paired opposites as political–sociological, vertical–horizontal, rational–irrational, and agitation–integration. The book contains Ellul's theories about the nature of propaganda to adapt the individual to a society, to a living standard, and to an activity aiming to make the individual serve and conform.

前段時間,「河南硬核村長大喇叭勸就地過年」登上熱搜。這位村長在大喇叭裏用強硬而不失詼諧的語言,反覆宣傳防疫要求。其實,這已不是「大喇叭」第一次受關注了。新冠肺炎疫情以來,「大喇叭」在各地防疫宣傳中屢立奇功。有的地方大喇叭裏播放防疫順口溜:「在家喝點小酒,也不出去亂走,寧可自己灌醉,也不參加聚會。」說理明白透徹,而且合轍押韻,被人們戲稱為「靈魂喊話」,給疫情期間沉悶的空氣帶來了一絲亮色。  說起「大喇叭」,我女兒這輩人完全不知所雲。她們出生在城市,被網絡包圍。這代人熟悉的通知發布方式,不論針對個體,還是針對群體,大多是「點對點」發送到手機上的,也就無法想像通知內容在空氣中如此任性地奔跑。其實,「大喇叭」曾遍布內地,我小時候生活的巷子口,也裝着一個。不過我記事的年代,它的作用已微乎其微,估計在後來的舊城改造中退出了歷史舞台。不過,在鄉村社會裏,它從未消失,疫情只是讓它的作用受到了更多關注。


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