Friday, December 21, 2018


Fruit trees are divided into two groups, evergreen and deciduous, and most fruit trees are classified as deciduous. Deciduous trees are trees that bloom in the spring and summer and lose all of its leaves in the fall. These trees remain bare during winter months and require the cold temperatures to produce flowers and fruit. Once spring arrives, deciduous trees produce leaves and flowers and will repeat this life cycle again. Deciduous fruit trees can be further divided by the types of seeds found in the fruit that they bear. Almost all deciduous fruit trees require regular pruning in order to maximize the amount of fruit they yield.

- The name Almaty has its roots in the medieval settlement Almatu, that existed near the present-day city. A disputed theory holds that the name is derived from the Kazakh word for 'apple' (алма), and is often translated as "full of apples". Originally it was Almatau which means Apple Mountain. The Russian version of the name was Alma-Ata (Kaz. Father of Apples). Since gaining its independence from the Soviet Union, the use of the Kazakh Almaty is accepted. There is great genetic diversity among the wild apples in the region surrounding Almaty; the region is thought to be the apple's ancestral home. The wild Malus sieversii is considered a likely candidate for the ancestor of the modern domestic apple.
- japan

  • 日文中的蘋果除了叫林檎,還可以叫作「アップル」(讀法:apuru),那麼到底何時用林檎、何時用アップル呢? 關於這個問題似乎眾說紛紜,但最普遍的說法就是林檎指蘋果本體,而アップル一詞較多使用在西點中,例如「アップルパイ」(蘋果批)。但有時候一些蘋果汁的包裝上會寫著「林檎ジュース」,一名大學教授就解釋用漢字的話就代表原材料主要是國產蘋果,相反寫「アップルジュース」的就是用外國產蘋果較多,這個分辨方法已經成為了有關業界中的潛規則了。
- china

  • 上世紀80年代開始,中國蘋果種植面積急劇攀升,一躍成為世界最大蘋果生產國。然而讓農學家們感到尷尬的是,時至今日中國蘋果種植90%以上均為國外引進品種,自主品種不足10%。「讓中國人吃上自己的好蘋果」是學者們質樸的願望。西北農林科技大學四代果樹專家先後選育出29個蘋果新品,其中「瑞雪」、「瑞陽」、「秦脆」、「秦蜜」四大自主產權品種有望替代外國品種,成為中國蘋果種植的新「主力軍」。

Prunus is a genus of trees and shrubs, which includes the plumscherriespeachesnectarinesapricots and almonds. Around 430 species are spread throughout the northern temperate regions of the globe. Many members of the genus are widely cultivated for fruit and ornament. The fruit from this genus are commonly called the stone fruit.
- introduced to japan from china during the yayoi period
The peach (Prunus persica) is a deciduous tree native to the region of Northwest China between the Tarim Basin and the north slopes of the Kunlun Shan mountains, where it was first domesticated and cultivated.[3] It bears an edible juicy fruit called a peach or a nectarine. The specific epithet persica refers to its widespread cultivation in Persia (modern-day Iran), whence it was transplanted to Europe. It belongs to the genus Prunus which includes the cherry, apricot, almond and plum, in the rose family. The peach is classified with the almond in the subgenus Amygdalus, distinguished from the other subgenera by the corrugated seed shell. 

  • Peaches are not only a popular fruit, but are symbolic in many cultural traditions, such as in art, paintings and folk tales such as Peaches of Immortality.
  •  桃在亚洲文化中占很大的地位,中国古代传说经常提到桃是一种可以延年益寿的水果,神仙多食用桃,《西游记》中孙悟空天界看管的桃园,出产的蟠桃人吃了可以立刻成仙[2]日本神话中有“桃太郎”。桃木在中国文化中有避邪的意义[3],相传东海东少山上住着神荼、郁垒二位神仙,手持桃枝,专司捉妖拿邪。通常在门外挂有桃木符或桃木做的对联[4]。《淮南子·诠言》说:“羿死于桃棓”。许慎注:“棓,大杖,以桃木为之,以击杀羿,由是以来鬼畏桃也”。战国楚人认为桃树是可以驱鬼辟邪[5]。《棘楚岁时记》记载南朝楚地风俗:“元旦服桃汤,桃者五行之精,能厌服邪气,制御百鬼。”“正月一日……造桃板著户,谓之仙木,百鬼所畏。”《晋书·礼志》记晋代:“岁旦,常设苇索、桃梗、磔鸡于宫及百寺之门以禳恶气。”《本草纲目》说:“桃味辛气恶,故能厌邪气”。道士做法时亦常用桃木降妖伏魔,《封神榜》载姜子牙用桃木剑降妖兴。 桃花在中国文化中则多与爱情、人缘相关,《诗经·国风·周南·桃夭》云:“桃之夭夭,灼灼其华,之子于归,宜室宜家”,这是一首送新嫁娘歌,用美丽的桃花比喻新娘春节时会摆放桃花以求行桃花运,参见犯桃花词条。而“桃”与“图”于粤语和部分南方方言同音,春节时做生意的人亦喜欢于家中或公司摆放大棵桃花,取其“大展鸿图”之意。另外在中国形容男同性恋者的其中一个成语为“断袖分桃
  • peach festival in Nyingchi, tibet
  • Gaffney is a town in and the seat of Cherokee County, South Carolina, United States, in the Upstate region of South Carolina. Gaffney is known as the "Peach Capital of South Carolina". 
  • The Peachoid is a 135 feet (41 m) tall water tower in Gaffney, South Carolina, U.S.A., that resembles a peach. The water tower was built in 1981, by the Chicago Bridge and Iron Company, of steel and concrete. An overlay stem and leaf were laid across the structure, an enormous "cleft" was created with steel paneling, and Peter Freudenberg, an artist who worked with macro-art, painted the structure to realistically resemble a peach. The foundation and sub-contract work was performed by Ford Construction Company of Selma, Alabama. The Peachoid was commissioned by the Gaffney Board of Public Works,[2] who had a need for elevated water storage and wished to find a way of building it using federal funding. The shape of the peach was selected because the Gaffney economy was then dependent upon peach orchards, and because the people of the town wanted to make clear that South Carolina, and at one time, Cherokee County alone, where Gaffney is located, produced more peaches per year than the entire state of Georgia (known as the "Peach State").
  •  Fictional politician Frank Underwood, the protagonist of the Netflix series House of Cards, is a native of the city and its federal representative in the United States House of Representatives(for South Carolina's 5th congressional district) and later President of the United States. The Peachoid was shown, and referred to in multiple episodes.

  • china
    •  傳說烹飪味道中酸、甜、苦、辣的酸,便是始於梅子。還記得小時候吃到酸梅粉,一股強大的氣勢直衝腦殼,後來嘗過了新鮮梅子才驚覺,原來酸也可以酸得如此美妙、圓滑,千般力都化成繞指柔,還是逃不出它的雙手。古時候的梅子,用的也是這一招以柔克剛,用酸味來軟化肉類纖維組織,去除腥膻。這一點至今也適用,就像與燒鴨、燒鵝常伴的梅子醬,酸酸甜甜口感爽脆,吃的是禽類,入口卻如履平地,最後一絲餘香,讓整頓飯回味悠長。  梅子在八世紀傳入日本,據說它曾治好過天皇的病,一度越傳越玄乎,成了人們心中長生不老的神物。不過的確,之後的鐮倉、室町時代,梅乾都曾作為解毒和開胃的藥物流行軍中。直到紀州梅漂洋過海從和歌山運到東京都,江戶時代的人們才把它當成日常食材。現今十分出名的南高梅,也正是出自和歌山。跟中國不同的是,日本人為了保存便利,一早就沿用了醃漬的方法做成梅乾,梅乾最大特點就是強烈的酸味和鹹味,放在米飯上只需一顆,就能生津開胃,把整頓飯的高度再升一級。梅子飯糰作為午間快餐的代表,是食材最簡單,吃起來也最香的人氣首選。
    • 蘿崗 的梅花在嶺南很有名,相傳她的 「根」 在粵 北梅嶺,南宋年間移栽過來,當地百姓家家 栽種果梅,梅子製涼果,售了補貼家用;梅 花供觀賞,士庶皆大歡喜。最鼎盛時,形成 了 「十里梅林」 的壯觀俏麗景色,五六十年 前,當選市民喜愛的名勝佳境。環視四下梅林,仍是白梅當家,我不 解,問公園的一位員工,得知果梅亦稱青 梅、梅子,薔薇科李屬植物,單瓣花白。這 種梅的栽種歷史在我國約有三千年,品種多 樣,可分為白梅類、青梅類、紅梅類等,蘿 崗的果梅則以白花為多,是遵循 「民以食為 天」 的傳統,栽植成俗。
    • 林芝桃花節
    • 岐山,《山海经》中的山名,记载于《东山经》。岐山是传说中的山名,出自中国古典名著《山海经》。据《山海经》之《山经》卷四《东山经》记载,岐山位于尸胡山以南八百里,诸钩山以北五百里。(尸胡山)又南水行八百里,曰岐山,其木多桃李。其兽多虎。
  • hkej 19sep19 peach originated from shaanxi 关中 
  • hk
  • sightings

Prunus mume is an Asian tree species classified in the Armeniaca section of the genus Prunus subgenus Prunus. Its common names include Chinese plum and Japanese apricot. The flower is usually called plum blossom. This distinct tree species is related to both the plum and apricot trees. Although generally referred to as a plum in English, it is more closely related to the apricot. In Chinese, Japanese and Korean cooking, the fruit of the tree is used in juices, as a flavouring for alcohol, as a pickle and in sauces. It is also used in traditional medicine.

  • Legend has it that once on the 7th day of the 1st lunar month, while Princess Shouyang (壽陽公主), daughter of Emperor Wu of Liu Song (劉宋武帝), was resting under the eaves of Hanzhang Palace near the plum trees after wandering in the gardens, a plum blossom drifted down onto her fair face, leaving a floral imprint on her forehead that enhanced her beauty further.[38][39][40] The court ladies were said to be so impressed that they started decorating their own foreheads with a small delicate plum blossom design. This is also the mythical origin of the floral fashion, meihua zhuang (梅花妝; literally "plum blossom makeup"), that originated in the Southern Dynasties (420–589) and became popular amongst ladies in the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279) dynasties. Princess Shouyang is celebrated as the goddess of the plum blossom in Chinese culture.
  • The National Flower of the Republic of China was officially designated as the plum blossom (Prunus Mei梅花) by the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China on July 21, 1964. The plum blossom is symbol for resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity during the harsh winter. The triple grouping of stamens (three stamens per petal) on the national emblem represents Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People, while the five petals symbolize the five branches of the government. It also serves as the logo of China Airlines, the national carrier of Taiwan (the Republic of China). The flower is featured on some New Taiwan dollar coins.
  • 南京梅花山梅园武汉东湖磨山梅园无锡梅园和上海淀山湖梅园、并称为“中国四大梅园”。
    • 东湖梅园在80年代至90年代初,就已建成“冷艳亭”、“暗香桥”、“水清桥”“梅花岗”、“梅花观止”等景点。1998年,磨山管理处投资改建梅园大门,1999修建了国内一流的梅花展览馆“一枝春”馆。
  •  梅花之城在浙江建德。
  • 梅城嚴州 (陸游到梅城的時候,睦州早改稱嚴州)
  • Plum blossoms are often mentioned in Japanese poetry as a symbol of spring. When used in haiku or renga, they are a kigo or season word for early spring. The blossoms are associated with the Japanese bush warbler and depicted together on one of the twelve suits of hanafuda (Japanese playing cards). Plum blossoms were favored during the Nara period (710–794) until the emergence of the Heian period (794–1185) in which the cherry blossoms was preferred. Japanese tradition holds that the ume functions as a protective charm against evil, so the ume is traditionally planted in the northeast of the garden, the direction from which evil is believed to come. The eating of the pickled fruit for breakfast is also supposed to stave off misfortune.
  • In Vietnam, due to the beauty of the tree and its flowers, the word mai is used to name girls. The largest hospital in Hanoi is named Bạch Ma (white plum blossom), another hospital in Hanoi is named Mai Hương ("the scent of plum"), situated in Hong Mai (pink plum blossom) street. Hoàng Mai (yellow plum blossom) is the name of a district in Hanoi. Bạch Mai is also a long and old street in Hanoi. All these places are located in the south part of Hanoi, where, in the past, many P. mume trees were grown.
  • 位於大埔半山洲的蓬萊閬苑,有數棵梅花盛開,迎來一片潔白如雪的梅花海,花香撲鼻。
- note the flower in oocl logo
櫻桃,又名車厘子楔荆桃[1]荆桃[2]崖蜜[1][3]莺桃[4]含桃[2][4][5]樱珠[6]朱樱[7]紫樱[6]蜡樱[6]梅桃乐桃表桃等,是某些李属植物的統稱,簡單地說是櫻花的果實,包括櫻桃亞屬(Lithocerasus)、酸櫻桃亞屬(Cerasus)、桂櫻亞屬(Laurocerasus)等。La cerise A cherry is the fruit of many plants of the genus Prunus, and is a fleshy drupe (stone fruit). The cherry fruits of commerce usually are obtained from cultivars of a limited number of species such as the sweet cherry (Prunus avium) and the sour cherry (Prunus cerasus). The name 'cherry' also refers to the cherry tree and its wood, and is sometimes applied to almonds and visually similar flowering trees in the genus Prunus, as in "ornamental cherry" or "cherry blossom". Wild cherry may refer to any of the cherry species growing outside cultivation, although Prunus avium is often referred to specifically by the name "wild cherry" in the British Isles.The English word cherry derives from Old Northern French or Norman cherise from the Latin cerasum,[1] referring to an ancient Greek region, Kerasous (Κερασοῦς) near Giresun, Turkey, from which cherries were first thought to be exported to Europe.[2] The indigenous range of the sweet cherry extends through most of Europe, western Asia, and parts of northern Africa, and the fruit has been consumed throughout its range since prehistoric times. A cultivated cherry is recorded as having been brought to Rome by Lucius Licinius Lucullus from northeastern Anatolia, also known as the Pontus region, in 72 BC. Cherries were introduced into England at Teynham, near Sittingbourne in Kent, by order of Henry VIII, who had tasted them in Flanders. Cherries arrived in North America early in the settlement of Brooklyn, New York (then called "New Netherland") when the region was under Dutch sovereignty.
  • The Marasca cherry (Prunus cerasus var. marasca) is a type of sour Morello cherry known only from cultivation.[1] It is reputed to attain its finest flavor when grown in coastal Croatia (historic Dalmatia).[2] The fruit's largest yield is in Zadar in Croatia, but it has been successfully cultivated in northern ItalySlovenia, southern Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina. It has become naturalized in North America,[3] though the maraschino cherry of American commerce is the Royal Ann variety of sweet cherry. The name 'marasca' comes from the Italian words "amarasca" and "amaro", which stem from the Latin word "amārus" (meaning bitter).Compared to other cherries, the fruit of the Marasca cherry tree is small, with anthocyanins accounting for its dark, near black colour.[5] Its bitter taste and drier pulp make Marasca cherries ideal for creating fine cherry liqueur. By definition,[6] true Maraschino liqueur is supposed to be made only from Marasca cherries. The Marasca cherry was also the original base cherry used to make Maraschino cherries.
  • 位於日本東北部的山形縣,該地每年冬季限定的藏王樹冰美景都吸引了不少遊客到此一遊。然而在這個以雪景聞名的地方,卻有一種水果在當地春夏交際之時當造,那就是「さくらんぼ」(Sakuranbo 櫻桃)。櫻桃,在香港多被稱作「車厘子」; 而在日本「桜桃」(Outou) 多指櫻桃樹本身,而「さくらんぼ」就是指果實,據說是「桜の坊」(Sakuranobou)的詣音,意指「櫻桃樹的果實」。桃於明治元年傳入日本,並開始於國內各地試種,但受到霜降、豪雨和颱風影響,通通失敗收場。直到明治8年,山形縣開始種植櫻桃,歸功於其盆地的地理優勢,取得了前所未有的成功,自此山形縣就成為盛產櫻桃的地方,每年產量佔全國的75%。櫻桃品種繁多,其中最廣為人知的就非「佐藤錦」莫屬,是由佐藤榮助先生於大正16年把兩個品種的櫻桃交配而成的新品種,於4至6月當造。佐藤錦的口感非常軟稔,而且味道酸甜得宜,受到日本國民的喜愛。
  • 最近新疆南部和田墨玉縣已經開始種植車厘子成功,艾合麥提江的櫻桃去年已經銷往新疆各地以及上海、廣州等地,去年總產量20噸,實現總產值400萬元。他還與新疆農業大學建立合作研發中心,要進一步提高櫻桃栽培及深加工科技含量。艾合麥提江的奮鬥目標是把這4種大櫻桃推廣到南疆各地,出口到哈薩克斯坦等周邊國家。
  • Nguyen Thi Hanh had never eaten a cherry before the
    trade war between Washington and Beijing. A 64-year-old retiree living in Hanoi, she had often seen the fruit for sale at a local shop, but with a monthly pension of only 5 million Vietnamese dong (US$215), the imported treat was well outside her price range. These days, however, she has been buying cherries for about US$10 a kilogram, around half of what the shop used to charge. “I think many Vietnamese people have not eaten cherries, so I hope the price will drop more, so many people can buy them,” Hanh said as she snapped up her third kilo in just two months. 

- city of chinandega in nicaragua is nicknamed "City of Oranges" (Ciudad de las Naranjas
[eckstut] oranges most likely first cultivated in china, then brought by traders to persian emperors (narang in persian and naranj in arabic), then moorish spain(naranja), and to france (orenge).

The mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata橘子 or 桔子pinyinjúzi), also known as the mandarin or mandarine, is a small citrus tree with fruit resembling other oranges.Mandarins are usually eaten plain or in fruit salads. Specifically reddish-orange mandarin cultivars can be marketed as tangerines, but this is not a botanical classification.The name "mandarin orange" is a calque of Swedish mandarin apelsin, first attested in the 18th century. The form "mandarine" derives from the French name for this fruit. The reason for the epithet "mandarin" is not clear, hypotheses ranging from the yellow colour of some robes worn by mandarin dignitaries to the mandarin being an excellent kind of Chinese orange.In traditional Chinese medicine, the dried peel of the fruit is used in the regulation of ch'i, and also used to treat abdominal distension, to enhance digestion, and to reduce phlegm. Mandarins have also been used in ayurveda (traditional medicine of India).During Chinese New Year, mandarin oranges/tangerine/satsumas are considered traditional symbols of abundance and good fortune.Mandarins are one of the four core ancestral citrus taxa, and are thought to have evolved in Vietnamsouth China, and Japan. Pure mandarins seem to divide into two groups; an edible group, including the Nanfengmiju, and an "acidic" group, which is too sour to be edible but which is widely used as rootstock and grown for juice; this includes Sunki, Shekwasha, and Cleopatra mandarins. Under the Tanaka classification system, mikans, satsumas, tangerines etc. are considered to be divided into different species, including Citrus unshiu and Citrus tangerina. Under the Swingle system, all these are considered to be groups of mandarin varieties. Unshius and tangerines genetically resemble mandarins, but the genetics are still not thoroughly studied.
Mandarinマンダリンは中国清朝の官吏のこと。彼らが身につけていた服の色による。Tangerineはタンジール(Tangier)人、つまりモロッコ(added by me - morocco)人のことである。
mandarin (Chinese guān) was a bureaucrat scholar in the government of imperial China and Vietnam.The English term comes from the Portuguese mandarim (spelled in Old Portuguese as mandarinpronounced [ˌmɐ̃n.ðaˈɾĩn]). The Portuguese word is amply attested already in one of the earliest Portuguese reports about China: letters from the imprisoned survivors of the Tomé Pires' embassy, which were most likely written in 1524, and in Castanheda's História do descobrimento e conquista da Índia pelos portugueses (c. 1559).[2] Its usage among the Portuguese is also attested by Matteo Ricci, who entered mainland China from Portuguese Macau in 1583. The Portuguese word was thought by many to be related to mandador ("one who commands") and mandar ("to command"), from Latin mandare.[4] Modern dictionaries, however, agree that it was in fact borrowed by Portuguese from the Malay [ˈməntəri], which ultimately came from the Sanskrit mantri(Devanagari: मंत्री, meaning counselor or minister  etymologically linked to mantra). According to Malaysian Royal Professor Ungku Abdul Aziz, the term had its origin when the Portuguese living in Malacca during the Malacca Sultanate wanted to meet with the higher officials in China, and used the term "menteri", but with an added "n" due to their poor grasp of the language, to refer to higher officials.

The blood orange is a variety of orange (Citrus × sinensis) with crimson, almost blood-colored flesh. The three most common types of blood oranges are the 'Tarocco' (native to Italy), the 'Sanguinello' (native to Spain), and the 'Moro', the newest variety of the three.[7][8] Other less common types include 'Maltese', 'Khanpur', 'Washington Sanguine', 'Ruby Blood', 'Sanguina Doble Fina', 'Delfino', 'Red Valencia', 'Burris Blood Valencia', 'Vaccaro', 'Sanguine grosse ronde', 'Entre Fina', and 'Sanguinello a pignu'. The 'Maltese' is known to be the sweetest.[9] While also pigmented, Cara cara navels and Vainiglia Sanguignos have pigmentation based on lycopene, not anthocyanins like blood oranges.

Navel oranges are characterized by the growth of a second fruit at the apex, which protrudes slightly and resembles a human navel. They are primarily grown for human consumption for various reasons: their thicker skin makes them easy to peel, they are less juicy and their bitterness – a result of the high concentrations of limonin and other limonoids – renders them less suitable for juice.[19] Their widespread distribution and long growing season have made navel oranges very popular. In the United States, they are available from November to April, with peak supplies in January, February, and March.

カラタチ(枳殻、枸橘) The trifoliate orangePoncirus trifoliata or Citrus trifoliata, is a member of the family Rutaceae. Whether the species should be considered to belong to its own genus, Poncirus or included in the genus Citrus is debated. The species is unusual among citrus for having deciduouscompound leaves and pubescent (downy) fruit.[2][3] The trifolate orange was long viewed as the sole member of Poncirus, until the discovery of a second species, Poncirus polyandra, in Yunnan (China) in the 1980s.It is native to northern China and Korea, and is also known as the Japanese bitter-orange,[5]hardy orange or Chinese bitter orange.The fruits are green, ripening to yellow, and 3–4 cm (1.2–1.6 in) in diameter, resembling a small orange, but with a finely downy surface. ,又稱枸橘臭橘枳橙,屬於芸香科柑橘屬植物。
The fruits are very bitter, due in part to their poncirin content. Most people consider them inedible fresh, but they can be made into marmalade.[9] When dried and powdered, they can be used as a condiment.
The fruits of the trifoliate orange are widely used in Oriental medicine as a treatment for allergic inflammation.

雅法橙The Jaffa orange (also known as Shamouti orange) is an orange variety with few seeds and a tough skin that makes it particularly suitable for export. Developed by Palestinian farmers in the mid-19th century, the variety takes its name from the city of Jaffa where it was first produced for export.[1][2] the orange was the primary citrus export for the city. It is, along with the navel and bitter orange, one of three main varieties of the fruit grown in the MediterraneanSouthern Europe, and the Middle East. The Jaffa is also cultivated in CyprusIraqLebanonSyriaJordan and Turkey.Located at the crossroads between Africa, western Asia, and Europe, Palestine produced a number of commodities for export via imperial and global distribution networks throughout the late Islamic period (1200–1900 CE). Among these were soap, sugar, barley, oranges, and cotton. Though cotton left its mark throughout the region, the only commodity that remains a symbol of production in Palestine is the 'Jaffa' orange. The 'Jaffa' orange was a new variety developed by Arab farmers after emerging in the mid-19th century as a mutation on a tree of the 'Baladi' variety near the city of Jaffa.[1][2] While the sour orange (C. aurantium) was brought westward from China and India by local traders, who may have introduced it to Sicily and Spain, the 'Jaffa' orange was developed from the sweet orange (C. sinensis) which was brought from China to the Mediterranean region by Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama in 1498.

fremont orange

valencia orange

Citrus unshiu is a seedless and easy-peeling citrus species, also known as unshu mikan,[1] cold hardy mandarin,[2] satsuma mandarin,[2] satsuma orangenaartjie,[2]and tangerine.[2] It is of Chinese origin, named after Unsyu (Wenzhou), China, but introduced to the West via Japan.The unshiu is known as wēnzhōu mìgān (溫州蜜柑) in China, and mikan in Japan (or formally unshū mikan (温州蜜柑), the Japanese reading of the characters used in Chinese). In both languages, the name means "honey citrus of Wenzhou" (a city in Zhejiang province, China). An alternative Chinese name, (Chinese: 无核桔; pinyin: wúhé jú), means "seedless mandarin".
One of the English names for the fruit, satsuma, is derived from the former Satsuma Province in Japan, from which these fruits were first exported to the West. The Afrikaans name naartjie is also used in South African English. It came originally from the Tamil word nartei, meaning citrus.蜜柑原產於中國,唐代作為貢品,宋韓世忠梁紅玉之子韓彥直曾於瑞安府任上,著《橘錄校注》(又稱《永嘉橘錄》或《橘錄》)系統的介紹溫州柑橘的品種與種植,明朝永樂年間日本僧人智惠,由中國大陸帶回日本九州南部鹿兒島,到1878年由美國派日本特使Robert B. Van Valkenburgh將軍夫人命名Satsuma orange[1], 台灣北部於日治時代由日本引進,亦有種植。

橘柚The tangelo (/ˈtænəl/ TAN-jə-loh/tænˈɛl/ tan-JEL-ohC. reticulata × C. maxima or x C. paradisi), Citrus × tangelo, is a citrus fruit hybrid of a tangerine and a grapefruit. Sometimes referred to as honeybells, they are the size of an adult fist, have a tart, tangy, tangerine taste, and are juicy at the expense of flesh. They generally have loose skin and are easier to peel than oranges,[1] readily distinguished from them by a characteristic "nipple" at the stem. Tangelos can be used as a substitute for mandarin oranges or sweet oranges.

The tangerine (Citrus tangerina) is a group of orange-colored citrus fruit consisting of hybrids of mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata). Tangerines were first grown and cultivated as a distinct crop in the Americas by a Major Atway in Palatka, Florida.[11] Atway was said to have imported them from Morocco (more specifically its third largest city Tangier), which was the origin of the name. Major Atway sold his groves to N. H. Moragne in 1843, giving the Moragne tangerine the other part of its name.According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word "tangerine" was originally an adjective meaning "Of or pertaining to, or native of Tangier, a seaport in Morocco, on the Strait of Gibraltar" and "a native of Tangier." 瓯柑又名欧柑 Citrus tangerina 或 Citrus suavissima)属宽皮柑橘类,的一种,温州传统特产水果。温州各地均有栽培,因为温州古称为瓯越而因此得名,已有1300多年的栽培历史。 成熟的瓯柑扁圆上面略凸呈倒卵形,柑皮金黄,籽少皮薄,果肉多汁,食用时先感觉微苦然后甘甜,有特殊的香味。常温下瓯柑可贮藏时间达300天,直至翌年端午节,那时的瓯柑还有清凉解毒的功效,故民间有“端午瓯柑胜羚羊”的说法。据史书记载,自时代温州柑桔一直列为贡品。在宋代瓯柑又称海红柑,南宋韩彦直在《橘录》中有详细记载:“海红柑颗极大。有及尺以上围者。皮厚而色红。藏之久而味愈甘。木高二三尺。有生数十颗者。枝重委地亦可爱。是柑可以致远。今都下堆积道旁者。多此种。初音近海。故以海红得名。”
- also cultivated in jeju [岛屿情怀]

The loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) (from 盧橘Jyutpinglou4gwat1, nowadays called  枇杷pinyinpípáJyutpingpei4paa4) is a species of flowering plant in the family Rosaceae, a native to the cooler hill regions of China to south-central China.[2][3] It is also quite common in Japan, Korea, hilly Regions of India (Himachal), Northern Areas of Pakistan and some can be found in some Northern part of the Philippines, and hill country in Sri Lanka. Eriobotrya japonica was formerly thought to be closely related to the genus Mespilus, and is still sometimes known as the Japanese medlar. It is also known as Japanese plum[4] and Chinese plum,[5] also known as pipa in China.The loquat is originally from China (the Chinese name is pipa, cognate with the pipa instrument) where related species can be found growing in the wild.[12][13][14][15] It was introduced into Japan and became naturalised there in very early times.
The name loquat derives from lou4 gwat1, the Cantonese pronunciation of the  蘆橘; pinyin: lújú, literally "black orange". The phrase "black orange" originally actually referred to unripened kumquats, which are dark green in color. But the name was mistaken as the loquat we know today by the ancient Chinese poet Su Shi when he was residing in southern China, and the mistake was widely taken up by the Cantonese region thereafter.[citation neededIn Armenian it is called "Nor Ashkhar" (նոր աշխարհ) which means New World because it ushers in Spring.[citation needed]In Arabic, it's called (Askadenya) إسكدنيا. In Hebrew, it is called "Sheseq" שסק.
Loquat syrup is used in Chinese medicine for soothing the throat and is a popular ingredient for cough drops. The leaves, combined with other ingredients and known as pipa gao (枇杷膏; pinyin: pípágāo; literally "loquat paste"), it acts as a demulcent and an expectorant, as well as to soothe the digestive and respiratory systems. In Japan, loquat leaves are dried to make a mild beverage known as biwa cha by brewing them using the traditional Japanese method. Biwa cha is held to beautify skin and heal inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema and to heal chronic respiratory conditions such as bronchitis. Eaten in quantity, loquats have a gentle but noticeable sedative effect, lasting up to 24 hours.
枇杷原產於中國,最開始多為 藥用,傳入日本之後,是在江戶時代才大範圍栽培,等 到明治時期就初露鋒芒了。那時候的晚生品種 「田中 種」 ,已經有了現在肉厚多汁、金光閃閃的雛形。跟作 風強勢的草莓不同,春夏季的枇杷始終 「佛系」 ,只把 自己的美好展示給懂得的人。就像一首通篇淡雅的和風 詩選,不疾不徐,待轉身時再驚艷。 日本的枇杷主要產在長崎、千葉和愛媛,其中以愛 媛的 「唐川枇杷」 最有名

 四季橘× Citrofortunella microcarpa),為東南亞原產,推測可能為金柑與橘子類之雜交種,或者是金柑墨西哥萊姆(Mexican lime,Citrus × aurantiifolia,又稱墨西哥萊檬)的雜交種。 Calamondin (Citrus microcarpa,[2] × Citrofortunella microcarpa[1] or × Citrofortunella mitis[3]) is an important citrofortunella, meaning that it is an intergenetic hybrid between a member of the genus Citrus (in this case probably the mandarin orange) and the kumquat, formerly considered as belonging to a separate genus Fortunella.Calamondin is called by many names, including: calamondingcalamondin orangecalamansicalamandaringolden limekalamundingkalamansiPhilippine lime, "හින්නාරං", Panama orangeChinese orangemusk orange and acid orange.Calamondin is widely cultivated in the Philippines, where it is called kalamansî [kɐlɐmɐnˈsɪʔ] by the Tagalogskalamunding or calamansi by the Kapampangans and Pangasinans, and limonsito or simuyaw [sɪˈmujɐw] by the Visayans. In Malaysia it is known as limau kasturi. Calamondin also grows in the northern parts of Indonesiaand southern China. It is available year-round in the Philippines and is usually seen in its unripened green state. When left to ripen it turns a tangerine orange.The fruits are sour and are often used for preserves or cooking.

Kabosu (カボス or 臭橙; Binomial name: Citrus sphaerocarpa) is a citrus fruit of an evergreen broad-leaf tree in the Rutaceae family.[2] It is popular in Japan, where its juice is used to improve the taste of many dishes, especially cooked fish, sashimi, and hot pot dishes.Kabosu is a juicy citrus fruit closely related to yuzu. Its juice has the sharpness of lemon, and it is used instead of vinegar in some Japanese dishes. It grows on a flowering shrub or tree with sharp thorns. The fruit is harvested when still green, but if left to ripen it turns yellow. It is often confused with similar citrus such as sudachi, but can easily be distinguished by the apex of the fruit where the pistil has fallen off, which is a slightly swollen doughnut shape.

The banana is an edible fruit – botanically a berry – produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genusMusa.Almost all modern edible parthenocarpic (seedless) bananas come from two wild species – Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana. The scientific names of most cultivated bananas are Musa acuminataMusa balbisiana, and Musa × paradisiaca for the hybrid Musa acuminata × M. balbisiana, depending on their genomic constitution. The old scientific name Musa sapientum is no longer used.Worldwide, there is no sharp distinction between "bananas" and "plantains". Especially in the Americas and Europe, "banana" usually refers to soft, sweet, dessert bananas, particularly those of the Cavendish group, which are the main exports from banana-growing countries. By contrast, Musa cultivars with firmer, starchier fruit are called "plantains". In other regions, such as Southeast Asia, many more kinds of banana are grown and eaten, so the simple two-fold distinction is not useful and is not made in local languages.The genus Musa was created by Carl Linnaeus in 1753.[25] The name may be derived from Antonius Musa, physician to the Emperor Augustus, or Linnaeus may have adapted the Arabic word for banana, mauz.[26] The old biological name Musa sapientum = "Muse of the wise" arose because of homophony in Latin with the classical Muses.In Burma, bunches of green bananas surrounding a green coconut in a tray form an important part of traditional offerings to the Buddha and the Nats.[citation needed]In all the important festivals and occasions of Hindus, the serving of bananas plays a prominent part. Traditionally in Tamil marriages, banana plants are tied on both sides of the entrance of houses to bless the newlyweds to be useful to each other.[citation needed] The banana is one of three fruits with this significance, the others being mango and jack fruit.[citation neededIn Thailand, it is believed that a certain type of banana plants may be inhabited by a spirit, Nang Tani, a type of ghost related to trees and similar plants that manifests itself as a young woman.[109] Often people tie a length of colored satin cloth around the pseudostem of the banana plants. In Malay folklore, the ghost known as Pontianak is associated with banana plants (pokok pisang), and its spirit is said to reside in them during the day.Banana hearts (flower) are used as a vegetable[97] in South Asian and Southeast Asian cuisine, either raw or steamed with dips or cooked in soups, curries and fried foods.[98] The flavor resembles that of artichoke.
Saba banana (pron. sah-BAH or sahb-AH), is a triploid hybrid (ABBbanana cultivar originating from the Philippines. It is primarily a cooking banana, though it can also be eaten raw. It is one of the most important banana varieties in Philippine cuisine. It is also sometimes known as the "cardaba banana", though the latter name is more correctly applied to the cardava, a very similar cultivar also classified within the saba subgroup.
- Korea
  • According to the agricultural technology center in North Chungcheong Province, the number of people investing in banana farming has surged in recent years."There are about 40 banana farms in Korea, including two (at Cheongju and Chungju) in our region," Park Eui-kwang, a researcher at the center, said. "Another farmer in Jecheon recently contacted the center for support before starting banana farming later this year."Climate change is obviously affecting Korea's farming industry."About 99.7 percent of all bananas consumed here are imported, mainly from the Philippines, and most of the rest is produced on Jeju. But with more farmers exploring the field, this soon could change.
- china

  • 南寧是香蕉起源地之一,早在《齊民要術》 (405-556 年)、《太平御覽》(997-984 年)、 《本草綱目》等古籍中,就有廣西南寧香蕉栽培的 記載。20 世紀 90 年代以前,南寧市香蕉品種有大蕉 (又名牛角蕉)、西貢蕉、雞蕉、普通矮把香蕉、 大種矮把香蕉、高把香蕉等,其中以邕寧縣那龍鄉 矮把香蕉為主。之後,南寧市逐步引進種植果實 大、外觀好、耐貯藏、品質好的威廉斯、巴西蕉、 台灣8號、廣東1號等國內外優良香蕉品種,並選育 出了桂蕉1號、6號,金粉1號等適合當地種植的優 新品種,朝着集約化生產、企業化經營的方向發 展,面積與產量持續增長,形成了以隆安縣、西鄉 塘區、武鳴區為中心的香蕉產業帶。

pitaya (/pɪˈt.ə/) or pitahaya (/ˌpɪtəˈh.ə/) is the fruit of several different cactus species indigenous to the Americas.[1][2] Pitaya usually refers to fruit of the genus Stenocereus,[citation needed] while pitahaya or dragon fruitrefers to fruit of the genus Hylocereus,[citation needed] both in the family Cactaceae. Dragon fruit is cultivated in Southeast AsiaFlorida in the United States, the CaribbeanAustraliaMesoamerica and throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world.These fruits are commonly known in English as "dragon fruit", a name used since around 1963, apparently resulting from the leather-like skin and prominent scaly spikes on the fruit exterior.[3] The names pitahaya and pitaya derive from Mexico, and pitaya roja in Central America and northern South America, possibly relating to pitahaya for names of tall cacti species with flowering fruit.[2][4] The fruit may also be known as a strawberry pear.The fruit's texture is sometimes likened to that of the kiwifruit because of its black, crunchy seeds. The seed oil contains the fatty acidslinoleic acid and linolenic acid.[10] Dragon fruit is used to flavor and color juices and alcoholic beverages, such as "Dragon's Blood Punch" and the "Dragotini".[11] The flowers can be eaten or steeped as tea.
A decision by Indian Prime Minister 
Narendra Modi
’s home state of Gujarat to rename dragon fruit because the word dragon is “associated with China” has drawn derision on 
social media

Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Tuesday told local media that the Bharatiya Janata Party government in Gujarat had decided the fruit’s name should be changed to kamalam, meaning lotus in Sanskrit, because it is shaped like the flower – the party symbol of the ruling BJP.


The jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), also known as jack treefennejakfruit, or sometimes simply jack or jak, is a species of tree in the figmulberry, and breadfruit family (Moraceae) native to southwest India. The word "jackfruit" comes from Portuguese jaca, which in turn is derived from the Malayalamlanguage term chakka (Malayalam chakka pazham).In Indonesia and Malaysia, jackfruit is called nangka. The ripe fruit is usually sold separately and consumed on its own, or sliced and mixed with shaved ice as a sweet concoction dessert such as es campur and es teler. The ripe fruit might be dried and fried as kripiknangka, or jackfruit cracker. The seeds are boiled and consumed with salt, as it contains edible starchy content; this is called beton. Young (unripe) jackfruit is made into curry called gulai nangka or stewed called gudegIn the Philippines, jackfruit is called langka in Filipino and nangkà[29] in Cebuano. In Vietnam, jackfruit is used to make jackfruit chè, a sweet dessert soup, similar to the Chinese derivative bubur cha cha. Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh, and the state fruit of the Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. 波羅蜜Artocarpus heterophyllus),亦稱菠蘿蜜,在廣州香港澳門及其他粵語地區,波羅蜜一般被稱為大樹菠蘿,在廣西等地稱為木波羅滇西地區牛肚子果,是桑科波羅蜜屬常綠喬木原產於印度東南亞時傳入中國,《隋書·真臘傳》稱為「頻那挲」(梵文 Panasa 對音),宋代改稱波羅蜜[來源請求],沿用至今。
- ******hkej 21aug19 tsuen wan 光板田村 jackfruit festival

The citron is a large fragrant citrus fruit with a thick rind, botanically classified as Citrus medica[1] by both the Swingle and Tanakabotanical name systems.  The fruit's English name "citron" derives ultimately from Latin, citrus, which is also the origin of the genus name.A source of confusion is that citron or similar words in French, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Finnish, Latvian, the West Slavic languages, and all Germanic languages but English are false friends, as they refer to the lemon. Indeed, into the 16th century, the English name citron included the lemon and perhaps the lime as well.[3][not in citation given] In Italian it is known as a cedro. In Persian languages, it is called Turunj, as against "Naraj" (bitter orange); both names borrowed by Arabic and introduced into Spain and Portugal after their occupation by the Muslims in AD 711, whence it became the source of the name orange. In Syria it is called Kabbad;[4] in Japanese it is called Bushukan (maybe referring only to the fingered varieties).The citron is used by Jews (the word for it in Hebrew is etrog) for a religious ritual during the Jewish harvest holiday of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles; therefore, it is considered to be a Jewish symbol which is found on various Hebrew antiques and archaeological findings. A variety of citron native to China has sections that separate into finger-like parts and is used as an offering in Buddhist temples.    Citrons used for ritual purposes cannot be grown by grafting branches.For many centuries, citron's fragrant essential oil has been used in perfumery, the same oil that was used medicinally for its antibiotic properties. Its major constituent is limonene.Citrus medica ,注音:ㄐㄩˇ ㄩㄢˊ,漢語拼音:jǔ yuán),又称香櫞香水檸檬,是芸香科柑橘屬的植物;和檸檬的外觀上相似。枸櫞是猶太人慶祝住棚節必備的植物之一。

Persian lime (Citrus × latifolia), also known by other common names such as seedless lime,[2] Bearss lime[3][3] and Tahiti lime,[3] is a citrus fruit species of hybrid origin, known only in cultivation.[2] The Persian lime is a triploid cross between key lime (Citrus × aurantiifolia) and lemon (Citrus limon).Persian limes were first grown on a large scale in Persia (now Iran) and southern Iraq.Large numbers of Persian limes are grown, processed, and exported every year primarily from Mexico[6] to the American, European and Asian markets. In 2014, Brazil was major exporter of fresh limes to Europe (about 70%) with Mexico supplying most of the remainder. Gewöhnliche Limette in german.

The pomeloCitrus maxima or Citrus grandis, also called pomellopummelopommelopamplemoussejabong (Hawaii), batabi or jambura (Bengali),zambura (Sylheti) or shaddock, is a natural (non-hybrid) citrus fruit, similar in appearance to a large grapefruit, native to South and Southeast Asia.Citrus maxima was originally called "shaddock" in English, after the captain of an East India Company ship who introduced it toJamaica in 1696.[2] The word "pomelo" has become the more common name, although "pomelo" has historically been used forgrapefruit. (The 1973 printing of the American Heritage Dictionary, for example, gives grapefruit as the only meaning of "pomelo".)The etymology of the word "pomelo" is complex. In the Tamil language it is called "pampa limāsu", which means big citrus. The name was adopted by the Portuguese as "pomposos limões" and then by the Dutch as "pompelmoes". The name can be found with some deviations in many European languages, for example German (Pampelmuse), Latvian (Pampelmūze), Ido (Pompelmuso), whereas some other languages use "pomelo" (Turkish, Norwegian, Polish, Bulgarian).This fruit is often called by "shedock" by English authors from the name of a British captain. However, another theory proposed that "pomelo" is an alteration of a compound of English names pome ("apple") + melon. Citrus maxima is native to Southeast Asia[4] where it is known under a wide variety of names. In large parts of South East Asia, it is a popular dessert, often eaten raw sprinkled with, or dipped in, a salt mixture. It is also eaten in salads and drinks.學名Citrus maxima)是芸香科柑橘屬果树,其特征与柑橘相同。柚的果实称为柚子,又名香欒朱欒內紫雷柚碌柚胡柑臭橙臭柚文旦(《漳州府志》:“柚最佳者曰文旦,出長泰縣,色白,味清香,風韻耐人。” 《群芳譜·果譜十二·柚》:“又有名文蛋名仁崽者,亦柚類也。”),广泛分布於东南亚台灣中国长江以南、河南等地,生长於海拔600-1400米的地区,多见於河谷、丘陵、山坡、民居附近,常用於栽培。该种栽培种数量众多,如玉环文旦、文旦柚、坪山柚、沙田柚、暹罗柚、蜜柚、胡柚、四季柚等。一般在中秋節前採收、作為中秋拜月、餽贈親友的禮品。原生地は東南アジア中国南部・台湾などであり、日本には江戸時代初期に渡来した。漢字をそのままに音読みしているが、本品の貿易船主である謝文旦という人名の潮州語読み(ジアブンタン、zia bhungdang)に因む。果肉が淡い黄色の品種(白欒)を文旦(ブンタン)、果肉が赤い品種(朱欒)を謝文(ジアブン)と呼び分けたとも言われる。ザボンは第二次世界大戦前にはジャボンと呼ばれるのが一般的で、ジアブン、ジャボン、ザボンと変化したと考えられる。なお現代の中国語では一般に「柚子」と呼ぶ。Le fruit de Citrus maxima est un agrume, nommé « pamplemousse » par les botanistes1,2,3. Dans le langage vernaculaire le fruit du pamplemoussier est nommé « pamplemousse » ou « pomélo » selon l'usage en vigueur dans les différents pays francophones, occasionnant ainsi une confusion générale car « pamplemousse » est également utilisé couramment pour désigner le fruit de l'hybride bien connu Citrus ×paradisi4. Des expressions comme « pamplemousse vrai » ou « pamplemousse véritable » sont parfois utilisées pour réduire l'ambiguïté5.
Il est appelé shadek ou chadèque en Guadeloupe, en Martinique, en Haïti ainsi qu'en Guyane6.

The pear is any of several tree and shrub species of genus Pyrus /ˈprəs/, in the family Rosaceae.
It is also the name of the pomaceous fruit of the trees. Several species of pear are valued for their edible fruit and juices, while others are cultivated as trees.The word “pear” is probably from Germanic pera as a loanword of Vulgar Latin pira, the plural of pirum, akin to Greek apios (from Mycenaean ápisos),[2] of Semitic origin ("pirâ"), meaning "fruit". The term "pyriform" is used to describe something pear-shaped.Pear cultivation in cool temperate climates extends to the remotest antiquity, and there is evidence of its use as a food since prehistoric times. Many traces of it have been found in prehistoric pile dwellings around Lake Zurich. The word “pear”, or its equivalent, occurs in all the Celtic languages, while in Slavic and other dialects, differing appellations, still referring to the same thing, are found—a diversity and multiplicity of nomenclature which led Alphonse Pyramus de Candolleto infer a very ancient cultivation of the tree from the shores of the Caspian to those of the Atlantic. The pear was also cultivated by the Romans, who ate the fruits raw or cooked, just like apples. Pliny's Natural History recommended stewing them with honey and noted three dozen varieties. The Roman cookbook De re coquinaria has a recipe for a spiced, stewed-pear patina, or soufflé. A certain race of pears, with white down on the undersurface of their leaves, is supposed to have originated from P. nivalis, and their fruit is chiefly used in France in the manufacture of perry (see also cider). Other small-fruited pears, distinguished by their early ripening and apple-like fruit, may be referred to as P. cordata, a species found wild in western France and southwestern England. Pears have been cultivated in China for approximately 3000 years.
梨花在我国约有2000余年的栽培历史,赵县是“中国雪花梨之乡”,安徽砀山70万亩梨花如海 安徽砀山被誉为“中国梨都” 有着吉尼斯世界之最的中国种植面积最大的城市之称。砀山酥梨驰名中外,历史悠久.砀山是历史古邑。砀山酥梨亦有2500年的栽培史。明万历修编的《徐州府志》已有“砀山产梨”的记载。Note that lianyungang organises 灌云伊甸园梨花
- Pears grow in the sublime orchard of Alcinous, in Odyssey vii: "Therein grow trees, tall and luxuriant, pears and pomegranates and apple-trees with their bright fruit, and sweet figs, and luxuriant olives. Of these the fruit perishes not nor fails in winter or in summer, but lasts throughout the year."'A Partridge in a Pear Tree' is the first gift in "The Twelve Days of Christmas" cumulative song, this verse is repeated twelve times in the song. The pear tree was an object of particular veneration (as was the Walnut) in the Tree worship of the Nakh peoplesof the North Caucasus – see Vainakh mythology and see also Ingushetia – the best-known of the Vainakh peoples today being the Chechens of Chechnya in the Russian Federation. Pear and walnut trees were held to be the sacred abodes of beneficent spirits in pre-Islamic Chechen religion and, for this reason, it was forbidden to fell them.
- according to japanese version of wikipedia, 国の標語 is なし
The Nijisseiki Asian pear was once the most planted tree in Japan but is now relegated to third place. Its popularity was at its peak in the early 1900s and the original tree was designated a national monument in 1935. The first tree was named Shin Daihaku but changed to 20th Century in 1904.Read more at Gardening Know How: 20th Century Asian Pear Info: How To Grow A Nijisseiki Asian Pear

  • grown all over tottori prefecture

The pomegranate (Punica granatumoriginated in the region extending from modern-day Iran to northern India,[3]and has been cultivated since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean region. It was introduced into Spanish America in the late 16th century and into California by Spanish settlersin 1769.The name pomegranate derives from medieval Latin pōmum "apple" and grānātum "seeded".[5] Possibly stemming from the old French word for the fruit, pomme-grenade, the pomegranate was known in early English as "apple of Grenada"—a term which today survives only in heraldic blazons. This is a folk etymology, confusing the Latin granatus with the name of the Spanish city of Granada, which derives from Arabic. Garnet derives from Old French grenat by metathesis, from Medieval Latin granatum as used in a different meaning "of a dark red color". This derivation may have originated from pomum granatum, describing the color of pomegranate pulp, or from granum, referring to "red dye, cochineal".The French term for pomegranate, grenade, has given its name to the military grenade.中国栽培石榴的历史,可上溯至汉代,据陆巩记载是张骞从西域引入。中国南北都有栽培,以安徽、江苏、河南等地种植面积较大,并培育出一些较优质的品种。其中安徽怀远县是中国石榴之乡,“怀远石榴”为国家地理标志保护产品。石榴有许多美丽的名字:沃丹、安石榴、若榴、丹若、金罂、金庞、涂林 、天浆等。丹是红色的意思,石榴花有大红、桃红、橙黄、粉红、白色等颜色,火红色的最多,所以留给人们的颜色是火红的,农历的五月,是石榴花开最艳的季节,五月因此又雅称“榴月”。五月石榴花的花神,是传说中的唐·赐福镇宅圣君钟馗,石榴花也被钟馗故里刘海故里的中国陕西西安市确定为“西安市花”,而至于民间所绘的钟馗画像,耳边都插着一朵艳红的石榴花,更表示以火样性格的钟馗来做火样的石榴花神. 石榴与中国的服饰文化也有着密切的联系,这也许是因人有人说石榴花像舞女的裙裾,梁元帝的《乌栖曲》中有“芙蓉为带石榴裙”之填词,“石榴裙”的典故,缘此而来。古代妇女着裙,多喜欢石榴红色,而当时染红裙的颜料,也主要是从石榴花中提取而成,因此人们也将红裙称之为“石榴裙”,久而久之, “石榴裙”就成了古代年轻女子的代称, 人们形容男子被女人的美丽所征服,就称其“拜倒在石榴裙下”。
************在西班牙的国徽上有一个红色的石榴,正是西班牙的国花。From 1492 the conquest of Granada was symbolized by the addition enté en point, a Pomegranate, of a quarter for Granada.
當年張騫出使西域安石 國,將一些石榴種子帶回長安,種 在長安上林苑中,名曰 「安石榴」 。漢武帝十分喜愛,後命人將其栽 植到臨潼驪山腳下的溫泉宮,石榴 自此在臨潼扎根繁衍,臨潼也成了 中國石榴文化的發源地,被譽為 「 石榴城」 。西安也是一座 石榴城,這兒的市花就是石榴花。
- 唐代詩人韓愈的《榴 花》:「五月榴花照眼明,枝間時見子 初成」;宋代詩人王安石的《詠石榴 花》:「濃綠萬枝紅一點,動人春色不 須多」;明代詩人徐渭的《榴實圖》: 「山深熟石榴,向日便開口」
- 泰安是不缺少石榴的,果園萬頃, 蔬果飄香,這裡的石榴又大又圓,皮 厚而結實,不怕摔不怕碰,果肉飽滿 多汁,被一層層如蜂窩一樣的膜包裹 着,水靈靈的,甜蜜蜜的. ,陝西臨潼位列我國八大石榴主產 區,是中華石榴的發祥地,驪山華清 池畔的那密密匝匝的石榴樹就不足為 奇了,估計是玄宗李隆基為她寵她歡 心,幹出的風雅事。

The pineapple パイナップルパインアップルパインナップルAnanas comosus)は、熱帯アメリカ原産のパイナップル科多年草。単にパインと略して呼ばれることもあるほか、和名は鳳梨(ほうり)である。
- names in different languages only english name is the only odd one
- Pineapples can be consumed fresh, cooked, juiced, or preserved. They are found in a wide array of cuisines. In addition to consumption, the pineapple leaves are used to produce the textile fiber piña in the Philippines, commonly used as the material for the men's barong Tagalog and women's baro't sayaformal wear in the country. The fiber is also used as a component for wallpaper and other furnishings.
The plant is indigenous to South America and is said to originate from the area between southern Brazil and Paraguay;[2] however, little is known about the origin of the domesticated pineapple (Pickersgill, 1976). MS Bertoni (1919)[25] considered the ParanáParaguay River drainages to be the place of origin of A. comosus.[26] The natives of southern Brazil and Paraguay spread the pineapple throughout South America, and it eventually reached the Caribbean, Central America, and Mexico, where it was cultivated by the Mayas and the Aztecs. Columbus encountered the pineapple in 1493 on the leeward island of Guadeloupe. He called it piña de Indes, meaning "pine of the Indians", and brought it back with him to Spain, thus making the pineapple the first bromeliad to be introduced by humans outside of the New World. The Spanish introduced it into the PhilippinesHawaii (introduced in the early 19th century, first commercial plantation 1886), Zimbabwe, and Guam. The fruit is said to have been first introduced in Hawaii when a Spanish ship brought it there in the 1500s. The Portuguese took the fruit from Brazil and introduced it into India by 1550.15世紀末、ヨーロッパ人が新大陸へ到達した時は、既に新世界の各地に伝播、栽培されていた。 クリストファー・コロンブスの第2次探検隊が1493年11月4日、西インド諸島グアドループ島で発見してからは急速に他の大陸に伝わった。 1513年には早くもスペインにもたらされ、次いで当時発見されたインド航路に乗り、たちまちアフリカアジア熱帯地方へ伝わった。当時海外の布教に力を注いでいたイエズス会の修道士たちは、この新しい果物を、時のインド皇帝アクバルへの貢物として贈ったと伝えられる。 次いでフィリピンへは1558年、ジャワでは1599年に伝わり広く普及して行った。そして1605年にはマカオに伝わり、福建を経て、1650年ごろ台湾に導入された。日本には1830年東京の小笠原諸島父島に初めて植えられたが、1845年にオランダ船が長崎へもたらした記録もある。
Ananas is a plant genus of the bromeliad family (Bromeliaceae), native to South America and Central America,[1] which includes the species Ananas comosus, the pineappleThe word Ananas is derived from the Guarani name for the pineapple, via Portuguese. In most Old World languages, pineapple is called ananas.
- 48歲的台灣農民李文種植菠 蘿逾30年,在台南關廟陸軍山農 場擁有面積2.5甲地(1甲地約 9699平方米)的菠蘿田,有六成 都是外銷,主要銷往大陸。據相關數據顯示,2019年和 2020 年 , 台 灣 分 別 外 銷 菠 蘿 51476噸和45621噸,其中97% 均銷往大陸,足見台灣經濟對大 陸的依存度。已種植台灣菠蘿逾十年的高 雄果農洪偉慶表示,目前日本市 面看到的大部分菠蘿是菲律賓產 的,相較價格更低的菲律賓菠 蘿,台灣菠蘿並沒有什麼競爭 力。台灣水果出口到日本,需要 提供產銷履歷、遵循日本果蔬進 口的驗藥規定。而韓國則因為氣 候等原因,對農藥的殘留標準相 當嚴格,這意味着一些台灣水果 運到韓國當地檢疫後,會出現農 藥殘留超標的情況,所以實際上 日韓的訂單並不多。據報道,台當局正拓展澳 洲、加拿大等海外市場協助營 銷。然而,澳洲對台灣菠蘿開放 進口的條件是需要熏蒸,但菠蘿 經過溴化甲烷的熏蒸處理之後很 不耐放,運到澳洲只能空運,運 費很高,島內輿論質疑,澳洲人 會花十幾元(澳元)買一個被熏 蒸過的台灣菠蘿嗎?

刺果番荔枝,俗称红毛榴槤Soursop (also graviolaguyabano, and in Latin Americaguanábana) is the fruit of Annona muricata, a broadleaf, flowering, evergreen treeWith aroma similar to pineapple,[5] the flavor of the fruit has been described as a combination of strawberries and apple, and sour citrus flavor notes, contrasting with an underlying creamy texture reminiscent of coconut or banana.

Diospyros kaki, also called persimmon, is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Diospyros.The persimmon (kaki) is a sweet, slightly tangy fruit with a soft to occasionally fibrous texture. This species, native to China, is deciduous, with broad, stiff leaves. Cultivation extended first to other parts of East Asia, including Japan where it is very popular. It was later introduced to California and southern Europe in the 19th century, to Brazil in the 1890s, and numerous cultivars have been selected. A variety is Diospyros kaki var. sylvestris Makino. When ripe, this fruit comprises thick pulpy jelly encased in a waxy thin-skinned shell."Sharon Fruit" (named originally after Sharon plain in Israel) is a trade name for non-astringent D. kaki fruit.Diospyros kaki is commonly called Japanese persimmonChinese persimmonkaki (from Japanese name 柿, kaki), kakipersimmon, and Oriental persimmon.The "Sharon" is a variegated form of kaki from Israel, named after the fertile Plain of Sharon. It does not contain seeds and tastes more mild, since it clearly contains less tannin. Cross cut, the Sharon shows a star-shaped pattern of lines with darker flesh.In Spain, there is a variegated form of kaki, the "Ribera del Xuquer" of the Valencia region, also called Spanish persimon (with one 'm') or Rojo Brillante ("bright red").[2] Kaki is also produced in Albania, mainly in the Elbasan region. Since 1935-40, it is also grown in small quantities in Bulgaria, particularly in the Upper Thracian Plain and on the Bulgarian Black Sea CoastIn Korea, the persimmon is called gam (Korean: 감). 日本から1789年ヨーロッパへ、1870年北アメリカへ伝わったことから学名にも kaki の名が使われている。英語で柿を表す「persimmon」の語源は、アメリカ合衆国東部のインディアンの言語であるアルゴンキン語族で「干し果物」を意味する名詞「ペッサミン」であり、先住民がアメリカガキ Diospyros virginiana の実を干して保存食としていたことに基づく。Le Plaqueminier du Japon - Le terme kaki a été emprunté1 au japonais 柿, kanji prononcé kaki, et pour l'arbre, de l'expression kaki no ki, litt. arbre du kaki2Plaquemine vient de l'algonquin piakimina3 (1682, lett. de M. de La Salle) désignant le plaqueminier de Virginie (Diospyros virginiana) en Amérique du Nord4Diospyros vient du grec ancien Διος πυρος (Dioscoride 3, 141), dios « dieu », « Zeus », et pyros, « blé », soit « blé de Zeus » (pour l'histoire de diospyros voir ce terme). En chinois, l'arbre se dit 柿子树 shizishu et le fruit 柿子 shizi.
2017中國柿產業論壇暨富平柿子節近 日在陝西富平縣舉辦。富平縣縣長張海乾在開幕式上致辭時表 示,近年來,神華集團、中農集團、陝西 地建集團、陝煤集團、永輝集團等一大批 央企省企名企落戶富平,縣域經濟發展活 力與後勁顯著增強。
-西溪濕地以柿名,自宋代開始種植,在明代有 「一擔柿餅度荒年」 之說。柿樹保留至今的還有7000多株,其中百年以上的有4000多株。西溪濕地的柿樹數量多,種類也不少,分別是:扁柿、火柿、方柿。大大小小的柿樹不但成片成林,而且由於魚塘眾多,柿樹更起著護堤固堤的作用,因有柿基魚塘之說。
Kamagong, also known as mabolo 异色柿学名(Scientific Name):Diospyros philippensis (Desr.) Gürke英文名(English Common Name):Cavanillea philippensis Desr.  Diospyros discolor Willd.别名(Chinese Common Name):毛柿、台湾柿

  • references

The papaya (/pəˈpə/ or US: /pəˈpɑːjə/) (from Carib via Spanish), papaw, (/pəˈpɔː/[2]) or pawpaw (/ˈpɔːˌpɔː/[2][3] is the plant Carica papaya, one of the 22 accepted species in the genus Carica of the family Caricaceae.[4] Its origin is in the tropics of the Americas, perhaps from southern Mexico and neighboring Central America.Papaya plants grow in three sexes: male, female, hermaphrodite. The male produces only pollen, never fruit. The female will produce small, inedible fruits unless pollinated. The hermaphrodite can self-pollinate since its flowers contain both male stamens and female ovaries. Almost all commercial papaya orchards contain only hermaphrodites.パパイア(パパイヤ、蕃瓜樹[3]、万寿果[3]英語Papayapapawpawpaw、学名:Carica papaya L.)とは、パパイア科パパイア属の常緑小高木である。その果実も「パパイア」という。「チチウリノキ(乳瓜木)」、「モッカ(木瓜)」、「マンジュマイ(万寿瓜)」、「パウパウ」、「ポーポー」、「ママオ」、「ツリーメロン」などと呼ばれることもある。未熟果に多く含まれるタンパク質分解酵素パパインは、食肉軟化剤や消化促進剤として広く用いられている。パパイアの実を切ったときに出る白い液体(パパイン酵素)を粉状にし、精製したものを洗顔料として使う。強い洗浄力があり、ニキビに悩む女性たちに人気がある。パパイン酵素は消毒作用があり、肌の傷、やけど、アザ、カサ付き、ひび割れ、アトピー、日焼け後のケア、肌荒れ、虫さされ、ニキビ等などに効き、リップバーム軟膏剤として使用されている。
Cantaloupe (muskmelonmushmelonrockmelonsweet melon) or spanspek (South Africa) refers to a variety of the Cucumis melospecies in the Cucurbitaceae family.
The name is derived via French cantaloup from Italian Cantalupo, which was formerly a papal county seat near Rome, after the fruit's introduction there from Armenia.[3] It was first mentioned in English literature in 1739. The cantaloupe most likely originated in a region from India to Africa.[2] It was later introduced to Europe and, around 1890, became a commercial crop in the United States.
The Hami melon (哈密瓜; pinyin: Hāmì guā) is a type of muskmelon, originally from Hami, XinjiangIt is also referred to as the Chinese Hami melon or the snow melon. The outer color is generally white through pink or yellow through green. The inside flesh is sweet and crisp. More than 100 cultivated forms and hybrids of the 'Hami' melon have been grown in China. In Mandarin, Hami gua can also be used to refer to cantaloupe.

  • 尋日喺社交網上載咗一段「朱凱廸切蜜瓜」(圖)嘅短片,仲留言「明嘅就明」,有人就喺貼文中留言叫朱「切勿瓜,抵抗所有鎮壓」,亦有人留言話如果朱期望「切勿瓜」,以後就要好自為之,少啲搞破壞咁話。

- scmp 16apr2021 the great mango debate goes viral mumbai based food anthropologist shikha trivedi - alexander the great arrived in india in 326bc and took various varieties back to greece; in 7thc, hsuan-tsang, noted how indian kings planted mango trees along roads as a symbol of prosperity. According to a historical dictionary of indian food, portuguese colonial traders carried seeds from india to plant in whichever country they visited next.  Akbar the great commissioned a mango garden with 100,000 trees in darbhanga in the northeast of the country. Abul fazl, emperor's court chronicler, sang paeans to the fruit and recorded in ain-i-akbari, a record of akbar's administration. Mughal emperor shah jahan (reign 1628 to 1658) imprisoned his son aurangzeb because he kept all mangoes in the palace for himself. 

Irvingia gabonensis is a species of African trees in the genus Irvingia, sometimes known by the common names wild mangoAfrican mangobush mangodika or ogbono. They bear edible mango-like fruits, and are especially valued for their fat- and protein-rich nuts.
攀枝花芒果 [1]  是四川省攀枝花的著名水果,具有纤维少、味甜芳香、质地腻滑、香气怡人、组织细密、营养丰富等优良品质,集热带水果精华于一身,而芒果被誉为“热带水果之王”。

The 'Chaunsa' mango (Sindhiچونسو‎, Punjabiچونسا), also known as the 'Chausa', is a named mango cultivar that originated in Multan,Pakistan.It is called as King of mangoes in the world. Nowadays it's production occurs in Pakistan and India.Also called "sumer bahist," this variety of mango was originally made popular by Sher Shah Suri throughout the Indian subcontinent.[1] While commemorating his victory over Humayun at Chausa Bihar of India, he gave his favorite mango the name Chaunsa.

alphonso mango

The coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) is a member of the palm tree family (Arecaceae) and the only living species of the genus Cocos.[1] The term "coconut" (or the archaic "cocoanut") can refer to the whole coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit, which botanically is a drupe, not a nut. The term is derived from the 16th-century Portuguese and Spanish word coco meaning "head" or "skull" after the three indentations on the coconut shell that resemble facial features. The name coconut derives from seafarers during the 16th and 17th century for its resemblance to a head.[7] 'Coco' and 'coconut' apparently came from 1521 encounters by Portuguese and Spanish explorers with Pacific islanders, with the coconut shell reminding them of a ghost or witch in Portuguese folklore called coco (also côca).The specific name nucifera is Latin for "nut-bearing".
- philippines

  • [aranas] soak shredded meat in water and squeeze it to extract coconut milk for guinataan, a savoury coconut soup, or reduce the milk on stovetop into latik, a thick cream spread on cassava cake. The squeezed, shredded coconut meat was dried or toasted for sweetened rice cakes.

ギョボク(魚木) 樹頭菜Crateva religiosa, the sacred garlic pear or temple plant, is a species of flowering tree. It is a member of the capers family. The tree is sometimes called the spider tree because the showy flowers bear long, spidery stamens. It is native to JapanAustralia, much of Southeast Asiaand several South Pacific islands. It is grown elsewhere for fruit, especially in parts of the African continent. The fruit of the tree is edible and high in vitamin C
- Religiöse Bedeutung hat Crateva religiosa bei Hindus in Nordindien. Pflanzenteile werden auch von der Ayurvedischen Medizin verwendet. Der Ort Ibusuki hat sich Crateva religiosa als Symbolpflanze ausgesucht. In Indien war sie bereits Briefmarkenmotiv.

Garcinia gummi-gutta is a tropical species of Garcinia native to Indonesia. Common names include Garcinia cambogia (a former scientific name), as well as brindleberry,[3] Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli (pot tamarind). This fruit looks like a small pumpkin and is green to pale yellow in color. Garcinia gummi-gutta is used in cooking, including in the preparation of curries. The fruit rind and extracts of Garcinia species are called for in many traditional recipes, and various species of Garcinia are used similarly in food preparation in Assam (India), Thailand, Malaysia, Burma, and other Southeast Asian countries. In the Indian Ayurvedic medicine, "sour" flavors are said to activate digestion.

- 在離柏林不遠的近郊,有 一個 「草莓樂園」 ,它是柏林 很多小朋友最喜愛的地方。它 並不是單純一個草莓地,而是 柏林著名的草莓種植世家戴爾 家族建立的一個以草莓為主題 的兒童遊樂園。

 杜松子 La baie de genièvre  Die Wacholder  A juniper berry is the female seed cone produced by the various species of junipers. It is not a true berry but a cone with unusually fleshy and merged scales, which give it a berry-like appearance. The cones from a handful of species, especially Juniperus communis, are used as a spice, particularly in European cuisine, and also give gin its distinctive flavour. Juniper berries may be the only spice derived from conifers.
The outer scales of the berries are relatively flavourless, so the berries are almost always at least lightly crushed before being used as a spice. They are used both fresh and dried, but their flavour and odour are at their strongest immediately after harvest and decline during drying and storage. Juniper berries are used in northern European and particularly Scandinavian cuisine to "impart a sharp, clear flavor"[1] to meat dishes, especially wild birds (including thrush, blackbird, and woodcock) and game meats (including boar and venison).[8] They also season pork, cabbage, and sauerkraut dishes. Traditional recipes for choucroute garnie, an Alsatian dish of sauerkraut and meats, universally include juniper berries.[9]Besides Norwegian and Swedish dishes, juniper berries are also sometimes used in German, Austrian, Czech, Polish and Hungarian cuisine, often with roasts (such as German sauerbraten). Northern Italian cuisine, especially that of the South Tyrol, also incorporates juniper berries. Juniper, typically Juniperus communis, is used to flavor gin, a liquor developed in the 17th century in the Netherlands. The name gin itself is derived from either the French genièvre or the Dutch jenever, which both mean "juniper".[1] Other juniper-flavoured beverages include the Finnish rye-and-juniper beer known as sahti, which is flavored with both juniper berries and branches. Another drink made from the berries is a Julmust, a soft drink made in Sweden mainly sold during Christmas. The brand Dry Soda produces a juniper-berry soda as part of its lineup. Recently, some American distilleries have begun using 'New World' varieties of juniper such as Juniperus occidentalis.
Juniper berries, including Juniperus phoenicea and Juniperus oxycedrus have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs at multiple sites. J. oxycedrus is not known to grow in Egypt, and neither is Juniperus excelsa, which was found along with J. oxycedrus in the tomb of Tutankhamun.[18] The berries imported into Egypt may have come from Greece; the Greeks record using juniper berries as a medicine long before mentioning their use in food.[19] The Greeks used the berries in many of their Olympics events because of their belief that the berries increased physical stamina in athletes.[20] The Romans used juniper berries as a cheap domestically produced substitute for the expensive black pepper and long pepper imported from India.[4] It was also used as an adulterant, as reported in Pliny the Elder's Natural History: "Pepper is adulterated with juniper berries, which have the property, to a marvellous degree, of assuming the pungency of pepper."

The gooseberry (/ˈɡsbɛri/ or /ˈɡzbɛri/ (American and northern British) or /ˈɡʊzbəri/ (southern British)),[2] with scientific names Ribes uva-crispa (and syn. Ribes grossularia), is a species of Ribes (which also includes the currants). It is native to Europe, the Caucasus and northern Africa.[3] The species is also sparingly naturalized in scattered locations in North America.[4] Gooseberry bushes produce an edible fruit and are grown on both a commercial and domestic basis. Its native distribution is unclear, since it may have escaped from cultivation and become naturalized. For example, in Britain, some sources consider it to be a native,[4] others to be an introduction.
- 這種果實因為耐寒、 對不良環境適應力強成為遍布多地的 「隱形資產」 , 在中國南方也屢見不鮮,名字叫做燈籠果,只不過栽 培品種也是歐洲引入,因為用途沒那麼廣泛才成了小 眾食材。若要追溯起血緣,很多早期的文章會將它歸 在醋栗(currant)門下,其實兩者是並行關係,都屬 於小灌木、漿果類。最大的區別就是鵝莓果實帶刺、 果型更大一些,淡綠色的皮膚中透出清晰脈絡,就像 個微縮版的西瓜。通常六月底七月初成熟,採收季節 短,八月才是享用的最好時節。

山竹學名Garcinia mangostana),又名莽吉柿山竺山竹子倒捻子鳳果    The purple mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana), known simply as mangosteen,[1] is a tropical evergreen tree believed to have originated in the Sunda Islands of the Malay archipelago and the Moluccas of Indonesia.[2] It grows mainly in Southeast Asia, southwest India and other tropical areas such as Puerto Rico and Florida,[2][3][4] where the tree has been introduced.  Mangosteen is a native plant to Southeast Asia. Highly valued for its juicy, delicate texture and slightly sweet and sour flavour, the mangosteen has been cultivated in MalaysiaBorneoSumatraMainland Southeast Asia, and the Philippines since ancient times. The 15th-century Chinese record Yingya Shenglan described mangosteen as mang-chi-shih (derived from Malay Language manggis), a native plant of Southeast Asia of white flesh with delectable sweet and sour taste.

 El lichi (Litchi chinensis) es un árbol frutal tropical originario del sur de China, donde se conoce como lichi (pinyin: lìzhī), el sur de Indonesia y el este de Filipinas, donde se conoce como alupag荔枝又名荔支離枝丹荔、麗枝、火山荔、勒荔、荔果 Lychee (US: /ˈlˌ/ LEE-chee; UK: /ˈlˌ/ LIE-cheeLitchi chinensisChinese荔枝pinyinlìzhī) is the sole member of the genus Litchi in the soapberry family, Sapindaceae. It is a tropical tree native to the Guangdong and Fujian provinces of China, where cultivation is documented from 1059 AD. China is the main producer of lychees, followed by India, other countries in Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent and South Africa. Cultivation of lychee began in the region of southern China, going back to 1059 AD, Malaysia, and northern Vietnam.[5] Unofficial records in China refer to lychee as far back as 2000 BC.[11] Wild trees still grow in parts of southern China and on Hainan Island. There are many stories of the fruit's use as a delicacy in the Chinese Imperial Court.[citation needed] It was first described and introduced to the West in 1656 by Michal Boym, a Polish Jesuit missionary (at that time Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth). In the 1st century, fresh lychees were in such demand at the Imperial Court that a special courier service with fast horses would bring the fresh fruit from Guangdong. There was great demand for lychee in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), according to Cai Xiang, in his Li chi pu (Treatise on Lychees). It was also the favourite fruit of Emperor Li Longji (Xuanzong)'s favoured concubine Yang Yuhuan (Yang Guifei). The emperor had the fruit delivered at great expense to the capital. The lychee attracted attention of European travellers, such as Juan González de Mendoza in his History of the great and mighty kingdom of China (1585; English translation 1588), based on the reports of Spanish friars who had visited China in the 1570s gave the fruit high praise.
- Vietnam has become the second largest exporter of litchi in the world, accounting for 19 percent of the global market share, according to the world's leading independent organization of horticultural scientists International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS).The largest exporter in 2018 was Madagascar, accounting for 35 percent of the global exports despite a small area of plantations. Vietnam was followed by China with 18 percent, Thailand with 10 percent, and South Africa with 9 percent, Vietnam News Agency reported on Tuesday citing the ISHS's figures. According to the organization, in terms of output, China ranked first with two million tons per year, tailed by India with 677,000 tons and Vietnam with 380,000 tons.
- At least 31 children have died in northern India in the past 10 days from a brain disease believed to be linked to a toxic substance found in lychee fruit, health officials have said. The deaths were reported by two hospitals in Muzaffarpur in Bihar state, famed for it lush lychee orchards, officials said. The children all showed symptoms of acute encephalitis syndrome (AES), senior health official Ashok Kumar Singh said, adding most had suffered a sudden loss of glucose in their blood.
At least 40 other children complaining of similar symptoms were being treated at intensive care units.
- australia

  • 澳洲一名農夫多年前從中國買了一棵荔枝樹回國,經過近二十年努力研究,終於成功培育出澳洲第一棵無核荔枝樹。這些無核荔枝的外表與一般荔枝無異,據悉味道吃起來像菠蘿,預計數年後將可以大量生產出售。
- vietnam

  • The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF) has sent a letter to the Plant Protection Department of Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development saying to open door for Vietnamese “thieu” lychee.This is the result of over five years of negotiation efforts between the Vietnamese Plant Protection Department and the MAFF.
    The letter was enclosed with regulations on imported plant quarantine for Vietnamese lychee, which took effect from December 15, 2019.Accordingly, Vietnamese lychee exported to Japan must be grown in gardens that are supervised and granted area codes by the Plant Protection Department, and comply with Japan’s regulations on plant quarantine and food safety.

  • 今年七月底,黃埔區筆村的生產社公布氫能源區項目,將在區內徵收約四十一畝的土地,位置在東鵬大道以西、連雲路以南的荔枝林。不久後,筆村村民朱女士發現荔枝林許多樹的樹身都被上漆,有關部門公布文件,列出第三方機構對樹木的估價。「這些(政府)文件完全沒有提到古樹名木的保護問題。」朱女士指,村內過往有不少古樹在修建道路時被斬掉,她非常擔心被摘除銘牌的古樹得不到應有的保護。
  • 據介紹,惠州有4個荔枝專業鎮、15個荔枝專業村。 今年荔枝掛果面積36.65萬畝,預計產量超7萬噸。其 中,鎮隆荔枝產量約1.5萬噸,惠州荔枝有望迎來豐收 「大年」。但受新冠疫情衝擊、市場消費能力下降等因 素疊加影響,荔枝內銷和走出去都面臨巨大挑戰。 為推動惠州荔枝產業高質量發展,在連續舉辦 10屆 鎮隆荔枝文化節的基礎上,惠州市農業農村局聯合惠陽 區政府將舉辦2020 廣東國際網絡荔枝節之絲路行暨惠 州(鎮隆)首屆東坡荔枝文化節活動,做大做強惠州荔 枝品牌。
  • 廣東省農業農村廳6日消息稱,該廳最新印發的《廣東荔枝產業高質量發展三年行動計劃(2021-2023年)》提出,要把廣東打造成為世界荔枝產業中心。  荔枝是廣東農業的傳統優勢產業,目前全省栽培面積穩定在410萬畝、產量約131萬噸,在中國全國均排名第一,是省內種植面積最大、品種特色最鮮明、區域優勢最明顯的水果。

    - scmp 20jun19 indian brain fever linked to lychees kills 113

       オニマタタビ(鬼木天蓼) 別名はシナサルナシ(支那猿梨) 中华猕猴桃 (or 阳桃,羊桃,羊桃藤,藤梨,猕猴桃) Actinidia chinensis[1][2] is a fruit tree and medicinal plant [3] native to China. It is closely related to Actinidia deliciosa, the source of the common kiwifruit. It is pollinated by bees. The origin of Actinidia chinensis is supposed to be the northern Yangtze river valley. In China, Actinidia chinensis is nowadays dispersed in the entire southeast of the country.The fruits, the size of a walnut, are edible. It was first grown commercially in New Zealand,[4] where it has been superseded by Actinidia deliciosa, or Kiwifruit.
      - 位於湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州鳳凰縣的廖家橋鎮菖蒲塘 村年味正濃,村民聯歡時,一支由婦女組成的「女子嫁接隊」卻忙得不可 開交,憑借高超的苗木嫁接技藝常年奔波於貴州、 重慶、四川、陝西等地的「女子嫁接隊」,從起 初的16人發展到現在的逾 200人,年創收高達 200多萬元(人民幣,下同)。note that pic of 猕猴桃 shown in the article Most people assume the kiwi fruit comes from New Zealand because of its name – which it shares with the country’s flightless bird and is also a nickname for its citizens.The misunderstanding undoubtedly derives from the fact that the country developed the first commercially viable kiwi for export and today is the world’s third-largest producer of the fruit. Yet the kiwi, also known as the Chinese gooseberry, is actually native to China, which is the world’s largest producer of the popular fruit. Italy, strangely enough, is the world’s second-largest producer, eclipsing even New Zealand.The vitamin-rich, bittersweet, juicy green kiwi fruit is a favourite of agronomist and researcher Ottavio Cacioppo, who introduced the first kiwi fruit plants to Italy in 1971 when he was looking for alternative crops suitable for rejuvenating the rural economy of the country’s poorer south.Kiwi fruit vines are flourishing in a former marshland now called the Pontine Plains, midway between Rome and Naples. For centuries, the marshes were a malaria-infested wasteland.Even the ancient Romans fled the area, declaring it off-limits due to its nasty smells and black swamps, believing it to be a doorway leading to the hellish Roman underworld of Hades.The Pontine region was eventually tamed by fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in the 1930s to recover land for rural use. After the construction of a system of canals and bridges, the water was drained from the marshes and new towns were built for World War I refugees who had lost their homes in northern Italy.Generations of farming families flourished in the region’s rural estates and today the Pontine Plains are known as Italy’s “Green Heart” for their abundance of vegetation and the lush fruit orchards, which have led locals to embrace healthy lifestyles and eating habits. Known in Italy as the Agro Pontino, in the administrative region of Lazio, the location is spectacular. The land rises close to the sea, overlooking the tall, protected sand dunes typical of the Mediterranean bush.Vast fluorescent-green meadows begin at the foot of rugged hills where picturesque hamlets are hidden. Dotted with lakes and canals, the Pontine Hills are now home to eucalyptus trees, and grazing cows and buffaloes.The area is also home to the historic coastal town of Anxur-Terracina, built by the ancient Greeks when they colonised Italy before the rise of the Roman Empire.Visitors exploring the area – dubbed “Little New Zealand” – are likely to mistake the low-cut, neat kiwi fruit plants for grape vines, but a closer look at what initially appears to be huge, hairy grapes dispels any doubts.“There’s a special microclimate here that is optimal for kiwi plantations,” says Mauro Perpetuini, a local producer who owns 17 hectares of kiwi plants and has adopted biological growing techniques to respect the environment.
      - 一九○四 年,新西蘭一所學校的校長Mary Isabel Fraser訪問湖北宜昌市時,帶走了獼猴桃的 種子,將之在新西蘭國內推廣擴散。第二次 世界大戰期間,獼猴桃受駐守的美國軍人歡 迎,一度被命名為 「美龍瓜」 ,後又改名為 「Kiwifruit」 ,因為獼猴桃的外形長得像新 西蘭獨有的小鳥Kiwi。 一百多年來,自從新西蘭引入獼猴桃 後,大幅改良品種,甚至 「出口轉內銷」 到 中國。不過,隨着中國農業技術的突飛猛 進,內地農民開始努力培育自己的優良品種 了。


      Actinidia polygama (also known as silver vine,[1] matatabi (マタタビ), and cat powder) is a species of kiwifruit in the Actinidiaceae family. It grows in the mountainous areas of Japanand China at elevations between 500 and 1,900 metres .Silver vine has been used for its medicinal benefits for centuries,[3] as a preventive health aid, it is still commonly used as an alternative therapy for hypertensionarthritic pain,[4] and was investigated for potential to induce apoptosis in in vitro promyelocytic leukemia.

      瓜拿納,又名巴西香可可   Guarana (/ɡwəˈrɑːnə/ from the Portuguese guaraná [ɡwaɾɐˈna]), Paullinia cupanasyns. P. crysan, P. sorbilis) is a climbing plant in the family Sapindaceae, native to the Amazon basinand especially common in BrazilThe word guarana comes from the Guaraní word guara-ná, which has its origins in the Sateré-Maué word for the plant, warana,[5] that in Tupi-Guarani means "fruit like the eyes of the people." Guarana plays an important role in Tupi and Guaraní Paraguayan culture. According to a myth attributed to the Sateré-Maué tribe, guarana's domestication originated with a deity killing a beloved village child. To console the villagers, a more benevolent god plucked the left eye from the child and planted it in the forest, resulting in the wild variety of guarana. The god then plucked the right eye from the child and planted it in the village, giving rise to domesticated guarana. The Guaranís make a herbal tea by shelling, washing and drying the seeds, followed by pounding them into a fine powder. The powder is kneaded into a dough and then shaped into cylinders. This product is known as guarana bread, which is grated and then immersed into hot water along with sugar. This plant was introduced to European colonizers and to Europe in the 16th century by Felip Betendorf, Oviedo, Hernández, Cobo and other Spaniard chroniclers. By 1958, guarana was commercialized.

      Sapote (from Nahuatl tzapotl)[1] is a term for a soft, edible fruit. The word is incorporated into the common names of several unrelated fruit-bearing plants native to MexicoCentral America and northern parts of South America. It is also known in Caribbean English as soapapple.

      Ziziphus jujuba (from Greek ζίζυφονzízyphon[2]), commonly called jujube[3] (/ˈb/; sometimes jujuba), red dateChinese date,[3] is a species of Ziziphus in the buckthorn family(Rhamnaceae).This plant is known as the "hinap" or "finab" in the eastern part of Bulgaria where it grows wild but is also a garden shrub, kept for its fruit. The fruit is picked in the autumn. The trees grow wild in the eastern Caribbean, and are reported to exist in Jamaica, The Bahamas, and Trinidad as well. In Antigua and Barbuda, the fruit is called "dumps" or "dums"; and in The Bahamas, "juju". It is also known as "pomme surette" on the French islands of the Caribbean. This fruit, more precisely known as "Indian jujube" elsewhere, is different from the "jujube" fruit that is cultivated in various parts of southern California.[5][6] Altun Ha, an ancient Mayan city in Belize, located in the Belize Districtabout 50 kilometres (31 mi) north of Belize City and the surrounding woods, also boasts some jujube tree and shrub varieties where it is referred to as plums for lack of a better word among locals.In Arabic-speaking regions the jujube and alternatively the species Z. lotus are closely related to the lote-trees (sing. "sidrah", pl. "sidr") which are mentioned in the Quran, while in Palestine it is rather the species Z. spina-christi that is called sidr.Jujube was domesticated in south Asia by 9000 BC.

      沙棘,或作海沙棘Hippophae rhamnoides, also known as sea-buckthorn,[1]:277 is a species of flowering plant in the family Elaeagnaceae, native to the cold-temperate regions of Europe and Asia.[2] It is a spiny deciduous shrub. The plant is used in the food and cosmetics industries, in traditional medicine, as animal fodder, in horticulture, and for ecological purposes.
      In general, all parts of the H. rhamnoides contain diverse phytochemicals and nutrients.[5][28]Particularly the fruit contains high vitamin C amounts, exceeding the levels seen in lemonsand oranges.[29] H. rhamnoides fruits are processed in the food industry to different products. Usually, the berries are first washed and then pressed, resulting in pomace and juice. The fruit pomace can be used to obtain oil, natural food color (yellow/orange) or jam, while the juice is further processed and packaged as a consumer product.[30] H. rhamnoides oil may be used to produce cosmetics, such as hand cream, shampoo or massage oils. The leaves of the shrub can be air dried, eventually ground, and used for tea.Hippophae rhamnoides is widely used in traditional medicine, particularly in Russia and Northeast Asia. The leaves are used as supposed herbal medicine for various disorders.[6][31]H. rhamnoides fruits have also been used in the traditional Austrian medicine internally as tea, juice, or syrup for treatment of infections.
      -經過多年的發展,如今陝北幾乎縣縣都種植有沙棘。 「山坡坡栽樹崖畔畔青,黃土高坡有了好風景;狂沙那個不起塵少見,沙棘繞村綠滿眼......」這是陝北農民近年來哼唱的一首新曲子。漫山遍野的沙棘,不僅讓綠色成為黃土高原的主色調,同時也成為當地農民持續增收的新財源。

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